Alex Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 05: Alex and Jezzy

Once again I would like to thank TRCIII for all of his help and patience. In this chapter, Alex introduces Sarah to a swing. Once again, this crosses into BDSM, but their relationship is still developing. I have decided to stay in Romance. If you feel I have finally crossed the line, I will resubmit this chapter into BDSM. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

The next morning I awoke to the birds chirping and the sun shining brightly in my eyes. Alex was already up and gone by the time I awoke. I once again folded all of my clothes into my shorts, except this time I nudged them along with the end of my crutch towards the bathroom. I was going to take a shower by myself. The Doc said it was okay if the cast got wet, just make sure the water completely drained out. Thank goodness for advances in cast material construction.

The Shower was a glass-encased walk-in kind, so I did not need any help, there was even a step for me to sit on. Getting out of the shower, I felt ready to tackle the day. I made my way to the kitchen where Ariela greeted me with a warm smile. I greeted her and sat down at the breakfast table.

‘What would the Señorita like for breakfast? Bacon and eggs, pancakes?’ Ariela said, in a very caring tone. Her English was very proficient.

‘How about a bowl of cereal and some rye toast, Ariela? Do you have any coffee made?’ I knew that I would never be able to get myself something to eat like this at home.

‘Very, well. Coffee is always fresh around here. Senõr Alex drinks coffee by the gallon.’ A genuine smile lit up her face. ‘If you don’t mind me saying, you have made Senõr Alex happier than I have seen him in years. Please do not hurt him. He will give you the world if you let him.’

‘Senõr Alex and I are trying to build a relationship. I just don’t know how much I trust him. One minute I could picture myself spending the rest of my life with him and the next, I am scared to death of him. I need time and space. And he has a problem giving me that.’ Why was I talking to Ariela about our relationship? I did not know her, but I felt very at ease with her.

‘Senõr Alex wants to make you happy. I know he has a different lifestyle, but he is a very caring and trustworthy man. Give him the benefit of the doubt. You will be happy that you did. I see how his eyes light up with devotion, when he sees you. He really does need someone like you, not that witch he brought here a year or so ago.’ ‘That witch’ must have been Samantha. Well at least Ariela and I agreed about her.

‘Señora, I appreciate your insight, but time needs to build this relationship, not your kind words.’ She placed my breakfast in front of me and sat down.

‘You must understand that Senõr Alex needs a woman in his life. One that will not take him for everything he has worked so hard to build. He needs someone that will give him her heart unquestioningly. I sincerely hope that will be you. You seem to very kind, you are one of the few that have come into this house and have treated us all as people and not just hired help. You are a very kind Señorita and one that would be great for Senõr.’ Ariela got back up and continued to tend to the stove. I sat and really thought about her words. I don’t know if Alex set her up to have this chat with me this morning or not. I did get a sense that she was speaking from her heart. Ariela was quickly becoming a friend.

As I was finishing my breakfast, Alex came in. He looked a little out of sorts. ‘That evil mare of yours is living up to her name ‘Jezebel.”

‘What is the matter with Jezzy? What did you do to her? Is she alright?’ I was already on my crutches and headed to the golf cart by the time Alex caught up to me.

‘She is fine, but don’t be surprised if you have a gift eleven months from now. She somehow got out of the paddock and was enjoying the company of Rubi.’ Alex pointed to Jezzy in the paddock with Rubi. I just laughed. ‘I see why you two get along so well. She is just as focused and determined as you are. And I want that foal when it is born.’

‘Now wait a second, she is my mare and the foal is mine. She was the determined one that jumped two five-foot-high fences to get what she wanted. Her perseverance is my gain. Besides with her attitude and talent mixed with Rubi’s strength and grace I’ll bet you it will be an amazing baby.’

‘I bet you it will be too, that is why I want it,’ Alex stammered.

‘You know, everything is an argument with you. Why? Are you so used to getting your own way that you expect me to give in, too?’

‘Yes, it’s true I usually get what I want. What do you want to do about Jezzy and Rubi?’

‘Goodness! The great Alex is giving me a choice? Is hell freezing over as we speak? Is Armageddon coming?’ I was very sarcastic, but he deserved it.

‘Listen smart-ass, I asked you a question and I expect an answer.’

