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ADVICE By Persephone Back in sixteen hundred something Pedro Calderon said, "A woman's advice is not worth much, but he who doesn't heed it is a fool." I wish someone had drilled that thought into my head earlier in my life. It sure would have made things a lot easier on me but no, not me. I knew what I wanted and I was going to have it my way or know the reason why not. Amber was more than up to letting me know why not. Amber is my best friend and has been for some time now. We grew up together. She lived just down the block from me when we were kids and we played together almost all of the time. She was the only one that would play with me. I wasn't very popular in school or around the neighborhood because I was just the scrawny little kid that couldn't do anything good like baseball or basketball, but that was all right cause I had Amber. We had never had an argument that lasted more than a few days and even then we were always still friends. That was before the big one. Now to most of you out there this whole thing may seem rather immature and stupid on my part and looking back I guess it really was but like I said, I was stubborn and wanted things my way, period! I guess Amber was right when she said that I was trying to compensate and prove how much of a man I was to make up for being vertically challenged. When Mother Nature was done with me I had only made it to five foot eight. As has been pointed out to me many times, that doesn't even make it to the mark for normal men, which is five foot ten. I always tell them I'm holding back inflation. That if it weren't for short people like me the average would be a lot higher. Anyway, back to what I was telling you. The whole problem was my hair. Yeah that's right. The whole mess started because of my hair. Amber thought it was too long. As she kept pointing out, when I was young my hair was fairly short, or as she calls it, 'normal', but then I got a temporary job up on the North Slope in Alaska. During the six months I was up there I just let my hair and my beard go like a lot of the guys did. No problem. Until I came home that is. When I got back to the lower 48 Amber just laughed at me and said that I had to get humanized again before she would be seen in public with me. I didn't have a problem with that but then she went on and started telling me exactly how I was going to get it cut and how it was to look and started to use the phrase 'like a normal man.' That got my dander up and I started to balk. That's when she looked at me in with her deadly serious look and said, "I sincerely advise you to get your hair cut like a normal man and shave off that beard if you know what's good for you." When I heard that my stubborn clicked in full bore and I told her that I had gotten used to my beard and having my hair long and I liked it that way. I said, "The beard stays and the hair is staying long and that is all there is to that." Now the truth of the matter is that I could really have cared less about my beard or the length of my hair. I had planned to shave and get my hair cut but when she started in on me and came up with that 'normal man' shit it pissed me off and I put my foot down. For the next two months Amber never let up on it and I wasn't going to back down either. I still had my beard and my long hair. Have you ever been in an innocent conversation and made a statement and had someone call you on it? Your first inclination is to defend what you said. Even if you realize that you were actually in the wrong. Well that was me. She kept up with that 'normal man' crap and espoused her archaic beliefs that only a woman can have long hair. When I pointed out that a lot of men wore their hair long she would come back with, "Only the bums and low life's let their hair grow long and I'm not going to have people I know see me with a longhaired skuzzball. I refuse to go anyplace with you until you look like a normal man." If I pointed out that there were professional men like doctors, engineers, lawyers and such that had long hair and the public didn't have a problem with them. She would say, "Well, yes there are those but you know the kind of men 'they' are and I definitely wouldn't be seen in public on the arm of one 'them'." The battle went on, like I said, for almost two months. I don't know why she didn't just dump me and find a 'normal man' but I figure she didn't want to give up either so there we were. Neither of us would give an inch. That is until I made the mistake of trying to negotiate an end to the stalemate and still keep my male pride. I offered to give up the beard and get my hair trimmed. Not cut mind you. Not one of her 'normal man' haircuts but trimmed and styled so it looked okay. She wouldn't buy one word of it. For her it was all the way her way. She was just as stubborn as I was. Then she got up on her antiquated soapbox again and started in about how only women could have their hair long. She said, "Is that what you want? Do you want to be a woman? Do you want to have long beautiful shiny hair like a woman? Do you want to get it styled into a nice soft wave that blows lightly in the breeze or maybe get it permed into cute, tight curls that hang down your back and bounce when you walk down the street? How about bangs? Do you want bangs or do you want to hold your long beautiful hair back with cute little barrettes on either side of your head? Of course I could always loan you one of my scrunchies and we could put it up in a nice high ponytail. They look so cute when they bounce and wave around. My personal opinion is that you would look absolutely darling in a French braid with a nice velvet bow at the end." That was it! I told her just what I thought of her and her ideas. I told her that it was over between us and I stormed out of her apartment and slammed the door behind me. I wasn't going to do this anymore. I also wasn't going to give in. I had been stupid to go as far as I had. Yeah! I admit it. I was stupid, but I had tried to offer an equitable solution. It wasn't I that demeaned and degraded, she had, and I wasn't going to put up with her shit. I would just find someone less antiquated in their point of view. As far as I was concerned Amber and I were through. It was over between us. I wasn't going to put up with any more crap from that? Well you get the general drift. I went back to my place and didn't call her or try to contact her in any way. I didn't even talk to her friends. I was planning on going out and seeing what I could find now that I was back among the free and unencumbered again. I was also planning to get my hair cut short and my beard shaved off now that it wasn't an issue anymore. I wanted to do it so that if I ever ran into Amber she could see that I never really cared about the beard and hair. That would show her. Yeah, that would really show her good! It was about a week after the blow-up when I got a call from Amber. She surprised the hell out of me. She was apologetic and said that she had talked to a number of her friends about what