Mother Training
- 3 years ago
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Karen’s Bitch Training
An attractive but frigid young woman kicks her husband
out of the house. She is soon a victim of the same
young black man that is abusing her teenage daughter.
This is a very rough story, not for the feint of heart.
(Mdom+/Ff, nc, intr, rough, b**st, s&m, bd, ws)
I was sitting in my dark living room sipping on a mixed
drink and fuming. It was nearly midnight. Because my
fifteen year old daughter had been caught sneaking out
in the past I had checked her room before I went to bed
and found that she was out again. Now I was sitting in
the dark and staring at the clock on the VCR and
waiting for her to come home so that I could kill her.
Well, not really. But I was furious and she was going
to know it.
In the last year it seemed like my entire life was just
going to hell. My husband and I had split up. Well, I
kicked him out. All we ever did was fight anymore. We
fought about everything. We fought about money and sex
and the best way to raise our teenage daughter. We
fought about the house and the cars and the bills and
my shopping habits. But mostly we fought about sex.
Towards the end neither one of us seemed to have a
civil word for the other.
I would like to be able to say that our problems were
entirely my husband’s fault. That would not be
accurate. I realized even while it was happening that
it was mostly my fault. Not entirely. But mostly.
I can’t tell you why I made no effort to even meet him
half way. It isn’t that I didn’t love him anymore. I
still love him and I think that he still loves me. We
just couldn’t stay in the same house any longer.
I have to admit that I have nearly spent us into the
poorhouse. I must be one of those compulsive shoppers.
I spent more money than we had every month and the more
my husband yelled at me about it the more I spent.
As for the sex, I have never been very fond of sex. It
always seemed so dirty, so demeaning. In the beginning
I kept my feelings to myself and did what I could to
make it pleasurable for my husband. But soon after our
daughter was born I lost all interest and it became
more difficult to allow myself to be used that way. And
long before our relationship had devolved into a good
imitation of the warm up to a bout of professional
wrestling I had become untouchable. I have to admit
though that once the sex stopped altogether it was a
relief for me. I miss having a man around sometimes. I
miss being held and having someone to cuddle up to. But
I don’t miss the sex.
After a particularly loud and mean spirited argument
one evening I insisted that my husband leave and not
come back. The second thoughts didn’t start until he
had been gone for a few days.
We both have lawyers now. We are going through what
they call a trial separation. Our daughter is staying
with me but she blames me for the breakup. We are only
just barely able to be in the same room long enough to
eat dinner.
Lori is two months away from turning sixteen. She is a
beautiful girl in the body of a beautiful young woman.
She is intelligent but far too headstrong. Her
resentment since I threw her dad out has begun to
fester into open hostility. That hostility has lead to
fights that are reminiscent of the arguments that I was
having with her father before he left. She has become
all but unmanageable. She has started to dress like a
slut and on several occasions I have caught her
sneaking back into the house after midnight. If I
didn’t need the c***d support money that I’m getting
from her father I’d send her off to live with him.
Unfortunately my job doesn’t pay well enough to support
my shopping habits without the extra money I get from
I am only thirty-two and I’m not ready to let myself
go. I have a great figure and it is important to me
that I dress well and that my wardrobe is stylish and
current. My job as a secretary isn’t the most
satisfying or high paying job but it was the best that
I could do when I started working after Lori entered
the fourth grade. Since I didn’t finished high school
and I had never worked before I was pretty darned lucky
to get that job.
I finally heard a noise at the front door and I heard
my daughter sneaking in. I was all ready to start
yelling at Lori. I didn’t know what else I could do to
punish her. She was already grounded but she ignored
that. I had taken away her cell phone but she bought
another with her own money. I have no idea where she
got the money.
I waited for Lori to come in so I could let her have it
but she didn’t. I heard noises from just inside the
front door and I realized that she was with a boy and
that they were making out by the door.
I lost it. I stormed through the living room and into
the foyer and when I saw the boy she was with I started
screaming at them. Boy! Young man was more like it. He
looked like he must surely be in his twenties. It was
hard to tell though. I’m not that familiar with black
people. It was hard for me to judge.
This young black man had his arms around my fifteen
year old daughter! His hands were on her backside and
they were kissing, if you can call it that. It looked
like they were trying to swallow each other! It was the
most disgusting thing that I had ever seen.
I shrieked at them. I grabbed Lori’s arm and jerked her
away from that a****l and when he turned to face me I
slapped him as hard as I could.
I screamed at him to leave my house immediately and
demanded that he never speak to my daughter again.
He stood there rubbing his cheek with his hand. He was
glowering at me and towering over me. I suddenly was
struck by just how large he was. He was at least six
feet tall, probably a couple inches taller than that.
He must have weighed well over two hundred pounds and
there did not appear to be an ounce of fat on him. He
was wearing a dark t-shirt and his muscles stuck out
all over the place. His arms were huge.
Still, despite his rather amazing physique and his
advanced age relative to my daughter, I was not yet
aware of the peril I was in. I was in my house and he
was the young man sneaking my daughter home at
midnight. I was the mother and I was in charge. It
wasn’t until I saw the look in his eyes that I started
to feel uncomfortable.
He dropped his hand from his cheek and I saw the fury
in his face and I realized at last that I was not in
control here. I tried to bluff. I yelled at him to get
out before I called the police. When this threat
elicited nothing but a sneer from him I knew that I was
in trouble.
I was just about to yell at him again, to demand that
he leave. Before I could open my mouth Lori pulled her
arm out of my grip and in a disturbingly quiet, calm,
somewhat mocking voice she said, ‘Mother, I would like
you to meet Kevin. He is my boyfriend. I guess you
probably got that impression when you saw us.’
Kevin and I were staring at each other in a battle of
wills that I was starting to feel myself losing. We
stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an
eternity before he said, ‘I am going to overlook what
you just did because I realize that you don’t know any
better. But you are going to experience a lot of pain
if you are not a fast learner bitch. You don’t ever hit
me. You don’t hit any man. You don’t every raise your
voice to me. You do not raise your voice to any man.
Your daughter was right. You need to learn your place
in the world just like she did.’
I gasped loudly and exploded, ‘BITCH! Don’t you dare
come into my house and call me a name. How dare you!
Get out! Get out this moment!’
The next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor
holding my face and gasping for breath. He had hit me!
No one had ever hit me before. Never! Not once in
thirty-two years had anyone ever raised a hand to me. I
was too shocked to even cry!
I sprang to my feet with the idea of attacking him and
scratching his eyes out but somehow I found myself back
on the floor rubbing my other cheek. I never even saw
him move his arm!
I screamed and jumped up again and the next thing that
I knew he had my arm twisted up behind my back and he
was holding a handful of my hair and I was powerless.
Kevin slowly lifted my arm higher behind my back until
I stopped struggling. I started to scream at him to
release me but as soon as the first syllable left my
lips he lifted my arm even further and my scream turned
into a cry of pain.
When I was finally subdued he pulled me close and
calmly said, ‘You were warned bitch. Now you are going
to have to be punished.’
He turned to Lori and said, ‘I need some rope. Do you
have any?’
Lori, as calm as can be, replied, ‘I think there is
some in the garage. I’ll get it.’
As she turned away I called out, ‘Lori! What…’
That was as far as I got before Kevin lifted my arm and
cut me off. He leaned forward and with his lips right
at my ear he said, ‘Hush bitch. You are finally going
to learn your place. It is a shame that people have
spoiled you this way. You are such a pretty bitch.’
I stood there, helpless and in shock as his lips moved
lightly over my neck which had been exposed by his firm
grip on my long, blonde hair. I started crying quietly
but I think that I was crying more from the frustration
I felt at being so totally helpless than anything else.
