My Astute Barrel Of KnowledgeChapter 3 free porn video

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At five-fifty-five, we arrived for our six o’clock reservation for five at the Rainforest Café outside Disney World. We took an electronic puck from the hostess and waited. It’s got to be the busiest restaurant in the world. At five-fifty-eight, I had to restrain Melinda when she saw the big pink wide brimmed ‘Go to Hell’ hat. I told her to walk with Jackie slowly over to them, calmly, let Jackie talk first, and join me where we were waiting before any excitement was noted. When they were back over with me, I shook her father’s hand. They introduced themselves. Michael Knowles. Then I shook her mother’s. Melissa Knowles. I asked them to keep the noise down but to inconspicuously get the hugs and kisses over with and keep it low keyed.

Then I told them the truth. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all except for the part about them being prostitutes in the Caribbean for the last few months. So, maybe not the whole truth. I explained that Melinda had witnessed a murder involving some very high-level people’s relatives and that she needed to be away for a while until we found out who was who. There were people out there that did not want her to be able to say anything.

They understood. We actually ate a light meal while they talked, in low voices, then I promised to take care of her and told them we were heading out in the morning to talk to some people about what happened, what she saw, and who was involved. I asked them to allow me some latitude in not telling them where or with who, and they agreed. They just wanted their little girl safe. Happy would be nice. Safe would be better. They said her smile was genuine and they knew that she felt she was in good hands. I handed them a phone.

“Don’t use this for anything else. Nothing. When she calls, answer. You can call her. No names. No locations. Nothing specific. I just want to help her let you know she’s OK, and vice versa. She loves you guys and I don’t want to let anything or anyone stand in the way of that.” I got nods from both sides. I think Mike and Melissa were both still a bit stunned.

We parted ways. This time back at the suite, instead of Melinda staying in her room after she showered and put on her pajamas, she climbed into bed with us, behind Jackie, snuggled up, and we all drifted off.

I notified the contact in Atlanta that we were there and was told we were meeting off campus and lunch would be on them at Olive Garden. They gave me an address and a time.

Walking into the restaurant was a bit scary. There were four men in suits watching us walk in. Two looked at me then nodded and two looked at Melinda and nodded. The hostess acknowledged them then asked us to follow her. The suits in the lobby were our protection. We sat at a large table, way in the back, and no other guests were seated anywhere near us. Definitely not their first FBI rodeo.

“Agent Delgado. This is Agent Francis. You’d be Charles Cantrell?” I nodded. “Which of you is Melinda?” Melinda raised her hand, meekly. “Does she need to be here?” Delgado pointed to Jackie.

Melinda was quick. “Absolutely. We were there together, although she left before the incident. If she leaves, I do.”

Francis, a thirtyish woman with short blonde bobbed hair nodded. “Understood. We’re going to record this, so if any of you have a problem with that, say so now. We’re doing it anyway, but I’ll note your displeasure.” I shrugged. The girls looked at each other and nodded. “Melinda, before we get into the long drawn out story, please just give us a short outline. Just the specific incident.”

Melinda nodded. “Patricia. Patricia George and Brad Johnson were arguing about politics. Patricia called Linda Johnson a crooked bitch and Brad picked up his steak knife and side handed, put it through her heart. She coughed up some blood and fell forward onto the table. It was gross.”

“How do you know these people and when and where exactly did it happen?” Delgado asked.

“Other than being introduced to them, just what we see in the newspapers and such. Sophomore year is mostly current events and national politics. Boring until shit like this happens. It happened in the main dining room. Brad was at the foot of the table, opposite Gerald Burnstead. Patricia was to his right the next chair, kind of ninety degrees to him, and I was on the other side of her. Bill George was across from her on the other side of Brad.”

“When. Be as specific as possible.” Delgado was rude and getting on my nerves. I noticed I wasn’t the only one. I think Agent Francis thought he might use some manners as well by the look she gave him.

“You left when, Jackie?” Melinda asked my fiancée.

“The second of August. Friday.”

“The Tenth of August. Saturday. It was a week after she was gone. Guests generally come in on Wednesday or Thursday. I was with Patricia on Thursday night and all day Friday, then at dinner that third night, is when it happened.”

“Gerald Burnstead was there, also?”

“Yes, sir. He watched it from the head of the table. He had a couple of people come in and take her outside somewhere. I got up to go to the bathroom and heard Brad tell him I had to be taken care of. I got my bag, filled it up with what I could grab and left out the back of the resort.”

“Where did you go?” Delgado asked.

“Not important. I stayed with a friend,” she said. Francis looked at him with a frown and shook her head. He nodded grudgingly.

