Harry, Kate & Jan Ch. 01 free porn video

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What a great feeling, two nil up after twenty minutes! It was almost as good as a continuous orgasm, if indeed that was physically possible.

Harry had come to today’s home match without much hope of seeing a victory, the Fairies being one above the ‘drop zone’ and the opposition sitting five points clear at the top of the table.

But now he was almost beside himself, two up and still attacking! The lads were all on song and the crowd, such as it was, were all behind them. At least they had room to jump up and down, shout and wave their arms around.

There was soon another attack at Harry’s end and another shot. The whole crowd behind the goal jumped up and then groaned at the near miss. Harry didn’t see it. An elbow in the left eye from the girl one row in front of him and one seat to his left had felled him. She felt the jar and turned around in time to see Harry fall back into his seat.

She quickly turned and knelt on her seat to face him.

‘Gosh, I’m so sorry. Are you all right? I’m always getting into trouble when I get excited. Here, let me have a look at it.’

The girl reached out to try and remove Harry’s hands from his eyes. He felt a gentle touch and tried to let her see him. He couldn’t see her, his eyes streamed with tears, they were totally full.

‘I’ll, I’ll be all right,’ he gasped. ‘Don’t worry about me. You watch the game. Aren’t they playing great? Christ, it hurts, I can’t see a thing!’

The girl scrambled over the back of her seat into the empty space beside Harry. She produced some tissues from her jacket pocket and continued her ministrations to his eye. Harry took them from her.

‘Thanks a lot but I’ll do that. Will you commentate for me? I don’t want to miss anything but I can’t see at the moment.’

‘OK, if you’re sure? Well, that shot missed, not like my elbow,’ she giggled softly. ‘Now the goal kick has been taken but it’s a poor one. Billy Jones has got the ball straight from the goal kick and he’s trying to lob the goalkeeper. Here it comes, the goalies jumping, he’s missed it, its bounced behind him, it’s in the net. GOOAAAL! Three nil! Fucking hell!’

What a weird sensation. Harry had just about managed to get his right eye cleared to half-see the action and see the ball bounce into the back of the net. The girl’s loud screams nearly deafened him. He grabbed

hold of her, he knew not where, and together they jumped up and down in joy and excitement.

The applause and shouting went on for some time. Harry suddenly realised that he was beginning to see out of his left eye again. Thank God for that! He thought she’d blinded him. Then he realised that his clutching arms still held the girl and that one hand was almost squeezing her bum. He let go and jumped back.

‘Gosh, I’m sorry,’ he gasped. ‘I didn’t realise what I was doing.’

The girl looked at the game to see that the re-start was imminent and then glanced back at Harry.

‘I noticed,’ she grinned. ‘It felt very nice, actually. By the way, my name’s Kate.’

‘Mine’s Harry. I hope you didn’t elbow me just to meet me. I would have been delighted to exchange ‘Hellos ‘ with you any time.’

Kate grinned again. ‘Sorry, but I hadn’t noticed you at all until your eye socket nearly jolted my elbow out of its joint.’ She paused and looked him in the eye and smiled, ‘but I likewise would be happy to say hello any time’

‘Hello Kate.’

‘Hello Harry.’

Kate’s eyes returned to the action on the field but she put her right arm through Harry’s left one. Harry felt a warm glow spread through his body. The pain in his eye was receding fast. He took a look around at the people in the crowd close by them.

He had come to the match on his own but it seemed that Kate was in a whole gang of mixed males and females, all about the same age, somewhere between twenty and twenty-five. Harry was twenty-four, single and unattached, at the present. He wondered about Kate, looking at the guys who seemed to be with her crowd. None seemed to be worried about her moving to stand by him and putting her arm through his.

The match went into a quiet patch. The visitors seemed to be waiting for the pep talk at half time and the Fairies were shell shocked with their three-goal advantage. Harry and Kate watched the action without any further conversations, although Kate kept giving Harry’s arm a little squeeze. Finally, the half-time whistle blew.