had happened between us and they told her that she was wrong in the way she handled everything. They told her what she should have done. She said she wanted to get back together and asked me if I would please come over to her apartment that night at six o-clock and talk things out. I wished I had already taken care of my hair and beard just to show her but I said I would be there at six and that didn't give me the time to get a haircut and shave so that was out. When I got to her place she was very nice to me and didn't get into the thing about my hair as soon as I cleared the doorway. She had a nice dinner all laid out on the dining room table and said she thought we should eat and enjoy ourselves for awhile before we talked things out in detail. We had a nice dinner and she told me how much she cared for me. She said that I was her best friend and that she missed having me around to talk to and have fun with. After dinner we went into the living room with some chips and a couple of cold cans of Pepsi and sat down to talk. That's when she laid out what she wanted to do. Amber started off by telling me that she was very sorry about being so stubborn about my hair. She admitted to being wrong and said that I should be able to wear my hair any way I wanted as long as I kept it clean and neat and didn't let it get all scraggily and oily. Then she asked me if my offer to get rid of the beard was still good because she really didn't like the feel of it against her face. I told her that I was still willing to shave the beard. Hell, after the dinner and sitting here with her again I was willing to go all the way if she had asked but there was still that tiny thread of male pride that wouldn't let me say that. I just sat there and listened to Amber humble herself to me and admit she was wrong and stubborn and demeaning towards me. It felt good even though I knew I was just as guilty as she was of all the same things. When she was done apologizing Amber said that she had decided to demonstrate just how sorry she was and show me that she really wanted to make it up to me. That's when she told me she had arranged for a surprise for me to prove that she did accept me leaving my hair long. She handed me a normal looking white envelope with my name written on it. I opened it and pulled out a card from a very upscale salon down town. Inside was my name, a date and an appointment time. I looked at it and smiled. "You want me to go here to get my hair cut? I could just go to a barber shop." I said, "This place is awful expensive. It's where all of the high society women get their hair done. I think I'd be awfully out of place in there, don't you?" She just smiled and said, "I thought about that but I wanted to give you the best experience I could so you would know I mean it when I say I'm sorry. When I talked to Judy, a friend of mine, she suggested that I get you an appointment where she worked and she said that for a little extra I could arrange a special appointment in their private salon. She said that you would have total privacy and it even has a separate entrance so you won't be seen going in. On top of that I arranged your appointment for Sunday when the salon is closed. So, what do you think?" I didn't know what to say other than, "You really shouldn't have done this. It must have cost you a fortune but if this is what you want then I will go. Thanks." We spent the rest of the evening watching movies on her DVD player, snacking and drinking Pepsi. Well, we did more than that but good manners prevent any further details. When I left she gave me a big hug and a long deep kiss and told me to enjoy myself. Two days later I showed up at the private entrance of the salon at the appointed time. I thought that 8:00 AM was awful early for a haircut and a shave and said that to Judy when I met her inside. She told me that I was in for far more than a haircut and a shave. She said, "Amber was very adamant that she wanted you to be treated like royalty and to give you the full treatment program. That's why you're here so early. You're in for a very full day and it starts right in here." She indicated a doorway that led to a room with a table and chairs. There was soft music in the background and the table was set with small plates and napkins and there was another plate that had some kind of biscuits or cookies on it. Judy had me sit down and she poured me a glass of mineral water to go with the biscuits or whatever they were. I sat down and enjoyed myself. I was thinking that I could really get into this. After I finished drinking the mineral water and consuming most of the cookies Judy came back in and said they were ready to start. She led me to another room and told me to go into the changing booth and get completely undressed and put on the robe that was hanging in there. Now normally I would have said, No way." But I was feeling so good that I just didn't care. It was a warm all over feeling almost like when I've had just enough to drink to make me a little high and reduce my inhibitions but not enough to where I'm staggering or slurring my speech. I felt very comfortable. What Amber always called a 'warm fuzzy glow' feeling. Anyway, I went in and stripped and put on the robe. I was not happy with the soft pink robe but it was the only one there and no one would see me other than the people that worked there. When I came out of the booth Judy smiled and said, "Sorry about the robe but it's the only kind we have. You're not our usual customer." I told her it was okay as long as they weren't taking pictures and then laughed. I caught a fleeting look of concern on her face just before she said, "I don't think there would be a large market for them if we did." And then she laughed too. I let it pass. Like I said, the way I was feeling I just didn't care. About anything. Judy led me to another room and a chair and told me that the first thing they were going to do was to get rid of my beard. I sat down and she reclined the chair and put a towel over my chest and lower neck. She took a pair of regular clippers and sheared my beard to about a quarter of an inch long. Then she put on some latex gloves and began to smear what I thought was shaving cream all over my beard. When she finished she told me to just sit there and she would be right back. Boy what a nasty smell that shaving cream had! About five minutes or so later she came back and started to wash my face and my beard was gone. Then she said, "Well that takes care of your beard. Not a hair or so much as a bit of stubble is left. You won't ever have to worry about that again." A strange way of putting it I thought at the time. Then she rubbed some kind of cream onto my face and said it would keep me from breaking out. By this time I was very, very relaxed. I almost felt like I was going to drift off to sleep at any moment. Judy said, "Now lets see what we can do with those bushy, unruly eyebrows of yours." She started to do something but by then I was gone off elsewhere. It wasn't until Judy got me up out of the chair and led me to another room