Cute Lynzi free porn video

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Cute Lynzi - PAGE 1 - Childhood: Linda was just walking in the door, coming home from working at her dancing school, when she heard Liz proclaim, "Mom, Lynzi's been in my underwear draw again." Liz had been packing on Friday afternoon for a weekend excursion with the girl scouts when she made the discovery. She had three very special pairs of pink panties, and one was missing. Mom sighed and assured Liz that she would get them back for her. Mom was more concerned about her little boy than she was about the missing panties. Liz was concerned about both. Liz loved her little brother and was sort of sorry she had blurted out the fact that Lynzi was taking her panties. She knew he would get in trouble and regretted tattling to her mom. Lynzi was a 5-year-old boy, being raised in a house full of estrogen. Linda (Mom) had had five children, four girls, and then Lynzi. Actually, his first name was quite masculine (inherited from his father's grandfather), but he went by his middle name, Lindsay. However, his sisters liked to spell it "Lynzi," as it seemed cuter. Linda had divorced her husband Stan not long after Lynzi was born, for several reasons; not the least being that they both had extremely dominant dispositions. How they came to have five children was that Stan was set on having a son. The only problem being that when Lynzi arrived, he was treated just as the girls were. This may have had something to do with the divorce. Mom went into Lynzi's room while he was still downstairs watching TV and found the panties, neatly folded in his underwear drawer. She looked around the room and began to take notice of the environment. His room was painted the same as the entire house, a pale pink, with pink and white flowered borders. The closet was full of beauty pageant dresses, Mary Jane shoes, and dolls that his sister Liz had left in the room when she was force to move. She had been "moved" in with her next to older sister when Lynzi came along. It was a 4-bedroom house and since Lynzi was born, all the daughters shared rooms. Mom was in the ?Master Suite.? Leslie and Loren were in the next bedroom with it's own bath. Laurie and Liz were next to them, and shared a bathroom with Lynzi. You can imagine the chaos of two young girls with their little brother, sharing a bathroom. When Lynzi came up to the bedroom, Linda was feeling rather guilty. It was her fault that the boy virtually had no father, and also her fault that he was being raised in such femininity. "Hi Lynzi", she said as he walked into the room. He replied the same, but with a worried look on his face. He knew right then, by the look on her face, that she had found the panties. "Lynzi, why do you keep taking Liz's panties?" Lynzi tried to look surprised at first, but realized it was useless to lie. "Well", he said, "I really like the way they feel." This was really hard for Linda, and she knew it was even harder for Lynzi. With that in mind, she added, "I know what you mean, I like the softness and lace myself, but why do you always take the pink ones? Do you like the color too?" Lynzi began to feel ill, physically ill. He thought he was going to pass out, but instead, he just started crying. Mom consoled him, and through her hugging, let him know that it was okay. Soon he was smiling again. Perhaps he mistook her sympathy for approval. "Then, can I keep them?" He asked. Linda was trying to keep things straight in her head, but for an immediate response, she said "Okay". She hadn't even thought about Liz's problem with not enough underwear for her outing. She revised her thinking by saying that he would have to return Liz's panties, but that she would buy him some for his own. She brought the panties back to Liz's room and helped her finish packing. She told Liz that Lynzi had gotten a severe scolding and the he would not be "borrowing" her panties any more. Lynzi never asked his mom about those panties she'd promised. He stole the same panties the next week. Liz thought her Mom would kill him if she told her, so she made do with what she had. She continued to provide Lynzi with panties throughout their early childhood. They were best of friends and she not only shared panties, she shared toys such as dolls and other items normal excluded by males. They attended Mom's dancing school together and while they did the normal tap dancing, he also became very good at ballet. They sometimes put on their own beauty pageant when they were home alone. In other words, Lynzi acted much more like the 5th daughter than a son. Linda knew much of what was going on but never really gave it much thought. She knew she had a problem, but she didn't know to what extent. She had contacted her college roommate, Dorothy, and questioned her son's actions. Dorothy had been a psychology major who might have some insight into the current dilemma. She was assured that he would grow out of it. To just ignore this little incident and the problem would soon go away. Linda did just that. Sure enough, she ignored the issue and it went away. Or so she thought. She continued to hope he'd grow out of it during puberty. It never happened. Adolescence: When Lynzi was 13, Linda and family moved from Jackson Mississippi to New Orleans. Linda got the opportunity to expand her franchise and go regional into both youth and adult dancing. They moved into a nice home near the lakefront with a small swimming pool in the yard. Liz and Lynzi were still best of friends even though Liz was two years his senior. The older daughters were all in college, with Leslie being in graduate school. Lauren and Laurie were at the University of New Orleans. Liz was going to a parochial girl's high school and Lynzi was at a local public school. Linda had tried to send Lynzi to 8th grade at an all boy parochial high school, but he kept coming home upset. You had to admit that he was a target for not only the bullies, but also anyone else that wanted to raise their own self-esteem. He was still under 5' tall and weighed about 80 pounds. The older daughters were all quite a bit taller and bigger than he was. Even Liz was a little bit bigger than he was. He liked the public schools as they maintained fewer restrictions. He liked having longer hair and wearing his own style clothing. Few students at the public school really had a concern about anyone else there anyway. Lynzi was quite a good student. Although the bar was not raised very high in New Orleans? public schools, he did well even on national standardized tests. He got quite a bit of help from all of his sisters, who did very well. Education was something that Linda did not take lightly. She and her husband had excelled in school, and she always thought that Stan's education was a major contributor to the $2,500 check she got every month for child support. It was Easter break when Liz and Lynzi found themselves home alone. The older girls had classes to attend and Linda was at work. Liz and Lynzi decided to get some sun and go swimming in the pool that came with their new house. As Liz modeled her new bikini, Lynzi became very uncomfortable. He was jealous of Liz's body and wardrobe. "I think I still have my one from last year if you're interested", Liz said, modeling her bikini. Lynzi froze. He didn't know if she was serious or just teasing him, and he didn't want to let her down by saying yes. But thinking back on all the panties, ballet, dolls, etc., he felt he might as well give it a try. "Sure", he said, "If you don't mind too much." Liz smiled, and they went to her bedroom to try to find last year's bathing suit. Lynzi had remembered it well, as it was a pink with white polka dot, bikini. Lynzi took it and went into his room to try it on. Both the top and bottom fit fine, but he had one problem. The suit had spawned an erection that he could not seem to hide in the bottom. As soon as he realized that he could not be seen like this, his erection deflated. He still had a bulge, so he tied the little matching skirt around his waist and went out to show Liz. Of course, Liz thought it looked very nice on him