Sounds Of LoveChapter 2 free porn video

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I did have to do laundry today as well as get some things ready for school. I spent the morning doing these chores as well as cutting the grass and cleaning out under the deck. By then, I had just enough time to wash the car and get a shower.

Six o'clock found me standing at the Peterson's front door. Mr. Peterson opened the door for me and asked me to come in. "Karen will be down in a few minutes."

"That's fine sir. I don't mind."

We sat down in the living room, Mr. Peterson took what was probably his favorite chair, and I was opposite him on the couch.

"Karen said she had a great time yesterday. She was bubbling about it all evening."

"Yes sir, we had a great time. We did ride a lot of the rides, had some good food and laughed a whole lot."

Mr. Peterson chuckled. "I figured you did more than just sit around. We just won't tell my wife. She seems to think that because Karen can't hear, she is incapable of anything else. And all that lust and perversion that was there. I disagree, but chose not to say much because Karen didn't seem to mind. But now, she has you to go out with. Tell me, what do you think of Karen?"

The question startled me. I thought for a few seconds, and decided to answer truthfully. "Well, I find her very bright and funny, she has a quick mind, and once she gets past the fear of someone thinking bad of her, very personable. And if you don't mind me saying so, she is the prettiest girl I have ever met."

This seemed to please him, and we switched to other subjects until we heard Karen coming down the stairs. I turned to see her and lost my ability to breath. She was dressed in a short black skirt and hose, and a simple pink top that buttoned up the front. She looked very elegant without being over dressed. I did notice that there was a pink tint to her usually pale skin. Even with all the sunblock, she had a bit of a sunburn.

I walked over and took her hand. "You look fabulous."

She ducked her head and smiled. We walked out to the car and after buckling her up and getting a kiss for my trouble, we headed to the restaurant. When we walked in, I could see the eyes of most of the males following Karen as the host led us to our table.

As we were seated, Karen looked around and saw all the men glancing at her. She signed that she was wondering what was wrong since everyone was staring. I signed back that the men were wishing they were with her, and the women were just jealous. I also added that I imagine there would be some sore shins from the guys getting kicked under the table for staring. She blushed and then started to giggle.

We talked until the waiter showed up. Then, it was little pieces of conversation with her trying to keep from laughing out loud when I started to critique the other diners in her line of sight. She did have to stop signing to eat and she got used to speaking instead since no one was paying attention to her voice.

Dinner was a success as was the movie. I let her pick the movie and it was a romantic drama with lots of spicy scenes to keep my interest. Being a foreign film, it had nudity (which I enjoyed) and subtitles (so she could keep up). After the lights had gone down, I put my arm around her and she leaned against me. As the action on screen heated up, she grabbed my hand. I don't think she noticed what she was doing since she was very intent on the movie, but her hand was slowly moving mine further up her leg.

By the time the climax of the film was over, she had pulled our hands almost to her crotch. She suddenly looked down and saw how far she had pulled my hand up. She got very embarrassed and jerked her hand off of mine. In a fit of horniness, instead of immediately pulling back, I slowly trailed my hand back down enjoying the feel of her inner thigh clear down to her knee. Then, I moved my hand up to her cheek. When she looked at me, I moved in and kissed her tenderly.

She moaned deep in her throat and returned the kiss with a passion that gave me a glimpse of what she must be feeling. We broke the kiss and she surprised me when she pulled the arm that had been around her lower, to where I could feel the hard nubbin poking out of the front of her blouse. After a quick look around for any observers, I ignored the rest of the movie concentrating instead on the firm roundness of her right breast as my fingers traced patterns all over the surface of her blouse.

When the credits rolled and the house lights came up, we separated and tried to get ourselves in order. She was smoothing out her blouse and skirt and I was trying to will my prominent erection to subside so I could walk out of the theater without embarrassing us. She looked over at my crotch, then smiled and settled back until the place was almost empty.

