Alex Is 18 (Naked In School / Alex And Beth)Chapter 5: Thursday free porn video

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Alex — Second Period

I was pretty hung over through most of my Lit class but Mr. Wilson took pity on me and let me vegetate through the rest of Measure for Measure. Alcohol = bad; lesson learned. My hang over had faded to a mild headache by the time I got to Home Economics.

It was not my idea to take Home Ec. But my Dom hated cooking, so he told me to take it and that I'd damn well better pass with flying colors. Actually, truth be known, I was a pretty damn good cook. Especially with fish; then again, we owned a fishery so I'd had lots of opportunity to practice over the years. The trip to Asia last summer got me really interested in Vietnamese and Thai stuff but our class stuck to mainly baking chicken and making edible lima beans. I was, of course, the only guy in the class but that had worked out pretty well last year so I didn't mind at all.

Gail was in that class with me, and Tuesday she just watched while one of the cheerleaders blew me. It was not as cool as I'd hoped and I was still a little off about it; something about all those bodily fluids around cooking utensils — it seemed unsanitary. I didn't mind the sharp, hot, poking, dangerous things — I liked the sharp, hot, poking, dangerous things — it was the whole food thing I didn't get. I was kind of boring that way, I guess. I'd do any thing with anybody any where on the body but not with food. That whole lick-the-syrup-off-her-body thing turned my stomach. Go figure. Anyway, 'relief' while cooking was the one I was going to pass on except that by the time I got there, I was dripping. Somebody who saw me and Leigh on Monday thought a spanking in the hallway would be a neat idea. Or something — I didn't know; I hadn't really paid attention to the excuse, I just let her spank me. She didn't do it very hard but it was enough to turn my butt cheeks red; by the time I got to class, I was ready for action.

I was a bit surprised when I arrived in class though. The room had been slightly re-arraigned. All of the small counters we used in 3-person teams had been pushed together to form one large counter top and a second table had been wheeled in. It was covered with a large sheet but you could see all the "secret" ingredients in vague shapes underneath. Very Iron Chief. Mrs. Clark used to do a local cable access cooking show so she liked doing the occasional dramatic presentation for no good reason. She was old as dirt but I had never met anyone who would turn down one of her meals.

Finally, the bell rang and Mrs. Clark started class. "Alex, Gail? Would you both come up front please? Now, I'm not going to allow you relief today — sorry, Alex but you'll be ok, I promise. Instead, we're going to do something a bit different. Sit here please." She indicated the top of the counter. I lifted Gail, who blushed slightly, and then hopped up next to her — which I shouldn't have done because it made my head throb again. "Today's class discussion is on Erotic Foods." Mrs. Clark pulled away the sheet and revealed a table full of samples. Everything phallic shaped — bananas, carrots, cucumbers, etc. — plus strawberries, cherries, oysters, chocolate, honey, whipped cream, and anything else sticky, wet or spread-able.

"Today we're going to discuss food and sexual safety in handling these things and I'll let you try out a few on our participants. You don't mind insertion, do you? That's reasonable for both of you?" She didn't give either of us a moment to answer but started with her lecture. She started with what you can't do — like no oily or sugary things in the pussy or anus and what should be thrown away not eaten afterwards.

She held up the strawberries so they looked like little tits and the ass-shaped peaches. Then she displayed some raw oysters next to Gail's pussy and I realized that they did look really similar. "No wonder I like 'em raw." I said. Most of the girls laughed but a couple looked thoughtful.

Then Mrs. Clark started with the dick shaped stuff. I looked pretty bad next to the summer sausage she held up but it seemed everyone knew it was a joke. They put a condom on a cucumber and Gail didn't seem to mind as they tried to insert it in her pussy. I nearly blew; in part watching it go part way in her but mostly wishing it was going in me. They had better luck with the condom covered zucchini. Watching Gail cum with that thing in her made me shake.

"Now, boys can take insertions as well, and if you know him well and he's comfortable, the slimmer things work better — hand me that carrot, oh, yes that one's perfect. Again, use a condom — especially if this is for tonight's dinner. But really, anything in the rear should just be thrown away and you certainly shouldn't — bend over Alex Dear — you certainly shouldn't use anything anally then vaginally but of course you all know that, I'm sure." The carrot rammed into my rectum like she forgot what she was doing — and she did forget any kind of lube — and I swore as it hit that magic spot with no warning. I held my breath and tried not to cum. There was no reason not to except that I didn't want to interrupt Mrs. Clark's presentation.

Finally, she put on a pair of latex gloves and picked up the jar of honey. "Now this is fairly easy; you can pour or paint or draw. I like to just use my fingers and draw a light coating, just like this but you could get a nice scoop — see? — and just drizzle like this. Or — hand me that pastry brush — you can use both the honey and the brush to tease your partner — a very effective method, as you can see — and the brush handle can also be used. Oh, but once you do that this goes in the bedroom, not the kitchen, for good. Alright now, let's pick a condiment and a spot and just practice. And taste! Of course, taste — the warmth of the body, the location and the individual will change each flavor subtly. You should try..." I lost the thread of the lecture when someone started licking the honey Mrs. Clark had painted on my dick. I was beginning to re-think my stance on food and sex

Wet things began dripping on me and fingers began spreading them on different parts of my body. It was like being on the bottom of an orgy with everyone cumming on me. Someone asked, can I use hot sauce? I groaned in response. A minute later, one of my nipples lit up as something tingly landed on it. Then a warm, soft tongue cleaned it off. Hot sauce is a good thing, I thought. The hot sauce landed on the head of my dick and I gasped — for a second, I thought it was burning through. I was still trying to hold back but when the tongue cleaned me this time I dry came.