that I came back to a low level of awareness. On the way I felt my face. It was as smooth and soft as a baby's ass. It sure felt strange after more than a year of having the beard and I could feel that the bushes over my eyes were a lot smaller and shorter which was fine with me. I never liked them the way they were. I looked around for a mirror but couldn't find one. Strange for a salon not to have any mirrors. Maybe they were behind all of the cloths hanging on the walls. They were hanging where I would expect to see mirrors but why would they hide the mirrors? In the next room she led me to a massage table and had me remove the robe and lay face down on the table. The table was padded and had a hole in it for my face. Another woman walked in and Judy introduced her. "This is Helen, she will be giving you a complete massage among other things. Just relax and enjoy yourself." Helen was a dark haired beauty with great eyes. She was about average height with a slim, athletic build. It looked like she worked out regularly and watched her weight. Helen moved over to the table and smiled as she said that she would be giving me a massage with special oils and creams that would remove all of the dead skin and built up oils. She said that she would then apply a cream that would return the proper pH balance to my skin. I had no idea what she was talking about or what she did because I fell asleep laying face down on that table after what seemed like only a couple seconds of her rubbing me. Helen gently shook me and called my name and told me that I was done. I was now lying on my back. She must have turned me over while I was sleeping. I got up and off of the table with her assistance. I was so totally relaxed that my legs could hardly hold me up. I noticed something wrapped really tight around my chest, waist and hips and I could hardly breath. I started to touch it when Helen told me to just leave it alone. She said, "I put a special formulation around your waist to get rid of that little belly and your love handles and another solution on your hips and buttocks to help improve them too. This wrap will keep the mess from getting on the robe and will hold them in while they are working and will also hold in your body heat to make them work faster. It will also provide a guide for sizing and shape. Helen helped hold me up as I put the robe back on. I think I felt every thread of the robe as it moved over my skin. I had never been so sensitive or felt anything so good against my skin before. I heard a low soft moan come out of my mouth as the fabric caressed my body. It was wonderful. Helen took me back to the other room where we met Judy again. Judy took me over to a chair with a sink behind it. She helped me sit down and leaned me back until my head rested over the sink. She turned on the water and started to wash my hair. The feel of her long nails as they moved across my scalp and worked in the shampoo, rinsed and then worked in some conditioner was so soothing and relaxing I didn't want it to ever stop. As she washed and conditioned my hair I ran my hands over my chest through the robe. I felt my nipples respond and harden. I began to squirm in the chair as my whole body seemed to come alive and I started to moan with pleasure. I felt a sincere disappointment when Judy announced that she was done and helped me up as she wrapped a towel around my hair. As Judy helped me back to the chair where I was shaved she remarked, "My that massage and treatment is working quite well. You are getting a very nice shape now." After she helped me to sit down she handed me a glass of what she said was more mineral water and said, "Here, you must be pretty thirsty by now. Drink this mineral water. I think you will enjoy it." While I drank she busied herself with some instruments on a tray beside me. The mineral water was good, real good, and I finished the entire glass and handed it back to her. She removed the towel and started to brush out my hair. As she brushed and combed she was looking at me and making little sounds like, "Humm" and "Ahhh" and then she said, "Yes, I think layered and a soft perm will look very cute on you. You really do have a very pretty face you know. Once we removed that ugly beard that is. Great bone structure." I listened to this in a fog and wondered who and what she was talking about. Judy went about clipping and separating my hair and then brushing, trimming, combing and snipping. She combed some of it down in front of my face and then cut it off just above my eyes. I remember thinking that I've never had a haircut like this before. When she was done with that she started to roll it up in some rollers and wrapped paper or something in with my hair. When my head was a mass of rollers she put cotton or something around the edge of my hair and then some kind of foul smelling stuff on each roller. She did a bunch of other things that I can't remember and then she helped me up out of the chair and over to another one with a hair dryer attached to the back. Judy gave me another glass of the mineral water and I drank it down. She smiled and said, "There, that should keep you relaxed while your hair dries. Ann will be over in a minute to give you a manicure. My mind continued into the fog and I seemed to go to deeper and feel even warmer. I felt like I was wrapped in a warm electric blanket on a cold winter's night. Ann came in and introduced herself. She sat down and moved a small table in front of me. I was not aware of just what she was doing because I was in another place again, a world all my own full of new sensations. I was running my hands over my chest again and dreaming of fondling Amber's breasts. Then someone was holding my hands and telling me to keep them still. There was a warm breeze blowing around my head. That was all I knew at the time. Sometime later Ann left and Judy returned and removed the dryer. She walked me over to the chair again, sat me down and started to remove the rollers. She ran her hands through my hair and made approving sounds. Then we went to the sink and she rinsed my hair and wrapped the towel around my head again then back to the first chair. She removed the towel and did something to my hair and ran a comb down my forehead like she was combing something. I started running my hands over my thighs and smiling at the feel of the soft material of the robe on the skin of my legs. I was moving up to my groin when Judy said, "Now, now there. I know it feels good but that's not very ladylike." And she pulled my hands away and said, "Besides, you might mess up those new fingernails if you get too carried away. Here, have another drink of this mineral water." I drank as she held the glass to my lips and thought, 'Ladylike? New nails? Who's she talking to?' And I drifted off again to another world, only slightly aware of the real one. I know she rolled my hair up again and I was back under the dryer again for awhile but that's all pretty hazy. Sometime during the process I was moved again and was back in the first chair again and the rollers were removed. I