AftermathChapter 5 free porn video

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"Right here is perfect," Brett told Paul as they stood atop of the hill. "I could not have placed this high ground in a better place. Just look at the view!"

"It is very impressive," Paul agreed, looking out towards town.

The hill was on the northeast side of the town, about a half mile from the corner of the concrete wall and about a quarter mile from the eastbound lanes of Interstate 80 to the north. The summit of the rocky, sparsely vegetated rise stood approximately 400 feet above the surrounding terrain. This offered a panoramic view of the entire wall as it stretched away to the south, and most of it as it stretched away to the west. The roofs of Garden Hill, clumped together in geometric patterns, a few of the chimneys spouting smoke, could nearly all be seen from this vantage point.

It was four days after the town vote that had accepted the trio into Garden Hill and made Brett the new head of security. As had been predicted in advance, the only nays that had been shouted out had come from Jessica and Dale. Now, on his third day at his new job, Brett was scouting out new guard post locations. The hill they were on was one that he had pegged as a likely candidate on his first trip around the area.

"It's more than impressive," Brett said excitedly. "It's perfect. It slopes gently on our side, making it easy to get guards up and down, but it is very steep on the I-80 side, making it hard for outsiders to climb from that angle. To the west we can see the most likely avenue of approach from this side - namely, crossing the freeway and moving over those low hills. To the east," he pointed that way, "we can see the only chokepoint people can move through to approach us from that side."

"You mean the freeway surface?" Paul asked.

"Right," Brett said. "The interstate starts to climb up this mountain towards Donner Summit right there. They blasted a cut right between those steep cliffs." He pointed to that spot, which was just over a mile away. "There is no way in hell that anyone could come at us from the east without either rappelling down those cliffs or coming through that sixty-foot gap where the roadway goes through. From this vantage point, we can keep a constant lookout on that chokepoint, at least during the daylight hours. This will not only secure us from the north but from the east as well since it won't be possible for anyone to slip along the east side of the wall without being seen. Since our southern flank is secured by the canyon, there is no need to keep a guard post on the east anymore as long as this hill and the bridge approach is covered."

Paul nodded slowly, starting to see what he was talking about. As strange of an idea as it was to leave an entire side of the subdivision unguarded, it made sense. Nobody would be able to get over to that side unless they first passed in view of this post or came across the bridge. "It's kind of rocky up here," he said. "What would it take to build a bunker?"

"About ten people with shovels," he answered. "It would take maybe two days worth of work. Dig down about four feet and put up some sandbags over here behind these rocks. Cover it up with some kind of canvas or plastic material and put mud and dirt on top of that for camouflage. I'd have two guards in here during the day, both with scoped rifles and one of the M-16s. They'd have at least a hundred rounds of .30-caliber ammo and four hundred of 5.56 mm. That way, if we're attacked in force from this side or if someone tries to take their hill, they'll be able to fight them off either until they surrender or we can get reinforcements up to them. Maybe we can even rig some sort of rope and bucket system to get more ammo up to them if they need it."

"Very ambitious," Paul said, reaching under his rain slicker and pulling out a cigarette. He spent a moment fiddling with a lighter beneath his hood before he finally got it going. "I wish I could tell you that you have a chance of getting Jessica and Dale to approve a work detail like that, or a major change in the deployment plan."

Brett sighed, knowing his companion was right. In only three days he had had nearly every change, nearly every improvement, nearly every policy he wished implemented, voted down by the alliance of Jessica and Dale. It had been stipulated that any changes he wished to make would need to be discussed with the committee first and then voted on. This, in effect, made him almost useless at his job. No matter how carefully he explained the need for something, no matter how concisely he presented his case, they both voted no on whatever his proposal was. Dismantling the catwalk on the bridge had been shot down. Moving the guard positions backwards to at least cover the catwalk exit better had been shitcanned as well. Putting up signs on likely approaches to the wall that warned outsiders not to approach or they would be shot; that had been voted down too, despite his conservative estimate that it would cut their ammunition usage by more than two-thirds.

It had been that vote that had really infuriated him. "Why?" he had demanded of them as they sat smirking in their chairs. "What possible reason do you have for not allowing warning signs along the wall?"

"It puts us in a position where we appear weak," Jessica had said. "I think the cost of a few extra rounds fired is more than worth the image we portray to those scavengers out there."

"That make absolutely no sense," he'd cried. "Where in the hell did you come up with that?"

"I am not required to discuss my rationale with you, Mr. Adams," she'd replied. "The matter has been voted upon. Do you have anything else you'd like to discuss?"

The only exception to this blackballing was his proposal that coed guard teams would no longer be allowed. That one had been approved only because Jessica knew it would be an unpopular rule which would serve to diminish his popularity which, in those first two days, had been very much like celebrity status. That measure was passed unanimously the first day and implemented the next. It had had very much the effect that Jessica had guessed it would. The first thing to happen was that volunteers for guard duty almost completely dried up, forcing Paul to take the drastic step of assigning people to the job against their will. Several of these recruits had to be threatened with kitchen duty or house arrest before they agreed to the task. In less than twenty-four hours Brett went from most popular citizen to unpleasant, slave-driving boss. He was considered a spoilsport by the many couples that were using guard duty to carry out their affairs. Though he was still the object of intense flirtation by the unattached females of town, the males now regarded him with open hostility. One, Jeff the Mormon, the kid he had smoked a joint with the first night, actually told him to his face: "I wish I wouldn't of voted for you now, dude. You're such a Bogart!"

"I'm not here to be liked," he had replied. "I'm here to keep you alive."

"Well you're doin' a good job of not being liked," was the sour response.