We walked out hand in hand. That simple touch seemed so comfortable. We stayed in the parking lot talking a little and kissing a lot. We stayed there longer than we had planned and too soon, I had to get her home. Since this had been her first date, she had an eleven o'clock curfew. I drove into my own driveway and parked. We then got out of my car and I walked her to her door. We had time for just a few kisses before the porch light came on. She gave a nervous giggle and with one final kiss, she turned and went inside. I walked by to my own house without ever having my feet touch the ground.

I started school the next week. Senior year was going to be interesting. It was supposed to be an 'easy' year, but my counselor had convinced me that I needed to take a couple of advanced classes in order to boost my final grades that year. The scholarship I was working on for the University of Colorado was dependent on my grades and classes. These two classes could secure a full ride, so it would really help my parents (and me) if I could pull it off.

All I could do was wave at Karen the first day when I got home. The second was a quick hello signed across the yard. By the third day, she must have missing me as much as I was her. I looked over as I got out of my car Wednesday afternoon. I saw her on her porch and waved. She glanced over at the window to see her mother standing there watching her back. She turned so her mom couldn't see her hands and signed, Leave your computer on tonight after dinner.

I nodded and smiled, then waved again and went into the house. I went up and started on my homework immediately. I was pretty much done before dinner. I was reading Melville's "Moby Dick" for an assignment when the computer chimed and a new name popped up on the screen. Someone called StoneDefFox1118 was trying to talk to me.

I figured out who it was immediately and added the name to my friends list. Then, I IM'd her:

Hey there! Love the name. It should have been Stone Cold Fox though.

LOL Thanks. I found mom trying to access my chat logs with you. I kept them because I like to read them after. Anyway, this is a name she doesn't know. I created a new account and plan on hiding it.

That's cool. Sorry I haven't had time to come over and see you. School is a killer right now, but should slow down after we go along.

No prob. I have been grounded until Friday anyway. I was changing my shirt Sunday morning and Mom saw the white marks from my bikini. She went ballastic. Dad heard her screaming at me and came up to save me. She was calling me a slut and a harlot, but Daddy made her calm down... After Mom stomped out he said he was a little upset that I had not told him that I had bought two suits. But I need to get that suit back so Dad can see what I bought.

I'm sorry you got into trouble, but at least she didn't see what the bottoms were like. LOL

Really!! But I got some great news. Dad convinced Mom that I can go to the Deaf school here! This is so great!

I'm happy for you. Didn't you go to school before though?

Mom got the church to send over a tutor where we used to live. She seemed to think that I couldn't handle going out to a real school. She has this idea that since I am deaf that I must be retarded or something.

NO WAY! You are very smart and funny. I can't believe that she doesn't see it.

She as much as told my grandparents that. She didn't think I could see her lips, I guess. :-(((

Well I think you're great.

Thanks, You're such a sweety. (((((((((Dave)))))))))))

(((((((((Karen)))))))))) And a big kiss too.


Will you leave on your computer every night about this time? It is nice to get to talk to you and she can't see the TTD.

Of course I will. I can't wait until this weekend. Want to go out again?

YEA!!!!!!! Is that too forward? heehee

LOL Not at all. I'm just glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Oh I did. I still think of the kisses and touches.

Me too.

Gotta go be4 the mom-unit comes to see what I'm doing.

KK Talk to ya tomorrow. And make sure you stay covered until the burn fades. Hugs and kisses

Hugs and LOTS of kisses ;-)) bye.


I shut the message center down after I saved the chat log for her. I went back to reading. But instead of thinking about great white whales and ships, I was thinking of Karen in a bikini. I finally gave up and went to bed, with Karen on my mind and my cock in my hand.

Our second date went as well as the first. This time, we went to the Blue Castle hamburger joint and then to play miniature golf. The Blue Castle was the local hangout for all the high school kids. Karen tensed when she saw all the other teens who were there, but allowed me to lead her in. We placed our order and while we were waiting, Larry walked up with Lisa. I introduced Karen and we talked a moment or two with Karen watching intently. Larry leaned over and said quietly, "Damn Dave. This girl is a fox. When you pick them, you pick them sexy."

