SoundsErotica Ch 01
- 2 years ago
- 21
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Things did take time to adjust. Karen and I became more familiar with each other. We found that since we were together all the time, we didn't have to rush sex. We spent many nights together just cuddling. Though our sex life didn't suffer. She was a tigress in bed, always wanting to try new positions or different ways of doing things. Many nights we would bring each other to fantastic climaxes before dropping off to sleep.
Prom was a fantastic experience for Karen. Mom took her shopping for the dress, they hit the beauty shop, and all the other things that seem to go along with the ritual that the male of the species is not knowledgeable in. But on that night, it was worth every bit of it.
She came down the stairs and both Dad and I lost our breath. She had a dark blue satin dress that was strapless. Her ample breasts were more than enough to hold the top in place and created some impressive cleavage. Her long blonde hair was done up with curls that hung on each side of her face making a frame to her features. She was a vision that would last in my memory forever.
Dad grabbed his camera and took what seemed like a hundred pictures. He was making sure he had some good shots to send to George in an email. Then, the limo showed up and we were on our way.
Larry, Gary and I had all gone together to rent the limo for the prom. When Karen and I got in the limo, the other two couples were already there. Lisa and Allie were decked out as well and looked beautiful. All of the guys took turns telling the ladies how beautiful they looked which earned us some very appreciative looks.
The prom was being held in the ballroom of one of the better hotels in town. Several of us had booked rooms together for after the prom to continue the party and to make sure we didn't have to try and get home afterwards. Earlier in the day, Larry had taken to the hotel a change of clothes for all of us to change into after the formal prom was over. Allie had to be home before dawn so Gary's car was already there, but Larry and Lisa would be spending the night in the room next to ours. We checked in and then enjoyed a splendid repast in the hotel's restaurant before going to the ballroom.
The dance was just what you would want. We all sat at a table along with two other couples we knew. Gary asked Karen for a dance and after looking at me for approval, accepted which led me to take Allie out on the floor. After that, the ice was broken and we all took turns dancing with each other's dates. Melissa, one of the other girls at the table, and I were dancing when she asked about Karen. I explained that she went to another school. She thought she was really funny, cracking jokes about different things all evening. "You know that she is madly in love with you, Dave. When we went into the restroom earlier, she was gushing about how happy she has been with you. She also said something that got me to thinking. Are you guys living together?"
Melissa had been a friend, but not a real close one ever since fifth grade when she was one of the first black kids in the school. I had taken up for her then and we had gotten along well since. I knew that she was nosey, but had a good heart. "Yes, her father is out of the country and he asked if she could stay with us. Any other details are for Karen to tell. But I love her as much as she loves me. It works well for us."
By then, the song was almost over. As we were walking back, Melissa squeezed my arm. "She is a nice girl, and she is getting a very special guy whether she knows it or not."
The last dance of the night was called and I took Karen to the floor. It was a nice slow song and she molded herself to me as we moved to the music. As we moved, she reached up and pulled my head down to her for a long passionate kiss. When the kiss ended, she put her head on my shoulder and her hand in the middle of my chest. "The sound of love, it's right here." Then she hugged me even tighter as we finished the dance.
We hurried to our room so we could change before anyone else came up. I helped her with the dress, taking the time to get a few feels of soft skin in the process. She slipped on jeans and a t-shirt, foregoing the bra that was in the bag. The shirt was tight fitting and her nipples were showing plainly through the material. Then we left the bathroom to join the parties that were happening all over the eighth floor of the hotel.
It was late when we finally closed the door and locked it. We had both had a little bit to drink, but were nowhere near drunk. However, it was enough to lower any inhibitions that Karen had. As I turned from the door, Karen was already stripping off her jeans and panties. She knelt on the easy chair that was in the room spreading her knees as far as she could. Her luscious ass was facing me forming a perfect frame for her wet pussy. She turned her head to look at me over her shoulder. "Dave, I want you to drop your pants and shove your cock into me this way. I want to be fucked and fucked hard."
