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Balls Head Reserve, as always, made me think rude thoughts. Not because of the name – it's a headland, named after a Lieutenant Ball, who captained one of the ships in the First Fleet. And not even rude thoughts about whoever had decided some place names shouldn't get an apostrophe. Rude thoughts based on memories. This had been our place – Skye's and mine – over twenty years earlier. We were young, both still at university. I was living at home with my strict, religious parents; she was sharing a flat with an endless stream of others. So, to get some privacy, we would sneak into dark corners of the bushland which covers the park. Places where we could check off most of the sins that would appal my parents. Places where we thought we wouldn't be seen. Well, at least we told ourselves that that was what we were after.

I paused on my Saturday afternoon stroll, and looked down to the rocky shore of Sydney Harbour, where the lights of the city had spilt out on the first night that we'd come here. I smiled at the memory of her lime green summer dress riding up her thighs as she'd jumped from rock to rock. The colour had been fashionable for a time – at least a few weeks – despite looking terrible on almost everyone. On Skye, though, I'd loved it. Her smile, her personality outshone even the bright dress; her dark hair and pale skin set off against it. Although I probably mostly liked how short it was, and how it clung to her backside, leaving me to wonder if she was wearing anything underneath it.

My recollections were interrupted by an older couple, walking hand in hand down the path in silence, looking in opposite directions. I wondered if that was what might have become of Skye and me if I'd made different decisions – a quiet, relaxed familiarity with each other. Loving, but seemingly lacking the passion that Skye and I had had, taking every opportunity to grope each other whenever we were here.

We'd never fallen into the calm, relaxed companionship that my later marriage had had almost from the start. Perhaps because Skye and I were only together for a couple of years, or maybe we'd had something extraordinary, which I just hadn't appreciated at the time.

"Morning," said the man, with a slight nod.

His wife just glanced at my crotch and then looked up and smiled.

I shuffled a little; embarrassed at the effect that Skye could have on me even ten years after we'd last met.

I mumbled something in reply and carried on my way.


When I got home, there was a parcel on my front doorstep. No courier bag or postage, just a handwritten note, and a plastic shopping bag.

The handwriting was vaguely familiar. I unfolded the note and looked straight to the signature. Skye.

I briefly wondered if I should call the bomb squad. She'd been so angry the last time we spoke, but even that had been years earlier. I'd figured at the time that it was maybe for the best. We struggled to be just friends, even with us both married by that stage.

I plunged a hand into the bag and pulled out a brand new hardcover book. The title read, "A Foreign Country". But my eyes were drawn to the bottom of the front cover. There, in bold text, was her name. Skye O'Donnell.

When we were together, she'd dreamt of being a writer. I guess we both had, although my own skills didn't stretch much beyond the occasional dirty story. When I was overseas, I'd check sometimes to see if her name had broken onto the bestsellers list. But, of course, there are a lot of good writers and not many even get published.

Except that now, Skye had.

I'd spent so long with e-readers, I'd almost forgotten the excitement of holding a brand new hardcover in my hands. The smell, the weight, the colours on the dustcover and the sound when I cracked it open. I ran my fingers over the curve of the 'S' on the front cover, remembering running younger fingers across her body.

I went back to the note:

Hi Tom.

I did it! Published author! Well, a few hundred copies, anyway.

I wanted you to have a copy, since you helped inspire some of it. I hope you don't mind; I think it's disguised pretty well. You might not remember the inspiration for page eighty-six anyway. It was a long time ago, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

Love and blessings,


I smiled to see the old, familiar, hippy sign-off. I used to tease her about it, but I'd missed it in the years where we hadn't even exchanged emails. In a postscript she'd attached a new email address.

Flicking through the book, it fell open easily to page eighty-six.

I skimmed the page. The two main characters, Bill and Jo were in a seemingly deserted park late at night, partly scared, but mostly turned on by the risk of being seen. I'm sure that every reader would have their own images of the characters, the location, and exactly what they were doing, but I wondered if the images in my mind matched those that had been in the author's when she wrote the piece.