Karen turned bright red and Larry noticed it. Then she surprised him by thanking him for the compliment. I just laughed. Larry asked if she had heard him.

"She didn't hear you. Karen is deaf and she reads lips. So you better watch what you whisper."

Larry then laughed as well and apologized for the remark. Lisa good-naturedly ribbed him the rest of the time we were there and Karen enjoyed watching it all.

The miniature golf was fun as well. It was a trip to watch Karen as she would concentrate on a shot. With her head down and her cute little tongue between her lips, she would try and time the putt through whatever obstacle that was her nemesis at the time. She made a hole-in-one on the last hole and earned a free game. The way she was bouncing around you thought she had one the lottery.

We decided to save that game for another time and left. We drove around a bit then parked in a shaded area and once again ended up making out like mad, feeling each other through our clothes and above the waist. I was letting her set the pace, but she was moving faster than I would have thought. She had my hands rubbing over her breasts and before long she moved my hands down to her thighs and ass as well.

A month after school started, I got a call from Gary Norton. He was on the football team when I had torn my knee apart last year when a couple of linebackers landed on me. I missed playing, but didn't want to take a chance of being crippled. The reason for his call was to make sure I was coming to the homecoming game and the dance afterwards.

I almost said no since my ex-girlfriend was dating the school's best receiver and she would be there. The breakup had been nasty and she had been pretty vindictive since school had started. He really wanted me to come and since we had been friends since the fifth grade, I told him I would think about it.

When Karen came on the chat, I asked her about it. She tried to get me to go without her since she was afraid that they all would make fun of her. After about an hour, I wasn't making too much progress. I decided to try a different tactic.

Well, you know I can't go without my girlfriend to protect me

Waitaminute! Did you say Girlfriend, like we are a couple or something?

I guess it could be or something, but I would prefer the couple part better. Karen, will you be my girlfriend?

God, YES!!! I have been hoping you would ask.

Great! So will you go with me then?

Since you put it that way, of course I'll go with you.

We signed off after making plans to go to the game and the dance. Since it wasn't a formal, Karen didn't have to buy a dress, and after asking, decided she had something that would work.

It had turned cool so we wore jeans and jackets to the game. I explained what was happening on the field. During the game, she was cheering along with everyone else. I asked how she knew when to cheer and when to groan since she didn't know the game. She signed that she was keeping an eye on some girls in front of us and could tell what to do by their reactions. I gave her a kiss and turned back to the game, thinking of how observant she was.

After Gary made an interception and ran the ball back for a fifty-two yard TD for the win, we headed to the locker room entrance to meet Gary and the rest of my former teammates. Allison, Gary's girlfriend, was waiting there as well. I introduced her to Karen, who smiled and waved. Allie looked a little puzzled. "Shy?"

"In a way, Allie. She is deaf like my brother and is afraid that people will be put off by how she talks."

She turned so Karen could read her lips. "If she has captured a hunk like you, then she is already alright in my book. Karen? Don't worry, we won't make fun of you or think badly of you. Okay?"

Karen screwed up her courage and answered quietly. "Okay. I'm glad to meet you Allie."

Allie smiled widely at her. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it? And you don't sound bad at all. It is just like an accent or something."

"Yeah, I guess so. And I agree, he is quite a hunk isn't he?"

I tried to be indignant. "Hey! Don't embarrass the hunk while he is here."

Karen just popped me on the butt and laughed with Allie.

With the ice broken, the meetings with Greg and the rest of the team went well. Karen

was very nervous at first, but relaxed when the group paid no attention to her hearing loss.

The next night, Saturday, was the Homecoming Dance. I went over to pick up Karen and Karen's mom answered the door. "You might as well come in. I don't know why you are insisting on embarrassing my daughter, but she will be down in a minute."

I was a little upset about that remark. "Mrs. Peterson, I have no intention of embarrassing your daughter. We are going to my homecoming dance, nothing worse. I don't understand."

