- 2 years ago
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The material of her black thong appeared to Jack like the gateway to heaven. His fingers drew across her inner thighs like the claws of a cat tamping for comfort, feeling their smoothness. All that he could do was touch and look as her open thighs revealed what he desired. For Helen the waiting was part of the game, the foreplay. She liked the idea that Jack was in control of what was happening and going to happen.
Slowly, Jack unfastened the cords one by one. The material fell away to reveal her sex, and the partly open gate. No hair, no blemishes. His fingertips gently caressed the puffy rise of her inner lips, still nubile and virginal, although he had been there many times before. All that Helen could do was lie back, head on pillow and arms stretched, waiting. His finger slowly opened her outer lips to reveal more of her sex. The pink folds of her inner and moist lips that held their sweet musky aroma that enticed him to go further, to open them and softly play within, seeking out that final gateway that was already open and dilated by her expectancy.
Helen gave a sigh of pleasure as Jack ran his fingertip over the hooded clitoris, swollen to its fullest acclaim. She was small and endowed with only the smallest clitoris that still gave as much pleasure to her than any other size, larger or smaller. Infact, size did not matter when describing that button of pleasure, the female penis. And Jack was the expert in pleasing slowly, as he opened her lips wider to reach in and lick gently with his tongue. Helen at that moment began her journey to ecstasy. Everything was physical and no longer imaginary. His tongue touched like she always liked it, teasing her, sending her on that much-desired trip.
His tongue slip down to find its way into her vagina, curly and twisting as it probed deeper, the tip of his nose just applying enough pressure upon her clitoris to keep the pleasure growing. Soon his tongue was replaced by one finger, then two, massaging and stimulating her within, continuously and with ever increasing gravity, using his tongue to play upon her pleasure button, teasing it from its protecting hood of skin. Within a few minutes, Helen reached her first climax. Her moans signalled to Jack that his job was being done well, but not yet over. Helen needed more and more to feel satisfied. Each climax grew more intense until she finally reached the ultimate one. Jack watched her, now using fingers inserted and thumb upon her clitoris. He liked to see the pleasure upon her face as she rode the waves of induced ecstasy, her liquid love spilling over his fingers until she could take no more.
It was now time for him to feel the physical pleasure. His cock was hard and stressed as if every second beforehand encouraged his desired needs. Its finely smoothed head was exposed atop a lengthened shaft of skin, revealing its veins and almost blemish less skin, dark with the natural tone of his gallic skin. Slowly he entered her as he elevated above her, supported by his strong muscular arms, their lips touching in playful kisses, growing ever passionate. It was the kissing that Helen loved so much as his cock thrusted with ever increasing vigour as their gasps broke their kissing until they could no longer hold them. Jack began to use his tongue to lick her neck and face, adding pleasure to the feel of his hardness. His actions inevitably brought him to the point of no return, all normal senses lost in a swage of emotion as Helen felt his warm spurts within her as he moaned out in pleasure, still pushing the final drops of his seed ever deeper within her.
They had temporarily forgotten the accord they had made. He was never to come inside without protection. Helen was the first to realise what had happened as she looked at him, recovering the normality of his breathing with closed eyes as his orgasm waned away, bringing him slowly to a state of tranquillity that matched her own.
‘You said that you would never cum inside of me,’ she whispered. Jack opened his eyes and looked into hers. He then realised this and wondered if that mattered afterall. ‘We have no protection.’
‘I know that. But I could not stop myself. Forgive me.’
The thoughts of consequence began to play in her mind, becoming more serious the more the pleasant feelings subsided. Those thoughts made her think of her older sister, who had a child, wanted, yet not in the right circumstances that she and the rest of her family wished for. A lover had left her child fatherless, missing without a care for what he had done. Helen did not want the same to happen to her.
Jack sat on the edge of the bed and lit his cigarette. Helen remained in her place, lying beside him still in deep thought. ‘It will be fine,’ Jack said. ‘Let’s not think about these things and spoil the moment.’ Helen listened and wondered if his comments were justified. Maybe he was right.