Keen to try to get some more insight into the author's mind, I turned back to the start of the book and began to read. Obviously, it was fiction, but sometimes fiction can reveal the truth more than supposedly honest conversation. The type of conversations we have every day, where everyone is hiding something. Often from themselves.


In the book, after a passionate affair with Bill, Jo moved to England to do her doctorate in history, leaving him behind, unwilling to leave his own studies and burgeoning career.

The novel explored the foreignness of other lands to Jo as she moved around the world, but also touched on the foreignness of Australia to some of our ancestors who had tried to impose an English lifestyle onto such a different landscape. And the foreignness to Jo of her own desires as she explored her sexuality with a variety of men. I always liked a book with rich ideas and themes, but a book with ideas, themes and hot sex scenes was better still.

But it also explored one more foreign country, as L. P. Hartley had identified – the past. And whether we can ever really recapture the past. While I don't usually like twee, happily-ever-after endings, I was really hoping that Bill and Jo would get one.


In real life, I'd been the one to leave, and Skye had stayed at home, unwilling to move too far from her critically ill mother.

I guess that, like so many other Australians, I'd gone overseas looking for something more exciting than home. London seemed a mythical place, home to a few of my friends who were always off exploring "the continent". What I'd found there was mostly familiar. Just a bunch of people trying to get by and find meaning in their lives. Sometimes it seemed that at least half of them were Australian. The thrill waned quickly – it was a lot like home, except with shitty weather. And no one like Skye. Or at least, if there was, then she didn't want to talk to me, let alone get naked in a park together. Not least because we'd probably freeze to death.

I got used to the money I was earning, though, and, well, I guess I enjoyed the effect a well-placed "g'day" could sometimes have with women around Europe. When I eventually found my way home again, Skye was engaged to be married. Her son was born six months later.

Her mouth had said, "Welcome home," but her eyes had said, "Fuck you for running off in the first place."


It was two in the morning when I finished the book. Bill and Jo had been brought back together by tragedy. It wasn't exactly a happily ever after ending, but while they had each other, they had hope. They hadn't recaptured the past, but were trying to build something new together. Other minor characters who had hoped to recapture their past, though, had failed disastrously, perhaps because they were using it as a way to escape the present, or to avoid facing the future.

I still didn't know exactly what the author's opinion on recapturing the past was, but I knew what my opinion was. So I composed an email.


Hi Skye,

Wow! I've just read the whole book in one go. Great stuff! I always knew you could write, but just wow.

I can see where you got the inspiration for some bits, but I don't think anyone else would see too much of me in Bill. I thought you would have forgotten about Balls Head... I still think about it often. It really does feel like yesterday.

Would be great to catch up for a drink sometime... if hubby doesn't mind.



It was an in-joke between us – always pretending to forget the other's spouse's name. I mostly wanted her to know that I wasn’t trying to go behind his back. Our last fight had been about my constant flirting with her when she had told me so many times that she would never cheat on her husband.

I attached my phone number, hoping that perhaps she would want to catch up again sometime during the week. I stretched and started heading for bed. I was exhausted, but still a little aroused from reading the book, so I returned to a favourite memory – our first visit to Balls Head all those years earlier.


That night, we'd found a quiet nook among the rocks by the water. The air was warm and sticky, the heat of the day slowly ebbing away as the slightest of breezes came up the harbour from the ocean. The lights from the city were partly blocked by a rocky outcrop and the main path through the park was several metres steep climb above us. Anyone passing there would need to lean out and look down to notice us.

"This looks like a nice spot," Skye said.

I stepped close to her and held her hands in mine. "For what, exactly?" I was half-joking, but also still unsure as to how far she would want to go. We were fairly well hidden, but we'd never done much more than kiss outdoors.

She laughed. "Well, I forgot my Monopoly set, so..." She leant her head up and we kissed gently for a few moments, before the heat of the kisses built.

