Alex Ch. 07 free porn video

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I would like to thank TRCIII for his kind suggestions and massive work to make this sound and flow better. I hope you enjoy this story. Please take the time to vote.

I awoke in pain the next morning. My ankle was throbbing, I could feel the constriction of the cast as my ankle swelled. I nearly screamed from the pain and fear. I knew this could not be good. Reaching for the intercom, I paged for anyone that would hear me, ‘I need Alex, now. I have a problem with my ankle.’

Less than five minutes later, Alex came running into the room. The pressure and pain were increasing at a rapid rate. The tears were streaming down my face from the pain. Alex offered me the pain pills and quickly called the Doc. I sat there gripping the covers of the bedspread trying to redirect the pain. Alex was talking to Meghan. When he got off the phone, he turned to me and said, ‘Meghan said to get you to the office as quickly as we can. She is going to have to take the cast off. She said you could have a second pill in fifteen minutes, if the pain is still unbearable.’

Helping me get dressed, I tried to hobble on my crutches, to the porch. Alex retrieved his car and pulled-up as close as he could. I collapsed into the passenger seat, in sheer agony. The pain was so much more intense now than what it had been when I broke it initially. Alex looked flustered and concerned, as he made what should have been a half-hour drive in fifteen minutes.

The Doctor’s Office was not scheduled to open for another hour, but Meghan was standing in the doorway when we pulled up with a wheel chair. Opening up the door she looked down at me and said, ‘I said not to do anything for at least two weeks. The swelling has increased because, I am going to guess, you have not been keeping it elevated. And knowing Alex, he has been trying other ways to decrease the pain.’ At the last statement, she gave me a wink.

Her lecture continued as she wheeled me into the exam room. ‘I am going to have to cut the cast off, so we can control the swelling. I am going to fit you for a splint boot. You must keep it elevated, and in addition, iced. Moreover, I repeat NO doing…anything. You could develop a blood clot. That will cause other problems. Please, I cannot stress this enough: do not do anything for the next two weeks.’

‘Can I at least sit at a desk with my leg elevated, working on a computer?’ I asked in a meek voice. I made a promise to myself to heed the doctor’s advice.

‘I suppose, but please be careful. The break is not severe, thankfully.’ She finished cutting off the cast with a little hand saw. My ankle looked grotesque, all purple and puffy. Gently she laid an ice pack over the swollen area.

Alex came in from moving the car. The Doc gave him a stern look then asked him to step out in the hall with her. I strained to hear what they were saying, but to no avail. When they came back in Alex looked like a scolded puppy. ‘How about a wheelchair?’ Alex piped up.

‘Only until I put a cast back on her in two days…just to prevent any other injury from occurring. I suggest she sleep with several pillows under her leg, on her back. Without any additional weight on her.’ Meghan was looking directly at Alex with a cold, piercing stare.

The splint boot was heavy and very awkward. I was thankful for the wheelchair. The weight when I hung my leg freely down was very bad. Back into the safety of the car, we thanked the good Doc, and left. She had given me a prescription for stronger pain pills, I think to encourage sleeping instead of frolicking.

Alex apologized so many times on the way back home that I got sick of listening to it. I found a Classic Rock station and turned it up to drown him out. He got the point and let me be the rest of the way home. At least this time it was a slow ride.

When we arrived back at the house, everyone came around to make sure I was okay. I really appreciated their concern. ‘Miguel, how is Jezzy doing?’

‘Very good. She is out with Rubi and both of them seem very happy. Please, do not worry about her, she will be okay. You need to worry about yourself.’ Miguel was so kind. He turned and left and the small crowd dissipated.

Back in the house, this time a wheelchair ensured I had a seat. Ariela set bacon, eggs and toast down in front of me. It looked delicious, but I wasn’t hungry. I ate the toast and drank the orange juice. I thanked her, though.

Alex sat and ate his breakfast, in silence. ‘Hey, what is bothering you? I know you feel responsible for the swelling, but it really is not your fault. I could have said no.’ I was sincere.