and continued to compliment him. Without reassurance, she knew that it would be hard to get him out of the house. He finally excepted and out into the back yard they went. Lynzi's face went from pure terror to extreme comfort in a manner of minutes. While Liz went inside to get some soft drinks, Lynzi was in the pool alone. He managed to tuck himself as to not having a bulge when he took off the skirt. They lay on lawn chairs next to the pool and began soaking up the April sunshine. They stayed all afternoon, occasionally jumping into the pool to cool off every once in awhile. Lynzi was in TV heaven. They both fell asleep, lying in the lawn chairs. They were awakened by the sound of a closing car door in the driveway. Lynzi jumped out of the lawn chair like he had been shot out of a cannon and proceeded to make his way up to his room before Linda found her way into the house. Liz, just awakening, found it in herself to begin laughing unmercifully as she noted Lynzi tripping over lawn furniture, etc. Linda went into the back yard to find Liz sunning herself, laughing hysterically. "What's so funny," Linda asked. Liz retorted, "Oh nothing much. It was just that Lynzi had tripped on the chair while going up to his room and I thought it looked funny." Linda looked at Liz's skin and got very serious. "How long have you two been out here today," she asked. "Since about 10 this morning," Liz replied. "Oh my goodness, you've burned yourselves up. Get out of the sun and into the house right now," she demanded. Liz's smile went to tears as she pulled the bra strap down off of her shoulder. She had indeed subjected her skin to severe sunburn. She nearly cried when her mom started coating her in lotion. When they finished covering her entire body with lotion, Linda asked Liz to go get her little brother, as he would need some too. Linda ran upstairs, stopping at the top of the stairs, as she saw a very difficult situation coming to light. She ran into Lynzi's room with a big smile on her face. "Lynzi, Mom wants you downstairs now!" Lynzi knew he had been sunburned from when he took off the bikini, but he didn't realize what was in store. As he walked down the stairs, he saw the lotion in his mother's hands and a panic look fell on his face. "Take off your shirt and let me coat you in lotion". "No Mom, I didn't go out in the sun very much. I'm fine," he said. She could tell by the redness in his face that he'd burned himself also, so she began to insist. "Come down here and take off your shirt", she demanded. He slowly descended the stairwell and went over to the sofa. She picked up the back of his shirt, as he winced at the pain. No only from the sunburn, but the embarrassing tan lines he had developed. Mom was in no mood to put up with his whining, so she hurriedly pulled his shirt over his head. There was no doubt about it that he had been wearing a bikini bathing suit all day in the sun. His markings were more evident than even Liz's lines. Mom winced at the redness, then realized the tan lines. "Oh my God, what have you two been up to all day", she said, as if she didn't know. Well, Lynzi started rambling about everything he could possibly think of, only to come to the only conclusion there was. "Liz let me wear her bathing suit from last year, and we fell asleep on the lawn chairs outside", Lynzi said. Liz explained that she had offered it as a joke, but that Lynzi took her seriously and wore it all day. As much as she loved her brother, she was going to "cover her ass". "I'll need to speak to each of you after dinner tonight. We have a lot to talk about." Dinner was rather quiet, as all of the sisters had been made aware of the situation. Every once in awhile, one would start to giggle, but Linda's firm stares quickly quieted the situation. Finally, Leslie broke the ice when she told Lynzi that it would be okay. Looking at his frail body she added, "At least he didn't stretch the bikini," she said. The whole family began laughing, and Lynzi was so relieved that anything was happening that he too began to laugh. Mom joined in and finally, the whole table was giggling. Liz picked up Lynzi's shirt to show the whole family his bra tan lines and the laughing got even louder. They were scheduled for a family vacation to Florida beaches in May, so Laurie asked how he would go to the beach with those tan lines. Lauren explained that he'd just have to wear a top. That brought another round of laughter around the table. Lynzi explained that he'd have to wear the same top, as the new style didn't have the same strapping. Liz thought it would be mean for Lynzi to be the only one in the family not to get a new bikini for the summer. Lynzi wasn't complaining. After dinner, Linda went up to Lynzi's room for a mother/son discussion. Linda was certain that she had a bigger problem than her college roommate had told her. "Does it hurt", Linda asked as she motioned to his sunburn. "Not too much", he said. "So what's up with the bikini", she said. She could see that this would be a hard conversation, but she was bound and determined to get it all out in the open. "Okay, let's hear it, tell me that you want to be a girl", she blurted out. Actually, it's exactly what he wanted to be but he didn't want to tell her. "No", he exclaimed, "I like being a boy". "Okay then why the panties, why the bikini, why the beauty pageant dresses". He hadn't realized that she knew about him wearing the dresses, but he wasn't that shocked either. "Well", he said, "I just like dressing up every once in awhile." "Are you sure you don't want to be a girl?" she said in an even firmer tone of voice. "Well," he said, "I don't think so." This questioning went on for nearly an hour when she finally realized that the only way to get to the real truth was from Liz. Linda told Lynzi that he had not adequately answered all of her questions and that she was going to find out from Liz. This scared him to death, because even though Liz was his best friend, she would sell him out in a minute to protect herself from Linda. Linda was quite the aggressor. "Of course he wants to be a girl," Liz responded. "He's wanted to be a girl since he was five years old. Why else would he want to wear panties and pageant dresses and ballerina clothes, play dolls and make believe, and ballet. I'm glad he wants to be a girl, because I think he'd have a very hard time getting a wife. I think he's more suited to being a wife." Linda knew what the story was, but the shock of Liz throwing it in her face took her aback. "My son wants to be a girl", she thought to herself. "What am I to do about this?" Lynzi spent the next two months working on his tan to erase the lines left by the bikini. By the summer vacation to Florida, it was barely visible. Lynzi acted like a perfect gentleman the whole trip and Linda certainly appreciated his efforts. But she could tell, the whole trip, that this wasn't natural for him to play a male role. She would take him to Dr. Ellender as soon as they got back to New Orleans. She was a clinical psychiatrist that her friend Dorothy had referred her too. Dr. Ellender had three sessions with Lynzi before she called in Linda for a consultation. Although further investigation would be necessary, it was quite evident that Lynzi definitely had a gender identity disorder. He indeed displayed much more feminine traits than masculine, and that through counseling, Lynzi was becoming more comfortable with the thought of being female. While Linda wasn't surprised, she was disappointed that the doctor couldn't give Lynzi a shot of testosterone to change these feelings. Lynzi continued to receive counseling throughout high school. The doctor certainly wasn't going to prescribe hormones for Lynzi, but she watched carefully as Lynzi did not seem to develop typical male growth patterns. At 15, he weighed in at 110 pounds and stood 5'3". When Lynzi was a junior in high school, he knew he was female in every aspect except physical. In the sessions with Dr. Ellender, he continued to show all traits associated with being a girl, slowly developing into a young lady. Dr. Ellender thought that since Lynzi had missed