We pulled each other close, my growing erection pushing against her. I ran my right hand up the back of her thigh until I reached the bottom of that green dress. I paused as we came up for air, tilted our noses the other way and kissed some more. Then I went searching for the answer to the question that I'd been pondering for most of our walk down here. ‘What did she have on under that dress?’ I ran my hand over her smooth butt cheek up to her hip, excited to discover the answer was: 'Nothing'.

Soon my other hand had joined the right caressing her arse, with the dress pushed up past her hips and held up by my wrists.

There was a noise from somewhere behind her.

"What was that?" she asked quietly. "What if someone's there?" She reached one hand back to pull her dress down, but I was still holding it up.

"Then maybe they'll see that amazing arse of yours, totally bare."

She caught her breath. I looked at her slightly quizzically, and she blushed and looked down.

I moved the palms of my hands around to the sides of her butt, still holding her dress up above her hips, resisting her efforts to cover herself. Although her efforts were half-hearted at best.

I whispered in her ear. "Would you like it if it was a man, looking down at your bare arse and getting hard?"

She gasped slightly.

"Perhaps he would take his cock out and stroke it, thinking about how slutty it is to go out without any knickers on."

Skye moaned as I slowly ran a hand down between her legs.

"Perhaps he'd wonder if he could get a glimpse of your pussy. Fuck, it's dripping wet."

I spun her around to face where the voyeur might be. Or, more likely, where the possum was. Her arse pressed against my cock, which was straining against my shorts, as I started to pull her dress up past her stomach. She made another small effort to stop me.

"I think he'd like to see those perky little tits of yours. And to see how hard your nipples are."

I pulled her dress up and she raised her arms so I could take it off all the way. I threw it several metres away and she stared for a moment, seeming to take in how difficult it would be to cover up if someone really was there.

She moved to cover herself with her hands.

I pulled her arms behind her. "I don't think he'd like that. He might be just about to spurt rope after rope of hot cum all over the ground, imagining that he was covering you with it."

I ran my hand across her pussy and slipped two fingers inside her. She was tight, but so wet that they slid in easily.

She started to moan, but quickly shut her mouth, letting out a slightly strangled sound.

I clasped my other hand across her mouth. "Better not make too much noise or you'll end up with a row of men jerking off watching.  Seeing you naked and so turned on."

That comment was enough to make her grind her pussy against one of my hands, and moan against the other. Her hands were now free, but she made no attempt to cover herself. Instead, she reached back with one hand to stroke my cock through my pants.

Soon after, her whole body shook and she let out a tiny scream, muffled by my hand and by her own attempts to be quiet. I thought her legs might collapse under her for a moment and she'd be held up only by my hand on her pussy.

Slowly she recovered, and I removed my hands from her pussy and mouth. The only sound was of her laboured breathing slowly returning to normal.

There was still a wild look in her eyes when she turned towards me. She grabbed the base of my T-shirt, pulled it up over my head and threw it in the same direction that I'd thrown her dress. Soon, I was naked too; with no chance of covering up if anyone did appear. I just hoped that the police didn't find us.

"Perhaps," Skye whispered, "it might be a woman watching, gazing down your naked body, focussing on your hard cock, imagining it inside her." Her hand ran down my front, teasingly stopping just above my cock. She smiled, perhaps thinking that she was getting her own back on me.

"Or perhaps," I said, "it might be a couple, both turned to watch us as he fucks her from behind."

Her eyes opened wide. "Oh, fuck yes," she whispered.

I spun her around and pushed her shoulders forward. She bent over, finding a rock to lean on, and I pushed into her. It was frantic. Urgent. Animalistic. She put her own hand over her mouth as we both tried to keep quiet. Tried, but probably failed.

I lost track of where we were, my mind focussed on trying to make this pleasure last as long as possible. My thoughts didn't extend beyond our two bodies; in fact, they barely extended beyond where our bodies were joined.

