My Astute Barrel Of KnowledgeChapter 4 free porn video

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Melinda’s voice was fragile, even weak, when she said, “Same here, but Patricia George didn’t need to die. That part is a huge regret for me. The rest, meeting you, Jackie, and then you, Charlie, and you all finding me and taking me in, I’d go through hell to have that. Looks like I’m doing that, though, doesn’t it?”

I had to break up the maudlin scene and get them back to the generally happy people they normally were. “Both of you stop. Melinda, you had nothing to do with her death. I know you liked her and all, but there are people working on justice for that. Yes, it was a needless loss, but we need to move on. OK?” She nodded. “Let’s go find something to eat.”

We did nothing constructive the next day until later in the evening when Melinda talked us into going to a movie and pigging out on popcorn. It took our minds off the issue at hand for a bit and was a welcome distraction.

Back at the hotel, the girls pulled me into the shower enclosure, just big enough for the three of us, and we shared a nice, sensual, happy shower. When we were done and dry, we spent at least two hours making love. Just before we laid down in each other’s arms, they both climaxed, Melinda on my erection and Jackie on my tongue. I was coming in Melinda at the time.

After catching their breath, they leaned forward, kissed each other passionately. Then I heard Melinda tell Jackie, “Thank you, again. Thank you for all this. Thank you for loving me.” Then she got my attention. “Charlie, I love you. Thank you.” She clenched her vaginal muscles on me a bit and giggled, then they hugged it out, Jackie ran to the bathroom for a towel and after pulling Melinda off of me and cleaning us up, we snuggled together and slept.

The welcome distraction from that activity by far overshadowed the earlier one at the movies.

Brenda called at two in the afternoon, saying she and a team were at my house, and we could come out any time. They’d need our help to check the safe and everything. She also said not to talk to anyone but her while I was there and not mention anything anyone was doing. That was imperative. No mention at all. She’d explain later.

When we got there, there was a van with a big antenna on it and a sedan in the driveway. The antenna was pointed at the house. Novel concept. Brenda met us outside and showed me a card. It basically repeated what she’d said before. No mention of the other people.

We checked the safe, and yes, someone had tried to open it, but they didn’t get it done. I don’t have a cat anymore, but when I leave the house, I generally put a cat hair on the door seam at the lower left of the door. I showed it to her, without making a sound getting a smile and a nod in return. You wouldn’t see it unless you were looking, very closely, or knew it was there. I opened the safe and verified that Melinda’s things were there and undisturbed.

She led us out in the back yard as far as we could get before needing boots. It was pretty chilly outside, so this wouldn’t last long.

“Charlie, girls, they have already found one bug in the house. They are looking for more. We need to go back in and talk about anything but the break-in and the activities at hand. I recommend the girls talk about school or something and you and I can talk about movies or something. We need to talk so that devices will have something to pick up and transmit. We DON’T want to advertise that we know they were there or what caused it. OK?”

We all nodded, went back inside and then I had a brainstorm. Dinner. That would make noise and conversation would come easy.

“Ladies, remember that chicken thing you made a few months ago?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I’m hungry for it again. Any possibility?”

“The chicken will have to be thawed in the microwave, but yeah, we should have everything.”

The conversation went on for a couple of hours. We showed Brenda the whole house, with Jackie explaining which room Cheryl’s was, how we needed to use the gym a little more, and how nice the tanning bed felt after a long twenty minute session. On and on the two of them talked. It was organic. It was natural. I noted after an hour or so they were actually just talking. Getting to know each other.

The crew, two guys and a young woman, packed up their stuff, and after getting Brenda’s attention pointed outside toward the driveway. We all went out behind the van where the young woman briefed Agent Francis on the findings. Four bugs were found in the master bedroom, kitchen, family room, and guest bedroom. The good news was that they were found. The bad news was that they were identifiable as items our country used in covert operations around the world.

“Any way to trace them back, Sheila?” Brenda asked her.

“Only one of them. The one in the kitchen. It’s an omni and pretty powerful. Picks up everything for about forty feet. Dining room, breakfast table, kitchen bar, hallways in both directions, all that. It’s ours. There is a number on it, but I doubt you’ll be able to trace it. It’ll show up as going out on an op and not coming back. Happens all the time. We’ve hung red ribbons next to them, so you’ll be able to find them if you want them removed. The repeater they’re using is in the tree in the front yard. Cell phone technology. Relayed through a proxy. It may have some numbers on it, but we can’t get to it until it comes out. It looks like a knot on the tree. Of course, one with a red ribbon on it, now.”

“Run the number anyway. Just in case. Remember guys, this is as sensitive as things get. Lives are at stake, not the least of which is this little brown-haired girl here.” She pulled Melinda back to her and hugged her from behind. “In addition, we have government agency equipment trying to find and probably silence witnesses in a high-profile murder case. Not good in any way of looking at it. Keep it in this portfolio only and don’t talk to anyone except me, Deputy Director Anderson, and the director. No one else. No one.” She got nods as the tech team loaded their gear and took off.

“OK, people, that’s the score. Your house is bugged. If we remove them, they know we know they are there. If we leave them in, and it’s a normal human reaction, you’ll act differently. Try not to. We’ll give it a few days, but something will happen to them, I’m sure. Charlie, send me all the footage you can from the cameras. Remember who Cheryl is and act accordingly. The trial is supposed to start late next month. I’ll be in touch. Happy New Year, by the way. Be good tonight.”

She shook my hand, hugged each of the girls and was off on other business.

New Year’s Eve and the ball drop was a little anti-climactic for us. Brenda was right. It’s hard to act normal when you know you’re being listened to. We had a quiet toast to our recent wedding vows and hit the sack. It was a shame, but I apologized to the girls for letting work ruin New Year’s and promised them I’d make it up to them. They smiled and nodded, kissed me, then each other and held hands over my chest as we went to sleep.

