Alice s Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIV Doctor Paine
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A torture story by Susan.
This is fantasy for adults. Doing anything like the acts featured in thesestories would be insane and unforgivable, but in the mind, terror can be fun…funthat includes wild, disgusting, savage cruelty, insane torture and deaths.
This is for those who like to read of women in agony beyond imagining, dyingslowly for the perverted pleasure of their killers.
Unless you enjoy such themes, please do not read further.
CHAPTER ONE. … Meet Karl and Samantha.
I.slipped my hand between my legs and had to do a little re-adjustment to thefabric of my panties where it had become rather wet and uncomfortable. Theman with the whip smiled at me.
"You like what you see, Madame?"
I nodded. With my rather flushed face and the cloying perfume of arousal thatwafted from beneath the tiny leather skirt I was wearing, there seemed littlepoint in denying it.
My part in the present interrogation was to help Karl, the chief male assistant,adjust the machinery or re-fix the captive in whatever way the client requested.
Karl and I fuck regularly. Like me, he gets most of his sexual satisfactionfrom witnessing or actually inflicting torture to young women. If we are bothturned on by a pretty bitch bleeding for us, we satisfy the lust in our loinsby either fucking or enjoying mutual oral relief. This is, of course, if thebitch we are hurting is too far gone to give us satisfaction from raping oneor other of her tender holes.
Oh, and don't think because I'm a woman that I can't do rape. I can do it forlonger and in more horrible ways than any man when I strap on one of my manyspeciality accessories! Later I may tell you more about them…..
Sometimes we know the clients well.
Many are regulars with whom we have very personal arrangements. I think I amthe Number One mistress of about eighteen gentlemen of wealth and power, allof whom would have me killed…..probably very slowly……ifI was stupid enough to even suggest that they had any connection with POP.
Sorry. I forgot to explain.
POP is a rather exclusive club.
"Purveyors of Pain"…….. we provide wealthy sadists of either sex
with male or female companions they can use to inflict pain upon, everything
from a man who lets a cruel lady drip hot candle wax on his cock before he fucks
her to a teenage runaway who can be butchered, cooked, and eaten at a gala torture
We aren't the first or the only ones to provide similar services, but we havea slight edge on most in that we have total security for the acts of crueltyand absolute safety regarding the disposal of evidence.
It started with my father, really.
I didn't know, of course.
We were rich. He ran a shipping company.
I went to a very expensive Swiss school for young ladies, and I hadabout five "mothers" as Daddy somehow lost or divorced each one for a newmodel.
We had a very large and fast luxury yacht for the family's use.
Holidays cruising the Greek islands or swanning off to the Bahamas.
And there was a section below decks I was forbidden to enter.
I met Karl, son of one of my father's important clients, on one of those cruises.He was about my age and we became really good friends.
It was Karl who told me what went on in the "forbidden" cabins. He had seenhis father and mine whip a young girl who was strapped over a steel frame.He had found the sight very erotic and told me how he had played with himselfas he watched the girls' naked bottom turn from creamy white globes into swollenred-striped mounds of pain.…….
I was sixteen at the time, madly in love with one of the female sports teachersat the academy, not interested in boys, but surprisingly well read when itcame to perverse sexual practices.
The library at our young ladies' school had three long shelves filled withwell written erotica in French, Italian, German, and English. The unabridgedworks of De Sade, the Story of "O", numerous texts detailing all forms of sexualaberration, much of the documentation from war crime trials, and a fictionsection which included many erotic books not normally available to young ladies.
People who do not move amongst the upper echelons of society do not realizehow frequently those wealthy and seemingly moral folk are the most likely tobelong to all forms of slightly depraved clubs and cliques.
We can afford the thrills that the working class aspire to, enjoy them frequentlyenough for boredom to set in, then seek new enjoyments beyond the reach ofthe common man.
Please forgive me if this sounds arrogant, but I seek to explain why theoffspring of the wealthy find it fairly normal to have access to literatureand events which would be considered improper by their less affluent peers.
Hunting, shooting, fishing for the boys. Fashion, travel, and exotic partyingfor the girls.
Spending rather excessive amounts of cash until Daddy puts his foot down.
Being an awful tease to the boys, or, in my case, treating them moreas friends because I found the idea of making love much more exciting ifit could be with a woman.
I was rather interested in the idea of seeing another naked girl, and not reallyconcerned about father whipping her…..a youthful "whatever turns youon" attitude, perhaps. So I persuaded Karl to take me with him on a visit tothe forbidden zone.
He had taken impressions of a special key and had one made up. Terribly exciting.We were like spies in a cheap thriller, creeping down the corridors below decksa while after seeing our fathers descend to the secret area.
Which was when we both saw our naked fathers sharing the unfortunate girl betweenthem. Literally.
She was hanging from a harness around her upper torso, my father raping herfrom the rear, Karl's dad entering her in front. Blood was running from thelower edge of the harness contraption which appeared to be lined with steelspikes.
We watched from above and to one side…Karl had located a removable airgrille which we were peering through.
We could hear the girl sobbing and pleading with them to let her down, andheard the men laugh and tell her she would think this was a picnic comparedwith what they were going to do to her next.
I had seen enough blue videos to know all about mens' cocks and the intimatedetails of their appendages and what they did with them. So had Karl.
It was rather strange to see my own father doing it, but I did not feel anypity for the girl. I watched Karl pull his own quite respectable cock fromhis shorts and, as he obviously found the scene very arousing, I sort of picturedmyself down there with the men………..
Which I think was the first time I realized that I was a sadist.
A feeling of urgent sexual desire seemed to flow into my stomach from my vaginaand spread upwards and outwards like a sudden flush. I had seen myself witha knife cutting her breasts.
Don't ask why. I had never imagined anything so cruel ever before.
But the picture in my brain made me groan and push the gusset ofmy shorts aside so I could delve my fingers into myself regardless of Karl'spresence.
Our mutual learning curve steepened rapidly.
We actually witnessed the death of the girl, about four days before that cruiseended.
She was hardly recognisable as the two naked men took turns pushing hot ironsinto her flesh, moving down her torn body for what was clearly the ultimatepenetrative branding when they simultaneously entered both lower orifices withglowing poker-like branding irons to finish her off.
Unbeknown to them, less than ten metres away, I was fiercely wanking Karl'ssolid penis for him as he finger fucked my soaking pussy in return.
We almost choked trying not to cry out with the powerful orgasms we shared.Usually the screams from below had covered any noise we made, but this timeshe was at last silent.
And on my seventeenth birthday, I had a present rarely if ever bestowed ona teenager before.
CHAPTER TWO:….Introduction to the Firm.
Karl had hired a prostitute in Cairo.
He had wanted to actually try whipping a real woman, and she had agreed fora considerable fee. But the silly bugger had not stopped when she said "enough" andhad gone on until he had flogged the old bitch unconscious…………..
Her "minder" had threatened to kill him, there was talk of involving the police,large amounts of money were demanded, and, eventually, Karl's father was madeaware that his young son had brutally beaten a Cairo whore with a horse whip.
So the story was known. To the parents. Not to me.
I was at classes in Switzerland, blissfully unaware that Karl wasmaking some pretty serious admissions.
Admissions about the key.
About seeing that young ladies' demise.
And about me being in on it, too.
Which meant my father being made aware of my secret naughtiness.
All just a few weeks before my birthday.
In sublime ignorance of the truth being known, I had successfully seduced thesports teacher for whom I had carried a torch of lustful love for almost eighteenmonths.
She was my first mature female lover, and together we melted inhibitionsto flow into each others' bodies like waves of molten lava. Unfortunately,she was married to a ski instructor who thought he was God's gift to womankindand flirted outrageously with all us students.
She seemed to find great satisfaction in having one of those prettystudents as her lover. The girls all said that her husband was one of thoseall talk and no action men. By the way she enjoyed sex with me, they couldhave been right. Certainly no mere male could please her as I did.
I was almost heartbroken when I received the letter from my father instructingme to meet the yacht at Pireas….. A "birthday cruise" he told me….I would rather have stayed at school and continued my wonderful love sessionswith Carenia !
