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Pumped By mrraizer "Come on! One more!" I grunted. I pushed. My arms began to shake uncontrollably. I knew I couldn't get the last rep in. I began seeing stars. Suddenly, the bar was raised with a little help from my spotter. I let out a stream of air from my mouth. "I maxed out." I said with a shake of my head. "It's cool, bro, you don't expect to get massive overnight do you?" my spotter said. Grabbing the towel from the floor, I wiped my sweat from the bench. "Yeah, something like that." I said dryly. I looked around the gym, hard bodies, pudgy bodies, toned bodies were everywhere. The brightly lit gym was the place to be and I was there to get big, massive. We went over to the little shop in the gym to get some water. The shop was filled with all kinds of sundry gym equipment: weights, gloves, T- shirts, spandex shorts, leotards. I looked around and shook my head. All this stuff could get expensive quick. "Keith, you should get a protein drink instead of water." my spotter said. "Sure Mike, what'll that cost me, about five bucks?" I said going over to the display case. "Look, you want to get big right, how else are you going to do it?" he said grabbing a huge bottle of something called "liquid protein". I shrugged and grabbed a bottle for myself. The label said Isopure: Green Melon. It looked tasty, or at least it sounded tasty. I needed a cool drink anyway. The cashier was behind the counter making a fruit smoothie for a customer. The woman looked over at Mike and smiled. "Hi, Mike!" she waved. "Hey, Carol, looking good today." The blonde hadn't even noticed me. I felt slighted, like a pet monkey with his master. There was a big difference between Mike and me. He was about 6'2, a bald black guy and he had to weigh at least 290. He was huge, nobody would've guessed he was a genetic engineer. Me on the other hand, anybody would've guessed I was some kind of scientist or engineer. Mousy brown hair, 5'9 and 135 lbs soaking wet. I was near-sighted too. I looked like your typical techie. Although I'd have to admit I was beginning to feel and see the effects of spending four days a week in the gym, but it wasn't happening fast enough for me. I'm what's called a slow gainer. Mike on the other hand must've been a fast gainer. He skyrocketed from 180 lbs to 290 in about eight months. Maybe he was taking steroids. I'd have to figure out his secret sooner or later. "You look great Mike!" the pretty blonde said giggling. "Who's your little friend?" I rolled my eyes. Not only did she not notice me, when she did, she insulted me. I was even more hurt. I moved around Mike and the blonde and went to pay for my drink. "Five dollars." the cashier said with a smirk. Jesus, even she noticed the insult. I handed over the five and cracked open the protein drink. I sniffed it first. It smelled kind of like- protein. I began to wonder how much it would actually taste like 'green melon.' I held my breath and chugged it down about half-way. It tasted disgusting. It looked like a liquid, but had the consistency of oil and tasted like melon flavored soap. I almost gagged. "It's an acquired taste, bro." Mike said walking over to me after finishing his conversation with Carol, the blonde. The girl behind the counter laughed at me. "Yeah, it tastes like raw eggs with artificial flavor." I croaked. Mike laughed. We walked out of the gym and the sound of grunts faded. We went into the locker-room. The hot steam from the showers greeted us when we opened the door. A warm shower would make my spastic muscles feel good. We both stripped down and walked into the shower with our flip-flops on. The water did feel good, I even let the shower spray hit me in the mouth to wash some of that foul tasting drink out of my mouth. After we decompressed and got dressed Mike said, "Let's go get something to eat, I feel like cheating today!" Cheating meant he'd probably eat a hamburger with cheese, with a milkshake and some fries. All the stuff that is a no-no for a bodybuilder. "Sure, where do you want to go?" I asked, not really caring where I ate. "Shelby's!" he held up his hand for a high-five. I gave him one and we drove over to Shelby's. Shelby's was kind of a diner/hotspot for younger people. It was sort of like a hipster, hotdog greasy spoon. It was done up in a fifties decor, but it was all authentic since it probably was there since the fifties. Some hipster discovered it maybe a year or two ago, brought a friend and then they brought a friend. Viola! THE hangout for the young, rich, powerful and beautiful in the city. We were seated in a small booth. I ordered a soda and Mike ordered water to start. "Keith dude, you look like you're about to quit of this bodybuilding thing." Mike said looking at me. "Well, I feel like I'm wasting my time, nothing's really happening." I sighed. I was truly feeling dejected. "Give it some time." he said, his eyes were on some girl sitting at the counter across from us. "I just wish I could see some gains as fast as you." I said shaking my head. Mike's eyes caught the attention of the girl across from us and she looked over at him and smiled. "I gotta have some of that." he said to himself. Since Mike had started bodybuilding his confidence went up, he got more girls, it seemed his libido increased ten-fold. I was almost sure he was on steroids. He didn't show any symptoms of a person on steroids though. He wasn't overly aggressive; he didn't have mood swings, or pimples. "Are you taking gear?" I said weakly. Gear was gym slang for steroids. "I gotta meet this chick." he said leaving the table. He went over and chatted up the girl at the counter. The waitress came over, "Here's your coke and water, ready to order?" "I think I'll take a cheeseburger to go and my friend will take his over there." I said pointing to Mike's new position at the counter. "Sure, honey." the waitress said looking a little peeved. After about twenty minutes the waitress came back with my order. I paid, waved to Mike and left. I drove back to my apartment quietly, feeling a little rejected. Mike and I had been friends since freshman year of college. For six years we'd been roommates, even after college. We got the same job at a bioengineering company and made a slow climb up. Over the years we'd worked on part of the Human Genome Project, a few things on human cell regeneration and a retrovirus that retarded cancer cell growth. Mike came in early in the morning. When he came in he took a shower, I knew he had the girl from Shelby's. I got up around six to do some jogging. After the half hour jog, I came home for a bit of breakfast. A nice egg white omelette, toast and orange juice did the trick. I showered up and lounged around on the couch watching Saturday morning cartoons. I still had a thing for cartoons and anime. I had little Goku dolls and shelf full of manga on my bookcase right underneath biotech journals and binders of research. Yeah, I was proud to be a geek, but I was getting to a point in my life where I wanted to share my life with someone. Loneliness was starting to kick in and maybe even a bit of desperation. That was a deadly combination. I think women can sense those two emotions in men. Mike woke up around ten. He cooked some oatmeal and came over to the love seat across from the sofa I was laying on. "What's up, kid?" he said groggily. "Not much, just watching some TV, maybe hit the gym later." I said plainly. Mike dropped a spoonful of peanut butter in his oatmeal and stirred silently. He felt bad about last night. Mike had changed over the last few months. It wasn't a bad change, it wasn't like he was some evil roommate from hell all of a sudden. He was just different, like some things he just couldn't help or control within himself. When we went to the gym it was like he was out of control. He would bench press one thirty five then two ten, then two seventy five. He was like this with all the machines and all the weights. His work didn't seem to suffer, but he was definitely more extreme. That made me think he was on steroids. This was a guy that was a chubby nerd from Chicago. My only close friend, since freshman year in college. I remembered the times we would lay up late talking about the girls on campus we wanted to do, but just couldn't or wouldn't. Or the times we would stay up late playing video games until the sun came up. "Hey man, remember that time sophomore year we sprayed that dude with the fire extinguisher?" Mike said with a mouthful of oatmeal. He was trying to apologize, but strangely enough he was in the same place I was mentally. "Yeah, Jen Kozinewski was pissed we shaving creamed her Neon." I said with a smile. We talked for a while about old times. Just talking about old times, people we knew, weird professors, pranks we used to play made us both a little easier. "You seem different lately, what's up?" I asked finally. There was a long pause. I wasn't sure if he was taking steroids, but there was something going on and I had to know. "I'm not taking gear." he said putting down the empty bowl. "I believe you, it's just that you got so big so fast and you're acting a little different." I said putting my hands up. Mike sighed. He looked at me for a moment and gave another long pause. He shook his head and leaned back on the loveseat. "Remember about a year ago we were working on the retrovirus?" he asked. And so his story started. Mike handed me his research binder while he explained. While Mike and I were doing the retrovirus he had stumbled onto something else. The retrovirus being based on cancer cells could mutate the body's muscle cells and actually make them larger and denser, thus making a person stronger. Testosterone levels would spike naturally to compensate for the sudden increase in