The Director opted to have the devices removed. They were able to trace the big one back to a State Department ordered surveillance and the background operation behind Bradley Johnson’s protectorate and his Aunt Linda’s kingdom started to unravel. For her, the worst of it was when Williamson directed the DIA to help the FBI and the CIA fix the Gerald Burnstead problem. She and her husband were both implicated as participants. Flight records, airport gate surveillance records, and other various clues led to that conclusion. While it was completely legal, for the most part, for people to be doing what they were doing at his resort, there were morals issues, and blackmail issues, not to mention missing people, causing a bit too much grief.

Extradition was being looked at, as was forceful extraction, but it was a matter of weighing everything and finding the best option for the long term, as well as not breaking the very laws they were using to try to take him down.

The court case started the last week of January. Witness Jane was called as the first prosecution witness. She told her story, answered a few questions, and was released. The FBI was able to set up an off-campus room for the testimony, so very few people even knew where she was. She was in Atlanta, but nowhere near the federal court building where the trial was being conducted.

She was not called back. Bill George testified, reiterating everything Witness Jane said, and within three days, the jury was handed the case. Four hours later Bradley Johnson was convicted of second-degree murder and a number of crimes involving the coverup of the murder itself, to include the conspiracy in the movement of the body into the country. He’ll serve every bit of eighteen years before he can try to talk his way out of prison. It was quite the complicated affair.

Gerald Burnstead was convicted as an accessory after the fact and a few related crimes, in absentia. He’d be in trouble if he returned to either his New York or his Florida residences. He faced about ten years before he’d be eligible for parole.

Bill George was soon after charged and pled guilty to statutory sodomy, by proxy, a strange Aruban case to be sure. He paid a two million dollar fine, gave two million dollars to a charity for the boys’ benefit, and promised never to step foot on Dutch soil. If so, he was looking at life in an Aruban prison.

Melinda dropped the cover story of being Cheryl Cantrell, my niece, and asked me to take her to her parents’ home. It was Valentine’s Day when Melinda sat Melissa and Mike down and explained everything. From the job application to that day. She told of making love with Patricia George, of witnessing the murder, of going into hiding, of Jackie and me finding her and taking her home, and of the wedding.

At that, Melissa and Mike both smiled. Melissa spoke for both of them. “Baby, we could hear in your voice that you were happy. In Aruba, and now at Charlie’s house. We could tell. We’re happy for you. Very happy. Now that you’re safe, anyway.” Giggles spread.

Melinda went on to talk about the investigation, the bugs in the house, the trial, and the aftermath. She thanked her parents for trusting her enough to spread her wings and learn about life by living it. Then she laughed and promised never to do it again. We all broke up laughing at the way she said it. I was just relieved that her parents were happy for her and could share in her joy.

They fed us some type of vegan dinner, asked us to take care of their little girl and told us to stay in touch. We promised to do both and bid them farewell.

“Can we stop at Burger King on the way to the plane, Charlie?” My second wife was NOT vegan. Jackie couldn’t stop laughing.

Once we got the school records straightened out and Melinda became Melinda Cantrell, by her own choice, and with her parents’ authorization and blessing, our lives normalized quite a bit.

Nothing was heard of about the murder case for a couple of months, but after I brought the girls back from a spring break in Belize, we had a bit of a scare. The weather was getting warmer, the girls were wearing less and less, and as they walked from school to our car in the parking lot, two men approached them. One of them called them by name and asked them if they wanted to party.

“No, and please leave us alone,” Melinda said first. Jackie was already bringing her phone up to her ear and they were walking backward toward some friends when the other man spoke.

“Gerald would like to send greetings to two of his favorite girls. He just wants you to know you’re not alone in the world. Please keep him in mind in everything you do. Or when you think about what you have already done. He also thinks you might want to come back for another summer. You might still be young ... I mean pretty ... enough.” With that, they turned and walked away. Jackie, ever the brave one, snuck through the parking lot and got their license plate number. Melinda got more than one picture of them, straight on and profile.

Melinda remembered one of the men as one of those that took Patricia’s body outside. She knew the other one as a driver. Fred and Mack. She didn’t know the last names, but Fred was the one she saw picking Patricia George’s body up, throwing it over his shoulder and taking her out. She immediately called me and asked me to call Brenda.

They raced home, and by that time, Brenda had asked for all the pictures. She wanted to know which one ‘Fred’ was and got to work.

“Jackie, why didn’t she ask which one Mack was?”

“Jesus, Melly, you aren’t blonde. I hope to God you’re kidding.”

“I remember Charlie telling me the story about when you two met. Next time I’ll warn you!”

Jackie chased her into the back room and I heard a bunch of laughing and screaming. Tickle screams, I think they were. At least I knew they were still in moods capable of handling all this.

We heard back that the two made it out of the country, but the feds now have names, pictures, and video of them leaving by way of New Orleans to Aruba. Brenda said if we see them again, call her immediately from any of our phones. No need to worry about being a secure line. She just needed to know immediately.

The girls had a party at the house for a few friends two weeks before school let out. Jackie had a couple of her senior friends over and Melinda had a couple of her junior friends. They shared friends as well, as I remember seeing a couple of the girls with my one of a different grade. Just an observation. I was glad that after all that had happened they still socialized well. It could have been more traumatic. I was thankful, more than glad, I guess.

It was during that party it was learned by the other girls present that the reason Jackie and Melinda never had boyfriends at school or from town was that they were already taken. By Charlie. Some of the kids knew Jackie and I were married and had been shown her wedding set, for one reason or another. Jackie had just stopped trying to hide it, and recently, more so at the party, Melinda let her guard down. She was tired of hiding it and making excuses. She was in love and didn’t care who knew. There was nothing nefarious happening and it was all legal and on the up and up, but it did bring some ‘Oh, my gosh!’ and ‘Really?’ reactions. They were very understanding when the story was told of how Melinda had changed her name when she entered school and how she was trying to hide from trouble. I asked all the girls there to kind of keep that part of the conversation low keyed. They all swore nothing that happened at the Cantrell residence would leave the Cantrell residence.

