- 2 years ago
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“How long have you been fucking him?” I asked, as the chaos swirled on around us.
Margot stared at me, as tense and on edge as a cat meeting another cat in an alleyway. Her eyes darted here, there and everywhere.
“Why did you hit that man?” she shouted. She needed to, to be heard over the noise of people excitedly swirling around to take a look at the man on the floor, and me – the guy who put him there.
“Because he told me he fucked you. I didn’t feel the need to let him get away with it.”
“But he never said a word to you!”
I sighed. It seemed we were going to have to go all round the houses to get to the truth on this.
I took her arm and drew her out onto the balcony. The view out over the city was good, but my attention was elsewhere.
“Johnny, what’s this all about? You just stood up and hit Frederick for no reason.” Damn it, why won’t she allow me a level of intellect that understands signals and not just words?
“It wasn’t ‘for no reason’. I’m not some psycho who goes around hitting strangers for no reason whatsoever. I told you. It was for fucking you, my less-than-faithful wife.”
She turned the tap on, blubbering through the tears. “How can you say that? How dare you? I have never...”
I cut her off.
“Yes you have, and lying to me now isn’t going to make anything easier, so why don’t we just let it all out and hopefully feel better about this shit-storm you’ve dragged me into?”
“Why would you say that? I’ve always been completely honest and true...”
“Stop it!” I shouted. “I’ve known you’ve been stepping out on me for weeks now, I just didn’t know the who of it until tonight. Until that fucking arsehole told me.”
“But he never said a word...”
“He didn’t. But he still said it just as clear as day.”
“I don’t understand,” she wailed.
I was going to have to wait around anyway, until the emergency services turned up – police, ambulance and maybe even the fire brigade or even the army; it all depended on who had been called - so we might as well get through it. I told her to wait there, putting enough sternness into my voice that I knew she would comply, and went to get us drinks from our table and that lovely little cigar case that had the cutter and lighter built in from the suit jacket I’d hung on the back of my chair. I loved that case just as much as I loved its contents – had done ever since Margot had given it to me for my birthday the previous year. When she had been promoted to department manager shortly after that, I had bought her a lovely sapphire and emerald pendant. We liked giving each other things we had extensively and exhaustively searched out.
When I returned, she had sunk into one of the metal wire chairs that dotted the hotel balcony which ran alongside the conference room her company had booked for the evening’s award ceremonies.
As I pulled up another of those monstrosities and sat down beside her, she tried to get started.
“Johnny, I...”
I raised a finger at her, signalling her to wait. Then I drew out a cigar, clipped it and lit it. When it was glowing nicely, I turned to her.
“You’ve been fucking around on me for the past three weeks, maybe more. Probably more. You thought you were hiding it, but you weren’t. It was your stories that gave you away.”
She looked incredulous. “What do you mean, my stories? What are you talking about?”
I gave a ruefully bitter laugh. “The stories you and your women friends tell when we all get together.”
We were still quite young, had been married six years with Bethy, our daughter, and had a lot of friends who were very much like us – yuppies I suppose is the best word, although I don’t like thinking I am one.
So every weekend, we would all hang out at one or other of our homes, or head to the lake or park for a barbeque and drinks. And in the natural course of things that always seems to happen at these get-togethers, the men would slowly congregate together in one group and the women in another.
And each would regale the others in the group with stories about their partners. The men would basically bring each other up to date on what was going on in their lives, conversations they’d had with their wives, decisions made, plans put together for future vacations or places they’d discovered that their children might like. Then the conversation would swing away to business, politics and. Of course, sport, with little byways into ‘remember when... ‘, trying to make each story more interesting or funny than the previous speaker. We all had pretty good senses of humour, and blasts of laughter would foghorn from the men’s group at regular intervals.
And the women would do the same.
Except their conversations seemed set at a much more basic level than ours.
There were no fixed rules or even conscious decisions about when and how the groups would form, and people would split away to chat to people in the other group all the time; reminding a partner of something they had just thought of, telling a titbit of gossip just heard that was too good to wait until the trip home, or just for a hug and a squeeze of a hand.
It’s just how people are when they get together.
