Axiom Ch. 03 free porn video

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‘Moving on to Section 1.01, Existing Financing Facilities…Pursuant to the agreements of the type(s) and date(s) as stated in Section 2(a) of the First Schedule…’

Gwyneth briefly looked up from the laptop to steal a glance at Aidan. His face was serious as ever as he focused on the case at hand, one hand covering his mouth like he always did when he was thinking. Aidan wasn’t in charge of the case, but it was a habit of his to remain updated on the on-goings of every team – and today, he was sitting in on her team’s meeting. Last week had been amazing, and the thought of it made her want to smile, but she forced herself to look indifferent in that meeting as she recollected the events of their first week together.

On Wednesday, he had whisked her away from work discreetly and pretended to go over the details of a merger while they were in the car together. What the driver couldn’t see was Aidan’s hands underneath the bulky folio that covered their laps, his fingers stealthily working their way up to feel her wetness through the fabric of her underwear. Without batting an eyelid, Gwyneth continued to drone on about the possible complications in regards to each clause, even as he pushed the fabric aside and plunged his finger into her hot depth, his eyes glimmering when he felt her muscles clench around the intruding digit.

In the elevator he kissed her passionately, one hand working on the buttons of her shirt as another continued to explore her pussy. Then they were in the living room where he was sprawled on the sofa, sipping on a glass of whisky as she was on her knees, bobbing her head on his cock, sucking and licking him until he came in thick spurts into her open mouth. She looked up at him lasciviously as he shot his load onto her tongue, knowing full well the pleasure that he obtained from the sight. When he was done, she swallowed slowly, licking her lips to make a show of how much she enjoyed it, and he smiled as he took a deep swig of the amber drink.

On Saturday, he was fucking her hard from behind as she was on all fours, her small breasts swaying slightly with every thrust. He could hear the muffled moans at the back of her throat that clearly displayed her arousal.
He paused to flip her onto her back and repositioned her legs into a frog-like position.

‘You’re not much of a screamer, are you?’ he grunted.
She shook her head no and reached out to guide his cock back into her dripping pussy.
He batted her hand away and leaned in close.
‘I’m not buying it,’ he smirked haughtily, ‘I know that deep down inside, you want to wail and moan like a crazed bitch,’ he whispered hotly in her ear.
‘I – ‘ she tried to answer, but he cut her off by circling a hand around her throat.

‘Scream for me,’ he commanded, his crystal eyes piercing hers. Aidan roughly pushed into her and began to pound her hard, his hand still carefully wrapped around her neck, the friction of his thrusts against her clit driving her mad with lust. He was right, it was in her nature to scream – but one too many boyfriends had commented on her volume, and she’d decided to shut up for good after that. But not now. As she felt the familiar darts of pleasure dissipating through her body, making her head giddy and her stomach ache for release, she knew she had to. Gwyneth threw her head back and let out a loud moan that filled the room.

‘Oh, God, yes, fuck me, yes, yes, yes…’ she chanted, her voice so feverish with desire she could barely recognize it. Her real self was beginning to break through now, the primal need starting to rise through the cracks of an otherwise perfect veneer. It was plain liberation – pure and simple. Aidan relished watching her shed her skin as she stretched on the bed, thrusting her hips upwards while she moaned and begged for him to fuck her.

As she neared her climax, he pulled out of her, making her growl in surprise. He made her get back into doggy position and continued to fuck her frantically until she felt her orgasm explode within her, and then she cried out in a single high-pitched whine while her pussy contracted involuntarily around his cock. Afterwards they lay in bed, Gwyneth deep in slumber having been totally spent from the orgasm, and Aidan smiled to himself at his new discovery. Who would’ve thought that Gwyneth Kenner, the confident, brainy lawyer, had a secret submissive streak?

‘You always fall asleep so quickly,’ Aidan grumbled as they lazed in bed in the morning. ‘Five minutes after sex and you’re off with the Sandman.’
‘Hey,’ she punched his arm lightly, ‘it’s not my fault this bed is ridiculously comfortable. Seriously, what is it made of, angel feathers?’
He chuckled softly. ‘It’s a Hypnos,’ he stroked her arm gently. ‘Worth every penny, isn’t it?’
She murmured in agreement, burrowing her face in a plush pillow. It really was a luxurious bed – she’d never been so comfortable in her life – the mere thought of heaving herself out of bed took all the effort in the world.

