A Country Girls First Party free porn video

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Introduction: A story about drinking and being a virgin. She was two weeks away from seventeen when she went to Matt Davisons end of the year party. With long, pretty blonde hair, wide, curious blue eyes, she was the poster child for both the Midwest and innocence.

Her name was Catherine, and she wasnt really a big party goer, but hell, she was almost seventeen and she wanted to talk to some real, honest-to-god boys. Because of her high and mighty all girls school, she didnt even know how mens voices were supposed to sound like anymore. Her own father was a redneck lowlife she didnt speak to, and her mother never brought anyone home. And out on the farm – there was no wifi to watch any kind of videos, sexual or not.

So, yes, when Mary asked her to come with her to Matt Davisons famous end of the year bash, she readily said yes.

The day of she and a small group of girls she really didnt know all went to Marys house, trying on makeup and dresses for hours until it was time to go. For her part, she chose a simple pair of blue, roughed up jeans and a halter top that barely showed any cleavage. The other girls went a little more daring – wearing tiny skirts and push up bras. Catherine could only look at them with envy.

Are you ready to go, Cat? Mary asked, plucking her lips in the bathroom room.

Uh huh. She replied slowly, blushing a bit at her large grin. Mary laughed and grabbed her hand. The pair joined the little group and off they went. The party was being held on Juniper Street, which was comforting since the street had a total of two houses/farms on it. There were miles between the farms, and miles to the next street. They could make as much noise as they wanted, and Catherine really doubted the cops would come around.

Who would complain? The cows?

I cant wait to get wasted. Have you ever drank before, Cat?

The blonde chirped up. Ive had some moonshine before. She told them proudly. The other girls looked impressed, even judgmental. The truth was she had a sip her uncle made about two years prior, and she had immediately spit it out, making her entire family laugh. But the group didnt need to know that.

Wow. I think Billy is bringing some Apple Pie Moonshine. Gonna try it with me? Mary asked the group. The other girls looked wary and just laughed.

I will. Catherine shrugged, and Mary smiled, clapping her hands together.

An hour later, the pair were harassing Billy for little more moonshine. The boy was a tall ginger, and Catherine found him cute. But then, she found every single guy there interesting, one way or another. This is really strong girls. he warned, hesitant to pour more.

Mary giggled. It tastes like fucking cinnamon, kid. Gimme. she whined, and Catherine thought maybe they were drunk. As soon as they had arrived, they started on beer, before moving onto whiskey and cokes, and then the Moonshine.
Do a shot of tequila instead. That might be better for you.

Oh! Catherine exclaimed, forgetting the realization that she was drunk. Lets do that. Ive never had tequila.

Mary perked up. Lets do both? she asked, her eyes bright. Catherine smiled widely.

Okay! she agreed, and the pair went off to take their first shot of tequila while Billy just shook his head.

An hour after that, and two glasses of Moonshine and two more shots of tequila later, and Catherine was all but passed out on the front steps. Mary and the group of girls she came with were nowhere to be seen. She wondered if she actually was the one who left them, but she doesnt remember. She doesnt even know how she got to the porch, really.

Leaning her head against the railing, she almost fell asleep when someone plops down besides her. She looked over, but she only saw features and cant understand his face. She knew its a guy because of his short black hair, and she knows he has green eyes, and she knew he has a nose, but none of those features added up to a face in her mind right now.

She giggled and put her hand on his face. Hiii. she slurred, vaulting forward into him. He exclaimed something, who knows what, and steadied her. Careful, she thought he said, but she was closing her eyes again.

A minute or so later, she realized she was walking. Theres an arm around her waist and they are walking in zig-zags, and she noticed that she can feel the wet grass between her toes, which seriously begged the question as to where her shoes went. Where&hellip, she tried to say, but her mind was shutting down on her.

She closed her eyes again, and felt herself being lifted. There was metal under her ass, like a car, but she was still out in the open, and it confused the hell out of her. Huh. she whispered.

Shh. came the voice before he kissed her. She hmmmed against his lips, still asking a question. He pressed harder against her lips, and suddenly he was taller. In reality, he climbed onto a step before pushing her backwards. She could feel metal on her back, and he climbed on top of her. His lips were still pressing roughly. She whimpered and he pushed his tongue in. It felt weird and clammy, and she felt like she was going to throw up. He didnt continue for long and instead, pushed his upper body off of her. She breathed deeply, realizing she was being crushed before.