There were questions — most of the girls had never actually seen a guy cum before the Program had started and none of them had ever heard of this before. "It not, like rare," I said, "but it is supposed ta be uncommon. I kinda try to make it happen sometimes." Can I cum the normal way? Of course, but this is more fun. Why? I grinned at her. "Lasts longer."

"Oh my." Mrs. Clark said. "I'll have to read up on that one. What got him to do that, anyway? Salsa?" She gasped. "Oh, peppers! We need to discuss peppers." As pepper burns the tongue, so it burns other sensitive parts. "Condoms please always — the hotter the pepper, the stronger the burn. And soap and water will not remove it completely." She shuddered. "Believe me."

Mrs. Clark let Gail and I leave a few minutes early so we could get down to the locker rooms and shower before our next classes.

"I don't have any shower stuff today!" Gail lamented on our way down.

"Use mine." I offered.

"We'll be in opposite rooms."

I looked at her — she looked downright edible. "I got a reasonable request. Come on." I pulled her into the girls' locker room with me. I grabbed soap and a couple towels and started the shower spray. The stalls were too tight for us to be anything but right on top of each other. I put soap on my hands and began washing her. She did the same to me. I had sort of wanted it to be non-sexual but that idea ended the second my hands touched her tits. The nipples pushed against the palms of my hands and I pushed them back. Then I moved down over her stomach, getting the sticky residue of jam off. She seemed to have a little trouble getting the chocolate syrup out of what little chest hair I had.

I don't know when we started kissing but I rubbed soap up and down her ass crack while we did. She was so short, I had to lift her up a bit.

"I'm on the pill." She whispered unexpectedly and rubbed her thigh against my dick. I took that as an invitation and lifted her a bit higher. When she reached between us and pulled me into herself, I leaned her against the wall and we did it. We both gasped — Ms. Clark was right about those peppers! Gail was lucky that it was mild salsa.

I had been holding out for so long, I wasn't sure if I could hold back much longer. She made it easy for me. "Faster", she whispered. I didn't argue and rammed her. I lasted maybe five minutes and then dumped my load in her. She wrapped her legs around mine and inhaled my tongue. After a little while, she released her legs and slipped off me. We took another couple minutes to clean the sex off then turned off the water.

"Do you think Ima slut?" She asked as we dried off.

I started to say no while thinking yes. But then I looked at her. Gail was pretty and talented and walking around naked while most of the school felt her up. I'd been horny for four days straight and figured it was a reasonable bet that she'd been that way too. This wasn't her choice. "No." I said seriously. "Not even close." The funny part was that I meant it.

Beth — Third Period

The hallways seemed to be getting worse and the teachers were becoming more strict about us not loitering in the classroom until the second class bell. I admit, maybe I would have enjoyed it more if the reasonable requests were, well, interesting or unique or at least arousing but how many clueless high school boys found 'nice tits' to be the highlight of their day? My breasts felt like every boy in the building plus a few extra had squeezed them. Alex once said I had a 'perfect pussy' but apparently, he was in a vast minority of one — the rest of the guys seemed to think my body stopped at my waist. I had started to feel like finger prints were beginning to show. I caught up with Tiffany at the side door to the school and we walked to our lockers together. We grabbed our heavy-duty aprons and happily started to put them on.

"Hello Ladies." Ms. Pat stepped out of her office. "You know you need to wait until you get to the garage to put those on."

"But we have ta cross the parking lot." Tiffany looked more than a little worried. "Anybody can see us."

"I know, but that's the rule." We looked at each other mournfully but took off the full frontal cover. "Actually, I need to speak to the two of you. Step in for a moment." We followed her into her office and she gestured us to sit. "How are you two doing with the Program? Any problems?"

We exchanged a look. "No ma'am." I said. "It's weird but there's no problems." I wasn't about to get into my issues with the Program.

Tiffany shrugged. "I thought I was used ta bein' watched but this just freaky. I mean, I am not looking forward ta Sunday. But I'm not gonna drop out the Program, if that's what you mean."

"No, I didn't think that. I just wondered if you were both getting the full benefit of the program. Or if perhaps you might be suffering from a case of stage fright."

We looked at each other again. "Stage fright?"

"Yes." She picked up a folder. "Alright, girls, I'm going to be frank. You are not receiving relief as often as the others and I was just concerned as to why."

"We you can't expect us to keep up with the boys!" I exclaimed. I tried that one week — tried to match Alex, partner-for-partner and he beat me and Peter combined.

"Yeah." Tiff agreed.

"I don't mean the boys. The other girls in the group are averaging four requests a day. You two are only once a day — and Tiffany, no one reported you receiving relief at all yesterday."


"Oh, well of course. We must monitor what's happening, when and to whom. Otherwise, there's nothing gained from the program, is there?" I kept silent on my opinion of that. "So, is there a problem?"

"No ma'am." Tiffany said softly. I nodded.

"Good! I expect today and tomorrow that you two will take full advantage of the program. I do want to remind you that if you don't complete the Program satisfactorily, you will have to repeat it later in the year." She closed the folder. "Oh really you two, smile. I'm not telling you to go do something unpleasant. I would think you'd enjoy the chance to have some honest, open, guilt-free sexual gratification."

We faked a smile as the second bell rang. She dismissed us — we wouldn't want to be late, would we? — and we grabbed out aprons and headed out.

It's not the naked part that's getting to me and if we had longer than five minutes, all the 'reasonable requests' might be ok. What gets me, however, is the lack of choice. I mean, I've never been afraid of my body and I've always known what I liked and didn't like — although, I have to admit I've learned new stuff so far this week — I've always been kind of selective about who got to see what. The Program, though, means that everybody gets to look, anybody can touch, I don't control what happens. And I definitely don't like that. I want to be in control, always.

