Abdas Braking free porn video

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Abda woke up the next morning feeling woozy.

For the first minute her head spun. Her head pounded, as if violated, as if someone had shoved a steel spike through it. Then the events of the night before came rushing back to her. She couldn’t believe what a whore she had made of herself. A few measly orgasms and she was ready to move in with him completely. She held her head in her hands, partly in shame, partly in desperation, and then realized for the first time that she was actually naked now.

The night before she had been bound, and dressed, though her clothes had been lifted to grant access. Now, everything had been removed. She was no longer bound. Her movements freed. She could escape! She looked around the room for a way out.

However the only door was made heavy wooden oak, reinforced with iron bolts. Escape through that way, was impossible. Then she looked up at the window. Too small.

Then something else came back to her, insignificant at first but seeming more odd, then more and more significant as it was examined and turned over in her mind, like a tiny detail of a half remembered dream which turned out to be the main link that dictated everything that followed.

There was something wrong about all that had happened, she gave in too easily, took too much pleasure, wanted it too badly. As a psychology student she new everyone had several voices in their head going at once but usually only one was really heard, the one that acted upon decisions and cast the deciding votes. But the others were always there. The others were always chattering away: her mother’s voice soothing, her father’s degrading, her inner child scared, and then… Something else. A voice that was out of place. Oh yes, it sounded like one of her inner voices, it sounded like herself, but the phraseology was off, the structure of the sentences, the amount of dominance and arguing and controlling it did, the amount the other voices argued against it. It had started so quiet and had gotten more powerful so gradually that she hadn’t noticed. The whole persona of it was wrong. They were brilliant forgeries but, definite forgeries nonetheless

Then she realised what it was. HE WAS TELEPATHICLY CONTROLLING HER SOME HOW. No wonder the inner struggle had raged within her the night before. No wonder the inner voices argued with her when she said to herself she finally felt like she was home!

She hadn’t enjoyed it – yes she had- she had only thought she had enjoyed it – no really it was so good. She’d never orgasmed like that before. She cried out, ‘STOP IT!’ and slammed her palms into her temples trying to block the voices out. She knew now. There were more than one. All pretending to be her, all arguing with her own voices, trying to take control of her mind

She then heard a noise and realised that what she heard were keys rattling in the keyhole of the door. She jumped to her knees, in order to beg her captor to release her. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears as a man strode in, tall and powerful, bald, with dark, evil eyes and a horrible evil face that was full of malice.

He said to her, speaking over her pleas, in a deep and domineering voice which overrode hers without ever rising: ‘My name is Imhotep.’ -you love him, you worship him- ‘I will give you one chance to escape.’

He expanded to fill the room, like some sort of giant bat spreading its wings, creating a spider web like a lattice across the room, more importantly, across the door which formed itself into a stone and marble pillar system identical to the standard police cell bars, except for being made of sterner natural materials. Then her face appeared in the middle, and Imhotep said, ‘If you can get out of here in the next 10 minutes, no one will stop you from trying to leave.’

The vices grew louder: -There’s nowhere to go, stay here, I being here, I need to be here, I’m naked! Where would I go like this? I’m his. He’s so good in bed’.-

She rushed at the stonewall hoping it was an illusion but, surely enough, it was completely real. It was as strong and solid as a real stone would be and more than a match for the naked woman. She did everything, she even tried to squeeze through the bars. It didn’t work. After the 10 minutes had concluded, she was thrown back against the far wall and landed on a pile of hay. Imhotep shrank back down into a human form and said, ‘You have failed. Therefore, you belonged to me now.’

The magic he had made her his servant, as her body now answered to his commands before it did to hers. He was higher in the chain of command now. She was made his willing servant by the ever increasing chatter of voices telling her she wanted to do whatever he said. From that point onwards, she would do anything he told her to do. She knew a human responded to authority. She knew all about the obedience to authority experiment conducted by Milgram.[1]

Suddenly an instinct came to her from outside her body, a foreign desire. She paused for a moment and then realised it was some sort of psychic command.

