Tennessee Pig Slave free porn video

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­­The air smelled just as he remembered it, even though it had been 10 years.  There was something about the Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains that stays in your blood – not even a decade of toiling his way up the ranks with one of the biggest banks on Wall Street could hold the memories at bay of having spent his formative years in the shadows of the misty blue mountain peaks.  His return was prompted by tragedy – the death of his father meant that he was now officially an orphan, with no siblings, and little in the way of an extended family either.  He had discharged the legal matters of the estate such as it was a few days ago, and on a whim decided to call his firm and tell them that he would be away for four more days?time to cope he had called it – but what he really wanted to do was get back to nature?go for a hiking trip, alone, with his thoughts, and peacefulness of the Great Smokeys.

With a pack full of brand new gear, he left the rental car in the car park at the head of the trail?so the adventure begins he thought?a lovely sunny day, with a bit of a breeze to keep the bugs away – perfect.

After ignoring the multitude of signs, and getting off of the main trail to carve out his own path through the bush, he came across a clearing by a fast running creek that had taken him a little under three hours of constant hiking to reach.  Just the place to set up camp, get his bearings, and start enjoying the stillness of nature which was as stark a contrast to his bustling professional life as he could imagine.

So who is he?

Aaron Moser had grown up in Knoxville, the only son of just about the only Jewish family in the entire city, or so it seemed when he was a boy.  His father had been tasked with opening up a new branch of his partners’ law firm in the south, and liked the easy lifestyle in the Southern burbs of Knoxville so much that he had decided to stay and run the place once it was established.  Aaron had been only three at the time, so Tennessee was the only home state that he had ever known.  Growing up Jewish in the south was not easy though, and having had enough of the taunts, the bullying, and getting beaten up as a kid?once he was old enough to go to college he packed up, and headed for New York.  One commerce degree and one favor called in by his father?and he had landed an entry- level position on Wall Street with lots of room for advancement.  He was set.  His Mother’s death had been hard, but he and his father pulled through all right.  He had begged his dad to move back to New York after that – but stubborn and set in his ways, Mr. Moser decided to remain in his adopted state.  Aaron could hardly believe his ears when he got the phone call only 6 months after his Mom’s passing, that his Dad was now gone as well.  He had grieved, cried, and honored his father’s memory in all of the ways that he had been taught according to Jewish tradition.  Now it was time for himself?and the hiking trip was going to be just the thing.

On the second day trip away from his base camp, Aaron got a bit adventurous, and tackled a steeper climb up one of the nearby cliff faces than he had ever attempted before.  Rock climbing had become something of a hobby and a stress release of late, and this was going to be a good chance to test his skills.  What he didn’t account for was the looseness of the shale ledge that he was perched upon planning his next handhold.  His feet slipped, and all of a sudden he was falling?as if in slow motion he watched the cliff face pass in front of his eyes?down, down, down – until he hit.  25 feet he had fallen to the forest floor, and landed with a thud on a thick mossy patch of ground, surrounded by large protruding rocks.  He was woozy, and the wind had been knocked out of him, but he was alive.  He could tell that miraculously nothing was broken, but he needed help?he reached for his satellite phone and drew it from his pocket.  As he tried to dial for help, the numbers looked first fuzzy, then doubled, as his world around him went black, and the phone tumbled from his hand. 

Aaron’s eyes fluttered open, as they struggled to focus, his gaze came to rest upon a small raw wood paneled room.  He was laid out on a soft lumpy mattress, covered by a single sheet, on an old rusty iron bed frame.  There was a small bedside table to his left, and as he swiveled his head towards the small window that illuminated the room, he saw a man sitting on a carved wooden stool?with his back to Aaron, whittling away on a chunk of hickory wood.  The rustling of the bed sheet alerted the carver, and he turned to face the recovering hiker.

?Come on in boy,?  he bellowed??the pig is awake?.

Through the open doorway came a younger, fatter version of the man who had been sitting idly carving the piece of hardwood.  The older of the two, was Clement Ogle – a backwoods uneducated hillbilly who was the product of a Cajun mother and a local Tennesee-boy father.  He was 60 years old, thin and wiry, and stood no more than 5’8? tall.  Clement weighed in at 150 lbs of sinewy muscle, and sported skin that was tanned like leather from the sun and wrinkled beyond his years giving him the appearance of a man much older than 60, with a nasty disposition.

The younger of the two, was Arnaud Ogle, or Arnie for short.  The only child, a son, born to Clement from a relationship long-since ended and forgotten.  Physically speaking, the two men could not have been more different, and looked nothing like one another except for a strong facial resemblance proving their status as father and son.  Clement had a shock of grey wiry hair on his head, which looked more like steel wool than human hair.  Arnie on the other hand, was as bald as a cue-ball, with a shiny oblong head that looked like a torpedo.  In addition, the son was a complete mismatch compared to his father on a physical level.  Standing a little over 6’ tall, Arnie tipped the scale at 320 lbs of hulking blubber.  Very strong, but enormously fat.  Whereas the father had ample and unkempt facial hair as well as a matting of salt and pepper chest hair which was sprouting up from underneath his checked flannel shirt, the son appeared completely hairless all over- with a smooth chest that was clearly visible underneath his huge blue denim overalls which he wore without a shirt on underneath.  Both men wore heavy workboots, a normal size 9 on the father’s feet, and a whopping size 14 on his son’s big boats. 

