The Second Year and After Chapter 86
- 3 years ago
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Flagstaff, Arizona* July 2 2000 [A Flagstaff, but not OUR Flagstaff]
I'd saved up my vacation time and took it in a huge swath of two weeks. I was fixated on taking a car tour of the American south west, a place I'd never been.
It was hot. Blisteringly hot. The spit evaporated off of my lips as quickly as I moistened them. It was a long way from Atlanta, where I called home. There were salt rings decorating my shirt under my arm pits and around my neck. The windows were down in a futile hope for a little cross breeze. I was passing through Flagstaff on my way south west out of Denver. I was stopped at a traffic light next to one of those big 12 foot by 12 foot louvered air ducts you sometimes see on big buildings. The thing gave a "Chuff" and cold air momentarily bathed my pickup. Then alarms went off.
Armed soldiers came out of nowhere and immobilized the traffic. They were wearing gas masks. All I could think was, 'poor bastards--wearing those in this heat.'. I noticed my breathing was coming fast and shallow. Everything grayed out.
I woke up flat on my back. I couldn't see, I couldn't move. I was so tired. I went back to sleep.
I snapped awake without moving. Gently stretching, I tried to move, and found myself bound to a table or bed of some sort, hand and foot. Thirsty. I raised my head and looked around. The sheet covered only one leg and my groin. It looked like I was wearing some sort of form-fitting garment that was covered in dark green scales. I felt a shiver cover me and watched the scales over my chest flex. Christ! it was my skin! What the hell happened to me?
I have to admit, I panicked for a bit and threw a fit, but being tied down it didn't do a bit of good. Soon I calmed down and tried to learn from my environment. White ceiling tiles. Recessed lights. I was in some sort of ward, with others like me tied down to either side and what looked like across from me with a walkway down the middle. No windows. No equipment such as a heart monitor. I saw other rolling gurneys to either side of me and in a row across from me. We were being warehoused--but why?
I heard a nasty buzzing sound as the door at the end of the room released. Mag lock. Two big guys in red-stained surgical scrubs unlocked the wheels of the next bed closest to the door and wheeled it out. One of them used a mag stripe card pulled through a reader to open the door. They didn't treat whoever was on that bed very well. A nasty part of my snake brain said "autopsy". If they don't kill you before they dissect you it's called vivisection. Things got personal, fast.
I looked down at my arms. I'd seen the scales 'ripple' when I shivered. Could I make them stand up? Were the edges sharp enough? The cuffs were made of heavy leather, two inches wide. I'd have to somehow cut or wear them away before I had a hope in hell of escaping.
There was no question about it. I had to escape.
I flexed my muscles, braced, pulled, everything. Finally I did something right and the scales on my arms stood up. I sawed away at the cuffs with long, slow strokes as I watched the little piles of leather shavings grow. When the guards came back for another victim I laid doggo. I don't know how long it took, but I managed to work first one hand, then the other loose of the cuffs. With better leverage I tore apart the locks on my ankles.
I stood and stretched. I saw several pairs of eyes watching me. I quickly went down the line, freeing everyone. I tried to clear my throat and talk but everything came out in a whisper. "Get up, stretch. If you know any martial arts, do some katas. I'm taller, stronger and have longer arms. Get used to your bodies. We're going to need every weapon we have to keep from being dissected alive."
The door buzzed. I ran to hide behind one, and motioned the others to imitate me. The guards both made it through the doors before they noticed the empty beds. I took out the rear one with a kick to the back of the knee and a knee to the back of the skull. Broken neck. The other was taken out by what looked like a Capoeira strike and a heel stomp. I got the security card key free, opened the door and stuck my head out. Black rubber wheel marks leading right. I ran left. The group split up. They were after revenge. I only wanted to escape. Only four others followed me.
I found an elevator, but refused to use it. Instead I looked for the associated stair well. Gotta love building codes. The door opened easily, thank God with no alarms going off. Up or down, which way? I decided to go up. I figured on breaking out onto the roof and hiding near the HVAC chiller while getting the lay of the land. There was no telling where they'd taken us.
Fuck. The roof doghouse opened up on the roof of a four story building in the middle of what looked like a military base.
We needed information. We needed clothing. We needed disguises. We needed food and water. If my face looked like the other guys, there was no way I could pass for human. I led the others back down a floor and into a bathroom, where we all tanked up on water. I whispered to the others, "I think it's the weekend. This building's about empty. The top two floors appear to be nothing but offices. We can explore and look for maps, candy, food, whatever. The labs downstairs might have laundry service--let's go look for scrubs after we check out the top two floors. So far we haven't seen any guards or triggered alarms. Let's keep it that way."
