The Chief Constable
- 3 years ago
- 25
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WPC Helen Green was a police woman with the Metropolitan police, she was stationed in central London, at the Ethnal green station.
It was a warm summer evening, WPC Green sat with the other coppers in the briefing room, It was the start of another night shift. She was a big girl 5'10" black hair, green eyes, a deliciously pouty wide mouth. Fair complexion. Large 40D tits crammed into her taut white blouse. She looked about at her collegues, Dave Brooks, fat sexist oaf. John Davies, stupid bastard, Tony Smith smarmy git, and Al Hoskins her sexist Sergeant. It was just after the racist murder of Steven Lawrence. In the local area there was an increase of tension and police hate. The others watched her shift restlessly in the plastic chair, they sat behind her. Her big firm arse filled the chair, tightly constrained by her service skirt. Her white crisp pressed uniform blouse pulled tight across her wide eppeleted shoulders. Dave made a fuck motion at her the others sniggered. She sighed and turned in the seat to give them a disapproving look. Her big tits shifted under her blouse drawing their gaze.
"What you up to smart arse?" She said in a threatening manner, looking directly at Dave.
"You've been lookin' again ain't yer" he replied.
She pulled her face at him "Fuck you!" She turned back.
They all grinned at each other. The door opened and the station officer came in. They all made an attempt to come to attention. He went to the dais deep in thought.
"Tonight, men, oh and ladies, we have a tip off that a major scam is going down on the deserted quay side at the docks. I plan to have an increased presence there as a deterrent. That deterant is you. We have two problems down there. The first is a gang of muggers operating in that area. And the second being this tip off. They may be connected they may not! So we go down there, patrol, stay in profile and hopefully achieve some good. Sergeant Hoskins you will be in charge of the operation. Any questions? Right have a good..."
"Sir, I have a question sir." Helen said,
He smiled at her"Well what is it constable?" He drank in the veiw of her tightly constrained tits, as they pressed against the edge of the desk and then rode over the top as she leant forward. Behind her the others glanced wantonly at her arse as she bowed forward.
"With the situation as it is, should we be in riot gear Sir?"
'You should be in a ball gag and handcuffs' he thought.
"NO No we would send the wrong signals to the public, you're uniform as it is will be adequate." He grinned and picked his papers up and left.
"Sir Sir!" Dave mimicked.
She scowled at him her face reddening. "I notice you don't ever ask any questions dork face, stringing words into each other a bit beyond your capabilities!"
"Just fuckin' watch it fat arse!" He stood up threateningly
"Cut it out Dave!, In the van in five OK" Al growled.
She put her hat on and strode from the room smiling winningly at the Sarge.
After she left Dave rounded on him "Why do you let the bitch act so fuckin' high an mighty, what's the deal? Huh!"
"Because, that way she trusts me, yeah?"
"Meaning?" Tony asked.
"Well she doesn't trust any of you lot, an you've all done your best to get a sniff ain't yer. This way WPC Big Jug's won't suspect anything untoward when she has a fall."
"What fall?" John asked.
"Put it this way, WPC Big Jugs is a big girl yeah. She can look after herself?"
Dave snorted "She fuckin' thinks so!"
"Exactly, so when we're out she's so fucked off with all of you, she patrols on her own, and then she hides and has a fag, Yeah (They all nod agreement) So the Officer neglected to mention a little something in his brief. Something I left out when I prepared it."
"Well tell us then!" Dave burst out.
"OK keep your hair on, The gang he mentioned are a bunch of Rapist bastards who'd fuck their own mothers given the chance. An of course when WPC Big Jugs comes across them they ain't gonna take fuckin' no for an answer. An then while she does her best to get 'em to fuck her to death. We get to watch, an maybe get a piece. Do I plan a good shift or what huh?" They all grinned broadly. Al produced a map of the quay side and put it on the table
"Tony I'll put her with you all you have to do is get her to stick with you until you get here (He points to a place on the map), Then let her do her own thing OK"
"What about the radio traffic she's bound to alarm. Every copper in London will pitch up" asked Tony.
"You all put your radios in to be routine checked with me last night didn't you? Well I made myself quite busy with 'em, we can only speak to each other now but only I can speak to HQ. You get the picture?"
