Respect Ch. 03 free porn video

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That day seemed very distant though, as I sat there on a leather bench in a largely empty room, looking down.

Angela was with me, sitting close with her arm around my shoulder and her hand on my swollen tummy, caressing my baby through the skintight rubber that covered my body from my toes to my neck. It was black and shiny and I wore it as a second skin, a dark mirror that reflected the fluorescent lights above us. It was a gift from my husband, from Jack, the first he’d given me in seven months.

And there, standing against the wall, was Paul himself, Angela’s husband and the father of my unborn child, although neither of them knew it. That was my secret and mine alone. My husband had never asked who the father was, although I had waited for the question, even prayed for it. I think if he’d asked, if Jack had shown some interest beyond the bare fact that I’d cheated on him, it might have meant something. I just wasn’t sure what precisely. My husband was something of an enigma to me, seeming very much different from the man I’d married almost a year and half before. I was different too however, changed in many ways, and so perhaps all of this was just a part of a process we’d endured before, falling in love.

Such are the thoughts a woman has while waiting for her husband to meet the man who’d fucked her. It was going to hurt, if the truth came out. I didn’t know exactly who or how, but it was a sense I had, making the small loose strands of hair at the back of my neck stand up. Angela seemed innocent of the whole affair, sitting there and making friends with me. I liked her and I hadn’t tried not to. She didn’t know her husband had seduced me, it wasn’t her fault. I didn’t want to hurt her with the truth.

And Paul, Dr. Prescott, he’d barely remembered me when we’d met tonight. Doubtless he remembered fucking me, I could see it in his eyes that he remembered that much at least, but little more than that. I’d never confronted him, never tracked him down to tell him about our baby. I’d been afraid to, at least in the beginning, and then later I’d considered an abortion, and so he’d have no real interest in me anyway after that. And finally, after deciding to keep my baby and offer it up for adoption, I’d simply wanted to forget him. That was all, I wanted to put everything behind me and shut it out forever.

But here he was, in the flesh, and the elevator was coming and with it my husband, or so we all expected. It had been some time since Jack had dropped me off at the club, the Pacific Northwest Power Exchange, or simply PX, which was a Seattle based BDSM group. It was our new passion, this alternative lifestyle, and one that we’d both embraced for our own personal reasons. I suspected it was the reason for my husband’s newfound sex drive, which had been lackluster at best for the first 8 months of our marriage. Now he was eager and ardent and attentive enough that I was overwhelmed at times with his desire for me. His desire to punish me, to humiliate and love me, as if suddenly all those things were one and the same.

And punishment was good. I’d found myself accepting it readily. Would I have done so before that day when I’d betrayed him? I didn’t know, and I would never know, but it was unimportant. Through unfortunate fate we’d found something new and persuasive to our hearts. If my reasons for wanting this, for allowing myself to be bound and beaten and subjugated, were impure, at least they were mine. All of us have our reasons, and none of us can judge anyone but ourselves. My husband hadn’t judged me, or so I believed, he’d accepted what I told him and had treated me as he’d felt necessary. My acceptance of that was necessary to me.

I felt my heart stop as the elevator doors opened. I was determined to say nothing to my husband about Paul and I could only hope that he wouldn’t notice anything wrong. But I’d never been good at hiding things, at lying. Guilt poured out of me like blood from an open wound and Jack knew me so well.

‘Charles. And Charli…’ Paul sighed. ‘…Beautiful as ever.’

‘Hello Paul.’ A man’s voice said, ‘Hi Angela…’

‘Hi Paul.’ There was a woman’s voice, and the sound of heels on the cold tiled floor.

‘…meeting out here tonight?’ The man chuckled and I felt him closer as Angela let go of me, rising to give the man a hug and accept a kiss on the cheek.

‘You remember Lisa?’ The woman was saying and I looked up finally, confused for a moment as I thought she was talking about me.

‘Yes I do, I remember every inch of her.’ Paul laughed and hugged a second woman.

‘We missed you, how was Rome?’ The man, Charles, was asking Angela and I remembered meeting him once before, at one of the first meetings Jack and I had attended. I remembered his wife as well, Charli, but we hadn’t spoken very much at all. They’d been with another woman, another aspiring member like ourselves. Her name was Lisa, and she was kissing Paul’s cheek and smiling.

