Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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‘Sandy And Brad – Ch-01’
‘Home Comes The Warrior’
Part 1
‘On The Sidewalk’
The uniformed Marine who was wearing his Dress Uniform with Sargent stripes with several ribbons, was standing on the sidewalk beside the taxi cab, leaning on his cane. He was waiting for the driver to get his bags from the trunk. He took a deep breath and slowly breathed out in a long, slow, tired sigh.
There was no one here. He had called. They said they would be right down. Of ourse, he realized, he had only called when he got here. He was just so wrapped up with his Discharge and returning home. And he was feeling so tired from the long hours of traveling. But this was not his home. And he knew that his parents were not coming. They had died two months ago in a car accident, while he lay unconscious in a Military Hospital in Germany.
There had been a letter waiting for him when he had awoke in the hospital. It was from his Mom. Written when his Mom and Dad had last visited. There was also a small bundle of letters from his best friend. Since then he had read his Mom’s letter every day. As well as the others. He now carried his Mother’s letter with him in his pocket. With it was another letter from his best friend. The last one she had written. His Best Friend, the girl he dated in High School. It was just one of many he had received from her while in the hospital. And that friend who had also made the trip to visit him in Germany several times, even when he was unconscious.
Sandra Brooks, his long time friend from high school, had been there when he was awoken in Germany. He was so happy to see her. Then after a time she had the hard task of informing him of the death of his parents. And Sandy had stayed with him as he grieved. It had been so much to take in those first few hours he was awake. And Sandy had remained there holding his hand.
And she had insisted, that when he was released, he was to come back to live with her. She would not take no for an answer. And he could not think of any other place he wanted to be. And he finally realized just how much he cared for her. So he had readily agreed. And he knew, deep down, this was what he had wanted. After all those years, he was happy to be going home to her. That was what she had told when she left two weeks ago. He was to come home to her.
And at the time, back in the hospital, it was the single bright spot in his life. It was what kept him working hard those last two months he spent in the hospital. To go home to Sandy.
He glanced up at the apartment building. It looked to be about twenty five stories high. Again he looked at the number on the building. 1776 Liberty Ave. He smiled. He really liked the address. And this was where he was suppose to come and be met.
Taking another deep breath he blew it out as he began to feel how tired he was from the trip from Germany. The long overnight flight to New York and then there was the several hours of waiting for his connecting flight. And both of his legs still ached from his wounds, the numerous surgeries and the stiffness from being in bed for months recovering. And his back was sore from those hard as rock, plastic airport chairs. He snorted. He ached all over.
He yawned. Maybe, he thought I should have stayed over night in New York. Then he remembered all the connecting flights were booked solid for the next three days. So he endured the wait, thinking mostly of getting home to see his best friend. The girl he was in love with. His High School Sweetheart.
He then shook his head in disgust, again thinking of the asshole of a TSA Agent in New York, who did not believe he had all that metal in him from his surgical pins and metal plates in his left leg, holding the bones together and several more pins in both arms. The only questions the Agent kept asking were: What was he hiding? And why? But what really boiled him was when the Agent demanded he take off his artificial right leg for examination.
He remembered he was getting so irritated at the agent’s stupidity, he had thought about stuffing him into a near-by trash bin. In pieces.
Fortunately, a TSA Supervisor showed up and had quickly got him on his way. Good thing too, he thought, taking a deep breath and blowing it out. He had walked away with both agents’ names. He would be filing both a strongly worded complaint and a thank you.
He again shifted his stance to ease the pain in his left leg. He needed a nice long nap. And he knew it would help a lot to get his perspective back. He never was quick to anger, but that TSA Agent had almost pushed him too far.
He sighed again.
And he knew, that his stiffness and pain was also from his not being active while in the hospital. Due to his injuries he had been sedated for quite sometime. The doctors had stated that the pain would fade in time and for him to take it slow and easy. Until then he had the prescription for some pain pills. And a bottle with a bunch of them was in his duffel bag. He sighed. He hated taking them. His mind got fuzzy from them and they made him sleepy too. Something else he was going to have to deal with.