From him. This was far more powerful and more subtle than the others. Clearly they were working for him, but had nowhere near the skill he did. -No ones trying to control you, you just want him-

She had an overwhelming desire to… Give him a blow job. The urge was so strong that she found she could not fight, nor resist it. She tried. She struggled. But one foot stepped in front of the other. She commanded it back. Commanded herself to halt. She commanded the corrupt foot to heel. But was the other foot which heeled. To the first.

Then it stepped beyond it. She was losing the fight. Without any commands from her own mind, her legs began moving her towards Imhotep at a steady speed. -no ones making you do this, you want to, you just cant admitted it to yourself, like horney women who blame the booze the next morning.-

When she arrived, her legs buckled under her weight and she was forced to her knees by this instinctive desire. And the dozen tentacles that sprouted from his hips and grabbed her head.

She found herself face to face with his crotch. Before she knew what was happening she also found her hand moving to his crotch all by itself. Once it reached its desire, it began pulling out the largest cock she had ever seen. The voices were cheering, egging her on, telling her how delicious it was.

Her restraint and self control was slipping. It was true some dark, primordial instinct, wanted it, the same instinct which dictated lust and desire and passion. But she was a fully grown woman, not some silly school girl with a crush. However, it was this tiny instinct that that the voices fed up, nurtured, expanded and forced to grow, until it consumed her. -you want it. come on, admit it, you need it-

It was so long and thick that even her admittedly large hands, which had disturbed many self assured men, didn’t cover half its length. Even her admittedly large hands, which had scared many over cocky men, couldn’t touch thumb to fingertip around its girth at the base, though holding it in her hands was quite possibly the greatest sensation she had ever felt: the texture, the feel, the warmth, the gentle throbbing of his pulse and the odd feeling of a deliberately hard and rubber stick.

No, that was Imhotep talking (- so nice-)

she had to fight (- so soft yet hard, like a rubber bat- )

she had to resist- so wonderful and pleasurable to touch, never let it go-

The way it gave and yet it was steely in its strength and firmness, like one of those foamed bats psychologists give patients bats made of steel or wood but wrapped in foam so they can beat each other silly with no ill effect in anger

displacement therapy.

No, that’s not her voice, she was sure of it. It knows all she knew, but it was not her voice!

The weight in her hand (-no…. must resist-.)

It felt as if it had been built specifically for her hand and
her hand had been built specifically for it. So good. (- no stop it -)

There was something in her head. Something that sounded like her, too quiet and weak to make out. Three voices. One hers, One Imhotep, and the third the mass of his manipulating minions. Which one was hers again?

It became harder to tell as lust filled her, seeded from her own deepest recess, fuelled by him and encouraged and built upon by them.

(-No ones controlling you-)

(-It is quite nice-)

(-God, I want it in my mouth-)

She began to stroke it, pumping it in her first. It was the best feeling in the world. Better then holding silk, better then stroking a kitten, better then the time she had held a bird in her hand.

Then she had the overwhelming desire to put it in her mouth. All there voices demanded it, as a fourth began to chip in, the fourth being the last reminisce of her self control and mind, now separated from her primal desires.

She gave into the there loud voices (-no!-) did her best to take the tip (-stop it!-) sticking her tongue out of provide more room in her mouth (-its too big!-) but even this was a challenge.