‘It was fabulous…’ Angela smiled.

‘We have a Lisa too.’ Paul smiled, turning towards me and I stood up slowly, feeling nervous, and an odd mixture of relief and disappointment that Jack hadn’t been on the elevator.

‘Well, of course you do!’ Charles smiled, letting go of Angela and embracing me gently. ‘How could anyone forget you?’

‘It’s nice to see you again.’ I said, returning his hug awkwardly with my large tummy between us.

‘You remember my wife, Charli, and our pet, Lisa?’ Charles stepped back and Charli took his place, kissing me lightly on the cheek.

‘Look at you!’ Charli stepped back, smiling as she took in my body. I’d been all of 5 months pregnant perhaps when we’d met previously, and dressed much more conservatively.

‘Isn’t she amazing?’ Angela was smiling. ‘I’m head over heels, I think.’

‘Where did you ever find an outfit like that?’ Lisa was hugging me, just a squeeze and then stepping back.

Charles had made his way back to Paul and they were smiling and talking quietly, glancing at the four of us women. The other three were standing close around me, admiring my maternity fetishwear and of course my oversized stomach.

‘My husband found it, someplace on the internet.’ I giggled, ‘He surprised me completely.’

‘I bet.’ Charli was nodding. ‘It’s beautiful. Suits you perfectly, don’t ever take it off.’ We all laughed at that.

They were all attractive people. Charli dressed much as I remembered her, very dark with what looked to be a short black slip covered with an outer layer of sheer black lace, formed like the shadow of a ball gown. Her skin was white, extremely pale, and her black hair was long and silky straight, falling halfway to her waist, and she had the bluest eyes I think I’ve ever seen. With her crimson lips and deep black eye shadow, Lisa looked like the quintessential Goth, vampiric and sullen, until she smiled. But even her generous smile didn’t ruin the effect, it just made her seem more intimidating, like she knew a secret that amused her.

Her husband was handsome in a boyish way, with rogue good looks beneath a tangle of soft brown hair that he wore long, over the ears and on his shoulders. His eyes were brown until one got close enough to look into them, and then you could see they were green, as I imagine the sea a hundred feet down. Dark green and open with invitation. I remember liking his eyes very much when we’d first met, they weren’t like anyone else’s. He was dressed casual, like Paul and like my husband, who would arrive momentarily I was sure.

Charles and Charli were full members, and both of them Dominant. Lisa was their submissive, or their pet as they liked to call her with no small affection. She was dressed provocatively, wearing what looked like a genuine Girl Scout uniform. A loose fitting shirt complete with troop patches and insignia, tucked neatly into a pleated skirt that barely covered her tight round butt. As she moved I could see her white panties, tight
bikini style underwear like a teenage girl might wear, and she looked like a teenager. But of course she was older, in her mid-twenties I’d guess, but it wasn’t obvious at first glance. Lisa had a very pretty face and long blonde hair, tied back in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. She had long tanned legs, something I’ve always admired in other women since mine were so short, and she completed the outfit with knee high socks and a pair of black Betty’s that reminded me of the 8th grade.

Only couples could join the club, that was a rule strictly enforced, no singles allowed. But a threesome was alright, so long as two of them were already members. A couple could sponsor a single man or women, but only as a part of their union, as such things were called. Jack and I were a union, which I supposed was practical since not all of the couples in the club were married to each other, or even socialized outside of the club. That seemed strange to me, but this was a different sort of lifestyle than the usual.

So, Lisa was sponsored by Charles and Charli, and I think she was going to be voted full membership soon. Jack and I had no sponsor, at least that I was aware of, and I had no idea how he’d found out about the club or managed to get us in. I had asked about it once, after our second Gathering, but I’d gotten no specific answers and my attitude towards the whole affair was one of trust. I’d do as my husband wished, not only or simply because he wished it, but because I found myself enjoying it as well. If I hadn’t, I doubt Jack would have tried to force me in any way.

