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I was enjoying a quiet pint in what had become my local pub. I'd found the Fisherman's Arms - that was tucked away, some way off the beaten track - by chance just after I'd moved into the village, about three years previous. In the height of the summer season some holidaymakers found the pub, but not very many; so the place tended to cater more to the regular locals. On this evening, there couldn't have been ten people in the place, so it was nice and quiet, just how I liked things.

It was so quiet in fact that I was almost dozing, as I stared into the flames of the fire burning in the big grate. I was so lost in the way the flames flickered and curled that I didn't notice the two rather large strangers enter the bar and buy their drinks.

The first I was aware of their presence was when one of them slid into the seat opposite me, blocking my view of the fire.

"Mo Clarke?" the guy asked, his accent telling me he came from back home, or that general area anyway.

"Who's asking and why do you want to know?" I replied. Whoever this guy was, I didn't want to speak to him. But I was just a little curious as to why he'd come looking for me. Look, the Fisherman's Arms ain't the kind of place strangers find by chance.

"My name's John Caldwell, and I'd like to have a word with you about Sarah, if I may," the man replied.

The name Caldwell, let alone Sarah, was enough for me to begin to rise from my seat. I could remember that Sarah had mentioned a cousin called John Caldwell a few times. I think I recalled that he was supposed to be a military policeman or something.

I began to slide along the bench I was sitting on so that I could get out from behind the table. But the other large man - whose presence I was still not aware of at the time - sat himself on the end of the bench, blocking any further progress on my behalf.

"Hold on a minute please, Maurice; we just want a little chat, that's all," John Caldwell said.

"I've got nothing I wish to talk to any Caldwell about. Especially if Sarah's concerned."

"Aren't you just a little curious about the baby, at least?" John Caldwell asked.

"No. Why should I be? It's got fuck all to do with me."

"That's not what Sarah says, Mo!"

"Look, this has all been settled by the courts. No matter how much she claims otherwise, I ain't the father of Sarah's kid; so it holds no interest for me whatsoever."

"Sarah claims that there was no one else who possibly could be the father, Mo."

"Look, John or whatever your name is, we went through all this at the time. The DNA tests proved that there was no chance in hell that I was the kid's biological parent. If I had been, I would have gone through with the wedding as we had it planned. But I ain't! And there was no way I was going to marry a bitch who'd been shagging other guys behind my back. And I definitely ain't bringing up some other guy's brat as my own. So you see we've got nothing to talk about."

"Hold on a minute please, Mo. Young Maureen is very ill with leukaemia and she needs a bone marrow transplant pronto."

"So, what the fuck has that got to do with me? I can't help the kid; we're not related in the slightest," I blustered. I was sorry to hear about the child's illness, but there was fuck all I could do about it.

"Mo, Listen to me for a few minutes, will you? I know that all those tests you had done apparently proved that you aren't the father of Maureen. Oh notice the name Sarah gave her; it was the closest to Maurice that she could come up with. But leaving that aside, don't it seem just a little strange to you that with her child's life at stake, Sarah would still insist that you were the only possible man who could be Maureen's father."

"Look, the woman's probably nuts or something. We went all through this at the time, the tears, the swearing on the bible. You say it and Sarah tried to pull it on me. But those DNA tests don't lie, not once but twice the tests were done and they proved that I was not the father of that baby."

"So it would seem at first sight, Mo; but would you do me a little favour. You know I'm a policeman?"

"Yeah, MP or something."

"Yes, I was, I'm out of the service now. I work for the Home Office," John explained.


"Well, I wasn't around when all this happened, so I never did hear your side of the story. Would you mind telling me all about it? Why you suspected that something was wrong in the first place. Christ, you and Sarah had been an item and shacked up together for years. Suddenly Sarah gets pregnant and you get suspicious. What made you postpone the wedding until after the baby was born and have those DNA tests done in the first place?"

"Look, mate, this was all over and done with three years ago. It hurt me emotionally a lot at the time and I really don't think I want to go through it all again."

"Please, Maurice. Look, there's a very sick little girl whose life might depend on this. Just tell me the story from your side."