a large portion on his growing up as a girl, he tended to hold onto some young girl attitudes. He still enjoyed playing with the dozens of dolls he had accumulated. He still loved playing make-believe. He loved ballet class and every article of clothing he particularly liked was pink. While his sisters wore sensible panties, his had to be pink, had to have lace, and the more bows and ribbons, the more he liked them. Young Hooker: Lynzi turned 17 during his junior year of high school. He had a very late puberty, not really showing any sexual orientation. He had yet to climax, and only showed signs of sexual excitement when wearing female apparel. He had no hair growth in the underarms or pubic areas. His face was nearly hairless, as were his legs. He was glad his body hadn't developed like his classmates, although he was often kidded about it at school. A group of girls added his picture to the bulletin board for candidates for Homecoming Queen. He began reading the Rene Richards story from the public library and became fascinated with the idea of hormones. He discussed hormones with Dr. Ellender, who freely gave Lynzi a barrage of information, but would not prescribe them for him. Dr. Ellender was sure that Lynzi would be taking hormones in the near future, but she legally had to wait until he turned 18. Although Lynzi's preferences were for what a very young girl would like, he was very knowledgeable on the subject of transsexuals. He literally could not wait until his 18th birthday and had to find an immediate source of hormones. He began to frequent the French Quarter more regularly, as he knew that illegal drug trafficking was taking place down there. Several of his classmates regularly frequented the Quarter to purchase alcohol and drugs. Lynzi eventually found a source of hormones and began taking the black-marketed hormones on a regular basis. To finance this, he started after-school tutoring for elementary school students and used this money to acquire the hormones. Several "friends" in the Quarter told him he could make a lot more money in a lot less time if he wanted to, but he was deathly afraid of what they were thinking. He soon found out what they were thinking, as the salary for tutors did not balance with the price of hormones. Lynzi became very well acquainted with his source in the French Quarter. Nobody knew his real name, but everyone knew him as "Tinker Bell". He sold hot dogs at one of the mobile "Lucky Dog" stands throughout the French Quarter. He seemed to be the source of all gossip. He knew who was a selling/buying drugs, who was selling/buying women, and who was selling/buying boys. Seems there was a very good market for all three. "Where ya at, Tinker Bell", Lynzi said. "How the heck are you, Lynzi. Been wondering when you'd come for your package. You're late." responded Tinker Bell. Lynzi was a little nervous, as he was a little short on the going price of the hormones. "Well, Tink, I've been having a little problem drumming up the dough." Tink knew this would happen. He'd been raising the price over the last few months. He knew Lynzi would have to seek an alternate means of income to keep up with the dosage he had become accustomed to. "Don't worry about it, Lynzi, I'll make up the difference and you can pay me next week." Lynzi knew this was a bad idea, but he was so enamored with his breast development and softened features that he knew he couldn't stop. Even the idea of prostitution seemed to sound like a feasible way of getting money. In his adolescence, he was not very comfortable with the thought of homosexual behavior, but his feelings had been slowly changing over the years. The thought of oral sex with a male was becoming more and more acceptable. In fact, he was beginning to fantasize about it quite often. "You're an angel, Tink. I promise to see if I can get a raise, or find some other employment. You got a job for me if I can't? Lynzi asked. Tink laughed, "You know I do, baby. We can make enough to bury you in hormones if you'd like." "Okay Tink," said Lynzi, "What's the deal? We been going round and round with this deal for 2 months now. How we gonna set this up?" Tink got real excited. "Well Lynzi, here's the deal. You can start by making a trial run, maybe tomorrow night. Yes, I think I can set that up. There's a guy coming in from New York that's been asking for a gal like you for months. He comes to New Orleans every other Thursday and spends the night, flying back to New York on Friday. He likes a select few girls, but he's been asking for a passable tranny, and I haven't been able to fill that order." "What about clothes, jewelry, and a place to dress?" asked Lynzi. "I'll take care of everything. You just bring your make-up to my place after school on Thursday. Here's the key, you know where it is" said Tink. "And oh yea," he added. "Keep your money." Lynzi was shaking. Tink continued, "My girls have told me that he's a perfect gentleman. They bid low numbers to me in order to get the gig." Tink wasn't lying. The gentleman really was a gentleman. "That sounds like something I could handle, Tink. Give me all the details", Lynzi said. Details were worked out and Lynzi left with his hormones, money, and an empty but excited feeling in his gut. He had never had a sexual experience with anyone and here he was, hiring out for his first time. Tink had told him that he would be getting a big tip, as this would be his first and to be sure to tell the John about it. Thursday came, and Lynzi took his makeup to Tink's apartment in the Quarter. Lynzi let himself in. It was a pretty large place for the French Quarter and it was decorated to perfection. You would have never known by the outside, what was in the inside. Lynzi didn't know much about art, wines, and the cultural part of life, but apparently Tink did. ?Amazing how much money you can make selling hot dogs,? Lynzi thought. Lynzi went into the massive master bathroom and set out his make-up. He then undressed as he drew the water into the Jacuzzi bathtub. Tink had bath oils and salts and bubbles and fragrances that Lynzi had never smelled before. He soaked in this feminine fragrance for a good half-hour, trying to relax. The bath did the trick. He got out, dried himself with the big soft towel. With the whole room in mirrors, Lynzi could see his newly developed feminine body and he loved what he saw. ?I'm going to show this guy the best time of his life,? he thought. Lynzi got into a lacy robe, and began his ritual of doing his hair and putting on make-up. He took his time setting and drying his hair, as his sisters had taught him. Tink had requested that he put his hair "up" in a very sophisticated fashion, as this was going to be a very special event. His make-up was done to perfection with a rather mysterious glow about it. Lynzi had become very proficient at make-up, as his skin was very soft and feminine. The clothes that Tink had laid out for him were indeed that of a high-class hooker. White bridal panties and matching bra, white garter and stockings, and a white lacy camisole made up his under things. The ritual of getting dressed was having an intoxicating effect on him and he loved it. He watched himself getting dressed, and thought about the new adventure that the night would bring. He was very excited, and the nervousness had fled. The outfit Tink had left for him looked somewhat like a ladies? business suit. It was a white skirt and jacket ensemble that looked right out of a Niemen Marcus store. Fine lace detailing to the jacket and skirt ensured Lynzi that it had cost a fortune. The only factor not consistent with the high-class ensemble was the length of the skirt. The skirt, while looking tailor made, had been hemmed considerably, which would make sitting down in a ladylike manner a very difficult task. The three-inch heels fit perfectly. He grabbed the matching purse and modeled for himself around the bathroom. He was gorgeous and he knew it. His "John" would be asking for him on every trip to New Orleans, he thought. Lynzi left the apartment and walked up Orleans to Royal Street. Tink had his hot dog stand on the corner. He