(-its too dammed big!-) Yet all she could think of doing was running it deeper down her throat


(-Yes more-)

(-Come on! More!-)

She did her best to serve him and suck as hard as she could, making allowances, making her cheeks hollow, all three louder voices loving the noises, like somebody in Wellingtons walking through an incredibly muddy field

(-Feel so week…so …weak…where? Where am I?-)

(-So good!-)

(-I feel so strong at achieving this much-)

She choked as she slowly began to take more and more. She started pressing against her throat and try to swallow it down- why is my throat giving so easily. What’s wrong with the muscles…? It’s like that time I had a gastric endoscopy exam… The camera slipped down so easily after the general antithetic spray… Horrible flavour of artificial bananas…

(-No! Concentrate! Fight!-)

(-No! Concentrate! Don’t fight it! -)

(-No! concentrate! swallow it down!-)

After about an hour or so, she had managed to take the whole length in her throat, stroking it, engaging as she did so, tears pouring out of her eyes, making what was left of her mascara smudge and run down her face.

Desperation filled her. Desperation to … to… (-Stop! Please let me stop! -) To finish. Yes, that was it. After all, anal sex may feel different from vaginal (- Very! -) but still builds and releases sexual tension,-true- which is what and orgasm is (- also true-) so -why shouldn’t this make me orgasm (- because your he’s choking me.-)

After all she was (-not-) enjoying her, as her tongue, forced out of her mouth by his girth, touched his balls. And they (- didn’t-) taste good!

Her voice was re-emerging, her mind regaining control of the lustful brain and her senses, as oxygen left her brain from the gag reflex. But it wasn’t enough. She was still in his power. If he decided to kill her by making her suffocate herself on it, then she would die doing so.

She continued to serve him, sucking as hard as she could, for over an hour, slowly learning to accept every inch into her throat without choking on it. Even when she couldn’t breathe, it was still the greatest feeling on earth, the most pleasurable thing to do, the only thing she wanted to do.

Finally she’s given her reward, what she had been (- forced into. Got to remember forced into. Didn’t want to (- been working towards all this time. He ejaculated (-Ew.-


(-Ew ew ew spit it out spit it out- she wanted to begin swallowing straight away

– ew ew ew, no please let me spit!-

-No swallow it down-

-swallow it quick, gota’ get it outa my mouth-

She couldn’t believe the load he gave. First it filled the deepest recesses of her throat. Then it began to back up. The only thing she could think of was the ‘mini sick’ caught in her throat before her mouth, making her swallow it all down. However, it continued to back up, filling her mouth and spilling out. A final pumping of his testicles released a thick, heavy, creamy load which, having nowhere else to go, exploded up her nasal cavity and out of her nose, like the foam of an overly fizzy drink.

Her voice grew into a whispered shout as she thought: ‘Is he shitting me with this!’

Blackness engulfed her. ‘Thank god’ she thought, ‘ I’m going to pass out. Maybe drown. I don’t know whether I want to die or not …I think I’d rather die than (-‘

‘You’re not going to drown or die. If I have to force you to clear the load yourself, your going to swallow it all.’ Said Imhotep.

At that point, all she could think of was swallowing. And she did. It took eight mighty gulps to get rid of most of it, and another three swallows to finish up. Plus, a hard snort trying to clear a winters snotty nose and another swallow (- Oh god! EW!-)

She licked her lips clean, and (-desperate to spit! Spit it all off! Spit it all out!-) then began to clean him with her mouth, swarming every last drop of saliva and come she could get.

She wanted to (- bite the fucking thing off, you bastard!!-) please him.

She had been feeling very hungry for over an hour, but the great weight and girth of the loads he had just given her weighed her down, filled her stomach, expanded it open, since hunger was controlled by expansion (or lack there of) of the stomach

She knew she would be hungry again another hour or so, like eating Chinese food, once her insides had had the chance to process through the liquid but, for now, in that moment. she couldn’t have eaten a thing.

She knew then that she (-had to try to stop him- ) couldn’t even contemplate defying him because he controlled her every thought, feeling and instinct, desire, orgasm, he could probably even override the controls of her body, if he needed to.

As if to prove the point, he did. Causing a monumental orgasm.

she knew he would never have to control her body, given the level of control he had over her mind and desires.