It took at least 6 months I’d been told, and more often as long as a year, before candidates were voted membership, or informed that they were unsuitable. Such a decision was still a long ways off for us, but I’ll tell you it was never far from my mind. I was excited by the thought of being accepted, but anxious as well and afraid to hope for too much. I’d only enjoyed myself at the gatherings and events we’d attended. As nervous as I always was upon arriving, by the time we left I was always relaxed, and often exhausted with pleasure.

It wasn’t that we had sex, not that at all. In fact I’d never had intercourse at all, with anyone at the club, not even my husband. But there are many forms of erotic pleasure and my husband and I were eager to learn. Some unions had sex, of course, and I’d certainly witnessed a lot of it. But there were probably more people who didn’t, at least not in public. I couldn’t say what was happening behind the closed doors of the smaller, more private rooms.

The club was very structured, very formal, and I think that was the aspect of it I enjoyed the most. Jack had established our limits, or our rules, when it came to interacting with others, and that was his right and responsibility as the Dominant half of our union. I probably didn’t know all of the limits he’d set, and I didn’t really need or want to, although I’m not sure we were typical of most of the members in that regard. I did know that I couldn’t have sex with anyone but Jack. Not oral or anal, or even masturbation or kissing. I wasn’t allowed to scene with anyone without his permission and presence. My personal limits, those restrictions I placed on a scene, were determined solely by me and we used the standard safewords: Yellow and Red.

Every member was expected to know and understand the rules and limits of others, and respect them at all times. There was no warning for breaking rules such as ours, there was only permanent expulsion, and if one member of a union was expelled, so was the other. It had seemed rather harsh to me when I’d learned that, but after witnessing scenes and speaking with members, it soon became clear that there could be no other way. Everything was based on trust and respect and once lost, it could never be regained.

That alone bothered me more than you might imagine, for I’d broken my husband’s respect and trust. And now, standing there in the same room with Paul and his wife, I was worried that I was doing it again. If I didn’t speak up, at least to my husband, and to Paul, to explain that Paul was the man I’d cheated with, I felt I’d be breaking the rules. If not in deed, then certainly in conscience. I had no idea what I was doing, all of this was way over my head and I needed someone to talk with about it. Someone whom I could trust to be impartial and wouldn’t be hurt by what I’d done.

‘Are you ready?’ Charles was rounding up his wife and their pet, putting his arms around them and smiling at me. ‘We’ll see you inside.’

‘Don’t be long.’ Charli gave my tummy a little pat, and then Lisa smiled at me as well as they left the foyer and entered the club proper.

Paul was looking at his watch. ‘Where did your husband park, Vancouver?’ He teased me.

‘Oh, I hope not!’ I laughed nervously, sitting down again. ‘I told him next time we’re taking a taxi.’

‘Yeah, that’s what we do.’ Angela sat with me, nodding. ‘It’s ridiculous down here.’

‘Well, you guys don’t have to sit with me…’ I was saying and the elevator started again.

‘Here he is.’ Paul nodded.

I was tired of worrying, but apparently not done with it yet as I felt my heart lurch into my throat. I stood up with Angela and watched the doors expectantly as they opened and Jack was there, smiling apologetically.

‘Sorry, babe.’ He said, walking over to give me a little hug. ‘Hi, how are you?’ He looked around at Angela and Paul.

Angela smiled at him, saying hello, and Paul crossed the few yards that separated us, extending his hand.

‘Jack, this is Doctors Angela and Paul Prescott, this is my husband, Jack.’ I made the introductions, willing my voice to remain steady. ‘My upper-half.’ I added with a small laugh.

‘Hello, Paul.’ My husband was shaking hands with the man who’d fucked me.

‘Jack, nice to meet you.’ Paul answered, and I couldn’t see anything between them, hostility or jealousy, or whatever. Just the usual alpha-males sizing each other up looks that all men seemed to share. The females, the Domme’s, had that same attitude, so I knew it wasn’t strictly sexual, around the club at least.

‘Well, you’re certainly worth the wait, Jack.’ Angela licked her lips, giving my husband a rather obvious look of interest. That wasn’t uncommon though and I’d gotten over the openness of the membership when it came to things like that. But it still made me vaguely uncomfortable, especially under the circumstances.

‘Angela and Paul were keeping me company.’ I explained, watching as Angela hugged my husband, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

‘I see, that’s awfully kind of you.’ Jack smiled. ‘Thank you.’