passed Tink on the other side of the street and acknowledged him by winking his eye. Tink tipped his hat with a huge smile on his face. He could see that he had Tink's approval. The idea of walking down Royal Street, peaking into the antique shops, smiling at the admiring gentlemen, was nearly too much for Lynzi. Never in his wildest imagination had he thought he'd be doing what he was doing right at this moment. The spring day, the smell of his own fragrance, the feeling of the silk against his breasts, butt and pubic area gave him the feeling of what it must be like to be in heaven. Life was indeed good. He made his way to the Monteleone Hotel on Royal Street. He stepped into the Carousel Bar, a lounge that rotates, giving each table an intermittent view of Royal Street. He ordered a glass of wine and waited, and waited. He knew that he had followed the exact procedure that Tink had coached him on. The gentlemen was supposed to come, look for the person in the outfit that Tink had described for him and decide whether or not to accept the "date." Lynzi was getting worried, not about how he looked, but about the idea of the guy deciding he wasn't bisexual and backing out of the deal. Lynzi needed the money. And he didn't need his first attempt at this to be a failure. He kept looking out of the window, hoping to see the "gentleman" coming up the street. Finally, a very attractive older gentleman tapped him on the shoulder. "You could not be Lynzi, could you?" he asked. "Yes I am," Lynzi stammered. Lynzi smiled and the gentleman lit up like a light bulb. "Oh my god, he said, "You're more than all the acronyms that Tink had given me about you. This is going to be a very fine evening indeed." Lynzi nearly died when he reached for his hand and gently kissed it. ?A real gentleman and he's handsome,? Lynzi thought. After the glass of wine and an interrogating conversation, they left for Bacco's restaurant for an Italian dinner. Lynzi didn't know if he could sustain the high, but he was doing his best with the wine. After the bill was paid, he asked if Lynzi would like to go to a small bar, the Touche', for a nightcap. Lynzi, feeling very good, asked if they could just skip the bar and go to his place. He immediately turned around and headed for the Marriott. His room was on the 23rd floor and the view of the city was spectacular. He closed the door behind him and asked, "Are you sure this is your first time. You look so comfortable." Lynzi had done a good job of maintaining his high, and he really was not nearly as nervous as he thought he'd be. "The wine, the food, and the atmosphere have been so nice, I sometime forget who I am." Lynzi responded as he curiously walked around the room. "You're a very beautiful woman, Lynzi," he said, "and I want to devour every part of you." Lynzi hadn't heard anyone talk to him like that before. He knew he was desirable by the "cat calls" he'd gotten while out, but this guy was serious. "Well, you can have me anytime you want, any way you want, but please don't hurt me. I cry easily," Lynzi cooed. The "John" gently kissed him on the neck. "How about right now," he said. This was it, and Lynzi was getting excited. This was the first time in nearly a year that he started getting an erection. The "John" looked down at the bulge in Lynzi's skirt and smiled. "It's so hard to believe you've got a penis." He said. "I'm really going to enjoy this." Lynzi held him close to hide his bulge, but also to feel the strength of an older gentleman. He felt warm and protected. Slowly Lynzi started loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He nudged him back on the bed and took off his shoes and socks. He pulled the "John's" shirt over his shoulders and laid it gently on the adjoining chair. Then he went for the belt. Before Lynzi could grab it, he held him up and said, "My turn". He stood up from the bed and began to unbutton Lynzi's suit jacket. Slowly pulling it over Lynzi's shoulders and laying next to his shirt on the chair. Lynzi's back was arched to give further enhancement of his breasts, as the "John" put his face into his camisole and bra. He pulled the camisole over Lynzi's head and reached around to unhooked the bra as if he'd done it many times before. Lynzi could feel moisture in his panties as he caressed his breast. Lynzi kicked off his heels and got down on his knees. It was Lynzi's turn now. Lynzi grabbed his belt and unhooked it, then unbuttoned his pants, unzipped them, and let them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them as Lynzi stared at his crotch. He pulled down his boxer shorts. Lynzi had never paid much attention to any penis other than his. It made him feel even more feminine to know this guy was 3 times the size of his. Lynzi really was wetting his panties. The "John" said, "Hold on a minute girl, let's take off that little skirt." Lynzi got up and reached around his back and unzipped his skirt. Neither the bulge nor the wet spot on his panties embarrassed him. The "John" laughed as he looked at Lynzi's tiny erection. Lynzi blushed and went back to his knees. He gently stroked under the sack and slowly kissed the tip of his penis, smearing lipstick over the bulb. His semi erection came-to fully erect as Lynzi smiled. It was hard for him to believe that the "John's" penis was becoming aroused to fertilize a waiting egg. Lynzi really did have what it took to be a woman. He remembered the porno movies he had seen at his friend's house and gently began to emulate the movements of the porno queens. He gently whisked his lips over the head of "John's" penis while his long fingernails ran through his pubic hair. The smell was something that Lynzi had remembered from high school Phys. Ed., but it was different now. It was as intoxicating as the wine he had drank. The "John" moaned a bit, and Lynzi moaned right along with him. He slowly devoured the whole thing into his mouth, rotating his tongue around the shaft. He began to swallow the shaft, bit by bit. Twice, Lynzi gagged, however he overcame his instincts, and kept swallowing. The erection got harder and harder and Lynzi could not believe he had swallowed so much. He slid his lips up and down, taking breaks to caress it and rub it over his face. The "John" pulled Lynzi's head as he ferociously pumped his pelvis into Lynzi's face. Lynzi finally felt he had found his heaven on earth. The taste of the pre-cum excited him even more. As the "John's" movements became more deliberate, he began sweating and gasping for air. Lynzi knew from the movies that he was about to come, but unlike in the movies, he refused to pull it out of his mouth prior to ejaculation. Before he could stop it, he was spent. He came deep inside Lynzi's mouth. Lynzi choked a little and then swallowed, several times, taking the whole ejaculation down his throat. The "John" lay there for several minutes until the blood again flowed to his brain. As he regained composure, he realized what had happened. This too was his first homosexual experience, and it was with a 17-year-old boy. He began regretting the event and without as much as a thank-you, Lynzi was asked to dress and leave. Lynzi felt as if the world had just crashed on him, as he believed he had upset the "John". He had had such a wonderful experience, and could not believe that this wonderful experience hadn't been mutually appreciated. Lynzi went back to Tink's house, changed clothes, and went home. He avoided the French Quarter for nearly a week, finally deciding to head back to see Tink for his hormone supply. He didn't know what to think. "Hi ya, Tink" he meekly called from behind. Tink turned, "Lynzi! Where the hell have you been!" Lynzi wasn't certain whether he was upset or not, but Tink surely had a big smile on his face. "I been around Tink, I didn't think you'd be so happy with me." "Happy with you?" Tink replied, "Hell, I'm elated with you. That John wants you every time he's coming to town from now on." Lynzi was so relieved that he hadn't screwed up the whole deal. He was so happy with the experience, and so happy that he could make money doing it. Tink went on to tell Lynzi