“Cool,” I said. “The Vegas thing.”

They said, “Exactly, but it has to work both ways.”

My wives said I blushed when I nodded, and they all giggled at me. No telling what they were up to.

It wasn’t a surprise to me then, that when the girls left school the next Wednesday that the small gathering stayed close to Jackie and Melinda when they saw Fred and Mack out in front of the school in a big black sedan. Jackie, without taking her eyes off them for long, so they wouldn’t know she was doing it, brought up Brenda’s contact information on her phone. She put the phone on speaker and asked the girls to hush for a bit.

“Agent Francis.”

“Brenda, Jackie Cantrell. Frick and Frack, sorry, Fred and Mack, are out in front of the school in a big black four door car. Looks like Melinda’s Dad’s Ford Taurus. Same kind of car, anyway.”

“Don’t move and don’t let them know we’re talking.”

“I’m still looking at them. They don’t know, I don’t think. They probably think I’m all petrified and stuff. Am I old enough to get a gun and shoot them in the face?”

“No, hon, I’ll take care of that for you.” Jackie told me later they both giggled when Brenda said it. “OK. I sent a message out on the wire. If they leave from New Orleans or Atlanta, I know we’ll get them. Any others, and we have to just hope they’re using their real names to leave. Pretty doubtful, though. They didn’t use them to enter the country, we know that. We’ll see. Ready for some fun?”

“Sure. What do you mean, though?”

“As soon as you hear the sirens, just put your hand up a bit and twirl your finger in a circle. Tell me about the look you see on Fred Matthews’ face when you do that. It should be just a minute now. The locals are reporting that they think they can block him in, even if he tries to leave.”

“Brenda, I hear them, but I’m not moving. I don’t want Jerkwad to get suspicious. I want you to throw that bastard in jail.”

“You’re a bright girl, Jackie. Hug Melinda for me.”

Jackie hugged her, and they looked over to the thugs just as three cop cars bracketed them into the curb. Guns were out, policemen were yelling, and thank God, no one started shooting. It was, after all, a school zone. It was only the desire for revenge on their part, and the cool actions of Jackie, Melinda, and their posse, that helped get those two off the streets. Gerald Burnstead had two less minions to help in running his resort of ill repute.

“Thank you, girls. You can go home now. Tell your husband I said, ‘Hey’.”

“Will do. Thanks again, Brenda. Byeee.” Click

They told me the whole story when they got home. I couldn’t be any prouder of my wives.

Jackie graduated with good enough marks, as well as good SAT and ACT scores, to get into the local university engineering program. She didn’t qualify for any hardship scholarships, wasn’t a veteran’s child, wasn’t of color, and wasn’t a firewall four point oh student, so she pulled her money out and started the process. When I found out and we talked about it in early June, a week later, I asked her how she wanted her spanking. Did she want it with her panties up, panties down, nylon or silicone spatula, or just my hand.

“What?” she screeched. “Why would you spank me?”

“Your money is to be used for sweatshirts and movies and gas, remember? Ooooh, we need to think about getting you a car, too. Anyway, don’t worry about your tuition or any of that stuff, hon. Plus, you’ll be living here at home. Locals can do that as long as they keep their grades up. Two point five or better, I think. Something like that, and in any case, we all know you can do better than that.”

“Oh, OK. I remember now. Thank you, Charlie, my loving husband and fulfiller of dreams throughout the house. Should I call Father and tell him he can buy a new car with my college fund?”

“Sure. As far as I’m concerned you can tell him to shove it up his...”

“CHARLIE! Stop. That’s not like you. They were right, you know. Even if they won’t forgive me, they were right all along, and I would have been a lot safer not to have gone. Sometimes I wish I had listened, but then when I feel your heartbeat under my hand and hear you breathing next to me at night, I’m glad everything happened the way it did.”

“True, but forgiveness is divine. They’re holding a grudge against their own daughter. No sense in that. Not something I’ll ever do.”

“Remind me to give you a daughter someday soon and we can test the theory.” She smiled and kissed me. “So, no spanking?”

“Not this time.”


Melinda heard her. “You are such a slut for attention. I’ll spank you, slut, but you’ll have to stay still. You’re bigger than me.”

“Don’t forget that either, Melly!” Off they ran, Jackie chasing Melinda to the back of the house again. Laughs and tickle screams filled the house. Wonderful noise. Just wonderful.

Jackie, as I’ve said before, is a five-foot four-inch redheaded wonder. She’s light, and thin, but nicely shaped. Her breasts are a bit large for her frame, but not big, as are her buttocks. I don’t like the terms big boobs and bubble butt, so I’ll use ‘hourglass figure’ instead. With a twenty-inch waist, both her top and bottom look substantial. I’m not a boob man, I’m more of a leg guy, so I couldn’t be happier. Her legs are so perfectly shaped and so very loooong, with four Ohs. She’s perfect, in my eyes. Yes, she is, to me, simply stated, just perfect.

Melinda is an inch shorter than Jackie. At five-foot-three, and about the same weight, maybe a couple pounds less, she is as close to perfect as most men will ever see. Her hair, when we met, was dark brown, her natural color, for the first eight to ten inches, then light reddish brown, maybe a light shade of auburn, from there down where she had her mother color it a couple of years ago. Her hair was down to the bottoms of her shoulder blades. It’s growing out now and as she has the ends trimmed, she has less and less of the auburn. She’s asked my opinion, and I’ve told her I like her natural color, the rich dark brown. It complements her light brown eyes extremely well. She’s leaving it to grow out, for now.

