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My wife and I fell madly in love with each other in High school where a case of raging hormones and a faulty condom made us parents at the age of 16. We weren’t ready for it, but our parents agreed that we would be held responsible for our promiscuity. We got our G.E.D.s, got married and got night jobs. Our parents helped us out by watching our son, Seth, while we worked and we lived with my parents until we could afford a place on our own. Shortly after we got our own place son number two, Dalton, arrived. Things were tight for a while, but we struggled through. I was working construction during the day and doing janitor work at night and my wife would work nights as well. Looking back, I’m still amazed that we ended up with our third son during that time, but we were young and, as my wife would always remind me, working construction had given me, “a pretty buff bod.”
In seven short years my wife had given me three beautiful sons. If I’d have known that I would’ve only had three more years with her we probably would have worked harder on a daughter, but I was busy with my new job as a draftsman and we didn’t know she would be in a accident, leaving me as a single father of three young boys: Seth,10; Dalton, 7; and James 4. With some help from my son’s grandparents we got back on our feet and that brings me to my story.
I had done a pretty good job raising three boys, but that didn’t leave room for many dates even for a 32 year old. Most women that age don’t look forward to having an instant family even if the man is in great physical shape, which keeping up with my sons demanded. Seth was 16 and in every sport in High school. He was also in the top ten percent of his class. From our trips to the gym and the short peaks I got of him in the gym shower, or around the house, it looked like he was turning into quite the young man. His brother Dalton, then 13 was in a few sports in middle school, but didn’t have the think muscle build of his older brother that age would eventually put on him. He was more of the shy techy too, preferring to be alone with his computer playing games (though I came to know that was not all he was playing with at his computer). The youngest James, 10 was my nature boy. He enjoyed being outside more than inside and would spend hours outside exploring the land behind our house.
It was common for me to leave the kids at home when I had to run errands, such as grocery shopping, in the evening or on weekends. Seth was responsible and the other two where well behaved enough for boys. One Saturday I had to pick up groceries for the next week. Dalton and James were spending the weekend with friends and Seth had Janet, a female friend from school, over for tutoring in Algebra. This was a common occurrence and I had met the girl and her parents before. Both kids were well behaved and fairly shy when it came to the opposite sex, so I thought nothing of it when I popped my head in the room to let them know I was going into town to the grocery store and would be back in a few hours.
I had made it about eight miles down the road before I realized I had left my wallet on the counter at home and turned around to go and get it. When I got home I quickly ran to my room not noticing that my son’s door was shut. When I was making my way out I heard a giggle that made me stop for a second and listen. I was so surprised at what I heard that I couldn’t speak. Of course, looking back at my history I should not have been quite as shocked at what I heard.
“Stop! Stop!Okay! Just stop tickling me. I didn’t think you’d do it, okay”, Janet said between fits of giggling.
“Well, then you shouldn’t have made the bet if you weren’t prepared to own up. I did it, now you have to.” I started to wonder what exactly my son had done that Janet now had to do.
“What if your dad catches us.”
“He won’t be back for at least 2 hours or more. The store is in town about forty minutes away plus he’s a slow shopper. C’mon?” His pleading piqued my interest and I started to slowly turn the knob to his door so as not to draw their attention. “C-mon?! I swear I won’t try anything.”
“Fine, but you can’t tell anyone. If this gets back to my mom she will be pissed.” As I cracked the door I heard a rustle of clothing and a zipper going down. My heart was pounding in my chest. Standing in front of the door was my 16 year old son in nothing but his birthday suit. He was staring at Janet’s bare breasts as she slipped her pants down to her ankles and kicked them off. I had to admire his muscles in his back as they shifted along with his firm butt when he changed his posture. It reminded me of myself when I was his age.
“Hey c’mon I’m you gotta take those off too!” He was pointing to her striped panties which she hadn’t removed with her pants. “The deal was that if I let you see me naked, I could see you naked. So that won’t work.
Janet was biting her lower lip contemplating her next move. Her eyes went down, then up then, down again. As her shoulders relaxed she licked her lips. She was planning something. “Tell you what if you let me touch it, I’ll take them off.”
My eyes had been so glued to her young form that I hadn’t even given my sons naked body a second glance. My eyes followed hers towards my son’s waist. As she finished the sentence he took a step towards her with his back leg, exposing his raging hard-on to me at the door. Until this moment I had never though of my eldest son as a sexual object, but I have to admit that the sight of his tight, smooth, muscular chest leading down to the small triangular patch of peach fuzz right above his, what I’m guessing, at that time, was a nine inch long cock about an inch and a half thick, sent my already stiff dick into overdrive. I had to get it out of my pants before something broke.
Her eyes went wide as he reached out, took her hand and put it firmly on his swollen member. She started to stammer but her eyes never left the center of his waist,” b..bbb.but I didn’t think you’d…”
“Hey, this was your idea,” he interrupted, “Looks like you were wrong twice now. So pay up. I promise I just want to look.” He started to chuckle causing his cock to move slightly in Janet’s still firm grip. Something she was becoming aware of. “You’re the one that wanted to touch me remember?”
It took a moment for her to register what he had said. Slowly she removed her hand from its perch and, with a lick of her lips that betrayed her thoughts, she moved her had to her hips. “Fine… I guess it’s only fair.” With a little flair and a kick like she had done with her pants she was standing their in front of my son completely naked and completely smooth. From where I was I could make out the pink tips of her smooth and fairly swollen pussy. She was pretty excited. I couldn’t blame her. My son was sporting an erection that was about an inch longer than mine, though mine was about half an inch thicker.
