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The light breeze made the September leaves give off soft rustling sounds and sent a small shiver down my back as it cooled the sweat between my shoulder blades. I pulled more closely against Tom and he responded by cupping his hands more tightly around my bottom. The air wasn’t really cold, in fact it was fairly warm for this time of year. The soft cotton blanket below us provided some insulation from the leaf covered ground and while our shirts were unbuttoned we were otherwise clothed. Tom moved his head and we locked into another deep kiss. When we again pulled slightly apart he said, ‘I felt you shiver. Cold?’

‘Not really. In fact if things weren’t so hot I wouldn’t be sweating and the breeze couldn’t give me a chill.’

He gave a quiet little laugh. ‘Don’t want to go back to the dorm then?’

I pulled him into another kiss and let my hand slide up under his shirt in back. ‘Not in the least.’

It was a Friday night in September. We were both seniors but both still lived in the dorm. Same dorm, at least, even if on different floors. Our school wasn’t quite that progressive. And besides, we had both decided to wait until we were sure that what we felt was the real thing. I had always promised myself I would only tell one man ‘I love you,’ and Tom felt the same way about what he’d say to me.

Even though we lived in the dorm, it was a large campus with many forested areas and other isolated places. Moreover one side bordered a national forest so there was another fifty or hundred square miles of nothing but trees. It certainly was not unusual to see couples out walking, carrying blankets, especially on weekends. It was a college campus, after all.

My name is Kate McNair. I’m five feet, eight, fairly slim, and turned twenty some six months ago. I have light blue eyes and dark brown hair which I wear down past my shoulders. Since almost the beginning of junior year I have been going with Tom Winston and I’m almost sure I’m really in love with him. Almost sure. He is also a senior, three months older than I am. He stands an even six feet and has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen to go with his dark blonde hair.

We were apart most of the summer and now that school had started again we couldn’t seem to get enough of each other. The summer certainly didn’t cool our relationship any. Tom is an engineering major so our weekday evening time is limited. Well, really, my own chemistry major certainly limits my free time also. But on weekends we try to spend most of our time together.

The relationship certainly isn’t all physical, but the physical aspects are way up there. Both of us are virgins and plan to remain so – until we are married or at least until we are sure this is the real thing. But that doesn’t stop or even slow down our activities short of actual sex. If the weather is good we almost always take a blanket and disappear into one of the wooded areas. Often on Saturday or Sunday we’ll pack a lunch and go even farther into the national forest, spending all day and much of the evening with no one else within sight or sound. We’re not prudes. We really enjoy necking and petting and have had each other’s clothes off a number of times. Even some oral – both sides. But we feel we should wait for actual sex.

If it is raining we can usually find somewhere else to hide, at least enough for some nice petting, even if we need to keep our clothes mostly on. There is a small river through campus and a number of bridges across it. Any of these provide some nice hiding places below – dark alcoves free of any observers. While we can’t really get undressed there we can manage quite a few things.

This week, however, the weather is perfect. Temperatures in the seventies during the day and dropping only to the upper fifties at night. Calm or only light breezes and mostly clear skies with only a few small clouds. And tonight there will be a moon just at the first quarter.

We had brought our blanket into one of the deeper wooded spots of the campus and now we lay together in a small depression some thirty yards or so off any trail. Tom kissed me again and pulled me tightly against him, our open shirts letting my breasts squash against his bare chest. I moaned into his mouth and moved one of my hands down from his back to slide inside his jeans and cup his bare ass, bringing a similar sound from him.

He pulled back slightly. ‘Oh, Kitty Kate, I want you so much.’ Kitty Kate is his pet name for me. I think he first used it once when I called him ‘Tom Cat’ but it has stuck.