Sighing heavily he realized that he had spent far too long medically sedated as his brain slowly recovered and healed from the pounding it had taken when he had been injured.
Perhaps at bed time would be best.
His thoughts again drifted back to that last hazy day in Afghanistan.
And to the wounds he had received in Afghanistan. Wounds that had placed him in a Military Hospital in Germany for months. Wounds that got him discharged with a full medical. Wounds that got him a Purple Heart.
He sighed, shaking his head. Like he really wanted a medal. All he had wanted, was to get those in his squad through their tour and get them home, without loosing anyone. And there I was, he thought, on my third combat tour and I’m the one sent home. His Military Career finished after seven years. He looked down at the sidewalk. Down at his legs. Well, one leg, he again reminded himself bitterly. He had nothing left of his planned future.
He sighed heavily.
‘Brad!!!’ came an excited female voice from behind the Marine.
He turned. A smile filled his face. ‘Sandy!’
Sandy rushed up and stopped about two feet before him. She was at least four inches taller than the Marine. She had long auburn hair which she wore loose, her greenish eyes sparkled and she had a big beautiful smile. She reached out and gently touched his arms. Then she started crying looking at him. ‘You’re home, Brad. You’re home.’
‘Sandy, I won’t break,’ stated Brad as he held out his left arm.
She looked down at his legs then slowly up his body then at his face. Then into his eyes. Her smile faded.
‘I promise,’ stated Brad as he dropped the cane and took a slow step to her while wrapping his arms about her.
Sandy quickly joined him and hugged him, holding him tight against her. She rested her head against his. ‘Oh, Brad!’ was all she could say before she started weeping again.
The Cab Driver closed the trunk and set a pair of green duffel bags down on the sidewalk. He then reached down and picked up the cane and waited.
Brad looked at the Cab Driver.
‘When I got home from Nam,’ said the Driver, ‘my Mom cried for hours. Even my Dad cried.’ He shook his head. ‘I can wait, Marine. For a home coming. I’m in no rush.’
Sandy finally stood back, still holding him at arm’s length, looking at Brad. Tears still running down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and sighed as she smiled at him. ‘You must be tired.’
‘A bit,’ agreed Brad. ‘Had a seven hour delay in New York.’
‘You should have called me,’ pouted Sandy. ‘I would have come to New York to get you. Even to Germany.’
He smiled. ‘Wanted to surprise you,’ returned Brad.
‘You certainly did!’ declared Sandy. ‘Was not expecting you until Friday.’
‘Got released early,’
replied Brad.
‘Sargent Cassidy,’ said the Cab Driver.
Brad turned to look at the driver. ‘Yes?’
‘Do you need help with your bags?’ asked the driver.
Sandy smiled at him with tears still running down her face. ‘I can handle them.’
‘Wait!’ said the Cab Driver, pointing at her. ‘You’re Sandra Brooks the tennis player.’
‘The one and only,’ confirmed Brad.
‘My grand daughter is a big fan,’ stated the Driver. ‘She watches all of your matches.’
Sandy smiled. ‘Does she play?’
‘She does,’ answered the Driver. ‘Still just starting. Been playing for a couple of years.’
‘I’m sponsoring a tennis camp this summer’ said Sandy. ‘Actually two one week camps. Here in the city.’
‘We know,’ returned the driver. ‘But the cost is too much for us.’
‘Can I borrow a pen?’ asked Sandy pointing at the pens in the driver’s shirt pocket.
‘Sure.’ He handed her one.
Sandy pulled out a small pile of elastic wrapped business cards from her pocket. She pulled one out from the elastic. ‘My card. This is the Bradford Returning Active Veterans Endeavor. Or as I like to call it The Brave Endeavor. Its sponsoring the Tennis Camps.’ She wrote a phone number on the back then signed it. ‘Have your grand daughter call me. Her name?’
‘Kimberly,’ repeated Sandy as she again wrote on the back of the card.
‘Bradford?’ questioned Brad.
Sandy laughed and pointed at Brad. ‘BRAVE is named for him. Bradford!’ She turned to Brad.
Brad shook his head, confused.
