- 4 years ago
- 31
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Female novelist in Chicago seeks homely
ranchers to host her for several weeks,
perhaps at intervals over months, while she
researches for a new novel set on a modern
ranch. Will pay for food and lodgings.
Write Skye Brock, Reflection Publications,
1B Sim St, Chicago, Il 99999
Bored at spending Saturday at home by himself, Ryan Hobbs replied to the magazine advertisement in front of him:
‘Dear Ms Brock. We would be most interested in having you stay with us. I’m an avid reader and we are in Wyoming, the heartland of old Cowboy Country. You should be here for calving in mid-February. We have 350 cows so you will see plenty of calves, you can help with haymaking and listen to my husband’s colorful stories. My handsome young son can take you horse riding to photograph antelope and mule deer and capture breathtaking vistas and give you a real feeling of how it is for young folk to grow up on a ranch in glorious Wyoming.’
Grinning Ryan signed his mother’s name Glenys Hobbs and took the letter out to the mailbox at the road for collection and decided not to say anything to his parents.
Two weeks later he collected the mail when returning home with stock feed supplements and opened the letter from the sender who according to the return address was Skye Brock, novelist.
‘Thank you dear Mrs Hobbs. I have decided yours was the most exciting location plus proposal of the thirty-three I received and I’ll arrive on February 12. Please let me know if that date or my arrival is not suitable. Otherwise I shall see you in thirty-two days. I’m very happy you and your family appear to welcome this intrusion. I confirm what I stated in my advertisement: I will pay for food and lodgings and will help out around the place. Affectionately yours, Skye B.’
‘Oh jeepers,’ Ryan huffed. ‘I’ve really done it this time.’
Shaggy-haired Ryan kept putting off telling his mom and then late afternoon on the 12th he saw a red Ford coming up the track.
‘Mom Skye Brock is coming up the track. Best get your apron off.’
‘Hmmm, The only Skye Brock I know of is a new author. How can you recognize the driver from this distance?’
‘Perhaps I really don’t know and it won’t be her and I’ll be saved.’
‘Ryan what on earth are you prattling on about?’
‘Just a minute you might like to read this file,’ Ryan said, grabbing the file from the bottom drawer of the kitchen computer desk. ‘I have to go and help dad shift some bulls.’
‘No wait… I need to know more,’ Glenys said but seconds later heard the backdoor slam and knew he was gone.
Glenys just had time to speed-read the brief correspondence when the red candy Taurus pulled up outside the kitchen door.
‘The little asshole, I’ll kill him,’ Glenys gritted and went to the door but returned to take off her apron.
* * *
Flaxen haired Skye Brock with tired baby blue eyes was stiff after her 1200-mile drive, broken for a motel stop the previous night in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She eyed the house and thought it looked drab but then so did many of the others she’d seen. At least that made it typical.
She looked at the blue sky and the mare’s tails galloping across it toward the heavily snow-capped mountaintops and breathed, ‘Omigod.’
Her smile radiated.
A tall and solidly built woman in a beige jacket with brown faux fur collar rushed out and opened the car door. Skye was a little disappointed it wasn’t like the old movies and the woman was wearing an apron.
‘Greetings and welcome Skye. I’m Glenys Hobbs.’
Glenys then scowled and asked, ‘Skye do you know how to kick butt really hard?’
‘Well that’s the only interesting comment I’ve heard all day and a most unusual greeting.’
‘My son saw you arriving, spilt the beans and then raced off to escape immediate trouble. He’s just given me the correspondence between you and him to read and that’s the first I knew you’d been invited here to stay. He garbled your name and I said the only Skye Brock I was aware of was an author and…
‘You have heard of me?’
‘I purchased your ‘Carey Green’s Crazy Mother’ eighteen months ago and borrowed your latest, ‘The Lake is No Place for Carey Green’ from the library in Buffalo last month. That was before my delinquent son wrote you.’