I could see that the guy was pretty concerned about the kid by the expression on his face. Whatever Sarah's motivation was in still insisting that I was the child's father, I couldn't understand. But I assumed that John Caldwell had set himself the task of finding a bone marrow donor and he was trying to track down the kid's biological father first.

Well, if I helped him put me completely out of the frame, then maybe he could talk Sarah into telling the truth. Although with the way Sarah had acted at the time, I was pretty well convinced that Sarah was one of those people with multiple personalities. Maybe the personality that I fell in love with was someone completely different to the slut who went out and got herself knocked up. In Sarah's mind, that is.

I picked up my pint and emptied the glass. "George, let's have another HSD?" I called to the barman.

I'd first laid eyes on Sarah Caldwell at college. Well, to be honest it wasn't me who spotted her first; it was my buddy and prowling partner, Ralph Bilger. At the time Ralph and I were what you might call a couple of 'Jack the Lads' when it came to the girls, that is. When we were together we were good at chatting them up. I don't know, we complemented each other I suppose when we were spouting all that bullshit to the women that would often lead to us scoring.

Anyway one day Ralph told me that there was a new girl in one of his classes, and she was something special. I'm pretty sure that Ralph tried to chat her up on his own but — reading between the lines — he got no further than sharing her table in the cafeteria.

That's where I found them together one day and quickly realised that Sarah wasn't someone I just wanted to shag a couple of times.

I'll be honest, I hadn't spoken more than a couple of words to Sarah before I knew that she was that special person my mother had told me that I'd find one day.

It took me the best part of six months to talk Sarah into going out on a date with me. Even then it was a double date with Ralph and some tart that he'd found who'd let him bang her at the drop of a hat.

I'd didn't even get as far as a kiss on that first date. Sarah let me hold her hand for a while and that was about it.

On the second date a week later - with just the two of us — I got a kiss goodnight. Hey, yeah, music, bells and a very light headed feeling. You know all the metaphors. Anyway that kiss led to another and if Sarah's father hadn't put the outside light on, I think we would have been there all night.

On our third date we went to the cinema, but didn't see the film. You know the idea.

That was it. From then on, Ralph and chasing other birds went off the curriculum. Every spare moment I had, I spent with Sarah.

We even went to the same university together. Sarah studied philosophy and I read marine engineering. We talked about marriage a lot, but for some reason, we didn't get around to naming the actual day. I think we were both too busy with our studies to plan that far ahead.

Sarah was of course wearing my engagement ring by then and we were sharing a flat — and bed - together all through UNI.

We graduated at the same time and moved into a flat in town. Sarah had been offered a good job working in the office of one of her university professor's relatives. Kind of the old boy network sort of thing; but far too lucrative for either Sarah or I to even contemplate her turning it down.

Okay, we were a long way from the sea. But I managed to find a job in the offices of a marine design company in town. It did call for me to do some travelling a couple of days a week, but once I got into it, I enjoyed it quite a lot.

So life settled down for a while. Ralph turned up after a year or so; he'd been studying chemistry or something and found himself a job in one of the big companies. Not that he stayed there long. Ralph was still a bit of a ladies' man and I do believe he shagged himself out of a couple of good jobs. I know I heard sexual harassment mentioned as the reason he got fired from at least one job. Not that I ever discussed it with Ralph personally.

Ralph would turn up at our flat quite regularly for the next year or so, nearly always with his latest bit of stuff on his arm. I'd sometimes come home from my trips and find him in the flat with Sarah, but I never had cause to worry about anything because, as I said, Ralph always had a woman with him.

There were nights when Ralph and I would go out together for the odd drink and it was on one of these evenings that my world began to fall apart. Just a day or so before, Sarah had announced that she thought that she might be pregnant. When I told Ralph about the pregnancy, a strange look came over his face.

"Oh, shit!" was his first comment. Then he said, "What are you going to do? Is Sarah getting an abortion?"

For the life of me, I couldn't understand why Ralph would say that.

"What, are you insane or something? No, Sarah and I are going to get married ASAP," I replied.

Ralph just sat there and stared at me for a few seconds. I could see that something was going around in his mind.

"Fuck, oh shit!" he eventually exclaimed.

"What's got into you, Ralph? Everyone knows that Sarah and I would get married eventually. When we got around to it."