Harry turned to Kate.

‘Fancy a drink?’ he asked. ‘I have a mate who can get us into the Club bar if you would like that?’

‘No thanks Harry. I’m quite happy out here watching all the different things going on. I’ve not been to a match for ages, not since I split up with my ex., boyfriend that is.’

‘What about your friends?’ asked Harry, indicating the happy and noisy crowd in front of them.

‘Oh, I’m not really with them. I got mixed up with them in the pub earlier and they said they were coming to the game and ‘why not come along’ so I did. After all I am a supporter, well I was when I was with Bill, anyway.’

‘Where do you live?’ asked Harry. ‘I’m in town on Bishops Walk, near to the park and the bus station. I’ve got a two bed roomed house there. I can’t afford it really but I work for International and County Bank so I do get a cheaper mortgage interest rate. Because of that you borrow extra so you finish just as hard up as everyone else.’

Harry realised he was jabbering on a bit so he shut up and waited.

‘You are lucky, living in the City,’ answered Kate. ‘I live out on the Green Park estate. It’s quite nice but late night buses are horrible and taxis are very expensive. It means that I stay in a lot, watching telly or a DVD if I’ve remembered to get one out.’

‘Er’, ventured Harry, ‘I’d love to see you again. Can I have your phone number?’

‘I’ll tell you what,’ said Kate thoughtfully, ‘lets watch the rest of the game together and if we are still friends after that we could go for a drink and discuss it. We should be celebrating the victory anyway. How does that sound?’

‘Magic,’ said Harry, ‘it’s a date.’

The second half started. The visitors had obviously had the riot act shouted at them and were much more lively. For their part the Fairies had been instructed to weather the storm and so defended doggedly. At times the game became slow and boring but the two new friends in the stand behind the goal were not bored at all. They were laughing and talking and, of course, sizing one another up, learning as much about each other as possible.

Kate still had her arm through Harry’s. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. When he had recovered his full eyesight he began to examine his new found (girl?) friend. He discovered that she was only a little shorter than

him, about five nine with bright reddy brown hair down to her shoulders. Her brown eyes shone brightly at him when she smiled, which was often.

Her figure, under her warm, bright red winter jacket seemed full, full of promise anyway to Harry’s eyes. Her tight black slacks promised great thighs and legs. Harry still had a vivid memory of how her bum had felt when he had inadvertently grabbed it earlier and also that Kate had said his grasp ‘felt very nice’. He gave her hand a little squeeze.

Kate returned the squeeze and gave him a smile. This smile seemed to have more of a message and a lot more meaning to it. Harry’s cock jumped in his jeans, well, stirred as much as tight jeans would allow.

Suddenly the crowd shouted as the Fairies began a more meaningful attack. At the far end of course but they still had a good view as the ball was crossed from the left and Dick Fownes rose to the occasion and headed the ball home from about five yards. Four nil!

Harry looked at his watch, there were about five minutes left with, he knew, very little time added on for stoppages and injuries.

‘Let’s beat the crowd and get to that bar fir
st,’ he shouted above the din. ‘I’m ready for a beer.’

‘OK, let’s,’ shouted Kate in reply.

Outside the ground seemed deserted.

‘Not a bit like the usual disappointed crowd leaving ten minutes early, is it?’ said Harry as they quickly made their way to the main road and luckily caught a bus to the city without any delay.

‘Where are we going?’ asked Kate as they got off in town and mingled with the busy shoppers.

‘I thought the Black Bull,’ replied Harry. ‘It has a quiet back room with usually a nice roaring fire where I can talk to you without being overheard and then I can tell you how beautiful I think you are without the whole city hearing me.’

Kate laughed. ‘Careful boy, I haven’t given you my phone number yet! How near is the Black Bull though? I’ve never been there’

‘Right here Miss, right on cue.’

Harry gently steered Kate through the entrance hall of the old coaching inn and turned to the left behind the door leading to the main bar. Great! The room was empty.

