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A Night of Pain

The world was black; Lynn couldn't see or hear anything. Leaving her likethis for long periods of time was one of her Master's favorite games. Hewould tie her up so she couldn't move, then put on a hood and ear plugs, effectivelycutting her off from her senses. She had no idea how long she had been downthere, but it didn't matter, it always seemed like an eternity to her.

Sitting in the dark got to her after a few hours. She would start to imagineshe could hear things around her, that there were people are all around. Thenher mind would shift and convince her that she had been left alone forever,and no one would ever come and find her. Lynn would start to panic then, hermind overrun with fear. He knew very well what tricks her mind played on herwhen he left her like that.

When she felt his fingers brush her thigh she screamed out loud, startledby the sudden contact. She had figured out why enjoyed subjecting her to thistorture -- He loved the gratitude she showed him when he finally gave her hersenses back. It was like he was waking her up, like he was her god bringingher back to life. She would tremble as she knelt before him, crying in gratitude,begging him never to leave her alone, offering herself to him like it was thefirst time. He always knew just how to soften her up, how to chase all thoughtsbut submission to him out of her mind.

"I think we'll work on pain today, pet. I think you can take a lot more thanI've been letting you get away with," he told her.

"Yes Master," she replied as she leaned down to kiss his feet. Lynn was instantlywet, he always had an immediate effect on her. She was nervous though, he wasconstantly pushing her farther than she thought she could go. She appreciatedit, because she knew he was making her a better slave, teaching me how to servehim better. But their sessions always left her drained, physically and emotionally.

"Come on pet, hop up here." He motioned towards the table he used for punishingand inflicting pain on her. There were simple restraints on each of the fourcorners. The table was divided into three sections, each connected by hingesthat allowed the table to be adjusted in three places, allowing him to positionher any way he wanted.

She got up on the table and obediently lifted her arms above her head sohe could restrain her. After he buckled the soft leather straps around herwrists he slapped her thigh, indicating he wanted her to lift up her legs.She moaned quietly; this meant he was going to bind her legs above her headwith her wrists, bending her in half. Lynn found this position was very uncomfortable,but it was effective allowing him access to everything but her back. He couldtorture her ass, pussy, thighs, and tits as he wanted.

She felt horribly exposed and vulnerable this way. But she didn't protest,just lifted her legs up so he could pull them back and secure them next toher wrists. She started breathing a little heavier, her body reacting to thehelpless feeling caused by being bound. As she always did, she thought of howhelpless this made her, how he could do anything to her and she could do nothingto stop it. It scared her a little, but even though she knew he would pushher, she trusted him not to seriously hurt her.

"You look beautiful like that cunt, all spread open for me," he whisperedin her ear as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. After all the time thathad passed, it still surprised her how he could be two completely differentpeople. One minute caring and tender, the next twisted and cruel. A shiverran down her spine as he traced a finger between her breasts and over her stomachstopping just before he touched her pussy.

He turned away and walked to the wall where he kept his toys. He spent afew minutes considering his wide collection before choosing two and returningher. Lynn closed her eyes and moaned softly to herself. Brining over more thanone meant that she would have to choose what toy was used on her body. Shehated choosing, he always made it difficult -- giving her a choice betweenone evil and another.

She saw he was holding a crop and a strap and another moan escaped her, becausethey were both whips that she could take for long periods of time. "Well pet,what should we start with?" he asked. She bit her lip slightly, thinking. Thecrop had a stinging bite to it that she loved, but it didn't become too muchfor a very long time. By the time he finished with it the areas he chose toabuse would be so sensitive to pain that she could hardly stand the slightesttouch. The strap broke her a lot quicker being much more painful, especiallywhen used on her exposed pussy, and that was his favorite place to use it.It could reduce her tears very quickly.