His slave driver reputation was made even worse by the fact that he insisted upon visiting each guard position several times a day, always at random, unpredictable times. Always he found two grumpy men keeping a listless watch or two grumpy women doing the same. The women would at least perk up a bit at his presence, assuming that they were unattached, which most of them were, and the flirtations would begin. He had been offered every conceivable sex act, up to and including a threesome, at the female-manned posts. But at the male-manned posts he sometimes felt himself in danger of being assaulted or even shot. The resentment at his presence would radiate off of them in waves.

"How long you gonna keep coming out here?" he was asked once by Hector, the man who had slipped away that first night, leaving him alone with Mitsy.

"Until I don't feel I have to anymore," he'd answered simply. "And the way that's looking, it's gonna be a long time."

Fortunately, Brett's experience as a cop had long-since made him accustomed to being the authority figure that no one wanted to see or deal with. The efforts of the Garden Hill men to get under his skin with snide comments, the silent treatment, or glaring looks, were strictly small-time compared to the way the residents of Stockton had tried it. With everyone he kept his voice even and monotone, his commands clear and concise, his criticisms constructive and non-insulting. If he responded to a jibe at all it was with gentle sarcasm. If open hostility was displayed for him, as it had been a few times, locking eyes with the person and maintaining the contact always defused it rather quickly. Brett, like most cops, had long since learned how to project a strong vibe towards such people that warned them that attempting a physical confrontation would be a bad mistake. Though this vibe had not always worked in Stockton (sometimes it was taken as a challenge) it never failed to work its magic in Garden Hill. Brett was feared, that was easy enough for him to see. He did not mind being feared as long as he was feared and respected. As of yet, that second factor had not come into play and he knew of no easy way that he would be able to earn it.

"Look on the bright side," Paul told him now as he smoked his cigarette atop the hill.

"What's the bright side?" he asked, shifting the AK-47 that he'd lugged up the hill to a more comfortable position.

"At least the women still like you. I heard earlier today that Cindy Groton is going to be your squeeze. They seem to be really sure about that one."

Brett smiled a little. Among the women, whether they feared him or not, the main topic of conversation was who he was going to pick as his "official" companion, as if doing so was a town ordinance or something. He had so far shunned all of the advances that had been thrown at him. Chrissie was keeping him well satisfied in the bedroom department and, at least at this point in his relationship with the townspeople, he felt it important to keep himself out of the games that were played, to seem as aloof as possible to those he was trying to teach to protect themselves. This did not stop the rumors from flying however. On the contrary, it only seemed to encourage them. Whenever he was seen talking to a woman for more than a minute or so the word was passed around that he was "interested" in someone. Before an hour would go by the word would be inflated to "she's the one."

"Which one is she?" he asked Paul.

"She's the brunette with the big bolt-on titties that you were talking to this morning at breakfast."

"The one that asked me to show her how I used to pat women down?"

"That's the one," he agreed, taking a deep drag. "She used to be a part-time massage therapist." He grinned. "Word has it that she has a real special massage she'll show you if you play your cards right."

"I'm sure she does," he said sourly. "But my experience with Mitsy was eye-opening enough. I'll just let it ride at that for now."

"You must have the willpower of a priest," Paul said. "How do you turn down as much sex as you've been offered these last four days? Even I, who is getting it regularly, find it hard to say no to a lot of them."

"It is hard," he said honestly. "I mean, I have the same urges everyone else does. But it is my belief that sex is going to be the undoing of this place if it is not brought under some kind of control. These people are obsessed with it. They will happily keep screwing each other until the hoards out there come walking through the gates and then they'll ask themselves how it happened. If I'm going to help prevent that from occurring, then I cannot allow myself to become a part of it. If I start going on the same sort of sex binge that everyone else seems to be wrapped up in, pretty soon I'll convince myself that we really don't need to post guards up on the hills or keep them alert. I don't want that to happen."

"I'm with you there," he sighed. "When we first started to organize things here, nobody wanted to do guard duty at all. They convinced themselves that it wasn't necessary. It was only when the first groupings of males and females started to fall apart, when the men started to realize that they could have virtually all the sex they wanted, that it began to be a popular thing to do."

"So they could screw each other," Brett said bitterly.


He shook his head. "The problem we have here is that nobody has been out there. Nobody has seen how desperate things really are. I mean, they can intellectually grasp that most of the world is dead and there isn't any more food to feed anyone and that there are starving people out there, but they can't mentally grasp it. Until you've seen two men with guns stalking you, trying to kill you so that they could have the backpacks you're carrying, you just can't appreciate how real the danger is."

"Especially not these people," Paul added. "None of our women have even been on the wrong side of the tracks before. And our men, they're too locked up in the glory of the sex game. They're like kids at a candy store. Remember that I've been in charge of them longer than you have. I've gone through this same shit."

"I know," he sighed. "And you've done a good job of it too, don't let me give you the idea that you haven't. It's just that this town is going to get a rude awakening at some point if things don't change. It's as inevitable as the tides."

"Now let me get this straight," Jessica said later that afternoon, back in the main office. She was sitting behind her desk, Dale next to her, chewing a wad of gum and looking at Brett and Paul with her patented smirk upon her face. "You want to move the northern and eastern guard positions from their current location and place them on a hill more than a half a mile from town?"

"That is correct," Brett said, keeping his voice as monotone as possible, allowing no emotion to show upon his face.

"And you would like a work detail of ten people to work on this project for the next two days?"

"Or until such time as it is completed," he put in.

She shook her head in bewilderment. "That is the most ridiculous thing that I've heard you suggest so far," she said. "Move the guard posts outside of the wall? Leave the eastern side of town completely undefended? Have you been dipping into the marijuana supply or something?"