Imhotep suddenly hit her with a bolt of lightning, which fizzled and crackled, swelling in the air as it made its way over to her. As soon as it hit her, it began to transform her, into different things. All variations of half woman and half horse.

Her bones ached and her skin ripped over and over, resealing, re-healing. Finally, she became an eight foot tall half woman, with all human sex attributes, including breasts and human configured vagina, as opposed to a horse- thankful for small mercies- but with the musculature of a horse. And the hooves to match. As well as heavily swollen and engorged breasts

Then she was returned to human form. He said ‘ From now on you’ll be obliged to take any form I wish you to.’

(- NO! -) ‘Yes master.’

‘You’ll be able to take any form I choose for you, in order to fulfil the tasks that I have for you.’

(- PERVERT!-) ‘Yes master.’

‘ You will be joined to a small group. Marital Monday’s orgasm day and you will do so, hard, repeatedly and extensively- least I get something out of this- You will find that you lactate. A lot. A milk maid will come on Monday to make you milk and to milk you.’

‘Beyond that, you’re as free as you can be within the restrictions of my will. You will do anything at all (-I’m starting to figure that out-) including raping any woman. (-You sick bastard.-)

One of the tendrils slapped her to the floor for that. Then he continued. ‘If I tell you to rape your own family you’ll do it. And I may just do that. (-You sick BASTARD!-)

He formed himself of tendrils and tentacles at that, and whipped her ass. Twice. She winced in pain, but couldn’t raise her hands to her buttocks as her instincts told her to until he allowed her to do so.

‘Yes master.’
(- Wait … did I say that, or did he make me say it? -)

‘First we shall brand you.’

(-I’ll FUCKING KILL YOU!-) ‘Yes master, please brand me, show everybody in the world and that I belong to you now.’ (- Ok that’s defiantly all him. But what was that before. Is it possible he’s breaking my will? Hope it was just a slip.-)

Abda was guided over to a bench by the psychic control, where she was telepathically instructed to lay down and with her legs open. Then her tongue, nipples, bellybutton, vaginal lips and clitoris where all pierced with golden rings. Attached to each ring was a logo on a small, delicate chain. The rings, despite being gold coloured, were sturdy. Pull on the chain, and the chain would probably brake, but pull the ring too hard and shed be ripped open. She was then transformed into a half horse and was branded with a red hot iron in a strange shape. However, because of either the thick horse skin or his control, it was a slight burning, like having a rash under sunburn rather than the pain she had expected.

Apparently, this sight was too much for him, as his crotch seeming to spasm uncontrollably, into a mass of tentacles. Two seized her by the ankles, pulled her legs open and restrained her. The rest began entering her pussy and ass, one by one, expanding her with each tactical that entered, stretching her painfully. The mind control was released and she began trying to fight, the pain of the fist sized tentacles too much to bare, the grip of the tentacles around her ankles to strong to brake. However, through body manipulation, she was forced to orgasm. Repeatedly. If anything, the fact that she wasn’t being forced to enjoy herself or mentally control some how made the violation so much worse. Finally, he spent his load and she was released.

She curled into the fatal position, partly through sheer pain, partly through sheer spasming of her internal muscles and partly out of sheer shame and self disgust.

Then she was allowed to rest for a while, lying in a bundle of hay. She was thankful for the rest. She was horrified at how thankful she was, after realising the thoughts of escape had left her as long as she was just left alone for a while.

Abda thought about her past experiences with men. She found a lot of men were intimidated by her height and, at six foot one, she did stand above many of them. Not him though. She did herself no favours, preferring high heeled shoes over flats. She would never get the choice again. He would always decide what she wore, if anything, from now on. She drew enough attention from men as it was, but no longer. She only had to draw the attention of her master now and that’s exactly what she wanted. She orgasmed unexpectedly.

