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This story is based on a true person and an actual conversation (complete with the crudities of language that were expressed and a male centric viewpoint that some might find demeaning to women) that I witnessed. It is a glimpse at a type of individual, which is uncommon, but not rare among human beings. This type of person can be either male or female; they have a unique personal magnetism, which attracts people to them. You have probably seen them or have heard of someone like them. In school they are the most popular boys and girls, in business they rise through the ranks of the corporate world faster than their actual talent should allow; as politicians they easily win office. They exude an aura that attracts both sexes to aid them in their causes. When their cause is noble, they can bring much good into the world; however, if their desires turn to sex, they are usually able to seduce whomever they wish. While these sexual dynamos are rare, history is filled with their names; Casanova is an example of a male that was extraordinarily successful in seduction, while Cleopatra and Mata Hari are representative of women who ruled men, by using their sexual prowess. John Noland is a modern day example of a master of seduction.

It was one day at the start of summer that I was sitting with John Noland, in his house and discussing everything from cabbages to kings, when the buzzer for his gate sounded. John lives in a house located at the top of a small hill surrounded by forest. At the turnoff from the main road onto the narrow dirt road, which winds up the hill to John's home is an electronically locked gate. To get through the gate, a visitor must first press the buzzer, and then wait for John to release the lock.

"It's that Benson kid," John said looking down at the car and the figure standing next to the gate and pushing the button opening the gate. "He's a good kid. Kinda, naïve, but so was I at his age."

John Noland is an artist; a maker of pots, vases, etcetera, whose works of art may be seen in galleries and private collections throughout the West. He is a man approximately sixty years old, standing around six feet tall, astoundingly physically fit, and exuding a personality that naturally made most people want to be his friend.

John welcomed the young man into his house and gave him a beer as he introduced me to the visitor. The two men sat down and after a couple of swallows of brew began to talk.

The youngster asked John teasingly, "Well, John getting any tail lately?"

John took a deep pull on his beer before looking at the kid, "Oh, a little bit. Had me a gal in here this last weekend. Her husband had to leave for an hour and a half, so I was able to fuck her twice before he came back and picked her up." John grinned at the younger man, "Just because I live by myself, and doubtless seem like an old man to you, doesn't mean that I can't find a way or two to get laid."

"No offence intended," the kid hastily said. "I was just kidding."

"I know you were," laughed John. "When I was your age, I was the same way, but I've learned a few things since then. A couple of those things are, never sell anyone short, and don't judge someone by their appearance."

"How many women have you had?" The kid asked. "It has to be a lot."

"I've never counted," John stated, " making love to women is not like playing a game where you keep score. If you think like that, you are on the wrong track, and you had better do some rethinking. I respect women and love to give them pleasure. In the end, it is up to the woman if she wants me to fuck her or not. I don't keep a tally of how many I've had or how many have turned me down.

"I'm a firm believer in doing things the natural way, and that means I fuck without a condom, but because of that, I have to be extra careful. I always make sure that the women I fuck are clean, wholesome gals. There are a whole lot of terrible diseases out there, just waiting for the fool that runs around shoving his dick into any and every woman he meets. You have to be very careful. The smartest thing is to wear a condom, but I'm not noted for my smarts. I am smart enough to get regular checkups from doctor."

"How do all those women feel about you riding them bareback?"

"Well, sometimes they're pretty reluctant. After they get to know me a bit and learn my beliefs most of them go along with it."

"Don't they object to you filling them with sperm?"

"The first time or two, if they insist, I'll pull out and shoot on their bellies, but after that, they almost always to come around to my way of thinking, and they allow me cum in them. See it's like this, for real sex to occur, cum has to flow from the male into the female—that's the natural way. Now, it doesn't matter if the cum ends up in a gal's mouth, her cunt, or her asshole, but it isn't really sex until the female ends receiving a man's cum. That's the way nature intended and that's the way it should be, anything less isn't really sex."

"Wow, I've never thought about it like that," the young man admitted. "What's the most times you've managed to cum in one day?"