‘Will you be staying for breakfast?’ he started to kiss a trail on her bare back, gently brushing his wet lips over her smooth skin.

‘I might,’ she replied playfully. He kissed her deeply, his body pressed so close to hers that she could smell his skin, his true, natural scent.

‘Okay, I will,’ she relented, prompting a broad smile from him. She slid out of bed, pulling the sheet with her. ‘Where are my clothes?’

‘I don’t think Alfred is done with them,’ he was referring to the butler, who usually had her clothes laundered and ready by morning. ‘Stay put, I’ll get you something to throw on.’

He left the room and returned with a Paul Smith t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Gwyneth was puzzled. ‘Why do you keep your clothes in a different room?’

Aidan grimaced ever so slightly, an almost imperceptible movement of the face.
‘This isn’t my room, love,’ he said gently, not wanting to offend her.

‘Oh, okay.’ Gwyneth felt put out. Of course this wasn’t his room, she reminded herself. She wasn’t the girlfriend, didn’t belong here, and this wasn’t a relationship. Truth be told, she felt slightly hurt, but choosing to gloss over the subject, she shrugged into his clothes and leapt into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

‘Section 2.04, Continuing Security…The security created under this supplemental deed is expressly intended to be and shall be a continuing security for the payment of the additional facility…’

As her colleague continued with the sleep-inducing spiel, Gwyneth found it increasingly difficult for her to focus on the meeting. Her attention was inexplicably drawn to Aidan every few minutes. She wondered if Aidan was thinking of her too, if he was thinking about the same things that were on her mind…

With every passing week, they broke new ground and explored different fantasies. It became quickly apparent that Gwyneth loved being dominated, and Aidan was more than happy to oblige – one of his favorite memories was that of her riding him with her hands tied behind her back, her screams muffled by a ballgag in her mouth. He gripped her hips and slammed her repeatedly onto his cock until she came in an unprecedented gush of juices, her thighs taut and her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

In the privacy of her own room when Aidan was not around, Gwyneth would finger herself to orgasm as she remembered how he’d tied her up and left her spread-eagled in bed, and then left the room for what seemed like hours while hardcore porn played on a TV in front of her. She couldn’t contain her arousal as she watched the video of a woman being taken by several men, writhing at the feel of the familiar wetness pooling between her legs, her pussy aching to be filled. After a while, she realized that she was being watched, and true enough, Aidan was standing at the door, observing her with hawk eyes. He was totally naked, the tip of his erection glinting with droplets of pre-cum, and as he held a drink in his hand, he looked eve
ry bit the picture of decadence. ‘Please,’ she begged, her voice like honey. ‘Please, fuck me.’ He sat the drink down on a nearby dresser and sat on the bad, grinning roguishly as he leaned over to take her nipple into his mouth.


The situation at work was easy to manage, considering they were not working on the same cases. With what little interaction they had at the office, they remained cool and professional, businesslike in every regard. Dylan’s suspicions did not fade, instead his radar had pricked up at work and he quickly assumed it was a mutual colleague, much to Gwyneth’s horror.

‘It’s Gavin, isn’t it?’ he squinted at her over his cup of coffee.

Her jaw dropped and she stared at him, agog.
‘Are you kidding me? Gavin?’ her expression was incredulous, and she snorted with laughter. ‘Wow, it’s nice to know you think that lowly of me.’

Dylan gave a tsk of irritation, clearly dissatisfied at his disability to figure out the identity of her mystery man.

She sighed wearily at the sight of his sullen expression. ‘Okay, okay,’ she admitted, defeated. He sat up in earnest, anticipating the reveal of a scandal.
‘I have been shagging someone -‘ his eyes lit up like lightbulbs, but she held up a finger to stop him from speaking ‘-but, it’s purely physical. And no, he’s not from work,’ she rolled her eyes dramatically. ‘Whatever gave you that asinine idea, completely baffles me.’

Dylan leaned back in his chair, clearly satisfied by the extraction of her confession.
‘Well,’ he said smugly, ‘if he’s not from work, then where did you meet this guy?’

‘Bookstore,’ she lied smoothly. ‘Apparently, we both enjoy reading Safran Foer.’