He untied her halter top, and suddenly she felt the cold wind on her exposed nipples. She looked down and saw her medium-sized, teen breasts out in the open, and couldnt wrap her mind around it. Hands started grouping them, pinching her dusty pink nipples hard and massaging them. It hurt a bit because he was too rough. She started choking, but he ignored her.

Instead, he went down to her jeans, unbuttoning them and taking them and her underwear off in one swoop. Her bare ass was on the cold metal and she jumped at the sensation. He jumped off the platform they were on, and she realized she was on a flatbed of a pick up truck. There were cars parked all around them.

Suddenly, her legs were being spread open, and her tiny, virginal, not-even-doctor-seen cunt was on display. She whimpered again, lifting her hand lifelessly. He pulled at the hair there, and she turned her head to the side in numb pain. Fingers started prodding her. First at her clit, lightly rubbing it for maybe thirty seconds, before moving on to her still, very much dried cunt. He roughly inserted two fingers in and her body shot up in pain. She screamed a bit, but he ignored her.

Taking out his fingers, he smeared the blood onto her stomach. Her halter top now was a thin strip of cloth around her upper middle, the only piece of clothing she had left. She vaguely heard the zipper of his jeans, and she managed to utter a single, raspy, No.

But again, he ignored her. He climbed onto to the car again, and it dipped with his weight. Her legs were at either side of his hips, and his jeans were pushed down just below his cock. The material was rough on her soft thighs. He grabbed her breasts again, squeezing them with all his might before pushing his cock towards her cunt. It missed the target quite a few times, mostly because he wouldnt let go of her tits, but eventually the head found the small, barely stretched out hole.

There was a deep pain in her whole body as he started putting pressure onto her. His cock was thick as it parted her dry lips, and he had to lick his hand to lubricate a bit down there. When he finished, and this time guided his cock, he returned his hands to her breasts, squeezing so hard he left indents. His dickhead pushed at her opening, until finally she opened up a little, and then he shoved himself all the way in. She screamed loudly, and the sound echoed for miles. The party must have been over for hours. Why wasnt anyone hearing her?

She could feel some kind of liquid run down her thighs stemming from her deflowered cunt, and she knew it was more blood. He immediately started thrusting in her, squeezing her tits and piledriving her like she was an experienced whore. She grunted with each thrust, crying now. Loud, disgusting sobs, but he never stopped. When she thought she couldnt take no more, he managed to shove another inch or two inside her. She felt full and stretched, and in so much pain. She could feel him inside her. Big and thick and in between her lily white legs, going so fast she could barely see his dick in the little gap he provided.

She doesnt know when, but suddenly he sounded grunting, moaning even, and then she felt more liquid running down her thighs. She didnt know what it was, but it got matted into her pubic hair. He groaned and got off of her, and she just hyperventilated. He rolled over to lay besides her and laughed. Whoo! he exclaimed, still chuckling. Thanks honey. he slapped her thigh hard, jumping off the pick up truck while doing so.

Laying there, all she could feel was the throbbing in her cunt and the breeze on her body. She could see the stars up above, but also the start of dawn. Looking around slowly, still in shock, she could see a bunch of guys in the car across, drinking beers and casually staring at her deflowered cunt. Her legs were still completely spread and she didnt have the energy to move them. There was some talking to the right of her, and she recognized more male voices. She thinks they were always there, now that she thinks about it.

She breathed deeply and knows she about to sob again. For a long time, or maybe ten minutes, she just stared at the stars.

Oh, come on, honey. Stop that blubbering. You got laid. Thats a good thing. It was another man. This time she could make out his features better. He was older – he looked twenty something and he was there with a younger friend. They were both drinking beers. The older man had blonde hair like hers, but the younger one had a familiar orange tint. The blonde was leaning against the truck and running a hand up and down her thigh. The ginger was eating her up with his eyes. Now, now. he continued, before climbing onto the flatbed.

His hand went further up as he did, brushing against her gummy pussy. His fingers dipped in easily and he scissored her a bit, his palm rubbing against her clit. There, there. I gotcha. he whispered, his breath abysmal. He kissed her fully on the mouth, and she tried to struggle, but the ginger climbed on as well and held her down. They laid on either side of her.

The blonde continued to kiss her and continued to finger her, while the ginger sucked her nipples. He bite them and pulled, and she could only scream into the blondes mouth. Turn her. Blonde said softly. Ginger rolled her over on her side, with her ass pressing up against Ginger. Blonde took her leg and put it around his hip, and suddenly they were face to face.