"Yeah," Dale said, giving his own version of the smirk. "Some military expert you are." He looked at Paul. "Didn't I tell you from the start he was scamming us? Isn't that the most idiotic thing you've ever heard?"

Paul, taking Brett's lead, kept his face neutral and his voice even as well. "If you went and stood on that hill," he said, "I think you would see where Brett is coming from. From the top of it you can guard the entire north side and prevent anyone from accessing the east side since there's only one way in there. He's convinced me. His plan is sound and I think we should do it."

"Yes," Jessica said, "you seem to agree with most of what he says, don't you? Well, I don't know how Dale feels on this matter, but I certainly cannot vote to approve such a gross downgrade in our defenses. Our guards belong inside of the wall, where they can do us some good, not a half a mile away on top of a hill."

"Your bridge guard position is almost a mile away," Brett said. "It is well outside of the wall and yet it prevents anybody from entering from the south, doesn't it?"

"That's different," Dale said. "That's a bridge. If people can't get across the bridge, they can't get in from the south."

"And if people can't get through the gap in the cliffs to the east of town, a gap that that hill I'm talking about has a view of, then they can't get in from the east. And they can't approach us from the north because that hill can see them before they even cross the interstate. The most basic military tactic is to occupy high ground surrounding your position. That is common sense."

"I don't think that tactic applies here," Jessica said. "My vote is no."

"My vote is no as well," Dale added. "The guards need to stay inside of the wall."

Brett took a few deep breaths, wanting to give a seething lecture on how their stupidity and pettiness was going to get everyone killed but knowing that such a thing was just what Jessica wanted. Instead, he calmed himself and went on to his next proposal. "I'd like to ask for volunteers to be permanently assigned to the guard force," he said.

"Volunteers?" Jessica said. "Permanently assigned? What for?"

"With a permanent group I can concentrate on training them for specific duties and actions. In a way, they will be professionals at the job. That will increase the overall effectiveness of the force."

"I see," she said thoughtfully. "And just how many of these volunteers do you think you're going to get?"

"Probably not very many at this point in time," he admitted. "But that will change in the future I think. I'd like authorization for thirty such volunteers."

"Thirty?" Jessica barked, laughing.

"As I said, I know I'm not going to get that many at first. But that is how many I would eventually like to have. With thirty I can keep all of the posts manned twenty-four hours a day using the same people all of the time. This would keep Paul from having to assign people the job every day and night. To get these volunteers I will place sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the gym."

Jessica and Dale looked at each other, clearly amused by his suggestion. "I'll vote yes on this one," Jessica said, shaking her head a little. "You go ahead and ask for your volunteers. Of course..." she snickered, "you'll have to come to us for approval if you want more than thirty."

Dale was snickering as well. "You can have a yes from me too. Hope you don't get overwhelmed with volunteers now."

While they laughed about this Paul added his yes vote to the tally and it became official. Brett Adams, security leader, was now authorized to raise a group of volunteers to help guard the town of Garden Hill. Though Jessica and Dale thought it quite a funny joke - Brett thinking people were going to sign up to be permanently assigned to guard detail - they had no idea that they had just impulsively voted to establish a professional armed forces for their town. In other words, Garden Hill had just added the ability to create an army to its constitution.

One small victory that Brett had managed to win over the last four days had been the inclusion of Jason and Chrissie on guard details. As he had predicted, Paul had been able to convince Jessica in a private meeting that packing guns and watching over the safety of the town were where the two kids' talents were best utilized. As such, both of them were Brett's prime volunteers. Each post was manned with two guards that worked six-hour watches, which meant that there were four crew changes each day. Chrissie and Jason typically worked double shifts in order to keep themselves busy and to reduce the number of people that Paul had to actually assign. Jason preferred the night watches since it allowed him to sleep most of the daylight hours away. Chrissie, on the other hand, preferred the day watches since it allowed her to sleep with Brett every night.

At dinner that night, when Brett gave a short, impassioned plea for volunteers (a plea that was received somewhat listlessly by the audience) Chrissie was working her second straight shift on the east side, awaiting her relief. By the time she made it to the dining hall and ate the plate of stroganoff that had been set aside for her, Brett had already gone off to take care of other duties. When she made her way to the small house that they shared, well after darkness had covered the land, he was still out. She lit the two oil lamps that they had been provided (Paul had rigged them so they could burn gasoline by adding a small amount of motor oil to the fuel) and waited for him alone.

He came in about an hour later, stomping mud out of his boots and shaking excess water from his rain slicker before removing them in the entryway. He had had a long day that had involved much tromping around from one part of town to another and his muscles ached dully.

"Hi, Chris," he said, leaning down to give her a kiss on the lips. She allowed the contact but did not contribute to the display of affection in any way. She had a determined expression on her face. He looked at her, puzzled. "What's the matter?"

"Where have you been?" she asked, a clear note of accusation in her voice.

He looked at her carefully, already sensing that something was in the air. "I was out at the bridge," he told her, quite honestly. "I rigged up some trip-wires on the catwalk exit so that if someone comes up that way like I did, it'll at least make some noise. I also checked on the western position on my way back."

"You weren't out visiting someone?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Visiting someone?"

"One of the women maybe?" she said. "One of those sluts who are trying to get you into bed with them?"

He sighed a little. He had known that at some point this conversation was going to occur. This was, after all, a small town with a small town mentality. "No, Chris," he said, sitting next to her on the couch. "I wasn't out visiting anyone. I was out trying to take care of a few things. I wouldn't lie to you."

"Who was at the guard posts?" she asked, her voice on the verge of hysteria. "Was Cindy Groton out there? I heard that you and she are fucking each other!"