He scoffed at her answer. ‘Look at you, dating some hipster from the bookstore,’ he said mockingly. ‘Does he wear skinny jeans and thick black glasses he doesn’t need?’

Her thoughts immediately flashed to Aidan and his immaculate Savile Row suits and Cartier cufflinks. Oh, the irony.
‘I’m not dating him,’ she argued, sounding irritated. ‘Purely sex and nothing else,’ she whispered, not wanting her colleagues to hear her. ‘And he’s not a hipster.’

‘Fair enough,’ Dylan said with an air of finality. ‘Do I get to meet him?’

‘No,’ her eyes flashed with anger. ‘He’s not a boyfriend,’ she hissed.

He held up his hands defensively. ‘Okay, okay…just asking. No need to get all pissy, now.’

Gwyneth ignored him and turned her attention back to her work.

She turned around sharply to see Aidan dressed in all black, holding a thick stack of files.

‘A word, please? My office.’ He beckoned for her to join him. They walked together in silence towards his office, with Gwyneth wondering about why he would want to see her – until he opened the doors to his office and she saw a well-dressed black man sitting in one of the chairs. Aidan strode in confidently and placed the stack of files on his desk.

‘Gwyneth, this is Julian Lynch, head of the legal division at Ceres Laboratories, and Julian, this is Gwyneth Kenner, an associate who’s been with us for two years now.’

Gwyneth shook his hand and began to realize who the man was. Julian Lynch, the son of Edward Lynch himself. But why wasn’t he working with the firm?

Aidan seemed to read her mind. ‘Julian has been working with Ceres ever since he made the Bar. Always been passionate about the natural sciences, this one,’ he said warmly, and Julian smiled back companionably. ‘Please, sit.’

As the three settled into their respective seats, Gwyneth was still bewildered as to why she was here. Was Aidan pulling strings so that she could work with him? Would she be working with him? Her head was swimming with questions.

‘Ms. Kenner worked on the SeaNorth case two years back, to much success,’ Aidan was saying, and everything clicked into place. ‘She came highly recommended by Marty Hamilton, who assured me that she was invaluable when it comes to environmental law,’ explained Aidan as Julian nodded in acknowledgement. Gwyneth felt a slight glow of pride at the mention of Marty Hamilton – he had been her mentor when she first started at the firm, a gentle and kind leader who had taken her under his wing and nurtured her into who she was today.

‘Gwyneth,’ Aidan addressed her directly now, his voice firm and unwavering, ‘the firm will be representing Ceres in an upcoming legal settlement, and I was wondering if you would be interested in joining the team.’
‘Of course,’ she enthused, excited at the opportunity. ‘What will the case be about?’
The two men paused momentarily to exchange glances.

Julian answered her question. ‘Ceres Laboratories will be involved in a class action lawsuit in regards to a recent agricultural product, and the plaintiffs are claiming damages amounting to 24 million dollars. This information hasn’t gone public yet, although we are certain it will make tomorrow’s headlines. Should you choose to accept, you will be representing against these allegations – and make no mistake, this will be a high-profile case – to be headed by Marty, of course. So what say you?’ Julian’s eyes twinkled at the invitation.

Gwyneth could barely believe her ears. ‘I’m looking forward to working on it,’ she said confidently, feeling a rush of pleasure.
‘Great,’ Julian flashed a polite smile as he got up to leave. ‘I’ll be back with more details, but until Marty is here, I’m afraid there’s not much to discuss at the moment.’ They closed with a handshake, and then he was gone, leaving her alone in the room with Aidan. She turned to leave, but Aidan stopped her with a question.
‘Lunch?’ he asked, looking at the computer instead of facing her. ‘Marty may be joining us, but only if his flight arrives on time.’
‘Where is he coming from?’ she asked.
‘Philadelphia,’ he answered tonelessly. ‘So, lunch?’
She shrugged as she walked towards the door. ‘Sure.’