The crop seemed like the better choice to her, but she knew that he wouldprefer the strap. He loved to watch her cry and beg for a rest from it, teasingher by hitting softly a few times and then attacking her with cruel hard hits.If she picked the strap he would be pleased, and might go easier on her andlet her go sooner, but there was no guarantee of that. If she choose the cropshe would be in less pain, but he wouldn't be happy with her, and would probablytake it out on her in other ways.

Lynn groaned in frustration and heard him laugh. It amused him to see herstruggling to choose what form of pain she would receive. "Trying to decidehow to save yourself some pain, slut? Is this about your pleasure or mine slut?Hurry up."

She blushed, because that was exactly what she was doing, trying to saveherself some pain. Suddenly she felt very unworthy of him. "What will it be?Tell me now or I will take both back and pick something that only I will enjoy."

"Please use the strap on me Master," she whispered. He smiled cruelly ather.

"Good choice cunt," he said as he turned to put up the crop. She couldn'ttake her eyes off of him and the strap as he walked back to her. She watchedhim as he lightly ran the soft leather strap over the inside of her thighs,causing her to shiver slightly. Quickly, before she could even prepare herself,he let go with a torrent of blows to her tender thighs. She was not sure howmany times he hit her on that first round, but it was many more than he hadever done at one time before. By the time he was finished she was begging andscreaming continuously.

She looked at him through eyes cloudy with tears. He was breathing a littleharder but other than that showed no signs of his activity. Her legs burnedhorribly, she was scared to look down at them. She was a bit taken aback. Hewas being horribly violent tonight, she knew he was just getting started andshe was starting to worry. He ran his fingers over her thigh and she yelpedsoftly. When she looked down she couldn't believe how red her legs were. Shecould see many rectangular marks up and down her thighs and realized he hadhit her hard enough to bruise.

He watched her as she slowly got her breathing and sobbing under control.She knew what he was waiting for. "Thank you Master," she said. He didn't respond,just trailed his strap to her cunt, rubbing it up and down her slit. When helifted it up so she could see she blushed. She could see her juices on thestrap. He brought the strap up to her mouth and she obediently licked it, faceburning even brighter as she tasted herself. Her eyes never left his as hebrought the strap back down to her cunt.

He hit her pussy lips lightly and smiled as she tensed up preparing for aharder blow. He slowly hit her like this for awhile before making the blowsharder and harder. There was a rhythmic wet smacking sound that was lullingher into a sort of trance. He tore a scream from her throat with a particularlyhard smack. The strap was burying between her pussy lips to land on her clit,she could it feel it swelling. Her body was starting to shake now; he was alternatingbetween soft blows and blindingly painful ones. She could feel sweat startto bead on her skin.

There were pleading words on the edge of her tongue. Her pussy felt likeit was on fire, and she was biting her lip hard; he noticed and ordered herto stop biting. One time she had bit her lip very badly on accident. That wasthe first time he had used the cane on her.

The pain seemed to be traveling up into her limbs and through her whole body.She was focused only on the sound of the wet slaps and the pain between herlegs. Lynn was so wrapped up that it took a while to realize the blows hadstopped. She slowly opened her eyes again. The pain was slowly receding, andshe wondered if he was done.

"Where do you want the next ones cunt?" he asked as he let the strap flyhard against her left breast. She screamed out with his sudden blow. "Wellcunt?" He hit the right breast. "Tell me slut, tell me where you want it." Eachword was punctuated with a blow to her tits, causing her to struggle in herrestraints.

"My ass Master, please!" she screamed at him.

"What, you don't like your tits hit bitch?" he asked. She was screaming loudlyagain, he was hitting her very hard right on her sensitive nipples. Cryingagain she begged him to stop.

"Please Master, stop, please hit my ass Master." He was hitting her titsmuch harder than he ever had before. Her legs were aching; she had been strugglinghard against her restraints. When he finally stopped she felt like she couldhardly catch her breath. She sighed loudly in relief and sagged against herbonds. Looking at him she could see more signs of strain, there was sweat onhis forehead, and she could see his cock standing out beautiful and hard. Herpussy contracted as a wave of desire hit her. Knowing that he was turned onmade her very wet. There was nothing that turned her on more than knowing hewas getting pleasure from abusing her.