‘I needed a name,’ chuckled Sandy. ‘And yes I got the idea sitting there watching you in the hospital. And while talking to the others and their families.’ She looked back at the Cab Driver. ‘The VA and the military do a lot. But sometimes the Veterans or their families need something they can’t afford or something hard to find. Or help and they don’t know who to turn to. Or they maybe need some type of medical equipment. The foundation is there for that.’
‘Big order,’ stated the Cab Driver.
Sandy handed her card and the pen to him. ‘Not really. Not when our Veterans are so Brave. If they can step up and do those hard things that need to be done. Then we should step up and support them when they need it. Usually its just us doing the research and connecting the two together. Its surprising how much help we do get.’ She looked at him. ‘Have Kimberly call me tomorrow. We have plans for tonight.’
‘Understood,’ replied the Driver. He shook his head. ‘Still can’t afford it.’
Sandy smiled. ‘Don’t worry about the cost. I’ll wave her fees.’
The Driver stopped and just looked at Sandy for a moment. ‘Thank you. Thank you very much.’
The driver then held out a card to Brad. ‘Sir, if you or Miss. Brooks ever need a ride. Call the company and ask for number 52 or use my name, Dave Tanner. I’m usually on days.’
‘Thanks,’ replied Brad taking the card. ‘What’s the fare?’
The driver held out his hand.
Brad took the offered hand and shook it.
The driver said, ‘Marine, you already paid your fare.’
‘Nam!’ stated Tanner. ‘My reception when I got home was ‘Hanoi Jane’ and getting spit on by a bunch of war protesters. I vowed never to let that happen to another service man or woman. You all deserve better.’
Still holding Tanner’s hand, Brad gave him a firm handshake. ‘Thank you.’
Tanner looked at Sandy. ‘Take real good care of him.’
‘I plan to,’ replied Sandy. ‘Thanks.’
Tanner held out the cane. ‘Yours, Marine.’
Brad took his cane, nodding his thanks.
‘Remember my card. My cell number is on the back. I know all the places that are Vet friendly. So give me a call.’ He looked at the young Marine for a moment. ‘Or even if you just need to talk to someone who knows what you’ve been through.’
‘Thank you,’ said Brad.
‘I’ll remember,’ added Sandy.
‘Actually,’ stated Tanner, ‘I think the protesters should have gone to Washington and spit on a few of our Congressmen.’
Brad chuckled and nodded.
Sandy covered her mouth as she snickered.
Dave Tanner looked at Sandy. ‘And I’ll have Kimberly call you tomorrow.’ Tanner got back into his cab and drove off leaving Sandy and Brad standing on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building.
Brad looked up at the apartment building. ‘Top floor?’
‘Brad, you should have called,’ pouted Sandy.
‘Turn about is fair play, Sandy. You sitting there by the bed when I woke up.’
Sandy moved to stand in front of him. She shook her head. ‘Only the fourth floor. Three bedrooms.’ She gazed into his eyes for a long moment. ‘What am I ever going to do with you?’ She then reached up with her hands and held his face and leaned close, closed her eyes and kissed him.
After several long moments Brad broke the kiss and smiled at her. ‘Maybe we should go inside.’
Sandy nodded. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘I’ll get your duffel bags.’ She handed Brad a key ring. ‘Your keys. The silver one is for the front door. The brass one is for the apartment’s deadbolt and the one with the rubber thing on it is for the regular lock.’
‘Three keys,’ stated Brad. ‘I think I can do that.’
‘We’re in Apartment 4 D.’ She then hefted up the two green bags. ‘Don’t worry. There’s a pair of elevators. And only one step up at the front door. There’s also a wheelchair ramp on the left side.’
End Part 1
‘Sandy And Brad – Ch-01’
‘Home Comes The Warrior’
Part 2
‘Welcome Home’
As they exited the elevator, Sandy stated, ‘To the right. Second door on the left. That’s ours. This door,’ continued Sandy as they walked by a door on the right with a small sign labeled ‘Emergency Exit,’ ‘is the fire stairway. With your legs I thought the fourth floor was high enough.’
‘Thanks,’ replied Brad. ‘Maybe in a year or so I’ll do all 25 or more.’