Wait. What? She had heard of people orgasming uncontrollably, but usually it started at puberty. So if it wasn’t her, he must have given it to her. But why? How much of that was her. How much of it was lust? How much of it was experience and forced orgasming? How much of it was him? Certainly not 100 per cent any more. She was disgusted in herself again for giving into him.

She had been saving herself for the right man, this was true. And she was finally certain of who that was. It was her master (-Gah!-) Stop making me call him that!- However it was more like a large square block had been forced into her small round hole, rather than him being the right man, it was as if she had been changed to make him her Mr. Right. Was that possible? Even with the mind control? Even though he had not decided to take her virginity yet, when he did so she would give herself to him willingly.

Some eighteenth birthday this turned out to be! The man of her dreams had found her and taken her into his life!

Wait was that her or him?- She wasn’t his only woman, but then she didn’t think she would survive being his only woman- That was very true. But her or him?- He would probably have destroyed her if she had been his only one. She certainly wouldn’t have had any chance to recover. Which she had been promised. (- Wait. While it was true he was painful, would she think about sharing her soul mate? Even with his powers? Was that her or him? It was him. Wasn’t it?-)

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Juan Lucho is looking for a maid and hires Kesha Ortega as his new hot cleaning lady. The brunette babe with brown eyes and a gorgeous smile on her pretty face looks just fabulous in the new costume he supplied her with. Wow! Check out those high heels, enjoy her hot lingerie and get your hard-on out for some wanking once you see that big round ass shaking right in front of your eyes. Today’s 4K Hardcore masterpiece by the DDF Network is packed with epic pussy fucking and endless cock...

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Blue jumper petite lover

I watched her approach down the aisle of the plane, tall and elegant, totally professional, but something about her spoke of something more. To this day I cannot say what exactly it was even though the moment is etched on my mind. Maybe it was the glint in the deep brown eyes, maybe the slightly low cut of the blouse under the designer cut of her jacket? Perhaps the swing of her hips as she placed her trolley above me. Whatever it was I just had to watch her as she slowly and carefully unpacked...

Straight Sex
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Tgirlguru Reddit, aka r/Tgirlguru! Well, I’m personally addicted to Reddit porn, and I know most of you are too, especially those MILF GIFs! It is a perfect place to get that quick porn fix with loads of subreddits covering practically all sexual fantasies your dirty mind can conjure. However, there is no bestiality or child porn, so you can get your pedophile ass off the site. But if you are looking for any other ‘legit’ type of porn, trust the huge fucking community at Reddit to supply you...

Reddit NSFW List
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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 8 The Low Spark of High Heel Girls

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 8 The Low Spark of High Heel Girls -Slow Breeze of the Restart Week- I was sitting in the cafeteria with my new "friends," Chrissy Allen, Robin Trujillo and Randi Carr. I put "friends" in parenthesis because that's kind of how it was. I knew their names from gym class. They were three of the popular girls who sat on the opposite side of the bleachers from the rest of us. Until today, I hadn't paid much attention to them. They...

3 years ago
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Marriage With Mahesh

Hi, all, myself Rajeshwari now a 35-year-old woman carrying a child. I shall narrate the sex story happened one year back. I was then a 34-year-old virgin girl working for a software company. I had delayed marriage for personal reasons and at 34 I was ready to settle down. To describe myself, I was little dark with a good figure. My figure stats were 36-32-38. I had big boobs and nice round ass. Albeit dark, I was beautiful and many of my friends were calling me as black beauty. I had few...

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DaughterSwap Avery Moon Cameron Minx You Fuck My Dad And I Revenge Fuck Yours

Cameron Minx is upset that her parents are getting a divorce, so she confides to her friend Avery Moon that she thinks her dad may be cheating. Little does Cameron know, Avery is the other woman. Avery puts on a sympathetic face to console Cameron, but soon after leaving, meets up with Camerons dad to sneak a quick fuck. Cameron hears them, and cant believe it. To get back at Avery, she goes over to her house after school and seduces Averys dad. But just as Cameron is about to leave, she gets...