Breathlessly I moaned back, ‘No more than I want you, Tom. Oh, Tom, I wish I knew for sure.’ Why were we waiting? It wasn’t from practical considerations. I had started on the pill the previous May and we both knew neither of us had to worry about STDs. I couldn’t give a complete reason. I could only say that we felt we should. When I examined it, I thought part of it might have been that we were both brought up in families where sex was only to be considered inside marriage. I don’t even think it was completely religious on the part of either family. No, just more a culture. Regardless of the reason, we couldn’t seem to convince ourselves to change.

Then why didn’t we just get married? Again I can’t say completely. I think it is just that it was so ingrained in us that marriage was a one time thing and we had to be sure it was the right partner before committing. We both had talked about it and were almost sure. But something just held us back from a final decision.

It might seem strange that with such strong views on marriage and actual sex that we had no problem with the activities in which we did engage. I mean, like I said, we weren’t prudes. We had no problem with a lot of petting, getting naked with each other, and even manual or oral stimulation. I really can’t say what it was or why, but somewhere in our natures the two were separated. I could give Tom a blow job, let him eat me out or finger me, and feel no guilt. But the idea of taking that wonderful cock inside me had a definite block, as it seemed to for Tom also.

I think we were both resigned to going no further until something changed to assure us that our relationship was one we wished to become permanent. However we weren’t slowed in the activities we did find acceptable. That didn’t mean we weren’t frustrated about it.

We broke from a torrid kiss and I rolled onto my back. Tom raised himself onto his elbow and looked down at me. I felt the cool air evaporate the sweat on my bare breasts, sending a chill and turning my nipples even more rigid than they already were.

We were both breathing rather hard and now as I let my hand slide from his back and move across the swollen hardness in front of his jeans, I wistfully said, ‘Oh, Tom, I want you so much. I want to keep going, to finally feel you inside me – but I know if we do I’ll regret it later,’

‘I know, Kitty Kate. I want it just as much. But I know we have to wait.’

I drew a deep breath and replied, ‘I guess we’ll just have to do the best we can right now,’ With this I reached to unfasten his belt and pulled down on the zipper. A quick tug and the pants and underwear pulled past his swollen organ, letting me grasp it and move to place my lips against the head of the hard shaft. Tom moaned and I gave a couple of licks before moving my lips slowly past the flanged head and down along the hardened shaft, leaving a wet trail along its length. Then I began to bob up and down all the time sliding the tip of my tongue around and over the sensitive flesh. In less than a minute I felt Tom’s contractions begin and I doubled my efforts until he exploded, sending repeated spurts into my throat as I hurried to swallow each drop. I finished with a slow licking to clean any last remainder from his still hard organ.

As I pulled back Tom said, ‘That was wonderful! Now let me return the favor.’ I smiled, knowing from experience what was coming. He quickly released the fastenings on
my own jeans and soon these were around my ankles as his mouth sought the sensitive places between my thighs and in another few minutes I joined him in release, flooding his face and filling the evening around us with small cries and moans.

When we had calmed slightly we rolled to face each other and Tom pulled the edge of the blanket over us to mitigate air which now had begun to feel a little chilly. We pulled together, kissing, and then I buried my face in his shoulder. I mumbled against his firm flesh, ‘Oh, why can’t we be sure? Why do we have to wait? I want you so much.’

Despite the muffled speech he must have understood because he answered, ‘No more than I want you. I don’t want to wait either, but we have to, don’t we?’ Without lifting my face I nodded against him but I could feel a few tears of frustration rub off onto his bare skin.

We remained cuddled together for a long time, neither of us speaking. It had grown dark and the half-full Harvest Moon was beginning to make its illumination filter through the leaves and paint the world with streaks of silver to break the uniform cover of jet which had come with the setting sun. The sky above the main part of the campus still shown pale as the reflected illumination of man-made lights found its way upwards, but here in the ‘forest primeval’ the darkness had descended like a thick fog. Now the moonlight and our night sensitized eyes once again brought out the shapes of trees. Occasionally we would hear a small animal or an owl in the near distance, but otherwise we were alone.

