Reflection That can t be me
- 4 years ago
- 76
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I would like to thank Bella Mariposa for her time in helping to edit this chapter.
I’ve never been into the discipline/bondage genre of sex games. I was always under the impression that to be a good disciplinarian was just a matter of unleashing your ‘inner asshole.’ I never liked being an asshole, so I wasn’t into bondage/discipline—nothing much more to it than that. It’s not that I looked down on coerced or forced sexual control, it’s just that they never appealed to me.
Oh, I know there must be a bit more nuance to B and D than what I’ve just described, such as the psychological pressure one must exert over another in order to garner that willingness to be controlled. However, in the end, isn’t that what control boils down to, being enough of a hard-ass—enough of an asshole—to willingly subjugate another and to keep them under your thumb?
Added to my innate indifference for the genre is the fact I never wanted a vassal, submissive or slave as a wife. I always viewed Karen as an equal partner in life, someone who, at times, I could lean on, as she could lean on me. Moreover, given Karen’s headstrong nature, it was easy for us to achieve that balance in our marriage. She no more wanted to be a submissive, than I wanted to be a Dominant—sexually or otherwise. In this regard, we were well matched for each other.
All of that has changed. The elixir, and the events of the past few weeks, has converted me to a new way of thinking. I have become a newly born disciple in the art of control—if not out of want, at least out of necessity.
I had a real problem with Karen. If I couldn’t teach her some restraint and control, and do it quickly, then things could get ugly with her newfound abilities. If I couldn’t get her to rein in her darker nature, her interactions with others could very well get dangerous, if not deadly.
The only way I knew how to lessen the psychotic aftereffects of the elixir was obtaining and maintaining absolute control over her, over everything she did, over her whole life—just as I had done with myself during those weeks in hell. In this way, and with the help of my controlling influence, maybe she could learn how to control herself. So when the psychotic events do occur, bringing out her darker nature, she can better handle them and hopefully purge those dark thoughts before she actualized them with an innocent person.
That Friday at work—the day I left Karen naked and in the kitchen after giving her my ultimatums—was uneventful.
Candice called in sick, for obvious reasons given her behavior from the day before, and the post-quarterly meetings with Jack wouldn’t happen until next week. It’s just as well that I had little to do that day, the free time allowed me to consolidate my thoughts and construct a detailed plan on how to deal with Karen.
I implemented that plan the minute I got home that evening.
As expected, Karen greeted me at the door on her knees. She was naked, except for my chain, and dinner was already prepared and on the table.
I kissed her on the forehead for her obedience, while pushing calming and blissful feelings into her. Her face brightened and I felt her pulse jump to the warm glow of serenity that I caused in her.
When I sat down to dinner, I put her plate of food on the floor, and told her that she was not to sit at the table with me. I didn’t go so far as to make her eat the food directly off the floor, as she had done to Barbara, but I did stress she was only to eat with her fingers.
We mostly ate in silence, except near the end of the meal when I asked about her day.
‘Did you talk to Lisa?’
She nodded in answer.
‘And did you apologize to her?’
She sniffed back a tear before answering, ‘Yes, Sir.’
‘And how did she react? What did she say?’
Between quiet sobs, she said, ‘She laughed at me. It was hateful.’
‘Well, you only have yourself to blame for her bad feelings,’ I said as gently but honestly as I could, ‘I’ll talk with her in a few days. Let me see if I can mend the rift between you two. Would you like that?’
She smiled and nodded in answer.
‘And what did she say when you gave her permission to keep seeing me?’
She hesitated in answering, tipping me off that something was wrong. Finally, she said matter-of-factly, ‘She didn’t say anything about it.’
‘Nothing? Not a word? You tell another woman she can fuck your husband any time she wants, and she says nothing? Not even a ‘thank you’ or a ‘no thank you?”
She didn’t respond, dropping her eyes to the floor in obvious shame.
‘She didn’t say anything because you didn’t tell her. Isn’t that right?’
Karen’s lower lip began to quiver as tears streamed anew. A feeble, ‘Please, I couldn’t…,’ was all she could squeak out under my scornful glare.
‘Why couldn’t you?’
‘Because she laughed at me,’ she said, amid gut-wrenching sobs.