Shop class this semester — specifically car engine repair — was held in a garage on the far side of the school property. The aprons were actually safety gear and Tuesday, I had been overjoyed to have some kind of protection in there. Mr. Ballard was roughly nine hundred years old and looked like Santa on a bad day but he was practically MacGyver. Give him an hour, a two-by-four, and a pack of gum and he could build the Taj Mahal complete with a working fountain and shuttle service. Most of the time, he ran Ballard Auto Repair over in Tappahannock, but twice a week, he taught at his old high school — he and my Grandfather had been classmates.

I was taking engine repair because that past summer, me and my only other girl cousins — Jean and Joan — had gone on an all girl fishing trip and the engine on my Uncle Wilton's beat up old cabin cruiser broke down and we had to call my Uncle, Capt. Ed, to come tow us home. After he finished berating us for not checking the boat out thoroughly before we went out, he laid into the boathouse staff for letting the boat get into such disrepair in the first place. Joan and I decided that we'd never get stranded again and both started to learn how to fix engines. Jean decided to stop fishing and go work in the company front office. So far, the class was pretty cool; Tiffany, me and Penny Gilliam were the only girls in the class and Mr. Ballard made a point of treating us just as he treated the guys.

On Tuesday, Ballard just about had a coronary when Tiff and I walked in naked. He flat refused to allow us relief — not that we asked, but the guys in the class were pretty disappointed — and had us and Penny work on an engine block behind a makeshift screen. When we walked in to the garage Thursday, however, he was frowning. He pulled us aside. "Now, girls, that Giles boy done tol' me 'bout this here new Program he done put you in. I must admit, I gave him a hard way ta go on it, but, well, I talked ta Julius" He nodded to me, "Ida talked ta Earl too, God rest his soul," He told Tiff, "an', well, he seem ta think this one a them things done pass us by. So's I guess if it's alright with him — an' they gonna make me anyhow, I guess — I won't make a fuss. But, now look; I'm not gonna just let them boys manhandle you right in fronta me! They can't treat a damn engine with any care, I doubt a one-of-em know what to do with a woman. So you just leave that part ta me." He smiled at us both and under different circumstances, it might have seem Grandfatherly — if, he hadn't just said for us to leave our 'relief' to him. He started to walk by us but stopped and smiled kind of wistfully at Tiff. "I ever tell you how much you look like yo' grandmamma? Ida had ta work on Saturday 'steda Friday night, I mighta been your granddaddy 'steda Earl." He gave her hand a squeeze and moved around us to address the rest of the class.

"Was that the grossest thing ever?" Tiffany whispered to me.

"Close." I whispered back. She didn't have Davis for history this semester. But then, Ballard wasn't looking at me and picturing his old flame.

"Alright now, boys," Ballard started. "Ima big enough man ta admit when I'm wrong. What you boys said about these girls — well, 'bout this here Program, anyhow — well, you was right." A couple of the guy cheered and they all moved a bit closer. "Simmer down, now. I wouldn't let a one-uh-you touch my truck, I ain't about ta let you have at these two without at least a word or two." He beckoned us forward and arrayed the boys around us so they could all see us; kind of the way he'd have done around an engine block. He made Penny join them. "How often you gonna get a chance to see this from the outside, so ta speak. Now. What's the first thing you do ta an engine you ain't never worked on before?"

The guys looked at each other before someone finally ventured, "Look at it and make sure you know what's what?"

"Got it in one."

"I already know what what on that engine." Art Trucker scoffed but Ballard looked hard at him.

"You tellin' me you know all there is 'bout ever' woman out there. You kin make these two — both of 'em, now — spill like you struck oil?"

"Yeah." He smirked at his buddies and nodded. "Sides my Dad say all that bull 'bout the female orgasm a lotta hot air dykes made up."

"Yo' Dad been divorced three times, ain't he?" observed Mr. Ballard dryly. "I wouldn't go taken a whole lotta advice on women from him." He looked at me and Tiffany. "So what you think? You think it's a bunch of hot air?"

Tiffany and I both turned scarlet red. "No." I finally managed. It might be elusive, but it definitely wasn't a myth. "And I wouldn't go out with a guy who told me it was."

"Well, now. Ain't that an interestin' fact, gentlemen?" He had the guys look at us in detail. They made the obvious observation — that my tits were way bigger that Tiff's were. But they all went quiet when he asked "Now what does that tell you 'bout pleasin' either one of them?" He answered his own question. "Not a damn thing, boys. Just 'cause they big, don't mean a thing except she likely ta be a good nurser you have a mess of kids with her."

He talked about the difference between stroking, caressing, squeezing and mauling breasts and then let them practice on us. After a couple minutes, he had them all step back again. Nearly all of them tried to hide the tent in their pants and I found myself trying to check them out on the sly. It was odd because I had practically stopped looking at the naked guys. Well, maybe that wasn't quite true — more, I'd gotten used to them being over-aroused. Peter once mentioned something called traveling erogenous zones — where what skin you can or can't see at any given time is the sexy part. If everyone always wears long sleeves, the girl with exposed elbows is the hot one. I could suddenly understand the theory — for a minute, even Trucker looked pretty hot.

Ballard then had us turn around and let the guys do the same exercise on our butts. I could feel myself getting aroused even though I really didn't want to. I glanced at Tiffany; her eyes were closed but she was biting her lip and her skin had that flush color like they were getting to her too. Luckily, Mr. Ballard didn't let that go on too long either.