‘I know that, but I don’t think I would have taken no as an answer. So, in that regard I feel absolutely responsible. I brought you here so you could heal, not end up with more problems. What I was trying to avoid, I caused. I feel so bad.’

‘It’s okay. I would have pushed myself even more if I were home by myself. Look at it this way, I have a few weeks to do nothing but concentrate on bookwork.’ And do my research, but I left that part out.

Boris came into the kitchen, half-naked. The sight was not pleasant. ‘Good morning,’ he said, yawning. ‘What happened to you?’ he asked, seeing me in a wheelchair.

Alex quickly jumped in and explained the predicament that transpired this morning. ‘Well, I hope you have the strength to help Ivan and myself?’ he said.

‘Actually computer and book work is about all I can do for the next two weeks. So, after your breakfast we can get started.’ I was curious what his books looked like.

‘Good.’ Kiska, Ivan and Vania all came into the kitchen. Alex and Boris tried to explain what they had slept through this morning. I excused myself. I needed to take a shower, I felt hopelessly grimy. Back into the solitude of my room, I retrieved my clothes and my crutches. I wheeled myself into the bathroom.

As I finished spraying the last of the soap from my sore and aching body, Alex came in. ‘You need any help? Boris detained me, or I would have been in here sooner.’

‘Not unless you can make me heal, faster. I miss Jezzy. I want to ride her so bad. Will we be able to pick-up where we left off? You are a trainer, I know she will stay in shape, but I can already feel my hips have tightened up and my hands. My hands…will I remember all the little nuances that have taken me years to learn and develop? How do I stay in practice without physically riding?’

Alex, handed me the last few articles of clothing I needed to put on and said, ‘Jezzy is pregnant. By the time you are ready to advance your riding, she will be too far along to be ridden anyways. Not to make you even more depressed, but the only way to keep your skills sharp is to ride. In the office, I have every book written by all the great Masters. You may read until your brain is beyond full. In a few weeks when you can start walking, we will discuss you possibly teaching a few of my students. So, you can stay in mental practice. Once you are able to ride, I am going to start you out on my older schoolmaster. He is a very gentle and forgiving horse. Please, do not worry, it will all be okay. You need to just be patient and heal. I promise that by this time next year, you will be even better than you already are. I promise you that.’

‘I hope you are right,’ I said, as I wheeled out of the bedroom, headed for the office. My new life—of computers and numbers—was about to begin. Oh, joy. How I much preferred to ride, train and even possibly, teach.

‘Is there any way I can move into a different room? I need light. I am already depressed and the darkness of this office is making it worse,’ I said, as I rolled up to the desk.

‘Yes, I have just the room. You can look out on the lake and even see Jezzy. Here, let me push you.’ He pushed me back out and across the house, headed back towards the bedroom. Across the hall from the bedroom was a large room with large bay windows and a sliding glass door that
opened onto the porch. There was very little furniture, just a small desk and a couch. ‘Don’t worry, I will have it fully furnished by the end of today. Jorge and Pedro will be in here to set-up a conference table and a desk. The computer guy will be around in a few hours. Is there anything else you would like? This is your room.’

‘My room, to decorate and furnish how I desire? Does that mean if I want to paint the stark, white walls I can?’

‘Yes, just tell Pedro what color you want it and he will do it. If you want different furniture than what I have selected, just order new. It is really very simple.’

‘Tell you what. Why don’t I work out of the dungeon office today and tomorrow? That will give me a chance to get this room set-up how I wish. In my truck, in the backseat, under a few blankets, is my laptop. Would you mind getting it for me?’

‘I thought you left it home. But, of course not.’ He handed me a notebook and said, ‘Just write down what you want in here. And I will be back.’ He gave me a peck on the cheek and left.

I was sitting there envisioning all the different ways I could decorate. I saw Jezzy and Rubi, he was grooming her neck with his teeth. I just laughed. My little superstar was really enjoying his company. I hoped it would last, for her sake and mine. I wanted my desk right here. At an angle, I could watch Jezzy and I could see most of the schooling area, just not the jumping course.

