Timothy Thunder Cloud Wyoming free porn video

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Timothy Thunder Cloud Wyoming By: Malissa Madison At nineteen Tim Wyoming had dreams of making it big in the world. Growing up on the reservation he'd married his childhood sweetheart, Shirley Fast Water. He got a job driving livestock in between the reservations in South and North Dakota and the Reservations in both Wyoming and Montana. Of course his wife Shirley had to always go along at first, she wanted to see the world. It was after getting his CDL that he got a job driving Army National Guard Trucks from one summer camp to the next, and so their first child, Kentucky Wyoming was born at the Ft Campbell, Kentucky hospital. The first four years after Kentucky was born he studied in his spare time for his GED. Encouraged by one of the young Army Drivers, Old Elk Lightfeather, he'd enlisted first in the National Guard. And then finally in the regular Army as a Transportation Specialist. Tim, Old Elk, Hatchetman, and Snow Falling who would later become known as Snow Man all found themselves in the same unit. Later they met Blackhorse, Flint Rock and Shaggy Bull. The seven were fast friends, always looking out for each other. And the rest of their unit, after finding out what tribes they were from began calling them the 'Seven Nations Cavalry'. There wasn't any place that they couldn't get there trucks into or out of. It was during his time there that Tinder was born, and he felt the urge to return to his home. A seasoned independent driver with a new truck, a wife and two children. But Shirley didn't want a life on the reservation. She had big dreams and their troubles began. Kentucky was more like her mother, always wanting to go someplace, be around lots of people. Tim had purchased the hilltop from the Tribe to build his house for his family, and the arguments began. Shirley didn't want to teach at the Reservation like her Sister Janet. He often came home to find his children alone fending for themselves or across the canyon at his sisters with no idea where their mother was. He came home for Tinder's birthday hoping to surprise his son with a week long run together, all the way out to the west coast. As usual Shirley wasn't anywhere around. Neither was his old pickup. What he found was his ten year old son hiding in the barn, dressed up in his sister's old clothes. He could see the fear in those young eyes as he asked, "And who might you be little Sioux Princess?" sure he was shocked, but unlike his wife his family had stayed closer to traditions, he saw his new daughter as a blessing. He was deep in thought and almost missed hearing the reply. "T, Tina. I'm Tina Wyoming, Daddy," she squeaked in reply. Tim hugged her tightly telling her that it was ok, that he and the tribe would understand. "But not Momma," pouted Tina. "Where is your Momma, and your sister? They should be here with you," he pointed out. "Momma has a job in Casper. I don't know where Kentucky is, she left yesterday in the truck with Mud Cat and another boy," answered Tina. Sure it was the middle of August, but still he was upset that neither of the two were here. He knew that Tinder, now Tina, could take care of herself but that was beside the point. She was only ten years old. Tim called Joseph to let him know to watch for Kentucky, she'd only just gotten her license to drive. But she wasn't supposed to be driving the truck except to go to the store or around the reservation. "Tim she's been around here for the last two days," said Joseph. He called Gladys to see if she was at work and he just missed seeing the pickup when he stopped for fuel. "Tim she collected her pay check three days ago, and I've not seen her since." Part of Tim's deal with her was that if she got a job so she could buy her own gas, he would buy her a new car. He started calling trying to find his wife and oldest daughter. Shirley's parents hadn't heard from her in weeks. Her sister Janet only said, "Tim I'll be by in an hour, we need to talk about Shirley." Tina was busy making dinner so he decided to take a shower before his sister inlaw arrived. That's when he discovered Shirley's jewelry box was missing. He crossed to the book shelf and looked in the little crock jar where he kept his emergency cash, it was empty. He'd just finished dressing when the bank in Sheridan called. 'Now that he was home would he please come in and make the payment on the loan against his truck, and let the service shop do an assessment of its actual value.' "Daddy, what's wrong," asked Tina seeing the stricken look on his face. "I'm sorry there's obviously been a mistake. I own my truck free and clear," he told the banker. "And I have no intentions of using it as collateral for any loan." "But your wife brought us the papers with your signature last month, and the first payment is due on Tuesday. If we don't get that payment we will be forced to take possession of your truck," he was told. "I'll be there, but it won't be to make a payment on any loan that I didn't sign." He slammed the phone down. "Daddy?" He wrapped his arms around Tina and held her until Janet arrived. "Did you know what she was doing?" he asked. "She told me about her new job, yes." "I mean about the loan against my truck?" he said. "The what?" asked two voices. "She took out a $50,000.00 loan using my truck as collateral. She forged my signature," he was shaking with anger. "Oh my god, she wouldn't," but Janet already realized her older sister was capable of anything. "Why would she need that kind of money? We have money in the bank if she needed it that badly." He looked at Janet, "I'm sorry, you said you needed to talk about something?" She looked nervously at Tina before she answered. "I know where she's working in Casper. But you aren't going to like it, she has an apartment there too." "How did you find out?" he asked. "She gave me her new address to mail Kentucky and Tinder's school records too," she fidgeted around a bit until Tina went to check on dinner. "She's working at the Midnight Rose, but she isn't a waitress." "The hell she is," Exploded Tim. "Daddy?" Tina was frightened. "I'm going to drag her ass home where she belongs," he said as he pulled his boots