"I just don't know why you would want to take a handicapped child out and let her make a fool of herself. She doesn't need you parading her around letting other people find out she is a freak."

Now I was downright mad. I saw Mr. Peterson emerge from the living room after hearing his wife's raised voice, but by now, I was mad enough not to watch myself. "Mrs. Peterson, your daughter is a warm and loving girl who I am nuts about. She is bright, funny and a great person to be around. So she is deaf. My brother is as well, so I am used to it. My friends all know what that means and what they have to do to make it easier for her. And that isn't much. Just make sure she knows you are talking to her and make sure she can see your face. Karen is an excellent lip reader. So please don't talk down about her when I am around. I think I am falling for her in a big way and it really upsets me to see someone put her down."

Karen's mom started to take umbrage with me, but her husband stopped her. "He is right, you know. I have watched our daughter, our hearing impaired daughter, come to life since we moved here. She is gaining some self-confidence, which is good. I think Dave here is good for her. She is almost eighteen and an adult. Now lets get out of the way so our daughter's boyfriend can take her to a school dance"

Mrs. Peterson was still fuming, but her husband led her away and into the living room. As they moved off, I saw that Karen had been standing where she could have read everything that was said.

She came running into my arms. I gave her a big hug, then moved her back so she could see my face. "I'm sorry..." but she put her finger to my lips and motioned me out the door. We got in the car and she snapped the belt in place and said "Get me away from here."

I did as she asked and we took off toward the restaurant where we were going to eat. The drive was silent until I parked. Then she lost it.

"I can't believe she said those things about me. You must think I really AM a freak after that. I mean, I saw what you said back, but you have to hate me after the way that my mother talked to you." She was crying quietly, trying to hold it in.

I reached over and took her hand in mine. She finally looked up at me so I could talk to her. "Karen, you must believe everything I said was true. You've got to believe me you are all those things I said - and more. I'm sorry if I got you in trouble, but it just burns me up when she was talking about you like that."

"Dave, you are the sweetest guy in the world. I really appreciate you doing that. And when you said you might be falling for me, was that true too?" Her eyes held a hopeful and somewhat scared look.

"Actually, that wasn't completely true. You see, there is no 'maybe' about it; I have already fallen completely in love with you. I was just scared to say anything because I didn't know if you were feeling the same."

I got my answer in a split second when she launched herself over the console and into my arms. "Oh God, Dave... I have been in love with you since the first time you came over and talked to me. I'm just so glad that you feel the same way." There were more tears, but this time they were ones of joy.

I let her cry it out, then suggested that we go in and eat. Karen's response was to suggest they get a quick burger so she could fix her makeup and then go on to the dance. I agreed, and as I went in and ordered, Karen slipped into the bathroom and fixed her makeup. She didn't wear much, mainly because she didn't need it, and she was out in just a few minutes. We quickly ate sitting as close as we could get, then headed out for the dance. When we got into the car, I reached over to buckle her in, then realized that she had done it herself when we left her house. In answer to my question, she responded "Of course. I had it figured out after the second time you did it. I just enjoyed you touching me."

She just giggled when I complained about 'devious women'. Then I gave her a kiss anyway and we drove to the dance.

My regular gang was already there when we walked in. Karen looked fantastic in a dark green midi skirt and a light gray blouse. The guys started acting up much to the amusement and a few dirty looks from their girlfriends. Allie came right up and hugged Karen and immediately started jabbering at her. We all found a couple of tables and started to hold court.

When the music started, Karen asked if we could dance. I was surprised but took her hand out to the floor. I had been worried that the dark floor would bother her and not hearing the music would be a problem. I was pleasantly surprised when she showed a great sense of the rhythm. During a break, Allie asked her about it.

"Even though I can't hear the music, I can feel the beat of the bass and drums. I just move to that. The slow songs, I just follow Dave's lead."

We all had a good laugh about that. The rest of the evening passed with Karen having a great time. Only one problem occurred and that was when my ex-girlfriend came walking by. Karen and Allie were laughing when Allie spotted Candice coming up to the table. She stopped and taking the cue, so did Karen.