mass. Mike had tempered the virus with estrogen to balance the steroid like effects of the virus. It wasn't enough, there was still a slight imbalance in Mike's body. "Whoa!" I said closing the binder, in a Keanu Reeves like manner. Mike laughed, "It's not so bad, any less and I'd be a raving lunatic." "Did you use synthetic estrogen or natural?" I asked curiously. "Synthetic, why?" "You might've used the right dose, but there might have been a slight break down during the processing." Mike made a "lightbulb" face, like it all made sense to him. A simple break down of molecules caused him to be a slightly ramped up version of himself, for life. Which, wasn't a bad thing, since he was having more sex than both of us combined in twenty eight years of life in a month. But still, the virus could be improved upon. Later that day I went to the gym alone. I decided to work with the iron and do my arms. In every real gym, if you look closely, there's a section for regular folk, where all the treadmills, stairmasters, bikes, Cybex and Nautilus machines are. Then there's the section with iron, all of the machines take huge iron disk weights, all of the dumbbells are iron, very few women tread here. This is the home of the real meatheads, the muscle freaks, the 'roid junkies. People of my kind will not tread here out of fear. Not the fear of getting beat to a pulp, but the fear of being embarrassed. Let's face it, we're adults, people rarely get beaten to a pulp. But when you're curling twenty five pound dumbbells and the guy next to you with no neck is curling sixty pound dumbbells, looking in the mirror at yourself and him, you tend to feel a little embarrassed. Why, I chose that day, or to do curls next to that guy I'll never know. The events that took place that day changed my life forever. The guy next to me was Steve. Steve was the biggest asshole in the gym, every gym has a Steve. Like I said, he was a guy with no neck. A big blonde guy with a crew cut, he was maybe an inch or two shorter than Mike, but he weighed just as much. He always wore those ugly gym clothes, tight gym pants, cut up t-shirt. Always talking to women, wishes he could get women, but everybody knew his dingy was about as big as a baby's pinky. He even had one of those 'roid voices. Hoarse, harsh and gruff. He was definitely on gear. So, I was curling my little twenty five pound dumbbells and Steve was curling his sixties. Everything was fine. Until he noticed me next to him. "How many more sets are you gonna do? I need those." he said hoarsely. I looked on the rack in front of me. It was filled with dumbbells, even twenty fives. I knew he was messing with me. I wasn't going to allow it though. "Two more sets and there's some twenty fives on the rack." I said flatly. Steve was silent for a set or so before he decided to mess with me some more. He put his sixties down and got right up in my face. "You don't understand, I want them 'bells you got." His blue eyes seemed to bore through my soul. "Don't fuck with me, Steve. I-" Didn't quite manage to get out the rest of my sentence because there was a shooting pain in my wrist that shot up my arm. Then there was a dull sound of something heavy hitting the floor. The dumbbells. Steve broke my wrist like it was a little stick. I didn't see it coming. I know I said adults don't bully adults, but every now and again, it happens. "Now, you're a limp wristed fag! Get the fuck outta my gym." Steve said triumphantly in his hoarse voice. He put the fallen weights back on the rack and walked away. I knew I couldn't fight him. It took every fiber of my being to keep myself from crying. No one seemed to notice. He'd simply pushed my wrist forward, the weight in my hand with the pressure he put on it was too much and he did it so quickly not a soul noticed. It was at that moment I decided whatever Mike had taken, I'd have some of that. I left the gym holding my wrist. I didn't bother to shower; I went straight to the hospital. The X-ray showed I indeed had a broken wrist. I wouldn't be lifting for a while. I told the doctor and everybody else, I had an accident while I was at the gym. Accidents like that happen all the time; it just so happens mine was named 'Steve'. I went back to work on Monday like nothing happened. In the back of my mind rage burned, I wanted revenge. It was the kind of revenge that starts as a small grain and grows into an all consuming fire, covered with an icy resolve. Later that week, while I was working at my console. Mike came into my office. I quickly closed the window with his retrovirus I had been modifying. "Hey man, I was thinking about what you were saying about the natural estrogen and I think you were right, but it might have some sid..." Mike started to say before I cut him off. "You know, what you did to yourself was stupid and unethical, you could've fucked around and killed yourself Mike." I said icily. All the while, I was planning to do the same thing, but I had him trumped on stupidity. Mike looked taken back by my words. "Keith, I know it was stupid, but I was saying that with natural estrogen the effects could..." Mike started to say. "Unfuckingethical, if the military got a hold of that imagine what would happen or worse?" I said with the same coolness. "Yeah, look, I was thinking maybe we should keep this between us, huh?" "Yeah, testing it on yourself was stupid, but if someone found out you could lose your job." I lied. Mike looked thoughtful. "You know, if you were a chick I'd marry you, you're always so level headed." "Yeah, look, I'm really busy working on something, I might be here a little late." His words didn't reach me, because I was so focused on getting revenge. "I know, Keith." he said leaving without a sound. I didn't notice Mike leave, I really didn't care. The natural estrogen would work in the virus. There was no breakdown from what I'd extrapolated. It looked good on paper at least. I wasn't going to go about this willy-nilly like Mike. I would test my hypothesis and compare it with Mike's original virus. I chose two lab rats, which I aptly named "Mike" and "Keith." I injected the original virus into the Mike rat and my modified virus into the Keith rat. As expected, both mice experienced week of sickness. Just as Mike had a "slight flu" when he decided to test himself. Both rats seemed to increase in size at the same rate. Then suddenly, the Keith rat stopped growing, while the Mike rat experienced another day of growth. Around the tenth day I began to notice the Keith rat increase slightly in size too. It seemed the Keith rat would grow more in spurts. Of course, I had attributed this to the use of natural estrogen as opposed to synthetic estrogen. The next thing I would do is test strength. The mice were equally strong, but the Keith rat didn't seem randy like the Mike rat. This satisfied me as well. When I injected myself, I was guaranteed to still be "me." I felt my theory was correct and I had improved upon Mike's virus. From looking at Mike and comparing it to the mice, I knew I'd be safe. Without another thought about safety I searched for a suitable woman to donate a bit of blood for DNA and estrogen. Around day thirteen, I found my donor. Maribel Espinoza, one of the lab technicians. I gave her a story about how I was researching asthma in Puerto Ricans. As asthma was had a high occurrence in Puerto Ricans, my story had a ring of truth to it and was feasible. She gladly donated a sample of blood. Maribel was a pretty younger girl. She was about 5'6, with a nice olive complexion, jet black hair that looked like ebony spider silk. She had a decent build, so her health wasn't in question. She had more of a Brazillian body, relatively small chest, but her thighs and butt were slightly larger than the average woman. On day seventeen, I completed the virus with Maribel's DNA. Later that dark and stormy night, very much like Doctor Jekyll, I injected myself. I immediately felt the effects, my muscles felt warm and slightly tingly as if I were taking a hot shower. I felt more energetic than sick. I went off to the apartment, driving like a mad man in the rain. The next morning, I felt like someone rolled me over with a giant rolling pin and like I had the most intense workout of my life all at once. My alarm had been ringing for about an hour, it was already eight o'clock, I would be late for work. If I could make it to work at all. "Hey man, you okay? You're gonna be late for work." Mike said concerned. "I'm up, call in for me and tell them I'm going to be a little late." I said weakly. "How do you feel?" Mike asked. "Like shit." Needless to say, I didn't make it to work that day. I slept like I was dead. After I spoke with Mike, I slept for another fourteen hours. When I woke up it was ten o'clock at night. I heard the TV on in the living room and decided to drag myself out of bed. I had the worst hunger pangs of my life, my stomach felt like it was on fire. I made my way to the living room weakly. "Hey kid, guess you caught a bug?" Mike asked sympathetically. "Yeah." "I got you a cheeseburger and some fries from Shelby's, if you're hungry." Mike said not even looking up from the TV. I went into the kitchen to attack that burger. It was as if I could smell it from the living room. Shelby burgers aren't some small fast food chain burger. It has about a half pound of meat, layered with lettuce, tomato and onion (the pickle comes on the side). Usually it would take me about ten minutes to eat one. That day it took about three, that was with the fries too. I stood in the kitchen for a minute in a daze. I ate a half pound burger in three minutes flat! It took a minute for that to sink in. I got a blanket out of the linen closet and went back to join Mike. Sprawling out on the sofa, we watched "Survivor" silently. "Hey, I know you took the virus." Mike said finally. "I figured you knew, but it was an afterthought." I said looking over at him. We went back to watching Survivor for a while in silence. Mike tossed me the remote to get my attention. "Want to know what you're in for?" Mike said with a smirk. "Bro, I'm living it." I said groggily. "I guess so, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, the growing pains will come next." "I got 800 milligram tablets of ibuprofen in my room." Mike seemed to amused at that. In fact he laughed hysterically, when he finally stopped guffawing he said, "I figured that, I can't imagine what the pains would be like without ibuprofen." "Like they say Mike, no pain, no gain." "Tell you what, call out sick for the next week, I'll vouch for you." "No, I'm going to go in tomorrow to finish up a few things, then I'll call out." I said trailing off to sleep. The next morning I woke up in my bed. Mike must've put me in bed the night before. It was seven am, time to do my morning triple S routine. I took a hot shower first. The spray and steam made me feel a little better. After I showered, I shaved. I wiped the fog away from the mirror. I got a look at myself for the first time in a day and a half. My complexion seemed a little darker, I attributed that to the testosterone in my system. I didn't have much growth after two days, which struck me as odd, but I attributed that to the estrogen. I got dressed. I noticed my clothes were considerably tighter. It took a little effort to button my slacks, my lower body was definitely bigger. I took that as a sign the virus was working its magic. Mike had left by the time I'd gotten dressed. So, I grabbed three bagels and made my way to work too. By the time I got to my car, I'd eaten two and a half bagels! When I got to work, I saw Maribel on the elevator. She was looking nice as usual. Her wavy black hair in a ponytail, colorful scrubs and a pair of white Nike's. She smelled like vanilla, which was always one of my favorite scents. "Hey Keith!" she smiled. "Hey, Mari." I said still a little weak. "Not feeling well?" Her accent made some of her words sound muddled, but it was still nice. "Yeah, just a little bug." "You know, you should've let me in on your little joke, I almost freaked out yesterday!" she hit me on the arm playfully. "What are you talking about?" "You switched the Keith rat with a female rat and she had babies." My eyes widened in surprise. I instantly knew what had happened. I definitely didn't want to believe that option. Maybe Mike was playing a joke on me. My heart started pumping as if I had just been sentenced to death. In a way the old me had been, it was the 'new' me that was in question. I hurried past Maribel when the elevator door opened and went straight to the lab. When I got to the cages my heart dropped. The Keith rat indeed had a litter. It had to be Mike, he was playing a joke, yeah that's it. I got the tapes of the rats all nineteen days of them. I sent for a tape player and fast forwarded through eighteen days. No one had switched the rats, I stopped to watch the Keith and Mike rats do it, all thirty seconds of it. I was fucked. "I'm fucked!" I screamed. I screamed a few other unimportant expletives that I don't remember. Then I threw up all over the floor. I stumbled out of my office weakly. I wandered through the hallways to the break room. Maribel was in there with a few other med-techs enjoying lunch. "Mari" I said calmly, "We need to talk." "What's up, Keith? You don't look so good." she said looking a little concerned. "In my office, like now!" I said with heart aflutter. The other med- techs looked at each other. We went back to my office quietly. When we got back to the office the bitter smell of vomit greeted us. Maribel covered her nose, "I'm not cleaning that up! Call a janitor!" "I'm not worried about that, I need to tell you something." I said still calm. "Yeah." she said looking confused. "In the next couple of days, I'm going to become-you." I said calmly. "What!?" Mari screamed. I explained what had happened over the last nineteen days. I told her all about how I used her DNA and estrogen to make part of a retrovirus and how I hadn't noticed the Keith rat had changed sex as well. "I won't exactly become you, but I'll look something like you, maybe a little bigger, I don't know yet." I finished. I waited for her to take it all in. For the first time in a long while I noticed my soft cast on my wrist. It didn't hurt anymore. I took it off, the bone healed itself. "So what do you want from me?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "Help with being a woman, I'm going to be like you for, oh, the next sixty years or so." I shrugged. "I think I can help you." She said finally. The rest of the day consisted of me cleaning up the vomit in my office, printing out a hard copy off the experiment and destroying any trace of what I'd done on the computer. I only had a couple of days at the most to wrap up my affairs as Keith Matthews. I went about it methodically as I could. I made a nice list of things I would definitely need to do in the next few days. The next day was filled with cramps. My muscles and bone structure was slowly rearranging itself inside me. When I say slowly, I mean slowly. First my biceps would tighten and spasm. Then a bone in my finger would pop. Once I had to pee violently, almost to the point where I almost went on myself. The popping and sudden pains were happening all over my body all day long. In order for me change outwardly, I would have to change inwardly first. I set out for the bank at lunchtime to liquidate my assets of course. Let me tell you, it's a strange feeling when the bank manager asks why you want to withdraw eighty-thousand dollars all at once. "Is there a particular reason you want to take your money out of this institution Mr. Matthews?" "I'll be moving to Belgium in the next few weeks and I think it's safer to just take the money with me." I said with a soft smile. The bank manager tried to convince me that a wire transfer would be much safer than traveling around with eighty thousand dollars in cash. All I could do was smile and tell him it wouldn't be necessary. I began to sweat and shiver a little bit sitting in front of him. "Are you alright, Mr. Matthews?" the bank manager asked with some concern. "Just a touch of the flu." I closed out my account and left the bank. It was time to begin to insert my new self into the world. First I needed a nap. I called out of work again, saying the flu I had was too much. I called Maribel and told her to meet me later at my apartment. I slept for a few hours it was about five thirty when I woke up. The doorbell was ringing. When I got out of bed it felt like my center of gravity was off. My hips had restructured themselves while I slept. I loped off to the door with an unfamiliar gait. When I opened the door, Maribel smiled at me from the other side. "Hey." she said. "Hey." I said weakly, then promptly ran to the bathroom to vomit. Maribel followed me to the bathroom and began to rub my back. I knelt before the toilet for what seemed like an eternity. The vomit was green, then it turned a crimson color, finally it turned clear. "Oh my god!" Maribel screamed covering her mouth and nose with her hands. I calmly flushed the toilet and smiled at her. "I think that was some of my..." I didn't have the heart to tell her that was my guts and organs coming up. I'm sure she probably figured that out from the rank smell that filled the bathroom. "Coffee?" I asked. She nodded faintly. We left the bathroom and went into the kitchen. I put a pot of coffee and sat down across from her at the kitchen table. I started talking about the plan I came up with the day before. "Look, I know I said I'd help you, but I don't know if I can." Mari said with some concern. "All you need to do is help me with clothes and maybe teach me a few things about being a woman, you know like a little sister." "You know, I once had a little sister," she recalled, "she died when she was two, I guess it could be like that." My mind was working overtime, "I could BE her." I said finally. Maribel looked at me blankly, her hazel eyes searching me for an explanation. I knew I'd have to approach this delicately. "If you could get me her birth certificate and social security card, I could start over with out a problem." Mari didn't look convinced or happy about this prospect. It would take some additional explanation and persuasion. Five thousand explanations later, she agreed. "Okay, I think I can get them from my mother's apartment," she said still a little unsure, "What are you going to do about work?" "Well, that's where I'm going to need you again." I reached out and held her hand, "I'm going to disappear in a couple of days, I was hoping I could stay with you until I get my new identity set up and you could teach me all I need to know." She withdrew her hand, Her eyes searched me again. She was thinking hard, probably about the felonies I was trying to persuade her to commit. This was probably the hardest decision she'd make in her life. Her pretty eyes moved to the floor in thought. We remained silent for a while, when Mike came in. "S'up bro! I was doing some thinking--oh." he said looking at Maribel. Mari looked up at Mike and smiled, but her silence was telling him she knew all about what happened. Mike told his side of the story, how he used the retrovirus first and the types of changes he went through. "But I guess this'll be a little different, huh?" Mike finished. He looked truly fascinated by the whole prospect. I too became silent and looked at the floor, trying to suppress the anger that was welling up in the pit of my stomach. Before I could have an outburst, I