Beetlesmith’s Ch. 17 free porn video

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I would like to thank Bella Mariposa for her time in helping to edit this chapter.


I’ve never been into the discipline/bondage genre of sex games. I was always under the impression that to be a good disciplinarian was just a matter of unleashing your ‘inner asshole.’ I never liked being an asshole, so I wasn’t into bondage/discipline—nothing much more to it than that. It’s not that I looked down on coerced or forced sexual control, it’s just that they never appealed to me.

Oh, I know there must be a bit more nuance to B and D than what I’ve just described, such as the psychological pressure one must exert over another in order to garner that willingness to be controlled. However, in the end, isn’t that what control boils down to, being enough of a hard-ass—enough of an asshole—to willingly subjugate another and to keep them under your thumb?

Added to my innate indifference for the genre is the fact I never wanted a vassal, submissive or slave as a wife. I always viewed Karen as an equal partner in life, someone who, at times, I could lean on, as she could lean on me. Moreover, given Karen’s headstrong nature, it was easy for us to achieve that balance in our marriage. She no more wanted to be a submissive, than I wanted to be a Dominant—sexually or otherwise. In this regard, we were well matched for each other.

All of that has changed. The elixir, and the events of the past few weeks, has converted me to a new way of thinking. I have become a newly born disciple in the art of control—if not out of want, at least out of necessity.

I had a real problem with Karen. If I couldn’t teach her some restraint and control, and do it quickly, then things could get ugly with her newfound abilities. If I couldn’t get her to rein in her darker nature, her interactions with others could very well get dangerous, if not deadly.

The only way I knew how to lessen the psychotic aftereffects of the elixir was obtaining and maintaining absolute control over her, over everything she did, over her whole life—just as I had done with myself during those weeks in hell. In this way, and with the help of my controlling influence, maybe she could learn how to control herself. So when the psychotic events do occur, bringing out her darker nature, she can better handle them and hopefully purge those dark thoughts before she actualized them with an innocent person.


That Friday at work—the day I left Karen naked and in the kitchen after giving her my ultimatums—was uneventful.

Candice called in sick, for obvious reasons given her behavior from the day before, and the post-quarterly meetings with Jack wouldn’t happen until next week. It’s just as well that I had little to do that day, the free time allowed me to consolidate my thoughts and construct a detailed plan on how to deal with Karen.

I implemented that plan the minute I got home that evening.

As expected, Karen greeted me at the door on her knees. She was naked, except for my chain, and dinner was already prepared and on the table.

I kissed her on the forehead for her obedience, while pushing calming and blissful feelings into her. Her face brightened and I felt her pulse jump to the warm glow of serenity that I caused in her.

When I sat down to dinner, I put her plate of food on the floor, and told her that she was not to sit at the table with me. I didn’t go so far as to make her eat the food directly off the floor, as she had done to Barbara, but I did stress she was only to eat with her fingers.

We mostly ate in silence, except near the end of the meal when I asked about her day.

‘Did you talk to Lisa?’

She nodded in answer.

‘And did you apologize to her?’

She sniffed back a tear before answering, ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘And how did she react? What did she say?’

Between quiet sobs, she said, ‘She laughed at me. It was hateful.’

‘Well, you only have yourself to blame for her bad feelings,’ I said as gently but honestly as I could, ‘I’ll talk with her in a few days. Let me see if I can mend the rift between you two. Would you like that?’

She smiled and nodded in answer.

‘And what did she say when you gave her permission to keep seeing me?’

She hesitated in answering, tipping me off that something was wrong. Finally, she said matter-of-factly, ‘She didn’t say anything about it.’

‘Nothing? Not a word? You tell another woman she can fuck your husband any time she wants, and she says nothing? Not even a ‘thank you’ or a ‘no thank you?”

She didn’t respond, dropping her eyes to the floor in obvious shame.

‘She didn’t say anything because you didn’t tell her. Isn’t that right?’

Karen’s lower lip began to quiver as tears streamed anew. A feeble, ‘Please, I couldn’t…,’ was all she could squeak out under my scornful glare.

