Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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The next morning I called my brother Jim on my cell phone. We did the usual family bit of "How's Dad and Mary," "Sarah and the kids" and "Paul and family?" Finally I said, "Sandy and I have a problem. In fact it's a pretty damn nasty problem. I was drugged so that some of the town's finest citizens could rape Sandy. It was taped and we are being blackmailed. I was wondering if you might have some time to come down and talk it over with us."
Jim said he would be on the road shortly. He was coming into town using the name he wrote under. We decided if we met face-to-face, he wouldn't acknowledge that he knew us. His excuse would be that he was in town to look for settings for a new story he was thinking of writing. Three days later I spotted Jim talking to Tom Monroe as I was coming out of the bank.
Tom stopped me as I started to pass them. "Hey Rob, we have a well-known author in town. Have you ever heard of Jim Wingate? He is going to write a new book set in our town."
Tom was pushing his luck, but his time was coming. I looked him in the eye. "No, I haven't." I kept on moving.
This made Tom mad. "Rob, you come back here." Tom turned to Jim and said, "Rob is new in town. He is kind of unsociable for a man that owns a business. It makes you wonder how long he will stay in business the way he acts." Then Tom stated, "Rob doesn't talk much and I like it that way. His wife doesn't say much either, but I like her better than Rob." Tom was giving me a warning and none too subtle about it either. After a couple of pleasantries, I continued back to the store where I told Sandy that Jim was in town.
It was nearing eleven that night when Sandy opened our back door to let Jim enter. We had anticipated that we would see him tonight. Sandy hugged Jim saying to him, "Boy, you can't believe this town. That Tom is as bad as those bikers you rescued me from years ago."
The three of us set out to make plans to get even. The tape that we had been warned was coming, had arrived yesterday. It had been heavily edited to show Sandy in the worst possible way. All that was on it was Sandy coming on to Jeff, Tom and Bill. All of the scenes of the threats and the abuse that Sandy had to endure, including the blow to the face, were deleted.
We showed Jim that tape first and then ran the one that came from our camera. Sandy got so angry when we viewed them that she wasn't ashamed at all for Jim to see them abuse her. Jim, on the other hand, cringed through it all and ended with tears of sympathy for Sandy. "Sandy, how could you have stood that?"
"I stood it for two reasons. One, to save Rob's life, and two, to get even and make them pay!"
We viewed our tape again and then again, looking for a way to get even. Jim and I came up with one plan and on reflection Sandy went along with it. Jeff appeared to be the one most reluctant to do Sandy harm. He was the chink in their armor, if we could turn him.
It took us days to come together with a plan. First we had to get Jeff working for us. Jim was able to go around and talk to people all over town in his capacity as an author. He talked to the business proprietors and the laborers. The cops and the handymen. He even went down to the trailer park looking for material. The ladies at the country club gave an afternoon tea in honor of Jim Wingate, author.
Jim was a great listener. He could pry facts out of the person he was conversing with and they wouldn't even know he picked their brain. Finally we were ready to act on Jeff. An invitation by phone invited Jeff to meet with a possible client to build a new house on the outskirts of town. The client was passing through and would be at the Shady Rest Motel at eight the next evening. Would Jeff be interested?
Tom was still watching Sandy and I, but not as close as he did right after the rape. We easily eluded him and chose an end room at the motel, where we were able to park our car out of sight. Jeff knocked on the door and I said, "Come in." He entered and I said from the bathroom, "Just a minute, I'm shaving."
Jim came in behind Jeff and was locking the door as Sandy and I came out. Jeff was in shock. His face turned white. "What's this? What are you doing here? I was supposed to meet a client."
Sandy spoke, "Hi Jeff, this is some different than the last time we met isn't it? Do you still think I am a hot one now? Do you want to see my pussy or my ass now? Go ahead, ask. You did before. There's my husband, Rob. He was there that time too. Oh yes, I forgot, you were threatening to kill him weren't you? You've met my brother-in-law. He interviewed you about our nice little town, didn't he? You know what he found out? This little town has some sadists and some rapists in it. What do you have to say in your own defense?"
Jeff looked at the floor and then looked at Sandy. "What can I say?" He paused, "Are you going to kill me? Please don't? I have two kids and they need me."
"How about your wife, Jordan? Does she need you too?" I asked.
