Anniversary Waltz #2: Mad About You, Baby free porn video

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An Anniversary Waltz story

Steve Oldham had picked the restaurant with an eye to seduction.

Belladonna, his buddy Pete had assured him, was the best in the city for proving that the way to a woman's pussy was through her stomach. "Absolutely, dude," Pete had said. "It's where everyone goes not to be seen."

That threw Steve, but Pete explained: Belladonna was darkness and candlelight and waiters who didn't tell you their names and knew never to ask yours. No tables, just booths. Secluded booths.

It wasn't exactly what Steve had in mind. After all, the woman he planned to seduce was his wife. But his other choices were booked. So Belladonna it was.

He was surprised at how effusively the maitre d' had greeted them. But not too surprised. Being married to Paula had its perks. When your wife has a body that's caused more drooling than Pavlov's bell, you get used to extra attention. What astonished Steve were the times, like this one, when Paula herself seemed embarrassed by the fuss people made over her.

He knew just how much time she spent arranging her lush blonde hair, selecting her outfits, like tonight's skin-tight red sheath. How could she not expect men to fawn over her?

But that modesty was one of her most endearing traits, one of the hundred reasons Steve had enjoyed being married to her. She was so wonderful that there was only one disappointment: They hadn't started a family yet.

That was what tonight was all about. It was sneaky, he knew. But what choice did he have? Paula had avoided all discussion. It was always "someday."

Steve had decided. Someday was today, their second anniversary. All his plans were complete. This time there would be no slip-up, not like before. Not like last summer. This time, he'd thought of everything.

The July sun applied another bronzing coat to Paula's skin as she stretched out on the beach chair in her backyard. She was "between jobs," a condition that had existed since shortly after her wedding -- so, about one, one-and-a-half years. "Between jobs" was what she told other people. To herself, she thought of it as having taken on the bigger job of being a full-time wife.

It all took so much time. Waiting around for pick-ups and deliveries, for example. How would their laundry ever get done if she wasn't there to hand it to the service and take it back when it was done? Of course, they could have a maid, but Steve was so penny-pinching about that. Fortunately he was working longer and longer hours, doing whatever he did in that office of his, so the money situation should be improving. Maybe she could even afford to get a job again.

Paula rolled onto her back and adjusted her tiny red bikini, idly thinking about job possibilities. She sighed. Even with a maid, there would still be so much she had to do. Especially all the effort it took to make herself look nice for Steve: the gym, her nutritionist, clothes shopping, hair appointments, sunbathing -- that couldn't be rushed. Where would the time come from if she worked?

Look at Steve. He still had the good looks that had first attracted her -- the firm jaw, that lovely head of dark hair. But he had neglected his time in the sun for years; he was so pale now he almost glowed in the dark. And he had a hint of a roll around the tummy. Paula would just die if she let herself go like that.

She rolled onto her flat, taut stomach and reached back to undo the knot of her top, letting the strings fall to the chair. Still, she thought, it would be fun to work again. Maybe in that little dress shop tucked away in Pomona. Would they give employee discounts?

She began to drift off to sleep with pleasant thoughts of couture coupons dancing in her head. Then a loud voice crashed into her reverie.

"Hey, lady!"

Paula looked up, startled. A tall, well-built Latino towered over her, muscles almost bursting out of a stained blue workshirt with the sleeves ripped off. She grabbed her sunglasses; the glare always seemed worse because of her contacts.

"Lady, these yours? You mean to throw them out?"

In one gloved hand the mysterious stranger held out a small plastic bag. Paula scrambled to her feet, inadvertently leaving her bikini top behind.

A small, shallow furrow came and went on her forehead, right between her sky blue eyes, as she plucked the bag from him. Her eyes opened wide as she saw what was inside.

"Where did you find these?" Paula's eyes flicked back and forth between the bag and the man.

"In the garbage, lady. They are yours, huh?"

His eyes were aimed several inches below her face. Paula found that shyness appealing. "Yes, they're mine. I guess -- They were in the trash?"

"Right on top, that's why I noticed. Still had the receipt and everything. Thought you might have thrown them out by mistake. Wouldn't want to lose those, huh?"