I wanted to scream at him to take his hands off of me,
to take his lips off of me. The nerve of this young
man! But until he turned me loose I didn’t dare make a
I was feeling so violated. I was violated by his very
presence in my home. But now, to be held helpless while
he brazenly kissed my neck! My god! This verged on
being ****!
****! As soon as the word flashed through my mind I
shuddered. Surely he wouldn’t! My daughter was here. He
was her boyfriend. No. He wouldn’t try that.
As if he was reading my mind the hand that was holding
my hair in its firm grip suddenly released me. Kevin
still had my arm twisted up behind my back and I could
not move. But his free hand now came to rest on my
shoulder before sliding down to cup my breast.
I struggled for only a second before the increasing
pressure on my arm f***ed me to stand still as this
young black man who had come into my home and
effortlessly overpowered me gently but boldly began to
caress my breast through my blouse and bra.
I moaned as the horror of the situation I was in
finally began to sink into my brain. I don’t know if
Kevin mistook my moan for something that it wasn’t or
if he was just being facetious when he leaned his head
down and whispered, ‘Be patient you sweet little bitch.
First I have to punish you. Then will come the
I shook my head violently and in not much more than a
loud whisper I said, ‘No! No you can’t!’
In response his tongue came out and lapped at my cheek
like a dog might. Then he chuckled and said, ‘You will
learn bitch. Soon you will learn not to say no. You do
not ever say no. Not to me, not to any man. I’m going
to teach you. I suspect that it will be a painful
lesson for you. But you will learn. Your daughter has
learned. She is much happier now. You will be much
happier once you have learned your place.’
Lori came back into the foyer with her hands full of
rope. She saw her boyfriend’s hand on my breast and
smiled. I knew that she resented me but how could she
countenance this?! Her boyfriend was going to punish me
and then **** me! Surely she didn’t approve!
Kevin guided me into the living room and ordered Lori
to turn the lights on. Once the lights had been turned
on he looked around but apparently he wasn’t satisfied
with what he saw. He took a piece of rope from Lori and
tied my arms behind my back. He looped it up around my
neck before he tied it off so that I had to hold my
arms up behind my back at an unnatural and
uncomfortable angle to keep from choking myself.
He tied that rope off and then tied my ankles together.
He stood up when my ankles were secure and said, ‘I
want you to wait right there bitch. Don’t move, don’t
He turned and headed for the garage. I was too
terrified to just stand there. I had begun to realize
that I was in no position to make demands. I was f***ed
to plead.
I pleaded with Kevin to let me go. Or at least I tried.
I started to. As soon as I opened my mouth he turned
around and scowled fiercely. He stepped back over to
where I stood helplessly bound in the middle of the
room and as if he were speaking to a misbehaving c***d
he said, ‘You just don’t listen very well do you bitch?
Did you not hear me just now? Did you not hear me say
‘don’t speak’? You may be more difficult to train than
I thought.’
He turned to Lori then and said, ‘Give me your
I watched in dismay as Lori reached under her skirt and
pulled her panties down. She handed them to Kevin. He
wadded them up and turned back to me and said, ‘Open
your mouth bitch.’
I stared at him aghast. It was obvious what he planned.
There was no way that I could allow him to put my
daughter’s soiled underwear in my mouth. I just
He shook his head and grabbed a handful of my hair
again. He twisted and pulled on my hair and when I
screamed in pain he shoved my daughter’s panties into
my mouth. I heard her giggle as she watched him torment
me and that made my despair at this horrible situation
just that much deeper.
I struggled to push the panties out of my mouth with my
tongue and when I did I made another horrible
discovery. My daughter had had sex tonight! This man
had had intercourse with my young daughter! The
evidence was now resting on my tongue. As soon as I
realized it I began to gag and when I did Kevin slapped
me again.
I looked up at him and he brought his face right down
to mine. He smiled and said, ‘If you throw up you might
drown. I would be sorry if that happened. I am really
looking forward to training you. So please control
yourself bitch.’
I managed to control the urge to vomit. It was
difficult. But I didn’t want to drown in my own vomit.
As Kevin turned and walked away I looked at Lori. I
pleaded with my eyes. I knew we had our problems. But
how could she allow anyone to treat her mother this
Lori smiled sweetly and moved closer to me. She leaned
forward and kissed my cheek and said, ‘Don’t worry
mother. Once you are trained you will be so much
happier. You just need to learn how to please a man.
Kevin is going to make your life so much easier. And
wait until you see his big, beautiful cock. You’re
going to love it. And not just him mother, he has a lot
of friends with big, black cocks. Once you have been
trained you are going to be so much happier. You’ll
have something to occupy your time besides spending
daddy into bankruptcy. Sex is a lot more fun than
shopping mom. You’ll see.’
I shuddered in revulsion. I couldn’t believe that this
girl was my daughter. I didn’t know her at all! She
wasn’t just allowing her boyfriend to torture and ****
her mother. She was taking pleasure from it!
Kevin came back from the garage and climbed up onto the
coffee table. I watched as he tapped on the ceiling
looking for a beam. When the sound told him that he had
located a beam he screwed a large hook into the
ceiling. When it was firmly in place he climbed down
and moved the coffee table out of the way. He pulled me
closer and when I was standing under the hook he
braided a length of rope into my hair and looped it
through the hook in the ceiling. He pulled it taut and
tied it off with no slack at all. The slightest
movement pulled painfully at my hair.
When he was satisfied he untied my ankles and stepped
back to examine me. He seemed pleased with his
handiwork, judging by the smile on his face. He stepped
closer once more and said, ‘Now to get you ready.’
He reached out and began to shred my clothing with his
bare hands. He gripped the front of my blouse and tore
it apart. Buttons flew all over the room. The v******e
of his actions only added to my steadily building
terror. He pushed my blouse down my arms and allowed it
to d**** over the ropes that secured my wrists. His
large hand came up and reached between my breasts. I
saw his muscles bulge as he jerked on my bra. The pain
in my shoulders and back before the surprisingly strong
garment let go caused me to cry out into the nylon
panties still stuffed into my mouth. But this strong
young man would not be denied and in seconds my bra was
hanging at my waist and my breasts were exposed.
I had always been very self-conscious about my body,
especially my small breasts. Well, they weren’t that
small now. Until I became pregnant I was just barely a
B cup. After Lori was born they had grown to a C cup.
They had gotten slightly smaller when my body recovered
from c***dbirth but not much and I was happier with
them now. But I was not in the habit of showing them
around. The only people who had seen my breasts were my
husband and my OB\GYN. The only two places that I was
ever nude were in the bathroom and the bedroom, and not
that often in the bedroom. I had never really been that
comfortable with my husband seeing me undressed. He
complained about it at first but that was the way that
I was raised. There was nothing wrong with being
Now this…this r****t that my daughter was dating was
tearing my clothes off and I could do nothing but allow
it. I had never been so humiliated in my life!
Kevin stood back and examined my breasts and smiled. He
was obviously pleased. He turned to Lori and said, ‘Go
out to my car and get my camera out of the trunk. I
want some pictures of this.’
Lori spun around and hurried from the room as her
boyfriend reached out and cupped my breasts in his
hands. His hands seemed huge as they enveloped my
breasts. He leaned down and one at a time he took each
of my nipples into his mouth and teased them with his
tongue. I felt them react to his touch and it made me
furious that my body would betray me that way. I wanted
desperately to pull away from him but every move I made
pulled painfully at my hair. Finally I just closed my
eyes and tried to control the terror that was building
up inside of me.
I was going to be ****d. I had always been very careful
and I had been reasonably certain that I would never
fall victim to this particularly heinous crime. I had
always been convinced that most of those women who were
****d were at least in part responsible for their own
fate. They had undoubtedly dressed inappropriately and
placed themselves in a dangerous situation. I never
made those mistakes. Now I was going to be ****d in my
own home and my daughter was an accomplice! It was just
too horrible to contemplate.