But it did mention that we would be picking up Karl and his parents from Cyprus,so I realized there might be a bit of that really naughty stuff to enjoy……….
(Not all cruises I had taken had included anything wicked happening in thesecret quarters, but Karl had assured me he had seen things when I was notpresent).
I flew to Greece and was met at the airport to be whisked down the old portand transferred to our yacht.
Strangely, my latest "mother" was not on board.
In fact, it seemed almost as though there was a distinct lack of female company.
We set sail for Cyprus at once.
I had one of the crew unpack my cases and he was helping me put clothes awaywhen Daddy walked in my cabin. He told the servant to leave and shut the cabindoor.
"Seventeen in two days, Darling. And such a beautiful girl, too. But not one
of those ordinary Swiss finishing school products, eh ? No dashing off to polo
matches with eligible young men or sharing ski lodges in the States with a lot
of Harvard types ?"
I had no idea what he was on about and did my charming daughter all-attentivesmile routine.
His mobile buzzed and he broke off for a moment, then smiled and sat besideme.
"We are in International Waters now, just outside the ten mile limit. Do you
know what that means, Darling?"
I shrugged. "We've left Greek jurisdiction ?"
"More or less, yes. Outside the ten mile zone, law becomes a lot more difficult
to enforce. Things happen that would not be tolerated inshore and aground. Piracy.
Still happens. Regular reports. Very difficult to do anything about it, though."
I confess, I had not the vaguest idea what he was talking about.
"So ?"
"Well, just saying…. I mean, suppose I saw a small boat and pulled alongside.
Who do you think would do anything if I boarded her and robbed the occupants
"The police wherever you next docked, I should think !"
"Only if they knew, Darling. I mean…well, I'm trying to let you see that
things can happen at sea that no one would ever know about…..people could
be robbed or…..or worse. It's…..well, there's a lot of water and
not all of it is safe."
I suddenly had a sick sort of premonition. I'm sure my face must have gonewhite. The bastard was going to take me down to his little torture den andhurt me ! That's where those missing mothers had gone ! Oh, sweet Jesus, myfather was a sadist and he fancied his own daughter as a victim…..
"But lot's of people know I'm here!" I gasped.
He looked at me in amazement, eyebrows raised, face puzzled. And then he suddenlylaughed. Helplessly. So much that I started laughing, too, though I didn'tknow why.
"I………. Sam, you silly little bitch. I'm not going to hurt
you….. I know….. I know you and Karl have watched Edrich and I
playing games……I know you like it, thank God. I want to let you
know why we do it…..everything….!"
Well, perhaps you may have a slight idea how relieved I was, and how terriblyembarrassed at the same time.
How does a sixteen going on seventeen-year-old virgin start to talk to herfather about being a Lesbian and enjoying sadism ? And it was not very comfortablehaving a father start to talk about how he ran a very profitable sideline murderingpretty girls with a collection of rich perverts.
When he told me my present was to be a blonde eighteen year old girl that Karland I could do what we liked with, no questions asked, well……Ibegan to feel a lot more confident.
So after an hour or so, we were talking about what we both found exciting whenit came to torturing women and Dad had told me all about POP………..Purveyorsof Pain !
A very exclusive club that only invited guests are permitted to join.
The rules are simple. Speak about POP to anyone not a member, and you andyour family become participants in the games.
Only one man so far has committed this serious sin…..he watched hiswife and thirty year old daughter plus two pre-teen grandchildren endure asix week cruise last Summer. They died very slowly throughout the cruise.
Three men of the family were also killed.
The present power of POP is awesome, due entirely to the wealth andposition of those who enjoy its benefits. Contrary to what you may chooseto believe, money can buy the power of death.
My father was one of the three original members of POP……….hisboats provided the perfect location for perverted games out of sight of thelaw, and the oceans and their ravenous occupants provided a disposal systemfor corpses.
Two wives ended their lives on torture cruises, each having found out aboutPOP and been unable to keep quiet about it.
Edrich, Karl's father, was another of the original trio, and his wife Olgaactually approved of and joined in with his perversions. No wonder Karl wasa sadist with that heritage.
I asked how he made sure the crew said nothing. They must know there were passengerswho never completed some trips.
"Either they approve or have other secret habits I can let them enjoy. Your young
cabin steward is a dreadful paedophile…hate them, myself, but he simply
loves raping little girls of about five years old. The occasions arise when he
can enjoy himself.
We often get family to be got rid of. No-one goes to waste. Two of the engineroom hands have a thing about eating certain forbidden cuts of meat……….femalearce and tits…………so, although the idea of whippinga pretty arse turns them off, cooking it is their Nirvana. "
And so it went on until my father asked me if I would like to become a memberof the club.
"It would mean you could be in danger because you would know who some members
are, and they are very nervous about that. We have lost a couple of friends because
of pre-emptive strikes that we are sure were wrongly set in motion by other members."
"And what would I get out of it ?" I asked.
"Women to hurt. You would be invited to almost every torture session that takes
place on board, I should think. Most of us would simply love having a young good
looking girl like you help us play !"
"And all these men thinking I'd open my legs for them, too, I suppose !"
"Not really, Darling, though I'm sure all the men I know would love to bed you,
but if you were a Mistress you could maintain your own control. It's a sort of
accepted thing that a severe mistress only lets men between her legs if she wants
Well, we talked for ages and I realised that my life would be more excitingin the Club than out of it.
Money has never been a problem. Enjoying my perversions could be, but not ifI was an integral part of POP. So I told my father that his club had a newmember.
When the young steward returned to help pack away my clothes, I looked at himin a very different way. It was not easy to imagine him raping a schoolgirl,even more difficult to think that he knew his employer captured and killedinnocent women.
When Karl and his parents joined us I did not find it at all difficult to acceptthat his mother was just like me……….more like me thanI at first suspected, actually, because she told me that she enjoyed makinglove with another woman better than sex with Edrich.
They brought the girl on board. A year older than I then was, good looking,full figured, Swedish au pair material smuggled from Turkey and never designedfor anything other than sex.
Karl and I stripped and tormented her together. He fucked her. I raped herwith dildoes. We made her perform cunnilingus and fellatio by the simple expedientof giving her electric shocks on her pussy lips until she begged for mercyand swore to obey any command. It was far better than our dirtiest dreams hadsuggested.
We had a bit of a shock at how messy it got when we got a bit overenthusiastic whipping her until she bled rather a lot, but Daddy arrangedfor a couple of cabin crew to clean up the mess in return for being ableto fuck the poor bitch, so that was alright.
I got a little drunk and found myself in bed with Karl and his mother.
He took my technical virginity and it was actually quite pleasantas his mother had been tongueing me until I wet myself. It seemed I was becominga sadistic little slut quite easily.
Long before the end of my birthday cruise, I had shared very serious torturesessions not only with Karl but with Daddy and Edrich helping to hurt our Swedishblonde as well. She died, of course, and we cut her up and fed her to the fishesin mid ocean.
Going back to my Swiss finishing school until my eighteenth birthday was quitea hard thing to do, but education is supposed to be important, and Careniawas still my Lesbian lover .
I went to bed with her at every opportunity, unfortunately not able to leadher interests in to sadism, but then Daddy suggested we hire private investigatorsto vet the rest of the girls at the school to find any with latent cruel tendencies.
Not as difficult as one thinks.
Reading certain books, visiting specialist shops, logging on on one'sportable P.C. to peculiar web sites.....there are a lot of give-away signs...Astonishingly there were three who later became regular companions of wealthymembers of POP.
And now ?
Well, Daddy died almost a year ago. Karl and I virtually run POP with a littlehelp from a couple of trusted old members, and we have invested in this excellentnew vessel designed especially for POP.
It looks like an up-market tanker, certainly not the luxury yacht type of vesselfather would have expected.
But that means that people do not notice us. Enter or leave ports throughoutour cruising range and hardly anyone raises an eyebrow.
