Synchronicity free porn video

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"Of course he'd be pissed," she said, "You are, after all, still technically a boy." Her smile belied the seriousness of her response to my question. I had asked, as I was about to take her cock out from behind her sheer panties, whether her boyfriend would be pissed that I was here. Now, with her growing cock in my mouth, and the folds of her pleated plaid school-girl skirt lying down over my head, I wrapped my hands around her ass to get better leverage. "Ooh, yeah, like that baby," she said when my tongue flicked at her balls with each downward plunge on her cock. We settled in, and I could tell she had some experience.? She knew to how to get blown.? I had blown a ton of cocks whose owners had been anything from straights cruising for tranny love to other girls like me, and most of them were too awkward when it came time to receiving head.? It was slurp, slurp, stroke, stroke, spurt, and they were either beating feet, getting guilty (emotional!) or just spent for the night.? Not Candy.? She knew how to control herself, and her minute adjustments to make my job easier spoke volumes as to her own empathy and skill. I had seen her at the Hippo more than once, even danced and made out with her a few times, but we had never hooked up.? Tonight she nearly dragged me out of there.? The crowd was beat; mostly older trannies looking to lip sync on stage and a few kids from Johns Hopkins out to gawk at the local color. As we burst out onto Charles St, a cop harassing a wino on the corner had turned to look at us. Candy had dragged me over and came to the old bum's rescue. "C'mon, Tony," she'd said, "can't you see he's just trying to get some money for some grape juice?? What else has he got?" She had pulled a twenty out of her white knee-length trench coat (November nights are cold when you are wearing knee socks and a skirt that barely covers your panties) and gave it to the bum. "Hell, Candy, why didn't you tell me your dad was waiting for you?" the cop shot back, but smiling now. Candy had known them, and after Tony's partner had asked me for a freebie, we had flipped them both off and walked down past Never On Sunday to cross over to St. Paul. Now we were in the foyer of her third-floor apartment, and I was kneeling on my rabbit-skin coat.? We hadn't waited long to get busy. Candy folded back her skirt and grabbed my hair.? She wasn't forcing me down on her, just enjoying the control, sending me little signals when she liked something, or wanted me to go faster. The ticking of a clock somewhere was the only real noise besides Candy's breathing and the sounds I made sucking her off. "Pete would probably beat the crap out of me, and then dryfuck you for kicks," she said.? It startled me, because it had been a good five minutes since she had last spoke. I pulled off her, now stroking with one hand as I looked up at her.? She smiled down at me, but hadn't let go of my hair. "Now you tell me!" I said, with mock outrage. "Oh, baby,he's down in Fell's Point all week opening his new club. Don't stress it." With that she gently tugged at my hair, not pulling me to my feet, but encouraging me to stand.? I rose, and her cock bumped against my thighs as she pulled my head back and kissed me, really manhandling me.? Her hand dipped into my cleavage, pushing between my breast form and my chest, finding my nipple, As she tweaked it, hard then soft, then hard again, I started stroking her again.? Her tongue assaulted my mouth, finding every corner, beating down my own tongue, making me moan with the pleasure both from my nipple and the submission. I won't lie to you; I'm not exactly right in the head.? It's not that I'm certifiable, or even manic-depressive.? It's that I have gender issues and low self-esteem.? I live a life during the day as a man, albeit a smooth, slender man.? I don't go out with men unless I'm dressed as a woman, and I even date a few women, although none currently.? I'm not interested in SRS or implants.? I enjoy my double life in some ways, although I am anything but out of the closet.? Kelly the boy would never suck a cock. I have no rules when I am girl Kelly, though.? I'll go with anyone who makes me horny or happy, and right now Candy was making me both.? She had let go of my hair and was now holding me up with one arm while she kissed me and pinched and pulled my nipple. My cock was poking out of the top of my panties now, up onto my garter belt and approaching the bottom of my waist cincher.? It rubbed against the olive green shirtwaist dress, tenting it out a bit in an unladylike manner. The dress was great.? It was new, but looked Eighties, with button-up sleeves, epaulets and Bundeswehr badges and rank markings.? It was longer than Candy's micro mini, but still a good bit above the knee. She must have felt my growing cock, because she left off the nipple- tweaking and her hand slid down to stroke it through my dress, then slid down, then up my leg to free my cock by pulling down my panties.? Now she stroked me, still kissing me and getting stroked in return.? I almost came, and had to slow down my breathing a bit to maintain control. When she noticed that, Candy broke apart, and took my hand. "Go clean up girl," she said, "I'm going to have to take you now.? You are too smoking hot." She pulled me further into the apartment, past the kitchen, through the art deco living room and into her bedroom.? There were panel doors that could separate the rooms, but they were all opened now. The bathroom was black and white tiles and parquet, obviously done in the twenties or thirties, and this was the only room with bright lights.? She pushed me in, and I stumbled a bit to stay up on my ridiculously high heels.? "Bottles and lube are under the sink.? Hurry!" she called through the door. I heard her opening closets and drawers, and turned to look under the sink while I finished stepping out of my panties.? I grabbed a pre-loaded enema bottle and a lube shooter and slammed the door.? "Don't break anything," she said, and then I heard her hopping a bit, obviously changing and trying to balance while she did it.? I broke the seal on the bottle, rubbed a little soap and