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Thomas had a long day ahead of him and limited himself to a quick cup of coffee so he would have the time to spare for touch-ups and the possibility of late public transit. "Are you sure you don't need any help?" Len knew he could manage, but couldn't shake her fascination with the face and persona he was slowly developing for Elaine, the scorned, would-be mistress of a middle-aged man in crisis. "I can handle it." He confirmed the fit of her silicone rubber nose to his own, then removed it to apply skin-safe superglue to both surfaces. It was carefully fixed in place, giving it a thin and prominent bridge. The remaining pieces of her face sat before him on individual plaster castings awaiting assembly. Her question reminded him of a conversation they had the other day. "Len," he said in a tone he hoped was reassuring, "I'm still going to let you do my Halloween makeup if you want. I loved that alien design of yours. Who was the model?" "Sophie, a friend from college. That was her only time wearing anything that extensive. The lifecast was claustrophobic enough for her but after a few hours in the mask she was begging to be let out of it. I think there was more to her panic than that, though." "Really? What else could it have been?" The seams around her nose were slowly disappearing with the aid of adhesive and diluted acetone. "She was hoping to impress some guy at the party. He was nothing special as far as I could tell, but I think she wasn't used to attention and she got attached in a hurry. He claimed he remembered her but couldn't recall any details from their last conversation." He set down his brush and turned in his chair. "Were you eavesdropping?" "A bit," she admitted. "I didn't like his body language. I'm a den mother of sorts. Look, if you want to understand women then know that some of us look out for each other because when you're used to feeling vulnerable, it pays to be paranoid." She stood in front of the fridge, then decided breakfast could wait for a bit. "Really, it wouldn't surprise me if he was bluffing his way through it. It didn't take long for his eyes to wander towards girls in more revealing outfits." She pulled out a kitchen chair opposite Thomas but didn't sit down, instead taking the moment to recollect. "By the time I finally peeled it all off of her in the bathroom, he already left with a sexy nurse. To think he could have had the real deal with her," she said, then went to pour herself a glass of orange juice. "I'm sure she was better off in the long run. Not that it would have hurt any less in the moment. I'm not sure I would have minded the rejection so much if I were in her shoes. She could have played it off as being an alien who was unfamiliar with human mating rituals." Len choked on her juice, then wiped her mouth as she stifled a giggle. "Oh, like that would have gone over better! Seriously, he would have left immediately if she had done that." "Instead of almost immediately." "Point taken. But that's not her style and nor was he, so like you said, she's better off." They sat in silence while Len quietly nursed her orange juice and Thomas carefully lifted the chin piece from the positive plaster mold. It had a softening effect on his masculine jawline after being precisely secured. "I always look ridiculous when I'm halfway done." "Not that it matters. As long as it looks great in the end," she said with a wry smile. "By the way, do you have a lifecast I can borrow? Or do I need to smother you in alginate tomorrow? I have a lot of sculpting to do for the costume I have planned for you." "You're going to make me hideous, aren't you?" "Beauty is subjective," she said, then walked over to pat him on the back reassuringly. "You'll have to trust me. Knock 'em dead in class today." ***** On a bench outside Dr. Lavoie's classroom, Eric compulsively bounced his knee as he recited his monologue to himself from memory. "Second prize is a set of steak knives. Second prize is-". He knew how it should sound but acting, as he understood it, isn't mimicry. He wasn't sure how it should feel but he knew he wasn't feeling it. He knew it was only a class assignment. He trusted his teacher to be a qualified critic. His knee wouldn't quit. "Let me have your attention for a moment." "Alright, you have my attention," said a young woman carrying a black coach purse as she approached from around the corner. "That line about steak knives sounds familiar but the name of the play escapes me." "Ah, it's from 'Glengarry Glen Gloss'," he said as he lost himself for a moment in her placid gaze and full peach lips. "I mean, 'Ross'. Sorry. It's Blake's speech, you know, Alec Baldwin's at the beginning of the movie." Her loitering near the classroom door compelled him to ask. "Are you here for Dr. Lavoie's class?" She nodded. "Did you transfer in this week? Because I feel like I'd remember seeing you in class." "You saw me. You aren't seeing me now," she said, moving closer and making herself available for inspection. His focus returned to his performance ahead. "Oh, okay then," was all he had to say. Classmates gathered as the time for class drew closer. With a minute to spare, Dr. Lavoie came with the keys to let in her students. Once they found their seats, she spoke to settle their nerves. "I want our scheduled actors to relax. You've had all weekend to practice. Remember, I'm more interested in how the elements of your performance come together than I am in any specific part of it. When the audience sees you on stage or screen, they aren't wondering about your enunciation or your tone or your body language unless you have failed to sell them on your performance. If you can get the audience to buy what you're selling, so to speak, then the rest is window dressing." The professor picked up her class notes from the lectern and checked student names. "We have three students scheduled today. Portia's monologue from 'Julius Caesar' will be performed by Carolyn. Blake's monologue from "Glengarry Glen Ross" will be performed by Eric and Elaine's monologue from 'Last of the Red Hot Lovers' will be performed by-" She