"Jordan is a survivor. She doesn't need anybody."
"Are you sorry about what you did to my wife?"
"Yes, I'm very sorry. I've lost a lot of sleep over it too."
"What about the other women you guys have raped? Are you sorry about them?"
Jeff's head snapped up, then he paled and staggered to the bed to sit with his head down. He felt retribution was at hand. We watched him as he got used to the idea in his mind that he was going to die. He squared his shoulders, "Ma'am, I truly am sorry for what I made you do." He sat back and waited his fate.
I went over to the tape player and told Jeff to watch this. I started where Jeff was asking Bill and Tom what the fuck they were doing by almost killing Sandy. We heard him on the tape slamming down the stairs. I let it run to catch the conversation the two had about him being a 'puss' and about Bill holding the loan on his business.
"You're in a bind aren't you? You're here with the evidence of you raping my wife. Your three other buddies are sitting somewhere ready to fuck you over in your business. Also it is pretty certain that your wife is screwing your best buddy. It makes a person wonder if your two kids are even yours. My wife got raped, but she is better off than you for all the abuse she took."
"I am not a rapist!"
"What do you call an unwilling subject held by the threat of killing her husband, making her give you a blowjob?" I could see that he remembered that Sandy had invited him to participate. He wanted to tell me about what Sandy had said when she offered to blow him to get things started. He looked at Sandy who looked away so she wouldn't influence the answer to my question. This was critical to how we would treat him.
He made his decision. "I guess I am as guilty as anyone can be. Do what you have to do." Did he want to save Sandy from having to admit that she egged him on before me? He had taken enough from her. Maybe he wanted to give back a little so she wouldn't look so bad in my eyes. I hoped so.
"Okay, this is what you are going to do. You are going to sit here and write down the names of every victim you guys raped. We have evidence enough here so it won't make it any worse for you. Be truthful. It will pay in the long run."
Jeff took the pad and wrote seven names. Not only that, after four names he gave the reason for the rape. Two of them were for the same reason. The inability to get the back lot in their possession. Sandy's of course we knew and Mr. Henderson's daughter, likewise. "Mr. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon was the first and only one I had any physical contact with. I'm so ashamed of myself. I swore that I wouldn't sink to their level, but I had been warned that night that I had to participate. Tom was getting concerned that I might rat them out if I didn't. I'm sorry, but Mrs. Gordon is beautiful. It made me forget what I had sworn to myself."
"How much is your mortgage at Bill Jones's bank?"
"$83,482.09. I made a payment today, so I know exactly."
"Are the terms satisfactory?"
"Yes and if I can get a fair amount of construction to do, I can easily make the payments. Where are you going with this anyway? I thought you were going to kill me."
"No we were never going to kill you. We need someone on the inside to help us bring these guys down. You're that person. I hope we have your full cooperation."
"You have. Just don't harm my kids."
"What about your wife? Are you going to let Tom have her?"
"If I can figure out how to get shut of her, he can have her. I think she and Bonny are of the same stripe."
"What about Barbara, Tom's wife? I thought everyone called them The Three Sisters?"
"They do, but Barb is a sub. She is as much under Jordan and Bonny's control as she is Tom's."
"It doesn't sound as if you love your wife. Do you want to tell us anything about it?"
"I've known that she and Tom are screwing and have almost since we were married. That's the least of it. Bill and Bonny have a secret room where they play games among themselves. Sometimes they even have out-of-town guests. Barbara told me this. They make her do unspeakable things as a sub. It is too bad, she really is a nice person. Jordan tried to get me interested in some pain games right after we married, but it just turns me off. Jordan is pretty hot, but I'd trade that for someone to love any day."
"What about Vincent? Where does he fit into this?"
"He's queer. What Bill and Tom do disgusts him. He's greedy though and they use him to do the camera work. He is the one that really wants the lot back of your store. They keep promising that they will get it for him, but I am wondering if they are stringing him along. He supplies the medications that Tom and Bill use. He has an effect on the people that Tom and Bill go after. One or two women offered anything if Bill would keep Vincent away from them. He is a real cretin."
"He does all of the camera work. Who does all of the editing? What does he do with the tapes and film when he gets done? Does he store them some place or does Bill or Tom keep them?"