They stood there for a moment taking each other in. I could tell that it was their first time to see a member of the opposite sex without a strip of clothing between them. I remember how that felt. It’s how I ended up with the young man standing in his birthday suit before me. I never regretted the choices I had made, but the dad part of me wanted to bust in there and caution him about complicating his young life: however; the 32 year old male part of me was enjoying the show. Some how that part of my brain had managed to free my own throbbing member, which I then realized I was slowly stroking. I guess it had been too long since I had seen a young woman naked in real life and I was enjoying this too much. My mind was racing at what was to come.
Janet broke her eyes of his crotch and looked at him with a shy questioning smile. “Do you think I can touch it again?”
“Huh?” This took Seth off guard. He wasn’t expecting her to make that request, but he rallied his thoughts enough to tear his eyes away from her body and nod a response,” uh, yeah. Yeah, sure go ahead. Do what ever you want.”
That was all she needed. Janet’s confidence rose as she took a step toward my son. This time she gently took his cock in both hands and began to roll it around between them. “It’s so soft, but hard. It doesn’t look like the drawing of the one that we saw in the Biology video last week.” So that’s what drove there curiosity to this point. “Why doesn’t yours have the skin over the edge?”
To my surprise my son was actually able to speak while his penis was being touch, for the first time, by some one other than himself, “Its cause I’m circumcised.” All my sons were and so was I. I’d never really though about it till then. “If you look closely you can see the line were they cut the skin off.”
With all innocents Janet dropped to her knees before my son. Face to face, so to say, with the tip of his cock. “Where?” She leaned in closer to get a better look. By the look on Seth’s face she must have been close enough for her warm breath to touch his shaft. “Did it hurt?”
He swallowed hard,” I don’t remember. I was a baby. It’s the line right there.” He said as he drew her attention the small ring shaped scar circling his shaft an inch from the head.
Janet began to gently move it around as she was expecting it. This drew a guttural sigh from Seth. His legs shook a little bit. “What’s this stuff coming out? It’s thick.”
Seth caught his breath and looked down, “It’s what happens when I get really excited, before I cum.” Janet stared and then sniffed the tip of his cock. “Y..You know you umm,” my son took a chance,” you can taste it if you wanna.”
At first I thought Janet would back up in revolt but to my surprise she crinkled up her nose and asked, “Really?” right before she licked the pre-cum off the tip if his cock. “Tastes a little salty.” Her tongue elicited a loud moan from my son, which encouraged her even more. With a giggle she pressed his cock to his belly and ran her tongue from the bottom of his hairless scrotum to the tip of his cock and then took the head into her mouth. Thinking back to my experience with is mother at that age, I was surprised that my son didn’t pop his top right there and then, covering Janet’s face with is seed like I had done to her. Even watching this lustful vixen experimenting with my boy’s manhood got me breathing hard. And that’s when it happened. Lost in my thoughts of youthful frivolity and watching the beautiful young bodies in front of me I let out a loud sigh of passion. I quickly moved away from the door, shoving my longing member, still aching for release, into my pants, and hoping that they didn’t hear me. But they had.
“What was that?” Janet asked.
“Huh?” Seth must have been too caught up in the moment to notice the sound,” I don’t know.” I heard movement in the room and the blinds on the window to the drive way move. “Shit Dad’s home! Crap! Quick put your clothes on. Where gonna be is so much fuckin trouble!” They where starting to move. Damn. The dad part of me was relieved, but after years of neglect my Dick had taken over and it wanted more.
Unwittingly I stepped into the room catching them by surprise as they rushed to pick up there clothes. They hadn’t been able to put any on and they both stood with the deer in the headlight look clutching their clothes to their chest, leaving their enraged loins open to my view. I cleared my throat, shifting my gaze between their youthful organs. They snapped out of their fearful trances, Janet drop a hand over her pink mound and Seth tried in vain to cover his rock hard cock that was pointing straight at me. “What the hell do you two think you are doing?!” I said in my most Dad like tone I could muster. I leave to go shopping. I’m gone for about twenty minutes. I come back to the house to get my wallet and find you two in here fucking like rabbits!”
Seth had given up the vain attempt to cover his entire cock and was just covering the head of it against his stomach, leaving a good four or five inches, along with his tight nut sack, open to my view. God he was beautiful. “Dad I swear we weren’t fucking…. We were just…”
“Just what?! Huh?!” I demanded. Already knowing the full extent of there actions, but like I said my dick was running the show and it had a plan. “What where you doing?”
Seth’s face, already pink with the embarrassment of being caught in his birthday suit, turned beat red at having to explain their carnal activities, “We were just….uhm.”
“Well, come on. Out with it. If you can’t explain it to me then maybe you can explain it to Janet’s mother.” I pulled out my cell phone.
Janet reacted by dropping her clothes and grabbing my arm. “No! Mr. Gerick, if my mom finds out she’ll kill me.” Step one down, now for step two.
“Young lady do you even know what you are getting yourself into? I don’t see any condoms here,” I gave my son a disappointed look. I’d loved him enough to tell him the story of his conception ad a warning when he had entered puberty. He looked down at his bare cock in shame “,but even those aren’t fail safe. You two are too young and have got too much ahead of you to be parents right now!”
Janet pleaded trying to get out of the trouble she thought she was in, “Mr. Gerick, I’ve been on the pill to regulate my periods for two years now.”
Score! But just to be sure. “You do know that you can still get pregnant on the pill,” I asked in a pitying way, ”That’s how my wife and I ended up with Seth’s brother Dalton.
“Only if you just started or your at the end of the cycle. I started eight days ago.”
Bingo! “Fine I won’t call your mother, but if you can’t tell me what you were doing in here then you’ll just have to show me.”
Her face went from relief to worry as she looked over to Seth, who was in total shock with his mouth on the floor. “Okay, fine. As long as you promise not to tell my mom.” As she stepped away and took a step towards my son, I took the chance to adjust my still hard member to a more comfortable position under the waist of my shorts. As I did my son snapped out of his stupor. The motion drew his attention to the tent in my pants. He looked up at me in confusion. I gave him a wink and nodded toward the smooth young thing walking toward him. As she dropped to her knees a broad grin of understanding crossed his face but was quickly replaced with carnal delight when she took him into her mouth again.
