Screwing Around a Nis StoryChapter 4
- 4 years ago
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The next afternoon I was informed by Randy that I was to be meeting Mr Sato at 7:00 PM this coming Friday for dinner. Dress was formal. He gave me a card from a downtown hotel with the room number on it. I took it in stride, saying thank you to Randy and set an alarm and a note in my phone. I called Ann and told her to schedule the dance for Saturday instead of Friday.
We talked a while and assured each other that things were going fine. She had a hair appointment for lunch today so we made a date for lunch tomorrow, a Thursday. I talked so much about my car, she wanted to drive it. I said I would let her but it wouldn't be practical to do it on the lunch hour unless she wanted to grab something to eat before we met. We agreed to meet Thursday after work.
Conversations were still on the short side in the office. I would look up and see Randy or Henry looking at me speculatively. They were quick to avert their eyes.
Henry didn't touch me again that night. I didn't say anything. I was still feeling guilty about my affair with Randy. I was hoping I could make amends by meeting with Mr. Sato.
The lunch with Ann was the high point of my day Thursday. We talked like girls will do. I was really tempted to talk to her about my situation with Mr. Sato but finally decided to keep it to myself. Ann propositioned me again, wanting to bring me home. I had to decline, using work at the office as an excuse. I was looking forward to teaching her to drive my Porsche after work though.
Ann turned out to be a natural at driving a stick. She was able to handle the car in an empty parking lot after a few minutes of trial and error with the clutch. I even let her enter traffic and drive to her house where I dropped her off. I had thought of bringing her home but wanted to ask Henry first.
When I returned home that's the first thing I did, during dinner.
"Henry. I was teaching Ann to drive and she picked it up right away. I even let her drive to her house. I wanted to bring her home this evening but I wanted to ask you if it would be okay.
"Baby, you don't need my permission to bring Ann here. I'm sorry that I blew up the other day. I was angry and I say things I don't mean when I'm angry. I would like nothing better than to go back to the way things were. I love you and I what more than anything is to have you happy.
I couldn't resist poking at him. "Thank you Henry. I appreciate that. Does that mean Randy can do me in the office again?"
Henry looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He slowly put his dinnerware down and stood up. He rushed around the corner of the table then and grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms to my sides. I screamed as he started tickling me with his fingers in my ribs. I can't stand that. I was kicking and laughing as he picked me up and carried me to the couch.
He stopped for a minute to allow me to catch my breath.
"What was that I thought you said about Randy?"
"Nothing Henry. Really I didn't mean anything. I was just teasing you. Don't take it so seriously, okay?
"Oh but I do take it seriously. This is my lovely wife we are talking about. You want to see?" He dug his fingers in my ribs again and I screamed with laughter again. I was about to pee my pants. When I could talk again I spoke quickly.
"I'll never do that again. I promise. Please Henry, don't tickle me again. I'll pee on myself."
He changed his hold on me to have a hand on each breast, tweaking my nipples through my blouse. I snuggled up next to his chin and he held me there.
"Your mine Charlie. These nice tits are mine. Your long beautiful hair is mine. Your round little ass is mine and no one is going to enjoy it more than me. Is that perfectly clear Baby?"
"Yes Henry."
If you want to bring a lover home to visit, or for any other reason, be it Ann or ... Well, I think we'll skip Randy, for a while anyway. I'm still a little pissed at him for putting us in this situation. Just remember, you and me, we're a couple.
I could never forget that Henry. I want to thank you for letting me go through with meeting Mr. Sato too. We haven't talked about it but it is going to be tomorrow evening. I'm supposed to meet him at a hotel for dinner at 7.
I know." He said. "I haven't been able to think about anything else all day."
"Don't be mad at me for this Henry, please."
"I'm not mad at you Baby."
"You haven't touched me in almost a week. I was sure that had something to do with it."
"I'll get over it." He said. "Let me work this out on my own."