" So only we hear her radio?" Asked Dave.
They laughed and clapped him on the back " Yes Dave wins a prize!" Said Al
"I'd best get the Cam-corder then" said Tony.
They all set off to go out. When they got out to the van she was sat in the passenger seat as normal, she had her hat on her knee, night-stick in the other hand. They all got in Dave drove. The evening was well into dusk and the shadows were spreading into night by the time they reached the dock lands. They passed through the security gate and drove through the bustling London dock to the area at the far end which was inhabited by the cheaper companies that sat on the outskirts of the deserted older quay sides. As usual they drove along listening to Al laying out how he wanted the patrol to go.
"Dave you patrol along the waterside with John. Tony you patrol the loading bays with Helen. I'll stay with the van and patrol the roadways." Al paused.
"Do I have to patrol with Tony, Sarge?" Helen pleaded
"You know the rules, we patrol in twos, It's safer that way." He replied.
She scowled and accepted it without argument. Al nodded knowing she'd fuck off on her own anyway.
Al parked the van on a deserted siding and they all got out. WPC Green climbed out and pulled her skirt straight. She noticed her black lycra tights were twisted and she dragged her skirt up to mid thigh to straighten them.
Dave watched enjoying the veiw. She noticed.
"Dream on Flub!" She said pulling her skirt down. He turned away biting his tongue. She put her night-stick in its belt loop and tapped her helmet straight on her head. They stood around Al.
"Right we patrol for two sweeps, then pop for supper and back again OK" he told them.
They set off. Tony walked in silence through the first wide roadway. As usual WPC Green lagged behind him. It was dark now the street lighting casting long shadows. Deserted boarded up wherehouses lined the road. Gantries and fire escapes hanging half illuminated above them. Traffic noise was a low hum in the distance. They got to the first junction.
"Tony, you carry on I'm just going to catch a smoke OK?" She said.
"I don't think so, the Sarge will see from here anyway, You gonna do the usual again eh?" Tony turned to her.
"What do you mean?!" She said curtly.
"Oh nothing, we'll get down the next one yeah an then I'll leave you there and come back for you OK" He smiled.
"Your a honey Tony, cheers" they set off again.
"Don't mention it, C'mon lets get on, all right". They carried on.
They got to the next junction, and went a short distance down it, to the side was a deep Cul-de-sac partially lit.
"I'm going to wait here OK Tony" Tony couldn't believe it, it was the place Al had shown him on the map.
"OK I'll get you on the way back, see you later." He strode off.
WPC Green walked to the wall opposite and leant against it, She lit a cigarette 'Sucka' she thought.
Tony went around the corner and legged it around the next building. He found the stair way he'd been told of and lightly made his way to the top. At the end of a walkway a door met him he opened it and entered. The others were in the deserted load control office. Al turned from the shuttered window, in the darkness.
"WPC Green's where we arranged then." He said.
"Worked like a charm" Tony replied. Dave sniggered.
"She should have some company soon" he looked at his watch and twisted his hand mic. to his mouth.
"Mike Echo four one to Mike Echo four four, everything normal? Over"
Down below they watched WPC Green reach for her mic. Blowing smoke from her lips. "Mike Echo Four Four to Four One, Confirm patrolling, nothing to report out."
They grinned at each other. "Mike Echo Four One Copied out".
"Crafty cow" said john. Then they settled down to watch. After five minutes. She got on the radio again.
"Mike Echo Four Four, Mike Echo Four One message over" she sounded hushed.
"Mike Echo Four Four Pass message over" They could hear voices further down the road.
"Mike Echo Four One, group of approximately twelve youths, black approaching this location, over" a hint of fear sounded in her voice.
"Mike Echo Four Four, barely readable, repeat over"
Dave sniggered "Ha! you bastard"
"Mike Echo Four One, repeat, group of approximately twelve youths, black approaching this location, over" outside they watched as she crouched behind a crate. They were real close now.
"Mike Echo Four Four, You and Four Three approach and investigate, backup soonest" he replied
Tony's radio crackled as she changed channels, "Mike Echo Four Three, Mike Echo Four Four, message over" Al shook his head Tony made no move to reply.
"Mike Echo Four Three, Mike Echo Four Four, message over" she sounded really panicked now.