I didn't know why someone else didn't try to take over, but nobody did. They left me in charge.
We didn't try to break into locked rooms. I was worried about alarms. Still, we made out pretty well, as we found a few stashes of ready-to-heat lunches, cookies, water bottles and such. I saw a parking lot on one side of the building with painted lines. Four vehicles were parked there. We found a lunch room on the second floor with microwave ovens and a refrigerator. There were several more heat'n eat and frozen dinners in the fridge. We shared it out. I was amazed at how hungry I'd been. The changes to my body seemed to allow me to go for extended periods without food or water, but I eventually had to pay the piper.
We did a skills inventory.
Me. Terry. machinist. ex-navy, out six years. Carl. Martial arts instructor and commercial truck driver. Joe. Carpenter and mason. Jackleg electrician and plumber. Linda. (LINDA? the bug or whatever didn't do her any favors!) professional cook. Took self defense courses from Carl. Thomas. Gang banger. Soldier. He was the shortest.
It was time to make some plans. The trouble was, we couldn't do much until we found out what happened to the other three that had split away downstairs.
Thomas wanted some weapons first. A bread knife didn't cut it. I agreed. "Let's look for a mechanical room. There's bound to be tools, and maybe keys. Next, we'll look for the street exits and any security. I don't doubt that we'll find something, given the nature of this place. With tools I can probably spring the door to an armory, or go through a wall. Next, I want to clear out the rest of the building, release any others like us and find the group that split off. NO surprises."
The guard's security station was empty. It was set up to check people into and out of the building through a bulletproof pair of doors and a short corridor. We were locked into the building--maybe.
There were three floors below ground. We'd been held on the L2. L3 held the support and mechanicals departments, including the laundry facilities. They had scrubs and sneakers, but no socks or underwear.
We were able to break into the service bay with a metal shop. I was surprised at how complete it was. It held a few nice toys, such as a oxy-acetylene rig with short tanks. Both gauges showed pressure. It would be messy, but I could make short work of any lock I was bound to find in a building like that. A bank vault? Not so much.
A neater solution sat on a metal shelf. It was an angle grinder. A partially empty box of cutoff wheels sat next to it. We were good to go.
Thomas laid his hands on a three foot crow bar and seemed quite happy. Carl found a couple mason's trowels. he sharpened them up on a grinder and gave one to Linda. I grabbed a two pound ball peen hammer and a half inch steel punch. I was out of hands, I found a hand truck and a milk crate. I used a rubber cord to fasten the crate to the hand truck, then loaded it with an extension cord, the angle grinder and cutoff saw blades. We HAD to get into that security office.
We found the other group. They got up close and personal with a couple of guards armed with MP5's. Both sides were down, including what appeared to be our Dr. Mengele wanna be. He'd got his come-uppance. His throat had been ripped out.
I got an idea. I picked up one of the guard's bodies and hung it up against the wall as I stood next to it. "Well, guys? You think the uniform will fit?"
"It might." "Maybe." "Looks okay to me." "Shoulders might be tight."
We stripped the bodies and ran the uniforms through the laundry. The shoulders were too tight, but splitting the seams worked. I had to cut out the backs of the shoes to get them to fit as well. That gave Carl and I decent costumes when covered by armored vests and helmets.
I let the others know my thoughts. "I plan on having one of us buzz people through the security access, then take them prisoner. We'll need a lock-up that we can pull all the phones out of, and we'll have to search them for cell phones. Like I said, no surprises! Eventually someone will have to come in with a van or a pickup truck with a club cab. In this climate, no doubt it'll have tinted windows so people won't easily see us inside. I want to get into that security office for ammunition for the MP5's, too.
We'll be able to use the prisoners as a source of clothing and shoes for us so that we can blend in with civilians. I plan on taking one of the prisoners as a driver to get us off the base. We can take whatever cash they have for gas money. Any idea where we can go to hole up?"
Linda said, "I've got family in Naples, Florida. That's not far from the swamps. We could hide out in the cypress swamps until the second coming and nobody could dig us out, especially looking like this." That got a quick round of agreement. That rang a bell with me. I'd tell the others as needed, but I already had a place picked out.
Well, that got us busy. We grabbed the welder and some flat stock to turn an inner room, the break room, into a lock-up. Joe and I welded barriers across the hallways so that a bathroom was inside the perimeter, then framed up a doorway, built a heavy door and welded in a few hinges. A padlock secured it. Nobody was getting out of there without tools. We stripped all the shelves and took out all the appliances except for a coffee maker, fixin's and cups. There was no reason to be barbarians about this. we left the tables and chairs, and ripped up several sections of carpeting for our prisoners to lay down on. Four layers of carpet isn't a Sealy Posturepedic, but it ain't concrete either.