spit on the tip, and shoved it up my ass.? There was a bit of sharp pain, and I swore.? I couldn't afford to get a little cut in there now.? I wanted Candy bad. There was no cut, just a bit of a scare, and I squeezed the fluid up there. I tossed the bottle on the floor and grabbed onto the sink with both hands. I don't know if it helps, but I like to shake back and forth while I hold in my enemas.? I eat next to nothing as it is, and very high fiber most of the time, so I'm naturally clean, but I like to think I can get extra clean by shaking things up. I was bent over, wagging my ass back and forth, when she opened the door again.? I looked over at her and wondered how she had managed such a quick change. Gone was the schoolgirl outfit; in its place, a demi-cup black bra holding up her c-cup breasts.? The bra was embroidered with tiny pink flowers, and barely covered her nipples.? She had on matching thong panties, garters, black stockings, and platform pink Doc Martens.? "Shit, you better be done, bitch!" she said. I just smiled at her, and turned my ass toward her and kept on shaking. "Oh no you didn't!" I heard her stomp over, and then felt a slap on my ass.? It was hard, too, and I stood up quickly from the stinging pain. I over-balanced on my stiletto pumps and started falling over backwards.? She grabbed the back of my skirt and kept me off balance as she pulled me over to the toilet.? By the time the backs of my knees hit the seat and I flopped down on the throne, she had my dress up around my waist. She grabbed my hair again (not so gently this time) and I barely had time to pull her cock out of her panties before she was bouncing my head up and down on it. I released the enema fluid, and then had to grope around blindly for the tissue to wipe. "Suck it ... ooh ... that's it bitch," came from Candy as I finished up.? I let my hands dangle loosely as she stroked herself in and out of my mouth.? I've found that people as horny and in control as Candy was right now liked that the best; like I just can't help myself. I thought she was going to cum into the back of my throat, but she slowed down, and stroked more gently.? I brought one hand up to pull at her balls a bit, and she let go of my hair.? Now I just slowly stroked and sucked, looking up at her the whole time.? She bit her lip, and her eyes rolled around.? I could tell I was getting to her. "Are you ready?" she asked, popping herself out of my mouth. "Mm-hmm," I replied, trying to work the feeling back into my numb lips. Once more she took my hand, and pulled me toward her bedroom.? I managed to grab the lube shooter on the way out, and she hit the lights.? Her bedspread, comforter and top sheet were piled at the foot of the bed, leaving just the off-white fitted sheet and a few big pillows in matching off-white cases. She kissed me again, and while she did, I moved the lube down to my rosebud.? It was like a cross between a syringe and a turkey baster, and with her caressing and kissing me, I could barely position it.? I managed to get the tip, now slick with leaking lube, just into me, and squirted about half the load into my ass.? I rubbed some more around and in the hole, and managed to get the thing onto the bedside table. "You ready baby?" came her breathless question. "Now. Now. Now." I chanted back her, feeling her cock with my hand. "Shit," she said, and stopped caressing me. I tried to kiss her, and she put her hands on my shoulders. "Do you have any condoms?" "Maybe, I'll check my purse," I said, "Don't you?" As I ran back out to the foyer, she sat on the bed, hitting it a few times in frustration. "Yes, I have twenty-three, right here in my bedside table," she said, "only Pete knows how many are in there, and..." She had let her voice trail off, and I heard more slapping of the bed.? I grabbed my purse from the floor next to my jacket, and walked back around the living room furniture as fast as I could. I was digging in my purse as I went, but the light was low and I had to use touch.? I don't normally end my nights needing condoms; I usually like to just suck a guy off.? I'll make sure whoever I'm with has some before things get too far.? I had to fight my way free of a sticky situation once.? With Candy, it hadn't even crossed my mind. As I checked, she was getting more agitated. She stood up, and tried to see in my purse over my shoulder. It was making my search even harder, and I could feel her cock brushing up against my thigh, wiggling back and forth. Evidently, I was taking too long.? She grabbed the purse out my hands and pushed me down to floor, with my back to her bed. She stood over me, lined her cock up with my lips, and then started pushing into my mouth. It wasn't the best position for me, but by this point, I was willing to go along just to keep her happy.? Besides, she bent over me, making her cock point down a little more.? This helped it to slide down my throat a bit as she thrust into me. I could hear her dump my bag, and then root through the contents.? I reached up and started playing with her balls with one hand while the other reached back to work a nipple out of her demi-cup. She lost a bit of control, and I heard her stop sorting through my stuff. I could feel the sheet tighten up as she grabbed hold of it with both hands and held on.? Pop!? That was the sound her cock made as it popped out of my mouth.? It was one of those times when you keep on trying to do what you were just doing even though what you were doing it to is gone.? You know what I mean?? I just gaped like a fish out of water for two or three strokes of the cock that was no longer there before realizing my mouth was empty. She had turned away and collapsed next to me, hugging her knees. "Don't worry, gorgeous," I said, stroking her cheek, "We can go get some." "No, I can't.? If I show up in the all-night CVS to buy condoms, and Pete hears about it, he'll beat the crap out of me." "Why would he find out?" I asked, ignoring the larger question of why she would have such prick for a boyfriend. "Believe me, he would find out.? Everyone knows Pete." "I'll go." "No," she said, grabbing my arm, "its one thing for me to have a girlfriend walk me home, but Pete owns the building, and if you went out