That was enough to wise up Skye. She clambered out of the car, swiped back her hair back and hugged her angry hostess. ‘Good gracious you must be mad.’
‘I’ll get over it.’
‘Well perhaps you might give me coffee and then I’ll go.’
Glenys looked shocked.
‘No way. We are country folk and hospitality is woven into our lifestyle. The men will bring in your luggage. You just bring your overnight bag and makeup bag through and I’ll show you his sister’s room. Linda married and went away four months ago. How old are you Skye?’
‘Thirty and not married in case that was the next question.’
‘Well I’ll keep my delinquent son away from you.’
‘Are you sure you want to do that Glenys? I am here for adventure.’
‘He’s only just twenty-two.’
‘Oh I know, a deepening voice and spots on his face?’
‘No that stage began and was over when he was sixteen.’
‘Oh. Um so he wrote that reply I received?’
‘Yes the little bastard. He’ll probably claim he was bored.’
‘Well it was written well enough to make me focus. What’s the little shit’s name? Ooops I shouldn’t have called him that.’
‘It’s fine, he often teases or frustrates me enough to goad me into abusing him.’
‘He’s probably bored.’
‘Nothing. What’s his name?’
‘Well I suggest you deal with Ryan when he returns and don’t be bothered by me being an interested spectator. I am researching a family and its rural lifestyle, remember?’
‘Oh yes. Then I promise to really let it rip,’ said the cheery-faced woman in her mid forties who looked powerful enough to toss the visitor over the kitchen table.
‘Um I have tended to spoil him. Ryan was my biggest gift to this family and the conception came so unexpectedly. He’s eight years younger than Linda and his arrival gave Fergie the son he’d yearned for.’
‘Omigod, I think I can see what’s happened. Ranchers on across-generations family land need a son to continue their land ownership, don’t they?’
Glenys sniffed and pushed the bedroom door open wide and she said, ‘You are very astute but I guess you being a writer will be like that.’
Skye glanced into the all-pink bedroom and gasped, noticing the wedding dress hanging above the closet door.
‘Is there somewhere else I can sleep?’
‘Not really apart from the bunkhouse with our three guys. Why?’
‘You haven’t touched this room since your daughter left.’
‘Very astute,’ Glenys muttered, throwing apart the curtains and folding the dress over an arm to take it away.
She turned and smiled, showing great teeth. ‘Change had to come and this is it. If it hadn’t been you it would have been some other houseguest. We use the guestroom as an office and for the pool table.’
‘You’re entitled to miss your daughter and carry your secret you wanted nothing to change.’
Glenys’ dark eyes were shiny as she looked up. ‘Skye darling, it’s going to be a joy having you here with us. You are the same age as my darling Linda and I can tell you know so much. I miss having a female to talk to.’
They heard four heavy thuds on the back porch and Glenys said, ‘That will be Fergie. Only his mom and her sisters ever call him Ferguson. He’ll be now sitting down and you’ll hear two softer thumps as his boots hit the decking.’
‘God you must be lonely.’
Glenys’ chin shot forward and she said she got by.
The door burst open and Skye sat upright in alarm and looked in the doorway and gaped. A man in his thic
k padded jacket filled the doorway, the entire doorway.
Glenys laughed and said fondly. ‘That’s my man. He’s a big boy.’
The visitor had no reason to doubt that.
‘Hi and who is this pretty thing eh, an old friend of Lindy’s?’
‘No Fergie. She’s a writer who’s come to live with us while she researches for her next novel. Greet her like you always did to Linda. Don’t be afraid Skye.’
With incredible easy and a very soft grip Fergie picked up Skye high, held her up and pulled her in and kissed her softly.
‘Welcome to our house beautiful young lady. You grace everything around you.’
He lowered her smoothly and stood away.
Skye, an avid reader, reviewed from memory an often-used phrase found in Victorian literature… ‘She thought she was about to swoon’.
Omigod. Skye was beginning to think she’d landed hip-deep into a literary gold mine. The Hobbs family appeared larger than life and yet reeked of homely authenticity.