Helen looked around in desperation she was trapped in this Cul-de-sac the gang members were heading toward her, between her and the only route back to the van. 'Why didn't Tony answer?' She'd have to brave it, they'd see her soon anyway. 'Fuck, fuck' she cursed, pulling her night stick out, she quickly did up the chin strap on her helmet. And stood up stepping into the street light. One of them saw her immediately.
"Hey a Fuckin' Copper!!" They all looked around quickly expecting more. They were all between 16 an about 25 she estimated. Dressed in normal gang attire. A couple of them had crow bars, which they brandished menacingly.
"S...Stay where you are. State you're business?" She tried to sound unafraid.
One of the eldest ones a bald guy, big and muscle bound came to the front.
"We could ask the same, Bitch!" He growled.
"I'm a police officer, you don't speak to me like that, you understand".
They all found that amusing. "Oooooh are you now, well as your only one stuck up cop bitch. Surrounded by Niggers! I'll talk how I like. Do you understand Cunt!". Howls of laughter. She swallowed her face reddening, she tried to keep all of them in view. Three leapt past her, she turned, to keep them off her back. She stepped back.
"Fuck you!" One of them taunted. She reached for the mic.
"Michael Echo Four Four code Red,Red. require immediate assistance!" There was no reply. Up in the control room the other officers looked on with mounting excitement. She was back to the wall now with the youths in a tight ring around her. She let go of the mic. And swung her night-stick up under her arm to protect herself.
"NOW BACK OFF!!" She shouted.
(Up in the control room "They won't fuckin' kill her will they?" Tony asked concerned.
"With tits like that, they may be black but their not stupid" Al replied.)
WPC Green glanced about, they were too deep between her and the road her only hope was to hurt some and then go for the door at the far end of the cul-de-sac, and hope its open. Sweat was forming on her brow, some of them had knives and chains, she poised on the balls of her feet. Ready to run
"You wanna be careful with that stick bitch it could hurt up your arse!"
"NOW LOOK JUST LEAVE!" She ordered.
"No you leave" the bald guy said.
"Arrhh what's up? No where to go!" He signalled with his hand.
One of the ones with a crow bar launched forward, Helen swung the stick and it slammed across his face he yelled and sank to his knees. Another went for her his arms out to grab her while her stick was occupied, She kicked him hard in the mid drift suprising them all. He doubled up. Another jumped at her from the side she hit him with the stick on the arms. As the stick came back full of momentum the guy on his knees struck her elbow with the crow bar WPC Green screamed as her arm rang with pain her limp fingers dropping the stick to it's wristband. Another from the side dived in and brought his foot around behind her legs and up. Her legs were swept from under her and she crashed to the floor. One launched himself at her and she kicked him away twisting and rolling she leapt to her feet again. Her hand caught hold of the stick again as one of them grabbed her around the waist, she struck him in the head and he fell away. She swung the stick around as a sword keeping them at a distance. She sprinted for the door. A second of hesitation and they were after her. She hit the door at a run, grabbing the handle, it didn't give she rattled it helplessly and turned back against it as they slid to a halt. ( now she was directly under the load control window. Her colleagues had an excellent view. Tony trained the Cam-corder on the scene unfolding below.) She brandished the stick, they came at her again. She kicked one and struck another. As she swept the stick down leant forward. One darted in from the side his crowbar stuck her helmeted head hard. She yelped in pain pitching forward her legs buckling she landed on her knees her vision blurring. The one she'd struck on the arms earlier kicked her in the belly she doubled over and crashed forward on her face groaning. Another kicked her in the side and then she was grabbed and hauled over on her back. WPC Green's mind swam, the noise around her was a cacophony of laughter and hissed voices.
"Get her arms"
"just stand on the fuckers"
She felt pain through her arms as someone did, on either side.
"You fucked her head good an proper, Leon!" Laughter.
Her vision was tunnelled as she tried to remember what was happening.
"Get her legs, lift em,"
" YOU TWO! Go stay lookout you get your turn later, now go"
She felt her legs being dragged and lifted, she tried to lift her head but it swam. She felt her skirt being dragged up.
"AAHH Fuck she wearin' tights, I am disappointed" (Giggles)She managed to lift her head and see their hands gripping the material of her black tights around her groin, stretching it up so another could cut them with a knife. They tore them then wrenching them open, apart and then down her thick legs.