remember that Judy was pulling my hair back behind my ears and clipping it there. She stood looking at me and I heard her say, "Yes, Amber is definitely right. Now should we do two? Or maybe even three. Yes, I think three." With that she started to do something on the tray next to the chair and then I felt her touching my left ear. There were popping sounds and slight stings and then she did the same thing to my right ear. She moved back to my left side and I heard a small giggle and she said, "Why not?" and then another pop and sting. She removed the clips from my hair and ran her fingers through it and then brushed it. Then she stood back to admire her work. She said, "Yes, that looks very pretty and it frames your face perfectly. I had no idea what she was talking about. Okay now Missy, lets see what we can do about that face of yours. This is Margie. She will be working on you for awhile then I will be back." Margie leaned the chair back and pushed the hair away from my forehead and told me to close my eyes while she applied a mask to my face. I closed my eyes and fell asleep again. I don't know how long I was out but I woke up when she was pealing something off my face. Then she spread something on my face called a moisturizer and handed me a plate with small sandwiches on it and left another glass of water on the table next to the chair. She said, "Here, you're probably a little hungry. It's past lunchtime." I couldn't believe that it was that late. I'd been there for over four hours? Where did the time go? When Margie returned she wiped my face and then it was one thing after another. She spread, rubbed, brushed and did all manner of things to my face. While she was working on me she was saying things about good bones, great complexion, nice skin and such. It meant nothing to me at the time. As Margie left, Judy returned. She handed me another glass of mineral water and I told her, "Thanks, but I'm not all that thirsty and if I keep drinking that stuff I'm going to have an accident." She told me that there was no chance of that because it was absorbed into my system immediately so I drank the water. Judy started right in brushing my hair out again. She was evidently pleased judging from the sounds she was making but I had no idea what I looked like because all of the mirrors were still covered up. She sprayed my hair here and there with hair spray. Judy stood back as usual and told me that my hair was beautiful and that it framed my pretty face perfectly. Now I knew she was talking to me that time and didn't think I liked the way she put that last statement. I said, "How about handsome instead of 'beautiful' or 'pretty'?" To which she replied, "No, beautiful and pretty are exactly the right words. Don't you want to be pretty? We've all worked so hard to make you happy with your appearance and Amber has paid a great deal of money for your treatments. You don't want to disappoint Amber, do you?" I suddenly felt guilty but I didn't know why. I only suggested a change of phrase. I didn't want to disappoint Amber though. She had paid for all of this and I wanted her to be happy with the results. I wanted her to like me after I was done here. I told Judy I was sorry and that I didn't mean anything by it. I told her that I really wanted to make Amber happy after she had been so nice to me. Judy said, "Good. Now let's get finished up here so you can go home. It's been a long day that none of us will soon forget. Especially you." She helped me out of the chair and I could hardly feel a thing. I was totally disoriented. My legs felt too short as I got out of the chair and I almost fell. As we walked across the room my balance was way off and I would have fallen over if Judy hadn't had a good grip on my arm. She took me into the room where I'd had my massage and Helen had me lay on the table again but face up. This time she just undid my robe, untied the wrap from around my waist and removed it. She told me that it had done its job well and rubbed some kind of cream over the area that had been covered by the wrap. It sure felt good to get that tight thing off of me but my chest, abdomen, groin and hips felt somehow foreign to me. Judy, Helen, Margie and Ann all accompanied me to the changing room to get dressed and get ready to go home. I was barely cognizant of what was going on as they took off the robe that I had worn all day. Helen had me pick up my feet one at a time and slipped a pair of what I assumed were briefs over my feet and up my legs to my buttocks. I remember feeling a bit embarrassed at standing there naked in front of them and having them get me dressed. I wanted to do it myself but Judy told me I was in no condition to dress myself at that time. As she slipped them in place it felt really good but different. That was when I noticed that a feeling, or actually lack of feeling, in my groin. I stuck my hand in my crotch and it felt flat and smooth. I felt a cold chill run through my body and someone pulled my hand away and said "None of that young lady." Then Judy put something up my arms and over my shoulders and had me lean over with Ann's assistance. Then she wrapped it around my chest. It was somewhat confining but not uncomfortable. I couldn't see what they were doing. Everything was out of focus and I was too out of it to know much of anything. It reminded me of the time my college buddies undressed me after a good night of drinking but in reverse. They had me put on what I thought was a pair of pants but they were tight all the way up and Margie worked them up my legs a little at a time. She pulled them up one leg first then the other then back again until she pulled them into place like another pair of jockey briefs. Helen helped me put my shirt on and buttoned it up for me. It was softer and cooler than I remembered but my mind was still out of it. Then we did the pants thing again but that went real easy just one foot then the other and they were pulled up and in place around my waist. Then they did the same thing again almost as easy as the last one but this time they tucked in my shirt, buttoned the waist and zipped me up. In the back? I thought that maybe I just didn't feel it right. Judy took my arm and helped me to sit down in a chair. She sat me on the front edge and told me to slide back into the chair. I looked down and it looked like I had a blanket or something over my lap. Ann picked up my feet and slipped on a pair of shoes that I thought were loafers or something because she didn't tie up any laces. There were other things that at the time didn't really register all that well but later I knew they were a watch, some rings and a bracelet. Judy told me that I was all done and that Amber was waiting for me in the front room. She handed me a glass of that water again and said, "Here, drink this. It will clear your head and make you feel better." As I was drinking the water Judy knelt down in front of me and in a low steady voice said, "You will remain calm. You will not let anything that you see, hear or feel upset or bother you. If you have questions you