‘Where’s that little asshole?’
‘Steady on,’ the giant said, accepting his mug of coffee. ‘If I used those words about Ryan you’d be after me with a broom.’
‘Well where is he? He rushed off to help you shift bulls?’
‘We don’t shift them till Friday.’
Glenys snorted. The weasel. He’s slithered over to the William’s to escape the line of fire.’
She then filled Fergie in and he looked a little disturbed.
‘But why would he stupidly mess around with people like that?’
‘I have no idea.’
‘Do you have the letter?’
Glenys fetched it and Fergie took it to the wall calendar and said ‘Ah-ha.’
‘The date on this letter was a Saturday, the day you and I went to the christening of your niece’s baby over at Casper. He must have been sitting in here alone twiddling his thumbs and being the tease decided to be a little creative.’
Fergie pulled out his phone and made a call.
‘Hi Myra. Could you please tell Ryan to come and face the music?’
‘Oh so he hasn’t told you. Well I suppose in time it will seem so funny and worth relating. Ask him and then boot him on his way. Thanks honey.’
* * *
Skye watched the door opened, wondering what the young guy, who’d written to her and describing himself as his mom’s handsome son, would look like. Well a haircut would be an improvement but he had had strong, well-defined facial features, really great teeth and perhaps he could just squeak in as being classified as handsome. His hazel eyes had a similar intensity to his father’s eyes. She was interested to see which way the scene that was about to unfold would go. Would the son be clever enough to defuse his parents?
It was a no-contest.
‘Mom, dad I’ve been so stupid, such a fool. I’m really sorry for embarrassing you guys. Miss Brock, I’m Ryan Hobbs, the person responsible for this mess but I had confidence in my mom sorting everything out and securing a successful outcome ending with you staying here as intended.’
Skye watched as the guy eight years her junior walked right up to her, spread his legs and said, ‘Here, kick me in the nuts. I sure deserve it.’
She clamped her hand over her mouth in a giggling fit.
His father roared, ‘Ryan get out of this house.’
His mom yelled, ‘No you don’t Ryan. You stay there and apologize to Miss Brock for your unbelievably bad behavior.’
Confused, Ryan sat down on the sofa beside Skye and placed her arm around her and said he was sorry.
She removed her hand from her mouth and said this whole episode had given her more fun and anything she’d watched on TV in recent weeks. She kissed him.
Ryan reached down and placed a hand over her breast and his mom squeaked, ‘Ryan!’
His father roared, ‘Ryan would you please behave.’
‘Yes dad, sorry mom, you kiss really great Miss Brock.
‘Ryan could you please get us all a drink,’ sighed his mom, and that restored calm and order.
Skye thought oh well done Ryan.
‘Nice drive through heartland America getting here Miss Brock?’
‘Yes indeed. You may call me Skye if that’s okay with your mom.’
‘You know.’
‘You ask me properly.’
‘Oh forget it.’
Glenys said yes it was okay but he was not to pester Skye who was there on important research.
Taking the offered white wine Skye asked, ‘I hope you guys don’t mind me asking this but how can just one person cause so must disruption and disorder in a family?’
‘Since Ryan joined our family it’s always been like this,’ Glenys sighed. ‘If it had been a daughter acting up like that Fergie would have adopted her out with my consent.’
After dinner Skye was in her room unpacking when Ryan came in and slumped on to the bed, his feet in grubby socks draped over the bed-end.
Skye, putting away skirts into a drawer, said, ‘Did you used to sprawl there when your sister was in this room?’
‘Yes, almost nightly.’
‘You were close to here I guess,’ Skye asked, having turned on her recorder hidden in her pocket, the remote microphone being pinned to her lapel. This was so she didn’t have to rely on memory recall when logging quotes, thoughts and observations nightly.
‘Yes I always liked her. She was so much fun. She pretended she was my mother until, well until she went to high school I think it was. Then she seemed to grow up.’
‘Would you be in here when she undressed for bed?’