Alex came in and returned me back to the matters at hand. ‘This is heavy, what else is in here?’

‘You would not believe me if I told you: my whole life,’ I said chuckling. I unzipped the leather compartment and pulled out my laptop and all the cords. Much to Alex’s surprise, I unzipped another compartment and pulled out large, thick pink vibrator. I shook it at him and said, ‘This is going to be the only action I get for a while. I want you to meet my old best friend.’

Alex had a look of shock, it took him a few minutes to digest what I was holding. Then he came back with, ‘Your old best friend. Does that mean I am your new best friend?’

‘No. Not all of you.’ I folded my finger, beckoning him closer to me. ‘No, this is my new best friend.’ I said, as I rubbed his cock through his shorts. ‘He just happens to be attached to you,’ I said, giving him a wink.

‘You know, Meghan threatened me with physical harm if I didn’t stay off of you, out of you. However, you would like to put it. But she never said anything about you staying off of me.’

Pulling him by his shirt closer to me, ‘I can lick you, I can taste you. You can lick me you can taste me. I just don’t think I can feel you deep in me. I am going to miss feeling your throbbing cock deep in me, the feeling of your balls bouncing up against me.’ Pulling his lips tight to mine, I was trying to inhale him. I wanted him.

Pulling away from my mouth, ‘Oh, my sweet little filly, there are lots of ways to pleasure you. I will miss the feeling of your hot tightness around my cock. I will miss you milking me, when your body responds to the pleasure. I will wait, but I am not going to let your body rest for the next two weeks. No, my sweet little filly, I am going to find unique ways to make your body explode from my touch. I am going to enjoy that…’

He pressed his mouth tight to mine, our tongues pressing hard against one another. There was a sense of urgency between us. Breaking away, he panted, ‘…that oh-so-talented mouth of yours. I want to feel your hot lips wrap around my cock. I want to feel that powerful, talented tongue of yours licking me, flicking me. I want to watch as I shoot my seed at your mouth. I want to watch you lick my seed off of your lips.’ I could feel the mammoth erection pressing against my arm. I wanted him.

Wiggling his fingers up the loose leg of my shorts, I felt his skilled finger graze the crotch of my panties. ‘My, you are very wet. I want to feel you clasp around my fingers. I want to hear you moan in pleasure. I want you…’ Our lips were locked, my body was on fire. All this talking was making me so wet.

Alex moved my panties off to the side and pressed deeply into me. I tried to scream. Our tongues pressing against one another at a feverish pitch relaying the intensity. I tried to reach for him, but could not. I wanted to feel the hardness in my hand. I wanted his taste in my mouth. Deeper and harder he thrust his fingers passionately in me. Then, the knock at the door shattered the moment.

‘We will finish this later,’ he promised, kissing me deeply.

I quickly tried to regain my composure as Pedro and Jorge came in with several large boxes and power tools. Alex stalled them for a few minutes as I quickly replaced the vibrator back into the computer bag. They were going to be making a racket in here for at least an hour. I decided the dungeon office would be quieter.

Back across the house, I was beginning to feel like a large yo-yo, with wheels. ‘Boris said he and Ivan can wait till your office is settled. He really appreciates this. I want you to choose some books to place in your office. And one final thing: do you have a preference on software?’

‘Whatever software you use, I should be able to work with. I will be stealing several dozen riding books. I need to keep my mind active, since my muscles are going into remission. I trust you on this whole Boris and Ivan thing, but can we finish what we started?’ I said with pleading eyes. My body was so responsive to his masterful touch.

Back in the dungeon office…I really liked the ring of that. So from now on, it would be, ‘The Dungeon Office.’ His library was vast. I decided to go for all the books on the United States Dressage Federation—USDF—Judge’s reading list, for starters. Then I added Kapitzke and a few other excellent trainers and authors to my list. Everything by DeKunffy was a must-read.