It might seem strange that on a campus with tens of thousands of students we could be so isolated, but there was a lot of space. Especially out here in the woods. Not tonight, but sometimes we might hear another couple passing nearby although they never came too near. It was a sort of accepted protocol that you were careful not to disturb another couple no matter what they seemed to be doing. On nice weekend days we would sometimes take some food and hike into the national forest and not see or hear anyone else for the entire day. In fact I’m not sure we’d ever encountered anyone else on one of these day long treks.

Tonight we lay in our little nest, sometimes playing, sometimes just cuddling together and quietly talking. What about? Well, about a lot of things. Our feelings for each other. Our futures. The beautiful night with the lovely light of the bright moon and the gentle breeze. The sounds of the autumn leaves as they rustled or swirled in gusting air. Later we became aroused once again and spent another hour in exciting but frustrating activity, ending with some mutual masturbation.

Near midnight we headed back toward the dorm. We had originally planned to spend Saturday going on one of our day long walks but Tom had been assigned a design project which was going to consume most of his weekend. I had managed to finish my homework for the weekend so I would be free the next day even though alone. Sure, I could find something to do with someone else but I tended to think of being without Tom as being alone.

Anyway, when we finally kissed goodnight I said, ‘Since you are abandoning me tomorrow I might just go ahead and make a long day of it by myself. Who knows, I might meet some hot satyr out in the forest.’

Laughing, Tom replied, ‘I wouldn’t be surprised with your nice body, but, knowing you, Kitty Kate, I don’t think I’ll have to worry.’

I smiled back. ‘True, Tom, I’ll wait for you to ravish me. Supper tomorrow night?’

‘Sure, I’ll be ready to quit by then. Want to go to the Pit for pizza?’

‘That sounds good. I’ll meet you down here at seven. OK?’

‘Sounds good.’

Another long, deep kiss and we parted, happy but still somewhat frustrated.

Saturday morning I woke about six thirty as usual and soon headed downstairs for a quick breakfast. By eight I was back in my room and stuffing a few things into a small daypack. I had on jeans and a long sleeved shirt and now I changed into my hiking boots. With lunch and a couple of water bottles and a light jacket in the pack, I headed out and started toward the wooded edge of campus.

It was a perfect fall day. Still slightly cool but not too much as long as I was moving and I knew it would warm up to a comfortable level before too long. The air was nearly still, the sky mostly clear with only a few fluffy white clouds and the sun highlighting the million different colors of the changing autumn leaves. I did see a number of couples walking in the campus woods, some even carrying blankets this early, but I knew that by the time I entered the national forest I would probably be alone. I decided that this was probably a good thing as the sight of the others left me with a slightly empty feeling. (This feeling was even a little more disconcerting when I thought that some of them would be doing what I wanted so much to do with Tom but couldn’t yet bring myself to allow.)

I moved on into the forest and as expected soon left everyone else behind. The day was lovely and before too long I was able to put off any feelings of loneliness and just enjoy the quiet woods, the lovely colors of leaves and fall flowers, and the slightly damp smell of fall.

The forest had a number of well marked trails as well as some slightly less used ones. Most were easy walking but some involved more strenuous climbs. There were some deep ravines with small creeks along their bottoms and some rounded hills. The woods had both sections of conifers as well as hardwoods and in many areas the two types were mixed together.

A little after noon I moved off the side of the trail to find a fallen log on which to sit while I ate lunch. Sitting there, looking at the woods, I again became aware of how much I would rather that Tom was with me. I missed him. I also felt a frustrated level of arousal, knowing that even were he here, I would not be able to fully alleviate it. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I know for sure and make up my mind one way or the other?

At last I drew a deep breath and shook my head back and forth to clear it. I made up my mind that I would try to put such thoughts aside for the afternoon and just enjoy this wonderful day. Anyway, tonight I would be with Tom and we could at least somewhat mitigate the frustration if not remove it.