I took off Friday afternoon. Randy had nothing to say other than, "Sure thing, Charlie." I had my hair and nails done and bought a new dress. It was silver grey, silk, with a deep decolletage. It was slightly longer than a minidress at mid thigh and clung to my figure in all the right places. It was totally backless, being held up by a single tie behind my neck. I had to ballance tying it low enough to cover my ass but high enough to cover my bust no matter how I moved. It was a delicate adjustment.
I drove from the house with just enough time to get to the hotel at 7. I was met by Mr Satos personal assistant when I turned my car over the valet. He was the same young man that was at the meeting in our office.
"Good evening M'am." He said. "It's nice to see you again."
"Please, call me Charlie, everyone else does."
"Thank you Charlie. I'm Jim. I'll escort you to Mr. Satos suite."
We walked inside and passed through a richly appointed lobby. The marble floors were polished to a high sheen. We passed the elevators and I wondered where we were heading until Jim said.
"This is the private elevator to Mr. Sato's penthouse suite."
He entered a code on the keypad and the doors slid open.
I expected to be let out into a hallway, instead, we came out in the middle of a large apartment. Mr. Sato approached and took my hand in a warm handshake. He was dressed in dark grey slacks, expensive looking Italian loafers and a white silk shirt under his raw silk dress jacket. I made a note to buy Henry a suit like it as soon as we had another of his bonuses.
"I am so happy you decided to see me again Charlie. Let me show you around the place. Can I offer you a glass of wine?"
"Thank you, Mr. Sato. I'd like that."
"You must call me Warren. We are going to be friends after all."
"Thank you Warren. You have a beautiful place here."
We were walking through a large living room that had bronze sculptures on modern art tables and beautiful Japanese scenes showcased in simple frames on the walls. There were quite a few of them but the place was not cluttered at all. The high ceiling made it roomy and airy. The far wall was all glass and looked out to a lovely garden in the twilight. I saw a few waist high pine trees out there that looked like they had been growing in a stiff wind for a hundred years.
I hooked my arm through his and pulled myself close. This was going to boost us into the 'hundred thousand plus'IRS category. I wanted to make sure he enjoyed himself. He poured a glass of white wine and handed it to me while telling me about the painting we were next to.
"This is from the Edo period of Japan." He was saying. "It is called the 'Landscape of Fall and Winter' by Sesshu."
I smiled and tried to look interested. When he stopped talking and looked at me I realized he had just asked me a question.
"I love Japanese art."I said. "I'm so glad to finally meet someone that has a real appreciation of it."
That started him off again. He told me how the shoguns collected masterpieces and made them famous paintings just by owning them. I thought how similar that was to the Mona Lisa, when Napoleon hung it in his bedroom.
He pointed to an oriental sword on a stand and was saying how his father was an officer in the army and carried it in World War 2. He picked it up and drew it out of the scabbard. "They kept these things razor sharp."
Of course I had to feel it. "Can I hold it?" I asked.
"Be careful, it really is sharp."
I was surprised at how heavy it was. There was a pattern of bamboo leaves showing in the blade. They were not engraved but rather showing in the color of the steel. He was explaining how the blade smiths did that when it was tempered. I dragged my fingers lightly across the edge to feel the sharpness and was surprised when it dug into my skin. I jerked my hand back with a little gasp. Warren quickly put the sword back and took my hand looking at it carefully. There was a tiny cut, just visible as a lighter crescent of skin that lifted up, but no blood.
"I should get you a bandaid." He said.
"Please don't do that Warren. It's not bleeding and I'm already embarrassed enough."
I drew my hands back to me and he came with them. He raised my fingers and kissed them.
"All better now?"
"Thank you Warren. I think I'll live." He laughed at my poor joke and I smiled and gave him a little hug, pressing my face against his. He was only a few inches taller than I was and had a very smooth shave.
"You smell so good Charlie. Come, lets go to the patio, The weather is beautiful and cool this evening. He put his warm hand on my bare back and escorted me out of the apartment.