During their previous encounters, Jack would come onto her belly so that she could admire his creamy charge spill onto her skin, warm and thick. That was part of the pleasure to her. Now she had consumed it within as his sperms invaded her. Never before had a man come inside. She was always careful until now. And she knew that Jack had other lovers elsewhere, which she did not mind. Her thoughts on those matters were always open.
They showered together like always. It was full of play and bodily contact, a post sex game that they shared, kissing and hugging, swapping innuendos and mildly accepted dominance that could always be equalised. They were at Jack’s apartment and Helen left the shower cubicle to accept a text message on the phone. It was from Harry:
*Where are you? I need to see you again. I still want to fuck you. You make me hard*
It seemed that Harry had become another admirer with ambitions. Their encounter the last time had made him think. The message was blunt and it could also be a teasing friendly joke without intention. But Helen knew there was an underlying motivation that only needed her to say: ‘Yes, take me, I’m yours.’ She did not reply.
‘What was that? A message from your strange professor?’ Jack asked, stepping out of the shower. She had mentioned everything to Jack about their conversation at Lord’s cottage, and how she had to brave the darkness of night walking home. ‘He is kinky,’ Jack continued wrapping a towel around his waist. ‘You should report him. He might turn dangerous and hurt you or somebody else.’
‘No. He is ok. I think he just wanted to express his fantasies.’
‘Yes, but he has already man slaughtered his own wife, accident or not. He was lucky to have gotten away with it.’ He embraced her naked thighs from behind, finding the erogenous spot at the nape of her neck and shoulders. Helen began to feel the tingles as she thought about Lord and if he would carry out his fantasy by surprise. Would she be able to play along with it?
Jack’s hands reached around to hold and cup her breasts. Helen felt her desires growing again, as he gently tweaked on her nipples, pulling them between thumb and finger, coupled with his caressing kisses on her neck. They had just showered and although more sex was ideal in her mind, there was another time soon, but not then.
‘I must go.’ She pulled away from his advances, feeling his cock rising under the towel. ‘I have things to do before I go to bed.’
‘Wait! You can stay here with me. I will change the sheets and freshen the bed. You know you are quite welcome.’ This was something he wanted. He wanted to have her next to him whilst falling asleep and waking the following day. Helen however felt intrusive by doing that. She would love to move in and escape the hovel of her dingy student bed-sit. But Jack had other lovers and she might get in the way. One night would be the start of forming that ‘live-in’ situation.
The following morning on her way to university, Helen sheltered from the rain by calling into a café and ordering a cappuccino to take out. Sitting at
a table was Harry. They both noticed each other and he waved to gain her attention. Helen joined him, looking out of the window at the increasing intensity of the rain.
‘Bad morning,’ Harry pulled up a chair. ‘But not for ducks.’
‘Not at your stall this morning?’
‘Not yet. I have my mates sorting it out. You know me, always in charge, always on top of everything, except you…’
‘Is that wishful thinking?’ Helen sipped her hot fresh coffee and forced a smile.
‘Give me half the chance and find out where it leads.’
‘I got your text.’
‘You didn’t reply. I was hoping you would. I think you and I would make a great couple, sharing my big house. Imagine the friendship we would have, and also the sex…’
‘You are very forward with your… attitude regarding me. What makes you think I’m so easy?’
He pointed his finger at her, a marked habit he had. ‘You know you want my friendship. I can give you everything you want and you know it.’
‘Could you take rejection?’
‘Should I? I never get rejection.’
‘Never ever?’
‘Until now.’ He smiled at her and she returned it. Somehow this man was growing on her. She liked his wit and business-like brashness. He appeared to be a true salesman and trying so hard to sell himself in his efforts.
The rain outside was stopping as the sun broke through to lighten up the street. ‘I’m late, I must go.’ He grabbed her wrist, gently holding her back, as she was about to leave. She was beginning to wonder if all men did that. An act of dominance.
‘I’ll pick you up later. What time?’ he asked. She thought a while and decided his invitation was good. She needed to know more about this market Valentino, with his expensive black leather jackets and swept back blond hair. It could be in her interests, that is, if he was telling her the truth about his friends house and his real status. She agreed.