“OK. Here’s what needs to happen now. We’ll start from the top...” Melinda interrupted him.

“No. I’ll tell you everything from the time they showed up until I left, but if I say any more, my life is worthless. You have no idea, but you’ll need to get that information from someone else.”

“What?” Agent Delgado was getting peeved.

“Charlie, get me a lawyer. These people don’t want to fix this. They want to get me hurt. It’s pretty obvious that one,” she pointed at Delgado, “could care less if I live or die, or if I testify or not. He’s making this about the wrong thing. This isn’t about me.”

“Derek, knock it off. You’re scaring the crap out of her. Miss Knowles, please settle down. We have what we need for now. It’s in a foreign country and we need more help than just from you. We need your statement, yes, but this is bigger than you, you’re right. Mr. Cantrell, take her home. Not her home. Home with you. This is still highly classified. Very highly sensitive. We’ll reach you through the original channels. Derek, go. I’ll be out in a minute.” Delgado left, obviously with a chip on his shoulder. “Melinda, Gerald Burnstead is a bad, bad person. So are the people that visit there. He has friends. Just keep in mind that I do, too. Because of that, so do you. You’re safe with these people, I think. Mahogany row at the Pentagon sure seems to think so. Don’t talk to anyone until we get back with you, and Mr. Cantrell, keep your eyes open. Stay here until we’re gone. You don’t need to order anything, unless you’re hungry. We pay them for this. We’ll talk later.”

She handed me her card and walked out. Brenda Francis, Deputy Senior Agent in Charge, Southeast District/Caribbean/Central America Operations. The office address was the Atlanta Office, FBI. She wasn’t a local Atlanta asset.

“You girls hungry?” They shook their heads. The two big black vehicles out front left, so we followed and took off. “Home, or hotel and home in the morning?”

Melinda shrugged.

“Home if you don’t mind, Charlie. I don’t like it here, and I don’t think my friend does either.”

We were home in bed four hours later. As early in the evening as it was, they still weren’t hungry, each just had some toast and a glass of milk and after brushing their teeth and getting ready, climbed into my bed. Our bed. Jackie’s and my bed.

“I didn’t like Delgado, Charlie. He seemed like he was against Melinda, not what was happening in Aruba.”

“I agree, Jackie, but I think he was a jackass, not a threat to her, or us. Francis kind of let us know that. I think she has the same problem with him. He won’t last long. Let’s just wait. See what happens.”

It was few days later that we got a package from Rod. It was a package of identification materials for Melinda. Cheryl Cantrell. My niece. How handy. She frowned. She was going back to school.

“No problem. It’s going to start getting cold out anyway.”

“Sour grapes. Sour grapes,” Jackie teased. “This says you’re still a junior and didn’t miss any school. Good luck with that. I’ll help you study if you need it. Call your mom. Tell her you’re in school. She’ll worry less, I think.” She looked at me. I nodded.

The news story about Melinda Knowles being a missing teenager in Aruba just went away, but new ones took its place. Patricia George’s body had recently been found in a canyon in California. It had been there for at least a couple of weeks when it was found. The circumstances were deemed suspicious and under investigation. Her husband was in a state of shock and couldn’t communicate. He was sedated and at his home in Malibu under a doctor’s care. It seems he was in Aruba at the estate of Gerald Burnstead when she was found.

Rod called. “Brenda said not to worry and tell your niece they aren’t that dumb. They have some information and are building on it. Charlie, I don’t know what’s going to happen with all this, there are some interesting rumors floating around Washington right now.”

“You don’t know the half of it. It may get worse, it may get better. Who knows? Thanks, Rod. Stay in touch.”

Melinda was in school, doing well, adjusting, when the news was received. Rod called again. “Brenda wants Cheryl to know that her friend from work has a new job and gave the complete party list. Looks like the party was a smash. I hope that makes sense. She said she’d be in touch.”

“Rod, you’re a peach. Thanks. I’ll let her know. See you soon. I think I need to be there soon anyway.”

Melinda was both scared and relieved. One of the other girls, she thought it was probably Veronica, had given the names of everyone she knew to be there to someone. What was shared would either let Melinda off the hook or make things worse, but they’d come to a head one way or the other.

A week later, Rod passed a message that we needed to meet Brenda Francis again, same place, same time, same day.

When we got there, she had one man out in the lobby, but she was alone.