I watched for awhile as she ran her tongue all over his manhood and around the tip. When I was sure that they were lost in their pleasure I walked over to get a better look. She had gotten his dick nice and slick with her saliva and while doing a good job with her mouth her one hand rested flat on his pubic bone while the other was on her thigh. Seth, for all of his pleasure, had his hands at his side doing nothing to increase hers. Well If I was this far in I might as go all the way and show these kids a thing or two.
I stepped up behind Seth and as Janet continued to suck on the head of his dick I carefully wrapped my hand around my boy’s rock hard shaft and began to slowly squeeze and stroke it. The low moan that it drew from his lips caught Janet’s attention and she looked up at me. ”As you suck on it use you hand to stroke it here. Keep licking it too so that it doesn’t get sticky.” I released my grip as she took over and moved around to the side on my knees to continue the lesson. I lifted her hand off her lap feeling the heat coming off her crotch, my cock becoming uncomfortably swollen trapped between the waist of my shorts and my stomach. I moved it to his testicles and began to massage them gently, “Use this hand to caress his balls. He’ll really like it.”
As Janet expertly began to suck my son for all he was worth I stood up and moved behind Seth again, running my hand lightly from his smooth loins, around his hips and up the side of his clenched buttock to his hands. I put one in his hair and one on her round young tits and whispered in his ear. “Guide her head up and down on your cock and message her breasts with this one. Try pinching her nipples every now and then to drive her crazy.”
With that I walked over to the chair at my son’s desk, took a seat, released my swollen member and gave it some much needed attention as I enjoyed the show. Janet may not have been the expert that my wife had been, but what she lacked in experience she made up for in determination. One second she would hold his shaft straight up at the base so she could lick it from bottom to top, letting her hand follow her tongue, then wrap her mouth around the top and take as much into her mouth as she could letting her hand move back down. She even did some things that must come naturally to all sexually charged girls when they get a cock in their mouth. She would lick down his shaft to his balls where she would take one into her mouth then trace her way lightly up his scrotum to start all over again curving her tongue around it as she went.
I was pounding away, enjoying the view, when I noticed my son had his eyes locked on my hard-on. It hadn’t occurred to me that we had never seen each other with an erection. Of course we had seen each other naked. On one of our annual vacation’s to my parents house on the river my two youngest forgot their swimsuits so we all went skinny dipping so that they would not feel awkward or left out, after that it became kind of a tradition. And, of course, when we worked out at the gym together we showered afterword, so I knew he had seen other men naked, but this must have been the first erection that he had seen other than his own. He didn’t seem to notice that I saw him watching me, or he didn’t care.
After a few minutes though his eyes went out of focus, his face scrunched up, his mouth opened and his porcelain ass dimpled. I recognized the look of a young teen male having his first sexually charged and powerful orgasm, nothing like the ones brought on by self stimulation, but not soon enough to warn Janet, who was still sucking on the head of his cock. Seth, following basic male instinct, unconsciously thrust his wanton member as far into Janet’s mouth as it would go, holding her head in place as he released his seed. Janet, having no experience with deep throating and not expecting what was happening, panicked and started to gag. She tried to push Seth away, but he was lost in the throws of ecstasy.
“Seth”, I jumped up quickly a pulled him back by the shoulder. His dick popped out of her mouth trailing saliva and semen as she pulled away. As the cold air hit his cock he snapped out of it. “Be careful son!” He looked down with worry at Janet who was coughing and spitting up quite a bit of cum. “She’ll be okay. She just needs to catch her breath. Go. Get her some water from the kitchen.” With a pat on his butt I sent him into motion. As he stumbled out the door apologizing profusely I waved him out, and turned my attention to Janet.
“Are you okay?” I asked as I patted her shoulder, “You know he didn’t mean to hurt you. He was just caught up in the moment and acted on instinct. I think he really enjoyed it.”
She started to catch her breath and brought her hand up to wipe the remains of my sons cum that was dripping from her lips. She brought up her other hand to steady herself against my thigh and placed in right next to my open fly and stick hard cock. As she looked up to reassure me that she was okay her eyes grew wide and her face turned pink with embarrassment. “Sorry, Mr.Gerick . I didn’t mean to… I didn’t know…” I was amazed that she could still be embarrassed about almost touching my cock after I had just started beating off to her giving my son a blowjob. I guess she was so wrapped up in pleasing my son that she didn’t notice.
“It’s alright Janet. Are you okay?” She never took her eyes off my erection.
“Yes sir, I kinda enjoyed it. Your not like your son.”
I knew what she meant by her stare but I decided to play along. “What do you mean.”
“Your penis is bigger. It’s the size of my wrist,” for comparison she placed her forearm along my shaft and studied it, ” and there’s a lot more hair around it. Why isn’t Seth’s like that?”
“I’m twice Seth’s age and not all cock’s are the same. Seth’s may get a bit bigger since he is only 16 or he may have reached his potential,” the thought of my son’s cock getting bigger created a strange since of pride in me, ”but he will definitely get more hair as he gets older. Right now he is still young. My body is a bit hairier than his.”
“Can I see? I mean, you get to see me naked. It’s only fair.”
What a curious girl! My cock twitched with anticipation, which she found amusing. “It moved!”
I figured I had come this far so what could it hurt. As I took off my shirt I flexed my PC muscles making my cock bounce up and down a few times for her amusement and then dropped my pants to the floor and kicked them off. Once I had Janet wasted no time exploring the differences between my son’s body and mine. I was a little embarrassed about not keeping my balls shaved and pubic area shaved like I had for my wife. Now it looked like a small hedge was surrounding trunk. Janet started to run her hand lightly through the hairs on my chest, moving her fingers in small circles. She moved in to get a closer look brushing her thigh against my now aching member reflexively making it jump. “How do you do that?” she asked looking down.
