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Chapter 1

My husband, Jeffery, died four years ago. It was peaceful for him, it seemed, though, with three sons, all teens, it was my life's hardest challenge. One good thing was he left us well covered financially. It's the emotional coverage that has been lacking and there was nothing he could do about that.

So, you cope.

Our two oldest boys are in college and there's only Neil, the youngest, eighteen and a senior in high school, left at home. While, of course, I miss my two older boys, Neil is a good student, never any trouble, and nice to have around.

The emotional vacuum left by Jeff's passing, has not been filled in any measure by anyone new and I've been left, like many single women, I suppose, to deal with matters as best I can.

For the first time since I was in college, I've now got a few vibrators and a dildo that provide me some sexual relief though never a good substitute for the real thing attached to a caring and attentive man.

So, my sex was strictly solo and, well, it's all I had.

I mostly tried to take care of my sexual needs when Neil wasn't around as I do like to enjoy my masturbating as much as I can and, well, sometimes, I get a bit spirited and vocal. But finding just the right time isn't always possible so, one night, I'd gone to bed and was using the dildo, I often forgo the vibrators when Neil is home, and I was in just the right mood for the feelings to be much better than usual.

So, I suppose I was a little louder than normal when I began hearing sounds from his end of the hallway. Of course my door was closed, his usually is as well but, after all, the rooms in the house are connected by heating ducts so I suppose that might be how I heard him.

There was little doubt of what I was hearing, my son was obviously masturbating as was his mother down the hall from him, masturbating as well.

Knowing Neil was doing the same, I tried to hold down my orgasm but, well, maybe there was a bit of extra eroticism in us doing it together in time if not space, and I was a little louder than I'd intended.

About a minute after I'd orgasmed, Neil, quite obviously, had a roaring orgasm himself that could not be mistaken for anything but. I lay there, part of me rather turned-on by it all, part of me rather wanting to put the whole thing out of my mind and fall asleep.

At breakfast the next morning, it was a Saturday, I fixed him bacon and eggs, the usual weekend fare he likes, and when I sat down with him while he ate, he said, quietly, "I really enjoyed last night, Mom, you know, when we were both, um, you know, getting off."

I felt my face warm and I just sipped some more of my coffee not knowing how to respond or even if I should.

When I didn't reply, he added, "I really thought it was cool to hear you cum when you did, I'm glad you have some enjoyment, you're still too young not to."

I just sat there, really at a loss, when he went on, "When I heard you, it just made me so hard, well, that I just had to do it myself."

I finally said, "Um, I did hear you as well, at the end, especially."

"We could do it together, Mom, it was really pretty cool last night, might even be better that way, doing it together. I've heard you before and, well, it's always been pretty hot listening to you. When I do, it helps me get off and, well, I would't mind if you saw me doing it."

I simply had no words that would come out of my mouth as he added, "I'll bet we would both be happier doing it together."

I soon left the kitchen, still unable to voice anything about his suggestion. But, it did not leave my thoughts, especially when I masturbated later that night. There were images of Neil, naked, stroking his penis as I lay opposite him, legs splayed, fingering deeply, both of us looking at each other as our passion erupted in unison. I tried to shake these thoughts away but they kept coming back unbidden.

Then, several days later, he returned to the subject as we were finishing supper.

"Have you thought about my idea, Mom, that we get ourselves off together?"

If I'm being honest, as soon as he said it, there was a feeling between my legs. I am human, after all, and some things happen whether you want them to or not.

"Honestly, Neil, I haven't, it just seems, well, improper for a mother and son to do something like that."

"We both have needs and desires, Mom, they're natural, you taught me that yourself."

"Yes, I know, but ... well somethings are private."

"Okay but answer me this: Does the idea turn you on some? Be honest."

Shit. Be honest. Now what?

"Well, I don't see what that has to do with it," I put right back to him.

"It has everything to do with it, Mom. Look, we're both lonely, single, unattached. A little fun for ourselves is all we have, why not try to make it more fun, more, um, erotic, more enjoyable. I won't ever tell anyone, you know that. It's just you and me."