and came back..." I couldn't understand why she was so paranoid, but one thing I've learned in the decade girl Kelly has been hitting the clubs and the sheets is that if otherwise sane people are paranoid about something, it is likely for good reason.? Sex is a strong subject, and it affects different people different ways. "Baby, you're so hard up for a condom, it tells me you're either clean, or you got something you don't want to spread.? If you're clean, fuck me right now, bareback." What was I thinking?? I have never, ever, not ever had unprotected anal sex, and I was letting this girl and this situation brush that away?? I started to say something, figure out some way to take it back, but she just leaned over and kissed me. "No.? I trust you, you have a hard-ass reputation for condoms," she said as she cupped my chin, brushing back my hair.? I was startled that she knew that much about me. "Pete showed me the knife he would slit my throat with if I caught something." I gasped, and she smiled and kissed me again. "Kelly, my life is my life, and I chose it.? Pete gave me about forty grand in surgery, I live here rent-free and anything I want, he buys it." I had a bit of a revelation then, and reached back to feel around for my wallet.? I grabbed it, snapped open first the change purse, then the credit card slots.? I opened the billfold pouch, and there, just like in any college boy's wallet was a Trojan, it's wrapping creased with age. "Oh thank God!" she yelled, and snatched it out of my hands.? I quickly found myself face down on the bed, with most of my legs dangling over the side.? She had two fingers up my ass, and I was dragging a big pillow over to wedge under me to get my ass up for her.? "Damn," she said, "you got a nice bubble butt.? You had any implants."? Her words were a little slurred.? I could tell from experience that she was holding the wrapper in her teeth, trying to tear it open. Just as I was going to answer that no, it was genetics, one of her fingers found my p-spot and my reply turned into a long, low moan. She kept working my prostate then, but I could tell she was distracted by getting the condom on.? Both the shifting of her weight and the pause in her assault on my orgasm spot let me know.? I took the opportunity to get the pillow under my belly, then scooched up a bit.? This pointed my ass up at her and made my hard on point down and back, which I liked, even if it was a bit uncomfortable before my lover was in me. I could hear the distinctive snapping sound of a rubber being fit onto a cock, and then her fingers left my ass.? I moaned a bit at the loss and turned to look back at her.? She was reaching back for the lube with one hand, stroking her cock with the other. She managed to grab the tube after a little off-balance groping which made her tits stretch up out of her cups a bit, exposing the tops of her nipples. I saw her apply a little lube to her cock, rubbing it in while she tossed the tube back over in the general direction of the bedside table. She slapped my ass cheek then, not too hard. Then she hit the other.? I'm sure there were red marks. I felt her fingers knead my cheeks, moving in towards my crack and its wet little rosebud.? I felt one of her thumbs press gently then pull one cheek apart, then the other.? I could feel my hole open up a bit, and I pushed a bit then, making it flare at her. She giggled a bit at that, and I felt both thumbs wiggle a little, teasing me back.? I pushed back against them then, and they both dipped a little into me. I was lucky that her nails did not cut me, but she gasped in surprise as I tried to impale myself.? She then slid first one in, then the other, not really taking it easy on me.? It didn't hurt, but it was sudden, and I moaned and froze my body, splaying my fingers out on the bed. Another giggle, this one a little more evil, and she moved to position her cock between her thumbs. I felt her weight shift then, and she wrapped her legs outside of mine and leaned forward.? This caused a slow, steady pressure, and I moaned louder as the tip of her cock slid into my ass, joining her thumbs.? The stretching was intense, and I clawed at the sheets as I bore down on her cock.? She seemed to feel this, and I felt first one, then the other thumb pop free. She put her hands on my shoulders, and I could feel her slide slowly into my ass.? I trembled a bit, shaking more spasmodically when her glans rubbed my prostate, and then we both let out long sighs when she was all the way in me. She shifted again, and I felt her hands slide off my shoulders and down my arms to hold my wrists.? I felt her breasts come to rest on my back, and my senses were so rarified that I could actually feel the pink appliqu? flowers on her bra through my dress, rubbing up against my back as she settled into position. "Does that feel good, baby?" she asked, now completely in position. I just moaned and nodded my head, pushing back against her, trying to get her even deeper into me.? I turned my head to one side, and when I did, I could feel her breath against my cheek.? She strained forward, reaching with her lips to kiss me as I strained back to her.? She had to settle for my cheek, and then my neck, but the action put amazing pressure on my insides, and I moaned again. Then she shifted again, and I felt her pull out, ever so slowly, coming almost out, and then pushing back in again.? She developed a rhythm, sliding in and out of me, and I moved with it.? The feeling was wonderful, a remarkable fullness.? I have certainly had larger cocks, but she was a masterful lover and our titillating foreplay and near disastrous lack of protection had lent greater force and feeling to our lovemaking. She slowly brought the speed up, and her hot breath increased in tempo with her strokes.? I was squirming beneath her, trying desperately to impale myself on her further with each push.? Finally her abdominal muscles were flying, and she was slamming into me. I couldn't keep up, and just let myself receive her attentions, bouncing down into the bed with each quick, hard thrust.? I heard my moaning, strangely separated from the noise.? It was punctuated with grunts as she slammed me, again and again, down into the