‘Yes I liked watching her fuss around. She was like a moth.’
‘So were you attracted to her body?’
‘Not that I can recall. You must remember she was quite young when this started. It became a routine or more like our little club. And then when I got older and had school homework I would read out the problems and she would discuss them with me rather than answer them outright. She became a teacher you know.’
‘No I didn’t know that. How lovely.’
‘Mom is hoping she’ll get pregnant soon.’
‘Yes of course. Returning to what we were discussing, did you use to touch your sister?’
‘Yes of course but I guess you mean sexually.’
‘Well I can put your curiosity to rest. No we never have had sex and I’ve not touched her sexually. But when I lie here I look at you and think of sex. You’ll have to decide whether you want me to be in this room again?’
Skye couldn’t believe the way her heart was thumping. The jerk was interested in humping her. Then she looked at him and saw how calm he appeared and she felt ambivalent about what he represented.
‘Do you assure me you’ll never seek to have sex with me without my consent, not that it would be offered?’
‘Jeez yes lady, who or what do you think I am? I’ll respect you and you’ll not experience harm from me.’
‘In that case you are welcome to come in here whenever you wish.’
‘Thanks. Is all this stuff part of your research?’
‘It is but please understand I don’t use everything I record, nowhere near it. And it may not be recognizable when I use such information because my form of writing is creative fiction. What I’m collecting is information that may be of use to me when writing.’
Ryan sniffed, screwed a finger into his left eye to remove an itch and said, ‘Why are you here? Really scratching for your next novel I suppose?’
The shock of that hit Skye between the eyes.
She rubbed the top of her nose and said, ‘What makes you say that?’
‘If you were writing a book you wouldn’t be here and I read the library book mom had, although I’d forgotten your name as author, about that dumb chick Carey Green who served six months with the Coastguard on Lake Michigan and the guys kept teasing her because she resented it and she didn’t like going out in rough weather and she didn’t like the DVDs they choose. When it was her turn to choose two dozen DVDs before they sailed, her bag of disks was grabbed wit
hout her knowledge and the disks exchanged back at the depot for the blood and guts ones guys like. She was so mad when she found out and wanted to fight the guy who did the deceitful swap but they all claimed they’d done it and she cried. But it was a good laugh.’
‘A good laugh? Are you aware I was out on the Lake Michigan for a month to research for that novel and they charged me $8000 for the privilege? However when the book was published, and they decided I’d shown the Coastguard up in a good light their chiefs refunded me that money. You are being unfair, those harsh things that happened to Carey happened to me.’
‘Oh sorry.’
‘Ah you are correct on that other count though. The publisher finally rejected my next manuscript that should have been published about now.’
‘Here,’ she said, digging into her bag, and tossing the manuscript at Ryan. ‘You tell me what’s wrong with it. I don’t accept what the editors told me. Fucking dipsticks if you ask me.’
‘Don’t let mom hearing you use that Coastguard language.’
‘What language? Oh god I did shoot my mouth off didn’t I?’
‘I wasn’t offended.’
She giggled and then said would he read the manuscript and tell her exactly what he thought of it.
The next evening Ryan flopped on to Skye’s bed.
She gave a big start.
‘God I’m sitting here in just my panties doing my nails. I thought you weren’t dropping in tonight, it’s 9:30. Don’t you knock?’
‘Not if I can help it. Here’s your manuscript he said, tossing it on to her desk. Show me your tits.’
‘No,’ she said hunching her shoulders.
‘I’ve just finished your draft and I know where you went wrong.’
‘Where,’ she said, turning round and making his eyes pop. She noticed that but made no effort to cover up. They were only breasts.