Then Alex pulled out a box. ‘These are several books I would like you to read. I have them in order, with the most important ones on top. Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns, is at the top of my list, followed very closely by SM101, and Sensuous Magic. Please take your time reading these and if you have any questions please let me know. In addition, you need to understand, I do not expect submission as a lifestyle choice. Like I have said before, if you only submit in the bedroom, that is all I desire.’

I swore he wanted to add ‘for now’, but he did not. I now had more books than I could ever read, but that was okay. The bookshelves in the dungeon office still appeared to be full even though I had confiscated nearly three dozen. Alex rolled me over in front of the desk and sat down in the leather chair.

I pulled my own shorts and panties down off my good leg and left them hanging over to the side. Propping my good leg up on top of the desk, I was indiscreetly telling Alex I wanted his touch. My freshly trimmed pussy was on display for him. The soft folds offered him a slight hint of a musky smell, I could feel the wetness that I was sure was very visible. Gently he started rubbing the upper part of my thigh, inching ever closer to where I wanted him, where I needed him. Gently he tugged on my lips rubbing my wetness into me. Slowly Alex stood up so our lips could meet. With hard thrusts, he drove his fingers into me. His thumb was rubbing up against my clit with every thrust in. I could hear the wetness. The feeling was intense. His tongue was muffling my yells. An orgasm rolled through my body, I was, for the moment, satisfied but not content.

I pushed him gently away and reached for his pants. ‘No, I want to wait. I just wanted to offer you a little release. I appreciate the desire to please me, but no thank you.’ Alex surprised me. I felt odd receiving pleasure, albeit small, and not giving anything in return.

The knock on the door interrupted us again. This time I was content, although there is a distinct difference between fingers and a cock. Unfortunately, I was not in the positio
n to disapprove. Boris came in stating that the conference table was set-up. Once again, back across the house, I had to snicker to myself. This was getting to the point of becoming comical.

This massive oak table dominated the room. There were ten solid oak chairs surrounding the immense table. I was hoping I was not going to be using this table to entertain many people. I could pile piles of papers on it, though. Who needs a filing cabinet? Turning my head towards Alex I said, ‘I would like a desk and two large filing cabinets to match the desk. Also, I’d enjoy a few bookcases in the same oak against the wall, closest to the bathroom. In addition, I think I have decided on a two-tone color for the room. Two-foot-wide vertical strips, one color a flat light gray, almost white, and the other a satin darker grey.’

‘She knows what she wants. I like that in a woman. You’d better work hard to keep her happy,’ Boris said, with a full belly laugh. ‘Now, can we please get started? I have to leave in three days.’ Boris sat a large steel briefcase on the table. ‘Where do we want to start?’

‘I am not sure what I am looking for, nor am I sure what you are expecting. So why don’t we start with what I am suppose to be looking for.’ I said.

‘I am having a problem, substantial amounts of money have been disappearing at an alarming rate. I want you to see where it is going and why. I have all of my financial records in here.’ Boris slid a large manila folder over to me. ‘Also, all of my checking and other bank information are on these CDs. I have had my IT guy format it for use with Alex’s software.’ Two jeweled CD cases slid over to me.

‘Okay, I am going to start this very easy. The first place I like to check is what we call a fictitious employee. This is the easiest way to steal money. What I need you and Ivan to do is look over all of the names of your employees that have received a check, tell me if they really exist. Then we will look at their previous pay, before this started and compare it to the present pay. If pay does not match, there is the start of the problem. I will do my normal audit bit, including expanding to all of your vendors. I will do my best to find this problem in the next few days.’ I was excited. I was actually going to be doing something other than lying on my back.

‘Alex, I know you have a lot for me to do, also. Do you mind if you give me the rundown on your financials a little later this afternoon?’ I didn’t want to get so bogged down with new information that I actually missed something or screwed up. ‘Another thing, Boris, if you do not mind me asking. How much money and when did you first suspect something?’