‘Why couldn’t you?’

‘Because she laughed at me,’ she said, amid gut-wrenching sobs.

Standing above her, I slowly took off my belt, while saying disappointedly, ‘Only the first day and already you need to be punished. Get all the way down on your elbows and knees and grovel for mercy.’

‘No…please…don’t,’ she wailed, ‘I promise, I’ll call her and tell her…’

‘Yes, I know you will. Now, get down and grovel at my feet and beg that I don’t leave you.’

She put her forehead all the way to the floor, while clutching hard at my feet with her outstretched hands. All she could do was wail.

‘I said beg!’ I roared.

She begged, wailed, and begged some more until her throat was hoarse and dry.

After I thought she groveled enough, I commanded, ‘Now raise your ass up…higher…plant your feet to the floor and lift that cheating ass straight into the air. No! Keep your fucking forehead on the floor and lift that ass!’

She labored mightily against the awkward position I put her into, with her head and feet flat on the floor, and ass in the air with her legs straight. The position caused the muscles all along her backside to tighten, so much so, I could see her legs wobble against the strain.

I kept her in that position until beads of sweat formed along her thighs from the strain in her legs, at which point I whipped her ass three times with my belt—three, forceful and deliberate strokes with the belt—just like mother would have done—and the three, long, red welts that erupted across her backside where a testament to the ferocity of my punishment.

Each time I brought the belt down, she screamed in terror and pain. The source of the pain was obvious, but the terror I inflicted was born from another place—fomented by the feelings of utter dread, despair and hopelessness I projected into her with my mind.

‘Alright, I’ve punished you enough for now.’

Karen collapsed to the floor, and weeping, she immediately curled into the fetal position.

Between sobs of pain and fear, she gingerly ran a finger along the welts, only to quickly pull it away as she winced at the lingering, searing pain.

‘Now, call Lisa and beg her to keep fucking me.’


That’s how things were for the next couple of weeks. I rewarded her good behavior with a gentle kiss or caress, and supplemented these affections with overwhelming feelings of bliss, calm and warmth. Conversely, bad behavior was met with the belt. More importantly, the physical punishment was augmented with those overriding, deep-seated feelings of utter dread, hopelessness, despair, and above all else, fear.

Reward the good, punish the bad. ‘Dog morality’ is what my old philosophy teacher sneeringly called it. Herr Schilpp would have disapproved of my methods, but I knew no better way given the limited time afforded me. I didn’t have decades to play with, I only had weeks to attain some measure of control over her. Well, I always thought Schilpp was a m
onkey dick, anyway.

Throughout the days of reward and punishment, I kept Karen on a separate plane from me: me above, her below. When we were together, she always stayed on the floor. She ate on the floor, slept on the floor, and during those quiet times just before bed, when I read in my easy chair, she sat on the floor beside me watching television.

I wasn’t always the stern, robotic disciplinarian, doling out either tranquility or torment, and I didn’t treat her as she treated Barbara, as a dog. Rather, I saw my role as a stable master in charge of a fine thoroughbred—a beautiful, high-spirited animal that needed to be taught discipline, so that she could be ridden effortlessly and securely. I needed to break her spirit, to be sure, but not eradicate it completely. Once I had broken her down enough to achieve a level of control over her, only then could I begin to rebuilt her confidence and make her an equal partner in my life again.

Along these lines, and every few days or so, I would dote on her with a hot bath. I’d ready the tub and let her soak in it for a good thirty minutes to an hour. As she soaked, I would scrub her with a soapy sponge or exfoliate her feet, knees and elbows with a fine-grade emery brush or loofah. She would never lay back and lounge, though—probably fearing I would think that arrogant and haughty—thus, requiring of more punishment. Instead, she would always sit upright, silently watching me with her big blue eyes as I pampered her. After drying her, I would rub her down with a light mineral oil, or soothe the chaffed skin of her knees and elbows with her favorite lotion.