I moved behind her, unbuttoning my pants on the way. My hard cock was in line with her wet slit and I rubbed the head along it just enough to get lubricated before I slid into her in one thrust. She groaned as I slid in to the hilt, but didn't wait before she started to slide herself along my shaft. I picked up her rhythm and was soon slamming into her hard enough to make her ass shudder with each stroke. I reached under her and pawed her breasts, squeezing the flesh and pulling on her nipples. Her grip on the chair back tightened as she started to move erratically as her orgasm hit her hard. Normally, she didn't get very vocal during her climax, but this time she almost howled as her pussy tightened around me.
The liquor must have lessened my need to cum a bit and I rode through her first orgasm and as soon as she started to come back down, I started thrusting into her again. She didn't come down very far before she started to climb again towards another one. Looking down, I was fascinated at the look of her buttocks bouncing as I would push my pelvis hard into hers. I suddenly remembered something that I had done before and decided to try again. Reaching below us, I coated my thumb with her juices. Then I added some saliva and started to rub her back door. It had brought a favorable reaction when I had rubbed her before and I thought to do it again. As soon as I touched her there, she went over again. Her anus was clenching and with just the slightest pressure, the tip of my thumb slipped inside. This really sent her off and this time I went with her. I thrust one more time and fired my load against her womb.
Our orgasms ended and we slid apart, with me landing on the floor and Karen slumped down into the chair. When I opened my eyes, I was looking straight into her open pussy, our combined juices draining out of her and onto the upholstery of the chair. I struggled to sit up enough to touch her and rubbed her back and ass until she started to recover. She crawled out of the chair and joined me on the carpet. We held each other for a while recovering. Finally, we got ourselves together and headed to the bathroom for a mutual shower.
The shower revived us and when we got into the bed, we made love one more time before we went to sleep.
The next morning, we got up and dressed and went down to have the free breakfast the hotel provided. We met Larry and Lisa going in, and they looked more tired out than we did. Each couple looked at the other and started laughing. Lisa, in her usual blunt way, looked at Karen and asked, "Is your pussy as sore as mine?" Karen cracked up laughing and replied that probably she was. They started to discuss what had happened last night, sitting close together and giggling. Larry and I just rolled our eyes and headed to the buffet.
Later, Dad came by to pick us all up. We dropped off the other couple and then went home ourselves. Karen and I did get things ready for school and then I went out on the patio to soak up some sun while Karen went down to help Mom with dinner.
My graduation was first and Karen was sitting in the audience for the ceremony. The awards and scholarships were announced and my name was called for a full scholarship to the local campus. I was not valedictorian, but had graduated in the top five percent of my class. All in all, I was proud of my accomplishments and more than a little relieved to be out of the high school world.
As soon as the ceremony ended, Karen came bounding up and gave me a huge hug and kiss, earning a laugh from my parents. Then it was the obligatory pictures with classmates and family, then the handshakes and a few tears as we all said goodbye to other classmates. Then, Karen and I took off to make appearances at a few of the graduation parties. We had planned to have a party of our own following Karen's graduation the next week.
Karen's ceremony was interesting. We had switched places with her sitting with classmates and the family behind. The valedictorian of her class gave her speech using sign language with one of the faculty speaking the words she signed. Then each graduate was called up with both spoken word and sign to get their diploma. One surprise was that Karen had received a scholarship to the same campus I was going to. She hadn't said one thing about applying for it. When I asked why she had not told me earlier, she said she had not known if she would get it or not so she didn't want to say anything. I threatened her with a spanking, but she came back with, "That might be fun. You promise?"
I did give her a playful swat on the ass for that one. She just giggled and grabbed my hand to introduce me to some of her favorite teachers. She also invited several of her classmates to the party at our house the next day.
Dad was sure to get more pictures for George. He might not be here for his daughter's graduation, but Dad wanted to make sure he was as close as he could get. He had used our digital video camera and recorded the ceremony so he could send it on a CD. Karen emailed him every evening and we would have an Internet chat once a week or so. At least he could keep up with her life and she could do the same.