"But, well, I'm your mother not your girlfriend," I said, knowing it was a pretty lame argument.

"If that's supposed to mean that you're not sexy any more, well, I can tell you that you are wrong, very wrong. Maybe you'll be mad at me but I can tell you that you give erections to your youngest son, you're pretty hot, Mom. Why not enjoy it? We're both lonely, why not?"

Damn, I thought, he's right in a way. What would it be to get naked with my son and for each of us to have some solo fun?

So, I told him, "Well, we could try doing it in the same room, maybe with a sheet over our middles. But that's all I'm prepared to do."

"Okay, we can try that, why not?" he said with a rather mischievous grin on his face.

So, we watched TV until about ten, then he asked me, "Think we could try our new thing?" again, with that cute grin of his.

We got up and I went into my bedroom and got down to my bra and panties and got in bed, pulling the sheet up to my stomach. A minute later, in walked my youngest son in his briefs, quite tented-out, with a bottle of hand lotion, a beach towel and the grin he had on earlier.

He sat in a chair and put the towel over his lap and slid his briefs to the floor. I guess this was it, I thought, as he squirted some lotion on his palm and put his hand under the towel which began spearing straight up and down leaving no question as to what was happening underneath.

I suppose my part of the bargain was to also supply a bit of erotic interest by baring my breasts, which, thankfully, had mostly maintained their shape and lift over the years, I did look pretty good for a thirty-nine year old woman who has had three children. I was MILF material, I felt sure, but I was still hoping that my son would find me attractive, I am human, after all.

So, I reached around as I caught his eyes glued to me, unhooked my bra and pulled it off my arms.

I was hoping he wouldn't say anything but he did, "Oh, Mom, you're beautiful, really beautiful."

I've never read any advice column that said what a mom should say to her son when he compliments her on her boobs so I just did a simple, "Thank you," and put my hands under the sheet and pulled my panties off, bringing them out and with a bit of drama for the occasion, dropped them on the floor.

Then my hand went back under as I widened to begin rubbing.

"Mmm, oh, this is good, Mom, don't get mad but you're hotter than Playboy," he moaned as the towel went up and down.

Well, I knew that for my age, my boobs were pretty nice but I also knew that I couldn't compare with the hot, young women in the standard of men's magazines. But, well, it was still nice to hear such sweet words from my son.

I didn't really want to use any toys, that just seemed a little too much this first time out and my fingers have always been pretty effective at bringing me to orgasm, so I rubbed and fingered and rubbed some more, all the while underneath the sheet.

I tried to look elsewhere and not at Neil all the time but my eyes kept being pulled back to the rising and falling of the beach towel covering his lap. Thoughts of what he looked like underneath kept popping into my head, completely unbidden as I pressured myself on. There was no question about one thing: it was more arousing and erotic this way, no doubt about it. Much more.

"Are you close, Mom, I'm getting there. I'll slow down if you aren't," my son groaned as his arm moved up and down.

"Go ahead, if you want, Neil, it's okay," I panted as my breathing was beginning to become labored.

"No, I'll slow down, I really love it when we're together at the end," he said as his movement under the towel slowed.

I know as you read this it must sound somewhat strange but, though it had started out as pretty uncomfortable, it was becoming easier to be sexual in front of my son, it was seeming more natural and familiar.

I kept fingering myself getting myself closer as I knew Neil wanted and when I was finally panting, finger-fucking myself rapidly, I told him, "I'm close now, go ahead I'm right there," and his towel began going up and down much faster as his eyes closed and head fell back.

"OH, OH, UUH, huh, mmm, mmm, oh, Mom, that was go good, mmm," he groaned as I cried out, "OH, OH, MMM, SO GOOD, YES, YES, oh, oh, oh, it's sooo..." and I was laying back, out of breath, panting after the most wonderful orgasm I'd had in quite a few years.