‘What’ll it be?’

‘Oh, as we’re celebrating a victory, and a meeting, I’ll have a bottle of ….Bud Light!’

‘I’m also celebrating a new friendship and, I hope, a long lasting one so I’ll have a pint of Bass!’ Harry turned to the bar and soon turned around with the drinks in his hands.

He almost dropped them as he looked at Kate.

She had taken off her coat and draped it over a chair. Under the coat she was wearing a very skimpy white top with thin shoulder straps and showing about twenty square feet of bare midriff! She was leaning back to highlight her more than ample breasts. She did, however, seem to be wearing a bra underneath as there was another pair of, even thinner, straps over her firm smooth shoulders.

Kate laughed at Harry’s gob smacked expression.

‘I told you I wasn’t originally going to the match, didn’t I?’ she grinned. ‘I only decided to call at that pub at the last minute and that crowd just sort of drew me in. I’m so glad though, aren’t you?’

Harry sat down saying ‘not ‘arf missus’, making Kate laugh again. Then he noticed in front of him a small cream coloured card, a business type card. On it was printed Kate Harrison, plus an address on Green Park and two phone numbers, a landline and a mobile. Harry picked it up and looked at Kate.

‘I’ve decided,’ she said. ‘You can call me if you want and I’d love to be friends with you. You can give me the card back if you’ve changed your mind.’

Harry put the card into his inside pocket. ‘I don’t think I’m ever going to give this back,’ he said. ‘I’ve got a feeling about us, I really have. Cheers! Hurry up, lets have another!’

Harry decided to slow down on the drinking. He was high enough already. He took off his coat and scarf to reveal his fairly scruffy t-shirt emblazoned with ‘Marston’s Pedigree’.

‘Sorry about the gear. I wasn’t expecting to meet the girl of my dreams this afternoon. Anyway, this shirt has been with me through many a campaign and it also tells you that I’m a real ale drinker.’

‘As long as it doesn’t signify that you’ve got an extensive collection of real ale t-shirts,’ laughed Kate. ‘As for the girl of your dreams, let’s wait and see!’

‘OK,’ replied Harry, ‘but I feel right now that I don’t want to let you out of my sight in case you turn out to have been a mirage’

‘I won’t disappear Harry. You have my full attention at the moment.’

Harry looked at Kate and Kate looked at Harry. They stopped speaking and just looked. Then Kate reached out and gently caressed Harry’s left cheek and then stroked around the eye socket with her thumb. Harry noticed for the first time her long slender fingers with bright red nail varnish, neatly shaped and beautifully finished. He put his hand up to his face to cover hers.

Kate smiled at him and his blood rushed around his body, heating up to boiling point. As if in need of extra body space for his blood his cock rose majestically in his jeans, forcing extra space within that confined area.

‘I think you might have a bit of a black eye after all,’ said Kate. ‘I’m so sorry darling.’ Then she looked down into his lap. ‘You might damage that too if you’re not careful so I think you should ‘adjust your dress’, don’t you?’

Harry looked around the bar and saw that they were still alone although the main bar was sounding quite noisy now.

‘Would you like me to go to the Gents to do it or shall I do it here right in front of you?’ he asked with mock concern on his face. ‘I can turn my back if you like’.

Kate laughed out loud. ‘Oh Harry, I think I can stand to see you relieve yourself (oops!) right here. Go on, don’t be shy.’

Harry undid his belt with his right hand and stuffed it down his jeans, quickly adjusting the position of his penis. Such was his excitement his hand had gone beneath his pants so that he had a nice feel of his stiff cock as he rearranged its position more comfortably.

‘Here Harry, let me help,’ smiled Kate as she took her hand from his cheek and then put both hands to his waistband and refastened his belt. When she had done that she moved her hands to the tops of his thighs and squeezed gently, watching as Harry’s penis twitched with excitement under his pants. Then, still watching, she picked up her drink and swallowed it in one.