Both lost in the moment, neither of us had any idea about the boat that rounded the headland until it was maybe fifty metres away. Someone on board pointed a bright light in our direction and, for a moment, we froze.

We couldn't see the people on the boat, but could hear several male voices cheering and hollering.

Skye's face was bright red, either with embarrassment or arousal. Or, quite likely, both. She raised her head, looked into the light, and then, much to my surprise, waved cheerily and continued pushing back against me.

I hesitated for a moment, but then resumed my thrusting.

I only managed a few more thrusts before her pussy gripped my cock tightly as she came again. My self-control was gone and I pumped into her again and again.


My reminiscing was interrupted just before I lost control at my own hand. My phone had pinged.

Couldn't care what 'hubby' thinks – divorce almost finalized. I read that you'd split from wifey when I was looking for your address (okay, cyber-stalking you). Sorry to hear that. Not fun, is it? Anyway, I don't know about getting a drink there, but Balls Head would be quiet at this time of night. I could be there in fifteen minutes. I still fit into that green dress... not sure if I'll be able to find any knickers to match it though. See you there?

Suddenly wide awake again, I smiled.

After the boat incident, we had both expressed embarrassment and sworn that we wouldn't do anything so risky again. That vow lasted about two days, before we had somehow found our way back to Balls Head.

Twenty-something years later, we were heading there again. I didn't know if we could recapture the past, but we could have a lot of fun trying.


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The Marquesan Headhuntresses

The soft breeze ruffled his hair as he padded barefoot on the wooden deck. His feet now accustomed to the heat generated by the radiant sun in the tropical climate he found himself in. The small schooner dipped at anchor in the blue waters as he awaited the return of Bartlett, Johnson and the hand who had gone ashore in the skiff to trade goods with the natives in exchange for copra."Hope them's back soon; don't like a look o' that shite yonder" said Bundy the first mate, pointing to a dark and...

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WALL STREET BLUESFuck, what a day thought Kerri.  Slamming down the pedal of her Beamer, radio up, sunroof open Kerri was ready to put this day of work behind her.  Being an up and coming Wall Street Investment banker had its highs.  The salary was great but some of the days were just draining as everything went downhill.  She should be working late but everything was so fucked up she left anyway.  Whatever! She thought. Texting Jimmy she made sure they were still on for mountain biking when...

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Sissy Headhunters

SISSY HEADHUNTERS by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**One**Andy tried not to be obvious about it: but it was hard not to notice that there wasn’t another white person in the entire restaurant. He’d let Mr. Asad pick  the place of their lunch meeting.  Maybe that was a mistake. But he wanted to make sure everything was to the black man’s liking. Andy hadn’t landed an account in months so when he’d been contacted by a corporate ?headhunter? he’d been surprised—and relieved. As the fiscal year...

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The Headmistress And The Headgirl

It had been a chance meeting between Mrs Dawson and Lucy Thomas at a book reading club. Janet Dawson was the headmistress at the sixth form college for girls that Lucy Thomas had attended. Lucy was the head girl and head prefect.Janet Dawson was now forty-five years old, and Lucy was twenty-two-years old.Having met at the book club and got on well, they went for a drink together one evening and were now back at Janets’ house having another drink and an increasingly friendly chat.It was during...

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Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. Flathead-- From 1920 through 1969, Flathead Indians and Harleys were a major force in American motorcycling. Up until I met Candy, there were only two things in my life of any value: the 1946 Flathead that my father gave me, and the 1917 Navy Luger that my grandfather brought back after World War 2. I wasn't what you would call an ambitious fellow. I usually went with the flow and always took the easy way out. Now, don't get the...