“Muscles. Most of the time it’s a reflex, but I can make jump if I want to. Seth can do it to with a little practice.” She gave me a look like I was lying. “Here I’ll prove it to you.” I lead her over to Seth’s bed, cleared away the mess and lay down on it fully spread eagle. I motioned for her to lay down by my side with her head on my thigh. I put her hand below my balls on that area between them and my anus. “Here, Feel that?” I asked as I flexed the muscles a few times. She was hypnotized by my bouncing cock. Janet began to move her fingers up across my scrotum, curling them through the nest of hair, and gently scratching my balls with the tips of her nails. My cock involuntarily bounced a few more times and a low moan escaped from my throat.
Janet took that as an invitation. She placed her other hand at the base of cock, quickly ran her tongue up the whole length of the shaft, and engulfed the now swollen, purple head at the top. She had learned fast. It felt so good! I moved my hand from the bed, ran it up her back and moved her hair gently up and off my torso so I could get a better view as she worked. The sight of her sixteen year old lips wrapped around my flesh was intoxicating. “Janet you are such a good girl.” The purr of her cock muffled laugh vibrated through my body. This was great.
“Dad?” My son was standing in the door holding a glass of water with a questioning look on his face, just staring at the two of us. “What are you doing with my girlfriend?” Huh? Girlfriend? That was quick, but I guess I married the first girl to touch my cock. Although he didn’t sound too enthused I couldn’t help but take in the fact that he was already sporting a noticeable chubby. But the term hadn’t escaped Janet either. She stopped what she was doing and sat up still holding the base of my dick.
“Awe, is little Seth jealous of his daddy’s big cock?” she said with a teasing giggle as she waved my cock back and for to taunt him. “I was just taking a minute to compare his to yours and I’m NOT you girlfriend.”
The last statement caused Seth to look down in embarrassment and he responded with a little anger when he looked up. “I’m not jealous or little, and my cock is bigger than his.” To emphasize his point he set the glass of water on the stand by his door, grabbed the base of his cock, and wagged it around. It had already gotten completely hard again.
“I don’t know.” Janet teased. “I think I’ll have to see them both up close.” She patted her hand on the bed between my legs.
I didn’t have time to think of what she was suggesting. Seth must’ve caught on a lot quicker though in a second he was on his bed, between my legs, throwing his legs over mine and scooting his but up until our balls were touching. Janet reached out with her free hand to grab his cock and bring it up next to mine. As Seth leaned back on his elbows she placed our cocks together in one hand, placing the other on his abs to keep her balance.
My mind and loins were in overdrive. I had never thought of being cock-to-cock with my son. The feeling was intoxicating. Seth laughed, “Dad, the hair on your balls tickles.” and then pointed out to Janet. “See? My cocks a whole head taller than his!”
Janet moved her hand up and down our sandwiched shafts a few times. God, it was terrific! “Yeah, but his is so much thicker.” She took a closer look. I think by that alone he’s got about half a penis more than you in size.” Seth’s face fell a little.
I had sat up on my elbows. “Don’t worry son. We’ll call it a tie.” His eyes brightened as he looked up smiling. “Yeah it’s a tie.” he agreed, reminding me just how young he was. “Besides son that monster is nothing to be ashamed about. It will drive all the girls wild. Right, Janet? “
“I hope not, I just want it to drive me wild.”
“Hey, I thought you said a minute ago that you weren’t my girlfriend?”
“I’m not! Yet!” she teased and then she leaned down and began to suck on his cock and stroke mine. The sight of her bobbing up and down over my son’s cock while stroking mine right next to it was beautiful. I could feel his legs tense with pleasure, and his balls going up and down next to mine was heavenly. After a minute she switched her attention to me. I could help but smile as I watched my son’s eyes move up and down with the motions of her head on my dick. What she did next shocked me. She came up squeezed both of or cocks together and took them both into her mouth. They barely fit into her mouth. Her lips were stretched around them and everyone in a while her teeth would scrape against my shaft, but the feel of my boy’s cock pressed next to mine covered in her saliva was more than I could take. She gripped out cocks together with both hands and began to stroke them in unison with her movements. She would occasionally take a break to rest her jaw and run her tongue along the crease between our shafts, never separating them. I could feel his balls moving with mine as she stroked up and down. The sensations were too much for my, until this moment, sorely neglected cock. When she took both our cocks into her hot little mouth again, I noticed that my son was slightly thrusting up and down causing the hood of his cock to brush up against mine. This was too much for me.
“I’m Cuming!” I moaned. Janet kept her mouth wrapped around the top of our cocks teasing our slits with her tongue, determined this time not to be caught off guard. My balls drew up and I shot several years worth of seed into her mouth, filling up the space around our cocks with hot, slick sperm. It was the best orgasm I had ever had and felt like it went on forever. I could feel the sperm leaking out of Janet’s mouth, down around and between my boy and me, slicking the space between our balls as they moved up and down against each other.
Like father like son. Seth must have been just as close as I was and for the second time that night I got to watch my boy release his potent seed, but this time he had enough sense about him to let Janet know. “ God! I think I’m gonna cum again.” And with that he refilled the space in Janet’s mouth that was left by my vacating semen. The virility of youth! Even though it was his second time in less than twenty minutes, he must’ve shot at least as much as I had if not more.
Once the cum had leaked out the sides of her mouth again, Janet released her grip on our cocks with a giggle. She wiped the remains of our combined juices from her lips, “That was fun!” she said as she strolled over to get a drink from the glass near the door.
I watched her for a second, “It’s not over yet, we still haven’t got you off and, even though Seth’s cum twice, I think we could still think of something.” I gave her a wink as I reached down and grabbed our still hard and cum slicked cocks and began to stroke them together. Seth grunted his agreement. This was going to be a great night.
To be continued…