He watched her for minute before he started to laugh darkly to himself. "Youwant me to beat your ass cunt? Ok, but I think I'll use something else thistime." She stiffened in fear; he was being so hard on her tonight. He wentand put up the strap, and when he turned around she gasped loudly. He had pickedup a long wooden cane.

She shook her head in silent protest, eyes wide with fear. He had only usedthe cane on her once before. It had been absolutely horrible, the pain so intenseshe had almost lost her voice from the screaming. He had only hit her fivetimes, but she remembered those five times like they were five hundred.

"Maser, please, what have I done? Please don't use that on me Master, youknow I can't take it. Please!" she pleaded with him, but he just walked towardsher, lightly swinging the cane against his leg.

"Pet, do you think you have to do something wrong to deserve the cane? No,I will use what ever I feel like on you just because I can! Because it amusesme to hurt you." With those words he swung the cane in the air to land acrossher ass. For a split second she thought the cane hadn't landed. She could stillhear the swish of the cane ringing in her ears when pain exploded on her ass.She threw her head back and screamed. She could feel the thin line where thevicious cane had hit her skin, the pain spread from that spot like a wave.She was moaning continuously as her ass recovered from the blow, her skin raisingback up to fill the indent the cane had left.

"Oh god Master, please don't make me take anymore. Please Master, do anythingelse, just not the cane please. It hurt so badly, I can't take it, it's toomuch." She was sobbing and begging him. He came up to her head and grabbeda towel, gently wiping up sweat and tears. She breathed raggedly, relievedthat he was going to stop.

"Do you want me to stop badly enough to sleep by yourself tonight pet?" heasked. A fresh sob escaped her throat. One of Lynn's greatest pleasures inlife was lying curled up next to him, touching him while they slept. She wasextremely grateful he allowed her to sleep in his bed. The only time he orderedher away was when she was being punished. It was very effective punishment.She hated to sleep alone, and usually couldn't sleep at all when she wasn'twith him. It seemed like every part of her body was reaching out to him, longingto touch him. He told her once when she slept she constantly pushed herselfcloser against him. She didn't want to give that up.

"I'll stop pet, let you go right now, but if I do, then for the next weekyou will sleep on the floor, in another room, far away from me. I'll hit youonly ten more times, they won't be quite as hard as the first either. Whatdo you say pet?"

She wanted to say no but she couldn't. Not just because she couldn't standthe thought of being sent away from him, but also because she knew he wantedher to take it. She knew how proud he would be if she took his blows. "YesMaster, I'll take the cane," she whispered.

"What was that pet? I couldn't hear you, speak up," he said.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He wanted her to beg forit. "Please hit me with the cane Master, I want to take the pain for you,Please Maser," she pleaded. He stroked her cheek tenderly and chuckled softly.

"Ok pet, count them for me, I wouldn't want to loose track." She stared athim as he walked down to the end of the table. She closed her eyes as he raisedhis arm to strike her, holding her breath waiting for the cane to fall. "Nopet, open your eyes, look at me, watch me," he ordered. She obeyed and lookedinto his eyes.

When he brought the cane down again another scream was ripped from her throat.But he hadn't lied; it wasn't as hard as the first. She had flinched but shequickly opened her eyes and looked at him again. "One Sir," she said. Tearswere silently falling down her cheeks again. She didn't know how she couldtake nine more blows.

He went slowly, giving her plenty of time to contemplate the next blow, givingher body time to effectively register all the pain the cane could inflict.By five her body was shaking uncontrollably and she couldn't stop moaning,she was shaking her head softly whispering please over and over again.

She felt cool hands on her red hot ass. She hadn't realized she wasn't watchinghim anymore. "Only five more pet, you're doing great, I know you can take therest." His encouragement was like soothing medicine to her, giving her strengthand making it possible for her to take a breath and look at him again.