adjusted her bifocals and reread her notes. "Thomas, you're-" "Right here," said the young woman in her low-cut orange top. After a close inspection, she deduced from the lack of visible pores on the young woman's face and breasts that they were the result of extensive prosthetic makeup. "Silicone rubber and foundation, I presume?" He gave a deferential nod. "The mask is a seven-piece prosthetic. There are the ears, cheeks, chin, a nose and forehead piece. Oh, and the breasts are also glued down." "Noted, but I did not ask for students to perform in costume today. If you don't mind, can you demonstrate the range of motion in your mask?" Thomas opened his mouth carefully, gave a half-hearted smile and tried to squint in one eye, then the other. "I suspect your mask is either too thick, improperly adhered or you did not use enough deadener. Assuming the rest of the work is yours," she said, receiving a nod in reply, "then you have potential backstage. That's not the purpose of this class." "I know, Dr. Lavoie. I wanted to demonstrate my range as a professional and my ability to step out of my comfort zone." "A single performance can't demonstrate an actor's range. I think your makeup is going to work against you today. But I am willing to be proved wrong." She directed him to take center stage in the classroom as she took a seat with her students. The actor took his place, shut his eyes, focused inward on his breathing and released his opening line. "You hypocrite," he said with a bitterness and rage that his face could not reflect. "You soul- searching, finger-smelling, hypocritical son of a bitch! Who are you to tell anybody how to go through life?" The professor kept silent through the expressionless delivery of the remainder of his monologue. "I suspected as much. Did you perform a makeup test before today? Did you actually perform this monologue in front of a mirror in full makeup?" His silence told her enough. "I can tell because while your voice and line delivery are adequate, I can't see any facial expressions that match that tone. It looks like Elaine went overboard with botox treatments and a facelift." She rose and stood in front of the class. "This actually has been an issue with prosthetic makeup in theatre and film for decades so I don't mean to be harsh. Gene Roddenberry instructed the makeup artists on 'Star Trek' to never design an alien makeup in such a way that an actor would be unable to emote. It's how we ended up with so many forehead ridges and ear shapes. Even in modern times, such as with DiCaprio's performance as J. Edgar Hoover or Carla Gugino in old-age makeup as the original Silk Spectre, we see makeup artists who forget that their prosthetic makeup has to move with the performer and allow them to work. If your schedule is open after class, I want you to perform in front of a mirror and try to understand my critique. Then we can talk privately in my office." ***** He stood in front of the mirror in the men's bathroom down the hall from his class and tried to understand how another person would see his reflection. He didn't have to dig deep to find his anger and frustration this time. "You hypocrite!" His voice echoed off the walls. "You soul-searching, finger-smelling, hypocritical-" He felt her anger. "You hypocrite!" Could he actually see her anger? "You hypocrite! You soul-searching-" He saw no pain or fear in her eyes, but why should Elaine be frightened? Barney wasn't a threat to her. He was lonely, bored and wanting an affair. Even if she did feel that way, why would she ever betray those emotions to anyone? She would keep them locked away behind a mask of sarcasm and wit. She would refuse to give him even the slightest pleasure in knowing that he could touch her with his desire if she could help it. Maybe some people can't help but be vulnerable to the world. If they had the choice, they would choose to hide as he had done when he sealed himself away inside of her. ***** "Dr. Lavoie?" A sharp tap on the door molding took her attention away from her reading. "Thomas, come in." He adjusted his skirt and set his purse beside him as he took a seat in front of her desk. "Are you okay with that name?" "I guess I am. Yes, Thomas is fine." He set down his purse and tried to find a way to rest his hands. "I could hear you practicing in the restroom. You have quite the voice when you don't want to be heard. Did you see what I was saying?" "I think so. I sounded upset and my body language was expressive but my face said nothing at all." "For a mainstage production, microexpressions won't be an issue. I could have clarified that in my critique. My other reason for wanting to speak to you in private was to find out why you actually chose to dress in this way. If this was part of your transition then I can understand your choices better but to go with something so elaborate and time-consuming- How long did it take for you to apply all of this?" "It took about three hours. I'm getting faster with practice." He remembered her other statement. "I'm not transitioning. This is only an occasional thing for me." "I see. I suppose you wanted to see the world from the other side." He could only shrug his shoulders in reply. "It doesn't matter which face you wear if your eyes remain the same. When you go out in public en femme, how do you interact with your surroundings?" "This is my first time out in public like this. I've practiced my makeup many times before today in private." "That would explain your nervousness." She laced her fingers and rested them atop her desk. "I look forward to seeing you perform your monologue without any of this getting in the way. To be clear, there is merit in learning to perform in costume if your goal is to grow through real-life experience. Would you be willing to try an acting exercise in public? You are free to refuse but I'd hate to see your hard work go to waste so soon. I want you to go shopping for clothing today before you go home. You don't have to buy anything or head to the dressing room but I want you to ask a salesperson for their opinion on what you should purchase. Real conversations are essential practice and