They settled into a table at a nice Italian place and placed their orders. Gwyneth eyed him surreptitiously as he frowned at an email on his BlackBerry, noting how good he looked in a crisp black shirt and matching suit. His dark hair was perfectly combed back in neat waves, just barely skimming the back of his collar. In the daylight his blue irises were paler than ever, and she watched in slight fascination as they darted left and right to follow the text on the screen. Suddenly, he looked up and so she quickly looked away, hoping that he hadn’t caught her staring at him. Embarrassed, she pretended to watch people walking by outside for a few moments..before finally allowing herself to face him. As soon as she caught his gaze, she regretted it – the small smile on his face indicated that he had caught her staring.

‘You look very nice today,’ he remarked politely as he took a sip of water.
‘Thank you,’ she replied cooly. ‘So do you.’

Aidan placed his glass back on the table. ‘The new Radiohead album is out,’ he mentioned casually. It was established, during their first dinner together at Asakuma, that they shared similar interests in music, an eclectic mix of classic and alternative rock.
Gwyneth’s eyebrows wrinkled in a curious frown.
‘I thought we were strictly colleagues.’

Aidan gave a small smile and gestured around him. ‘We’re not at the office now, are we?’ he said lightheartedly.

She raised her eyebrows slightly but accepted his reasoning.
‘I’ve given King of Limbs a few spins,’ she offered. ‘Lotus Flower, Codex, Giving Up The Ghost – those are the best three tracks, in my opinion. They’re still Radiohead, and although it’s not exactly Kid A, it’s a good album nonetheless.’

Aidan just sat there in silence without saying a word. Suddenly he was writhing in his chair, twisting his arms about in weird motions, bobbing his head rhythmically. Gwyneth was stunned speechless. What on earth was he up to? People around them were beginning to look at them, and Aidan showed no sign of s
topping. He was still moving, flailing around like he was having a seizure, his long arms waving this way and that…wait. The punchline dawned upon her and she understood, making her burst out with hysterical laughter. He was mimicking Thom Yorke’s dance in the Lotus Flower video. Aidan continued gyrating about for a while more, not caring about the curious stares he was receiving while Gwyneth struggled to contain her giggles.

‘Irrefutable proof that white men can’t dance,’ he announced dryly after his little performance petered out. ‘We want to, we wish we could, but we just can’t.’

‘Do you dance then?’

‘A little,’ he gave a noncommittal shrug.

‘I thought you said white men can’t dance.’

Before he could say anything, she heard another man’s voice.

‘Like he said, we can’t. But then again, Aidan has always been famous for achieving the impossible.’

Gwyneth’s heart stopped for a second when she saw the owner of the voice. He was drop-dead gorgeous – tall, broad shoulders, dark hair. But what stood out most was his characteristic ice-blue eyes, the very same ones Aidan possessed.

‘Michael, this is my colleague, Gwyneth. Gwyneth, my brother, Michael.’

He extended his hand and she meekly shook it in return. As good-looking as Aidan may be, he was nothing compared to his elder brother. Michael was taller, more rugged, more masculine – but despite the testosterone his face remained boyish, supplanted by youthful eyes that crinkled when he smiled. He shook her hand with a firm, confident grip, and Gwyneth wondered if Aidan could figure out that she was checking out his brother. She threw a glance at Aidan and true enough, he was watching her intently with a blank expression on his face.

‘Michael is a pediatric neurosurgeon based at Mount Sinai,’ Aidan introduced smoothly. A hunky doctor indeed, Gwyneth thought, unable to stop herself. Michael waved him off a brisk sweep of the hand.
‘Don’t mind me,’ his voice was deep and smooth. ‘Just stopped by to say hi and compliment Bob Fosse over here. It was nice meeting you, Gwyneth. Be careful he doesn’t dance the daylights out of you,’ he teased in a friendly voice. Just like that, with a brief, brotherly pat on Aidan’s back, he left the table.

‘I didn’t know you had a brother.’

Aidan’s face was still wearing the same blank expression. ‘Michael’s four years my senior. A true Scodelario, in and out. First saved a life when he was 16, and he’s never looked back since.’ He whipped out his BlackBerry. ‘Rock climbs in his free time, made it to Base Camp on Everest, speaks five languages…’ he listed out the achievements monotonously.

Gwyneth was thoroughly impressed by now. ‘He was 16 when he first saved a life?’
Aidan nodded stoically, obviously having retold the story a million and ten times. ‘It was a friend of ours. We were in the Hamptons during the summer, just clowning about, when this guy starts stumbling around like a drunk. It was a hot afternoon, and all of us just assumed that he’d had one too many margaritas too early into the day. Then he just grabbed the salt and started to eat it – literally just shook it into his mouth – and we were all laughing at him.’