felt something else in the pit of my stomach. I rushed off to the bathroom with a violent fit of diarrhea. There went something else inside me. "Keith maybe you should come stay with me." Maribel said looking at me with compassion. "Uh, I think the less I know about what you two do the better." Mike said waving his hand. Mike was right, when I turned up missing the first place the police would come would be to the apartment and he would be the number one suspect. Maribel and I talked more throughout the night and got to know each other. I told her how I grew up in a little town in Pennsylvania and how I'd been a valedictorian and graduated Magna Cum Laude. She told me how she grew up in Queens and struggled to leave a rough neighborhood. Her sister, Alisha died when she was three, twenty two years ago. I'd be losing a couple of years and I still didn't know what I'd do about a job. Seventy five thousand dollars wouldn't last me forever, but more pressing matters were at hand. Namely the changes I'd go through in the next few days. We left the apartment around midnight. I drove my car down the highway and left it on the side of the road. That was as far as my plan went so far, the rest would be up to Maribel. She put me up in her spare bedroom. I promptly went to sleep or at least I tried to. My insides felt like they were twisted up, I woke up several times during the night in agony. Finally, I passed out from the pain. I had a dream of an amazon woman standing in front of me. She grabbed me and wrestled me to the ground. I tried to struggle but she was too strong for me to fight off. She looked something like Maribel, but her body was ripped with muscle. She had short chestnut colored hair pulled back in a ponytail. She wore leopard skins that barely covered her body. The more I struggled she began to laugh. "You are me. You did this to yourself, there's no fighting it. " she leaned down to kiss me. The kiss was sweet like honey. I stopped struggling and she pulled away and looked at me in my eyes. She leaned down to kiss me again, this time she melted into me. I stood up as the new Alisha. Suddenly, I was standing in front of a mirror. I studied my new form. I looked like Maribel's sister, nothing of my old self remained. The woman in the mirror smiled at me. When I woke up the next morning Maribel had gone to work. I was in the house all alone. I took a shower. I noticed I smelled like honey, like the kiss I shared with myself in the dream. In the shower I noticed my skin had a golden tan. My nipples had grown darker and larger. There was also what felt like small knots in them. I looked down at the drain to see all my body hair had fallen out and began to clog the drain. Pulling out the hair the water flowed down the drain freely. I wrapped myself in a towel and stepped out of the shower. Wiping the steam from the mirror, I saw that my face had changed a little bit. My features were a bit softer and rounded. In a few days, I wouldn't be able to recognize myself. No one would. I dried off, carefully dabbing my sensitive, budding breasts. I looked down at my penis, I supposed that would be next. For some reason, the changes didn't make me afraid. After the dream I had the night before, I had a strange complacency with the changes that were taking place constantly. I put on some of Mari's scrubs. I noticed my boxers were a little tighter around the thighs and hips. "Hello, Alisha Espinoza." I said to myself in the mirror. Over the next ten days the primary and secondary changes took place. First my plumbing rearranged itself. It became harder to pee. My testicles began to shrink and finally they began to pull into my body. My penis soon followed, pulling itself into a vaginal barrel. My breasts began to swell and protrude, going from A cup, to B cup and finally stopping when they seemed huge from my point of view. My hips and thighs began to round out and swell too. My ass was like twin moons and I was becoming more hippy by the day. My calves seemed to elongate and become more shapely, while my thighs rounded out, giving me a more hourglass figure. My stomach became a little paunchy, probably to protect my new ovaries and womb. A light mat of triangular pubic hair began to grow in place of the coarse hair that fell out during my shower. All the while, Maribel gave me tips on grooming myself, my period that would one day come, birth control and a variety of other subjects. I practiced my walk everyday in her apartment. She bought me new underwear, since my old boxer no longer fit properly. Thongs, french cut, high cut, rio cut. I never knew there were so many kinds of panties to choose from! The bra wasn't that hard to get used to. I was now a woman completely. Well, almost. My face took the longest to change. Each day, I would have a heavy nose bleed that seemed to come at random. I had Maribel analyze the blood. It was rich in calcium, my skull was actually leeching itself of calcium to reshape itself. On the tenth day Maribel woke me up when she woke up. "Oh my god!" she screamed. She looked at me with astonishment. "What?" I asked in my new voice, which was rather smoky. "Keith! You look, different." she said rushing over to the bed. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My face bore a striking resemblance to hers, we looked like sisters. My nose was broader, my cheeks were higher, my mouth seemed bigger. My hair was still short, but it had grown considerably in the last ten days. My eyes were hazel like Maribel's. I smiled, "Ever wonder what it was like to have a sister?" "I can't call you Keith anymore, you're definitely an Alisha." she nodded. It was Saturday and Mari was off from work. We decided to go to the mall and have a "Girl's day." It consisted of going shopping for clothes, eating lunch and going to the movies. It was actually fun. I was still taller that Mari, I hadn't lost my height, I was still 5'8. My weight shifted from 135 to 145. That was from the extra padding I'd gotten. We went to Victoria's Secret, where I had my measurement's taken. "I guess you've stopped changing, Alisha." Mari asked not sure of the completeness of my change. "34-25-38," I said with a nod, "I guess it's final." "You're going to have to watch what you eat." she said with a smile, "You're a little bit more beefy than me." "I guess it's the cost of me being beautiful." I didn't know, the changes were far from complete. I had undergone the initial changes, but I wasn't pumped yet. "You know, I think you'd look better blonde." Mari laughed, "It would set off your complexion nice." "Do I have enough hair?" "I don't think you'd need a weave or anything." she said playing with my hair. So we went to the salon. I got a shampoo and a hair cut and my hair dyed honey blonde. I understood why women pampered themselves so much now. It felt good! We both got our nails done and a pedicure. I opted for a French manicure, while Mari got some elaborate festive colors. I looked at myself in the mirror after it was all done. I looked just like the woman in my dreams. Afterwards I got my ears pierced and bought myself and Mari a pair of diamond studs. We left the mall. "'Lish, I had a lot of fun today!" Mari said hugging me. "So did I Mari." I said hugging her back. "I guess I'll go get my driver's license next week, since I have all the proper credentials." I continued. "What will you do about work and you know-life?" Mari asked with concern. "I guess since Alisha died when she was young, I don't have any school records, I'll have to go the GED-county college route." Mari nodded. The next week, I went to the DMV and took my written drivers test. That wasn't hard. A few weeks later, I took the road test with Mari's car. "Why'd you wait so long to get your license?" the examiner asked. "I was always afraid to drive." I lied. "A lot of women are." the examiner smiled, "Are you single?" I looked at the man. He was hitting on me. I told him I had some problems I was going through and I wasn't ready for a relationship. "That's too bad, you're fine." he smiled, "Well anyway, you passed." "You're fine too." I thought. Where did that come from? I seemed to be thinking like a woman as well as looking like one. I wasn't exactly put off at that thought either. I was, after all Alisha Espinoza. "Alisha Espinoza." the woman at the window called. I provided the proper documents and took my picture. I have to say, J-Lo had nothing on me! From that day on, I became Alisha Espinoza officially. I still had a little less than seventy-five thousand dollars. I decided to enroll in the GED program at the local county college. Passing that was easy and I rolled into a pre-med course a few months later. It's not really hard to create a new identity for yourself as I thought. I understood why so many people disappear. Even in this day of "homeland security" I didn't have much trouble at all. Things went along swimmingly for me. I became Mari's little sister, Alisha and that was how I was introduced. I was a college student trying to get her life together, that was the story I told. Then things got complicated. I had come home from class one day and just gotten settled. I was about to make dinner, when the doorbell rang. I answered, it was Mike. "Is Maribel there? I need to speak to her." "Oh shit, Mike." I said to myself. I answered the door, Mike didn't seem to recognize me. He sat down on the couch. "She'll be home soon, I'm her sister Alisha, you work with her right?" I asked pretending not to know him. He looked good. His chocolate skin, his smooth head, his muscles. "Yeah, I came by to ask about my friend Keith." "Yeah, he stayed here for a little while then he left." "Do you know where he went?" "He's right here." I said pointing to myself. Mike's eyes widened. He stood up and examined