‘In American dollars, around three million, maybe even more. I am not sure. I started seeing less in the accounts than I thought should be there about two months ago. Whoever is doing this is going to pay dearly.’ I could see the hurt and hatred in his eyes. If Boris was anything like Alex, they give so much, so freely. When someone steals, it is both personal and business. I truly felt sorry for him and I promised myself that I was going to help him.

‘I need to go attend to my farm. I have been so taken by you being here that I have let my other obligations slide. I need to ride a few horses and teach a few lessons today. If you need anything just remember the intercom. Ariela will bring you some water or juice in a little while. If you need anything else, please page Jorge.’ Kissing me on the forehead Alex got up and left. Boris quickly followed suit.

Here I was, with mountains of paperwork and a mystery to unravel. I hate dishonest people and to add to that, thievery, I wanted to catch this person. I was surprised when, after three hours of searching, I had already found a few discrepancies. This person was clever, a real vendor was a very good cover. But they did not take the time to cover their tracks.

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Revenge is Sweet Part 2

Introduction: Mollys a dirty girl… Molly walked through the door after a long day at school. Brian wasnt sitting in his chair. She walked upstairs. It was odd- ever day since her mother had been kicked out three months back. She missed her mother but preferred to live with Brian. Molly knew all about the affair- she had often watched her mother and Tom having sex. She never told Brian-Tom had told her shed be in big trouble if she did. But when Brian sat her down the morning after it all kicked...

3 years ago
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Dreams of an Everyday Housewife

January fifteenth was a beautiful winter day in Raleigh, North Carolina. Jean Foxworth, standing on her front porch, was delighted to feel the gentle west wind, the sunny seventy degrees. Frank, her husband, had been promoted last November to captain, flying Marshall Laboratory's, Cessna 500. That had doubled his wages. They had gone from being poor folks to doing very well. Jean had been looking at homes in the Ryland development. No one would be awed by their size, since they were only...

4 years ago
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Hot day and russian blonde girl

It happened in the summer of last year, I was walking down the street as if nothing had happened. It was terribly hot outside, and my head was empty, another monotonous day. When I reached the alley, I decided to sit on a bench that was covered with a large shadow and cool off a little. The prospect of sitting in the shade and watching people pass by cheered me up a little, and I sat down well on a bench and began to look around. A passerby with a dog was passing to my left, and two cyclists...

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Last Boy On Earth

I woke up in a blur.............count see much, just a collaboration of images and words, I suppose that’s the thing people are talking about when your life flashes before your eyes before something horrible happens to you. I heard voices very faint hard to make out whom it was, or let alone what it was. It was a woman a beautiful women, then i realized where i was, in a hospital bed."Take it easy k**" that’s what the nurse said, or doctor i wasn’t sure at the time. I was more worried about my...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 8 Theories of SelfInterest

-- JANUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "You're kidding." I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. Dawn chuckled, covering her mouth with a hand while her eyes twinkled. "After all that?" Bert just shrugged. "Chevelle dropped the program. If it's any consolation, I went up and asked her point-blank if it had anything to do with you. She said it wasn't. She'd just decided for herself that Business wasn't her career path." I rubbed my forehead. Dawn was right. After all THAT. I could have...

3 years ago
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Owning Me

I had always been attracted to my brother in law Mike, although I never admitted that fact to either him or my husband. Both my husband and his brother are over 6′, Mike is 6-2 with my husband topping him at 6-3, both with solid, muscular bodies. I lost my job a month back, leaving my husband the sole bread winner. He worked overtime, but we still could not afford to keep our place, so his brother suggested we move in with him in his three bedroom. He was recently unemployed too, and needed...

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My Lewd Academia

This is a collection of story lines featuring our green cinnamon roll Izuku in lewd situations. Feel free to make your own storylines or add routes onto existing ones. All Characters in this story are 18 years or older.