“Derek Delgado is in Sacramento. New position. I didn’t like his people skills and the director gave me some leeway. Veronica Sanchez identified no fewer than ten people, all of whom are known to us commoners as high-end folks, that were frequenting Gerald Burnstead’s little playhouse down there. A former vice president, a European prince, and the list goes on. Here’s the problem, Melinda. With the exception of Brad Johnson, Bill George, and Burnstead, and that is based on your testimony and that of a crazy person, as Johnson claims George is, there’s not a lot we can do. Aruba is Dutch Territory, the age of consent is fifteen, you all were there working voluntarily, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. It’s going to be really, really bad press for a couple of congressmen, a washed up politician, a prince, a football coach and a few business men, but as for the rest of them, no one really cares. George is in trouble by the way. The mother of one of the boys has turned against Burnstead and is going to cause him and George all kinds of problems. Those boys are nowhere near fifteen and they weren’t orphans, as advertised. He’ll be dealing with the Aruban authorities on that.

“Anyway, the powers that be want you to know that they appreciate you coming forward. We will need you to testify and be what they call deposed, but your deposition will be in private, with a judge’s staff helping. It will be recorded and provided to the attorneys. You will be on the stand for the trial, but you will be in a different room, with the judge’s staff, and Mr. Cantrell, if you wish. They will be able to ask you questions and get answers, you’ll have a TV if they want to show you something and ask about it. Make sense so far?” Melinda nodded. “I’ve spoken to your parents and they have asked that if it’s OK with Mr. Cantrell that you stay and finish school with them. That is only if it’s OK with you. There are other options, but none of them would be this nice. They felt it would help since at your age, continuity is pretty important, and they felt you’d be safer as well.”

Melinda nodded. “We’ll take her, Miss Brenda. I’ll keep her.” Jackie hugged Melinda into her side. She wanted no part of Melinda getting into trouble with her past.

“She’ll need to keep her new name for a while. There are still several people that would like her to disappear or at least not be able to speak. We don’t want that. At all. Oh, Charlie, a message from the Secretary of Defense. He said he owes you, anyway, but this just compounded it. His sister is devastated due to her loss, but thanks you both for bringing this forward. He also asked if you remember him.”

“I do. I flew him around when he was the Under Secretary of the Air Force for a while. I helped him up after he slipped on some ice once, then on boarding for our return trip, caught him and his briefcase and kept him from busting his kiester on the tarmac a second time. We talked a bit. He’s a good person. I know a lot about him, actually.”

“He certainly remembers you. In any case, you have friends in high places, too. He is adamant about protecting you three until this is over. At least his niece’s murder trial part of it. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, Melinda. Questions about your work in Aruba will not be allowed. If it’s mentioned, you were a waitress. The judge has ordered it so. If the defense mentions it, things will go downhill for them very quickly. I just wanted you to know that. They have agreed to those ground rules, but lawyers are a dirty ugly bunch and...”

“I thought FBI agents had law degrees, Brenda,” I asked her.

“Not all of us. I’m an accountant. We’re just tightwads. Not necessarily pond scum.” She giggled, which got the girls giggling. It turned into a fun conversation.

She gave us a secure cell phone with instructions to only use it to speak to her, using the two numbers in it. One was to her office desk phone direct line, and the other to her secure cell phone. After thanking us again, she left us there. This time the young women accompanying me desired to dine. I was a bit hungry myself. I’ll admit to eating too many breadsticks. I always do.

Jackie did a Google search and called a hotel near the airport for reservations and found us two kings adjoined. “No smoking, the lady says,” Jackie warned us and laughed when the clerk said that. “No problem, ma’am. I was just laughing at the thought of one of us pulling out a cigarette. Sorry. Thank you. We’ll be there in a couple hours or less.” She’s going to be invaluable to me one day. I can already tell.

The second room’s bed didn’t get used. The shower and sink did, but not the bed. Melinda, now Cheryl, climbed into bed with us. This time, Jackie was on one side and she was on the other. I gave Jackie a questioning look. She shook her head, patted my tummy, then took Melinda’s hand in hers, holding them there and laying them on my chest. She leaned over so her lips were next to my ear and whispered, “You’re fine. We’re fine. We’ll talk.”

Oh, shit.

In the morning, we split up, them going in the other room to prepare to leave, and me staying there. I cleaned up, got ready, and watched them come back in. Cuties. Period. Short shorts, T tops, tanned legs, high heeled sandals, the whole bit. I’m definitely the beneficiary of their wild summer.

We talked on the way home about testifying and how that would all go down. She was concerned, but I reminded her that they were going to take care of her and not to worry about it. Her job, her main worry, was to do well in school so she could make a life for herself. Then I got curious.