Harry gave a long soft moan and tried to sit in a more comfortable position.

Then Kate looked at her watch and stood up. ‘I have to go now Harry. I’m having dinner with my parents at the ‘Black Goose’ in Hartlebourne tonight so I’ll have to dash. You have my number’

‘Sod the phone,’ growled Harry. ‘Can I see you tomorrow? I’ll come and pick you up for lunch. How’s about the ‘Green Man?’

‘That sounds lovely Harry. I’ll really look forward to that. Then we could watch the match on TV at home if you like. And,’ Kate leaned forward, kissed Harry on the cheek and squeezed his cock through his jeans, ‘make sure you bring him too!’

Fucking Hell! As Kate quickly slipped through the door Harry could only sit with a throbbing tool trying to burst out of his trousers. He buried his nose into his beer and drank deeply. Then he bought himself another one so that he could have more time to recover before he walked the short distance home. He couldn’t walk even that short distance in the state he was in.

Harry was in state of euphoria all the way home and the feeling never lessened as he undressed for the shower. His cock erected again as soon as it was released from the confines of his jeans and pants and stayed that way as he entered the shower. He was desperate for some relief but didn’t want to just toss it away as he was sure he was going to need all his reserve powers very soon now.

After the shower Harry prepared himself some food, still naked with a giant hard on. He lounged in front of the TV, watching things he wasn’t interested in. There was the National Lottery (he hadn’t bought a ticket, as usual), some sort of reality show, and then match of the day. The Fairies got a good mention and some footage but his cock stayed up and his thoughts were with Kate. He gave himself a little stroke here and there but he wanted the real thing, he wanted Kate. In the end he decided that all he could do was to go out and see what was out there and only concentrate on Kate tomorrow.

Harry went back upstairs and dressed in his next best. Best was for tomorrow! He chose a dark maroon silk shirt with tan roomy chinos. A pair of medium tan suede slip-on’s finished off the ensemble.

Although Harry lived close to the town centre it was too cold to go out completely without a jacket so he zipped on a thick parka before venturing outside. A brisk five-minute walk brought him to the Red Lion on the Corn Exchange and he turned into the entrance and then the bar without reducing speed.

‘Here’s Harry.’ The shout went all the way round the bar. Several of the ‘gang’ were there before him and a foaming
pint of Bass was soon in his hand. Yes, he decided, this was the way to take his mind off Kate. All the same, his prick moved slightly at the thought of her.

It seemed that the gang’s plans for the evening were already made. They were going on to the ‘Orange Club’ down by the waterside and would not have to be late if they were to stand a chance of getting in. All the clubs had a numbers limit so the best ones were soon full.

In due course they were all moving down the Corn Exchange to the Orange Club when……

‘You’re Harry, aren’t you? I’m Jan, Janine, John’s sister.’

Harry looked down at a bouncy little blonde who was giving him a really friendly smile. He hadn’t seen her in the pub although John had been there. He smiled back.

‘I didn’t even get time for a drink at the pub, I was too late. My blasted boy friend let me down again. Anyway, he’s an ex-boyfriend now. I told him straight. I said, ‘I’ve had enough of being fucked around’. Do you blame me?’

By this time they were in the entrance vestibule of the Orange, taking off their coats. Harry’s jaw dropped as Jan slipped off her coat to reveal the skimpiest outfit that he’d seen in a very long time. He studied her without, he hoped, being too obvious and also without being rude. In fact, it was all admiration.

Jan was almost dressed in a tiny white halter necked blouse top which tied at the back of her neck then came in two strips over her round firm breasts. The cleavage went down to a cute little belly button from which twinkled a little diamond stud. The blouse was tied at the back of the waist, leaving her back bare, a lovely flawless wide back. Then below the waist there was another eye opener, a black micro skirt which glistened with diamante and gold, showing off glowing golden skinned thighs which just seemed to go up and up. Harry hardly noticed her knee length white leather boots.