on. The Midnight Rose was well known Strip bar close to one of the Truck Stops. It was also a very popular hangout for lot lizards and drug dealers. "Tim, don't go when you're mad," advised Janet. "Are you saying I shouldn't be mad? She forged my signature to get a loan on my truck, rented herself an apartment and she's working as a Stripper. And god only knows where my oldest daughter is," he suddenly sat back down in his chair, the weight of the situation settling on his shoulders. "I'm sorry Daddy, I'll go change," said Tina. But he caught her arm gently. "Baby girl, I am not mad at you. And if this is who you want to be, then I am very proud to tell the world that you are my daughter," he told her. Looking at her in amazement he finally asked, "How long have you been my secret daughter?" "Three years Daddy. But only at school, because Momma got mad when she saw me. So I change in the barn before the bus gets here." "I think you've been a girl trying to escape into the world for a long time," he hugged her. "K, Kentucky always said you would understand. I just wish she was here." "I do to sweetie. Did she say anything about where she was going?" he asked gently. "She, she said she's going to be a movie star. She took the money out of the jars too so they would have some to live on," she finally told him. He decided for Tina's sake he would wait until morning to go after his wife. It wasn't long before his sister Agnes showed up with Tommy Red Eagle close on her heels. "Tim, she filed for divorce. You were out on the road for two weeks, so she had her lawyer get with Tommy Red Eagle." Agnes told him. "She's going to try to take half of everything, including the house," he told Tim. "She hired Douglas Sands in Casper." "Tommy I need you to go with me to the bank in Sheridan. She took out a loan against my truck with a forged signature." "You don't use the bank in Sheridan," pointed out Tommy. "I'll have George White Foot go with us. He can verify it isn't your signature," Tommy was busy calling the reservations banker. "I need to deposit my Consignment check anyway," Tim said. They made arrangements to meet the next day at diner, then it was just him and Tina. "I'm sorry Momma's being this way Daddy," she told him as he tucked her into bed. "Honey, none of this is your fault. But I'm not going to let your mother take you girls away from me," he kissed her forehead. It was six AM when he woke up to the sound of a car and pickup pulling up in front of the house. "Just be ready in case he gets violent. I hadn't expected him to home yet," Shirley was saying to someone before she opened the door. "I'm just getting my children and we're out of here." "Tim?" she called out. "I'm here for the kids." He stepped out of his room and crossed to stand in front of her. "You aren't taking my children anywhere," he growled. The big black guy stepped into the house then and he saw that he was a Natrona County Deputy. "And you best step your ass back outside, you have no jurisdiction here." Shirley started to go past him and he put his hand out to stop her. The Deputy jumped forward only to meet his haymaker before falling backwards through the door. "Shirley, get out now before I toss your ass out," he warned her. The Deputy drew his revolver, and Tina screamed. "You are under arrest for assaulting a Deputy," stated the Deputy. "Tim," he looked past the Natrona County Deputy. "Do you wish to press Trespassing Charges against this guy?" he heard Joseph ask. 'I am a Deputy Sheriff," said the Deputy still waving his gun. "Not in this county you aren't. This is Sheridan County," said Brent Fisher the Sheridan County Sheriff. "But more importantly you are on the Reservation." "Tinder get your things we're leaving," said Shirley. "No, I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm staying with my Daddy," she ran into her room and locked the door. "Where's Kentucky? Kentucky, come here, Momma wants to talk to you," called out Shirley. "She isn't here and I have no idea where she is. But if you'd been here where you belong, you would have known that she ran off," said Tim. "You're accusing me?" "No I'm telling you the facts. And since you have filed for Divorce and established your own residence you are no longer allowed to set foot in this house without me being here," he told her. "And at nine I'm meeting with my lawyer and the Ranchester Savings and Loan President. And then we're going to see the President of the Sheridan Bank about a forgery on a loan that you took out against my truck. You aren't going to get anything that isn't already yours. And since you have a job I don't owe you any support." He had his hand flat on her chest pushing her back towards the door. The Natrona Deputy rushed forward with his gun still out and Tim backhanded him. The gun went off, the bullet grazing Tim's arm. Shirley screamed in shock before Tim leaned in and said, "Get the fuck out of my house before I really decide to defend myself." "Shirley, this is where you leave the premises. Deputy Morgan, you are under arrest for aggravated assault on a home owner in the privacy of his home after being told to leave," stated Joseph. As he took his revolver away from him. "Jessie, I'll post your bail," said Shirley. "What do you have that's worth that kind of money to use for bail?" asked Tim. "Everything of joint ownership is tied up in the divorce." "You think I'm stupid enough not to open my own account and make sure I had enough to live on?" she countered. Now Tim smiled at her. "I sure hope you weren't stupid enough to take it out of the Wyoming Trucking Account." "No you wrote me checks which I deposited," she wiggled her fingers at him with a smile as she got into her new Audi to follow Joseph to the Tribal Police station. "Tim, you really need to have that seen to," pointed out his longtime friend, State Trooper Frank Collins. "Besides I'll need the doctor's statements to go with my report. "Frank, I'm not riding in a squad car, I'll drive myself. Come on Tina, I don't want to chance your mother coming back for you while I'm at the doctor's." Nothing was said as Tina climbed up into the truck wearing a short skirt and 'Daddy's Princess' T-shirt. He left a note in case Kentucky came home. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shirley was still in the process of trying to bail out her Deputy boyfriend when Tim finally met with the Sheridan Bank President. His signature records and even copies of his most recent signature were compared to the signatures on the loan and the checks that Shirley had written as she tried to drain both his as well as the joint bank accounts. Now both banks were filing forgery charges against her. She was really pissed when the Bail Bond Company called to tell her that her check had bounced. Jessie Morgan was being returned to custody in Natrona County to await his trial in Sheridan County. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They'd just hit the open road on their way to make Tim's regular Route. "Tina, do you want to drive for a bit?" he asked his daughter on her Eleventh birthday. He knew that she knew what day it was, but he was hoping to get her a bigger surprise. She hugged him as she slipped into the driver's seat. Out of kindness, he allowed Shirley to use half of their joint account to pay off her debts so she wouldn't end up in jail. Part of which was the loan against the truck. But there was still a part of him that loved the woman who had given birth to his children. The court had ordered that he allow her one weekend a month visitation with their 'Daughter Tina', at his discretion. She'd argued against allowing her son to become her daughter. But of course the legal name change was on hold until she reached fourteen. Now he sat in the passenger seat catching up his log books as she guided the Beast down the interstate. She'd actually begun calling it the Beast, and the name stuck. Two hours later as she pulled it into the truck stop at Cheyenne, someone called out, "Yo Beast is that you?" "Hey Snow Man, long time no see," he called back. "So who's the pretty princess behind the wheel? Is that Tina?" "Yes Snow Man," she giggled as she took the mike. "Tim I'm glad I caught you. Have dinner with me and I'll tell you about a special contract I got hooked up with," he said. In the diner were Old Elk, Flint Rock and Shaggy Bull already waiting for Snowman. As he sat down Tim asked, "What are those Snowflakes on your cab for?" Snowman grinned. "Each one of those was worth a hundred grand. They only give them out to drivers who make the Ice Runs up in Alaska." "Hundred Grand a run," said Blackhorse as he joined the group, his new wife JoElla right beside him. Tina was listening to everything and growing excited. "There's only four regular runs a year," said Snowman. "But they need drivers like us. I told the coordinator I would try to find a few more drivers like myself who take driving seriously." "When's the first run?" asked Tim. "Yeah and what kinds of restrictions are there?" asked Old Elk "It's real simple. If you can drive a truck and have a seasoned veteran vouching for you, they don't bother to look at your driving record or your age," Snow Man winked at Tina. "The only time they look at licenses and qualifications is if you're hauling fuel. But especially the JP-4 which goes all the way to the Air Force at Prudhoe Bay." "We could finish paying off my truck," Commented JoElla. "Hell count us in?" said Blackhorse. "We'll make every run then I'll buy you that house." "Daddy, are we going too," asked a pretty young teen two years older than Tina. "I'm still deciding Lorelei. Go tell your Momma to hurry and join us," answered Old Elk. "Elk?" questioned Tim. "Fox is driving my second truck, and teaching Lorelei to drive." "I thought she was Smoke Rising's Apprentice?" asked Tim. Now chuckling Old Elk said, "Actually she has four. So she lets Fox Drive with me when she has a chance. And Otter and Swallow take care of the kids." "That's right you have three wives," grinned Flint Rock. "So when is the first run?" asked Tim. "November sixteenth, you'll need to bring your own chains though," advised Snow Man. Now the others were grinning. "Like they aren't already in the chain lockers." "Elk," began Fox as she entered the diner behind her oldest daughter. "Tina!" she rushed forward to hug the girl she'd last known as Tinder. "Look at you, such a pretty Sioux Maiden." After everyone had been greeted Fox asked, "What's going on my husband?" "We're taking two trucks north in November," said Old Elk. "Lorelei will be your Co-Driver and Shyhorse will be mine. Unless you wish to let Otter drive this time." She looked across the table at Tim and Tina then smiled and said, "And miss a chance to see Alaska?" "Tim you're taking Tina right?" "Please Daddy," she looked up at him. "The first run is pretty easy. Well for us anyway," Snow Man said. "It's the other three that get hairy." They visited some more and then a waitress came and told Tim that he had a call on the radio. Someone named Joseph Lighthorse needed him to call right away. "Tim, you need to go out there. We'll watch Tina if you want," offered Fox. "And we'll make your delivery for you." "I'll have Otter bring another truck and pick up your trailer," offered Old Elk as he sent his wife a questioning look. Tina sat worried waiting as Tim made the phone call. She watched as he wrote on a pad of paper. Then he was hurrying back to the table. "Tim?" asked Blackhorse. "They found Kentucky. She's in Juvenile Detention in Los Angeles County. And my pickup truck is in the police impound yard about to be auctioned off." There was something else he wasn't saying. "How long has Shirley known," asked Fox? "Six months, they contacted her in the middle of the Divorce and she never said anything." He dug a hundred dollar bill out of his wallet and handed it to the waitress. "Put that toward everyone's tab. "Tina, let's go see your sister." "Which way are you going?" asked Old Elk. "I-70. We have a stop in Denver and then in Grand Junction," he said. "I'll have Otter meet you at Grand Junction," said Elk. "Thank you Brother," they gripped forearms. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They dropped the trailer, and helped Otter hook up to it. He noticed how much Shyhorse had grown since he'd last seen him. then he gave Otter his delivery schedule, and handed her his extra expenses card. "We'll stop in and pick up the trailer on our way back," he told her. "It will be at Brightfeather's unless you want to trek all the way out to the farm," said Otter. "I think it would be nice for Tina to see a really big family that's still traditional." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They stopped along the way and he bought Tina some new clothes. He also let her drive some more noticing how much she enjoyed it. It was late afternoon when he pulled into the Los Angeles County Juvenile Corrections parking lot. The guard at the gate told him that deliveries were around on the other side. "I'm here to visit my seventeen year old daughter," he told him and was finally given a visitors pass. Tina stayed close to him as they went through the process of getting to visit with her. As they waited he finally got to read the reports as to why she was there. He was also happy to see that they were making her do school work so that she would at least have a High School Diploma when she was released. "Daddy!" she rushed into his arms crying. "I knew you would come and get me out of here." "Kentucky, I'm sorry but I can't do that. I've asked and talked to everyone since we got here. You were sentenced to two years for the things you were doing. Things that were highly illegal," he told her. "I'm sorry Daddy, please believe me. I didn't know what kinds of movies they wanted me to make," she was crying harder and it was almost working. "I'll still be pretty enough to make movies when I get out though." He hadn't told Tina everything about why her sister was here. He'd also been wavering as to whether or not to ask Judge Billie Long Fork to accept her parole transfer. Then he saw the scars on her fore arms from the needles. Those combined with her desire to get back into making movies made up his mind. Another year here with the schooling and Drug Rehab he hoped would do her good. he certainly didn't want her here, but he didn't want to see her life ruined or let her ruin Tina's without trying to get her the help she needed. He left her and Tina visiting under the watchful eyes of the guards while he went to talk to the authorities. He'd seen other young detainees running around in normal clothes and wearing makeup, where she was wearing Juvenile Corrections issued clothing. "Mr Wyoming, I'm sure you understand how expensive it is to run the kinds of programs we have here. When she is released she will owe the state roughly $2400.00 in restitution for her stay. That is of course if she continues to work in the kitchens while she is here," he was told. "Those girls wearing regular clothes have parents who are paying the State two to four thousand dollars a month while they are here." "How do I make those kinds of arrangements? Look I love my daughter, and I was all set to get her out of here but then I realized she needs the Rehabilitation as well as her education. I don't want to see her end up dead or strung out on drugs." He called and made arrangements for a weekly payment to be made from his Wyoming Trucking Account to her Juvenile Detention Account. She just had one more year left before would be released on Time Served. They wouldn't be able to visit very often but he promised to visit as often as possible. After they left he enquired about Mud Cat and the other boy she'd left with. Mud Cat had overdosed but they hadn't known who to contact. The other boy turned out to be twenty five and doing hard time for producing, and trafficking in Child Pornography, as well as dealing drugs. As much as Tim wanted to go beat the living shit out of him he knew it wouldn't do Kentucky or Tina any good. He called his in-laws and made arrangements for them to fly out and visit with Kentucky now that they knew where she was. After they picked them up at the airport, Tim let Carol take Tina to visit with her, while he and Red Wolf paid a visit to the Chino Prison. When they discovered why Tim was there, the guards were all too happy to arrange a visit. It was the busiest time of the day, and the visiting room was filled with other prisoners. "Ok, I don't know you man, but at least I get out of the block for thirty minutes," he began. Though they were separated by Plexiglas, the guy was still handcuffed to the counter. Tim leaned all the way up to the divider and in a very menacing voice said, "My name is Tim Thunder Cloud Wyoming. And you better prey to every god you can think of that I never find out you're outside these walls. And not just because of what you did to my sixteen year old daughter you piece of shit. But for all those ten and twelve year olds you had in those movies with her." Dead silence fell across the visitation room, and the guy turned white as he tried to back away from the divider. "If you ever set foot on another reservation, they'll make sure you suffer for weeks before they leave you for the scavengers," added Red Wolf. "And that isn't a threat, it's a promise." They walked out, Red Wolf saying he wished he could get his hands on him. "Dad, he'll be lucky if they put him in solitary confinement. There are two things you don't want to be in prison, a cop or a child molester. And child pornography is the same as being a molester," Tim told him as they walked out past the guards. "Were there really girls that young in the movies?" asked Red Wolf once they were in the truck. "All I got was the ages of the girls and boys involved. But yes there were." He drove to the Juvenile facility so that Red Wolf could visit with Kentucky. Then in the motel he made arrangements to have Mud Cat's body returned to his parents so they could have closure. Not because he felt he owed it to them, but because he would want to have closure if it were one of his own children. Then he called Snow Man. "I'm in," he said. "Just let me know what I need to bring with us." They talked a bit and he had a list of things he needed to do to have the truck ready. When Tina joined him, bringing him Cashew Chicken that his in-laws had stopped to get she saw the list. Then noted that there were pedal extensions written down, she began to really smile. "Daddy, do I get to go with you?" "Yes you do baby girl, yes you do." "Look, Gramma bought me a Diary," she was showing him. "I can write down about all the places we go to and stuff."