Lord was in his office as she walked down the corridor towards her tutorial. She stopped to gaze in at him as he sat behind his desk writing his notes, and then moved on. The same unanswered questions entered her mind: would he do it? Would he dare to even rise to the challenge that she gave him and would she enjoy it? There was something deep inside her mind that wanted him to atleast try. It made her feel aroused, the thought of being raped by a man like Lord, even if it was only pretend. He was well endowed and knew that he could get hard. Hard enough to satisfy.
The accident with Jack that morning would be nothing compared to what Lord might do. It was going to be rough and instant. Would a man playing out his fantasies in such a away use precautions? This made her think again, igniting the worries she had about taking chances.
Harry was waiting outside the university campus in his battered and dusty saloon. They both caught each others eye and Helen made her way towards her possible new landlord. She had questions to ask about the security of living at his friends’ house. Giving up her bed-sit would mean she would become homeless if it all went wrong.
‘Get in, quick!’ Harry told her, nervously looking through his rear view mirror. As soon as she sat beside him and before she could fasten her seat belt, Harry put his food down on the accelerator and drove at speed down the road. Every few seconds he checked his rear view. ‘Bastards!’ he shouted, hitting his hand against the steering wheel. ‘I knew I should have sorted them out.’
‘Who?’ Helen asked, concerned about what she had gotten herself into.
It’s ok, nothing for you to worry about. Just some one I know.’
‘Are they chasing us? You’re going to get us both killed.’
‘No chance, I’m a fucking good driver. I have to be.’
He was obviously running away from somebody. As soon as the car joined the traffic turning onto the main road, whomever it was following was gridlocked far behind. It was now a case of dodging their way out of the situation. ‘Look, I didn’t need to get involved in your…shit.’ Helen snapped. ‘I’m only going to look at this house of yours.’
‘My mates house. The one in South America.’
‘Wait. You told me it was South Africa. This friend of yours travels the world a lot.’
‘Does it matter?’ As soon as they had a green light, Harry nudged his way onto the main road following a line of other cars, hoping that his pursuers would be stopped by another change of traffic signals. It seemed to work and he began to drive normally in the evening rush hour.
The question, ‘Did it matter?’ deserved an answer, but Helen decided to leave it. The less she knew at that moment in time, the safer she considered herself. No more words were exchanged during the rest of the journey. Harry kept on taking sneaky gazes at her thighs and she could feel his eyes upon her. Soon they reached the suburb where the house was situated. It was within a professional class area of town. The houses had well kept lawns, neatly paved driveways and leafy borders. The houses themselves look quite spacious and expensive, each to the owners ideal variant designs.
Harry turned his partly battered car into a driveway and stopped a few metres from the front door of the house. Helen stepped out and looked at the house. It was slightly smaller than the rest, but still it was ‘posh’ in her way of thinking. Not what she expected to find.
Harry opened the front door and let them in. Helen was surprised at the sparseness of the furniture in the lounge. Just a settee, low table stacked with adult magazines and a tv set. He watched her as she moved into the empty dinning room and then the kitchen, checking for the usual greasy and dust surfaces. It was fully equipped with the usual requirements. She inspected the cupboards and draws to see if they contained crockery and eating utensils. Surprisingly they were. Then she checked the refrigerator, which was empty apart from half a carton of milk. ‘You live a hungry life I see.’
‘Not always here. I eat wherever I can. So what do you think? Can you turn this into a home?’
‘It already is someone’s home. What’s upstairs?’
The bathroom contained a shower, washbasin and toilet. The basics, and nicely decorated in pink. There were four spacious bedrooms. Only two had beds and wardrobes. The others empty apart from the usual accumulated dust and spiders’ webs in each ceiling corner. Again, Harry followed her around, looking at her, perving her body with his eyes. He liked the way she dressed, leaving hardly anything to the imagination. A thin blouse that emphasised her breasts, small and yet firm. The short skirt, which exposed a lot of her toned thighs and legs, athletic, yet perfect in his eyes. There was no doubt that he wanted her. And Helen loved to tease and lead on, taking chances with a young man who was still a stranger.
She was beginning to like him, warm to his personality and astonishing good looks. However, the escape in the traffic made her wary of just what the market trader was involved in. Nobody runs away like he did from ‘mates’ who did not mean trouble.