"Oh, bugger!" Ralph said, then sat back in his seat and stared down at the table.

After another protracted wait, he spoke again.

"Mo, we've been friends since forever, haven't we?" he said.

"Yeah, since our school days," I replied.

"Look, Mo, I don't know how to say this, but..." Ralph's voice trailed away to nothing.

"Say what, Ralph?" I demanded.

"Damn, shit, look we've been friends for a long time and I don't want to break up that friendship." There was another break in Ralph's conversation. "Fuck, you're my best friend, but I gotta say something. Fuck, I should have told you the moment Claire told me."

"What the fuck are you going on about, Ralph?" I demanded.

Ralph looked me straight in the eyes. "Mo, you remember that little blond I was knocking off last month."

"Yeah, the bit that went to the gulf," I replied.

"Yeah, that's the one. Anyway she told me that ... Oh, bugger, you ain't going to be happy about this. Look, Claire told me that she saw Sarah with some guy at a party."

"The girl was obviously mistaken, Ralph."

"No, she wasn't, Mo. Claire worked for the same company as Sarah before she got that job out in Qatar or wherever it was, somewhere in the Middle East anyway. Claire told me that Sarah had been getting laid by some guy on the top floor for the last year or so."

"I don't believe a word of it!" I shouted at Ralph.

"Damn it, Mo, it's the truth. Why would Claire want to lie about something like that?"

I must have been very angry with Ralph. But then there's an old saying about shooting the purveyor of bad tidings and that came to mind as I crashed my hand down on the table so hard that both of our drinks glasses jumped into the air and crashed to the floor. Ralph took up a defensive pose.

"All right, Ralph, don't panic. I'm angry, but not at you. I have difficulty in accepting what you tell me. I love Sarah and I believe that she loves me."

"Damn it, Mo, do you think I wanted to tell you. I've been in a quandary ever since Claire told me. Christ, I'm as attached to Sarah almost as much as you are. You'll never know how many times I almost challenged her over it myself. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it; she could have done or said anything to make you believe I was lying.

"Just a minute, Maurice," John Caldwell interrupted my diatribe. "This is Ralph Bilger you're talking about here?"

"Yeah, why?" I replied.

"Have you seen him since you moved away from town?" John asked.

"No, I haven't seen anyone much from town, since I moved down here. I was in a bit of a state after all that hoo-ha. I didn't want to be reminded about any of it."

I noticed that John looked at his oppo with a strange expression on his face. Obviously something passed between the two men, but god alone knows what.

"So you don't know that Sarah got married then?"

"Yeah, I heard about that. Some guy we vaguely knew in town, brought his boat in with engine problems a year or so back. His wife recognised me and mentioned that Sarah had married, but she didn't know who to."

"And you haven't seen Ralph Bilger since you moved down here? So you don't know where we could find him."

"Haven't got the foggiest idea. I wasn't what you might call a nice person to know after I found out the truth. And, Ralph, well they said don't shoot the bearer of bad tidings. But saying and doing are two different things, aren't they? Why are you so interested in Ralph anyway?"

There was a slight but discernable pause before John Caldwell answered. "Oh, we're not really. But if we can track him down then maybe we could find this Claire woman." There was another slight pause before John Caldwell added. "Sarah still claims that you are Maureen's father. The Claire woman can point us in another direction then perhaps we can get to the bottom of this all the sooner. Time is of the essence here. Now Ralph had just told you about what Claire had told him."

"Yeah, I went home that night, determined to challenge Sarah over what Ralph had told me, but she was in bed asleep. For some reason I didn't wake her; by the morning I'd calmed down a lot. Look, I still had trouble believing it was true. Slowly over the next week or so I pushed it to the back of my mind as much as I could. But it sat there and niggled away at me.

"You know it had shaken my trust in Sarah. If I challenged her, what we had would have fallen to pieces. So instead I decided I'd spy on her somehow and find out what was going on myself, not that I had much luck.

"I discovered that she went to lunch with several different guys from her office. But from what I could see, never alone; always with a bunch of friends.

"When I was away Sarah would stay on after work with a crowd of fellow workers and go for a drink, although she only ever drank non-alcoholics drinks, because she was pregnant. She'd sometimes dance with some of her work colleagues, but no one in particular.