He smiled, bright ivories sparkling against his dark skin.

"No. I don't remember throwing anything on top of the trash, either. I -- you should get a reward."

"No sweat, lady. Glad I could help."

"But I should -- How about something cold to drink, at least? You do look hot."

He smiled again. "Thanks, but I gotta get back to the truck."

"Just a cold pop? Or -- something harder?"

He smiled again. "OK. Lemme tell the guys I'll catch up to 'em."

Paula went into the house and was bent over rooting through the fridge when the garbageman returned. She heard his heavy boots and turned toward him, opening the fridge door to let him see the beer and pop. "See anything you want?" she asked.

Her nipples showed the effects of the refrigerator's chill.

"Yeah," he said, his voice low and soft.

It was Paula's turn to smile as his open-mouthed stare made her finally notice her top was missing. She licked her lips. He did look handsome.

The garbageman stepped closer. A whiff of something dead and rotting made Paula gag. He apologized. He did it so politely, she thought, and it was wrong to treat people badly just because of their jobs. Her friend Lucy was a buyer for Sears, for example, but Paula didn't think any less of her.

But this man did, well, stink.

Paula had an idea. She crooked a finger and led him to the small bathroom just off the patio. It had a shower for when they came in from the pool.

The garbageman, who said his name was Luis, cleaned up real good. Paula soaped him up, top to tight bottom, and washed the odor right off. She had planned to bring him up to the bedroom after, but rubbing the suds into his firm muscles and feeling his hot flesh against her own made her impatient.

When she'd rinsed the last soapy residue off, she pushed him against the shower wall and got to her knees.

His cock was lovely, thick and hard. Its tip fit so nicely into her mouth. Paula sucked it so hard her cheeks hollowed. Her soft hands rubbed his stalk. The shower's warm jets cascaded over both of them as she worked him over.

After a few minutes, Luis grabbed her head with both hands and began driving his dick into her mouth. Paula didn't appreciate that, but fortunately it took only a few strokes before hot wads of cum burst from him. Luis sagged back, letting go of her.

He had the good manners to remain hard, Paula was delighted to see. She shut off the water and led him out. She considered the family room couch, but it was leather and, besides, she didn't want to waste time drying off.

She almost tugged Luis's arm off getting him outside. She had to assure him over and over that the neighbors wouldn't see anything. The struggle was worth it, though, when she got him down on the beach chair and sat on his cock.

Paula eased him in, bit by bit, and was a little astonished when she found herself sitting flat on his lap, all of him deep inside her. She hadn't dreamed she could get his whole length in her. It was a trifle uncomfortable and unfamiliar at first, but as she slid up and down she got used to it.

Luis was still aggressive, bucking up at her to ram his cock home, but Paula let herself go and gave as good as she got. Luis's manhandling of her breasts even excited her, just because it matched her mood.

She found herself riding him like a mechanical bull, her long hair flying out of its perm as she bounced on his cock. Paula enjoyed it so much that she didn't slow down, not even when Luis begged her. "Too much," he said, "slow down!"

But she couldn't. It felt like his cock filled every crevice, and the tingling in her body, in every nerve, had turned into a white heat. Paula drove down onto his pole, again, again and again, faster and faster. He put his strong hands on her waist but her passion made Paula stronger. She tore out of his grasp and continued her assault.

And then it hit, a volcano of ecstasy, ripping through her every fiber. Paula jerked and moaned, surfing the orgasm's waves. Somewhere in the middle of it Luis came, but she barely knew and didn't care. She held him firmly between her legs, refusing to let him go until she had squeezed every last drop out of her climax.

"I know, Mom. I know." Steve paced the floor of his parents' living room. "We do want a family. We're not selfish. It just -- it just hasn't happened yet."

And, he thought, it's not my fault it hasn't, so why am I getting the grief? He couldn't believe it when Paula had told him a garbageman had found her birth-control pills. What was some snoopy garbageman doing returning things? He'd thrown them out; they were supposed to stay thrown out.

His plan had been to feign ignorance when Paula couldn't find them, then suggest they just take their chances. And if that didn't work, he even had a pack of condoms he'd prepared -- little pinpricks to let his boys get through.