It all became a ritual for us, mostly because our preening sessions were really the only time I allowed myself any degree of intimate contact with her. As such, Karen looked on the baths and massages with greater anticipation and enthusiasm as the days passed.

Naturally, I denied her sex of any kind, and she became increasingly frustrated with me. She took out her frustration by toying with me in a loving manner, mostly by the demure way she held herself in the bath, with head tipped down and her eyes staring up at me in a show of innocence, all done while pushing her breasts out, accentuating their lush fullness and sensuousness, or by the cute way she would lift her hips off the floor in an inviting manner whenever I rubbed oil into the small of her back or buttocks.

Much to her disappointment, I ignored all her enticements.

Moreover, I grew to love her more—if that’s possible—because of her little enticements and disappointments. As such, I reached my own form of catharsis with her during these primping sessions, coming to the conclusion that I had made the right choice in staying with her, becoming a teacher, rather than abandoning her for good after her last betrayal.

Disappointed though she was my imposed celibacy, my strategy of ‘dog morality,’ coupled with my lavished, chaste attentions, was having a positive effect. For as the days passed, the punishments become fewer and farther between, and I was able to imbue her soul with greater and more deeply felt draughts of bliss, calm and serenity. Soon, she became happy in her role as submissive—almost joyful, really.

Unfortunately, all that I’ve just described, taught her but one type of control—command over her internal, selfish nature, however, it didn’t go very far in teaching her the type of control she needed in order to combat those, more or less, external forces that were formed through our use of the elixir.

Lack of sex was having a deleterious effect on her, both physically and emotionally. She was experiencing the same agony I had suffered through. I used that hellish condition to great effect in teaching her the self-discipline she would need to fight those forces and ultimately, her inner darkness.


At first, she didn’t take my edicts to remain chaste very well or very seriously, and continued to masturbate when the sexual urges became too difficult for her to control.

I knew about these misbehaviors, and always told her in nauseating detail when, where and how she pleasured herself before putting her in that same, awkward position and whipping her with my belt.

The belt came out—fast and furious—during those first few days, and her backside, from the top of her buttocks to down past her thighs, was covered with an ugly assortment of red welts.

Eventually, she came to realize that I couldn’t be fooled, and stopped her masturbatory misbehavior.

However, even though she had stopped masturbating, the natural ramping of her sexual arousal never stopped, and would gradually increase with each passing day until it became unbearable.

Worse for me than seeing the welts across her backside, was seeing her in these advanced states of sexual frenzy, because I knew the agony she was going through.

It was usually when Karen was nearing the height of sexual agony that I would schedule our preening sessions with a follow-up massage, and it was during the massage portion of these sessions when I would really put the screws to her, testing her endurance and control.

I found it easier to have her lie on our coffee table in the living room when I massaged her. Each time, as I worked the oil into her welts—making sure the excess collagen wouldn’t find a home beneath them and leave a scar—I would push her even higher into sexual frenzy.

I could never get over feeling her arousal welling up deep within her groin, like a breached aquifer producing a spring, and filling her to near overflowing with sexual desire. It was exhilarating, but also a little terrifying, to feel that intense, sexual power growing within her, trying to force her to act on those burgeoning, erotic urges.

The begging would start when the power of the erotic sensations grew too strong.

‘Please Sir, fuck me.’


‘Please Master! I need you to fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside me. I need to come.’

‘I said no. You need to control these urges. What happens when I’m not here and the urges grab you? How long before you play with yourself against my wishes, or find someone else to fuck…Barbara again, or perhaps even Mark?’

‘No! Please Master, I would never do that again. I love you!’

‘Then prove it to me by controlling your cravings.’

She whined, knowing I wasn’t going to help her, and that’s when the wriggling and writhing would start. They were a subtle shifting of her legs and body against the surface she laid on, done in order to garner enough stimulation to make herself come.

Each time she started her wriggling, I would spank her ass hard and roar, ‘Stop that! Now lie still and control yourself. If you can behave for just another hour, maybe I’ll let you come.’