"Jesus," he said, turning towards her. "Chris, I don't even know Cindy Groton other than the fact that I talked to her for a few minutes at breakfast this morning. She's not even on the guard detail."

"Everyone says you're fucking her," she said. "They say that she's going to be the one you pick to be your woman."

"They're just rumors," he said. "I've already got my woman."

"A woman that you won't tell anyone about!"

"We've been over this, Chris," he said, trying to calm her. "We need to give it a little more time before we let people know about us. They're still locked up in pre-comet morality here. You know that as well as I do."

"Pre-comet morality?" she nearly shrieked. "Every time I leave this house I get women coming up to me and asking questions about you. Is it true he's doing this girl? Is it true he's thinking about hooking up with that girl? Out on watch it's all my partner will talk about! I've been asked a hundred times to put in a good word to you about someone. I've been told a hundred times how good of a big sister someone would make for me! I've seen them get into fights over you, Brett! They hit each other and pull each other's hair while they're arguing about who has a chance with you and who doesn't! And it's not just you; they do that over every man in town, even that dweeb Jeff. These women fight over a nineteen-year-old! Does that sound like pre-comet morality to you? Did they used to do shit like that before?"

"No," he said. "I'm sure they didn't. Their morality does tend to be ruled by self-interest and abandoned for the same thing."

"So if they can give up the morality when it comes to keeping their hands off of other people's men, why can't they give it up about you sleeping with me?"

"Because it's not in their self-interest to do that," he told her. "Chrissie, I am not sleeping with any of these women, okay? I'm not meeting up with them in secret and I'm not looking for someone to replace you with."

"What about Mitsy?" she said, glaring at him. "I heard you fucked her your first night here. Everyone seems to be real sure about that rumor."

His hesitation gave him away.

"You did, didn't you?" she said.

"Yes," he said slowly. "She caught me off guard that first night. It just kind of happened."

The look of pain on her face was almost more than he could bear. Her lips started to quiver and a tear rolled down her face.

"Chrissie," he said, sliding closer to her, intending to put his arms around her.

"Get away from me," she told him. "Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me again!"

"Chris, listen..."

"I said stay away from me!"

He stayed away from her. She refused to talk to him any more that evening. That night, at bedtime, she slept in the bed that had been placed in her bedroom for the first time.

Twenty-three miles to the south, in Foresthill, the convicts were still in occupation of the church building they had taken from the townspeople there. The food supply they had captured was rapidly dwindling to nothing thanks to the fact that they had made no real effort to ration it in any way. All of the booze and most of the cigarettes were gone as well, again due to the lack of a rationing plan. The fact that they had had a drunken, weeklong party after they took the town did not help much.

Even the women they had captured and amused themselves with, they were all gone as well, every last one of them dead. Most had found ways to commit suicide. The most common method of this had been by goading the men that were raping them into beating or shooting them to death (the first woman to try this began laughing and making fun of Harley's admittedly small penis until, humiliated, he had bashed in her skull). Two of them had tried an escape attempt that had not had a prayer of allowing them to get away but that did succeed in getting them shot to death with M-16s. One had actually chewed a hole through the skin of her inner elbow, ripping open the vein that runs there and bleeding to death while everyone slept. Yet another managed to strangle herself by wrapping the sleeve of her shirt around her neck and pulling it tight. The non-suicidal deaths had all been caused by injuries sustained during the party itself. After becoming bored with the more conventional methods of rape, some of the bikers had experimented with the insertion of foreign objects into vaginas or rectums, namely rifle barrels or booze bottles. Two of the women subjected to this had died of internal bleeding from perforated uteruses. Another had died of a particularly nasty case of peritonitis after her colon was torn to shreds by the raised sight of an M-16.

Even the women that they had had before taking Foresthill, some of them prisoners captured from other raids, a few of them pre-comet wives and girlfriends, they were all gone as well. These women, appalled by what they saw going on around them, had fled into the woods. Their fate was unknown but it was thought that they wouldn't last long. They had taken no weapons or food with them when they'd gone.

Now that all of the booze and women were gone and the food and cigarettes were in short supply, order among the convicts had broken down a little. Though Stu and Mark were still firmly in command of them the grumbling and the fights were becoming more vocal and more frequent. Stu knew it was about time to move on and find another place to crash for a while.

On this morning, while most of the crew were still sleeping on the floor wrapped in their filthy sleeping bags, Stu and Mark were sitting in what had once been the pastor's office going over some gas station maps of the area.

"Foresthill is the only sizable town on this side of the canyon," Stu was saying, tapping the features with a pencil. "At least until you work your way back to Placerville. And we know there ain't much left there. We're gonna have to cross the canyon somehow if we're gonna find more supplies."

"Right," Mark said. "But how do we get across? Do you think that either of these bridges are still there?"

"Maybe," Stu said thoughtfully. "The only way to find out is to go there. The question is, which one should we try first?"

They discussed the matter for a few minutes, each tossing ideas back and forth. On the one hand the Auburn bridge was located in an area that was more populated, which meant that there would be more targets to scope out and possibly attack. On that same note however, the Auburn bridge was also much more likely to be guarded by a force that they would not be able to overwhelm. The Garden Hill bridge, on the other hand, led to a very small town where there may or may not be anyone left.

"I think that bridge is a lot less likely to be guarded," Stu said. "And if it is, whoever is guarding it would probably not be anything we couldn't overcome. And if the bridge is out or is too heavily guarded to cross, we can always come back down and try Auburn."

"That make sense, Stu," Mark said. "But what about..."

His thought was interrupted by the sound of two pistol shots from outside. Two seconds later, there was a third. It was the pre-arranged danger signal from their guard post.