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The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...

Love Stories
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 20

Sunday morning Jerry drove to City Hall with Bill and Jenny in the car. Restored cars lined the road on the side of the street on which the City Hall stood. The street was closed to allow people to walk around and look at the cars. It was hard to see the cars because of the crowds of people surrounding them. “Lots of people here,” said Jerry looking down the street. This was his first time to come to one of these events and he was rather impressed with the turnout. An officer stopped him...

4 years ago
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YelloweyeChapter 8 Echoing Thunder

Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease. “Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?” “Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to...

3 years ago
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An Unforgotten Thunder Night With A Saint

Hi I m Rajesh. This is a true story of mine how I turned to a bottom gay. This girly feeling started from my adolescent boyhood at the age of 18.This happened long ago but it changed my life always having an urge of getting my tight asshole fucked by different strong irony top gay.Then I was 5’ 5” high with slim body weighing 45 kg and narrow waist and wiggling high hips and 32” soft chest exposing tiny male buds like undeveloped boobs., I was then reading in class IX in a city high school...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Summer Thunder

It was Jan who heard it first. We were sitting outside my father’s store, the three of us, just sitting and nursing our sodas. Jan had a cola, and Sally a root beer, and I was rolling the taste of orange over my tongue. The liquid was fizzy and cold, which was good because this was summer and the air was hot. And there we were, the three of us, eighteen and watching the day go by, talking and gossiping and giggling. There was a little breeze to break the heat, not much but some, and it felt...

2 years ago
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Thunder and Lightning

A crate arrived at the home of Miss Tina. It was unusually large and heavy andhad to be carried by four men. When the men had left after she had given thema tip, she opened the lid and beheld quite a sight. Inside were two women tiedup in very uncomfortable positions. Their feet, which were dressed in ballerinaboots without any heels, were behind their heads and tied together there. Theirarms were in rubber gloves that ended in fingerless mittens and tied behindtheir back in reverse prayer, so...

1 year ago
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Cloud Meadow

CloudMeadow! Have you ever found yourself jerking off in the middle of the night, only to find yourself wondering why there isn’t an XXX version of the indie game Stardew Valley? If that’s what you are thinking about, first of all, go pour some fucking cold water on yourself. This is an innocent farming game, you sick bastard!Apparently, it did not stop Team Nimbus. The result is Cloud Meadow. I have to say; it feels like they actually fucking pulled this off. But to call it merely an adult...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Forced Feminization of Cloud

Cloud was slowly returning to his senses. He knew it wasn't good idea to infiltrate Don Corneo's mansion in the female clothes. It was Aeris who made him wear them. They almost managed to reach their goal, but when they break into Don's room, that fat ugly mobster used some kind of gas to turn the tables. Cloud did his best to fight, but that damn gas put him into sleep instantly. He found himself still in this same, blue dress that Aeris bought him before. He was sitting on the...

3 years ago
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Maidification of Cloud

Cloud entered the room deep down the Shinra building. He thought he knew this place, but he was wrong. He was parted with the rest of his team. Now, lost in the maze of corridors, he was wondering where to go. Then he found this door. This very, very unlucky door for him. "Oh, a new one?" He heard a voice. Room was looking like some kind of laboratory, with test tubes and specimens on the wall units and some strange machines. But these things weren't catching his attention as much as...

3 years ago
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Thunder and Lightning

It was frustrating, I could sometimes see into people's minds, and sometimes I could plant things into their mind. It was very difficult and as yet I had no control, it would take plenty of practice if I was to get it right. As I was lying on my bed, I was thinking of my gift and how I could achieve some kind of control over it. The house was silent around me as I lay there, listening to the sound of a distant storm approaching. I could hear the sound of muffled thunder slowly getting louder...