I heard my daughter come back in and as her vile
boyfriend continued suckling on my breasts she began to
move around us taking pictures. After she had taken a
dozen pictures he stepped back and took the camera from
her. He took several pictures of my naked breasts and
then he ordered her to finish undressing me.
I could only groan in helplessness as I felt Lori move
up behind me and unfasten my skirt. Kevin continued
taking pictures as my daughter removed my skirt. He
laughed when my skirt was around my ankles and made fun
of my ‘granny panties’ as Lori hooked her thumbs in the
waistband and slowly slid them off of me.
Kevin took more pictures as Lori slid my panties down.
When I was naked he lowered the camera and they stood
together and made fun of my full bush of pubic hair. He
stepped closer and grabbed a handful of my pubic hair
and as he pulled painfully he chuckled and asked, ‘Damn
bitch! Don’t you ever trim this shit?!’
I just stood there crying. What else could I do?
Kevin took a knife out of his pocket and ordered Lori
to finish removing my blouse and my bra. When they were
gone he took a few more pictures and then he handed the
camera back to Lori and said, ‘I’m going to punish her
now. I wish I had brought my movie camera.’
Lori volunteered, ‘We have one. Do you want me to get
Kevin nodded and asked, ‘Do you have a tripod?’
Lori nodded and ran out of the room.
While she was gone her boyfriend began exploring my
body with his large hands. I felt so dirty as he slid
his fingers through my exposed pubic region and then
went behind me and explored the area between my
buttocks that had never been touched by a man. His
large finger pressed against my anus and he said, ‘I
don’t even have to ask. I know there has never been a
cock in here. I bet you’ve never sucked a cock either,
have you bitch? The amount of cherries I’m getting from
you and your daughter are really starting to add up. I
popped her cherry pussy and her cherry ass and her
cherry mouth. Now I’m going to pop your cherry ass and
your cherry mouth. And I bet your cunt is so tight it’s
just like a cherry. A bitch as uptight as you are has
never been broken in right. But don’t worry bitch. By
the time I invite my friends over to fuck you, you are
going to fuck and suck like a pro.’
My mind was reeling. What kind of monster was this
man?! How did my daughter fall into his clutches?! How
long has he been m*****ing her?
Kevin’s fingers moved out from between my buttocks and
caressed them before he moved back around and cupped my
pubic mound. He smiled and said, ‘Before I fuck you
that hair is going to have to go bitch. You look like a
fucking sheep!’
I felt his fingers moving and one of them began to
penetrate me. I was completely dry of course and I
grunted in pain as his large finger was f***ed into my
vagina. Relief washed over me as he pulled his finger
out of me. He looked at me and through my tears I could
see the disgust on his face. He stared me right in the
eye as he put his finger in his mouth and wet it and
then slowly returned it to my vagina.
It made me furious that I couldn’t even shake my head.
I was totally helpless as he slowly teased my labia and
then I felt his finger move inside of me. His finger
was nearly as large as my husband’s penis and as that
realization came over me I suddenly remembered that
stereotype about black men and wondered if it was true.
I had never been very comfortable with my husband’s
five inch penis. It was the only one that I have ever
seen but I had heard about black men and now that it
appeared that I was going to be ****d by one I was
Her boyfriend was still working his finger into me when
Lori returned with the camera and tripod. She smiled as
if she was amused at what this vile young man was doing
to me and asked him where he wanted the camera.
She set it up nearby and started it and then, while she
came closer and began taking pictures with Kevin’s
digital still camera he pulled his large leather belt
off and wrapped the buckle end around his hand a few
Despite the pain in my scalp I shook my head violently
and twisted around, trying to pull my hair free of the
rope that held me in place. I managed only to amuse my
tormentors. I caused myself more pain and more
humiliation when my breasts began bouncing around as if
to amuse them.
Kevin moved out of sight behind me and after a short
pause I heard his belt swish through the air and I felt
an explosion of pain on my butt. I screamed into my gag
and tried desperately to think of some way to make him
understand that this was wrong, that he couldn’t do
this to me.
Seconds later there was that noise again and again I
felt the horrible pain as his belt came in contact with
my tender flesh. I screamed once more into the gag and
struggled to stay in place. My body’s natural desire to
avoid this horrible pain caused me to move away from
the only place that I could stand without pulling at
the hair on my head. Every time he struck me with that
thing I jumped and nearly fell as the rope pulled me
back into place.
The first half dozen lashes struck on my buttocks. Then
he began to work the belt down my legs. When he had
finished covering my legs in welts he moved up and
tried to whip my back. Because of the way my arms were
restrained behind me he wasn’t able to whip my back
very well. So he moved around in front of me.
When I realized that he was going to continue whipping
me I nearly passed out from the terror. I was crying
hysterically now. The pain was unimaginable,
unbearable. I would have done anything at this point to
make it stop. I would even have allowed him to **** me.
But he wasn’t finished. Through my tears I watched his
arm go back and I saw the violent stroke coming as he
brought the belt down on my breasts. I think that at
that moment I did pass out, if only for a second. The
pain in my scalp when my legs went out from under me
was like a bucket of cold water bringing me quickly
back to awareness.
I tried closing my eyes but I couldn’t. I had to watch.
I had to know when the pain was going to come. His arm
went back again and again. And again and again the pain
washed over me as that heavy piece of leather beat
violently against my breasts and my stomach and down my
belly to my upper thighs. I have no idea how long it
lasted or how many times he struck me. It seemed to go
on for hours. I know that it didn’t. But it seemed like
He finally dropped his arm to his side and stood in
front of me looking me over. When I had calmed down a
little, when my crying had become a little less
hysterical, he put his finger under my chin and lifted
my head. He looked me in the eye and asked, ‘If I
remove that gag now and untie your arms will you stand
still and remain quiet?’
I nodded my head as much as I was able to.
He smiled and said, ‘If you disobey me it starts
I nodded again and he reached between my lips and
pulled my daughter’s soiled underwear out of my mouth.
I gasped for air and tried desperately to get moisture
in my mouth but I uttered not a sound.
He stared at me for a few moments before he moved
behind me and untied my wrists. The pain in my wrists
and shoulders and the chafing from the rope that went
around my neck were finally gone and I sighed in
Kevin moved back in front of me and in the voice a
parent might use on a recalcitrant c***d he said, ‘I
took it easy on you because you’ve never been properly
trained and didn’t realize the rules. If I have to
punish you again it will be much worse. But I won’t
have to punish you again. Will I?’
I groaned in pain and breathlessly answered, ‘No! Oh
god no! Please. I’ll be good. Don’t punish me again.
Kevin smiled and said, ‘Sir. You must always address me
as sir. Me, my friends, men on the street, every male
is sir to you. Don’t forget.’
I quickly answered, ‘No sir. I won’t forget. I promise
I was still restrained. My hair was still tied to the
rope that went up to the hook in the ceiling. But even
if that rope had been removed I was far too terrified
to do anything but obey. I wasn’t thinking of the
horrible fate that awaited me. I was only grateful that
the whipping had stopped. I hated myself for it, but I
realized that I would do anything to avoid being struck
by that belt again.
I tried not to think about what ‘anything’ meant. Kevin
had already been quite clear about that. But I didn’t
want to think about it. I just knew that I couldn’t
take that whipping again. I had never been struck
before and I would do anything to avoid being struck
Kevin instructed Lori to go and get everything that I
would need to shave my pubic area. While she was doing
that Kevin examined my bruised body with his fingers.
As his fingers grazed lightly over my abused flesh he
said, ‘So, you have learned your lesson after only one
punishment session?’
