Sound Business Advice
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Copyright 2009 by PostScriptor
It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn’t be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing.
Not that labor intensive cooking was normal around our house during the week. Both Audrey and I worked, and not having kids yet, there was no reason that we had to be home early from work. We’d been talking about changing that recently, as Audrey’s biological clock was, as they say, ticking.
Yeah, those 5-bone roasts weren’t the finest cut of meat, but they’re flavorful.
When I walked into the dining room, Audrey came over and smiled and kissed me.
I suspect that I didn’t look too happy at that moment.
‘Hey Jim, what’s wrong? You look kind of upset,’ she asked.
‘I am,’ I replied, ‘I could really use some of your advice.’
Audrey looked at me and nodded. It wasn’t that unusual for me to ask her for her wisdom. She was one of those really bright people who ate school up, before we were married, she had completed a combined MBA/JD degree that they offered at the university. That’s right — she had both a law degree and an MBA with an emphasis in accounting.
Out of school, Audrey had gone to work for one of the larger regional CPA firms, and after passing her exams and spending her two years doing audit, was a CPA as well. Audrey Masters, CPA, JD, her cards read. She was working in business law, where her accounting credentials added a bunch to her salary.
‘Let’s eat first, and then after dinner, you can run your problem by me, and I’ll put my two-cents in!’ she laughed as she spoke and we headed towards the dining room.
We had a pleasant dinner, telling each other about what had gone on during our day, chatting about the news, a few tidbits about friends, and the normal sort of discussion that we had around the table every evening. The roast was falling off the bone, and I was certainly satiated when we pushed our chairs back from the table, and did the clean up after dinner.
Living in the warm and humid environment of Florida meant that we had bug issues — everything from fire ants, to huge cockroaches — so Audrey and I were meticulous about cleaning off our plates and utensils, and putting them into the dishwasher right after we ate.
Audrey grabbed a diet soda, walked into the living room, and sat in the brown leather sofa where she could tuck her feet up under her, and sit kind of sideways with a couple of pillows to keep her comfortable. I had actually stopped in my office briefly to grab a yellow notepad, before following her into the room. I took the upholstered chair opposite the couch so we were facing each other. Had we not been talking about business I would have shared the couch with her, and some personal contact sport might have followed.
‘OK,’ Audrey started, ‘tell me what’s bothering you.’
I looked at my wife, her dark, wavy hair and green eyes twinkling as they always did when she knew that she would be presented with a difficult problem. Her light complexion always accentuated her lips, and somehow in the light there in the living room, they always looked fuller and redder. Her smile could light up any room for me. It was hard to imagine that we’d been married almost seven years already.
‘Honey, its concerns George,’ I started, and I could see Audrey’s slight grimace as soon as I said his name. George Green was my partner in our citrus business, ‘Finest Kind Citrus Company’ — an inside joke on the phrase used in the original MASH movie.
I was pretty much expecting Audrey’s response, because I knew that she had never really cared for George, but he and I had been partners in the business predating my marriage to Audrey. It was a good partnership, with George running the sales and marketing as well as the packing house operations, and I ran the groves (including getting the crop picked and to the packing house), and the finances for our operation.
Not to brag — I did mention that Audrey was smart, but I had an undergraduate degree in Ag from Gainesville, and had an MBA in Finance as well, so I could hold my own.
‘I’ve run across evidence that George is doing some unreported deals on the side, shipping off product and getting paid under the table. What do you think I should do about it?’ I asked.
‘How long has it been going on?’ she asked.
‘Since the beginning of the season — maybe three months,’ I replied, ‘but I’m not entirely sure. Maybe it started earlier and I just didn’t hear about it.’
‘How many customers do you think he’s making these side deals with?’
‘I think only one. But at this point who knows. Maybe this isn’t even the first time. But I’m hard pressed to believe that, because you can’t keep something like this secret, at least for long. Someone talks to someone, someone sees something that doesn’t look kosher, you know. Word gets around,’ I concluded. Audrey was nodding sagely in agreement with me as I spoke.
I continued.
‘I don’t think George understands all of that new technology that we’ve been using, either. My suspicion is that he does his deals when I’m out of town for the day — like last week when I had to go to Miami for that Ag Department update on citrus canker, or he does a run when he thinks that it’s too late at night to expect me to swing by the packing house. I don’t think that he grasps that each load of the fruit is tracked with GPS units and computer ID chips that have to tie to our shipments. If he doesn’t enter a load into the computer system manually it doesn’t mean that it goes unnoticed. It leaves a big gap in the sequence that an audit will pick up.