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Desperation Of My Friend8217s Mother 8211 Part 4

Hi Indian sex stories readers, I am Sam from Mumbai, this is the continuation of my previous stories. those who want to make a better understanding please go and read the previous part. In the last session we romanced each other like couples use to do, we both forgot our relationship that what we are, who we are, everything. I was busy for some days and I really missed her a lot, her presence her sweat her touch her body heat, I also missed her saliva on my tool. Yet I was masturbating...

3 years ago
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The Delivery

Being fresh out of high school with no work experience made it hard to find a good paying job, so I had to take what I could get. Having a good car and being at least 18 years old were the only requirements to work at Anthony's Pizza and with good tips, you could easily make over minimum wage. Given the other options available, this seemed like a pretty good one. Not to mention you could take home any "burner" pizzas at the end of the night. During my first week of work, I was waiting for...

2 years ago
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The Ballerina

The Ballerina By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1: A STAR IS BORN In the communist Soviet Union of the 1970's, as in the imperialist Britain of the 1870's, family lineage was an important factor in a person's success. Vladimir Ivanovich Nekrasov therefore considered himself extremely lucky, for few Soviet citizens had a better lineage than he did. His grandfather, Colonel-General Alexander Michaelovich Nekrasov, died valiantly in the heroic defense of Stalingrad during the Great War...

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ChatLine Romance

Time and meet up place was arranged, and I saw Tony in his car. All I could say abt him was just amazing great looking! He's rather compatible to my height, standing at 1.85, well bulit, top of all, he had really charm me with his mature yet cute looks. "Hello, nice knowing you, this is Melisa" I said. "Hi! you are just gorgeous"! He replied. "Thanks for that!" I replied again. He bought some drinks and drove me to the seaside. The place is rather dark and I suppose no one would be...

2 years ago
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The Passion Of Art Version CharlieChapter 4C

Valerie was conflicted, feeling both guilty and completely justified about what she had done. What bothered her was that she did feel that things were spinning out of her control. What worried her most was that she had a very familiar itch between her legs ... that itch that could only be scratched one way ... and the prick that was SUPPOSED to scratch that itch was currently in Russia. There was, however, another nice, hard prick around the house. And THAT was what worried her. That prick...

4 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 13

The next morning after making sure Ezra was set up; I went to town to deposit the cash from yesterday. I kept out about fifteen hundred and deposited nearly six thousand. Who would believe that walnut and black oak would be worth that much? With all of the receipts in hand, I called Maude to make sure it was okay to come by her house. She told me the side door was for her office and for me to just come in. When I walked in the door, I was a little shocked. Maude was dressed in some tight...

2 years ago
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A late night university project

It’s getting awfully late, and Britney & I have been working for I don’t know how many hours on our degree’s final project. We’ve been working diligently in our living room, curled up across from each other on the couches, empty snack wrappers strewn about between the books and laptops, the cat happily curled up in her lap and some top 40 in the background.As it passes midnight, my eyes are aching. It’s time to take out my contacts. As I stand up and tell her I’m going to run upstairs to...

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Mami Ki Chudai Unexpectedly But Expected Tareeqey Se Ki

Hello all me mirza apni pehli chudayi ki kahani apse share kar ne wala hun it’s my own story happened dis year chalo story pe chaltey hai. My socha ni tha ki apni maami naam tha simran ko chodunga it’s like a dream come true simran maami ki age hi 32 aur unke 3 bacche b hi aur woh dikne me gori thi aur shape tha 36-28-36 aur thodi height km thi minimum size k boobs perfect hip aur back damm hot jab b wo chalti thi tight salwar ya nighty me uski chuttad idhar udhar tumke laga ti thi.Ok now story...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Alina Ali Titties And Pussy For Chores

My bratty stepsister Alina is staying at my place and she’s a total slob! I come home to find her clothes and trash everywhere, again. She doesn’t even register my annoyance because she’s so caught up in her phone, little diva. Once I confront her she offers to pay me to take care of her mess – can you believe this girl?? I don’t need a single dollar from her so I say I’ll do it in exchance for her tits. She doesn’t even skip a beat before offering her...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 97

Mary and Jane were somewhat neglected for the next weeks as Cedric was, in addition to his missile targeting training, given the task of utilising the GEC 'puters' command module – the one that had been connected to a com to transmit on external command – to be the remote control of the freighters. That externally controlled com was left booby trapped and further isolated as Derrin and Cedric worked with Morg to make the connections, physical and remote. Morg had toyed with the idea of...