"He keeps it all. There is a room in his basement that he uses to do the editing. I don't think he trusts them anymore than he trusts me. I don't know for sure, but he has a built-in cupboard that is flush with the rest of the room. It has two padlocks on it. One time he went down to get a tape to show us and I heard what sounded like a padlock hitting the floor. He must have fumbled it and it fell."
"Do you think there is more than one copy of his camera work?"
"Not unless it is hidden somewhere else in his house."
"Do you guys go there much to see what has been done to the women that have been raped?"
"I don't, but shortly after a rape happens, Tom and Bill spend a lot of evenings there. I suspect that Bonny and Jordan see the tapes too. The day after we raped Mrs. Gordon, Jordan wasn't home and I called her on my cell. She said she was busy with Bonny and Bill. When she got home she mentioned that Vincent still gave her the creeps. Then she said she guessed I couldn't deny I was one of the gang now."
"It sounds to me as if you are more victim than predator. If we can extricate you from all of this, you would be willing to help us, wouldn't you?"
"Yes of course. I'm worried about my kids though. I don't see how I am going to get them away from Jordan. She knows how much I love them. That is one of the holds she has on me."
"Maybe we can get you evidence for a divorce. That would be a start. In the meantime don't rock the boat by letting on we have talked." I made a quick decision. "How would you like a partner in your business? It would be for the same loan amount and under the same terms. That way you could pay off the bank before Sandy and I tear it and Bill down. We have some facts that even you don't know about."
Jeff couldn't believe his good fortune. We broke up this little party with the agreement that Jeff would come into the store on legitimate business to meet with us one or two days a week.
Jim had done his homework, both day and night, while he was compiling information for the setting of his future book. He, by observation, saw that Vincent often went across his lot to that of his gay lover. If he took a bottle of wine with him he would be out of his house for three hours or more. Being just next door, he never even locked his house. Jim and I were waiting and watching until he followed the pattern. We were in his house and down the stairs to the basement before the two homosexuals had greeted each other. Using the bolt cutters, I had the door open and was looking at two rows of tapes indexed in a tall cabinet.
Packing the tapes in the boxes we had with us, I replaced the padlocks. I guessed he would have bought padlocks off the shelf, maybe even from my own store, so I had four of the most popular sizes and brands with me. I was right. If he didn't need to open the cupboard for awhile, he would think things were just as he had last left them. He would be very surprised when the keys didn't fit.
Nine minutes later Jim and I were crossing the fourteenth fairway behind his house to our car and thirty-five minutes later I was putting the bolt cutters back in my case at the store. We had a lot of incriminating evidence. We didn't know what yet and I shuddered to think what would happen if I was caught with it. Jim took off and I walked down to Vincent's pharmacy where he kept a soda fountain open well into the evening.
Sandy met me and we sauntered in and ordered cherry cokes. While we were waiting for our drinks to be drawn, I told Sandy that Jim and I were successful. We didn't know how successful yet, but we had seen several names on the tapes as we packed them. Ours was the last tape on the bottom row in the cupboard. We speculated how long it would be before Vincent discovered he had been burgled.
Sandy sat sipping her coke when Tom, in full uniform, came in and sat next to her. He started to say something. Sandy picked up our drinks and went over to a little two person table in the corner, waiting for me to pull the chair out. I was hoping that Tom wouldn't follow us to the table because I had seen Sandy in action when she was pissed. There was a point beyond which you couldn't trust Sandy to use common sense. He lucked out by asking for a candy bar and leaving almost immediately.
Sam Henderson had showed me a safe under the floor that no one knew about when he sold the place to me. It was well hidden. While Sandy made sure I wasn't interrupted, I selected and set aside ten of the tapes. The seven that we surmised were of rapes, one of which included Sandy. I also picked three others labeled Jordan and Tom, Bonny and Jordan and one labeled Tom, Jordan, Bill and Bonny. I noticed one more. One that had a different label in a different handwriting. This one was B, B, and J. I decided that this one was worth looking at so I set it with the others.
Jeff came into the store just before closing. I said to him, "Meet us at the same place, same time tonight."
Jim was able to reserve the same room and waited for Sandy and me there. At nearly eight-thirty we figured he wasn't coming. We wanted to see what was on the tapes, but we wanted to have Jeff identify any of the people we didn't know. Finally he came and knocked lightly on the door. His excuse was that Tom had seen him leave his house, so Jeff went to a building sight to throw Tom off. He spent a half hour there before he thought Tom would be on the other end of town.