‘You were comfortable with the dumb Carey Green heroine although her feet were stuck in concrete and her mind had not advanced much since she was in the Girl Guides. But this Zina Mace rings hollow. She processes to be a good-time girl but reading throughout the novel I found her spending most of her time screwing up. I wanted a heroine and I could love and respect and share in her triumphs and yes, a heroine to screw. But frankly this Zina left me limp and even her screwing up appeared faked, I mean unbelievable. I spend most of my time wallowing in her bitching. And then when some action appeared likely the three times she went to a nightclub she fell asleep. Well I ask you. Zina Mace Finds Love is the working title and that title would never had made it to the printing press. On the introduction page you wrote, ‘A Love Story.’ Well she did meet Leo McIntosh and oh dear, what a caricature he was and there was no suggestion he was capable of getting it up tizzy Zina. Neither of them appeared to have heard of penetration. I did well at high school on literary appreciation. I’d give your manuscript three out of five but only because much of the dialogue and scene setting is damn good.’
‘That’s what the senior editor said, that my scenes and the interaction between my characters was excellent.’
‘Well at least your professional assessors appear to have good judgment.’
Skye scowled and said, ‘Um what should I do?’
‘Leave that draft novel aside for some weeks and concentrate on what you’re doing now. Let my kiss your tits and go to bed.’
‘Why do you have to go? You are very interesting tonight.’
‘Because there’s rough weather coming in. The first calves will arrive after midnight.’
‘How can you possible tell that? That’s bullshit.’
‘There’s nothing like a weather change to set females off.’
‘That’s nasty bullshit. No you can’t kiss my breasts.’
‘Your lips will do. Here goes. Goodnight our illustrious young promising author, as mom said some book critics have called you. People might say many author are called that that but hey wait, what about the aspiring young authors who never get such praise pinned to their tail?’
‘What do you mean by bad weather.’
‘Big wind driven snow.’
‘Oh god, I might as well be back in Chicago. I came here to sample the differences.’
He just grinned and left.
* * *
Banging on the window awoke Skye and she almost had a seizure, thinking the house was under siege or something. Then she saw by the torch held under the chin it was that young fool Ryan.
She shot up and window and yelled, ‘What!’ wondering why he was outside and why did he have snow on his hood and shoulders. God it was cold.
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The wind was howling on Friday night and wood fire in the family room fireplace was roaring when Ryan heard a vehicle arriving. ‘Someone’s coming, only idiots would drive for pleasure on a night light this.’ ‘Or real friends,’ Skye said, and left the room. ‘I’ll go,’ Fergie said, burping pre-dinner beer and tucking in his shirt. Glenys heard the noisy greetings and wondered who that could be and her son said one of his dad’s old pals. ‘Look who I have here,’ Fergie said, pushing two young...
A week after moving to live with the Williams’, Skye received a call from the State Department. The Official said Skye and a companion of her choice had been invited to visit China for seven days on a cultural exchange next month, a visit that had been approved by both Governments. ‘But why?’ ‘Because you have significant impact as a writer in parts of China and you will visit four areas where your popularity is significant and at the first of those centers you have been invited to open a...
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This one is quite a read, so sit back and relax with some hot cocoa or something fancy ;)P.S. Again, did not write this myself. Again found by themessengerDay 2 - ThursdayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. He had no recollection about what he was dreaming about. He felt his usual anger towards life and the beginning of the day, but nothing extra, which generally was a good sign for him. He shut off his alarm and got up to head to the shower.When he was in the hallway just about to get in...
This story is about a guy who finds he has the ability to stop time. If you don't like the concept, don't read it.A few things before it starts. There is next to nothing sexual in Day 1. Day 1 is just an introduction to the character and situation, things that are necessary to make the story work. Day 2 is where the fun stuff comes in.P.S. I did not write this story, it's just a story I read and think should be shared with all you xHam people. Enjoy! Originally posted I am sure by Day 1 -...
Again I did not write this. Sadly this is the last one, the person who wrote this didn't do any more sadly. I hope you enjoyed them and you enjoy this last one :)Day 6 – MondayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. His eyes jerked open, but he laid there for a few moments just staring at the ceiling. Then he shook his head and smiled, imagining the day before him. After spending several moments planning out his day, Warren finally reached over, slapped his alarm clock off and headed straight...