He pushed into her roughly, unexpectedly. She thought shed hear the zipper again, but instead all she felt was another cock. In this position, he felt huge, but her cunt was so wet that he slide easily. The blonde went slow, barely moving at all.

On the other side, Ginger reached around and rubbed her clit for ages until she could start to feel something building. Blonde continued to kiss her everywhere, neck, breasts, anywhere, and went slowly, allowing her some pleasure. It was even worse than the first time.

She started pushing back, but the boys didnt comment on it. She was the only one making noise as she struggled with an orgasm. She screamed as it happen, sobbing loudly. The blonde kissed her to shut her up, and started moving a bit faster. Suddenly, he started groaning like the first guy did and she felt a spurt of cream inside of her.

He came in her. Actually, she realized, they both did.

She started crying at that again, but Blonde only kissed her more. Behind her, Ginger pulled her hair back. She was ripped from the kissed and fed some beer. And then some more, until she was feeling lightheaded again. All of a sudden, she felt warm liquid being poured down her ass crack. Grab her leg. Ginger ordered, and Blonde gripped her leg tightly. He pulled her upper body towards him too, shoving her face into shirt.

She froze when she felt something very cold and wet against her little asshole. One wrong move, and that bottle with break inside your asshole, baby. So you best relax and let it happen. Tighten up and crunch. Blonde said in her ear. She screamed loudly, but he pushed her into his chest harder and all she could breathe was his shirt.

The bottle cleared the first couple centimeters, and she wanted to close her anus so badly, but was so cognizant that she couldnt. She forced herself to relax, spreading her legs wider and telling herself not to squeeze. The bottle slid in a little more and Ginger spit on it a bit, before sliding it in a little more after that. She moaned loudly when it started to stretched her, telling her the neck was done. But Ginger didnt force anymore into her, just fucked her with the neck for a bit, before removing it was a plop. She breathed quickly into Blondes chest as it was removed, and tried to stifle the sob coming up. She thought maybe they were done. As soon as they are, Ill run, she told herself.

But then, Ginger pressed his cock into her small asshole, and she screamed again. Shut up before I shove that shitty bottle down your throat. Blonde threatened, his hands going around her neck. She gasped and stopped breathing, like something was caught in her throat.

Ginger pushed forward, but didnt make too much progress. He had to spit and stretch for ages, and she could feel every finger and every bit of saliva and she wanted to vomit. Finally, he put his cock back to her hole. This time he entered her. He pushed slowly, letting her feel every inch of his cock. There was ugly sobbing again as he did. Her little hands were tight around Blondes shirt, and she could only close her eyes as Ginger fucked her in the ass. All she felt was pain again, especially in her lower back and of course, anus. Every time he went back, it felt like her insides were going with him.

Her fingernails dug into Blondes shirt when she felt a hard dick up front again. No, no, no. she whimpered, and continued whimpering the entire time it was happening. Her leg was spread wider, and Blonde put his dickhead against her hole. He pushed gently, letting her get used to having two cocks in her. She felt like throwing up. They were going to kill her, stuff her completely, stretch her out beyond repair. There was so much pressure and pain and dryness, that it made her pass out.

When she came to, they were fucking her with vigor. Her lower back was killing her and her ass and cunt were numb with pain. They were out of sync, but each slammed into her hard enough for the sound to echo through the field.

For a second time, she passed out. This time, it was till morning.

She woke up because of the harsh beating sun, and she was blinded for a while, until she blinked and saw a group of 15 year old boys staring at her. Her legs were wide open still, and she felt even weirder. Like maybe the party continued with other people after she passed out.

Oh, my god. she rasped out, and tried to pull her legs up. Her body shot up in pain and she screamed. She slammed back down onto the flatbed, afraid to move. There was so much pain.

Bro, I think she was raped. one of the boys said.

Nah, this is definitely St. Gens slut. She does this at every party she goes to. Ive seen her before. Actually Ive fucked her before. Another said.

Thats not true. she said, but her voice was gone.

You dont mind us fucking you too, right baby doll? A boy said. Youve already fucked like seven guys last night. I counted. Whats three more? he said.

She started crying again. Please.
Aw cmon. Dont be that way. I waited till you were awake after all. Were all still virgins and we wanna know what were doing when he get a hunny later on. Youre perfect to practice on.