Behind him Sandy chuckled. ‘I bet you will, Brad. Bet you will. While I’ll huff and puff my way behind you.’
Brad snorted. ‘Some tennis player you are.’
Behind him Sandy continued to chuckle. ‘Brass key for the dead bolt,’ directed Sandy. ‘The one with rubber thing is for the regular lock.’
Brad unlocked the apartment door then stepped in and held the door for Sandy. Then closed the door.
Sandy set the duffel bags down against the cabinets next to the refrigerator. She gestured back towards the door. ‘Double bolt it.’
Brad gave the deadbolt another twist.
Sandy stepped over to him. ‘Then we put the security bar up.’ She picked up a heavy square bar that was leaning by the door and dropped it into a set of ‘U’ shaped clamps on each side of the door frame. There was another set of clamps mounted on the door that the bar sat in.
‘There was a break in on the second floor just over a month ago,’ explained Sandy. ‘They kicked in the apartment door. So I requested the additional security. And now our PCs are wired up to the building’s internal video camera system. When we order delivery we can see them at the front door to buzz them in. And track them in either elevator and every hallway.’ She touched the door. ‘That way we can see and know who’s knocking on the door.’
‘Nice,’ stated Brad.
Sandy then rapped the door with her knuckles. It gave off a heavy sound. ‘Heavy duty steel door. It cost me a bit. But it will hold off your average criminal.’
‘Nice security,’ agreed Brad.
Sandy pointed at door. ‘When we
we can take it with us unless the owners pay for it. Got it in writing.’
‘Is there a back door?’
‘This is the back door.’ She pointed through an arched opening. ‘The front door is in the living room. Same set up.’
Brad moved to the opening and looked. ‘Same keys?’
‘Yep!’ replied Sandy. ‘And in the city the delivery guys
have to have a photo ID from the restaurant,’ continued Sandy. ‘Ask them to flash their ID.’
‘No ID,’ stated Brad, ‘No entry.’ He looked around. ‘I know this furniture.’
‘You should. Most is from your house. The rest is in storage. As is the rest of the furniture and stuff from your house, its all in storage,’ explained Sandy gesturing towards the living-room. ‘So you can sort through it later. And the house is currently rented out. A six month continuing lease. In case we decide to move there. Otherwise you have some income coming in. Oh, Brad, all of your books are here.’
She stepped over to him. ‘Come. Sit down. We need to talk.’
‘Your parents still in Bolton?’
‘For another couple of months,’ responded Sandy. ‘Then out to ‘Big Sky’ Montana. Or they were.’
‘Sandy? Were?’
‘Yeah, they’re going out there but just to scout out a place. Then they’ll be coming back.’
‘Why?’ asked Brad. ‘They were looking forward to moving out there for years.’
‘They want to make sure that we’re okay.’
‘Sandy,’ began Brad.
‘Brad, please,’ she said, pointing at the sofa. ‘Sit down.’
Brad looked at her then moved over to the sofa. Then he slowly eased himself down on to the sofa at the left end. He laid the cane on the floor behind his feet.
Sandy sat down next to him, on his right. She then wrapped her arms about him and held him tight. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. ‘Brad,’ she whispered. She began crying again.
Brad wrapped his arms about her and just held her. He closed his eyes just feeling thankful that Sandy had waited for him. His thoughts went back to high school. He remembered the first time he saw her. All the guys in the science class had watched her come in. Even many of the girls. Back when they were Freshman and his being assigned with Sandra as her lab partner. He was nearly tongue tied into speechlessness. Him with one of the prettiest girls in the school. They both soon discovered they had many interests in common. And slowly a friendship developed and grew.
While Brad was into wrestling, Sandra enjoyed tennis. Later Sandra liked going to watch Brad during his meets. Brad loved to watch Sandy on the court playing tennis. She was so graceful in her moves, while Brad displayed his skill and strength during his matches. Then they made study trips to the library with burgers later and a ride home from one of their parents. Then he had asked her out to go see a movie. By that time one of their parents would always drive taking them to whatever the match was then drive the other home. Until they each got their drivers license. Sandy first then a few months later Brad got his.