The party the next day was an interesting time. Most of the guests were from my school but several of Karen's showed up as well. Conversations were conducted in both speech and sign and sometimes both at the same time. Karen and I translated between the two different segments of the party, but all went well and we even saw some new friendships develop. Dad was manning the grill and the dogs and burgers disappeared along with macaroni salad and cake for dessert. The pool was in full use all day. There was a short game of water polo, but even that dissolved into a game of grab-ass. The party finally broke up when the sun went down and it started to get cool outside. Even at the end of May, the nights are cool around here.
After everything was cleaned up, Dad and Mom asked us both to come into the den. After we sat down, they handed each of us a box. Inside was a new laptop with all the programs that we would need for our courses. We both thanked them profusely, and Karen gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek while I settled for a hug to each of them.
Then I asked my dad to get my present for Karen. He had been in on this one and had helped me to find just what I wanted. I had talked to Karen's dad as well and he was in agreement that it would probably be the best thing I could give her. Dad handed me the hinged box, and I moved down from the couch to kneel in front of Karen.
"Karen, we have been through a lot together. I have found that you are a part of my life that I cannot do without. What I am trying to say is... Karen Peterson, will you be my wife?"
She had been looking at the computer so she had not seen Dad hand me the box. She had been watching me as I said my piece, but when she saw the last sentence, she had a stunned look on her face. She didn't move for a several seconds. Then she realized that I was waiting for an answer. "Oh God, YES! Dave, I love you."
She held out her shaking hand as I pulled the ring out of the box and put it on her finger. I had guessed right about the fit and she was gazing at it through her tears. Then she wrapped her arms around me and cried.
"You know that now I have to help plan a wedding, on top of all the other things I have to manage." Mom was holding her arm up to her forehead in a dramatic pose.
Karen looked stricken "We don't have to have a big wedding or anything, I don't want to cause problems."
Dad looked over at her. "Karen, Sylvia is just teasing you. She loves this kind of thing."
Mom just stood there laughing. "He's right. It won't be any problem at all. And you are NEVER a problem."
The evening ended with all of us talking about the future. We did decide to wait until we had at least a year of college behind us before we actually got married. We would be eligible for couples housing then. For the summer, I would work part time at the water park and two days a week, I would be doing research for the law firm where Dad is a partner. Karen had been offered a job at a local center to help with counseling of deaf people.
That night, Karen was explosive in bed. She sucked me off while I ate her to three orgasms. Then she had me mount her with her legs pulled almost up to her tits. While she was headed toward her fifth orgasm of the night, she asked me to play with her ass like I did before. Her juices had run down so lube wasn't a problem and I took my index finger and started to rub all around her back opening. She loosened up a bit from my play and I slid my finger in to the first knuckle. This sent her over the edge, taking me with her. I couldn't believe how tight her pussy got around my cock. I thought I would not be able to shoot into her she had such a grip on me. Then her pussy started to flutter and I was able to release a flood of my semen against her cervix. It took a few seconds in my own haze to realize that she had passed out. I pulled out of her and felt her breathing. Then she groaned and opened her eyes. She gave me a tired smile just before she kissed me. She was so tired that I grabbed the t-shirt I had been wearing and put it between her legs. Then we both passed out for the night holding each other.
The summer was going well for us. We were both working hard, but enjoyed our jobs. Karen was a hit at the counseling center. Being deaf herself, she had an advantage in understanding the unique problems that many of the clients faced. The center's director had noticed her dedication and offered her a part time position during the school year. It would only be on Saturday, but would give her some extra money as well as securing her a position for the next summer.
I eventually had to quit the water park. Dad's law firm secured some major cases and the research needed was overwhelming. When the senior partner offered to increase my pay by half again if I would come over full time during the summer, it was too good to refuse. It was tedious work looking through mountains of internal correspondence of the corporation being sued, looking for anything that could be used in the case. This was a position of trust and giving it to a teen just out of high school was a risk. And I was determined to not break that trust.
Toward the end of the summer, as the case was about to go to trial, I was told that I would be asked to present what I had uncovered to the staff. The night before I was frantically trying to put together what I had found into some kind of order to make a good impression. Dad walked in to drive me home and stood in the doorway watching me for a few minutes as I shuffled papers into the order of what I thought would be their importance.