When Paula told him about finding them, all his plans fell through. He'd considered a full frontal assault, but that seldom worked with Paula.

Still, it was unfair that he would then have to bear the brunt of his mother's nagging about their childlessness. He couldn't deny that she wasn't getting any younger -- though 52 still seemed a reasonable age to be a grandmother. Yes, Mother had said -- but she wasn't one yet, was she?

Steve could only sigh and nod and swear they were working on it. Couldn't tell Mother about Paula. Mother thought the sun rose and set on her daughter-in-law, wouldn't hear a word against her. "Paula is so thoughtful, always taking me to lunch," it was, or "Poor Paula, at home alone every night."

Steve sighed again. At least there was relief; Mother had to go into the kitchen to check on lunch. Paula would be there in twenty minutes or so, after her massotherapy session.

That left Steve alone with his dad, who had been quietly sitting in a corner. From the shadows, Father spoke. "I'm sorry that Mother's giving you such a hard time, son. She means well, you know."

"I know that," Steve said quickly. "But this -- it's not my fault." Even as he said it, Steve regretted it. Father pressed him for an explanation. Steve put him off, awkwardly, and was actually relieved when Mother returned.

Paula opened the door and flashed a sunny smile. "Daddy Oldham! What a surprise! Steve didn't tell me you were coming over. And he isn't even home -- he called a little while ago and said it would be another late night."

"I know," Steve's dad said, stepping inside. "I talked to him earlier. Actually, that's why I'm here -- because I knew you'd be alone."

Paula led the way into the front room and demurely adjusted her short white skirt to cover her thighs as she sat on the brocade couch. She patted a cushion next to her. "Now you've got me curious. What's up?"

The older man cleared his throat and glanced around the room. Paula waited, wondering. Idly, she fiddled with her tight red crop top. Steve's birthday was coming up; maybe his parents were planning a big surprise? Maybe -- maybe sending both of them on a trip? Tahiti, perhaps? She really loved Tahiti.

Mr. Oldham looked at her for a second, then looked away. "It's about -- well, this is a little awkward."

He turned back to her. "Steve must never know about this."

Paula nodded. "I promise." Or Paris, she thought.

"Yes. Well. Last weekend, when you two were over at our place -- er, before you got there, that is -- Steve and I had a chat."

He paused. Paula mechanically injected an "Oh" into the conversation. The Riviera -- but that's so yesterday, she thought.

"We had a chat," Mr. Oldham went on. "About -- the two of you. And, ah, Steve suggested -- he didn't come right out and say it, mind you, don't be thinking that, no -- but he hinted, that, well, there might be -- not that he made a big issue of it -- some sort of, well, a problem."

Aruba, she thought. Or was that too common?

"A problem, as I say." Mr. Oldham looked away. "Now, I'm not one to interfere. Not me. But I know how difficult these discussions can be -- took us several years before we had Steve's brother Dave, you know, and the arg -- ah, discussions we had about that, well, I say -- but then I suspect you know all about that sort of thing. Wonderful thing, family, but. Certainly, there are other considerations. No one denies that. Still, Steve seems to have his heart set -- and you two have been married some time -- well, not all that long. Yet, and all. Perhaps he hasn't made it clear just how much he -- Awkward, is what it is. Anything, related to, ah, well, those matters. And, yes, I'm sure you're thinking, not something for outsiders -- not that I'm completely an outsider, of course. Still, don't usually have a third party in the pillow talk, do you? Keep it all in the bedroom, so to speak."

Fiji, now, she'd heard some good things about --

"I'm sorry." Paula was vaguely aware that the conversation seemed to have strayed from vacations. "You said something about pillows?"

Mr. Oldham stared at the ceiling. "Well. Actually. Um." He looked her in the eye. "Steve suggested you weren't -- that is, you may not be -" He stopped, stared at her. "You aren't giving him what he wants, in short."

Paula stared. "In the bedroom? He told you that?"

Mr. Oldham stuttered out a denial, but Paula didn't pay much attention. The nerve of Steve! It wasn't her fault, was it, if he came home too pooped to pop most nights? When he did eventually come home. Not her fault, at all. She had never had any complaints from anyone else, that's for sure. And not even man enough to tell her himself -- he has to send his father!