‘Plus, he clearly doesn’t have a clue how the minicams that we installed last year to prevent thefts from the packing house work either. He is of the impression that once the security company removes the old tape and puts a new one in, that after a day or two, it is destroyed. But they’re not, they are filed for a year in case we need to go back over them.
Audrey continued to think quietly about what I was telling her.
‘So how did you catch on to what he was doing?’ she asked, wanting clarification.
‘A combination of things, really. First, one of the women at the packing plant said something about suddenly having to work late all the time to her brother, who works on the grove. Then he mentioned it to me, because it sounded a little odd to him, and he knows that this business is rife with theft. Once I started looking, it wasn’t hard to use the GPS data, and the minicams to confirm what was happening. Plus, as if that wasn’t enough, I started asking around, and it turned out that there were a lot of folks who had heard rumors to the effect that George was stabbing me in the back. None of them had proof in hand, but the grapevine was correct.
‘In fact, honey, I’m really appalled to say this, but he hasn’t just done this with other folk’s crops that we were brokering, he’s pulled his little stunt with fruit from the family grove!’ What we called the ‘family grove’ was the section of mixed citrus that I’d inherited from my father when he passed, a couple of years before I met Audrey. Selling fruit from my family grove would mean that he wasn’t just taking the 10% brokerage fee, he’d be pocketing the entire price for the fruit — which was stealing directly from me.
‘So now the big question: what do I do about it?’ I said as I sat back, and got my yellow-pad ready to take notes as my wife gave me her thoughts, in her stream-of-consciousness style.
‘First,’ she began, ‘the partnership is over. You can’t go on with doing busines
s with someone who you can’t trust, who has tried to pull a fast one on you already. You can’t ignore what he’s done, so the status quo isn’t an alternative, but once you confront him with the fact that you know how and what he’s doing you can’t just let it go. If you do he’ll just avoid repeating his mistakes that let you catch him and conceal it better the next time.
‘Second, luckily, you run the company finances, so you should pay off all of the bills, and take out all of the money that you are entitled to from the accounts. That includes the draw you should be getting, and compensation for the fruit that he stole from you. And you need to cut off the credit cards, ASAP.’
George was a gambler, and once several years ago he had used one of the company credit cards to take a cash advance when he’d run short at a casino in the Bahamas. He had repaid the money, and I’d told him not to do it again. But Audrey remembered, and could never quite bring herself to trust that he might not do it again in the future, and run up a big gambling debt on the company card — in effect leaving me with his gambling debt.
I started writing down on my pad:
‘Pay off outstanding bills, Withdraw cash that I’m entitled to, Close credit card accounts — ASAP’
Audrey’s list was getting longer, and started including all of the little legal niceties that I would need to do to split the partnership. Actually I had no intention of doing those things myself, I would leave that to the lawyer.
It was about an hour later when Audrey was finished with her strategy for ending the partnership. It had involved both what needed to be done, and also the timing, in order that I not tip my hand too early and have George grabbing assets to which he was not entitled. Unfortunately, despite what the courts say, possession is frequently the greater part of the law.
We both sat there, silent for a moment, before I started to speak.
‘Audrey, are you sure that breaking up the partnership is the only solution? I mean, George and I have had a successful working relationship for longer than you and I have been married. As far as I can tell, until a couple of months ago, he never did anything like this,’ I queried, my voice low and getting emotional over the idea of having to destroy the partnership.
‘Jim Masters, you are just too soft. This is one of those situations when you will be better off if you just deal with it, get it over, put it behind you, and get back to living your life. You can hire other salesmen, and get other people to run a packing house for you. You still have your grove, and I’ll bet that most of the farmers whose fruit you’ve been brokering will go with you and not George,’ she exclaimed.
‘For one thing, you know George, and he has never saved a dime in his life. What he earns he spends. I suspect that without you, he would have a hard time qualifying for his bonds or insurance. And without those he can’t even sell anyone else’s fruit!’ she told me with a surprisingly hard look in her eye.
I looked at her.
‘Do you think that would be fair? I want to be fair to George, I’m not out to destroy him,’ I retorted, ‘I could easily let him keep the bond and insurance until he could get himself established on his own.’