‘Well, it’s up to you. You can share my bed or use the spare. I suppose you will need your own room. Then again, I can still let you sleep with me.’ Harry said. He moved closer to her as she listened to him, looking out of the bedroom window and into the rear untidy garden below. Harry put his hand gently onto her buttocks and squeezed. She did not take much notice of him. What she saw in the garden was more concerning.
‘What is that?’ she asked.
‘My hand.’
‘No, not that. In the garden, down there.’
Harry took a look beside her, moving the net curtains to oneside to get a clearer look. What they both saw was unexpected, especially to him. He lived there and it was the first time he had noticed. The object was atleast two metres tall covered by a canvas sheet. ‘That wasn’t there yesterday. They’ve put it there recently. The bastards!’
He ran downs
tairs and into the rear garden via the dinning room. He looked at it as Helen watched from the bedroom window. He nervously bit his thumbnail, hesitating, before pulling off the canvas sheet revealing the pure white alabaster statue of a Venus de Milo, a copy obviously, but a perfect replica of the real one. ‘No! I told them not to bring it here! Fucksake!’
Suddenly Harry heard the distinctive sound of his car being revved up at the front of the house. He hastily made his way through the house to notice his beloved saloon turning onto the street from the driveway. Three youths laughed, jeered and sent abuse to him before driving away. Harry was furious. Then another car drew up at the driveway with one driver winding down the window. He knew the man inside and Harry became aware of who was behind the theft. ‘Harry boy thanks for letting us know where you live. From now on, you had better watch your arse!’ shouted the bald rough man before driving away.
Harry stood on the driveway, cursing himself with hands on hips and thinking of what to do next. Helen stood behind him in the doorway, arms folded, wondering if things could get worst in such a pleasant leafy suburb. Harry tapped out a number on his phone and the call was quickly answered: ‘Kenny, I have problem here. The O’Grady’s have just stolen my car…’
Helen watched as he pranced up and down the drive, oblivious to his conversation with whomever on the phone. It was not her business to get involved that was until she realised something. ‘Oh fuck fuck fuck.’ She shouted. Harry finished his call and looked at her. ‘You are going to have to call the police.’ She told him.
‘My bag is in your car. My books, my notes, phone…everything.’
‘I can’t get the cops involved. No way.’
‘Then… how will I get them back?’
HELENHelen my Eleven year old Daughter she looked older, even talked older, Eleven going on twenty one in her first term at same senior school where I taught maths.It was a couple of weeks before Christmas my wife Carol of Eleven years decided to find someone else and move out just before she slammed the door on the way out she made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with Helen or myself we were no longer part of her life. I admit Helen is intelligent. Nerdy, studious she would rather...
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FetishIt was more than twelve months since the young women had moved next door in all that time we hardly spoken, just the odd good morning, how are you, the garden looks good that sort of thing. Not at all an unattractive women Helen I found out her name, looked about 5’4” probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but...
I'm a married lady who likes a little pussy on the side now and then, something my husband knows nothing about and I've had a few subs through the years. I like the subservient cunts, they are easy to manipulate and always take good care of my pussy. A new family moved in down the street from us, Helen, she's a blue eyed blond with great legs and a lousy attitude who thinks the world owes her something but her husband, Doug is real nice. My husband, much to my chagrin, offered to show them...
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“Well? What do you think?” she asked me. “Stunning! I just wish that I was at least 20 years younger, then I might have a chance with you. Can I at least buy you a drink?” I was standing at the bar in the hotel where I was staying while attending a conference. “Thanks. I would love a glass of champagne.” I finished my scotch, then turned to the barman and asked for a bottle of champagne and two glasses, which I had him charge to my room. We took our champagne over to a small table. I told...
When I married Helen I had no idea she was a slut. Not that it would have mattered - I'd of married her anyway. She was, absolutely and without a doubt, the best piece of ass I ever had. We met at a wedding reception, fell in heat with each other, and before the night was over we were in bed together. Six weeks later she moved in with me and six months after that we were standing in front of a justice of the peace. Now Helen was no great beauty. She did not have a magnificent body, but she was...