Brad’s memories skipped forward to when he stood at attention as a new Marine after boot camp. He was so surprised when Sandy ran up to him. He had not expected to see her. She had made the trip with his parents. And his Dad had saluted him, telling him he was very proud of him. And he remembered his Mom had hugged and told him to do his duty but to be careful.
He suddenly snorted at a memory.
‘What?’ whispered Sandy, still hugging him.
‘Just remembered something.’
‘What, Brad?’
‘My first over seas assignment. To our Embassy at Melbourne, Australia,’ replied Brad.
‘I remember,’ said Sandy. ‘Your Mom was so relieved about it. As were my parents.’
‘I can imagine,’ muttered Brad.
‘And me,’ said Sandy softly.
Brad tightened his hug.
‘So what about Australia?’
‘The guys making fun of me cause I watched your matches,’ said Brad.
Sandy snickered. ‘I can imagine that.’
‘I told them I knew you from high school,’ stated Brad. ‘They didn’t believe me.’
‘So…’ began Sandy, ‘you never told them we dated.’
‘Only once,’ replied Brad with a chuckle. ‘It took a while for them to stop laughing. Think it took about three days for the ribbing to stop.’
She lifted her head to look at him. ‘So that’s why they all dropped their jaws when I kissed you.’
‘Yeah,’ said Brad slowly. ‘They stopped laughing at me after that.’
Sandy left to see her father with Randy stuck behind due to an illness that his mom determined was just a stomach bug. He’d be ok in a few days but would have to stay at home as it could be the Norovirus, very contagious, but usually not serious unless you were the one that had it. Then you felt like it’s the worst thing ever. But a couple days in, Randy was settled enough that he could sleep. His mom stayed close, taking care of him. Since she had no job at the moment and they had the...
Unexpectedly, the family receives a letter from their father that contains a check for $10,000 and two open-ended airline tickets with a letter pleading to Sandy and Randy to forgive him and come visit. He missed his kids so much. Her mom almost tore it up, but the money would save them from losing their apartment after she lost her job. She did not want her kids to go homeless! After much discussion with their mom, they decide to go to visit. He was their dad, after all. Sandy wondered if...
Sandy jumps out of her father’s hotel bed. She looks at herself. She is a mess, hair all mussed, belly and mons covered in dried cum, KY, and her own juices. Into the bathroom for a quick shower. She comes out with a towel around her torso and another drying her hair. “Sandy, you can’t have wet hair. Your mom! There’s a hairdryer in there.” Nearly ten minutes goes by as she dries her hair. He has jumped in the shower as well, washing away his cum and her sex scent. She looks at her...
After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...
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Early one morning, very early, Sandy & Randy’s Mom came home from work unexpectedly. Whenever Mom was working nights, Sandy would set the alarm for 6am, several hours before she would be expected. But that didn’t help this time. Mom got home at 1am after a co-worker dropped her off due to the awful “day” at work at the hospital. Still teary-eyed, she quietly came into the small apartment and smaller bedroom to peek in on Sandy and Randy, her only saving grace to her difficult life. They...
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The next morning, Sandy awoke alone and hungry. Her father was already gone from his bed, their bed. After a quick stop, she meandered downstairs, still rubbing her eyes from sleep. The TV was on some news program. Suddenly it was off, and her father was calling to her. “Come on, sleepyhead. Breakfast is served. Want omelets this morning?” “Sounds great, I’m starved.” He doesn’t let on what he just heard. A hurricane had formed out in the Atlantic. This was before the advanced computer...
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My sex life finally improved hen I started my sophomore year of high school. I started the school year as a horny 15-year-old who couldn't seem to attract any males. But when school started, there was a new guy that was in four of my classes. I introduced myself and we started talking. It turned out that he was kind of shy, but he had a good sense of humor. That's one of my 'gotta-haves' when it comes to guys. His name was Brad. His dad was in the service, and he was one of those Army...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
I deliberately tried on my newest, skimpiest, string bikini in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom that hot Saturday morning in June, leaving the door to my room completely open, knowing that my brother Brad would have to see me modeling on his way to the shower at the end of the hall. He was just 18 at the time, I was 21, and back from college graduation. I was living at home and looking for a permanent job. Brad had his usual summer job at the beach as a lifeguard.There were just...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
MY STORY: My wife and I have been married for about five years, and while we are very monogamous, a recent event changed my mind about monogamous relationships. As an Army Officer I am expected to attend certain social events, and while my wife is not a social butterfly she goes along with me, because she knows the political importance of being the “prim and proper, socially connected” Officer’s wife. My Battalion Commander was throwing a Party at the “O” club (short for the Officer’s Club)...