We found two more MP5-10's in the security office, locked in a cabinet. Enter, angle grinder. Exit, firearms and ammo. I was happy to get all our firearms cleaned.
We almost blew it. About six the first couple people showed up. They were the next guard shift. They didn't see what they expected and things got delicate. We had to take them down by hand. Joe and Thomas waded in and had to break ribs and arms before they'd yield. They were big guys, so we stripped 'em for their uniforms before laying 'em down in the lockup. That got everyone but Thomas in a uniform. He was shorter than the guards. The BDUs wouldn't fit.
The office staff started trickling in by ones and twos. Linda kept a watch out to see who drove what. By nine fifteen they stopped rolling in. Linda had identified the owners of two white vans. One had windows like a small school bus. The other was a panel van. That was the one we decided to take. Joe, Linda and Thomas stripped several of the mattresses from the secured beds we'd been strapped to for the back of the van. Meanwhile, Carl and I went to talk to the prisoners.
They were raising hell. Some were scared and some were belligerent. I started stripping down to my scales. It got real quiet as they watched. "I was born and raised near Atlanta. The government did this to us. They took our livelihoods, our possessions and some of us, our lives. We were all strapped to gurneys in the second basement. Vivisection is a death row offense, but not for the military I guess. They were dissecting us alive, but we broke loose. The guards and the doctor are dead. You aren't. Count your goddamned blessings.
Who owns the panel van?"
A brunette in her thirties gave a tiny little wave. I motioned her to come up to the gate where we separated her from the rest. We took her downstairs to see the holding room and the bloody mess of the dissection room. Down a short hallway lay a square lift gate that radiated heat. A pull chain opened it, showing a bottom grate and gas jets wavering in the dim light. I pointed out all the black wheel marks leading to the crematory door. I asked, "Believe me now?" She had one arm wrapped around her middle while the other hand hid her mouth. She nodded frantically. As I led her out the door she picked her way between the pools of drying blood on the floor. There was a little kitchenette next door. I offered her a chair and a glass of water. She nervously drank, her eyes never leaving us. "What do you want me for?"
"We need a driver. Someone that looks human to get us past the guards and off the base, then to buy for us. Are you willing?"
She asked, What are your names?"
I really couldn't smile any more, but I tried. "I'm Terry. This is Carl. What's your name?"
"Vangie. Short for Evangeline."
I asked, "Well, Vangie, you in with us?"
She took a deep breath, let it out and nodded.
"Great. Now let's see if we can get some cash to work with."
I led the way back to the lockup. "Vangie, tell them. Did I lie?"
She shook her head. "No. There's like an autopsy room down there and a crematory. The burners are lit. You can see black wheel marks from the wheels where all the beds were taken back to the gates and the bodies pushed into the crematory. It's horrible!"
"Vangie has agreed to drive us. I'm going to ask each of you to donate three hundred bucks out of a debit card. If you don't want to, no harm-no foul. We'll only use it once, then cut the cards and dump them. We want to get moving fast, and don't want to leave an electronic money trail, so one shot is it. Debit cards have a three hundred dollar daily limit so that's the cap on your exposure. Who's in?"
Surprisingly, over a third of the twenty-some people agreed to help us. Carl used a clip board to write down the names and pin numbers while I collected cards in a baggie.
"When the downstairs security guards don't check in for their shift someone will come to investigate. That'll be midnight at the latest. Sorry about not feeding you, but there's nothing here to feed you with. You've got water, coffee and access to the toilets. I'll find some spare toilet paper, towels and sheets from the lower level before we leave. We want to be out of this state before the alert goes out for us."
I saw a few nods and a few grumps. I refused to trust this crowd with my life so they were staying locked up.
Someone yelled out, "What about the guards? They need medical attention!"
I replied, "They're part and parcel of the crew that was killing us without a blink. No fucking mercy. It won't hurt a damned thing as long as nobody kicks 'em."
I loaded a tool box, the angle grinder, cutoff wheels and extension cord into the van before we left.
We were slowly making our way towards the main gate when Joe spotted an on-base grocery store. "Hey! Pull up beside that white van! I want to swap plates."
We had new GS plates in a flash. Nobody looks at a government motor pool plate.