I quickly responded, ‘Yes sir! I promise!’
He chuckled and asked, ‘You are going to try to tell me
that in only fifteen minutes you have become a
completely changed woman. You have seen the error of
your ways and I will never have to punish you again?’
I immediately swore that I had changed.
He cupped my red, sore breast in his large hand and
said, ‘I have never seen a bitch as fucked up in the
head as you were that could change after just one
whipping. I suspect we’ll be doing that again before
very long. That’s alright bitch, don’t bother to argue.
I’m sure you have good intentions. But it won’t be long
before I have to whip you again. And remember what I
said, I took it easy on you this time because you
didn’t know any better. I might be wrong though. Your
little girl was a fast learner. Maybe you are too.
We’ll see.’
I tried to f***e that image out of my mind as his hand
mauled my breasts. He ran his hands over my stomach and
then back up and said, ‘I have to give you credit
bitch. For an old broad you are in pretty damned good
shape. Lori said you have a swimming pool out back.
Don’t you ever go outside? You have the whitest skin I
ever saw.’
I winced as his hand moved over the red stripes on my
stomach. I answered, ‘I go out sometimes, in the
morning and evening. I always use lots of sun block
though. I try to take care of myself.’
Lori finally came back into the room and set everything
down on the coffee table. Kevin freed my hair from the
rope but left the rope hanging from the hook. I assumed
that its presence would be a constant reminder, as if
one were needed. He sat down on the couch and told Lori
to get the movie camera off of the tripod and record my
first pubic shave.
When Lori had the camera ready Kevin instructed me to
pull the coffee table over in front of him and spread
the towel out and sit down where he could see what I
was doing. While I was doing that Lori moved around
behind Kevin and recorded everything on the disk.
I pulled the table around and spread the towel out and
sat down. I spread my legs and tried not to think about
the two of them watching and the camera catching my
every move. I picked up the scissors and after a pause
to look at my pubic hair for the last time I started
carefully snipping it off.
I am a natural blonde and although I had a lot of pubic
hair it was light colored, almost red, and the hair was
very fine. I hated cutting it off because I had heard
that if you shave it off it was much more coarse when
it returned. But I was certainly not going to say no to
I trimmed until there was only stubble remaining. I had
to pick up the pile of hair I had cut off and move it
out of my way before I continued. I moistened the
entire area with the damp cloth and then I spread a
layer of shaving foam all around and let it sit for a
I could feel their eyes on me as I picked up the safety
razor and began to shave. It was so humiliating. But
after everything else that had happened since I caught
these two in my foyer this evening, and everything else
that was to come, this was only a minor humiliation. I
knew there was far worse to come.
I shaved all of the stubble off and Kevin made me
spread more foam on my mound. He ordered me to spread
my legs even farther apart and place my heels on the
edge of the coffee table. I sat there, splayed wide,
and he took the camera back from Lori and said, ‘Okay
girl, you get down there and go back over it. Make sure
she didn’t miss anything.’
I watched in shock as Lori came around and knelt to the
side so that Kevin could watch as she shaved my mound
for the amusement of her boyfriend and whoever he might
show that movie to.
When Lori had finished she used the damp cloth to wipe
me off and then Kevin ordered me to lie back and lift
my legs and spread them. It didn’t even occur to me to
refuse. Nor did I consider refusing when he said, ‘Okay
bitch. Spread those cheeks so she can make sure you
aren’t hiding any hair around your tight little
asshole. I like my virgins hairless.’
I had avoided looking at my daughters face but now I
glanced at her and it broke my heart to see nothing but
amusement as I reached down and spread my buttocks open
so that she could inspect my nether regions for her
boyfriend. What could he have done to her to make her
like this?! Or could it really have been me?
Lori inspected my…that area for stray hairs and after
a moment Kevin asked, ‘Well, did you find any?’
Lori answered, ‘A few. Do you want me to shave her
He replied, ‘No. We don’t want any stubble there. Pull
them out.’
Lori got up and came back with a pair of tweezers and
with apparent glee she pulled a half a dozen hairs from
back there. She ran her hand through the space between
my buttocks and pronounced me hairless.
Kevin then permitted me to sit up. He ordered Lori to
clean away the shaving supplies and I stood up to fold
the towel up and hand it to her. She returned a moment
later and Kevin ordered her to undress.
Lori didn’t even hesitate. Neither did she seem the
least bit ill at ease as she quickly stripped off her
only two garments, a t-shirt and a miniskirt. I
couldn’t help noticing her perfect little body. The
last time I had seen her less than fully dressed was
when I helped her buy a training bra when she was
eleven. I had noticed her growing up of course. But
still, it was a shock to see her naked and mature body,
especially under these circumstances.
Once Lori had undressed he ordered her to stand beside
me. He looked at our naked bodies and smiled and said,
‘Damn! You two could be fucking s****rs! Lori, how come
you didn’t tell me your mother was such a hot bitch?’
Lori shrugged and said, ‘I’ve never seen her naked
before. Besides, she’s such a frigid bitch it just
never occurred to me. She doesn’t turn me on. I had no
idea you’d want to fuck her skanky ass. She drove my
father away and he is the nicest guy in the world. I
figured no guy would want anything to do with her.’
Kevin shook his head and responded, ‘That was your
father’s problem you stupid cunt. He didn’t know how to
treat her. He let the bitch get away with thinking she
was too fucking good for him. She has a hot little bod.
She just needs a strong man to train her. You just
wait. When I’m through straightening this bitch out
she’ll be the perfect wife for your old man.’
Kevin put down the movie camera and picked up the
digital and took a dozen pictures of Lori and me
standing side by side. He made us turn around slowly
and took pictures until we faced him again. He smiled
and said, ‘The guys are gonna get a kick out of these.
They’re gonna love you, bitch.’
I tried not to think about the meaning of that.
Kevin stood up then and stood in front of me. I kept my
eyes down. I was too scared to look him in the face.
He waited for a moment and when I didn’t look up he
said, ‘Look at me bitch.’
I cringed as if he had struck me but I looked up and
struggled to look him in the eye. He grinned at me and
asked, ‘Remember what you said bitch?’
I wasn’t sure what he was referring to. He saw the
confusion in my eyes and he said, ‘Did you forget
already? You said that you will be good now. You
promised that I wouldn’t have to punish you again. You
told me that you had learned your lesson.’
A shiver ran through my body as he mentioned
punishment. I responded quickly, ‘No sir. I haven’t
forgotten. I’ll be good. I promise sir.’
His grin grew wider and I knew that he didn’t believe
that I would keep my word. I knew that what was about
to happen to me would be very difficult for me to deal
with. But my entire body was still burning from that
horrible whipping and I had no intention of giving him
any reason to do that again, that and worse.
He just said, with a great deal of skepticism, ‘We’ll
see. I’m going to ask you some questions now. If I
catch you in a lie…’
He didn’t finish his sentence. He simply reached out
and traced one of the whip marks on my chest. That was
all the threat that was necessary. He knew it too. He
saw it in my eyes.
‘First question,’ he said. ‘How many men have fucked
I was proud of the fact that I had been a virgin when I
married and that I had never cheated on my husband. But
I hated answering these personal questions from a
stranger, especially in front of my daughter. I was
cowed though. I didn’t even think of not answering.
I tried to look back down at the floor. It was hard
enough to answer these kinds of questions without
having to look this strong, violent young man in the
eye. He would allow me not even that amount of privacy
though. He lifted my chin back up and said, ‘Don’t look
away bitch.’
I sighed and answered quietly, ‘One sir. I have only
had sex with one man, my husband.’
