- 2 years ago
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“How long have you been fucking him?” I asked, as the chaos swirled on around us.
Margot stared at me, as tense and on edge as a cat meeting another cat in an alleyway. Her eyes darted here, there and everywhere.
“Why did you hit that man?” she shouted. She needed to, to be heard over the noise of people excitedly swirling around to take a look at the man on the floor, and me – the guy who put him there.
“Because he told me he fucked you. I didn’t feel the need to let him get away with it.”
“But he never said a word to you!”
I sighed. It seemed we were going to have to go all round the houses to get to the truth on this.
I took her arm and drew her out onto the balcony. The view out over the city was good, but my attention was elsewhere.
“Johnny, what’s this all about? You just stood up and hit Frederick for no reason.” Damn it, why won’t she allow me a level of intellect that understands signals and not just words?
“It wasn’t ‘for no reason’. I’m not some psycho who goes around hitting strangers for no reason whatsoever. I told you. It was for fucking you, my less-than-faithful wife.”
She turned the tap on, blubbering through the tears. “How can you say that? How dare you? I have never...”
I cut her off.
“Yes you have, and lying to me now isn’t going to make anything easier, so why don’t we just let it all out and hopefully feel better about this shit-storm you’ve dragged me into?”
“Why would you say that? I’ve always been completely honest and true...”
“Stop it!” I shouted. “I’ve known you’ve been stepping out on me for weeks now, I just didn’t know the who of it until tonight. Until that fucking arsehole told me.”
“But he never said a word...”
“He didn’t. But he still said it just as clear as day.”
“I don’t understand,” she wailed.
I was going to have to wait around anyway, until the emergency services turned up – police, ambulance and maybe even the fire brigade or even the army; it all depended on who had been called - so we might as well get through it. I told her to wait there, putting enough sternness into my voice that I knew she would comply, and went to get us drinks from our table and that lovely little cigar case that had the cutter and lighter built in from the suit jacket I’d hung on the back of my chair. I loved that case just as much as I loved its contents – had done ever since Margot had given it to me for my birthday the previous year. When she had been promoted to department manager shortly after that, I had bought her a lovely sapphire and emerald pendant. We liked giving each other things we had extensively and exhaustively searched out.
When I returned, she had sunk into one of the metal wire chairs that dotted the hotel balcony which ran alongside the conference room her company had booked for the evening’s award ceremonies.
As I pulled up another of those monstrosities and sat down beside her, she tried to get started.
“Johnny, I...”
I raised a finger at her, signalling her to wait. Then I drew out a cigar, clipped it and lit it. When it was glowing nicely, I turned to her.
“You’ve been fucking around on me for the past three weeks, maybe more. Probably more. You thought you were hiding it, but you weren’t. It was your stories that gave you away.”
She looked incredulous. “What do you mean, my stories? What are you talking about?”
I gave a ruefully bitter laugh. “The stories you and your women friends tell when we all get together.”
We were still quite young, had been married six years with Bethy, our daughter, and had a lot of friends who were very much like us – yuppies I suppose is the best word, although I don’t like thinking I am one.
So every weekend, we would all hang out at one or other of our homes, or head to the lake or park for a barbeque and drinks. And in the natural course of things that always seems to happen at these get-togethers, the men would slowly congregate together in one group and the women in another.
And each would regale the others in the group with stories about their partners. The men would basically bring each other up to date on what was going on in their lives, conversations they’d had with their wives, decisions made, plans put together for future vacations or places they’d discovered that their children might like. Then the conversation would swing away to business, politics and. Of course, sport, with little byways into ‘remember when... ‘, trying to make each story more interesting or funny than the previous speaker. We all had pretty good senses of humour, and blasts of laughter would foghorn from the men’s group at regular intervals.
And the women would do the same.
Except their conversations seemed set at a much more basic level than ours.
There were no fixed rules or even conscious decisions about when and how the groups would form, and people would split away to chat to people in the other group all the time; reminding a partner of something they had just thought of, telling a titbit of gossip just heard that was too good to wait until the trip home, or just for a hug and a squeeze of a hand.
It’s just how people are when they get together.