"Ralph suggested that having got a bun in the oven, she wasn't taking any chances of getting caught.

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The Halloween Party A Slut Wife Is Born

I have been trying to get my wife to loosen up sexually for a few years. We live in the South where many people are very conservative, and it rubs off on her. We grew up in the North, where people are much more open minded. Every Halloween my wife attends her c***dhood friends’ Halloween party. I love costume parties but usually choose to stay home. Her friend Janice is not one of my favorite people. She hates me for taking Kelly away from her and moving South 14 years ago. Each year the party...

4 years ago
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A girl called Bree

It's a cool, bright spring evening as you leave the building through the revolving door. The week finally becoming a memory, the offer of after works drinks politely declined and you're free to relax and enjoy the weekend. Peace, quiet, freedom and privacy. You decide to walk back to your apartment, the exercise will do you good, and the fresh air will be a tonic. With each step the streets become quieter and you find yourself on a familiar street with oft visited shops. You pause...

3 years ago
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Bill and Sherrie

"Honestly Billy, you are just letting your imagination run away again." I shook my head and wondered if it was a girl thing, this sticking up for each other. It wouldn't surprise me any - dad had tossed mom out on her ass for doing to him what I was pretty sure that Sherri was doing to me. "Mom, I may not have caught her red-handed, at least not yet, but all the signs are there and I ticked them off on my fingers: Suddenly very secretive Unexplained absences She leaves the house...

3 years ago
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Moms night out

This happened 3 years ago, and I have not told this to anyone. Mom and dad had gotten divorced a few months ago. We had moved to a small, two bedroom apartment, just the two of us. For the first few weeks, mom had been pretty down, often crying, while I would hold her to comfort her. Mom to me, was hot. She had a fairly pretty face and blonde hair, which she kept short. For 44 years of age, she had a great body. Her tits were fairly large though they were sagging a bit with age. Her ass was the...

3 years ago
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His hands stroked my spine as he tried to comfort me. His gentle touch soothing my fears and replacing my earlier panicked state with a consuming heat that started and built in a place I thought would remain untouched. Uncertainty caused me to pull out of his embrace, to look into the fiery depths of his caramel eyes. His eyes smouldered with the same intensity I had seen only once before. His hand rose to the nape of my neck as if on its own accord while the other hand lingered at the small...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Brave Force

The Brave ForceBy: Londebaaz ChohanThe Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong and at such a God forsaken time that nothing could hurt more in life.Leo was unable to understand, if something was wrong with him or what, because as he was growing in age, his interest in men was much more than in women. It was not until late that his bisexuality got materialized. He was younger than his sister Mia by almost 1 year but his sister was much taller. Of course; he had...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 135

The answer was an immediate and enthusiastic yes. They knew how to film a docudrama, but they had miserable luck with packaging them. I decided I would change all that. I didn't like to be bored, and I thought I could make a hell of a docudrama. First I had to get through the filming of the latest porn video. I decided to call it Lamar and me 2.0. I actually had to act a little in the second one. We met in the parking lot of a Walmart at night, well not really. They had some stock footage...

2 years ago
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Fun With Kavitha Aunty On Tuesdays

Hi, my name is vijay 25yrs from bangalore and this is my 1st story on ISS and also the first encounter of my life where I lost my virginity to my house tenant kavitha aunty. To tell about kavitha aunty she is was 33yrs when she came to our house and she was divorcee and had a daughter of 8yrs, kavitha aunty was working in beauty parlour and my mom was taking care of her daughter after she come from school and sometimes kavitha aunty doesn’t com to house as she will go to marriage to do the...

4 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 28

Dom asked me what was getting up Hebb's nose, I told him about our run in and he was really pissed off. "What the hell does he think he's doing Tony, if he upsets everyone they'll only make it harder for him, Jesus what a drongo." "Well I know what I'm going to do Dom, I had intended to give him the chance to find a replacement cook before I handed in my notice. Now I'm going to write it out and take it over to Morwell and give it to the manager myself; I think the manager needs to...