"C'mon man I wanna piece! Fuckin' hurry!"
They all stood around her watching as Joe patted her white panty clad pussy, he pulled the leg edge up and slid his finger underneath, lifting the material. The other guy cut them with a blade, on both sides. They yanked them off her and Joe put them to his face.
"UUUUUMMM White pussy! Smells fuckin good!" He handed them round.
Then she had them stuffed in her mouth. Hands gripped her thighs and held them wide open.
"Whose first boss!" She heard asked.
"Joe you're there, you do the cunt! No one have her ass though, that's mine!"
Joe leant forward undoing his jeans with his other hand. He slapped her face rousing her. WPC Green blinked at him her vision clearing. She felt strength returning to her legs.
"Wake up Copper it's time to get fucked!" He grinned at her wanking his substantial hard on.
WPC Green tried to kick with what strength she had. They held her fast two on each leg. Lifting them and forcing them apart. She started to shout into her pants as he fingered her dry cunt open and then spat on his fingers spread it on her cunt lips. He got his cock head to the entrance and began forcing in.
Helen screamed into the gag in outrage as she felt him enter her. She bucked and tried to squirm off it but they were too strong. He pressed deeper and then lay on top of her his face next to hers. All spotty and glazed with sweat. He started to rape her grinning into her anguished face. She looked away at the sea of faces watching her rape, she shut her eyes tight and hoped he wouldn't last long. She gasped as he rammed her hard and began pistoning into her tight cunt. She was right he only lasted a few more strokes and then he groaned. She swallowed in revulsion as she felt his seed throb into her unprotected cunt. He pulled out.
"OOH shit, she's tight for a white cunt" he moved away, another got between her legs. She strained to drag them closed. Her thigh muscles bulging around their tightly gripping fingers.
"Oh no you don't. You got plenty more black cock to cum yet bitch!" She struggled desperately as the next one helped force her thighs apart and then eased into her. He slid in and then on his knees started to unbutton her service blouse.
"Looks like you got pretty big udders. You like to have them milked?"
She tried to twist away as he undid it up to her chequered cravat and pulled it open. Her large 40D tits were bursting out of her tight lace bra. The white plump flesh bulging out of the cups. He grabbed the cups and dragged them inside out spilling her firm tits out. They were met with a cheer of appreciation. WPC Green's face flushed deep crimson as he started to pull and maul them. He brushed and pinched her nipples into hard studs. Her aureole were large and light coral her nipples, pink and fat.
"You are lucky whore, I like to eat while I Fuck"
He pulled them up into two big fleshy mounds and began to cruelly chew on her left nipple. She bucked and groaned as he started to get on with fucking her deep and fast. Her legs jerked and kicked as each hard thrust was forced home. He had his mouth locked around the base of her right teat sucking deeply on it. She shook her head, trying to spit out her pants, as he began to ram faster and more solidly up her moistening cunt. WPC Green strained against their grip pulling her arms and legs, desperate to be free. Suddenly her right arm came free and she started to pummel at her rapist's head. They quickly restrained her and forced it back so he could resume fucking her with vicious ferocity.
"You're gonna wish you ain't done that, CUNT!" He threatened He made her groan into her gag as he held himself deep in her cunt and kept stabbing it deep. As he did her legs danced and twitched, in pain. He let go of her breasts so they sat back on her chest as two heavy globes jiggling as he grabbed at her skirt pulling it higher so he could grip her wide hips as he grudge fucked her cunt. With a gasping sob he suddenly shot his load deep into her. The held WPC arched her back trying to be off the awful thing as his seed thumped hotly against her cervix. She let out a barrage of stifled abuse as he pulled out and shot the rest across her white belly and pubes.
"oooooh Fuck bitch, that's better!" He panted as he lifted off. She stared at him in hatred. She struggled as a young lad was encouraged to fuck her next.
"Yeah do it! Fuck her! C'mon give her it man" he grinned around at them shyly, and then clambered between her legs. He didn't look at her as he pushed his cock into her slippy twat. He got in and started to shaft her slowly his cock started to saw in and out she could feel him trembling as he set to fucking her then he groaned and shot his load. She shut her eyes tight as they began taking the piss. His cock slid out, she felt his semen follow it, and run down to her arse.