No. she whispered, but the guy was already on her. The other boys watched silently, and she choked back tears. Nearly two minutes later, another load was inside her. By the end of ten minutes, two more loads followed. They all high fived each other and left.

An hour later, Mary finally found her, legs spread, blood everywhere, pussy a mess with cum and blood, ass wide and bleeding. Her tits were mauled and face and body were covered in cum.

Poor Catherine.

Inspiration for this story, you ask? Well, lets just say I never drank again.

Sorry for errors, but Im not proofreading this. It was hard enough to type.

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Country Club Lifestyle Part 1

Country club communities are sprinkled all over the area where I live. So it's no surprise that there are a lot of lonely housewives looking for a distraction while their husbands are away on business or out playing golf. The other thing they love to do is throw parties, and as a caterer I get to meet a lot of these housewives. Here is one of their stories;Karen called me about an event she wanted to host in her home. She lived in a gated country club community where all the homes were...

3 years ago
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Country cowgirl interracial

Wow, I haven't put up a story on here in forever. I have gone through some sexcapades in the meantime just every time i got on here, I ended up watching porn instead of putting up one of my stories. Well here is one of my newest ones. It involves me and this country girl that I met through a site. Enjoy!Well i met this one girl through a website. It wasn't a sex site but a legit dating site. Any dating site can be a sex site really. I spoke to this girl for about a month before going to meet...

2 years ago
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Country Dude at Halloween

This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with "redneck," Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person's sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories under www.nifty.org; section prolific authors. E-mail is [email protected], thanks for all the great e-mail from Nifty's republishing of some of my stories. Kenneth STR8...

3 years ago
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Country Song

You know how it is. You keep doing the day-by-day because that's what you do, that's what's familiar. It's what you're good at. It's your little life, but by god it's all yours. You're just going on, living your life. It's not much, but it's your life. Everyday ... it might not be much, but at least it's your own goddamn life. You own it. Or, so you think... Imagine the day you wake up as usual, and then suddenly your life has turned into a Country song. One with many sad, sordid...

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Country CousinsChapter 2

My twin cousins from the country, Harry and Henrietta were all set to start the new school year with my brother Mike and I after the long hot summer and I was none too happy about it. I was all set on them getting into their old car and heading back out to the country when their mother made a deal with my mom to stay the full school year because the bank was foreclosing on the old homestead on the other side of the river. My mom was a real sucker for a sob story and she told Aunt Edith that...

2 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 13

The cowboy strolled into the police station as if he owned the place. He was wearing a straw cowboy hat, boot fitted jeans, a white shirt, round-toed boots, and a belt buckle with an agate stone gracing it. In one hand he carried a small foam coffee cup. In the other, he had a large stack of papers. He walked over to the desk sergeant and said, “Howdy.” “Howdy back at you,” the desk sergeant said amused by the greeting. He took a second to look over the man standing at his counter. It...

2 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 19

Sonny slid onto the bar stool while saying, “I’ll have a beer.” The bartender looked at Sonny and then poured a beer out of the tap. He put it down in front of Sonny and said, “That’ll be four bucks.” Sonny pulled out a five and said, “Keep the change.” “Thanks,” the bartender said. Sonny turned to the man seated beside him and said, “Well! Hello, Detective Mike Saperstein. What are you doing frequenting my favorite drinking establishment in all of Los Angeles?” “What in the hell are you...

3 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 22

Pepper used the shovel to lift the horse manure off the bed of straw. He had it down to an art form after so much practice. The vet was supposed to come later that afternoon to check the mares, and to take the blood samples necessary to see if they were pregnant. After that, they would be returning the horses outdoors. The job of mucking out the stables would be significantly reduced. A noise from behind drew his attention. He turned to look, and saw Dan standing at the doorway of the stall....

2 years ago
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The First Annual Pool Party

(episode 22) Dear Lush friends, followers, and readers,I last wrote to you about spring break in Destin, Florida of my junior year of college. In this next installment I will tell you about the events which transpired that spring and all about an epic party that my roommates and I hosted. It was about two weeks after spring break ended that my girlfriend Jennifer and I broke up again. This was actually developing into a pattern. We had an argument about me giving our friend Mary Beth a ride on...