Oh, this looks wonderful!" I said. The table was set for two in the middle of a lovely oriental garden. It had a lovely arrangement of small porcelain dishes with colorful arrangements of food on each dish.
"I hope you brought an appetite." He said, pulling out a chair for me.
"I have a present for you Charlie. Please don't hurt my feelings by turning it down." He opened a flat, black box with a double strand pearl necklace laying on a black silk lining.
"It's beautiful Warren. You have to put it on me if I'm going to accept it." I stood and put my back to him, backing a little until I was pressing lightly against him. I pulled my hair around one shoulder and used both hands to hold it off of my neck.
He took a second removing the necklace and getting the clasp opened in his fingers. He fastened it around my neck and gave me a hug when it was done. I put my hands over his and wished he would go for a feel but he didn't.
The meal was excellent. There was no sake for which I was thankful. I had tried it a few times and thought it tasted like kerosene. There were numerous very small servings of colorful, strange dishes. We were only served one at a time. I passed on the octopus. I recognized that one. Jim was the waiter and he did an excellent job. He kept my wine glass filled and was right there when ever you needed him for anything. Everything was delicious.
"Warren.You must compliment your chef. Everything is so good."
"Tell him yourself. Jim is an excellent gourmet chef. Indeed he has many surprising hidden talents.
I complimented Jim and he gave me a little bow.
Warren kept me laughing with his humor. It was fairly cool and before too long I became chilled. I gave a little shiver as a breeze swept past.
Warren immediately jumped up and returned with a long silk scarf. He wrapped it around me a few times and it gave me a surprising amount of warmth. I took his arm as it passed in front of me and hugged it. I pushed his hand so it slipped inside my dress, lightly brushing over my nipple. He straightened and pulled away.
"Thank you Warren. You're so considerate of me."
"Lets take our coffee into the living room. It's a little warmer in there.
He took my arm and we walked back into the apartment, sitting on the couch. Jim was nowhere to be seen.
"I've been thinking of you ever since I saw you in your office." Warren said.
"In my office or in Randy's office?" I teased.
"I have to admit, you are right. That is the picture of you I carry in my mind, constantly. I was resigned to never seeing you again. When Randy came to my office the next day, I realized there was a chance to see you again, even be with you. I do hope this in not going to cause you any difficulties or embarrassment."
"I'm flattered that you like me Warren. This won't cause any problems with my husband or my job. I don't know what Randy told you about me but I have a very understanding husband. He loves me and I love him. Tonight isn't going to change that."
"Yes, Randy said you were happily married. He is very protective of you. He offered me every alternative he could think of. Some of them were so generous, he surely would have bankrupted himself if I had accepted. He almost walked out on me as it was."
"Warren, I am a little confused, why me? With your wealth, good looks and sophistication you could get any lady you wanted to share your bed."
"Let's see." He said. "How can I put this delicately? I haven't had relations with my wife for several years. I can't say it's all her fault. I can't say I've missed it all that much either. When I saw you in that meeting, I was interested. I noticed that you enjoyed the attention we were giving you at the meeting. It wasn't until I returned to the office and say you laying on the couch nude, obviously having an affair with your boss, that I couldn't get you out of my mind. I wanted to look at you again. It gave me an erection for the first time in several years.
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En peru raja. Enakku ippa vayasu 25 aaguthu, enakku kalayam aana muthal rathiri en pondadi kokila en rumukku varathukka wait pannikkittu irukken.. Appadiye malayala sex nadigai reshma mari irupa…antha nerathil ava vantha. “ennadi naam innaikkum pesikkuttu iruppoma allathu oppamanu “naan keeten. Athukku ava “ennaga muthalla enna asirvatham pannunganu “en kaalil viluntu asirvatham vangina appuram pala kodutha, naan pathi kuduthutu meethia avakitta koduthen ava kodichuttu , naan methuva avaludaya...