"Shit, I didn't know you were after the fuckin' landseed record man!"
"Aww look what you made him do bitch, your gonna have to have another go now, how could you do that to one of our brothers."
"Eddy your going to have to show him how it's done now."
The lad got shoved out of the way and another older guy pulled his hat off and knelt between her knees, he hurried to undo his half slung jeans. They lifted her head and forced her to watch as he pulled this monstrosity of a cock out of his pants. She couldn't believe her eyes as he wanked the thing, it was just a huge! Penis. His girth was greater than his fingers could fit around and it was a good ten to eleven inches. She shouted complaints into the gag helplessly as he got it to rise and thicken he tried to put it to her spunk dribbling cunt but she fought and kicked her legs free and twisted away. She couldn't go far with her arms stood on. And so after a hard fought struggle they settled for forcing her legs up to her shoulders and two on either side holding them. By twisting her feet out they forced her to give in. They watched panting with exertion as he got back to her snatch. Her cunt was more exposed now and they all watched intently as he spread her pussy lips with his fingers to display her pink slick inner lips he pushed the head to them nudging them apart.
Above in the load control room her colleagues watched as he prepared to spear her exposed cunt.
"She ain't going to walk away from that Sarge" said Dave
"Ten quid she cums with that up her" John breathed.
"I knew there was a reason why God gave her a fat arse, it's so she'd have room for that fucker!" They all fell about at Dave's remark.
Down below WPC Green's face contorted in pain as he started to force the thick head in. It dipped between her piss flaps, and found the tight opening of her cunt tube. She went frantic trying to stay off it. They held on forcing her to stay still by sheer weight of numbers. She let out a cry and then moaned as it found purchase and he started to force feed her aching cunt centimetre after centimetre.
"OOOOOH YEAH TAKE IT BITCH!!" He shouted excitedly as her cunt slowly accepted it.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) The trip to the station took only a few minutes. The cops made casual conversation with me, most of their comments being casual questions about recent events. I said nothing. I was escorted to the interview room and had to wait a little while until my lawyer and parents arrived. Soon we were ready to start. With pen poised, Mr. Walker said, "Start at the beginning, Mark. Go slowly and give me as much detail as you can." "You want all the...
BETH The soft sound of the alarm in my mobile phone at the bedside table woke me up. It was six AM, and I was feeling like hell. I was hurting bad and my throat seemed to be on fire, I felt that it was closed and I couldn't swallow even my own saliva; I felt feverish and each and every joint in my body was as if it had its own life, such was the intense pain they produced. I looked at Nora peacefully sleeping beside me, and I was undecided about whether to wake her up or let her continue...
I went shopping today with my husband. I hate shopping with him, I always feel that I have to hurry. I like to take my time, make a day of it, scour the clothes rails, look at jewellery, have a leisurely coffee. I can’t do that when I am with him because he hates ‘women’s’ shops, as he calls them, and prefers to wait outside.Today was different, though. Something unexpected happened.Philip is not in the best of health and has trouble walking long distances so I dropped him off in the town...
UniformAmerican Space Navy Near Space Dock One: 1-17-05, 11:29 A.M. American battle cruiser America Captain Richard Potter watched the Federation cruiser he was firing on, her shields had collapsed and now internal explosions were ripping through her hull. He knew that inside it was becoming a death trap and with the ship crippled he made his decision. "Ensign Wilcox, break lock, and target the next ship," he said as he watched two heavy cruisers coming to the Federation ship's rescue. Ensign...
This is the follow on from Tracey – The Garage Incident I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Tracey – The Police Incident Tracey sat alone in the room and wondered why the interview hadn’t been taped as she had seen on TV. “Hello?” She called. “Hello?” The door to the interview suddenly opened and the Police woman re-entered looking cautiously at Tracey who was sitting down looking...
The next morning, the boss asked me to wear the pink tulle pajamas that I wore, not wearing them. Of course, I didn't wear underwear. Out of the room, the boys were already awake. They saw my appearance, swallowed, and some had taken off their pants to prepare for a big fight. "Don't worry~~ I have to work hard to get rid of it! I have to go buy breakfast, everyone wants to eat first!" The boss looked like a c***d king. The fat brother wrote down what they were going to eat and gave it to me....