"Alright now, that's enough uh that. You find a girl and practice on yo' own time. Grab a couple them towels — the clean ones, you idiot — put 'em on the hood uh that old Caddy." He nodded to Trucker. "Give the little Miss a hand." He indicated me then proceeded to sweep Tiffany into his arms and gently place her on the car. I stopped Trucker from following suit but let him give me a hand to keep the towels under us straight. He had us lie on our backs on opposite sides of the car with half the class around either of us. Then he had a couple guys apiece hold our legs open. "Gently, damn it! Ain't no way ta buff a dent outta that paint job." I had no idea what he was talking about but one of the guys holding my ankle asked if I was comfortable so I guess they got Ballard's message. "Now boys, an engine don't run if it don't got... ?" Even Tiffany and I said 'Lubricant' with the rest of the class. He had drilled that message into all of us.

"Right. Lubricant. If she ain't wet, boys, she ain't interested. Pack up an' go home. How we doin' so far?"

Penny smiled kind of sheepishly at me and touched my outer lips. "She wet." She said simply.

"God damn." One of the guys beside her breathed. "They get like that?" A few other guys made similar comments. I was mortified; Peter and Alex had both commented on how wet I get — it was why they were so confused as to why I rarely cum — but to have a whole class make a study of my vaginal juices was more than embarrassing. Another thing I didn't want to share with everyone in the world.

Mr. Ballard then had the class open our outer lips and talked them through touching the inner lips and suddenly I realized that I hadn't heard anything but Ballard's voice and me and Tiff panting for a long while. My whole attention was on the feeling of random fingers stroking my private parts. Then Ballard started discussing our clits; a warm shiver ran through me. Someone remarked that mine looked like a tiny stiff dick and Ballard suggested that they treat it like one. The next thing I felt was a tongue wrap around it and I could not stop the loud groan that slipped out. A few more tongues passed over me and I wondered if this might actually push me over the top. And when I heard Tiffany beside me nearly scream, I knew I would hit it at any moment. Then I hit that damn plateau. Silently, I swore to myself and faked it for the class. Not that any of them noticed. They all congratulated themselves and more than a couple guys had wet spots on their pants.

"Still think it's hot air, boys?" Ballard asked and received a chorus of no's. A few vowed to practice on their girlfriends. A couple switched between Tiffany and me to compare stats. I heard Tiff moan and looked over my shoulder. Two of the guys were trying again. Then someone grabbed my ankle and a tongue raked my clit. I couldn't help gasping with a little frustration. The first tongue moved and a second took over. Then a third. Then a fourth but it was both softer and more insistent than the others. It not only went up and down more swiftly but it pushed into my slit more deeply than anyone else had. Once inside, it sort of swiveled around like in was licking my insides which was a new feeling. Distantly, I heard Tiffany coming again. And it seemed like I heard one of the guys too but it was hard to think about anything other than the tongue that was pushing me way closer than I'd been in a long time.

Then I felt my muscles contract and knew I must have finally hit it. Except that the pleasure — the shivers, the explosion of nerves, mind numbing indescribable sensation — wasn't there. It was as if my body just gave up and faked the orgasm without my mind playing along. I lay there panting, like I'd run a race — trying not to cry with the frustration of it all. Finally, I leaned forward to see who it was who got me nearly there.

Penny sat between my legs wiping her face with a wet paper towel. Several guys around her were wiping themselves off or zipping their flies. I wasn't sure how to react — it wasn't that I had a problem with it. But I wasn't all that comfortable with the idea that a girl had done what no guy this week had. The guys actually applauded and Penny blushed. "Um. Thanks." I closed my legs and scooted off the car hood.

A door closed and Mr. Ballard emerged from his office drying his hands. "Alright, now, boys. That's enough of that. Somebod' get the mop an' clean up this here mess. The rest of you break inta teams and change the fluids in all uh them vehicles. You should have just enough time for that. Go on, get movin'." He looked at Tiffany and I. "You two alright now?"

"Yeah." We both answered.

"Fine, fine." He cleared his throat. "I ... uh ... good ... fine. Well. I best, uh ... you two go on, get ta work."

"Yes, sir." We put the towels in the dirty rag bin, grabbed our aprons and joined our teams.

Alex and Beth - Lunch

"Here." Stephanie handed everyone a flier. "I'm having a party Saturday — after the game. It's clothing optional!"

"Isn't your Dad gonna be home?"

"It's his idea!" She fairly glowed. "Actually, we're thinking of making our house a clothing-free zone."

"Eeewwww!" and "Cool" vied around the table.

"Are you commin', Alex?"

"You gonna have beer?"

"No! Dad's liberal, but come on!"

"Yeah, well I'll think 'bout it." But he was grinning.

"We're inviting you guys — the whole senior class, really — and a couple other juniors and some people at Dad's office, and oh yeah, tell your folks — Dad wants parents ta come too."

Khalid frowned. "Not mine. My Dad'd burn the place down. He's lectured me every night this week about American immorality."

"You actually believe all that camel-jockey BS?" Zach taunted.

Khalid took it as a joke. "Yeah, pope-boy, I do." He shrugged. "Well, some of it, anyhow. Most of it. It makes more sense if you read the Koran itself though. Some of the stuff gets really warped in translations."

"Yeah, the same thing happens at our church. What the bible says depends on which minister you ask."

"Well, my Dad's the pious type."

"Should we be worried?"

"Pious, not militant. He thinks Americans don't pray enough." That got a laugh around the table. "I just hope I can get into college before he finishes this contract."


"Cause if I don't, I'll have to go back to Algeria with him and Mom next summer." He put an arm around Steph. "And I like American immorality. I've already talked to my Mom about getting me a permanent Visa."


"Very cool."

"What about you, Gail? You comin' Saturday?"

Gail looked across the table at Van Chi. Something passed between them and she looked back at her untouched lunch. "I don't think so." She said softly. Van looked at his lunch and nobody asked about his Saturday plans.


"Can I bring Steven?"