Both girls look young, and they are, so naturally they look young, but when I met them, Jackie really did look about thirteen. Now I understand it was on purpose. She used makeup and her ensemble to create that look, much like younger women primp and dress to look older. Melinda was naturally younger looking and would pass for fourteen or fifteen any day, without help, even though she turned seventeen in December. Jackie could work to pass for thirteen or fourteen if she wanted or make herself look like a twenty-two to twenty-four-year-old, looking hard at another birthday coming up with hardly any work at all. Definitely versatile.

Since the early November time frame, just after we found her, my love for Melinda grew. In leaps and bounds, it grew. There was no doubt when she asked to stay that I would want that. On her birthday when she asked us to marry her, I wanted that, as well. I wanted her as another spouse later when we all said, ‘I do’, and I want her still now to this day. Jackie and I have had this conversation and we have always felt the same. Melinda grew on us like an invasive, yet very welcome, vine of affection and this much later we feel more like one than we do like three together. This could only occur with mature attitudes and experienced histories. I can’t imagine a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl entering a relationship like we have without what these two have brought into it. One with a silver spoon upbringing and the other one blue collar, albeit with daisies cross-stitched into it as liberal hippies might have, they are so different, yet so alike in their outlooks and desires. I’m just fortunate to be the target of those desires.

I told them to come up with something for a getaway over the Fourth of July holiday. It would be a three-day weekend, but I was also closing the plant for the day before and two days after to give my employees some time off. We’d reached several milestones, early, on a couple of big projects, and not only could I afford to give them the time off, I could afford to pay them for it. Bonuses next Christmas were going to be substantial, too. I take some of the credit, though, because I think my wives helped my creativity and allowed me to find some holes in some walls I had butted up against.

They asked how long we could be gone, and without knowing what was really being requested, I said “two or three weeks, if you need that long.”

“Would you let us go scuba diving?” Melinda asked. Jackie was beside her, smiling.

“Melinda, Jackie. I won’t LET you do anything. I won’t ever tell you that you CAN’T do anything, either. I am your husband. I’m not your father, or your keeper or your owner. If you want to fly, and I think Jackie does, or you want to scuba dive, or ski, or whatever, I will do what I can to help. Within reason. I won’t take you to the top of the mountain if you decide to ski. You’ll have to do that yourselves. Not my thing. I’ll stay at the bottom of the hill and pray you make it to the bottom.” I smiled, they hugged me.

“We found a place east of Aruba, still Dutch, but a different island.” This was Jackie.

“Curacao?” I asked.

“No, Bonaire. A little farther east. There is a place there where we can learn and then dive. But it takes more than a week to do both. The Harbor Village Bonaire is the name of the place. It’s a resort near a harbor. Oh, Jeez, no shit, Jackie. I surprise myself sometimes. Near a harbor, indeed.”

“Jackie is trying to say they have boats for fishing and diving, and we can have a ball. We don’t have to just do that, though. Totally up to you, Charlie, but it looks and sounds fun and it shouldn’t be too hot. Between 78 and 90 degrees, are the averages, and it doesn’t get much cooler or warmer. The water is supposed to be around 80, about like the pool. They also are supposed to be off the normal hurricane track. Research can be fun. If it’s not for school. Hah!” Melinda was having a ball with all the research they’d done.

“OK, ladies. Make reservations. The second through the twenty-second and we’ll go learn something new.”

“Will Mobile be OK for the stop and do you want to use Signature again, Charlie?” Jackie remembered that from when we went to Aruba to pick up Melinda. Aruba is about 40 miles within our maximum range, and I don’t like pressing things like that. This place, if east of there, will be just a bit over our range, so not even worth trying. Factoring a tailwind into your maximum range is kind of like handing the keys to your airplane over to Neptune, God of Everything Wet, and letting him have it. Ferry tanks are a pain if we don’t need to use them. For this, we don’t. Way too easy just to stop and fill up.

“Yes, and always use them if we can, hon. We have an account with them and get perks and stuff the more we stay with them. They’ll look up everything you need. Just give them the tail number and your name. Same time. Noonish on the second. We’ll leave here in the morning, but not too awfully early.”

I worked quite a bit for the next three weeks. We had lots to do and I wanted to feel good about shutting the shop down on the first and letting everyone go for those extra three paid days off. It had been planned for a while, so everyone knew it was coming. Most had short trips planned. I only knew that because as I walked around the plant, people thanked me for the time off and talked about what they were going to do over the super long weekend.

We had a Harley club at the plant that was heading out for a poker run. That would have been fun and I’ve gone before, but this time other activities prevail. No longer being a single man, I have other fish to fry. I might have to give my Iron to one of the girls, buy a bigger bike for myself and another sporty for the other one. Neither has said much about the scooter in the garage, so they may not be interested at all. Time will tell.

A few days before the first of the month, I had the girls double check the reservations at the hotel, the dive school, and with the flight services people in Mobile, both the going and return appointments, and all was ready to go.

Wednesday night, we double checked our bags, the girls asked me a million questions about if I had everything, and we finally went to bed. They were so excited, we didn’t get to sleep for a bit.

Melinda got us started going with a little romantic smooching. She kissed me, then reached over me to kiss Jackie, rubbing her middle on my soft member. When she hunched down onto it a little, dry humping nonchalantly as if it was nothing, my soft member became my firm dick. When Jackie reached down to see what was going on she giggled, taking ahold of it and placing her hand under it and pushing up on it while her wife was using her pubic mound to push down on it, turning my firm dick into my hard as nails cock.

“Melly, get on him. Make love to him, hon.”