you can expect polite service at most places." He felt his blood pressure rise and a lump form in his throat. "I can't. I don't know. I don't have anything planned but I can't go." "That's fine. Would you prefer another acting exercise?" "This was a mistake." He firmly held his jaw between his manicured fingers and nervously rubbed his rubber cheeks. He realized that even if he could rip his mask off now, it would make returning to his apartment much more uncomfortable, so it would have to stay intact for now. "Our makeup department has solvent if you need any." He continued with idle pinches and nail scrapes against its surface. "She's a lie. I feel selfish wearing this face in public. I'm okay with wearing it in class because you all understand it's a lie. But anywhere else and all I want to do is avoid people." A tug of her ear interrupted his train of thought. "You're right. This face is a lie. Until you are willing to commit to the performance, it will remain a hollow, insubstantial lie. Do you understand the difference between acting and lying?" "It's the setting, right? The audience knowingly agrees to believe the lies a performer tells in the context of the performance." "An artist cannot place the burden of communication entirely on their audience. Remember what I said at the beginning of class today. You have to learn how to sell the idea of your character as though you were introducing yourself to the world. Connect to her, then connect to others through her. Are you willing to be Elaine? Next Monday, I want to see Elaine remind all of us why she won't settle for Barney and his treatment of her. But this time, I don't want to see an ounce of rubber, glue, wigs or cosmetics getting in the way. Come as you are." He relaxed his hands and forced himself to stop fidgeting with the mask. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you for your help." **** The city bus opened its door to three would-be passengers standing patiently along the sidewalk. A young man in a buttoned-down baby blue shirt gave a curt nod and dropped his heavy textbooks on the nearest seat. A young woman wearing the unusual combination of grey pajama pants, a matching sweatshirt and a black jumper, seemingly unaware that the bus had a driver, found her way to a center seat. Another young woman in an orange blouse and black skirt, baring a complexion too perfect to be natural, anxiously found her seat in the far back of the bus. Thomas was done being Elaine for the day. He would try to be content with staring out the window and ignoring the cold until he arrived at the stop closest to his apartment. Nobody ever seemed to want to talk on the bus. It didn't matter who he appeared to be as passengers were all the same to each other. It may be that in his pursuit of a perfect face that her visage crossed into the uncanny valley where the sight of her was more unnerving than appealing. It was more likely that bus riders were conditioned to see their travel as a brief stop in limbo rather than an event of its own. His hand moved into his purse and enamel nails tapped idly against his cell phone. It was only twenty minutes until his stop. Len said she wanted to know how his monologue went. He called to check and she answered on the third ring. "Hey. How did your monologue go?" "You were right," he said with no sense of shame. For all of their differences, he never saw her as a harsh judge. Certainly, she couldn't be more demanding than he ever was of himself. "She wants to see me perform the monologue again next week without makeup. I don't have any other classes on Mondays so I'll be back at the apartment in a few minutes." "Did you want to go out for lunch? I'm meeting some friends in about an hour." "Maybe after I've changed," he said, being careful with his choice of words in case someone overheard. "I'd love to see you in another dress. I don't think my clothes would fit but you could borrow some accessories. I have a tan scarf that you might like." "No, I mean I need to change completely." "You're tapping out so soon? I would've thought you'd want to be seen after the effort you put into that face of yours." "I don't know. Maybe. We'll talk more about it in a bit. Bye." He wanted to be able to say 'Yes' but knew he had to decline. He hoped he wasn't too abrupt when he hung up on her. ***** He was prepared to spend another afternoon sitting alone in front of a screen when he saw Len dressed for a day out around town. In a stark departure from her usual navy blue scrubs or tattered pajamas, she chose a flattering pale yellow blouse and paired it with a white camisole and ivory slacks to match her faux-leather coin purse. "Have you decided to come along?" "I think I'm going to take my time and relax here. Maybe we can schedule something next week. I think they'd rather see me as my real self first. Actually, if you could give me a few minutes to unmask and change I'd love to meet your friends." "Alright, but I'm sure they'd love to meet Elaine. That is, if you're keeping that name from the play for her. Now that I think of it, it could be weird if you were coincidentally playing a character of the same name. I haven't mentioned anything to them about this side of yourself yet." "Good. Don't. It's not a side of myself. I still feel like she's nothing more than a pretty face. It's probably why my performance in class fell flat." "Then you can use this as a chance to explore her as an actual person. Think of it as improv practice." "Dr. Lavoie suggested something similar. I might be up for it later this week." Len was disappointed to see him roughly grab his left rubber breast to try and rip it away. "Please? I think this will be good for you. If it doesn't work out, it isn't like they'll run into you again even if you run into them. They're open-minded. They might even think it's fun if they ever found out the truth." "They'll get the truth on my own terms. I don't want to lie to anyone and that's exactly how this feels because it isn't who I am." "It's a chance to surprise yourself. How often do people ever give themselves that? I'll make you a deal. Come out with us for lunch today and