Standing above her, I slowly took off my belt, while saying disappointedly, ‘Only the first day and already you need to be punished. Get all the way down on your elbows and knees and grovel for mercy.’
‘No…please…don’t,’ she wailed, ‘I promise, I’ll call her and tell her…’
‘Yes, I know you will. Now, get down and grovel at my feet and beg that I don’t leave you.’
She put her forehead all the way to the floor, while clutching hard at my feet with her outstretched hands. All she could do was wail.
‘I said beg!’ I roared.
She begged, wailed, and begged some more until her throat was hoarse and dry.
After I thought she groveled enough, I commanded, ‘Now raise your ass up…higher…plant your feet to the floor and lift that cheating ass straight into the air. No! Keep your fucking forehead on the floor and lift that ass!’
She labored mightily against the awkward position I put her into, with her head and feet flat on the floor, and ass in the air with her legs straight. The position caused the muscles all along her backside to tighten, so much so, I could see her legs wobble against the strain.
I kept her in that position until beads of sweat formed along her thighs from the strain in her legs, at which point I whipped her ass three times with my belt—three, forceful and deliberate strokes with the belt—just like mother would have done—and the three, long, red welts that erupted across her backside where a testament to the ferocity of my punishment.
Each time I brought the belt down, she screamed in terror and pain. The source of the pain was obvious, but the terror I inflicted was born from another place—fomented by the feelings of utter dread, despair and hopelessness I projected into her with my mind.
‘Alright, I’ve punished you enough for now.’
Karen collapsed to the floor, and weeping, she immediately curled into the fetal position.
Between sobs of pain and fear, she gingerly ran a finger along the welts, only to quickly pull it away as she winced at the lingering, searing pain.
‘Now, call Lisa and beg her to keep fucking me.’
That’s how things were for the next couple of weeks. I rewarded her good behavior with a gentle kiss or caress, and supplemented these affections with overwhelming feelings of bliss, calm and warmth. Conversely, bad behavior was met with the belt. More importantly, the physical punishment was augmented with those overriding, deep-seated feelings of utter dread, hopelessness, despair, and above all else, fear.
Reward the good, punish the bad. ‘Dog morality’ is what my old philosophy teacher sneeringly called it. Herr Schilpp would have disapproved of my methods, but I knew no better way given the limited time afforded me. I didn’t have decades to play with, I only had weeks to attain some measure of control over her. Well, I always thought Schilpp was a m
onkey dick, anyway.
Throughout the days of reward and punishment, I kept Karen on a separate plane from me: me above, her below. When we were together, she always stayed on the floor. She ate on the floor, slept on the floor, and during those quiet times just before bed, when I read in my easy chair, she sat on the floor beside me watching television.
I wasn’t always the stern, robotic disciplinarian, doling out either tranquility or torment, and I didn’t treat her as she treated Barbara, as a dog. Rather, I saw my role as a stable master in charge of a fine thoroughbred—a beautiful, high-spirited animal that needed to be taught discipline, so that she could be ridden effortlessly and securely. I needed to break her spirit, to be sure, but not eradicate it completely. Once I had broken her down enough to achieve a level of control over her, only then could I begin to rebuilt her confidence and make her an equal partner in my life again.
Along these lines, and every few days or so, I would dote on her with a hot bath. I’d ready the tub and let her soak in it for a good thirty minutes to an hour. As she soaked, I would scrub her with a soapy sponge or exfoliate her feet, knees and elbows with a fine-grade emery brush or loofah. She would never lay back and lounge, though—probably fearing I would think that arrogant and haughty—thus, requiring of more punishment. Instead, she would always sit upright, silently watching me with her big blue eyes as I pampered her. After drying her, I would rub her down with a light mineral oil, or soothe the chaffed skin of her knees and elbows with her favorite lotion.
It all became a ritual for us, mostly because our preening sessions were really the only time I allowed myself any degree of intimate contact with her. As such, Karen looked on the baths and massages with greater anticipation and enthusiasm as the days passed.
Naturally, I denied her sex of any kind, and she became increasingly frustrated with me. She took out her frustration by toying with me in a loving manner, mostly by the demure way she held herself in the bath, with head tipped down and her eyes staring up at me in a show of innocence, all done while pushing her breasts out, accentuating their lush fullness and sensuousness, or by the cute way she would lift her hips off the floor in an inviting manner whenever I rubbed oil into the small of her back or buttocks.