"Only if he's naked. You two back on?"

"No, but I haven't given up yet. Beth, just do me a favor — don't talk to me for a while!"

"Look, I'll talk ta Steven if you talk ta Hank."

"Hank? So the rumors are true?"

"Rumors?" She groaned. "Just what I need."

"I heard a rumor." Brenda dropped not so casually. "Penny for your thoughts, Barbie."

"Oh!" Tif said with sudden surprise. "That's who it was."

"What?" Alex perked up. "Who was?"

"Penny went down on Beth in Shop today." Brenda said grinning. "Art told me it was so hot even Old Ballard had ta bust a nut."

"Oh Jesus!" Beth buried her head on the table under her arms.

"And I missed it?" Alex exclaimed. "Damn! Anybody get photos?"

"Eeeewww, Alex!" Tiff laughed. "Gross!"

"What? I'm just lookin'!"

"It's a vile implication, Alex." Van observed sternly. "But not surprising coming from you."

"Oh, relax, dude, I'm kiddin'!" Alex laughed and poked Beth's arm. "Doin' her's like doin' my sister or something. "Sides," he smirked at Steph. "I can think of better ways ta spend my time."



The bell rang and most of the room began to move, gather trash and books and heading for the fourth class of the day. Van Chi put a hand on Alex's arm. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah. I gotta get my guitar out my locker. Walk with?"

Alex — Fourth Period

We stopped by Van's locker first and he got a CD, then by mine for the guitar. Today was 'show and tell' in Music Appreciation — bring you favorite make out music, either a piece you've done it to or something you like to and be prepared to discuss why it would make good intimate background music. The guitar was my A+ for the day — nothing beats playing something for a girl you're trying to nail. Compare her to the instrument and to the music; works every time.

He didn't say anything at first. We had a couple requests as we moved through the hall and I noticed that he considered any thing more than a quick stroke or a light squeeze 'unreasonable'. I also noticed that it didn't take much more than that to get him rock hard.

When we had a minute alone — comparatively speaking at least — I asked him, "Dude, you ok with this?"

"It's a graduation requirement."

"No shit! When they do that?"

He looked at me. "How did you miss the whole debate and all the announcements about this?"

"Dude, when all this came down? I was on this fuckin' amazing cruise. We went to Bangkok and we saw this..."

"I do not need to know what you saw in Bangkok."

"We spent a couple days in Vietnam too. Fuckin' awesome place, dude."

Same as Alex Is 18 (Naked in School / Alex and Beth)
Chapter 5: Thursday Videos

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Alex and Amanda Memories

Well I have written two stories about my relationship with the love of my youth, Alex so far and this will be the third and final story about me and Alex. This will also be the longest story and containing several sexual adventures I had with him during our relationship. I am trying to write this story in a way to bring out the emotions I felt and making it more a romantic and erotic story instead of a pornographic story so I hope you will enjoy this as much as my other stories. Saturday, it...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethIntroduction and Acknowledgment

If you're not familiar with the Naked in School shared universe, Karen Wagner started it and those of us hooked on the concept thank her profoundly. In addition, Gary, then Tenyari and now Orblover and Jorey May maintain a site (other the Universes on SOL) so thanks and high honors there as well. The basic premise is that high schools across the world are allowing - indeed forcing - students to attend class naked. There's more to it than that, but I'm not going in to it here - go to the...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

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Naked in School Brandis DayChapter 2 At Home

As the bus pulled up to Dee's house, Dee gave her friend a hug and wished her good luck. Dee got off the bus and it continued on the route. Just a few minutes later, the bus stopped in front of Brandi's house. She got off the bus and went into the house. Since her parents weren't home, she went up to her room. Since her parents wouldn't be home for awhile, Brandi decided that she would do her homework, but she would do it naked. Shucking off her clothes, Brandi sat down at her desk,...

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Alandra Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I must've really tossed and turned when I slept last night. My sheets were on the floor, the vibrator had rolled off the bed and was by the door, and my favorite teddy bear was under my left foot. I'd had him since I was three, he was missing an eye, I'd glued on a new mouth when I was in Kindergarten, and added a clip-on fastener to his back in middle school. An idea hit me, I took the little 'cartoon pussy cat' charm I'd bought and held it up to Teddy's missing eye. A little big,...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 1

Ms. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...

2 years ago
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Alex and Alaina become more than just neighbors

Alaina is a sweet xx yo girl that is slim and just starting to become a woman. She has discovered her body and sex but is still a virgin. Being slim and 5’ 6” tall, and only weighing 105 lbs she has not filled out much, but the promise of things to come is there. Alex is good looking 18 yo still living at home and will be going to the local college and working at a local shop. Alaina was going to spend the day with a friend, so her parents dropped her off at the street and left. She had...

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Alex The Suffering Submissive

Alex - The Suffering Submissive(Crushing Lesbian Domination and Absolute Submission) by Lewis ChappelleContent FlowPrologue Chapter I  - Background Chapter II - Goddess and Mother Goddess Chapter III - The Slave’s New Life Chapter IV - Questions for the Slave Chapter V - Questions for the Owner Chapter VI - Snap Shots in Time Chapter VII - Vignettes Chapter VIII - The Future Epilogue __________________________________________                                                              ...

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ALEX By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. RT TEMPTATION The suburbs. Summer. Friday afternoon, 12:20 p.m. to be precise. A hot day. Quiet streets. Air...

3 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...

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Alex at the Processing Center

Two men walked into the Processing Center, one tall — a little over 2 meters — one about average height. They walked up to the counter, and held a brief, quiet conversation. The tall one clapped the shorter one on the shoulder, they hugged, then the taller one left.  Alex rang the bell to get the receptionist's attention. When she looked up, he said, "Hi. Alex would like to register for execution, if it's not too much trouble.""Certainly, sir. Fill out this form. We accept most major debit...