The waiter interrupted them and began to serve the food.

‘All this time, Michael was just watching him closely. Suddenly, the guy passes out and Mike rushes over. The first thing he did? Checked the inside of the guy’s cheeks.’ He said the words meaningfully for dramatic effect.

‘His cheeks?’ She echoed doubtfully.

Aidan speared a scallop with his fork and nodded. ‘The insides of his cheeks. We found dark spots dappled all over his mouth, and Mike just knew. As it turns out, the guy was in an Addisonian crisis. It’s a rare complication of a rare disease, and the doctors at the hospital were just amazed at how my brother managed to identify it. A sixteen year old, barely out of high school, diagnosing an Addisonian crisis based on nothing more than articles he’d read online.’ Aidan cocked an eyebrow. ‘From then on, his path in life was carved in stone. We all knew.’

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Another bus wank with a difference

I am a girl who is a sucker for a hard cock, perhaps I am wired slightly different from most women, but like my male counterparts, I see sex in every situation, the weirder, the more appealing it is, and the more excited I become, I invite men to grope and feel me, reveling in their hands exploring my scantily clad body, letting them almost **** me in public, and having quiet and powerful orgasms, standing or sitting, on packed commuter buses and trains.Today was different though, I turned the...

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I know I am going to be punished. Hopefully, it will just be a spanking but sadly I think it is going to be the cane. I am standing outside the library waiting for eight o’clock the time Mistress told me to attend.I joined the household staff of the Duke and Duchess two months ago. They own a large estate and much of the land where I was brought up. I was lucky to get this job and had been doing very well until I made a huge mistake. That mistake resulted in me standing here waiting for eight...

1 year ago
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Gods of GardheChapter 15 Advance

"That's right, I've been offplanet," he repeated, tossing a handful of gold nuggets and a scattering of roughcut gems onto the table. "No, it wasn't no kind of legal, but nobody but me made it back in one piece, so we don't need to worry about no one else butting in for now. There's lots more gold and jewels where these came from, just about for the taking. I won't kid you that it ain't dangerous, but if we win out, we've got it made! We can come back here filthy rich if we want...

3 years ago
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Help Me Help You

Being sick of my neighbours’ constant screw-ups was an understatement. From the idiot husband calling me the wrong name for the past three years, to the dotish wife’s trees growing over my fence.Believe me, there was much more than that. The latest mess, however, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Their moronic daughter and two guy pals climbed over my fence and decided an attempted threesome in my yard was the best way to spend an afternoon – I hollered at them before any parts were...

3 years ago
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Friends Wife Reema

By : Niloy9800227055 I’m Niloy From Durgapur age 35. Abhishek is a friend of mine (name changed) married her 4 years ago, when he was28, I still not married. He and his wife, Reema (name changed), live in a flat. Reema has a very sexy look. Truly speaking first i did not have any bad intentions about her but every week seeing her big breasts thin waist and thick lower lips and also her increasing number phone call to me thoughts started coming, but I could not help it. One day we had a party at...

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The London Underground

Jon sprung yet another surprise on me when he came home from work one Tuesday night and told me that he had a business meeting in London the next day. He'd decided to take me to London with him and leave me to fend for myself while he went to the meeting, but have a bit of fun with me before and afterwards. We quickly packed a bag and caught the 7 something train. The journey down wasn't anything special and there were very few people on the train. Jon had booked us into the Regent Palace...

2 years ago
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Working late

This story follows on from my last story “On the Road”Working Late.Dannielle had been woken by a call from Paul asking her to come into work early as they had some figures to go over. She knew what that meant, a quick fuck before work. As she was getting ready she remembered what those builders had said yesterday, the photos they had taken and the note they had left. “Wonder if they where actually going to come to her work and find her if she did’t get in touch” she thought as she got ready. It...

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Horror in an Adult Bookstore

This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only.  Please send any comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you.                       Horror in an Adult Bookstore                                                Written by 4play     My wife Mary was going to visit her sister in another state for a week and I had just dropped her off at the airport.  As I was driving home I heard on the radio of a wreck tying up traffic on the highway I was now on.  I decided to get off the...