Candice had strutted up to the table with Jeremy Wilson. She sneered down at me as I leaned back in my chair. "I heard that after I dumped you, the best you could do was some dumb bitch who can't hear. Taking out the handicapped now?"

I started to get up, but Karen held me back. Instead, she stood and leaned over the table. "I consider my hearing loss a far lesser handicap than having my brains in my bra like you. If you had bothered to stop and rub those two brain cells together, you might have had a thought in which you would have realized that Dave dumped you because you were nothing more than arm candy, looking for a way to be popular. You tried to use Dave to get in with the "in" crowd and when he got hurt, he found out what a fraud you are."

Candice sneered back, saying, "I think you insulted me, but the way you talk, I'm not sure"

Allie stood up. She was known to be a real tiger around school and had beaten the hell out of one guy who tried to rape her. "Maybe I can explain it so even a stupid slut like you can understand. Karen has twice as much class than you will ever have. Now go and get your kneepads so you can give your daily performance."

Candice started to say something else, but the band started up again and we couldn't hear her. Then Karen signed something to me and I busted out laughing. I nodded my head in response. Candice just stood there, looking confused. I told her she had met her match and she should leave now while she was still had a little dignity intact.

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I was in a somewhat unfamiliar house, with two young adults in front of me, and one of them asked me a interesting question."Gillian, you look like you are about to explode," Shawna let me know.They put their lips together for a moment, and I watched. My panties had become wet yet again, and they seemed to be getting off. I didn't know what to say to them, I just stood there pretty frozen for a minute. They continued to make out for a minute, but eventually they stopped."You know, Gillian....

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Sound Clinic Experience

I knew it wasn't me. She was the only person I'd been with in months and we'd used a condom. She had just broken up with a boyfriend a few weeks before we got together. One night when she was drunk she called me since we'd hooked up in the past -- she wanted to get laid, didn't want to call her ex and didn't want to just find some random guy at a bar. We had become decent friends at the time. Like I said, I hadn't been laid in months, she was pretty hot and we'd had sex a few times...

2 years ago
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Sound Of Bounce

How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even...

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                               SOUNDSound.  Who really appreciates this type of phenomenon for what it is.  What generates it, or, more to the point, what can steal it away.  Sound.  How can something so innocuous, be so dangerous.  Its absence on the other hand, can be equally life-threatening.  Sound, could be either an ally or an adversary.                                **************                                CLACK?CLACK.CLACK?CLACK.CLACK*CLACK*CLACK*CLACK*CLACK!!!Taylor paused,...

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Sound Sissy

Sound Sissy By Karen Singer Written in 2003, this is the first story I ever wrote. In fact, I thought I hated writing until I decided to write this. Now I can't stop writing. I am submitting it here to serve as a marker to show how far I've come as a writer since then - now that I am actively trying to find an agent for my "legitimate" books. As such, I've done almost no editing so it is pretty much in its original state. I know I went horribly wrong with this story near the...

4 years ago
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Sounding like a painter

I have been running my own company for a few years now, I have two female staff lets call them Sharon and Casey to protect their IDs, they are both attractive and I flirt with them but nothing more, Sharon is the older of the two, she’s blonde in her early thirties ,about 5ft a thin with a firm pert ass and small tits, Casey is younger about the same height and is more curvy with a really substantial pair of tits, they really are far too large for her frame , she recently gave birth and is...

2 years ago
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I had just walked into the house after a busy and tiring Friday at the store. “I’m home, Gail.” She walked out of the kitchen in response, wearing an apron over her tee and jeans. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last second and my lips found her cheek instead. “Go into the bedroom. Get cleaned up and change your clothes. We’re having company tonight.” “Oh?” That was news to me, but—then again—maybe not. I’d been expecting Gail to start trying her hand...

1 year ago
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Sound Of Bounce

-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even though...