I'll let you make yourself into the kinkiest rubber doll you could imagine for a whole day. I'll take care of you the entire time." "No." Starting from his nose, he pinched the prosthetic tightly between his finger and thumb. He winced in pain as Elaine's face slowly deformed beneath his fingertips. As each shred of the mask was slowly and painfully torn away, he balled it into his fists then tossed it into the trash can. The wig was tossed onto a countertop and his bald cap soon snapped and joined the rest of the discarded silicone. "I'm so going to need a facial this evening," he said before stepping into the bathroom to cleanse and exfoliate. "Alright, I'll call ahead. They can wait a few minutes for you to clean up and change clothes." ***** Her friends were waiting for her on the patio under a cloudless sky and the full afternoon sun. They were politely curious about her guest. "This is my roommate, Thomas, and these are my friends and coworkers from the hospital, Lizzie and Sophie. I hope you don't mind me bringing someone along." "Of course not," said Lizzie. "Do you work in healthcare?" Thomas shook his head dismissively. "Then we'll have to keep shop talk to a minimum. You might lose your appetite over some of the things we chat about." "No, feel free. I'm curious enough." "If you insist." They took their seats. The three of them started on their iced teas, leaving Thomas to try and get the attention of a waiter. "I'd like a glass of water," he said. "Have you all ordered yet?" "No," said Sophie. "We're ready now, I think. I'll have the carbonara and a side order of salad." "The pasta florentine sounds good," said Lizzie. "I'll have the chicken parmigiana," said Len, leaving Thomas to be the last to order. Having not looked at a menu yet, he chose one of the other orders. "I'll also have the florentine." The waiter promptly left to get the water and place their orders. "Tell us about yourself, if you don't mind," said Lizzie to Thomas. "Len hasn't said much about you yet aside from how you're a morning person and you love to cook." "She's got me there. I'm only a student right now. I recently transferred from a community college into the theater arts program at Simmons University. I want to focus on acting to see if it's for me." "Won't know unless you give it a shot. And if it doesn't work out, you might be able to find a job behind the curtains. Did Len here tell you about her special effects makeup work?" "Yes, I've seen pictures." He turned to Sophie. "Were you the friend who wore her alien design with the blue and teal fade and the massive ear lobes?" "Yeah, that was me. I started freaking out a bit during the lifecast and Len was ready to stop halfway but I gave her the 'keep going' signal with my hands. She offered to tone down the makeup to just a head or nose piece-" "Or I could have gone with straight makeup. Not everything has to be rubber and glue," she interjected, giving Thomas a sideways glance. "I know, but I didn't think it would be as bad. And it wasn't, until..." Sophie's voice trailed off and Len picked up on it. "I mentioned it to him already. He understands." "Anyway, she's always looking for test subjects for her makeup projects. If you don't mind being known as someone who enjoys acting behind a mask, you could carve out a niche for yourself there. Lots of performers can't stand it." "I'll keep that in mind," he said. "The way you said 'test subjects' has me curious. Who else has she been able to talk into the makeup chair?" Lizzie took her opportunity to join into the conversation. "Two years ago on Halloween, Len was dating this guy," she said, striking a nerve in Len. "He said it was her idea to dress him up as a woman for the party but I think he just said that to save face. Len's not the sort to make someone feel uncomfortable on purpose. Are you?" Len shook her head and groaned as she allowed Lizzie to finish her anecdote. "The fact was we would never have known it was him if he never spoke. Even close up, you couldn't tell he was wearing a mask." "I'll have to get her to teach me a few things then. I dressed in drag for theater class earlier today and the prosthetics- well, they looked great until I moved my face." "Perfect is the enemy of good," said Len, "especially if your goal is realism. And his 'Elaine' looked more like a rubber doll than a real woman. It's okay to have nasolabial folds, you know!" "I know, but-" Thomas let his voice fade. He knew he had no rebuttal. "I'm not trying to be mean. It's going to take a lot of practice." She took his lack of response to indicate the need for a new discussion topic. "So, Lizzie, how are things on the third floor?" "You know, the usual. So, Thomas, what do you enjoy cooking? I've been practicing pastry lately and phyllo dough is driving me up the wall!" "Really," he said, suddenly animated by their shared interest."It took me a while to master- okay, 'master' is an overstatement but you get what I mean." She nodded in reply. "The good news is that once you get the hang of it, puff pastry shouldn't be nearly as challenging. How has it gone so far?" "It's basically a pile of uneven crackers when it comes out of the oven." "It sounds like it could be a few things that need tweaking. Maybe we could practice together sometime?" "Sounds like a date!" They both noticed Len's apprehension and after exchanging contact information, decided to spend the next few minutes sipping their beverages until their lunch orders came. ***** Thomas and Len settled in at their apartment, satisfied by their meals He let her settle in first, then took a seat on the opposite side of the couch and left a cushion between them. "Sophie seems nice." "She is." She picked up the television remotes and found a sitcom to resume. "Don't hurt her." "I won't." He couldn't let the subject end there. "Why would you think I'd hurt her?" "I don't know. I don't." She selected 'Resume' then sunk into her corner. "Then why would-" Frustrated, he retreated to his bedroom. "Thomas," she shouted, trying to be immersed by the television. "Are you ready to try those rubber doll gloves out this weekend?" He heard, but gave no reply.