Paula cut into her father-in-law's chatter. "So just what is it," she said, "just how have I fallen short, that Steve couldn't tell me himself?"

"Ah, er --" Mr. Oldham began. "He said that he had discussed -- ah, the timing --"

"Timing!" Paula's eyes flashed. "We never discussed that. It's unsatisfactory? What, he doesn't want it to take so long?"

"Precisely," Mr. Oldham said. "Yes, that's it. Now, I don't say I'm taking his side. Mind you, you're young. You can afford to take your time. Stretch it out. Enjoy yourselves while you can, I say. But Steve and his mother think --"

"Mother Oldham? He's talked about this with her?"

"Yes. It was her idea, in fact. She's quite adamant about it. I can say that from experience." Mr. Oldham winced slightly. "She is not, ah, the most patient person."

Paula leaned closer. "How long have you been married?"

"We -- twenty-eight years, next August. But what --"

Paula put a hand on the knee of her father-in-law's grey pin-striped suit. "Twenty-eight years? All that time, with someone who won't take her time?"

"Ah, I came here to talk about you and Steve --"

"Yes, I see that now. We're kindred souls, aren't we?" It occurred to Paula that her father-in-law was much more handsome than Steve -- that touch of grey at the temples added distinction; the lines in his face provided character; and he didn't have those dark circles under his eyes. She put her other hand on his shoulder. "Two souls tied to people who can't satisfy us."

Mr. Oldham pressed against the armrest. "I -- er -- this isn't -- perhaps you misunderstood."

"No," Paula whispered, her lips hovering just inches from his. "I understand. Oh, I understand! All those years you've suffered!"


Paula shushed him. "We'll fix you up," she said. "Nice and slow, just like you want it. Like we both do." Her lips met his. At first, she felt resistance. But, as she persisted, he melted. His lips parted; their tongues met. The feeling was electric.

Slowly, her hands began to explore his body. Her fingers spider-walked from his knee to his crotch. She was delighted to discover the stiff bulge already there. But, when he squirmed away from her touch, she reminded herself: Take your time.

So she made her hand leave his cock, travel up his chest. She slid his suit jacket off as she crawled forward to press her body to his. When she broke their kiss to nuzzle his neck, he protested weakly: "We can't --"

Paula ran her fingers through his still-thick hair. "Yes, we can," she whispered. "We can take all the time we want, because we're two of a kind and it's just us tonight."

His reply was muffled by her kiss.

Paula felt her pussy growing hotter and wetter, and it took every ounce of self-control she possessed to keep from ripping her father-in-law's clothes off and ravishing him immediately. But he had made his needs so clear.

Taking her time, it was twenty minutes before Paula had them both naked. Along the way, his silly objections had vanished -- right around the time her tongue snaked across his chest as she bit the buttons off his shirt.

It was without resistance, then, that she led him to the guest bedroom. Indeed, Mr. Oldham had become a very willing partner, and proved to be very adept at the oral arts. Paula rarely could get Steve to eat a box lunch, but her father-in-law had a talented tongue. Ripples of liquid passion flowed from her cunt. Her toes curled and her fingers clutched at the silk pillows as he nibbled her clit.

And her orgasm arrived as a Technicolor spectacle, a rainbow of colors bursting behind her eyelids. She almost bucked him off the bed when the spasms hit her.

After she recovered, Paula was eager to return the favor, but Mr. Oldham waved off her offer, saying he feared he only had one effort in him and didn't want to miss the chance to have her.

And so Paula rolled onto her back again and spread her legs wide. Her father-in-law knelt between them, his cock rubbing her bush as he just held himself over her on stiff arms.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said. "I just wanted to admire you awhile."

"Oh, you sweetheart," she said, pulling him closer for a kiss, the taste of her sex still on his lips.

He certainly took his time, suckling her breasts and running his hands all over her body before, at last, getting into position with his cock riding along her slit.

He entered her easily but stopped with just the tip inside her. She couldn't help it; her body pressed up, trying to get more of him inside. Only after a minute or two did he push home, deep, deep, deeper into her.