‘That is better, a command. I was getting nervous for a second that Alex the Great was falling. Let them be, the damage is done. I would, however, put a call in to the Vet so he can make sure everything is okay for Jezzy to carry a foal to term. I had never thought of breeding her.’

‘I was going to ride that slut today. I will however call the Vet, to at least get a go-ahead with riding her today.’

‘I want to thank you for offering Rubi’s services. I have a feeling he made Jezzy very happy. Just out of curiosity is he a control freak, too?’

He slapped my ass. It was not hard, but still. ‘What was that for?’

‘Being disrespectful, and if you keep it up I will smack your ass a little harder next time.’

‘The hell you will. You hit my ass again I will be gone, no matter what you or Ariela says.’

‘What did Ariela say to you this morning?’ I did it, I caught him off guard and showed him I have as much, if not more, power than he does.

‘Ariela is just very concerned for you. She and I had an interesting conversation. We agreed about Samantha being a witch. She feels I am the right person for you. But I’m not convinced. One minute I want to love you the next minute I am trying to stop myself from running home. Why can’t I figure you out?’

‘You can’t figure me out? You should be in my shoes. You are so passionate in bed, but yet, so reserved with your clothes on. One minute I think I am your world then the next I just feel like a plaything. I want to give you everything, but I feel like you want to give me nothing in return. Where is that fair?’ I almost felt like he was going to cry. I cringed at the thought of hurting him like this. I was not going to be his slave, but at the same time I didn’t want to leave him either.

‘Alex, honey, I really think I am beginning to fall in love with you.’ He looked into my eyes and placed his hands on my back. ‘But, I am not sure where I fit in. I cannot grovel at your feet. I am not capable of changing myself, and I will not do it for you. You either have to accept me as I am, or I have to leave.’ He was pulling me in close to his chest. I loved the smell of him and didn’t want him to let go of me.

‘I don’t want you to leave, ever. I just want you to look at me as your lead stallion. The herd leader that keeps you safe, happy and very satisfied. I don’t want you to grovel in my presence, I just want you to desire to please me. I am not better than you are and I will never think of you as anything less than my equal, maybe in some ways you are superior. I just want you to trust me and love me. Can you do that?’

I didn’t know what to say. For the first time in a very long time, I was speechless. ‘Come on, Sarah, you can think of something quick-tongued to say,’ but nothing was coming to mind. I wanted him to be happy, but above all, I needed to be happy. I let him pull me tighter to his chest. I was almost in tears. But why? Was it happiness or had he managed to break my will and I subconsciously realized this?

go call the vet and make sure it is okay to ride Jezzy. Then we will take her into the indoor arena where she will still be able to see Rubi. Okay?’ I swore I heard a waver in his voice. Was he as emotional shaky as I was, at that moment?

‘Okay.’ I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes, but there was no way I was going to let him see me cry. Not after that speech.

Alex had Miguel go and get Jezzy. He knew she was going to be very resistant to coming in. Miguel had a way with all of the horses, and Jezzy was no exception. She let Miguel bring her in without any problems. ‘Senõr, you might want to turn her out with Rubi more often. I think they enjoyed each other’s company. Rubi did not want her to leave. To the point I was afraid for my safety.’

‘Sí, Miguel, I will think about it. Gracias.’ Miguel had Jezzy groomed and tacked by the time Alex changed into his riding clothes. I had never noticed how the tight fabric of the breeches drew your eyes to his crotch until now. I think he caught me staring because he gave me a very broad smile as soon as my eyes met his.

‘Alright, let’s see how feisty she is.’ He took the reins from Miguel and led her into the arena. Jezzy was very curious but minded her manners. Alex mounted her and they took a few laps around at a very slow and easy walk. You could see Jezzy trying to figure him out. Did he know what he was doing or could she get away with placing his ass on the ground?

I watched her arch her back, I knew what she was doing but far be it from me to say anything to Alex. I watched her spin and buck. Before I knew it, Alex was on the ground and cursing poor Jezzy. I tried to hide my laughter, but to no avail. I was proud of her, she had more guts than I did.

‘You think that was funny?’ Alex said, standing up and brushing himself off. Jezzy was at the far door, calling to Rubi.