I started the tape player putting in one of the tapes with the name that Jeff said was one of the seven women raped. Jeff said this was a woman who lived in the trailer park. He wasn't at the scene of the rape though and he didn't know why Tom and Bill picked this poor woman. I've never seen such abject terror on a woman's face before. Sandy cried as they abused and threatened her.
I couldn't watch anymore so I ejected it and installed another. Jeff owned up to being present and Vincent made sure his image was there. This was a woman who belonged to the country club. Her husband had refused to cooperate in some business dealings of Bill's. She thought that Bill was joking when she was brought into a motel room. Before long she was completely cowed and ended up in the same condition as the previous victim. That couple moved from town the next week Jeff said. "God this is terrible. I can't believe that I was a part of this." Remorse for Jeff wasn't going to be enough to dull the memory of what he had seen tonight.
The next four we looked at were of the same stamp and with the same result. They all ended with terror for the victim. That is until the one that Sandy was involved in. I had seen it several times from the angle of our camera. The last scene in this was of a shot of Sandy lying on the bed after being knocked unconscious, and of me drugged and unconscious in the chair.
Jeff identified all of the victims and told us approximately where they lived. He didn't know where the Hendersons were and he didn't know where the woman that was a member of the country club had ended up. The tapes of Bill, Bonny, Jordan and Tom were pure Marquis de Sade. In fact a copy of his writings were displayed prominently in one clip. Jeff had enough evidence against his wife to divorce her and for a court to label her as unfit. He said he just didn't know that his wife was this bad.
The tape that horrified us the most was the one with a different label in a different handwriting. We couldn't figure out who held the camera because there were five people in action. Actually only four, because Barbara was restrained and those around her were abusing her. It didn't matter, for the action was all about Barbara. The tape only lasted fifteen minutes or so, but in that time she had been screwed and sodomized while being whipped repeatedly.
Putting this in context, Barbara endured more than the women that had been raped. This showed how terrible Jordan and Bonny were. Terrible to someone that had gone to school with them and been a part of college life with them. I asked Jeff how he ended up marrying Jordan. Jeff explained how his life in college had been.
"The four of us guys went to school here. Bill and Tom got full scholarship money and I got some. Not enough to go without having to work to supplement my expenses. Vincent was always hanging around so he went up there with us. His old man had plenty of money, well come to think of it, Bill did too. It is like Vincent was in the shadow of Bill and Tom. All of us went to the fraternity parties, me along with the rest of the gang. I guess I was the better athlete so I didn't have any trouble scoring with the women.
"At one of the parties we ran into three girls, Bonny, Jordan and Barbara. Jordan chose me, I guess because I was the star football jock. Bill and Bonny seemed to hit it off which left Barbara for Tom. Barbara, as you've noticed, is the prettiest, so Tom was okay with that. Barbara was a wimpy little thing then, but that suited Tom just fine. He is a control freak and Barbara never objected to him messing around with others.
"Jordan wanted to party a lot, but I had a job to contend with. Hey, I didn't mind her messing around as long as I was getting what I wanted. So we all got married and came home. It took me awhile to get my business going and I've always been in debt. Jordan got pregnant and the day little Connie was born, my life was complete. Jordan has been a fair mother, but she likes to be with Bonny and Bill so I ended up with Connie a lot of evenings.
"I probably should have kept better track of Jordan and then I got sucked into seeing Tom and Bill rape a woman. Jordan said I was a wimp and should join them, but it sickens me. Jordan came up pregnant again. I never sat down to figure the dates but I doubt that Mickey is mine. I don't care, he has my name and I will take care of him. So that is why I've gone along with what the rest do just so no harm comes to my kids. They have to be stopped though. They almost killed Mrs. Gordon and someday they will kill somebody."
We made plans. Sandy wanted her pound of flesh ripped from Bill, Tom and Vincent. Jeff had to extricate himself from his wife and save his kids. First Sandy and I figured out how to get Jeff a check for the loan that Bill wouldn't be able to trace. Using two out of state banks and a series of wire transfers we made it work. I gave Jeff a legitimate check so he could go into Bill's bank to pay off the loan, making sure that the loan was discharged. Bill objected strenuously for this eliminated one hold that he had over Jeff.