Since we were already at a grocery, I asked Vangie to do a little shopping for us. It was just before Easter so picnic hams should be on sale. I asked her to pick up ruck sacks for all of us, five picnic hams, fifty pounds of salt, sixty pounds of flour and four big five-gallon traveling water jugs. While she was out Joe raised an eyebrow at me. "I've got a few ideas on the burner. Camo BDUs and boots for all of us, food and weapons, tarps and rope, trot line and Jon boats. Cots, shovels and water purification. A little generator, power saw, drill, hammer and nails. Like that."
Vangie returned all smiles, towing two carts. "They had this big stack of surplus green duffle bags that were fitted out with shoulder straps. If they're too big we can cut them down."
"Perfect! We'll need big rucks at first."
"I got money out of three cards, too."
"Great! With the money from the guards' wallets that's over a thousand bucks. I got the pin number out of one of the guards too, so that's five more accounts to hit, then we can hit the road."
She'd bought mayo, mustard and bread as well. We all pigged out on ham sandwiches before looking for another ATM.
Leaving the base was simple. The guards were bored and unobservant. Near the university we hit a big Safeway. Vangie tapped out the debit cards and bought six more picnic hams, sixty pounds of corn flour, a tortilla press and six 48-ounce jugs of corn oil, four big poly tarps, paper towels, a couple thousand feet of natural 1/4 inch rope as well as more bread and condiments. A couple cases of Gatorade finished the purchase.
We all praised Vangie for her good work and watched her preen under the compliments. She stopped at a truck stop near the edge of town and used her own debit card to pay for gas. It wasn't unusual for people to tank up on water before heading out into the desert. Nobody really noticed us filling the water jugs. She bought us take-out meals from the trucker's restaurant. I suggested that she pick up a blouse, jeans, underwear and runners at the little shop. She had to stay presentable. By one P.M. we were on the road East with me driving.
It was dark. I heard Linda crying in the back. I pulled over and killed it. On opening the rear doors she was right there, curled up in a ball, crying her eyes out and shaking. I picked her up and sat where she'd been laying with her on my lap.
"What's wrong, girl?" I finally got it out of her. "I'm UGLY! My BREASTS are GONE! I look like a lizard and I HATE IT!"
All I could do was hold on and rock her. After a while I started talking. "It doesn't help, but none of us signed up for this. We've all been crapped on and our lives have been ripped away from us. We can't even show our faces around our old friends and family. It's horrible! It has to be that much worse for you, the way our culture expects so much from women to always be attractive. You're one of us, though. Just remember that. You're one of us. You need a hug? There's not a one of us that'll turn you down."
I tagged Thomas to drive next. I stared out at the receding countryside as I held and rocked poor Linda. We were so screwed.
About four A. M. Thomas pulled over. "Potty break." We all exited the van and stretched. The stars were still overhead and the moon had set. The lights of Albuquerque shone against the high clouds in the distance. Thomas had done what everyone else does when desert driving--he stopped at something that broke up the scenery. It was a billboard advertising Cabela's. We all did the doggy thing, peeing on the posts, then shared out our breakfast of ham sandwiches and Gatorade. "Vangie? Feel like another shopping trip?"
"What? Not up for shopping? Are you crazy?"
"We need fishing gear, ammunition, sleeping bags, cots, cast iron cookery, boots and more."
"Lead me to it!" Linda and I put together a big fat shopping list, including a propane burner, a deep fryer setup and six 5 gallon jugs of frying oil. I made sure that we had trot line gear and jug line setups on the list.
We gassed up near the store and Vangie picked up some take-away from Cracker Barrel for us. We were eating those buttered mashed potatoes with our fingers until we found the plastic spoons. Yum.
We had to set up one of the cots for everyone to sit on. After a trip to a big box store for 100 liter storage boxes we were able to get rid of the shipping materials and free up some room.
I didn't mind so much spending all that money. I owned my house near Atlanta. With any luck at all I could talk my good buddy Dale into swapping the signed title for his everglades property. It backed onto the Big Cypress national park. The tides changed the water level constantly.
Three days later we pulled into my driveway in Covington, near Atlanta. I jammed my hand in between two soffet boards to pull out my reserve set of keys. We were inside and out of view within minutes. I dug out an old painter's canvas tarp to throw over the van, which hid the license plate and truck model. It was good to be able to relax, shower and eat at leisure.
"Vee, if you want to head out now, nobody's stopping you. You've done your share and more. You're our hero, you know. We never could have gotten this far without you."
She blushed and grinned. "You-all got the shitty end of the stick, and not through any fault of your own. I couldn't just stand there and ignore that."
I quietly said, "A great man once said, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Thank you, Vangie."