Paula let out a sigh like the desert wind as his cock came to rest with their crotches pressed close. He played her like a violin, with a Gypsy in his soul. She provided the counterpoint and they made beautiful music together.

Though their pace was gentle, they went on so long that sweat poured off them. The smell of sex merged with his piney aftershave and her flowery scent in a primal mix.

Still they kept going, and every stroke was like the first, a vibrating stab into the depths of her being. Her legs rose, bent double at the knees, as she tried to open wider, to take in more and more. Her fingers clutched at his back, then dug into his ass to urge him deeper. A second orgasm exploded within her, making her almost levitate as her spine arched upward.

She was coming down off that high when her father-in-law groaned and drove his thickening cock into her, pumping once, twice before deflating.

She gave him one of Steve's shirts after he'd showered, and in quiet conversation they cleared up the confusion over why Mr. Oldham was there. Paula laughed at the mix-up and assured him that she and Steve could work out their differences themselves. Mr. Oldham thanked her and went home whistling.

Steve slammed the locker door closed. "Damn! I swear I had a full can of new ones! You sure you didn't pick them up by mistake?"

Pete, at his own locker a few spots down, rooted through his gym bag, extracting old towels and grimy socks before pulling out an orange tube. "My bad," he said sheepishly. "I got your balls in my hand."

Steve grabbed them without a word, his face purple.

Pete ran a hand through his wet blonde locks. "Chill out, man. I'm sorry about your balls and all, but what's eating you? You were flailing around like a girl out there."

Steve grimaced as he zipped his racquet into its cover. "Yeah, whatever. Go on, rip into me. Why should you be any different?"

"Where's that coming from, little buddy? Bad day at work? I told you, man. Working too hard can give you a heart attack. You oughta know by now."

"Na. It's not work. It's -- I told you my mom was giving me a hard time about not having kids yet, right? So, now my dad calls and rips me for pressuring Paula. Says I should see her side. And he's my dad! And Paula, I don't know what's going on. I tried to talk to her last night about giving up the Pill, see what happens. Big mistake."

"Mistake, huh? So she's staying on it?"

"Yeah. I guess. I mean, she says we can think about having kids. Someday."

"But she's still on birth control?"

"Yeah, what have I been saying? Still on the Pill. Why? You wanna take her side, too?"

"Hey, man, not my fight. I just think you should dial it down a little before you're riding the coronary coach. She's on the Pill, so what? You got time. She's definitely taking it, then?"

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It is just the beginning of summer and high school vacation is finally here. My parents’ anniversary is just a day away. But in the afternoon, my parents had a big fight about the fact that my dad’s co-worker who supposes to be on a business trip to a convention is on a sick leave and my dad had to take his place in this short notice. Tomorrow will be my parents’ big night out to celebrate, but now my dad has to be out of town. Mom was so furious she slammed the door on dad as he leaves the...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Presents

He had desperately wanted this present more than anything she could ever give him. This Anniversary he would be getting it, she just didn’t know it yet. He lit the wicks on the slim tapers, fat pillars, and quietly colored votive candles resting around the bathroom. He smiled when he heard the car door slam, then tested the temperature of the softly scented water one last time. Perfect. There was nothing worse than working on an Anniversary, bosses had no sense of proportion about these...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch5 The Party

This is the fifth and final installment of the story of our Tenth Wedding Anniversary. Earlier installments are Tenth Wedding Anniversary, Stripper, Paula's Turn, an Paula's Bi Interlude.At the end of our week in Vegas, I gave Paula her anniversary present, a diamond and blue sapphire dinner ring. The 14 diamonds were inherited from my grandmother, but even with that, the gold setting and sapphires brought the cost of ring to over $1000. Needless to say, Paula was elated with the gift. That...