"Thank you Master," she told him. Once again she watched him lift his arm,she thought about his arms, how good they felt when they were holding her close,or holding her down. She loved the strength in his arms. She was fascinatedwatching him. Again she felt the white hot blow of the cane, and again shescreamed, but she didn't take her eyes off of him. She was so fascinated byhim. She felt detached, staring at him, memorizing his face, trying to capturethe way he was looking at her in her mind forever.

By the ninth blow Lynn was reduced to nothing but pain. It was everywhere;her whole body seemed consumed by burning pain. She was aware somewhere inthe back of her mind that there was screaming, and that she was the one doingthe screaming. But all she could focus on was his face, nothing else matteredbut him, and the raising and lowering of his arm. She noticed him smiling andit seemed to her that it should mean something. She watched as he lifted hisarm for the last blow.

Her body jerked hard as he hit her. Her vision clouded as the intense painwashed over her. He hit her directly over a previously hit spot, causing theblow to feel much, much worse than even the first one. She was thrashing herhead back and forth trying to escape the pain. It lingered so much longer thanthe previous blows.

She was still screaming when she felt his hands at her feet releasing herrestraints. She moaned loudly as stiff muscles were worked again. Her legswere asleep; she knew soon they would hurt horribly as proper circulation returned.Lowering her legs caused one of the welts to hit the table and she groaned.

He had a wet washcloth again, washing her face. It took a while before shecould understand what he was saying to her. He was telling her how proud hewas that she had taken the cane so beautifully. She smiled up at him and kissedhis fingers as he traced her lips. She wanted to touch him, but when she wentto move her hands she realized that she was still restrained. She frowned slightlyand heard him laugh.

"I'm not done with you yet cunt," he said. He laughed again as she moanedand took a few ragged breaths. She didn't think it was fair, he had alreadyput her through so much. She saw him reach above her head and bring back apair of nipple clamps; she shuddered as he brought them near her. She was stillin pain from his beating. She knew her senses would be so heightened that thelittle clips would be torture.

"Please Master…" she started to beg, but he placed a finger on herlips, silencing her. He reached down and placed one of the clamps onto herright nipple. Pain exploded from the tip of her breast. She moaned and lookedup at him pleading with her eyes. He just kissed her lips in answer and attachedthe second clip. The pain was incredible, she would have done anything to beable to take them off, but her hands were held fast to the table.

She felt him lowering the head of the table down. Looking up she and sawhis cock right above her face. Again her pussy flooded, she loved to have himin her mouth. Lynn immediately opened her mouth eager to taste him, and hegrabbed on to the sides of her head, holding her steady as he slowly pushedhis cock into her mouth. She moaned again, this time in pleasure as she felthim fill her mouth. She started to greedily lick and suck his cock, runningher tongue around him, sucking salty precum down her throat.

The distraction of his cock didn't last very long though. Soon the pain inher breasts started to intrude on the pleasure of sucking him. She had to tryhard to make her mind focus on his cock as the pain in her tits became steadilymore distracting.

She gagged slightly as he pushed his cock further down her throat. She felthim slap her face and realized that she wasn't sucking and licking anymore.She forced herself to concentrate; she wanted to feel him come in her mouth.She used her throat and mouth to squeeze his cock, coaxing the cum from him,and moaned again as he used her hair to push himself further down her throat.It didn't take him long to cum, and she greedily swallowed all he had to offerand smiled to herself as she heard him moan softly.

She licked his cock clean as he removed it from her mouth. He reached downand pulled off the clamps causing her to scream loudly as the blood returnedto her nipples. He listened as she whimpered and pleaded while he stroked hernipples, looking down at her face. "Let's go to bed pet," he said as he reachedup to release her arms. She moaned softly as he lowered her stiff arms. Hepicked her up in his arms and she gasped slightly as his arms rubbed the weltsthe cane had left on her ass and thighs.