She smiled and cried a little. "I've got kin in Augusta. I think I'll surprise 'em with an extra chair at Easter." There were hugs all around and thanks, after which we unpacked her van. I made sure to leave her a couple Gatorades and a couple big fat ham sandwiches in a cooler.
After a few days of relaxing I got off the pot and started organizing. I'd never been one to trust banks all that much. I had over eighty thousand in a dirty old footlocker under my workbench. My work truck was a Dodge 4x4 club cab. I had a slide-in camper for it as Dale and I went down to his gulf property every other month or so to do some fishing. We needed a trailer to stow everything. I had to get hold of Dale.
He lived a few blocks away. I dressed for the dark in a raincoat with a high collar, a hood and a ball cap. It was dark when I knocked on his back door. The security light came on, lighting up the back yard like the friggin' super bowl. "Dammit, Dale! Douse the lights!" It was just seconds later that darkness ruled again, but my night sight was screwed. The door opened and I shouldered my way inside. "Dale, it's Terry. You ain't gonna believe the shit I've been through."
... twenty minutes later...
"An you got these fuckin' scales EVERYWHERE?" "Total skin replacement, man. I've got four more people over at my place in the same boat. Dale, it hasn't hit yet, but I can see a manhunt like we haven't seen since the WWII spy scares. We've got to get out to somewhere outside of all developed areas. That's when I thought of you and that Everglades property you've got. I want to work a trade. I sign over my house to you in trade for that swamp land."
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This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...
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Hi, friends, first of all, I am new to story writings. So if there are any mistakes in the story means please kindly let me know. Coming to the story. I am a boy basically of age 25 with normal size dick and with a lot of sexual urges. My job is mostly travel based to nearby areas around Tirupur. So due to this, I was traveling frequently through bus where I got lot exposures of lust. My first experience was during 2016 when my company asked me to visit a customer in Ooty. So I went to...
Hello all! My name is Amanda. I am a 16 year old high school sophmore with a bit of what I guess could be considered a fetish. Because of my fetish, I have managed to alienat myself from the "in crowd" and lost most of my close girlfriends. Before I tell you about my fetish, I should tell you a little about myself. I am 5'4 with dark hair that comes down to the middle of my back and blue eyes. I guess you could say that I have an athletic build which makes sense because I love sports and play...
I stopped. My heightened senses working overtime, listening, smelling, my eyes peering into the darkness checking for anything that could spell danger. I knew this room as well as I did my own, I knew every stick of furniture in it as well as my own. I had spent hours studying the floor plan of this room, watching a ‘fly around’ video of this room until I had committed this room to memory. It was my job to learn as much as I could about my target and where he lived before I went in and got the...
Tracy(A Lamont Story) Dwight Murphy Around ten o’clock on Sunday night, Lamont lay naked in his king size bed after a long day of work lifting boxes. At twenty years-old and six foot even in height, two hundred pounds of muscles, Lamont was worn out and ready to get some sleep before he went to the gym in the morning. He’d gotten off work at nine, came home, and showered. Now he lay in bed with the television on, waiting to nod off. His phone rang. He reached for it and saw it wasn’t a number...
Straight SexHello readers. I am Krishna from Chennai. After completing my graduation, I started working in a software company for 2 years. After some time they asked me to relocate to Bangalore for some project work because I was the critical resource and the client trusted me. So I moved to Bangalore and got a rented house in the city outskirts. In that house, I was staying on the 1st floor and the landlord was staying on the ground floor. It is typically an old-style house but maintained really...
IncestHoney Do By Fringold Sixfingers "All is as planned master." A little imp with a rather large, and disgusting grin, stood before an old man on a throne. The man, dressed in robes of purple with trim of gold and silver, slouched with a staff draped across his lap. The naked imp tried to control his eagerness. His failure led to dance. "I have done as you have instructed. Now, even Gnar, hero of Beleth and hero/warrior of the sorceress Tenre, cannot stop your plan." "Good," the...
Xxxxxxxxx The man with a French accent asked over the phone, “Can we make a booking with you for next Saturday afternoon? Your abilities and prowess have been highly recommended by some mutual clients. We are from France and we are in your country on business. We run a very successful fashion business and we have just done some huge deals with some of the big stores here. And we are bilingual and bisexual. The day after that we are returning home. And my partner loves having two men at the...
Chapter Four Hitchhikers, some give them a lift, some don't. Some swear they are the scum of the earth, some say they are angels walking about us to fulfill dreams. Lonely again from my blowjob adventures of two days ago, (I had sucked a cock at a glory hole two days ago and had mine sucked as well.) I passed a pier with two lovely ladies standing on it. As I passed by I heard them say how they loved New Orleans, if only they had a way to get there, nothing that offered fun would be passed by....