In the meantime Sandy contacted all of the local victims that had been raped. They all discreetly gathered in our home for a conference. Relating the ordeal and the severity of her rape, she asked if they all would forgive one member if he would turn against the others. She named Bill Jones. No one would forgive him. They declared that Tom Monroe was the most sadistic and he shouldn't be let off. Vincent had one victim that said maybe he wasn't so bad, but she was finally convinced he should pay the price with the others when they all realized they were drugged from supplies from his pharmacy.
Sandy then brought up the name of Jeff. Only two remembered he had been present and all said he should be excluded from retribution if he would help them get revenge.
One more thing, we had to get Jeff out of Jordan's clutches. Jeff filed for a divorce and she was served. He got what he asked for, only it would take awhile for the divorce to become final. The only thing was he wouldn't be able to see his kids until the custody hearing. He was heartbroken and was halfway blaming Sandy and I for pushing him into the divorce. We said to wait for the custody hearing when he could present the evidence of Jordan being an unfit mother. Nothing was going to be easy, but we were sure things would come out as he hoped.
Jeff called one afternoon and said he was going to have to meet with the three others tonight. I said, "If it's another planned rape get the hell away."
Sandy left to see her father with Randy stuck behind due to an illness that his mom determined was just a stomach bug. He’d be ok in a few days but would have to stay at home as it could be the Norovirus, very contagious, but usually not serious unless you were the one that had it. Then you felt like it’s the worst thing ever. But a couple days in, Randy was settled enough that he could sleep. His mom stayed close, taking care of him. Since she had no job at the moment and they had the...
Unexpectedly, the family receives a letter from their father that contains a check for $10,000 and two open-ended airline tickets with a letter pleading to Sandy and Randy to forgive him and come visit. He missed his kids so much. Her mom almost tore it up, but the money would save them from losing their apartment after she lost her job. She did not want her kids to go homeless! After much discussion with their mom, they decide to go to visit. He was their dad, after all. Sandy wondered if...
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Early one morning, very early, Sandy & Randy’s Mom came home from work unexpectedly. Whenever Mom was working nights, Sandy would set the alarm for 6am, several hours before she would be expected. But that didn’t help this time. Mom got home at 1am after a co-worker dropped her off due to the awful “day” at work at the hospital. Still teary-eyed, she quietly came into the small apartment and smaller bedroom to peek in on Sandy and Randy, her only saving grace to her difficult life. They...
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Group SexThe sun was just peeking over the horizon as Sandy took her first sip of coffee, sitting on her back porch. It was 6:00 am. She had left Francine in bed to get some more sleep. Sandy was so energized that she was surprised she’d actually gotten the four hours of sleep that she did.She was thinking about the last day and what an amazing awakening it had been.The morning chill made her naked skin rise up in goosebumps and her nipples stood so tall and hard they almost hurt. She loved that she was...
Group Sex"It will be Sandy's birthday in two weeks," Pam reminded me."I remember," I replied, " the big five-o for our little teacher.""She does not want a party or anything, though," Pam lamented. "She doesn't want to even say the word fifty."I laughed, "I don't why she worries; she barely looks forty.""I know," Pam replied. “She looks so good still.""Like you," I reminded her. "You still look like you're in your thirties."Although almost forty-nine Pam looked like she was...
SwingersChapter 1: So Like A Woman Sandy had led a sheltered life. Just 24 years old, she had had no other lover than her husband of two years, Sam. Sex was still a bit of a mystery to Sandy, though she was excited by it when it happened and often found her mind turning to it when she was doing some chore around the house. Her neighbour and best friend Sally once gave her a vibrator as a joke present but though she had unwrapped it and even held it a few times she hadn’t dared to use it and kept it...
Larry and sandy wilson were relaxing in front of the television on this spring evening. Their three children were paying attention to the program that was airing; but larry and sandy were less engrossed. Sandy was paying more attention to the book that she was reading and larry was dozing off periodically. Larry began thinking about how they had gotten to this place in their lives since he met sandy while they were both in college in ohio. Larry had been in the first semester of his senior year...