‘Your loyalty is admirable, Jim, but misplaced. He hasn’t shown you the same kind of loyalty. It’s just not your problem anymore. What he’s done is unforgivable,’ she concluded, with an air of finality.
‘Oh no,’ I whispered, with tears rolling from my eyes, ‘I may not forget what’s happened, but I hope that I will be able to forgive someday.’
Audrey looked at me like I was crazy, crying for a lost partnership. I was choked up for a couple of minutes. I went in to the kitchen and got a glass of water and took a couple of sips, and returned to the living room, glass in hind.
When I was able to speak again, I put down my pad of paper, and turned to Audrey to speak.
‘Audrey, I apologize, but I’ve misled you tonight. I’m not having any problems with George or our partnership. It isn’t George cheating in the business, or giving away what’s rightly mine. The real problem is you, and what you’re doing with your ‘managing partner.’ That is what we’ve really been talking about.’
Audrey was looking horrified, and her open hand flew up to her face, covering her open mouth. As she understood what I was telling her, tears began to flow down her cheeks. The way she just started crying, without even bothering to deny it, would have told me everything I needed to know.
I wiped away the tears in my eyes with my knuckles.
‘Did you really think that you could keep it a secret? You thought that if I was out of town, or if you suddenly had to ‘work late’, I wouldn’t catch on? That no one would notice, and that the rumors wouldn’t get around, and back to me? Do you know how easily you were tracked with a GPS unit on your car, or the pictures and video of you going into your bosses’ condo for hours ‘working’?
‘Well?’ I asked her, ‘You’ve recommended a pretty hard-line approach — at least when you thought that George was the subject of your analysis. What do you have to say for yourself?’
‘Oh god, Jim,’ she finally sputtered out, ‘Jim, I never meant… it wasn’t really anything important…I don’t love him…Oh god!’ From that point forward, I couldn’t really understand what she was trying to say, she was too choked up, the way you get when the tears and emotions swell up your throat, and your nose begins running.
Audrey was an emotional wreck still sitting on the couch, unable to even stand up. My impulse, my inclination, even now, was to go over to the couch and comfort her. But that didn’t seem to be an appropriate role for me anymore. After all, I was devastated too, and there was no one to whom I could turn for comfort.
She understood that she had condemned herself with her own words. Split up the partnership, cut my losses and move on, play hard-ball, and never forgive.
I stood up, and handed her a set of papers. They weren’t official, she would be formally served with the ‘official’ set in the next couple of days. Audrey didn’t even need to look at them to know what they were. Then, I took a tissue out of the box and wiped her eyes, and nose for her like you would a child, and handed her a second tissue which she took into her hand, which was now clenched into a fist.
‘Audrey, dinner was real tasty. I guess if I’m doing my own cooking it will be awhile before I eat that well again,’ I mentioned, as I turned to leave. Like Audrey, my throat was closing from the emotional stress.
‘Jim,’ she called after me, in the kind of hoarse voice that comes from crying, ‘where are you going? Don’t leave me. Could you please stay? Can we please talk? We need to talk!’
I couldn’t answer, I couldn’t speak. I just closed the door gently behind me.
George had helped me move a used AirStream travel trailer out onto the grove, next to the barn where we kept the tractors and other farm equipment. We’d hooked it up to water, electrical, septic system — even to cable TV. So it was comfortable enough. I’d replaced the old mattress with a fairly decent new one, with a thick layer of that comfort foam, just like I’d had at home. Or maybe I should say my former home.
Honestly, I’m a pretty forgiving guy. Despite what Audrey had said, if I’d caught George selling fruit on the side, I would have confronted him, and we would have split up the partnership, but I wouldn’t have tried to crush him. Betrayal by good friends, a group into which I would have counted my wife, seems to make me sad, rather than angry.
Funny thing, too — although Audrey had advised me to take a hard line with George, George actually pleaded with me against being too quick to dump Audrey. We had been his idea of a perfect couple, and he thought that I should at least make an effort to see if I could salvage my marriage. He reminded me that he and
I had done plenty of stupid things in our lives, and that in a number of cases there were other people who had plenty of forgiving to do before we were back in their good graces.
Heck, once or twice even the local Sheriff caught us doing one fool thing or another. He let us know that if we ever did something that stupid again, there would be hell to pay, but for now just get out of his patrol car and go home and hope that our dads never heard about our shenanigans.