The thing is, I’d hung out near the women’s group often enough that I knew the topics of conversation would usually be about husbands, children, homes or something newly purchased. Hell, that was what the men covered as well – among other things.
But the tone was very different. The women in our circle of friends would start off casually gossiping about what was going on in their lives, which would gradually morph into what their husbands were doing, and then change further into what their husbands were doing wrong. When it came to things they did wrong, husbands were the preferred topic, even beating out how horrendous their children’s moods, untidiness and eating habits were as the greatest source of merriment.
It would start lightly, a little emphasis here and there when describing something a husband had done, causing much hilarity amongst them. Then it would quickly become a competition to one-up each other about how awful their husbands were and how badly they screwed things up.
Each story would be interrupted by screeches of laughter at a mean comment that one of them would chip in, and the mood would seem to get even nastier as each new raconteur took up a tale.
Thank god for children, as it was usually they who would interrupt the group’s toxic conversation – kids complaining about each other, crying over a fall or scrape, or whining for something to put in their mouths. Hey, I’m not moaning about the kids, they were just doing what all kids do.
I know now that this not an unusual state of affairs when women get together. Hell, even I think that quite a few husbands are absolute arseholes who don’t deserve the wife they have. So the conversations are a way of lowering tension in the women and allowing them to vent in a passive-aggressive way which they can blow off as ‘just having a laugh’.
But the first time I heard it ramp up, the way it always does, took me completely by surprise. I was in the kitchen, checking the marinade on the steak and chops and could hear the women chatting in the lounge. There was a burst of laughter that brought a smile to my face, and I began to consciously listen in.
May was having a go at Dom, who according to her, “always tries to score some three-pointer by throwing his socks at the laundry basket from his side of the bed. He even tries to do trick shots, by making them spin in the air – idiot stuff like that. Like there’s some crowd watching and cheering him on.”
“Hey, at least he tries for the basket,” moaned Annie. “Greg just drops them on the floor, as if the act of taking them off makes them non-existent. They exist when I have to pick them up to do the laundry, that’s for sure.”
“I don’t even mind that,” interrupted Freddie. “What I object to is the skid marks, and the fact that Vern always manages to turn his boxers inside out when he takes them off, and I have to turn them right side out again to wash. I don’t even want to look at that, and I still have to turn them right side out! With my hands! Yech! Can you believe it?”
I couldn’t help having a silent snigger at the hapless Vern and his careless toilet habits. He always tried to come across as the macho man, and now...
Georgina chipped in. “Pete balls his undies up if they have skid marks in them, and then tucks them into his socks. So I have to pull them out again to wash.”
“They the undies with Minions on them?” asked Reggie.
“Oh, now he has more – new ones with the Avengers on,” Georgina came back.
“Iron Man?” sniggered Freddie.
“Actually, I think it’s a male version of Elastigirl,” Georgina said straight-faced. The laughter from the whole group was almost deafening.
Wow, she just dumped Pete into the garbage disposal of female opinion with that remark, and they just got worse and worse as the conversation went on. Everything from Pete’s apparently limp noodle, to Stan’s ‘fumble-fuck-flirting’ with women and Dom’s fat belly – which by all accounts needed a corset or even more appropriately, a bustier – were torn apart for their amusement. Every husband with a wife in the group took more than one tank-buster during that conversation. And I didn’t think Dom was much overweight at all.
It actually shocked me. I thought these women were happy to be married to their men. Yet here they were in some sort of unacknowledged competition to make their husbands the very worst man in their whole circle of friends. Sure, there was lots of laughter going on, but it seemed at the very least to be disloyal, and at worst – outright sneering derision.
How could they stand going home with their spouse, thinking the way they did?
Even if they didn’t mean it, damn – at a minimum it was cruel. There was no respect apparent.
Luckily for me, Margot didn’t take part in these discussions. She would dip into it when passing by, but would wave and smile when encouraged to sit in with them.
Until three weeks ago. We were at Klaus and Ingrid’s house, and as I was passing the lounge window, I saw Margot sitting in the group; wine in hand and laughing hard.
Both puzzled and curious, I entered the house and remained out of sight.
There was the normal complaining about the husbands’ habits and nasty desires, each in turn having to outdo the previous offerings. Then I heard Margot chip in.