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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alex’s again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to...

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Alex Morton

The plane carrying Alex Morton touched down in Capitol City just after 9pm. He was on the plane only because his sister had sent him the ticket. Actually people didn't send tickets to each other, they purchased them on line. Then they mysteriously ended up at the ticket counter of the airline. After that Alex just showed his driver's license to get a boarding pass. He used that boarding pass to fly almost home. Alex knew, from all the news stories, to pack light. He had two changes of...

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Alex and Jesse

Alex reached his friends and dropped his stuff. They had been there for a while, and were waiting on him so they could begin the fun. They got up and split into two teams facing each other on the mud. Alex found himself standing right across from Jesse. Jesse was much shorter than Alex, about 5'10" with a dirty blond crew cut. He had wide shoulders and a good body from wrestling. Alex felt something stir in his shorts, but dismissed it as nothing. He stared down the other team. Eventually,...

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Alex Rider Bumfucker

…That was until he met Justin Desmond. It was strange, really, the way Alex thought of Justin. He would find himself sometimes staring at Justin during class (he had most of the same classes with him). Alex had to admit he was attractive, with raven-black hair that flowed from his head in a sort of messy way. They shared the same athletic build and he had noticed that they seemed to be the same height as each other. Alex knew he was an attractive young lad, and he also knew that girls wanted...

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Alex Mack Gets Raped

ALEX MACK GETS RAPED By Moxy Alex Mack was a young girl of 16 . She had a small pouty mouth, and an innocent schoolgirl face. She had mdeium sized breasts and was just ?getting her girlish curves. She was truly a stunning beauty. She had long blonde hair falling to the small of her back. Alex was shy but yet friendly. She was a tomboy and a virgin. She usually wore faded denim jeans and oversized clothes that hid the fact she was a female. Alex was embarassed by her body and didn't like...

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Alex and Nicole 4

Alex and Nicole 4 Continued, from 3. You should read 3 before reading 4. Or you will be confused. I stretched carefully, I didn't want to wake Nicks up and cut this moment short, Nicole and I were like a pretzel, all intertwined. We had spent the night like that. Legs between legs, then wrapped around legs, hands and arms hugging or exploring, or both. I had felt her hand slip between my legs through the night, I was asleep but some things just sort of wake a guy up, you know,...

4 years ago
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Alex and Emma Watson and some shades of Grey II

Emma had laid her hands on the edge of the sink and her head on her hands. Her ass, her pussy and her gorgeous long legs were close in front of the face of her brother Alex, who was sitting at the edge of the bathtub behind her. He was massaging her ass cheeks with wonderfully scented body oil. For the first time he had spanked her hard with a wooden cook-spoon in the kitchen and now he wanted to do her aching ass something good.Emma and Alex Watson, the two famous “Watson-siblings” were having...

1 year ago
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Alex gets a surprise at the Museum

As Alex walked up the steps into the Uffizi museum in Florence, she waved goodbye to her husband Max. Earlier they had had agreed that she would spend several hours in the museum whilst he walked around the city.Most of the visitors to the museum were obviously tourists or students and as she purchased her ticket, Alex soon realised that she was probably the only unaccompanied woman in the Museum.Going through security, Alex handed her handbag to the handsome young security guard, and as he...

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Alex and Vicki Rumor Has It

It was almost midnight, and I was on my way home after a long day of meetings that culminated with a few drinks. I was tired, and my drive home takes me down a stretch of road that’s dark and desolate. I was about ten-minutes away from home when I spotted a vehicle on the side of the road with its emergency lights on. As I slowed down to approach the car the front door opened, and then a woman stepped out. I saw what appeared to be a mature woman wearing a short dress. Concerned, I slowed down...

4 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 13 Peter

Dad and I went fishing. We took McElroy's Honor and dropped anchor in the Chesapeake for two days. A Father-Son fishing trip like we used to do when I was a kid. To celebrate. George McElroy was excluded by the second test. "I knew it in my heart." Dad say again as we sat watching the moonrise over the bay. "Why I couldn't let her abort you. I knew you was mine." I just nod. I still feel like I just dodged a bullet. We sit in silence for a while. I've been a rotten son the last...

2 years ago
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Alex and Nicole 5

Continued from part 4 That is the way it works. Sequentially. To avoid confusion and disorientation. I carried Nicole upstairs, it was a tad hard to do this wearing the high heels, and she snuggled tightly into my arms which didn't make it any easier. As soon as we entered the bathroom I started to fill the tub, of course I put her down first, I mean I am not superman or anything. She was still shivering. As the tub filled I flipped the infrared light on, she stood below it...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

The next morning I woke up as usual and headed down to the Y for workouts. As I neared the locker rooms, I saw Ethan and Caitlin enter what used to be Men's, with three more girls and two naked guys right behind them. No one seemed to be using the former Women's room, however, so with some trepidation, that's where I went. Inside, the former Women's room wasn't much different from the former Men's. Of course there were no urinals, but the tiles, lockers, and benches were the same. The...

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Alex and PeterChapter 15 Peter

Valentine's Day falls on a Saturday. I actually beg - first my Dad, then my Mom. I even ask Granddad to back me up. He laughed and stayed out of it. Alex begged Uncle George and Aunt Stacy and finally, a week before, our parents give in. "Alright! Alright! Enough!! Yes, you can get a room!" "Yes!" Alex and I high five. "On the condition that Beth stays with you." Dad adds. "What?" Alex and I are dumbfounded at the same time Beth is stunned. "Really?" she launches at Dad, "Oh,...