‘Oh, it’s no big deal.’ Paul laughed, slapping Jack lightly on the shoulder. ‘What are friends for?’

‘Are we going in?’ Angela looked at Paul.

‘You guys go ahead, we’ll be along in a minute.’ My husband nodded to Angela.

‘Okay, see you in a bit.’ Angela put her hand on my tummy one more time and gave me a little kiss on the corner of my mouth, surprising me a little. ‘Don’t be too long.’

Paul flashed us a little smile and wave

‘They seem friendly.’ Jack grinned as soon as Angela and Paul were gone. ‘Are you okay?’ I think he could sense something wrong with me and I did my best to hide it.

‘Yeah, I just wondered what was taking you so long.’ I smiled and sat back down.

Jack had my collar in hands and he bent over me while I tilted my head up so he could fix it around my delicate neck. It was thin black leather, rather simple, with a small silver tag shaped like a heart. My name was engraved on it and all slaves and submissives wore collars of one sort or another. Some were like mine, simple and practical, others had everything from heavy iron slave rings, to light gold or silver chains. One woman I’d seen, an older woman in her late 40’s, had a leather collar studded with diamonds. Real diamonds and I’d wondered where one would find a jeweler to do somethin
g like that. She’d told me Beverly Hills, of course.

It wasn’t soon after we’d entered the club that we found ourselves with Paul and Angela, although I’d wished to avoid them if at all possible. There were a lot of people there, perhaps thirty or more just in the common area, the large open space around which all the smaller rooms were situated. I’d excused myself to use the restroom as soon as we were inside and felt no embarrassment at all having to ask a woman I didn’t know to unzip me.

‘This things are nice, but why can’t they put the zippers in the front?’ She giggled.

‘Or at least on the side. Thanks.’ I smiled.

When I was finished there was no one in the bathroom, so it was only mildly embarrassing walking through the crowd to my husband and asking him to zip me up. People were showing a lot more skin than just a bit of my back, and so was I for that matter, the latex was so thin and fitted my body so well that every tiny bump and indentation was plainly visible. I may as well have been naked, I thought, but I wasn’t and that made it okay somehow.

‘We’ve been invited to watch a scene.’ My husband told me, as he smoothed the bit of overlapping rubber that hid the zipper.

‘Oh, really? Who?’

‘That woman that looks like Vampirella we met a couple months ago…’

‘Charli?’ I turned around looking at my husband.

‘Yeah, Charli and her girl, Lisa.’ He smiled at me. ‘She’s dressed like a girl Scout.’

‘Yeah, I saw her.’ I giggled. ‘All she needs is a box of cookies.’

‘Mmm…Now that would be illegal.’ Jack laughed.

Charles, Charli, and Lisa were in one of the private rooms, with a small audience of two already in attendance, our newest friends Angela and Paul. I stopped at the door, for just a second, with my smile frozen on my face while I tried to calm myself. This was going to be okay, I thought. We’d watch the scene and nobody would notice a thing. Nobody would guess that Paul had put his baby in me. It would be okay.

Each of the rooms had a different motif, although at the time I didn’t really know that much about them. The one we were in resembled a classroom, which I thought was kind of neat. It may even have been used for a classroom since I knew the club did hold some educational functions from time to time, with members giving little lessons on different aspects of BDSM. Everything from knot tying, to asphyxia, to stretching, and who knows what else. Anything that can be imagined really. The only lesson we’d ever attended had been a mandatory one, First aid and Adult CPR, taught by one of the members who could actually certify people in it. I even got a small card that said I knew what I was doing, but I certainly hoped I’d never have to prove it. I didn’t have a lot of faith in myself.

There was a blackboard on the far wall, and near that a large ‘teacher’s’ desk and then a few ‘students’ desks with chairs. The walls around that little stage area were decorated with the sort of posters and pictures and notices you’d remember from your own high school days. There were other props as well, a filing cabinet, little round waste basket, and the ubiquitous round wall clock. It was all lit brightly and seemed ready for any school fantasy you could think of.