I heard him chuckle and I looked up to see him grinning. "Your first presentation, I take it?"
"Yes sir. I know this case is important and I want to get it right, but I don't know how to get all this organized to make it easier for the staff."
"Tell you what. I have a good idea of how the case will be presented, so I can give you a hand. Let me call your mom and tell we will be late tonight. It happens to me every now and then. We will finish this up and then we will get something to eat at the pub."
It was fascinating to work with my dad like this. His mind was like a machine when he was working. I had never realized just how smart and analytical my father was until I saw him in action. I had things in the wrong order mainly because I didn't really understand how the procedures would go and what would be relevant and what wouldn't. I was truly stunned.
By the same token, Dad told me how impressed he was with what I had been able to ferret out of the mess the opposition had sent over. Several items that had been secreted away in old memos turned out to be very damaging to their case. A couple of hours later, we were done and we headed to the pub for a quick dinner before we headed home.
While in bed that night, Karen told me that when Dad called she asked Mom why she wasn't upset about it since she had dinner almost done. Mom just told her that sometimes, when things were under a crunch, it was to be expected. Why worry about something that she couldn't do anything about. Karen understood, but made me promise to let her know as soon as possible when I would be late. I grinned and promised which earned me a kiss.
The next morning, I woke up earlier than normal from being nervous about the day. I had jumped in the shower and had washed my hair when I felt hands around my waist. I turned my back to the water so I could get the shampoo rinsed out when I felt Karen's warm lips encircle the head of my cock. She worked quickly, deep-throating me until I finally came in her mouth. She swallowed my load and stood putting her arms around my neck. "I knew you were nervous, and I figured a blow job would help take the edge off."
"Take the edge off? Hell, you were so good that I might not be able to stand long enough to make my presentation." As I kissed her, I told her it was worth it. I finished my shower and got out my suit and tie. Then I grabbed some breakfast and we were off.
Actually, my part of the presentation went rather easily. What I had found was going to be quite useful, and the praise I received was more than I expected. With a sense of accomplishment and the boss's invitation to take the rest of the day off, I took Dad's car and headed home to change. My plan for the afternoon was to take my favorite girl to lunch at an intimate little restaurant, and then maybe let her decide what to do from there.
I pulled in at the center and went in to find Karen. The secretary escorted me to a room toward the far end of a corridor. I peeked inside and saw Karen sitting on a carpet surrounded by several children who were intently watching as she signed to them. She seemed to be telling them how to handle different situations that would come up when they were out more in the hearing world.
As I watched, you could see the care that she had for each of the children. She watched intently as each would sign, and would gently correct their mistakes, or give them plenty of praise when they got the answer correct. One of the kids spotted me at the door and pointed out my presence to Karen. She turned to see me and gave me a big smile and a wave to come in.
I stepped into the room and the kids all stared at me. Karen got their attention and signed to them "This man is my fiancé', Mr. Dawson"
Hello and I am pleased to meet you. I signed to the group.
They all smiled and signed back greetings. Then Karen finished the class and let them know that they could wait in the play area until their parents picked them up. I stood back to let them file past me, with Karen bringing up the stragglers in front of her. As she passed, she gave me a quick peck on the lips, earning us giggles from the kids who saw us.
When she got them safely to the play area, she asked what I was doing there. "I have the afternoon off and I was wondering if you thought you could get away for a bit of lunch at Antonio's."
She dragged me into her boss's office and introduced me, then asked if she could take some time to go to lunch with me. Her boss gave us both a smile and told her to take the rest of the day since they didn't have anything scheduled for the afternoon anyway. We both thanked her and took off toward the parking lot hand in hand.
Antonio's was almost at the end of their lunch rush when we arrived and they had no trouble seating us. We looked through the menu and I decided to have Chicken al Parma, and Karen just wanted the soup and bread. As soon as we ordered, we looked around and found that there were now only three tables occupied. The staff was busy getting caught up from the lunch rush and preparing for the dinner crowd, but the service and the food was excellent in spite of it... We finished and left thanking our server and leaving a good tip.