‘I think she was mad at you for taking her away from her new beau. Just get back on and don’t give her a loose rein, she will be fine and so will your pride.’ I was near hysterics but I had to control myself.

The next attempt went much better. This time when Jezzy arched her back Alex was ready and spurred her into a very forward trot. I swear she looked at me and said, ‘I will accept him, but if he gives me a chance then dirt it is.’ I was never more proud of my little superstar. The rest of the ride went okay. It was going to take time for both of them to trust one another. I think Jezzy longer than Alex. I knew if the opportunity presented itself she would buck him off again, and I was fine with that.

I patted Jezzy and fed her a few pieces of carrots while she was groomed. Jezzy was again returned to her paddock with the other mares. It only took a few moments for her to squeal and once again jump her fence and Rubi’s gate.

‘Miguel, from now on just turn her out with Rubi, I don’t want to see her hurt herself. Do you think we could turn her into an International Jumper, too?’ I was laughing, I never knew she could jump so high.

‘Señorita, she is too small to be an International Jumper. But I bet she would be great as a lower level Hunter, as long as Rubi was on the other side of each fence.’ He was laughing, too. No, she was not going to be jumping anything for a long while.

Alex was seated at the table when I returned from the barn. ‘You find her antics funny?’

‘I find her determination, admirable. Let me go wash-up.’ I went to the kitchen sink and washed my hands.

‘I think she is a talented athlete that has a lot of heart. I think she will be a good mother. I just am not sure how she will react to Rubi breeding other mares, in a few months.’

‘Maybe by then she will have tired of him.’ I said it without thinking.

‘So, you are staying.’ He got me and I knew it. Shit, I have to learn to think before I speak.

‘Maybe you will have tired of me by then, too.’ I really hoped not.

‘I don’t think I will have even begun to have you figured out in a few months.’

‘Well, if I am going to be staying—and yes, I do want to stay—let me have a look at the books. Maybe my mind can work some magic on the numbers for this place.’ At least I would be working and not just freeloading.

‘Ariela, you heard that? I want to celebrate tonight. Retrieve a few bottles of the good wine from the cellar. Call Up-Town Caterers and have them prepare a steak and lobster dinner for everyone.’ I was so happy to hear the enthusiasm in his voice, and to think I was the cause for it.

‘Senõr, two nights off in a row for everyone. I think they will come to expect this treatment more often. You are so kind to all of us. Señorita, I am so happy to hear you want to stay. I hope I did my part.’

‘Ariela, you are an amiga. I hope I can trust your decorum?’ I said, giving her a wink.

‘Sí, Señorita, I will not tell a soul.’ She kissed my hand and left in a rush.

I hobbled over to Alex and stood in front of him. I looked deeply into his green-eyes. I wanted us to be happy together. I laced my fingers together behind his head. I pulled his face towards my breasts. He lifted my shirt up and unhooked my bra. Freeing my breasts from their confines, he placed his head in-between them.

‘I love your breasts, so warm and soft. Not to mention so very sensitive.’ With that, he sucked my tit into his mouth. ‘Do you want to go to the living room? No one will bother us.’

He led the way and I slowly hobbled behind him. This was a room encased in pine-stained solid double doors. The furniture was from Victorian Era, and meticulously maintained. The walls were adorned with period pictures. Again, the walls were painted off-white. I was curious if he would let me add some color to this house.

‘I want to try something a little different. Because of your ankle, we are very limited on what we can do, so I have devised a plan. I just need you to trust me. If you feel like things are getting out of hand, please remember the word Jezzy, okay?’

‘Before we do anything, I need to set a few things straight. First, you think I am fun and experimental with my clothes off, but reserved and almost cold with my clothes on. There might be a reason. I do sincerely trust you not to hurt or harm me, when it comes to pressing me beyond my normal boundaries. I also find sex with you fun and interesting. I want you to please me and I want to please you, but that is the product of a normal healthy relationship. Right?’ I was controlled in my tone and demeanor. I really needed to figure out how he expected me to act.