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It was late afternoon before we were back home. We stopped by the store, both to check out how things had gone in our absence and to see the progress on our new building. It was amazing how quickly the construction had progressed. Once the footings and concrete floor had been poured it was only a matter of weeks before the concrete block walls were up. The architect had suggested several cost-cutting and time saving steps, including using standard in-stock steel roof joists. Already, the...

3 years ago
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Sound Sleeper0

Sound Sleeper I have always been a very sound sleeper. It has been great and it has been devastating too. For instance it was great when I would not get up for school and Mom would have to shake me and shake me to get me up. She would even have to help me into the bathroom and to get dressed occasionally. I am not a morning person and my alarm clocks doesn’t disturb me either, I can sleep through anything. There in lies the devastating part. Over the years my sister Ashley has been...

1 year ago
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Sound Business Advice

Copyright 2009 by PostScriptor * It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn’t be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that...

4 years ago
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SOUND SLEEPER 2 The Awakening

Introduction: Joyce is at it again SOUND SLEEPER 2: The Awakening THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER, JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line, she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept&hellip,in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the...

2 years ago
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SOUND SLEEPER 2 The Awakening

THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER; JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line; she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept…in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the hairless cock like a savage in lust. Lately she had...

3 years ago
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Sound Sleeper1

I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name is joyce and I’m a 38 year old mother of two, my daughter is 8 and my son 10. I’ve been told that I’m the spitting image of racheal ray. I’m average height and weight (not an ounce of fat, I may add) with long dark hair and a smile that makes me appear 10 years younger. Plus, in my opinion, I have bigger breasts! My looks not withstanding I don’t understand why my husband left me for a woman 10 years younger then me. I’ve...

2 years ago
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sound sleeper

Kevin honestly hadn't planned for it to happen. It just had. And all because his sister fell asleep in front of the TV with no panties on. He had just gotten home from seeing a late movie with some of his high-school buddies. It was around one, and as he walked through the living room he noticed his younger sister Katie sitting zonked out in their father's recliner. It looked like she had fallen asleep while watching some old movie. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt that she liked to lounge...

4 years ago
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Sound Business Advice

It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn't be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that labor intensive cooking was normal...

3 years ago
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I’m usually an early riser, but I’m not accustomed to falling asleep after three in the morning. I was awakened around 9:30 by the ringing phone. Twisting away from Sheila I reached for the phone on the night table. It was Joanne telling me that Sheila’s car was in the lot, but she hadn’t come in to work and wasn’t answering her phone. “I drove her home last night and told her to stay in bed all day today. I’m pretty sure she’ll be in on Monday. Just work as best you can. If there are...

1 year ago
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Me any friend and my mom

Hi, all. I am Kunal and last time, I had told you the story about true story of me and my dear mom. After having eventful sex with mom, I left for Bangalore. Even though I was engaged throughout the day, I lusted for my mom. During Diwali vacations, I went back to my home town. Rohan, who had become my close friend, accompanied me. I had shared my experience with mom to him and also told him that mom wanted one of my friends to join us. This was the reason why Rohan accompanied me. I called mom...

3 years ago
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Opposites By Morpheus The college campus was alive with countless students, some walking towards classes while others towards home or other unknown destinations. Yet others had no destinations at all but were milling about, some scattered across the green lawns for studies, conversations or lunches. Corey Mathews hurried across the campus, looking around nervously and darting out of the way of anyone coming toward him. "Sorry," he called out to one boy who nearly ran into him, then...

4 years ago
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Looking for a Dry Spot a Day of Destruction Aftermath StoryChapter 9

It was now late spring and we starting meeting in our little town with the other couples. We checked the warehouse where Wendy had been kept but the gang had moved on though we didn't know where or even why. We knew we were not on a main road much less an Interstate. I thought that fact might be insulating us from unwelcome contacts. It also might be keeping us from good contacts. At our next group outing, we discussed a faster means of contacting each other. Other than CB's, no one had...