me. He even circled me. He shook his head in disbelief, "Keith?" "Yeah, it's me, my name's Alisha now, Keith doesn't fit anymore." I smiled. We talked about what we'd been doing the last few months. I told him about the changes and how I've been pressing on with my life. He told me about how the police found my car on the highway and how I seemed to just disappear from the earth. They thought he knew something and watched him for a long time, that's why he didn't come by earlier. Mike never was a good liar. When no signs of foul play were found, the police finally gave up. My family was devastated, but they never blamed Mike and he went by to see them every once in a while. "Damn, it is you!" he said slapping his knee in excitement, "Are you a complete woman?" "Well, I'd like to think so, Mike." I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, it's just, you turned out really good looking." Mike was looking me in the eyes. "Well, I had a nice looking donor, so." I shrugged. "Let's go out," Mike paused, "I mean let's talk over dinner." He seemed a little uncomfortable saying that. "Mike I'm still me on the inside, Keith." I smiled. "Yeah, but Keith never looked that good." Mike smiled. So we went out to eat. It was a nice classy restaurant, Portuguese cuisine. Mike kept staring at me. I tried to keep him focused on the conversation, but he stayed focused on my breasts. We talked about some theories on why I didn't become all muscular like Mike did. We came up with a few theories. One was the estrogen over powered the testosterone completely. Another was I would actually have to lift weights to actually undergo a second change. The third was a corollary of the second, there was a time window that the secondary changes would take place. "We could always test our theories out." Mike said looking interested again. I'd have to admit, I was curious too. "Tomorrow, we could go to the gym and see what happens." I said intrigued. The next day we went to the gym. I was greeted with the smell of sweat and the sight of the same old body types. Mike got me in with a guest pass. I changed into a leopard print leotard and we warmed up. Most people continued their workouts, I got a few stares from some men. But most women do at the gym. We warmed up on the treadmill. I felt like a surge of adrenaline surged through me. I started to increase the speed on the treadmill until I was running at a full sprint. I ran like that for about fifteen minutes. Coated with a light sheen of sweat, Mike looked at me in disbelief. I dabbed myself off with a smile. We worked on a few machines next. Mike spotted me like he did in the old days. I encouraged him to increase the weight. I must've been a sight, a voluptuous woman lifting heavy weights. We decided to try the free weights afterwards. The results were the same, I was lifting weights that experienced bodybuilders would lift. After the workout we went to the little store in the gym. The same woman was behind the counter. This time, she DID notice me. "Hi Mike, looking good," her blue eyes moved over to me, "Who's your little friend?" "This is Alisha," he smiled at me, "She thinking about getting a membership here." "Oh," she smiled at me with a plastic smile. "Nice to meet you, Carol" I smiled in that same plastic way, "See you around." I put my arm around Mike and we left. That felt good, getting that reaction. The next morning I felt a little sore. After my shower I looked at myself in the mirror. My body had toned itself up. I was developing what looked like a six pack in my abs, my arms got a little more defined. My body was beginning to look like the woman's in my dreams. Mari noticed too. "What? Are you trying to look good for the summer?" she asked looking at me. "I guess so, I guess I'll have to get a membership or something." I grinned. And I did a few days later. Mike and I went out on several more dates. I began to feel something, I wouldn't call it love, well maybe I would. He treated me like a lady, not like a piece of meat like he did with the other women. He showed me some respect, maybe it was because we were friends first. I let Mari know all about it, she would've found out eventually anyway. "So did you do it yet?" she poked me. "No! I mean..." "You want to? Right?" "Yes, no, yes." I couldn't lie. "Well, they say all the best relationships start out as friends." "I agreed, but I'm a virgin and you know..." "It'll hurt a little." she shrugged, "But after that, you'll get into it." So I started going to the gym. I had to do something besides go to school and that filled my time nicely. I began to slim down some and my body became much more defined over the next few months. I began looking like a fitness model. I let my hair grow too. It was past my shoulders, some days I would do a ponytail, some days I would let it hang loose. One day, I met up with an old friend. I wasn't afraid to venture into the free weight section alone and there I met him. Steve. I was on the leg press machine, my favorite when he came up. "Hey there little lady, the cybex machines are over there." he pointed to the machines. "That's alright, I know what I'm doing." I said putting two thirty five pound disks on each side. "That's a lot of weight, why don't you let me show you how first." "Okay." I smiled. I was cooking up something devious in my mind. I was going to get this fucker and get him good. See, Steve was what I called a muscle block. Sure he was big, but he didn't have muscular endurance. I would suck him into an endurance match. He did ten reps with ease. I followed suit. I smiled, "More weight?" Steve shook his head and put another pair of thirty fives on the machine. He pumped out ten and I pumped out ten. I didn't ask for more weight this time. We pumped out two more sets. "More weight?" I asked after the second set. "You might hurt yourself." Steve grinned. "Or maybe you can't handle it." That set Steve off. He slapped another pair of thirty fives on the machine. He didn't quite crank them out the way he did the first three sets. I pumped them out with ease. "More weight?" I smiled sweetly. The veins were sticking out of Steve's neck. He had a massive upper body, but I knew his legs were not as developed. Like a said, a muscle block. By now a small crowd had gathered. Steve felt his manhood was at stake. Me, I didn't have any manhood so I had nothing to lose. We were up to three-fifty. "You can back out now." Steve grinned. "I will when you give up." "Well then bitch, watch and learn!" Steve said triumphantly knowing he had maxed out a long time ago. He only did three reps when there was a loud ripping sound. Steve had farted! Everyone laughed, Steve looked embarrassed. But he smiled again proudly, "You can't even do one, bitch!" "Okay." I said sighing. I cranked out another ten and smiled. "You lost, Steve." someone in the crowd said. "Fuck you! This bitch is on gear or something!" Steve screamed. I was covered in sweat. I walked over to Steve. "You know, you have an attitude problem." I put my hand on his shoulder. "You're worse than butt sweat." I pushed him down to his weak knees with a smile. "As a matter of fact, Steve," I looked around grinning, "Smell mine!" I roughly grabbed him by his short hairs jamming his face into the crack of my butt. His arms flailed wildly. "Smell it!" I exclaimed. I felt a slight suction, then another. His arms stopped flailing as he resigned himself to being my butt boy, literally. "You like it too much! Freak." I said pushing his face away. I looked into the crowd, leaving Steve on his knees. Mike was smiling at me proudly with an approving nod. I felt so, powerful and turned on. I looked at Mike, imagining him naked. I smiled, "I'm going to take a shower, you want to go?" I said to Mike. "Don't take a shower, I like the way you smell." A little while later we ended up back at Mike's apartment. We took a shower together and for the first time, I was staring at Mike and his huge cock. It was huge! It had to be at least eight inches and it was only semi-hard. I carefully gave it some loving attention and it sprang to about ten inches. "You must be lifting too much weight, I would've thought you'd be happier to see me naked." I said looking up from his cock. "I can control it, I just wanted you to touch it... feel it." "I do want to feel it, but not in my hand." I smiled, leading him from the shower by his cock. Needless to say, I lost my virginity that night. I had my pussy stretched out by his big dick. I even tried sucking it. It wasn't as bad as I thought and I felt like I was in control. We did it five times that night. "Maybe you should move in." Mike said to me the next morning. "Well, I guess it makes sense, Mike." I started kissing his chest. "There's only one thing that makes more sense to me right now." "What's that?" Mike said closing his eyes as I worked my kisses down his body. "You in me, again." We did it again before Mike went off to work. I went off to class a new woman, a complete woman. I told Mari about what happened the night before. She smiled evilly, "You made a big buff guy sniff your butt?" We laughed about that for a long time. But she was happy I found someone. I told her I planned to move in with Mike. She wasn't happy about that. But she was happy that I was happy. So I planned to move out in a year, that way everybody would be happy. So there it was, Alisha Espinoza, soon to be Alisha Douglas. Mike proposed to me soon after. I finished county college and went on to State. Mike and I got married the following spring. That was seven years ago. I finished undergrad and went on to med school. Then I had another complication, I'm expecting. I have to lay off the weights for a while and sit out a semester. But I'll definitely finish, I'm pumped about my new life.