3 years ago
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My brother and Amy The seduction

I had just turned seventeen and was completely inexperienced sexually. Although I’d had a few boyfriends, apart from kissing and having my breasts groped through whatever I’d been wearing, that was as far as I’d gone and was still a virgin. Of course, I’d masturbated but not very frequently, compared to now. Maybe once or twice a week. Nothing had really turned me on that much to want to do it more. I knew most guys found me attractive, regularly getting complimentary comments but when I looked...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 47

Dear Willow, You certainly have a way with words. Your description of your battle and bedroom scenes paint vivid and uncomfortable pictures for me. I'm glad you're loved, but I hope that you get a better commander soon. One thing that all Civil Service Officers seem to get very intimate with is the difficulties that a poor commander can cause. I don't see anything much here as we don't really have a true combat unit, but I have seen that even in situations that would seem to not be...

3 years ago
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Mom Sucked Sirs Cock To Help Me Pass

Hello, everyone, this is Ankita. This is a story about my mom and my teacher. It happened almost 5 years back when I was studying for my under graduation. My mom was just above 40 during that time and was still hot and sexy. We were living in Kolkata in an apartment. I have only 3 members in our family, mom, dad, and me. As my father is a central govt. employee, he gets transferred every 5 years. At that time my father was staying in Lucknow and used to visit us every month. As my mother’s...

2 years ago
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Count Your Blessings

COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS "I'm afraid it's as bad a case of gynecomastia as I've seen, Bruce," the doctor told me. "I've checked your hormone levels and they've gone a lot awry, I'll give you a booster shot though and we'll see if that has any effect." I'd put off doing anything about my problem for months but my wife had got exasperated and made the appointment with our friend Jenny Moore, a doctor, and it was her who was now giving me several injections. I don't like them at the...

2 years ago
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Her First Time

We decided it would be best to meet in a hotel so that everyone would feel most comfortable, but I think I was the only one nervous. As we waited for her to arrive, I changed out of my clothes and into the short low cut white silk slip negligee. I loved the way I felt in the negligee, it clung perfectly to my full large breasts and swept low enough, just below my round soft butt. I fixed my long blond hair in the mirror, pulling the sides up to expose more of my neck, I surveyed myself and I...

1 year ago
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Junglie love

My friend Kamini narrated this to me. I am narrating this in her words. Girl’s horny girls n housewives interested to get the same type of experience can mail me at Hi all of you!! I here am Mrs. Kamini Bhatt. Don’t be surprised but I’m 37 years old and stay in Mumbai. My husband is a rich businessman having not enough time for me. Actually he isn’t interested in me coz he down there. You see, I have a big cunt. He just can’t satisfy me with his dick. So he just blames me. But, I don’t care. I...

1 year ago
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Worthy Neighbor

Worthy NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanI know, it was not fair but what choices I had. Only couple of months ago I was a high school boy and then within months, I was an adult, college student, living in a dorm, making my own decisions. Fuck! It was scary. It seemed like yesterday but the college was closed for 2 weeks of winter break. I called home and both of my parents consented that I could come home. It is only after getting home, I learnt that my dad and mom were leaving for a cruise and they...

4 years ago
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Communing With Nature

We were sitting on the front porch of our cabin when she came up to me and took my hand. I had no choice but to follow her as she lead me to the edge of the woods and down the trail that we had made with a four wheeler for when we wanted to be one with nature. I just followed her like a lost puppy. Shellie looked back at me with a smile on her face and slowed her pace a little as she did. I knew that look on her face. It was not the look of a happy smile. It was a horny smile. I never thought...

3 years ago
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Found MF cons inc rom

Foundby SpectreOfHellAntonia excused herself from the reception hall after the Maid of Honor had made her toast. She just couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't that she was not happy for her little sister, not at all. She loved Alicia to death and was overjoyed to see her sister so happy. She was just jealous, that's all. Sad because she was about to turn thirty and she had never been able to keep a boyfriend longer than a year. It had been nine months since her last breakup. Not her...

2 years ago
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Naina Didi Ko Saadi Ke Baad Choda

By : Konku876 Hi mera naam Konku Hai, meri age 25 years hai, height 5.6″ hai, body athletic hai me assam me rehta hu ye baat 6 months pahele ki hai jab meri paros wali naina didi assdi ke baad paheli baar apne ghar ko aai the me unse milne unke ghar gaya me ander jake unke baki baheno se baat kar raha tha ki jhat se kisine piche se aake mere pant ke andar haath dalke lund hilane laga me shock ho gaya. piche ghuma to dekha ki naina didi the me sharma gaya aur ankhe niche kar li. kyo ki unke...