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Jennys Abduction

CHAPTER 1  CHAPTER 1 The blond was being held down by the fat woman, who was holding her hair forcing the pretty but debased young blonde to watch the video that showed herself being humped from behind by the big mastiff dog while 2 black men came across her thick red lips, mouth and face, filling her with sperm. Her eyes rolled around not believing what she was seeing, nor remembering anything that happened due to the drugs she had been given. But she could now understand why she had...

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Pussy Whipping

The girl stood, naked, in front of him. ‘Tonight, sweet one, I am going to pussy-whip you. Stand with your legs apart a bit more than that.’ He produced two long nylon ribbon-like straps and threaded them between her legs and up over each shoulder. Pulling the straps tight, so that they slipped deep into her creases, he fastened the two red ribbons behind her back. ‘Put your hands up to your tits,’ he commanded. Mutely the girl obeyed, and he strapped them onto the ribbons. She could not move...

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The Paperound Part 2 Revelations

The Paper-round ? Revelations ? by: oopster It had been a day that John Harvey thought he would never see, his release from a Hong-Kong prison. Ten years he'd been sentenced, and ten years he had served. Now that he was free, it was time to find out why. Suzie Smith had had another cheque sent to her old family, and another cheque that went un-cashed. This was not the start to the day that she wanted, and decided to call a sick day at work. Not that she needed to, seeing that...

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Thick fun at sea

Just at the end of July, I went to sea for work. The end of business meetings and lunches I went to the hotel room quite early around 7pm. The smell of the sea beckoned me to go outside and walk. I went to the page where you can find the dates and I wrote that I was at that location so if anyone is interested then let me know. I went into the shower and started to get off my feet and lightly touch my body, which already made me a little horny and excited that I had to find something tonight, I...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 20

Just lately, I'd been reading a lot of erotic material and looking at porn magazines. I was eager to try new things, have new experiences, different ways to orgasm. I'd had a chat to Carol about it and she suggested I try a one-night stand. She often went to a club in town where gay and straight people met to pick up people for uncomplicated, no strings sex. There was a lover's lane nearby where couples of all descriptions would engage in all kinds of sexual practices. I thought I might...

4 years ago
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The ‘Under Wraps’ project is described in the book ‘So I Like To Get Tied-up ... So What!!?’In a letter prior to a Restraint and Physical Endurance workshop, I explain ..."This is a Project I’ve been working towards for quite a while. Basic premise is that most ‘bondage’ photos or commercial video footage are of people only recently tied, wrapped or strapped. I’m interested in the subtle variations of body language and the progression of psychological/physical changes which happen when the...

3 years ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 6

When I arrived in the dining room, Mom was just sitting down. "You need to hurry. Marty will be here soon." That would be Marty Jenks. He's my best friend. We've been friends since we were little kids. Our mom's met while grocery shopping and the rest as they say is history. I had just put some food in my mouth when Mom asked "How was your weekend?" She does that just to bust my chops. I swallowed and said "Not bad, Did some studying and goofing off. How was yours?" "I was...

3 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 3 All the Kings Horses

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again. Nursery Rhyme, Origin Unknown The three men alighted from the carriage. After bidding Erik and Raoul a hasty au revoir, Phillipe hurried to the performer's entrance and disappeared inside, leaving the two younger men alone. Taking a deep breath and settling his features into the well-practiced, nonchalant expression he always...

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No Accounting for TastesChapter 9 Second Meeting

George's second summons came only two days later when a peremptory email appeared on his computer. "You have an appointment with me this evening at seven o'clock for one hour. Erica," it said. He had an appointment with Allison Callow at six o'clock and he had to rather rush through things in order to be ready to leave by half past. "I wondered if you might like a drink?" said Allison. "It is such a nice evening and the garden of the pub by the river will be lovely." "Ah, well,...

