Five Minutes and Forever
- 2 years ago
- 21
- 0
At 0700 hrs, one of the orderlies woke me. Someone must have taken pity on me, as I was covered with a blanket when they woke me. I needed to be in the General's office in two hours. Amber's door was open, and a nurse was waking her. I waited till she was awake before going in. The nurse was still there. Amber wanted to get out of bed. The nurse wouldn't allow it.
"Amber," I told her, "listen to the nurse. I have to go and get ready to see the General at his office. A psychologist will see you sometime this morning. Just talk to him. Answer his questions, and tell him what he wants to know. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Uncle Jim," she answered, very quietly as she teared up.
"Either I will be back to see you, or someone will come to get you later. Either way, I will see you later this morning. Now, cooperate with these people, Amber," I told her. She had started to cry.
"Yes, Uncle Jim," she answered, again in a quavering voice. I move over to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She turned her head just as I was about to make contact with her cheek, and I kissed her lips instead. It only lasted a second, but it was like an electric current had gone through me. I could see it had the same effect on Amber. I drew back quickly.
"I'll see you later," I said and then left the room and the hospital. All the way out, I wondered what the hell was happening!
Interlude in Hospital Room
Amber felt the jolt when their lips touched, She had no idea what it was, but she thought it was a sign of some kind. She had kissed a few boys, but nothing like that had ever happened to her! She intended to find out more about it. Her thoughts were interrupted by the nurse talking.
"I'm sorry. What did you say?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"I said," the nurse answered, "your uncle must really care about you. He slept on the hall floor till a little while ago. He never said anything to us or complained. He got right up when the orderly woke him, as if he did it every day."
"Yes," Amber answered quietly, "Uncle Jim is very special." She, herself, was just beginning to realize just how special he was. She needed to pay attention though, as the nurse was speaking to her again.
"You have an appointment with the psychologist at 0830 hrs. Your breakfast will be here in twenty minutes. Go wash your face and what ever else you need to do in the lavatory. I will bring you something to replace the hospital gown after breakfast," the nurse told her.
Her breakfast was brought in by a black orderly. As soon as she saw him, Amber became hysterical. Screaming and crying, she rolled into a fetal position, and lay there shaking on the bed. The nurses rushed in immediately at the noise.
"What happened?" one asked.
"I came in with her breakfast," the orderly said, "and she freaked. I didn't get any further than just inside the door. What the fuck is wrong with her, anyway?"
"She got raped last night," the nurse replied. "The only other male here was her uncle, and he slept in the hall last night. I think you better leave. We will calm her down and see about her breakfast."
"Yea, I'm out of here. I don't need no crazy white chick accusing me of something," he returned and left. The nurses finally got Amber calmed down and to her appointment. Part of the breakfast got eaten.
End Interlude
In my vehicle, I didn't have time to think about electric shocks. I had to concentrate on the drive back to the SBEQ. I didn't need an accident to complicate things further. In the room, the 4 S's: shit, shine, shower, and shave were the order of the day. I was ready to go by 0830 hrs and headed out for the Post Headquarters.
I timed it so that I arrived at the General's office at precisely 0855 hrs. I was met by the Post Sergeant Major. He was sitting in the outer office, apparently waiting for me.
"So, you are the cause of my ruined weekend," was what he started with when he saw me. He didn't seem to be a happy camper at all. Finally, he took a good look at me.
"What are you doing in that old uniform?" he asked. "And come to think of it — how old are you?"
"This is the only uniform I have. It's from when I retired twenty three years ago. I'm 65 years old." Before he could ask any more questions, I handed him the letter and my orders. He took them and studied them for a short time. Then he looked up at me for a minute, and then back down at the papers again. When he looked back up at me there was a strange look on his face.
"You were a First Sergeant at Benning as a E-7 back in the early eighties," he stated. "You left and they put a real asshole in your place. Isn't that correct?" he asked.
"How do you know that? It isn't anywhere in those papers!" I answered, bemused.
"It's easy, Top. I was one of your little soldiers back then. I had only been in the Army for a year or so then. How the hell can they recall you after all this time?" he wondered.
We had been talking for 15 minutes or so, when we heard the General shouting in his office.
"He's on the phone to DA," the Sergeant Major said. "Sounds like he isn't getting anywhere, about usual." A short time later, the General came out of his office. He looked upset.