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Alex Morton

The plane carrying Alex Morton touched down in Capitol City just after 9pm. He was on the plane only because his sister had sent him the ticket. Actually people didn’t send tickets to each other, they purchased them on line. Then they mysteriously ended up at the ticket counter of the airline. After that Alex just showed his driver’s license to get a boarding pass. He used that boarding pass to fly almost home. Alex knew, from all the news stories, to pack light. He had two changes of...

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Alex and Beth

Alex hurriedly jumped out of the shower when he heard his cell phone ringing in the other room. Clumsily trying to wrap a towel around his dripping body, he stumbled over casually strewn clothing in his attempt to get to the buzzing phone. Nearly falling over a pair of shoes, he grabbed the phone off of the dresser. "Hello?" he answered, rather breathily. "Hello?" he repeated, after taking a breath. "Alex?" a female voice asked on the other end. "Is that you?" "Yeah, it's me....

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Alexs Initiation

Alex’s Imitation By keithb1002 This story is pure fiction.  It was developed late one night when I got the idea for this story.  If you are under the age of 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live, please don’t read this.  If you like this story or have any comments or suggestions, you can contact me at [email protected] or Chat with me on Yahoo IM under the name keithb100272.Alexandra ?Alex? Palmer was on pins and needles all day in class.  The girl who had just turned 18was...

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Alex and Katie

ALEX AND KATIE: A VALENTINE REDEMPTION Alex Denton tilted his head back and let the cold water from the showerhead batter his face and gradually he felt like he was coming back to life. The water cascaded down his neck and chest, then wrapped around his lower body and washed slowly to the stone floor and eventually down the drain. He massaged below his eyes in hopes some of the puffiness would be gone before he got to the office. He soaped up and watched the sudsy run-off spill clockwise into...

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Alex and Emma Watson and some shades of Grey

“In here. Immediately!”Alex's voice was demanding, determined, loud. Emma was standing in the lobby of her house, still with the handbag over her shoulder. She had returned from a photo-shooting in the city and was surprised about her brother’s wellcome. But without delay she put her bag down and went into the kitchen. Alex closed the door.“Stay here. And not a word!”He loved it to see his older sister usure about what was happening. Because Emma didn’t move, he pushed her to the big...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 4A Thursday

Chapter 64: Jacob's father's view. 3am, Thursday, October 28th, 2006 Jerusalem was supposed to be the city of God. And it was acting very godlike at the moment. Old Testament God, that is. There was fighting and feuding, bickering and betrayal. A lot of people thought it was odd that all three religions that claimed Jerusalem as a holy place and also claimed mercy and honorable treatment of fellow human beings would not practice it here. The very God each of them claims to worship is...

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Alex and Nicole 3

Alex and Nicole 3 Continued from part two, which is not labeled as part two. You can deduct that from my pay. I looked at Nicole's grinning face, the hot chocolate coated her big toe and was spreading over her stocking. Her legs were crossed and her bouncing foot was close to my face now. She sipped her hot chocolate and watched me over the brim of the cup. The steam didn't cover the playful glint in her eyes. The rule was though, I had to be asked, uhm told? To lick her toes. So...

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Alex and Nicole

Alex and Nicole Continued from part 1 "Fun" I asked. I really wanted this, but I had to put up a front of objection, then it seemed more like I was being forced to do so. Hmmm. Though there were not many choices it seemed. Running around in the house wearing only her underwear was a bit demeaning, so wearing a French Maids dress would solve that completely. There must be some logic there somewhere. Right? Uhm. "It will be like dress-up. Besides, this outfit will fit your...

4 years ago
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Alex and Lauren

Ahhhh. A new school year. A place to start over, a time to make new friends and forget old differences. Alex was looking forward to the first class of the new school year, when he was finally a senior and almost out of school. Besides, there were plenty of new freshman who were young, innocent and naïve, all of whom were totally hot, or had that freshly scrubbed look of a late bloomer beginning to flower. Alex pulled up to the curb in his new Mustang, exhaust pipes booming and the headers...

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Alex Mercer First Kill

Alex Mercer: First kill (a prototype fan fiction)(note: the details and powers given in this story differ significantly from the real game, and such changes were necessary in order that the game may be adapted into an  erotic story. Apologies for such changes if you’re a prototype fan. Some discrepancies may exist as I started writing out when I was playing the game and progressed as I went through the game. The present story assumes Mercer’s state of knowledge when he is in day 6 of Prototype...

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Alex Mercer First Kill

(note: the details and powers given in this story differ significantly from the real game, and such changes were necessary in order that the game may be adapted into an erotic story. Apologies for such changes if you’re a prototype fan. Some discrepancies may exist as I started writing out when I was playing the game and progressed as I went through the game. The present story assumes Mercer’s state of knowledge when he is in day 6 of Prototype 1. Readers may kindly notify me of such...

1 year ago
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He was caught in the middle of puberty - several invisibly fair hairs under his nose and chin. His voice was breaking - shifting from it's high-pitched boyhood into a deeper man's voice. His top button was done up, his tie regulation length and his shirt uncreased. He was a model of perfection - he abided the rules fiercely and was reluctant to change. Alex was sat in his German class, a square room painted in greys and whites, with modern plastic furniture. The teacher was female, with...

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Alex Rider Cherrypopper

"Finally, slowpoke." she teased. Alex shook his head. He was fourteen as well, and he was incredibly well developed. Of course, that's because he was a teenaged spy. All of his life, his uncle had taken him on excursions and adventures that kept Alex is peak physical form, and after Uncle Ian's death, Alex found out the truth: His uncle was a MI6 spy! The British intelligence agency had almost immeadiately saw Alex as a potential resource to use in covert operations; each one nearly...