‘Right, I would never do anything to harm you with or without your clothes on. And it is not that I find you cold. I think stand-offish is a better word. You seem to let yourself completely fall under my control. No not control, bad choice of words…’ I could see him searching for a better word. ‘…my leadership in the bedroom. But with your clothes on you argue with me every chance you get. If I asked you to go right you would go…’

‘…left. I know. I have always had a problem with authority, even as a child. With my clothes on, I feel like you are trying to make me become something I am not willing to be. I feel like you want me to accept everything you say and do to me as okay. Well, I have a serious problem not being in control of my own destiny. I really don’t understand what you want from me with my clothes on or off. If it is complete submission, I am sorry it will never happen.’ Was this the end? I was not sure, he was offering me everything I could ever want, but at what cost? ‘If you want me to leave, I will.’

‘No! I don’t want you to leave. I have fallen in love with who you are, not what I think I can make you become. Why is this so damned hard? I can’t explain what I need to say.’ I could see the pain on his face, and then something changed. His eyes became hard and almost unfeeling. ‘Stop arguing with me every chance you get. You are not leaving and I don’t want you to leave. I wan
t you take your clothes off and let me blind-fold you, now!’

‘I don’t think so sir. I am not your personal playtoy. Furthermore if you do not change your tone, I am going home.’ What the heck, this man was becoming very weird, one minute he was caring and then yet again he changed to control freak extraordinaire. All of a sudden, he started laughing.

‘I gotcha good. You really thought I meant that.’ He sat next to me on the sofa. ‘No, I really do want to blindfold you, but only if you agree.’ The tone was back to the caring Alex that I knew.

‘Ha ha ha, I almost left. You know that? I did not find that at all funny. Blindfold me…I am still not sure. Promise not to hurt me?’

‘I promise.’ He held up his three fingers. ‘Come over here, please.’ Behind a screen was the strangest looking contraption I had ever seen. ‘This is a swing, it is designed to support a lot of weight. It is safe, I promise. This is the best way I can think of to play with you, without hurting your leg. Please will you entertain my fantasy?’

‘This does not look safe enough to hold a toothpick let alone me. How the heck am I suppose to get into this contraption? You promise it can hold me?’ The device was strange, it looked like a bunch of wide leather straps with a satin type of seat. The spot where my right leg would go was a steel plate covered by velour and Velcro straps.

‘As you can see I had a special leg piece made. It is designed to offer full support to your leg without any pressure being applied. I hope it is as comfortable as my artisan made it sound. Please, if you have any discomfort, let me know immediately. I do not want to cause you any additional pain. I have been guaranteed this will hold up to half-a-ton, so holding you and I together is not a problem. The bolts are attached to a beam in the ceiling, it was attached by a professional, also. When you have healed, this leg piece can be replaced with a normal ankle cuff. Will you please entertain me, and let me help you up into the seat?’

‘Alright, but how is this suppose to help? And don’t we need to be naked to have sex?’ I was a little worried for my personal safety, not because of Alex, but because of the swing.

Alex came over to me, slowly he drew my shirt over my head, but did not pull it off all the way. Reaching around my back, he undid the snaps of my bra, letting it fall to the floor. Slowly he ran his hands down my back to the cheeks of my ass. He gently squeezed and then unbuttoned my shorts. I stepped out of them and my panties. Alex then stepped away from me. ‘Don’t take your shirt off, yet.’

When he returned to me, he took my shirt off. He was standing in front of me naked and with a blindfold. I tried to reject the blindfold, but quickly gave in. Maybe it would be fun, I could always beg for it to be taken off later. Gently he lifted me up into the seat of the swing. The material of the seat was a little slippery.

Alex walked away for a few minutes. I could not see where he went, I just knew I was alone. I heard him return.

‘Trust me?’ I just shook my head ‘yes’. I felt the soft thick cuffs affixed to my wrists. Slowly he raised my arms up, drawing my wrists together, above my head, and attached to something. He placed my broken leg in the special harness and fastened the Velcro around my cast. I did not feel any pain, just a yearning to know what he was going to do to me. I felt the wide soft cuff attached to my good leg, and then drawn out to the side. I was spread-eagle, and could not move. I was a little scared, but knew I could trust Alex not to hurt me.