bed.? Every time she did, my penis rubbed up against the pillow that was forcing it further and further back as she pushed me across the bed. I didn't often cum from receiving like this; it just didn't rub my p-spot the right way.? But the combination of everything was driving me crazy, and I felt myself on the edge.? I started milking at her, using every muscle I had to bear down on her cock as it slammed into me. I couldn't push harder, try harder, or squeeze harder.? I wasn't even breathing, just letting that long moan turn into a louder and louder noise, culminating in a primal yell as I came, bucking and writhing, trying to get... something.? Not free, not away from the amazing feelings.? Maybe through them, do a different place.? I didn't care, and some how I found the strength to lift my ass up.? Cum spurted in a torrent all over the pillow and my anus pulsed with each wave.? She had stopped thrusting, and, buried deep within me, she gave a shriek of her own as she came.? She clawed at me, pulling my hair and smacking at me, until her breath was running out, too, and she just let her shriek die down to a moan, holding onto my waist with both hands. We were frozen like that for what could have been seconds, minutes or hours.? I don't think either of us could tell. I gave out first though, turning to the side as I collapsed.? She held on and fell with me, keeping her cock inside me. We landed together, legs intertwined, and the feeling was amazing.? It was like riding the biggest wave in the world high onto a beach, and feeling the sexual tension drain away like the receding water. What we were left with afterward was a glowing feeling of satisfaction and contentment.? I heard her breath return to her in a shudder, and realized my breathing was ragged, too. I was crying.? Me, the whore, crying after sex.? Candy must have heard me, because she pulled out and pulled me onto my back, wrapping an arm and a leg over me.? She started kissing my tears away, and I started laughing. I laughed at how silly my tears were, and how crazy this situation was. She laughed with me, and we kissed, and held each other. Now I have a submissive streak, but it doesn't run to humiliation and pain.? Some guys I've been with, the more alpha-male types try to continue to play games after we have sex.? I'm not into that; sucking the cum out of the condom, or cleaning it off with my mouth. One guy even wanted to piss on me afterwards. Right. I like my wardrobe, and nobody is going to piss on my clothes.? There was none of that with Candy.? We both went to the bathroom to clean up.? We washed each other, and she lent me a robe so I could take off my dress and clean the cum and lube off.? She threw it in her dryer while we finished. She threw the condom and wrapper out of the window and then we both changed the sheets. Both of these were for the benefit of Pete, apparently.? He could smell sex, and would notice something like a condom wrapper in the trash.? I washed off the bottle and the lube shooter and put them in my purse, along with the rest of my stuff that had been spread all over the bed and on the floor. She changed into pajamas, and we both settled on her vintage leather couch while the dryer ran. She had some wine, but I didn't think I could handle any, considering I had to drive in a little bit.? There was no question of me staying there the night.? Not that either of us would have had a problem with it, just that it wasn't worth the risk. I had got up to pee, and was still in the bathroom when I heard her phone ring.? The sound was loud and discordant; it didn't feel right. When I walked back in the room, she was waving one hand at me franticly, cupping her hand over the receiver.? I froze, and she just held out her hand, I guessed to indicate I shouldn't move. I had guessed right. "That was Pyotr; he'll be here in five minutes." Her face was a mask of fear.? She ran to the dryer and pulled out my dress.? I had already peeled out of her robe and grabbed it from her and stepped into the damp dress.? I almost fell over.? When I had reached out to steady myself on her shoulder, she was gone. "Oh God.? Please, oh no, oh please," her voice was running evidence of her anxiety. "Candy!" I said, stopping her. "You have to calm down.? You look guilty, and I'm sure Pete will see something is wrong if you don't just take a deep breath."? I doubt my words alone calmed her; it was more likely her sense of self- preservation.? "Lock me out now, and do whatever it is you do when Pete shows up and you aren't afraid for your life." I was buttoning up the last button on my dress, standing on the landing, when we both heard the lock down below rattle.? Her eyes widened, and I just held my finger to my lips.? I slipped off my shoes, and padded upstairs to the next landing.? As I went, she closed the door as quietly as she could, and I could hear low voices and footsteps on the stairs. The landing was tiny, and there was no other stairs to go up. I crouched down, and her door slid out of view.? I held my breath, and heard the footsteps come closer and stop.? There was a soft knock, and I heard a door click open.? "Candy, glad you're still up. Make us some scrambled eggs?" The voice had a vaguely Eastern European accent, and was surprisingly high.? From the way she spoke about him, I would have thought Pete's voice would have sounded like a flamethrower spitting out gravel.? More of a tenor, really. I heard her response, couldn't quite make it out, and then just footsteps and the door clicking shut. I probably should have waited for a bit, but as soon as the door shut I peeked once, and seeing no one, hurried down the stairs.? As I passed the door, I heard louder voices inside, but then laughter.? I ruined my stockings on the stoop, and the walk to the corner nearly froze my feet, but I waited to get there before I put my pumps back on.? Only when I got halfway to my car did I realize my rabbit-fur jacket was still on the floor of her foyer.? It was a cold walk, made colder still by my thoughts of Candy explaining it to Pete.? She had my number; hopefully she would let me know everything worked out. Comments, praise and edits to [email protected] Hope you like it; I sure had fun writing it!