Hope all of you are enjoying them :) Day 5 – SundayWarren woke up to the sound of someone yelling. Just waking up, he couldn't make out what was said, but it was more than enough to wake him up. Looking over at his clock, Warren saw that it was just before noon. He pulled himself up into a sitting position and dropped his head to his hands, his head pulsing from having drank the night before. For awhile Warren just sat there. Then his head shot up as he remembered having woken up to the sound...
Day 4 – SaturdayThe sound of the front door slamming woke Warren up. He looked over at his alarm clock. It was 6:43 A.M. – on a Saturday. Why was he awake? His mom never came home this early after her nights out.Warren jerked his head towards his door as he heard the sound of the toilet from the bathroom he shares with his sister flushing.Then the night before suddenly rushed back into his mind, and what he had set up between Joe and his sister. The sound of the door slamming must have been Joe...
It's another long read but I hope all of you are enjoying it as much as I did.Day 3 – FridayWarren was fucking Ms. Burkhart. It was in her empty classroom, her hands were on the board, he was thrusting into her from behind, both were moaning in pleasure.Then it all disappeared as Warren's alarm went off. Warren slammed his fist into the side of his bed, pissed that his dream had been cut off mid-fuck. But only a moment after that, Warren smiled, thinking about how he could make that dream...
This one is quite a read, so sit back and relax with some hot cocoa or something fancy ;)Day 2 - ThursdayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. He had no recollection about what he was dreaming about. He felt his usual anger towards life and the beginning of the day, but nothing extra, which generally was a good sign for him. He shut off his alarm and got up to head to the shower.When he was in the hallway just about to get in the bathroom, he heard his sister shout, “Don't jerk off today, I...
This story is about a guy who finds he has the ability to stop time. If you don't like the concept, don't read it.A few things before it starts. There is next to nothing sexual in Day 1. Day 1 is just an introduction to the character and situation, things that are necessary to make the story work. Day 2 is where the fun stuff comes in. Day 1 - WednesdayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. He had been dreaming about Sarah again. He hated it when he dreamed about Sarah. He didn't even really...
It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...
Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...
TranssexualIn this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- Chapter 1 This bitch sitting in front of me will not shut up. My wife's upset next to me in...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! --------------------------------- CHAPTER 2 I awake to the perfect silence again, the world still frozen around me. I had...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! --------------------------------- CHAPTER 3 A bit later, I still lay there admiring the mess next to me, she's sweaty...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 4 Again I wake, not knowing how long I was out, no indications of time passing in...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 5 After punishing the Bitch for what seems like hours, I'm completely worn out. In...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 6 The Final Chapter After I clean myself up in the restroom sink, I go relax for a...
These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write about. All characters are considered 18+. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. FETISH WARNINGS -Gross pervy sniffing/tasting (armpits, sweat, everything) -Gross bodily fluids -Non-consensual / rape -Face...
DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. I do not condone any of the things I write about! All characters are 18+. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely...
Mary stood nervously on the platform. She had missed her usual train, having stayed back with some friends for a post work drink, and now it was just after nine thirty, and dark. There were fewer people on the platform than usual, probably due to the late hour, she didn’t often ride this late, Jack, her husband didn’t like her to ride the subway at night, he had heard so many tales of women being molested on trains. Mary hadn’t told him, that that had been one of her most precious fantasies....
Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...
The memory of myself as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants of the...
Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...
Mary stood nervously on the platform. She had missed her usual train, having stayed back with some friends for a post work drink, and now it was just after nine thirty, and dark. There were fewer people on the platform than usual, probably due to the late hour, she didn’t often ride this late, Jack, her husband didn’t like her to ride the subway at night, he had heard so many tales of women being molested on trains. Mary hadn’t told him, that that had been one of her most precious fantasies....