With a great deal of effort, she did gain control as I felt her heightened state of arousal slacken. Unfortunately, the void left by her lessening arousal was quickly filled by that all too familiar, growing sense of nausea.

‘I’m feeling sick, again,’ she said, with a hint of panic in her voice.

‘I know. It’s happened to me a lot.’

‘Please make it stop.’

‘I can’t, but you can. You need to push those dark, salacious thoughts out of your head.’

‘I can’t…’

‘Yes you can. Try for me.’

She held on for quite a while, but eventually the nausea became too much for her, causing her to vomit.

When I first pushed her to these extremes, Karen couldn’t get to the bathroom quick enough and caused a terrible mess. Now, I had a large bowl with me for those moments when the nausea overcomes her.

When she was done throwing up, I would lead her to the bathroom to clean her. Wiping a dampened cloth around her mouth, I could tell that the nausea and arousal had temporarily receded.

Kissing her sweetly on the forehead while pushing blissful feelings into her, I said, ‘You did well this time, sweet
heart. You lasted nearly an hour, and I know how difficult it was for you. You’re learning how to hold it off, to keep it back. You’re leaning control.’

She looked up at me with those large, blue eyes, and asked the same question she always asked at about this time, ‘What’s happening to me?’

I always answered her the same way, ‘I’ll tell you when you’re ready.’

‘When will that be?’

‘Soon…Now let’s go back into the living room, and I’ll finish working the oil into your welts.’

For the first time since we started her training she became disagreeable, albeit mildly, ‘No, please Sir, no more tonight. I don’t want to get sick again.’

‘Just a bit longer so those welts don’t become permanent. And if you try real hard at keeping those naughty thoughts out of your head, I bet you won’t get sick.’

Of course, once I got her back on the coffee table, I purposely took a deliciously long time working my oily hands around her buttocks and thighs, while pushing more sordid thoughts into her mind. She did as good a job as she’s ever done holding back her ever mounting sexual excitement, but again I put her at peak arousal.

Usually, I would continue massaging her until she vomited again. However, when she put forth a monumental effort in stemming the growing tide of arousal and nausea, as she was doing tonight, I would reward her.

Sensing the upwelling of sickness within her, I squirted another liberal amount of oil in my hand and gently massaged her vulva.

Immediately, her nausea receded, and her breathing intensified, punctuated by an occasional soft moan. I hadn’t even parted the soft folds of her pussy to attend to its more sensitive parts, but already I could feel her arousal screaming rapidly to climax.

Breathlessly, she squeaked, ‘Oh, thank you Master. It feels so…so good.’

‘You’ve been a good girl tonight. Now, I don’t want you coming too quickly.’

‘Oh no, I’ll try not to, but please don’t stop.’

Kissing the nape of her neck, I gently commanded, ‘Get up on your knees, but keep your head down on the table.’

All she needed was a gentle, teasing finger tracing along her inner labia to set her off.

The metaphorical water balloon burst, sending a heavy spray of fluid rushing down her legs and across the table top. When my finger finally touched her button, there was another gush of fluid, accompanied by repeated, violent spasms of her body. And when I gently rubbed an oily finger around her asshole—that technique she so loves to do to herself—she screamed abruptly before collapsing back onto her stomach. A fine trickle of ejaculate still continued to flow out of her pussy well after I removed my fingers.

Now you know why we do most of this on the coffee table, it’s easier to clean than the carpet.

‘Didn’t I tell you not to come too quickly?’

‘Yes Sir, but you’re too good for me and to me.’

‘Appealing to my ego won’t make me go easier on you. In fact, I find it insulting. Get your ass back into the air.’

With only a small amount of protest, she assumed the punishment position, and I gave her five hard spanks with my hand.

‘Now, go to your spot in the bedroom. I want you to be sleeping by the time I go to bed.’

And that’s how things would be between us for at least another week. Sometimes she did much better, and I’d reward her by getting her off with a vibrator. Other times she didn’t do as well, and as such, spend much of those evenings throwing up in the bowl. However, in the end she did attain a level of control over herself—at least over her darker tendencies—that went beyond my initial expectations.