The thing is, I’d hung out near the women’s group often enough that I knew the topics of conversation would usually be about husbands, children, homes or something newly purchased. Hell, that was what the men covered as well – among other things.
But the tone was very different. The women in our circle of friends would start off casually gossiping about what was going on in their lives, which would gradually morph into what their husbands were doing, and then change further into what their husbands were doing wrong. When it came to things they did wrong, husbands were the preferred topic, even beating out how horrendous their children’s moods, untidiness and eating habits were as the greatest source of merriment.
It would start lightly, a little emphasis here and there when describing something a husband had done, causing much hilarity amongst them. Then it would quickly become a competition to one-up each other about how awful their husbands were and how badly they screwed things up.
Each story would be interrupted by screeches of laughter at a mean comment that one of them would chip in, and the mood would seem to get even nastier as each new raconteur took up a tale.
Thank god for children, as it was usually they who would interrupt the group’s toxic conversation – kids complaining about each other, crying over a fall or scrape, or whining for something to put in their mouths. Hey, I’m not moaning about the kids, they were just doing what all kids do.
I know now that this not an unusual state of affairs when women get together. Hell, even I think that quite a few husbands are absolute arseholes who don’t deserve the wife they have. So the conversations are a way of lowering tension in the women and allowing them to vent in a passive-aggressive way which they can blow off as ‘just having a laugh’.
But the first time I heard it ramp up, the way it always does, took me completely by surprise. I was in the kitchen, checking the marinade on the steak and chops and could hear the women chatting in the lounge. There was a burst of laughter that brought a smile to my face, and I began to consciously listen in.
May was having a go at Dom, who according to her, “always tries to score some three-pointer by throwing his socks at the laundry basket from his side of the bed. He even tries to do trick shots, by making them spin in the air – idiot stuff like that. Like there’s some crowd watching and cheering him on.”
“Hey, at least he tries for the basket,” moaned Annie. “Greg just drops them on the floor, as if the act of taking them off makes them non-existent. They exist when I have to pick them up to do the laundry, that’s for sure.”
“I don’t even mind that,” interrupted Freddie. “What I object to is the skid marks, and the fact that Vern always manages to turn his boxers inside out when he takes them off, and I have to turn them right side out again to wash. I don’t even want to look at that, and I still have to turn them right side out! With my hands! Yech! Can you believe it?”
I couldn’t help having a silent snigger at the hapless Vern and his careless toilet habits. He always tried to come across as the macho man, and now...
Georgina chipped in. “Pete balls his undies up if they have skid marks in them, and then tucks them into his socks. So I have to pull them out again to wash.”
“They the undies with Minions on them?” asked Reggie.
“Oh, now he has more – new ones with the Avengers on,” Georgina came back.
“Iron Man?” sniggered Freddie.
“Actually, I think it’s a male version of Elastigirl,” Georgina said straight-faced. The laughter from the whole group was almost deafening.
Wow, she just dumped Pete into the garbage disposal of female opinion with that remark, and they just got worse and worse as the conversation went on. Everything from Pete’s apparently limp noodle, to Stan’s ‘fumble-fuck-flirting’ with women and Dom’s fat belly – which by all accounts needed a corset or even more appropriately, a bustier – were torn apart for their amusement. Every husband with a wife in the group took more than one tank-buster during that conversation. And I didn’t think Dom was much overweight at all.
It actually shocked me. I thought these women were happy to be married to their men. Yet here they were in some sort of unacknowledged competition to make their husbands the very worst man in their whole circle of friends. Sure, there was lots of laughter going on, but it seemed at the very least to be disloyal, and at worst – outright sneering derision.
How could they stand going home with their spouse, thinking the way they did?
Even if they didn’t mean it, damn – at a minimum it was cruel. There was no respect apparent.
Luckily for me, Margot didn’t take part in these discussions. She would dip into it when passing by, but would wave and smile when encouraged to sit in with them.
Until three weeks ago. We were at Klaus and Ingrid’s house, and as I was passing the lounge window, I saw Margot sitting in the group; wine in hand and laughing hard.
Both puzzled and curious, I entered the house and remained out of sight.
