My Astute Barrel Of KnowledgeChapter 5 free porn video

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“Good morning. It’s Melinda Cantrell, Agent Francis, but you’re on speaker. I gots my peeps wid me.”

“To what do I owe this early morning phone call, Melly.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Brenda, but Jackie told me to tell you that your airport is a little bit too tiny for real airplanes. On a side note, we, Jackie and I, thought you lived in Atlanta. In any case, she said when we talked earlier, that it doesn’t have to be TOO big, but what she failed to mention is it can’t be tiny. Yours is tiny. Size matters. How close are you to Gaithersburg?”

“I shop there now and again. It’s close. To let you know about the Atlanta thing, I stay at a little apartment I have in Atlanta. Being number two SAC for the whole area down there, I spend a lot of time there, and points south, especially Florida. My home is actually here, and I have an office here, too. We’ve been spending a lot of time with national assets on this Burnstead thing and it’s easier to do that from here. If I’m needed down there, I go.”

“Cool. New plan. What kind of car do you drive?”

“An X5. Why?”

“Saves the hassle of a rental. Can you meet us at the Montgomery County Airport Operations Center at about two in the afternoon Saturday?”

“Yes. Why don’t I just bring you home. I have a guest room with a queen size bed in it. No one has to sleep on the floor or the couch.”

“Hang on. Jackie? Charlie? No complaints. That’s fine, Brenda. Are you OK now? You aren’t going to beat my husband or anything?”

“No, baby, I’m not. I’m really sorry for my reaction. It’s been so long since I cared about anyone, or anything, that I just lost control. I was scared for a minute. I’m fine. We’ll talk.”

“Good deal. Brenda, we care, too. Jackie and I do, anyway. Charlie is pretty much clueless around women that care about him, so be careful.”

“Thanks, butt nugget,” I said, trying to let them know I was actually listening.

“We love him, Brenda. There is a lot of good person to love there. Like Jackie. Amazing people. And you. Thank you, by the way. You did a lot to keep me alive and well, and I appreciate it.”

“Prove it. Help me make dinner for all of us here on Saturday night. Anything you guys can’t eat?”

“No, but hopefully you won’t go all vegan or raw fishy on us.”

“Neither, you’re safe. We are of similar taste in those arenas. It’ll be fun. Kids, I have a meeting about the Burnstead thing in a couple minutes. I need to boogie. It’s an ongoing debacle. I need to let the task force know I’ll be gone a couple of weeks, too. Thanks for reminding me.” She giggled. Wonderful sound. “I’ll see you all about two on Saturday at the airport in Gaithersburg then. Love you all. Bye, now.”

“Bye, Brenda. Love you, too.”

Click. Brenda ended the call.

“Wow. Well, at least she’s not out of control or anything. Nothing worse than an out of control lover with a gun and a badge!” Melinda thought her comment was funny. It took a couple seconds, but Jackie and I joined in.

At one forty-five Eastern Time on Saturday, I parked the plane, the ground crew chocked it, and I ordered the refueling truck. I felt safer here, a bit, but not completely. We were very close to the epicenter of corruption in the world. Well, almost. Chicago could be worse, I guess. Or Ukraine, maybe, but neither by much.

As I watched the refueling, the girls got overnight cases out and met Brenda as she walked toward the plane. My first thought was how she got through security and on the flight line, but ‘DING’ I remembered, she probably showed them her badge. The girls hugged her and they shared cheek kisses, then she walked over to me.

“We gonna be OK, cowboy?”

“I hope so, Brenda. Do I get one of those hugs, or are those just for girls?”

“No, you get one.” She hugged me, then leaned back a couple of inches and looked up at me. I was pretty sure I knew what to do next, regardless of what my wives thought of my abilities around the fairer sex. I kissed her lightly. “Thank you. I was hoping I didn’t upset you to the point of not wanting to speak to me again.”

“Not at all. Especially now that the cat is out of the bag. You know the girls adore you. I’m falling in line.”

“That would be nice. Do you have any immediate questions or fears that just can’t wait until I get you home?”