will ask them calmly. If you have something to say you will do it in a normal ladylike manner. When you see yourself you will like what you see. You do not want to upset Amber. Do you understand me?" I finished the water and nodded, yes, that I understood. My head was beginning to clear as Judy and the others helped me up from the chair and took me to the room with the table and chairs. By the time I got there and saw Amber waiting for me I was clear and lucid for the first time since I arrived at the salon. But was I? I suddenly realized that I was wearing a skirt and blouse and had on high heels. I looked down at my hands and my hair brushed the sides of my face. I saw the rings on my fingers and the long brightly painted fingernails and then I noticed how the blouse was pushed out in the front. My hands cupped the protrusions on my chest and I could feel them? Not just with my hands but on the inside?inside my blouse! My mind wanted to scream out, 'What have you done to me!' but instead I heard a distinctly feminine voice calmly ask, "Amber, what have you done to me? Why am I dressed in women's clothes? I feel so different. What happened?" Amber walked over, gave me a big hug and turned me towards the wall. Judy removed the covering from a full-length mirror and I saw myself for the first time. I was speechless. I knew the person in the mirror but I knew her as a male, not the very nice looking young woman that was staring back at me. She had a very pretty face with beautiful brown eyes, a cute nose and great bone structure. Her hair was dark brown and fell in soft waves past her shoulders and down her back. She had three studs in each ear and a fourth higher up in her left ear. Her figure was very nice with full but not overly large breasts, a small waist and well-rounded hips. Below the hem of her skirt were two nicely shaped legs tapering to two small feet in pumps with about inch and a half heels. I found myself feeling pleased with my looks and didn't know why. I smiled but it was a confused smile. Amber took my hand and led me over to the table and sat me in one of the chairs and then sat in the other. She looked at me across the table and took my hand in hers and said, "Alex, I love you. I want you to understand that I love you as my best friend in the whole world, but not as a boyfriend, fiance or husband. I realized that I was loosing my best friend and I didn't want that but I also didn't want to stay with what our relationship had become. I didn't know what to do." Amber told me that she just couldn't take my male macho attitude anymore. Especially since I returned from Alaska. She said that we were arguing all of the time and she just wanted to get back the best friend that she had grown up with. She said that the worst thing we ever did was to get engaged. It totally ruined a perfect friendship. Amber told me that when she went into her last tirade about my hair where she asked if I wanted to be a woman it suddenly struck her after I left that the whole problem was me being male. She thought back over our lives and it was clear to her that every time we had ever argued or had a fight it was my male macho attitude that was at the bottom of the problem. But she said that she knew I wasn't really like that. She knew that I was really a warm loving person that was trying hard to be what he thought he should be instead of what he was. She said that she met her friend Judy a few days later and was telling her all about our blowup and she mentioned the thought that she had that the whole problem was that I was a male. She told Judy that if I had been born female it would still be the same between us as it was back before my male hormones kicked in. Amber said that Judy told her it was now possible to solve that problem. Amber told me that she had just laughed at Judy and asked her how could that problem be solved. Judy told her that she no longer taught genetics at the college. She had been hired by a research firm and now had her own lab and was doing research in 'corrective genetics.' It was a program to take a person's DNA structure and correct any defects such as birth defects or a genetic propensity towards certain diseases. They were even looking into criminal behavior. The corrected DNA was then returned as a dominant gene that then altered the person's entire physical structure. She said that in the trials they had cured a number of genetic diseases and had seen people that had been born blind, deaf, or deformed become completely normal. Judy told Amber that the majority of the corrective procedure took only six to twelve hours and then another week to sort of iron out minor details. She said that if Amber had a sample of my DNA she could 'correct' Amber's problem in less than a day. Amber told me that Judy had provided the condom that we used a few days ago when she gave me the gift certificate for the salon and that is where the sample came from. After that it was easy. Judy had worked her way through college as a beautician working in the salon and was still friends with the owner and she made all of the arrangements to use the salon on Sunday. Helen from the lab as well as Ann and Margie, two of her old co-workers in the salon, agreed to help. When I showed up at the salon they kept the mirrors covered so I couldn't see myself and kept me drugged with the mineral water. The corrective procedures were injected into me and applied in the guise of creams, solutions and some in the mineral water. During the seven hours I was at the salon they gave me positive verbal reinforcement on my appearance as if I was already a female which combined with the drug in the mineral water set a pattern of acceptance in my mind. By the time the transformation was complete there was very little resistance left in me. I pretty much accepted my new self. When we left the salon Amber handed me a purse and told me that everything I needed was in there. She told me that all of my credit cards, bank accounts, driver's license, birth certificate and other ID had been changed and I was now Alexis Marie Allen rather than Alexander Martin Allen. The legal firm that was on retainer for the lab where Judy worked had taken care of everything for me just as they had for a number of other volunteer subjects in the corrective genetics program. The only thing I had to do was go to DMV and have a picture put on my license, they had gotten an absentee license, and I had to sign some papers that were also in my purse and mail them. Since that day Amber and I have returned to being best friends. We live next door to each other, do our shopping together and share everything in our lives with each other. We talk about the problems we have with our kids, all girls by the way, and with our husbands. We sometimes joke about sending our husbands for a day at the salon but it's really only a joke? right now anyway. By the way, They 'were' taking pictures that day. Amber has seven hours of video and we watch it every once in awhile when we want to remember the not so good old days. Advice?5/26/2001, Persephone