"Wow, Mom, that was good, huh?"

I never thought one of my sons would be asking me about the quality of my orgasms but there it was. And, well, the truth is that he was mostly responsible for how wonderful it was.

Catching my breath, I told him, "Yes, Neil, it was quite wonderful. I guess I have to admit that you had a pretty good idea, it's quite erotic doing it this way."

"Think how good it would be if we could really watch each other, you know, without this towel and without your sheet."

"Hmm, well, I think it's time for bed. We can talk about that another time," I told him and he went off to bed as I turned out the light to lay there wondering if he was right, if we, both lonely and sexually alone, should try to have the best sexual experiences we could. But I just didn't know if I could get naked and masturbate in front of my son. I was pretty sure I'd enjoy watching him do it but for him watching his mother? Oh my.

Chapter 2

The thoughts didn't leave my mind all the next day and, when it came time for bed again, Neil asked me if we were going to have a repeat session. I told him we could and soon he came into my room in his briefs with the beach towel again.

He settled into the chair, covered his lap and slid the briefs off onto the floor.

I had taken my bra off which prompted him to comment, "You sure are making it easier for me when you look like that, Mom. You are so hot."

It was nice to hear but I decided not to comment. He had his lotion with him which he applied to his hand, then slipped it under the towel as it began to rise and fall.

I had already slipped off my panties so my fingers began pleasuring myself as I closed my eyes to enjoy it. It was definitely more erotic this way, feeling better and better as I opened my eyes to see my son stroking his cock up and down, the towel now on the floor. His head was back and I decided not to say anything, just watch as I began fingering myself, curving my two middle fingers in and out as he moved his fist up and down.

He was beautiful as he masturbated across from me, simply stunning, his young and muscular naked body softly shadowed in my bedroom's light as he stroked his long, lovely cock up and down as my heart beat to his rhythm. I hadn't felt this aroused in, well, years, many years. He was right, I thought, this is the way to do it, we should be able to see each other enjoying our masturbating to the fullest.

I pulled the sheet away and spread open as I ran my fingers in and out while my other hand pinched my nipples.

"Mmm, oh, so good, mmm," I murmured as I saw his eyes open, now realizing that I was naked and exposed.

"Oh, UUH, UUH, UUH, UMM, mmm," he groaned as spurt after spurt of his cum arced out of his cock falling onto his leg and wrist as he smiled at me so happily, so satisfied.

"You are so beautiful, Mom. Don't ever hide yourself, please," he asked while he stroked slowly in his chair.

His hand moving up and back was so hot, so erotic that I was getting nearer and nearer, then, the dam burst as my orgasm consumed my whole being. It was like I was swept up to the heavens, the most rousing self-pleasure I'd ever had. I had always enjoyed masturbating ever since my first time in the bathtub many years ago. And this was the best ever.

"Oh, Mom, you look so beautiful when you get off. I love seeing you like this. I could do it again, I'm so pumped."

Again? My son wants us to masturbate again? Then I realized that I was still running two fingers in and out of me as I leaned back against the headboard.

So, I told him, "Well, if you've still got the desire, I guess I do, too," and went on now in earnest to masturbate for the second time that night, now, openly for each other.

There was no question that being naked for each other was so much more sexy. Of course, nakedness is usually sexy but the fact that he was my son, my youngest son, and I was his mother and we were each being highly sexual for each other, intentionally turning each other on, well, that's more erotic than I'd imagined.

Now, seeing just how sexy and wonderful openly masturbating with my son could be, I opened my legs fully for him as I watched his eyes feasting on my nakedness as I fucked myself looking right at him.

He was stroking so purposefully, so into it, looking at me as he did. Yes, it was a turn-on, a gigantic turn-on.

"Oh, OH, MOM, I CAN'T WAIT," he cried out as his semen began streaming up, spurting out of his cock landing on his legs. I thought it terrible at the time but I wanted to jump up and plunge my mouth over him and suck it all in. It was an image that kept coming back to me for days, every time making me flood with wetness.