Jan caught him looking and laughed.

‘Will I do for you, Harry? This is what that bastard Gary could have ripped off me tonight. We’ll have a good time together though, won’t we? Would you like that?’

Harry just gulped and grinned. Christ! He’d only just got his erection down and now it was stiffening up again.

‘Hey Harry,’ shouted John across the crowded club, ‘if you’re going to stick with my sister tonight remember I don’t take her home. I’ve got other fish to fry.’

‘Huh! Fish indeed,’ laughed Jan, ‘it’s that big chested girl from the top of town. She tries to smother him in her tits and he loves it. John’s always loved big ones. He sucked on Mum’s for long enough and it gave him the taste for them. He’s good at it though, he used to suck and play with mine often enough until he found that Nadine. There she is. Look! They’re nearly falling out already!’

They watched as John met up with a tall very black girl with what could only be described as a big thrusting pair of tits. She flung her arms around John and, standing on tiptoe, thrust the said milk machines into his face. John looked very happy.

Meantime, Harry was trying to work out if Jan’s throwaway remarks had any meaning in them. It appeared so as she was still close to him, with her arm around his waist. He looked down at her. She was not really so small so her fantastic breasts were almost up to his chin, making them seem much bigger each time he looked down at them. Jan laughed again.

‘Don’t be shy Harry. I like having my titties ogled. It makes my nipples stand up. They will in a minute when I’ve had a drink or two and we’ve had a cuddle while dancing. You can even grope me a bit if you like!’

Harry’s cock was definitely up again now and Jan felt it as she was pushed closer to him in the crush. She reached down between them and gave him a little squeeze.

‘Let’s go dance,’ she tried to whisper. ‘I want to rub myself on this for a while. Don’t come though, I want to see that later.’

The next couple of hours seemed to go by in a dream and Harry began to be afraid that he might be too pissed to perform if called upon to do so. He switched to orange juice and managed to steer Jan into a quieter corner of the club.

‘Look, Jan sweetheart, we’ve only just met and things seem to be running away with us at the moment. I don’t have a girl friend at the moment although I did meet a girl today who I am going to see tomorrow and you have just ditched your chap. Where does that leave us?’

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Kate and Amys Corset

Kate and Amy's Corset by Pamela ([email protected]) Note: This is the sequel to "Aunt Caroline's Girdle" Midweek after my Sunday appearance at church, the phone rang while I was cleaning up the dinner dishes. I could hear Caroline in the next room talking. "Yes, Kate, Blake is doing just fine, thank you." "Oh you would would you? He's doing the dishes now." "Yes, very well trained, Kate." "OK, I'll ask." "Blake dear?" Caroline called to me. I turned...

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Lucky Encounter With Kate At The Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to be a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past them, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying, “Thanks,” as I moved down past where they were set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

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Slave Training for Kate

SLAVE TRAINING FOR KATEPART 1It was Monday evening. And what a weekend it had been. Kate sat at her computer desk, completely naked, fondling her nipples, occasionally stroking her very wet pussy, reading the story on the screen. She had found this story, and others, on a website where people posted their writing setting forth various tales of slavery, bondage and discipline. She had read this one story she had found several times, the tale of a woman gardening in the nude in her fenced-in...

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Don and Kate

This story is about how I first met Kate. My name is Don. Im just your average 22 year old guy. Im 5'10'' tall and around 200 pounds. I have brown hair and eyes. Nothing really special about me. I work for a company that goes all over the United States to help remodel wal mart stores. Im usally gone for about a month at a time and home for about a week or two, then Im gone again. Since Im single and dont have any kids its a good job for me. So because Im gone so much, I dont have many...

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Kate Gets Blitzed

The first time I saw Kate, we were standing in front of the downtown office building where I had been working for the past five years. Her confident smile immediately caught my attention as she motioned for me to enter revolving door. I remember wishing she had gone first. I would have enjoyed checking out her cute figure a bit more. She looked to be just a few inches taller than my 5-3, with a trim, athletic build and pert breasts."What am I doing ogling another woman?" I said to myself as I...