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When I come to I feel very sluggish, and it is so hard to focus.  Being unconscious felt strangely like being awake, but I try hard to dismiss that concept as something best revisited later.  At least I remember where I am this time.  More or less…  Since I got here, there have been moments in which it seems like the fog might be lifting, but in others I know that I’m just scrambling on a slippery slope, trying to avoid what I worry more and more may be an inevitable descent into the very heart...

Mind Control
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3some With Couple Through Chat

Hi guys, this is my second story, this also happened through online chat, as I told u before I’m from small city called Karur; I’m Deepak, of age 24, after I finished my 1st encounter I have been in online for next encounter, there was a id called cpl so I just pinged it formally as I do to every ids. At the time of the incident, I’d recently chatted in many sites to get in touch with single girls & hopefully other couples to have fun. After few months of initial bad luck I came across a couple...

2 years ago
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Nanabanin Amma Mogam

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin amma udan kama uravu ear patu avargalai sex seitha anubavathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar praveen vayathu 23 aagugirathu. Thirumana vayathil irukum naan ithu varai entha penaiyum sex seithathe illai, naan oru single paiyan. Naan veliyil selum pozhuthu pengal en arugil vanthu nindraale enaku moodu ear aaarambithu vidum. Avargal ennai idika matargala endru eanguven, enaku oru nanban irukiraan avan...