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always looked at my 23 year old sister in a sexual way. My sister is about 5'4" 34b tits, brunette with tan body and belly button piercing. It was July 14 my sisters birthday when it all started my parents had gone on vacation the beginning of July for a trip to Europe for a month.So it was my sister and I, well on her birthday my sister went out with her friends to a couple of bars for some drinks to celebrate. While she was gone I a 18 year...
IncestPart 5: Practicalities At long last Charles heard a key rattling in the apartment door, signalling Dorothy's return. She walked into their small office with several bags and a big grin when she saw Charles. "Good choice!" she complimented him. "That colour goes well with your hair." "Erm, thanks," he said, not sure how to take the praise. "You've freshened your lipstick too," she said, looking more closely. "How can you tell?" he asked in a strained voice, even more...
Yesterday (20 September 2018), I did something that I've been nervous to do for the better part of 5 years. I've been crossdressing for a while now.. Maybe since 2011.. Not always as extreme. Its been a fun and topsy-turvy journey till now. Yesterday, yesterday i took a big step forward, in my opinion.So my campus is on a mid-semester break for the week 17/09 to 23/09. During this break, i was required to go to campus to collect some test scores. I was all set in the morning of the 21/09 to...
Hi all. This is the very first time I have ever written a story on any sort of TG fiction site. I hope my debut will be successful enough to encourage me to write more. Thanks to all my favorite authors who inspired me to write this little addition to the S2K universe. TgMaster's S2K Story By TgMaster "Hi there, mister. Sorry I'm late; traffic was terrible on the way over here. You must be the reporter for the Fictionmania newsletter; here to report on the recent S2K bug...
I must confess that I had always fancied him. Mr Smart was my maths teacher, and in my all-girls high school he was very popular. This was partly because he was always relaxed and casual with us older students, but mainly because he was just so hot!He stood just over 6 foot tall with a slim, athletic build. He had a dark brown mop of hair with a long fringe. It brushed the top of his startlingly long eyelashes which framed a pair of brilliant blue eyes. What made him even more tempting was that...
First TimeWhat a fucking fantastic time to be alive! There are so many porn sites that you explore instantly on the net. Your ancestors must be jealous of the time you are having. They had it rough in their time because porn was scarce.Well, the latest addition to my website, ThePornDude, is Porn Frames. The platform features so much content that it’s literally impossible to go through all the videos on the site. Of course, if you are some fucking sex machine, then might you have a chance. But then we’d...
Porn AggregatorsKyle began his actual flying lessons immediately, as per the agreed upon schedule. After several weeks, even though he was capable and confident enough to solo, Gary denied him that opportunity. "You just don't have enough experience in flying in lousy weather, and I 'm not going to let you get up there by yourself and suddenly discover what a thunderstorm is." "I hear you. I'm in no hurry. I know that I can fly this plane, but you're correct. I can fly it in nice weather. Now I need...
Trish couldn’t sleep. It was gone two and she had work the next day but somehow she just couldn’t unwind. Harry lay there like a balustrade, inert and snoring. She cuddled up to him, her hands slipping down his hairy belly and between his legs, with out thinking reaching for his penis. It was flaccid. She let go of him and rolled onto her back trying to clear her mind. She had had a bust up with Jenna, her step daughter, earlier that day, well yesterday now, about seeing boys. In the heat of...
She turned around and leaned over the bed with her large breasts hanging down in front of me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “good morning STUD” She was playing with me so I reached up and grabbed a nipple and said, “good morning SEX GODDESS” Her nipple responded immediately with hardness and she looked at me and said, “would you like to take a shower with me?” Another check mark in the life dreams department, I got up and walked into the bathroom with her. She looked at me...
This is Aaliya Sri. I would like to share my experience with you in the first part hot son bangs horny mom. This is the part 2 which I wrote because of my readers compulsion only. This happened after the first night when I and my son fucked. Please do feedback and comment. Ok lets go Im 46. Average color. I am a beautiful lady with a stunning figure of 38-34-42. In the last part my seduction of my son paved way for my desire for long months. That day till morning 4 we both fucked. Next day he...
IncestThere was something different about the house. It was obvious as soon as I walked in the door. The atmosphere was heavy, oppressive. You know that old expression of being able to cut it with a knife? Well, this was it. My mum came out of the kitchen, looking flushed and upset.“It's Uncle Robert, he’s been in an accident,” she said, her voice breaking as she walked toward me.Taking me in her arms, she explained how he had fallen whilst ridge walking with a party of tourists near where he lived...