Near all of that sat a large sofa and several well cushioned arm chairs, with end tables with soft lamps glowing on them. That part of the room was darker, and arranged so people could relax, have drinks, and enjoy the show. Paul and Angela were sitting close together on the sofa already, and they turned to greet us as we entered. Charles was in one of the chairs and he gave us a little wave. Our little girl scout, Lisa, was sitting on the teacher’s desk and from the 30 odd feet that separated us I might have sworn she was just 15, or maybe 16 years old at the most.

Charli had changed clothes, deciding to be a sex education teacher instead of a vampire, at least for a little while. She was wearing a blood red corset, pulled so tight I wondered how she could breathe. Seeing her waist cinched down to nothing I immediately felt like I weighed 300 pounds suddenly, and I glanced at my swollen tummy self-consciously. That corset really showed off her body though, which was very nice with her round hips and large breasts threatening to spill out of the corset’s bustier. She had black fishnet stockings and impossibly high heels, but apparently Charli was used to them, because she moved around like a dancer.

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A blinding white light, so intense it might have been the interior of the sun and the loudest sound I had ever heard, it was so loud, combined with the light, that I lost consciousness. That last I should have remembered, if that much, but I realized that I remembered much more than that, I remembered much more than that. I remembered everything. I knew I was in the hospital at the medical center where I had spent so much of my time over the last 3 years. I remembered - - that the woman...

3 years ago
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And the Stalking Was Hung by the Chimney With CareChapter 2

I hate it when it snows here in Austin. Texican's never know how to properly drive in the snow and all of the hills around here make things just that much worse. Too many fools think they can still drive sixty plus in a thirty zone and then get surprised when they brake at the last second as usual and end up plowing into someone or something else less moveable. That's the nice thing about Flyvers ... a good flying car avoids most, but not all of those idiots. Too bad they're still too...

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Shower Towel

Our very liberal friends Reggie and Bob were coming for diner and fun tonight. Since we'd played with them several times, there was no need to be coy about our plans, yet a little anticipation never hurts. We didn't have much contrived beyond snacks, cards and some elegant sex play. They arrived unusually early. Shirley was still in the shower and didn't hear them so she walked into the living room wearing just a pea green towel covering her tits to her knees. She rubbed a small yellow...

2 years ago
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Emergency Medical Sex

I had just recently started working for a new ambulance company. I had already been a Paramedic for several years by this point, so I knew the job, but I was still newer amongst my coworkers since they had been with this company longer than I had been. It was spring time and the days were getting longer and warmer. The boss had just decided that the crews could switch to wearing T-shirts with the company’s logo rather than the heavy, synthetic-fiber uniform shirts. The only requirement was that...

1 year ago
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Panties for Sale Chapter 4

I don't know why we were so giddy. Excitement, tension and release I suppose. It was all so new. She slipped the panties off me and turning she threw her arms high, pretending to faint over me, dropping her back onto my lap. I put one arm over her mid-section as she laid there. “Omigawd that was sooo hot!” she peddled her legs in the air. She scooted over more on the sofa and I helped her make herself more comfortable as she lay back down across my lap. Idly she rested her legs up on the...

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My 1st Judicial

This is a genuine account of what happened to me. The only thing I have changed are our names.So about a year ago. My wife and I were having some fun together, we had on the television, and we had logged into this site.we for some reason ended up watching some Female Domination films.we ended up watching a video of a Domme caning some poor tv getting a good caning. He was thrashing about and yelling etc, asking for it to stop.The title of the film was along the lines of TV-Slut get Judicial...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next door

Introduction: Newly wed neighbour is taken in a fit of insane lust The young couple had bid farewell for the evening and returned to their house next door. And once again I was relieved and yet a little frustrated to see them go. With our children now grown we had time on our hands and regularly whiled away the hours with people in the neighbourhood. The couple next door were newlyweds and had moved in six months earlier. The husband Dave was pleasant and down to earth, a real honest guy. He...

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Rubber Femdom World

Something strange was happening in the small college town of Little Gadsden. None could say what was causing it, but the one thing that was certain was that it started after the comet crashed near the town. Little Gadsden was a small place, of no more than a few hundred inhabitants, so the event was the most talked about thing for weeks, even though nothing was found but a small hole. But there was an undeniable change. Married women looked like they were either more or completely in charge of...

2 years ago
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This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Hello Mrs Wikinson. Is Steve in...