Quite a few commercial freighters have a helicopter pad nowadays.We need ours to bring the clients aboard in secrecy so they can venture belowdecks to explore some of the most fully equipped torture chambers this sideof a South American police state interrogation centre.
And we have grinders, commercial models, into which a human corpse can be tossedto emerge at the other end of the process as minced meat….a little bony,in places, but fully dispersible at sea.
No chance of a shark being caught with large pieces of girl meat inits belly, to cause official concern.
Our costs are very high. Fuel, food, berthing fees, maintenance, and so on….butour fees are enormous.
Only the very rich could afford to use our services, but they are why we existand our service is second to none.
Occasionally we even provide special services….a man tiring of his wifeor wishing harm to an enemy may enjoy having certain people brought onto ourvessel for him to dispose of at his leisure.
So much better to see the face of a hated enemy as he watches you castratehis sons or ravish and mutilate his wife and daughters.
Of course, if doing the deed is not to the clients liking, Karl, I, and mostmembers of the crew will be more than happy to oblige……
We even have a small but efficient ships hospital staffed by some of the mostperverted doctors and nurses we could find. Though they can save life and repairdamage, all of them actually prefer to use their skills to torment and destroyyoung women.
Want your victim to have enormous breasts? Put her in our care for a few weeksand she can be transformed.
Want her kept alive even when you have cut out her eyes and broken half thebones in her body? We will feed her and repair her so you can hurt her somemore.
And we specialise in pregnancies. Causing them and aborting them. Keeping themuntil they are just as you like to destroy.
Finally, and this is quite recent and not yet perfected, we are attemptingto mould a subjects' will to match your required criteria.
Currently we have two young women on board who are engaged to be married totwo of our clients. They want their new wives to not only accept but activelyparticipate in and enjoy their husbands' perversions.
If we do not succeed in our mission, both the poor cows will be used as playthingsin the torture chambers, so it really is in their interests to learn the lessonswe give them.
I'll tell you how it works, or how we are trying to make it work. ……………….Youmay find it interesting.
CHAPTER THREE : Virgin's Voyage.
She was one of the sweetest looking creatures I had ever seen.
Ron introduced her to me on the bridge.
I was wearing my uniform, a sort of slightly sexy naval outfit with tight jacketand short tight skirt over dark nylons and rather inappropriate high heels.
"Sheri, this is Samantha Govash, our Captain."
She blushed slightly, one of those creamy complexions with tiny freckles thatred heads seem to have. I could have taken her in my arms and kissed her. Shereally was a peach.
"My fiancée, Sheri" Ron smiled at me, a look of proud possession on his
Last time I had seen Ron he was in the electrical room using a cattle prodinside the slits his brother had cut in a womans' breasts. I think I had actuallysucked him off as they hoisted the gurgling creature into the air by slidinga huge meat hook into what was left of her cunt…or that might have beenEllis, his brother.
Now he stood before me, impeccable in a Saville suit, the exquisite young redheaddressed in Dior casuals, her deck shoes in calf leather that was as soft assilk and probably cost a small fortune.
"I'm very pleased to meet you, Captain. Ron has told me so much about you. He
was quite insistent that we share this short cruise with you before the wedding,
though I had rather imagined something less…er…commercial."
"Oh, don't let first impressions colour your view too much" I smiled. "There's
a lot more to the Desaddee than meets the eye. We have a full range of amusements
on board for even the most jaded of palates."
I knew by previous consultation of course, that Ron really loved this youngwoman. He desperately wanted to marry her and have her bear his children andhis name. Unfortunately, his sexual preferences were almost exclusively sadistic.He and his brother enjoyed torturing women in ways that went far beyond S andM games, ways that frequently left the poor victim dead.. A wife who did notshare this enthusiasm could be a bore. Unfortunately, though one could frequentlyfall for a pretty girl, finding one who could even contemplate the sort offun Ron and Ellis enjoyed was virtually impossible.
So he wanted me to convert her, turn her into a nymphomaniac sadist withoutspoiling her looks.
I had insisted that he did not stay on board. If he loved her at all, he wouldnever countenance what I intended doing to her.
She drank the sweet Turkish coffee and smiled lovingly into her fiancés'eyes just before she slithered sideways on the chair, out cold.
As soon as I had ushered Ron to the helicopter and sent him on his way, I wentback to my cabin where Sheri lay unconscious on my huge king size bed.
I buzzed Karl. We always shared any special delights, and this girl was certainlyspecial.
I must admit, I had slipped my hand up inside her crisp white chenille blouseto check the firmness of her full breasts even before Karl arrived.
Karl likes bottoms. Bottoms and shapely thighs. More a leg man than a tit man,he says.
Together we undressed sleeping beauty.
You know, this can be an intensely sexual feeling, undressing an unconsciousgirl when you know she would be screaming the walls down if she knew what youwere doing to her.
We spread her legs and admired her bush, tight little curls of a stunning redcopper colour. I bent down and licked between her tightly curled pussy lips,so tight they looked as if they had never even been fondled. Redheads smella little different, slightly more fishy. That sounds rather nasty but I don'tmean it to be. It's like a fair haired man's cock. Always seems to have a differentodour, even straight from the shower it has that tang….
We bared her breasts and both fondled the creamy mounds topped with very palepink almost translucent nipples. I was getting very moist. Just thinking howshe would scream if I could get to play with those delicate buds…………
We turned her over so Karl could stroke her bottom. She had slim thighs butfirm and nicely rounded buttocks below a tiny waist. Pulling the cheeks apart,we peered at the pale brown skin puckered round her little arcehole. Now Karlwas getting turned on.
"Jesus, she looks like a total virgin" he groaned. "I've got to shaft that pretty
bumhole. I'll open the little slut up!"
He pulled his cock out, already pretty near erect, and rubbed the tip up anddown on our little sleeping beauties' bottom cheeks, leaving snail trails ofclear pre-come.
From behind, her tight furled pussy looked even more inviolable. I could notresist gently peeling the lips apart and after licking my forefinger to easeits passage, I probed carefully inside her little love tunnel, only to be broughtup short by feeling her hymen.
"Oh my God, she really is a 100% virgin" I breathed. "She hasn't even finger
fucked the web out of the way. She's intacto as they say. A genuine cherry pie
waiting to be fuck-plucked!"
"Can we do her?" Karl asked. He knew that there were strict limits as to what
we could do to the fiancé of one of our clients.
"Ron wants her to be a sadistic fuck-hungry tramp when he marries her. No way
can we get her to that stage without fucking her" I smiled.
"Let's take her down below" he drooled. "When she wakes up I want her looking
straight at my prick!"
Now this is where we are not absolutely sure of the right way to go. Thereare two choices. You degrade and debase your subject until they have no selfrespect left, then rebuild their character as you desire it to be, using pain,drugs, and the simple will to survive……….or, you startthe treatment by drugging the subject and getting them to perform obscenitiesunder the drugs that they would never otherwise allow, slowly teaching themthat such lewd behaviour rewards them with feelings of sexual delight.
Unfortunately, as Ron genuinely loves this girl, we have to use the secondless brutal system, at least until we find out if it is going to work.
Rohypnol and a derivative of Viagra make a most useful cocktail to start awoman on the road to sexual perversion.
Either injected or swallowed in a drink, and even a nun would start to feelhorny. The rohypnol not only removes her inhibitions but frequently erasesher memory of the sinful things she may have done, and the viagra makes herresponses to sexual stimulation almost automatic.
Sheri groaned when I squirted the dose of chemical stimulation into her arm,at the back and below her shoulder so she would be unable to see any needlemark. We lay her on a padded leather restraint bed, carefully securing herwrists and ankles in padded cuffs so she was loosely outspread face up andtotally naked. Karl squatted above her head, slowly masturbating his cock tokeep it hard. I curled up between Sheris' legs and gently licked her tightlipped sex slit.
At each side of the bed were large T.V. sets, one showing a Lesbianvideo and the other a sado-masochistic blue movie, the sort that ordinarysex shops can actually sell without being raided. We had the sound turneddown so only a background of "oogghh" and "aarrrggghhh" simulated orgasmnoises broke the silence.