LesbianChapter 3 I created a new yahoo id for myself : youngbom I knew mostly after 9 pm Nikhil would get online. So did I from my room. I searched for his hotboy and found him easily. “hi” I wrote to him “hi” came the reply “Whats you’re a/s/l” he asked me I was puzzled. “whats a/s/l” I asked “Are you new to chatting” he asked “ASL is age, sex and location” “okay I am 19 year old male from Mumbai” I wrote falsely “What about you” “18 m mumbai” came an equally false reply from my son I thought I...
Note:All characters and events in this story are completely fictional. (This is my first story so I hope you like it.) Liz rang the doorbell to her cute C cup tits. Liz could see Amy’s nipples through her top and found herself strangely aroused by this. “Hi Liz, come on in, Kate’s upstairs, you can go up”, said Amy. “Thanks”, replied Liz, stepping through the doorway. Liz jogged up the stairs and into Kate’s bedroom. “Hi Liz, just put your stuff over there, you’ll be sleeping in hear tonight....
IncestThis we we have the gorgeous Kalie Page with us to show off those amazing natural tittys, the beautiful quirky alone really knows how to get our dicks rock solid over here at Bangbros, Kylie has this mixture of subtle innocence and an amazing body that is a must see! We started outside for some topless sunbathing and too things inside for a real good hard core fuck fest. Kylie was begging for the dick and that she did receive. i hope you fuckers enjoy this one just as much as we enjoyed brining...
xmoviesforyouTiffany lowered the table far enough so that she could stand over Gregory's head. She rammed her cock into his mouth so violently that he began to cough up blood. This only made her more excited and she fucked his mouth even harder. "Take it all you fucking slut! Suck my fucking cock! Suck it harder you fucking ashtray!" He was having trouble breathing but he could still coherent enough to see what else was happening in the room. His wife had made her way to the leather chair behind the desk,...
I held my hands up like I do after scrubbing for surgery. I didn't know where to put them. At my sides would place a hand on the bare thigh of the young girl in her soccer uniform sitting next to me, the one sandwiched in the middle of the car's back seat. If I dropped them in front, they would settle on Tara's legs, my daughter's fourteen-year-old friend perched on my lap. My arms were tiring; I needed to lower them. What I really wanted to do was grab Tara to hold her still, to stop her...
Several authors are coming out with stories based on the song, ‘This Bed Of Rose’s.’ There are two main versions of this song, one by Tanya Tucker with the main character (other than Rose) being a young girl and a version by The Statler Brothers with the main character a young man. Having a choice of male or female for the main character offers many options for variations in the story line. The genesis of this story was an exchange of emails between Josephus and I and we decided it would be...
Mr.Skin! Who hasn't heard of MrSkin (blog)? Well, do you love the thrill of seeing your favorite actress strip nude or get fucked during your favorite movies? Are you the person always eagerly awaiting the next sex scene to pop during your weekly HBO or Showtime series? Then I have just the genre of porn for you. Celebrity nudes! No more sitting through an entire boring episode of some hour-long show just to catch a glimpse of Emmy Rossum’s perky little tits. What if I told you there was a site...
Premium Nude CelebritiesIntroduction: Ben and Ethan want revenge for Sam leaking the naked picture of Ben. Welcome to Beach Photography Part 5: Finale First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the great support, the kind words and the criticisms that have hopefully made my writing better, so that I can entertain you more than before. As always, scroll down to the double dotted lines to get to the action. Ben and Ethan ran down the corridor and out the side door of the school building. They stopped, hands on...
Early June— The club wasn't very active tonight, but Brad knew it would start jumping later. He and Ashley had come early, chiefly because his parents had come early to pick up the girls for a weekend with them. With nothing to do at home, and the itch eating away at them, they'd decided to come see what was happening even before the sun went down. They'd only held off a couple of weeks after their first trip to the Green Door. They'd come here twice in April and had great luck finding...
“May this slave girl who loves her Master with every ounce of her being ask what some of those things might be, Sir?” “Yes, you may ask, but you will only get the answers when I am ready to give them to you cunt, understood?” “Yes Sir! Oh God, I can’t believe how hot and wet I get when my Master uses that deep tone on his little red headed slut and I am not kidding one little bit, Sir!” “So, what you are saying is that it really gets right down into that tight little pussy that belongs to...