College Sex
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My Senior Year The First Tailgate Party

(Episode 24) This follows "Voyage d’Etude en Europe: The Sexy French Girl"I had no idea that I would soon be sucked raw and fucked senseless, by two competing girls.Upon returning from my trip to Europe, I sank into a deep and melancholy mood. I knew that I would probably never again see Yvette, the French girl, and that really had me down. I had also just received news that the ‘love of my life,’ my old girlfriend, Jennifer, was still seeing that asshole law student. No doubt I would have...

College Sex
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Her first frat party

When Brittany woke up the next morning, she thought about the night before. Surprisingly, she was not as sore as she thought that she would be after such an anal pounding. Thinking about being dp'ed over and over again by those 6 college guys and then letting them all cum in her ass, she began to masturbate. While she rubbed herself, she thought about the party tonight, and she decided that she was going to let anyone fuck her who wanted to. Now that she had experienced her first dp she wanted...

1 year ago
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Zetas first Party

Zeta was a rather quiet studious sort of girl. She sometimes struggled with her University course work and never really had time for socialising or to keep up with fashions. In fact she was rather lonely. One afternoon she was sitting quietly in the university library doing some research when Alex who she knew only by his reputation as one of the faculty’s top sports stars approached her. “You’re Zeta right?” he asked. “Yes,” she agreed, “You’re Alex right?” “Sure,” he agreed, “The word...

3 years ago
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First Story Just Another House Party

This is the first of many stories I have to share. I figured I might as well submit them since, although I think they would make a great book, it is never going to get published. These are real events that happened to me personally, however since they happened at various points throughout the years, I might forget a detail or two and I might make certain details a little more grandiose. But all of the important, major stuff is forever etched in my mind. All names are, of course, completely...

3 years ago
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First Story Just Another House Party

This is the first of many stories I have to share. I figured I might as well submit them since, although I think they would make a great book, it is never going to get published.These are real events that happened to me personally, however since they happened at various points throughout the years, I might forget a detail or two and I might make certain details a little more grandiose. But all of the important, major stuff is forever etched in my mind. All names are, of course, completely made...

2 years ago
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Country Girl

Hi there, mister. Oh, sorry -- didn't mean to startle you. No, I know; I don't make much noise and I came up behind you unexpected like. My bad. Nice camper; you travelling? Oh; I wish I could do that. Just get in a camper and travel all over the country till I found a place to rest. Lots of places I never been to I'd go, let me tell you. Me? No, I never been more than a hundred miles from home since I was born. It's boring, let me tell you. Same old people, same old...

2 years ago
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My First High School Party

A bit about me I am 15, four foot 7, 85 pounds. I have blonde hair and green eyes. I am slim, but have small boobs. This tells the story of the last year of my life. All this is true, some of the names have been changed for safety reasons. My name is Teena Davis, and this is how I went from a prude to a slut. I had just turned 15 a week before, and that was always the magic age my parents set for me. I could date at 15, my curfew was extended to 12 on weekends and 10 PM on school nights...

2 years ago
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My First Job 8211 Avvys Party

By: Beast Of The Fall The following story is the continuation of my new life in Pune. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Rashmi. I hail from a small town in Kerala. I now live in Pune and work there in XYZ Informatics. If you haven’t read my previous experiences yet, I would suggest you do so. All the characters appearing in this story have made their appearances in my previous stories and it would definitely help you get into the flow of the story. The first one is titled “My First Job...

4 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 18

Pepper stepped out of the trailer and stretched, once he was free of its confines. It was false dawn and the light was just bright enough to see his surroundings clearly, while still giving everything a soft appearance. The dew on the ground gave the grass a delicate appearance, like something out of a fairy tale. There was just enough of a chill in the air to make him wish he was still in bed. The whinny of a horse drew his eye to the south end of the pasture. Looking at them brought back...

2 years ago
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Our First House Party

Well it was not exactly our first swinger party experience so let me explain. We had been invited by a friend to a “house party”. He did indicate that it was going to be a swinger’s party and thought maybe we would be interested. Well we talked it over and the wife said she was willing to try it if I was. We had discussed this before and so we decided to go for it. The party was going to be Saturday night which worked out just fine for us. As the day approached we both became excited but...

4 years ago
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Our first MFM Party

Our First Fuck PartyFor reasons I can not explain, I had the strong desire to watch my wife have sex with another man & to join them in 3 way action. I'm not gay & have no desire to inner act with a man, I just felt 2 men could give a woman much more pleasure than one.I am also a voyeur & love to watch people having sex, so watching the woman I love being pleasured was a big turn on for me. Every thought I had of some man doing my wife gave me a raging hardon. I never had a...