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Once in the bathroom, Sarah shut the door behind them, looked Gail straight in the eyes, and with her new found confidence, said this whole thing has made me incredibly horny and I need my pussy serviced. With that she sat down on the toilet, spread her legs, exposing her glistening wet pussy to Gail. "Come on girlfriend, Sarah needs a lick." Gail looked at Sarah and said, "I'm not going to lick your pussy, you're the slut not me." With that, Sarah, stood up from the toilet, and...

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1 Absolutely Cuckoo

OK, so this is number two in my 69 Love Stories series. That is my audacious and insane plan to write a story inspired by each song on the Magnetic Fields’ brilliant 69 Love Songs album. These are going to be a little short and a little rough. Longer, more elaborate, stories are in the works. This particular one is an attempt at the old Manic Pixie Dream Girl theme. As such, it should be a little more light hearted. As always, it’s a fairly slow build. I like my characters to wait for their...

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Fantacising My Maids

Hello People, Firstly let me introduce myself to you’ll my name is Michael Dsouza, 25 yrs old and I currently live in Coorg, Karnataka, India. I have been a great follower of Indian sex stories for years now so I thought of writing about my own experiences. Right from my childhood days i have been a great admirers of maids hot and not so hot ones who have been working at my place. I very well remember about my first encounter of seeing my maid nude, I was 8 years old then And my maids name was...

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Wifes account of foursome

Hi, my husband has been writing about our experiences from our Fantasy Boxes. We both have a box where we put our sexual fantasies in and try to make them come true for each other, I find his writings about our fantasy experiences really exciting and he agreed that could I write about our latest fantasy, so here goes…. This is John’s fantasy, I picked it out and read it in secret so he didn’t know which one I had got, he asked for a foursome wife swap, he didn’t state who with but left it up to...

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chastity submission

Chastity and Submission of a HornThe story of a married, cuckolded, chaste, submissive and controlled man, who lives a cuckold relationship with a dominating wife. I tell here my day to day, of the relationship of domination and submission. I live locked in a chastity belt and I only have ruined orgasms. We practice role reversal and see my wife having sex with other men. She practices tease and denial, without me In my last post I talked about the beginning of chastity. Now I’m going to talk...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 139

This is compliments of chuck ... Please refrain from drinking coffee near your keyboard while reading these!!!! TOP 8 MORONS OF 2014 1. WILL THE REAL DUMMY PLEASE STAND UP??? AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking intelligence. 2. WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS: Police in Oakland, CA, spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had...

1 year ago
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girls crazy for the movies and hot mom8217s pussy fuked

By: kamal hi all girls and ladies those who don’t know me here i am for them i am kamal lives in delhi(rohini) age 26 muscular body with huge biceps and id is this is the story of my school time when we were living in R.K.Puram in delhi since 4 yrs we r shifted to rohini. this is the story of my neighbour girls and their mom. I had always been lusting over the next door neighbors Punjabi sisters Rubi and Sheena for years. I had dreamed on many occasions of what it would be like...

4 years ago
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Camping With Mom Part 1

It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell I was depressed because I looked forward...

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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 7

It would have been easy to stay in her bed. She'd have let me. She'd have let me fuck her too. But somebody had to be the adult. I imagine there were a few snorts out there, just now, at me characterizing myself as being "adult" in this situation. Those people would say it wasn't adult of me to do anything at all with a fifteen-year-old girl, and then do more with a sixteen-year-old girl, and then keep doing more and more while she was seventeen until I fucked her. "Ludicrous" is a...

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Sex Swapping Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 2 Concluding Part

My little reader complaining me that I am not concluding any story. What happened next it was their query so I set my mind to finish all those sex gates/story opened by me. I will definitely start with my conclusion of my first story.Again I first ISS for guiding me as per their guidelines Again I thank ISS for publishing my story and giving me courage to proceed forward with no fear.I am Honey 40 Yrs. Now, My husband Deba 41 yrs.My son Rajesh only 22 Yrs. And daughter Mou only sweet 18...

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my 18th birthday

 i remember him comeing over to my birthday party and i was new in town so i new verry few but he was like my best freind after the party ended he said well iam the only one sleeping over and i said yup he said that will change and he took oout his cell phone invited all these hot guys over iam like sweeet we can play vidio games all night welll they had other olans that i soooooooon started to like and well now iam bisexual lol they all want nmeee soooooo bad we fucked and sucked quietly...