Melinda peeled her panties off as she straddled my midsection and eased herself down on my erection. She’s pretty tight, always, and it’s really hard not to ejaculate too soon. Especially since we’ve been busy and haven’t exactly been ‘knocking boots’ a bunch lately. I held off, though.

I pulled Jackie to me and kissed her, holding her ass with one hand and pulling her into my thigh while she rubbed my chest. Her hand wandered down and helped Melinda again. She made a V with her fingers and rubbed her knuckles on me while her fingertips worked on the object of my coital activities. I was holding Melinda’s side with my other hand and rubbing up and down on her flank. Making love with these two girls was always interesting. We never knew, I don’t think, who would be where, and when. Like this time.

“Melly, turn around and lay on your back.” She sat up straight and spun a hundred and eighty degrees then leaned back. I turned loose of Jackie and reached up for Melinda’s tummy and ultimately, her breasts. “Charlie, bite the back of her neck.” I did, and as I did, she reacted to it, giving Jackie the clue, it was time to bite her clitoris. This was in perfect synchronization, just as I was all the way into her channel, causing her to scream and convulse in an epic orgasm. When she clenched her vaginal muscles, it set me off. Her stomach muscles contracted, and she sat bolt upright. Jackie felt all that happening and bit my dick lightly right on the bottom where the urethra runs and sent me reeling as well. I must have had fifteen spasms pumping everything I had into that wonderful little woman.

Same as My Astute Barrel of Knowledge
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Cracker Barrel Threesome Served Up In Style

As Jacob looked at Blair’s smiling face, he whispered to her, ‘You made Case expel her orgasm again like I did?’ ‘Uh huh. Farther, than you did also,’ Blair said in a giggle. ‘I’d say. That must have been a sight for the patrons.’ ‘Not just them. Also for me. It was absolutely beautiful the way she arched it in the air. Just marvelous!’ ‘But you’re hurting, aren’t you Blair?’ ‘Well Jacob, let’s just say that I could be wetter.’ ‘Yeah, I’m sure. Want me to help you get that way?’ ‘Why don’t you...

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Her Turn In The Barrel

Anita Loos is a black woman working in a white, male dominated profession; nevertheless she is planning on going very far in life... partially because she is good, maybe even great, but mostly because she is a very determined woman! She is a brilliant defense attorney who has been making it her life's work to defend as many black clients as possible - regardless of their guilt or innocence. Her determination to defend black clients has been based on the belief that the white establishment has,...

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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 2

“Charlie, I know her. We got to the resort about the same time. I got there the end of May and she came a couple of days later--the first of June. We hung out together. She’s a really neat girl. She and I decided together to stay and have some fun, make some money, and come back all the wiser for it. God, I hope she’s OK. We spent a lot of time together. I wish there was something we could do.” “Think about anything you can remember about her. Who you all met, where you went, anyone that was...

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Cracker Barrels Fireplace Gets Even Hotter with Blair and Casey

Blair continued to kiss Casey as she caressed her breast using Jacob's now cool expelled nucleus as a lotion. She was getting the most out of two of her five senses; taste and feel. Blair was tasting Jacob's tangy core as well as feeling his slickness coat her best friend's firm frontal projection. Blair had always wanted to enjoy Casey's company this way. Now she was doing it with an audience.Casey fell into the touch of her best friend. It was something she could not help. Her body was giving...

3 years ago
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Lock Stock and Barrel

My first husband was a real hypocrite. He would take great pleasure in always reminding me there is a time and place for everything. In his mind, the time and place was only when it fit into his agenda. I remember the hot summer nights of waiting for him to come to bed only to find him asleep on the living room sofa. Since I was a fairly young woman of only thirty years, I was beginning to think I made a serious mistake in marrying a divorced man twenty years my senior. When my best friend Amy...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 191 Dante in the barrel

We transported Dante to Aster in the trunk of Earl's rental car. I had to wonder, if there would be an addition charge, should they ever findd out. The emotional let down after the raid was evident in the Caddy. Nobody spoke for the first few minutes, then it was just in a cryptic sentence now and then. "You did remember to turn the license plate light back on?" I asked the driver. "Yes, and I know most of those who get caught on the road after a job, make some stupid traffic move. I'm...

4 years ago
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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 3

At five-fifty-five, we arrived for our six o’clock reservation for five at the Rainforest Café outside Disney World. We took an electronic puck from the hostess and waited. It’s got to be the busiest restaurant in the world. At five-fifty-eight, I had to restrain Melinda when she saw the big pink wide brimmed ‘Go to Hell’ hat. I told her to walk with Jackie slowly over to them, calmly, let Jackie talk first, and join me where we were waiting before any excitement was noted. When they were...

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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 5

“Francis.” “Good morning. It’s Melinda Cantrell, Agent Francis, but you’re on speaker. I gots my peeps wid me.” “To what do I owe this early morning phone call, Melly.” “I’m sorry, Miss Brenda, but Jackie told me to tell you that your airport is a little bit too tiny for real airplanes. On a side note, we, Jackie and I, thought you lived in Atlanta. In any case, she said when we talked earlier, that it doesn’t have to be TOO big, but what she failed to mention is it can’t be tiny. Yours is...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 83 Over a barrel

"Excellent!" Funaho breathed decisively, as Kiyone continued to glare holes in her. More than anything, Key thought the Queen seemed ... Relieved? Almost like she was expecting another answer? She wasn't certain, and didn't know that moment if she gave a damn anyway! "Not like this!" Ayeka openly wept, still kneeling on the floor leaning forward to bury her face into hands. "Please eternal Tsunami! Not like this!" She whispered, almost inaudibly. It was difficult to watch and almost...

2 years ago
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Double Barreled Cunt

Mmmm...not really me to go 3 upsomes???Well 1st time I guess for everything?What can you do when in the same eve 2 lovely fellas want to play and you can't say no to either? Well in this case say yes to both!I thought well Mick(hubby) is away again and I was a bit bored with cock about and in an orgasm desert!!!I knew one fella and he was speaking to his Bruv, who was more than curious to see a white Lady 'real Booty like'.The lad I know is about 25 yo, very long cock, not over think and a huge...