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I put one hand on the back of her neck and shoved her back over and kept on pounding. I leaned over her back and reached around to grasp the nipples of her 36 d’s. I had often wanted to do that as we grew up. As I continued to pound my sisters pussy I felt her ass began to move around and that she was fucking back at me. I awoke from a barely restful sleep and reached over to caress my wife. Damn she has already gotten up oh well guess I should too. My name is Thomas Johnson jr better...
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IncestOver the next four months, Erin, and her husband Joe, continued to have parties at their house. I never really figured out why, but they did. Anyway, every time they had a party, I made sure I was there. I had sex with Erin, Shawna and Billy quite a few times, and it was hot. Somehow, Erin's husband never found out. I could never figure that out, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world though. After a while, it became mostly Erin. I even came over during the week, and fucked Erin's brains...
LesbianI just had sex with two young adults, and it was amazing. One thing that I always went by is, I wanted things to find me. Rather than me trying to finds things like this. Erin asked if she could join us, and I just froze. Although, Billy and Shawna were not frozen. They went over to Erin, and they both laid smooches on her face. I was a little out of it still, but I was wondering about Billy kissing his mom. Those were not mother/son smooches, none whatsoever. I just couldn't take my eyes off...
IncestI did have to do laundry today as well as get some things ready for school. I spent the morning doing these chores as well as cutting the grass and cleaning out under the deck. By then, I had just enough time to wash the car and get a shower. Six o'clock found me standing at the Peterson's front door. Mr. Peterson opened the door for me and asked me to come in. "Karen will be down in a few minutes." "That's fine sir. I don't mind." We sat down in the living room, Mr. Peterson took...
Everyone in the room was naked, and Erin just asked me a very important question. To me, it was the question that literally makes or breaks any relationship forever. I knew how I felt about her, but on the other hand, she hadn’t given us any real details. What went on with Joe and her? They talked to each other for at least twenty minutes, so obviously they talked about something big. I needed to know, before I could possibly consider answering that important question. She began sparking a few...
Over the next four months, Erin, and her husband Joe, continued to have parties at their house. I never really figured out why, but they did. Anyway, every time they had a party, I made sure I was there. I had sex with Erin, Shawna and Billy quite a few times, and it was hot. Somehow, Erin’s husband never found out. I could never figure that out, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world though. After a while, it became mostly Erin. I even came over during the week, and fucked Erin’s brains...
I was in a somewhat unfamiliar house, with two young adults in front of me, and one of them asked me a interesting question. ‘Gillian, you look like you are about to explode,’ Shawna let me know. They put their lips together for a moment, and I watched. My panties had become wet yet again, and they seemed to be getting off. I didn’t know what to say to them, I just stood there pretty frozen for a minute. They continued to make out for a minute, but eventually they stopped. ‘You know, Gillian....
Right in that moment, Erin was grinning over at her husband. I had no idea what was going on between them, but I imagined a lot more yelling. I looked down towards his pants, and he had a major hard on. He liked the idea of what he saw, but it was still his wife cheating on him. He came towards us, and we still heard his friends going nuts. ‘Just what the hell is going on here?’ Joe asked. ‘Well, I just found someone that can sexually satisfy me,’ Erin simply let him know. She got up, as she...
I’m Gillian, and I’m 42. I’m a brunette with have c-cup boobs and I like to go to parties, it’s just my thing I guess. I often go to house parties, and usually have a good time. Although, at one party, I had a really good time. There were drinks, and had music playing too. I certainly liked it, but there was one thing in particular I liked. I went upstairs to find a bathroom. It was a house I had never been to. It was a friend of a friend’s party. I just never turn down an invitation to a...
Right in that moment, Erin was grinning over at her husband. I had no idea what was going on between them, but I imagined a lot more yelling. I looked down towards his pants, and he had a major hard on. He liked the idea of what he saw, but it was still his wife cheating on him. He came towards us, and we still heard his friends going nuts."Just what the hell is going on here?" Joe asked."Well, I just found someone that can sexually satisfy me," Erin simply let him know.She got up, as she was...