Jesus, just thinking about it still scares me — my dad would have walloped me good. But that was in ‘the good old days’ when the law could be enforced with some common sense, today, there would be lawsuits, official complaints and who knows what else, if the Sheriff didn’t go strictly ‘by the book.’
Anyway, neither Audrey nor I have been doing anything to move the divorce along. She quit her job, and found work in a CPA office run by a woman. She’s pleaded with me to move back into the house with her, but I’m staying in the trailer for awhile.
We talk on a regular basis, and Audrey makes sure to get me over a couple times a week for dinner. She knows my weakness for a home cooked meal. She claims that she just wants to be sure that I’m eating right, and not living on fast-food.
She has told me about her affair (without going into all of the gory details, at my request), and it sounds as if there was less to it than my imagination might have conjured up, but still enough. I explained the amount of pain that I was suffering with a quotation: Romeo says, ‘Courage, man, the hurt cannot be much, ‘ to which Murcutio replies, ‘No, ‘t is not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door, but ‘t is enough, ‘t will serve.’ She smiled a sad little smile at me quoting from Shakespeare, but she understood that I meant it.
I still love her, and I believe her when she tells me that she loves me. She tells me that she would do anything to bring us back together and repair the damage that her thoughtless acts have caused. She has expressed a desire to have a child, if we could reconcile.
But in truth, I can’t think of what she could possible do that would somehow ‘fix’ things up again. The biggest roadblock remains what Audrey, herself, told me, in slightly different words:
‘The partnership is over. You can’t go on in a marriage with someone who you can’t trust — who has tried to pull a fast one on you by having an affair. You can’t ignore what she’s done, so the status quo isn’t an alternative. And if you confront her with the fact that you know what she’s doing, and you let it go this time, she’ll just avoid making the same mistakes, and conceal it better the next time.’
Alas, it was damn good advice.
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March 18th, 2002: “You have a cigarette?” Patrick asked a passing man on 42nd Street. The man hardly stole a glance in Patrick’s direction before scurrying passed in tattered tennis shoes. Patrick only muttered to himself and leaned back against the wall of the abandoned shoe factory. The night was cold, and he was desperate for a smoke. His money was gone, along with his hovel directly across the road. Apparently another stray had discovered the nice enclosure and decided to take it for...
Once Drew and Janice were established in the cottage our money-making activities took off in a new direction. Drew said that we could make money hand over fist based on the academic majors of Anthony students. He called a meeting of “the principals.” I looked around and didn’t see any elementary school administrators. I was confused and said so. “Mark, you’re the number one Principal. In business, Principals are owners and decision-makers. I’m a Principal. Do you agree that it’s fair that...
BisexualThis is a continuation of my previous story. had moved in for a month, and she and my wife Laura had taken every chance they could get to eat each other out, or finger fuck each other, and I wasn't getting any of it. Even my boy even made a comment about how chummy the two ladies were getting. I'd fucked Ginny on that last business trip, but didn't get a chance to do anything since she moved in, because we didn't want it to get weird...
I had been sent by my employers, a well known U.K. bank, to Bangkok in Thailand for a few days work. First a little about myself. I had joined the bank straight from school and had worked myself up to be Manager International Far East. Although based in London I travelled extensively around the Far East, to include Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore amongst other places. I am a widower my wife having died prematurely a couple of years ago. I was 45 back then and found it difficult to...
By the time Abdul had filled my hole with his cream I was exhausted. I must have cum a dozen times that afternoon, the meeting or should I say shag fest then broke up.I adjusted my dress and tried to clean myself up a bit. Everyone seemed very pleased and Abdul said to David that they'd sign the contract next morning- mission accomplished I thought. As a celebration he said we'd all have a special meal that night and I would be allowed to attend. I would have been a bit miffed if they...
I must thank Caroline for her kind comments and edits. She knows which Caroline I mean. Once again, this is a work of fiction and errors and omissions are mine entirely. It's just business It was about 2 am on a warm Sunday morning. We had just returned after the party at the restaurant we owned. The event had been a great success and more than we could have hoped for some weeks ago. We had received many compliments and it seemed we had also found many new and regular patrons for...
Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...
Group SexChapter one Business Meeting This started as many things do in the business world…with a phone call. The woman on the other end introduced herself as Miss Sunny Starr. I was immediately struck with the unusual name. Seemed like a name fit for a movie queen or, frankly, a hooker: however, something about her voice and the way she put things together in the conversation; quickly put those thoughts away. She was organized, direct and very knowledgeable. Clearly, she had done her...