3 years ago
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Cracker Barrels Fireplace Gets Even Hotter with Blair and Casey

Blair continued to kiss Casey as she caressed her breast using Jacob’s now cool expelled nucleus as a lotion. She was getting the most out of two of her five senses, taste and feel. Blair was tasting Jacob’s tangy core as well as feeling his slickness coat her best friend’s firm frontal projection. Blair had always wanted to enjoy Casey’s company this way. Now she was doing it with an audience. Casey fell into the touch of her best friend. It was something she could not help. Her body was...

1 year ago
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Fuck 2 Negro Gun Barrels for Tracy

If you have been following the crazy world of big, fat, useless Tracy, my useless little cocked Hubbies step daughter, then you will realise why I am always so pissed off about that lazy fucking bitch!Okay so having worked hard, and with my black lover Jazz to get rid of her, she is now trying to invade my BBC worls of pleasure!The trick worked, where we got her Fiance, Mark to see her let go with a hung black lad as a voyeur, with Mick, my hubby and see her utterly blacked in all her holes,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 4 Getting It At School With Both Barrels

Mum's forecast about my frustration proved to be a little off the mark as I headed to my first class. Her attention to my little sexual problem only succeeded in waking me up to the many possibilities that existed. It also made me realise just what I was missing out on. After all what did I really have to show in the years since puberty? A few books, several magazines and free access to my parent's videos and DVDs, not to mention the exciting memories of late night and early morning...

3 years ago
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On Vacation

Hi Folks,Another true story.Wife and I went to Florida on a little get away. We decided to do the Para-Sailing tour. When the boat came we swam out got in the boat and noticed 2 - 30 something black guys operating the boat and hooking us up for our tour.We really didn't think anything of it until 1 of the guys jumped in to the water beside the boat to untangle a rope. When he climbed back in, we couldn't help but notice the huge cock hanging down underneath his now wet bathing suit. I looked...

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Her Victorian Bottom Thrashed

Her Victorian Bottom Thrashed. Note: Recommend reading ‘Her Victorian Bottom Plundered’ before this follow up story. Part 1. For awakened Prudence, the days had been sexually listless for Henry, her husband, was away on business. The sunlight flickered through the swaying branches of the old oak tree which majestically dominated the farthest reaches of their garden, and which underneath Prudence sat in deepest thought whilst trying to read the Times. Thoughts that unbidden always returned...

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Winners Choice

It was really pretty stupid on my part when you think about it. I was wearing nothing but a pair of panties and I decided to raise the bet by saying ‘If you win, you get to choose. Anything, anything you want’. I knew the moment that those words left my mouth what Jake wanted to put in my mouth. Trevor and Liv had both folded and were just watching the hand play out. I think they knew what was going to happen but I was just too stubborn to fold and gracefully give my panties up. ...

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Mother and sister love

Mother and sister love I want all of you to know that this is a real true story of my mother, my sister, and me. It all started when I was 25, and after my step-father passed away. I was in the living room watching television, when my mother told me to close my eyes so she could run to her room after taking a shower. Of course I closed my eyes, but always wanted to see my mother naked. I opened my eyes just enough to see her naked body go by me. My mom has a hot body for a woman her age, and...

2 years ago
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Justice In 2026 Part 1

Justice in 2026 by Jenile Efhratum The Frame, Conviction & Sentence Year 2026 I was just a normal young man trying to get his bearings on life after a messy divorce. I had been married to a lovely girl, Carolyn, but three years into our marriage, she said she wanted out and also wanted alimony, most of my property, and I really think the blood from my veins. It was just three days after we had returned from Aspen after a wonderful two weeks of skiing. At least they...

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Door 2 DoorChapter 11

Abel was almost done with the day’s work when Stacey pulled him aside again, yanked down his pants, and began sucking his dick. She licked her lips as she hoovered him, of course, not that he minded at all. He noticed that almost everyone else had left, so it was basically just the two of them alone at the shop. That was rather handy given that Stacey clearly wanted to use him for his body. She wasn’t kidding about her “work wife” status at all, was she? “So ... what’s the deal with your...

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Call Me Beth Version BChapter 4

Mike’s Turn It was easy for us to hide our “Just Married” smiles and stupid grins from the outside world because the girls were home schooled. Mandy and I tried hard not to make Beth feel jealous with our honeymoon expressions and constant need to touch each other. Wendy complained bitterly. I told her, “It sucks, but you have to wait until you are fourteen.” I was working from home, but very little work got done. Mandy and I tried to see how far we could push my body and how many times...

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Black Cock for Him and Her Pegged and More

I was slightly nervous but when I opened my eyes, no-one was paying us any attention; in fact we were one of loads of same sex couples there that night. Jay pulled me tighter against him; his kisses were quite rough and I felt like the submissive; this strong black man could do whatever he wanted to me. Jay broke off the kiss and whispered in my ear, "Would you like to suck my cock?" I said, "Yes", when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and Katie was there. "Who's your new friend?" she asked...

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Holly Willoughby Insatiable part 2

A long black car turned a corner and stopped momentarily, its headlamps illuminating Holly’s naked body, bow-legged she started to stagger away from it when it began to move. It pulled alongside and as she was not able to move quickly a door opened and yanked her inside.“My God, it IS you!” a middle-aged plump and rather greasy man in a suit looked at her wide-eyed. The door was pulled shut by a very large man who was scowling at Holly. “You’re the biggest story in the country right now! What...