Watching my son cum so beautifully, so sweetly, pushed me right over into a wonderful orgasm, one of the shaking, trembling, really wild kind of orgasms that I always hope for and never happen often enough. I lay there after for a minute, just awash in the pleasure, my eyes closed as I felt Neil's lips press against mine.

He had gotten up and come over to kiss me. Then, two things happened; his tongue slid between my lips and his hand settled on my breast and squeezed gently. Then it was over, he pulled back and silently left the room leaving me with the feeling of a warm handprint on my breast and the memory of the first time a part of his body entered mine.

I lay there with my eyes still closed, my head spinning full of erotic thoughts and images of my youngest son, his perfect body so solid and male, as I realized how much I wanted him.

It was the first time I really saw that I wanted more with my son. I wanted to masturbate him, I wanted to hold his lovely cock in my hand, stroke it up and down, make it cum so hard, spurting his love juice all over me. I lay there filled with all kinds of sexy and salacious thoughts of my son as I hugged my spare pillow to me, wrapped my legs around it and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning, still with the pillow snug between my legs as I pulled it out and lay my head down on the large wet spot, softly fragrant with my inner scent reminding me of my arousal and bringing me back to thoughts of our intimacy the night before.

Chapter 3

It was Saturday so I got up, still naked from masturbating, and walked down the hall to Neil's room and realizing the worst thing I might see would be him masturbating which I was now quite familiar with, I opened his door, tiptoed to his bed and got in next to him, spooning him from behind.

"Uhh, Mom, oh, Mom," he groaned as I reached around him to take his hardening cock in my hand.

"Mmm, I've wondered what it feels like. I can feel it growing in my hand, that's pretty exciting. Feel good?"

"Oh, Mom, it feels wonderful, I've dreamed of this, you know, of you doing it for me," he said as he rolled onto his back pulling off the sheet as I began jacking him up and down.

"Do you have any hand lotion? I don't want to make you sore," I whispered as he slid the drawer open next to his bed and pulled out the bottle. I held my palm up and got a squirt and went back to pleasuring my son.

"Happy?" I asked him as I moved my fist up and down. I hadn't masturbated a man in years but, of course, it all comes back pretty quickly as I began twisting my hand when I got to the top.

"Oh, Mom, yes, this is so good, so hot, you are the best. I hope you'll let me do you," he said.

Well, it was one thing to be pleasuring my son but, well, did I really want him rubbing and fingering me? Of course, the image of him doing just that came into my mind and wouldn't leave, no matter what I tried. So, I concentrated on giving him the best release I could.

I took my time, his head was thrown back in obvious enjoyment, I knew I didn't want to rush it, I love my son and want the best for him, yes, even this, maybe even, especially this.

I went on up and down, then moved my hand up to the tip and twisted my slippery hand back and forth as he groaned, his hand reaching over to my breast and holding it firmly.

He had only touched me once before in a sexual way but, after all, I had a grip on his cock so I wasn't surprised as I felt his fingers flex so sweetly.

"Uhh, Mom, oh, I'm ... I'm ... UUH, UUH, UUH, uh, mmm, mmm," he moaned as semen fountained up out of him as he cried out, "Oh, so good, so good, oh, mmm, mmm," while I continued to stroke him, now slower, letting him down easy, trying to not stop too quickly, just letting him glide back down to earth.

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Sound Clinic Experience

I knew it wasn't me. She was the only person I'd been with in months and we'd used a condom. She had just broken up with a boyfriend a few weeks before we got together. One night when she was drunk she called me since we'd hooked up in the past -- she wanted to get laid, didn't want to call her ex and didn't want to just find some random guy at a bar. We had become decent friends at the time. Like I said, I hadn't been laid in months, she was pretty hot and we'd had sex a few times...

2 years ago
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Sound Of Bounce

How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even...