“Oh God, I know all about that. The noises that Johnny makes when he flosses his teeth...”
I heard her make noises as if she was throwing up, sneezing, humming the theme from ‘Frozen’ and gargling all at the same time. I felt my face grow heated.
“I think that’s the noise Vern made when we made love last night,” giggled Freddie. “The last true romantic!”
“Not a chance,” laughed Margot. “My husband is way more romantic. When Johnny cums it sounds like a vet just stuck his arm up inside a cow, without any warning.”
She giggled loudly.
“No smooth talk or dinner, just whoom!” chortled Annie.
“Not even a flower in sight!” Margot finished.
There was a delighted howl of laughter. I moved on. I didn’t want to listen to any more of that shit. If there’s one person who knows how I sound when I cum, it’s me. There wasn’t a single note of truth in what she’d just said. When I come, I don’t yell, or bray or anything the women had come up with. I let out a series of long, low sighs – as if experiencing an expected pain, like when a doctor carries out an extended check on your sprained knee and it hurts, although you’re braced for it.
I didn’t want to cause a fight in front of our friends, so I stayed cool but not unresponsive for the rest of the day. We got home after a day of wine and sun, and after putting three year old Bethy to bed, just hit the sack and went straight to sleep.
But that sound kept echoing in my mind. And it promised to hang about unless I worked it all out.
The next day was Monday, so I called Henning Moritz in HR and invited him to lunch on my expense account. Henning was German by birth and was unfortunately true to the largely false caricature of the lack of humour of his nation. But he was very intelligent, and more importantly, had studied psychology at university before going on to major in personnel management.
“Ah, I understand. You call on the German about such an emotional wound, because you know we are such an emotional people,” he said, his voice overly accented, after I explained what I had heard.
I stared at him blankly.
“Ja, that was a joke,” he said after a moment of silence in his normal voice.
“Sorry,” I said.
“I’m used to it. So what do you want me to advise you about?”
“I want to ask why women would do that. Why would my wife do that and lie about me.”
He chewed his lip and perused the lunch menu.
“You know I subscribe to the philosophy of sexual economics.”
I did. He had explained the theory one evening at a boring work’s conference.
“So in my view, she is joining this group to denigrate husbands for one of three reasons. Which one, I can’t tell without interviewing her, which I presume you don’t want me to do?”
I shook my head. I didn’t need her telling the witch’s circle about that as well. I would drop to the very bottom of the league table of husbands if she related that.
“The first and most obvious is that she feels separated from the group of women in your circle. She feels she needs to reconnect, and is willing to throw your reputation to the wolves in order to do that.”
I nodded. I had already thought about that, but taking into account that we had been having these get-togethers with our group for years, I couldn’t see why she would suddenly have that need.
“Secondly, you may have wounded her with something you have or haven’t done, and this is a passive-aggressive way of getting even with you.”
I nodded. What man ever knew what women got pissed off about, until she finally – sometimes after years – revealed the truth about some horrendous crime you had committed. I decided to think about that further, and examine my memory about anniversaries, casual remarks I may have made, or worst of all, any frantically vital appointment such as a lunch she had vaguely indicated she might want that I forgotten to turn up for.
“Thirdly, she may be trying to lower your position in the group in order to raise herself up and achieve sympathy and support for something she plans to do.”
“She wants to get people on her side against me?”
Here is the tweaked version of my story Conversation. Dove was quite correct. This will be the final version, I am reluctant to modify it further. This is my first 100% complete story. It may be archived by the following sites if they want to: Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place, Crystal's Storysite, and Beverly's Balcony. Any other site that wishes to archive this story, should ask for permission first. This is a G-rated story. Conversation A sweet story by Veronica...
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It took a long time for Steve to wake up. He slowly came out of a dirty dream, unusually thick-headed and groggy. Two things immediately grabbed his attention. Firstly he was tied down. This was new. The ropes looped around his ankles and wrists, his legs spread apart and his arms above his head. There was no way he could get up.Steve may have panicked but for the second thing he noticed. Stacey his girlfriend had her hand on his lubed up dick and was slowly stroking him. This would explain the...