Much to her disappointment, I ignored all her enticements.
Moreover, I grew to love her more—if that’s possible—because of her little enticements and disappointments. As such, I reached my own form of catharsis with her during these primping sessions, coming to the conclusion that I had made the right choice in staying with her, becoming a teacher, rather than abandoning her for good after her last betrayal.
Disappointed though she was my imposed celibacy, my strategy of ‘dog morality,’ coupled with my lavished, chaste attentions, was having a positive effect. For as the days passed, the punishments become fewer and farther between, and I was able to imbue her soul with greater and more deeply felt draughts of bliss, calm and serenity. Soon, she became happy in her role as submissive—almost joyful, really.
Unfortunately, all that I’ve just described, taught her but one type of control—command over her internal, selfish nature, however, it didn’t go very far in teaching her the type of control she needed in order to combat those, more or less, external forces that were formed through our use of the elixir.
Lack of sex was having a deleterious effect on her, both physically and emotionally. She was experiencing the same agony I had suffered through. I used that hellish condition to great effect in teaching her the self-discipline she would need to fight those forces and ultimately, her inner darkness.
At first, she didn’t take my edicts to remain chaste very well or very seriously, and continued to masturbate when the sexual urges became too difficult for her to control.
I knew about these misbehaviors, and always told her in nauseating detail when, where and how she pleasured herself before putting her in that same, awkward position and whipping her with my belt.
The belt came out—fast and furious—during those first few days, and her backside, from the top of her buttocks to down past her thighs, was covered with an ugly assortment of red welts.
Eventually, she came to realize that I couldn’t be fooled, and stopped her masturbatory misbehavior.
However, even though she had stopped masturbating, the natural ramping of her sexual arousal never stopped, and would gradually increase with each passing day until it became unbearable.
Worse for me than seeing the welts across her backside, was seeing her in these advanced states of sexual frenzy, because I knew the agony she was going through.
It was usually when Karen was nearing the height of sexual agony that I would schedule our preening sessions with a follow-up massage, and it was during the massage portion of these sessions when I would really put the screws to her, testing her endurance and control.
I found it easier to have her lie on our coffee table in the living room when I massaged her. Each time, as I worked the oil into her welts—making sure the excess collagen wouldn’t find a home beneath them and leave a scar—I would push her even higher into sexual frenzy.
I could never get over feeling her arousal welling up deep within her groin, like a breached aquifer producing a spring, and filling her to near overflowing with sexual desire. It was exhilarating, but also a little terrifying, to feel that intense, sexual power growing within her, trying to force her to act on those burgeoning, erotic urges.
The begging would start when the power of the erotic sensations grew too strong.
‘Please Sir, fuck me.’
‘Please Master! I need you to fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside me. I need to come.’
‘I said no. You need to control these urges. What happens when I’m not here and the urges grab you? How long before you play with yourself against my wishes, or find someone else to fuck…Barbara again, or perhaps even Mark?’
‘No! Please Master, I would never do that again. I love you!’
‘Then prove it to me by controlling your cravings.’
She whined, knowing I wasn’t going to help her, and that’s when the wriggling and writhing would start. They were a subtle shifting of her legs and body against the surface she laid on, done in order to garner enough stimulation to make herself come.
Each time she started her wriggling, I would spank her ass hard and roar, ‘Stop that! Now lie still and control yourself. If you can behave for just another hour, maybe I’ll let you come.’
With a great deal of effort, she did gain control as I felt her heightened state of arousal slacken. Unfortunately, the void left by her lessening arousal was quickly filled by that all too familiar, growing sense of nausea.
‘I’m feeling sick, again,’ she said, with a hint of panic in her voice.
‘I know. It’s happened to me a lot.’
‘Please make it stop.’
‘I can’t, but you can. You need to push those dark, salacious thoughts out of your head.’
‘I can’t…’
‘Yes you can. Try for me.’
She held on for quite a while, but eventually the nausea became too much for her, causing her to vomit.
When I first pushed her to these extremes, Karen couldn’t get to the bathroom quick enough and caused a terrible mess. Now, I had a large bowl with me for those moments when the nausea overcomes her.