4 years ago
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Alex was a reclusive girl. She was never very interested in seeking relationships with those around her. She only had a couple friends who were very close; they could both vouch for her shyness. She was awfully cute, with soft, short, golden brown hair that fell to her jaw line and eased a little on the boyish side. In fact, her entire being was a bit on the boyish side, but her face was still pretty with large, green eyes and a nice, albeit somewhat awkward smile that she rarely displayed. She...

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I first met Jan about 17 years ago whilst dating a young woman,Rhonda who was a single mother ,2 k**s and was about 27, I late 40s so there was quite an age difference.It was a side affair, occasionally taking her out for a meal and sex after.We were more good friends than anything and I used to enjoy her company and there was no real anything in the relationship.On one occasion while visiting , she asked if I would take some things around to her friend Jan, who lived nearby.Jan explained she...

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The Real Kate

Introduction: This is the beginning of my slavery. Kate had been married for almost 25 years. Karl was a wonderful man, but because of his many medical problems, he had developed ED. Kate spent whatever time she wasnt working in caring for Karls needs. Kate felt trapped, bored, and mostly sexually frustrated. Once every six months or so, Karl would skip his meds and then Kate would get a little attention, but Karl felt if he was doomed to a life of sexual frustration that Kate should be too. ...

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Kate Free Part 2

It wasn’t long before it dawned upon Kate, as the notion crystallized in her clouded mind, that she really had no decision to make. No, she was under Jack’s spell. If he wanted her to suck his cock, she would suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her again, she would be his for the taking. Hell, in this lustful intoxication, she’d beg him for it if he wanted.This situation didn’t come from any timidity or insecurity, mind you. To the contrary, Kate was an intelligent, strong and independent...

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Kate Todds Erotic Adventure

They weren’t about to be having children before marriage, so she always made him wear a condom. Even if they got married in the future, she knew she would still insist that he wear a condom. She was happy that they both agreed on this during a discussion about it. They both reasoned that they were still young and had their whole lives ahead of them which was a lot of time to bring a child into the world. They started experimenting with anal shortly after they began having sex and this was...

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Kate 3

"Hello, Kate?" was the voice on the other end. "Who's this?" she asked. "It's Rob. We met at Reddys' the other night." "I don't remember you. Were you at Davin's place that night?" Kate asked rather bruskly. "You guessed it. How did you enjoy your birthday party?" he asked with a chuckle. "I'm afraid I can't place you. I was kind of in the dark that night." The voice on the other end just laughed and said, "I know but did you like Davin's surprise birthday party?" "Yeah, I guess. Look, I...

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Kate and Dylan Twins in Lust

I was concentrating on three different female butts just then and didn’t catch who he was talking about “Huh, which one?” “Kate. Look at her man, she’s so awesome, I would pay to get her hot for me.” I looked across the floor to the girl he was talking about just as she leaped off the floor, her long lithe body stretched as graceful as a leaping Gazelle from toes to fingers as she spiked the ball down to the opposite side of the net. If a photographer had been able to catch her while...

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Kate Jim Ch 02

Jim finished her spanking and surprisingly Kate didn’t get up from his lap right away. He was pleased Kate took her punishment well. Kate didn’t make a sound as the tears fell from her face. Jim really had to admire her for that….admire her as well as love her. He took no pleasure in spanking her but honestly felt that Kate needed a strong hand to keep her in check. Just as Jim finally admitted to himself that he needed a woman to love, to truly love and share his life and thoughts with. ...

3 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity John and Kate

I don’t normally do requests though I am often asked to do so.As a female author, I also receive a lot of messages which appear to be nothing but fantasies but when ‘John’ first wrote and began telling me about a brief but important period in his marriage, from the very beginning there was a real ring of truth about his story.John wrote in a pleasing, slightly old-fashioned style which I have tried to retain in this story about a period of four years in which, with his complete agreement, his...