I was trying to get used to my position when I heard him say, ‘Are you ready? I really think you are going to enjoy this. Just remember if anything gets to be too much just say ‘Jezzy.” I nodded in agreement. ‘When I say something I expect an answer.’ I felt a slight sting on my upper thigh close to my crotch.

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Kissin cousins and more pt 4Today is Saturday Uncle Bob is going to play golf with three of his friends and will be gone most of the day and Aunt June is going shopping and out to lunch with a couple of her girl friends and should be gone until at least four o'clock. My Uncle Bob tells me that I am doing a great job and that all of his men on the job like me which makes me very happy. We are almost done with this project and should finish about a week ahead of schedule and should earn all of us...

2 years ago
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Riverdale Kids No MoreChapter 6

Moose knew that Midge was angry and he knew that she had every right to be. The day before the Senior Prom and he had just finished telling her that he would not be taking her. He knew exactly how much effort she had put into the dress, his tux, the whole evening. He knew how important it had been to her, but he could not go through with it. Not after what he knew now. He was gay. He could not hide it anymore. For the longest time the idea had not even crossed his mind that he was anything...

3 years ago
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A Summer At The Beach House Part 1

When I was born, fifty-two years ago, I was a chubby baby with a very light complexion and a head full of red hair. I was a contrast to my siblings, as they all had a complexion darker than mine, and darker hair. We used to spend our summer vacations at the beach, and it was funny to see my siblings and my parents getting a perfect tan while the best I could get was a bright red color, then I peeled off all the burnt skin and got burnt all over again. I inherited my colors from both my...

2 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 13

There were a lot of things to do other than screw like bunnies, but I really considered them to be secondary things. I knew from looking at Mom that when I was older there would be other things, but right now I was far more interested in hard cocks and what they could do for me. In a funny way Liz and I actually grew closer by growing apart slightly. I realized I didn't have that one person in my life I could always talk to. After a fun lunch time with Dick, I went looking for her. I...

3 years ago
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Tale of two mothers ch3

"How long have you fantasized about a sexual relationship with your mother, Walter?" Margaret Kelly asked. "Is that what she told you?" Walter raised his eyebrows. "That I fantasized about it?" "Is there something else I should know?" Walter hesitated. "No. No, that's it. I fantasize about it." He grinned. "Yeah, I've been fantasizing about it a lot these days." Margaret squirmed on the chair across from his, tapping...

3 years ago
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An Assessment of the GIRL Program Revised

An Assessment of the G.I.R.L Program (Revised) By Seaweed Smells Jenny Boko read the report for the fourth time looking for typos and errors. Finding none she placed the report on her desk and picked up her phone. "Karla, it's me Jenny. I have the revised GIRL Program Report ready for you. ..... Fine, I'll bring it right away." Jenny picked up the report and walked out of her office. As she walked down the corridor towards Karla's office she pondered the paradox that was her...

2 years ago
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I Fucked House Wife Infront Of Her Husband In Hyderabad

Hi every one I’m new to this site i want share my experience as i am writing this story first time and don’t have experience of writing stories, so please ignore any mistakes and enjoy it. Any one contact me on i am sorry for not discuss their names here for safe only. My name is Vijay (name changed) 24 years old and live in Hyderabad i am going to tell my true story in my life that happened few days back i don’t want to waste time so i will come quickly to the story. I am 28 young 5.11 and...

1 year ago
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Confessions Evelin Stone Taking Her Massaging Skills To The Next Level

Evelin Stone loves to be a masseuse. She meets so many interesting people. She loves when she has to make house calls to one gentleman as she can’t stop fantasizing about what his cock looks like. She gets a chance when Charles robe slips open. Opportunity knocks and she takes it by the balls… literally! Who wants a foot massage when they can get a cock massage?!? Evelin takes him all down her throat but wants so badly to feel that hard shaft deep in her pussy! Charles wastes no...

2 years ago
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Tales of My Depraved Live Part 1

My neighbor Val was 53 and had big tits. By looking at her face you could see where her daughter’s pretty looks came from. One day I removed a wasp’s nest from a tree in her backyard. When one of them stung me, she took me into her laundry room and ran cold water on my hand. In the process she leaned into me; her pelvis on my hip, and her tits against my back and arm. She occasionally turned for some reason and the points of her tits would rub against me. This happened several times and I...