Aaron tried to sit up a bit on the bed, but found that his mobility was limited by a leather collar cinched pretty tightly around his neck, which was also connected to the iron bed-frame by a thin but very strong length of chain.

?No sense in trying to get up pig, we got ya chained down for now until yer well enough to take yer proper place.? Announced Clement.  Aaron immediately began to yell and to demand to be released immediately – shouting out who he was and that they had no reason or right to detain him.

Detain him?

Aaron was in for quite a nasty surprise.

?Gag that sow son? clement ordered, and Arnie advanced on the hobbled banker.  ?The first of many lessons that yer gonna learn pig is that animals don’t talk?and as of right now, I don’t care what yer name used to be, or anything about who you used to be fer that matter.  As of right now, you have no past that is of any concern?only a future.  As of right now, you belong to me and my boy here, and yer gonna be our little piggie?our hog-boy?our fattened up whore-sow you got that pig?!?

Aaron felt his body being pressed down onto the mattress by Arnie’s meaty right hand which was now around the front of his throat.  With his prey held fast against the bed, Arnie started to squeeze his victim’s throat.  Pretty soon Aaron was struggling for air, and he could feel his eyes bugging out of his head.  Arnie was not only gigantically fat, but immensely strong as well.  As Aaron opened his mouth wide to gulp in some air, Arnie shoved in a piece of metal that had a buckling leather strap dangling from each end.  The fat man cinched in the straps and buckled them tight, before ratcheting open the metal device, which was actually a dental gag that was now seated in Aaron’s mouth behind his perfectly straight pearly white teeth.  Arnie pried open Aaron’s jaw to the point that he thought it would dislocate, and it rendered him unable to form any words at all, but rather to make unintelligible grunting sounds.

?There?that’s better? announced Clement.  ?Now you can just lay back and listen pig, cause I’m gonna tell ya how its gonna be for you from now on.  First of all, yer gonna wear that gag until I feel that you’ve learned lesson number one well enough to be trusted.  That lesson, you’ll remember, is that pigs don’t talk.  From now on you’ll give us one grunt for yes, and two grunts for no – that’s it.  We ain’t gonna be askin you fer much anyway seeing as we are now yer proud new owners.  Anything we want from you we’re just gonna take, so talking would be pointless on yer part anyway.  That gag should teach you a few valuable lessons on its own actually.  I imagine that it’s pretty painful all stretched open like that pig.  Well get used to it.  We like seeing you in some pain, and it don’t matter anyway to an owner if his livestock is in some discomfort.  That there gag is also gonna make you drool uncontrollably pig.  Good.  I think it teaches an animal like you its proper place in relation to men like my boy and I here when you can’t even stop yerself from droolin all over the floor.?

Aaron couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and started to whimper and cry and thrash around as best he could on the bed?collared and leashed, and now gagged by these two hillbilly sadists.  Arnie looked at his father as if to silently ask if he should physically put an end to the tantrum, but Clement just shook his head deciding instead for the man-pig to exhaust itself.

Once Aaron had been reduced to a wheezing sweaty mess, his energy expended in his futile attempt to overcome his bonds or to shake loose the gag, which painfully inhabited his mouth, Clement continued his explanation.  They had been out hunting when they came across Aaron’s unconscious body.  Arnie had hoisted him up, slung him over his broad shoulders, and carried him back their truck.  From there they had driven to their homestead, deep in the Great Smokies, in the middle of nowhere in the state if Tennessee.  Basically, Aaron had no idea where he was, and nobody knew that he was the captive of this sadistic father and son.

?My my Clement said as he approached his new prize laying helpless on the bed?I have always wanted to have my own personal pig-slut?and now I’ve got one.  A nice sow to be fattened up and trained?we’re gonna have us a real good time training up this pig-whore son.?  Clement was now stroking and caressing Aaron’s exposed torso.  All of his trashing around had dislodged the sheet that had been covering him, exposing his now naked body.  ?If yer wondering where yer clothes are pig, they’re gone.  Didn’t fit me or my boy, so what we couldn’t cut up fer rags we burned.  You ain’t never gonna wear clothes ever again anyway, so it seemed ridiculous to keep em.  Yer boots fit me nice enough though sow-boy, so I’ll keep them til this pair here wear out to save me from buyin new ones.  Fer now though, I think that’s enough explaining – I’m eager to get yer training started, and you must be hungry so it’s time fer yer firist feeding.  Arnie, take our slut-sow out to her new home.?

The hulking blob unclipped Aaron’s chain from the back of his collar, and scooped him up over his shoulders once again.  Carrying the helpless banker across the room and through an open door, Aaron realized they were in a small barn, which explained the raw wooden walls he had seen earlier.  Within the larger open part of the barn was a fenced in portion that measured about 30’ square.  Clement unchained and opened the door to this section of the barn, and all three walked in before the older man re-fastened the door.  ?Welcome to your pig-pen slut.  Arnie – get her ready for her first stuffing.?

The 320 lb monster, who had yet to really say anything, dumped Aaron’s body overtop of a large wooden block so that he was resting on all fours, with the large wooden block supporting his midsection.  Overtop of the pig’s back, Arnie placed a rigid leather saddle which arched perfectly over the prostrate captive’s body.  Arnie then mounted the saddle, facing backward towards Aaron’s ass-end.  The saddle while made of stiff well worn leather, sagged under the blob’s bulk, and pressed down painfully on the captive underneath.  Aaron was certain that Arnie was going to crush the life right out of him with this arrangement, and at that point he also noted that he was completely incapable of getting up off of the block, or in fact even wiggling more than an inch or two under his hulking captor’s bulk.  Now effectively immobilized, he was at the mercy of his older Master, who was busying himself collecting a number of items from a cupboard at the far end of the pen.