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Anniversary Trip ch2 Sex Slave Stripper

Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Present

Brad knew he had to work quickly to get Jerri into a new phase of life before she got too settled. He had a simple theory. Being the good girl wife that Jerri was, she would never succumb to the fantasy if she were given time to think about it. It would have to be a surprise. Some conniving would have to take place. Brad knew what he had to do.Little did Jerri know that he had searched the net long and hard and handpicked a handful of black men for Jerri. He told them all about his wife in...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Special

Anniversary Special By NorthernWolfShe was comfortable until he shortened the rope raising her tied wrists higher up her back which pulled her shoulders back and tightened the loop around her neck. Bent at the waist and forced to her knees her large breasts hung freely allowing him to wrap the base of each one tightly with a black leather thong. Narrowing the base of her tits forced them to bulge as they began to deepen in colour. The latex hood encasing her head covered her eyes and left only...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

Two weeks later we prepared for our anniversary weekend. She had not mentioned anything about her special plans, and I had figured they must have fallen through. I had planned on taking her out to eat, coming home to some great sex and just spending a weekend alone with her. A few minutes after five, there was a knock on the door. She jumped up with excitement and answered the door. I was in the bedroom when she answered and heard a female voice that sounded familiar. I walked into the living...

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Wow. Today is my tenth anniversary at Rainburg Hospital. I was actually surprised to find out, that my colleagues were planning a party for me. Over my entire time working there, I have never really socialized with any of my coworkers. It’s a nice way to find out, that they seem care about me. I need to get ready. The party will start in about an hour. Did they tell me, how formal this is going to be? Fuck, I don’t remember. Even the invitation doesn’t include a bloody hint. Why didn’t I pay...

1 year ago
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Mad night with Maddy and friend

Maddy was a sexy little stoner lookin bitch , shes short with straight dark hair and nice round firm titties, her body was smokin and she knew it so she dressed accordingly... Now Maddy was only nineteen so she loved a party, you would often see her at the local pubs or clubs lettin loose without her boyfriend, that's where I ran into her again after the first night. We were havin a few at the local and I seen her cruising through with another smoking hot bitch, I got her attention and after a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Dinner

Our tenth anniversary was coming up next weekend. I overheard our children whispering that they were going to be spending that weekend at their cousins' house. My sister's children and mine were close in age and loved spending time together. The thought of spending the night over there was more excitement than they could keep secret. My husband always puts me first. He goes out of his way to make me happy. He is a wonderful father, and husband. I knew he probably had a big evening planned, and...

3 years ago
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Anniversary With My Mom 8211 Fucking Her

Hi friends let’s go with the new story. This story happened 3 years ago when I was 20 years old and my mother was 41 years old. We are a very small family – me, Rahul, my mother Lakshmi and father Raghuvardhan. My father was 53 years old when this incident happened, and he was working as a supervisor in mining industry. He used to come late in the night, like 1  or he usually works night shifts and his rest period is daytime. For me, from my childhood I have never been much fond of him....

1 year ago
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Their life had been like that of most other couples married five years: two children, a mortgaged house, good friends, some good times and some bad times. Their fourth anniversary had been a surprise, planned by him to make it special for her. She blessed it with tears of joy. She had planned and worked for months to make their fifth anniversary special for him. Her plan demanded physical as well as mental fitness. She was running and lifting weights at the gym. Watching her muscles ripple,...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Night

If I have any fans out there who are interested in the more personal side of my life, and not just of my fantasies, I have a small gift for you. I thought I would treat you to a true little story. In my dreams I often go much further than I would ever accept in real life; or at least, further than I would go at this stage in my life. But how far do I go in my real life? This will show you! I am sorry about the limited dialogue, which I am aware a writer is supposed to put into these stories,...

2 years ago
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Brand New Tennessee Waltz

The auditorium was resplendent in green and red streamers and silver bells and papier-maché ornaments of every color, and the student volunteers were all in great spirits as they made the final preparations for dress rehearsal the next day. As Patti surveyed her charges and their lovely work for the Christmas pageant, she was almost happy. The melancholy that had been her constant companion since June was at low-ebb at last, and she could almost sense her victory over it at hand — if only she...

1 year ago
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A Life Accidentally Planned Chapter four Waltz Around the truth

Chapter four Waltz around the truth Antony sorted out The Factory based on my information, which is more than I could do with Cindy. Following that night, she kept taking time in my life. I was confused, but not for the reason most might think. My problem was that this sweet girl was more dominant than I was. She kept calling and I was having a hard time fighting her off. Days came and went in their usual way. I was pretty much running two clubs and a restaurant for Antony. Most of...