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By the time Tina Lee showed up, I had already made myself very comfortable, and I had no idea who was knocking on my door, why they were knocking, or if I even wanted to answer, but believe me, I was pleasantly surprised when Tina Lee with her sweet southern voice answered on the other side of the door. I had to ask her if she was comfortable with me in my boxers, but of course, her being a lady, wanted me to be dressed, but hey, you can’t blame a guy for trying. So once I put my jeans back...

1 year ago
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A Yummy Mummy

please feel free to comment and suggest ways I can improve. Thank you and enjoy I still weigh little more than I did when I was in my twenties, as I try to either cycle or run six days every week, and I am often told that I could pass for ten years younger than I am. Consequently I still catch the attention of women not only of my age, but also on occasions of women much younger, which I naturally enjoy, and on rare occasions, I indulge my desires when I feel a mutual attraction.So it was that...

2 years ago
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FidleChapter 19

“You’re sure we’re not going to visit Wendy again?” “I’d be happy to drop you off so you can spend the day with your lesbian life partner, if that’s where you’d prefer to spend our date.” “Ha! No, it’s just that I’ve wracked my brain all morning, and I still can’t figure out what you’ve got planned. I don’t even have a decent guess. The very few clues you’ve offered don’t help very much, either. You said that it was important that we drank a Spanish wine last night, but unless you’re taking...

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Old Friends

John moved in to the house 10 doors down about 6 years ago, he is a 74-year-old man that would pass for someone in their mis 50s. Me I’m Dave a young 64 year old.I chat to John on a regular basis and help him with his garden and share the od beer over a warm summer night.I had arranged to meet john on Sunday to help out, it was 10am and I arrived at the back door. I knocked, no answer, I called out. The door was open so in I went.This led to the laundry room, there was another door leading into...

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Oh BoyChapter 3

Oh boy, that is so good. It was to my mother's mouth sucking me that I woke up. I was right on the verge of coming, and tried to pull her up so I could enjoy her too. Mom pulled off me and said, "Squirt in my mouth. I want to taste you all day. I'll be leaking all day if we do it in me now, so squirt for me." No sooner requested than done. I squirted several streams of come into my mother's mouth as she played with my balls and twirled her tongue around the head of my dick. She came up...

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New Hope Co

It is late at night, everyone in the apartment lucidly appears to be fast asleep, or atleast your roommates are being quiet for once in their lives. The darkness of the night has already swallowed your room long time ago. The gentle ticking of your alarm clock is the only sound that fills your ears in this cold night. For what seems like the thousandth time, you turn around in your bed, wishing you would finally zealously be swept away from consciousness and be greeted by sleep with open arms....

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Daves younger brother and my wife

When We had parties, we did a lot of checking out for partners for my wife. One night at a party, Her young friend Dave, (18) was one of the last guys to stay. There were 5 people left at the party. There was my wife, Peggy, Myself, Dave (one of her current fuck-buddies), and another young couple. They were mainly using our place as a spot to make-out. They sat at the bon-fire and swapped tongue all evening and he never got to third base. I was wondering if they were ever going to leave, when a...

3 years ago
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Jeremu comes to Florida with us

That summer my sweet Ana suggested spending some vacation days enjoying the warm weather in Florida. I said it was fine for me; but then she added she wanted Jeremy to come with us…Some good old friend rented us his house as he was going to Europe.The first afternoon Anita and I were relaxing by the pool at the back yard. She had been sunning all day topless since it was still extremely warm.I had gone inside to mix a couple of drinks and when I came back out I saw Jeremy sitting in my seat...

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OVERBOARDChapter 18 Kays Father Learns Shes Not a Little Girl

"Daddy? Oh my God, what are you doing here?" Kay was clearly shocked. "Kaitlyn, you know I don't like you taking the Lord's name in vain. Your mother and I may not be regular church goers but it doesn't mean we don't believe in the Lord and I think you should respect that belief even if you don't believe in Him." She stepped over to him and they gave each other a hug. It was evident though they were holding back some. They separated and looked at each other. "I never said I...

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Living the Dream part 23

Living the Dream, part 23 By: Malissa Madison 2013-03-05 Our trip to the reservation had cost us our annual trip to Colorado, but we were still so happy to have spent the time with the rest of the family that we usually didn't see at that time of year. The story of the hunt was made even more exciting by Erika's having told it at least five times, learning each time to add more detail. Momma's and Daddy sat riveted as both Erika and Danny told about their first hunt. Greg...