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Alex and Jakob Morning Glory

Jakob woke as the sunfiltered through his curtains. As he tried to move he realised that his sister was asleep on his arm, he smiled as he watched her start to stir in the morning light. Alex woke with a yawn and her brother’s eyes hungrily soaking in the view of her body. Alex pulled her brothers lips towards her own and kissed him deeply. Jakob’s tongue snaked its way into her mouth through her lips and she wrapped her tongue around his as his arms wrapped around her. His hands were sliding...

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Alex Enjoyed Her Freedom

I had never even seen a picture of Alex before I got on a plane to meet her. We had emailed and chatted, mostly about writing and sex.  Every now and then the conversations would get flirty, but they never turned into anything promising.Believe it or not, there was a time when just writing on the internet could lead to a meaningful relationship. This was in the early 2000s.  I was posting erotica on a blogging site and had about 200 regular readers.   I was twenty-four and single and had money...

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Alex Ch 05

Chapter 05: Alex and Jezzy Once again I would like to thank TRCIII for all of his help and patience. In this chapter, Alex introduces Sarah to a swing. Once again, this crosses into BDSM, but their relationship is still developing. I have decided to stay in Romance. If you feel I have finally crossed the line, I will resubmit this chapter into BDSM. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. The next morning I awoke to the birds chirping and the sun shining brightly in my eyes. Alex...

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Alex An Anonymous Amulet Story

Alex: An Anonymous Amulet Story By Morpheus 10-year-old Alex Fairfax and his best friend Bobby Mitchel hurried home from school, yelling out "No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty look!" It had been the last day of school, and both boys were eager to get home (or at least to Alex's house where the Sega was) and begin the serious business of playing video games. Alex was especially looking forward to it. Ever since he'd gotten the Sega for his birthday a week...

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Alex and Jenna

*Note* This story is totally fictional and a complete work of my imagination. It is also my first submission to this website and I would love some feedback. I apologize for it being so long, but I tend to be particular about details. Hope you enjoy! Jenna bounded down the stairs and paused for a moment to examine her reflection in the hallway mirror. She was wearing a very short jean mini skirt and a new white halter top that showed off her tan perfectly. Satisfied with her hair, makeup, and...

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Alex and Jakob the 2nd coming

For the few days after what happened in the media room Jakob saw very little of Alex. All of his old friends were dropping by at odd times to say hello and catch up over a carton of beer. Jakob only ever got glimpses of Alex, and, in the heat of the tropics she had taken to wearing really short skirts and singlets so Jakob got hard every time he saw her.Alex knew full well the effects she was having on him and loved it. If she caught his eye she would seductively lick her lips and watch him try...

4 years ago
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Alex n Ricky

It was after school when we had drama classes and it was about two hours long. I had been in the club for about a year and a half and i really enjoyed it, while Alex was new to it. So, it was after school, in the theater, and i was early. Then without noticing Alex had came in and i was practicing my sketch. "Hey..uh? Is this the drama club?" Alex said in a shy tone "OH! oh my god!... you scared me!" I said in a startled voice "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to disturb you but...

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Alex Ch 07

I would like to thank TRCIII for his kind suggestions and massive work to make this sound and flow better. I hope you enjoy this story. Please take the time to vote. I awoke in pain the next morning. My ankle was throbbing, I could feel the constriction of the cast as my ankle swelled. I nearly screamed from the pain and fear. I knew this could not be good. Reaching for the intercom, I paged for anyone that would hear me, ‘I need Alex, now. I have a problem with my ankle.’ Less than five...

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Alex and Vicki Twin Tales

Several years ago we had neighbors a few doors down that went through a nasty divorce. Their names were Dusty and Shari, and they had two children - twins. Their son’s name was Drew, and he was a real good-looking boy. In fact my wife would always say ‘that when he grows up, he’ll have every girl in school chasing after him.’ Sara, their daughter, now she was just a little doll with natural blonde hair, and she had the cutest, most innocent face. Before Dusty and Shari’s marriage and alcohol...

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The morning after my big summer kickoff party, I lay in bed just thinking of the day before. I’d started the day off with the most amazing sex with Morgan before anyone else even arrived. What a way to kick off my day. God, I wished she was there with me right then! Morgan was amazing, and eager, and let’s face it, horny as hell! We were a perfect match. Later in the day, I’d also been that close to having sex with Maya. Who knew she had such an amazing body. I’d never realized her tits were...

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Alex Coal 350 337000

We all know what a classic porn star looks like. You and I have seen plenty of them over the years. They have a face full of lip filler, tits full of tit filler, an ass full of ass filler, and an expression that says, "fuck me on top of a pile of dirty needles.Lip Filler's Not Always a Dick FillerIt's not a look that's particularly attractive in person, but it works great on screen. All the disproportional sex organs trick the brain's wiring into filling your dick with blood and your vas...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Alex and I from friend to lover

The year was 1996, I was 36 yrs old, I was newly divorced and living on my own in a nice suburban apartment. Had been dressing for a few years and playing on the weekends, when time allowed. My preference at that time was for other gurls, but would not reject a nice gentleman if I found him attractive and appealing. But, I’m getting ahead of myself here. With the chat rooms geared toward the cd/tv scene plentiful, finding partners for a fun time was not hard at all. I was working 50 to 60 hours...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Alex the Fem Boy

Alex The Fem BoyDexter drove his old modified Gulf War Ambulance Humvee in a foot of water through the city streets. Alex his neighbor and friend was in near panic as they passed stalled abandon vehicles as the Hurricane drove water into the city. “Relax, Brutus is good through 4ft of water, mud, snow and will crawl over anything in our way”, Dexter spoke. Dexter had rebuilt, modified the Humvee having bought it and taken nearly 2 years restoring it end to end. The ambulance body made the...

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