There was the normal complaining about the husbands’ habits and nasty desires, each in turn having to outdo the previous offerings. Then I heard Margot chip in.
“Oh God, I know all about that. The noises that Johnny makes when he flosses his teeth...”
I heard her make noises as if she was throwing up, sneezing, humming the theme from ‘Frozen’ and gargling all at the same time. I felt my face grow heated.
“I think that’s the noise Vern made when we made love last night,” giggled Freddie. “The last true romantic!”
“Not a chance,” laughed Margot. “My husband is way more romantic. When Johnny cums it sounds like a vet just stuck his arm up inside a cow, without any warning.”
She giggled loudly.
“No smooth talk or dinner, just whoom!” chortled Annie.
“Not even a flower in sight!” Margot finished.
There was a delighted howl of laughter. I moved on. I didn’t want to listen to any more of that shit. If there’s one person who knows how I sound when I cum, it’s me. There wasn’t a single note of truth in what she’d just said. When I come, I don’t yell, or bray or anything the women had come up with. I let out a series of long, low sighs – as if experiencing an expected pain, like when a doctor carries out an extended check on your sprained knee and it hurts, although you’re braced for it.
I didn’t want to cause a fight in front of our friends, so I stayed cool but not unresponsive for the rest of the day. We got home after a day of wine and sun, and after putting three year old Bethy to bed, just hit the sack and went straight to sleep.
But that sound kept echoing in my mind. And it promised to hang about unless I worked it all out.
The next day was Monday, so I called Henning Moritz in HR and invited him to lunch on my expense account. Henning was German by birth and was unfortunately true to the largely false caricature of the lack of humour of his nation. But he was very intelligent, and more importantly, had studied psychology at university before going on to major in personnel management.
“Ah, I understand. You call on the German about such an emotional wound, because you know we are such an emotional people,” he said, his voice overly accented, after I explained what I had heard.
I stared at him blankly.
“Ja, that was a joke,” he said after a moment of silence in his normal voice.
“Sorry,” I said.
“I’m used to it. So what do you want me to advise you about?”
“I want to ask why women would do that. Why would my wife do that and lie about me.”
He chewed his lip and perused the lunch menu.
“You know I subscribe to the philosophy of sexual economics.”
I did. He had explained the theory one evening at a boring work’s conference.
“So in my view, she is joining this group to denigrate husbands for one of three reasons. Which one, I can’t tell without interviewing her, which I presume you don’t want me to do?”
I shook my head. I didn’t need her telling the witch’s circle about that as well. I would drop to the very bottom of the league table of husbands if she related that.
“The first and most obvious is that she feels separated from the group of women in your circle. She feels she needs to reconnect, and is willing to throw your reputation to the wolves in order to do that.”
I nodded. I had already thought about that, but taking into account that we had been having these get-togethers with our group for years, I couldn’t see why she would suddenly have that need.
“Secondly, you may have wounded her with something you have or haven’t done, and this is a passive-aggressive way of getting even with you.”
I nodded. What man ever knew what women got pissed off about, until she finally – sometimes after years – revealed the truth about some horrendous crime you had committed. I decided to think about that further, and examine my memory about anniversaries, casual remarks I may have made, or worst of all, any frantically vital appointment such as a lunch she had vaguely indicated she might want that I forgotten to turn up for.
“Thirdly, she may be trying to lower your position in the group in order to raise herself up and achieve sympathy and support for something she plans to do.”
“She wants to get people on her side against me?”
Here is the tweaked version of my story Conversation. Dove was quite correct. This will be the final version, I am reluctant to modify it further. This is my first 100% complete story. It may be archived by the following sites if they want to: Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place, Crystal's Storysite, and Beverly's Balcony. Any other site that wishes to archive this story, should ask for permission first. This is a G-rated story. Conversation A sweet story by Veronica...
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We were lying in bed naked I was teasing May's nipples. I ask her without thinking, "Darling, how did you like our evenings at the porno movies? "I liked them." "Are you sure darling?" "Yes baby it was fun." Somehow I thought she was keeping something from me so I said, "We don't have to go back again." "Honey, I'd love to go back ", she said snuggling up against me. "You seem to be keeping something from me, what is it darling?" I asked. "No honey nothing, if you...