I’m 5’3” with dark red hair and hazel eyes, athletically built, spent my youth as a runner and a gymnast. I’ve always had a tendency to ask “why not” and just do things rather than ask “why”. While it can cause trouble, it can also lead places that make me wet just thinking about the experience. I’ve noticed y’all seem to like stories about teenagers, and families. Never fucked any of my family, but I did have a best friend in high school that had a big family… Georgia and I spent a lot...
The light breeze made the September leaves give off soft rustling sounds and sent a small shiver down my back as it cooled the sweat between my shoulder blades. I pulled more closely against Tom and he responded by cupping his hands more tightly around my bottom. The air wasn’t really cold, in fact it was fairly warm for this time of year. The soft cotton blanket below us provided some insulation from the leaf covered ground and while our shirts were unbuttoned we were otherwise clothed. Tom...
I have been a financial advisor for a number of years. After college, I worked for a financial planning firm, in more of a support role than dealing directly with the firm’s clients and moved to a different and smaller advisory group when they gave me the opportunity to build a client base of my own. Well, the income potential was much greater compared with the former salary job and I jumped at the chance. That was eleven years ago, now I have a very nice clientèle which I add to quite...
13 RULES FOR DATING A TRANSGENDER WOMANGreetings, Ariscestocrats!How are your dating lives? Any single transgender women out there? Not too many, eh? Well, I’ll attest to that being the reason I keep running into the same type of guy. He’s Mr. Uninformed, Mr. Inexperienced, and he has a million questions, none of which have anything to do with who you are, but “what” you are. And it’s not that these men don’t mean well, it’s just that they’re hurting their chances by remaining ignorant to a...
Though both of us had been divorced nearly two years now, we seemed to have very different approaches to our life style paths. Megan, having not had c***dren, had been dating regularly since she had, as she put it, found her freedom. I, on the other hand, devoted my time to raising my eighteen year old son Ryan. I suppose my focus on his up bringing was to compensate for his fathers complete absence but it also filled a void in my life that for several years, lacked any sincere company of a...
so this is how it goes. i had not been talking to pranay because we had had a fight lately. he was not talking to me because he thought i went behind his back and talked some shit to his girlfriend. he thought i talked his girlfriend into breaking up with him. instead i had kissed his girlfriend and she really liked it. she wanted to leave him for me but she obviously did not tell pranay this. when i saw how he reacted with it i decided to leave her too because my friend was more important to...
PART IJack's tongue probed his mom's cunt. He relished her sweet tender flesh that provided the juices he craved. She never failed to provide him the pleasures of her flesh. Her whimpers and moans thrilled the young man as he gave the love and attention she so desperately desired. One more flick of her clitoris and another shower of her nectar. Then he moved up and slid into her connecting them as one. His cock throbbed inside her. Her arms and legs wrapped around his body and their tongues...
Thick red lips moving up and downOn a hard throbbing erection Sternly querying eyes seem to wonderWhen are you going to shoot? You can only softly whisper:“I’m sorry, mom, but not yet.” Her head starts bouncing fasterThe rhythm stays steady Your mother is staring at youBut it still isn’t the time Whenever you will fireYour mother will be ready Don’t you worry at allShe will swallow it too Mom hasTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
IncestJackie was a beautiful blonde-haired exercise fanatic. I thought we had a good thing going. We met after work almost every day after work to go out to the archery range and shoot. I was twenty-two, she was about thirty-five. After seven weeks I asked her to marry me. I was ecstatic when she accepted! At the reception her uncle Bill met me in the bathroom. He looked awfully sad. "Be careful. She's been married five times before. It's never lasted over two years." Well shit. I had my own...
The light breeze made the September leaves give off soft rustling sounds and sent a small shiver down my back as it cooled the sweat between my shoulder blades. I pulled more closely against Tom and he responded by cupping his hands more tightly around my bottom. The air wasn't really cold, in fact it was fairly warm for this time of year. The soft cotton blanket below us provided some insulation from the leaf covered ground and while our shirts were unbuttoned we were otherwise clothed. Tom...
His closed eyes shut even tighter, his body went rigid and arched, his breathing stopped as the first spurt of his come landed on his chest, the second just above his navel, and the third and last simply slid out and down his cock onto his thumb. For a moment he stayed thus, motionless, but then, with a sudden gulp of air, his body relaxed onto his bed. He heard a noise, or thought he did, and his eyes shot open. Nothing! Except "Why is my door open?" he thought. And then he remembered that...