When Sheris' eyes fluttered open, all she could see for a moment was an erectphallus being gently wanked just above her face. The drugs inhibited her reactions.She did not scream, just stared in a sort of shocked disapproval at the redcockhead with the foreskin peeling back then re-covering the shiny glans. Iheard her gasp of surprise, and drove my tongue hard between those succulentpetals, hearing a slightly louder cry of fear as she realised what was beingdone to her sex slot.
Then she began to struggle and scream, which was to be expected.
She had no idea who Karl was, but when I emerged from between her legs, tastefullyattired in my leather dominatrix play clothes with erect nipples jutting frompeep holes and a triangular section of my leather tights cut out to frame myblonde bush, she was really confused.
Karl lowered his naked rump until his hairy balls brushed Sheris' foreheadand he dipped his prick to rub over her nose and lips. Pre-come smeared herface.
I straddled her waist, knees apart, thrusting my pelvis forward so she lookedstraight at my sex triangle, then I sank my middle finger into the wet gashand let her get a close up view of a really hot cunt being toyed with.
In disgust, she twisted her head sideways and stared at the T.V. screen withthree girls daisy chaining each other on big rubber dongs. Her head twistedthe other way, and she saw a man caning the rounded bottom of a girl boundover a wooden whipping frame. Just as she gurgled with amazement, the canerdrove his cock into the bent over girls' arcehole.
Above her, Jake was pumping his manhood faster, grinning down into her frightenedblue eyes with a look of lustful cruelty. And my pussy was actually startingto ooze juice down the top of my thighs as I frigged myself hard and deep.
Add the smell of male and female arousal, and you can see that poor Cheri wasbeing drowned in sexual stimulants that scared the hell out of her but alsostarted to arouse her unwilling passions.
It isn't easy to overcome natural prudery. We really have to work hard to balancefear and arousal, but we eventually got Sheris' body to betray her. Disgustedby all around her, she screamed with pleasure as I sucked her cunt into anorgasm.
Some reluctant pleasure….then some pain.
Karl got on her and broke her hymen with one savage thrust.
It was her first real scream of agony as his thick manhood went up to the hiltin the ruptured passage, lubricated by both her fresh blood and her bodies'treacherous response to my tongue.
After his rut, I sucked her clean. I'm afraid I actually like the taste ofmale sperm, more so when mixed with virgins' blood.
For the first time I spoke to her, my face still smeared with her pussy blood.
"I'm afraid this is only your first lesson, Sheri Darling. Your fiancé is
a very naughty man. He likes all the dirty sex you can see on those televisions,
and he wants you to share his pleasures, so he asked Karl and me to teach you
how to like kinky sex. We know you are a good girl….you were even a virgin
until Karl broke your cherry, weren't you ? I'm very impressed. But from now
on you are going to be an absolute slut. We'll teach you how to suck cocks and
girl's pussies, how to whip a girl until her bottom is all bloody, even get you
to feel sexy when you watch your new husband cut the tits off some poor tortured
bitch…………..yes, he does do things like that. Usually
with Ellis joining in. They are a couple of real cruel dudes when we have a torture
party on board. You see, the Desaddee is named after De Sade, the original Count
of Cruelty. It's a pleasure cruiser for special people who like special pleasures….like
torturing some poor woman to death just for the fun of hearing her scream and
watching her body slowly torn apart."
Her face was a picture, wide blue eyes shiny with tears, pretty mouth openin a sort of 'O' of wonder, and yet her bound body was still squirming slightlyas I fondled between her legs and Karl gently stroked her fine breasts, occasionallyleaning down and licking her nipples tenderly.
The drugs were churning her sex drive and the Rohypnol was deadening her repugnance.She probably felt like one does when waking from an erotic dream, a mixtureof longing for those hot feelings to return and a little shame that one feelsso turned on.
"Now I'm going to let you come again, Sheri. Don't be bashful. Sex is something
to be enjoyed. You just think of how much better it would be if Ron was here
stroking you and licking your nipples."
She began to babble…a mixture of reproofs, threats, pleas and expressionsof total outrage.
I think the fact that I had told her it was her loving fiancé who hadgot her tied down like this threw her completely. If we had just been strangerswho had abducted her, her outrage would have been stronger and her resistancegreater. As things were, she was scared but somehow intrigued. Could Ron reallybe the beast I had described? Her loving husband to be?
I was back down between her sleek thighs, fingers and tongue working magicon that sexy red fringed triangle.
I adore a woman's cunt. I can sometimes even get a girl to come after the menhave done some really brutal things to her body. Of course, my tendencies toenjoy Lesbian rather than heterosexual relationships does mean I know how todo things in that moist cave of delight that some men never dream of in theirwhole lifetimes. Anyway, aided by the Viagra type drug, I soon had Cheri notprotesting any more….she was actually gasping "Yesss" and bucking herhips into me with a desperate urge to make me bite her just that little bitharder to bring her climax over the edge.
And each side of her, the T.V. screens continued to show increasingly depravedfull colour videos one after the other. Three men on her left, inserting theirtools into mouth, anus and vagina of a willing busty blonde whilst on her righta girl hung by outspread ankles as a man and a very young girl whipped herall over. The young girl was rubbing her almost hairless pudenda with obviousexcitement as she slashed her short horsewhip over the upside down captive'sbuttocks. The soundtracks were slightly more expressive by now. Screams andcruel threats on her right, greedy hot dirty talk on her left.
She came four times, totally exhausted at the end, body wet with sweat, totallyrelaxed even though the screens were showing stuff that should be making hersick and she was still being pawed by a naked man and a leather clad dominatrix.
Amazing how sex can drive out normal fears if it is strong enough.
It was the end of the first major session, and I wanted to leave Sheri witha feeling of threat to make sure that when her normal reactions overcame theresidual drugs, she would think long and hard about being too quick to fightback.
I nodded to Karl and he straddled the exhausted girl's head. "Suck my cock,Sheri!" he grinned.
As expected, the sudden return to male organs scared her. She shook her head. "No…no,I won't do that. Leave me alone. Please, stop doing this to me…"
I stood up and loomed over her, my face composed into a cruel sneer.
"You silly little cunt! Haven't you learned anything? Your man wants a sex slut.
You'll fucking lick any cock off any fucking time, bitch. I was going to let
you rest for a while, but fucking disobedience from a cunt like you gets me fucking
mad. Get the slut in the cramp box, Karl. We'll teach her not to fucking argue!"
So weeping and pleading, and actually apologising for upsetting me, the sweetlittle redhead found herself crouching in a little bamboo cage, just enoughroom for her to kneel inside it, then we hoisted it into mid air, positionedthe televisions in front of her with the volume on the sadistic channel turnedup until the screams really bounced off the cabin walls, and left her to hangin increasing pain and suffering with nothing to look at but gradually moreand more outrageous videos.
She passed out after almost eight hours, poor cow. She had peed herself, herknees and arms had wealts from pressing into the bamboo supports, and her bodywas completely seized up with cramp.
She had also seen her husband to be and his brother in a few recordings oftheir cruel games in the electrical cell. Now she knew that whatever I saidwas true. He really did cut the tits off living girls and
toss himself off as his brother sent electric shocks into the circles of rawflesh where they had been.
Cheri was cared for in our on-board hospital wing, massaged, pampered, treatedlike a princess other than having a silver chain locked to her ankles all thetime so she could not escape.
No mention was made of sex or what had been done to her. The nurses and orderliessimply ignored her questions.
Until Karl and I collected her for her second session.
Without drugs, watching her fiancé in a particularly brutal session,body naked, spreadeagled, Karl fucking her second virgin hole which made hercry a lot and bleed quite freely, me just fingering her pussy and being quitecruel, pulling and twisting her labia, scraping my fingernails down the sweetcreases of her womanhood.
"All you have to do is start to like it, Cheri, and there would be nothing but
constant pleasure for you. A man with enough money to satisfy your every desire,
who loves you so much that he is spending an absolute fortune paying to have
you taught how to enjoy sadistic sex, and friends who would adore you."