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Indian guy meets nastiest Latina

WARNING: Very dirty content ahead. Not for those easily offendedI turned the steering wheel of the Jeep Wrangler left as I merged North into Biscayne Boulevard and breathed a deep sigh. It had been over 3 months since I’d moved to Miami and it wasn’t all what I’d imagined. I’d seen many videos depicting the glamorous party lifestyle and the beautiful women that populated this city. Of course, those videos didn’t show you how unrealistic that lifestyle was. So far, I’d spent 90% of my waking...

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Jacking off while being watched

When I was in college I found out that masturbating in front of my girlfriend really turned me on! The first time was a little difficult starting out; jacking off was something private, it seemed to me, something I did to relieve sexual tension with no one knowing about it. The first time I stroked my dick in front of my girlfriend, I was embarrassed for the first few strokes, but as I got into it, I got more and more turned on and my dick was throbbing hard to it's full extent as she watched,...

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Our 17 year old daughter

I came into the kitchen dressed in my usual way, pj bottoms , with no top. My 17 year old daughter was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. As I walked by, I patted her head and bent over and kissed the top of it. I poured a cup of coffee she had made for me, turned around, shot the breeze for a minute before I left and went into the other room to watch tv. Sunday was the same thing. Nothing new, everything normal as could be. Monday evening, after my wife and I went to bed, she said...

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Yancy floats up to his mom for intimate docking in their pool. Based on art from Pandora's Box - email me if you want the drawing. Veronica remembered a line from Auntie Mame, “... all the girls crouch down on the floor and pretend to be lady fishes, depositing their eggs in the sand ... and all the boys do what gentlemen fish do.” Of course, she wasn't on the floor, but in the pool. However, her son, Yancy, certainly was about to do what gentlemen fishes do: fertilize her eggs....

3 years ago
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Lovin Auntie

My Auntie Beth had been staying with my family for a few months. She was here to find work and settle in to a new life after her another relationship went sour. I loved sneaking into her room and handling her underwear. I found her sexy lingerie and I would put them on enjoying the feel of the material on my cock and ass knowing that it had been on her tits and ass and pussy and now its touching me. I was always careful to put things back just as i found them. I was a geeky 18 year old still...

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Stop Teasing Me

 It was a Saturday morning. As usual, I woke up accompanied by a rock hard morning boner and feeling super horny, but no wife in sight to help me get rid of it. It had been a few days since my wife and I had the opportunity to have some alone time. Should I quickly rub one out? Or would we have time today to sneak in a quickie?I just never knew what to do. I decided to wait, it’s always better when you have someone to help release the tension, but I needed to keep busy. I made everyone...

Straight Sex
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Breaking The Ice With Mom Once Again

In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...

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Dinahs Breeding Ch 05

Months passed like days, days like months for Dinah. At first, her body’s rebellion was a bit disconcerting: her feet would sometimes swell, her breasts got even heavier, her tummy began to bulge then protrude, and her skin became dry and itchy. At first, she was constantly nauseated, then a bit later, she became absolutely ravenous. The most interesting part for her, though, was feeling the baby move for the first time. It began like a tickle deep in her pelvis like gas bubbles, only in the...

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Tonight was the night. Incredible. It was really going to happen. In just a few hours, assuming fate didn't play another crazy hand, she was going to experience something that she never thought possible, not in a million years, not ever. She smiled as she tried to unravel the pronouns in her train of thought, difficult enough without the mounting excitement she felt in her head and elsewhere. The "she" that she meant was herself, but she had already decided that was going to change...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 7

Lisa had already gone to work when I woke up on Monday, and I lay in bed for several minutes contemplating the events of the last few days. Wondering what next for my wife and I and the family next door, I eventually had to get up and sort out some work, before going off to meet a client. I didn't get back until nearly four o'clock, and wasn't surprised to hear the doorbell soon after. Leanne stood there, in her school uniform, smiling. Somehow, despite me knowing exactly how much she...

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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 03

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 03 BASED ON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘The characters of Sean and Tessa are obviously based on two fellow Literotica writers, Sean Renaud and Tessa Alexander. Though they are not a couple in real life, nor have they ever met, they made a hell...

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M-Hentai has such a familiar name that I was absolutely sure I’d whacked off to it recently, browsing dirty parodies of Naruto where everybody has giant tits and a giant dick. It turns out I got a little mixed up, but can you blame me? Slap a letter in front of “Hentai” and you end up with a big handful of doujin libraries I’ve reviewed here at ThePornDude, from E-hentai to ExHentai to WHentai to half a dozen sites claiming to be the original nHentai.It sounds like kind of a crowded market,...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Adventures in babysitting

Summer, an incredible time of year. Exams were over, the school year was coming to an end and all that was on anyone's mind was parties, gossip and sex. I was no exception. I'd lost my virginity last year at my friends house party, while half the party listened from outside the door. This earned me quite a reputation, first as a slut ready to fuck half the school after one beer. This was followed up by several rumours about my wild activities. Everything from fucking in the gym showers to...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 23

We had some tentative plans worked out by the time I finally got sick of sitting around the toilet and made my way back out. I walked back past the elevators and peeked around the corner back toward the entrance. It was, as I'd expected, empty except for Fred still sitting there stolidly. He didn't turn, but maybe I hadn't been as quiet as I'd tried to be. "So, you are still here, Larry," he said. I laughed out loud. Fred was well along, into his early 70s I guessed, but you didn't...

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I was Just A Sex Slave2

The week went so slow, after Charlie had me over to his house, I did not see or hear from Daniel, Bruce or Charlie. I thought that they had found other ways to amuse their selves. I was so far from the truth. Friday came and as I entered my home my folks had a bag packed fro me and sitting by the door. They told me '...Bruce and his uncle are coming to pick you up have fun and mind your manners do as they say and we will see you back here in about a week. My knees all most buckled as I...