She interrupted me. “Cheryl. Just Cheryl, for now.” She and Jackie cracked up. “Yes, Charlie?”

“Cheryl, just curious. How much did you make down there?”

“Oh, God. I wish you hadn’t asked. You’re going to think I’m such a whore. Jackie, remember that football guy?” Jackie nodded. “He came back. He told me that if I ever needed anything to contact him. He gave me a business card and everything. He gave me ten thousand dollars to spend the week with him. I wound up leaving there with over twenty-one thousand bucks and I have no idea how much the two necklace sets are worth. No idea. If they’re real, I’m not going to starve this year. I’ll probably keep them, though. They’re really pretty. Charlie, it was fun, but like Jackie, I’m back down to Earth now. The murder thing was bad enough, but even without that, I wouldn’t do it again for any amount of money. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t who I was, but since it happened, why fight it. I wasn’t a virgin when I showed up down there, either, so nothing is missing that shouldn’t be. I had some fun, learned a lot, and met some really nice people. I’m truly sorry about Patricia. She really was a nice lady.”

“Thanks, Me ... Cheryl. End of conversation. At least I know where to go if I need a loan.” I chuckled and got some smiles in return.

We made it home in one piece, parked the plane, gassed it up and headed for the house. When Cheryl (I was getting better at that) took her bag to her room, I asked Jackie about last night.

“Charlie, she’s lonely. She likes you. She likes me. Don’t freak out, but we’ve been together. Not since she was here, but we have been. We’re pretty close. It ... She isn’t a threat to you. Don’t even think that, but if you can stand it, she’d like to be closer to us. I don’t mind if you don’t. I hope it’s OK with you. She’s good people. She really is.”

I took Jackie in my arms and held her. “As you wish, dear, but please don’t let anything get between us. Not her, not Aruba, nothing.”

“Won’t happen, Charlie. Promise. I love you. I mean that. Ut-ut.” That was her signal that we had company.

The afternoon was spent doing chores. Mowing pretty much took most of the daylight. The grass was still growing, even though it was getting cooler. I told them if it didn’t warm up, I was going to cover the pool the next weekend. I was shocked when Cheryl said “Charlie, you do realize last night was Halloween, right? It’s not going to warm up. We’ve been running around and having so much fun, I’ll bet you forgot what season it was.” I nodded. They put all the tools away while I swept up and we went inside.

That night, in bed, I got a bit of a surprise. “I’d like not to wait any longer, Charlie. I want you to take me away, like the Calgon lady, and marry me. Soon. After Christmas, like you mentioned?”


“The living room for all I care. I don’t give a hoot. I just want someone to declare it and sign on the bottom line.”

“You think about it for a couple of days. We can have as exotic of a wedding as you want, or as simple of one. I don’t mind either. Just remember, as far as I’m concerned, and you agreed, we’re only doing this once, so make it special. Make it special for you, doll. Not to anyone else. To you. OK?”

“I promise. Is it OK with you if I take Aruba off the list?”

“You’re trouble. I should’ve known.” I tickled her a bit and kissed her. “Yes, if you must. Take Aruba off the list. Take Aruba off ALL the lists.”


“If you want.”


“If you want.”


“If you want to fly commercial.”

“Ickkkk. Taking Paris off the list. No Aruba and no Paris.”

Cheryl started laughing at the whole conversation. “I’m going for a snack. Ice cream and cookies. You guys want anything.”

“Ice cream and cookies,” got back to her in stereo.

They decided on Nassau. We would get the license here locally and she lined up a preacher and a notary public down there that would do the ceremony. They had it all in hand. All we had to do was get through Thanksgiving and Christmas, and off we’d go.

Brenda Francis called and asked us to set up an appointment for us to get Melinda deposed. I had my legal team set it up in a neutral location, Memphis, Tennessee. My lawyer’s son knew a guy who knew a guy. It sounded funny, but it wasn’t. It worked. Like it would be in court, she would be in one room with Brenda, me, and my lawyer while the defense and the prosecution were in the other room with the recorder and the judge’s clerk. She was given the name Witness Jane. She gave the rundown of exactly what happened, all the way from dinner being served to Gerald telling the guys to move the body and her leaving.

The defense questioned Jane as to how she would know the people involved, but she explained that they were introduced on arrival and she had spent time with Patricia, some of that time was spent with Patricia saying what a pompous ass Linda Johnson’s nephew Brad was and that he wouldn’t be able to find a job if his aunt wasn’t Secretary of State in the last administration. “She introduced him to me later as the pompous ass in question. His reply was, ‘Fuck you, you Hollywood whore.’ It was the same person.”