Clement lugged his armful of cargo back to where his son had their new pigslave completely restrained, and suffering under the partial weight of his 320 lb frame.  Using his booted foot, Clement pushed a small milking type stool over the where Aaron’s waiting ass protruded forth from being bent over the wooden block.  Between the sow-boy’s ankles, Clement fixed a long wooden dowel, which effectively kept Aaron’s legs spread apart, and access to his asshole unfettered.  On the floor at his feet, a large tub of malodorous grease had been opened in anticipation of the activity yet to come.  The grease was made mostly from bear fat, yellowish in color, and extremely thick and viscous.  On the floor Clement tumbled his armful of goods?a number of carved wooden objects – different lengths and thicknesses, but all somewhat bullet-shaped with tapering bodies that flared out into wide flat-bottomed bases.  Clement was a master carver, and using the available hardwoods of the Great Smokies, had amassed a huge collection of carved dildos and butt plugs as well as other anal insertables which would put any S&M dungeon to shame, and any slavemaster green with envy.  After making his intention clear to Aaron that the goal was to start stretching and opening his piggy-cunt, the captive banker could not help but to struggle with absolute futility in an attempt to free himself until exhaustion began to set in and his body became still.

?We can’t have a pigslut with a teeny tiny pussy hole all snapped up shut tight as a drum now can we son?  We got to get this sow’s hole all loosened up and sloppy so that she can take all of the fucking and stuffing that she’s gonna have to endure in her new life as a piggyslave.?

With that pronouncement, Clement scooped up several fingerfulls of bear grease, and smeared the gooey substance right on Aaron’s waiting pucker.  Using one of his thick stubby fingers to push the oily mess deep into his quarry’s rectum.  This process was repeated several times, until Aaron’s hole was loaded with a substantial amount of grease.  Grabbing one of the smaller, but still sizeable bullet shaped wooden plugs, Clement coated it as well with the animal fat lube that he had used to slick up his pigslut’s snatch.  Pressing the rounded end of the plug flush against Aaron’s sphincter, Clement began to push?slowly?constantly?relentlessly.  Little by little the virgin tissue of the banker’s asshole began to yield, opening up as if in slow motion.  Each millimeter of dilation was accompanied by moans and groans from deep within Aaron’s throat, which burst forth from behind the dental gag, which continued to pry open Aaron’s jaws to agonizing proportions.  Eventually the wide body of the wooden plug, a full two inches in diameter, had made its way into Aaron’s chute.  The entire length of this particular plug was 10 insertable inches, plus a flared wooden base which would protrude from the wearer’s dilated hole.  Not allowing it to fully seat itself inside of his sow, Clement began to fuck the wooden phallus in and out of Aaron’s hole to fully coat the rectal walls with the grease, which would allow him to work larger and larger items into his intended target.  Aaron was now wheezing as the air in his lungs was forced out of him with every inward thrust.  Clement continued to rape his hole with the full 10 inch length of carved wood, twisting it from side to side as he shoved it back and forth.  Eventually, Aaron’s hole began to accept the invader with much less resistance, and actually started to secrete thick mucus that added to the volume of lubricant that his captor had to work with.  ?See that son? Clement cooed??the slut’s getting wet – she likes having her pussy hole opened and stuffed with a nice fat hard plug.  Just think how much she’s gonna love having some real cocks up in there fucking and breeding her full of nice hot cum!?

Arnie smiled and laughed a demonic laugh, bouncing up and down in the saddle he had placed astride Aaron’s body on the wooden block.  The force of 320 lbs heaving up and down in the leather seat transmitted cruel amounts of pressure through to Aaron’s helpless form, crushing him against the unrelenting wood and weakening his energy reserves even further.  He was in fact totally unaware that Clement had removed the wooden invader from his once virgin ass, only to replace it with an even thicker version which now sought to gain entry into the ever-loosening cunt-hole of the captive banker.  Once punched through the sphincter, Clement manipulated the second tool in exactly the same manner that her had the first.  Sawing it in and out of Aaron’s hole, the sadistic hillbilly yanked it from side to side as well in order to stretch his slave for width as well as girth and depth.  Within minutes the blonde wooden plug was slicked with bear grease that was now the same temperature as Aaron’s tender innards, glistening in the lamplight within the barn.  The human sow was spent?head hung low, thick strings of drool stretching from his gaping mouth down to the sawdust and hay covered floor of the pig pen. 

Clement continued his rough abusive treatment of Aaron’s hole, although mercifully Arnie had decided to dismount from the saddle to get a better look at the action.  All that was required now to hold the slave in place was the big size 14 boot of the gigantic blob placed squarely in the pigboy’s back.  The elder Master had now worked Aaron’s hole up to accepting a very short 5 inch plug, which measured an astonishing 4 inches in diameter.  Shaped more like a cylinder, it had only the slightest of tapers at its base, to allow for maximum stretching of the slut’s hole once it was fully inserted.  Clement shoved it home, and stood up to stretch his aching back – he had been working the sow’s pussy now for a full hour, and he was tired.