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One summer evening when was 27, I found myself in the arms of a ffriend of my now ex- mother in law, her legs around my waist and feeling her tight cunt milking the last drops from my throbbing cock deep in her as she moaned in my ear to "fuck me baby....fuck me" I shuddered after experiencing one of the most incredible fucks I have ever had and as I kissed her deep and hard I realized I had just fucked my mother-in law's 68 year old best friend.An hour eariler I answered Joyce's ( my mother-in...
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Helen Spencer was looking forward to being taken to a country house for dinner with Angela Drake, her forty-five-year-old girlfriend, together with two of their friends, Jackie and Victoria, both also forty-five years old. Helen was forty-six years old, a statuesque six-feet tall with a medium build, blonde hair and electric blue eyes. She was looking at herself in the mirror wearing her favourite satin evening dress, which was white like a wedding dress, with straps so showing off her...
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xmoviesforyouSeptember 1980 sophomore year As I stepped in the Buckley Hall lobby, I had two suitcases, one in each hand. The administration had set up tables, so we could check in, and receive our packets and room keys. When Rhonda stepped inside, I decided to step back outside. Since this was a girl's dorm, she didn't want a lobby full of girl's parents freaking out if I got in line. When she finished, we walked around back to the stairwell entrance. She tucked my packet under my arm, and patted my...
Steve and I always talked about having sex with and around other people. It was one of those fantasies that I don't think either one of us thought we would actually play out, but I wasn't really shocked when he brought up the subject while we were sitting on the beach one afternoon.Just a little background first. My name is Erica, and I've known Steve for close to 30 years. I'm about 5'4" and weigh about 110. I have small breasts with ultra sensitive nipples. I don't shave my pussy smooth, but...
This story starts as most stories do with once upon a time. Not sure whether it is a fairy tale. Not sure whether there is a happily ever after. Would like to believe there is but the story is not finished.It begins with a boy, grown to a man. We'll skip the early years and get to the more interesting ones of adulthood.A man now interested in exploring his own sexuality and the what might be considered to be sexual practice. Early in his adulthood he discovered women. But like a lot of...
This is a collaborative story, based off Snowball Story Writing (credit to Whatsa) and Snowball Blowjob Story (credit to street0) except these stories are based purely on hypnosis/mind control. All sotries must have either a) an image that shows the women hypnotized or b) an image that a hypnosis based story can be written around. Someone posts a pic. Then someone writes a chapter inspired by that pic. Then someone else adds to the storyline. You can take turns ABABAB, or ABCABDCDE. Whatever...
Mind Control“My God, I didn’t know it could feel that good,” Karen finally said breathlessly. Sarah looked into her sister’s smoldering eyes. “You mean you’ve never licked a cunt before?” “I told you, just my fingers,” Karen said. “No one has ever licked me so good, Sarah not even my husband. And he’s pretty good, believe me.” She smiled, then teased. “Are you sure you’ve never sucked pussy before?” Sarah shook her head, not smiling. The taste of her sister’s cunt had surprised her. She liked it as...
After walking about a mile, I looked around me in the dark forest, noticing to being surrounded by large tree vines. The noise was now only metres away and I began to kneel down on one leg and creep up on this mysterious creature without it noticing me. Everything went silent... I began to look around me, but nothing was to be seen. As I moved my right foot, something was grabbing hold of it in the thick muddy long grass. I tried to tug my foot a second time, but it was if i was chained to a...
THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPARARING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl CHAPTER VII I entered the lobby of the apartment building, found the elevator, and rod up to the 8th floor. I found the sign to room 812 and walked down the hall until I was facing the door of 812.With a deep sigh and a little anguish wondering if I would fit in and be able to have a good time. A very pretty, young looking petite girl answered the door. She gasped a little, studied me for a...
Hello ISS readers, This is Nagaraju, age 20 years from A.P. Naku ee site lo stories chala istam. Anuduke ma family matters andariki cheputhunnanu. Madi chaala rich family. Dad Prasad di business. Amma kuda business chestuntundi. Ma intlo ma dad, mommy, annayya, vadine, nenu untamu. Ma dad age 50, mom age 45. annayya 26, vadine 25. Ma akka pallavi. 22 untai. Akka podugati mukku chuste modda levani vaadu undadu. Ama mma peru Jaanaki. Pichekkinche podavati mukku ammadi. Pirralu kuda chala peddavi....