"Shit," Stu said, standing up so fast his chair fell over. He picked up his rifle and ran out into the main room. "Everyone up, right now!" he yelled. "We got a danger signal from the guards!"

They moved impressively fast, shooting out of their sleeping bags and picking up their firearms. Stu and Mark went to the front door and opened it up, looking out over the rainy parking lot to the bait shop, where the perimeter guard that had fired the shot was stationed. They saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Same as Aftermath
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Fucking A Virgin Girl In Haridwar

By : Sexyboy1989 Hi all ISS readers this is sexy boy here. I am a regular reader of ISS this is my first story on ISS my mail id is let me tell you about myself. I am 5ft. 9 inch long good looking guy with perfect face cuts girls told me about that now come on the story ye baat tab ki hai jab main chuttiyon main apne mama ke paas haridwar gaya tha mere mama ka haridwar main ek restaurant hai jo ki unka beta sambhalata hai wo bhi meri hi umar ka hai mere mama restaurant main neeche to...

4 years ago
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This is a work of pure fiction.I lay back and looked at her. Slim, juvenile, naked. Standing there, her bum nicely rounded but still with the slimness of youth. Long dark hair flowed rather than hung over her shoulders. A soft back with a slim waist. I could see the thong disappear between the buttocks and under her body as, with slim fingers, she tightened the side straps. She looked over and smiled.“Ready, Mum?”“Always, darling.”She turned and the ten inches of soft latex cock bounced as...

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my fantasy16

when i wake in your bedafter such a long absencei turn my head 2 see u sleeping beside me& as i slowly roll over on2 my belly i can feel the squishy & gooey sensationof last night's liberal loads of your seedstill deep inside my aching anal i mentally re-live the long & hot night be4i moan softly 2 myself in lustful satisfaction& my crotch involuntarily presses downwardgrinding my hardening cock in2 the mattressas i reach back 2 caress my tender i slip...

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Pedal Gal

Copyright© 040204 The morning was clear and crisp, the road ahead looked smooth and level. My legs were beginning to loosen up a bit, I figured after about 10 miles I would have a good cadence and be rolling along. The bike was light and fast, so this year I'd have no problems maintaining a good pace and be able to climb the hills that lurked below the horizon. Up ahead I could see a group of riders, behind me was open road. As long as I kept in contact with them I felt it would be a good...

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Liz Gets Gangbanged

Liz was blonde, nineteen, petite, extremely busty and attractive. She was quite shy, but because of her looks, men came at her from every direction. If she would have been a little more wise, she would have side stepped a number of these men, but being the gullable girl she was, the clever men always ended up getting in her knickers. One Friday night she was out with her friend and a local sportsman came up to her with his friends and started chatting. He was well known and Liz was very...

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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 18

Rory passed the second cooler to Ethan. He took it and strapped it down. She started loading the other supplies they’d need for their two day trip up the Gulf coast; food, water, Coke, beer and wine, and clothes packed in two backpacks. With everything stowed, she untied the mooring ropes. Ethan started the engines. The boat taxied away from the jetty. She joined him in the cockpit under the solid awning. He adjusted the throttles, keeping the speed down, barely enough to hit plane. It was...

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The Making Of A Nymphomaniac

This is a true story from my youth. It would be great if the girl concerned read this. I'd love to know how she got on.The Making Of A Nymphomaniac Most men dream of meeting a nymphomaniac but I can assure you it's not all it's cracked up to be. This is a true story of what happened to me when I was about nineteen. I'd left home and rented a room in a house in Coseley, in the West Midlands. The couple who owned the house had a daughter, Noreen. She was around the same age as me and we...

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Her Son Liked to Watch BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....BBBBTSBeep! “The coast is clear” I looked down to see a text on my phone. I was waiting around the corner with some of my friends. We were waiting for Richie Mom to leave for the night. It was his turn to host a small poker party. We had a few cases of beer, some cheap cigars and a few pizzas’ for the poker party. I gave Bill the signal to move out. There were 5 of us stuck in a small mini van. We turned the corner and all got out in Richie...

1 year ago
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My black lover

As the opening of my mouth comes in contact with that sweet opening between your thighs, my tongues flicks out and begins to fuck you. All you can say is: "Oh yes baby! Eat my pussy make me cum! Oh god that's so good!! Yes!!! Oh fuck yes!! There! Oh yes right there!! Like that!! Just like that!! Ohhhhhh Godddd !!! Oh yes!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Cummming baby! Suck it hard! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And your back arches and your ass lifts up off the bed as I make love to your pussy...

3 years ago
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Intimate SecretsChapter 4

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop it, you're hurting me!" Six rapid-fire blows from Ben's hand were administered to Sandy's butt before he stopped. Ben let go of the young girl who immediately stood up and tried to soothe away the pain by rubbing her hands on the affected area. "Why did you do that? I hate you!" "Why did you tell Ellen to let me get her pregnant?" "I told you it was a joke," Sandy whined. "She didn't mention anything about pregnancy." "That's not my fault." "It's your...

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My Dream Sexy Relative Aunty

My aunty have almost perfect figure with good assets. Everyone want such type of body for sex. She is wife my uncle (bro of my mom). Knew my aunty frm my childhood as she is a relative to my father. My uncle n aunty got married n started their merge life near my house n at tht i was studing +1. After a yr my aunty gave birth to baby girl. My uncle is a cashier in a pvt bank so he use 2 go daily at 8 r 8.30. Daily after clge i use 2 go her home n play with kid n enjoying by cing her body. One...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 48 Is Something Wrong

December 3, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio The funny thing about temptation was that it only attacked our weaknesses. If we were strong, there was no real temptation. I had worked in the hardware store and the Quick Mart and I’d had plenty of opportunity to take money or items, but I’d never even considered it. There were fairly easy ways to cheat on homework and tests, but I’d never even given a moment’s thought to them beyond recognizing they existed. And I could go on and on about the things...