"You know I've never counted. I guess it would be about ten or eleven times, but that took a long day and it drained me fairly dry for a week."

"Gee "and I think it is a lot when I can cum four times in a day," the kid said in amazement. "Have you ever been married?"

"No, I've never been married, and I don't intend ever to get married, but I'll bet I regularly get more pussy than most of the husbands in this world. Sure, I look to you like an old man, and the truth of the matter is I'm not hung like a horse, only average, but I know how to use what I've got.

"Kid, I'm going to give you some good advice, and if you work at it, you'll be as successful at getting laid as I am. First thing off, unless you are planning on marrying some special gal, only fuck married women. When you stick to fucking married women you usually don't have to worry about them being jealous, and you don't have to worry if the gal gets knocked up. If she does get pregnant, she sure as heck isn't going tell her husband that you're the one that got her that way. The only thing you have to watch out for is keeping the husband in the dark, and that can be done with a few common sense precautions.

"Take a look out that window. Looks like mainly trees out there, but there are a lot of homes sitting out in that forest. There must be some sixty married couples living within two miles of here, and I've fucked quite a few of the wives, ranging in age from their early twenties clean up to their seventies. I screw some of those women on a regular basis, and I make my way into the pants of a lot of the others every few months.

"You see, after the first five years of married life, a gal becomes ripe for the picking. Her husband probably only fucks her once or twice a week, and usually that is just a quick screw that leaves the woman hanging in air, unsatisfied. Too many of those husbands think only of getting themselves off, and they forget about the needs of their wives. Those wives are sexually frustrated, and it only takes a man with the right approach to get in between their legs. Most of those women are looking to do something out of the ordinary, which will lend some excitement to their lives. They love their husbands and don't want to break up their homes, but secretly they are ready for a fling. If you were to ask most of those wives, if they would think about fucking another man, they'd slap your face and send you on your way. However, they're missing something in their lives and if you know the right approach you can be the one to provide them with what they lack.

"A good many husbands have stopped listening to their wives. That is, their husbands hear their words, but often don't understand the meaning behind those words. In addition the husband and wife have gotten into a sexual rut. That magical spark, that once inflamed their passions has dimmed, or worst yet, gone totally out.

"Now, I come along, and I listen to them. I dedicate some serious time to getting to know a woman; I become her friend, a very good friend. I want to do what is best for the woman. I want her to know she is someone special and is someone that can still inspire lust in a man's heart. I do my best to help her in everyway I can, and not just in the bedroom. In addition to listening to her, I help out with chores around the woman's homes, chores that her husband always seems too busy to do. I gain the woman's confidence, she knows I don't want to breakup her marriage and won't go dragging her name through the muck. She will then begin to see me as someone she can relax with and she begins to let go of her inhibitions. Sometimes it happens in a few minutes, and sometimes it takes days, but she will usually come around to the point where she will want me to make love to her. Finally, I'll give her the kind of fucking that she been missing since her honeymoon was over. Afterwards, she might feel a little guilty, but I help her over that. Most times the woman will find out that her relations with her husband improve; she approaches sex with a renewed lust that the husband really appreciates.

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Dave and Michelle finally got a chance to have a fairly peaceful meeting over lunch after the meeting with Larissa. They managed to iron out the rest of their issues. Dave had two fantasy projects to work on -- both of which were ones he had recommended from the slush pile. With the removal of Swordsman of Atlantis from the March list there was the hole it left. Both Dave and Michelle were of the opinion that Castle Wyrthingham was more than capable of filling the hole -- it was the one Dave...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Fan Couple

Hi friends, mera naam Vicky hai aur me bhopal me rehta hu. Maine Indian sex stories pe bahut story padhi hai. Aaj me apko apni real story btane jar ha hu ji ki ek couple ke sath hui . Agar aapko meri story achi lage to mujhe mail kare. Comab me story pe aata hu.Main ghar ke pas ek mall ja rha tha. Wahan pe bahut sari aunty aur bhabhi aati hai. Aur fir me roj mall jane laga mjhe waha ek bhut khubsurat aunty dkhai di usse dekh kar hi mera lund tight ho gaya. Jaisa app sab jante hai mai massage...