“Agent Francis, where do you keep your gun when you’re dressed like that?”

“I’d show you, but then I’d have to kill you.” She giggled.

FBI Special Agent Brenda Francis was a beautiful woman, by any measure. She was easily ten years older than me, considering her professional position in the Bureau, but looked about my age, according to my wives. I was 33 at that point. She was wearing a mini skirt, three-inch high heeled sandals, and a light V-neck sleeveless twinset, modeling a substantial gold serpentine chain with a diamond pendant above a cute cleavage indicating a small bust. Sam was right. Somehow, the lucky bastard I was, always wound up around beautiful women. At least after college. Until now, though, I wouldn’t have given a nickel for any one of them. Now I wouldn’t take five million for any of the three of them. One of them I didn’t even know their middle name. Scary shit, that.

They finished the refueling operation and pulled the truck away, so I armed the security system and grabbed both of the bags. Each of the girls threw some stuff in each of their cases for me. Saved on luggage. Smart girls.

Melinda rode in front with Brenda, I sat behind Melinda, and Jackie was behind Brenda. Melinda moved her seat up pretty far so I’d have some room. We talked about the flight and she mentioned how pretty she thought the plane was.

“Thank you for agreeing not to do the hotel, ladies. I’ll just feel more comfortable at home and will be more relaxed. I’m pretty sure the conversation will be a bit intense tonight, and a drink and my fuzzy slippers will help me cope.” She giggled, getting the girls to laugh with her.

“We’ll be fine and want you comfortable. Oh, my, you live here?”

“Yes. Although I’d love to have a yard, I have absolutely no time to take care of one. This is much easier. I also have a hell of a view and would have probably been able to see you come in if I hadn’t been there at the airport watching you come in.” She giggled again. Her voice and that little girl giggle were both so cute. I’ll bet not many men hear either of them from her. Not in her profession. “I don’t live on the top, though, I’m a government employee. I live under the penthouse. You’ll love it. I do.”

She pulled into the middle one of the three spaces marked 15A and parked. She got out, popped the back hatch and grabbed a couple of grocery bags out. We all followed her, me with our two overnight cases and her with the two grocery bags, each of the girls taking one of them from her, and we all trooped over to the elevators. There were three of them. The building was fairly skinny, and tall. I didn’t know how many apartments there were, but three elevators would pretty much help if one broke. Made sense in an expensive high rise like this.

We got out of the elevator and walked right to her doors. They weren’t marked. I mean there was no ‘15A’ brass numbers on the door or over the doorbell button or anything. Oh, no doorbell, either. OK. Double entry doors. She opened the left side and we entered ... The largest living room I think I’d ever been in. There was a hallway leading away from the back of it, then over on the right was a dining room area and kitchen, all in an open floor plan. It was gorgeous. The furniture and the artwork were ritzy. I’m multi hundred millionaire, close to billionaire, and I thought it was ritzy. It must really be nice. But then, I eat ramens now and again.

We got the grand tour, during which she had us put our bags in the back most guest room. “The big one,” she said. “The little one has two big twin beds in it.” She showed us where her room was in case we needed her and where an office room was. “My late husband’s office. It’s been well over fifteen years now. I’ll share later. Maybe while Melinda and I are toiling over the hot stove. Would you all like a little snack or something. Chips and dip, crackers and summer sausage, anything?”

“Yes,” Jackie said. “Take us back in there and let’s raid the fridge.”

“Yes, let’s.” Brenda said and laughed. “You all might be starving unless you snacked on the plane.”

I sat at the end of the kitchen bar where Brenda put me, and the girls all ran around the kitchen laying stuff out and getting ready to prepare dinner, all the while making us a snack tray. We wound up with sausage, cheese, crackers, chips, dip, and she even had Jackie pop a can of smoked oysters. Yummy.

“Brenda, I think I love you.”