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The SecretaryMerry Christmas0

but guess not now. As I sorted through the paper work some of it was insurance stuff. I just hate insurance paperwork, and I knew that asshole of an agent would be gone. Agent’s have the easiest jobs, they take time off, take your money, and cry about how hard they work. Well the only good thing about this agent was his secretary. She was a doll, in her upper 40's with a hour glass figure, blonde hair, soft brown eyes. When she got up to walk all eyes were on her as she just dripped in...

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A Christmas Romance Ch 02

Her kisses were like tasting a sweet fruit for the first time, and her body was untouchable. At the time I decided that letting my urges get the best of me, it wouldn’t be the best idea, causing my thoughts to be encased with wants for more. I was insistent that I keep my pants on, for once they were off I couldn’t be held responsible for my actions, and things could have ended up a slight bit further then intended. Things were slowing down a bit, when there was a knock at the door. I thought...

1 year ago
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Road to Nowhere

‘Fuck! Just my goddamned luck!’ Though no stranger to cursing, Pam’s outburst had a rare fury as her brand new MINI coasted, engine silent, to the side of the country road. ‘Fuck, fuck, FUCK, fuck, fuck-fuck!’ The car settled to a stop. It wasn’t just that her still-got-that-new-car-smell MINI had died. It had died, as her next vitriol proclaimed, ‘In the middle of FUCKING NOWHERE!’ Pam pounded her fists on the steering wheel: the universal, futile signal to an automobile that its owner is...

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Ns Weekend Adventure

N’s Weekend Adventure N looked great getting off her 90 minute flight.   She had worn conservative clothes that the travel pass rules required.   I gave her a welcome kiss and a bug hug at the bottom of the “Passengers Only” escalator, grabbed her carry-on and headed out the door.    At the ladies room she took the bag and the dress I brought and went in to change.   What emerged was the luscious, gorgeous, sexy N of my dreams.   The new dress that I had bought was becoming but definitely not...

2 years ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 15

It was seven-thirty in the morning four days later when Kathy came out to the kitchen. To her surprise she found Andy with her head on her arms trying to muffle the sound of her crying. Unlike the time at dinner, this was no act. Dropping to her knees beside Andy's chair, Kathy took the woman in her arms. As soon as she did, Andy wrapped her arms around Kathy's neck and started to bawl. "Kathy," she wailed, "I'm so sorry!" "Sorry? Sorry about what?" Kathy whispered, genuinely...

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slut slave

I had arranged a special night for my gf. She was 5'6" with dd breast. She loves being fucked and she likes it nasty. We met up at a hotel room for the evening. She loves to drink so I figured she always Fuck better drunk so some drinks would work to my advantage. She dress up in black thigh high stockings, a shiny gold string bikini top, gold silk panties and a matching gold garter belt. She had on black 4" heels which made her ass look awsome. The dress she wore with it was a shiny black...

3 years ago
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A Trip to an Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that’s why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It’s a win-win situation. I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

2 years ago
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Going to WarChapter 4

"Welcome back, Hero Willy. I am glad to see you made the decision to become a Hero." Jasmine smiled after she said that. "It took some doing for John and Beth to make it clear that I needed to do this." "That is good of them. I am certain you will be a great Hero. Now if you will call to your Caretaker, I will be leaving." "I don't think I am ready to do that yet." I stopped and looked at her; her beauty was breathtaking now that I wasn't concerned about being challenged by...

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Im Not Here for Love

Grey Wardens have a limited life span: thirty years, give or take, from the Joining to the Calling. When the Calling comes, there are two choices: find a way to die, or be changed into a darkspawn, the very creatures you've sworn to protect against. So most Grey Wardens go to the Deep Roads: ancient Dwarven tunnels, now crawling with darkspawn. They swear to take out as many of the monsters as they can before succumbing to axe or spear or arrow in the bowels of the earth. My firm knock on...

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Rebirth IIChapter 3

Pre-recorded music was only in record form in 1958. Eight or the rare four track cartridges were not even around then. Phillips made tape recorders but they were the reel to reel type. There were some quality problems with sound and maintenance. There was a very noticeable hiss from the tape that could be corrected by using a ceramic head. These devices had not invented yet. Also later on, two ridges on the head were used to guide the edges of the tape so it didn't wander. Another...