?Leave ‘er there to stretch out some son? he suggested.  ?Let’s g get us something to eat – we’re gonna need our strength for the next bit anyway.  Just chain ‘er up and make sure that she can’t get herself off of that block or push her stretchin tool out of her womb.?  Clement wandered off towards the door of the pig pen, and left it open for Arnie to deal with once he had secured the slave for the time being.  Still hobbled by the spreader bar, it wasn’t going to take much to ensure that Aaron would be unable to escape, and besides, he’d also be locked inside of his pig pen so there was little to worry about for the two sadistic hillbillies.

Arnie clipped a broad leather leash, more of a short strap really, to the back of Aaron’s collar, and then used a heavy mallet to drive a nail right through the leather into the wooden block which still supported the pigslave’s weight.  Effectively tethered, he used a similar arrangement to ensure that the stretching plug remained right where his father had put it.  The second leather strap was shaped like a large letter ?Y?.  The tail end was nailed into the wooden block between Aaron’s spread legs, and then Arnie drew it upwards through the crack of the sow’s ass, with one arm of the strap now resting on either side of Aaron’s limp body.  Cinching it up tight, pushing the plug even further up the banker’s ass, Arnie nailed each arm of the leather strap to either side of Arron’s trunk.  The slave was now tethered, and strapped down to the wooden block, with unrelenting unforgiving leather securing the huge wooden plug deep inside of his pussy.

Sated from a hearty meal, father and son ambled back towards the barn to finish Aaron’s treatment for the day, and to get their pig squared away for the night.  When they entered the pig pen, Aaron’s head still hung limply from his shoulders, and the puddle of viscous saliva on the floor underneath his face had grown.  ?I think we can get rid of that gag for now son?take it out of her mouth, and un-tether her from the block?yer pappy wants a change of scenery for the sow’s next lesson.?

Once untied, Aaron’s body fell hard to the floor when Arnie used his size 14 to push the slave sideways off of the block.  Seeing his slave crumpled in a heap on the floor, the bulging brute uttered the first word that Aaron had heard him say since this hellish ordeal began when he bellowed out ?move yer ass pig!? at Aaron’s lethargic form as he kicked him in the ribs over towards where Clement had set up the next form of torture.

Clement may have been getting on in years, and was thin and wiry although deceptively strong?but his manhood was something quite impressive indeed.  Lacking somewhat in length, he still sported what would have to be considered a relative cuntbuster due to its beer can girth.  He had unzipped his jeans, and pulled his hard cock through so that it pointed proudly out in front of him.  ?One of yer main duties sow- cunt is gonna be to service me and the boy as our fuck hole.  We’re gonna need pretty regular release in that regard, and yer pussy is gonna be kept flooded in our hot man-cum, amongst others that is.?  This ominous statement worried Aaron and he raised his head just enough to look directly into his elder Master’s face, pleading with his eyes and beginning to move his lips.  Clement cut him off and said ?I know yer not thinking of saying any human words right now piggy-girl?cause if you do I’m afraid I just might have to let Arnie cut yer tongue right out of yer skull to shut you up permanently.?

The threat worked, and Aaron remained silently obedient and crawled over to his Master’s booted feet.

Manhandling his new-found pig slave up onto a fucking bench, Clement dumped Aaron face down on an inverted plank so that his head was lower than his hips.  The slut’s pussy hole was aimed right up at the Master’s waiting cock, and Clement’s manhood dripped and drooled in anticipation.  The wooden plug had fallen out during Aaron’s trek across the floor on his hands and knees, and the tender flesh of his once virgin hole glowed crimson red, and glistened with copious amounts of the near liquefied bear grease that was still slicking up his cunt.  With the slave’s pussy lips twitching and winking, Clement leaned forward and sunk his rigid cock deep into Aaron’s rectum in one forward motion.  Buried to the hilt, the sadistic mountain man moaned with delight as he felt his slave’s anal walls contract around his prick.  ?Thhaatt’s it bitch? he cooed??give yer owner a nice tight ride?a nice sexy fuck.  Milk that cum right out of my cock and into yer piggy hole you goddamn sexy little sow.?  Clement began to ride Aaron’s prostrate body – pressing him down into the fuckplank,  drilling in and out of his slave, Clement did not take very long to work himself up to climax.  With a deafening roar, he drove his meat deep into Aaron’s cunt, and blasted forth with a huge load of cum that he pumped deep into the pigslave’s belly.  Leaving himself fully buried, Clement allowed for the natural contractions of his sow’s pussy hole to milk any remaining drops of jiz out of his mancock and into the vessel that had become his personal cumdump.  With his breathing returning to normal, he slowly withdrew his snake from Aaron’s body, the once virgin banker now having been anally raped for the first time.  But his ordeal was far from over.