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My Own Aunt Jaya And Our Fun

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3 years ago
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Pervert Camp day 3

Last day was amazing. I watched her, secretly. It was 6 in the morning and I have been sleeping beside her in the tent thinking about her all night and fapping whenever I could. The thrill to watch her from the bushes was just hot. I couldn't forget how juicy her ass looked. I just closed my eyes to get some sleep when I hear her waking up. I had entirely forgotten that she wakes up early for her yoga. It was her idea to do yoga in woods and hence we were camping. I pretend to sleep but...

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The Sandpiper

The Sandpiper The sound of waves coming in to roll up onto the beach was the first sound that he heard. A long steady drumming of water on wet sand that was repeated in a building trembling roar over and over again. The second thing that his senses identified the nanosecond afterward was the stench of the salty air overwhelming him and the bright stars burning overheard against the black of the night sky. He couldn't move at all and there was nothing else around him but the beating...

2 years ago
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Blue Sky

My first impression of Mort and Noel was that they were father and daughter. They came up the channel in a 42-foot sloop-rigged Oyster, as beautiful a boat as you would ever want to see. I stood on the dock and watched as the gray-haired guy behind the wheel brought her in expertly, giving the engines just the right little reverse kick before cutting them. The skinny blonde in the bow tossed the lines down to me and I made the yacht fast fore and aft. Then she spent a few minutes fussing...