"You're all sick!" she sobbed. "I'll never let you make me as horrible as you
So we whipped her.
Naturally we used fine braided leather whips that would bring up nice red stripesand swellings without slicing open her skin, but they hurt just as much. Anddid our pretty little red head scream. We flogged her in four sessions of abouttwenty minutes each. By the end she was virtually unconscious, whimpering softly,voice too raw to be able to scream any more, even if we sliced a good shotright between her swollen pussy lips.
Then we fucked her, Karl in her pussy, me wearing a double-ender and takingher from behind. That was another first for poor Cheri, and she needed a bitof repair work afterwards where a bit of a split had opened in her back passage.
A few days care, then a drugged up session in which she became willing veryquickly, actually spending three quarters of the session with both of us ona bed and no restraints or bindings.
I think Ron would have never believed that his little virgin could be on herhands and knees, tongue buried up my slit while Karl knelt behind her shaggingher for all she was worth…..and she willingly spread herself for meto use a dilly while I tongued her into at least three orgasms.
On the T.V. throughout this session, videos taken on board Desaddee were onscreen. Believe me, no one outside POP has access to material as explicit anddisgusting as that. But Cheri was able to come with a man and a woman whilegirls on screen were being cut into ribbons or broken on the rack….
We were getting somewhere at last.
Most people are like that, really. Show them a bare tit on home televisionand they cry out that it is disgusting. Show them a few more, maybe a bit ofpussy and a bit of romantic fucking done discretely, and soon a bare tit doesn'teven warrant a raised eyebrow.
Well, keep the sex out of it and you can show most things. Bringing the twotogether will take a bit of time.
But in controlled intensive sessions, totally abhorrent torture scenes becomeless shocking when watched repeatedly. Share viewing with feelings of sexualexcitement, and in time the two go hand in hand. Cruelty rouses passions, passionbrings thoughts of cruelty.
And familiarity breeds acceptance. We had Cheri feeling sexy as soon as weturned the sado T.V. on.
We had her feeling something was missing if I had her gorgeous pussy in mymouth and there were no girls bleeding in the background.
Most importantly, she could talk about her husband to be without saying hewas a monster even though on a screen in front of her he was sticking red hotskewers in a woman's feet. She was learning that sadism and sex went togetherfor him and could soon be linked in her mind, too.
Pavlovas' dogs. Simple pain or reward training. Call it what you will, withCheri it worked.
Three months, and we made sure her body was back to virginal condition. Sheagreed to have a little surgery in her pussy, replacing the web of her hymen.She wanted to be the virgin bride, after all, and we promised faithfully andtruthfully that we would never reveal to her husband to be what we had doneto make her understand and share his depraved interests. We would tell Ronit was all down to drugs. If he believed that, fine. If not, it would be upto Cheri if she wanted to tell him how often she had been fucked by us.
The other girl, well. we tried just as hard. She was older and more experiencedbefore we were asked to convert her. Maybe that made the difference, I don'tknow. But she hated cruelty and no amount of drugging , threatening, hurting,or pleading could make her accept it.
The member who had wanted her transformed simply married her on board in abizarre parody of the normal wedding service, the bride to be being in chainsand scared witless, and then killed her to show her what she was missing. Itwas the first time on Desaddee that we had a wedding and a divorce at the sametime.
Ron and Cheri were married in Barbados and spent their honeymoon cruising onDesaddee.
Cheri was wonderful, even learning how to fix the clamps to a shrieking girl'snipples so she could have a seriously shocking time…….
And when we all got together for a good old fashioned orgy on the sun deck,she actually whispered "Thankyou" to me as we knelt together sucking off Rons'prick.
CHAPTER FOUR : South American Cruising.
The street kids of South America are the lifeblood of a few organisationswith similar aims to POP. The police will actually help you obtain teensand pre teens, charging very little to actually collect any requiredquantity for you and deliver them for "exportation". Unfortunately, mostfemale street urchins have been fucked since they could walk and carrymore venereal disease between their legs than you would find in a badlyrun whorehouse.
However, just as our teaching methods succeed due to familiarity witha concept allowing increasing tolerance, so it is with a State that condonesthe murder of annoying urchins begging, and allows young teenagers tobe a common sight dealing drugs in the city streets.
When no serious attempt is made to protect these orphans, it only takesa little more money to persuade certain officials that a drug bust atthe local university could ensure a number of young women being takenin for questioning.
If some of them were to vanish………..
And in the remote areas, a family will sell a daughter "for marriage".
They know she will probably become a prostitute.
If they happen to sell her to representatives of POP, she will becomea short lived member of our crew.
There's no come back. Safe victims no-one protects, often innocent,even virginal, and frequently absolutely gorgeous. The only problem isthat so few of them speak good English, and almost all our clients liketo be able to understand their victim's cries for mercy, so English isan advantage.
However, when I suggest that the sound of screaming is the samein Spanish as it is in English, this is rarely a serious problem.
We wanted to stock up our galleries early in the year and the warmerclimate of South America has another advantage to abductors………inthe sunshine, girls do not cover up too much. One has a fair idea ofthe quality of the merchandise before taking off the wrappings.
Snatch a woman from the cold streets of Northern Europe, and by thetime you strip off the layers of clothing she may be as attractive asa plank.
Virtually every male sadist I have met likes his women with curvy bodies,other than the pre-teen brigade who like the little girl look.
I have never yet been asked for a bony skinny woman or one ofthe cellulite flaunters that abound in far too great a number. (Inthe interests of accuracy, we did have one client from the Orient whowanted two enormously fat ladies to do unspeakable things to, but Ithink that was the only time Karl actually found the victims too awfulto turn him on!).
I won't disclose actual sources. I value my life and have no wish tofind out what it feels like to have my breasts cut off …
It is a medium sized town on the coast. There are a lot of holiday apartmentsand hotels, a trio of schools, a small university, two hospitals, anda factory that makes shock equipment, everything from stun guns to electriccattle prods.
The chief of police owns this factory. He supplies us and others withspecialised electric shock devices tailor made for our purposes.
And for POP he supplies women. I'll call him Carlo for the purposesof this report.
This time he had done even better than usual.
Knowing in advance that we were on route he had arrested a number ofmainly American tourists on drug charges. Silly girls in camper vansdriving down one side of South America and up the other, usually on "out" yearsfrom their studies.
Those that did not have the means to cause unwanted investigation fromtheir home country were imprisoned in the police chiefs' private gaol,situated in a splendid seaside location some miles up the coast, treatedwell, and told they were caught up in a large drug sweep which wouldbe compromised by their release.
Amazingly, he never had any who did not believe the story. Theyaccepted their luxurious imprisonment and enjoyed the facilities heoffered………..pools, saunas, good food, a long sandybeach fringed with palms………..only their lack ofoutside communication and the inability to actually leave the placemaking it different from a holiday home !
I asked the chief one day how he resisted the temptation to fuck theAmerican bimbos, some of whom were very tasty young women.
He told me he liked dark meat. Any American negress was his.
Turned out he had a harem of seventeen very lovely dark skinnedgirls who did as they were told or endured his favourite punishment………..honeyin the pussy and twenty four hours staked out over an ants nest.
After that entertainment, none had ever refused his demands again.
For us he had a most welcome cargo.
Fourteen women, ages from sixteen to thirty two, all bar two from theU.S.A. ( the odd couple were from Canada and were very interesting....asixteen year old brunette and her thirty two year old mother who lookedmore like her sister).........and it had been Mom who had the jointsin the car when they were stopped and searched by Carlo's road blockteam.
At first she had tried the usual "you can't do this" outbursts,only calming down when she saw the luxurious accommodation and theseemingly perfectly happy other residents at Carlos' holding centre.
Drugs in their food, a covered military style truck to the docks, wellwrapped unconscious female forms carried into the cargo bay, and we setsail with our holding cells very well replenished......
As usual on a stocking cruise, we had invited guests who paid even morethan the usual exorbitant fees for the luxury of being in on the abductionpart of the fun…there is a special frission about seeing a girlwho has no idea that she is in danger suddenly find out that she is inthe hands of depraved sadists.