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Paying the maid

Fuck me, that maid's hot. Her long dark hair, those seductive eyes and a body of a supermodel. I've seen how she looks at me too, at the package in my trousers – and I'm not talking about the cash in my wallet. At first it was all politeness and formality but then she started teasing me. She'd always make sure she could catch my attention out of the corner of my eye and then make the most innocent act seem oh so filthy. When she started off wearing baggy T shirts and jeans that looked like...

2 years ago
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Off to a Good Start

The headmistress had warned me that I might be getting a visit from a committee of upperclassmen so I was not surprised when three very pretty young woman came to my door while I was still unpacking. I invited them in, and they sat on my bed since there was only the one chair. I shook hands with Gail, Scott and Tiffany, and they smiled at me. I was shocked, well at least surprised, by how short their skirts were as well as by how tight their polo shirts were. My cock enjoyed the scene. “Welcome...

Group Sex
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Afternoon Wetness

Warm water was cascading down Astrid’s back. Even though she still disliked showers, she definitely liked the warmth it brought to her after being out in the snow. Pretty, but God awfully cold. She could use a certain someone’s arms to warm her up instead though. Right as that thought came to her mind, a noise came in through the bathroom door. What was that? Icy adrenaline rushed through her veins. Oh god oh please don’t let me get murdered in the shower! “Honey? Are you in the shower?”...

3 years ago
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Match And Fun 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Richa. I live at home with my brother Ravi (20), my mom and dad. My age is 18. I am good looking and fair color. My figure is 34 28 36. I am new in collage. I heard about “Sex stories and Sex” just three weak ago and I am also excited to share our incident. This is my first unforgettable incident of course real which I am going to present here in words. It’s about previous second weak incident when IPL was going on. Bhaiya and i are big fan of cricket. We watch cricket together...

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A Day at My Aunts

My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95 lbs., had gorgeous legs and started to...

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Azure by REJ Saunders Falling off the deep end, I caught flashes the sky, rotating over and over. Holding my breath, I slipped beneath the water with a gentle parting. I luxuriated in the warm azure ebbing around me, I let a half smile creep across my lips, playing out to a broad grin as I finally breached the surface. My echoing footsteps followed me as a I clambered back aboard the boat, my shipmates lazily...

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BrattySis Britt Blair Haley Spades A Slice Of My Stepsisters Pie

Britt Blair and her friend Haley Spades are making Thanksgiving come to life with their baking. The two blondes watch the oven to see whether the pies they’ve made are done. While they’re baking, Britt’s stepbrother Tyler Cruise is busy making Thanksgiving crafts and getting plenty of pervy peeks up the girls’ miniskirts. The girls begin to gossip about how pervy their stepfathers are. Haley makes a comment about how she would totally fuck Britt’s stepfather, and...

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Jana Teil 2B Sie sucht im Internet nach Breedin

Jana ist fasziniert vom Thema und während sie sanft ihre Möse streichelt, schmeißt sie die Suchmaschine an.Es gibt jede Menge Seiten zu dem Thema, von Porno-Filmchen über Geschichten und Foren Posts bis hin zu ein paar Blogs. Auf einem davon bleibt sie hängen. Er heißt “Do you want to breed”. Es stellen sich dort 4 Männer vor, welche von sich sagen, dass sie Frauen dabei helfen schwanger zu werden und sich für ihr besonders fruchtbares Sperma rühmen. Es gibt zudem einige Berichte von Frauen,...

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The Tease

My whole body shakes as I enter the hotel. I have waited so long to see you and now we are so close. I know that you have booked a room in the hotel, but still I go get my own. I tell the clerk that under no circumstances is anyone to be informed about this room. I make sure that it is only a few doors down from the room you have booked. I take the keys to both rooms and make my way up. I enter my own room first and leave my things there. I take a shower and get ready for what I have planned....

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CINDERFELLA BY JANICE My name is Mark and I am an only child. I am a black belt in Karate. I stand five feet and one inch and weigh eighty nine pounds, which is the reason I have a Black belt. I stopped growing when I was ten years and in the intervening years I had to learn to defend myself from the bullies at school. I also, at about the same time I stopped growing, started admiring the dresses the girls wore...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 5

I struggled to open my eyes. It was bright and took a couple of minutes for my eyes to adjust. I was in a hospital bed, hooked up to a lot of monitoring equipment. Looking down I knew I was in 1993 as I appeared to be about 6’1 and 275lbs, and pretty much a butterball. Well, I’d be a lot different come September. The door opened up, and a nurse walked in. She was older, probably in her 50’s or so. Okay looking, but wouldn’t be winning a beauty contest anytime soon. Not saying a word, she...

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Back To Sexting My Mother 8211 Part 2

Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you so much for the positive response to the first episode. So happy to see the very genuine interest in the plot. I also apologize for the delay in publishing this episode. I have read all your comments and emails, and I sincerely ask for pardon. I was in no space to write a story, and I badly needed a break. I did not want to hurry and submit a below-par work. I have never been able to rate my own works. I am not sure if I have met the expected standards here. I...

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Mother Training

__ WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! _________________________________________ Scroll down to view text Karen’s Bitch Training *** An attractive but frigid young woman kicks her husband out of the house. She is soon a victim of the same young black man that is abusing her teenage daughter. This is a very rough story, not for the feint of heart. (Mdom+/Ff,...