Life can be tricky, it can also be boring, slow, and repetitive but, most of all, it can be wonderful. I learned the first one while picking up innuendo, a hidden meaning, in my best friend Holly’s jokes. I’m Sarah, and I’m here to tell about a time I had with my friend Holly that turned into a long time of exploration. Holly and I were friends all through our lives, we got our ears pierced together, went o our first dates together, and even made love the first time in the same night, we were...
Hey guys its one and only your sexy friend priya . This is one incident of my school time when we went to tour to shimla. And my storys are 100% genuine storys. So coming back to story . Agar aona meri purani storys padhi hongi toh apko mera bara pta hoga. Humara school ma shimlla ka 4 days tour tha aur humari class ka kafi baccha gya tha. Me and mera 4 dost tha 2 females and 3 males hum sath rehta tha. Darasal tabh tak ma 2 boys sa chud chuki ti aur mujha sex kafi asha lagta tha .Mein jassi jo...
It was a Saturday morning when my husband and I were having breakfast and discussed to organise with his parents to baby sit our daughter so that him and I could have a night out to let loose and have a bit of fun. He called his parents and they were thrilled about having their grandaughter over for the night. At midday I pack my daughter clothes into a bag and then my husband and I went to drop her off by his parents. After a cup of tea and a quick chat my husband and I made our way back home...
Ronni Dunlap swung her purse over her shoulder and stepped gingerly over the mud puddle at the curb. Typical of the bus driver, she thought, he always stopped short of the curb, making everybody stretch to get off. It was either that, or you had to step down into the oily water, and then back up on the curb, which didn't do your shoes any good. The summer weather of the last few weeks was definitely a memory. She pulled her jacket a little tighter and hurried down the street, her irritation...
We arrived back at the camp site in strange moods, Grandad took us to the office and handed mum and me keys to our new rooms, he went straight off to catch up on what was going on. Mum had hardly said anything and just took her key and walked away. I also was sad, it finally hit me about dad but also i wouldnt be seeing lucy and jessie for 5 days now. I got up to the room and was surprised to find that the room was actualy a sitting room, a bedroom, an on suite with walk in shower that could...
My name is John and I am 58 years old. My wife passed way a couple of years ago. Since then I have spent most of my time alone watching porn and jerking off.Then my stepdaughter Julie called and asked if she could move in for a couple weeks since she had just left her husband.Frankly I really did not want to have her around but decided that a couple of weeks would be ok.Julie did not do much but stay in her room on her computer and go out once or twice a week to see "friends".One night she went...
Author’s note: This is a slight revision of Business and Pleasure: Part II, posted on February 13, 2004. I have decided to return to it, fix up the place a little – cleaning up any grammar and inconsistency mistakes it may have had – and hopefully finishing it. Or at least adding to it. So enjoy, if you haven’t already, and write me, even if you have already. It’s your feedback that helped me return, and it’s your feedback that will help me continue. Part III: The Midsummer Night Party Kevin...
I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen staring...
A storm front moved across the Mid-West the night after the Tri-Alpha race, bringing with it wind, cold rain, and dreary skies, a warning that the pleasant autumn weather soon would be drawing to a close. Rain pelted Cecilia's dorm window as she and Jason woke up. The couple canceled their plans to spend the morning walking around the university and having breakfast off-campus. Instead they got dressed and after getting cleaned up, simply decided to have breakfast downstairs in the dorm...
Summer had started, and Martin's folks had left for an anniversary cruise. Aunt Jackie was going to keep an eye on things while they were gone. Martin, Kelly, and Carlo would be home. Aunt Jackie was what you would call a cool Aunt. She let the kids have parties and even let them drink. Martin and Kelly were twins, and Carlo was the youngest.Martin and Kelly shared friends and were quite popular. Since their folks were out of town, their house was the place to be. Aunt Jackie let them...