The total shock, the pleasure of exposing the true nature of her captivity,the freshness of terror…..once a woman has been used on a cruise,even if she has only been abused sexually, there just is not that specialthrill of being the first to shock her with pain.
Girls who survive from cruise to cruise almost begin to accept thattheir time will come. Some even welcome it when they are given to a sadistwho wants to see them die. When weeks of pain and humiliation are finallyto be ended by a man with a gun or a sharp knife, loss of life can almostbe a relief.
Of course, when they find out how slowly shots from a gun cankill them or feel the varied agonies a skilfully wielded blade cancause, they all scream and beg for a mercy that is never shown. Deathis the only release......
We make it a rule that playmates are not allowed out of the concealedcells whenever we are in any countries territorial waters.
Once well out to sea, the carefully dosed drugs can be stoppedto allow our new passengers to awaken and find themselves in smalllocked cabins, aware by the motion of the surroundings that they wereafloat but with no idea how they had been transferred from a tropicalbeachside paradise to a floating prison.
Four males and one female made up our passenger list, all of them kneweach other well. The woman,Kate, was the paid "wardress" for one of themen, Dean, a millionaire property developer with a small "prison" ofrather young girls.
One man was a "solo" who liked me to be his companion duringhis voyages ( I'll call him Tom), and two men were homosexual loverswho had a special "thing" about hurting women.
We had a sort of "pick and choose" dinner party, photographs of our newstock passed around the table leading to a delicious depraved conversationduring which I let the men decide who they wanted to start with.
We tend to start most cruises with a "get together" party evening,after which clients usually buy their victim to play with individually.
When they wanted the Canadians, and agreed to pay double, Karland I were looking forward to the games even more hungrily than usual.
It had always been one of our favourite phantasy ideas to have a prettymother watch us rape and torture her daughter..........
We dressed both captives before they regained consciousness, mother ina tight black silk evening dress with expensive and slightly old-fashionedsilk underclothes, dark 15 dernier nylons, suspender belt, high heelblack patent leather shoes, and daughter in a tight sweater over sportsbra., mini skirt, tiny white panties, socks and white trainers. She lookedlike a high school cheer leader.
In one of the torture cells, mother was secured against a bed size paddedleather tilt and turn table, bound in silk scarf ties that would allowquite a lot of movement but hold with adequate security.
Her daughter was seated in a chair, wrists and ankles manacled in paddedrestraints. Neither was gagged. Karl, I, and our five guests were seatedby the bar at the play end of the torture cell .
We were all in uniform.
The "wardress" Kate and I had short brown skirts, tight black sweaters,arm bands with a swastika like crest, black high heel boots, and a leathergun belt complete with pistol but also with a short multi-thong whip.
The five men had Nazi style jack boots, black shirts and pants, plentyof ersatz gold braid, and menacing dark glasses.
We looked like extras from a porn movie...The Gestapos' Last Orgy, orsomething.
You may think it silly that a group of sexual perverts like us wouldbother play-acting instead of just starting to assault our victims, butit is great fun to do an "interrogation" game or a "mad scientist" experiment,or whatever.
You see, we hurt people all the time, and, to be truthful, the thrillof burning a girls' tits with cigarettes starts off as a mind-blowingexperience but becomes rather routine after you have done it so manytimes.
Adding the role-play themes seems to freshen up the whole thing.We not only have the still very arousing delights of making our victimscream but also the fun of inventing a believable dialogue to go withwhatever situation we have invented.
Though not from personal experience at my age, I do believe that womenmarried for years have to create little phantasy role plays in theirheads when the old man is jumping their bones. It freshens the act enoughto bring some spice to the fucking.
If you have travelled in South America, you will know that the varioussecurity forces do indeed dress like movie extras, with even a bellhoplooking like a general. Our slowly awakening Canadian guests would haveno doubt they were being held by some police or security group.
I think the mother was brought fully awake with a jolt when she triedto bring her arms down from above her head and realized they were bound.She tried to sit up, failed, and suddenly noticed her dress. She gavea sort of snort of anger, turned her head, and froze when she saw ourlittle group drinking as we leaned against the bar at the end of thecell.
Just then, her daughter groaned, and the woman swung her head round tosee her pretty girl tied to the chair.
I think that was when confusion first turned to fear. We could see herface change, the soft brown eyes widen with shock, her mouth formingan "Oh" but only making a gasp as she sucked air in rapidly.
We all sauntered over to her. The two gay men, Paul and Roger, playedthe nice cops.
They "shushed" the questions that started to bubble from Moms' lips andtold her she had been arrested by the drug enforcement agency as shewas suspected of using her innocent image to allow her to take importantcoded messages to South American drug producers.
I know. Absolute nonsense, but then you have not just come round to findyourself strapped on a leather table wearing clothes that aren't yoursand with your daughter bound to a chair and looking terrified.
"Just tell us which cartel you were delivering messages to and what you had to
tell them, and you can go back to enjoying your holiday, Mrs. West."
I was already getting that delicious warm feeling between my legs, andI could see Karl's cock swelling in those tight Nazi black pants.
We listened to the garbled protestations of innocence. Sometimes theyjust get angry straight away. "You can't do this...I'll get the law onyou" and so on. Mrs. West, probably because she genuinely did have marijuanajoints when arrested by our helpful lawman, tried sweet reason and lotsof explanations, who she was, why she was in South America in the firstplace, how she had been foolish with taking spliffs, how her DarlingPenny knew nothing about them and was as pure as the driven snow, howshe hadn't caused any trouble at the policeman's hacienda...ask him...heknew she was really just a tourist....
All seven of us were gathered round the leather oblong on which our pleadingcaptive squirmed, each of us looking at her body with different mentalimages of her suffering.
Kate was the first to be nasty.
"I think she's a lying bitch, Sir. Let me make her tell the truth....maybe give
her a bit of pain to loosen her lips !"
Paul reached down and very gently squeezed Marion Wests' left breast. "She'snor very nice, Mrs. West. I'm afraid she is not at all ladylike. Heridea of asking questions is to push pins under your fingernails. Veryunpleasant."
Marion was scared. The casual way this total stranger had fondled herbreast in front of all these people, and the awful drooling looks onthe two women's' faces above her was seriously frightening. What madeit worse was the fact that she knew she couldn't tell them what theywanted to know.
"Please, we really are just tourists. We're from Call Heights, just outside Toronto,
in Canada. We've nothing to do with anything down here. Just tourists ".
Roger leaned over, put his hand on Marion's right breast, and gave thata firm squeeze through her clothes. "We could watch Kate burn her nipples,Paul. That usually makes them talk very quickly !".
We all knew, of course, that the boys have this thing about women's breasts.It's a sort of jealousy thing, I believe. They both would rather be womenat heart, and envy those most noticeable peaks, so love destroying them.But burning tits was a bit premature.
"Perhaps if we let Kate hurt the girl Mrs. West would remember more quickly ?" Dean
He and Tom were playing the nasty cop roles, all macho and brutal....notthat anyone was going to be nice to our captives, really.
"No, let me fuck the bitch!" Tom snarled. "I like 'em young !"
"Noooghhh1" Marion screeched.
Funny how quickly we can turn fear into real terror.
We had suggested violence. Now we were introducing sex. Combine the two,and we would have Mrs. West wetting her knickers with dread.
During these group sessions, Karl and I hang back unless requested notto. It can be quite frustrating sometimes, pussy wetting gorgeous horrorshappening to some poor bitch and I have to just watch. But the clientcomes first. In more than one way, too.
"She's got lovely tits!".
Penny squealed. Standing behind her chair, Tom leaned over her and gropedthe well stacked sweater, one hand on each side, palming her bra intoher resilient breast meat. Her hair flew in a sort of halo frame as sheshook her head, screaming "No...Mom, help me !".
Marion probably couldn't hear very well because she was screaming too,screaming at us to stop touching her daughter.
This was going to be a wonderful cruise.