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                               SOUNDSound.  Who really appreciates this type of phenomenon for what it is.  What generates it, or, more to the point, what can steal it away.  Sound.  How can something so innocuous, be so dangerous.  Its absence on the other hand, can be equally life-threatening.  Sound, could be either an ally or an adversary.                                **************                                CLACK?CLACK.CLACK?CLACK.CLACK*CLACK*CLACK*CLACK*CLACK!!!Taylor paused,...

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Sound Sissy

Sound Sissy By Karen Singer Written in 2003, this is the first story I ever wrote. In fact, I thought I hated writing until I decided to write this. Now I can't stop writing. I am submitting it here to serve as a marker to show how far I've come as a writer since then - now that I am actively trying to find an agent for my "legitimate" books. As such, I've done almost no editing so it is pretty much in its original state. I know I went horribly wrong with this story near the...

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Sounding like a painter

I have been running my own company for a few years now, I have two female staff lets call them Sharon and Casey to protect their IDs, they are both attractive and I flirt with them but nothing more, Sharon is the older of the two, she’s blonde in her early thirties ,about 5ft a thin with a firm pert ass and small tits, Casey is younger about the same height and is more curvy with a really substantial pair of tits, they really are far too large for her frame , she recently gave birth and is...

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I had just walked into the house after a busy and tiring Friday at the store. “I’m home, Gail.” She walked out of the kitchen in response, wearing an apron over her tee and jeans. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last second and my lips found her cheek instead. “Go into the bedroom. Get cleaned up and change your clothes. We’re having company tonight.” “Oh?” That was news to me, but—then again—maybe not. I’d been expecting Gail to start trying her hand...

1 year ago
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Sound Of Bounce

-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even though...

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It was late afternoon before we were back home. We stopped by the store, both to check out how things had gone in our absence and to see the progress on our new building. It was amazing how quickly the construction had progressed. Once the footings and concrete floor had been poured it was only a matter of weeks before the concrete block walls were up. The architect had suggested several cost-cutting and time saving steps, including using standard in-stock steel roof joists. Already, the...

3 years ago
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Sound Sleeper0

Sound Sleeper I have always been a very sound sleeper. It has been great and it has been devastating too. For instance it was great when I would not get up for school and Mom would have to shake me and shake me to get me up. She would even have to help me into the bathroom and to get dressed occasionally. I am not a morning person and my alarm clocks doesn’t disturb me either, I can sleep through anything. There in lies the devastating part. Over the years my sister Ashley has been...

1 year ago
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Sound Business Advice

Copyright 2009 by PostScriptor * It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn’t be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that...

4 years ago
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SOUND SLEEPER 2 The Awakening

Introduction: Joyce is at it again SOUND SLEEPER 2: The Awakening THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER, JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line, she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept&hellip,in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the...

2 years ago
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SOUND SLEEPER 2 The Awakening

THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER; JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line; she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept…in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the hairless cock like a savage in lust. Lately she had...

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Sound Sleeper1

I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name is joyce and I’m a 38 year old mother of two, my daughter is 8 and my son 10. I’ve been told that I’m the spitting image of racheal ray. I’m average height and weight (not an ounce of fat, I may add) with long dark hair and a smile that makes me appear 10 years younger. Plus, in my opinion, I have bigger breasts! My looks not withstanding I don’t understand why my husband left me for a woman 10 years younger then me. I’ve...

2 years ago
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sound sleeper

Kevin honestly hadn't planned for it to happen. It just had. And all because his sister fell asleep in front of the TV with no panties on. He had just gotten home from seeing a late movie with some of his high-school buddies. It was around one, and as he walked through the living room he noticed his younger sister Katie sitting zonked out in their father's recliner. It looked like she had fallen asleep while watching some old movie. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt that she liked to lounge...

4 years ago
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Sound Business Advice

It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn't be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that labor intensive cooking was normal...