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 4 Getting It At School With Both Barrels

Mum's forecast about my frustration proved to be a little off the mark as I headed to my first class. Her attention to my little sexual problem only succeeded in waking me up to the many possibilities that existed. It also made me realise just what I was missing out on. After all what did I really have to show in the years since puberty? A few books, several magazines and free access to my parent's videos and DVDs, not to mention the exciting memories of late night and early morning...

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Making A FamilyChapter 2

"Stand up, Mom." John commanded, beckoning her with his finger. He was standing in the center of the room, his limp, but still thick cock hanging obscenely between his legs. Susan stood and joined her son's position. He turned her to face the couch and then moved to sit down. He spread his legs wide and began to toy with his flaccid fuck meat. "Strip, Mother." he hissed, an evil glint in his eye, "Slowly! Entertain me! Make me hard again so I can fuck your horny cunt." Susan blushed...

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Dream Came True With AnushaBhabhi Part 8211 5

Hi! It’s Madan here with the Final part. I apologize for the delay in posting story. Whole heartedly I thank you for the wonderful support. Every feedback means a lot to me!! I also thank Indian sex stories dot net for the wonderful platform. Special thanks for picking my story for Editors Pick! Back to the story!! Now Bhabhi was fallen in love and we both were waiting for the night eagerly. The evening I slept nicely and got up at 7 and freshen up. 7.15 PM Door knock!! It was my house owner...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 61 Unexpected Revelations

Darren James POV: I just got a call from Lenny (Jonah) telling me we weren’t going to Ibera’s until tomorrow morning. He wanted me to let Jim Bob know since he had called using a satellite phone. He said things were hectic and not to worry since we were just going to do some training with the Professor, his wife Brenda and his two sons, Charlie and Bob. He said that some of the prisoners had caused some kind of scene and Ibera had turned a whole bunch of them into pillars of salt! Holy...

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Little Johnny and Grandad

Little Johnny was in the chemist with his grandad who was getting some medication for himself. He told Johnny that it’s going to take about ten minutes to fill out and he was not to tough anything but only look around. The ten year old Johnny found something in the shop that he knew all about and thought he would have some fun with the old man by trying to embarrass him. “Grandad, quick come here.” “What Johnny what?” asked grandad. Johnny pointed to a shelf and asked, “what are they...

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Sunny CornerChapter 25

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia: Epilog Jim’s house finally sold. It had been vacant for years. What was thought to be the new owners backed up in the drive in a spanking new Bush Ranger with a box trailer behind. A Toyota van loaded with several burly men parked and they began unloading the box trailer. A second larger moving truck parked at the roadside and unloading of that trailer commenced. A new Holden arrived and two boys of about the ages of seven and...

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The Accidental MasterChapter 4 A Weekend Away

The rest of the week was rather mundane after Monday. Kayla needed to spend some time working at the restaurant, so I made sure to pay her some attention in the mornings. Emily was quitting her job as a receptionist and this was her last week of work after giving her two week notice the day after she met me. And Angela was spending a lot of time in the library catching up on her studies. Finals were just a few weeks away and then she would need to start studying for the North Carolina...

4 years ago
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Nicoles Reward

As ordered by Sir, you, Nicole leave the den for the rear chambers. You please me tremendously. Had I not given you a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on your clitoris ring? I am your grateful Dom, Sir. I speak to you, Nicole, "You have been a good slave and have pleased your Man. You will spend the night with me in my bed." With that I help you to your feet. You had been in a restrained position: thighs wide spread, head on your chest and hands behind your backI lead you into the master...

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Sniffing and eating my wifes beautiful assho

Strangely, my wife isn't the most forthcoming when it comes to sex, but without her actually saying it, she loves it when i give her asshole lots of attention.Last night in bed I was giving her a back massage and as she started to relax into it, I started massaging her big, round cheeks as I worked her back. Moving her butt around allowed me to press my cock and balls down into her crack, rubbing them over her pucker as I straddled her upper thighs.As I moved off and started giving her butt...

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For Want of a MemoryChapter 6

The news anchor's face lit up. Her perfectly coiffed hair didn't move, even though her entire face changed. Her bright red lips split into a cultivated smile and showed a row of perfect white teeth. "And we have an update on the continuing saga of the attempted kidnapping on Governor Custer's wife." She then went on to explain that the governor's wife was named Chantal, as if there actually might be some idiot in the viewing area that didn't already know that. That was followed by a...