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It was just before Christmas that Roger drove Amber to the town her parents lived in. She had been missing for fifteen months at that point, and there had been no word of her in all of that time. The weather was good for mid-December. The roads were clear and not crowded with travelers yet. Amber had brought a good selection of clothes with her from Roger's collection. Since it was winter and cool, she was wearing a nice woolen suite and had a warm coat as well. She felt strange after being...
Right as Robby reached out for Doug's door, it flew inwards on its own and an impressively inebriated young man stumbled out. He took two steps and stopped, just before impacting the opposite wall. The wood paneling would have made a significant dent in his head, yet the man stood with no awareness of the near calamity. He mumbled incoherently and wandered off down the hall, clearly on a mission of some importance to him that involved counting doors and bouncing off walls. Near the end of...
Im 24 now and for me marriage at this age sounds a bit pre-mature ‘coz i hav seen people specially my friends who got married early and r facing real probs. My story is about my school frnd dimple. Though she was never a very close friend of mine but we got well together she was punjabi and u can expect some rawness in her nature. After school she separated as she joined a different colege for her graduation and me a diffrent one.But as i was in my final year i saw her once and believe me it...
We started off living in a bad part of LA back min the 80s,but the neighbors were great.I always told my wife to get gas at the Texaco because they had a full service island,that way she didn't have to get out of her car.This station was owned by a Korean family,the father was the owner and mechanic,the son worked there and was a student at UCLA , he is 19 but looks 14.The sister ran the place,she was 24 and a business grad.My wife always flirted with the son whose name was Johnny,an...
What surprised me the most was the feeling of the dog's dick growing inside of me along with the speed with which the dog was fucking me. I have no idea how long dogs screw I mean I never watched them do it, I have seen rabbits and they are very fast. I sort of expected the dog to pump me real fast and hop off of my back. I sure did not expect him to give me any pleasure. Feeling his cock swelling and ramming in and out began to take its toll on me. I think I became a babbling idiot. All of...
I waited patiently at the bottom of the big maple tree for Shannon to decide to climb down. She hadn't said anything to me, but we each knew that she'd been spotted, and her alternatives were to either stay in the tree or to come down. Sooner or later she was going to have to come down. "Get away from the tree, I'm coming down." I stepped back from the tree and watched as she lowered herself from branch to branch. She had long legs and she seemed very sure footed as she came down. Most...
That evening, Skip went out with his buddies and Jenny stayed home to study for a history quiz. She wasn't about to neglect her studies while her parents were gone just because Skip was neglecting his. By the time nine o'clock rolled around, though, Jenny didn't feel that she knew anymore about history than she'd known two hours earlier. She hadn't been able to concentrate all evening. All her mind wanted to do was dwell on the things she'd done with Skip, and all her pussy wanted to...
This happened when I was a teenager. I was inexperienced, I'd kissed a few boys but that was about it.I had of course discovered the pleasures of masturbation and my curiosity was on the increase. In thiose days there wa no interenet and dirty magazines only ever showed the female form. Anyway, I’d just gone to bed. My parents were downstairs watching TV.I’d turned off my light to go to sleep and there was a knock on my door.I asked who it was. It was my brother Neil. He was just over a year...
Hi Jane here and here's part 4 of my sex story. I sure hope you like it. If you like stories about young girls fucking and sucking write and tell me your story! I'll finger myself reading it! The time flew by and before we knew it, Joann was calling us that it was 11PM and panties and pussy. She wasn't wearing a bra and her full breasts and nipples were sticking out like rocks. Tommy just stood there looking at her. I was looking too! She smiled at both of us and asked; "Well you guys, did you...
EroticFor all of you like me that liked this story, but the ending was left off I found it on line at another site and author I an am posting it here with the ending. Personally I would have named it "Once a Slut Always a Slut"byMrRobbur©As I looked over the restaurant to find the client I was supposed to meet, I saw my ex-wife Susan. She was sitting with a slightly heavy middle aged man. You could tell he was once in good shape but good food and time had taken a toll on his physique. Susan was...