that after the initial shock, the guy came to his senses and nearly ran to tell Tink of the marvelous time he had. Tink reached under his stand and pulled out a month's supply of hormones. "Here kid, have yourself a field day." Lynzi gasped, "Oh thanks Tink, this is great! And he really wants me again?" Tink laughed, "I hope you haven't got any plans for the next hundred Thursday nights." Lynzi continued the relationship through Christmas of his senior year of high school. He finally realized that he was merely prostituting himself with a relationship that would definitely go nowhere. He had saved enough money to make it until the end of the school year for hormones. So, he ended the relationship by year's end. By that time, Lynzi had developed some very nice breasts and it was all he could do to hide the fact. Loose fitting shirts and fitness bras were the only way to camouflage the obvious. By the time graduation came around, Lynzi could easily have worn a white gown with the rest of the girls as the red one he actually wore. With his long hair, slight posture and adolescent face, he was more and more often mistaken for female. He had spent the last 5 summers helping his Mom at the dance studio. This summer, however, she was taking a sabbatical from her dance schools in the South to go to Chicago to launch five new studios. She would be gone all summer. She left each of them with a chunk of change to make it through the summer. Lynzi decided he wanted a real job, making real money, as the hormones were getting more and more expensive. And he wanted a job as a legitimate female. As soon as Linda left for Chicago, he and Liz went to the mall. First stop was the beauty salon. He got a nice new highlighted hairstyle, arched eyebrows, and a manicure/pedicure. After the ear piercing, they went to the juniors department at Maison Blanche and bought an entire summer wardrobe, including lingerie. Next was make up at the Erno Lazlo counter, as that was where they often picked up make-up for Linda. Lynzi nearly blew his whole summer allowance that day. Barmaid: Laurie was working part time in an uptown bar called Trinity's as a waitress. It was an upscale bar, catering to medical persons as the hospital was right down the street. She was knocking down pretty good money from cute interns in tips. Lynzi asked her to get him a job there, as a waitress! Laurie was as excited about the adventure as Lynzi. She had asked the manager if he could use another waitress. He quickly said yes, as business in the summer time increases considerably. Lynzi was ecstatic about the news and vowed to Laurie that she wouldn't be sorry for referencing her. Liz and Laurie helped Lynzi get ready for the informal interview. He woke early that morning to shower, shave the underarms, legs, and bikini line, for the first time. He washed his now shoulder length hair. Laurie fixed his hair as Liz helped with the make-up and nail polish. He didn't want to look overly made-up, but wanted to look nice. He dressed casual as Laurie had asked, wearing a beige blouse with a short pleated skirt. Three-inch open toed sandals had become commonplace for him. Borrowing Liz's Driver's License, he went to the bar with Laurie and was introduced as her younger sister. The manager was a 50+ year old balding man who loved to tease and flirt with the waitresses, but Laurie assured Lynzi that that was all he did. He had never seriously approached Laurie about any favors. "Mr. Isaacs", said Laurie, "I'd like you to meet my younger sister Liz." Mr. Isaacs grin grew bigger as he focused on Lynzi's breasts. "Nice to meet you, Liz, I see the family resemblance. Tell me about yourself." Laurie wasn't any bigger than Lynzi in the chest department. Lynzi told him about school and that she was saving her money for college. He finished with, "And I really, really, really needed a job." Lynzi grinned at Mr. Isaacs and now he was blushing. Laurie was about to die, seeing Lynzi flirting with her boss. "Just fill out the job application, and I'll see you at six on Friday night. It's been very nice meeting you." Lynzi blushed and shook his hand rather limply. Lynzi smiled at Laurie, and filled out the application using Liz's name, social security number, etc. He and Laurie went to the uniform shop to get fitted. It certainly didn't hurt Lynzi's feeling to be wearing a very short outfit for a uniform. The shorter the better was always his motto. And since he wore an 11/12 junior size, and was nearly 6' tall, the uniform was pretty short. Work started that Friday at six p.m. Lynzi got up at two o'clock that afternoon as he had been out partying with Laurie and Liz all Thursday night. Thursday nights were indeed Lynzi's night to party. He was so excited, that he began getting ready early. He decided on a nice long bubble bath. It wasn't as nice as Tink's bath, but it sufficed. He took off his nightgown and got into the hot steamy water. He washed his hair and used a bathing loofah to spread the Oil of Olay bath wash across his body. The sensation of the loofah across his body was delightful and he relished every moment of it. He shaved his legs, underarms and pubic area, leaving a small patch around his "Clit". After conditioning his hair and rinsing, he got out of the bathtub into a large soft towel that he used to dry and wrap around himself. As Lynzi went into his room, he glanced into the mirror. His image wasn't that of a boy anymore. It was far from it. He had become the 5th daughter in the family, and from what he could see, certainly the most attractive. The only thing he'd have to work on seriously was his voice and his breasts. His voice was soft, but he still would get "sir" on occasion while on the phone. He vowed to read as much as he could on changing that and if necessary, contact a speech therapist. His breasts had developed into a full "b" cup, but he wanted more. With his 5'11" stature, he needed more up top. Premarin and exercise was the routine of the day, but if he saved enough money over the summer, breast augmentation was not out of the question. He went to his lingerie draw and opened it up. The sight of all the pretty lingerie gave him a very warm feeling. He grabbed his newly acquired pink miracle bra, matching panties and garter, along with his black stockings, laying them out on his bed. He attached his bra and pulled it up over his breasts. The feeling of having a bra that fit was such a delight. He loved the way the straps felt over his shoulders and around his back. He loved the way the cups caressed his forming breasts. Putting on his panties was also a very sensual task. Although he hadn't had an erection in quite some time, he still was excited about it. While all of the other waitresses wore pantyhose, Lynzi preferred the stockings and garter scenario. Sliding the nylon over his painted toe nails and across his freshly shaven legs had a similar effect as the panties and bra did, as did the attaching of the stockings to the garterbelt. He decided to wear the uniform to work, as he thought it might be a problem, changing with the other waitresses. He unzipped the back, calling in Liz for help in zipping it up. She came into his room with as big of smile as he had. She too noticed that he made a very pretty girl with all the attributes of a model. She complimented him as he blushed. She zipped up the back noticing his panties, garter and bra. "Lynzi", she said, "you make a beautiful waitress, heck, you make a beautiful girl. I think you should talk with Dr. Ellender about making this permanent. It's obvious that you can't go back, so what's the difference. The only thing we haven't talked too much about was your attraction to boys." Lynzi blushed, "Well, I like them at least as much as you do." While Liz knew that this was probably the case, she was shocked to hear so blatantly coming out of Lynzi's mouth. "Come on Liz, you didn't know that I love sex with men? Do you think that the money Mom gave us at dancing school was enough to support my Premarin therapy?" Now, Liz really was taken aback. "You mean you perform sex for money, Lynzi?" "Oh no", Lynzi lied. "It's just that I had