3 years ago
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Her Everything

I’m on my knees by the door. My head is lowered looking at the floor. I know He’ll be home any moment. He wants me waiting for Him by the door each night when He comes home. It’s one of His biggest rules. I gladly obey Him because nothing pleases me more then making sure that He is happy. My name is Alex, but my Master calls me Kitty. I’m 28 years old. I’ve been with my Master for five years. My Master’s name is Jake. He is 33 years old. I’ve known him for about six years. We we’re great...

1 year ago
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Melba and Wanda Part 3

A few years before I met Melba and Wanda, Melba's second husband had died, leaving her with their house on the lake not far from my home, but very little else. It was shortly after that when Melba took Wanda into her home and adopted her. In order to make ends meet and provide for them, Melba applied for and secured a position as the treasurer at a retail furniture store. Wanda wasn't qualified or able to work in any capacity, but she essentially was Melba's housekeeper and companion. A...

Straight Sex
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 309 Seducing a Geek and the Gig

So what is the rest of the intel? I asked. Oh you have all the intel you need. We have made it possible for you to run, so do your thing. the voice, that wasn't really a voice said. Bullshit, you are going to get the senator killed, if you don't give me all you have, I said wordlessly. Look you are such a hot shot operative, we are going to give you a shot. Do what you can, with what you have. When it is over, we will all know where we need to go. You might just decide that we do know...

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Watering the plants

Joe looked at the four girls ranged in front of him. They were in a small meeting room in the large rambling conference hotel and it was his job to impart some knowledge into them - important knowledge. As the new Quality Assurance trainer it was important that he made certain that the company sales representatives understood the basics of Procedure Validation and Document Management. It was, he said to himself, a fascinating subject but somehow the people on the courses didn’t always...

1 year ago
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The FreshmanChapter 24 Jasons Christmas Vacation

Jason spent what he hoped would be his final Christmas vacation separated from Cecilia. As he rode with his father across the open lands of southern Wisconsin to their final destination in his wealthy neighborhood, he was able to reflect on how his first college semester had changed him. He thought about how much he was moving away from the rest of his family in his values, ambitions, and what he wanted from his life. He knew that most certainly he had no desire to follow in his father's...

2 years ago
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Save The Girl

You know how I keep saying that one of these days I’m going to do something good for one of those poor kids I see out on the street all the time? Well man, I did something and I’m regretting it. I was coming home after working third shift. I was tired, looked like shit, probably smelled like chemicals and grease. I saw this girl on the doorstep to my apartment building, bawling her little eyes out. She had short dyed-red hair, a bullring through her nose and a stud in her bottom lip. If it...

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Camping with Stepdaughter 13

During supper both girls faced the trail. I could tell without looking when a man was walking by. Lesly would get a big smile on her face and Susan’s face would turn red. Although Susan had been nude in front of me and most of the men in the camp, she was still shy about exposing herself when she could see where their eyes were looking and the lustful looks they would give her. I noticed as the sun was getting lower Lesly let the front of her robe open so that her breasts were nearly totally...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 Eva Everett was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and she’d stupidly chosen to study biology instead of drama only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s...

1 year ago
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BraceFaced Lexi Lore The Bracefaced Hook Up

Lexi Lore is a hot and petite dating app queen who averages about three dates a week. She linked up with this super hot guy named Kyle who invited her over to watch a movie, but Lexi was thinking they would probably be getting into a bit more than just cuddling and watching the newest blockbuster. To prepare for this she made sure her outfit was on point and her braces were polished to their shiniest condition possible. Kyle automatically was mesmerized by her metal brackets, losing his focus...

2 years ago
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GangBanged By Servants

I was busy chopping vegetables for lunch and then my servant Kuna told me that cellphone is ringing. I asked him to cut rest of the vegetables. He said he was washing clothes. You use washing machine not your hands. He always wanted to do the easy works and left the difficult work for me. My other servant Manoj used to outdoor works and was not at home. I live with my husband in Delhi. His parents stay on ground floor and we live on the first floor. The servants lived together in a room near...