Wife LoversSandy left home in PA at 18, landing in Daytona Beach Florida.While hanging nights on Beach,She meet members of several motorcycle clubs.The Thrill of Riding on Harleys became an addiction with Sandy.also,Sandy was overwhelmed seeing her 1st Daytona Bike Week.Sandy had never experienced riding on motorcycles or biker club.After a few weeks passed,Sandy's Saved $$$ were gone.She mentioned that to several of her new bikers friends.They offered Her option of Staying at their Clubhouse until things...
The next morning i awoke with Martins hard cock pressing against my thighs , it was just after 9am, we kissed making us both erect , i looked him in the eyes & he knew i wanted him to make love to me, we could hear the girls downstairs i just kissed him deeply & said we had better join the girls as we both smelt coffee, we all embraced & went outside on the decking for our coffee, it was then Shirl told me she had phoned Brad & wanted to meet him that evening but would let him...
Foreword Part II was my whole motivation for writing this story but I ended up keeping it shorter than I intended. This part is has more rough sex in it just to help set the tone of the characters. I love to hear your comments - [email protected] Part I - Chapters 1-3 dealt with Pam getting help from a hypnotist, Mark, to get back at her older sister Maggie. In order to do so she finds herself on stage with her other sister Abbey as well as Maggie. You'll have to read it to find out...
"Hold the door!" Sandy yelled as she sprinted the last twenty feet to the rapidly closing door of the Ferry's waiting area. With only a half foot to spare, the blonde made it through, much to the disappointment of the deck hand who got his kicks closing the door in people's faces. Had she missed it, it would be a long hour's wait until the next Ferry at 1:30 AM. No sooner had she cleared the boarding ramp when it began to rise, freeing the Staten Island Ferryboat Alice Austin to begin her...
Sandy stared off across the park that came up to the fence in her yard from her back porch. Her small subdivision abutted a large reserve at the edge of town. She drank down her last cup of coffee for the morning. It was a nice morning; winter was letting go and giving spring a chance to take hold. What a beautiful morning! she thought to herself. It was at this time last year that her husband, Steve, had passed. Winter yielding to spring fit her feelings well. She had an overwhelming...
Group SexThe sun was just peeking over the horizon as Sandy took her first sip of coffee, sitting on her back porch. It was 6:00 am. She had left Francine in bed to get some more sleep. Sandy was so energized that she was surprised she’d actually gotten the four hours of sleep that she did.She was thinking about the last day and what an amazing awakening it had been.The morning chill made her naked skin rise up in goosebumps and her nipples stood so tall and hard they almost hurt. She loved that she was...
Group Sex"It will be Sandy's birthday in two weeks," Pam reminded me."I remember," I replied, " the big five-o for our little teacher.""She does not want a party or anything, though," Pam lamented. "She doesn't want to even say the word fifty."I laughed, "I don't why she worries; she barely looks forty.""I know," Pam replied. “She looks so good still.""Like you," I reminded her. "You still look like you're in your thirties."Although almost forty-nine Pam looked like she was...
SwingersChapter 1: So Like A Woman Sandy had led a sheltered life. Just 24 years old, she had had no other lover than her husband of two years, Sam. Sex was still a bit of a mystery to Sandy, though she was excited by it when it happened and often found her mind turning to it when she was doing some chore around the house. Her neighbour and best friend Sally once gave her a vibrator as a joke present but though she had unwrapped it and even held it a few times she hadn’t dared to use it and kept it...