4 years ago
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I Couldnt Help ItChapter 6

Pregnant! There was that word again. "Shit!" "Shit? Is that all you have to say?" Damn! What did she want me to say? 'Oh, that's great, Mom. Congratulations, you're going to be the mother of my child. Let's celebrate.' "I'm sorry, Mom," I said finally. Yes, I know it was a lame apology but I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was in shock, after all. "I'm sorry, Mom," Mom mimicked. "You force your sister and me, your mother into sex, get us pregnant-" "Hannah,...

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I first met Jules on the tram going to work. The train was crowded and we were both standing, holding onto the railings as the train rocked its way into the city. I’m 6’4” and Jules is just under 6’. It was easy for us to make eye contact as we were only a foot or two apart, and our heads towered over the others below us. She wasn’t wearing much, if any, make-up and her shoulder length blonde hair was swept causally over one eye. Jules is not a classic beauty. Her face is slightly elongated...

Group Sex
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How I Seduced My Niece Into Sex 8211 Part 5

Priya and I started having fun like the old times in her house in London. Priya-I can feel something poking hard from inside your pants do you want me to take care of it? Hehehe. Me-Oh yes sweetheart! I have missed your wet mouth on it, it’s all yours, baby. She got off me leaning on her elbow slowly moving my tracks out. I raised my hips high to make it easy for her. She smiled as she saw my 8” long and thick cock. Priya-10 years and your cock still gets hard as a bamboo stick, Uncle. Wow! I...

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My Whole Family Needed Me 4

Also read the first installments or this won’t make much sense My Whole Family Needed Me 4 There we were. Katie bent over in front of me with her newly fucked ass gaping wide open, me behind her with my limp cock that was freshly cleaned by my little sister Nessa’s mouth and Nessa laying right under Katie with sweat, cum and saliva dripping off of her face and onto the ground. The clever combination of piss, sweat, and love juices filled the...

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Sex with A Hot and Sexy Cooleague

Hey friends, Its Gopal again with a story. First of all thanx to u all for the gr8 response to my story posted in sep 2008. and I got so many invitations and so many mails on my yahoo account. And its really nice talking to u all as well.. u all are so frndly. Thanks to my phone frnds to make my life wonderful. Anyways.. come to my story now… its abt my office in gurgaon. When I joined my office everyone was so nice and supportive on work. And meanwhile I met a girl named smita. She is frm...

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Massage Surprise

I belong to one of those Massage places that offers a monthly subscription. These are not your ‘Rub and Tug’ Asian Massage Parlors, but a ‘reputable’ therapeutic place. Heck my wife even belongs as well. I go to a female masseuse as I like having a woman rather than a dude rubbing me. Besides after being married for 8 years it is nice to have some strange female hands on me. I go in once a month and normally book based on what my schedule permits so I normally have 1 of three women that work...

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Ich nehme an, die Schuld an der Situation, in der ich mich jetzt befinde, könnte auf die sehr schützende Umgebung zurückgeführt werden, in der ich meine Ausbildung beendet hatte. Ich war neunzehn und hatte die letzten vier Jahre in einer Schweizer höheren Schule verbracht. Ich dachte, ich wüsste über alles Bescheid, hatte aber keinerlei sexuelle Erfahrungen gemachte und mich mit Fantasien, Frauengesprächen und ein paar privaten Experimenten zufrieden gegeben ... bis ich endlich als komplette...

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Made Love To My Dearest Mausi 8211 Part 4 Marrying Hot Mausi

This part is a continuation of the previous parts. For a better understanding of the story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts first. As I entered the kitchen, my mausi looked at me. Her eyes slowly travelled down from my face to my erected naked dick. Now, her eyes were glued there. She couldn’t move her eyes from it and didn’t even say a word. Slowly and automatically, her one hand made its way to her pussy. And she started touching her pussy from above her slacks....

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Graces Public Fingering

I’m 18, and my name is Grace. Before this, I’d never done anything sexual. My cousin and one of my closest friends, Ali, had always told about the things she’d done with her boyfriends, stepbrother, and her other boy toys. Ever since elementary school, I’ve always had big boobs. I developed young! I have long, wavy, dark brown hair that goes down to my belly button, which I have pierced with a little diamond stud my dad bought for me in Africa. I have big, light blue eyes and straight white...