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Ed BiggersChapter 2

After putting on the red tee-shirt, Ed picked up the gun and checked to make sure that it was properly loaded and ready for action. Satisfied, he walked over to where John, Beth, Kelly, and Ling were planning their strategy. He listened with interest as Ling and John argued a strategy for attacking. Ling said, “They are going to come at us in a group. If we spread out, we can ambush them.” Shaking his head, John said, “They are going to come at us from every direction. If we divide into two...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Neighbour In Her House

Hi, I am Anirudh from Mumbai but I forgot to mention my email id in last sex story. My email id is This is my second story and I hope you like my story. I want to hear your lovely feedback. In this story, I will narrate how I fucked my neighbor aunty. Her name is Priya, her height is 5 feet 7 inch and figure is 34-33-36. She has been married for 3 years. She is beautiful lady and a sex bomb. Oh! Her age is 32 and my age is 19. Important my dick is 6 inch. Let’s come in story. Ye story 2 years...

1 year ago
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Legion of LightChapter 21 Night Moves

The biggest problem I faced with any plan to introduce the Taluatan Fusion Reactor to Earth was my desire to leave the bright ideas to others, and let them publish their research and announce their discoveries. I had learned how to set little bundles of my own consciousness in the minds of people I was keeping tabs on, either to monitor their safety or alert me to a specific action or activity on their part. In truth I had little triggers like that set in every person I had ever revealed my...

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Carters Exploits Part Two The Morning After

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Im Yours and Youre Mine

“Mom! I’m sixteen! I’m clearly capable of knowing when to go to bed!” Delilah yelled. “Look, I want to make sure you are in bed by the time I leave for work. I work the late shift tonight so I will be back early enough to take you to school, but I want you to get some sleep for that big test you have tomorrow.” Delilah cocked her eyebrows to her mother. “How did YOU know I have a test tomorrow?” “Your teacher let me know. He also said that you weren’t completely doing well in that...

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My First Sex Experience With Bhabhi

Hi iss users mera naam raj hai and mai nagpur Se hu mai average built hu and mera lund 8″ lamba aur 3″ mota hai and ye mere pehle sex experience hai wo bhi ek Bhabhi ke saath umeed karta hu aapko achi lagegi meri pehli story. Bhabhi ke baare me aapko bata du uska figure 30-28-32 hai and ekdum gori hai uska weight around 45 hoga and ekdum slim trim hai. Toh story pe aata hu mai nagpur me hi ek flat me rehta hu and aaj Se kuch 1 saal pehle maine wechat download kiya tha toh look around me ek...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 47

Steve Monday mornings are always fun. Everyone is getting started on a new week, with new energy, new ideas, and new motivation. My first task was to return a stack of non-urgent calls that had come in the previous Friday. The first was that the St. Louis cart plant was concerned their production was not keeping up with orders. The easy solution was to ship the extra production from Florida since the local plant was working at less than sixty percent capacity. I think the St. Louis plant...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites Shell Ch 06

Story till now: Mark was invited on a cruise for sex-freaks and nymphomaniacs by his cute girlfriend, Lolita Kwon, and her mother Dominique. Unfortunately, his mother and sister also decided to come along, both of whom have made humiliating Mark a game for years. Mark isn’t on the ship one day before he learns of a plot by the ship’s owner, the evil Sophia Underland, to have his girlfriend raped because she once dated her current lover, the handsome and hung Marcus Black. Now Mark is stuck on a...

3 years ago
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A Crazy Afternoon On Lush

One afternoon, a few years ago I was twirling around in the office in my little portacabin that a joined onto the Big Cheeses much nicer better-insulated office. He even had integrated heating rather than a little electric heater. In any case, my bitterness over the heating was of no real relevance as it was late spring. The sun was threatening to come out, it was a lovely lighter grey day with only spotty showers and the temperature had soared to 14c. I was fairly often on my own. The Cheese...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Gabrielles fantasy

“I don’t want your money, baby. I want to fuck your tight, wet pussy,” he says. With that, he grabs her face, bringing her to her feet and kisses her, biting her lip. Gabrielle pulls back and spits in his face. He wipes it off and angrily smacks her, then kisses her to muffle her cry of pain. “Now, now. Be a good girl or else I’ll have to punish you,” he explains. She pleads with him to let her go and he hushes her. “Shh. Don’t worry baby. You’ll like it. I bet your pussy is wet...

3 years ago
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Mom and daughter submit first time

This is a repeat of an story from many years ago hope you enjoy it and let me know what you thinkThis started about six months ago with Sara, Mom and I meeting for coffee three times before she agreed that she and her 18-year-old daughter would visit me together and begin the process of becoming my subs.Mom is an attractive woman in her 40’s some extra pounds but really very nice. Blonde hair down to her shoulders and standing 5’7”. Nice smile and she identified herself as a sex addict and...