“Was it the oysters, Charlie?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. You’ll be easy.” All three of them laughed as I put one on a cracker and savored it. “Oh, Charlie, that reminds me.” She walked over by me and lifted her skirt. God her legs were beautiful. The lace boy shorts covered everything, and nothing. I think she was absolutely hairless. Gorgeous. Just amazing, except for the lump just below her pubic mound on the inside of her left thigh. “Now I have to kill you.” She held my ears, kissed me, and took a cracker, a piece of sausage, and a piece of cheese, squirted a bit of mustard on it, and put it in her mouth. “Mmmmm.”

“You’re absolutely beautiful, Brenda. How do you stay in such good shape?”

“Part of it is running my ass off chasing bad guys. I have a really busy, hectic schedule with lots of travel and legwork, but mostly the treadmill in the office. There’s a TV back there, too, and I zone out on Netflix and walk it all off.”

“Cool, just like home, if you choose to indulge.”

“I probably will. OK, all y’all. Who wants to lay their problems out first? You two are too young to have many issues, other than the whole Aruba thing, but I’ll bet there’s a story Charlie needs to tell. You’ve probably shared and bared all for your wives, Mister Cantrell, but Miss Brenda needs to hear it, too. Or would you rather I told you my sob stories first.”

“I’ll go first. No sob stories, though. Always comfortable, silver spoon after I started my teenage years. No girlfriends until I got out of college, joined the Air Force. Flew. Mom and Dad got hit by a truck about three years ago. Ut ... Four now. Time flies. I met Miss Jackie outside the Mobile Downtown Civil Aviation gate, took her home and you know the rest, since a month later we were in Aruba stealing little girls from bad guys.”

“Wow. Why no girlfriends? Cooties?” She giggled.

“No. Not me, anyway. Glasses, pocket protector, straight As, no desire to drink, smoke, or end my life early. Boring, I guess.”

“Now look at you.”

“That’s what I told him. He turned out quite studly. And ... He’s mine!!”

“Yes, he certainly did, and yes, he most certainly is. Studly and yours, I mean.”

“Your turn, Brenda. We can all ask questions later, but we need the basics of why we’re eating your crackers on the fifteenth floor of a luxury high rise, five minutes from the center of all that is wrong with the world. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also the legacy of what’s right with most of the world. I’m just a bit jaded.”

“Point taken. Do however, in your jaded thoughts, remember that people like Burnstead have to do their nasty dealings in places like Aruba with a lower standard of morality, age and otherwise, since they can’t get away with it here.

“Moving on. Brenda Thornton went to high school, Valedictorian, went to college, Duke MBA, Summa Cum Laude, and was accepted into the FBI Academy. She graduated at the top of her class, met a businessman, thought she was in love, and he certainly made sure she thought she was, married him, he beat me half to death, I killed him, and here we are. That was in two thousand and two.

“I was twenty-eight and he was forty. A multi-millionaire, many times over, he had an ego that got out of hand. He forgot what I did for a living, I guess. We married in two thousand when I was just a young lass of twenty-six. We dated for several months, were engaged for several months prior to that, and I never saw that side of him, until ... Until I asked him what he did on a certain dealing he’d been bragging about. He shouldn’t have mentioned it in front of me in the first place. If he hadn’t, I would never have asked. I was just making conversation.

“He got short with me, told me it was none of my fucking business and stormed off into his office. I guess he had a couple drinks in there, because when he came out, he came straight at me, hit me five or six times until I broke his nose and drove it up into his brain. That slowed him down, but he still had some adrenalin in him so when he took a last swing, I pulled him off balance and high kicked him in the side of the head, breaking his neck, and killing him.

“The investigation lasted three months. I was assigned to administrative functions and it drove me nuts. I was so happy when it was deemed justifiable homicide and I was allowed to go back to work. By then the bruises had healed, as had the broken forearm. The interesting part was that the investigation started another, over the gist of the argument we had, and I was later told I had been married to a criminal mastermind. Much of his money was ill gotten, but not all. I got to keep the money that wasn’t. There was quite a bit of it. Many, many, millions, and this house, free and clear. All I pay is taxes and the maintenance fee. Not an inconsequential amount, but I can afford it out of my capital gains.