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Mummys Girl

Most girls have a thing for their Dad, but I never did, mainly because I had no interest in boys, just girls. And especially in my Mum. Actually, she was my Step-Mum, but as she and Dad had got married when I was still an infant, she was the only Mum I had ever really known. Since Dad died we had just had each other, and as I grew older, my normal daughter-love for her Mum had changed to a real burning urge to have her as a lover.I had been dropping hints for the last couple of years but she...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 2 Just Like Any Other College

It only took half an hour sitting in Hungry Jack’s Pancake House for Jared Reznik to calm down a bit and to start thinking a bit more clearly than he had earlier. Jared had decided that something must be really bothering Amanda for her to act the way she did that morning. Jared had also quickly knotted out a plan of action that would hopefully mend this rift that seemed to be separating them. What Jared had planned to do was to first check out the job vacancy he had circled in his newspaper...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 7 The Muscle Babe

Jim Liggett pointed to the row of shiny equipment and proudly said, “We have all of the best equipment on the market.” “What does it all do?” Dexter asked. “Each piece of equipment is designed to work an individual muscle group. If you sign up, we’ll have you looking buff in no time,” Jim said. “Buff?” Jim pointed to a man who was admiring his chest in a mirror. He said, “That guy used to look a lot like you. Now look at him! He could compete for Mr. America.” Dexter looked over at the...

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The French Cowboy

The wind was whipping the dust into tiny twirling columns that appeared and disappeared seemingly at will. It was brutally hot in the late August afternoon even though the sky was darkening and storm clouds were threatening. On the hour the Lutheran church was tolling its bell, its open door beckoning to wavering souls. John walked with the gait of a young leopard, his eyes watching every corner, every window. He was headed to the “Last Chance Saloon” across the street. Except for the new...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Robby Ch 02

Part Two – New Years in New Orleans Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn’t a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. ‘Robby, Robby, Robby’ she mentally chanted, ‘what you do to me.’ In the three days since Robby’s...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 7 Overhearing a Conversation

For the rest of August and into early September we frequently had guests to view the stables and see the races. I was fascinated to see my uncle becoming more and more jealous and protective when the younger gentlemen or the sons of the older gentlemen paid attention to me. I was somewhat curious as to this, especially as, other than my attire, I never gave him the slightest cause for concern. Inasmuch as he had no apparent slaking in his thirst for the ladies of the household, I failed to...

4 years ago
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Sympathy for the Devil

In the barren wastelands stood a derelict castle, there was one tower that remained intact. A glow could be seen emanating from the tallest window, inside evil events were unfolding.The young diabolist who had taken up residence in the tower was about to conduct his first ever summoning. He had laid out the protective circle exactly as the ancient scroll had described, the sacrifices were prepared, and candles lit. All he had to do was complete the incantation and he would be making his first...

Monster Sex
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Black Girls Have Big Dicks

Black Girls Have Big Dicks by Richard-to-Rachel She was like no woman I had ever seen before. She walked into a room and everyone's eyes were on her. She just had that incredible presence that just lit up the room and everyone just wanted to be around her. I was working behind the bar of a trendy club when I first saw her saunter in on her long legs, swaying her hips in a short dress. She walked over to the bar and leaned over toward me, a good number of inches taller than me in her...

4 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 8

When the Projection came from Xervia, they had been ready to go for over an hour, and had spent the time examining a scaled model Illusion of Hilia provided by Equemev from her Reading of Silaran, who had Translocated there for a moment to memorize the view from the top of the lip of the volcano. At the moment the Projection reached them, they were planning the locations of barracks and other facilities. An Illusion appeared on the lawn beside them, twenty feet wide and eight feet deep,...

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The Game

My heart races as I pass his door. Will this be the time? Will he come out and talk to me? Invite me in. I try to control my pace, don’t falter, don’t pause, but I look at his door as I pass by. I beg with my eyes for it to open, and for him to be standing on the other side. I have almost worn a path in the carpet of the hallway, racing up and down the stairs, pretending to check on the laundry every thirty minutes, even though I know it takes closer to an hour to finish washing or drying. But...