4 years ago
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I Should Have Never Let Her Go

It all started on my 21st birthday… My friend Rachel had her birthday the day before mine, so we agreed to get together and plan an insane party with plenty of booze for the entire weekend. We decided to meet the afternoon before the party at a local restaurant, to have lunch and talk about what food and drinks we should get for the it. I had figured it would be just me and a few of her friends, but Rachel had brought someone with her I didn’t expect. Being the unfashionably late person I am,...

1 year ago
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SxyPrn Cuckold

If you love watching sexy married women getting fucked by other dudes and/or ladies – while their husband watches no less – then you are going to love what kind of kinky tube site I have in store for you today. The great thing about it is that this is a tube site that has already proven itself to be a real winner. If you have visited SxyPrn in the past, then you already know how fucking awesome and convenient it can be to find the kind of porn you crave.For those that love cuckold, this is no...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Jenns University Experiences

Chapter 1Jenn was sweating as she hauled her possessions towards the residence hall at Michigan State.  ‘Damn this late summer heat wave,’ she muttered to herself as she adjusted the heavy bag on her shoulder.  It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t just spent 4 hours in an old rattling truck with no air conditioning.  Dad really needed to invest in a new one, especially as the farm was doing so well in recent years.  The large grey concrete residence hall loomed before her, reminding her...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 21

The night that oil prices dropped below forty dollars a barrel, was the same night that Putin sold us a huge amount of gold at a giveaway price, the family was quietly gathered in front of a warm fire, in Branson, waiting for word from our cutouts, as to how the transfer went. In the intervening months, we played a cat and mouse game with Putin, One minute we suggested buying billions in gold from him, and the next we'd back off and "think about it," some more. The up and down dangling of...

4 years ago
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The Skeleton Key

It was the happiest day of Misty life to be married to Bob. He was a good man, loving, kind, gentle and considerate. Aside from that, he also is a good provider and could provide her with the simple creature comfort she needed in her life. Misty was so happy that she finally found her beau and is now married to him. After the honeymoon, Misty and Bob finally settled into a comfortable routine at home. He and her took turns taking care of the house, the pets and the garden. Bob's house was...

2 years ago
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He Works on More Than Computers

With 48DD tits, and a juicy ass that moved with my every step, it was easy to see things from a man’s point of view- especially when I kept my stomach flat and tight. I liked wearing clothes that showed my body off, tops with plunging necklines, pants that were all but too tight on my ass. I knew that Ray would be here any minute to install some new stuff on my computer. I didn’t even really know what it was he was putting in or fixing or whatever. I’d invited him over for a get...

4 years ago
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A Ghost of a Chance Ch 03

Kathy Reynolds puttered around her home and looked over all the work that had been accomplished in the past several months. It had indeed been a hell of a lot of work, her detractors (and there had been many) telling her the house wasn’t worth it, but she knew they’d all been wrong. She loved the house, her friends loved the house and the little unexpected ‘bonus’ that had come with it made her smile daily. Kathy hadn’t shared their sentiments. She loved the house and every time she drove by...

3 years ago
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In Her EyesChapter 3

Ellie and I had been together for only the three days. We had just made love, for the very first time. And now, I was telling her that I would be away for the coming weekend. Just like that. Why? Well, I explained, I had to go to Atlanta, "on business." What, exactly, was my business? Ellie, reasonably enough, wanted to know. I was a 26-year-old man. I was, presumably, a junior executive somewhere, or had some other entry-level position suitable for a recent college graduate. Ellie and I...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Do Come True

My wife and I had been in the swinging lifestyle for several years. We had a sex life most people only fantasize about. But we hadn't done everything we'd talked about before and during sex. Don't mind telling you, it makes for some really hot sex.We had did several straight swaps, threesomes, and since my wife is bi....I got to watch her with another woman on several occasions. I love watching my wife fucking. I'm not a cuck, I'm a "Stag", and had always wanted to see my sweet babe being gang...

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