Punishing and training Karen weren’t the only things on my plate.

Although I made Karen a celibate—at least temporarily—I held myself to no such restriction. Thus, I always slotted a little time to play with some of the other women I’ve come to know. Usually I’d alternate between Jackie and Cecilia, or hook up with Lisa. I saw Barbara on occasion, but never with her mother. I didn’t feel right about the incestuous interlude I put them through—in fact, I feel like a real asshole for initiating the affair, and one I made sure never to repeat. Thinking back on it, I still can’t figure out why I did it except to chalk it up to a bout of temporary insanity, triggered by my rage at Karen.

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Learning the lifestyle Part 2

Wondering how he seemed to know, she answered, “Reed and I slept together when we could before I totally ended it with Neil. Reed made no secret about it either. He would kiss me just when he knew Neil would catch us. Once he had me straddling his lap kissing me when Neil caught us. My father aided in this too. Neil got really jealous and I tried to get him to believe that Reed was doing it to piss him off. No one knew that Neil could get violent though. Finally one night after he caught Reed...

3 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 31

The evening was calm and silent. The blacked out windows of the Range Rover, driving towards him, had its light turned off. Ray always admired Dan's, no guns policy, but this time he was not messing about. He had a plan. As the two heavies stepped out of the car, he would pop them both and move the cash to another place. Once the dust had settled, he would give Dan's share to Bern. It's the least he could do for Dan. As the Rover crawled to a stop, Ray, pulling the baseball cap lower...

2 years ago
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My Dream Fulfilled At The Age Of 27 8211 Part 2

I was receiving several emails from the past few years. Sorry guys I couldn’t continue the second part as my system was sent to get repaired. I completely forgot to visit this site. Now I have got enough time due to lock down to continue Part 2. Guys, I have promised the couple not to share their details with anyone and keep it secret. Still, you guys are asking me to provide contact details and address. I am sorry I have deleted the contact number the next day, as per their request. I cannot...

4 years ago
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The Marks Brothers Prologue

This is not the actual start of this series. This is only some background information that will get you ready for when I jump in the story itself. Please enjoy and keep reading, the next part is the story beginning. Arisamorak ********** Brandon Marks had always believed in the concept of love at first site. He had grown up with the stories of how his parents had met. And he had lived everyday with the proof of that love staring him square in the face. There was no one his father, Anthony...

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We rented an RV for the outdoor concert-tail gating purposes. It had a kitchenette, a restroom, and a couch/bed area. We were set for the day and night. The fridge was stocked with beer and margaritas. I had originally bought four tickets to the show-one for me, one for my man and two for his friends. So far they had not shown up. So we were having a good time ourselves.We had a good buzz when we went inside for the concert. I am 33 yrs old, 36c all natural tits, 5'5 and about 130ish in weight,...

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reena kie chudai

Hi I am ajay sharma I am sending this story for my fans if some one like pls message me or mail me reena pussy tastes like heaven. My mouth has been pressed into her cunt for what seems like hours now. She’s wearing a sheer black bra. Her pink nipples are hard, and she’s been pulling at them to stimulate herself more. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and she hiked up her skirt so I could spread her legs, and comfortably wedges my head into the space between. It’s dark and I’m surrounded by her...

3 years ago
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Nailed by the Ex

My ex husband and I had been divorced for about three years. We managed to stay civil when we were around each other although I still had some bitter feelings about the break up. But I knew that I would always care about him and he about me so there was a bond there even though we had moved on and were both remarried. He had settled down with a much younger woman who was probably able to satisfy him physically and emotionally because he could be very dominating and I married an older gentleman...

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Moms MILF Spirits

Melanie accompanied me home after cheer practice and what did we find? My mom laying out butt naked on a towel beside the pool! I was so fucking embarrassed! The first thing we saw were her sagging breasts, her aged dark large areolas lining long nipples, and her hairy snatch that resembled Chewbacca from Star Wars. My mom was a product of the old ways; staying true as much as she could. It was so repulsing to know that I came out of that forest eighteen years ago. Did mom not understand the...