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indian women white boy

Anita was left alone as her husband went off on business and with a full day in front of her the thought of lying on the beach in fine weather in the south of France was tempting. She accessed the hotel's internet connection and was drawn towards the sites that indicated the presence of nude beaches in the area. She found one that was rather isolated and attracted her but she was not sure if she had the courage to go there all alone. With her husband she would have gone..………in fact he would...

3 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Next she set about pulling some more carts and CD’s to play for the next hour. Her first hour she played what she liked but after three o’clock she would start to take requests and play what the listeners wanted. She also turned and logged into the flight deck computer and messenger services that was behind her. It was linked with the Head Program Director and Michael so that they could talk to her without interrupting her show with noise. It was hard to talk while running an air show, but...

4 years ago
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GalCompany PartII

Anjana at this was excited enough not to let go this opportunity of going ahead with the encounter…..she later told me, that it was a point of no return for her…..she awfully turned on and wet.Having made love to so many females from across the globe, I had sensed it. “Now go slow” I told myself….take your time…..she’s all yours!I pulled out a pint bottle of beer from the fridge and we shared the bottle as we sipped the chilled beer on the settee. I drew her towards my body with only my...

3 years ago
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Best Buddies Enjoyed With Blows

This is real incident happend around 5 years ago (name changed). Big story with real incident, sent your feebacks to I am bisexual and had few experience with guys before marriage. But this story is about how I started my relationship with my Blaw Ravi (wife’s younger brother) and Kumar (wife’s cousin brother). My wife family is bigger family, she had 2 elder brothers and one younger brother. Since from the marriage Ravi my younger Blaw is attached to me. He is so caring and very close to me....

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Baby DollChapter 9

The whole drive over, Noah noticed how nervous Jamie was. "You okay?" He asked, as he slowed down to a stop sign. Jamie stared out the window, her foot tapping on the floorboard of the car. "Yeah. Fine." She said, and Noah chuckled. A mile or two later, Jamie and Noah found themselves sitting in front of Erin's front gate. "How do we get in?" Noah asked, but Jamie shrugged. Hearing the gate open, Jamie looked at Noah, who looked back at her. "Last chance." He said, and Jamie nodded....

2 years ago
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Breeding Slave

My life changed when I turned eighteen and I found out that I was going to become a Breedingslave. I knew that my dad had told me to expect a change in my life once I had turned eighteen. But I had no idea this was the change to expect. As the day of my eighteenth birthday drew near I noticed my dad making changes around the house. The first change I noticed was that one of the spare rooms was converted into a doctor?s examination room. I soon learned that as a breeding slave I would...

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A Whisper of Trust

Dark came early in winter, and she lit a fire for ambiance in the redwood paneled room. She glanced at the crystal clock above the mantel, and then out the window to the driveway. She had planned this evening for several months, waiting for the perfect situation – timing, weather, and opportunity. The stone house had been meticulously crafted, every detail scrutinized as she personally directed its construction. She ordered fine natural wood – cherry, oak, redwood, cedar, mahogany – using the...

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Animal Magnetism

A couple decides to get devoiced and to celebrate it they go out one last time together on a motorcycle rally that they both had always enjoyed. Only this time the guy decides to get his soon to be ex-wife, snot-flying drunk and she has the time of her life, even if she can’t remember what happened the next day. The marriage between my second wife and I was abruptly coming to an end. It had been very obvious for months. We filled out the papers, gone to court, and was awaiting the...

1 year ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch04

Chapter: April “Dirty Dancing” *** If you have any talent for bullshitting, there are some torpedoes you can see coming and prepare for with a little well-intentioned manipulation. Evil questions like ‘Do these pants make my ass look fat?’ or ‘Do you think that girl’s hot?’ can be deflected with a casual compliment to the fine derriere of the former, or the snarky comment about dime-a-dozen looks to the latter, because unless she’s really looking for a fight, she’ll accept the validation....

2 years ago
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The Commuter Day 10

Well Dammit! I said to myself as I boarded the 6:30 AM train to town. I rarely worked Saturdays, let alone worked on a Sunday. But today I found myself heading back in to work to finish what I didn’t get done yesterday. The only reason I had to return today I mumbled to myself, was because of you, you fucking rich bitch. You fucked with my head so badly yesterday I couldn’t ever clear your image out of my head. Now it’s early fucking Sunday morning, and I’m headed to work. Plus, I didn’t sleep...

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Hot Sex Ride With My Sweet Mami

Hello guys n the lovely ladies out there, my name is Sameer this is my first story for ISS…….. I have been a regular reader of ISS which gave me courage to have a relationship with my hot n sexy mami…. I live in Hyderabad with my parents i m 18 years old n this happened when only a few months ago Coming back to the story my mami is a sweet lady n kids of two her name is neetu(name changed) her husband died in a accident she lives in a village with her kids due to feeling alone she shifted...