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Billy the kid ch 5

Fresh from my hot shower. I walk into my bedroom, where I hear Tammie on her phone talking to her son Tommie. "Okay, you can go over to Alex's house, to finish your science project. But that's it! You go straight home when you're finished. Because you're still grounded." I look through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear for my trip to the park. I hear Billy and his friends returning from Chad's house. Billy walks into my bedroom. Where Tammie and I are still naked. He...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 35

When the alarm clock went off Thursday morning I reached over and smacked the snooze button. Flopping on my back, I covered my eyes with my forearm. Hovering between asleep and awake, I felt Kelly climb onto me. Kelly sat on my hips, pinning my shoulders to the bed. I removed my arm, looking up into her smiling face. Chuckling, Kelly bounced gently on me. “What’s gotten into you this morning?” I said. “Nothing, and it’s a problem, baby.” “How do you suggest we cure you problem?” I said...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 27

"There's more to this concerning Victoria and me than I let on. I need your help, Dad," Christopher said. Wow! A night of firsts! The first time Christopher called me 'Dad' and the first time he asked for help. "I figured there was more to it than that. I assume this has something to do with you and Victoria sneaking around making out at night?" Christopher looked chagrined. "Oops. I should have known. Victoria said you would know all about it. It's not what it looks...

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Ronnies Song Ch 04

I apologise to all my readers for the wait! This one is a special chapter to make up for my absence, and I also plan to submit the next chapter soon. I intend to have it written tomorrow. Thanks to all those who have supported Ronnie’s Song! Enjoy.. —— The next few days at camp were terrible. I avoided Aaron at all costs, although he didn’t make any massive attempts to talk to me. As well as this, Nate could sense my misery and tried unsuccessfully to cheer me up. This only made me feel...

4 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris

It's hard to believe that was only two months ago today. It feels like years. I sigh and walk towards the coffee shop, the knee length skirt of my summer dress swishes around my legs in the breeze and my large pillowy breasts jiggle with each step. I try to ignore the feeling but even after two months it's still embarrassing to be out in public dressed like a woman. Of course I am a woman now, a fact that is underlined by the clicking of my 4 inch high heeled sandals. It had been almost...

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Fraternization by patricia51 Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story. My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn’t occur...

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Ever tried dogging

Nick steered his sleek silver turbo-charged coupe across the deserted Cambridgeshire by-roads towards Ely. The town was justly known as 'the ship of the Fens', as the tower of its majestic 16th century cathedral was like a navigational lode star. Ely's train station was only a few hundred yards from the cathedral and Cathy stood waiting in the shade of the station building's canopy. She wore the shortest of floral print dresses, with pink fishnet stockings and open-toed high heels, revealing...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 8

BOB (Monday 11/21) The Monday of Thanksgiving week, I felt we had made enough progress with Ana to give it a shot. At study group, I managed to get George and Sherry away long enough ("Go smooch in the kitchen for a little bit, please. Take your time.") to make my sales presentation to Natalie. As I'd done once before the first week of school, I put my hand over hers. "Natalie, if it were in any way possible, would you give me the great honor of accompanying me to the Christmas...

2 years ago
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Out for a run part 7

Well, it has been a week, let me tell you. After telling my husband about my experiences with my group of young guys and than taking him up to my secrete place in the park and showing him around and than using the area to the fullest. This week has been just as exciting for me. Before I continue, let me describe myself, I have a distinct look – 51 years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder length, mouth that loves to suck cock and has...

4 years ago
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Unholy LustChapter 6

Julie, Pete and Tim took the noon ferry back to Long Island, picked up Pete's car and on a whim decided that instead of hitting the island early in the afternoon, they would drive out to Amagansett, visit a friend, have a leisurely dinner, then hit town later in the evening. It was almost 9:00PM when Pete's car swung into the West 11th Street, they were all rather tired and Julie had intended to tell them both that she was exhausted and would rather leave it to another day to visit. She...

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Shoplyfter Aften Opal Case No 0851993

October 17th, 3:27 pm, Case # 0851993 – Young, white adolescent teen suspected of theft violently resists apprehension by loss prevention officer. Loss prevention officer is forced to tie suspects wrists to chair in order to ensure safety. Suspect is informed that she has been caught on camera stealing an elder customers purse. Suspect initially denies claims as further interrogation techniques are deployed. The rest of this case file is considered classified. Evidence logged on October...

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HomebodiesChapter 9

“Incoming!” the voice cried over the emergency frequency. “Mortars from the east!” Gath had been dozing. Like everyone else on this deployment, he was exhausted. This was day five of the intervention assignment, day three out in the field. In that time, he had gotten perhaps six hours of good solid sleep and maybe another six of scattered dozing that was often broken up by cries such as the one that had just awakened him. “Tork me,” he muttered, rolling from the semi-reclined position he...

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My doctor mom 3

Hi to all the ISS readers, I am Rakesh writing the continuation of my experience “My Doctor mom-2”. After receiving a great response for the story I am writing the continuation. After mom confirmed that she was pregnant we left the place where we used to live and left to other place in the city where we were not recognized till she delivers our baby. She takes care of me as a son and respects me as a husband and I love her as mother and as my wife. I have completed my studies and was searching...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Nia Nacci 23379

Seemingly alone at her friend’s house and doing laundry, Nia Nacci decides to stretch and do a little yoga. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, it’s the afternoon…it’s the perfect time to masturbate! But as her hand’s in her pants getting things wet and warm down there, her moaning awakens the unknown person in the room down the hall…her friend’s brother Rion. He follows the trail of pealing passion to find Nia knuckles-deep. Embarrassed, she flails around until she’s covered, but Rion tells her not to...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 30 Operation Rescue Judith

At breakfast with Ray the next morning, they discussed their plans with him. He agreed to use his influence and have the judge that imprisoned Judith "talked" to. That afternoon, Percy and Angela left in the corporate jet for Boston. It began the start of what they called, "Operation Rescue: Judith." The first order of business was to find Judith a home. To that end Angela hired one of the better real-estate firms in Boston to find Judith a place to live, while Percy paid the bail...