She loved when he carried her; it made her feel like a little girl. She restedher head on his shoulder and sighed as a feeling of calm and security washedover her. When they got to his room, he laid her carefully on his bed. Still,it hurt badly as her caned ass rested fully on the soft bed. He got on thebed next to her and she rolled over to snuggle close to him.

He reached a hand down to her ass and swatted her; causing her to yelp andsuddenly start crying. The hit hadn't hurt that badly, but she was exhaustedand still emotionally upset from the intense beating she had received. "Hushchild, it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you anymore tonight," he whispered inher ear. This only caused her to cry more, and he brought his hand up to herhair to caress her. She held on tightly to him as she cried herself out. Itoccurred to her how wonderful it was, to suffer so much at his hand, and thenbe able to turn to the same wonderful hand for comfort.

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tonights girlfriend

This story is regarding my mom named rittu aged 42 years and she has a very ripe luscious fig og 383438 and she always looked gorgeous in saree.I reallu used to admire my sexy mom but never had that feelings of sex with her.My father had a business in delhi but due to loss he shifted to Chandigarh and mom once in a week used to visit my dad .I am 21 years now studying in college in delhi and had very few friends and often used to chat on net.I had a special friend named amit who was from...

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Knight in shining armour

Being a CPA, she'd been able to save a bunch by closing her expensive office in Phoenix's central business district. Now, at a fraction of the price, she only needed to rent a post box in the same uptown stylish and upscale address that at one time been her plush office. Her clients were happy to email their spread sheets to her, knowing her work was professional and accurate, as were her insights and opinions. She'd bought the business from an elderly man, inheriting his clientele. Those...

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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that...

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Knight of Passion

Knight of PassionAlone in her tower, Princess Mariella could hear the sounds of battle coming from below. Out of her window, she could see down into the courtyard of her prison, the tall stone spire that had confined her for close to five years now. Far below, the cobblestones were streaked with scorch marks, long black lines of soot that crisscrossed the ground and spread up the walls. She felt tears welling in her eyes. The poor knight.He wasn't the first person who'd come to rescue her. She...

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Knight and Dey 1 First Day of a Second Life

Knight and Dey 1: First Day of a Second Life By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "All right, crew, eyes forward!" the police sergeant ordered the three officers under his command. "Every year, somebody tries to show off by riding to school in an unauthorized manner. Specifically, down Bleaker's Hill!" and he pointed at the very steep hill in front of the two men and a woman. "It is our job to catch the perpetrator, and to make an example of him! This school will be highly...

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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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Knight Errant

Knight Errant 1. Argument "Sophie, you must do as I say - I command you to obey me!" Sophie flashed anger and then smiled sweetly at the young Knight. "Peter, you have always tried to order me about ... Even as children, when we played together, you always wanted to be in charge ..." "Sophie, - I am in charge - I am master of this castle, and you are my prisoner!" "Peter, you know very well that you are too soft-hearted to lock me in your dungeon ... It was your brother,...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 115 Growing Pains

The school year wound down to an end and not a moment too soon. I was really tired all of a sudden. I finally made up my mind that I was going to tell Rhonda Saturday afternoon that if she wanted it, the paper route was hers. I still had a bunch of scrip and a bit of savings and a couple of award trips that I hadn't taken yet. I was supposed to go with a bunch of guys who had won a contest to a White Sox game in Chicago this summer and Cary told me that even if I wasn't carrying papers...

2 years ago
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Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains Chapter 1As the black sedan plowed its way through the streets of Duluth, it occasionally hit a hidden patch of ice and began to slide crazily until the driver was able to twist the steering wheel around sufficiently to compensate for the slide and get the car in the proper direction down the road again.  It had been snowing periodically for three days straight, and the snow drifts on the side of the road were, in some cases, over five feet high.  It was even worse as the car...