When she was done throwing up, I would lead her to the bathroom to clean her. Wiping a dampened cloth around her mouth, I could tell that the nausea and arousal had temporarily receded.
Kissing her sweetly on the forehead while pushing blissful feelings into her, I said, ‘You did well this time, sweet
heart. You lasted nearly an hour, and I know how difficult it was for you. You’re learning how to hold it off, to keep it back. You’re leaning control.’
She looked up at me with those large, blue eyes, and asked the same question she always asked at about this time, ‘What’s happening to me?’
I always answered her the same way, ‘I’ll tell you when you’re ready.’
‘When will that be?’
‘Soon…Now let’s go back into the living room, and I’ll finish working the oil into your welts.’
For the first time since we started her training she became disagreeable, albeit mildly, ‘No, please Sir, no more tonight. I don’t want to get sick again.’
‘Just a bit longer so those welts don’t become permanent. And if you try real hard at keeping those naughty thoughts out of your head, I bet you won’t get sick.’
Of course, once I got her back on the coffee table, I purposely took a deliciously long time working my oily hands around her buttocks and thighs, while pushing more sordid thoughts into her mind. She did as good a job as she’s ever done holding back her ever mounting sexual excitement, but again I put her at peak arousal.
Usually, I would continue massaging her until she vomited again. However, when she put forth a monumental effort in stemming the growing tide of arousal and nausea, as she was doing tonight, I would reward her.
Sensing the upwelling of sickness within her, I squirted another liberal amount of oil in my hand and gently massaged her vulva.
Immediately, her nausea receded, and her breathing intensified, punctuated by an occasional soft moan. I hadn’t even parted the soft folds of her pussy to attend to its more sensitive parts, but already I could feel her arousal screaming rapidly to climax.
Breathlessly, she squeaked, ‘Oh, thank you Master. It feels so…so good.’
‘You’ve been a good girl tonight. Now, I don’t want you coming too quickly.’
‘Oh no, I’ll try not to, but please don’t stop.’
Kissing the nape of her neck, I gently commanded, ‘Get up on your knees, but keep your head down on the table.’
All she needed was a gentle, teasing finger tracing along her inner labia to set her off.
The metaphorical water balloon burst, sending a heavy spray of fluid rushing down her legs and across the table top. When my finger finally touched her button, there was another gush of fluid, accompanied by repeated, violent spasms of her body. And when I gently rubbed an oily finger around her asshole—that technique she so loves to do to herself—she screamed abruptly before collapsing back onto her stomach. A fine trickle of ejaculate still continued to flow out of her pussy well after I removed my fingers.
Now you know why we do most of this on the coffee table, it’s easier to clean than the carpet.
‘Didn’t I tell you not to come too quickly?’
‘Yes Sir, but you’re too good for me and to me.’
‘Appealing to my ego won’t make me go easier on you. In fact, I find it insulting. Get your ass back into the air.’
With only a small amount of protest, she assumed the punishment position, and I gave her five hard spanks with my hand.
‘Now, go to your spot in the bedroom. I want you to be sleeping by the time I go to bed.’
And that’s how things would be between us for at least another week. Sometimes she did much better, and I’d reward her by getting her off with a vibrator. Other times she didn’t do as well, and as such, spend much of those evenings throwing up in the bowl. However, in the end she did attain a level of control over herself—at least over her darker tendencies—that went beyond my initial expectations.
Punishing and training Karen weren’t the only things on my plate.
Although I made Karen a celibate—at least temporarily—I held myself to no such restriction. Thus, I always slotted a little time to play with some of the other women I’ve come to know. Usually I’d alternate between Jackie and Cecilia, or hook up with Lisa. I saw Barbara on occasion, but never with her mother. I didn’t feel right about the incestuous interlude I put them through—in fact, I feel like a real asshole for initiating the affair, and one I made sure never to repeat. Thinking back on it, I still can’t figure out why I did it except to chalk it up to a bout of temporary insanity, triggered by my rage at Karen.
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I hope you enjoy the scene. I wrote it in one go this morning because I saw a clip on this site which gave me the idea. It's also unedited, etc., so there are likely to be errors and/or typos in the text. Apologies for any errors. I just wanted to smash this scene out and then get on with something which actually earns me money!Anyway. Here it is. Comments and feedback are welcome, as long as it's constructive and not just, "Your story sucks."Thanks for reading.Ricky - Cambridgeshire, UK - 19th...