It was a hot n sticky June night last night last summer, very hot n sticky. I had just been to a party on the beach with a girlfriend of mine and had a few Vodkas and Tequila shots so I of cause was feeling a little tipsy and merry. I was on my way home and might even have been singing a little I don’t really remember.Anyway, it was a very hot night as I have said and I was looking very hot too. I had on a short shirt and my push up bra on, and my tits looked great even if I do say so myself. I...
Pulling her tightly against my body, I kiss her powerfully and passionatelymy tongue forces her lips apart and invades her mouthgrabbing at her breasts, my hands pull and roughly squeeze her tender fleshbuttons fly everywhere as I tear open her blouseher ample breasts spill out as I pull the blouse downfinding her nipples already erect I bite down on one she lets out a sharp gasp followed by a deep moan as I suckle her chewing and sucking on her wounded tit, I reach down and grab her round...
New Year eve, or a saga of one Lieutenant I walked on the path behind the Home, to the woods. The night was freezing. I could feel the icy humid air stick to my uniform. Somebody’s silhouette with a lit cigarette was outlined against a tree. I looked closer and recognized Lieutenant Željko. He was totally drunk. I felt really sorry for him. He was standing there so vulnerable, in the unbuttoned shirt, in deep cold, on that snow-covered New Year’s Eve.“Sir, you’ll freeze,” I said. He smiled...
I sat with my feet up on recliner stool waiting for the news to come on and the husband to come home and see me. I had shopped and bought the sexiest little piece of lingerie I could humanly find. It was black with red lace over the top, it was a nice push up to lift my full ample breast to look like two soft pillows of creamy white flesh. There were nice holes cut around my areola so that my pink hard nipples shown through. At the hips were small little tuffs of ruffles that ended in a...
As she waked past Terry's room she noticed that the door was slightly ajar and her curiosity got the better of her so she peeked inside. She saw that her step brother nude in the middle of his bed with his hand around his cock which he was slowly pumping. His head was back and his eyes were closed and she wondered who in his mind's eye he was doing. She had always considered him handsome and he was in great shape, but she had never seen him naked and she could not tear her eyes away....
The warbling of songbirds filling his ears, Jakal awoke with his usual stiffness, but for the first time he did not hesitate to caress the skin of the woman lying next to him. Propping himself up on an elbow, he lazily stroked the length of Sala’s arm, watching her sleep. She is glorious, he thought, again incredulous he could have overlooked her all these years. He wondered if the Spiritwalker would allow her to commune with other men after they were mated. Somehow, he knew the shaman would...
– 35 years old mother of 4 – Petite and busty, only 5 feet tall – Is divorced, he couldn’t keep up with her sexually – She is a feisty latin woman mixed Mexican and Spanish – Adrenaline junky, loves skydiving and wants to do it naked – Has no filter when talking about her sex life – Is very sexual, basically masturbates all day – Likes anal sex, has experience doing double penetration – Fantasy: to be fucked by 3 guys using all of her holes – Just wants to be pounded, all day, perfect chick for...
xmoviesforyouTenía un encuentro con Pedro, pero algo en mi interior me decía que este encuentro iba a ser distinto, con él venía otro chico que no conocía, su nombre era Rob.Los tres subimos al hotel, mientras subíamos en el ascensor ambos se echaban sonrisas pícaras mientras me miraban a mí, no sabía lo que me iba a esperar, pero tenía unas inmensas ganas de comprobarlo.Por fin llegamos a la habitación, cerramos la puerta, Pedro fue el primero en hablar:- Bueno Ana, ahora estás en nuestro juego, te vamos a...
Chapter Thirteen: Mind-Controlled Virgin Sister By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson “Master!” chorused the hundreds of girls crowding the hallway before me. “Master, Master, Master!” There were so many of them. I only recognize half of them by sight, a sea of college coeds, interspersed with professors and staff like the college's secretary, Miss Debbie. Plus there was my PE teacher Coach Johnson, my history teacher, my English instructor from last year, my sultry French...
It started out as a friendly meeting. I had met her before, but this time there was something different about the way I looked at her and the way she looked at me. Perhaps there was something in the air or perhaps it was something else all together. We went out for a couple of drinks and discussed our day. It was light conversation, but she was always easy to talk with and I liked that. She had a simple beauty about her. She had long flowing red hair, which seemed to glisten within the light of...