He laughed and said, ‘That isn’t what I asked you
bitch. I asked you how many men have fucked you. Try
I felt myself turning even redder. I had never used
that word in my life. I glanced at Lori. She laughed
and said, ‘Fuck mom. The word is fuck. That’s what you
call it when dad put his cock in your cunt. He fucked
you. Not very often, apparently. Not often enough. But
on those rare occasions when you spread your legs for
him he fucked you.’
I stared at Lori in shock. Those horrible words just
rolled off of her tongue like the most natural thing in
the world. I never allowed her to use foul language,
not even damn! What kind of people was she hanging
around with! But then I looked back at Kevin and my
question answered itself.
I finally steeled myself and answered, ‘Only one man
has fucked me sir.’
He saw how difficult it was for me to say that word and
it really amused him.
‘Second question,’ he said. ‘How many cocks have you
I hesitated even longer with this question. I wasn’t
sure how to answer it. I saw Kevin getting impatient
and I blurted out, ‘I never sucked a cock sir. I kissed
one a few times but I hated it. It was so demeaning. I
just couldn’t do it. It is so nasty.’
He laughed again and said, ‘I didn’t think so. I’m not
even going to ask you if anyone has every fucked your
tight ass. I know that’s a cherry.’
He stood there, close enough to touch, and he said,
‘Take my cock out bitch. Take it out and hold it in
your hand while we talk.’
I didn’t look down. I couldn’t. I kept my eyes on his
as I reached out and felt for his zipper. My fingers
encountered the large bulge in the front of his pants
and before I could stop myself I pulled my hands back
as if I had stuck them in a fire.
His grin got a little wider but he just stood there and
waited for me to obey his last order.
I reached out again and this time I found his zipper. I
pulled it down carefully and reached in. I felt around
for his cock and when I found it I gasped. I had to
look down to confirm what I was feeling. It was huge!
It was easily twice as long as my husband’s and nearly
three times as big around. It was not going to be
possible to pull it out through the opening in his
pants. I unbuttoned the button on his jeans and reached
inside his boxers. I wrapped my fingers around his
large, hot shaft and as I gripped him I realized to my
great dismay that he was not completely hard yet! It
felt like a huge snake.
I glanced over at my fifteen year old daughter’s
smiling face and thought surely there was no way he was
able to get this huge thing inside of her small body!
Lori knew what I was thinking. She said, ‘Don’t worry
mom. You’re going to love that fat cock once you get
used to it. I do.’
I turned back to Kevin and he said, ‘Tell me about your
husband’s cock bitch.’
I almost whispered, ‘It’s smaller. It’s much smaller.’
I saw his expression change and I realized what I had
done. I quickly interjected, ‘Sir! It is much smaller
sir. My husband’s cock is about five inches long and
perhaps three quarters of an inch in diameter. It
is…what else? What else do you want to know about it
Kevin said, ‘Shit! No wonder you’re frigid. You’re
still a fucking virgin. You’ve never had a real cock in
your cunt. You don’t even know what it’s like to get
fucked. I’ll never understand how he knocked you up
with a tiny pecker like that.’
I had no answer for that. I just stood there with his
twitching penis in my hand and waited for the next
He reached down and started moving my hand slowly up
and down on his shaft. After he showed me what he
wanted he took his hand away. I continued to move my
hand the way he wanted and he asked me, ‘Did you ever
fool around with another woman?’
I shook my head violently and responded, ‘No sir! I
would never to that! That’s an abomination!’
He said, ‘I’m not sure what an abomination is. But you
better just get the word never right out of your
screwed up head. If I tell you to eat a cunt you’re
going to eat a cunt. And just in case you are
wondering, I like to watch a woman eating cunt. It’s
even more fun if they are a mother-daughter team.’
As I contemplated what he had just said I felt the bile
rise in my throat. I didn’t think that I could do it.
It would be hard to choose between the beating
and…and having sex with my daughter. But then I
realized that if I refused, if I said no to this man he
would beat me until I did whatever he wanted anyway. Oh
god! I just didn’t think I could do it without getting
He was watching me. I knew that he was enjoying playing
with my mind. I felt his penis getting harder as I
slowly massaged it and I was sure that the expression
on my face was turning him on more than what I was
doing with my hand.
Kevin watched me in silence for a long moment before he
said, ‘Last question bitch. Has anyone ever eaten your
I shuddered again. Everything out of this man’s vile
mouth seemed to be calculated to be revolting.
I thought back to the few times in our sixteen years of
marriage that my husband had tried to get me to let him
do just that. I remembered still how offended I had
been that he had even suggested such a disgusting
Kevin was getting impatient for his answer. I took a
deep breath and responded, ‘No sir. No one has ever
eaten my cunt.’
Cunt! I had always thought that was the most demeaning,
crude, disgusting word in the English language. I would
not permit it in my presence and if I heard it come
from the mouth of anyone I knew I never forgot and I
never forgave. And now I had said it.
I had stood right here in front of my daughter and said
that no one had ever eaten my cunt. I had said fuck and
cock. Three of the most odious words I knew of. And
although it was well after midnight I knew that the
night was just getting started. I realized that I was
certain to say and do a lot worse before this monster
was satisfied.
Kevin reached down and grabbed the bottom of his t-
shirt and pulled it off. It had been obvious that his
body was well developed but watching his muscles ripple
under his dark black skin was terrifying. I couldn’t
help but appreciate his well sculpted body. Nor could I
help looking at him and thinking that he could snap me
like a twig with almost no effort at all.
He dropped his t-shirt and worked his sneakers off with
his toes and kicked them away. Then he said, ‘I’ll let
you finish unwrapping your present now bitch. Let’s get
this show on the road.’
More than anything I didn’t want to do this. I was
terrified after actually seeing his huge sex organ. He
pushed me to my knees and I grabbed the waist of his
jeans and carefully pulled them down without dragging
his boxers down with them. I glanced up as I worked
them down his legs and it was obvious that he was
I heard Lori chuckle and then she said, ‘Jesus mom. Get
on with it. It doesn’t bite.’
Kevin placed his hand on top of my head and balanced
himself as he stepped out of his jeans. I placed them
on the coffee table and then I reached back up and
slipped my fingers into the waistband of his underwear.
I slowly worked them down over his massive penis and
then stopped and stared in awe as it bounced right in
my face.
The shaft seemed to be even darker than his dark skin.
The massive head was much lighter with a huge opening
in the tip. There was a clear liquid oozing out of the
hole. On a few occasions I had been aware of my
husband’s organ oozing this disgusting liquid but I
almost never touched or even looked at his sex organ.
I did not think much of the male sex organ. They were a
necessary evil. They were ugly and smelly and
unpleasant and I always thought that it was a terrible
mistake that they were a necessary part of procreation.
Now I was on my knees in front of this depraved young
black man and his organ was only inches from my face. I
became aware of the unmistakable odor of sex. He had
had sex with someone tonight. I didn’t have to think
about it too hard to realize that he must have been
with my daughter. I had already tasted the evidence
when he had pushed her panties into my mouth before he
whipped me.
As much as I hated it I couldn’t help but be impressed
by his swollen organ. Terrified, but impressed. It must
be at least ten inches long, if not longer. It was so
close to my face I couldn’t accurately judge. And it
looked as big around as my wrist.
I glanced at my wrist then and I realized that it might
even be larger than my wrist! I thought that this thing
would surely kill me. But then I thought of Lori and
how much she claimed to enjoy having it used on her. I
couldn’t imagine it though. Not in me. (I found out
later that Lori had measured it and it was actually
just over nine inches long and just under four inches
around at the base. I suppose that it just looked so
much larger in my face and seeing it for the first time
like that.)
I came out of my trance and finished removing Kevin’s
shorts. I dropped them on his jeans and waited for my
next disgusting order.