4 years ago
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My First Threesome

I always jump when my phone rings, but I guess that's because I always have some crazy loud heavy metal ringtone on it.Anyway I was just about to finish work on Friday when the thing went off and after recovering from my usual fright I picked it up and saw that it was Emily calling me.Emily was the sexy business type. The married 41 year old that I'd met in the pub and who had totally seduced and dominated me in my own flat.We'd been having a very casual but extremely fulfilling relationship...

3 years ago
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Geneva School for GirlsChapter 2

“I can’t wait for tonight, Daddy.” Hedge fund founder Chris Hart looked down at his 18-year-old daughter sitting beside him, the warmth of her whispered comment tickling his ear. He saw his daughter catch his eyes as they flicked from her pretty face to her prominent bustline. She purposely took a deep breath, causing her ample breasts to teasingly fill out the front of her school uniform blouse. Those tits looked so big and soft as they stretched the white cotton blouse taut, but then,...

1 year ago
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Gang Banged by Members of the Football Team

"Alright guys, hit the shower, and get some sl****p, remember games at 8:00 tomorrow. Now Bucks on three." The head coach of the varsity football team said. "1... 2... 3 ... BUCKS!!!" Yelled the whole football team. Then they made their way towards the locker room. I had watched the last half hour of their practice in a white tank top and black mini skirt along with a friend and her boyfriend. However we spent much more time talking than actually watching the practice. We continued our...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

3 years ago
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1st Class Coach Me Chudd Gai Me

Diwali k aggey ki raat thi mujhe mumbai se ahemdabad apne ghar jana tha. Mumbai me mera college hai aur me apna mba kar rahi hun. I was very tired that day and mujhe bahut zyada nind aa rahi thi. I was waiting fr my train at the station and wishing that train jaldi aa jaye. Jese hi train ayi me apne 1st class coach me ja kar beth gayi. Kyuki mere father railway me hain me 1st class me hi travel karti hun. Thodi hi der me vaha ek ladka aya jiski height average si thi well built tha and he was...

2 years ago
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Sarahs hottest day

Are you feeling horny it reads ….. Wanna have some fun ???? Mmmm Sarah replied you've got my attention Are you rubbing your nipples….. Is your hand drifting towards your panties (are you wearing any) Are you pulling your Panties to one side (Sarah’s phone vibrated pinging in quick succession) Is your pussy moist, are you teasing your clit with your fingertips ??? Have you inserted a finger or 2 or 3…… Are you licking it/ them how does it taste…. Mmmmhmmmm Sarah...

3 years ago
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Jon and Karen Chapter 1

Jon Todd walked into the bar at the Edinburgh University Students Association and went straight to the bar.“Pint of 50 shilling please,” he said to the barman, his flat Yorkshire vowels contrasting with the softer Scottish accents all around him. He’d only come to Edinburgh the year before because that’s where his father had studied, and HE wanted his eldest child to study there as well. It was one of the prices you paid for being the son of one of the country’s pre-eminent surgeons. You had to...

College Sex
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Something for the weekend Chapter 1

Sodding budget airlines he thought as he looked up at the flight departure screen, all showed a blue colour except the last flight of the night to Glasgow. Every flight was on time or boarding except his, the display flashing, 'Please contact your airline service desk,' in an angry and taunting red. So much for getting home in time for a late dinner. He scanned the terminal and saw a queue of about twenty agitated people off to his right all trying to ask the same questions of the harassed...

2 years ago
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Saritha Bhabhi Fucked

When my brother went to US for his postdoctoral research, his wife, that is my bhabi was left alone at their house. Her mother could not come because of her daughter had come home for confinement. My mother herself was not in good health and hence she too could not come. My brother asked whether I can be of help to her.I was doing my PG and I may have to spend my nights in the house of my brother. His wife, my bhabi, Saritha was an asst Prof. in a college and hence she could not accompany her...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 17 Awards

Dave lay panting on the sofa next to four people he didn’t know. He’d fucked the two women, and then other men had come and done them next to him as he did Julia Ann again. Rebecca and TJ were their names: both blondes, sexy, and bordering on enthusiastic nymphomania – just the way Dave liked his sex partners. They were certified sluts. Everyone at the party was – male or female. Julia Ann lay against him with her eyes closed. Occasionally, she’d kiss his chest. She had an arm draped across...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Alice Fantasy Horny Busty Alice Gets A Creampie