I was long overdue for a vacation and since I wasn't seeing anyone I thought I'd take one alone, rather than with a friend or a group. And I didn't want to do what I'd done before, go to a gay resort where everything is so gay! gay! gay! An unattached dude at one of those places deals with too much shit. I just wanted to relax and I wasn't looking for a meat market, so I thought I'd go spend a week at a Caribbean resort I'd heard about. This was one of those pleasure-focused places where...
The machine part 3 By Simone Clark Author's note: Thanks for reading and reviewing my story! This is the part where it really picks hold on to your hat! The weeks went by and I experienced a few firsts as a woman, the first period (yuck), the first wardrobe malfunction, and the first fashion faux pas. Other than that I was adapting to being a woman quite well I thought. My daily routine started with some exercise to keep the figure trim and strong, dressing in Simone's...
© Copyright 2002. "Come on. You just have to go over and ask her," Steve said. "Yeah. And you know what happens? The same thing that always happens: She says no and as I walk away she will start snickering with her friend. I'm no good at it and girls can sense that a mile away. I'm okay, really." "You're just going to ask her to dance," Steve grinned. He liked to tease me about my shyness towards girls. I'm probably what you would call the classic nerd, although I'm fairly...
I learn to suck on big cock during summer , my aunt talking with mommy inside, her knew husband fitting his fat cock in my mouthmy mom shoud have never told aunty i was caught in her panty he came to my place knowing mom was gone and made me wear one very tight princess panty in front of him that same week and teach me to suck his big fat cocki didnt understand why he was there when he knock at my doorhe ask me if he could get in and i was undress by him telling me he likes faggot very much''i...
The banquet was almost as bad as I feared it would be, but at least the salad like dish called Carax wasn’t too bad and I warned Ninio not to tell me what the little dark brown things were that nested between the dark red leaves and tasted a bit like raw fish, old raw fish that is. I was hoping it was only the bad lighting that made me think one of those dark brown bits had moved. The Yokuta then announced that most of the votes had been counted and the result was an overwhelming approval to...
I kicked at him, forcing him to take a step back. I jumped off the railing and made way for the front door. He pulled at my arm, though, and tugged at me to stay. "Quit. Why're you running off for?" He whined playfully. "Let go of me." I refused to stick around. And he refused to release his hold. "Are you that desperate to have sex?" I turned around, shaking his hand off in the process. "Don't try and put yourself on a pedestal, and act like you're too good for sex....
Ralph sat on the hood of his car and looked up at the night sky. "Lots of stars out tonight," he said to himself. It really was clear, and as he looked up, he saw a plane flying over. Suddenly, the plane seemed to be getting bigger, and he noticed that the lights looked odd. Ralph suddenly realized that the plane was going down, and not far from him! He watched it come down about a mile away--no explosion, just a big thump sound. He hopped in his car, and headed down a dirt road towards the...
Mind ControlHe stood there checking, making sure everything was set up just right for what he hoped would be a very entertaining evening for his slut cris. The living room floor was opened up, the plastic laid down first, then the sheet over it and finally the inflatable k**die pool set in the middle. The ten full face masks were stacked on the cabinet just inside the front door and one of the video cameras was set up on the tripod aimed directly at the pool. There was beer, soft drinks and water for the...
The noonday sun did not seem to affect the kids playing on the grass in front of the buildings. Porter could feel the expanse of heat beating down on them as he sat in the shade of the porch. The wastecat next to him was panting in her sleep to expel the heat from her body, her tail twitching once in a while to chase away annoying insects. Porter watched his youngest son and his daughter run among the other children with carefree abandon, their cries of joy and play carrying across the...
Just then my cell phone rings. It’s the ring tone I have set for my husband. “SHIT!” I exclaim as I leap out of the tub, bubbles clinging to random parts of my slick body. I find my purse, which I don’t remember grabbing from the office, and fumble for my cell. The display tells me that I have one missed call. I try to calm my nerves and take a deep breath as I return the call. “Hey baby,” he answers on the first ring. “Hey, sorry, you caught me while I was relaxing in the tub.” Not a lie. I...