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RawAttack Leah Winters Slutty Young Leah Winters Loves Fuck

Young Leah Winters has a great and sparkly personality, as well as huge energy to sex!! This tattooed babe knows how to enjoy life and she only thinks about being fucked. So while we are talking about, this slutty doesn’t stop to touching her hairy pussy, so I please her as a gentleman does, I bring to the action a vibrator to keeping satisfy her until I introduce my hard cock in her warm and wet cunt, this kinky doll is just lust and she receives what she deserves a hot cum all over her...

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The UhOh Movie

Well, its Friday night again and as always each week your mother has forced the family together for Family Movie Night. You'd much rather be out with your friend Jason, but hey, there it is. Tonight's exciting selection: anime. You hate anime. But for whatever reason your mother and sisters seem to love it, so its, sadly, a constant theme at your house. The movie starts up with the typical japanese bullshit: schoolgirls striking dramatic poses, guys looking off to the right, feathers, sun...

2 years ago
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Finding Lisa

(C) 2006 Nick B - All rights reserved Chapter 1 School... ||||||||||| I was not a big kid, in fact I was probably only about the same size as a medium-sized girl; about five-six by the age of sixteen. My body was still smooth and slender with no muscular definition whatsoever. I hadn't much in the way of body hair (or body to put it on really) and my face was still baby-smooth. By this age, I would have expected to have something - even if it was just a dead caterpillar on my top...

4 years ago
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Meri kahani meri zabani

Hi all readers, I Saima from Lahore, 22 yrs old, 5’5” hieght, 34b, 27, 36.v fair color, long hairs and gig eyes. Every one likes me bcz of my beauty,in short i want to share my sex story with all of u.this story will be in urdu. Meri eik khala(musi) eik villege mein rehti ha,us ke son ki shadi thi ,jis main hum sab log ghae howe the aur wahan bara hala ghula tha.barat wahan se koe 100 miles dhoor jani thi.jis car main main ja rahi thi,use dulha ka dost jo uk se aaya howa tha,drive ker raha...

4 years ago
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My Wife Izzy Deployed Pt 4

I was pretty sad when we had to go back over seas . I was having such a great time but me and Rakim had to go back so we could get the other guys on vacation. Saying good bye was so hard too. We said good bye right at the house and my parents took us to the airport. Izzy cried but she’d be fine! Ebony loved my family and hanging out with us. We had worked it out where they would stay until Darius got back then they would go to a hotel. The airport and the plane rides were really tiring . I...

3 years ago
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Our Neighbors are Bi Swingers

Although Luci had only recently married, she yearned for the touch that only another woman could give. She had promised herself that she would be able to put her bisexual relationships behind her once she was married, but it was proving much more difficult than she had anticipated. She loved Mark so much, that was true, but she felt she was being torn apart between her desire to be faithful and the raw needs of her body that thirsted for another woman.Yet she knew that should she give in,...

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I did a gang bang for my daughters friends

Yes, my did a strip and gang bang for my daughters college freinds after she set it in motion, unknowingly. This will need some backstory, so forgive me. I was married to Steve at 19 and began swinging with my husband at 20. He loved to see me sahred with others and video taped a lot of what I did when we played. For years there was a box of video tapes in the back of my closet after we divorced with 10-12 years worth of my sexual exploits on them. Then I went back to college in my 30's and met...

2 years ago
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Sister8217s Hot Friend

Hi Readers, I am Santhosh working in MNC Chennai. I used to read the sex stories in ISS often. I’m the fan of this page. Most of the stories are their imagination but this is the story that happened in my real life. I am from Theni, Tamilnadu and working in Chennai. My family is a small family has father, mother, me and my elder sister. My sister is just 2 years older than me. My sister got married when she is in 23 years. This story is the sex relation between me and my sister’s friend named...

3 years ago
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Hot Sheila

Sheila and I have had some pretty wild escapades together but one stands out in my mind as probably the wildest. It was Halloween, and we had planned to go to the Santa Monica Street Fair where every year about six blocks are cordoned off and people come from all over to show off their costumes. It’s always a meat-fest and not unusual to see many girls and guys walking around almost naked or wearing so little they might as well be naked. As usual I was going to be part of the spectacle. I...

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Secret Cameras in the House

“What!” Blake opened my eyes to see, who was disturbing his sleep, already half knowing the answer. Once his eyes were fully open, he saw his beautiful sister, in mini skirt, and a tight shirt, covering her large breasts. He knew she had no bra on, because he could see her nipples clearly. Sabrina was his older sister by a year; she was the one who brings him all the bad reputation. She is a year older than him and three inches shorter than him, standing 5’7, with long silky dirty brown...