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Abbey the Pinay Sex SlaveChapter 12

Abbey was glad that her Master had accepted her suggestion and that he had agreed not to post the video of her being made to act like a slave and especially a slave who deserved to be punished. She shuddered at the thought of how she had licked the dog shit from the shoe – but this shudder was not of disgust, rather it was one of acceptance of her position as someone who would agree to any form of punishment or humiliation if that is what was needed to please her Master. Joe could see that...

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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 24 Hunted

The journey back proved largely uneventful. The tales of horror and cruelty coming out of Halcyon city had at least abated and things had settled to an uneasy peace. The Grojans, from what he could ascertain, were replacing people from the previous government with lackeys of their own. People with no particular skill, but who had sworn allegiance to them, mostly criminals and dropouts who could feather their own nests by sucking up to the new regime. Of the young King and Queen, other than...

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Game WorldChapter 34

The hairs on the back of my neck told me we were in trouble just before it happened. We'd sailed the next day for Izmir. Our taskforce consisted of the Windrunner, the Swordfish, and six smaller craft that we were using to transport the Oak Hall Expeditionary Force. It wasn't that large. With four out of the six fighting ships in our fleet being manned by men and women from Oak Hall, we had very few left who could be used on the ground at Izmir. Still Elsa Mueller had recruited a hundred...

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A Long Ago Past

This is my first story. It is a developmental piece and has many chapters. There is no sex in this first chapter so if that is what your looking for you are going to be upset. Let me know what you all think and if you like it I will keep going. Feel free to give me any ideas you all might have as to where I should take the story. I hope you all like it! ————————- ‘Are you sure this is what you want to do Katie?’ Her best friend Angie asked helping her pack her belongings and put them in her...

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Pleasures of the Northern Sky1

It was now 3 months over Ty’s 6 month contract end date, and he was finally on a plane back to civilization after working in a remote northern mine in the Yukon, without a holiday. It was going to be a great break from living on the mine for the last 9 months, finally home to his own bed and even booked two weeks in California to get some extra sunshine and warmth. It was only a 30 passenger twin engine that carried employees in and out of the mine, but being on the last flight of the day,...

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Facing Difficulties for Virgin Maid

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

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Star Wars

Leia sighed as she walked around her home. Han, Anakin, and Jacen had just left for the Outer Rim and wouldn't be returning for some time. Jaina was spending the night at a friend's house for the night, so that left Leia home alone for the night. Leia knew she would have the whole house for the rest of the night and anything she wanted to do, she could do it. She knew she had a few different things she could do, but she didn't know what it was she wanted to do first? "Let's see here," Princess...

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Best Christmas Present EverEdited

She peered down the street through the raindrops on her glasses. Where are these ‘KEKE’ (commercial tricycles)? It was dark and getting colder. And now it was raining, too. There was no kEKE in sight. ‘Wahala’. She sighed and tried to figure out if she had enough cash for a cab. As she stood there mentally counting her pocket change, a car pulled up to the curb and the passenger window slid down slowly. Ifeoma could barely make out a male driver, no passengers, non-descript blue Honda EOD …oh,...

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cuckold to the gardener

Mum an Dad had split up and dad left he told it was because mum was fucking someone , but on the up side i got a lot of money as dad was very rich an he told me to get my own place an have some fun for a few years (as i was only 19) an then call him for a job if i wanted one . so that's what i did a nice house with a garden an a pool , a nice car an a sexy little blond teenage girl called Lisa .Lisa was 17 an just out of school, about 5ft 2" tall she was slim but had a nice full bubble butt an...

1 year ago
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TandraChapter 97B

The girls all waited outside the computer when I emerged. I said, "There is no need for protocol. Consider me just a visitor that is doing some things to improve and protect your base." Mom told me what she thought the tug hull was capable of and I said to the five before me. "We need to get the fabricator working now. I need some energy conduits made and a new and very powerful inertial stabiliser constructed... If your system is not overloaded I would like some antimatter produced. They...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Brotherinlaw For My Needs

Hi, this is ilrumjack here again. This is about a story long back in my life when I was brought into the world of sexual pleasures. I am not going to be presenting this story from my viewpoint. It is generally misconstrued by everyone that only men have carnal desires and they do anything for it. Hence, I am presenting this story from my bhabhi’s point-of-view. This is her version of how things led to her relationship with me. Here it goes, in her words: Let me introduce myself. I am Radha and...

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Minibus I stop for some nurses

Minibusby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan December 2002 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************Why was I turned on by nurses' uniforms? I had been all my adult life and now my mild fetish had got me into real trouble.Mind, the uniform had to be real. The short...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 119

Two days after her tryst with Sholandra, Laura's bruises had faded enough so that she felt she could risk seeing Trina. Especially if they saw one another, as they would, at night, when the lights were soft. Laura could hardly wait, and her pussy got very wet every time she contemplated it. Oh god, am I just building myself up for another letdown? she wondered. She's been so sweet, over the phone. So loving. So completely trusting. How can that happen, when she was so angry over the...

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The Greatest Teacher 2

After Sarah Underhelt's and I's sexual romp, we had gotten together quite alot. As you may recall, she had dirty, blonde hair, green eyes, small A cup breasts, and a tight ass. We got together often, and everytime I was in her english class, I yearned for more of her. One Monday I walked into her room before school started, and she smiled. Our weekend had been fun and I asked her, "How are you doing?" She replied, "Every moment without you makes my cunt wish I had you in it." She began to rub...

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College Roommate needs support masturbating

This is a story about an experience I had with a college roommate. I didn’t originally think it was much but a bator friend I jerked off with last week persuaded me to write it after it made him so hard. As usual, this is not a fantasy story with huge cocks and tits or impossible situations, since it is a true story. But sometimes the fact that a story is true has as much impact. It's another story from my college years.In my senior year of college, I was an RA. That’s resident assistant and...

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