2 years ago
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Pregnant and Desired Part Two

Martin appeared in the doorway, carrying two steaming cups of coffee. He was completely naked, with an erection that would bring tears to a girl’s eyes. I couldn’t help but stare at his magnificent member as he walked across the room. Putting the drinks on the bedside table , I pulled the sheet back and watched his eyes scanning my body. From head to toe I tingled, as his animal lust focused on the dark triangle between my legs. He was fantastic, and made me feel alive again. Not like a...

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Vegas Ch 07

Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. But as it is the central tenet, you may feel you lose the whole ambience of the story. A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to...

3 years ago
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It Started Under The Stars

Hello, everyone. This is ‘the average Delhi guy’ again. I am from Delhi as you can tell. I got a couple of responses for my pervious story. Thank you for all the readers and I really hoped u enjoyed it. So, coming to myself, I am an average looking guy. I have an average sized dick, I have not measured it hence I cant tell you the size. But, girls have never complained about it. Well coming to the story, this happened recently with me. I was on an official trip to Dehradun. It’s a small...

3 years ago
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Right or Wrong

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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The Ballad of Cornelius Erectus de Roma part 1

Oh my apologies, he was the desired of all the men in Italy. No other man stood as tall, as strong, and as handsome as Cornelius Erectus. He was a centurion of high rank, one that the emperor Aquitanius adored. Cornelius fought in great battles and killed many men. This the Emperor saw and he soon enough gave his only daughter, Lucretia, to him to marry. The marriage was wondrous, but as he explained to me, in great detail, the night of their wedding was much greater. You see I am a voyeur...

4 years ago
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Youre Mine

Standing in the shower, soapy hands in my hair, absentmindedly working the lather as I think of all that we’ve shared, and your words echo through my mind as I lean back against the wall. ‘You’re mine.’ Reaching to finger my clit as I remember your face, only inches from mine, and your breath against my skin, as you hissed, ‘You’re mine. Only mine.’ and I know that I am… that it’s all I ever want to be. I press one finger into my tight, hot pussy, already longing for you in ways that I’ve never...

1 year ago
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An Etiquette Lesson Chapter 1 Rachel

Rachel came home from school, tossed her bag on the counter, rushed upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She pushed the lock button on the handle, but it kept popping out. She didn't have time for this. When it stuck in a little she thought to herself "oh, good enough," and then flopped down on the bed. She had work to do. Rachel pulled off her tight skinny jeans, and pulled down her plain black panties. She lamented that these were the sexiest things her mother would let her buy. Rachel...

1 year ago
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Clash of the Generator

You were an average High School Graduate until an unfortunate accident causes you to go berserk and unleashing hell on your hometown, Lovely Las Vegas. So instead of going to jail or a maximum security prison for Evos Provenience has offered you to work with them and become there agent, what they really mean is there attack dog. You agree and ironically code names you Devil-dog. Who could blame them after the stunt you pulled in Vegas, but that's a story for another time. They classify your...

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My Wifersquos Lactating

Pete came home after a sixteen-hour shift. Debbie had just tucked in the k**s and she was cleaning up the kitchen, she asked how his day was he says long and hard and he needed a shower. She says want me to join you, he says I would love to have you join me, but I would only disappoint you between working sixteen-hours a day, thirty days stright and the doctor botching my vasectomy, he won’t be much fun. Hopefully in a few months we will have the repairs to her car she wrecked paid off and he...