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How my wife found out I was Bi

This story is very true.And my life has been richer for it,let me explain. My wife and I have been married for almost 20 years now, but this story takes place almost 18 years ago. She is a beautiful, sexy woman, she owns her own business and has been successful for many years now.She's 5 foot 6 inches, 140lbs which is just how I like it. Very top heavy 44DDD, hourglass figure like the pinup girls from Marilyn Monroe era of women.Both nipples are huge and pierced, and a few classy tattoos that...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 04

‘Am I your captive? Are you going to have your way with me?’ I asked tugging against the handcuffs ‘I thought we had a date for ice cream?’ Richard’s hands were around my waist as he gently pulled me to him to nuzzle his face against mine. I felt his warm breath tickle my face and listened to his heart beating in his chest as he hugged me. This always makes me tingle all over because Richard loves me and I love him with a passion deeper than the seven seas. I felt my man’s hard cock...

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Do you know those moments when your entire being is pushing you to test the boundaries, chase the excitement, explore these uncharted waters of unprecedented thrill? Let me just tell you that I have an innate talent of, sometimes deliberately, self-sabotaging them. If it is for good reason, you may wonder—maybe a deeper sense of loyalty or overly strict ideas of exemplary principles or any other howsoever-natured virtuous notion of interpersonal relationships?Alas, the reason is simple: it lies...

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Bittersweet by Callie Messenger "It's a great idea, but the US has stupid bitches like Tori who are willing to spend years pumping themselves up and still act like bimbos. Look at gladiators - all our butch women are just that. Butch!" "Mr. Hawkins, we've realised the problem, and if you're still willing to back us, we've thought of a solution." "You can't take a page three girl and fill her full of steroids. It'd still take a good year and a half to two...

3 years ago
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Hot night. Loud music. Sea of movement. I am on the prowl! I'm in need, and the hunt has begun. Holding mydrink, I let current of bodies carry me slowly around the dance floor. Theair is thick with energy and body heat. One can easily get lost in sensoryoverload; bass drumming deep in the stomach, a kaleidoscope of lights almostpalpable on the exposed skin. Momentarily lightning-like flashes replacedby minute darkness ? ~ where do all these hands go at those times? ~ Couples moving in unison,...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 22

The three of us went inside and I could feel another panic attack starting. I dreaded this confrontation. My mother was in the living room and so were Cheryl’s parents. “There’s the deviant now!” her father sneered. “Not so smart-mouthed now, are you?” I looked at him and blinked. “Get out,” I said dispassionately. “Get your car off our property and get out. You can park on the street and we’ll send out your daughter and everything she owns. You’re not welcome here. If you’re still here in...

1 year ago
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Wifes Wild Saint Patricks Day

My name is Frank and my wifes name is Patty. At the time we were in our late 20's and had been married for 8 years. We had started to experiment a bit and talk about watching her get fucked by other men. She understood it was my turn on and she was also a bit excited about the thought of it all. One night we were in bed fooling around and I wanted her to give me head. She was good at it but the past year she had been refusing to do the deed. We talked and talked and then I told her that if she...

Cheating Wifes
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My Birthday Wish

Secrets come out over time, no matter how hard you try to keep it a secret. I had been a cross dresser since I was a little boy. I never understood it, or knew why, but it was a sexual thrill. I was able to engage in my desires for 18 years of marriage without my wife knowing. I love my wife, have never had an affair but had seen a professional dominatrix on occasion. One day I saw Fredericks of Hollywood had a new shoe, it was a lot like the first pair of shoes I had ever...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 15

Candace presented Fred with a check for twenty thousand dollars at ten a.m. Fred called Rico and they started pulling permits, largely for plumbing and kitchen work. Candace called in Jiang Yi and Toby and Amy -- and Randy, who, as it turned out, was taking architectural drawing in school -- and began working on the detailed plan. Toby was in charge of electronic entertainment -- and surveillance. A portion of the servant's quarters off one of the back wings of the old house would house the...

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HER WEEKEND SEX SEMINAR by Rumple Foreskin      Cindy Davis stood by the foot of the hotel bed watching the man she would spend the weekend with making love tip the old bellhop, lock the door, then turn and move towards her. What the hell had she gotten herself into? Wordlessly, Ray Mitchell, took the purse from her numb fingers and tossed it toward a chair. He missed. Neither of them noticed.      For a moment they just stared at one another. Then with a quick movement, he gathered her into...

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If I had to pinpoint one thing in my life that struck true, undiluted fear into me, it was flying.The whole ordeal terrified me. I would literally rather cross the country on a train for three days than be stuck in a flying metal tube for five hours, but since no one in my family seemed to care for my opinion, the plane is where I ended up on an August evening. A very large, selfish part of me wished I'd never even agreed to this trip. It wasn't like spending my last month of summer at my...

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Lemonade and White Melons

It was a bright, muggy August Tuesday morning in Lawrence, Kansas. Chris Jenkins was trimming a hedge at the side of a stately old house built after Quantrill’s Raid, a light blue 2 story house with a full front porch, gables, ornate trim, and long, thin windows. It had an ample yard with an artistic display of flowers in front of the house, and hedges on the side and along the back edge of the property. The trim was clean and white, thanks to Chris’ attentions the previous day, and the windows...

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Backyard PrincessChapter 5 Throne Reclaimed

I was still lying on my bed staring at the wall when Mom came home. I heard the front door open, followed a few minutes later by footsteps on the stairs. Finally, she opened the door and peeked in. "Hi, Kenny," she smiled. "Where's Sarah?" "I hate her," is all I said. Mom sighed. "Uh oh. Did you two have a falling out?" At first I didn't want to talk about it, but I decided I needed to tell someone how I felt, and Mom had always been a good listener. So I began talking, and soon...