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The Headsman

Being the King's Headsman is the only employment that I have known since I was 18 summers old. I had been with a group of people from our village returning from a market fair in the next town over when we were accosted by a band of highwaymen. The robbers were too busy pawing the women and intimidating the others to pay much attention to the skinny lad who obviously didn't have anything of value. What I did have though, was my axe. When the leader of the robbers pawed my mother's breast...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Pothead

Story #1: In Which I Get Turned On My brother had been trying to turn me on to pot for quite some time. Each time he visited me, he would pull out a pipe and light up, much to my horror and consternation. I was convinced that I was going to be busted because he was smoking in my home. I would be innocent, but busted. Finally, though, I decided I was being a little pigheaded about the whole thing. He had worn down my resistance. I might as well do it, just to get it over with. It so happened...

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Secret Headquaters

I was doing a casual security job at the ultra secret headquarters of an extreme right wing organization. They were something just short of Nazis or the clan. They had a fierce hate of all things different to them, this included women, colored people, gay people and just about anyone who didn't fit their white supremacist stereotype. I was just there in case anyone tried to break in or vandalize the place. I spent most of the time in a large luxurious office, which was where the most sensitive...

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“Can’t wait to feel a hard cock shooting cum inside me.” I was trying to sneak past my sister’s bedroom door, but that phrase rang in my ears and rooted me to the spot at the top of the stairs. At sixteen, my older sister Jenny was an annoying sibling. Shallow, nosy and a tattle tale; she seemed to revel in any trouble she could get me in. So I always did my best to avoid her. It wasn’t too hard for me to get away from her nosiness, but I always had to be careful. The difference...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 65 Blockhead

March 16, 1992 Chicago, Illinois We arrived home from O’Hare just after Elyse brought Abbie and Matthew home from Midway Airport, and just in time for dinner, which Nancy had helpfully prepared. “There’s my other granddaughter!” Nancy said when she saw Birgit. “Hi, Grandma!” Birgit said going over to give her a hug before climbing into her booster seat. “How were the trips?” “Vermont was nice and peaceful,” Kara said. “Except for a certain husband who just HAD to watch NASCAR!” Jessica...

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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 8 Headways

June 15, 2027 The corn field and the vegetable garden screamed for attention, constant, urgent and immediate attention. Clark and the girls knew that as first-timers they would have to overcome a steep learning curve to be successful at gardening. It would take more than just throwing some seeds into a hole in the ground in the hope that something would grow and could take several seasons to gain the experience and skills needed to produce enough to sustain themselves. Up at the cabin,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E09 Helena Gates 50 from Leatherhead

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a high-quality collection of low-rise apartments. Multiple buildings, each of them four floors high. Red brick and white render, lots of small square windows and balconies that look almost completely unused. Then, walking around the corner in cargo pant shorts, and his beloved West Ham football shirt, his Doberman beside him ... It’s Dennis, the Cockney geezer that our audience has grown to either love or hate, and he’s approaching us with...

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she again sent a header

The 2014 World Cup Final was Kloses 137th international match, making him the most capped player at this summers tournament. Like Pele, the 36-year-old contested his second World Cup Final 12 years after his first.71 - Klose has scored a remarkable 71 goals for his country. In September 2013 he equalled Gerd Mullers German goalscoring record of 68 in a World Cup qualifier against Austria before becoming the outright record holder in his sides 6-1 win over Armenia in June this year. Its a joke...

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The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you.There was a knock at the door…“Come!” I shouted.You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were wearing a tiny gym...

Straight Sex
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100% fiction! The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you. There was a knock at the door… “Come!” I shouted. You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were...

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I was one of those people who never got headaches; never got sick. Whenever I heard someone complaining about migraines, I would offer up the standard platitudes. But to myself, I always considered them to be slackers who'd latched on to a way to demand sympathy from the rest of the world. After all, how could a person really be in that much pain without any outward signs. No bleeding, no hunched over back, no limp. Just a sorry "please feel pity for me" expression on their faces. I...

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I was in my late teens when I first realised I had a much bigger cock than other boys my age.I copped lots of good-natured ribbing about it when changing while playing various sports. By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-five years of age I was far more sexually experienced than other men of my age. By then I had learnt much to my satisfaction that some men and...