a very generous boyfriend. He might be a little mature, but he loves me." Lynzi wasn't stupid enough to really believe that the guy had loved him, but he used that as an excuse to himself for having sex with the guy. Liz didn't buy it either, but now that Lynzi had mentioned it, it was rather curious that he always had money in his purse. Speaking of purses, Liz thought. "I need my drivers license, Lynzi." "Please, please Liz," Lynzi begged, "go get another one. Tell them that you lost yours and that you need another. I'm sure I'll need it at any minute, at least for the first week of work". Liz gave in. "Remember though, that if you get caught or die with it, you stole it out of my purse." Lynzi agreed. Liz would go to the Driver's License bureau in the morning to report it lost and get another. The uniform was more like a French Maid outfit than a uniform. Black satin with white lace was around the hem, neckline and sleeves. A white apron around the waist tied with a big bow in the back. Liz handed him the fluffy white petticoat and Lynzi pulled it up under the skirt. Again, the uniform fit him very, very short. The hem was just about at panty line on his butt. He twirled around, modeling the uniform to Liz and himself in the mirror. "Oh my God, Lynzi", she exclaimed, "I can see nearly to your naval." Laurie came in to see how the dressing was going. Laurie gasped too, "it didn't look this short in the uniform shop. You'd better tuck that thing under." Lynzi noticed the same thing, but he wasn't complaining. "It is a lot shorter for sure. I wonder if Mr. Isaacs had anything to do with this?" Lynzi was a pretty perceptive guy, and even though he was for all practical purposes female, he still knew what went on the minds of men. "Call the uniform place and find out," screamed Laurie. Lynzi calmed her as he tucked herself in her panties. "Don't get your panties in a knot, Laurie, I kind of like it like this." Laurie threw her hands up in disgust. "I know I'll be fired before the summer is over." He grabbed his purse, saying, "Wish me luck" as he went for the door. Laurie grinned, "You'll certainly need it. Mr. Isaacs has plans for you, I'm sure." Lynzi smiled and strutted down the stairs. The walk out of the front door and down the street to the car was delightful. It was a bright sunshiny day and life was looking "up". He loved the wind coming off the lake, blowing beneath his frilly petticoat. He smiled at the neighbor, working in his yard, as he daintily opened the door and got in his car. He purposely gave his neighbor a "shot". The neighbor smiled. "That's what short skirts are for", he thought. How far he had come in the 4 years since his tan line incident. Lynzi drove along the lakefront looking at the people jogging along the lakeshore. He caught himself ogling the guys in their shorts, looking from their head to the "bulge" in their running shorts. He near had an accident following the butt of a good- looking college student, and since he was early, pulled over to the side to take in the scenery. As a stream of bicyclists passed, one looked through Lynzi's window and noticed the panties beneath the short uniform. Word must have spread fast, as the group immediately turned around for another peak. But they couldn't get back fast enough, as Lynzi started the car and took off down the street. ?This is going to be great,? Lynzi thought. He still got to work about 30 minutes early. He caught herself looking to see if anybody was between his car and the bar. It wasn't the doubt of anyone believing he was not female, but on wearing such an outfit in public in the middle of the afternoon. Quickly, he made his way into the bar and up the stairs to the Managers office. Mr. Isaac's seemed startled as she came in the door while he was on the phone. "Oh," it's you Liz," come on in and have a seat. I see you're all ready to go. Wait a second while I get off the phone." Mr. Isaac's quickly mumbled a few words into the receiver and hung up. He turned his chair to Lynzi and rolled up to the sofa where she was sitting. The sofa was very low and she sank into it. Her knees were higher than her butt was so Mr. Isaacs had a grand view of his panties. Lynzi crossed his legs, but the uniform simply raised up, showing his pretty pink panties and garter straps. "I see that the uniform fits you just right, Liz. I hope you didn't mind that I had them alter your alterations," he laughed. Lynzi smiled, "I like it better this way myself. I think the tips will be better if they catch a glimpse of my panties." Mr. Isaacs realized he had struck gold with this one and began to tell Lynzi of all the benefits he could provide her. Lynzi didn't know what they were, but he was attracted to the old guy, and thought he'd at least find out where he was going with this. "What kind of benefits for what kind of favors are you talking about Mr. Isaacs," Lynzi coyly asked. "We'll discuss that later, I just wanted to know if you'd be interested." "I'd definitely be interested," he replied, "as I really need to make some money this summer. School is getting expensive." Lynzi got up and bent over to retrieve his purse off the sofa. This gave Mr. Isaacs a very good shot at his panty-covered butt. And Mr. Isaacs surely appreciated it. He reached over and patted it. Lynzi might have been surprised, but not likely. Lynzi knew exactly what he was doing. Lynzi (Liz) met the bartenders and other waitresses. He introduced herself and was assigned an experienced waitress to teach her the routine. Maggie, his monitor, was a 23-year-old full-busted bombshell. Lynzi knew right then that breast augmentation would be his first investment. "I see Bill likes you," she told Lynzi, referring to Mr. Isaacs. "I think he does," said Lynzi, "but how can you really be sure?" Maggie laughed, " I see he had the alterations done on your uniform." Lynzi looked around. All the attractive girls were wearing the French Maid uniforms, while the less attractive girls wore typical barmaid uniforms. And the more attractive, the more exposure. While Maggie's dress was not as short as Lynzi's, the top was much lower, exposing as much of the breasts as possible without exposing her nipples. "I see what you mean," said Lynzi. "Do you get special benefits working here?" he asked. Maggie laughed, "let's get started with your job duties", she responded, "we'll talk about that later." Lynzi spent the summer full time. He was living completely as a woman and enjoying every minute of it. Dr. Ellender knew that Lynzi had been taking hormones for quite awhile and finally decided that it would be safer for her to prescribe them then for Lynzi to attain on the street. She wrote her first prescription in June, putting Lynzi legitimately on her way to fulfilling a dream. Lynzi worked well at the bar; saving whatever he could for breast augmentation. He began dating Mr. Isaacs in late July, trying desperately to keep his secret. Lynzi's world fell apart when he found out. He had been satisfying him orally, until he wanted more. He found out one night at the club after they had closed the bar. When he did, he became violent and both Lynzi and his sister were fired. Laurie was getting ready to go back to school at the time, so she wasn't too effected, but Lynzi took it extremely hard. It had finally come to him, that he would never fully be a woman. He would never be able to satisfy a man like a real woman, and Lynzi went into a deep depression as he started school that fall. He quit the hormones, and became rather androgynous in his dressing. He threw away boxes upon boxes of skirts and blouses and lingerie. He threw away make-up and jewelry. He cried quite a bit for quite awhile. Liz and Laurie did what they could to console him, but nothing seemed to work. He refused to go to Dr. Ellender. When Linda arrived back from Chicago, she too did everything she could to console him, but nothing seemed to work. Lynzi swore that he would never go back to taking hormones and keep his mind on school. He would be studying Mechanical Engineering and hopefully, this would take his mind off of other things. It did, but only for awhile.