I stowed everything back in my pack and once again started along the trail. I was in a part of the forest I had been to before even if not frequently. It was some distance from the campus and, as far as I knew, some distance from the nearest road also. As I said we had never encountered another person on these walks and especially now in this remote section I didn’t expect to. So I was totally surprised when I rounded a bend in the path and saw someone sitting on a rock neat the edge of the trail.

For a couple of seconds I stopped still, unsure I was really seeing another human, but then I continued along. As I got a little closer I saw that the person was a woman, an older woman. Sitting I couldn’t tell her height but I could see that her hair was a lovely silver color. She was slim but not starved looking as some older people seem to be. When I was fifteen yards or so from her she noticed me. I could see her smile and as I neared she stood and said, ‘Hello. Lovely day for a walk, isn’t it?’

Standing, she was fairly tall, almost my height. She stood straight, her stance looking like a much younger woman, back straight, shoulders back. She still retained a lovely look with strong bone structure and skin much smoother than I would have expected for someone in her seventies as I guessed her age to be.

‘Hi. Yes, it is. It’s beautiful out here today.’ As I stood near her I could see her eyes were a clear, light blue.

She indicated a rock next to hers and said, ‘Please sit and rest a couple of minutes. It’s nice to find someone to talk with a little.’

I smiled back and took her up on her offer. For some reason I found that I liked her im
mediately. I took off my small pack and sat. ‘Are you out here by yourself then?’

‘Oh, no. My husband just decided he wanted to explore a little side trail for a while. I’m going to meet him up there’ – she indicated a direction farther down the trail – ‘in a little while. Now I’m just waiting and enjoying the day. Even more now that you’ve come along. Are you by yourself?’

‘Just today. My boyfriend and I usually walk out here together but he couldn’t come today.’ After a few seconds I added, ‘We’ve never seen anyone else out here. Is this the first time you’ve been here?’

She gave a small laugh. ‘No, not at all. We’ve walked these woods for a long time. But it is a big woods, so it’s not too surprising that we’ve never seen each other before.’

Something drove me to inquire. ‘You look like you are in really good condition for someone you age. Do you walk a lot?’ Then I realized how that might have sounded and I quickly tried to add, ‘I didn’t mean any insult. It’s just that so many of the older people I see around look like they can’t walk more than fifty feet from their cars.’

She laughed, a deep and pleasant laugh. ‘I’m not insulted at all. I’ll admit that both my husband and I do get a fair amount of exercise but I will also admit that things aren’t quite as easy as they were when I was twenty. Still, I manage. When I get really old maybe things will change but, after all, I’m only ninety-six now.’

I think my mouth dropped open. ‘Ninety-six! You’re kidding.’

She smiled. ‘No, I really am as is my husband. We’ve been very lucky but, still, we try to help things along. You know, exercise, good eating and so on.’

‘That’s amazing! I would have guessed you were at least twenty years younger.’

‘Thank you, but I really am ninety-six.’

I found myself rapidly becoming engaged in conversation. After a few minutes I suddenly realized I had never given my name. ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I never introduced myself. I’m Kate McNair. I’m a student over at the college.’

‘Kate is it? That’s a coincidence. My name is Kate also.’

‘How nice. Then I’m sure that way I will never forget your name.’

She laughed and said, ‘Nor will I yours.’

We continued to talk and without realizing it I found myself telling her about my own life. My school, my likes and dislikes, and about Tom. For some reason it seemed that we had known each other for years and I felt no hesitation in telling her things I would never have thought I could reveal to a stranger.

At one point she suddenly asked, ‘Are you in love with Tom?’

This stopped me cold. Slowly I answered, ‘I think so. I think so but I can’t be completely sure.’ Then some of my frustration began to spill out and I began to tell her of our hesitation and uncertainty. I had never shared these feeling with anyone besides Tom and if I had stopped to think about it I would have been astounded that I was doing so now. Especially with someone I had just met.