2 years ago
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Kate 2

In the land of leprechauns and shamrocks lives a pretty girl by the name of Kate. Of course you might have read about Kate O'Brien from Chapter One. Anyway, Kate is in her mid-twenties and lives in Kilkenny with her boyfriend Sean. It's a good arrangement but not great. Her sex drive is a moon shot higher than Sean's leaving Kate to think of ways to satisfy her urges, especially after participating in the sex party from a few Fridays ago. On that memorable Friday night, she had sex with a lad...

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Kate Part 3

Kate, Part 3 By Ricky So I once again had a case of the nerves to cope with, this meeting the family stuff just seemed to keep going and going and going. Had it only been a month since Kate started to become real? As far as I could tell, the only looks I got were because of my height; Steph got just as many as I did when we were out together. I felt perfectly comfortable out in public lunching at McDonalds (Chicken salad and no fries, I wasn't about to have to go shopping...

4 years ago
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The Real Kate

Kate had introduced her single sister, Marie, to one of Karl’s friends, David. David and Kate had known each other for about 10 years. Kate constantly teased David and secretly wished she could act on some of her suggestions. Because David and Marie lived far apart, they communicated by phone and e-mail. One day Marie shared a story with Kate that David had written. He had written about how he wanted Marie to be his sex slave, call him Master, and do anything and everything he wanted. He was...

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Katebydarkharbour©The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew...

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The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew the rules - no...

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Threesome with Kate Winslet

"What do you think?" She said to Andrew, not even noticing that I was in the room. "Nice!" He said nodding in approval. Kate looked over at me. "Who's this?" She asked, pointing at me. "That is my best friend and partner, Charles." "So this is the notorious Charles?" She said walking over to me. "So... how comes you never picked me? You don't think I'm hot?" She was being very blunt and getting to the point. If I'm suppose to be the big guy, the man in charge,...

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Kates Christmas Costume Party

Kate and I had been invited to a Christmas Party hosted by the chairman of the company Kate works for, he was holding it at his house; the only thing I wasn't sure about was that it was a costume party. The theme was a masked Angels and Santa's which I had thought was a bit strange. We talked it over and due to Kate's insistence we should go and have a good time we accepted the invitation. Now it was just try to find suitable costumes. I soon found a super Santa outfit with great padding and...

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Bill and Kate Conclusion

I awoke to find Kate d****d over half my body, eyes open and smiling."Good morning, honey," Kate whispered. Pulling her tight against me with one arm, I replied, "Yes it is. A very good morning.""With all that racket coming from the kitchen, I'd say Jess is up. I guess I'd better get up and go talk to her," Kate said. She gave me a soft, lingering kiss on the lips. "Or maybe...I should make her wait a little longer.""I think I've created a monster," I quipped."No. You've just let her out of her...

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Castle Kate Becketts dilemma chap 1

Rick and Kate have an open marriage and, a day, Kate fucked the black porn star Lexington Steele at a bachelor party and her life change... Be indulgent, this is my first story and English is not my language. Of course, the characters don't belong to me........... (The story is different from the one published on AO3.) Rick Castle and his wife Kate Beckett spend the weekend in their Hampton house. They unwind after a difficult final investigation and enjoy the last days of summer. Rick...

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Kate Gets a Puppy

Introduction: During the past week, Kate had begun noticing the same dog every day as she took her morning run. It was an English Mastiff, and one of the largest shed ever seen. Based on her observances as she jogged by, it stood nearly a meter in height and had to weigh more than 100 kg. Kate Gets a Puppy Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 2 Mikes Birthday

"Fuck thats amazing," Mike said, Kate looked up at Mike for a second and she had a huge smile on her face and started to work Mikes penis even harder. Kate had never woken Mike up sucking his penis before, ever since the poker party a few weeks ago she had been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and she had not cared who heard too. Her mom was only a few doors down the hall, Mike groaned again with pleasure as the slurping noises from Kate got louder. Kate took her mouth away from his...