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A Cute Mom

I was thinking about one of the things I often think about. Why do we do things? I was also thinking about my mother…pornographic thoughts. The strange thing about it is that I really didn't want to do pornographic things to her. I wanted to do loving things to her. I wanted to have her warm lips pressing on mine as I gently massaged her bare breasts.Where did it all come from? Perhaps from other actions or desires or maybe just a little shot of electro-chemical stuff hits the brain at exactly...

3 years ago
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Flights of Fancy Chapter 2

While their respective spouses (Nicole and Tom) were in the foyer/sitting room of the suite, Pru and Charles took advantage of the situation.Pru marveled, “When Tom reserved this suite, I was not in favor of renting a whole suite. He argued that the upgrade was part of the whole travel package. We should be picking up our rental car tomorrow, but if that doesn’t happen because of the weather, I could stay here another night.”Charles echoed the sentiment, answering, “Yeah. We already notified...

Wife Lovers
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Incredible ChangesChapter 50 I Dont Want to Go Back to School

Mom had asked Chrissy's mom to join us as we finished off Christmas Dinner, but she told us it had been a very long day. She wanted to spend what was left of it with her daughter. My family and I cleaned everything up before going to watch some Christmas specials. "David there were some things that happened between Christy and Marissa that I feel they were too young to do with you. Since they took the lead in them all, I must say I am very proud that you were able to think with your head...

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Kates Transformation Part 3

Max was startled by Kate as she walked into the dressing room. “Kate, we're not supposed to see each other before the ceremony,” Max said. A voice suddenly came out of nowhere. “She came to see me.” It was Kyle, who was standing behind Max. Kate walked past Max and started kissing Kyle passionately. Kyle immediately lifted Kate up in the air with his hands gripped firmly on Kate’s behind under the wedding dress. He laid her on an elegant, waist-high boudoir stool placed against a wall and...

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The DreamChapter 17

If I had known then what I know now, things might have been completely different from that point in our family meeting but how can you see what’s in a crockery cookie jar without opening it? Claire was holding her cards close to her chest and I just thought she wanted to mess with her mom. Sure, Claire sounded like she was trying to manipulate me but I had no idea why. The thing was, I simply didn’t understand at the time, what her manipulation attempt hoped to achieve. Honey WOULD be...

4 years ago
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Daphnes Lesson Ch 7 End

“Yessss?” Mallory groaned. Even with the pillow smothered over her aching head, she could hear the gentle rapping against the door. She pivoted her hips and sat up, keeping her ears covered as she yelled. “It’s unlocked! I’m not getting up!” Daphne’s eyes caught Mallory’s figure just before it slammed back to the mattress. It took a moment for her vision to adjust in the silent dusk of Mallory’s dorm. She slipped inside and left the door cracked to allow the hallway lights to cut herself a...

2 years ago
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Father vs Daughter Chapter 1

“I hate you both!” Emma screamed at the top her lungs before forcefully slamming the door to her bedroom shut. She stomped over to her bean bag chair and plopped down in it. It was the second time she’d been grounded for attempting to sneak out the house to be with Dillian, the guy she loved. Her parents clearly didn’t understand how hard it was to be a teenage girl. Dillian was the captain of the football team and the guy every girl at her school wanted. It took some effort to keep a guy like...

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Cathy DouglasChapter 11

The Organisation was busy for that day and the days following, they helped out the Emergency services, manning fire engines and even the old fashioned 'Green Goddesses' that had been taken out of mothballs. The Beta sites that were hospitals were full and for the first time the public were allowed to visit their relations who were there. Cathy and her girls were involved in the administration of this, although until Hiram was asked to help out and produced a program to keep track of all...

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My Wifersquos last Gift

I met my wife when she was 17, I was 36 we dated for a year then married 3 days after her 18th birthday (Her first gift). She had only been with one person before me. A boy about her age. So the first time I lick her pussey she went wild. Now I travel in my work and she would travel with me. We got home from Ohio and she had a sore lump on her arm. I took her to the doctor he took one look then sent to a specialists. He ran a whole lot of test. They all came back the same. She had cancer. I...

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