1 year ago
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Erotic evening in Manipal

Hi all, I’m Shaunak, a 30 yr old male from Bangalore, 5’11 fair and athletic. I have a couple of my stories out there. This is about when I was studying at Manipal, in Karnataka, pursuing my professional studies. I had seen Sapna around campus before and occasionally out at the bars at night. She was a total knockout, a brown-haired beauty with big brown eyes that would melt you if you stared at them too long. There was something about her that looked so vulnerable, so innocent. She had a cute...

2 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 20 Quicksilver

I faded back into familiar reality, feeling a wet little nose nuzzling behind my ear, and a gentle noise I couldn't quite focus on, and slowly the fuzz ebbed away and I opened my eyes. Dare's little black orbs gleamed back at me, and she chattered in a very non-ferret way. Ginny's face, red from crying, I thought, as my brain finally found a reference for the soft noises I'd been hearing, suddenly appeared above me. "Davey, are you awake?" "Yes," I said, or tried to. "Oh my God!"...

3 years ago
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Awayday chapter 1

We're off, at long bloody last. It seems ages since we last had a break and we are so looking forward to this one. You know how you get when you see the same old faces and sites, day after day, well you get stale don't you. You get into a routine or even a rut that is very difficult to get out of, well that's where we're at right now and we're on the road, going to the coast, to do something about it. Because of our jobs, Sami and I find it very difficult to concentrate on just the two of...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate PlayboyChapter 12

"Well, Randi. I'd say you're living up to your name..." "Gosh! I'm not normally this horny... oooh, right there..." She hung her head down between her shoulderblades, focusing for a moment on thrusting her hips back against my cock while I drilled her doggy-style. "But then sex has never been this good either..." "I get that a lot." I fought back a smirk. Then I settled in, watching the red pigtails bouncing and the gentle curve of Randi's spine as she flexed and thrust on all...

1 year ago
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The Bad Girls continued 2

I strutted down the hallway my braless tits covered by a transparent blouse. I enjoyed the looks of the female students and the faculty. In class I sat with Michelle, a student struggling with Chemistry, she stared as I sat down beside her, the miniskirt riding up my thighs and exposing my neatly trimmed pussy. I was moist from all the attention my new look was getting. Samantha a 20 year old senior student, tall, athletic, short black hair, dressed in jeans, t shirt, leather motorbike jacket,...

3 years ago
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The British Sea WarChapter 5

A new Command Back in Liverpool after several weary days in London, then on a course at Portland a very weary Lt Cdr Tony Nash DSO entered the bar. He recognised Heather, Freda's friend straight away. She smiled at him, and he had to admit she was looking lovely, and had obviously taken very great care over her appearance. He could sense from her behaviour that she had been drinking, and had been at the bar for some time. She was not drunk, but her reaction seemed rather more friendly than...

1 year ago
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MilfBody Nikki Delano Cumplimentary MILF Massage

Nikki Delano loves getting into her eighties gear to work out. The colorful, tight fitting get ups always make her feel a little hotter. And since she is already a smoking hot blonde bombshell of a MILF, she has everybodys attention. That is why our stud offers her a complimentary massage. Yes, he made the offer up, but who can blame him. Anything to get a chance at this sexy cougar! Nikki loves the way he works her bubbly ass so much, she lets him peel her tights off and slide his cock into...

2 years ago
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Finding Her Master Pt 8

Finding Her Master Part 12 By: Ropetease ©2011 Robin felt the aftershocks slowly subsiding while Joe signed the papers. Her stomach still aching from her climax when another feeling started to emerge inside her. Tensing her stomach muscles to hold back the sudden need to relieve herself. Sucking down on her lower lip and slowly rocking her body, wishing Master would hurry. "Thank you," Joe replied giving a tug on Robin’s leash as they walked in to the main area. "Master, may I speak?"Robin...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 324

This is compliments of the 'Shy One'. JEWISH LDIES BRAGGING ABOUT THEIR SONS... Four Jewish ladies meet after 30 years at their High School Reunion. One goes to take food while the other 3 start to talk about how successful their sons became. No. 1 says her son studied economics, became a banker and is so rich, he gave his best friend a Ferrari. No. 2 said her son became a pilot, started his own airline became so rich, he gave his best friend a jet. No. 3 said her son became an...