3 years ago
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I’m usually an early riser, but I’m not accustomed to falling asleep after three in the morning. I was awakened around 9:30 by the ringing phone. Twisting away from Sheila I reached for the phone on the night table. It was Joanne telling me that Sheila’s car was in the lot, but she hadn’t come in to work and wasn’t answering her phone. “I drove her home last night and told her to stay in bed all day today. I’m pretty sure she’ll be in on Monday. Just work as best you can. If there are...

2 years ago
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Isabelle and mr Bte ch 04

The party was held at a mansion belonging to the owner of a large legal firm and was tastefully decorated with lanterns. Jean-Marie stopped at the valet in front of the big stairs leading up to the large front doors. He got out of the car, took the ticket from the valet and walked around the back while another valet opened the door for Isabelle. Jean-Marie held out his hand and helped her get out, then kept her hand in his as he escorted her up the stairs and into the mansion through the open...

2 years ago
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Horny on a Saturday Morning Part II

I am kneeling in front of you, savoring the sight before me. I have placed you on the sink counter in the bathroom, leaning you back against a mirror that fills the wall. You are naked, and in the throes of a building sensation. Your thin strip of pubic hair, playfully shaped as an arrow pointing down to your pussy, is inviting me to play a little more before I plant my mouth on your essence. In anticipation of my descent on your clit, you softly moan “Yes…” I slip the tip of my tongue onto...

3 years ago
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Open For Business

I look at my watch and grumble, “Damn, it’s only 10am.” I have been sitting by the front window of the store where I am working for almost an hour watching cars for go by. Do not get me wrong I love my new job, but there are days like today where things go slow and I am bored. As my mind wanders, I think back over my life and realize my sex life has become virtually nonexistent. It has been ages since I have touched or even had close personal contact with a real woman. When I mention the word...

1 year ago
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My So Called Sex Life Part IV

My So Called Sex Life - Part IVForward by 'Lexi':Hi all, it's Lexi again. Well my darling Dizzy has finished my story, and while I can't speak for any of you, I love it. Part IV was supposed to be the finale, but he has told my story so perfectly that it had to be split in two, so the finale will be Part V... but don't fret, they are both completed and will be posted withing hours of each other. And I'll tell you a little secret, the reason I asked him to split it is because I only made it...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Maria Kazi Stepsis Knows One Good Turn Deserves Another

Maria Kenzie is in the kitchen making a sandwich while her stepbrother Jay Romero is in the breakfast nook. The stepsiblings don’t always get along, and in this case Jay decides to make trouble as Maria begins to eat. She sees the look on his face and asks what’s going on, and he claims that she’s just gross when she eats. Jay goes on to say that he thinks she makes disgusting noises when she fucks, too. Maria tells Jay that he’s just jealous that she’s fucking his...

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leslies surprise

Leslie was in her senior year of highschool. She was 5’8, 120 pounds. She had large, firm breasts. They were a C cup. Her hair was dirty blonde and she had blue eyes. Leslie was a lesbian. She has been with one girl. But that was a year ago. Leslie’s pussy has aching for the caress of another girl for a year. As Leslie walked home from school everyday, she would walk the same route as another girl. Her name was Jodie. She was 5’6′, 110 pounds, blonde hair and brown eyes. Her breasts were perky...

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New Partner

I was angrily racing around the house packing all my clothes! I had no life here and I was going to file for a divorce as soon as I could but right now I was going to get all my things together and get the heck out of Dodge! Al was due home from work at 5pm sharp and to avoid any confrontation I wanted to get all my personal things out of the house by then. It would be a lot easier on both of us if I just left! Al had just become too abusive to put up with any longer! I'm sure there are many...

4 years ago
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The Village part 3

Mico had been with his woman five years producing six babies. He was a hero but much time was wasted for breeding with the woman carrying babies much of the time. He loved her large tits always full of milk. He sucked them himself to taste the liquid. Her nipples hd grown large and long from the babies sucking constantly. Several babies had been conceived as he fucked her with a c***d attached to her tit. He started the fucking after the bleeding stopped after birth. This meant fucking her...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 347

Landfall Space Academy, January 2 Yesterday afternoon, Diana and Selina had gone for another twelve week session at Ship's space academy, then had spent much of today repeating the process. Now, well into their fifth twelve-week session, they were walking down Landfall's concourse toward the sim area. "I confess," Selina said, her voice a bit tight, "I am not at all confident in my ability to successfully complete this mission." "But you were my second yesterday, and you did a...