The next night I got home, and Sandy told me that Dan had phoned and she had to go to his place for the evening. She then went upstairs to get ready. When she came down a little later, she asked me how she looked. She was wearing a tiny black dress that showed most of her tits and all but the top of her thighs. The outfit was completed with fishnet stockings and black high-heeled shoes. She wore thick makeup and bright red lipstick, something she never normally used. I told her that, quite...
I couldn’t believe it. Here I was in bed with an older man – and one that I most wanted as he lay there sated by my ministrations to him.It had all started two weeks earlier when I had changed my profile on one of the sites that I regularly use. Up until then, I had been ‘Mr versatile’ – willing to do anything anyone wanted – pretty bland actually.Now what I had written was the following:“Young 52 year old, looking for an older man, early to mid sixties, still sexually active willing to be my...
I caught his eye over Tara's shoulder. He was standing near the bar, drink in hand, leaning against a pillar. His dark eyes were locked on Tara and I as we danced, the primal beat of the heavy rock driving our bodies. Ignoring him, I transferred my gaze back to Tara. Her long, dark hair swung about her face, barely inches from me, as she moved, lost in the rhythm. She glanced up at me and gave one of her pulse-quickening, wicked smiles. After faltering momentarily, my hips found the beat once...
European hottie Katty Diamond is hanging out in bed when her beau Kasteil joins her. Kasteil makes his interest clear as he tickles his fingers along Katty’s thighs. Leaning in, he tugs her shirt up so he can feast on her hard nipples and lap his tongue along the curves of her breasts. Kissing and licking his way further down Katty’s body, Kasteil helps her out of her shorts and thong so he can slide his fingers up and down her slit and then go to work licking at her clit while...
xmoviesforyou"Sometime today, all of you will probably hear a voice in your heads," Caleb said cautiously, upon Al's advice. They were driving to JJ's parent's house for their three-days-late Thanksgiving Dinner, and had decided to go in Caleb's rental car. It had more room than JJ's, and it was new. New cars were always a good draw for teens, and JJ just wanted to be with Caleb. "My advice is, when you hear the voice, just act natural, and maybe let your mom know," Caleb continued. "If it...
This occurred when I was just 16 or 17 years old. Looking back, I was a little behind the learning curve, sexually speaking as a teen, but I was coming of age. I really had no experience at all, but I was very curious. It seemed like my friends were all talking about sexual things, and I was pretty much lost. The only source of anything sexual was a girlie magazine (Club) I had. I loved looking at the pictures and reading the stories. I had nothing else. From time to time, I would go through my...
I helped her off the table since the ordeal seemed to drain her. I positioned the chair so she could observe what I was going to do to the first volunteer. I sat her down and kissed her, gently squeezing the bruise marked breasts. She shuddered and slumped into the chair, content from the orgasm and obviously still feeling the ache of the zippering. I helped the plugged and evacuated lady up onto the table. I had her lay on her back with feet pulled back and knees spread. I scooted her towards...
BDSMNothing much happened that night, and I had a good night’s sleep in my own bed. It wasn’t until I went to check my email on Saturday morning that my world went all to hell. I hadn’t checked my email since before the kidnapping, and there were a number of them waiting when I went to my regular email account. The most recent was from early this morning, and when I clicked on it, I nearly fell out of my chair. There was a picture of my kids. They were tied up and crying. Below it in large block...
Clarissa slipped into the room when he opened the door, almost giddy with anticipation. She had come from sunbathing at the pool, her body oiled and tanned, looking much younger than her forty years.“I almost didn't come,” she said, reaching her hands to him.“I'm glad you did,” he said. He touched his lips to her fingertips, and took her in his arms. She could feel the stiffness of his cock, wondering if he'd taken something to prepare himself for her, or if he was really excited by her...
VoyeurIntroduction:Two different species get intimate on a moon's colony - furry/non-human and human.Author’s note: Here’s a story for furry/non-human fans. All planets/moons/stars mentioned in the story are real – except the planet Gliese-H. I think this is a cute story. I had fun using my imagination. Chapter 1Ryan sat alone in the cafeteria eating a horrid combination of what he surmised to be thawed preprocessed food mixed with military rations. It was all the facility had. They might as well...