1 year ago
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My sweet secret made servant

author : male 35 Hay friend . this is my first true secret sex stories with my little made servant . but it is not all of my secret sex . my secret sex store is full of sex experience. i promises i will tell this time to time. now my stories is starting. my name is omit hassan . it is the time when my age is 35 years . i am married person’s and i have only one 5 years old daughter. we both leave in my government apartment in khulna bangladesh. we have a made servant too. the name of my...

2 years ago
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A STORY FOR CARINBy Dawn1958Email [email protected] story is a request from Carin. For many years she was not happy with what she was or who she was, but today Carin wants the world to know she is very content with the young woman she has become.A Story For Carin - Chapter OneCarin was a beautiful young woman who was puzzled by her inner feelings. She was 19 and desperately wanted to understand her most intimate emotions. All through her teenage years, Carin faithfully followed...

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Narutothe lemon games chapter 3mikoto

ramen, got an under the table delight from Ayame, and was now heading off to train. He headed first to the Uchiha district and yelled in. "Oi! Teme! We need to go! Kakashi-sensei said he'd be on time for once!" he yelled out. "Oh, hello Naruto-kun." A woman said before she came into view. Naruto was briefly taken back by the stunning and beautiful woman. "Are you looking for Sasuke?" she asked. Naruto swallowed at the sight of Mikoto Uchiha. Her picture in his book definitely...

1 year ago
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A Prefect Milf My Childhood Crush

Hello, iss readers, I’m your ring-master from Delhi. This is my 3rd story which is a real incident which took place just 2 days before. My last 2 stories was from another account. I have forgotten my I’d nd the password so I have to make a new account. As my friends say that you are a milf hunter. And I proudly say that I m a milf hunter. So beautiful ladies, aunties, bhabhis, widows if you want me on your way then please contact me on:- and I promise you that you will have the best once in...

3 years ago
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Camping DiscoveryChapter 2

Sunday morning the sun rose in a cloudless sky but Jim and Ann missed that. They slept late, dreaming erotic dreams of sex on a beach. It was almost noon by the time they had eaten breakfast and cleaned up. There was no sign of their neighbors. They decide to pack a few snacks and go for a hike and then return to the beach later in the afternoon. Hopefully their special place would be empty. Ann and Jim hiked off to a mountain look-out about an hour away. The campground owner had told them...

1 year ago
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Tryst.link! Escorts sites are some of the best inventions of all time. Probably up there with the wheel, printing press, airplane, and of course the internet. I mean, it’s the easiest way to hook up with the hottest girl in your city and fuck her senseless, of course at a fee. See, you need something new from time to time which means looking for a new woman (or man/transsexual) to elevate your sexual experience to levels you can only dream of. However, there are many places out there that will...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 6

Honey had been working at the Pussy Cat Club for Mr. Sarantos for a little over a year when one day, Honey and Charles were sitting down to breakfast. It was a fairly ordinary day; the weather was nice, Charles was getting ready for another day of work, and Honey would soon be headed to the club to start her shift.She had been able to keep her "second life" under wraps and Charles had no idea his wife was a stripper. The landscaping business had kept him pretty busy and even though work had...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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A Familys New Years Eve Part 5

A Family New Year’s Eve – Part V Please read “A Family New Year’s Eve – Chapters I, II, III, and IV” – before you read this (if you haven’t already.) This will make more sense if you do. Laurie’s heart had just about stopped; her breathing fast and shallow as her mind tried to grasp what her new Master, her eighteen year old son, Matt, had said to her. She was aware of the wash of her cunt juice over her spread thighs as she rocked back on her heels; she felt the hardness of her nipples push...

2 years ago
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Did She Know

My girlfriend, Zoe, knew it turned me on to know she made others horny. I had mentioned this, more so in drunken texts than anything else. Of course, I didn't want her cheating, but whatever did happen, it would be an experience as a couple and both, hopefully, getting pleasure out of it.It was more the thought of her pleasuring another cock, that got me going. A strange cock, so not someone we knew, or local to the area we lived in. A Gloryhole experience was the ultimate fantasy, but not...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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HaremChapter 6 New Years EVE

I was attending a New Years Eve Party set up by a company for their employees. As a stockholder I had been invited. The party was boring and most of the people attending were either trying to get something from you or desperately trying to kiss up or make up for short comings in the past year. I saw her the first time just a few minutes before the count down to the New Year. She had a look about her, a European/Asian face, slim but not skinny body, jet-black hair that was braided into one...

2 years ago
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understand what it means to be a bisexual male chatper 5

His forceful nature had become unstoppable after he found out that I wanted it rough. The problem was that I didn’t want it rough I need it. I wasn’t happy or excited without it. As he held me against the wall I felt my breathes came fast as he stared into my eyes. His mouth smashed against mine and his tongue forced its way in my mouth. When he pulled back I saw a glint in his eyes that I had never seen before. His breath brushed against my skin as he neared my ear. “It’s been a very long...

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Jennifer married to someone else

This story is about a girl called Jennifer (real name). I met Jennifer in 2007 when I was training to be an EMT. During training, all students had to do a certain amount of clinical training hours in the field, sometimes in the ER, but more often on an ambulance. For one of my clinicals, I went to a private ambulance service in the city where I was living. There were several crews working that day, and I wasn't the only student there. I was assigned to ride with an all male crew, much to my...

3 years ago
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Nighty Poota Aunty

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Raja vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Kaamam paarthaale patri kolum vayathu, eppozhuthu vendumaanalum sunni viraithu vidum vayathu. Pothuvaga pengal arugil vanthu nindraale sunni viraithu vidum, intha vayathil en ethir veetil oru aunty irupaargal. Avargal ithu naal varai sarre matum thaan aninthu kolvaargal. Nighty anithathu kidaiyaathu, oru nal etharthamaaga paarkum pozhuthu iru periya mulai pilavai paarthu viten. Athu naal varai auntyai kama paarvaiyil paarthathu...