1 year ago
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Sydney Brooks first butt fuck

Sydney came to me before her wedding day talking to me about anal sex. Sydney's ass is so fat! ever time I see her in those tight jeans my dick gets rock hard. when she bend over i can see the crack of her ass and her ass is cover with stretch marks. Sydney and I could talk about anything, so i ask Sydney before she gets married could I fuck her in her butt. she looked at me and said, I don't know I've never been fuck in my ass before not even by my boyfriend. and I've never have seen your...

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Farm FamilyChapter 3

Beth covered her face with her hands, feeling nothing but shame and horror for having responded to her son's fucking. Her face burned as she recalled some of the things she had said, the wanton way she had fucked her ass back at him, encouraging his incestuous actions. And that awful man was watching it all, gloating over her shameful defilement! With a slick thrill she realized her pussy was still throbbing and itching, even as she felt her son's cum running from it. She sobbed into her...

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Your Mom in Porn Now

Introduction: She came home to find me with a camera Your Moms in porn now… It all started pretty innocently. I was back home on summer break from college. I was walking our family dog. I just turned the corner on my street. Beep! Beep! Hey Buck. Long time no see. said a guys voice. I turned my head toward the voice. Hey dude. Whats up? I said. It was Small Daryl. He was a friend from high school. We used to hang out all the time in school. Its been close to two years since I seen him. His...

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I awoke because a huge cock head was forcing its way into my asshole! It was my boyfriend Tylar and he was on top of me I could feel his cheek stubble chaffing the side of my neck...I said " You couldn't do this last night? You know I haven't purged myself yet right?" Tylar just grunted when his black dick wanted ass-pussy there was no denying him! "I woke up hard saw your ass sticking up and decided to fuck it just shut up and take it bitch!" He said he knows I like it when he talks nigger to...

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It's a good night to kill a queen, alcohol hangs heavy in the air, and the dancers are engulfed within their revelry. The queen lays, in perfect peace within her grand tent. Or so she thinks, until a rugged hand tightens around her neck, forcing her into a fit of wet gasps. As you bore your eyes into hers you feel the glyph of Return tugging you back to a cliff overlooking the camp grounds, you let the glyph run its course and teleport to the rocky overhead. At your return the Feeders rocket...

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SeducedByACougar Olivia Austin 22651

Olivia Austin’s doing her son’s baseball coach a solid by giving him a private yoga lesson to help him deal with some injuries he’s been having lately. He’s all game for it, especially when he sees the tight you pants and top she’s wearing, accentuating her big ass and big tits! On top of that she starts doing all these crazy yoga poses that remind him of nothing but fucking! That reminder gives him a bulge in his pants, one that Olivia sees, likes and even touches when she’s stretching his...

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A Lesson for the Bitch Wife

spending my hard earned money left right and centre and got us in a bit of debt, no ill put it another way she got me in a lot of debt buying expensive designer clothes. Not only that she was very rood to the woman next door. She would always look down her nose at her and make some out of order comments. The neighbour was a friend of mine named Megan. I had known Megan for years as we had grown up together even attending the same school; she was bisexual to the point of...

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Keine Lust auf Militr

Ich kann es kaum glauben ...hier bin ich nun und feiere mit meiner Schwester und meinen Freundinnen meinen Junggesellinnenabschied. In zwei Wochen werde ich die Ehefrau eines Mannes ... und das obwohl ich selber mal ein Mann war und alles nur weil ich keinen Lust auf den Milit?rdienst hatte! Ich war gerade 18 geworden und nat?rlich war schon das Schreiben von der Armee zur Musterung da! Ich hatte keine Lust dorthin zu gehen und meine Zeit zu verschwenden! In meinem Land gibt es auch k...