1 year ago
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SRU The Contract

Spells-R-Us & The Contract by Bad Irving Standard disclaimer, if under 18 do not read this tale. Actually this disclaimer is just a chance to give some credit, where credit is due. The story "The Reviewer from Hell" by Happyguy was the starting idea for the creation of this story. It is with Happyguy's permission that I take his concept and proceed with my own story. The characters in this story are not a carry over from Happyguy's tale, but, the Spells-R-Us (SRU) characters...

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Chevy in the Barn

Once there was a traveling sales man named John, selling his wares on the back roads of Iowa. One evening, he was lost, driving down a deserted country road. When he hit a pothole in the night, it threw him across the ditch and into a tree. John got out of the car, he wasn't hurt but the car wasn't going anywhere. He looked up and down the road. No one would be traveling these roads this late at night he thought. So he picked a direction and started walking. As John walked in the dark, he could...

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It goes without saying that everybody has different sexual tastes. Some dudes like lesbians, others like anal, and a fair number stroke off to pretty lady feet. Get into the fetish sites, and you’ll see people turned on by everything from Pokemon to hypnosis to poop. Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of wild shit on my pornographic tours of the Internet. I’ve also seen a lot of wild piss, like what they’re talking about over at, also known as OmoOrg, might be the number one place on...

Porn Forums
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Meet Hooking Up with My Sex Slut Amulya Pa

Readers of the earlier part might be aware of how I meet with Amulya & fucked her in the Museum. Here is the continuation in Part 2.Part 2 of my Meet & Hook-up with Sexy Slut Amulya - As it was early evening as we left the museum, I asked Amulya to get into my car where I made her sit with her legs up on the dashboard giving anyone interested a nice look under her skirt as I made her play with herself for me while I give her pussy the odd pinch. I...

3 years ago
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A True Event

Another weekend is here and what do I have to look forward to?   Two more nights on the town watching stupid ignorant people drinking far to much and then start trouble or cause unnecessary problems usually for the innocent victims. Or should I go with my better judgement and just stay in watch some films, become a weekend warrior on the playstation or get lost in cyberspace and wank my Willy stupid?   Well I opted for the stay home option sat down to watch a good horror film when this was...

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Second ChanceChapter 22

The Pit was how we referred to a super secure room that dominated the lowest level of The Pentagon. It was a place where surveillance was virtually impossible, but with the frightening level of intrusion that had just occurred, it didn’t feel as secure as it did before. Still, it was the most secure room in the complex and a place where the Chiefs would gather to hear what the President had to say. We all stopped to review the threat board before entering and get brief updates on trouble...

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Watching JulieChapter 18 Julie Watches

Part of "let her lead" we decided was to not push Julie into anything she wasn't ready for. At the same time, we wanted to give her opportunities to make her own choices. As it turned out, the perfect opportunity--that is, if any such opportunity could be considered "perfect"--came up late in the summer. By now we'd had several afternoons where Lee and I had been fooling around, nothing too heavy, out by the pool, and Julie had been around for some of the time, but not a lot. On those...

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The Captain

The Shvetsov ASh 21 radial engine clattered and banged lazily as the Anushka waited at the end of the taxiway. The Captain puffed surreptitiously on a cigarette - holding it down below the level of the cockpit window lest some eagle-eye in the tower saw it. He squinted back towards the tower, just visible through the wings and bracing wires. "What's the hold up?" he asked. 'Mladshiy' Yuri Koscuico pulled the headset from his head and looked across. "They say we are to hold for...

2 years ago
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Her Birthday

Background :Luis is 18 now, preparing for her university entrance tests. she and Phil have been dating for about n year now. and she hangs out with Lora and me ( off-course Phil too ) when we go shop or any parties we attend. She has A heavy body type, plump across all the right areas with big c size tits and a big round ass. she is about 5'8" (almost my height, give or take a few inches ) -Her racks had always interested me so much.-Then is Lora, she is Phil's sister ( cousin) and we attend...

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Day at the Pool

When I was in college I had studied writing namely I took creative writing classes. I also took a few photography courses. Photography was more of a hobby as I didn't think I could turn that in to a living. My mom had died just last spring from lung cancer. She had smoked for years and the only thing that stopped her from smoking was her being diagnosed with lung cancer. The truth is if she hadn't passed there is no way I would be able to pay for college but her life insurance policy was...

1 year ago
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Chicken Lilly Liver

I’ve always enjoyed having a playful wife. Even after 30 years, she makes me laugh and smile whether with me or with our kids. She has a way about her that instantly draws people in. This is not a ‘sex’ story. Just one of our typical Sunday night adventures with a sexy twist. She got the best of me and created a great memory. I hope you enjoy. — ‘OH CRUD!’ I screamed in my own head. My eyes opened and I sat up in bed. Heather, startled and falling off me, panicked. ‘WHAT?’ she gasped …...