“For seventeen years now, I’ve let no one get close to me. No man, no woman, no one. I have an acquaintance that runs a beauty shop over by the airport you landed at, but we’re not that close. My job has kept me busy enough that I convinced myself I was fine. I was happy that way until I met Melinda Knowles. She changed me and I don’t even know how. Jackie Cantrell did likewise. I wanted you two in my life. In whatever capacity I could manage. When you’d call, I’d get shivers, then a warm sensation when we talked. Then I spent too much time around Charlie Cantrell and got sucked into the bottomless pit that is his caring personality. That was after the break-in.

“I’ve seriously never met anyone like you three. You exude happiness and it’s hard not to get caught up in an emotionally driving feeling of wanting to be around you. I’d apologize if I thought it would help, but it won’t.

“So, kids, here I am. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to act, and I don’t even know what to ask so that I’ll know what to do and how to act.

“I have somehow fallen in love with Major Charles Cantrell, USAF, Retired, and both of his wives. I did some research, but your biggest fan doesn’t say much. Just that you were a hell of a pilot and an asset to a lot of people. I understand you were out on loan, Major. I couldn’t even get that out of him. I have a friend in the DIA, though, and he told me he’d never met you, but he knows a few who have and you’re a good guy, according to them and the records, and that you did all you could every time you could. Thank you for your service, Major. I’ll stop digging. I don’t care anymore. I just want you three to tell me what to do next.”

“According to this recipe card you have out, you can peel the potatoes and cut them in one-inch chunks.” As soon as Melinda said that, she turned Brenda around, put her hands behind Brenda’s head and pulled her down the two inches necessary to kiss her. All three of them were barefoot then. Brenda is about five-five. When that kiss ended, Jackie leaned in and got one, then brought her over to me.

“Lap. I’ll do the potatoes.” I pulled Brenda up in my lap, hugged her to me and felt little tremors turn into sobs and finally the outpouring of relief and the joyful crying of a woman whose life just changed for the better and the shackles of abject fear about her future and the extreme emotional damage of her past had been cast off. The dispassionate, bitter, law enforcement executive had come back to a more normal existence where she could share her thoughts, fears, excitement, love, and mostly, caring, with others. We were fortunate enough to be the ones that helped her break free and lucky enough to be the recipients of her sharing. With twenty years of emptiness to make up for, she was a human jewel waiting to appreciate those she cared for and be appreciated in return.

She sat for about fifteen minutes after she cried herself out for about the same amount of time, thanking us for knowing what was going on inside her head and helping to bring it out. She kissed me deeply after I wiped her tears with my thumbs and slid down off my lap. She kissed each of the girls on their foreheads and went to the refrigerator for the salad.

We ate dinner while talking about the past a bit, details not covered before. Little things were mentioned that meant nothing, really, but gave some insight into the holder’s psyche. Brenda had a couple of boyfriends before her late husband, but neither of them could handle her outgoing personality and authoritarian style. Not to mention her hours. One accused her of cheating on him, but in a funny twist of fate, she caught him with another woman when they raided a club in Nashville to arrest a thug from Iraq. She smiled when she told the story. Turnabout, for sure. She assured us she wasn’t cheating on him and had never cheated during any of her relationships, something she was ultra-proud of. We all agreed with her that was important and that none of us ever had either.

After dinner, she offered to make drinks, but the girls asked for carte blanche at the bar and got it. We gave our orders and my wives made up the drinks and served us. She had some really smooth scotch. Seating changed between drinks. I’m telling you, my ladies were smarter than anyone ever gave them credit for. Jackie would sit with Brenda and snuggle, then after new drinks were brought, Melinda would. Organic passion. No other explanation. Brenda acted just the same regardless of whose hair she was twiddling or arm she was caressing.

Jackie shared the Alice and Rick story. She wanted us to know about the feeling she had with Alice, but not with Rick, and that she felt that with each of us, to include Brenda. A tear came to Brenda’s eye, but didn’t make it far before Jackie kissed it off her cheek and handed her a napkin.

The conversation went on until late evening when we’d finished our third or fourth cocktail and Melinda recommended we hit the sack.