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Aches and Pains

ACHES AND PAINS Getting old is a pain in the arse - literally in the case of Paul Sedgewick. He and his wife, Mary, had, over the years, built up a very successful, small property development company. He had started out on leaving school as an "odd job man," and had gradually grown his business; first into designing patios and garden rooms, then to full- blown extensions, and finally, once he had accumulated a bit of capital, new-builds on small pockets of land he managed to find. As...

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Knight Owl and Black Hawk

It was a night like any other winter night in the City of Brockton. The snow was falling gently, the wind was light almost non-existent as two vigilantes keep a silent watch together over their fair city. Brockton used to be a nice city, it was once the ‘Shoe Capitol of the World’. The City of Champions, as its downtrodden citizens called it. Brockton was the birthplace of boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler. It seemed to everyone living in the towns adjacent to Brockton that...

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Chocolate Kiss To Indian Bhabhi From Spain

Hi mera naam Luvesh hai main Gujarat k eek naami shehar main rehta hu (main city nahi batanna chahta ) meri umar 23 saal hai naya naya graduate hua hu. Filhaal jobless hu mere father aur mere chacha sath main ek business main hai meri bua ke ladke ki dusri marriage ki liye jo spain main rehta hai,mere cousin bhaiya Ramesh jinki age 36 years hai unki first biwi ko koi bimari nai thi leking achanak ek din unki death ho gayi. Aur uske liye meri bua ne papa aur chacha ko rishte ke liye kaha tha...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 20

For those who have been waiting on this chapter, I apologize for the length of time it took to publish. It took a long time to figure story out and with setbacks from my computer crash and subsequent loss, this chapter has been written and rewritten a ton. I hope it is enjoyable and look to continue this story. The sun glinted off Ser Alec’s armor as he exerted himself in battle. A continuous fight that plagued him every few seconds while he climbed a path etched into the side of...

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Knight and Dey 2 Top Dog

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex and his family have a condition that changes their gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Now that he knows the truth, Alex's simple goal is complicated by the power struggle within the first school he's ever attended.} Knight and Dey 2: Top Dog By Ron Dow75 "Wow, he actually did the death scene," Lyza said, on her side, her head in a hand. "Hmf! He looks pretty alive for somebody who...

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The six erotic oil paintings

The six erotic oil paintings I knew my spinster great aunt Philomena as a formidable, grey haired old lady. She lived in a somewhat neglected mock-Gothic high-ceilinged Victorian house in Ealing, near the Common. The elaborate geometric tile floor in the porch continued down the passageway, and in defiance of the Clean Air Acts, she always had a coal fire or two burning in the Victorian fireplaces, even sometimes in a bedroom, right through the winter. Her furniture was elaborate and...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VI Growing Pains

Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...

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Morgan had dressed for the night, short blue dress with a plunging neck line, dark pantyhose only, no panties and heels to draw attention to her long shapely legs. Morgan was sitting in the bar waiting for friends to arrive. She notice me sitting in a corner booth at the back of the bar. She was curious and intriged, I was dressed in a dark suit, my salt and peper hair neatly trimmed, rugged facial features, muscular build, and she gussed my age to be about 54. She asked the bartender to...

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Knight and Dey 4 What Kind of Friend

Knight and Dey 4: What Kind of Friend? By Ron Dow75 Vice Principal Weatherwax and Mr. Knight were out talking by the man-sized hole in the high fence the separated the front yard from everything else around the blue Four Square style house. Behind them was a red-and-blue striped tent that covered most of the back yard, right up to the hillside. In a light so dim it would be darkness to others, a teen with shoulder-length dark hair, stood in bare feet on a trapeze...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 29 Back To Camelot

Grace, Kim and I had a nice long chat and decided to take the twins with us to return to Camelot to see if we could locate the missing cheerleaders. I didn't have any evidence that we would find them other that a nagging need to try. We called the twins into my den and sat down to talk with them. I had to convince them that what they were about to hear would be hard to believe but they had to accept it on blind faith. I started out, "Girls, you remember the cave you saw on your...