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2 Bhai 2 Bahen 8211 Part 2

Thanks friends for apreciation of my previous story. Friends yeh story bhi aap logo ko utni hi pasand ayegi or plz mujhe email kr ke btaye ki yeh story kesi lgi.meri email I’d hai Or koi bhi bahen didi bhabhi aunty mere sath sex krna chahti ho to mujhe email kre. Dosto apne meri pehli story m pda ki kese mene meri didi ko or mere frnd ne uski didi ko choda ek sath ek hi room mai jinhone meri pichli kahani nhi pdi wo plz read kr le to is story m unko or bhi mja aayega. Abhi m thoda apne or apni...

3 years ago
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A Cloak of Lies Ch 12

‘Camille, you should rest.’ The words came from a great distance, prying into her thoughts as she stared at the awakening day. She was tired—having slept little in the night—and her body was wracked with pain. Leaning heavily against the window frame, all she could think of was how to get out and what Niko was doing. ‘Camille?’ She turned her head to see the sleepy-eyed Lorette gazing at her from a few feet away. The woman’s face was a study of concern, pale and watchful. ‘I think you...

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A Holiday In Africa

Kirstie stepped tentatively into the bar. She had arrived that evening from New York, but was too excited to catch up on her sleep. At last, she was here! In Africa, on a safari holiday! She had flown in with a group of Americans and had been met at the airport by the safari firm, where she had met the other people who would be on the tour with her. Some of them were in the bar, but they did not seem to have noticed her. They were a mixed bag. Two couples, two families with their k**s, and one...

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A Married Affair 2

The lobby of the hotel is busy. But at 5:30 p.m. on a Friday evening, I should have expected that. Groups of people standing around chatting and laughing, as they wait for reception. Your hand rests at my lower back as you guide me towards the lift. You press the button to call the elevator and pull me closer towards you. Your left hand comes across and I feel you give a light tug my pendant necklace. I look down and realise you are undoing a fourth button on my blouse. My cleavage is even...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Natasha James Cuckolding Creampies

When beautiful blonde, Natasha James, breaks out the tight leather dress, you can bet she is up to no good. Nothing turns her on more than making her man watch as she gets plowed by another guy right in front of his face. So, when our stud shows up, she brings him to the bedroom so her man can witness all the cunt stuffing action. Our stud whips out his thick prick, penetrating Natashas sexy MILF pussy with every intention of filling her up. He thrusts inside as her man looks on, jealous and...

4 years ago
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Modified Mother taught lesson Part I

I apologize to anyone who had the misfortune of reading this before I modified it.  I realized, reading it over, that it actually seems she is being forced to have sex against her will.  No, it is consensual sex, this is about loosening of inhibitions towards taboos.  The son knows his mother very well and is certain she is actually enjoying it.  It just takes her a while to realize something she had been suppressing for a long time, and he merely acts as a helping hand in that realization....

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The Protector Vengence Is MineChapter 3

Jonas was sitting on a bench in a flower garden. The day was warm but he was in the shade of the large oak right behind him. He could feel the light breeze on his face that rustled the leaves overhead. The smell of the flowers was like none he could remember. He could hear bees gathering pollen and the scurrying of squirrels as they played in the grass and bushes. The sounds of life seemed to be everywhere around him. In fact, Jonas couldn't remember ever being aware of so much life in one...

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Letting a stranger use my wife Part 2

Charles laughed a little. “Do you think you can handle this Slut?” “Yes! For sure I want her badly.” He replied Charles then spoke up again. “I have control of her for the night, but if it is ok with Bill and you can assure us you are clean and have no STDs, I think you might get to use her for an hour if you have a $1000 cash, on you.” Buddy reached into his pants and pulled out his wallet, he pulled out his cash and started to count it. “Fuck!” he said. “I only have $750 on me.” Charles...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 33 The Gift

By the time we got back, the newlyweds' first dance was taking place. Everybody stood around the dance floor and watched David and Lori dance together, looking comfortable in each other's arms as they moved beautifully in harmony to The Way You Look Tonight. It was Thomas Wilkinson's turn next to dance with the bride, and he guided her around the dance floor with flair, proud as a rooster, as David danced with his mother. Eventually the tempo picked up, and Kayla kicked off her shoes as...