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Melanie Gets Her First Doubleheader

Over the next couple of months, we saw Jake and Sue several times socially for backyard barbecues or a few beers, but around midsummer, we were invited over to their place for dinner. Sue served a delicious dinner with copious amounts of wine as the accompaniment and we all relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. When dinner was over we adjourned to the living room for more drinks and conversation.  Inevitably the conversation eventually turned to the game of strip poker we had played at our place and...

Group Sex
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My First Triple Header

My Best Day Ever Starting with Lovely Arlene.During my first summer out of High School, I was sleeping in on a day off from my summer job. The phone rang too early, I sleepily answered to a dull hum. There was no voice but household noises in the background on the phone. In 1960 there was no way to know who was calling, so I hung up.  A few minutes later it happened again. No voice again. I listened for a while until I heard a familiar faint noise in the background. I let  Arlene know I...

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I was in my late teens when I first realised I had a much bigger cock than other boys my age.I copped lots of good-natured ribbing about it when changing while playing various sports. By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-five years of age I was far more sexually experienced than other men of my age. By then I had learnt much to my satisfaction that some men and...

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Sallys New Life She Meets The Headmistress

Mrs Higgins had been right to encourage her to get to bed early. She slept like a log until Sarah shook her awake. It took her a moment to realise where she was and separate her dreams from the reality, framed in the contrasting image of Sarah’s smile, and the cane hanging behind Sarah on the wall.She so wanted to roll over and daydream a bit, but there was real concern in the tone of Sarah’s urgent, “Hurry Sally, you need to have a quick wash, get into your new uniform, and be downstairs at...

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Sarah Carerra 234 Tonights Headline

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: May 2, 2011) Chapter 34 - Tonight's Headline I dreamed about Ethan. I couldn't remember most of what the dream was about, but there was one thing that I knew for sure when I awoke. He would always be my friend. Tuesday had...

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"Hey, sleepyhead... Wake up." I rolled over and opened my eyes. Mary was sitting at the edge of the bed with a big grin on her face. "What time is it?" I asked groggily. "About 8:30. You promised to help me finish cleaning out the third bedroom, remember?" "Yeah, right." I yawned and stretched. That's when I realized what I was wearing. "Oh shit!" I quickly reached for the covers but Mary was sitting on the turned back portion and I couldn't pull them over me. "Shit," I...

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(MF, wife-cheat, husb-voy)I met Wendy at work, she was a legal intern and she instantly knocked me off my feet. I fell for Wendy hard. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, with dark blonde hair and a dark tan. Her athletic body and eager outlook on life were just icing on the cake, so to speak. For some reason Wendy, who was 25, took a shine to me even though I had just turned 44 that April. After our relationship became physical, she confided in me that she had always liked...

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Heidi and the Headmaster

I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. ‘Mr Headmaster, Sir?’ ‘What in the…?’ As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...

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The Venus Academy for Girls is, unfortunately, neither as divine nor as stellar as its name implies. Although once unquestionably the best girl's finishing school in the state for the 18+ woman, it's fallen far from grace. Today, you can see girls doing cocaine in the washrooms, or wearing skirts that end halfway on their calves. Others party late into the night, then skip class. Grades have been dropping. The best teachers have all quit. In fact, the only thing stopping the state's education...

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DONNAThe Headmaster

My main problem in school was talking in class, I don’t know why but I did every time even though the teachers warned me, this particular day was no exception, the teacher warned me again, but because I was stupid I carried on, but he’d had enough.“Donna OUT” as I stood up embarrassed, I left the classroom and stood outside. At the end of the lesson when everyone had gone Mr. Kay came out and said “We’re going to see Mr. Cole, our headmaster. As I sat outside his office Mr. Kay knocked and went...

4 years ago
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Heidi and the Headmaster

I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. "Mr Headmaster, Sir?" "What in the...?" As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...

Straight Sex

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