3 years ago
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Fun on a lazy afternoon

When I hear your car in the driveway, I come to the door to greet you, as I always do. Today something is wrong, you're moving slow and carefully like you are in a great deal of pain.“What's wrong?” I ask, “What did you do?”You just look at me and shake your head.“Yeah, ok, so I ask a lot of stupid questions.” I said, “but that's only because I failed the home study course in mind reading.”You reply, “I was helping a friend move yesterday. I twisted wrong and hurt my back and my shoulder.”“Oh...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Date with Justice

I had only been working on the set of Victoria Justice’s new show ‘Eye Candy’ for a couple of weeks when I noticed that Victoria already seemed to be taking a shine to me, always smiling flirtatiously at me and asking me what I was doing later. Well, as any man would do when a girl as sexy as her is making it clear that she would be interested in pursuing things with you, I asked her out. And much to my surprise, she said yes, so we agreed to meet for dinner and drinks at an upscale place in...

2 years ago
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Cum Slut Faggot 1st Time Gay

It's important for me to learn who's in charge and who's the submissive faggot. As I mentioned when we talked, have never been fucked and hope you take it easy and make me like it and want more. If I'm sucking your cock, please train me to be a good cocksucker and tell me how to do it better. Enough of that, time for a story just to give you some ideas on how I think you should talk to me and treat me.I was nervous as we pulled into the garage and could see you were also concerned how things...

1 year ago
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The Sucker Stick

It was almost a sixteenth of an inch in diameter and only about four inches long. It had originally been bright white, but after being handled for so many years it now looked a dirty cream in color. Sitting in my home office, my mind wandered back to a day eons ago. Like I had for the last forty years, I unconsciously twirled it effortlessly around the fingers of my left hand. I looked down at it and mused. I wonder if it was finally time? I immediately purged that thought from my mind. No,...

2 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 31

My father held up the leather collar, and the stainless steel butt plug meant for my ass when Charity returned from the bedroom. “I haven’t heard much from you, Matt. The look on your face tells me you don’t have any interest in learning about submission. He was clearly offering me a lifeline to let me out of this. “Speak up, Matt? Or should I call you Toad?” Lindsay said with her arms crossed. Lucy giggled when she heard the name Toad again. She looked up at me with stars in her eyes like...

3 years ago
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DominionChapter 32

Thank you, everyone who has managed to reach this final chapter! Behold, the completion of the Dominion saga! Ragnarök It was the snap heard around the world. Augusta had been destroyed, crushed when Dominion’s castle fell apart, and then again due to the fiery mushroom cloud in the outskirts that Sirius caused and the mountain-sized moon that Dominion had dropped nearby. Shahti, Eric, and Eva had all narrowly avoided being pulverized. It was by some miracle, combined with a great amount...

3 years ago
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Treat To Lalitha

Hi to all! Thank you for the overwhelming response from readers for my earlier experiences shared with you. All my stories are my experiences and despite my age of 54 my flavour for sex remains. This is my latest experience which I had with an ex colleague of mine recently. It was a surprise for me, but it was a good one. Well, she is 45 but has good assets a a very inviting look. She has never told me about this intention in her when we were in Mumbai 10 years ago and I told her that had she...

3 years ago
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My Daughter Friend is Gay

I'm forty-six years old, a computer systems analyst working for a large accounting firm in downtown Chicago, although I make my home in the suburb of LaGrange. I've been married to my wife Grace, a paralegal, for ten years. Grace has a nineteen year old daughter named Janie from her first marriage who I love as if she were my own c***d. We also have a beautiful eight year old daughter named Lauren, who is my little angel.I have known I was bisexual since I was in my late teens, but before the...

2 years ago
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Good time

My husband Pete has always wanted us to have a threesome, he wants to see me "get it", as he puts it, whilst giving it to me aswell, or watching, but I have always been uneasy about inviting someone else into our bed. About 2 years ago we were out for the night at a club with friends, Pete was chatting to this girl who was flirting with him and I went mad, he suggested we take her home, which would help me calm down and relax, women are not my thing and I went mad at him, I spent the rest of...