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The CureChapter 39

The days that followed for the Empire and its forces were tense. A series of clashes between their allies and enemies on the far borders kept Fleet Command, along with its adjunct FleetInt, busy. The dead area on the border of Gershonian space was now sealed and a series of scouts sent in to keep an eye on the spheres; though currently only the original remained, which appeared to be turning the system into an armed fortress, in so far as you could turn such a vast area into any sort of...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 244 Find Julie

I was in the process of negotiating the details of my seduction by Eddie, when my pocket started to vibrate. It was after midnight, so it was either a wrong number or something important. I could tell from the phone view screen that it was Helen on the line. Since I had just seen the rebellious Julie, it was not a good sign. "What's the problem Helen?" I asked urgently. "Julie came home looking like a hooker a white ago. She and her dad had words, then she ran off into the woods. She...

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Sissy Sidekick

SISSY SIDEKICK by Throne Super Alpha was relaxing in his superhero secret quarters, which was the luxurious penthouse of his alter ego, millionaire hip-hop mogul Ty Buck. He was tall and muscular, his snug costume showing off his physique and the impressively large bulge in his trunks. With him were three of his girlfriends. There was Sandy, a cute blond who favored white blouses, short plaid skirts, knee socks and saddle shoes. Then came Ming, an Asian beauty wearing a brief silk...

4 years ago
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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

It was a short walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the garden center, but far enough for Rose to have already started sweating. True, it was an uncomfortably hot morning, and the sun grew more merciless as the minutes passed, but the reason had as much to do with Rose as with the heat. She had dressed lightly for the day-- a thin polyester dress with a floral pattern, sandals, a broad-brimmed hat-- but at 44 she was not a petite woman, and it didn't take much exertion for a film of...

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Saturday With Adel

Saturday morning I decided to go to the office, no particular reason, just wanted the peace and quiet. I had no idea any one was there when I went in to my office, I closed the door and sat down behind my desk. There is a large view window between my office and my staff's desks. The blinds were closed just enough that I had privacy but were slanted so that I could look down through them and see most of the room outside. I had been there only a few minutes when I heard someone come into the...

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Bus Me Chudai

Hi! dosto and This is Raja13 from Jaipur and this is a story about me and my bhabi (brothers wife) I was 22 and perhaps one of the horniest guys possible. I always had a problem that I always like a girl older then my age. Now I’m coming in Hindi, mere ghar me hum 5 log he me, papa, maa, bhai and meri bhabhi. Bhai ki shadi 2 sal pahle ho gai thi par abhi tak unhe koi bachcha nahi hua tha. Bhabhi or mere sambandh bare hi dostana the par mene kabhi unko esi najro se nahi dekha tha. Bhabhi ek dam...

3 years ago
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Me And My Slutty Mom

I am Abhishek of 23 years and my mom, Kusum is a super hot milf, aged 47 yrs. But she has maintained herself and she looks around 32-33 years. She has a figure of 34-30-36. Ever since adolescence I used to fantasise about her. She is drop dead gorgeous and resembles Poonam Dhillon. She has silky smooth hair cut and trimmed stylishly in layers. She has a milky complexion and beautiful pink lips, with the lower one a bit fuller. Many men lust for her as I have seen it in their eyes. My dad’s...

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OverwatchChapter 6

Jonty's crew were in a copse overlooking the road. They could use their night vision scope to check traffic on the road. Not that there was much of it. The target arrived about 21.30hrs in a Jaguar. Both teams were on a special radio frequency for this op, so when Jonty let the ops room know, we could hear the transmission. Derek was on the gun at the time and I was keeping our log so I dutifully recorded the event. Derek and I swapped tasks, (to keep ourselves alert and awake), so I was on...

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A MILFs Craving for Teenage Testicles and Cum

It has always been unsettling to me to read magazine articles or true online stories about families having incestuous relations, especially those involving either of the parents and their kids of either sex.  I just couldn’t understand how a parent could subject their child to sexual advances, although it made sense that some children might find it erotic and enjoyable.  But now, I’m actually contemplating having sex with my sixteen and seventeen-year-old sons and their friends. My husband has...

2 years ago
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Family Matters Most

Jim Fix just stepped out of the shower as the phone rang. "Hello? Who's calling?" "It's your sister Ashley," The voice on the other end of the line said with an airy lilt. "I'd ask what you are doing but I can already see you've been in the shower." "I'm standing in my bathroom stark naked and dripping wet," he said stating the obvious and he laughed softly. "What's up? sis?' Then it dawned on him. "I forgot that you can see me since I left the video phone on." "I think you forgot that you were...