"Sergeant Major, first thing Monday, get a hold of DA again. I want to talk to the G-1 up there, damn it. Nobody up there will admit to anything, and no one is there on the weekend."
"Yes, sir. First thing Monday morning," the Sergeant Major answered.
"Top, " the General said, "I was really hoping to get this thing straightened out. But it doesn't look like anything can be done till Monday at the earliest." While he was talking, an LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) entered the office.
"You sent for me, sir?" were the first words out of his mouth.
"Yes, Roger. We need to have a serious chat. Come into my office, you too Top. Sergeant Major, you had better come in also," the General stated. When we got inside, the General did the introductions. Then he got down to the reason for the meeting.
"Roger, I called you in here to let you know that your daughter, Amber, is over at the Base Hospital. She was raped last night. Top here saved her from the men who did it, but couldn't hold any of them there. The MPs are out looking for them," the General told him. The colonel looked dumbfounded.
"Why didn't the MPs contact me last night?" he asked, confused.
"They didn't contact you, because I personally handle things like this with Senior Officers. It was my call. I was over at the hospital, and talked with the doctors, Top here, and Amber. She is just in for observation. She has an appointment with a psychologist this morning. Then they will be releasing her. My wife is calling your wife to inform her of this, and to have her take some clothes over for Amber. Hers were destroyed last night," the General told him.
"Well this really cuts it," Roger O' Day said, in disgust. "That girl has been nothing but trouble for some time now. I don't know what to do with her anymore."
"Roger, she's a young girl," the General said. "Yes, some of the responsibility is hers for this mess she got into. Mainly though it was the man who lured her to the place and his two friends. They drugged her cola, Roger. The lab people are still trying to figure out what drug was used. It paralyzed her for a time, while they attacked her. Its effects wore off before the three of them were done with her, and she managed to get away from them. Top here prevented them from catching her again, and chased them away."
"How could an old fogy like him prevent three men from taking her back?" Roger asked, mystified.
"It was easy," I answered. "They didn't want to face my Model 97 loaded with buckshot." We were interrupted then by a knock on the door. The Sergeant Major got up to see whom it was, and admitted another LTC. He saluted the General, who returned the salute.
"Morning, Bob. What have you got?" the General asked.
"Morning, sir," Bob, the Provost Marshal, said. "My people have been all over the site. There were fingerprints galore; some torn female clothing; a mattress and cot, and a cooler with beer and cola in it. We did find the partly empty cola can that you mentioned. It went to the lab for analysis; it's not back yet. They also took a bunch of crime scene photos. Hopefully we can get a match on all the prints today or tomorrow."
"Good work, Bob." the General said. "Give my thanks to your people."
"One other thing, sir," the PM said, "my CID people are pissed at not being able to interview the victim or the witness yet."
"What witness?" asked the General.
"The one who rescued her," the PM answered.
"I wasn't a witness," I said. "I didn't get there till she was outside. I just chased them off when they came after her again."
"Bob, the girl is in with the psychologist now. As you can imagine, she's pretty messed up. When the Doctor clears her, your CID people can interview her, till then, no. I will give you a call when she's cleared," the General told him.
"The only other thing I had, sir," the PM said in conclusion, "is a report from the MPs' OD of an unregistered shotgun on Post. Supposedly in the possession of the Master Sergeant here."
"Bob," the General started, "the man is a Senior NCO. He hasn't even been on Post 24 hours yet. He doesn't have a permanent assignment yet. Your own regulations wouldn't allow him to register it till he has an assignment. Hell, he can't even register his car yet. Forget the shotgun."
"Very well, sir," the PM answered, "I'll await your call." He saluted again and departed.
"Well," said Amber's father, "it looks like Bob's people have everything wrapped up. If you don't require me any further, sir, I've a meeting to attend."
"No, that's all, Robert," the General said. LTC O'Day saluted and left.
"Well," said the General after the door was closed, "I can see where Amber gets her feelings about her father from."
"Yes, sir," I said, "if she was one of my kids... !"
"Yes," the General interrupted, "you would be out with that shotgun looking for the bastards."
"Yes, sir. How did you know?" I asked.
"Just a guess, Top," he replied. "Just a guess based on the way you do and say things."
It was just before 1000 hrs, when the phone rang. The General answered it. It was his private line. He listened a minute, then advised us that it was private.