I drove a regular route through the Ozarks and frequently stopped for dinner at a little family-type restaurant. Food and prices were good and I got to know the people who ran it. The boss seemed to be a woman they called Grannie, although I wasn’t sure why. She looked barely old enough to maybe be my mom. One night the weather looked grim and I was debating whether to drive into the night. Grannie came over and said she’d just heard from the state police that the roads were getting closed. I...
After talking with Jessica and Jenny for a while, discussion petered out so they said that they would visit me tomorrow. Billy, the other patient in the ward had regained conscious but was still very ill from the anaesthetic. I could feel his constant worry about his loss of income and how it would affect his home loan, there was a chance they could loose every thing they had put into renovating the house. I was still feeling a little out of sorts so I just closed my eyes and relaxed still...
I tried to figure out what was happening, I can't for the life of me remember who I am, how did I get into the fight? My ability to hear thoughts, can I do more than just 'hear' them, the extra strength, did I always have it? The same with the slow motion thing, are these things something I achieved from the blow to my head? My thoughts were interrupted by a distinguished gentleman entering the ward. "Jimmy, how are you feeling?" I sensed this man was someone important in my life. I...
I hope Jessica is a good cook, the grub in here is bland and that's complimenting it, the sooner I'm out the better. Billy in the other bed is starting to pick up a bit, we had a brief chat, he's still brooding about his financial dilemma, I wish I could help him some way he seems a decent chap. Uncle Ron dropped in the following day and I told him about the visit from the cop and what he had to say about Fr Ryan. He told me that the cop was Ray Cook and that he was a good friend of his...
I awoke late the next morning to the sound of the shower running in the adjoining bathroom, Jenny must be getting ready for school I thought, I'll give her a little privacy and then get my own ablutions out of the way. After I had cleaned up I made my way down to the kitchen, Jess greeted me and commented that I looked a lot better than yesterday. Jen was about to leave for school and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips before taking off. "She worships you Jimmy, don't ever hurt her, she...
"Your father, Joe and I married two sisters, Joe married Mary your mother and I married Alice. Mary and Alice came from a wealthy family, their parents were early settlers and they bought up a lot of property locally. Joe and I came from similar although not so wealthy backgrounds. Alice was unable to bear children due to childhood illness that left her barren, Joe and Mary tried for several years to have children but without success, Joe had a low sperm count. Mary and Alice decided that I...
Ron called by and asked me if I would like to come out for a drive and get some fresh air, I jumped at the chance, I was starting to feel hemmed in. Once we were under way I mentioned the bet and the way that the name 'Rimfire' seemed to jump out at me, maybe it was my imagination but I felt confident in making the bet. "The way things have been shaping up Jimmy, I think there's more than an even chance that you could be right, hmmm Rimfire you say, OK lets see what the local bookie's...
There was several bank wallets containing a mixture of bank notes, a quick calculation brought the amount to just under a thousand pounds. There were several documents and a passport made out to the name of Cyril Metcalf. Very interesting I thought, why would he need a passport? I closed the safe and locked it, where to go from here? I mused, I was absently looking at the safe key in my hand, "that's it, if our friend can't get into the safe the money and passport are worthless to him....
"I would say by the look of things it was a matter of self defence Jimmy, but it will be up to the Coroner to make the final decision." Doc Downs arrived and Ray took him up to look at De Vent, when they came back down the doc was shaking his head, "Christ Jimmy, you're turning out to be a one man disaster area, will you try to keep out of trouble after this one?" "It's not me Doc all I do is try to defend myself, my poor old head was just starting to settle down when John gave me a...
Once the notice was placed in the window we bade everyone goodbye and locked the store up. Jenny decided to go to school although she really didn't feel like it, "I've got to meet it head on" she declared. "It'll be hard enough without all the supposition that will take place." On the way home Jess confided in me she was not able to manage the store on her own, De Vent took control once Dad was out of the picture, now she has to face it on her own. She didn't feel confident that any...