IncestI woke up early about 02.00 my wife was working ! I was watching Tgirl and gay porn before I went to bed my clitty was rock hard ! I put a rubber sheet on my bed and got some baby oil jell out of the bathroom and lay on my sheet poured loads of oil over my clitty and it ran over my hot hole OMG it felt good I was rubbing myself and got four fingers up my bum! fucking hell I was in a fucking horny mood ! I took two lines of coke and four hits of poppers OMG I was in haven xx ummmmmmm lexus was...
"So you are telling me that the cleaner found her body!!" the detective asked Mr Grady. "That's right!!! She used to live up but told me that she wanted me to shift her to another apartment and she lived in the fourth floor!! I have no idea what's she is doing up here!!!" responded Mr Grady. Mr Grady, a police detective and two other police officers were standing on the hallway of the thirteenth floor of The Goblin. Kim's body laid on the floor, with blood stain all over the...
As I have recounted in previous entries to this diary, once I finished university I decided to go traveling. I spent the months between doing my exams and leaving using my favourite adult personals site to contact people on my route, seeing it as an ideal opportunity to expand my sexual horizons along with all the other discoveries you make while traveling. In particular I wanted to make up for my only, and not-too-spectacular, experience of sex with a woman, which could hardly count as...
Hello friends, today I am going to narrate the story about how I fucked a bank customer. First, let me introduce myself. I am Rahul from Punjab working in a reputed bank. This incident which I am going to narrate happened with me 2 years back when I was posted in a rural branch of the Bank. In that area, there was a school where they paid the salary to their staff through our bank. The heroine of the story, let’s call her Simran (name changed) came to the bank for opening a bank account as she...
"You'll never guess who I ran into this afternoon," I said to Andrea as I arrived home that Saturday afternoon. "Who?" she asked disinterestedly. "Janice LeDane." I'd no sooner got the name out of my mouth when Andrea's head snapped around and gave me a look I don't think I'd ever seen on her before. I'm not sure if it was fear or shock or what. "Oh," Andrea stammered. "What did she have to say?" She looked worried now. I really couldn't understand her reaction. "We sat...
This issue dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and Prosper! Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of... "The TV Guide" You Are Not The Only One To Get Shifted! When the Great Switch happened, and almost all people all over the world were suddenly thrust into the bodies of random other people, everyone - including those of us here at TV Guide - were too busy adjusting to new bodies and the great mess that followed to do...
As the sun peered through the large windows and into the pokemon center's hotel room number three, Noah began to stir through the slog of waking up after a night of sex. Her eyes twirled, head spun in a small circumference, and stiff muscles began to feel reinvigorated life as they were stretched. She looked down upon her nude body to see her Chespin curled up into a ball right next to her. She smiled. “That was a great night we had, little Chessie,” she said as her hand brushed atop her dozing...
I was travelling to work on teh underground and we were packed in as usual. There was a woman right next to me and facing me so there was no way I was going to get a feel of her I thought. It was so packed I couldn’t strap hang and my hands were by my side. The train jolted once and this woman was pushed against me, her tits against my arm and her crotch against my hand. But as the train continued she didn’t move away and then began pushing her crotch against my hand. I looked her in the eye...
You had no idea that I was heading in to see you that day. It wasn’t first the time I had been to your office, but it would be the first time that I stayed longer than 5 minutes. People never asked you any questions. Or me for that matter. But you would never let me stay long enough for them to do so. Of course, I understood why and I never questioned it myself. I wanted you like this since the first time I stepped inside your office. The hard cherry wood desk felt like it was calling me....
She dwelt in the buzz from her ‘outing’ with Roger and the guys for a number of days. The thoughts were constantly with her. She played with herself more, and simply dwelt on it. It was only a couple of days after that outing that she was preparing to go out for dinner. Ned was away at a banker’s thing someplace. She was never sure where exactly these things were. It never crossed her mind to wonder if he was cheating. She also discovered that she didn’t really care. Her chosen clothes for...