Hi friends mera naam Ravi hi. Main 21 years ka hoon, Main aapse ek truth incident share karna chaah raha thaa. Actually ye baat January, 2006 ki hai jab main Railway ka Entrance exam dene ke liye CHANDIGARH gaya thaa. Main akela hi Delhi aya tha, Exams over hone ke baad next morning meri Train thi, shaam ho gayi thi to maine socha ki sirf raat guzarne ke liye main Hotel ka ek room book karoon? Phir maine decide kiya ki main Station par hi raat guzaroonga. Main station pe waiting room mein chala...
LesbianWinter 2014 December 20th 2014 5 days before Christmas Police detective Andy Ironside Ripley a member of the Farmhouse Indiana Police department's special division. Is off duty and doing his best to stay warm because the small city of Farmhouse Indiana is being pounded by a snow storm the kind of snowstorm that happens once maybe twice in a lifetime midway through supper his phone rings. RING!!! RING!!! He quickly answers it "Hello? Yes sir I will be there as soon as I can goodbye sir."...
Hi friends mein ho Samreen Khan kafi arsay baad story likh rahy ho kuch ghar k kamo mein time nahi mi66la or kuch chudae karwanay mein ab mardo k lund ka jo maza hai woh merey female friendz he jaan saktey hai na yeh lund jub muh mein hota hai tub freshness deta hai jub choot mein hota hai tub aik haseen ehsaas deta hai jaisay k aap sub jantay hai mein woh waqiqt Apko say share kar rahy ho jo meray sath past mein hoe hai islamabad mein dus lund leanay k baad say merey choot ki khujley or bhe...
Hello friends . . this is your friend Sunny Singh with another real story of my mom getting fucked by other person. Before I go to story let me introduce my self, I am 19 years old pursuing CA and am also a financial manager making good money. My mom’s name is Diljit Kaur very fair complexion a hardcore punjabi women to die for with big boobs and curvy round ass. She is 44 years old and mostly wears patiala salwars. She has a deep, belly big eyes and juicy lips. This is story about my mom...
Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I was flying toward downtown LA's tallest skyscraper, the 1,017-foot Library Tower, intending to start a press conference on its helicopter pad. It was about fifteen miles from the pier to the CBD (Central Business District; a.k.a. downtown), and I was flying it at about eight hundred feet and 30 mph, to let people see me reasonably clearly and to give time for word to get out so I wouldn't have to hang around the CBD waiting for the news organizations...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
Ye baat tab ki hai .Job bua unke ek local minister ke pass gayi thi.Hua ye tha ki bua chah ti thi kii phupa ke accident ka investigation hoo.Par police ne use daba diya. Bahut din tak us minister ke ghar ke paas chakr kat ne ke baad unko minister ne mila. Bua ka ek chota batcha tha. Use leke wo ander gaye.Wo minister apni chair pe betha tha. Bua use sab baat kahi.Toh minister ne bola- thik ho jayega.Par use kya milega.Tabhi bua job us minister ko dekha. Toh uska najar bua ke boobs me thi. Bua...
Hello My name is Aman. Ye meri 3rd story hai. 1st Mere Fufa me saath chudai 2nd Hostel Warden ke saath chudai Mai 5’6″ ft height ka gun and mera Lund 6.5″ka hai. Pehle se thoda mota ho gaya hai. 3.5″ motai… Mera rang gora hai aur mere honth Angelina Jolie k tarah nikle hue hain jisse mai aur bhi sexy lagta hun.. Log mujhe dekhte h aur mujhe chodna chahte hain… Maine bahut gay sex kiya hai but stories bus 3rd likh raha hun. Acha to mai story pe aata hun Uss Waqt Durgapuja k holidays khatm hue...
Gay MaleHello readers (please don’t mind my spelling mistakes) I am Riya Patel & I am from Bombay but currently staying in Pune as m doing job here itself let me describe my structure my height is 5.5ft, i am fair ,my age is 29 un married. I am healthy n my assets are appreciable I have a round big ass and boobs let me tell you 1 more thing my ass is seriously too huge n I like people checking out my assets..n 1 more thing till now I have been having sex with many people… m going to narrate my real...