She listened quietly and when I slowed for a minute she asked, ‘Have you slept with him?’

I froze at this but surprisingly I didn’t hesitate to answer her. ‘If you mean have we had sex, the answer is no. We both want to wait until we are completely sure.’ Then I shyly added, ‘But we have done nearly everything else.’

She smiled and I think she may have suppressed a small laugh. ‘I expect you’ll someday find that it hasn’t been nearly EVERYTHING else.’ Then in a more serious tone she said, ‘Tell me, Kate. Just why do you feel you need to wait?’

This question stopped me and for several long seconds I sat frozen as I tried to frame an answer. Finally I slowly replied, ‘I don’t really know. It’s not from any religious or even moral reason. I guess it’s just that we don’t want to make a mistake.’

Again she smiled. ‘I do understand, Kate. Probably better than you think I do. Let me ask you something. Just what are you looking for in life? What is really important to you?’

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Advisors DelightsPart 6 Accounting Advice

The UK Foreign Office managed to slip an ‘Accountancy Advisor’ into a particular bit of an agreement which had been accepted inadvertently as it was buried in a multi-page agreement which had not been properly analysed by one of Abd-al-Hadi Ibn Wajih’s assistants. When the advisor’s arrival was announced there was there was initial consternation. However it was agreed in Kobekistan that any advice he offered could be ignored and the policy could be, “Show him our ways and insist that nothing...

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Generous OffersChapter 5 DAY FOUR Advice

“Between your computer classes, you two will have to do a few things. Learn to drive, buy a car and sign up for classes at a community college. Take one class like biology or philosophy for non-majors and some fun class like cooking or interior design. I can help you with math. It never hurts to understand algebra. Your classes will keep you from being bored. “As twins, you should be able to share a car. PLEASE resist the temptation to show how rich you will be in less than two years. Get a...

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Friendly Advice

I’m 5’3” with dark red hair and hazel eyes, athletically built, spent my youth as a runner and a gymnast. I’ve always had a tendency to ask “why not” and just do things rather than ask “why”. While it can cause trouble, it can also lead places that make me wet just thinking about the experience. I’ve noticed y’all seem to like stories about teenagers, and families. Never fucked any of my family, but I did have a best friend in high school that had a big family… Georgia and I spent a lot...

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Giving More Than Advice

I have been a financial advisor for a number of years. After college, I worked for a financial planning firm, in more of a support role than dealing directly with the firm’s clients and moved to a different and smaller advisory group when they gave me the opportunity to build a client base of my own. Well, the income potential was much greater compared with the former salary job and I jumped at the chance. That was eleven years ago, now I have a very nice clientèle which I add to quite...

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Transgender dating advice

13 RULES FOR DATING A TRANSGENDER WOMANGreetings, Ariscestocrats!How are your dating lives? Any single transgender women out there? Not too many, eh? Well, I’ll attest to that being the reason I keep running into the same type of guy. He’s Mr. Uninformed, Mr. Inexperienced, and he has a million questions, none of which have anything to do with who you are, but “what” you are. And it’s not that these men don’t mean well, it’s just that they’re hurting their chances by remaining ignorant to a...

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Though both of us had been divorced nearly two years now, we seemed to have very different approaches to our life style paths. Megan, having not had c***dren, had been dating regularly since she had, as she put it, found her freedom. I, on the other hand, devoted my time to raising my eighteen year old son Ryan. I suppose my focus on his up bringing was to compensate for his fathers complete absence but it also filled a void in my life that for several years, lacked any sincere company of a...

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My Friend8217s Mom Gave Me Relationship Advice

so this is how it goes. i had not been talking to pranay because we had had a fight lately. he was not talking to me because he thought i went behind his back and talked some shit to his girlfriend. he thought i talked his girlfriend into breaking up with him. instead i had kissed his girlfriend and she really liked it. she wanted to leave him for me but she obviously did not tell pranay this. when i saw how he reacted with it i decided to leave her too because my friend was more important to...