All the clients seemed to appreciate the finer points of playing cruelgames....the build-up, the threats long before the action. I was consciousof pre-come juice actually seeping down my inner thighs. And we hadn'teven unfastened a button yet.
End of Part One.
If you wish to read what happens next, please let me know and I may continuethe voyage on the "Desaddee"....but it will be awfully dirty withpoor Marion and her daughter getting sent to their makers as fishfood, eventually...
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ACHES AND PAINS Getting old is a pain in the arse - literally in the case of Paul Sedgewick. He and his wife, Mary, had, over the years, built up a very successful, small property development company. He had started out on leaving school as an "odd job man," and had gradually grown his business; first into designing patios and garden rooms, then to full- blown extensions, and finally, once he had accumulated a bit of capital, new-builds on small pockets of land he managed to find. As...
Hi mera naam Luvesh hai main Gujarat k eek naami shehar main rehta hu (main city nahi batanna chahta ) meri umar 23 saal hai naya naya graduate hua hu. Filhaal jobless hu mere father aur mere chacha sath main ek business main hai meri bua ke ladke ki dusri marriage ki liye jo spain main rehta hai,mere cousin bhaiya Ramesh jinki age 36 years hai unki first biwi ko koi bimari nai thi leking achanak ek din unki death ho gayi. Aur uske liye meri bua ne papa aur chacha ko rishte ke liye kaha tha...
The six erotic oil paintings I knew my spinster great aunt Philomena as a formidable, grey haired old lady. She lived in a somewhat neglected mock-Gothic high-ceilinged Victorian house in Ealing, near the Common. The elaborate geometric tile floor in the porch continued down the passageway, and in defiance of the Clean Air Acts, she always had a coal fire or two burning in the Victorian fireplaces, even sometimes in a bedroom, right through the winter. Her furniture was elaborate and...
Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...
"THE MESSENGER OF PAIN" by Jay Merson (c) Copyright. Jay Merson. 2000. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this bookhas been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrightsand patents act 1988. This electronic book published originally by A1AdultEbooks and reproducedhere with permission of both author and publisher. Author Biography: Jay Merson is a prolific BDSM scene author, withsome 80+ titles to his credit covering a range of adult themes. ?The...
Review this story || Email Author: Cortez Samantha in pain and love Chapter 1. Chatting at work Samantha had had a highly successful morning, that is it went to nearly 3 pm when she closed the deal, signed off and unusually for her, went out to have lunch in a nice street stall with tables under a shady tree. She finished her salad and coffee and, still feeling smug about her morning, had just decided to have a second cup when she saw Sarah coming along the footpath. ?Well, hello...
Hi guys! Well, my second story is complete. I hope you'll all enjoy it. And please, PLEASE do take the time to leave feedback as I always view it to hear your thoughts and learn what you like and want to see more of! Sympathy pains By Bluedust "So, tell me...what seems to be the trouble?" She asked while looking down at us, peering over her glasses the way only educated women do. She was a tall woman, though most of...
Aiden was a painter by trade. Not the imaginative, Picasso type, but a decorator. It wasn’t what he had aspired to be, but for now, at least, it kept him living comfortably in his bachelor lifestyle. At 33 years of age, Aiden had yet to find a woman he connected with on a high enough level to convince him he wouldn’t be wasting his time and money on a wedding. It didn’t faze him though, he was good-looking, kept himself in shape and, from extensive experience, he was quite the ladies man. They...
“Honey, I’m tired of painting now.”Rich smiled to himself, shaking his head. He knew from the tone of his wife’s voice what she was doing. He didn’t need to turn around to know that Jennifer was standing across the room in her blue painter’s coveralls, her hair tied back in a messy ponytail, strands falling over her paint splattered face, one hip dropped with a hand resting on the other. In the other hand a paint roller hanging loosely from her fingers, a pout making her already full lips look...
Quickie Sex“Honey, I’m tired of painting now.”Rich smiled to himself, shaking his head. He knew from the tone of his wife’s voice what she was doing. He didn’t need to turn around to know that Jennifer was standing across the room in her blue painter’s coveralls, her hair tied back in a messy ponytail, strands falling over her paint splattered face, one hip dropped with a hand resting on the other. In the other hand a paint roller hanging loosely from her fingers, a pout making her already full lips look...
Quickie SexTrue story that happened to me (cuteboy261973) about 5 years ago and I wrote up the time:Went to a loo near the M11 yesterday that I know has a glory hole. As I went in there was a fit painter taking a long time to wash his hands (I'd say early to mid 30s, possibly younger). Went in the loo with GH but the cubicle next door was locked but unoccupied. So came out after a while and washed my hands. He was still washing his (bit of a give away) so we exchanged a few glances and he went in the GH...
I want to share with you how I finally fulfilled a long time fantasy of seeing my wife ravished by a black cock. I guess I should begin with a little about my wife and I. We are both in our early thirties and have been married 11 years. We met when we were 1* and have been together ever since. I have always fantasized seeing her with a well-endowed black guy. However I had long given up hope on ever seeing that happen. Amy is quite conservative and would not even give thought to watching a porn...
My name is Earl,I am 46yrs old,and from the W.Indies,although I have been here since i was 4yrs old.I work as a painter and decorator and although you hear the stories about guys fucking the client,all i can say is its never happened to me,or anyone i know really,Thats why this was such a surprise,Just recently work has been tight I have been getting jobs,but few and far between,so quite a bit of time has been spent at the pub,this was leading to rows indoors.To tell the truth my happy marraige...
It was 11:00am when I opened my eyes. The room seemed strange to me, making me think I was not in my own bed. But reality stepped in when I saw my dresser draw that contains all my pleasurable toys in it. The room was kind of junky because the painters were coming to paint and actually, they should have been here by now.I sprang up out the bed when I heard my dad talking down the hall to strange voices. I knew that since they were upstairs that they would be coming in my room very soon to paint...
LesbianAiden was a painter by trade. Not the imaginative, Picasso type, but a decorator. It wasn’t what he had aspired to be, but for now, at least, it kept him living comfortably in his bachelor lifestyle. At 33 years of age, Aiden had yet to find a woman he connected with on a high enough level to convince him he wouldn’t be wasting his time and money on a wedding. It didn’t faze him though; he was good-looking, kept himself in shape and, from extensive experience, he was quite the ladies man. They...
Quickie Sex"All finished, Mr. Hancock, how do you think it looks," asked Steve. Bob Hancock surveyed the freshly painted walls and opined, "Great job my boy, we hadn't had a good paint job in over ten years, and the place was pretty dreary!" "Good," Steve replied, "I'll just get all my equipment out of here and while I'm doing that, you can look over the bill, okay!?!" Ten minutes later, Steve came back into the kitchen, and was surprised to see Mr. Hancock still pouring over the bill! "Any problems,...
EroticNote: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought so hard against my fear as we were led to where the Trial of Pain would be held. My stomach was a maelstrom of fears,...
Around midday they drove through a fast food restaurant right off the highway taking lunch to go. Once back on the road Joseph was able to get Sammi talking about dance recitals and gymnastics competitions she did when she was younger. He got her smiling and laughing sharing stories and that made him feel good. As the afternoon grew later the conversation slowed as he focussed on traffic and trying to make the delivery on time. The hours and then minutes ticked down as he got closer and...
A Night of Pain The world was black; Lynn couldn't see or hear anything. Leaving her likethis for long periods of time was one of her Master's favorite games. Hewould tie her up so she couldn't move, then put on a hood and ear plugs, effectivelycutting her off from her senses. She had no idea how long she had been downthere, but it didn't matter, it always seemed like an eternity to her. Sitting in the dark got to her after a few hours. She would start to imagineshe could hear things around...
Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Sixteen: The Faerie's Pain By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: The Fairy's Pain Sven Falk Aingeal's wings fluttered as she concentrated on the Lodestone. Her eyes grew unfocused, her breathing slowing, her large breasts rising and falling. Light played along the gold rings piercing her nipples. “What do you think she's doing, Master?” Zanyia asked as she crouched beside me in that...