Everybody read my previous stories about my beautiful Chitta and our sweet fucking for the new guys I will explain about my Chitta she is about 40 years old but look like 30. Round beautiful ass which will swaying when she walk and firm boobs .her size is 34d-30-36.she has long black hair and having some hair in her beautiful legs, that make her more beautiful. She often shaves her under arms but her pussy is full of hairs, she had a bushy pussy. I fuck her many times and we had group sex with...
I was back in the church, the blind vicar was seated in the pew. "Welcome back, there is a need for you now." he said. I frowned, "Why do you need me, couldn't you do anything?" I asked him. The priest smiled, "No my son, I am unable to affect them anymore, all I can do is advise you and teach you, but now the need for action is urgent." He said and then continued. "There is a police station that has been under the influence of your recent adversary, they will require a change of...
It was Monday morning, and police cadet Katja "Kate" Perssen was driving in from the suburbs in the shiny new Jetta her parents had given her as a present for graduating police academy. Although she was newly assigned to the sex crimes unit, until she finished her training Kate was mostly working in the office writing reports and doing clerical work, so she was dressed appropriately to the task: she wore a white blouse that fit snugly against her 34D chest and presented just a bit too much...
InterracialLong nose and mouth Township is the edge of a railway line Qiongxiang , township police station is only three policemen ( including me ) . There are also several defense team . Because finances are poor, so often unable to pay wages months . Police mission is simple , for a variety of documents to prove beyond is to help guard against theft railroad railway police crime . But the main work or follow the leadership of the township government charges .Was sent to this small place , my bad mood ,...
Long nose and mouth Township is the edge of a railway line Qiongxiang , township police station is only three policemen ( including me ) . There are also several defense team . Because finances are poor, so often unable to pay wages months . Police mission is simple , for a variety of documents to prove beyond is to help guard against theft railroad railway police crime . But the main work or follow the leadership of the township government charges .Was sent to this small place , my bad mood ,...
Idi oka middle aged bharya barthala story, parminder ki 35 Years, Kamini ki 31. Pariminderr podugga,tellaga andanga vuntadu, Kamini kooda andanga vuntundi kaani parminder anta color kaadu, parminder oka peeda company lo software enginneer ga pani chestunnadu, vallaki kavala pillalu, 4 years vallaki. Kamini ki inlto vundi boor kodutuntadam tho, parminder ki theliyakunda Police Officer post ki apply chestundi, selections ki kooda parminder ki cheppakunda attend avutudi. Kamini Police officer post...
This is a true sex story of how my mom got fucked just because of my silly mistake on road. My mom was a conservative woman. I always used to wonder how she’s sexually satisfied as my dad was working abroad for last 25 years. My mom is 46, she’s health, white and has really a nice figure compared to other Indian woman. She’s slimmer than most Indian woman. She’s got nice milky white cups on her chest. She’s got the biggest ass you can imagine in an Indian woman. I always appreciate her decency...
IncestThis story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Docked Mick came around slowly. The first sensation he was aware of was an incredible thirst - it felt as though he had cotton wool in his mouth. He pressed his thick feeling tongue against the roof of his mouth and tried to swallow. His mouth was too dry; there was nothing for him to swallow. Feeling the discomfort from his mouth he started to become aware of a little more. Aware that his body was flat on his back, that he felt a bruised pain between his legs. He tried to cross...
When I was at high school there used to be this Indian girl in my year we was in the same lessons sometimes, we never talked and stuff we just knew of each other.. anyway its been about 8 years since I left school, About a year ago one they when I was out with my mates we was drunk and loud and was walking through town and a police car was parked up at the side of the road as we was walking past I tapped on the bonit hard and 2 police officers got out a white male officer and an asian woman...
By : Rexyboy Hi to all ISS readers, hope you are all fine! I’m from Chennai, came up with a story here then guys I need your suggestions to post my future writings. This happened very recently when I was travelling in bus, one day I missed my cab in the office and my next cab is after two hours, so I thought to go home by bus, so from my office I walked to a nearby bus stop and was waiting there, thinking that it’s been so long that I went in bus and I was praying that that the bus which I...