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The Counselors Advice

PART IJack's tongue probed his mom's cunt. He relished her sweet tender flesh that provided the juices he craved. She never failed to provide him the pleasures of her flesh. Her whimpers and moans thrilled the young man as he gave the love and attention she so desperately desired. One more flick of her clitoris and another shower of her nectar. Then he moved up and slid into her connecting them as one. His cock throbbed inside her. Her arms and legs wrapped around his body and their tongues...

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Thick red lips moving up and downOn a hard throbbing erection Sternly querying eyes seem to wonderWhen are you going to shoot? You can only softly whisper:“I’m sorry, mom, but not yet.” Her head starts bouncing fasterThe rhythm stays steady Your mother is staring at youBut it still isn’t the time Whenever you will fireYour mother will be ready Don’t you worry at allShe will swallow it too Mom hasTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

2 years ago
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Bad Advice

Jackie was a beautiful blonde-haired exercise fanatic. I thought we had a good thing going. We met after work almost every day after work to go out to the archery range and shoot. I was twenty-two, she was about thirty-five. After seven weeks I asked her to marry me. I was ecstatic when she accepted! At the reception her uncle Bill met me in the bathroom. He looked awfully sad. "Be careful. She's been married five times before. It's never lasted over two years." Well shit. I had my own...

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Sisterly Advice

His closed eyes shut even tighter, his body went rigid and arched, his breathing stopped as the first spurt of his come landed on his chest, the second just above his navel, and the third and last simply slid out and down his cock onto his thumb. For a moment he stayed thus, motionless, but then, with a sudden gulp of air, his body relaxed onto his bed. He heard a noise, or thought he did, and his eyes shot open. Nothing! Except "Why is my door open?" he thought. And then he remembered that...

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Good Advice

"Welcome, Miss Harter. Have a seat." Still unsure of why I was here, I made my way across the room and sat down on the plush tan sofa that is the trademark of a psychiatrist's office. It wasn't the first time I had entered my parents' counselor's room, but I was surprised when he asked to see me and my parents separately. Surprised since I wasn't the patient. Unfortunately, though, Mom was. She had undergone a huge metamorphosis in the last few months, ever since her bookstore had...

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The Matriarchs Marriage Advice

Copyright© Lazlo Zalezak, 2003 Susan's mind was still fuzzy as she struggled to wake. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes and looked at the old woman seated in the chair. "Grandma?" "Yes dear?" "What are you doing in here?" Here was the bedroom that her Grandmother had put them in last night for their stay. It was an extremely beautiful room within an enormous old mansion. The queen size bed took up a very small portion of the room. There was a sitting area with a love seat,...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 19 What happens in Las Vegas and some sound advice

I had little time for contemplation on matters of the heart because when I arrived back at CCC I found the prairie ablaze, and it was literally all hands to the pumps. The area affected was just to the east of where the Medicine Man Exercises were taking place, and it needed so much man power to contain the inferno that the exercises were put on hold, and the current BG attending Exercise Medicine Man, along with Canadian fire crews and OPFOR, were deployed. After a week of non-stop flailing...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 56 Strange Advice

April 23, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “I’ll do it,” I said to Samantha on Friday morning before I left to run with Gina. “Thank you!” she said excitedly. “And the special request?” “Yes,” I said with a smile. “Cool!” She gave me a soft kiss and a tight hug. “But no promises other than the special request in the invitation.” “I know. Totally clear! I talked with Kara to make sure I wasn’t crossing any lines. I’m surprised to see you up at your regular time this morning!” I laughed, “Kara...

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The JobChapter 10 Advice

We didn’t stop until I got home. It was only an hour and a half to Bundy and another twenty minutes to Turtle Cove. The oldies had two hundred acres of beachfront land. Dad had a couple of cows on it, and there was the house. Dad still ran the local Auto and Boat Repair Shop in Bargara the next cove north. So far, he had knocked back several offers to subdivide his property. He’d laughed and said that in about ten years once the other three developments were established his land will get...