April 1979 Spring break started on April 8th. It was a busy week. On Monday, I went to Melanie’s to see Michelle, who was visiting. She was dating someone, and they’d been going out for a few months. She seemed quite happy, and I was happy that she was happy. The other good news was that Melanie had been cleared to drive. Michelle and I shared a nice hug and a gentle kiss before I left. On Tuesday, Joyce and I had our dinner date. We went to the apartment, and she cooked. We talked about...
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Email: I live in Kerala. I am currently working in Kochi. I commute by train every day and it takes like 1 hour for my journey on one side. I was a virgin until recently and what made me lose my virginity is what I would like to tell you. Work is boring usually. It gets late at night occasionally. 4 months back, In July rainy day it was around 7:30 at night I left work. I rushed to the railway station but missed the train by a fraction of a minute. Apparently, there was a railway line...
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My name is Myra and I proudly admit that I am a cum loving slut. I love sex with both men and women but I especially love to have men cumming inside me or on me so I can scoop it up and lick it off my hands and fingers. Of course, being a cum lover, my favorite place for a man to cum is in my mouth. No matter where they originally put it into my body, I usually gather it up and swallow it. There is nothing hotter, for me, than the feel, taste, heat and sensation of cum in my mouth and on my...
my friend came over he was stayin with us for the weekend hes 18 and im 18. well lol at first we were showin off our musels then he said he could win in a wrestlin match so i we started to wrestle when i had him pin to the ground i notice he was hard so i grabbed his pants and pulled them off he saw me look at his hard dick he turned red as i sat there i laghed and said i will suck u off i lf i get to fuck u in the ass he said ok as i put my lips on his head and put it in my mouth he grabbed my...
A Blast From the Past My heart fluttered as I read the email. She had contacted me after a twenty-year absence. The one, the woman who could get me to happily do anything she asked. She had held sway over my heart, and head, in a way that none other had, or has since. Make no mistake, she was great looking, but her spirit was the thing. Sexy to her core, with a keen sense of humor, and a kind soul. In short all anyone could ask for in a mate. We met in high school. She was a senior...
I always remember the first no matter how many times I get to watch. Every time I see her fucking I remember seeing that first cock push her lips apart, hearing her initial cries as it slipped inside her horny cunt. Seeing how wet she was, seeing her juices coating his entire shaft. Remembering how she had sucked him first, looking at me as she took his cock in her mouth, stroking the wet shaft while she sucked his balls. How she lay down for him, pulled him on top of her. Seeing her legs...
There is nothing I wouldn’t give not to have seen it. If I could erase it from memory I would. But see it I did. It appeared suddenly, a stutter in the corner of my eye. I turned my head slightly expecting to see a fox or a cat, maybe a drunk, the usual scavengers or miscreants with business in a skip at the back of the shops in the dark of night. Instead I saw … it. At first the shape of it puzzled me, its silhouette an oddity. Curious, I stepped closer. Oh how I wish I hadn’t. Beyond the...
Jenny's Family ElrodW Jenny, Melinda, and Natalya have a new set of challenges as they adjust to being a somewhat unconventional 'family'. On top of that, Melinda and Jenny start to encounter some friction, since their work and school lives are diverging. Natalya is starting to feel - and act - more like a girl, including noticing boys. And there's a friend of Melinda's that is causing consternation to Jenny. Note: This is the fifth in a series...
THE OPPORTUNITY PART ONE I suppose looking back, that my childhood was to blame, that is if there was any real blame to be attached. It could have just been my inherited genes so I can happily blame my mother and father for being the smallest in the class, but I somehow also got left out when the popularity genes were issued, I became a loner and spent far too much time in my own company for any real good to come of it. I loved the movies, the actresses were goddesses with their...
It was a hot December day in Melbourne, Australia. A Christmas party at work was well under way, chicken and champagne breakfast, beer and some spirits had their effect on most of the people. women showed more of their bodies then intended, short skirts blowing in the hot summer wind exposing long legs and more. My cock was well strapped in a pair of jeans; just as well, as my excitement was at its peak and the rubbing of the rough material against the head of my erected prick was slowly...