I woke up to find Pam's head next to mine but our bodies apart. Between our legs was Sandy, still face-down in the same place and sleeping soundly. I kissed Pam's forehead and got up. As I went into the bathroom I turned and looked back at the bed. Sandy was still in her school-girl outfit, the plaid skirt up on her back with her perky little ass sticking out. The sight made my cock start to grow.I showered and dried off. Entering the bedroom I found Sandy cuddling with Pam. They looked at me...
SwingersAll the rest of that week, Jo and I kept spending time with Sandy. And all that week, that gorgeous blonde wearing her patented black pants and brightly-colored ribbon belt kept telling us how she could hardly wait until Friday night, when she’d been joining Jo, Nadene and Heather for a fun-filled night working as a street hooker. Wednesday morning, two days after she’d first talked to Jo and me about the many advantages of life as a whore, we showed up at the bank to find Sandy already hard at...
Group SexSandy was standing in her bra and panties brushing out her silky, blonde hair with long even strokes. She had lost count on how many strokes she had applied so far, and smiled nervously at herself in the mirror. She was getting dolled up for a special treat this evening. Her friend, Graham, had called her earlier in the week and told her to reserve a spot in her social calendar for this coming Saturday evening. When Sandy asked what was so special, Graham said, "Remember that conversation we...
Francine rested her head back into the corner of the wall. The bathroom was dimly, romantically lit by a few candles. Soft jazz was playing, and she and Sandy had just brought one another to wonderful orgasms, again. She was sitting on the edge of the tub and Sandy was in the tub kneeling between her legs.Francine had asked Sandy to shave her. Now that she had found a lover, the lover she had dreamed of, she wanted to be clean for her. She wanted Sandy to fully enjoy sucking on her pussy. ...
BDSMThere was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Sandy, the gorgeous little blonde bank-teller, is doing better and better and having more and more fun working as a prostitute. She has been working with JoAnne, Nadene and Heather for about three months now, and is doing everything she can to spend more and more time at it. In fact, she only is working at the bank half-time now, so she can spend more time working the streets and taking calls. And, even when she’s at the bank, she spends about half of her time on her knees… blowing her boss,...
Group SexSandy’s 40th Birthday surpriseSandy is a 5ft 1in ginger haired divorcee (three times) who was born in Ilkeston, between Nottingham and Derby in the UK, on December 6th 1974. Even though she was now nearly 40 she had a very tight body and looked a lot younger. Her best friend is Dawn who has been with her since her earliest school days right up to the present day. They are very close and since Dawn’s 40th birthday in July have become more than just friends as they are now lovers as well.Whilst...
Soon after my retirement I found myself scouting around for something to keep me busy. As fate would have it, I met a couple at a local bridge tournament in Milwaukee who owned a cabin in Northern Wisconsin. They were looking for someone who could help them do some repair and upgrade work on the place. I'm a pretty handy fellow, so I told them I'd be willing to sign on. Since the cabin was several hours drive from Milwaukee, they suggested that I stay over in the spare bedroom until the...
Wife LoversSandy's parting words echoed in my mind, "I love being your whore..." Our late night fuck-fest was unexpected and absolutely fantastic, but I wondered if she would tell Ray that she had wantonly fucked the guy her husband hired to help remodel his Wisconsin cabin. Perhaps tomorrow would be my last day on the job. In any event, I consoled myself with the idea that you can't change history. What's done is done. I had no regrets. Turns out my fears were unfounded. The next morning Sandy and Ray...
MILFIf you have read any of my prior stories, you know that while I was born as a boy, I more closely resembled my mother and my older sisters. I was the only boy in our family, and from a young age realized that I was destined to live as a girl. It started early in life, with me sneaking into my sister’s rooms and admiring their pretty things. Later on, I actually began “borrowing” things from each of my sisters. I lived in secret, ashamed that I was different.When I graduated from high school, I...
Back when I had my boat, I made some great friends at the boat club I belonged to at a local marina on Lake Michigan. Mark and Sandy were retired, and about ten years older than me. Despite the age difference, we all really got along well. With another group of friends, we spent our weekends at the club hanging out, boating, and partying together.Mark and I got to be close. He was like an older brother to me. We spent many hours drinking and talking about life. We’d talk about our families, and...