NovelsI was in a somewhat unfamiliar house, with two young adults in front of me, and one of them asked me a interesting question."Gillian, you look like you are about to explode," Shawna let me know.They put their lips together for a moment, and I watched. My panties had become wet yet again, and they seemed to be getting off. I didn't know what to say to them, I just stood there pretty frozen for a minute. They continued to make out for a minute, but eventually they stopped."You know, Gillian....
NovelsThe holiday season was approaching rapidly. Classes ended almost two weeks before Christmas and would not start up again until the fifth of January. We were both happy that finals were over with. Karen's grades were actually higher than mine by a quarter of a point. She held it over my head for a week or so and I had no problem with that at all. I had made a 3.6 so I was very happy with that. We did use the 'down' time to full advantage, sleeping in and making love on the mornings that...
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How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even...
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I had just walked into the house after a busy and tiring Friday at the store. “I’m home, Gail.” She walked out of the kitchen in response, wearing an apron over her tee and jeans. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last second and my lips found her cheek instead. “Go into the bedroom. Get cleaned up and change your clothes. We’re having company tonight.” “Oh?” That was news to me, but—then again—maybe not. I’d been expecting Gail to start trying her hand...
-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even though...
FetishIt was late afternoon before we were back home. We stopped by the store, both to check out how things had gone in our absence and to see the progress on our new building. It was amazing how quickly the construction had progressed. Once the footings and concrete floor had been poured it was only a matter of weeks before the concrete block walls were up. The architect had suggested several cost-cutting and time saving steps, including using standard in-stock steel roof joists. Already, the...
Sound Sleeper I have always been a very sound sleeper. It has been great and it has been devastating too. For instance it was great when I would not get up for school and Mom would have to shake me and shake me to get me up. She would even have to help me into the bathroom and to get dressed occasionally. I am not a morning person and my alarm clocks doesn’t disturb me either, I can sleep through anything. There in lies the devastating part. Over the years my sister Ashley has been...
Copyright 2009 by PostScriptor * It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn’t be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that...
Introduction: Joyce is at it again SOUND SLEEPER 2: The Awakening THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER, JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line, she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept&hellip,in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the...
THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER; JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line; she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept…in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the hairless cock like a savage in lust. Lately she had...
I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name is joyce and I’m a 38 year old mother of two, my daughter is 8 and my son 10. I’ve been told that I’m the spitting image of racheal ray. I’m average height and weight (not an ounce of fat, I may add) with long dark hair and a smile that makes me appear 10 years younger. Plus, in my opinion, I have bigger breasts! My looks not withstanding I don’t understand why my husband left me for a woman 10 years younger then me. I’ve...
Kevin honestly hadn't planned for it to happen. It just had. And all because his sister fell asleep in front of the TV with no panties on. He had just gotten home from seeing a late movie with some of his high-school buddies. It was around one, and as he walked through the living room he noticed his younger sister Katie sitting zonked out in their father's recliner. It looked like she had fallen asleep while watching some old movie. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt that she liked to lounge...
It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn't be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that labor intensive cooking was normal...
I’m usually an early riser, but I’m not accustomed to falling asleep after three in the morning. I was awakened around 9:30 by the ringing phone. Twisting away from Sheila I reached for the phone on the night table. It was Joanne telling me that Sheila’s car was in the lot, but she hadn’t come in to work and wasn’t answering her phone. “I drove her home last night and told her to stay in bed all day today. I’m pretty sure she’ll be in on Monday. Just work as best you can. If there are...
This is how it worked.We were to book into a hotel and wait in our room. The house phone would be used to give us instructions. So when it did ring I answered and took the detail. My wife had to go to a prescribed room on a different floor, and then they moved her on to another to prevent me from knowing exactly where she was. She was to wear just black hold ups and black hi heels (we had been told the clothes selection that would be needed) and the towelling robe from the bathroom. She was to...