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Dragon ClansChapter 23

The first rays of sunlight, usually missed by most the morning after the festival opening, shown brightly upon Michael and Tera as they ran smoothly up the ancient lane making their way out of town. Michael had risen early, the gray hued light of dawn just becoming visible and filtering into the room. Lying on his back he stared up at the ornate 17th century ceiling. It's latticed woodwork and deep rich colors reflected its age as well as the craftsmanship which wrought it. Valerie was...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 19

(If you haven’t read the story Calm like a Bomb, this chapter won’t make very much sense.) “I wonder what this room used to look like before they painted it this crappy shade of grey?” Simone Atkinson asked her husband. “I don’t know, but whoever did it should never work here again. Look at the splotches and runs on the wall.” He pointed out to her. Mike walked over to the head of the table. Sitting down, he smiled. “Childhood dream?” Simone asked. Speaking in a voice resembling the...

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My first gangbang

Hey guys, My name is Wirginia from Poland. I am 20 years old who loves to enjoy a lot. Let me tell me something about myself. I am very fair, long, dark eyes. Must not to forget tell you my figure. Its sexy 34-28-32. I’m no stranger to the lustful looks of uncles and young boys of my town. To sum up, people would give anything to have me in bed.Coming to the story. I went to goa to attend my friend’s marriage, where i had this amazing sexpriance. Maine kabhi nahi socha tha that i will get...

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Bondage fun

I am young crazy 20 year old who is a little wild at times. I was at work in the hospital think of an ex boyfriend and I missed him alot, problems happened between us and caused us to stop talking for two years. I couldn't do nothing but finish up at work and go home.I finally finished my shift and started walking home, it was late about 2:30 am and I was tired, I started walking back to my apartment which was 13 blocks away. Nice cool night for a stroll so I decided to keep on walking home,...

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Sleep Over

Lying on the sofa after everyone had gone to bed, Adam was glad that he had decided to offer to let them stay the night. Yes they had had a drink or two but he had been fascinated with Marianne. He could not believe that she was with Nigel. Marianne obviously cared for him and they must have been a real item once but Nigel had let himself go badly. Goes to show what 20 years will do to a guy if he doesn't make an effort he thought. Nigel just about fell asleep on the lounge after dinner and...

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Thicker than Blood Part 8

CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR 2015“He just disappeared, again!” said Ronald. “Yes, and I have no idea why,” said Stacey. “But, we do,” said James. His new wife looked down. “Huh? What?” said Stacey. ‘“Before we came here today, Jenna and I talked. I’d asked her why her dad hadn’t said that ‘he’ was giving her away. At first she didn’t know, but then she started thinking,” said James. “And,” said Ronald. “Well, Jenna said, that before he went down to get you, Mister Carter, he and Jenna had a few...

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Becoming Maria Chapter 1

Things hadn't been going so good for me lately. I had just gotten out of college and got a good job, but then the economy went south, the company went bankrupt and I was left with nothing but a stack of bills and no way to pay them. The only job I could find was delivering newspapers, but that was okay as it was 2-6 a.m. and then I could go look for a real job. I noticed one morning that the last person on my route list was Ms. Calls, my senior high school English teacher, but I never...

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Fucking His Mom

Fucking His MomBy: Londebaaz Chohan O’ my Lord. There is no fun superior than fucking a tight, willing pussy. Since getting familiar with that, I have developed the fancy to fuck the women with natural large breasts, curvy musculature and wider hips for my selfish satisfaction. Somehow; too skinny women, with no ass are not my fantasy. I cannot bone a woman with silicone breasts. All in all, I like to dig and fuck a natural woman. She must have a natural breast, wider hips and curves all over....

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Riding Bareback

I was much more sexually mature than the children around me. I can remember jacking off a lot back in the 5th grade when everyone else in my class was just awakening to what sexual feelings were all about. My first sexual experience was in the 5th grade, actually the summer before. Both my older brothers were away at summer camp and my single-parent mother decided to enroll me in a summer program for kids sponsored by the city. The program was held on the school grounds close to our house...

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PenthouseGold Gizelle Blanco Seduces Stepbrother

When lusty Latina Gizelle Blanco is having a tough time with her university studies, she pays a visit to hunky stepbrother Robby Echo. But’s it’s not help with homework that this naughty college nympho is interested in – it’s his big dick that she’s been eyeing for some time. The tease of a stepsister flashes her perky natural tits, and is soon getting the pussy licking she’d been fantasizing about and his huge cock down her deepthroat. Watch the Penthouse...

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Open Minded Siblings Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone, I am a male and I am going to narrate this friction story as a female.I am a regular reader of iss for past 3 years and I have a tool of 7in any women or girls can contact me trough my email:   Hi, I am Neha.We are five members in our family.My father is a businessman and mother is a teacher at a university so both of them come home late in the evening.First my elder brother Rahul he is 6ft tall, fair and good looking guy with well-shaped body and doing final year b.E.Second...

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Cumfilled Surprise Ch 06

OK, one more set up chapter but I PROMISE, sex for Chapter 7. * After getting dressed, Mom helped me sneak out of the house. I could not believe what she was doing. As I grabbed the front door knob she whispered, ‘Don’t worry about coming home. I’ll tell you Dad you left early. I will make sure he stays in bed late tomorrow.’ My head was swimming. I took a deep breath and started my short trek to Stacey’s home. It was late so I was not worried about seeing anyone on my way. I kept thinking...