The rest of the day passed in a blur. After the doctors cleared me from the hospital I was given a ride home in the police escort Charles had arranged. By that time the news cameras had thinned out, but he still made sure to walk me through the front door with his arm securely around my waist just in case. Once we were inside I slumped on the couch, trying not to let the events of the day replay in my head while Charles got me a glass of water. Before he got back his phone started ringing...
Bethany has resorted to working for a popular taxi app to make some extra cash. She scoops up our boy, and damn is he in shock. His drivers are usually smelly men who don‘t even speak english. He was in for the ride of his life. She kept getting hotter and hotter with every mile they drove, and he couldn‘t stop staring at her tits, he even got caught. He had to make it right. He offered Bethany one hundred bucks if he could get a nude view. She really needed the cash, and was willing to bare...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true story of what happened to us about three years ago, and continues today.During our 15 years of marriage, we've been very open with each other sexually. We watch porn movies, pictures, erotic stories and telling each other our fantasies. Eight months ago, we decided to open up our sex life and seek out others to join us for sex. I always had a fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by another man or men, and we decided to join a swingers club. Two clubs were in our area, 3 and 5...
Mitch and Liz's young friend could easily be their own son.Mitch and Liz were quite settled in Italy although they often thought about their earlier life in the US. Work had brought them to this part of the world. One Monday morning in work Mitch was introduced to Robbie an eighteen year old boy from California and asked to show him around and generally make him feel at home. They immediately hit it off and got on well together.At the end of the day Mitch went home to Liz his wife of many years...
Hello All! I’m here with another episode of my interesting encounter. Hope you’ll like it. As before, your valuable comments and suggestions are most welcome. Please bear with me if it’s a bit lengthy, nevertheless an interesting account. Here is the story. Suraj was a regular visitor to our room in the evenings after that wonderful weekend show. We managed to have short sessions now and then to quench our thirst. The hostel wore a deserted look. I was bored when Sharath left for his native...
Gay MaleBeep ... Beep ... Beep ... Beep... When I opened my eyes I recognized nothing except for that blasted beeping machine. I fantasized finding the person that invented it and doing to them all the things that had been done to me since my odyssey began. I Recognized Nothing... Not a thing... Not Even Me... So thrilled to wake up, it took me a little time to realize how unfamiliar everything was, then like a bolt of electricity, it hit me. I had no idea about anything. Where was I? What...
Shouldering his bookbag, Jay slammed his locker closed. Another day, another... something, anyway. "Dude!" Two morons occupied the next locker over. "What?" "There's some seriously hot bitch subbing for Missus Strauss." Then they started talking about her tits, which were "smokin'," which then descended into a conversation about the girls from the other private school across town that they pretended to have "banged." Fucking idiots. Still, it didn't prevent him from...
Pro-Con was heating up as the halls of the Southern Convention Centre filled with the first day's visitors. Most of them were dressed up and actively cosplaying, but there were also people who spent their time ogling the cosplayers. The average cosplayer spent many, many hours on their work; things such as their clothes, makeup, and minute details to recreate the look of their favourite characters. Amongst the thousands of people with smartphones, there were a few professional...
Quando conheci aquele casal simpático e delicioso, estava longe de imaginar as aventuras deleitosas que me aguardavam.Gostava de partilhar convoscoa melhor noite de sexo que já tive. Jacinto é o nome do homem com quem partilho o meu apartamento. Gosto dele. É um Homem trabalhador, honesto, carinhoso, etc. Mas isso para uma mulher fogosa como eu, não chega – pois ele na cama não satisfaz minimamente os meus desejos e fetiches, então encaro-o como um bom amigo apenas.Fico frustrada com os seus...
In Tenguu city, more specifically in the country of Japan, it was the best known place in the world because space earthquakes occurred frequently in that country, however what nobody knew, was that after an earthquake could affect, beautiful girls with powers appeared at the place of impact. On many occasions, an organization called the AST began to attack them in order to exterminate them, but thanks to the help of another secret organization called Ratatoskr, they are free to get rid of the...