EroticChapter 30 The three crossed the highway, waiting inside the tree-line — shaken and confused — out of sight of those who came to investigate before the police and paramedics arrived. Constance and Isabella wanted to leave. Alexis refused to move — resisting their efforts in making her. They could go if they wanted but she had to remain. In spite of their telling her he was dead — she couldn’t bring herself to accept it. ‘You two wait here. If I don’t come back, go to Adrian’s and Anastasia’s...
My new friend Eva and I were out swimming in my pool. It was a hot afternoon and the cool water felt fantastic. There was also the fact that Eva’s tanned skin looked amazing in bright contrast against her white bathing suit. Her suit was high cut at her hips exposing her long legs. The back was cut almost to her bodacious ass. There was a hint of ass crack showing. Her breasts were barely contained by the thin material that was tied between her deep brown breasts on a two inch gold ring. Almost...
Group Sex“Cousin Steve!” “Cousin Mike!” “Melinda!” “Hello, Steve.” “You must be Shelly. He said you were pretty and he wasn’t lying. He’s always had a thing for women with long hair,” Mike said. Steve ran a hand through her hair. When she slapped his hand away, Steve said, “Silky.” Mike said, “I’ll bet that would feel real nice wrapped around...” “Don’t say it,” Shelly growled while holding a finger up in the air. “I swear I’ll cut it off if one more man says that!” “Welcome to the family,”...
Jacob and Holly were more than a little overwhelmed by the events of the previous evening. Holly had the time of her life but also realized that she had gone way too far after fucking the men Jacob had arranged for her. Stopping at the adult theater and fucking whomever was over the top and she apologized to Jacob for pushing it beyond their agreement. He was forgiving, but was also a little perturbed by her behavior and really thought they needed to rethink their choices in lifestyles. But...
He looked at her glistening pink folds and inhaled the musky sex scent she was secreting. He buried his tongue deep into her pussy and heard her guttural moans. Michael slid his tongue up and down her soaking wet slit, making tiny circles round her sensitive bud. Her moans turned to whimpers as his circling became more focussed on her clit. He slid a finger deep into her pussy and began nibbling on her clit. She groaned and began to rub her pussy against his face. The stubble on his chin grazed...
Oral SexKate sighed, staring into the reflection. Barely clothed she let her hair fall to the sides of her neck, her makeup remained content upon her skin although her lipstick was smudged near her cheek. Before she could lift her hand he was already behind her, wrapping his arms round her bare waist. ‘I read in between the lines,’ he sighed, nuzzling his nose into the cave of her neck, his fingers twiddling beneath her bra straps. ‘You do that a lot lately,’ she sighed. Her life with him had...
Ed left the building followed by a crowd of news people yelling questions at him. Rice led him to an unmarked Ford Crown Victoria Police Cruiser. "This was Schwartz's car. I don't think he'll need it today," Rice said as he held the door for Katherine. Katherine got into the car and Ed got behind the wheel. He pulled away from the building and headed for his apartment. "What happened back there?" Ed asked, "This morning I was just a nobody, now I'm the Police...
"Why, imagine my surprise when I found out that the spy I'd been hearing about was none other than my ex-boyfriend!" "You! You were the one who did this to me, weren't you!" "Sorry, but I'm afraid the only thing you can blame for your situation is your own bad judgment. Thanks, Jenna; we won't need the cuffs anymore." The bailiff nods, frees my hands, and leaves the room. Serena points out the seat across the table; I sit down. "What bad judgment, Serena? That I stopped seeing...
My friend jake called me a week ago and told me the plans he has made for us, I have planned and packed my things and we are on the road now. he rented a remote cabin in the mountains and we have our mountain bikes in the back of his truck, and what a nice truck it is! A fully restored '65 ford. Both of us live in the same apartment complex and have live in girlfriends, the ladies have things to do all weekend so we are taking advantage of this time we have. Jake and I have been having sex for...
GayHello, I am Ronn and i am writing my experience which is 100 % true and this is my first post in Indian sex stories. First let me introduce my self i am guy from Ahmadabad Gujarat my name is Ronn my age is 21 and my body is thin. Never measured my dick size and i had 2 girlfriend in my life and every time i satisfied my girl. So if any girl aunty is looking for sex kindly mail me my email id is your privacy is my guaranty. So it was a one fine Monday. I went to my college and i was attending...