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Nice Ass

Back in the days when hubby and I were still more together than apart we were walking one day by the front.Not in season...not specially warm...not many about.We saw him at the same time,standing on his own with his head bowed tied to a rail.Don't know if he was alone but there was nobody about and he looked rather sad.As we drew closer hubby said "Fuckin' hell! Look at that"...I could see the massive cock swinging between his legs and I thought I wouldn't be sad with a cock like that to play...

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whitedogs lucky lotto series best cuckold story e

it should be noted i am not the author....whitedog is..Lucky LottoChapter 1My name is Tim and this is a story of how the lottery can change many lives. My wife Sara and I have been married for twelve years, she is thirtysix and I am fortyfour. I met her through a blind date and even though she was much more attractive than me what they day about opposites attract in our case was quite true as Sara had a very outgoing, agressive dominant personality compared to my meek, shy kinda wimpish...

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Real Men Dont Get Vasectomies

There are some things in this world which one simply doesn’t understand. Like why do some men decide to get Vasectomies. In one’s sincere opinion, that’s one of the worst things a man can ever allow to be done to himself. Seriously. Rather than allow himself to be neutered just because his nagging wife or girlfriend said so, why doesn’t the guy just castrate himself? It’s an even surer method of birth control. When will men learn to say no? It’s bad enough that so many men seem to think...

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Subah Subah Chut Mil Gayi

Hi iss readers,kaise hai aap. Aache hi honge. Aap to mere bare me jante hi ho,mai jivan pune se. Jo pahli baar ye stories padh rahe hai wo meri kuch aur stories hai wo bhi padh le, aur mujhe feedback dena n bhule. Mera mail id hai In Anyone from pune,so you can contact me. To jyada borr n karte hue story ki aur badhte hai. To dosto abhi garmi ke din shuru hue hai,to mai hamare yaha chat pr soya tha. Lane ke paas hi dairyfarm hai. Mujhe der raat tab jagne ki aur subah der se uthne ki aadat hai....

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The following is a work of fiction, all characters represented here-in are fictional and any semblance to real life people or persons is purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of consent, which does not happen often, so if you are opposed to reading about the strong themes of: rape, slavery, BDSM and other typically offensive material, might I suggest that you steer away. This is a work of pure smut, not too well written at that, and does not reflect any of my real-world...

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The Bridge Club Ch 08

Massimo had told Christina about the bet. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why he would do that. To fuck me over, sure. But he was forfeiting the bet by revealing our secret. Did he hate me that much? I had to know. So I called him, and set up a meeting at the fitness club. I didn’t mention squash or tennis. He knew why I wanted to meet. Massimo swaggered into the club as he always did. Even now, he was checking out the hotties in their sports bras. I had to sit on my hands. The...

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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 13

Waking up the next morning wasn’t all warm and fuzzy. I woke up first and got up to use the bathroom. When I came out, Phoebe was sitting on the edge of the bed, running her fingers through her hair. “I’m late,” she said. “I have to go get Chris.” “I’ll take you,” I offered. “No. That’s okay. I need to go home. I need a shower.” I followed her out of the bedroom to the front door. “When will I see you again?” I asked. “I don’t know. After I get cleaned up I’m going to call...

1 year ago
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Fun With An Asslock Cock Ring

'Manually' wanking while wearing an Asslock Cock ring is heavenly, every stroke pulls upward and presses downward onto the root of my cock deliciously rocking the steel ball backwards and forwards in my bum, almost in a see-saw motion.It's a pure 'Goldilocks' or should I say 'Goldicock's' combination which feels really amazing, as an analogy it feels like something akin to say greedily sucking on one of those round lollipops while sliding it quickly in and out of your mouth. Sadly I've come...

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My First Lover Is My Friend8217s Sister

Hello readers my name is Dona I would like to share my first sexual experience with you people and I sorely loved my first experience also she taught me the basics of sex. This happened when I was 19yrs old. I had a friend named Stella, we were thick friends and neighbours we also stayed in the same building so our families too knew each other very well and were very close, I too was very close with Stella’s family. Since I was the only child of my parents whenever my parents have to attend...

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PornstarPlatinum Dee Williams Foxxy 3way Is Best Way

So, I’m here with the drop e dead gorgeous Foxxy. You see my guy has some sort of event he wants to take me to, & I’m not sure wtf to wear! I guess after pulling off my top and exposing my big tits, it got Foxxy really turned on. Before I knew it, I had my tongue in her mouth, french kissing her. Things got really wild when my guy, King Noire walked in on us, & turned our little party into a 3 way fuck fest! I really enjoyed, licking King’s cum off Foxxy’s face...

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Cum Orgy 2 Sexually Cleansed

Cheryl Lynn stared up into the moist pink splaying sexual lips being worked up and down by a hand with long fingers. The legs that were straddling her head were equally as long, tanned, and smooth to match the item being manipulated over her. Cheryl Lynn honestly did not know what to think. The last time she had seen a member of her own sex in a sexual way was when she was eighteen and experimenting. Being thirty-five now and not having any contact with another pussy for seventeen years since,...

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My sexy cousin and her friend

Hello readers here are Sameer again. With a new story. Let me don’t waste ur time and directly lets come to story. My cousin age was 22 when this story happened. She got married last year in April that is in 2006. She was a beautiful women with a nice face and with a sexy figure. Her face was like Amisha Patel. So let me call her Amisha. Her figure was about 36 26 36. She was having a very nice and big boobs as well as nice and big ass. I was very free with her before the marriage as well as...

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