Alice is here today to show of her amazing and busty tits! She is horny and wants to get fucked by a big dick and get a nice load of cum inside her pussy. To satisfy her urge, Jesus Reyes comes in with his huge cock. First, Alice starts with a sensual and long blowjob; at first she struggles to get it all in her mouth, but with each stroke she gets inside her cute mouth. Followed by Alice getting banged hard from all sides until she gets creampied. Not only does she get cum inside her perfect...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Made the Cam Slut Ch 2

Trying to use Sarah to get Anne into my little plot might be interesting, but could also backfire leaving me empty handed. While musing about it, another profile catched my eye. This girl, her name was Nora, looked to be the exact opposite of Sarah: Black long hair, dark eyes, a white skin, silver necklace and a black dress with a deep cleavage. She would probably call herself a goth, punk or emo - I really didn't know anything about this scene stuff, but I knew that she looked damn hot. And...

2 years ago
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Strangers to LoveChapter 10

When Leanna came up out of the blackness, she stayed very still. She could here the man cussing under his breath. He was to her left. She knew from the floor and the smell that she was in the main barn. She could hear the cows in the distance to her right, so figured the doors were in that direction. Straining her ears, she tried to determine how far away he was and how close she was to the door. Then she heard him. He was moving towards her. She tried to get away by scooting backwards but he...

3 years ago
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The Gardener

Lindsey and Martin had been in a relationship for five years. They were both in their late twenties and equally successful. Lindsey was a human resources lawyer and Martin an accountant.Four years before they had decided to cohabit in Martin’s home for two reasons; Firstly, Martin had a magnificent garden and secondly, because Martin worked from home, he already had a well laid out office to suit his needs. Lindsey, whose home needed a great deal of TLC at that time, was therefore happy to sell...

Gay Male
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The ProfessorChapter 27 Meeting the Dean CPS The Lawyerrsquos Daughter

The following Thursday I got asked to come to Dean Winslow Phillips’ office for a one p.m. meeting. I was there five minutes early, feeling about as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I did have one card up my sleeve that might help or hurt my case; only time would tell. Dean Phillips secretary escorted me into his conference room and got me a diet coke. He came in a minute later. “Professor Clark, I’m sorry to meet under potentially adversarial conditions today....

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 54

Hailey sat and took notes as Rob Costello, a man whose name she didn’t catch and, inexplicably, Nikki Bradshaw, gave their presentation about the future of Waterford & Waterford. Hailey understood that Beth and her PA, the indispensable Bonita Nejara, took notes of their own but she was proud that Beth often asked about her impression of meetings and people. The text Phil had sent her while Tiffany showered had let her relax and turn her focus toward her job. It helped distract her from...

2 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 15 Bad Day For The New Purple

Evening Monday May 26, 2008 An LA Pizza Place - Formerly Black Kings territory We had to do something about the Pammie and Tonto; Tonto’s mother was rabid in opposing 49 and there were too many ways the budding romance could blossom into a nasty gang war. Plus there were some real benefits to a long-term association with the Crystal Aztexs, assuming the 10% to 20% that were fanatical violent meth-heads could be eliminated. So I had arranged a meet with Tony, the head of the Aztexs. The...

2 years ago
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Love that young Cock

I had gone to visit my friend Melissa one evening . She was divorced and lived alone with her k**s Georgia,her daughter, and David, her 18 year old son. Georgia is a little round ball of energy, while David is tall and lanky like her ex husband. As we passed the time chatting, it had begun to snow. I wasn’t really paying attention to the time or the weather and by the time I was ready to leave, there was a significant amount on the ground. After one look outside, Melissa insisted that I spend...

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Jessies Journal Ch 02

Jessie’s Journal as told to BrettJ © 2007 November 20 Okay, just as a finally calmed down, I get Aunt Allie’s birthday gift — holy fuck, she gave me a porno movie. After last night’s festivities, I thought it might be a little anti-climactic, but I had to wait for Breanna to show up for our shopping trip. No one was home, so I got it out of the box. The film was called HIDDEN OBSESSIONS, directed by some guy named Andrew Blake. I doubted I could get into it, but I was wrong. The women were...