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Cute Indian Girl Fucked By Officers For Shoplifting

Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. This is a story about how a cute Indian girl is fucked by strangers. The girl has a shoplifting disorder. She doesn’t do it intentionally but it has become her habit. So, one day this beautiful girl goes to a mall to buy some clothes. She was wearing a tight top and tight-fitting jeans which was displaying her curves very clearly. Her figure was 36-32-36, which can make any cock hard. Her name was Nisha. So when Nisha was in the mall, she came...

2 years ago
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Cute seductions

A few months ago I was involved in this big project at work. This was the make or break opportunity I had been searching for since I started 2 years ago. With almost no sleep and definitely no life I worked nearly 13 hours everyday, I presented our project to the board. The project yielded a savings of 800k and got me the promotion I was hoping for. Unfortunately this promotion sent me on the the other coast away from all my friends and family. One great perk however was the compensation I...

3 years ago
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Cute Reetu Ko Ghar Mein Choda

Hi Friends, main Manish hu, mera height 5ft 9 inches hai, fair complex,dick size 6 inches ka hai.ab mai jo story batane ja raha hu ye Reetu naam k 1 ladki ki upar hai. Mai ek baat zarur batana chahata hu ki main ajj tak koi v story bana kar nahi likha, sab mere personal experience hai. Toh ye v mera ek experience tha 1 saal pehli ka jab mai delhi mein job karta tha. Dosto mai app sabhi ko pehle shukriyan ada karna chayunga mere stories ko like karne k liye aur apne mere email par jo tariff likh...

4 years ago
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Cute Uzma Ki Phudi Or Gand

I am a big ISS bug I read stories when I get bored or feel horny. First time I am writing my own story so I introduce myself first I am Zain 23 years old, cute body when I was in my 11 grad I joined a academy to study we were 5 boys and 4 girls in my class in 4 mne sai sirf aik girl average thi but remaining 3 where danm hot hum boys aksar free time men in 3 girls ko ragar ragar ker chodny ki planning kerty or har Koi teno larkion ko bari bari chodna chahta tha hum men say 2 boys kafi lofer or...

4 years ago
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Cute Ruchi 8211 My Office Colleague

This incident happened 2 years back when I joined my first company in Mumbai after my Master degree. I didn’t have much of friends and very lonely in this city. I was looking to befriend some ladies in my office. I knew that having an affair in the office would be a risky business. But it was worth the risk. The company had few good looking females. The best ones were in the HR department. There was Liz and Ruchi. Both were cute and were sexy. I would visit the HR Dept almost every day and...

4 years ago
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Cute padosan

Hello Desi Friends I am ARMAN again i read many stories here and I really liked every one of them and this gave me courage to share my experience with all of you. Now let me tell u about myself i am 24 male A few weeks ago a Family (Hasband and Wife=>Shabana=>SHAB) came into the opposite on my house. Shab is so cute. 36-26-36, 5’4″; smooth, fair skin; beautiful, long hair; big eyes. Shab was just 25. In a very Short priod we becomes Very closet. One day Shab was alone Shab told me that in...

4 years ago
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It was a Saturday morning and I was sat relaxing in the conservatory at the back of my house, enjoying the warmth of the Autumn sun through the glass and reading the local newspaper spread out on the conservatory table, when I heard a tap on the glass and the door opened, and in walked Sue a young girl who was a student of mine at school. At first I did not recognise her as she looked absolutely stunning, she was wearing a little make-up, and she was wearing tight stone washed jeans and a tight...

2 years ago
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Cute Audit Girl

Hi Friends, Danial from karachi, 30 yrs old, working as Head of finance in a reputed company. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant. I was working with an Audit firm as manager audit and we use to go to client site for Annual Audits. Any cute giel wanna be my friend can contact me at [email protected]. This is one of the experiences when I went to audit the accounts of a Computer Institute. The first day when I went there, the Vice president of the institute introduce me with the...

1 year ago
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Cute Chick

It was a Saturday morning and I was sat relaxing in the conservatory at the back of my house, enjoying the warmth of the Autumn sun through the glass and reading the local newspaper spread out on the conservatory table, when I heard a tap on the glass and the door opened, and in walked Sue a young girl who was a student of mine at school. At first I did not recognise her as she looked absolutely stunning, she was wearing a little make-up, and she was wearing tight stone washed jeans and a tight...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Flagstaff, Arizona* July 2 2000 [A Flagstaff, but not OUR Flagstaff] I'd saved up my vacation time and took it in a huge swath of two weeks. I was fixated on taking a car tour of the American south west, a place I'd never been. It was hot. Blisteringly hot. The spit evaporated off of my lips as quickly as I moistened them. It was a long way from Atlanta, where I called home. There were salt rings decorating my shirt under my arm pits and around my neck. The windows were down in a futile...

1 year ago
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Cutest Bhabhi I Have Ever Seen

Hi ISS readers. Vaibhav (changed) here. I love this site because reading stories here help me keep my sexual intentions up always. About me, I am 19 years old. I am a student in a college and live in Rajasthan. I am handsome, 6 feet tall with muscular body and I am fit as I play sports and visit gym regularly. Let us get into the story. This story is about my intercourse with my lovely bhabhi which lives in a house opposite to me. I was a very good student. I used to travel to my college by...

2 years ago
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Cute Horny Client

I’m a repairman for this big renting company. They buy lots of property to places all over town then lease them out. I’m one of four repairmen that they hired to fix appliances, paint, do whatever needs to be done. Usually our hours are pretty reasonable, but sometimes, when there’s an emergency, we get called out at random hours of the day. I’m a pretty stocky man, in my mid-30’s with short hair, but I think I have some good muscle to show. I’ve worked as a repairman for years for a few...

2 years ago
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cute little babysitter

'Hi daddy!' She exclaimed. She always calls me daddy, so did most people, and I always called her my baby girl. 'Hey baby girl, Aimee's had an early night, she's asleep in her room. Ill be back around 11, 11:30. Feel free to anything inthe fridge baby. Make your sweet self at home' I said, cheekily slapping her ass. She giggled, and sat on the sofa with her legs spread apart. It was almost painful to walk away from that hot cunt. I left the pub early, about ten o'clock and I...

1 year ago
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Cute Neighbour

It's the middle of summer, you're in your room like every day. Looking. It just so happens that the next door neighbour is a very sexy 20 year old girl, Cora. You watch her almost every day of the week, your houses are next to each other and you both have your room on the second floor, so you have easy access you her room. You have binoculars inside your room which you use to get a better view. You can see her opening her door now, you saw her coming home so you were ready. She's standing in...

3 years ago
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Cute Gay Picks Up a Straight Teen

Brad had turned 18 years old a few months before and he had sex with Marilyn an older girl who was known to put out. She did it all and she took Brad's virginity and before they were done he had experienced vaginal, oral and anal sex. It had been a full day of sex since her parents were gone all day. He never bragged about his first time and his current girlfriend Susan never found out. Brad and Susan often petted and had played with each other but they had never had intercourse. They were just...

3 years ago
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Cute Bangalore Girl Isha8217s Slutty Adventures 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, I am Vikrant from Pune and I’m back today with a story sent to me by my sexy reader Isha. Before I start, I’ll introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I’m 21, with a muscular physique gained from years of working out and a 6-inch long tool that would satisfy most women. This part of this is written by Isha and is a continuation of Part 1 of this series. Hello all, I am Isha from Bangalore. Vikrant told me about the wonderful response that you guys gave for part 1 so I decided to...