Kevin sat down on the couch and spread his legs. He
said, ‘Okay bitch. I’m going to start you out slow,
just to show you what a nice guy I am.’
Lori giggled and kept taking pictures.
Kevin said, ‘I want you to come over here and show me
and Lori how happy you are with the new cock in your
life. I want you to kiss my balls and my cock and then
lick them. I’ll let you know when I get tired of that.’
I shuffled a little closer to him on my knees and I
leaned down. As my face came closer to his crotch I was
struck again by the odor of sex. I looked closer and I
could see white flakes around the base of his organ and
clinging to the hair on his testicles.
I wanted desperately to beg him to let me wash him. I
knew that he would refuse though. There was no doubt in
my mind that the idea of forcing me to clean him with
my mouth after he had sex with my u******e daughter
amused him greatly. How did a person become so
I took a deep breath and held it and touched my lips to
Kevin’s testicles. I held my breath for as long as
possible and moved my pursed lips around his crotch as
he had instructed. As I did my daughter was right in my
face with that camera taking picture after picture of
my humiliation.
After a minute or so Kevin laughed and said, ‘You look
like a fucking chicken pecking away like that. I said
kiss them you stupid bitch, not peck at them. Is that
how you kiss? No wonder your fucking husband left you.
You can’t fuck, you won’t suck and you kiss like a
fucking chicken! Now do it right or I’ll get the ropes
back out.’
I tried as much as possible to breathe through my mouth
but I think I was getting used to the smell after
spending several minutes with my face buried in his
crotch. And of course he was sitting there now with his
legs splayed out so he was getting aired out, so to
I started over, actually kissing the wrinkled, hairy
skin of his testicles. I covered the sack with light
kisses and then I kissed my way up the shaft of his
very intimidating penis.
His penis began to throb more violently as I kissed it
and with each throb more of that clear fluid oozed out
and covered the large knob at the top of the shaft. By
the time I had kissed my way up the shaft that fluid
was beginning to run down the sides and my lips were
coated with it by the time I had kissed my way to the
Kevin stopped me then and told me to lick my lips
before I started licking his balls. I felt like gagging
as I ran my tongue around my lips and tasted the gross,
slimy lubricant that was oozing out of his sex organ.
Once I got past the idea of how nasty it was to be here
on my knees between the legs of this young black man
and licking his bodily fluids from my lips I realized
that there was almost no taste at all. The idea of it
was nauseating but the fluid itself was mild, almost
without any flavor at all.
I finished licking my lips and tentatively ran my
tongue over his large testicles. This time there was a
taste. I suppose it was a mixture of tastes. I could
taste his salty sweat and the dried residue of his
recent sexual tryst with my daughter. I tried not to
think about it as I slowly moved my tongue around his
I coated his wrinkled sack with saliva and started to
lick the base of his penis when he stopped me. He
lifted his legs and scooted forward in his seat and
ordered me to lick the crack between his buttocks and
then to lick his anus. Except that those weren’t the
words that he used.
I stared at him in shock for a few seconds. I knew that
I was going to end up performing fellatio on him. But
this! Did people actually do that?! One look at his
face, however, and I knew that whether people did it or
not I was going to do it.
I tried not to look. I stared at his muscular chest as
I bent my neck at an uncomfortable angle and lightly
worked my tongue through his sweaty, hairy crevice. I
shuddered in disgust as my tongue moved through that
dark, dank, incredibly nasty part of his body. The
taste of his sweat was stronger here, and there was
another flavor as well. It was a dark, musky taste that
I tried not to think about. I probably knew what it
was, but I just couldn’t think about it.
I f***ed myself to continue. I moved my tongue through
that nasty crevice and over his anus several times
before I stopped and concentrated on the anus itself.
He really enjoyed it. His eyes closed and he moaned in
pleasure as I worked on him with my tongue. His body
tensed up and trembled as I moved my tongue around. I
had no idea that that part of the body was such a
sensitive erogenous zone. On the other hand, I didn’t
care. It was not information that I had any desire to
use in the future. This was the most disgusting,
demeaning act that I could imagine.
Kevin let me work at his anus for a long time. I was
shaking from working with my neck at such an
uncomfortable angle and my jaw and my tongue were so
tired that I was afraid that I was about to lose the
ability to control them when he finally dropped his
legs and told me to resume where I had left off.
I noticed that his shaft was now nearly covered in the
fluid leaking from the tip. He must have been very
excited by what he had just made me do. I hoped he
would not want to do it again. I hated having to use my
tongue on his sex organs. But the other, what he had
just made me do, that was disgusting beyond
I returned to licking his shaft and now I was cleaning
the fluids from his taut black skin with every touch of
my tongue.
He had regained his composure and was now watching me
with that arrogant smile back on his face. I continued
to work mindlessly. I couldn’t think about what I must
look like with my mouth ministering to a large, black
sex organ, a sex organ that had recently been in my
young daughter’s vagina! If I thought about it I’d go
It seemed to take a long time but I finally licked my
way to the top of that large symbol of male dominance.
As I slathered the knob atop his throbbing shaft with
my tongue he smiled and said, ‘You’re doing better than
I thought you would bitch. Maybe I won’t have to beat
you again after all, at least, not for a while. I don’t
doubt that you’ll fuck up eventually. Your head is too
screwed up for you to come around this quick. But
that’s okay. I’ll do whatever it takes to make a good
bitch out of you. I’m just that kind of a guy. Now,
wrap your lips around that cock and show me how much
work you need to do before you can be a decent
cocksucker. And be careful. I don’t want to feel your
teeth. If you bite my cock bitch, I’ll pull every
fucking one of them out with a pair of pliers and you
can live the rest of your life on a diet of nice hot
cum. I’ve done it before.’
I believed him. But even as terrified as I was I didn’t
know how I could take enough of that monster penis into
my mouth to satisfy him and yet keep from touching it
with my teeth. Still, the mental picture of this sadist
removing my teeth with a pair of pliers was quite a
training tool. I didn’t think that I would be able to
satisfy him with my mouth. But I was determined that my
teeth would never touch him.
I wrapped my lips around the thick, wet knob and
slowly, carefully began to slide them down the shaft.
He watched patiently for several minutes as I tried to
suck on the three inches of his penis that I was able
to f***e into my mouth. He watched my inadequate
performance in amusement and then he said, ‘Okay bitch,
I’ll admit you’re trying. You ain’t worth a shit at it,
but you are trying. Use your tongue stupid.’
I had been trying very hard to keep from touching his
penis with anything but my lips and the roof of my
mouth. Now I began moving my tongue over the underside
of his shaft, all the while trying desperately to avoid
touching him with my teeth.
He let me work for a few more minutes and then he said,
‘Take a break bitch. Sit back and watch how it’s
supposed to be done. Lori, show your mom how to suck a
fucking cock. Whoever let this bitch grow up this
fucking stupid oughta get their ass kicked.’
I sat back on my heels and watched in disbelief as my
sweet, petite, fifteen year old daughter wrapped her
small hand around his large shaft and bent over and
took it into her mouth. She tightened her lips around
it and began driving her mouth down, taking more and
more of him into her mouth with each stroke until, with
a strange uncomfortable noise her lips suddenly slid
all the way down until they were stretched to the limit
around the base of his organ. I could actually see the
swelling in her throat as his penis entered her!
It made me gag to watch but she slowly pulled back to
the tip and did it again, and then again as I watched
in disbelief.
After she had done that a half a dozen times he pushed
her away. Then he smiled at me and said, ‘I don’t
expect you to be able to do that, yet. It took me
almost two weeks to train her. I’ll start you out easy
on some smaller cocks first. Then you can work your way
up to me. I’m not unreasonable. Now, get back to work.