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RebelChapter 12 Giving Advice

There was another Madame Von R-- story that I recollect from around that time, the early period of the Revolution, but it does me no credit. It's merit is that it is short, and I'm not sure why I even include it in this journal, but since I have the notes. "You've met my nephew," the charming lady said to me. "Of course," I said, not knowing her nephew from the king. "He's got some woman problems. I told him I knew a man that might be able to help. You," she said, tapping me on...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 4 Good Advice

Maureen's eyes had followed Joey's. "That your car?" Joey nodded. "Apparently, the two gentlemen did not take kindly to the chivalry you displayed, Joey. Care to give me some names?" Joey had to fight to stay calm. This was his mother's car, and Tess had dibs on it for when she got her license. He had no doubt that this was Mike and Paul's handiwork. Should he give their names to the police and hope that they left prints? He doubted that they would send a CSI team for a minor...

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Incestuous HaremChapter 3 Sisterrsquos Anal Advice

Melody Samuels My pussy was burning so hot as my cousin Clint, my lover who I would do anything for, groaned atop his mom, my sexy Aunt Cheryl. He slammed into her, cumming into the very pussy that had given him birth, maybe breeding his Mommy like he might have already bred me last night. I shuddered, pressed against Aunt Cheryl’s side, watching the pleasure burning in both their faces, the incestuous passion they had shared. I was so thrilled I could witness this moment, my heart thudding...

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Service SocietyChapter 7 Advice

Dexter dialed the number, hoping that he wouldn’t have another evening alone at home. Amber answered on the second ring. “Hello, Dexter.” “Hello, Amber.” “What’s up?” “I was sitting here feeling kinda lonely, and was wondering if you were free tonight. Are you?” Dexter asked. Amber giggled. “I’m never free for lonely men.” “I don’t mean like that,” Dexter said. “I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight. Are you busy?” “As a matter of fact, I am,” Amber said. “Okay,”...

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Lucky StiffChapter 32 Parental Advice

If only I could find a way, To feel your sweetness through the day. The love that shines around me could be mine. So give us an answer, won't you? We know what we have to do, There must be a thousand voices Trying... to get through. --Lord, Is it Mine? (Supertramp) June's note, which had been to Kristen and Lynette, also said that she'd be over the next morning to pick me up, and we'd be able to pick up Merry for the initiation on Saturday. I knew that I'd miss not having June...

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Lucky StiffChapter 42 Personal Advice

Not guilty for being on your street, Getting underneath your feet. Not guilty... no use handing me a writ, While I'm trying to do my bit. --Not Guilty (George Harrison) On Sunday morning, I woke up in bed, spooned against Lynette. I looked around, but Kristen wasn't in the room. My movement alerted Lynette. She whispered, "Kris got up a while ago and went downstairs. She told me to keep you company." Lynette and I kept each other company by kissing each other for about five...

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The GlimpseChapter 4 Advice

I had just touched down from a test flight. I went up to test the Bleed Air System for the new engines we were trying out. All and all it worked, but not within the parameters specified by manufacturer. I was in debriefing with the engineers, production managers, supervisors and the Flight Director, my boss. We were finishing up when the door opened and my boss' secretary walked in and whispered to him. He stood up and casually dismissed the meeting asking me to stay behind. After everyone...

2 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 18 Tax Advice

George was always a little uncomfortable when it turned out to be Deanna that was charged with his next training session. There had been the early difficulties between them, of course, with the problem over CBT and TENS. George always felt Deanna blamed him for the fact that Erica had been so furious with her. And Deanna always seemed offhand in the way she dealt with him and while there was a perverse pleasure to be had from being ignored by an attractive, ruthless woman, George felt that at...