June 1966 City of Castle Texas Castle Texas police detective Adam Rogers is eating supper at Rosa's diner and enjoying a rare night off, after he was done eating he paid his bill and gave Miss Rosa Marie a large tip, then he left the diner got back into his Ford F-150 pickup truck and drove home. When he got home he went inside the house, went to his bedroom, took off his jacket and laid it on his bed, then he unholstered his service revolver a S&W Model 36.38 caliber revolver and locked...
Inspired by local news item about a crash and “unusual” situation the coppers found. No details were given, so I made the story up on that premise. That idea led to the others, all fictional and imagined CASE ONE “Remember that incident down the Biddesley road last September?” chuckled WPC Dawn Bloomfield, off duty in the Rumsey Police station. “Christ Yeah! That carved the area up for hours,” responded WPC Julie Dunn, as she sat and pulled her black skirt up above her knees. She spread her...
In the Custody suite of the police station Susan was arguing with the arresting officer. "How the blazes can this Jack Adams be the one responsible for the murder? He reported it. And what is he supposed to assault?" she demanded. "We did a ballistic check on the gun he gave Brice, they match up with the bullet in that Professor Blythe bloke. His gun, his bullet, he's guilty." The officer replied. "Okay then, what about the assault? Who did he assault?" She pressed the second...
The room was completely silent as John Pressman finished speaking. He had just confessed to the brutal rape of over 15 young, attractive lesbian women on national television. He had laughed at the police, the DA's office and the judicial system. He bragged about how it felt to shove his 8 inch dick down an unwilling lesbian's throat, to look her in the eye while he fucked her face and she choked on his cock. The soft heavy feel as he fondled her jiggling tits. He loved the mixed smell of...
Bat girl Aka Barbra Gordon is searching for Catwoman hell bent on revenge after what she did to her. Bat Girl then thinks back to a week ago when Catwoman captured her stripped off her costume and left her in nothing but her underwear. Bat Girl tracks Catwoman to old where house. Bat Girl sneaks inside looking for Catwoman as she looking around suddenly she shocked. When Bat Girl wakes up she is tied to metal table with Catwoman looking down at her. Hi Batbrat Catwoman laughing so you didn’t...
My room on the third floor — our room, I guess — had a rocking chair, a handsome walnut job that Rebecca had comforted up with a thick pillow filled with goose down and a red cover she stitched together herself. I liked to sit on it of an evening and sip a sip or two of Jameson. Rebecca had taken to undressing and then straddling me when she was in a certain mood. We put that chair through some pretty fast paces. Sometimes, when we’d finished, she’d squeeze me, keeping me corralled until all...
The Bighorn sporting ladies turned into mother hens, flocking around Rosie. She was surrounded by gentle attention, by affection. Which, I figured, was mostly to the good side of the ledger. Rosie was clingy with her mother. Rebecca had been overwhelmed with emotion. Joy, relief, guilt ... mostly joy, I think. The two of them, mother and daughter, were inseparable. But Rosie still hadn’t said a word. Of course no one asked her about what she’d been through. Not with the Chippewas, not with...
We decided to picnic down by that little creek. Rebecca spread out a blanket and Rosie unpacked our lunch. Simple, just ham and biscuits and some corn whiskey to sip on. No need for a cooking fire. Rosie looked at her mother and Rebecca laughed out loud. Rosie grinned. Rebecca jumped up, “Mr. Murdock, that creek water looks mighty inviting. Care to join us?” Rosie stood too and, bold as brass, the two of them started unbuttoning their dresses. Not a care in the world. I stood up, looked...
Hello guys. I have been busy with work for the last few months. This story is about an experience I had in a coastal city that I was posted in. I have described the city in my writing. I had some memorable experiences there. I had never been to the fish market before. The whole place was filled with the smell of sweat and death. I had a strange feeling, aroused by the sweat and afraid of death. The place was situated by the city’s docks, which opened into the Arabian sea. Boats ranging from...
Out for a drive, stripping, photos and fuckingBritish wife, this pic of me won Xhamster Whore of the Month last March, Harry's getting a real boner as I strip offI hear a noise, but think its just some locals and maybe we can have some fun, so we carry onThis is the point I realise that it is the police and the camera stops, caught cunt and tits out- only going to go one way, oh well......Literally caught with my panties around my knees, tits out of my basque, a cut off denim jacket, high boots...