I don’t expect you to do what your little girl just
did. But I want to see you doing better than you just
did. You need to get a mouthful of cum and find out
what it tastes like. You are going to be eating a lot
of it from now on so you need to get used to it.’
I think that by this point my mind was becoming numb. I
had no idea what time it was. If I had to guess I would
estimate that it had been almost two hours since I
discovered Kevin groping my daughter in the foyer.
Since that moment my already crumbling life had been
turned upside down. I had been subjected to more
perversion in however much time had passed since
midnight than in the entire preceding thirty-two years
of my life. I was physically and mentally exhausted and
terrorized beyond my ability to cope.
I think that, as I steadied his penis with my hand the
way my daughter had and placed my lips back around the
large knob my mind was all but disengaged. I was almost
beyond caring that I now had a black man’s penis in my
mouth and my daughter was taking high quality digital
pictures of my efforts.
I began to slide my lips down Kevin’s shaft once more,
this time using my tongue to tickle the underside. I
managed to take a little more of it into my mouth this
time. I kept trying to f***e more of it into the back
of my mouth but every time I got to a certain point I
began to gag uncontrollably.
Kevin finally said, ‘Lori, help the stupid cunt out.’
Lori put the camera down and knelt beside me. My eyes
were so full of tears that I couldn’t see but I felt
her naked body beside me and her hand took mine and
placed it around the base of Kevin’s penis. She spoke
softly as she began to instruct me on how to move my
hand on his shaft while I sucked on that portion of it
which I was able to take into my mouth.
I followed her instruction and as I sucked she placed
her hand on the back of my head and said, ‘Now mom, the
hardest part to get over is the gag reflex. I learned
that if I attempted to swallow before I worked my lips
down his cock then after a few times I didn’t gag any
more. You still won’t be able to take it into your
throat yet. Not until you have gotte
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Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The FappeningHave you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesMotherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesFellatrix Trainingby [email protected] slender blond teen recounts the story of being trained as a fellatrix.The training is supervised by her mother and some of it is very roughwith bondage and discipline. This story was inspired by a passage in"School of Sluts" by ric.I am a trained slut, well practiced in giving pleasure to boys and menusing my cunt, mouth and ass. My mother is an excellent slut andsupervised my training. I love sex and enjoyed most my slut training,but I have the...
Cross-training Belladonna "Are you ready, pet?" "Yes, mistress," George Bloom responded as Celene knocked upon the iron door. George heard the loud clink of the old fashion knocker upon the door as he pulled at the hem of his short skirt. He anxiously waited for the door to open, hopeful that he would not be noticed by those passing by on the street below the staircase leading to the porch he was standing upon. George had never been to a Dom-sub party like the one that his...
A Boy's Bra Training And Discipline by Marlissa How did it happen? Gosh, it was four years ago. Well I could start by saying that I knew it would be him. As soon as he walked into my summer school class, I just knew he would be the one. Dino Fazio thought he was God's gift to women, including me, his remedial English teacher. Not that he was offering himself over. He made it clear that Meg Hardy didn't pass muster. "What was that Mr. Fazio?" I was beet red at the...
SUBMISSIVE WIVES ACADEMY OF TRAINING Chapter One -- JanThey drove around the third of three old warehouse buildings near the docks, following the directions that they had printed out. At the end of the third building an old truck blocked the alley between buildings. Jan’s husband, Dave pulled the car to a stop and a spotlight blinded their vision. ?Card, please!? a voice said over a loudspeaker. Dave flashed the card they had received with the directions. About five seconds later a...
Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...
CHAPTER 13: RECRUIT TRAINING“Tell me, again, why we are going to this meeting?” Sylvia didn’t like it that she seemed to be the only one who didn’t know what our destination was or the reason for this drive to the edge of the city.“Oh, just give us a little patience, woman!” I tried to sound exasperated, but it only elicited a chuckle from Adrian. I smiled at him, recognizing my failure in accomplishing the tone I was trying for. After my demonstration to the ladies, a kennel was found to...
Follow-Up TrainingTo those of you who have read some of my previous works, you know that I’m a trainer?a trainer of females. Complete submission, body and soul?that’s what I strive for. I no longer seek women out, or advertise for them as I did in my younger days. In those days I saw transforming women into totally submissive sluts as a challenge. Most of them were single, and I delighted in training them and then turning them back out into...
For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...
Introduction: This is a rewrite HER TRAINING Let me tell you about my problem that began a few years back. The problem was my 16-year-old stepdaughter. She was a little less than 5 tall, weighed around 85 lbs., and was slim with long black hair. Before the accident she was a sweet, pleasant child. Now due to psychological and physical injures caused by an automobile accident in which her mother was killed, she has undergone a complete personality change. She became the most unpleasant human...
She loved sports and spending time outdoors running, hiking and swimming, but her favorite sport was volleyball. Although she had a very shy, sweet personality, she was very competitive when she played volleyball. She wanted to be the best and worked hard to try to accomplish her goal of winning a scholarship to the major university located about an hour north of her town. Ginger’s parents were blue collar workers and her father had tried to start his own business, but their town was on the...
SUPERIOR SLAVE TRAININGCHAPTER 1My name is Julie, and I have an unusual story to tell that few will believe. (I am withholding my last name for purposes that will soon become apparent.) The story pertains to the practice of female domination and the training of male slaves. I would hope that all people, especially women, would read it and learn from it. (Please note: Many of the quotations and events described herein are taken from my memory and the remembrances of the people described here....
This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s:// h t t p...
Human toilet trainingTraining a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons:1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up.Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you're slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes...
Sissy Humiliation Trainingby Derek BowdenHumiliation will only work if it is part of her decision to submit. It can’t be forced on her against her will and be expected to improve her self-image or have positive results. Humiliation training for a slave girl has many purposes. Sissy humiliation training is by its very nature, psychological humiliation. One of the primary reasons for using it is to force the sissy to push the “choice decision” she has made to obey her Master and be subject to his...
Not for nothing are “Ghost World” and “The Doom Generation” my favorite films. I was made for a stark black bob long before I ever got one, before I saw those movies and even before I discovered black hair dye. Without it I might have ended up looking something like Lotte Lenya in “From Russia With Love.” Goddess bless Manic Panic!! It’s more than the hair, it’s the attitude. “Girl, you are the snarkiest bitch I know,” said my Best Fag Forever Matthew to me only the other week. “I won’t be...
AnalNow men, it?s really not worth asking for the details (DISCLAIMER: ?the author apologises if the following work of fiction is not violent or disgusting enough.? As with his other work, it is his intention to construct a piece of prose that would revolt the average heterosexual man, leaving him nauseous and full of loathing for the perverted mind that could imagine such appalling, brutal and misogynist acts.? If the following story does not achieve this effect fully he promises to try...
Chapter 1 I saw this ad on a D/S website, repeated here without editing: "married for six months, originally from Ukraine, 24 years of age, nice looking and my husband is from UK. He likes to get me trained to be his submissive. Never tried it for real except back home when I was getting my spankings. Need me to be his slut, asks me to dress very daring, and he even watched me with one of our best friends. we both wish a serious man, very experienced, to train me privately and discreetly,...
Stella Maris outsmarts her folks, who still provide the rent for her student room, while she has actually already moved in with her first serious steady boyfriend. Who takes his time to teach her all he knows from earlier erotic experiences. Stella Maris actually cancels her up-town apartment near the old (from 1928) Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam-South, several months earlier. As she spends most nights anyway in their big bed. Right under the ceiling of her lover's small place in a student...
Author: Powerone Title: Violets Anal Training Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will beprepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone. The author may be contacted at [email protected] Violets Anal Training Michael sat in the chair as she entered. Poweronehad described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very smallhands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips . She had a gothic...