3 years ago
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My Little Erotic Adv

My name is mung and i lived in a small country in Asia.When i was young,I always shy and didn't have much friend.But i have a few but they all move a way.So I always lonely.My dad is always in another country because of his business trip.He always left me and my mom.My mom has some business too.she work in some company.Now i am 14 and i am in high school.But still don't have much friend.My mom always want me to have a friend but look like no one like me because i don't like...

3 years ago
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Solo Vacation

 Katie had gone away by herself. She was fed up with her so-called boyfriend and had to take a week's holiday before September anyway or lose it.Finally, after an uncomfortable flight and a hot sticky taxi ride, she flopped down on her Air B&B bed and admired the stunning view of the sparkling sea.Katie's thoughts naturally turned to sex. She had been horny on the plane. Horny and hurt because her boyfriend had gone off with his mates on a stag weekend, and she knew what that could...

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Whores and black basketball players

Nick Baker held all the cards in this lawsuit. In his early thirties, he was a rising star in the judicial system of the Big Apple. Across the table from him, Graham Gray sat with a worried look on his face. He was an old acquaintance and the attorney for the opposing side in the case. They had to travel to the state capitol for today’s deposition, and probably would not be able to return home until Sunday morning, but everything was working out just great. The settlement in this case...

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EvilAngel Monika Wild Round Ass DP

Tanned, curly-haired Russian party girl Monika Wild shows off her little, round ass and perky, natural tits in advance of a nasty anal threesome with heavily hung Thomas Lee and Michael Fly. The slender, tattooed cutie uses a huge dildo to stretch her butthole. She kneels and gives the men a wet, messy, dual blowjob. Their big cocks drill her asshole and pussy, and they stuff her completely in a lewd double penetration! Monika squirts girl cum, her butthole gaping, and she eagerly swallows two...

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MyFriendsHotMom Eva Long 23423

Eva Long arrives home from work to find her son’s buddy Rion sitting alone, waiting for his friend to arrive so they can go to the basketball game. As Eva heads upstairs to her bedroom, Rion gets a call from his friend who tells him the game is off because he’s stuck at work. How convenient! Rion takes it upon himself to tiptoe up the staircase to see what Ms. Long is up to, and he gets well more than what he bargained for! The sexy MILF is not only in her undergarments, she’s masturbating on...

3 years ago
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This story could go into a number of categories including, 'Loving Wife', 'Interracial' and 'Non-Consent'. If you don't like reading from any of these categories you might want to pass on this story. Thank you to Mr. Wolf for editing this story and making it a much better read. My wife Amy and I were married for eight years. I managed the local bank and Amy was a stay at home wife. To be honest, she was hardly ever home. She belonged to so many organizations it was hard for me to keep...

3 years ago
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Give It Away Reprise

Copyright© THE METH LAB - CINDY'S STORY The call came at two in the dark cold morning. Jerry was in surgery at the KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. When we parted due to my fear of his being killed in his job with the Sheriff's Department, I quit my position with the architectural firm in Overland Park and moved to Kansas City. I was teaching part time at the University of Missouri Kansas City in the Architecture Studies program and had taken a partnership with a small firm...

1 year ago
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The Crack

It had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a week to just get to the bottom of it. ‘Great,’ he said out loud, ‘I’m never going to find it in time.’ After removing armfuls of junk, he finally found his squash racket, but in the darkness and cold, a sliver of light from the adjoining room shone through. He thought about it for a second, what was on the other side of the wall? Eureka! He realised with a smile creeping along his face, it was the women’s shower room. He...

3 years ago
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An Anonymous Relationship 4

Chapter 7I started my car and slowly drove out of the park. I did not know what else to do so I started to drive toward Melanie’s house. Then I noticed that the police car that had been behind me was there again. He was definitely watching me.“I see you back there.” I said under my breath as I turned the opposite way from Melanie’s house.Instead I headed toward the campus and decided the best thing to do was to go about my day as normal as possible. It was hard to concentrate on my classes as I...

1 year ago
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Bad Hair Day

"Wonderful, mistress, you look absolutely wonderful." The words seemed empty to Lady Harrington. These foolish servants had a habit of telling her white was black and black was white if they thought that was what she wanted to hear. She placed her long black boot squarely in the middle of the bedchamber maid's bum and shoved her flat on the fluffy white carpet. She pushed her pointed toe into the unfortunate girl's crack and enjoyed the way the simple thing wiggled and squirmed in...

3 years ago
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A Secret To Be Kept Part 2

A Secret To Be Kept…. Pt. 2 Two weeks had passed since Mandy’s life had changed, Sarah and Lisa had used her in the back of Lisa’s car after a night out, she had been used like a slut and god she had loved it, her two best friends had shown her what she had been missing all her life, her climax had been the best she had ever had by miles. She had been exchanging messages and calls with Lisa and Sarah since and some of the calls had got her hand sliding down her knickers playing with a her...

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