Jess gave Ron a call and explained our findings in the safe, he said he would give Ray Cook a call and be right over. They both arrived pretty close together. While we had been waiting for Ron and Ray to turn up Jess had counted the money, "Jesus Jimmy, there's nearly a thousand pounds here, he must have really been helping himself, we definitely have to get that audit underway now." Ray was very interested in the passport, "I'll take this Jess if you don't mind, it might shine a bit...
After we opened the store I was approached by Brian Maskell who handled all of the transporting and stock movements. "Jimmy, could I have a word with you?" "Of course Brian how can I help you?" "In three months time I become eligible for the old age pension, Helen and I are going to be travelling around Australia, we have bought on old bus and converted it into a motor home. The thing is I think you need to find someone to replace me, the three months gives us plenty of time to train...
Jess and I settled back and relaxed, we discussed how things had all come together at the store and kicked around a few ideas for the future. We lunched on the leftover ham with a salad that Jess had conjured up; we then sat out in the sun room with a couple of beers and stuffed our faces. After a while Jess went into the kitchen and returned carrying a couple of glasses and a bottle of Purple Para, a distinctively Australian wine with a deep purple hue and a very meaty consistency,...
Ron arrived in time for tea; Jess opted for a cold collation with a soft tasting sauterne to compliment the meal. When we were all seated I set out my thoughts on the self serve market, the demolition of the old warehouse, and included my discussion with Mr Martin about the sale of his grocery store. Ron's first thoughts were that we might be overextending ourselves, I pointed out that Martin's Grocery was a thriving business and the staff were hard workers, Roy Seath was mainly in charge...
Peace in my head at long last, the people I love know about my 'Gifts" and I've decided I don't want to know who I really am, I'm content to be just Jimmy or 'Super Jimmy' as Jen now calls me. The deal with Martin's Grocery went through, Mr Martin was happy and Ron got us a fair deal. Roy Seath was happy to take over the manager's position. We told him of our plans to demolish the old warehouse and build a self serve market; he had quite a few good ideas to add to the pot. I asked...
That night Jen went up to bed earlier than I did, I decided on a shower before retiring. When I entered my room Jenny was under the sheets with just her head visible. "Jen, you're going to get both of us in trouble, Jess chipped me this morning about you sleeping with me, she had looked in your room and saw the bed untouched, it didn't take much guesswork to figure out where you were." "Jimmy, we aren't doing anything bad, just cuddling." "Even so Jen, your Mum isn't happy about...
The following morning Billy came into work with a smile that just about split his face in two, obviously something big had occurred since yesterday. "Why the big smile Billy?" "Sally told me last night that she's pregnant, I'm going to be a dad Jimmy, old dum dum is going to be a dad." "Wow, congratulations to Sally and you Billy, it couldn't happen to two nicer people. I'm having a birthday barbecue on Saturday, I hope Sally and you can make it, it'll give us chance to drink a...
Saturday afternoon Ron arrived and a few minutes later Sally and Billy turned up in a taxi, good idea I thought, if Billy was having a drink he shouldn't be driving, especially with Sally and expected child on board. I then thought that I didn't remember Billy with his own car anyway. I had received my birthday kiss and cuddle from Jen as soon as we awoke, yes we were sleeping together, Jen had informed me that she would be sleeping with me for the rest of her life. Jess had excelled...
Monday it was back to work, I was the assigned driver, a task I didn't mind, Jess was a careful driver so on the first trip she nervously sat on the edge of her seat, by the time we had reached the store she was beginning to relax. "OK Jimmy I believe you about your other life ability as a driver, I guess a mother always worries about her child's safety but the way you drove this morning my fears are greatly diminished." "Thanks Jess, I intend to take great care with Jen on board,...
With Billy running the garage, it was decided to offer Sally a position assisting him until her pregnancy became too much to handle the work. Sally was overjoyed, not only because of the extra income but the knowledge that we recognised her as part of our team. A big party was planned for Jess and Ron's engagement, because of the large guest list Ron arranged for the hire of the Mechanics Institute Hall, a big hall with supper rooms on the side. The hall was used for dances, weddings and...