3 years ago
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Gym Treadmill

Gym: Treadmill By Radioactive Loner The woman behind the desk looked like any other woman in any other gym in any other city in any other world. Nondescript, with perhaps a slight cast of light beauty on her face, making her enough to briefly capture one's attention, yet not memorable enough to stay there. Her brown hair was done up in a ponytail, and she wore the black-and-red polo shirt common to the employees of this popular chain of gyms. She smiled as he entered the room, and...

1 year ago
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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 10 MuckUp Day

"Good morning, Miss Granger." I looked up from my desk, startled out of a little daydream. It was only Josh, but even after two years of teaching that term of address still reminded me more of Hermione than of myself. And that might just be the last time I hear it, I thought to myself with an inward smile. Mrs Jeannie Marsh. Or at least that's whom I would become in just three weeks' time and I probably wouldn't see many more students between now and then. I'd get a fresh crop next...

2 years ago
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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 7

We had to wait for Angel to finish getting ready. Bill was a big guy, not fat mind you, but tall and lean. He was from New York and had the thick accent of a northerner. We had hit it off when we’d finally met, him saying Angel had talked a lot about me. We took my truck into Marfa where I had made reservations at Holland’s Steak House. “Jake,” Angel said. “We can’t eat here.” “It’s okay,” I said. “I called in advance and they said they would serve New Yorkers.” I looked at Bill and gave a...

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Anne and MaryChapter 41 One Wedding Mary

We had the wedding on Friday before the mid-semester break. Sigrid's and Tom's folks flew in with her minister the night before. I'd met Tom's dad when he came down to see the house. He took a look at what we'd done and shook his head. "Now, Doug," his wife said, "It's warm and clean. Don't ask for too much." "No, hon. I meant they've worked wonders." We all went out to eat. The Sorensons were great, warm folks, and their minister was nice, serious and lots of fun. Anne put...

4 years ago
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Sex starved women 8211 3

This is the continuation story so the person who was reading for the first time I will suggested them to read first two stories. As I told u nisha is 36 with a nice figure by seeing her every men will like to fuck her. Ok let me start my story One day Nisha called me to her house. So I went to her house. The door was closed but not locked. I went in and locked the door as I knew she would be alone. I went to kitchen she was not there so I went to her bedroom. Their I got my sex goddess lying on...

3 years ago
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The Neighbours

Chapter One: I had lived in my home with my strict parents for many years now, it wasn’t the best home, a small home in an apartment block that had a small, virtually tidy most of the time, swimming pool. I had just turned sixteen, and still a virgin when my first real sexual experiences took place. We had seen people come and go, those with little money, and those who had money and lost it all and needed a run down place to live for a while before they got back on their feet. It was a summer’s...

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Yashwant and Geetha in queue

Hi this is Geetha I and Yashwant went for shopping The complex has a beautiful museum which no one should miss. So after having a round in the ashram, we decided to visit the museum. For that there is a big snake like curved que that we had to pass through even after getting the tickets bought. One has to stand and they will allow in batches through a series of doors. So we started together in the que. Suddenly the museum admin thought something and broke the que into two parallel que’s. The...

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My first wife Part 4

My wife was still all over Tanya.... Kissing her, fondling her... I had never seen my wife so horny in her life!"Easy Babygirl" said Tanya, "you'll have your time with me later, but let's both enjoy your hubby first, okay?"My wife seemed to ignore Tanya's request and kept kissing Tanya's neck and moaning. Tanya then took one of her hands and clasped my wife's chin and with Tanya's other hand, twisted my wife's left nipple."I said, NOT YET!" Tanya said in a very controlling voice. "Wait until...