1 year ago
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Janice mind controlled Part 1

Stephen had gone to work and David had only 5 minutes ago set off for work experience at Department of Work and Pensions. When I received the message from Elaine that Ginger wanted me. My mind seemed to separate from my body and the body took control. I was in just my nightie. I walked downstairs and out of the front door. I shut the door leaving it unlocked, my mind tried to make me fetch the keys but body was in control. I walked to the street as a car pulled up I climbed in and sat there I...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Online couple Threesome bisexual MMF

When it all started, when it was fantasy, it seemed like a fun idea. I had been single for a while, I had some unresolved desires and I'm young. All this lead me to where I was now, standing at the door, waiting for strangers to answer my knocks. I had met them online and we had spent the last few months talking about our fantasies and such. I thought about this moment a million times, but never in my fantasies was I this nervous. The seconds ticked by like hours, and the thought of running...

2 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 8

I FOUND HER ON the balcony where she usually was in the morning, her favorite spot. Standing at the open double doors, the cool morning breeze giving me small goose-bumps, I studied Weather. She was wearing my button-down dress shirt, the one from last night, white, sleeves haphazardly rolled up to mid forearm. With her elbows on the whitewashed balcony wall, bent at the waist, slender bare legs straight and ankles crossed, Weather's rear gained magnificent curves, sexy curves, the swell of...

2 years ago
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SovereigntyChapter 5

Alan couldn't move, he almost dared not to breathe, he knew she'd gone home, he knew she'd been homesick for centuries. What the hell was she doing back here? His mouth must have been hanging open cause Hopix started to laugh, "What have you missed me that much Alan?" Hopix giggled. "I thought you were gone for good! When I took you home I felt the longing in you to stay there." Hanging his head Alan whispered, "I thought you'd be happier there than here with me. Alright! Yes damn...

2 years ago
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Living a Dream

Living a Dream She has really started to make Lacy a bigger part of our lives, Christmas was really special, Lacy got presents for her first time, she really loved getting her own satin pajamas and well what Lady doesn't like jewelry. We also had several wonderful nights during the holiday we really hadn't been out of town in a while and we decided to make a reunion trip to San Antonio. You see we had a really nice trip a long time ago to San Antonio we had just happened on the...

2 years ago
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Brother And Sister Kanika

Hello dosto mera name naman he main haryana ke ek choti si city se hu. Main B tech third year ka student hu ye khani meri aur meri mama ki ladki kanika ki he. Main apne bare me bta du meri height 5’9 he, body slim aur lund 6.5 inch ka he vaise to main aur kanika bachpan se ek dusre ko jante he aur kafi ache dost bhi the lekin kanika ke bare me kbhi galat nhi socha maine wo 12th class me padhti thi. Ye khani 1 month purani he jab main apne mama ke ghr gya. mere mama ke 2 bache he kanika aur...

3 years ago
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A Journey of a Real WomanChapter 2 Betsy Goes to College

Betsy finished having something to eat and immediately returned to the dream bed. Over the next couple of days the pattern would become very familiar, as she would not be content until all the chapters of her life had been reviewed. The spare bedroom would be the launching pad for every session and this time she curled up on the bed, as if she was a little girl again. Her eyes had barely closed when she remembered herself going off to college. When she was accepted into an Atlanta school, it...

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The Marriage Night

Hi, guys and girls. This is Jack, 25 years old and doing my MBA in Mumbai. This site has had some really good hot stories which give us an awesome feel [actually more feel than watching :P]. So I thought why not share my experience here too. This happened last year when I and my family had decided to attend my father’s close friends daughters marriage. I did not know them so close because during my studies I had been in the hostel and was not here. Coming to the story we reached Shukla uncles...

2 years ago
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Dark ReasonsChapter 2

Dr. Ethan Miller gazed longingly at the lumpy, hard couch that inhabited one corner of the doctor's lounge. A couch that he had intimate knowledge of, having spent many long nights trying to get comfortable enough on it for a nap. Tonight, he didn't think it would take much. It had been a killer of a week. A flu bug had kept a lot of the staff home, leaving them at a skeleton crew. Not a good thing for a major metropolitan hospital. With his iron constitution, he had been immune and had...

2 years ago
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Revenge is best served blonde Prt 4 Eyes on the Prize

I figured that the two mile walk to school gave me time to settle down. I stopped by a store and got two energy drinks and stuffed them into my bag, but I started into one before I was even half way to school. My head was killing me and maybe the caffeine would take the edge off for now. I walked into the school as 1st period ended. “Good timing” I thought to myself. As the doors to classrooms opened and students flooded the halls I fought my way upstream to my locker. I spun my...

4 years ago
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Virginia episode 16

At a time when my friend Virginia and I were both on the outs with our husbands, we decided to take a weekend off and drive over the hill from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe for a little diversion.   Our plan was to get some sun, lay by the pool, gamble and pamper ourselves. The drive up the mountainous Highway 50 was uneventful. The topic of conversation was mostly what miserable bastards our men were. We had made a great choice in our getaway, especially without the men. We could both feel the...

1 year ago
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Hooded For Summer A True Story

Several years ago I had entered in a charity cycle. To get ready for one of these events you need to put plenty of miles on the clock so that you can happily cover the 90-95 kms a day need to complete the cycle in the appointed time. Mine was taking place at the end of September so I needed to do most of my training either in the morning before it got hot or in the afternoon after the heat of the day had passed. After a few weeks of training the endless road work can be if nothing a bit boring....

4 years ago
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Shearing shed

Emily feels free. She has left her warm woolen underpants and stockings on her bed in the cosy loft above the barn. Now she feels the chilly breeze curling up under the thick woolen skirt and ruffles the blond wool of her thick pubic hair as she strides. Morning sunlight radiates on her face as she steps on long frosty grass, her boots crunching on patches of ice and snow. Over the west of the farm rises a formidable small mountain dotted with huge standing boulders, a secretive sacred place...

2 years ago
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MsFashionista Has One Hot Body

Heya all guys and women here. Namaste to all! I am Jason Longhill. I find Indian stories quite erotic. And my main intent of writing here is to get in touch with open-minded Indians who dont see sex as a taboo! I submitted a story here 10 days back but it was rejected due to a few slangs and idioms which, well, are just used by Canadians apparently.   Special thanks to my good friend here, Varsha Doshi who helped me frame my entire story. So now about me, I am Jason, 24 y/o from Toronto,...

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Athai Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Vishnu, vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Enaku oru athai irukiraargal, avargaluku kuzhanthai piranthu oru varudam aagugirathu. Naan thiruvizha varum pozhuthu matum athai veetirku selven. Athai parka miga sexiyaaga irupaargal, avargaluku vayathu 35 irukum ippozhuthu thaan avargaluku athiga naatkal kalithu kuzhanthai piranthu irukirathu. Enaku athaiyai migavum pidikum, adikadi siru vayathil avargal madiyil thaan paduthu kondu irupen. Sameeba kalamaga kama kathaiyalai padithu...

4 years ago
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Belonging to Him

Introduction: So this is my first story, its a bit long but I hope you enjoy it… The telephone rings and she instantly feels herself getting wet when she sees his number on the screen. I want you to come over and come inside when you get here he commands and hangs up without waiting for her reply. She glances in the mirror to make sure she looks acceptable and gets in her car to drive to him. When she opens the door and enters, it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust to the semi darkness....

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