3 years ago
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Thunder Island

Thunder Island is the most beautiful of the coastals. It’s still beautiful, in spite of now being filled with condos, motels, gigantic mansions and tourists ... it’s classy and scenic and just fabulous. You are a lucky motherfucker if you can afford to live there. The foliage is still thick and rich, with red cedar, oaks, loblolly and longleaf pines everywhere. The businessmen that turned the beauty of the island into money were careful, at least, and much of the natural beauty of the place has...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 6 Thunder on the Water

We took Thunder out as soon as the rudder was repaired. No one still had any idea how it had gotten smashed. I wasn’t there, so I’d probably never know, but everyone involved had gotten a good lesson in being slow and careful when moving a boat or ship near an immovable object like a quay. While Jono had gotten the crew and supplies together, I’d gotten the missile-launcher installed and its crew trained and ready. We were only carrying a dozen missiles, but they were all the same size,...

2 years ago
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Timothy Ki Payari Bahn Susan

Ahhhh!! Meri payari bahn susan, timmothy ne susan ki wrists ouskay head ke ooper deewar ke saath dabatay huwe kaha. Susan ke geelay baaloun mein mojoud ouske shampoo ki mahak buht alluring thi aur tim ne literally aik long moment use kertay huwe ous scent ko inhale kiya aur ouskay asar mein mudhosh ho gaya. Susan bila shubah buht aggravated nazar aa rahi thi aur tim ki grift se bach nikalnay ke liye apnay badan ko wiggle kar rahi thi. Ousko yeh ehsaas ho raha tha keh ouskay geelay badan se...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 31 Rain Cloud

The fight went out of me. The life seemed to go out of me as well. "No..." was all I could say, and not even very loud. I looked over at Amy and saw the tears in her eyes. She looked shattered as well, terrified. And she'd tried to protect me from it. She knew. There were two of her staring at me though. It looked weird. I shook my head and then there was only one Amy again. Then there were two again. I squinted. My eyes. Something wrong with my eyes. Maybe this was a delusion! Maybe ... I...

4 years ago
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Thunder in the Desert

Alex pulled himself another agonizing inch up the steep wall of the gully. Just a couple more feet and he would be safe, but every breath felt like a knife plunging into his side where his rib had been broken. The rest of him was in no better shape, either. His left eye was swollen shut, and the flap of skin hanging from the cheek beneath it left bone exposed. There was hardly an inch of his body that wasn't deeply bruised and gouged by the chains with which the motorcycle gang had beaten...

2 years ago
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In the Cloud Chapter 01

I was Mommy’s only child. We lived together in a house outside of town. I took the school bus to school. My earliest memories are of Mommy holding me and speaking softly. I don’t remember what she said, but I remember how wonderful I felt. As I got older, and started school, I found out some of the kids had two parents, some like me had only a Mother, and one had only a father. Kids are what kids are and comparing parents, and why yours was best, was one of our favorite occupations,...

4 years ago
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A Season of Darkness Chapter 3 The Cloud on the Landscape

A SEASON OF DARKNESS CHAPTER 3: THE CLOUD ON THE LANDSCAPE (1) 1. I have this pet theory that adults and children come from different planes of existence. I mean, they occupy the same Cartesian space and everything, but they seem to inhabit totally separate realities. You probably couldn't write a dissertation on the subject, but if you think back to your own childhood, you'll realize it has to be true. A child's world is huge and bright and wonderfully unpredictable; a place...

3 years ago
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Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder 3rd BCT Hazier, a 28 year old commander of the 3rd BCT flick his wrist to the left as the turret of his Puma command CFV whirled into position. He locked onto an insurgent’s PT-91 Main Battle Tank, his thumb depressed onto the button that let out a burst of 30mm cannon fire from the Puma’s main cannon. The Rim-Cat CFV’s SABOT rounds found their mark detonating the first tank kill of the 3rd BCT, again Abner Espinosa swung the turret of his combat vehicle acquiring a new target...

2 years ago
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Stealing the Thunder

‘I now pronounce you man and wife.’ Zachary Crane applauded with the others as Meredith Trinette Levine—well, Meredith Trinette Chambers now—threw her arms around her husband and kissed him soundly. Across the dais, Christa Sternbacher grinned, clapping as best she could around her bridesmaid’s bouquet, behind her, Arie had simply tucked hers under one arm. He couldn’t see Derek because he was behind him, and Sajel and Jane and everyone’s parents were tucked into the congregation somewhere,...

3 years ago
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Thunder Refuge

The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...

2 years ago
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Thunder Fucked or Virgin Storm

It whooshed out of my mouth in a harsh whisper, “Oh, my god.”My front row seat let me see every detail even in the flickering tiki torch light. She owned the outdoor stage. Her hips swished back and forth, her stride sensuous grace. Her long chestnut hair, glowed a burnish bronze. The hot humid night fueled my desire and the girl was walking lust.I poked at my buddies arm. “Larry…. Larry, look up there.”He was sitting next to me but his attention was focused on the buxom blonde seated next to...