Watching his father rut and breed the human sow had made Arnie extremely horny.  His denim overalls were tented away from his groin due to the fact that his cock had become rigidly hard from having a front row seat to the deflowering of the new pigslave.  Undoing both of his shoulder straps, and unbuttoning the sides of his garment, Arnie let the front flap fall forward to expose his biggest asset.  Protruding out from beneath the blob’s hanging gut, was a truly enormous cock.  Almost animal-like in fact.  At full mast, Arnie had a true 12 inch cock, that was even thicker than that of his father.  It hung at a downward angle due to its weight, and was a mass of bulging veins and pale pink flesh culminating in a bulbous cockhead the size of a small apple.  As Arnie approached Aaron’s unsuspecting asshole, he used one of his powerful arms to hoist up his gut in order to lay it on the piggy’s back, giving his penis full access to the cunt-hole it was about to breed.  Using his free hand to aim his torpedo at the target, Arnie pressed and shoved his cock forward until the bulbous head had breached Aaron’s cunt-lips.  Thinking he had already been fully broken in, Aaron himself was shocked by the pain this new invader was causing, and if he could have been able to see behind himself he would have understood why.  Arnie’s beast of a cock pulsed and flexed as he penetrated it deeper and deeper into Aaron’s captive cunt.  The longest plug Clement had inserted that day had been 10 inches, so when Arnie’s 12 inch monster was finally fully lodged inside of the sow’s warm wet tunnel, Aaron was screaming in agony and squirming desperately to get free.  The bulk of his rapist’s belly on his back as well as the meaty hands of his abuser held him fast though, forcing him to endure an act of sodomy that was truly brutal and without mercy.  Arnie’s face glazed over as he fucked Aaron’s ass?almost like he was in a trance.  Sobbing and screaming, the pigslave’s wails and cries of pain only served to make Arnie’s weapon that much harder, and that much more vicious.  It took a full 20 minutes of heavy cunt-pounding before Arnie reached his orgasm.  When he did, he leaned forward and grabbed hold of the hair on Aaron’s head, yanking it back hard enough to actually lift the slave’s upper torso from the plank.  Adding a new type of agony to the mix, Arnie was not done yet.  As he grunted and thrusted, forcing his seed deep into Aaron’s bowels, he wrapped his bulky arms around his sow, and stood bolt upright, holding the spasming body of his pigslave infront of his bulk like a rag doll.  Aaron was now impaled on Arnie’s massive tool, and the sadistic brute hoisted the bankers lithe body up and down, jacking himself off with his human cocksleeve to completely milk his juices deep into Aaron’s helpless cavity. 

Once Arnie had fully drained himself of his sexual seed, he simply let go of Aaron’s body, allowing him to drop to the floor, all at once yanking his softening but still enormous and post-tumescent appendage from the sow’s cunt.  With both men now having satisfied their sexual urges, Clement pronounced that it had been a good start, a decent beginning to the sow-hole’s training?but that she would need a lot more stretching and fucking in order to be ready to take the seed of the various livestock that would be using her for a breeding bitch.

Aaron began to sob as he felt a thick leather leash once again being clipped to his collar.  ?C’mon piggy? Clement ordered as he yanked Aaron along on all fours??gotta get you put away for the night so that you’re well rested to service us again tomorrow.  Every day for the rest of your life you’re gonna be fucked, stretched, used, abused, tortured, and degraded all for the amusement of me and my boy.  We’re gonna shove stuff up inside of your pussy hole that you never even thought could possible fit through a little asshole.  Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing what I can get shoved right up all the way inside of you slut so that your pig-hole closes behind it and keeps it buried all the way up yer snatch.?  As Clement outlined the type of abuse that Aaron could expect from now on, he shoved the worn out frame of his sow-slave into a strong wooden cage that had been lashed together with strips of rawhide that had been soaked, and then left to dry and contract.  An unbreakable prison, Clement and Arnie blew out the lantern lights as they left the pig-pen?satisfied by the days events and looking forward to enjoying their new toy again tomorrow.  For Aaron, his emotions finally burst forth and he sobbed loudly, and uncontrollably until he cried himself to sleep.  He could not believe what had become of his once promising life.

Eventually sleep overcame Aaron’s abused body, and he drifted into slumber – exhausted.  For 6 hours the newly created human sow rested comfortably, until he was rudely awakened by a stinging hot stream of liquid blasting him in the face at the bottom of his cage.  Bleary-eyed but rapidly becoming more and more alert, Aaron looked up through the slats of his cage to see Arnie – the disgusting obese rapist who had nearly ripped him in two the day before – hosing him down like an animal with a scalding hot load of man-piss from his semi-stiff horse cock.  Laughing hysterically as he soaked down the man-sow, Arnie thought to himself how much fun it was going to be today to have a full day of using and abusing the new slave.  His dad had been so angry when he had accidentally gone too far with the last one.  Arnie loved to have his fat meaty ass serviced by a slave’s captive tongue?and sitting on a pig-boy’s face until he squirmed with desperation to breathe had been one of his favorite pastimes.  A hobby that had now been forbidden after Arnie had misjudged his timing with the previous slave that thay had been training, and accidentally suffocated the slut under the massive mounds of flesh that formed his buttocks.  This time it would be different though?he and his father had come up with some ingenious ways of making sure that Arnie could still have all of the ass-service that he wanted from the new piece of pork?without risking that the stupid bitch would go and get itself killed.

The last dribbles of the big hillbilly’s urine petered out, and after unlashing the door to Aaron’s cell, he reached in and encircled the Jew-pig’s right upper arm with one of his big mitts.  Arnie’s digits could just about close all the way around Aaron’s meager bicep, and the slave winced in pain as is captor’s crushing grip strength punished his flesh as he was yanked from the confines of the cage.