The Innocent Audience. My girlfriend Alena and I have a ground floor flat in a three storied house in a quiet Prague Suburb. The windows of our kitchen overlook the back garden which is also joined to the back garden of the house opposite. There is a gate in the fence that separates the two gardens. She is very attractive with long red hair, a pretty face with high cheekbones, and a neat straight nose over a beautiful full mouth with well defined lips. Her figure is statuesque...
VoyeurMy girly Femme Life By Andrea I gently crossed my legs, feeling the gorgeous nylon of my black seamed stockings as they brushed lightly against each other. Shifting slightly in my chair I made sure that my skirt rode up to reveal the dark band of my stockings and the clasp of the suspenders that held them there taught. Running my long painted nails through my golden blonde hair I waited for them to come through and checking my make-up once more was happy with my look. There was a...
January COTM Joanna Angel only wanted Australian babe Savannah Bond to join her for a LIVE show so that is exactly who we got for our wicked hot Joanna. Savannah loves some oil play and Joanna does not hold back squirting so much oil all over that juicy ass of Savannahs and also makes sure to cover those giant tits as well as her own so they can rub them together as they kiss. Getting these hot babes together is a dream and watching as they devour each others pussies cumming just for you guys...
xmoviesforyouHi, this is Anitha back with the next part. After that unexpected sex session with Ramesh, I was afraid that I could get pregnant. Luckily I didn’t and both Chandran and Ramesh didn’t visit our house for the next few days. One day I got a call that my FIL was struck and has been admitted in the hospital. We went there and the doctor said that heart surgery had to be done. He had to stay at the hospital for at least 20 days. Unfortunately, my MIL was too old to stay back at the hospital and look...
Without hesitation, I pulled my t-shirt and boxers off, then dove in. I could see fish swimming in the water. I learned to swim in this lake, and I’ve swam here many times since the day my mom and dad taught me to swim. I had no doubts or fears about swimming here now. I went down maybe twenty feet with my eyes open and they weren’t burning. I saw the red object as it glowed and sent tiny bubbles to the surface from all sides. It looked really big ... I had to know more about it... The...
"All right," Tony said as Butch, Charlie, and then Mavis left the warehouse. "Next scene will be Ginger and me. Bev-o, will you and Essence work the equipment?" They nodded their assent, and Tony turned to Barely. "Barely, after this, would you want me to get you and Essence down?" "Um, no, Tony. I'd rather keep Essence out of this. You never know..." he paused and looked beseechingly at his girlfriend. "I hope you understand, baby. No need for the world to see how happy we are...
It was around ten A.M. Friday morning when I finally got home from a run to south Jersey. I was dead tired, dirty and horny. I also had to piss like a race horse. So, as soon as I got in my front door, I put my driver’s bag in the front hall closet, hung up my Giants cap, and yanked off my cowboy boots. I was already pulling my jersey up over my head as I walked through my bedroom into the master bathroom. I quickly finished stripping and deposited my dirty clothes in the hamper along with my...
Mother Gets Caught. Author’s note: This story might be a little ?soft? for some but I still think it is a good story. Maybe some can take the basic story and modify it to their own satisfaction but I enjoyed writing it like this. Let me know what you think. THX.I came home from school. My dad wasn’t home, yet. He wouldn’t be home for a few hours. I am fifteen and I am in the eighth grade. My name is Sandy. Mom is usually home but I deemed to be home alone. That was not unusual. She was...
Waiting for a bus in the cold weather is such a drag. But there I was, again freezing my ass off waiting for a bus to take me downtown. When the bus stopped, I got on and walked to the back and sat down next to a window, in a seat all by myself. At the next stop a young man got on and the way he looked, caught my eye as he was handsome and young with dark brown shoulder length hair that was so shinny it immediately caught my attention. The young man sat down in the seat next to me, and the two...