4 years ago
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Thunder in Hell A Dirty Western

Thunder in Hell – A Dirty WesternRebelmanCopyright 2012ISBN www.RebelmanWrites.comIllustrations by Marcos ZenfoldChapter 1 - Lou Robs the StageLou looked both ways down the narrow road that the stage would be traveling. He checked the tree again, for the twentieth time, and made sure the rope was ready. There had been only a few passers by during the two days he had been here and he wasn’t too worried about being noticed. The large tree he had cut three quarters of the way through was not...

2 years ago
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Thunder at the farm

Ken, Sara and Elaine had a wonderful summer of discovery and lust. They discovered that they loved each other. They had sex for the first time. They fell in love. The voyage was coming to an end. Ken was off to University of Massachusetts Amherst to live in the Towers. Sara and Elaine were going back to finish high school together. They had been together all summer. They played together, shared long walks together, slept together and loved together. They had sex with each other. Now it was...

4 years ago
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Thunder Bay Fantasy

She stood at the edge of Eagle Canyon looking down over a sturdy wooden railing. Denise could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her breathing was fast and labored. Most people would suspect she was a little wore out after hiking to this suspension bridge. But in reality, Denise could still me inside her. She was till tingling from orgasm after orgasm that had just occurred a few feet into the woods. She was waiting for me to come out so we could walk across the 600 foot bridge and...

3 years ago
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Stealing the Thunder

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Zachary Crane applauded with the others as Meredith Trinette Levine—well, Meredith Trinette Chambers now—threw her arms around her husband and kissed him soundly. Across the dais, Christa Sternbacher grinned, clapping as best she could around her bridesmaid's bouquet; behind her, Arie had simply tucked hers under one arm. He couldn't see Derek because he was behind him, and Sajel and Jane and everyone's parents were tucked into the congregation...

4 years ago
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The Sound of Thunder

As a young child I remember being sick. I suffered from a severe fever that simply wouldn’t go away. One morning I woke outside on a hilltop, watching the sky bolts dance above me as the rain and mist came down, cooling and calming me. When the torrential rains came down they seemed to fall all around me but left me comfortable where I lay. My mother found me after dawn and, in a panic, gathered me up to her chest. She felt that I was sickly-hot. I felt the fever rising once more. So did she....

3 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 27

In two different cars, Jerry, Jenny, Henry, Bill and Abe pulled up in front of the auto-detailing shop to pick up the Camaro. It was the first time Jerry was to see it since he had been shot and he could hardly wait to see how it looked. Eddie was waiting for them next to the car, but he didn’t look nearly as happy to show off this car as he had been with the truck. The paint job was amazing. Using the dark on dark technique that Eddie had used for the truck, the scene of a lightning bolt...

2 years ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 11 Thunder

Christine stared sullenly out of the train compartment's window. "How can this be happening? One moment, I am in a state of sheer bliss and the next, I awaken to find myself feeling utterly embarrassed by knowing that Helen witnessed Erik and I in a compromising situation. I cannot believe that Helen saw us. I cannot believe she saw the passion that Erik and I shared. Yet, she says nothing about it now. How did she find her way into our dream? And, as if Helen seeing us were not bad...

4 years ago
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In the Cloud Chapter 02

David was my only child. We lived together in a house outside of town. At this point in our lives, he was growing up no doubt. All you had to do was buy shoes for him to know it definitely. He was rambunctious as all kids are, maybe a little too competitive and rebellious, but I had grown up that way too, and it had gotten me an academic scholarship, awards and respect in my profession, mathematics. I had David when I was young. I’d like to say he was a ‘love child’, but he was more of...

2 years ago
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Cloud Nine

Closing my eyes I lie down on my bed, the feeling of relaxation comes over me as I start to slowly drift off to that one place I know I will always be with you, the place where we can be together as lovers, where the streams run never ending cool water, the hot sun shining everyday and at night the stars shine down and light up our lives, ‘Yes, cloud nine that place I call yours and mine.’ Before I open my eyes I can feel the heat on my body, I look up and all around me is blue sky, birds...

4 years ago
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Neha With Rocky On Cloud 9

Hi everyone, This is Neha (name changed) Mine is love marriage and had a peaceful life after marriage. My husband Viki (name changed) works for a big IT company here and travels US very often. To satisfy my sex urge i used to finger myself. Even with fingering, there is little dissatisfaction. That’s when I got a lesbian friend in my gym.. She is little stout and we used to explore all kinds of sex.. It continued for 3 months and we both were very happy and satisfied. Unfortunately she got...