Arnie frog marched Aaron out of the barn into the sunlight.  The breath-taking vista of morning over the Blue Smoky’s was matched only by the breath taking vista of Clement standing across the yard waiting for his son to bring the pig-whore for her morning feeding.  This would come to be one of the daily routines that despite all of the sexual abuse Aaron would endure at the hands of these two sadists, that he hated the most.

An expert carver with a sadistic mind is a wicked combination.  Clement Ogle’s feeding bench was proof positive of that fact.  The bench component consisted of a wide plank set on a downward angle, which at its termination point was fixed to the bottom of a small barrel that had been cut in half.  The barrel was two feet in diameter, and nearly the same measurement in depth.  At the upper most end of the plank a tripod support system provided enough strength for the entire apparatus to hold the weight of even the heftiest human hog.  By virtue of a sliding track system, a second plank, shorter than the first, but just as wide, was affixed to the uppermost surface.  At its low end, was a wooden bar carved out in a semi-circular fashion such that it immediately reminded Aaron of the resting place for the condemned’s neck as they were strapped into the guillotine.  At the upper end, the plank sported a thick rope that extended up and over the apex of the supporting plank, and then straight down to disappear into another small barrel that looked much like an unaltered version of the one that had been cut in half to form the ?bowl?.  The sliding plank itself, or the chow-board as Clement called it, was a mess of heavy leather straps and buckles.

?Load er up Son? Clement ordered, as Arnie slung Aaron’s lithe frame up onto the chow board, face down, his neck in the guillotine trough.  Both hillbilly’s then proceeded to buckle and secure each of the restraints around the Jew-pig’s torso and neck, holding him fast the surface of the board.  Aaron’s wrists and ankles were then cuffed, and once his knees were forcefully and fully bent, clipped together.  The slave-hog was, well, hogtied – face down, head down, on a mobile sled which if released would slide down right into the half-barrel ?bowl?, masking his face against its wooden bottom.  The sled however, was held in place at the moment by the thick rope that extended back from it, now under great tension, into the second barrel.

?I told ya yesterday slut that we expect you to become a good and obedient sow-whore fer us?and if that’s gonna happen, then we need to put some meat on those skinny little bones of yers.?  Clement then proceeded to fill the bowl component of the feeding bench with a disgusting mixture called pig-slop, which from this point onward would be the only food that he would be allowed to eat for the rest of his days.  The recipe for Clement’s pig-slop was never exactly the same twice.  Some of the ingredients were always present?lard, bear fat, oatmeal, butter,full fat cream, and piss.  On any given day however, depending upon how degrading he wanted to be towards his human piggy, any variety of truly disgusting things would be added to the mixture, and force-fed to the once proud Jewish Wall street prodigy.

The way in which the feeding bench worked was genius.  The barrel into which the rope disappeared, was bolted onto a frame that was secured into the ground by thick metal spikes.  Inside of the barrel, the rope was knotted through a wooden disc that was exactly the diameter of the inside of the barrel.  When the wooden disc was pushed to the bottom of the barrel, as small latch on either side held it in position as the barrel was filled up with water.  At this point, Aaron’s face was no more than an inch from the stinking surface of 2 gallons of pig slop.  The wooden lid to the barrel, through which the heavy rope also passed, was then clamped down into place, and the latches at the bottom of the barrel released.  The weight of the human pig now free to pull on the rope and therefore the newly released wooden disc at the bottom of the barrel, slowly forced the water within the barrel out of the hole through which the rope entered as the disc made its way towards the top of the barrel.  As the water slowly escaped, the now mobile chow-board began to slide down towards the waiting pig-slop.  The choice was a simple one?the man-sow strapped to the chow-board could either eat the pig slop as its face progressed into it’s fatty depths, or die by drowning in the would be pig-meal as its mouth and nose became submerged in its sludgy depths.  The true beauty of the invention from the father and son’s point of view, was the heavier the sow-whore became?the faster its bulk would force the water out of the barrel, and the faster the chow board would slide down the support plank.  This meant that as Aaron became less of a man, and more of a pig, he would need to guzzle and gulp down his putrid food at faster and faster rates to keep the foul slop from killing him.  Having all of this explained to him by the 60 year old Clement, who had sprung an enormous hard on simply by telling his new slave how it all worked?Arnie was then ordered to release his grip on the chow-board?and Aaron’s lips descended into his breakfast.

Gulping and swallowing mouthful after mouthful of the high calorie full fat mixture, Aaron heard Clement tell Arnie that he thought they should start with four feedings a day until some initial fattening of the pig had taken hold.  After that, once the sow’s gut was good and stretched, they could up it to 5 or 6 times daily.  Clement wanted to completely ruin Aaron’s body, turning him in to an obese disgusting animal who’s only purpose was to have its holes stretched and filled, and its bulk abused by its owners for their depraved sadistic pleasure.

Not being able to help himself?Clement worked 4 of his stubby fingers into Aaron’s upturned cunt as he completed his first session on the chow-board.  He twisted and worked the man-pig’s rubbery cunt lips, getting them nicely primed for what would become the ritual post-meal breeding session for both himself and his fat disgusting son to get their morning wood taken care of.

By the time Aaron reached the bottom of the barrel, his belly was distended, and he felt like he would either burst, puke, or both.  Knowing that the latter was a distinct possibility, once Aaron had been unbound and flipped off of the chow-bench into the grass, Clement forced an enormous ball gag into the slag’s mouth and cinched it into place mercilessly.  With his lips now bulging over top and from underneath the bright red rubber ball seated back behind his teeth, Aaron would not be able to expel any vomit from his mouth as the gag essentially formed a stopper which would send the recently ingested slop back down where it had come from.  It was a wise decision on the Master’s part, as the next portion of the morning’s activities did cause the man-sow’s body to try to involuntarily expel its breakfast on three of four occasions.