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The Triad and the Gorgons Hypnotic Gaze Chapter 3 Serpentine Passion

Chapter Three: Serpentine Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Fiona – Dev-Lek, The Kingdom of Haz Euryale hissed at my rejection of her love. Her serpent-like hair writhed about her, their tongues flicking as she loomed over me. Her golden eyes caught mine. They were slitted like a snake and almost seemed to glow as she worked her magic on me. I love Euryale. The voice drifted out of my mind. I could almost hear the sibilant hiss of the gorgon as she worked her magic on me. “I...

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Scotts BDSM Adventure Pt 5 final chapter

My surreal life continues to evolve. I am still at the HO ranch. I was born a male but years ago underwent radical surgery to become a female. A female “what” is difficult to define. I have huge breasts that are still being milked, but not as often as before. I have female reproductive organs, but not like a human. I am bred to bulls and have given birth to so far seven calves. I have accepted my life here and by doing so I have been given more and more freedom. I originally was only kept in my...

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SexAndSubmission Daisy Stone Breaking Up Is Never Easy

When Daisy Stone dumps her live-in boyfriend Tommy Pistol, Tommy breaks into the house to save their troubled relationship with BDSM and hardcore anal sex! The only way Daisy wants her anal sex is if someone takes her ass! She likes it rough and she thinks Tommy is just too nice to get the job done. Before breaking up with him Daisy is having a good ole’ time pleasuring herself in her bedroom with a glass ass dildo until Tommy barges in on her and wants to get in on the action. He is so...

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Cronicles of MartosChapter 3 The Vampires Last Dusk

A terrible war had raged the Alpha quadrant for the last century between the immortal vampires and the mortal races of the quadrant. The war lasted so long, with so many casualties, that very few thought the fighting should continue, and even fewer knew why they were still fighting. Finally, the peace offer was made, from the very person that started the war, the vampire leader, Jonathan. This step was something clear only to him, as the other vampires were completely baffled from this...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Juanita

I guess I really got too carried away. John had gotten promoted to foreman and he invited the crew to stop after work with him for a little celebration. His wife was throwing a party for him the next evening, but he wanted to have a few drinks with just his crew so we followed him over to the Kit Kat Lounge. The Kit Kat was a topless bar about ten minutes from work. You know how it is when you go out with the boys and start drinking. Some one buys a round and then some one else does and then...

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Visit 8211 2

My name is Sahebji and this is the story of my visit to Raju’s house, a friend. In his house other than himself there were his second wife (Saroj), a married daughter (Seema) on a visit, a general maid (Kiran) and a girl (Lakshmi) who did the cleaning. On the second day Seema practically forced me to have sex with her. Later my friend had to go back on duty and circumstances so developed that I was fucking both Seema and Saroj together. I wanted to deflower Lakshmi. A plan was evolved. The plan...

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My secretary 3 home

Home You can tell John is angry the moment you come in through the living room door. 'You're late', he snaps, barely glancing at me over his glass of whiskey. He is wearing the baggy corduroys which allow his cock to stand fully erect without restriction. 'I'm sorry ...', You tell him, throwing off your coat. 'Gerry let me finish some dictation' 'Don't lie to me! ... is staring at you now, and his eyes are hard. You feel your nipples stiffen against the silk of your blouse. 'Gerry is the...

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Mom As Escort Part 8211 1

Hello friends,mera naam vicky singh hai aur meri age 23 years hai,yeh meri 1st story hai iss par umeed karta hoon aap logon ko pasand aayegi,agar aapko koi suggestion yaa appreciation dena hai toh aap mere email id par de sakte hain. Ab story par aata hoon,yeh kahani hai meri mummy ke baare mein unka naam kamini singh hai,rang gora hai,unki age 40 years hai par dikhne mein 35 years ki lagti hain,unka figure 36d-38-36 hai,unka hip bahut attractive hain joh uncles ko pagal karne ke liye kaafi...

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Daddy Drop

I was a bit miffed as usual, hardly in the best of moods as I showed up at my ex-wife Katie’s place to drop off the first alimony payment. It was just one of those days. Hell, it was one of those years. I didn’t look forward to seeing her again, let alone to give her some of my hard-earned cash. I suppose that it was partly my own fault for marrying her in the first place, added to the utter romantic folly of not getting a damned pre-nup as my friends suggested. How was I to know that I was...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 2

After a day of enjoying my mother’s culinary delights, I was in my room trying to find places for the presents I had received. I was rearranging my desk when I came across the puzzle box I brought from Esme. Well, I say brought, but no money changed hands. Instead, she charged me with a kiss. What had she said? Something about a powerful ‘being’ able to grant wishes. Sounds like a genie to me. Disney would have made me think a lamp would be the vessel for such a being. But I guess if I...

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Swinging Without You

A knock on her office door brings Ms. E back to a different reality. Her best friend from work, Opal, sticks her head in. “Girl, I got something you are going to want to check out.”Opal closes the door behind and leans forward across Ms. E’s desk. “You know how you’ve been saying that here you are a single girl for a moment and that you needed some excitement?”“Yes.”“Wait a minute, let me think of your exact words, ‘O, here I am a single girl for the first time in too long. I need some...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 12

Bill Madison frowned. "If this guy, this asshole doctor, really did this — is really responsible for ... Oh, shit. That means — if it's true..." he hesitated, his voice stumbling, "then he raped her. Hell, if she were drugged and couldn't stop him, then it is rape." "I think there's a lot more to it than that," Diana sighed. "She mentioned that he took her to men. She also said that she has AIDS, or at least that's what Ingles told her." "AIDS? Took her to men?" Kathy said,...