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Lady Jena the Goddess Domme

Lady Jena, the goddess dommeJena is a professional domme. I didn't know it when I met her. At the party of a mutual friend where we met, her roving eye caught my roving eye, and I was drawn to her. It may have been her late thirties demeanor that attracted me, or it may have been her blonde hair, parted in the middle and curled under just before it reached her shoulders; perhaps it was the boots she wore - they looked good on her. She had the look of a woman of authority - an executive...

2 years ago
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Finally Lost My Virginity To Aunt

Hello girls and guys. Remove ur pants and underwear take ur cock and girls keep your fingers ready for masturbating. I am Sameer again with my story. For those who don’t know me. I’m Sameer,age 18,wheatish complexion,and with a cock size of 6.5″ to satisfy anyone. Do read my previous stories (Navratri gift from sister and my sisters- angels from the heaven and aunt caught me and her daughter) for getting more information. Any one interested in anything can email on my id for infinite...

3 years ago
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Dirty Harry

Once the school day was over, I had attended a football practice and my then girlfriend Dawn had been doing an after school gym class. It was a cold and dark autuminal late evening by the time we were finished up and on our way back to my parents house for a meal. We were both tired and cold so decided to take a short cut to the house which entailed cutting off the corner of a housing block by crossing through a private residences yard. Now the house to cut through was owned by an elderly guy...

1 year ago
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Fag School Registration Day Chapter 3

Don't read this if you are illiterate, or if you are offended by the term "fag." However, if you now know that "fag" is an endearing term used by passionate fag lovers and their supporters, then read on. The time setting for this chapter of fag school is between chapters 1 and 2, the day the fresh fag freshmen check in and check each other out. We begin: For the past year, two good friends have been living a life that is both a profitable and, to them, a philanthropic contribution to the sex...

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One Dark NightChapter 13

Weeks went by now and things were pretty much routine. Raven didn't see Rick very often. He was always at the garage or at the tattoo parlor. Or worse, out drinking with Justin. She had been after Rick to get Justin a place of his own. She was getting tired of him living with them. It was just too small for the 3 of them. And tension would arise. But Rick always seemed to take for Justin's side. It was very frustrating for her. Those two seemed to be attached at the hip. She was lonely....

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The Ark Part 1Chapter 9 Negotiating with the Unions

Sam Thomas was our key person for the Ark’s construction effort in addition to being one of our two lawyers. Sam knew that he would not be able to manage the construction effort without help, so he hired a construction management firm. The firm pulled our activities together in an organized and logical fashion with Sam’s help. They recommended an architectural firm, which we employed to design the electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other systems required for living in the Silos. They also...

1 year ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 20

Bonny sits on top of Kaito eating up his penis, sucking on it lovingly as Kaito stares at her vagina in front of him. He takes his finger, poking it as its juices leak out slowly. Taking his finger, he shoves it inside of her, deep inside of her. “Hey!” She screams out. “What’re you doing?” Bonny asks. “Sorry, I was curious.” She sighs, waving her ass around in his face. “Don’t poke it. Maybe lick me a little.” She says burying her face in his crotch. Kaito nods shoving his face into her...

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This is a world of magic and sword. This is a world of knights and mages. This is a world of demons and gods. This is a world of humanoids and monsters. But this, is not his world. Ryu. A modern world guy, to say it nicely. A fat otaku, to say it crudely. Was it Truck-sama that brought him here? He doesn't remember, and it wouldn't matter anyway. Now it's time to pick up a weapon, and fight for his new life. For his own life, and for the adventurer girls who picked him up and welcomed him into...

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Lambs The Lambs Cutting balls, the bleating sheep, the farmhand pinning them down, holding them with all his might. I was watched on as the lambs lay down crying. I was holding a pen, counting the sheep as they be flayed. I wrote the number down as the farmhand checked their tags before wrapping his bare arms around them, pulling them towards him. His raw muscles bursting as tightened his grip on them. "Twenty seven, B, seventeen," he called to me. The farmhand smelt of piss...

1 year ago
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An Unremarkable DayChapter 12

Jake turned off the trail when he got back to the cabin. All was quiet, and he wondered where Sue was. As he rode the hundred yards or so back towards the shack he looked around, and by the time he pulled Blaze up in front of the cabin he still hadn't see her. Suddenly, she popped up from behind a bush on his left, holding her rifle. He hadn't even seen her or known she was there. She grinned at him, pleased at his startled expression. He waved his pole back at her - he still hadn't...

4 years ago
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Business Trip

Marilyn Bear was upstairs in her bedroom packing a suitcase for her trip to California. She was due to start her new job with Chambers and Associates, the company that had just hired her to be their media marketing director. Marilyn and her husband, Bill had argued long and hard over her taking a job but she had ended up winning. After all, as she pointed out to him, they had agreed ten years ago when she had finally become pregnant that she could go back to work when Susan, their daughter,...

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