Seated on an upturned crate was Arnie?the fat disguting animal who had killed their previous slave by suffocating it with his blubberous ass.  Protruding straight up in front of him was his enormous 9 inch member.  Rock hard, veiny, and dripping with thick viscous pre-cum.  Clement yanked Aaron’s pain racked body upright and shoved him over into Arnie’s waiting embrace.  Rubbing his dinner plate sized palm around on the sow’s hard distended and full belly, his giant cuntbuster twitched in anticipation.  Much like he had done the previous evening, Arnie spun the pig-slave around, and positioned its cunt hole right over the purple drooling head of his massive weapon.  With one calloused hand on either of the man-sow’s hips, Arnie yanked Aaron downward, instantly impaling him on all twelve thick inches of throbbing fuck-meat.  If Aaron could have spoken, after throwing up from the violence of the rape, he would have screamed at the top of his lungs.  As it was, Cement’s red rubber stopper which he had corked the cunt-boy’s mouth with both muted the slave’s cries of agony, and prevented any of the lumpy semi-digested slop from escaping or being expelled.

For his part, Arnie simply bounced his man-sow up and down on his gigantic phallus, brutally stretching the anal walls, and punching his rock hard erection deeply into the pig-slave’s innards.  Faster and faster he jerked, masturbating himself with Aaron’s entire body, until with a guttural howl he climaxed, flooding the pig-slave’s bowels with a scalding torrent of fat hillbilly seed.  Seven, eight, fully nine forceful pumps of mancream were pulsed into Aaron’s hot wet cunt before Arnie shoved the sow forward off of his member and onto the ground.  Thick rivulets of cum leaked out from the fuckhole’s gaping tunnel, but there was to be no rest for Aaron?not now?not ever.

Clement’s heavy size 9 boot stomped down onto the sow-whore’s taut distended belly.  Aaron looked upward through tear-filled eyes to see an expression of demonic lust in Clement’s eyes, and a rock hard pre-cum dripping cock protruding from his pants.  ?Yer not done yet sow-boy no sirree?not by a longshot.  I got me some man-pig cunt to rape and torture, and yer gonna give yer owner here a nice, long, wet, painful ride.?

Comments welcomed?may or may not continue with this one?.

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Tennessee Fun

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The Revolutions Pig Contest

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Happy Mothers Day 3 Party Pig

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My Fat Pig sister

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Our Fuck Pig Makes her Debut

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Fat Pig Cum Slut

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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

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Guinea Pig

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 7 Between a Pig and a Poke

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Cherish Fuckpig

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Pig Recipes

?Many of you have asked me for a really good recipe for a meal for a slave or pig. While most anything will do for the fucking hole, it can be advantageous to keep him/her healthy and alert, so they will stay sensitive and aware enough to feel the full effect of any pain or torment you may wish to visit upon them. I have seen dull obedient slaves, and their lack of energy and sickly appearance sometimes turn me off. While I want a pig to be fucked up mentally and think of nothing but serving my...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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My name is Brad and I am an ANAL Slut and CUM PIG for COCK! It seems the filthier it is, the better I like it! I have had my ass gang banged and filled, had enema's that I was forced to drink, sucked cock in alley ways behind bars and licked cum from rest room floors! All because my MASTERS command I obey and be their FUCK PIG 24/7.This story is about how they took control of me and turned me into their filthy whoring cum pig slave!I had these two neighbors that lived down the street. At the...

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Hello i Am A pig

My name is Cynthia and most of you know only one side of me, the friend, mother and grandmother. Many years ago a different side of me was created, a side that I have kept hidden from most of the people around me. Sometimes I think that it all started from the time that I was m*****ed by my uncle years ago. Seems like I have been a very sexual being since then , but my sexuality and depravity grew and deepened over the years.I was a very sexually active teenager, sneaking out of my house and...

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Abduction of the Pig

Awakening to the darkness, the ebony haired female glanced around feeling the coldness of the wall behind her, narrowing her jade green eyes to glance around the room. She could only make out various shapes, with no lights she could tell what those shapes were, she was most likely in some type of basement and Serena knew many people tended to store things in basement. Quickly, she tried to recollect the last thing she remember, the last thing she could remember had taken place on Friday at ...

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Stuffed Pig

Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black garters trailed down her thick thighs. They contrasted nicely with the healthy peach tone of her light skin. The leather strips clipped to stockings just above her knees, framing the rest of her legs in irresistible see-through black silk. Between her legs hung a long, thick cock, framed base to tip in shiny, black vinyl. The stretchy sleeve felt wonderful around her hypersensitive length. She...

2 years ago
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Moslem Pig Hunt

She had been away from the village studying art when Farah had married Timsar and from her sister's letters had expected him to be a rather serious, boring man. But the first time she saw him she felt her heart pounding and drew her chador tighter in front of her and self consciously looked away. Yet despite her feelings she still couldn't understand how she had not only been so stupid as to share Timsar's bed while Farah and her mother were at market but had also failed to hear...