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Weekend With An Unknown Teacher

I am sales officer in public sector. I have been working there for 2 yrs and I was happy with my job and life. But then I started feeling emptiness as in my busy life I didn’t get chance to have fun. I am 24, well built, tall and living alone. I wanted some change and it soon came in strange way. I was going back to home in car at evening. I was bit tired and fed up of my boring life. I had to prepare food everyday and then remaining time I spent sleeping. But it went different that day. On the...

2 years ago
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My First Blow Job Thanks sis Part 2

This is the second part of My first time in Panties. So there i was in my sisters white panties, my little cock stiff in her hand. She gets me on my back and pulls down my panties. She starts to lick my cock and then she looks at me to see if i like it. I love it. She slowly starts to put her mouth around my whole cock, i can feel her tongue exploring my whole dick. She them starts to go faster and faster, her blonde hair bobbing up and down, her braces are starting to hurt my little cock. I...

1 year ago
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 21

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...

3 years ago
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Vampire sex part 2

    Darkness surrounded me as I sat in the grave year waiting for jack. It was a warm fall night and the stars were shining in the black sky overhead. He was late. Out of nowhere he had called me and had told me that he needed to see me. I had come at the given time but where was he? I was growing impatient as I looked around into the darkness of the cemetery      “Sorry to keep you waiting” I heard a voice form behind me.    I turned to see him standing behind me dressed in black and red Tripp...

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Working at the Human Milk Factory

      I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of...

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Another day in Calculus

He hated her, she had to be the most insensitive bitchy person in the entire auditorium.. but she, was all he could think about during the professors long lecture, In his mind he went over all of her positives and negatives. His pants grew tighter as he looked at her long black hair, slim tanned body and moisturized shoulders. Her body was propped forward as she was sitting, and Colin Jenkins caught a slight glimpse of her black g-string right there in front of him.. her strapless coral shirt...

3 years ago
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After the club

We had a great night at the club using the pool, Jacuzzi and finishing in the dark room, but it was time to take you home so I could do stuff to you that I could not at the club. We had finished off in the shower and I had left my cum deep in your ass and as we dried off I could see it leaking as you bent over to dry your legs.I got hard again looking at this but I dressed and told you to put your gown on and follow me as I had all your clothes in my arms, so as you followed me I knew that my...

1 year ago
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UpgradeChapter 10 Jon Amy meet the porn star a brother gets seduced

The next day, to add some variety to our mix, I called up Jon and asked if he and Amy would like to come over and join our little unbalanced foursome. He was enthused at the prospect, however, Amy had gone to a weekend art class over on the east coast and wasn’t due home until Sunday evening. I assured him that he was most welcome, and that he’d like the new addition to our midst. At the time I didn’t tell him about Rosalin. I made sure that Jon knew there was some sex included in my...

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A Farmers LifeChapter 02

James finishes high school in October, several weeks before he turns twenty. Despite having lived in the area since he was seven he has few friends, other than those who live on the neighbouring farms. So his twentieth birthday is a very small gathering at Watt’s Here on the Sunday afternoon nearest his birthday. While he thinks about what to do for a living James continues to work for Bob after finishing school. He can’t afford to go to university due to the living costs and having no way...

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Annie and her Granny Chapter 5

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 5 - The Substitute Steve has qualms about the propriety of the favour his mother asks of him, but he has no idea of where the deception will lead. "No, no, no!" I shouted in the car on the way home. "It's a mad idea; completely bonkers; and almost certainly illegal!" "You said you'd think about it," my mother said accusingly. "Well I couldn't turn Dolly down flat, not with her lying half-dead in hospital!" I realised that was a...

2 years ago
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Who Seduced Who

Our twenty-one-year-old grandson had moved in with us recently after having a falling out with his roommate.  It was to be a temporary situation since we were doing some significant renovations to our home.  Fortunately for us, he had recently split from his on-again-off-again girlfriend of the last couple of years.  Sharlee was an annoying pain in the ass even though she was smoking hot.When he would visit for the weekend in the past, Charles, or Chucky, as we called him, frequently brought...


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