1 year ago
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Changing Room

Changing Room By Rosie "Sir? Are you sure you're buying these pants for someone else?" she asks and pulse starts to race. But before I reply she goes on. "If these are actually for you? Why don't we just cut the crap and measure them right here and now?" My head spins and I'm evaluating the possibilities here but I guess the moment to deny the pants are for me has already passed as the salesgirl is already walking around the counter towards me. She is smiling in a...

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Stella Maris Hot Holidays 1 Train Trainings

Stella Maris outsmarts her folks, who still provide the rent for her student room, while she has actually already moved in with her first serious steady boyfriend. Who takes his time to teach her all he knows from earlier erotic experiences. Stella Maris actually cancels her up-town apartment near the old (from 1928) Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam-South, several months earlier. As she spends most nights anyway in their big bed. Right under the ceiling of her lover's small place in a student...

1 year ago
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Jenna The Sex Addict

Jenna Smith was not like most women.  She was a slut.  She was not that by profession.  She just liked how she felt having sex.  She liked the closeness and loved the way she felt after having an orgasm.  Jenna was a sex addict.  She would go on binges with it.The medicine her doctors would put her on, just made her not want to have sex.  She would do that for a little while when her life was out of control and her family would worry.  Only until the feelings of remorse passed, then she would...

Office Sex
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Window ShoppingChapter 4

I stood frozen in the doorway, balancing atop six-inch pink plastic hooker heels, dressed in nothing but a sheer shortie robe with pink chiffon trim. Her presence, her voice, her beauty, and her eyes: they were the last things I had expected to find in my newly sissified bedroom. She handed me a scrap of fabric, which turned out to be a pair of panties to match my robe; they consisted of little more than a scrap of sheer mesh with a poof of chiffon and some string that might be generously...

1 year ago
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My Family Holiday

My Family Holiday by Kathy. ( Gangbang, WS, Whipping, Objects, Bondage, Public Sex, Beastiality, Humiliation, Slutwife.) I had not really had a holiday this year except for a few days away with my husband Chas earlier in the year. So when my mum said did I fancy going with her and my aunty to Cephallonia the end of September for ten days I jumped at the chance especially when she said she would treat me to it. My mum is in her mid to late fifties and her sister in her late forties. My mum had...

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the seminar

She was assigned a room with a stranger. It would be fun to get to know the young lady. They met at the dinner meeting and talked for quite a while. She noticed the lady had large tits and wore no bra. She could not take her eyes off them and the lady noticed. As they chatted the lady’s skirt seemed to raise higher on her legs. She kept watching it go higher and higher. The lady seemed to want to show her body, as much as she dared in the public place. She did have a very sexy body, and both...

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XVideos Creampie has a selection of over 60 thousand free HD creampie videos. There is no better feeling in this world than creampieing a horny slut’s tight pussy. It’s a fact. I know most of you pathetic cucks probably haven’t had the supreme pleasure of pumping some whore’s snatch so full of cum that it overflows and drips down her thighs. It’s a shame. But I know you betas love fapping to it. Creampie porn is popular as fuck for a reason. It’s a primal urge that we all share. After all, you...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Sonya Blade Femmefatality 2

It was his quickly concocted scheme that had sown a rift between the forces of Earthrealm, and since it had worked so well, the evil sorcerer decided not to kidnap Sonya Blade, and force Liu Kang into a decisive battle to save her. They would injure each other heavily, and whoever won, had no chance- or at least this was Shang Tsung’s line of thought. What he did not know, was the scheming of Kitana, the princess of Outworld. She understood Sonya’ feelings, and liked the idea of a female...

3 years ago
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Writings of the Devils Messenger Bedtime Story

Introduction: From a friend. I have been extremely busy here as of late so I havent been able to write much. I am currently working on the next installment of The Goth and three other series that I think you will enjoy. However I have been given some stories from a friend of mine that wants to know what you think. Here is the third. Bedtime Story. Sara smiled as she watched the pair of them leave on whatever adventures he had planned for them before turning her mind back to the task at hand....

2 years ago
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Our dirty little secret

That all changed one day.  I was having problems with my geometry homework, so I asked if I could hang out at his place so he could help me. We rode the bus home together, but we had to walk a few blocks to get to his house. Unfortunately, that day it was raining pretty hard, and we both got drenched. You could kind of see through my top, so when we got to his house, his older sister gave me a new one. His mom was in the shower and then her and Phillip's sister were heading out. Because of...

4 years ago
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College Student Mom of 4 used Part 2

College Student Mom of 4 used - Part 2A couple of weeks had gone by since Renee’s a*****ion. She was more cautious about what ways she walked to her car and even had Bob the security guard walk her to her car at night, all to avoid the situation of being used as a sex toy again. It was four pm on a warm Friday afternoon. Class had let out and it was still light out, so Renee felt safe enough to walk to her car with another student. She was excited about the weekend. Renee’s hubby was out of...

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