GaySvelte Russian brunette Stasia Si has had a hard day at the office. But she knows how to relieve the stress as soon as she gets home: she throws off her clothes and starts furiously fingering herself, flashing her petite pink pussy in your face for you to enjoy as she flicks the bean both from in front and behind. But her cries of pleasure alert her roommate, Willy Regal, that something is up — and not only his cock! He walks in on Stasia and she doesn’t let up on her...
xmoviesforyouLessons Learned Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I walked in the house and saw my parents sitting there, you could have killed me with a feather! They weren't supposed to be home, so I had gotten dressed and gone out with my best friend to a show. We traded stares for a moment, then I started for my bedroom to change and go to bed. Wait a minute young...lady" came dad's voice, "come back in here right now!" Now, since I am their son, you can guess how I was...
Janelle borrows Elle’s Puffer Jacket (Chapter 2)Later that night Janelle got home from College and headed straight up towards her room and stripped down and she dropped Elle’s puffer on the ground and the clothes she wore that day on the jacket.She got in the shower and started to bath and she knew she only had a few min as she knew her Boyfriend Chris was on his way over soon.She got out of the shower and dried off and she slipped into her underwear and fresh jeans, instead of placing her bra...
What a great feeling, two nil up after twenty minutes! It was almost as good as a continuous orgasm, if indeed that was physically possible. Harry had come to today’s home match without much hope of seeing a victory, the Fairies being one above the ‘drop zone’ and the opposition sitting five points clear at the top of the table. But now he was almost beside himself, two up and still attacking! The lads were all on song and the crowd, such as it was, were all behind them. At least they had...
I trawl sites with very old stories and find the odd gem just crying out for improvement. This is a found, badly written, poor grammatical and difficult to understand at times story. Always having a thing for older chubby women, they had to have grand saggy tits, arse, big pussy lips and clitoris, but the latter is a bit of a rarity I found. I guess it stems from my own childhood, Mum, sister and an aunty, not knowing their intimacies – but I was swamped in wobbly white flesh and the nice...
From the caller ID, I knew who it was right away and there were only two reasons for her to call – either she was fighting with her current boyfriend or she was looking for a place away from him to party a little. “Hey, Sweetie” I answered. ‘I’m done with him once and for all!’ she said between sobs and I knew right away it was a fight and I was going to be her sounding post for the inevitable tirade that was sure to follow. She said she had told him that she knew he was cheating on her again....
The window was open, and we slept in each others arms all night. We were together and we were home. It wasn't an alarm but a whimper that woke me up at 6:15. Bozo wanted out. "Jill, your dog needs to go out." "Jack, take care of it, please. Thank you." That's how I found myself going out to the landing outside our door in my shorts on that cold October morning. And of course, Bozo couldn't make it down those stairs all by himself. I don't know if they were suddenly too steep for...
Hello my lovely readers its Salman Shaikh from Mumbai (Mumbra) writing my 2nd story now. The 1st one was regarding my maid the link to it is I hope all of u liked it & if u don’t u can share your feed backs with me at sorry cant post my number here as much as i would love to but these people doesn’t allow that isn’t it. U can also search for me by my id on Facebook buzz me poke me etc… Well dis 1 is about my economics teacher who...
The place was very secluded, which was a good thing as they were both far from single and discretion was more important than anything. “Nobody I know would ever come to this area of town,” she thought as she found the driveway hidden by the tall grass that was begging to be mowed. She pulled in behind the building though, just in case. She tended to be overly paranoid and she knew it but somehow couldn’t control her trepidation. She walked around the building finding only the door to the lobby...
100% fiction! In the fall of that year my niece would be a legal woman. She would be 19. That summer I attended her high school graduation. I gave her a generous gift and wished her all the best xxx. Later that year her semester break was up. She contacted her mother and some of her friends to let them know that she would be back home. She also contacted me and said that she would set aside a day to visit. That day she came over to my house. She was immediately comfortable on my couch. I sat...
IncestSo this is the story about the birthday present I gave my girlfriend Kara. Kara and I had met about six months before her birthday, we met online. I had just turned 18 and moved here with my Family. I was technically still a virgin since I had never gone all the way with a guy and I had only been with one girl before. I’m white with auburn hair, blue eyes, 5’4 about 110 pounds with perky 34 b cup boobies nice muscular thighs and a little chunky in my nice round bum. Kara is a 28 year old...