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At a dinner party

My name is James, and my wife is Ellen. We're both brunettes, and in our thirties. We frequently socialize with friends, and go to parties. There was this one special party that Ellen and I went to. It was a dinner party, that a couple of our friends threw. We didn't even want to go, but we did anyway. I was chatting it up with someone, when all of the sudden, my wife tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at her, and she grabbed my arm. She had me get up, and she casually took me out of the...

Quickie Sex
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A Succubus Enslaved me my wife

A perfect life I am in my early thirties, standing at 6’3”, extremely good shape, played college football, dark complexsinn along with dark hair - attended law school, landing a position with a top law firm in the town I or I should say we live in. My wife was a college cheerleader, at the same place I played ball at. She is blonde, big tits, nipples that always seem to be hard. We both work out on a daily basis, she is a physician, working in a hospital not far from my office. We have been...

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Cute Lynzi

Cute Lynzi - PAGE 1 - Childhood: Linda was just walking in the door, coming home from working at her dancing school, when she heard Liz proclaim, "Mom, Lynzi's been in my underwear draw again." Liz had been packing on Friday afternoon for a weekend excursion with the girl scouts when she made the discovery. She had three very special pairs of pink panties, and one was missing. Mom sighed and assured Liz that she would get them back for her. Mom was more...

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Femme de Mnage Part 2

Femme de M?nage - Part 2 Belladonna [Author's note: This story is the Second of Five Parts.] The next morning, Jane awoke early and drew the curtains back in Charles' bedroom. Charles groaned as the early morning light bathed down upon his face while he struggled to open his eyes and block the sun with his hand. "What the hell?" Charles murmured. "Up and at them, Emma." "What's going on?" "Emma, yesterday you said that you want to be a lady like me, so we're going to s...

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Ride it Hard Cowboy Part 2

A FIRST SUMMER CAMP EXPERIENCE - PART 2 OF 2INDEX: next morning Ian and Jakko went to eat with the camp's staff and the campers. He introduced Jakko as the new groundskeeper. Sending the camp's director racing to the phone. Complaining about the Jackoff being on his staff to the Colonel. He got an earful from Todd Hart. Who promptly docked him a week's pay.Moments later, the Colonel made a personal appearance in the dining hall. Welcoming the campers and...

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Syds college roommate

So Syd and I had been fucking regularly for a couple of months. We weren't really dating and certainly LOVE had never been mentioned, but we really got into screwing one another. One night in between fucks she looked at me and started to tell me about something."I have been with a woman.""Really, interesting.""Yes, she was my roommate in college, Ann, she gave me my first orgasm.""Very interesting" I saidShe said to me "We were at my house for Thanksgiving day break, because she lived so far...

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Snakes From the Earths Core a Karl and Merry Adventure

Samuel the Gamekeeper watched from his hiding place as several deer trotted delicately into the sunlit meadow; an eight point buck, four does and three fawns. Seeing the healthy, bright eyed creatures always filled him with satisfaction knowing his efforts on their behalf were successful. Placing food and salt licks about in the winter, clearing brush and discouraging poaching had enabled the herds to prosper unmolested; all in anticipation of a hunt by the royalty in Castle Vard. All at once...

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The Soho Massage Parlour

As I was walking in Soho after a night out I turned the corner to see a massage shop. I’d had a hard week at work and felt this was just what I needed. The shop was dark inside and I found it hard to find the reception desk. As I approached the counter a tall curvaceous blonde girl came out. She was wearing a short black skirt which showed off her long bronzed legs and a tight top that clung around her massive breasts. I could see her lace bra through her top which pushed her tits together,...

Group Sex
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A Boring Summer Holiday Day 3 Friday Night

Sam managed to get dressed and down the stairs before his mother came through the hall door, as he was running down the stairs, he heard Jo starting the shower. He met his mom at the front door, she was carrying a couple of bags and 2 large pizza boxes. “where is Jo, I got pizza for dinner because your dad is working till late, something about the project they are doing having to be finished before the morning” She called upstairs, just as Sam heard the bathroom door opening, “Jo, I got pizza...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Lana Roy Escort Lana Roy fucking machine session then DP by 3 dudes

Slender Russian nympho Lana Roy is constantly horny, and she’s bought herself a nice, black fucking machine to try to keep herself satisfied when there’s no cock around. Today she’s having the machine pound her well in doggystyle. But she’s put a profile up on an escort site in the hopes that she can make a little money off of her endless screwing. Salvation comes when her phone rings and she’s invited over to Vince Karter’s place for a little foursome fuck...

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Strange Relationship Chapter 3 Version VI

(Author’s note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It’s been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don’t mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I’ve written – which is a lot! – Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I’m always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called ‘Strange...

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Trigger Warning: This story contains some sexual and emotional violence. This is nota healthy representation of a relationship, nor should it be something to strive for in your own life. This is a work of fiction, and the actions taken in this story are taboo for a reason. Be good to each other. School let out for the summer, leaving Kendall and Jackson with almost two months without work. They were being paid for those remaining two months but Jackson, being the kind and supportive fiance he...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Hi friends….. I am sallant (name changed) aaj me aapko apni ek story bayan kar ne jar aha auro ki tarah faltu bakwas nahi karunga to directly story pe ate hai. Mera naam Sallant hai aur me ek 26 years good looking banda hu.. Muje logo ki tarah ye to nahi pata ki mere lund ki size kya hai par ha sabhi ladkiyo aur aurton ko ye aaram se khus kar deta hai…… To friends, baat kuch 2 saal purani hai….mere saamnevale ghar me ek piyushbhai rahete hai jinki us samay nayi nayi sadi hui thi….aur...

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