I was in pain. I'd been having pains for several months. At first they were minor, just twinges that came and went but, as time went on, they became worse and worse and lasted longer and longer. The pain was always in the same place, just under my abdomen. I'd tried aspirin and paracetamol and ibuprofen but nothing seemed to work. Now there was hardly a day went by that I didn't have the pain at some point.That day I'd gone to work as usual. I work in a small solicitor's office. There's just me...
"I must be crazy," Elise thought fleetingly as she jabbed the needle into her left breast, two inches below the nipple. It hurt, but not as badly as the needle already buried in her right breast. That one was still stinging, sending a thrill through her that left her gasping. She had hoped that the one in her left breast would balance the pain. Pulling her breast up by the nipple, she withdrew the needle, blessed it in the smoke of the incense, and then stabbed again. This time, she hit the...
As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!Back in the good old days when everyone went to Spain for their hols, a group of us from the pub decided to go, as a group!Before you knew it someone’s mate wanted to tag along,...
Ian was really looking forward to this weekend away with Susie, his daughter. As they sat side by side on the plane heading for Spain, he closed his eyes and thought back to how it had all come about.Susie was just nineteen, and liked to think that she was independent. She was just coming to the end of her first year at University. For the last couple of years, Susie had chosen not to go away on the annual family holiday with her younger brother and her parents. The previous summer, the rest of...
Hello, I posted part 1 of this story a while ago. Part 2 is now, finally, ready. However, as I re-read part 1 I realised that there were some errors, so I fixed those and am now posting parts 1 and 2. Thanks for reading. Break up in Spain - parts 1 and 2 My girfriend of eight months, Sarah, and I had gone on holiday to Spain. We'd hired an isolated villa that was about forty minutes drive from the nearest beach. The isolation of the villa meant that we got it pretty cheaply...
Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. Janet and I had been married for twelve years. We had been sweethearts since we were ten years old. I was never interested in college, so I got an entry-level job at Desmond Engineering, as a draftsman right out of high school. Janet and I were married a year later and the next year we were the proud parents of twin girls: Bethany and Brittany. Things were rough for the first few years, but we watched our pennies and everything seemed...
I do not intend chronicling the campaign in the Iberian Peninsula, although it brought fame and fortune to Arthur Wellesley and added fresh lustre to the reputation of the British army. There are those far mightier with the pen than I to describe the battles, so I shall just touch on the points of the campaign were I was involved. The 69th arrived too late for the Talavera campaign, and so spent our first six months in Portugal getting more intimately acquainted with the topography of that...
Hello, boys and girls. Arjun here. Thank you so many guys for liking my previous sex story. Big thanks to you all. My hangout ID is Rohan was Amisha’s brother. Amisha was a super slim, fair, extremely cute girl. Her hair covered her sexy white neck so beautifully and her ass was so slim n small it Could be pressed with just one hand. And her small developing tits OMG, was a treat for every boy’s tooth. Every boy lusted her, wanted to fuck her bad day and night She was so cute and fair that...
IncestJulie's [email protected] lies naked on a large wooden table. Thick strong rope has been wrapped around each of her ankles and wrists and tied off to the four corners of the table. The rope is pulled extremely tight limiting her movement and stretching her skin tight.Wire is tightly wrapped around the base of each of her breasts. It has the effect of turning each of her large breasts into a balloon stuck to her chest. They are slowly turning purple, the veins standing...
A Bit of Worry, a Lot of Pain, and a Pack of Cigarettes Oh jesuschrist. Piss a shit-fit. Godchristandmotherfucker, I’m shaking, trembling, trying to hold my limbs tight to my body so I go unnoticed and I’m not mistaken to be in the throes of an epileptic seizure or a victim of a Tourette’s fit here by these life-saving servants of the medical environment. I was in the midst of a break in my scribbling, coming down here to the hospital for my daily injection of mystery serum, braving the mean...
"The Painting" by Vlad Potemkin============================================================== Leslie knew she was going to buy the small painting the instant she sawit. It was strange. It was kinky. And it was absolutely mesmerizing, the waythe scene materialized from the perfectly orchestrated swirl of gray and blackpaint. She could also feel the eyes of the proprietor of this quaint little Sohostore. The tall attractive blonde remained seated behind a curved glass table,staring at Leslie...
Since I have been with my Master we have explored many limits and why I have them. One activity I have struggled with for a long time is due to past abuse from my ex-husband Dick, anal sex has not been an easy boundary for me to have tested. When Dick and I first began our sexual relationship we each had an open mind about many things, exploration with new activities was never an issue. We both seem to always enjoy testing ourselves and each other, and never had we considered anything we...
I had miserable today as my back was troubling me from last night. I am in good shape for a 45 year old and unfortunately single now. I am in great shape but I do get slight pain in my back every couple of months or so. The usual happened last Saturday, and I found myself walking around like a 90 year old man. My maid Savithri always gave me a helping hand when I was in pain and would get the extra money for her service and I really liked her soft hands on my back.By the time, I got myself out...
Sara was standing in front of where I was seated. Her tits were exposed, gripped by nipple clamps, and her shorts and panties were down around her knees. I wet my thumb and fingers, and started massaging her clit and G-spot. It didn’t take as long this time, in fact, I had barely begun, when she started to quiver.“OHHhh…god. Oh God! OH GOD! OH GOD OHGOD OHGOD!”She came, and came hard. Her knees buckled, and her head dropped – and then I ripped the clamps off of her tits.She dropped her knees to...
BDSMAloise sighed heavily as she kept walking--faster and faster, Mummie might be looking Aloise sighed heavily as she kept walking--faster and faster, Mummie might be looking. She really was trying not to lag, but her breasts hurt SO MUCH, dragging that horrible chain behind. But Aloise didn't want Mummie coming out with the spruce switch, she'd seen Mummie put a few of them in the bathtub, and the switches were especially harsh when wet. When Aloise had come home late from the Faculty...
Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Eleven: The Dragon's Pain By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Knight Angela – Dominari's Lair, The Despeir Mountains Lady Delilah's draconic jaws opened above me. My arms burned. The power of Gewin's blessing buttressed my limbs, keeping the immense weight of the dragon from crushing me as her claw pinned me to the cave floor. But as I looked into her open jaw at the sharp teeth dripping, the reek of sulfur of her breath, I saw my death. I had...
188 AVIS AND TIFFANY Mutual pain My black lover Jerry called and told me he would be coming by to pick me up and he wanted me to dress in a blouse and skirt, no bra and with hose and ankle strap stiletto heels and to bring along my white sheer nightgown. As he drove up I went out to meet him, got in his car and leaned over and kissed him hard and long. As I settled back he looked at me, “You love me?’ he asked. “With all my heart” I replied. “You’ll do whatever I ask of you tonight?” he...
Hi readers.My name is Abhishek, 23 years old with 5.7ft, 63kg, 32wst. Believe me when i say every word i am going to type here is true and makes it a true story (No hyperbole is used). I like yahoo chatting so one day i was on with that. In Bangalore chat room, I got one ID as hrdcrewitme. (I am fond to hardcore and always liked to download that kind a videos). I pinged that guy and after a formal chatting we started chatting about sex and all. He mentioned he likes hardcore and wants to have a...
Gay MaleYou may have read my story, ‘Turned by Alan and Amy’. After that experience, I suffered marital issues and a separation that lasted two years. It took a huge struggle to get my wife back and for the last few year’s I have remained straight as a dye. However, where the heart rests the eye will wander and I found myself back online again looking for partners. One intrigued me, called ‘Soulsearcher’. His profile was quite a wicked read with lots of hidden meanings. We conversed and when he...
When I was studying my intermediate I joined my college football team. I was about 18 yrs at that time and I was fair, tall handsome teenaged boy. Once to participate in a inter college football event we left to kurnool. Our coach cum PT lecturer was a handsome, well built 30 yr old guy named bhaskar. We had won all the preliminary matches and within two days we had a semi final match to be won and our team was practicing throughout the day. While playing, suddenly I had a cramp in my thigh and...