2 years ago
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Cute Trainee Girl Creampied In Delhi

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Rohit writing here for the first time. I have been a reader of Indian sex stories for quite some months now. So, now I have decided to take up the pen and be an author of a real sex story that happened with me almost a year back. Before I start, let me give you a quick intro. I am Rohit as you have read, and aged 26 years and staying in Bangalore since 2016. Currently, I am working in Bangalore itself and is well-paid off I would say. I am a fun loving and...

1 year ago
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Cute Priya Who Knew How To Take Control

I am an ardent reader of ISS and this is my first posting in this site. I am Ram aged 38 and 5.8 height. I live in chennai and work for a MNC as Vice President. My carving for sex is very high and my wife will stop me when she is done 1st time and give reason that her body is paining and go to sleep. Priya is my wife sister. She is from down south and came to chennai to do her MEdical. She is very fair and has a long hair. She was 21 as she did her BSC in that town. She was This incident...

3 years ago
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Cute And Hot Colleague

Hello friends, I am your Friend from Mumbai..Its the best exp and wish to share the same with you all guys and for privacy and security reason I have changed the names. At the same time I wish to thank all the other writers for making many people relax by reading there awesome stories. May be they are fiction or some made up or rather true but its just about feelings how they are put in words. Coming to the story I am working with a MNC in Mumbai basically from Hyderabad. My Name is Rambo....

1 year ago
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Cute sunita

Am sikh 39 it is my 2nd real sex story as i told u that in my age 19 i fucked very teen 15 years old rani living near my house. I fucked her mosly every day and once when i meet her in flats roof there i kiss her and rub her boobs there other girl living near our house seen us kissing and rubing her boobs. Her name was Sunita and studing in same class of Rani and her age was also 15 years old. Next day when Rani meet me she say she will tell someone so she fear and say i will be beaten by my...

3 years ago
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Cute Samina deflowered

This happened when I first made out with a girl named Samina Majeed. Samina is a sexy girl with a great figure 36 30 39. She is 19 and is in Some College (Mumbai) and this is where I first met her. I liked her body at first sight and dreamt of sleeping with her. As I loved sexy Muslim girls as they have a very strong choot very fair boobs… Hard….. Which can squzze our cocks very hard … I like it ….i first made her my nice friend and chatted sexy things with her.. And one fine day she asked me...

2 years ago
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Cute couple 2

Hello my dear friends already I told u in my previous story how my uncle and my aunty get caught by me. Now I am going to tell u how I made a plan to touch my aunty. I was very much disturbed by my aunt. After seeing my aunt and my uncle had sex with each other in my home. Since I don’t have too many relatives near by often I go to my uncle’s house during my holidays and I spent my time with their child and return. I made many plans to touch my aunt but I didn’t get the right chance first 2 to...

1 year ago
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Cute couple

Hello! I am Jacky from Chennai I am regular reader of iss for recent times. Now I want to present a real story of my life for the readers of iss. This incident happened when I was studying my college it was a rainy season my uncle’s house was some 5 kms far from my house. They often come to my house during Saturday & Sunday. they had a child at age of 5. This time while coming to my house they left their child in grandpa’s house. By 7.30pm at night the rain starts and it was heavy too on that...

3 years ago
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Cute Attorney Gets Frisked

© Copyright 2003 Kelly Logan drove home from an all day legal seminar, and was upset by what happened at the end of the seminar. Kelly thought back to when she went to get some finger food, and a glass of wine after the seminar ended. Kelly tried to forget the nerve of this D.A. out of some insignificant flea spec town. He stood very close behind her, and Kelly felt crowed. She tried to ignore him, but standing in line he would constantly tap her on the shoulder, and kept up his inept...

1 year ago
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Cute neighbour gives me some help around the house

I live next door to a stunning 18 year old beauty. She has brown hair and green eyes, with a knock out C cup rack, thin tanned body and long legs. I'm 29 and good friends with her parents. One weekend last month my girlfriend was away with work and Samantha was doing some garden work for us. She was weeding the flower garden when I took her out a glass of lemonade. I was standing behind her admiring her firm ass. Her short shorts rode up enough to show the crease between her butt and her legs...

First Time
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cute neighbor

This story happened to me when I was studying in my college. I am 26 years old now this happened when I was 18. I was seduced by neighbor she was 4 years older than me. She was 22 finished her education [email protected]

First Time
2 years ago
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Sophia Continued Pt 01

Part 1. Barbara’s Story — Edited This story is a continuation to a story by Castlestone. Sophia’s story begs a continuation and conclusion and my efforts to contact castlestone have met with no success. I note from one of the comments on the last story by castlestone, that he may have been killed in an accident. I hope that isn’t correct, because it means a very inventive, witty mind is with us no longer. Before reading this story I recommend that the reader read Sophia Parts 1 to 4 by...

1 year ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 16 Mick and Keri Joined For Christmas

The holidays were approaching and I was in a real quandary. What do you get for the woman that has everything? Or can buy anything. Or can rent anything. I kept telling myself that it is the thought that counts. The only problem was that my thoughts we confused. I thought about a dinner or a breakfast. Then maybe a bit of lingerie, but no, Keri looked so good nude that lingerie would not improve the look. What would Keri look good in? What would be a sensible gift? Bingo! Footie pajamas...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Blair Williams Alura Jenson Stepmoms Little Helper

Blair Williams is a sneaky teen who thought she could get away withsex while her stepmom wasn’t home, but boy was she wrong! Just as she began sucking her friends dick her mom walked in. She stayed super quiet and started to play with her mature pussy while her daughter fucked. The next day Alura caught Blair in the shower looking hotter than she did the day before. They ended up bonding and getting wet together in a way that could be considered a little more sexier than just some plain old...

2 years ago
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Fucking Beautiful Gujrati House Wife In Pune

By: Raj202053k Fucking beautiful Gujarathi house wife in Pune, there I arranged my accommodation in a rented house, in which the ground floor was occupied by the house owner and the first floor of the house, which was fully furnished, rented to me. The family of owner of the house was comprised of four members who include the house owner; he was a textile showroom owner, his wife and two children. On the initial stages, the house owner helped us very much to establish my family there and...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 494

Three Ladies in a Sauna Three women, two younger, and one senior citizen, were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound, the young woman pressed her forearm and the beep stopped. The others looked at her questionly, "That was my pager," She said. I have a microchip under the skin of my arm. A few minutes later, a phone rang. The second young woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained, "That was my mobile phone. I have a micro chip in my...

3 years ago
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Breeding the Teachers

A HUGE THANK YOU TO DEMONJEDI89 FOR WRITING CHAPTERS 1-6 OF THIS STORY I woke up early in the morning with a yawn and rolled onto my back. As my mind came to life I remembered it was only Tuesday, so the weekend was still far far away. Waking up and knowing there was another boring day of school ahead didn't improve my state of mind. I sat up slowly and pulled back the covers. I swung my long legs over the edge of the bed and rested my feet on the floor, then I slowly got out of bed and walked...

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