A couple of my friends knew that I enjoyed showing off my wife and had been after me for months to try and arrange some type of show for them. They had both seen nude photos of Jill, (supplied by me) but neither of them had ever had the opportunity to catch even a glimpse of her naked body in person. Every time I'd tell them about an experience where I'd flashed Jill to some truckers on the highway or relate some other adventure they'd always complain and ask why they couldn't have been the...
Shane drove through the big gates that led to his parent's house. He'd always thought that this house was too big for the five of them, then the four of them when his dad passed away. Back when his dad was alive he was a very rich man, owned a big computer firm, and inherited Shane's grandfather's money, who was a very rich man too. When Shane was old enough to realize how rich they were and also to realize that some of his friends and mostly all his girlfriends were pretending to be...
My girlfriend Annie and I were looking to explore some of our sexual fantasies with another partner. We were open to either a guy or girl joining us, but it was a girl who gave us the first opportunity.Sammy was a cute blonde who I saw on the bus every day going to and from work. At first we just gave each other a polite nod of the head and smile in recognition of seeing each other every day. That progressed to a polite good morning, which in turn lead to small talk, mostly about the weather...
Hi, all…. This is Vikram and am so happy about my previous story review, as usual I am getting into the story directly and sorry again to all Non-Tamilians bcoz this story is going to be in Tamil from now. For the people who haven’t read my previous stories read all OthaPunda stories. And my friends who all are mailed me, I love you all, please send your cock pic that would be a priceless gift from you and chance kidaicha ungakudalam panna iam ready. Love You all cockysssss… Madhan kuda...
My name is Dan Bartlett and I'm sitting here in my car parked in front of the entrance to the Springfield Hilton in Fairfax, Virginia at 7:00am on Sunday morning waiting for a cell phone call from my wife, Lydia, as I write this account on my laptop about my life with Lydia. She had an all-night consulting engagement with a client that started yesterday afternoon and I'm waiting for her to tell me that she is finished with her work and is ready for me to take her home. She asked me to be...
Monday again. Emma was settling into her office for another long week when the door to her office opened and, “Hi honey, I am home,” was laughingly said in her direction. She spun around so fast in her chair she nearly fell off. And there he was, laughing all the way up to his greenish gold eyes. It was Kyle, the company’s sales and technical director from the big city. He was her favorite and also least favorite coworker. She spoke to him nearly every day and they had a great working...
Office SexI waited silently and checked my watch. It was 6:50 in the afternoon, and Daddy should be on the way from work. Daddy is my boyfriend, and even though my actual father does not approve of him, we have been together for two years. Not only am I his newly titled submissive, but I am the love of his life also. We go to the same university, but he’s a senior and I’m a junior. Daddy ordered me to not have on any clothes by the time he came home. We share an apartment together, with the permission...
Malichai and I spent the next two days uninterrupted either in his bed or in the bath. He held me as I cried rivers of tears that had been dammed for the last four years, he rocked me slow as we talked and shared things neither of us had ever spoken about with anyone else. We played, and laughed as we revisited our child hoods while we used the bed as a trampoline. We made love, my God how we made love! Again he held me tight as new tears fell, this time from fear of myself and my feelings for...
The words that Mary Beth was saying to me somehow didn’t register, everything after the ‘she’s dead, Will ... she was drowned in the floodwaters’ was just noise. I understood what she told me, the troubling dreams I had experienced the night before made sense. There was a loud rushing in my head, and I was wracked with loud sobs. I was aware of Traci standing next to me, her arms around my shoulders, and Mary Beth was on the phone, talking to someone. “Let’s get you down to bed, Will,” Mary...
Above the Stars and the Gods He sat on the catwalk high up in the theatre, above the highest tier of seating, the ‘Gods’, above the maze of scaffolding and gantries that held the multitude of lights that were his job to attend to. Of course he shouldn’t be working up here by himself with regulations as they were but his co-worker, Al, was a lazy character and was forever ‘just popping out for five minutes’ which normally turned into at least an hour and sometimes lasted until the performance...
This scene features Sarah Banks and I with some intense chemistry as we have sex for the first time. We kiss each other a bunch and can’t keep out hands off of each other as we roll around on the bed. I go down on her and finger her before we have fun, energetic sex in a bunch of positions. She orgasms multiple times through the video as we fuck intensely. There are POV shots during the blowjob portion and a bit while she rides my cock with her butt facing the camera. The scene ends with...