CuckoldI’ve long had a fantasy about seeing my wife have sex with another, well-hung, man. Recently, I had the chance to realize this fantasy. My wife, Lavi, and I were working out at our gym. For about fifteen minutes she and I were the only ones there. Then, a young man whom we had never seen there before came in and started riding one of the exercise bikes while I kept working out at the bench and Lavi went from one Nautilus machine to the other. Lavi is 29. She is 5’8″, about 120 pounds, brunette....
IncestAll the rest of that week, Jo and I kept spending time with Sandy. And all that week, that gorgeous blonde wearing her patented black pants and brightly-colored ribbon belt kept telling us how she could hardly wait until Friday night, when she’d been joining Jo, Nadene and Heather for a fun-filled night working as a street hooker. Wednesday morning, two days after she’d first talked to Jo and me about the many advantages of life as a whore, we showed up at the bank to find Sandy already hard at...
Group SexSandy. Just that name alone brings back some of the fondest and hottest sexual memories in my early adult life. If you haven't read about Sandy and my relationship with her, I invite you to go back and read those. Sandy was a wonderful woman, and I found her to be very sexy. But, when I'd first met her, Sandy was emotionally and mentally in bad shape because of the mental neglect and lack of attention that she'd been getting from her husband. I came into her life, or should I say she came...
Read “My Wife Caught Me” first. It had been two weeks since Sandy and Karen caught me in the basement, she had said nothing about that afternoon but I felt something was brewing. We had booked a weekend get away some time ago and was this weekend, three days at a resort to relax and be pampered. I got home about 3:00 Friday, “Jim, I packed your bag already and put clean stuff on the bed for you after your shower, I’m ready as soon as your done” Sandy told me. I showered and dressed and we on...
A lot is made about just how super-sexed blonde girls are, especially when it comes to having cocks in their mouths. You hear all kinds of jokes, like: Why did the blonde keep bumping her head? All the guys were sitting around a table. What do blondes wear to an Oral Exam? Knee pads. What do blondes say when they finish giving a blowjob? “Next.” The truth is, at least from my experience, that there is a certain amount of truth to all this. Certainly, there are a few brunettes whose mouths have...
Group SexReaders will discover that Sandy has total recall when telling about conversations with her roommate, Vivienne, but that helped me understand her better. Sandy and I had been in the bar (chapter 3) and were talking about how we had teased another man there, laughing on the street. * Even in Manhattan, so much exuberance turns a couple of heads on the street, but we still continued chuckling as we replayed the conversation. Sandy knew that he had seen that she didn’t have a bra on before I...
Sandy sat on the sofa looking at him from across the room. The computer was open on the dining room table with his fingers tapping away. She’d rather them be tapping on her pussy or over her clit. She could see beneath the table and onto his groin. His shorts were loose and she took that to mean that his cock was a nice size and needed plenty of room.She didn’t know what he was doing but she had the hots for him since she got home and it wouldn’t be for the first time either. Her urges came and...
IncestThings continued as before with coursework, classes and, for Sandy, continuing her preparation for her exams, now scheduled for early January. That schedule meant that both the written and oral parts could be completed before the second semester started around the third week of the month. Knowing her and the quality of her work, her adviser and committee seemed confident that she would pass despite its difficulty. Of course, there were interludes of more interesting activities – a party the...
It’s amazing how quickly you return to your routine after you return home from an adventurous or unique time away. Often, that exciting time somewhere else seems to have been a dream in which someone else did all those things you remember. At her office, the members of the group acted much as they had before, all quite discreet. Frank sat at his desk, Sandy at hers and the others at theirs, with no conversation about their wild activities. No one asked Sandy if she were wearing panties. When...
Responding to several requests, I have indicated that there are 21 chapters: 116,000 words, 217 typed pages if you are interested in details. Whether it’s worth it or not is up to the readers. ***** ‘Ok, honey, have fun!’ I watched her hurry downstairs and quickly switched to the webcam in the living room. I got it on just in time to see her open the door and meet Frank. He dropped the overnight bag he was carrying, quickly put his arms around her and they stood there kissing passionately for...
Prologue Her head hurt as she wandered along the rocky shoreline. Oblivious to the waves washing over her feet, she was lulled by the sound of the surf, but the cold breeze seemed to cut right through her. 'What am I doing here?'Sherry stopped walking and gazed out at the ocean. Heavy cloud cover blocked the sun, turning everything black and white. Wisps of her dark, shoulder-length hair danced in the breeze. Looking back at the footprints she'd left in the otherwise undisturbed sand, she saw...