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Doctor and Domina

April, 1982 ?Oh, Eldred! You are so clumsy!? The raven haired woman, sitting by the wall, shrieked at her son, as he fumbled a dessous, and his ballet partner fell back. As the woman scolded, all the other students in the class, mostly girls, and a few snickering boys, watched. Madame Fontaine looked irritatedly at young Eldred’s mother, who showed up at all of his lessons. True, the boy didn’t have a natural grace, but it was so annoying having her criticize him from the sidelines. ?Mrs....

1 year ago
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The good story of the day I mean it lol

I write essais for the sake of ART, great litterature, propaganding my ideas, changing the world's face : D : D : D, make weird things happen, express myself and feeling horny over writing it. I want to share with you the exquisite memories I got from the life I live. And do chose to live.FREEDOM OF EXPRESSIONFREEDOM OF EXPRESSIONFREEDOM OF EXPRESSIONI mean, if you're not happy with my stories.. You can actually go fuck yourself. It's not even my maternal langage. So shut the fuck up.*taking...

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Laceys Big Day Out Part 2

Lacey's Big Day Out (Part 2) Hello again. My name is Lacey Bottoms. This is part 2 of this story series. I would highly recommend reading part 1 first as it sets up this story nicely. So, there I was sitting in the passenger seat of Mistress Alison's car. I'm dressed in a black and white satin French maid outfit with white thigh high fishnet stockings, black and white patent heels, full make- up, wig, jewelry, painted long pink nails, silicone breast forms. I'm made up like quite...

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Captain GoldChapter 12 Conflict

"Thousands of these specks?" Captain Jeryth glared down at Berniss as though he could change her report by the sheer force of his will. "All through Skryben? That can't be possible!" "It's possible, all right. It's just highly unlikely," she responded. "All through her flesh, in all parts of her body. There are millions of them, but only a very small percentage are of the right size and shape to cause trouble. Those particular metal flecks just happen to be of just the right size...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 120 Dearly Beloved

Dawn had come and gone leaving nothing remarkable in its wake. Discounting of course that during the previous night The Emperor of the most powerful Dynasty in known space had made planet fall. And at some point, just before the approaching noon, the closest male friend of one Kiyone Makibi would be married and thus recognized as It's crown prince. So, Key had wisely allowed additional sleep time for both Mihoshi and herself. Certain that calling what was to come 'hectic' would be the...

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Shireens Story Part 1

I -- Shireen's Pool Party"Dearest, are you sure I have to wear a swimsuit at the party?""Of course, dear," I replied, "I am sure you do not want to look really out of place.""But this is Saudi and not the kind of dress that the locals permit," Shireen was adamant."I know that, but we are in an expatriate compound and may as well be somewhere in Western Europe as far as local laws apply," I answered, hoping that my point would be made.Shireen and I married young; I was moving to Saudi, right...

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Italy Sexcapade

i went to Italy for a week. the three places i visited were Rome, Venice, and Florence. There was a lot of first's happening on this trip, but i enjoyed it. It was the last day in rome, i wanted to enjoy the night life. To no end, I didn't find anywhere to go. I had made plans with four different guys this guys this night. Franco was the only one to follow through. Franco was an older gentlemen: 56, 5'10, 175lbs, italian. I admit, i was nervous. First time with a man, in my book, everything...

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More Than A StretchChapter 17

I went in to see Paul a week before the Memorial Day weekend, and he didn't have any problem with my taking the Friday and half of Tuesday that I wanted for my drive to Washington. He then said, "You'd better take some more vacation time by July; we'll be hooking the Reaper box up to Stretch that month, and I want you to take on the job of bringup test coordinator. It's a big job, and demanding, but I know you are very capable and the best person for the job. There won't be much time...

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FamilyStrokes Averie Moore Fucking My Mothers Sisters Husband

Averys stepbro is not like the rest. He cares about studying, working hard, and always making the grade. His mommy is so proud of him, and its safe to stay his stepsis is a little jealous. She wants to see him crash and burn, and maybe have some fun and get ahead while doing it. She approaches him as he is completing his homework, and pretty much has him do it all for her. He honestly doesnt mind because he keeps getting distracted by her perky tits. She starts to rub them on him. He tries to...


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