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stepdaddy Bill watches me with Uncle

I couldn't wring my wrists from his big hands, his fingers were clamped so tightly around my wrists. I pretended to fight a bit because I know how my struggling turns him on. It had become one of the several games we play when Mom wasn't around. This game made him cum the fastest. Me saying no and pushing him off me made his cock rock solid. The more I struggled the harder he pushed and fucked me and the faster came, my struggle would send him over the edge. But tonight I could tell he was...

2 years ago
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Thoughts to help you eat cum

If you hate the taste of cum, tell your boyfriend/husband to eat pineapples for about 2 days before, and it will taste sweeter. - Anonymous, Virginia Some women don’t like to swallow semen because of the sharp sensation it leaves in their throat. And there is nothing much to do about that. What I found to be the next best thing (possibly even better) is that she slowly lets it ooze out of her mouth while sucking (best done while sitting up). - Rob, Europe At first I was afraid to swallow. But...

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Eating Sweet And Luscious Pussy On The Way To Mumbai

Hello, I’m Naman and this is my first time in here and I want to share my real life indian sex experience that happened for the first time. First things first: Whenever I watch Porn or imagine while masturbate, I really enjoy pussy licking scene, I think it’s an amazing thing for women which I think can eat 24*7 Let me be honest with you, I’m 29 and haven’t had any sex anytime before. I had a GF but never went up to sex (I had tasted her pussy, though). I’m 5’8″, Brown to Fair, Athletic Fit as...

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Early Years 4

It has been a couple of years now since my first adventures, as time had passed,my babysitter Mary, would come around less, my aunt had found a older more mature aunty type of lady who was able to watch over us k**s as they were out working. But on weekend, they would still hire Mary to watch us as the new lady had a family of her own. We loved those weekends, I was about 13 years old now and my cousin Jenny was just turning 11 and she was developing nicely. Her little tits was so perky and...

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The Lands without Men

The Island continent of Lemuria isn’t of this earth. It lays in the ocean of the red currents in the southern hemisphere. It looks like a dart board target with forest and city islands forming circular bands with three kilometer water ways forming the lines between the sections and the radials towards the center of the land mass. In the center is an island castle city surrounded by a moat. Each of the segments of the land has it’s own settlement. The cities and villages are reminiscent of...

4 years ago
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Diplomatic BaggageChapter 5 Tea Dance

It was two weeks later that Gerry was invited to the Trade Ministry in order to finalise the discussions on his proposed report. Gerry had spent considerable effort compiling his thoughts on the future of trade between Kushtia and the European Union and he was looking forward to getting back to London. Kashim Kushnar, the Trade Minister, received Gerry in the small lounge area attached to Kushnar's office at the Ministry. Kushnar was sprawled comfortably on a pile of well stuffed cushions....

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 107

I spent the night in the RV at Texas Steel and an hour on VCATS with the girls. JJ and RJ even sat for a while and talked to me, filling me in on their school day. I was at Matador at 0600; I wanted to see how things were being handled with nearly a full house. There were two hundred and thirty from France and thirty more from the Apple 1 and Baker 2 temporary jails. I watched the kitchen prepare meals and put them on carts where they were delivered to each cell. A plastic fork and spoon...

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The Future Of Sex

It's the thirty first century and I'm a cop who just completed an assignment. Me and my parner busted some d**g kingpin importing d**gs from another planet making a killing. The d**g was similar to cocaine but only stronger and the both of us came and closed up shop permanently. Afterwards I went straight home and took a long warm shower. I stood there and let the water come crashing down my body feeling all the tension float away after a long day of catching the bad guys and kicking ass. ...

1 year ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 3 Hollys disobedience

I was dressed and ready to continue my training in the afternoon, when Tara failed to appear on the Upper Deck when she promised. I gazed out over the unforgiving, choppy ocean when she re-emerged five minutes later with a small box and a bag on the Upper Deck. 'I have the afternoon off', she explained, 'So its some weaponry training for you. These are training swords, but the end is blunted' Tara removed two wooden weapons from the box and the ends of the blades were cut off and...

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