Larry and sandy wilson were relaxing in front of the television on this spring evening. Their three children were paying attention to the program that was airing; but larry and sandy were less engrossed. Sandy was paying more attention to the book that she was reading and larry was dozing off periodically. Larry began thinking about how they had gotten to this place in their lives since he met sandy while they were both in college in ohio. Larry had been in the first semester of his senior year...
I woke up to find Pam's head next to mine but our bodies apart. Between our legs was Sandy, still face-down in the same place and sleeping soundly. I kissed Pam's forehead and got up. As I went into the bathroom I turned and looked back at the bed. Sandy was still in her school-girl outfit, the plaid skirt up on her back with her perky little ass sticking out. The sight made my cock start to grow.I showered and dried off. Entering the bedroom I found Sandy cuddling with Pam. They looked at me...
SwingersAll the rest of that week, Jo and I kept spending time with Sandy. And all that week, that gorgeous blonde wearing her patented black pants and brightly-colored ribbon belt kept telling us how she could hardly wait until Friday night, when she’d been joining Jo, Nadene and Heather for a fun-filled night working as a street hooker. Wednesday morning, two days after she’d first talked to Jo and me about the many advantages of life as a whore, we showed up at the bank to find Sandy already hard at...
Group SexThe next morning I called my brother Jim on my cell phone. We did the usual family bit of "How's Dad and Mary," "Sarah and the kids" and "Paul and family?" Finally I said, "Sandy and I have a problem. In fact it's a pretty damn nasty problem. I was drugged so that some of the town's finest citizens could rape Sandy. It was taped and we are being blackmailed. I was wondering if you might have some time to come down and talk it over with us." Jim said he would be on the road...
Sandy was standing in her bra and panties brushing out her silky, blonde hair with long even strokes. She had lost count on how many strokes she had applied so far, and smiled nervously at herself in the mirror. She was getting dolled up for a special treat this evening. Her friend, Graham, had called her earlier in the week and told her to reserve a spot in her social calendar for this coming Saturday evening. When Sandy asked what was so special, Graham said, "Remember that conversation we...
Francine rested her head back into the corner of the wall. The bathroom was dimly, romantically lit by a few candles. Soft jazz was playing, and she and Sandy had just brought one another to wonderful orgasms, again. She was sitting on the edge of the tub and Sandy was in the tub kneeling between her legs.Francine had asked Sandy to shave her. Now that she had found a lover, the lover she had dreamed of, she wanted to be clean for her. She wanted Sandy to fully enjoy sucking on her pussy. ...
BDSMThere was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Sandy, the gorgeous little blonde bank-teller, is doing better and better and having more and more fun working as a prostitute. She has been working with JoAnne, Nadene and Heather for about three months now, and is doing everything she can to spend more and more time at it. In fact, she only is working at the bank half-time now, so she can spend more time working the streets and taking calls. And, even when she’s at the bank, she spends about half of her time on her knees… blowing her boss,...
Group SexSandy’s 40th Birthday surpriseSandy is a 5ft 1in ginger haired divorcee (three times) who was born in Ilkeston, between Nottingham and Derby in the UK, on December 6th 1974. Even though she was now nearly 40 she had a very tight body and looked a lot younger. Her best friend is Dawn who has been with her since her earliest school days right up to the present day. They are very close and since Dawn’s 40th birthday in July have become more than just friends as they are now lovers as well.Whilst...
Soon after my retirement I found myself scouting around for something to keep me busy. As fate would have it, I met a couple at a local bridge tournament in Milwaukee who owned a cabin in Northern Wisconsin. They were looking for someone who could help them do some repair and upgrade work on the place. I'm a pretty handy fellow, so I told them I'd be willing to sign on. Since the cabin was several hours drive from Milwaukee, they suggested that I stay over in the spare bedroom until the...
Wife LoversSandy's parting words echoed in my mind, "I love being your whore..." Our late night fuck-fest was unexpected and absolutely fantastic, but I wondered if she would tell Ray that she had wantonly fucked the guy her husband hired to help remodel his Wisconsin cabin. Perhaps tomorrow would be my last day on the job. In any event, I consoled myself with the idea that you can't change history. What's done is done. I had no regrets. Turns out my fears were unfounded. The next morning Sandy and Ray...