4 years ago
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A Life Accidentally Changed Ch 8 The Bridal Waltz

A Life Accidentally Planned Chap. 8 The Bridal Waltz I stood there with the fingers of both hands covering my wide open mouth. Andy knelt in anticipation in front of me. The room was perfectly quiet. Al I heard was the rustle of my petticoat as I slowly knelt to meet his level. My hands moved in unison from my mouth to the sides of Andy's head. I slowly bent forward and pulled his face toward me. I whispered "Yes," Just before I closed my eyes, turn my head and kissed him. He...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Gift

4:58 p.m., My mind is buzzing with thoughts of what lay ahead, heat pools in my stomach and radiates from the "v" that is my core. I pressed my legs together tightly as I snap back to reality and straighten my desk. The hell with those last two minutes I think to myself as I grab my purse and hit the light switch on the wall near the door. I'm fumbling through my purse for my keys as I bee-line for the elevator, absent of those around me, consumed by my own raunchy thoughts. The drive...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gift

She sat at the table a little restless with her legs crossed. She wore a little black dress, as that was an essential item of clothing every woman should have in her closet. Her foot bounced up and down as she looked at her watch every few minutes. She’d been waiting almost twenty minutes, already on her second glass of Chardonnay. Suddenly she saw a familiar face coming toward her and she felt the familiar pitter-patter of her heart inside her chest. She smiled at her husband as he leaned...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Turns Into Erotic Threesome

Hello Friends. I am Arnav, a 23-year-old handsome guy from Pune. This story is an adventure of mine which turned into a memorable erotic experience. So let’s begin with the story. I was casually surfing the internet and came across a site where you can place some ads in the personals section. As I have some experience with massage, I thought to give it a try. Honestly speaking I never expected a reply. Because on this site most of the people are just glancing through the ads and never reply....

3 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

Summer holidays! Usually the time around which I wake up is 12 in the noon but I woke up to an alarm I’ve set the last night at 7 am. I almost forgot why would I set up an alarm at 7 am in the morning where I was supposes to be snoring to glory and all of a sudden I remembered, the days are special indeed very special. It was the day a year back which changed the whole moment of my life and before I say, let me introduce myself and my family. I am Royden 20 years, an engineering first year...

2 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

By : Hardcore_69 Mom and I are in a sexual relationship over the past one year. Last summer holidays, when I spent most of the time at home, I convinced mom to become my lover and girlfriend. We are physically related for a year and today we are secretly planning to celebrate our first anniversary. It’s exactly one year since we first made love. Mom is 42 and me 20. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with sophisticated clothing and makeups. She looks extremely hot and very sexually...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend

It was our anniversary weekend and we were going away to a favorite hotel of ours. We have been married for over thirty years and my wife is still a looker. She has a luscious, curvy body, sexy red hair, and the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. She is also a big flirt which draws men towards her.Earlier in our marriage, she had given into my desire for her to be a hot wife. She had a number of hook-ups, but often these guys would fall for her, and that was not what she wanted. We are happily...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Present

It had been a long, difficult period of time for April and her husband Jack. They had endured some tumultuous situations that had nearly ended their marriage. Now, with their anniversary only a week away, things were finally beginning to look up. Jack had recently received a substantial pay increase, which had alleviated some of their financial concerns. But it hadn't really been their finances that had caused them most of their problems; it had been their overall relationship. April still...

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Mad At Maddie

I had been planning this revenge for years. You see, when my wife, Julie, and I were dating she still lived at home. We would, on occasion, enjoy a quickie after her parents went to bed. I'd bend her over the living room couch and lift up her skirt. She rarely wore panties when I was visiting, on the off chance that we could steal a few moments of horny bliss. Sliding my stiff cock up and down her wet slit, I would rub her pussy until she hissed her need to me. "Don't tease me," she...