3 years ago
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Bob Sluts His Very Willing Trophy Wife

THE VOLUPTUOUS COCK RECEPTICLE: Bob looked out through the front window of his home and watched his wife, Vicky, guide her luxury sports car up the long circular driveway and park it just past the front door. When the Jag stopped she got out and he watched her preposterously well built body undulate around the rear of the vehicle and start towards the front door, swaying provocatively on her 5 inch, stiletto heeled boots. It was a prick hardening sight to see. She was...

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Flight Journey To Sex Journey

Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...

2 years ago
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Geeky Dave Geeky Chris and Supermodel Morgan Chapter 3

As if on a timer, two days later Chris called for another role play date. She specifically told me to leave the ruler at home. She was actually still a little sore from it. When I arrived, she was already wearing the Catholic School Girl outfit. She told me we had "extra time" today because Morgan was in class for a few hours. I took off my clothes and was going to put on the cassock, which was laying on the chair, but Chris told me not to. Chris went into the bedroom and then...

2 years ago
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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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Home for the Holidays

There was a knock at the door of the old brownstone.When Henry Page went to answer it, he saw his daughter standing there in a jacket that was way too light for an east coast winter snowstorm. Her boyfriend Jeremy was standing right behind her with their luggage in hand as they both shivered in the heavy flurries that were beginning to fall as the day went on. The neighborhood had already gotten a foot of snow by that point and the taxi that had dropped them off had barely made it down the...

3 years ago
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The Awakening during a Fishing Trip

I was entering High School this Fall and I had never contemplated or even considered any type of relationship with another boy.Consequently, when a friend of mine and I headed away on a fishing trip for a few summer days, I had no expectations of other then a great time on the river catching plenty of fish, cold beers, and generally having a great time together. The first day on the river was absolutely magnificent, glorious sunny skies and calm winds.That evening, we had a great meal of fresh...

1 year ago
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MrPOV Catherine Knight German Goth Girl Dick Down

You’ve never heard of Catherine Knight, but that’s OK. On his recent trip to Berlin, Mr. POV was approached in a coffee shop by a “Goth Girl” named Catherine. “You’re an American?” she cooed. While they were having coffee, Catherine admitted to a fetish: picking up strangers and fucking them for their cum. “Not complete strangers,” Catherine stressed…but “it would be kinda hot to fuck someone whose name I don’t even...

3 years ago
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AnnieChapter 2

When I wake up at about 6 am, I know two things: this couch is not good for sleeping and my dick is painfully hard. I stand up and look at her snoring lightly on the bed. The room smells of her. My dick is comically poking out through the fly in my boxers. I walk over to the bed and look at her. She is on her back and looks like a survivor of a fast and furious fucking. The bra is wrapped around one arm. The panties are as I left them: twisted into a thin thong that disappears into her pussy....

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My Wonderful Obsession 38

My Wonderful Obsession Part 38: The Wedding Crasher Just as high school was winding down, preparations for the big wedding were winding up - Phil and Natalie's big day was now only a month away, and with Natalie's penchant for organization, everything was falling neatly into place. I'd done my first dress fitting and the second and final one was on the last day of June. Natalie's friend Keri, who was also one of the bridesmaids, met me at the shop so we could both do our fitting at...

2 years ago
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The FeelChapter 7

When Ariana woke up, she felt like she had been just finished giving birth. Not that she had any direct experience with that, but it had to be similar. Her muscles were so sore you would have thought someone punched her. Her thighs were bruised where she had driven her pelvis up into Steve's crotch. And between her legs was a dull ache that throbbed as she lay there. She started to rise, then groaned as her sore stomach muscles protested. Instead she rolled to one side, then off the...

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