"You two go have a cup of coffee," he told us. "I need to talk to the psychologist in private. I'll fill you in later." We went over to the Sergeant Major's office.
"Coffee?" he asked.
"Never touch it. That stuff can kill you," I told him. "I'm a 'coke-aholic' myself. Get my caffeine in a can."
"The machine is down the hall," the SGM said. We sat there for fifteen minutes or so nursing our drinks and not saying much. Eventually, the General buzzed us, and we returned to his office.
Phone Conversation Between the General and the Psychologist
"Sir," the psychologist said, "I just got finished interviewing the O' Day girl. She has some serious problems."
"Mary, when are you going to remember to call me Charlie in private?" the General asked.
"Charlie, this is an official report. Even if it is over the phone."
"Mary, just give me the Readers Digest version. Send the official report in writing later."
"OK, Charlie. She has a definite fear of her parents. She thinks they only put up with her because it is expected. She fears being thrown out on her own. She may have good reason, Charlie. The mother was here. She brought some clothes for her. She left them with a nurse and departed. She said she had other things to do today. Didn't have a care in the world for her daughter, or the fact that she had been raped. The clothes she left make her daughter look like a tramp. It's no wonder they picked her to rape. God, Charlie, this girl is one fucked-up kid. There's no love from the family, she's left on her own most of the time, and then they wonder why kids go wrong. The only good thing she had to say was about someone who she called 'Uncle Jim'. Do you know who he is?"
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He moved in with me then, if you can call a toothbrush and a hairbrush luggage. ‘Angels travel light,’ he told me. ‘But I always carry my own toothbrush, and the hairbrushes in this dimension are just too hard on angel hair. They hurt like hell!’ I could believe that as I stroked the mane of silk that cascaded to his shoulders. That hair alone had the invitation of all my body parts to come and visit any time—any time honey! The reunion took place in my womb sometime in the wee hours of the...
The sheep had been slashed, and it looked like the claws of a wild animal. A total of 20 sheep were dead, and in every case, they had been slashed on the side so that they bled to death. At least, we were able to recover the animals for food, though they had been so recently sheared that there was not enough fleece to make recovery of that worth the effort. The strange thing was that none of the sheep had been eaten. Had a normal wild animal done the job, at least one of the sheep would have...
Narrated by Swati Hi, main Swati, pichle baar episode 46 mein aap logo ne dekha ki maa dopahar ke khane ke baad kahi bahar gayi. To main nadaani ka dhong karti hui apne papa ke sath besharmi ka khel khelne lagi. Main apne papa ko manwa hi li ki woh bhi apne sharam ko chhod mere khel mein shamil ho jaaie. Papa bhale ye jante the ki ye sab galat hai. Par mann mein ubharti vaasna ki chingari unke tann badan mein bhi paap ki aag bhadka rahi thi. Ab aage padte hai. Kuch der papa ke...
I had just kissed her goodbye and watched her leave. My heart felt sadness to see her drive away. I told myself I think she will be back as I went on into the cabin. I cleaned up from breakfast and went upstairs. I could still smell our sexual essence in the air. I looked over at my bed and it seemed so empty. Then it occurred to me that it was made. I didn’t remember making it before we went down for breakfast. I wanted to keep the sheets the way they were, but also knew I hoped that...
Blue-eyed bombshell Paisley Porter sways seductively in a neon bikini. She rubs her wet pussy on famed stud Michael Stefano’s big cock, and he stuffs his boner inside her juicy cunt. Paisley’s eyes roll back in her head as he fucks her pussy hard. She grinds her twat in his face, and he rims her delicious asshole. She spreads her cheeks and squeals as Michael stuffs his dick up her pink bunghole. Paisley gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob, tasting every inch of his ass-flavored meat....
xmoviesforyou“Hey Anna, I’ve got a bottle of vodka and Jason is out filming a movie. Wanna hang together?” the text from Olivia Wilde read.“Sure, I’m not doing anything. Be right over!” Anna Kendrick responded.After filming their movie “Drinking Buddies”, the two actresses became very close friends. After Anna broke up with her longtime boyfriend, Olivia was the first person she called and ended up living with her for about a week. It had been a month since she had moved back to her own house when Olivia...
You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...