Once we were in the air, Jillian walked over to stand behind the young pilot. I couldn’t see her face, but I could see enough of her upper body to tell she has some nice chest muscles under that white shirt she’s wearing. I could see her blonde braid that started high, at the back of her head. I knew her hair was long, I could see the red ribbon tying her braid as it lay over the side of the seat cushion where she sat. I was sitting beside Bailey in the front row of seats when Juliet came...
Raza was getting very skilled at guessing the length of a man’s penis just by watching how he walked, how he acted in public. And foreign to Raza was the concept of rejection– her pick-up strategy consisted of sliding her hand down a stranger’s pants and stroking his cock until he took her somewhere “private” (e.g. behind a gas station) and banged her, and so far it had worked every time. Even if someone caught her mid-fuck, they had either turned a blind eye or had dropped their pants and...
Ryan sat on the bus, fuming. He didn’t look around him, just stared out the window. The note was still crumpled in his hand. He didn’t have to look at it. It was locked into his memory, but he smoothed it out anyway and looked at it. Dear Ryan, I’ve had a lot of time to think over the weekend. I take full responsibility for everything that happened. I am the adult. I did not act like one. I don’t know what I was acting like. But I know that I can’t be around you, and my nieces can’t be...
It was an unusually hot day and I had been mowing lawns and cleaning pools until late in the afternoon. My parents were away visiting some relatives so I was enjoying having the run of the house. I was leisurely swimming some laps to cool off and relax my muscles which were tense from the day's exertion.When I reached the end of the pool, my eyes caught sight of a pair of hairy legs standing on the deck. It was Mustafa. He had apparently been swimming at Abdullah’s house as he was wearing damp...
Gay MaleAbout ten armed Trontigmakader entered the tavern, led by an insectoid in a flashy bright blue and white armor of some kind. “The four Masters declared martial law until we can determine who released the Cleanser beasts from their hold. This place has been identified as a meeting place of the Discrepant Element. You are all considered potential collaborators, perhaps even supplying weapons to these criminals. You are...” A high pitched humming voice screamed from somewhere else. “The Four...
Series 7, Episode 16: Susan Morgan (22), from Loughborough Fade up on a mini-montage of various young people playing tennis – young boys and girls, and teenagers, playing hard, practicing, being coached – at a large complex of tennis courts. A little cutaway to a sign shows us that we are at “The DAN MASKELL Tennis Centre”. We end the montage watching a particular young lady – slightly older, and considerably more ‘developed’ than the other young ladies we’ve seen playing. The focus of our...
"Another late night?" Kourtney asked her sister. Kim had just come home from a club obviously drunk once again. Kim was dressed like a slut. The short skirt was barely covering Kimberly's big ass. Her shirt was open and showing off a lot of cleavage.'What a Slut!' Kourtney thought. 'Would Kim never learn?'"Hey, Khloe!" 'What now?' Khloe thought."I need help with Kim, she's drunk. Help me get her upstairs.""Okay Kourtney, I'll be right there." "Hey Kim, what have you been up to tonight?" Khloe...
"Oh my, that's a beautiful boat. How did it end up in receivership ... and here. This isn't the biggest Marina on Lake Michigan." "Chicago to Mackinac race." "So?" Andrea was curious, "Lots of boats run the race." She was standing back away from the biggest sailboat she'd ever seen up close and personal. Eighty-seven feet with a thirty foot beam and two decks, dual Detroit's, water maker, 250 gallon fresh water, Radar, (near and far) Side looking Sonar, one hundred foot mast,...
Happy to be returning home early from work, Claire wondered if her son had looked up possible residence options for their upcoming vacation, like she had told him to. Ryan’s father had never really been involved in their lives and Amy had taken it upon herself to train her son early in exercising grown up responsibilities.She had brought him up for all of seventeen years with equal parts affection and strictness. Thankfully, the dark hair is all he seemed to have inherited from his father, in...
IncestGoing to the tanning bed is my time to relax. I always wear something easy to remove as I tan naked. So I slipped on a pink dress with nothing under it and headed out the door. On the drive over thoughts of my lover raced through my mind. His smell, his taste, his touch... I entered the room and closed the door. The soft fabric felt like hands softly caressing my body as I slowly brought it up and over my head. He had never left my mind. As I lay there with the heat of the lamps and the air of...
MasturbationMavis lived in a house that was twice as big as ours in a gated community on the west side of the city. We were ten minutes later getting there than we planned and awestruck when we pulled into her big circular drive. Even in black and black, the structure seemed to have a southwestern charm that spoke of old wealth. I guess I’d never asked Mavis about her home and family. Too lost in her eyes. We were met at the door by Mavis, who threw her arms around each of us and gave us a kiss. It was...