~~Julias~~ It didn’t matter how many times Julias stood before the triumvirate, he never felt safe. Viktor was old. Michael and Maria were there as well, and while they were older and stronger than Julias, it was Viktor that made his inner-beast recoil. Sometimes Julias wondered if his sire would try another torpor, before his strength grew to the point that he’d need Kindred blood to survive, and not kine blood. Every time he stood before him, he started to worry more and more about that...
I did stay for him to get hard again. And again, he came down my throat. My life changed dramatically following that fateful party with Randy. Over the next two weeks Randy would invite me over after work to hang out and drink beer. But of course he finds a way to get his boner in front of me. Which never failed to get me sucking him. He would greet me at the door with a big smile, welcome me in gesture me to sit on the couch and get comfortable. Definitely nicer than he was before. But...
The next morning, after a great night’s sleep, there is a knock on the door. Lucy, dressed in only a loose fitting blouse, pads barefoot to answer it. When she opens the door all she can see is a huge bouquet of exotic flowers. At first she thinks it is Roman, totally forgetting that her daughter would be here. “Hi, Mom,” comes a voice from behind the flowers. She opens the door wide and steps aside. “Is it that late already?” Brea pokes her head around the flowers and smiles. “You must...
I have been inspired recently by my wife for whom I have written a few dirty stories and by some of the fantastic contributions to Lush. I only discovered this after my wife told me what a good writer I was and I innocently searched for sex stories. As I say, I have recently written a few short stories for my wife, which has spiced up our sex life beyond imagination. We have always had a reasonably good sex life, but since I began sending her notes it has become even better. I think the first...
MasturbationWhen i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand. Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven. As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to walk...
VoyeurGod, I’m so tired of staying in this puny guesthouse. Our house flooded, so now my husband and I are staying with his parents. I appreciate it and all, but I’m really getting tired of living this cramped lifestyle. And it doesn’t help that my husband’s not getting many jobs these days, so who knows how long it will be. Good thing my “job” is paying me good money. I’m actually going to meet my “job” today to work for a little extra cash. Big...
xmoviesforyouThe Minister Louis Farrakhan, bedecked in a black two-piece suit, azure bow-tie, and rectangular glasses took the podium in front of a crowd of one hundred followers at the National Press Club. Claude Carolina, watching this event on cable television, could scarcely believe that the honorable minister, plagued by a mysterious illness, looked as though nothing at all touched him during his prolonged absence from the national stage. The minister’s walnut skin and jet black hair hadn’t changed,...
When Mr. Kay goes out of town on business, his wife, Mrs. Julie Kay, jumps on social media to start “swiping right”. Mrs. Kay loves the random, no-strings-attached hooks up that social media provides. Let’s face it: Julie’s not looking for a divorce; however, she does love a “random”, from time to time. To make matters worse, Mr. Kay is black…but he’s not hung. In fact, his black dick is actually kinda tiny. “The rumors about black men...
xmoviesforyouThis scene opens with a brief panorama of a beautiful Spanish forest as manly Miguel Zayas is going for a run. When he stops to rest, the svelte artist Julia Roca happens to be passing by and tries to discretely snap a photo of him with her phone. Miguel sees her, however, and invites the embarrassed young fox to meet him, and they connect on social media. Julia tells him the photo is for a photography class, but in reality she took it so she could flick the bean to Miguel’s muscular...
xmoviesforyouAs a young girl, I learned how good it felt to have a doggie licking me. It began one day as I was sitting on a curb licking my ice cream cone with my dog, Lassie. I was about 9 at the time and had on a very short little dress. As I sat there eating my ice cream, some of it dripped off my cone and fell between my legs. My short dress was way above my thighs, exposing my panty clad pussy as the ice cream dropped. I spread my little thighs as I looked down to see the sticky ice cream had landed...
After he finished eating Dan rode around looking for the right place to have a meeting with Adrianne. It had to be some place that had a large open area around it so that he could watch Adrianne when she came to "visit" him. He had to be sure that she didn't call for someone to follow her and jump him when he identified himself. Dan knew that a lot of his plan relied on how well he could bluff and how scared Adrianne was of her position with the Judge. He found a small Mom and Pop motel...