FantasyI couldn't believe no one was in class. It was the day of the annual Alton Towers trip which, of course, me coming from the strictest family in the world wasn't allowed to attend. When I got into my first period class, Ancient Greek, that morning, I was dismayed to find that even my teacher wasn't in. I spent the first 5 minutes of the class with my headphones clamped on my head and half asleep, it wasn't until I noticed the shadow on my left that I realised I wasn't as lone as I...
It’s been a long day as we both fall into our bed, the cold February wind pecking softly at the window. Earlier, hand in hand we walked silently through the neighborhood as a soft snow drifted down. It was so peaceful that our hearts and minds embraced the silence. These are the evenings that we cherish, so far from our house in L.A., but so close to the home that we learned to love in our youth. There was no wind and her hand, as always, felt so warm in mine. Although we were silent, our bond...
Alice (Sara Luvv) wakes up from the weirdest dream. She fumbles for her glasses trying to see, but her vision goes in and out of focus. Her head is aching and she fights to keep herself from blacking out. But the strangest sensation seizes her, and she feels herself being pulled under and out of her conscious self. Alice gets out of bed, struggling to stay in her body. But something is competing for that space. Another personality is trying to break free. She calls herself Al, and makes herself...
xmoviesforyou"Dobie Gillis" was played by Dwayne Hickman (talk about a name). He was the white hired hand in "Cat Ballou", and he starred in such classics as "How to Stuff a Wild Bikini" and "Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine". But more pertinent to these stories, he was in "Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding!" starring Sandra Dee (I saw it: A nice, wholesome movie). The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 8: Where Did You Expect May to Be? By Ron Dow75 A blond, crew cut, average 1960's Working...
This is a work of fiction meant for adults only ‘Don’t you dare sit there feeling sorry for yourself, when I told you what I did to add some excitement to my marriage I did not tell you to go do it too. You have noticed I’m still married, unlike the other person you talked to about this. I told you, if you are going to try this you have to keep it to one night, not an affair. Do you think Marge’s husband would have found out if she hadn’t been spending nights over at the other guy’s place? Of...
Holiday-away play-time together So Mr Boyfriend Jake and I (one of his sluts) decide to go for a cheap city-flat/apartment holiday-away together: to try cohabiting for a two-week break. Here is the very sordid story of what happened (part 1 of at least 3) As all we wanted to do was fuck, there seemed to be not much-point in going too-far for the holiday away ! A change of location was easily done with hiring a flat in a communal-dwelling that was going cheap. We went round there...
Matt was celebrating his twenty-first birthday alone. There was no cake or ice cream, nor even a standard bachelor bash with kegs and naked girls . Matt lived alone in the big city and decided to head down to the local pool hall in hopes of striking up a game or two with some locals who frequented it. He stood in front of the mirror and ran a comb through his thick black hair. His blue eyes and facial stubble gave him that just rolled out of bed and didn't have time to shave look. A light...
ReluctanceThe Last Dance The room appeared to be empty at first sight. So I very gently pushed the door to open the gap a little and enlarge my field of vision. I'd just got to the point where I could see a man's foot on the floor, when everything went black. As I slowly regained my senses, I discovered that I was lying on the floor of the room I'd been trying to peer into. I had a pain in my head that informed me I'd been struck on the back of it. How long I'd been unconscious I had no idea....
As I was laying there thinking about what Cassie just told me, Tracie called to let us know she would be home in about an hour. I talked with Cassie some more about what just happened. I told her she must never let anyone know what we just did not even her best friend or she would never see her mom or me again. She said she understood and wouldn’t tell anyone. I then asked her if she would like to do what we did again but have her mom join us. She had a grin on her face you could see from a...
The title “10” black dick looking to fuck tonight, cant host, must travel to you. If this ad is up Im still looking” I opened it, and there was a pick of huge black dick. I wanted it in my ass. I replied. “cum and pound my ass, I live alone and can host” I was shaking so hard with excitement I could hardly hit send. That was it, I just invited a black man from the internet to my house to do as he pleases with me. Probably going to get killed, runs thru the back of my head…Oh, shit. 1 new...
It was the middle of a cold night. Casey lay staring up at the ceiling. Sleep was hopeless and she turned over to see her husband sleeping soundly beside her. She looked at him with a twitch of annoyance and amusement. How come he got to sleep while she was so restless? She stared at him thinking of the night before. She blushed a little. Jason was a great lover and her thighs were still aching from the vicious love making session. Heat flushed her face as she recalled exactly what he had done....