4 years ago
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Mata and Mads

“THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!”I was screaming and completely beside myself on my sofa, heaving loud tears of utter bereavement as if someone had died.It felt as if I had died.I drew a ragged breath, hugging my legs close to my chest. My mind was running, running. Stabbing around to find false comfort in the new reality I was suddenly in while my heart disintegrated.I needed something desperately to hold on to – just to anchor on while my emotions whipped wildly in raging waves. I chose to cry. I wept...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Ch 02

You might like to read Anniversary before this. Thanks for the comments they give as incentive to continue. . Aurora couldn’t help thinking back two weeks to the weekend of their anniversary celebration wondering if it had gone right or wrong, only time would tell. Her intended naughty surprise for Bob had turned out to be his scandalous surprise for her. That evening she had thought her game had run out of control, especially when she had been given to a complete stranger while hypnotised...

2 years ago
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Anniversary celebration turns into 1st time cuckol

Chris couldn’t wait for him and his wife Jamie’s hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn’t wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest pussy he had ever...

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Anniversary Surprise

“I have a surprise for you today on our anniversary. I have booked a romantic weekend in this wonderful hotel where we can explore some of our sexual desires.” “Oh, my I think I mad you hard by just the thought of that.” “As you can see, I have even spent to time to decorate the room for our adventurous romantic interlude. “ “I see this really turns you on because you are rubbing your hard cock through your pants.” “I can tell you are excited by your hard on but are you ready for this sexual...

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Anniversary Trip ch4 Paulas Bi Interlude

Author's Note: In Paula's Turn - Part III of Tenth Anniversary Series, my wife flashed an stranger during a Las Vegas Show. One thing led to another, and, without my knowledge, she ended up spending the night with two men. I was frantic until I finally received a call from Paula. At the end of the call, one of the men told me that Paula would be spending the night with them and I should retain the services of a hooker if I needed sex.------------------------------------------------------It was...

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Anniversary Trip ch1 Our Tenth Wedding Annivers

Our Tenth Wedding AnniversaryPaula and I have already submitted two stories describing some of our more erotic adventures after my wife began to have sex with other men. We have enjoyed writing these stories so much that we decided to write a few more. After some discussion, we decided that we would write about the most erotic two weeks we ever had. This occurred during a vacation to Las Vegas that we took over our tenth wedding anniversary. In order to keep the narrative to a reasonable...

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Anniversary Date

Please be kind, I am not a writer. This is a true story and kind of tame compared to most on here. It was very exciting for my husband and I. It is rather long. I have posted pictures on WL for quite some time, mostly on the request board so you may know what I look like. I am 5’ 2” about 125 lbs, blonde hair. My husband is 5’10” 175lbs, dark brown hair.A few years ago my husband took me to dinner and dancing for our anniversary. The restaurant was located in a great hotel that also had a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

Anniversary Surprise "Can they really work? Elaine, it would be cool and crazy if they did. But it's impossible. Just impossible." Bob was referring to the anniversary present Elaine had just given him. Purchased at an antique store, the transformation rings were hundreds of years old. Bob felt embarrassed that all he had gotten her was a dozen red roses and a bottle of Champaign, which he had not yet given to her. "Let's give it a try, Bob. Each so-called magic ring has a...

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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they're bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. "Happy anniversary", she chirped. "Happy anniversary darling", he whispered in her ear. He...

Love Stories
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Anniversary Assignment Riding The Horse

Riding The HorseBy: Breanne Erikson and Michael AlexanderPart One02/24/11You know, taking off my chastity belt is not exactly the most pleasant thing to do, especially if I've been wearing it for almost twenty four hours straight.  Worse, doing it in an apartment parking lot at seven fifty in the morning is not something either easy, or that much fun.  With people driving by every few minutes while you're in the process of taking off your jeans, unbuckling everything, and then slowly extracting...

1 year ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

4 years ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

2 years ago
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The Madness of Maddie

Maddie, as Madeleine was known to all her friends, walked down the street brooding. She was a feisty little thing and she had had a bad day. She was in a bad mood; and only one thing cheered her up when she was in a bad mood. Cock. Nothing cheered up a girl, she thought, like the sight of a good cock. She was a girl; she was in a bad mood; and she wanted a cock to play with. A pair of nice firm round balls would be nice too, but what she mainly wanted was a cock; and what Maddie wanted,...

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