Amanda's Trainingby AbeAmanda was in a state of near panic when she got a message that her mother was gravely ill and she should visit her immediately. Whoever sent the message had bought her airline tickets and must have had her American passport number, for nothing stopped her immediate response. She quickly packed a small carry-on bag and decided to wear a comfortable black suit, jacket and pants, with comfortable shoes and cotton underwear. It was said in ?Accidental Tourist? that one...
May be copied to anywhere by anyone for any legal reason whatsoever. House Training By RH Music Introduction: "Damn!" I cursed as the keys hit the floor. I reached down to pick them up. "Why am I nervous?" I asked myself, out loud. It seemed like an easy assignment. The owner of the house, an eccentric chemist/biologist/doctor/inventor named Jack Hewitt had died recently at Memorial Hospital. I had his keys. The State had contracted our law firm to see if there were any...
I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...
His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...
I came home to my new puppy. I was always bouncing around from place to place as a kid so never had the chance to own a pet. It was the first thing I did when I got my own place. Rex was already a couple of years old, still a puppy, but trained. At least, that's what I thought. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't exactly housebroken. After some chewed shoes, and some new stains in my apartment I was ready to flip. I started to research how to train my puppy. Of course I...
Tammy’s Training By Seeker 111I was out drinking at my favorite bar one Saturday evening when I came across a very nice looking lady sitting alone and nursing a drink. Her hair was thick and luxuriant. The soft light reflected gently from her mane. It shined like the color of a sunset just before dark. Her figure was trim and held the promise of treasures hidden beneath her clothing. She had a sad look on her face constantly staring down at the glass. I called the bartender over and had him...
I am a company commander in my National Guard unit. My full-time job is heading up an architectural design company, but once a month, I get to serve my community and nation by serving in the Guard. For the most part, it is a mundane chore, where once a month we meet at the Armory and conduct a troop inspection and then we all attend classes and try to not fall asleep as we learn the art of warfare.I don’t attend a lot of the classes since I am the company commander and that is what I have...
OccupationsStory: The TrainingKimberleigh's breathing deepened as her lubricated hands stroked Jay's engorged erection. His slithering member stiffened and turned a deeper red as he struggled to keep from ejaculating. She was fully clothed, which he found nearly as stimulating as looking at her naked body. He was naked, and beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead. His legs were spread wide, and his ankles were fastened to a spreader bar. He knew by her breathing that Kimberleigh was aroused. Her...
As they walked out of the portal they looked out over the expanse of the campus. The campus was spectacular and was built into the side of the foothills of the mountain below the palace. It did not look like any War College that Jason had ever seen. On the one side was the sea and on the other side was the mountain. There were cliffs to the sea and inactive, small volcanic mouths leading a procession up the mountain. The gardens were beautiful. Jason saw the college buildings on increasingly...
This is a story I have previously written on another platform, but thought I would transfer it over. I have 2 others I will be sharing as well. This first experience takes place back early July (2020).Yesterday I went to his house. I've been seeing his regularly for the past 6-7 months, but today we did something very different than we usually do. Usually, when I go over it's a standard routine where I suck him for an hour or so, he cums in my mouth and then fucks me for another 30 mins until...
Nelliel was probably wishing she'd signed up to be tutored in the sword-arts by just about any other teacher in the world right now! This Kenpachi man... Something wasn't right about him... Well, maybe it should be more like there wasn't anything right about him! Worst of all was his height... Their teacher towered over the class at 202cm, making her one of the tallest men she'd ever seen, but he wasn't just tall, the man was looked strong, too!Surely an instructor of students who still might...
"Cultivating this formation is exactly like cultivating the bodily maneuvers!" Zax exclaimed. In a sense, although Zax just became aware while who knows about his Master, Raroen and Grandmaster Kartion, but the bodily maneuvers were indeed a sort of formation, a bodily formation. It was even more evident when Zax remembered how he met Susuya and the feat that she displayed to him as they passed the courts with the Beginner grade students, on their way to Don's office. That day, the...
Cross Training By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1997 Mom and dad broke up a few years ago and even with child support my family doesn't have much money. That all changed recently when mom won the lottery. We now had more money than we ever dreamt of and our lives were about to change! I was just a normal boy doing what boys do, not paying attention to my mom or teachers, and being a pain in the butt to my older sister Barbara and her friends. One of my favorite thing s to do...
NOTE: This story references the comic Kamasutra for Your Pets by Extremexworld Isabella woke up feeling sore, relaxed, and refreshed at the same time. She reached for Felicity on the other side of the bed and found it empty. Banga and Barghest were gone too. She sat up and stretched while rubbing the corner of her eyes. The clock on the wall told her it was 2PM. Isabella stared at it and wondered how it was possible she slept so late, even with her animal trysts the day before. She heard a...
Training a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons: 1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up. Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you’re slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes out of you. This...
Fuck Farm Training - Chapter OneIt was now over 12 months since I had been first abducted while walking home from work late one night. A large dark van had pulled up to the curb and two of the men in the van had grabbed me, shoved me inside the van then took me to a dungeon of sorts and for the next 12 or 14 hours these four men used me in the most depraved and disgusting ways imaginable. Their goal I was informed was to turn me into their very own personal human toilet, a shit pig was what...
Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected] Author's website: Published by: A1AdultEbooks Publishers website: ?Kelly's Training? by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or...
Online Sissy Training I must admit that I was surprised, but also thrilled to get the email. "Hello Sissy Michelle;" it read. "Please excuse my impertinence in reaching out to you, but I have seen several of your posts on Craigslist, Fetlife and Adult Friend Finder. You always say that you are a sissy seeking dominant men who will train you to become a sissy cum slut. I am guessing that you have not found that man as of yet, because I keep seeing variations on the same ad week...
I am finally home daddy waiting in his car for me as he does now every midnight after txting me its time for my trainingi go quick inside dressing up for him, in the cute panty he gave me and the matching camisole on i put back my boy cloth and go out eager to see my nice cool Haitian daddyhis big large black cock fills my day dream since he started my training and i want to see him so much all of the time''hi baby you had a good day''''hi daddy yes ''kissing him his tongue owning mine as he...
Mischelle's maid babette's training. Mistress Mischelle I am a woman that firmly believes that there are two kinds of men, Bulls and sissies. Bulls are the real men with real cocks, at least 9" or 10" long, thick and able to pleasure me for hours. The other kind are sissies, small little sissy clitties incapable of giving any woman any real sexual satisfaction. They are only good for two things, taking care of my house and working to earn money for me. Currently I have 2 sissies...
Talon IGPT Tracker Scout Trainer By: Malissa Madison The idea was simple, they needed ways to prepare the Tracker Scouts for the IGPT Academies. Serena Derrell had herself graduated from the Terrellian Academy. At the time of her graduation though, the only position open for her on one of the Transports was as a Liaison Officer. After her ten years, she transferred home to become a Guardian Commander. She'd served her Queen...
by Jake Spear Chapter 1 Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family's summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. "Just one more load of wash and I'm finished," she thought to herself. Deb's husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and...
This is a true story, looking back it is hard to believe it actually happened, but it did. I was working for the government in DC and living in Maryland and my fiancé was up near Cape Cod. Just about every weekend she’d fly down or I’d fly up to spend the weekend together. We’d been doing this for about a year since I took the job in DC. Our sex life was fantastic. We’d role play, put each other in light bondage… all sorts of fun things. I knew she was bi and we occasionally would invite...
Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the story of the training of a new Slaver and the taking of two new slaves, a mother and daughter and what they are forced to endure before they are sold. Slaver Training Chapter 1-The Capture Sara’s face was covered in tears and you could see the pained expression on her face. She lay hog-tied on the floor of her home. She had a ring gag in her mouth, keeping it open. She was still dressed. Her arms were yanked up high behind her. Her wrists...