1 year ago
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How this girl learned to party

I guess I could never claim to have been a nice little girl. I began fucking when I was boy. That was when I was allowed to go on my first date, and it only took my boyfriend a couple weeks to get into me. To be honest, I wanted it before that. I knew all about it, as what kid in the last twenty years doesn’t, and even on the first date I thought that getting screwed was the point of it all. And I had a great time for two years. I had a great sex life, all with the same guy, and the world was...

3 years ago
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Sissy Girl Party

SISSY GIRL PARTY by Throne Danny felt so ashamed, standing there before his wife Melba in a pink and white party dress that would be appropriate for a nine year old girl, not a grown man like himself. He cringed inwardly and unconsciously took one of his short pigtails and wound it around his finger. His feet were shod in pretty ballet-type slippers, pink ones with little rhinestones on them. "You look so sweet, Dee Dee," she said with a smirk that he knew all too well. He had...

4 years ago
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A Girl Named AreolaChapter 8 Jadersquos Second Party

Beaver and I arrived a bit early after promising to help Jade with the last minute organisation. Beaver and I had thrown a couple of dresses in the back of daddy’s car and driven there naked, and Jade had opened the door to us as naked as we were. Jade had got their cook to make some party food and it was all laid out on the table in the dining room. So all there was to do was move a few things out of the way and get the drinks organised. Jade had already carried the drinks from her car and...

2 years ago
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First Swim Party

I sat in the lazy chair watching "Napoleon Dynamite" for the 107th time. I had his dance moves down from the end of the movie. I watched it at least once a day since school ended twenty-nine days ago. Mom and Mrs. Julia Swanson, the next door neighbor, talked at the dining table. They were best friends ever since ten years ago when the Swansons moved in. I was only four then. I was the older brother in our family. It took a while for Mom to get pregnant again so my little brother was only...

4 years ago
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Our First MFM Party

Our First Fuck PartyDanny was a guy I met on a jobsite " we both worked construction " He was a master electrician which is what I desired to be.As we became friends he offered to come by my house evenings to start tutoring me on all the things needed to become an electrician. I jumped at the chance as a real school would cost way more than I could afford at the time.He informed me it would take several weeks of working together to get the education I needed but he was willing to help me obtain...

1 year ago
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Country Mom for a Horny Son

My mothers name is libby, she has lived in the country her whole life raising chickens and horses. Shes tall with shoulder length blonde hair and big milky breasts and blue eyes like myself. She had married my father who has always preferred the city life. He worked long hours at his desk job being an accountant for a small law firm. He only moved to the country to please my mother which I believe is the only way he pleases her. Im 19 years old and like most people my age I tend to get...

2 years ago
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Country Mature

So, I gathered up some gas money and headed off in my van...and found nothing. TV be damned, a lot of places I stopped at just sent me packin' and the stuff I did get to look at was real junk. I mean real junk. Whatever this game was, I sucked at it, but I kept at it more out of stubbornness than anything else. Lately I had taking to sleeping in the van to save money and went farther and farther out from the bigger towns, hunting for that jackpot of rusty rareness. I wasn't exactly lost...

2 years ago
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Country Love Ch 02

* I’m aware my first chapter was a bit short, but this story has a lot of background leading up to the more hot part of this romance. Thank you for the positive feedback more will be along shortly.* * The alarm in Cora’s room went off at 6 the next morning. She rolled out of her bed and smiled as the brisk fresh air blew through her open window and refreshed her. The breeze blew the curtains which where white as the bright morning sunshine shone through them. This was a true country morning....

2 years ago
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Country BoyChapter 10

After Beth had wandered around Lander for a while longer the three friends returned to the laboratory and resumed their work. This time, however, Larry and Rachel had a star struck helper and they made sure there was no one else in the building and the doors were locked. Over the next week, Beth dropped all her ongoing projects and assigned them to her subordinates. She insisted on helping with the antigravity research from that point on. Of course, what she was mostly doing was learning the...

3 years ago
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Country Roads Take Me HomeChapter 2

I actually love living out in the country. At first, I didn’t think I would. I certainly didn’t move out here with my Uncle Dan by choice. About four months ago, I was still living with my mom and stepdad in a fairly large city. One night, when my mom was working late, my stepdad and I got into a discussion about whether younger or older men make better lovers. His argument was that older men are much more patient, especially when giving oral sex to their partners. I told him, half-jokingly,...

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