3 years ago
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Little Pig Pt 6

Lil Pig is still being a Lil Pig. Recently Lil Pig had a one on one that brought back memories of when he was young. the guy he was with was a big bear type. All he wanted to do was lay down & cuddle with Lil Pigs ass against his cock. What happened next reminded Lil Pig of a time he stayed the night at his friends and his friends Dad did the sex act same thing. Mr. Bear rubbed his cock up and down Lil Pigs crack several times. Thinking Mr. Bear was going to stick it in Lil Piggy's...

3 years ago
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Poked by a Pig

Brought from across the pond to God’s own country and edited. Found way back 10 years, on a website and introduced into BF. It needed work on it, but includes a lot of piggy technicalities. When I was eighteen I was, like many inner city, single-parent kids, a college drop out, and in some trouble with the law. I owe a debt of gratitude for turning my life around to my parole officer at the time, Tony. Tony told me of a couple in his home town in north Yorkshire that were having a really tough...

2 years ago
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Wolf and Pig

Andrew stretched out lazily on a grassy hill staring up at the beautiful blue sky. His eyes were focused entirely on a single wispy white cloud that seemed abnormally determined to get some place. Andrew wasn’t sure why but he’d imagined it as a wolf and that bush up on the mountain was a fat little pig. As far away as it was that pig had to be a couple of trees instead of a bush. That didn’t make it look any less like a fat pig waiting for the ravenous wolf to come and devour it. He’d been...

3 years ago
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The Princess and Her pig

It's been nearly six months since Michael had become a slave. During that time, his life had literally flipped upside down. His wife had left him, his family has disowned him and even his friends have abandoned him. He was forced to quit his high-paying job and now can barely make ends meet. He lives in a one bedroom, 800 square foot apartment and doesn't even own a car. Instead he rides a bike everywhere, a little pink bike that he pulled out of some random person's trash. His life has...

1 year ago
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His Proud Pig

......i feel that long desired warmth...that sweet yet salty and soooo yummy.....He has decided to reward His whore with a treat....i want so bad to suck every last drop and quickly swallow as if to secure my prize....but i know better....i keep every drop in my mouth, i look up, longing for Him to allow me to finish the treat in my mouth. "Hmm open up slut"...i open and show my prize. "Okay...go ahead greedy bitch.....i quickly swallow and lick my lips, wishing there was more. "Don't you worry...

2 years ago
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My pig

My pig My pig I acquired pig some time ago. From the start she was very eager to follow my rules. (Look at ?My owned slave? for details). Of all my slaves she gets the most intense treatment and shows even more gratitude for it. This is how it started?..  Hi Sir, Thank you for getting back to me.  I took off all my clothes as soon as I read your letter.  I'll pick up a dog collar from the store tonight.  Of course, I'm sure you can guess where my hands are spending most of their time...

4 years ago
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Stuffed Pig

Valerie leaned against the wide stone pillar as a warm evening breeze blew across her scantily clad form. Her shoulder length lavender hair was tossed by the wind as cars whizzed down the street. The dye job was complemented by her short, one-piece dress and form fitting choker necklace. Their purple sheen gleamed brightly in the night time city lights, calling attention to her ample curves. Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold....

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 8 Another Pig to Poke

"Damn it, Jacob, keep off my lap. You're not a damn kitten! Despite how miserable you feel, you'll still crush me." David shoved the massive animal with all his strength. He didn't budge the large boar in the slightest, so he grunted and shifted farther away himself. "And seriously, your smell is atrocious! We've got to change whatever we feed you in the future." David realized the futility in lecturing a sick pig unable to control its involuntary responses, but he couldn't help it....

3 years ago
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 7 What Is A Fuck Pig

“We found it making its way home, trying to contact its old acquaintances, it was… difficult to capture.” Belle tried to speak, the large cock shaped gag bulging in her throat as tears flowed down her cheeks. As she did Mistress Smith Pushed the gad deeper into Bells throat, and she began to struggle against her. “Riley, come here.” The master called, his hand offering the space next to him. I slowly made my way to his side, blushing at the attention. I knelt down beside him and slowly his...

1 year ago
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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

2 years ago
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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

1 year ago
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You8217re such a Pig

Hello babes and boys. This is Abhishek Singh 20 male from Delhi again. I’m back for all of you who have supported me for writing the stories and praising it to the core. The stories which I post here are not real. They are made by me for your enjoyment. “You are such a pig,” Kyla exclaimed as she shook her head at me. My sister’s cute little brunette friend was miffed at me for trying to hook the front of her halter-top in order to check out her lovely, perky breasts. “Aww, come on, don’t be...

2 years ago
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Pignose Petunia From Lookout MountainChapter 2

I guess if you are reading this personal discourse about my family life with my first cousin Petunia and our five pig-nosed little ones, you must have liked my account of my sinful ways with my close blood relative on the down low. My own legal spouse, the hypocritical little bitch is probably down at the church on her knees taking care of the parson’s deprived parts rather than praying good and proper like a respectable female. I suspect with some deep reservations that the last of my...

3 years ago
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First Pig

Susan Cameron had grown up on the farm an only child. Her parents Tom and Ellen had always doted on her, giving her everything they could, but she being the only one she was always expected to help out with farm chores. She did so selflessly, always doing her part and taking on more and more as she grew older. Life on the farm kept her so busy that she didn’t spend much time with school friends or doing extra-curricular activities. By the time she was sixteen, she had still never had a...

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