5 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 4 A Fathers Advice

June 25, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea or not,” I replied. “Why?” Becky asked. “We’ve done it before. I don’t have a steady boyfriend. And you said you don’t have a steady girlfriend.” “That’s true. May I ask a very blunt question?” “Sure.” “Are YOU looking to be my girlfriend?” Becky shook her head slowly, “Remember what I said back in October? That I had no illusions about this and that I had no designs on you? But that if I had the ability to make a wish...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 19 Good Advice

September 19, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Mishka!” Tasha gushed when I called her on Sunday afternoon. “How are you?” “Good. How are things in West Monroe?” “You know nothing changes here. Church is the same. School is the same. Home is the same. And you?” “School is about the same as last year, but I’ve made some new friends.” “I want to meet them! Do you think Sasha and I could visit in two weeks?” “If your mom and dad approve, yes.” “They will, so long as I bring Sasha. She promised not...

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TeenagersChapter 2 Grandpas Advice

God was still scowling when Michael ushered a stoop shouldered, little old man into His office. An unruly shock of white hair rimmed a ruddy scalp with age spots. The old man's looks didn't match his spry step and bright eyes. "You may sit there, Sir" Michael instructed courteously. God's eyes widened when the old man said, "Thank you, Sonny. If there's anything else I can help you with, just let me know." "I think..." and at the man's raised finger, choked as if swallowing what...

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Sausages and Spatulas

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.She watched him across the kitchen.He was naked and bent over the table, filling in the crossword in his newpaper.Keeping one eye on the pan, she sneaked over and smacked him with the hot, oily spatula.SLAP!"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his ass with one hand, whilst scratching his forehead with the pen in his other.She grinned."Just lubing you up for some playtime." She went back to the hob to...

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It was evening, one of those evenings that hold a kind of promise, a sense of expectation...dresses become tighter, suits more elegant. Everyone struggles to convey a sense of allure, even if fear and loneliness have taken a strong grip on the soul… People had gathered at the vernissage, the usual talk, the wine, the hors d´oeuvres. The same predictable couples, married for the predictable number of years, running a  marathon without prizes. Everyone had become a connoisseur all of a sudden,...

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We became good neighbors and friends. He was that friendly kind of bodybuilders, not that loud, dumb and smelly!! Later, we could find another form of our relation. Since that night I gave him a massage after a workout because he was tense, and he told me that I was perfectly great at it, he would call me anytime he wanted to get a massage, actually after workout. To be honest, I'd never felt anything gay doing this, until that summer day. 17/9/11, about 7:30 PM I was coming back from...

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Jane: A fantasy, which I wish, mutually of course, to be real in the future—however, only time will tell. You are fairly content; when I walk into the bedroom as you lounge on the bed. You are succulently nude with just a short towel covering your curvy middle age body, which appears to be no more than twenty years young. Your steel blue eyes follow me wearing just a pair of briefs; as I move to the edge of the bed, bend over to kiss your lips. The moist lips part and the tip of your...

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Massagegasm Part 1 Her turn

They lay in bed next to each other. He trailed his fingers softly over her breasts and gripped them. Her body raised in response. Encouraged, he squeezed a little more firmly. In turn, she moved her body to face his, letting out a light moan. He kissed her, first softly, then more intensely. He began to rub her back muscles. “Mhmfff…” she said. “That feels so good.” He sat up and put her face down on the bed, then straddled her naked body. He was on her upper thighs and his hard penis rested...

Straight Sex
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Elle, je l’ai rencontrée chez moi. Elle s’appelait Maud. C’était une copine de fac de ma fille et elle était passée plusieurs fois à la maison. Beaucoup de filles et parfois de garçons défilaient chez nous, sans que j’y prête trop attention.J’étais par mon travail d’enseignant en biologie à l’université plus souvent à la maison que ma propre épouse, mais l’habitation bourgeoise dans laquelle nous vivions au cœur de Lyon était suffisamment grande pour permettre ce genre de cohabitation sans...

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