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Lobster Fertility Clinic

Introduction: A simple lactation job goes horribly wrong Pt 1 I walk into the clinic and am greeted by the receptionist. I have a 2:30 with Dr Green I announce. You must be our new lactator were you told not to express for 8 hrs before you arrived? I nod my breasts swollen and sore. Ok just head down to room 204, remove all of your clothes and pop up on the bed. I thank her and head down to room 204. I am a lactation surrogate and have saved many babies from having to go onto formula. But...

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Lu8217s Wife

When I first arrived here from Taiwan with my husband in 1975, we were desperately poor. Lu worked fourteen hours a day, I worked six, and we lived in a tiny camping trailer that was up on blocks on a little plot off a country road. The first winter was very hard, we’d never experienced those kinds of temperatures. One night, there was a blizzard. I was making our food, while Lu sat at the little table, when we were shocked to hear a knock at the door. I opened it to a large American...

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At Last Part Two

"How's the food coming on?" Sarah enquired of Dave as she placed her palm on his side as he tended at the cooker.Dave looked over his shoulder at his wife "Pretty much done, take a seat love".Sarah crossed the kitchen "I'll give Kate a shout now".Dave swung round wooden spoon in hand "I'll go up and get her love you sit down" he grinned at Sarah."No chance you perv she'll be getting undressed, I know you far too well"."Mmmmm, she's naked upstairs in our bedroom, shit I should be up there...

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I wanted sex so bad that I put on a blue movie and let my dog Enzo join in

Hi, I am Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow, a 25 years old slut and I have been told by numerous boys that I have a good figure my tits are 36c and firm with big nipples that I like to pull and pinch until they are hard and stand out, I keep my pussy shaved as it feels more sensual when being touched when there is no hair to get in the way. I live alone now as I threw out my live in boyfriend because I caught him in bed with my “I thought” best friend. The only company I now have is Enzo...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Lulu Chu Here To Clean Your Cock

Today we got a the petite Lulu Chu coming by to clean up the place. This cute chick doesn’t know what she’s in for as I find Asian chicks super hot! We chatted as she cleaned my kitchen before I got the courage to offer her extra money. She’s hesitant at first but when I tell her that she will get way more than her hourly rate she reconsiders and is down. She took all of her clothes right there and then. Now her petite naked body moves over to clean up my bathroom before I finally offer the...

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New Country changed my Parents 8211 Part 1

Hello, My name is Mitesh. I am a 32-year-old Marathi man settled in Canada. I am 5″7 with a nice 7-inch long and 3-inch thick boner. This story is about how Canada changed my sober Indian parents into sex-loving parents. Let us begin. Let me introduce you to my parents. My father, Mahesh, is 59-year-old. He is fit, has no athletic body, and has no bulging stomach. He walks a lot and has a well-balanced diet. My mother, Kamini, is 51-year-old. She is a trendy woman, and her vitals are...

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my first adult cock part 1

I'm not sure why I came into my sexuality so early but I am sure that I brought a good many other "guys" into thier sexuality early as well. As well as girls for that matter, it didn't matter what your physical sex was, I wanted to play any nasty games I could coax you into. The nastier or "kinkier" the better, kinky being a word or label I had no knowledge or understanding of at that time. It seems ignorance is bliss or at least for me it was, it allowed me to forego sexual experimentation all...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Introduction

The year is 5017 in Old Terran Time(OTT) or more precisely 2051 in Union Standard Time (UST). The United Stars of the Galaxies now commonly referred to as the Union is a huge multi cultural society consisting of over five thousand members. The Union is spread across the M-0 galaxy, know to Terran Humans as the Milky Way galaxy, parts of the Andromeda galaxy and several satellite galaxies of the local group. This is the next part of my story, I had begun to tell in the previous part. While...

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Jenna Sophisticated Lady Has an AffairChapter 2

I woke up in bed with my boots and stockings still on, my pussy pretty sore from the pounding, my hands tied together to the bed post. He was not done with me. As I regained full consciousness, I saw Tom was sitting next to me fully awake. I was lying on my stomach with my arms above my head. He was looking at me with a gaze at the same time tender and lustful. "Hello there gorgeous, finally back?" he said. I did not know what to say as I stared at my bound wrists. He had used his necktie....

4 years ago
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Motherly Shakeela And Aunt Renu

By: Snuman Hello this is a guy from India and I had sex with my mother that is what I gonna tell about, I’m 23 years old guy, my dad is kind of guy he comes home when he is interested and stays out lot of a time he’s a typical business man. I first started to think about my mom when I was in toilet and masturbating mom knocked the door that she wanted to fresh up too. I was that at my cumming stage as soon I heard mom voice I came from that day I started to fantasize her. I thought about...


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