MILFIf you have read any of my prior stories, you know that while I was born as a boy, I more closely resembled my mother and my older sisters. I was the only boy in our family, and from a young age realized that I was destined to live as a girl. It started early in life, with me sneaking into my sister’s rooms and admiring their pretty things. Later on, I actually began “borrowing” things from each of my sisters. I lived in secret, ashamed that I was different.When I graduated from high school, I...
Back when I had my boat, I made some great friends at the boat club I belonged to at a local marina on Lake Michigan. Mark and Sandy were retired, and about ten years older than me. Despite the age difference, we all really got along well. With another group of friends, we spent our weekends at the club hanging out, boating, and partying together.Mark and I got to be close. He was like an older brother to me. We spent many hours drinking and talking about life. We’d talk about our families, and...
CuckoldI’ve long had a fantasy about seeing my wife have sex with another, well-hung, man. Recently, I had the chance to realize this fantasy. My wife, Lavi, and I were working out at our gym. For about fifteen minutes she and I were the only ones there. Then, a young man whom we had never seen there before came in and started riding one of the exercise bikes while I kept working out at the bench and Lavi went from one Nautilus machine to the other. Lavi is 29. She is 5’8″, about 120 pounds, brunette....
IncestAll the rest of that week, Jo and I kept spending time with Sandy. And all that week, that gorgeous blonde wearing her patented black pants and brightly-colored ribbon belt kept telling us how she could hardly wait until Friday night, when she’d been joining Jo, Nadene and Heather for a fun-filled night working as a street hooker. Wednesday morning, two days after she’d first talked to Jo and me about the many advantages of life as a whore, we showed up at the bank to find Sandy already hard at...
Group SexSandy. Just that name alone brings back some of the fondest and hottest sexual memories in my early adult life. If you haven't read about Sandy and my relationship with her, I invite you to go back and read those. Sandy was a wonderful woman, and I found her to be very sexy. But, when I'd first met her, Sandy was emotionally and mentally in bad shape because of the mental neglect and lack of attention that she'd been getting from her husband. I came into her life, or should I say she came...
Read “My Wife Caught Me” first. It had been two weeks since Sandy and Karen caught me in the basement, she had said nothing about that afternoon but I felt something was brewing. We had booked a weekend get away some time ago and was this weekend, three days at a resort to relax and be pampered. I got home about 3:00 Friday, “Jim, I packed your bag already and put clean stuff on the bed for you after your shower, I’m ready as soon as your done” Sandy told me. I showered and dressed and we on...
A lot is made about just how super-sexed blonde girls are, especially when it comes to having cocks in their mouths. You hear all kinds of jokes, like: Why did the blonde keep bumping her head? All the guys were sitting around a table. What do blondes wear to an Oral Exam? Knee pads. What do blondes say when they finish giving a blowjob? “Next.” The truth is, at least from my experience, that there is a certain amount of truth to all this. Certainly, there are a few brunettes whose mouths have...
Group SexReaders will discover that Sandy has total recall when telling about conversations with her roommate, Vivienne, but that helped me understand her better. Sandy and I had been in the bar (chapter 3) and were talking about how we had teased another man there, laughing on the street. * Even in Manhattan, so much exuberance turns a couple of heads on the street, but we still continued chuckling as we replayed the conversation. Sandy knew that he had seen that she didn’t have a bra on before I...
Sandy sat on the sofa looking at him from across the room. The computer was open on the dining room table with his fingers tapping away. She’d rather them be tapping on her pussy or over her clit. She could see beneath the table and onto his groin. His shorts were loose and she took that to mean that his cock was a nice size and needed plenty of room.She didn’t know what he was doing but she had the hots for him since she got home and it wouldn’t be for the first time either. Her urges came and...
IncestThings continued as before with coursework, classes and, for Sandy, continuing her preparation for her exams, now scheduled for early January. That schedule meant that both the written and oral parts could be completed before the second semester started around the third week of the month. Knowing her and the quality of her work, her adviser and committee seemed confident that she would pass despite its difficulty. Of course, there were interludes of more interesting activities – a party the...