LesbianFor a lot of reasons, my wife and I needed help. Specifically, we needed help cleaning our house. I had spoken with several companies who did the job, but they all have ‘deals’ and programs to set up regular visits, and the price tag is always too high for what we need. We both have health issues, mine being specifically disabling, since I can spend only ten minutes or so on my feet before I need to sit and restore. “You know,” my wife began, “I think I know somebody who might do what we...
We recently moved to the western suburbs around Chicago, into a newer sub-division. There's been a lot of construction going on and lots of construction workers hanging around. During the summer, while I was unemployed, I enjoyed watching the guys check Sandy out as they drove by. I've k**ded Sandy that I wouldn't mind seeing her take on a couple of the guys but she always tells me that most of the guys are either overweight, black, or too old to consider. We do, however, fantasize about her...
I sat there in utter shock as I watched her go into the house. Obviously, I drove home but I have no recollection of doing so. One thing became excruciating obvious: it is one thing to be told that your wife has been screwed by someone else and another to suddenly realize that she is planning to do so. The first is over and done with, a fait accompli, and beyond your control, so you deal with it. You blow up or you just accept it – but it’s happened. In the second case, however, nothing has...
Rumors got around town that Bill, Tom and Vincent were being investigated by a grand jury. No one knew of what specific crimes they were supposed to have committed. Jeff had been called before the jury several times. He told us he had been granted immunity and had bared his soul, and ratted on his so-called buddies. His custody hearing came up before the divorce court and he easily was granted custody of his kids. When a tape surfaced of Jordan dressed as a dominatrix treating Barbara as a...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Sandy had always been a rather large girl. By large in mean her bust was bigger than most girls her age. She had begun to develop very early in life until now, at age Sixteen, her bust turned the heads of any sane man around. This is not to say the rest of her body wasn't something to cause additional excitement with her slender waist and very womanly flared hips. Her face was absolutely gorgeous with full sensual lips. Golden hair cascaded down her back...
Sandy was wearing an old shirt that had belonged to her father. It was fairly heavy and came down to around mid-thigh. Being naked under the shirt, except for a pair of panties, she wasn't exactly dressed for a trip to the mall, but was certainly within reason for responding to the door, at least if she was careful. Sandy turned the porch light on and peered through the peep hole. She saw with delight that it was Charlie, from the house in back, and he was alone. She opened the door wide....
She hung up, checked herself in the mirror one more time, and, opening the door, called down to Frank, ‘All right, you can come up now.’ She backed up until she was standing away from the bed in front of some bookcases and stood there until he came into the room. I have no idea as to what he was expecting, but his face had a stunned expression as he saw her. His mouth gaped open and he just stood there, speechless, until he was finally gasp out, ‘My god, Sandy, you’re beautiful!’ He didn’t say...
Hi this is Poonam am 28 married to sandy he is good we have a good sex life he is thick & long he satisfying me all this years with his manhood I am small by breasts are 34 but firm sandy has a cousin lucky he is always invited at our place for a drinks they are good friends one night while making love to me in a dog style he gave his thumb in my mouth which I enjoyed sucking like a baby then sandy asked me would you like to have a another man in a bed I was mad sucking the thumb with my eyes...
Sandy woke up and opened her eyes. There was a scented candle burning on her nightstand. She wondered who put it there. She started to raise up; “Ouch,” she moaned and lay back down rolling onto her back. Francine lay next to her and started to stir as well. She was lying on her side and opened up her eyes. Sandy was looking lovingly at her. “Wake up baby,” she whispered. Francine smiled. “Hey baby, what time is it? How are you,” she asked.“I’m fine, baby,” Sandy said as she leaned and...
Love StoriesInside the house, Sandy put the pizza in the oven and then went to her room. She unbuttoned the shirt and started to take it off. She stopped, though, and looked at herself in the mirror. The shirt was long enough, and opaque enough, to be as modest as what she had been wearing when Charlie first arrived. But, it could also be more daring ... depending on 'how many buttons' ... and 'panties or no-panties'. Studying herself in the mirror, Sandy slowly re-buttoned the shirt. She left the...