"Welcome, Miss Harter. Have a seat." Still unsure of why I was here, I made my way across the room and sat down on the plush tan sofa that is the trademark of a psychiatrist's office. It wasn't the first time I had entered my parents' counselor's room, but I was surprised when he asked to see me and my parents separately. Surprised since I wasn't the patient. Unfortunately, though, Mom was. She had undergone a huge metamorphosis in the last few months, ever since her bookstore had...
Copyright© Lazlo Zalezak, 2003 Susan's mind was still fuzzy as she struggled to wake. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes and looked at the old woman seated in the chair. "Grandma?" "Yes dear?" "What are you doing in here?" Here was the bedroom that her Grandmother had put them in last night for their stay. It was an extremely beautiful room within an enormous old mansion. The queen size bed took up a very small portion of the room. There was a sitting area with a love seat,...
I had little time for contemplation on matters of the heart because when I arrived back at CCC I found the prairie ablaze, and it was literally all hands to the pumps. The area affected was just to the east of where the Medicine Man Exercises were taking place, and it needed so much man power to contain the inferno that the exercises were put on hold, and the current BG attending Exercise Medicine Man, along with Canadian fire crews and OPFOR, were deployed. After a week of non-stop flailing...
April 23, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “I’ll do it,” I said to Samantha on Friday morning before I left to run with Gina. “Thank you!” she said excitedly. “And the special request?” “Yes,” I said with a smile. “Cool!” She gave me a soft kiss and a tight hug. “But no promises other than the special request in the invitation.” “I know. Totally clear! I talked with Kara to make sure I wasn’t crossing any lines. I’m surprised to see you up at your regular time this morning!” I laughed, “Kara...
We didn’t stop until I got home. It was only an hour and a half to Bundy and another twenty minutes to Turtle Cove. The oldies had two hundred acres of beachfront land. Dad had a couple of cows on it, and there was the house. Dad still ran the local Auto and Boat Repair Shop in Bargara the next cove north. So far, he had knocked back several offers to subdivide his property. He’d laughed and said that in about ten years once the other three developments were established his land will get...
There was another Madame Von R-- story that I recollect from around that time, the early period of the Revolution, but it does me no credit. It's merit is that it is short, and I'm not sure why I even include it in this journal, but since I have the notes. "You've met my nephew," the charming lady said to me. "Of course," I said, not knowing her nephew from the king. "He's got some woman problems. I told him I knew a man that might be able to help. You," she said, tapping me on...
Maureen's eyes had followed Joey's. "That your car?" Joey nodded. "Apparently, the two gentlemen did not take kindly to the chivalry you displayed, Joey. Care to give me some names?" Joey had to fight to stay calm. This was his mother's car, and Tess had dibs on it for when she got her license. He had no doubt that this was Mike and Paul's handiwork. Should he give their names to the police and hope that they left prints? He doubted that they would send a CSI team for a minor...
Melody Samuels My pussy was burning so hot as my cousin Clint, my lover who I would do anything for, groaned atop his mom, my sexy Aunt Cheryl. He slammed into her, cumming into the very pussy that had given him birth, maybe breeding his Mommy like he might have already bred me last night. I shuddered, pressed against Aunt Cheryl’s side, watching the pleasure burning in both their faces, the incestuous passion they had shared. I was so thrilled I could witness this moment, my heart thudding...
Dexter dialed the number, hoping that he wouldn’t have another evening alone at home. Amber answered on the second ring. “Hello, Dexter.” “Hello, Amber.” “What’s up?” “I was sitting here feeling kinda lonely, and was wondering if you were free tonight. Are you?” Dexter asked. Amber giggled. “I’m never free for lonely men.” “I don’t mean like that,” Dexter said. “I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight. Are you busy?” “As a matter of fact, I am,” Amber said. “Okay,”...
If only I could find a way, To feel your sweetness through the day. The love that shines around me could be mine. So give us an answer, won't you? We know what we have to do, There must be a thousand voices Trying... to get through. --Lord, Is it Mine? (Supertramp) June's note, which had been to Kristen and Lynette, also said that she'd be over the next morning to pick me up, and we'd be able to pick up Merry for the initiation on Saturday. I knew that I'd miss not having June...