(note; story works best if the first name is character's title, and the second name is the character's name. Example-"The mighty" Raven) Within the land of Dementia there is great turmoil. A king sits atop his throne with a troubled brow as his kingdom falls apart... The land is plagued with foul beasts and wretched demons, so much so that the once docile and content villagers and townsfolk of Dementia have given up all hope. In the streets there is violence, theft, rape and murder... And the...
FantasyThey went back to the same restaurant, they were supposed to meet at before, where Sandra had met Tom. Sitting there listening to Lisa ramble on, trying to make her feel better, Sandra began to think about what she had done with Tom. “ Your about a million miles away, and hey, why is your face so red?” Demanded Lisa. Sandra, very red-faced and ashamed told Lisa what had happened the night she bailed on her. “You mean after what you heard on the phone, you still feel bad”? Lisa hollered. ...
When she awoke, she knew not what time it was. The light of the room was so intensely dark that nothing could penetrate more than a few inches. She wondered where she was. She sensed no movement in the room. She heard the click of a lock and the creak of a door hinge. She heard footfalls coming closer to her. “Shield your eyes. I shall light a lamp.” She did as she was instructed. She heard a match being struck and heard the click of a lamp globe. “Open your eyes and I will slowly raise the...
EroticI’d been allowed another Worship Session with my Goddess. The last two sessions had been the highlight of my life, but the best was yet to cum. Worshipping Her is my life, and I still can't believe I've been so lucky as to find a Goddess so beautiful who lets me worship Her. And let me worship her in person too. I made it clear in every worship sheet, story, poem, worship video for Her that what I longed for most was for Her to deliberately make me do it in my pants openly in front of Her. In...
Carson bolted upright.“Carson? Are you okay?”He nodded, feeling exactly the opposite.“Yeah, I’m…” he stammered. “I just gotta use the bathroom.”He waddled past the TV, into the bedroom, wincing with every step. His hole was still tender, fucked so raw he could hardly walk.He could still feel the man inside him.But the same feeling that had given him so much comfort only moments before now filled him with disgust.He closed the bathroom door behind him with a shaky hand, his vision growing...
Gay MaleAs I grew up and matured, I was curious as my body changed and developed, which ended up feeding my hunger for sex. When I found my father’s cache of magazines from the fifties and sixties when I was 17, I learned a lot more about sex and grabbing my hard cock to create an orgasm. I am the youngest of five and, at the time, 6’4” 160 pounds and almost eight inches when hard. I had just met my first girlfriend, Janet, and had great fun learning how to kiss sensuously and copped my first feel of...
First Time--- Fucky Friday (F-solo, MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Prologue -------- Lindsay moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her pussy. Umm! She arched her back off the bed to get greater penetration from her wet digits. Her other hand massaged her teenage breasts, squeezing the medium-size mounds and tweaking the nipples. She was so close... Jamie moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her vagina. Hmm! She arched her back off...
My mom was sitting with her eyes wide open and seemed to be in an animated state. Between last night having sex with Christy, and now watching her sweet daughter being fucked with two other girls, let’s face it I was in shock as well as mom. “Christy,” mom finally said, “You know, Leslee and I are very private people. I think that Leslee likes you very much, as I do, but you showing us this video while we’re both here is, well, embarrassing, don’t you think?” The funny thing was that mom...
A few sundays after my hospital visit, I came back from my football game, took a shower and sat down to continue reading a book. Under the book on the table was the card given by my bear doctor. I picked it up and was pondering for sometime whether to call him or not. A few minutes later I decided to call him. He picked up the phone. He was panting, I thought he was in the middle of a work out. I apologized and introduced myself. He said a cheerful Hi and and asked how I was doing and if there...
Mother Always Warned you about Chatting with Strangers I received an IM a few months ago from a user that wasn't in my friends list, and foolishly, I accepted the invitation to chat. It was a mistake that changed my life. The message box popped up, startling me because I had my speakers turned up too loudly. "This Shawn?" "Yes," I replied, a bit confused. "U live on Navarro? Up by the mall?" I paused a moment before replying "Yes." Was this some sort or spam? Who was...