3 years ago
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Taking advantage of a friend Part 1

I had been friends with Belinda for about a year. She had a boyfriend the entire time, and I just looked at her as a hot friend with good looking friends I could try my luck on. She viewed me as pretty much genderless, I always was the perfect gentleman to her, buying her drinks at the town, dinners, etc. I of course thought she was hot, but the relationship with her boyfriend seemed strong, and I knew I didn't have a chance with her, so I was content with being her friend. The night...

2 years ago
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Morning routine

Master Dean said a better way for people to get to know more about his "personal little circus freak" would be for me to write a little about my basic typical day,So I wake with the alarm and the mister that Dean's mom hooked up. frrezez my tits off a shoocks the shit out of me but I think that was the point.I pee, shower, prepare my pussy and don one of my mini shifts with random holes cut in them to show my tasty bits and deter any thoughts of outside.I crawl up the stairs (I'm not really...

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Injustice IIChapter 6

Jill pressed herself against me, and we kissed for a long time before finally coming up for air. We were still holding each other and hadn’t moved when suddenly there was the BOOM of a huge explosion, and we were knocked from our feet by the sound of it. It was a good number of seconds before we attempted to get to our feet. There was a loud ringing in our ears, and we couldn’t hear anything else. Once upright, I grabbed Jill to keep both of us on our feet, shook my head to clear it...

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The Unfortunate Life of Carla

The Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Skylar Vox Big Titties Need To Be At Every Party

There’s a party tonight! And Skyler’s invited! For some reason guys are always inviting her places! There’s just a lil problem tho: Skyler doesn’t know where the party is. Its at a “top secret location”. U kno the bullshii that promoters do to hype their events up. Skyler’s friend Brianna was supposed to get all that info to her but she got caught up. And now Skyler’s in limbo. Everybody’s gonna be at this party so Skyler really...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 39

The cave was almost totally dark, only a few glowing tube worms visible in the distance. The passageway was narrow, forcing us to go single file. It opened into a large chamber with narrow ledges circling the edge, descending rapidly. A structure of some kind filled the middle of the chamber. Because it was so dark in here, even darker than in the other cave system, I had Lydia and Jordris break out torches. Annekke stayed ready with her bow, Argis was ready with sword and shield, and I had...

4 years ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver

Part One: Preparing to MoveI returned from two weeks in Kansas with Patti. During that time, she insisted I dress as a woman. This had worked until my purse spilled and Patti’s friend Brenda Hess picked up my driver's license. Fortunately, Brenda was very accepting, even encouraging me to transition into living as a female full-time.Patti and I were introduced to swinging with Brenda and her boyfriend, Martin. The initial purpose of my trip was to appraise the property Patti’s parents had owned...

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A Pastors WifeChapter 3

Doug arrived home on Thursday evening, leaving Janet and Ali at Barbara's. He had a lot of things to catch up on since he had neglected them earlier in the week. He had called his secretary to let her know he was going to be gone for a couple days in case of an emergency and called her on Friday morning to let her know he was back in town but was going to work from home. He entered his home office and sat heavily behind his desk. He took a few minutes to gather his thoughts and focus on...

2 years ago
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I was a teenager one of being fucked by a large dog and enjoying the sensations immensely

My friend Mandy wanted to go on a week’s holiday and asked me if I would consider looking after her Doberman called Max. He’s a great dog, just a big softy and I said yes of course, he would be company for me in the long winter evenings. I had always had this fantasy about being fucked by a big dog ever since my early teenage years, I have come to realise that it is not an uncommon fantasy for young women to have, although most would not admit to it. This particular evening I was...

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