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Robby Ch 04

Chapter Four – Easter Robbie drove to Tampa to see his battered sister, Karen, as soon as he could pack a bag. He was worried sick about her. His parents were already at the hospital and were keeping Robby posted on Karen’s status by cell phone. In addition to the concern for his sister, Robby was also as pissed off at her asshole of a husband as he had ever been at anyone in his life. Robbie was an easy-going guy but his good nature had an edgy side when he was angry. Karen’s husband, Jason,...

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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 2 After

It was warm and dimly lit. Quiet. I could hear something beeping faintly in the background, but it was far away and didn't bother me. I went back to sleep. I had the oddest dream, though. I was on my hands and knees in a hospital bed, snarling. The man from the cellar was there, the one who made me drink his blood. He was telling me to calm down, no one was going to hurt me. He kept talking to me in this soothing, quiet voice, but I was so angry. Why? What was wrong? But he told me to go...

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The Married Mans Trial and Conviction

She was there the next day. Standing at the railing. Looking at the water. Drinking her coffee. Aware of my presence as I drank my coffee. As I also drank in her presence. I sat on the bench and admired the view, as I had the day before. It was only one day after we first melded our minds through brief eye contact. Two occurences create a pattern. Patterns signal the beginning of habits. Every work day for the next few weeks, we saw each other. When we were buying coffee. When we were crossing...

4 years ago
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Memories of A Mortician Virgin Conception Concrete Love

26. VIRGIN CONCEPTION (2013) Name: Y.J.Y. Age: 18 Cause of Death: Blood loss from incision on abdomen. Severe damage to internal organs. Other Injuries: Slight chloroform burns on lips and nose. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 13hrs Notes: This young woman was the victim of a violent but somewhat sexy occult ritual. Your belly was cut Impregnated with a goat I impregnate you In all my years as a mortician, I have only come across one incident of an occult...

3 years ago
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nayantara mom series

Appavukum ammavukum divorse nadanthapo enaku vayasu 15 vayasu. Judge kettapo nan appakooda poren nu solliten because enaku foerignla poyi padikanumnu asai. appavoda sernthu athukapuram US poyiten. 5 years achu. Ivlo naala ammakuda phonela kooda pesikala. but Ipo nan indiaku poitu iruken. Ammava paakurathuku. appakita poi sollitu indiala enoda studies sambanthama photography festival iruku athuku poren nu sollitu ipo poitu iruken. Flight land agurathuku only 30 minutesthan iruku. Nan romba...

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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 2 Gimme Shelter Right Of Protection

After Crystal’s words, it took me several minutes to make my way safely back into MARY’S DREAM. Space does not forgive mistakes, even if the person making them is exhausted mentally and physically, two conditions that I definitely fell under at that moment. But I had to do it. Crystal could have done it remotely, and probably did a better job than I could. Despite all her features, she was an AI, I was a human and this was my life. Well, it was the best part of my life. An AI could accept...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Date

As his computer booted up, Dave went to grab a beer from the fridge. By the time he got back, it was ready, and he clicked on to the internet. He had been single for over a year, after his last girlfriend had walked out on him after three years together. She said he didn't understand her, and she didn't like the fact that Dave was a fan of big boobs, something Sarah and her 32As couldn't cater for. He trawled through his usual dating sites, to find all of them depressingly scarce of...

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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled

Introduction: Kayleen is one that likes to be in everyones business- like booze. But after Jimmy and Beth Lawson catches their babysitter in the act, they teach her a painful & valuable lesson. But its the lesson that will forever stick with her for the rest of her life. Beth and I have been married now for twenty years, and still going strong. You could say that were a loving, warm-hearted, deeply passionate couple. We couldnt have asked for anything more, a nice home, three beautiful kids. In...

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A fantasy that started as a dream

I have always been attracted to white girls an Hispanic girls, but I wasn't expecting for my dream to be very exciting. I'm relaxing on my bed in my boxer briefs until I receive a text message from my friend, Samantha. I check the message and it read, "Hey, are you busy? I'm outside." I notice that it's 11 at night and I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and put pants on then replied, "I'm coming now."I open the door to see Samantha standing there in a long trench coat. It was a little cold,...