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Sword Hime

Jian Mei was born in a town near a military fortress of the Great Zi Dynasty, ruler of the Purple Province located in the Nine Provinces Continent. Her family wasn't too rich yet also not too poor, allowing for Mei a fairly decent childhood when considering a commoner status, but unluckily for her such good times didn't last forever. Being located at the border between the Purple, Blue and Azure provinces, Mei's home town was considered to be in a somewhat dangerous position yet for years it...

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Naturist SchoolChapter 6 Sharing a Bond

Marian was positively radiant as we strolled naked through the woods towards camp. Her enthusiasm was contagious and I couldn't stop grinning. As we approached camp I realized we still had about an hour before dinner. "Want to go swimming?" I asked, angling us towards the pool. "I'd love to!" she chirped, racing ahead. I just managed to catch her when she entered the pool area. Gregg took one look at our glowing faces and gave me a high five. "I'm glad to see you're enjoying your...

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RetributionChapter 12

Father Petrou’s voice woke me up. I checked the time. It was gone two in the afternoon. I lay there on the bed for a moment, just staring at the ceiling. “Tony, have you woken up yet?” Father Petrou called. “Give me a minute, Father.” “I’ll be in my office,” he replied. Fifteen minutes later I walked into Father Petrou’s office, under my arm the bag containing the money. My good friend, the priest, was reading from the bible which was spread open on his desk. If I hadn’t coughed, he...

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Meeting Cindy

"Please return your seat backs and tray tables to their full upright and locked position; we will be landing shortly," the flight attendant announces over the intercom, waking me with a startle. I had drifted off to sleep, if anyone can sleep on an airplane. As I rub my eyes, the plane banks left and I hear the landing gear lower and the flaps come down. Lower we glide toward the runway. Row after row of homes appear below me. All look the same; there is no character in this modern world of...

Love Stories
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A Tale of Two NanniesChapter 14

The human reproductive systems aren’t very well understood by the average human. All humans have the equipment necessary, but few really understand the details of how the process works. For most people, “having a baby” means they have sex while she is “ripe” and presto, his little swimmers do their job. It’s much more complicated than that. This is why some couples have a very difficult time becoming pregnant, and why some have to seek artificial means of doing so. So, in the interest of...

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Cheryl and the bet

One day Cheryl and I was talking and Cheryl was talking bad about Gregg the old football coach of her son. Cheryl at one time wanted to fuck Gregg and I said that was ok. I told Cheryl that I think she was upset because Gregg didn’t want to have sex with her. Cheryl said Kevin all I had to do was call him and he would fuck me if I wanted him too. I told Cheryl that he wouldn’t Cheryl told me Ill bet you he would and if I called him he still would and he called me once already. I told Cheryl I...

Group Sex
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Art Pour Lart

The room had a Japanese emptiness. There was no desk, just a square of low seats around a beautiful, deep red rug. Against one wall stood a lacquered oriental armoire. A lonely bamboo bush reached almost to the ceiling. A petite woman stood waiting for her before the square of seats. She wore a kimono-like dress. It confirmed the oriental blood behind her intensely black eyes. "Please be seated, Brigitte", the woman said in American English. Then she took a seat herself, right next to...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 519

???????????????? ???????? - This one is a little before your time, but I thought you might want to pass it on to some of your older friends. Special Group / Born Between 1930 - 1946. Today, they range in ages from 75 to 90. Are you or do you know someone “still here”? Interesting Facts for you: You are the smallest group of children, born since the early 1900s. You are the last generation, climbing out of the depression, who can remember the winds of war and the impact of a world at war which rattled...

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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 9 Dildo Diddling

Neither Barbara nor Cheryl was satisfied with the sex they were getting since their pregnancies had advanced to the swollen belly stage. It was partly John's fault. After the bitching and irrational behaviour they had subjected him to during the first two months he had been gun-shy. At least, that was what the women told themselves. "John has left us too much alone," the younger girl said. "Let's go to bed together." It was Friday night and the two women had been drinking for three...

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