2 years ago
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TBP Under Cloud and Under Star

Under Cloud and Under Star By Radioactive Loner [email protected] Copyright 1999 It was a bad part of town. In another life, I might not have noticed this. But, nevertheless, this ground was considered sacred, holy soil. Few predators dared to tread here. And those who did were quickly disabused, both by those within and those they hunted with. Neutrality fiercely fought for and *earned*. It had been a very long while since I had set foot within the Fifth Street Shelter. I...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Saint Cloud

Flashback to my freshman year of college. I was leaving home for the first time and was really nervous. I was just coming out of a relationship and I was ready to start dating again. In August, I moved into my new home in the dorms at Saint Cloud State. Move in day. August 25. I was driven up by my dad and we unloaded my stuff. On my way down the stairs I ran into one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met. Natalie Gothberg. Five foot ten, long auburn hair, tan skin, a nice set of c...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Me And My Cousin Sister In Cloud Nine

Hi, this happend between me and my cousin sister two months ago.As I said it is my first story forgive if you find any narration abstracts’. ( about me ) I am normal guy 21year old as all do I also used to go gym daily and maintained my body.And girls do like it. And height of 5’10 ” (About my cousin ) her name is anju and she is very pretty girl.With future of 34:28:36. She is very cute girl and attractive thing in her is her eyes and lips.They are so sweet to life chocolates. this is my...

1 year ago
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Lila Cloud

The town close to where I live use to be a thriveing town. But today it is almost a ghost town. A few businesses down town are left. One of them is a long time bar and they have good bar foods. I stopped to get a sandwich and some beer. I drank a beer as my food was prepared. I got my second beer and my sandwich I layed money down to pay my tab. I left my money lay on the bar as I ate. I was not paying attention to anything but my beer and food. Behind me and to the side a voice came forth ,...

4 years ago
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Thunderous Elevator

Thunderous Elevator Ride   Copyright 2008 By Ms. Cleavage http://adultbedtimestories.tripod.com     I have just checked into my hotel and am about to go up the elevator to my room while standing in the lobby waiting for the pair of stainless steel faced doors to open.   The bell rings with each floor it stops at as I wait for it open for me.  A long flight to Vancouver from Montreal and all I want to do is get undressed, take a shower and get into bed.  I have a very busy...

3 years ago
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Thunderous Elevator

Thunderous Elevator Ride   Copyright 2008 By Ms. Cleavage http://adultbedtimestories.tripod.com     I have just checked into my hotel and am about to go up the elevator to my room while standing in the lobby waiting for the pair of stainless steel faced doors to open.   The bell rings with each floor it stops at as I wait for it open for me.  A long flight to Vancouver from Montreal and all I want to do is get undressed, take a shower and get into bed.  I have a very busy...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Not A Single Cloud Part 1 Take Me Like Your Coffee 6

"What's the worst that can happen?" asked Pete, poking his head trough the hatch leading onto the roof. It was a wonderful sunny day, not a single cloud in sight, probably one of very few days like that left this year. Pete hoisted himself up onto the roof with no effort whatsoever. His big arms, by now glistering with summer sweat, flexed and reached into the hatch to pull up another boy onto the roof. Fair to say that the other boy, called Yann, was nowhere as well built as Pete and really...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Daddy watched my Sex Video in the Cloud

I stood atop the cistern, aware it might crack, and aimed my S4 camera on the ensuing action in the next cubical, giggling as Julie was all noise and bodily contortions, the guy who was fucking her, was looking and giving me the thumbs up.As I watched I could feel my own cunt crave some of that big cock, strange really, back in the pub there was ample cock to go around, and I would have no problem attracting offers, but here in the 'Ladies', one guy was fucking one and enticing another.Julie...

3 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 17

As the smell of coffee filled the house, Bill came staggering out of his bedroom rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning with a muted roar. Despite being sleepy, he had been looking forward to this day for a long time. At long last he was getting his cast removed. He glanced in the kitchen, not wanting to go into the cold room but it was difficult for him to resist the coffee and the French Toast. Bracing himself, he went into the kitchen and sat down at the table where Jerry had set a...

3 years ago
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The cloud

The rain had been falling non stop for three days. Roads were flooded making it almost impossible to move about. Most businesses had stayed closed because of flooding, the school was still open but most of the kids wished it was closed, the local river was overflowing, the pumps at the chemical factory were coping with the flood waters, that was the official statement released by the management of the factory but many local people suspected the pumps were not coping and when the alert sirens...

4 years ago
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Jeffs Cloud 9

Dear journal, It was my first time working at an exclusive ‘club’ like this. Beautiful women came here to be made famous. It was an image-building site where their lives and activities were planned out, even to who they would be seen with in public. They paid nothing for this ‘service’, unless you counted the surrendering of their free wills to their managers, their owners, for the attainment of their dreams of fame, stardom, love by millions replacing the love of one, that sort of thing. ...

2 years ago
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Cloud 9

Carrie was in the shower,cleaning up after working in the garden. She had already washed her hair,her body was all sudsed up and she was standing there rinsing off under the hot,steamy spray. Her boyfriend,Pete,was away on a construction job and wasn’t due home for several more days. Boy,she missed him alot. She had quite a surprise for him when he came home. She was so horny she couldn’t stand it. Carrie was facing the shower nozzle,her head back and eyes closed as she let the steamy water...

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