1 year ago
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Country GirlChapter 6 Upper Education

My sis, Jessica, wanted me to visit her at school during the homecoming week. The folks had no problem with that and I took a bus to the big University. I arrived at her school on Tuesday night and everyone seemed to be in a festive mood. Preparation for the weekend were everywhere. Not much schooling, just parties everywhere, finishing floats, decorating dorms and frat houses, very busy. Jess must have been popular because she was being called to by everyone she went by. Most of the guys...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Story part 2

Azem was to pick me up from the tennis hall later in the evening. His car stopped just in front of me with squeaking tires. I bumped inside and threw myself at the sexy driver. I licked his chin up to his mouth and smacked his nose. He embraced me to feel my heart’s throb. Not sure if the situation between me and him was exactly what the scientists call a ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, but the fact is, I missed him a lot for these few hours. ‘It feels weird in this car without the handcuffs on,’ I...

2 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 24

Janice and Jennifer had both lost their status as virgins in the family and not only had they been deflowered but both of them had it done by their natural fathers. But the newly established sexual relationship between Chuck, Tim and their own daughters was not the only hot erotic sexual event bubbling up in this family. Both Sue and Cindy had sons who were the same age -- about 15 years old, who had reached puberty and had their own hot male hormones raging through their young maturing...

2 years ago
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Topless At a the Beach

James and I planned to go to a nude beach but decided at the last minute to try this beach which was hard to get to thinking it would be deserted. This was a while ago and before I had become more brazen in my flashing. I'm at a stage now where I'll wear sheer tops in public without a bra or quite easily strip naked in public, but back then, I wasn't as brave. I was going to wear a tight singlet as a dress with only my thong underneath but decided against that, instead going for a loose singlet...

1 year ago
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RAKSHA BANDHAN KA TOHFA I am Mridula. This is my first story narrated by my brother who gave me an incredible gift on Rakhi. If you like my story, you can email me and I will try to respond to your emails. I hope to entertain you. My email id is Mridula didi ka jhagda adalat mein chal raha tha kion ki didi ne apne pati per talak ka case kar diya tha. Main uss wakt Hostel mein rehta tha. Mujhe meri maa Shobha Devi ka phone aaiya,” Beta, teri didi ke case ka kal faisla hone wala hai aur ab usska...

4 years ago
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Voicemail by Virtual Scott I was in my daughter Mimi's room balancing the phone handset on one shoulder and trying to paw through the stack of college admissions paperwork. I'd gotten a busy signal again. I cursed the guidance counselors under my breath as I almost dropped the entire file on the floor. My finger, which had been headed for the "redial" button on Mimi's fancy phone, jerked and hit the last, unlabeled, speed dial setting instead. I realized my mistake when instead of...

3 years ago
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The New Begining

Jason was a normal everyday guy, except for one thing he had a huge sexual appitite and was willing to try and do anything at least once. His only problem was that he would start dating a girl and when one of his fetishes came out she was gone. It seemed to him that he'd never find a girl that was perfect for him until the day came that he joined a website online. Orginally he had done it simply for the porn on there thinking he'd find some videos of his said fetishes until he went online to...

1 year ago
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Black Balled

Just a week before, I had received my first ass fucking from a man. I was so lucky to have the first penis I ever touched to be so erotic and enormous. He was black, bald and huge. My body turned to putty as his perfectly smooth penis spoiled me into a size queen brat. I wanted to conquer more giant, black cocks like my first. I booked a single's cruise to the Caribbean..........alone. Most of the trip at sea I gambled and drank, mostly keeping to myself yet eyeballing EVERY tall, black stud on...

4 years ago
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Son gets filled by Daddy

I didnt meet my dad until I was k**. Therefore, hes always been a bit of a mystery to me. I used to be able to see him only in school holidays, and special celebrations. He is taller than me and bald he shaves his head. He was always very tender with me. I remember one time when in my room, my floor was covered with ants, I screamed. He descended the stairs in his loose boxer shorts, and appeared, muscular shoulders in my doorway. He calmly bent over my bed and scooped me up. His arms were so...

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