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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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I kept up pounding in and out of her, as she yelled at the top of her voice, watching her dig her nails into the bed. I knew if I pulled out of her now it would either kill her or drive her over the edge and the thought stayed on my mind, and I made it up quickly. I pulled my dick out of her and watched as she collapsed down onto the bed. “Why the HELL did you do that? I was about to cum!” “You know you liked it, babe” “No, I hate it when you do that, now shove your dick back in me and fuck...

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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It was midnight, as Tanya lay under her covers. The wind howled outside her window. She yawned lightly, rolling onto her back. Unknown to her, a dark figure watched her through the window. In fact, he had been watching her for several months now. He loved the way her auburn, spiky, pixie cut hair framed her heart-shaped face. And he loved the way her tops always hugged her luscious breasts. If she wore a skirt, her long, sinewy legs were displayed. Her honey-toned skin was often...

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Knightly Encounter

The day of the jousting tournament started with bright sunshine and a warm gentle breeze. I was sitting along the side of my father, the Lord of the Manor. When suddenly my eyes caught sight of a knight, in shining armour, sitting astride a magnificent black horse. He came to where I was seated and held out his lance, I then proceeded to tie my kerchief to the end. Off he rode to the starting position. When my father dropped his kerchief to signal the start, the knight’s horse reared and...

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Midnights Desire

The dream that he couldn’t quite remember startled Lance awake, and seeing her sleeping beside him, her rhythmic breathing soft against his chest as they lay naked under a single sheet, made him sure that he wouldn’t be returning to slumber any time soon. He brushed her soft hair away from her face, and wondered what she was dreaming, and found himself getting hard again re-living the moments that led up to explosive orgasms for both of them. She had ridden him hard, stopping every so often...

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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

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Nightshift Compensations

She knew she shouldn’t be doing it as she crept towards their bedroom but with her daughter at school and Tony deep in the arms of Morpheus it was a too good a chance to miss.  Stealthily she moved, careful not to make a sound.  She wasn’t sure what would happen once she reached the edge of the bed.  Katherine knew exactly what she wanted, but she had no idea what his reaction would be to her presence and the thought of being rejected absolutely terrified her, but she was willing to take the...

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Midnights Embrace

  Midnights Embrace      In the darkest hours of the night she awakens gently, somehow sensing that she is not alone. Her deep brown eyes search through the veil of darkness that fills her bed chamber until, in the doorway she sees the silhouette of the Midnight Visitor whose arrival she has for so long desired.    There is no feeling of fear or anxiety in her heart, only the feeling of cherished love that emanates from him like a calming warmth that pushes aside the chill of the winter...

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Knightly Adventure

It’s dark as you look out into the night. Your small cramped room illuminated by the soft glow of the candle light. It had been a rough fourteen years you went through to train. You had almost given up hope during your trials of knighthood, but you persisted and ended up here. In a cramped servants quarters in Hevidish Castle that stinks of filth and smoke. Your life had never been an easy one. You were born into a peasant family. Your mother had died giving birth to you. It hit your father...

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Author's notes: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look into the story I'm writing. In the beginning, I want to set a few expectations: 1.) English is not my native language, so please keep that in mind. I'll try my best to proof-read and spell-check my writing, but I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things. Also, I might lack the proper way to fully express myself; 2.) this story will touch some darker themes at points, so it might not be your cup of tea; 3.) as of...

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Nightshift at St Peters Hospital

All was quiet in the halls of St Peter's Hospital. I had just made my final rounds for the night and headed to the breakroom. I was hoping to shut my eyes for just a few minutes and gain enough energy for Mr. Le Blanc's 4 am visit. Mr. Le Blanc had been a my patient on the fourth floor for 2 weeks now. He had been admitted to the hospital for injuries he sustained in a car accident. Tomorrow he was to be discharged at noon. So I had to try and make my move soon. Mr. Le Blanc was 34 year old,...

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Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...

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