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Babysitter SlutChapter 2

Joy’s orgasm slowed so Sandy concentrated on driving. The underage girl didn’t want to get caught driving her Dad’s car again. She got a bare butt spanking the last time her Dad came home from a trip and found her sperm covered panties in his car. He was so mad she was driving his car without a drivers license. She had to hear how dangerous it was the whole time he was spanking her ass, making sure to get a squeeze and pinch of her delicate ass as well. She learned a long time ago that her...

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The Occasional BachelorChapter 6

Greg thought the older you get the faster time goes by. It didn’t seem that four months had passed since his wife Jill had last made her trip to Dallas. He was now driving her to Tampa International Airport for her to go back to Dallas, Texas to spend four weeks with their daughter Beth, her husband and her three children. He was not a fan of her continuing to take these trips but after what had happened the last time she visited he had changed his opinion. If there could be a repeat of his...

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helen slut

Helen lay in bed her husband asleep next to her she smiled to her self about the days events . She played through all she had done with her builder that day her mrs average the cum slut . After dropping the k**s of Helen raced home her heart beat faster as she saw his van there . " morning " Helen beamed and went in to kiss him . He turned his cheek away " don't get me wrong luv your nice and it was a bit of fun but that's all let's face it your married " he then looked her up and down almost...

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I Shot The Sheriff

I Shot The Sheriff It was the first Halloween I was allowed to go trick or treating without my brother. I was going with a number of my school friends and one of their mother's so mom thought it would be ok. Andy had a new part-time job after school and couldn't get off until late. He blamed himself for everything that happened. I was excited to go trick or treating with my friends. I loved my Elsa costume and just wished my big brother Andy could have come with. I was getting tired...

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Just when i thought i was dreaming she made me cu

i know most people if not everyone has known or see a super sexy mom, or as we like to call them milfs. you know the ones im talking about, 36D, tan, slim sexy body. it was always my dream to be with one of those when i was younger. And lucky me,, my dream came true one dayBack in high school my best friends name was kevin, not only did i like hanging with him, i loved hanging with his mom. she was on the sexiest milfs ive seen to this day. big tits, jet black hair, and i body that was perfect...

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Chin Up Hold My Throat part one

As I woke up, the first thing I felt was the sunlight gazing from the window into my eyes. I opened them. 'Fuck!' I muttered, grabbing the duvet and tucking it over my head.  Another night of random behaviour by the look and feel of it, head pounding, yet that non-painful kind just enough to make me realise someone was literally prodding my brain from the outside. 'Morning.' I heard him stutter behind me, a quite cough to clear his throat reminded me where I was.  'Is it?' I croaked back. He...

Straight Sex
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Wedding Games Ch 02

This truly is a story of romance, but it could easily have been posted under Erotic Couplings. This chapter concludes Wedding Games, beginning with the final three paragraphs of Wedding Games Ch. 1: Mary’s eyes were wide open and wild-looking. Her areolas had puffed up so much that her nipples had all but disappeared. I tried to stand up, but this tiny woman forcefully shoved me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me. Even though I’d envisioned us doing it with me on top, I didn’t...

3 years ago
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A Mother in law affair

It's strange but since my wife and I got engaged, I have had a major crush on my mother-in-law (Judy). I never really noticed her body or sexiness before I put a rock on her daughter's hand but after that event, for whatever reason, I have not been able to get my mind off Judy. We were engaged for about a year before our wedding and we've been married for a year and a half so, all told, this crush is about two and a half years in the making. During that same stretch, I noticed that Judy was...

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Making the MILF List P04

Mother's FridayThe whole week things had been weird. Mom and I could not look at each other. I am not sure what her issue was but when I did look at her, I tended to stare which led to sorting through the files of my memory; Kyla, Laura, my naked mother, all of which made me hard and I would have to retreat from public view till my pussy rocket followed the gantry back into seclusion where it belonged. I kept waiting for some sign that mother was weakening, that she needed hard cock and would...

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Erotic Pulp Fiction

Erotic Pulp Fiction Copyright 2009 by Cal Y. Pygia Pulp fiction, as the term applies to mass market paperback books, was published from the 1930's through the 1960's on cheap wood pulp. Initially, many such books were anthologies of stories that had been published earlier, in pulp magazines. Eventually, original fiction, in the form of both short stories and novels, was published instead of reprinted fiction, and one of the genres in which original novels was published as pulp...