4 years ago
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Sharing Kate

“No thanks man,” I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I think I’m done for the night.” “Oh come on!” Ryan goaded. “Don’t be a pussy!” I just laughed and shook my head at my friend’s persistence. “Fine,” I responded in resolution. “But only if Kate has one too.” Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body. His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to continue our...

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Sharing Kate

“Do you want another drink?” “No thanks man,” I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I think I’m done for the night.” “Oh come on!” Ryan goaded. “Don’t be a pussy!”   I just laughed and shook my head at my friend’s persistence. “Fine,” I responded in resolution. “But only if Kate has one too.” Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body.   His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to...

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My Amazing Cousin Kate

My name's Alex, and I love my cousin Kate. I've always loved my cousin Kate. The first time I remember seeing her, I was three, but Mom says she visited the delivery room the day I was born. According to Mom, there was this eerie thing between us where Kate could always seem to tell what I wanted. Mom swears I would make a fuss, and Kate, who was five then, would run over and go, "Alex wants milk," or "Give Alex his teddy bear," or "He just needs cheering up," and she would always be right. I...

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Kate Part 2

Kate, Part 2 By Ricky Having made the decision to live as Kate over the summer, I spent even more time on the net, reading and learning. What did men with a need to crossdress do before the Internet? It must have been incredibly lonely. The evening we agreed to make Kate a real person, I ordered a voice training CD and subsequently spent a lot of time talking to a tape recorder. For that matter I spent a lot of time looking for a tape recorder; they're going the way of the...

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Kate And Derek

Kate and Derek were a pretty typical brother and sister. Derek was a freshman in high school and Kate was in the eighth grade. Both were blooming into full sexuality, Kate one year younger, like most girls when they bloomed. They lived in a typical middle class neighborhood, two story - three bedrooms - two baths, and their parents had typical middle class jobs. Neither Kate nor Derek thought they were really good looking but Kate's friends thought Derek was hot, and in the past six months as...

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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite...

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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite vision, and...

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Kate 5

After a short drive from Dublin, Kate arrived in Kilkenny in mid-afternoon on Sunday. She was glad to be home following her eventful escapade working as an escort. She set her purse on the kitchen table and went to the bathroom to brush her hair, adding a little makeup before saying 'hi' to her boyfriend, Sean. As she looked in the mirror, she heard voices. Perhaps Sean was watching TV and when she had finished making herself look glamorous, she expected to see Sean on the couch watching...

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Kissing Kate

Feel free to send me an email ( ) telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and as appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing.All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information and retrieval...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Kate and Catherine Girl on Girl My devious plan for Kate and Catherine was finally coming together ! The young black men had been well satisfied earlier at my wife Kate's expense, and I had made sure she was wearing only the charcoal panties as I had made her remove everything else and give the pink and gray outfit to these men as souvenirs before we left! I marched her out of the motel room down the stairs with several black men watching and into the parking lot...

2 years ago
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Secret Agent Kate Davenport

Around the time that agents Moore and Pires were following the Russians in Oxford Street, Kate Davenport was just a few blocks away in a lunchroom in Bond Street. She had been shopping all morning and almost arrived late for her appointment with Jasmine, her Canadian friend who was already seated at a table in the back. The two women hadn’t seen each other in ages, so the first half hour of the conversation was spent on catching up.Jasmine was married to a stockbroker. Both she and her husband...

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My MotherinLaw Kate

Kate calls me around mid-afternoon on a cold and windy Saturday and asks if she could hop over for a visit as she is lonely.I reply, "Well, Kate, Janice just left for a three-day bingo marathon, but you are more than welcome to come over for a supper of stew and watch a movie or two."She stands about five foot eight a bit on the chunky side, with nice 42D size bosoms. I know because I had a time with her bra six months ago. I really like her style of clothes, a skirt, a blouse, and low heels,...


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