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Whores and black basketball players

Nick Baker held all the cards in this lawsuit. In his early thirties, he was a rising star in the judicial system of the Big Apple. Across the table from him, Graham Gray sat with a worried look on his face. He was an old acquaintance and the attorney for the opposing side in the case. They had to travel to the state capitol for today’s deposition, and probably would not be able to return home until Sunday morning, but everything was working out just great. The settlement in this case...

4 years ago
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The Black Widow Case Pt 03

By Likegoodwinecopyrighted February 2012 Here’s the last installment of my story. There is almost no sex to speak of in this one. Enjoy! Thanks to Scalia for his patient editing. Your votes and constructive comments are appreciated, as they will help me grow. Chapter 6 As summer was in full swing and the golf season was all out, I had more occasions to share precious Saturday mornings with Martha. Hector is an avid golfer and dutifully had an 8:30 a.m. tee time that day. Slowly, I learned...

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Preachers WifeChapter 4 Torment

The next two days had been a sexual carnival for the incestuous pair. They fucked like bunnies, of course, but they were so confident that they had succeeded on the first fuck that they didn't limit themselves to cock-in-cunt fucking. Janet sucked her son off several times, swallowing his sperm every time and remarking that a pregnant woman need plenty of protein in her diet. And she had let John fuck her in the ass for the first time. She didn't bother to pregnancy tests, nor did she make...

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Barsat ki raat

Hi I am a very big fan of ISS stories and its great fun to read every one’s sexperience. So I decided to share my sexperience with all ISS fans. Let me introduce myself first,My name is Raj Shah (unmarried) and I am a 27 year old Gujarati guy living in Mumbai and helping my dad in his business. My physique is a bit muscular and I also have a good personality and looks. My cock is of full 7 inches and 2.5 wide and really turnhard like iron.I have a girl friend her name is Komal, she is very...

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I'm Jenny. I'm 5'5" tall and weigh 125 pounds with c cup tits and a nice flat tummy, long dark brown hair and blue eyes. I was a 21-year-old virgin when we got married and Jim was 25. Jim is 6' and weighed 180 pounds and was in really great shape. He still is. We met at work and dated for three months before getting hitched. I stayed a virgin till our wedding night. After the ceremony we went to a condo on the lake for three nights that was one of our wedding gifts. I was...

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My Schoolgirl Neighbour

Lucy was seventeen and went to the local high school where they were still strict of the wearing of school uniform. One night she was staying over at my house with my daughter, Angie,who was the same age and went to the same school. During the evening, Angie had a phone call which she went to her room to take, leaving Lucy with me in the lounge, sitting in one of the large arm chairs,and it was then that I noticed she was still wearing her school uniform of grey pleated skirt, white blouse and...

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School Lunch

As an early teen prefect at school I was allowed to leave school at a lunch-time, I used to go to an aunts for my lunch, usually just a sandwich or just a snack. During one time my aunt was having some building work, new kitchen extension to include a new bathroom upstairs. It was one lunchtime when I was desperate to visit the toilet for a pee, “ You’ll have to pee in a bucket” my aunt said. No problem I thought, until she brought a bucket out and held it and said, “Go on, it’s not if I’ve...

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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 07

I wake up to a new variation on the Judy alarm clock. She’d slipped my morning woody into her and is gently humping me. I make note to have her teach everyone this way of waking me. Oh, yeah, what a way to start the day. I fondle her breasts and kiss her neck. She speeds up. Judy says, “My clit’s still a bit sore, but the rest is OK, this position is delicious, so you just lie there and let me fuck you.” “Hmm, yes. Please, Miss, can I have some more?” Judy giggles and speeds up. I’m on the...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Two

Chapter TwoI woke up the next morning after finally getting some sleep. Looking over it was gone nine am. I laid there, too frightened to even get up and go down and look at her. Time flowed by, as I kept checking the clock. 9.15... 9.30... 9.45 am.I heard movement outside, and downstairs. I knew she was up, and she probably had a faint idea I was awake. It was just gone ten am when a slight knock came at my bedroom door. My head snapped around.I looked as she spoke through the door. “Steve,...

First Time

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