Jackie spoke for the both of them. I was not in the loop. “Brenda, hon, you already showed Charlie your panties. There can’t be much more than that unless you pack a peashooter in your bra as well. Why don’t we all just sleep in your big bed tonight. We can make your bed up in the morning and off we’ll go on a bit of an adventure. I doubt seriously that anything exciting will happen. I think all of us are a bit wary of hurting each other until we build on this relationship a bit. Don’t you think?”

“That’s fine, Jackie. That will be fine, although I’m not afraid of any of you, or of anything that may happen. I may accost any and all of you on this vacation, though, and I don’t know what may happen tonight. I really don’t. I know for some unknown reason I’ve fallen in love with the three of you, and if you took me to bed and made love to me, all of you together, the only one I’d call for help is a florist. When you want to say, ‘I love you’, say it with flowers.”

Finally, she had all three of them laughing at the same time, and I was shaking my head with a smile on my face. The ladies in my life were an entertaining bunch, no doubt about it.

“Come on. Get your bags out of the guest room and put them on the floor by the window in my room. I have a huge shower. If you guys are sure you don’t mind accosting me, I certainly don’t mind being the accostee. What about him, though?” She pointed at me. “What will he think if I kiss him, with nothing but warm water between us?”

I answered before anyone else could. “I’ll probably think my wives took me to a suburb of heaven. I can’t really think of anything I’d enjoy more, Brenda, darling. I do want to say, though, and I’ve mentioned this to Melinda already. Jackie is the center of my life and...”

“Say no more, Charlie. I know that. It’s obvious. I’m not taking you away from her, or vice versa. I merely want to join in what you two and Melinda have, and maybe contribute positively to the four of us.”

“That sounds like a plan.” I took her hand and pulled her into her bathroom. Her huge bathroom with an equally large shower enclosure. The girls followed me and when we got her in front of the vanity, we undressed her. Jackie got her skirt, Melinda her panties and I pulled her little sweater set over her head. She’d obviously removed her firearm earlier, probably right after she showed it to me. Once I got that off, I held her by her waist and kissed the tops of her breasts. They were sitting in a smooth cupped half bra that just barely covered her areolae. She looked delicious, so I nibbled. Melinda reached up under my chin and undid the front snap closure and they took her bra off.

“Brenda, you’re going to have to do the water. That thing looks more complicated than ours.”

She laughed and taking me by the ears, kissed me. “Hold that thought, Charlie. It felt good. No one but Brenda Francis has touched those titties since the year of our Lord two thousand and two.” She got the water going out of four showerheads and told the girls they were on a boiler so don’t worry about running out. She reached out the door, took my hand, and pulled me over, skinning my boxers down and off just as I came through the door. She pitched them over by the vanity, then reached down, took hold of my penis in her fingers and pulled me in farther. “Sorry for being rude, but one of us had to break the ice. It was you, but I needed to retaliate. Girls, I’m going to make out with your man for a minute if you don’t mind.”

We heard an ‘Mmmmmmm’, and looked over to see two soapy little girls playing R and R. Rushin’ hands and Roamin’ fingers in the corner of the shower. Brenda laughed. She kissed me deeply then grabbed a poof and after squirting some soap on it, washed me, neck to toes, not missing anything. Not a thing. We traded places and I returned the favor, using my finger lengthwise in her labia, the base of my finger on her clitoris. The groan I got from her was epic.

“Seventeen years, darling?”

“Yes, Charlie, that, too. God, that feels good.” She reached down under and massaged my balls and newly forming erection with her hand. I turned her to the wall and staying out of the streams of water, placed my member between her ass cheeks and with a bit of soap, just ran it up and down, massaging myself on her.

The girls saw and came to either side of her and as if on cue, each took a breast in their hands and kissed and caressed her shoulders. She had an eruption of an orgasm from our stimulating activity. She’d not had anyone else pleasure her for seventeen years. The feeling of her quivering as she came with my cock between her cheeks had me so hard, and I was completely on edge, but I just stayed there for a minute. Then, taking charge, and knowing what I was feeling, Melinda rinsed my dick off and taking it into her mouth and throat, had me over the edge in minutes as the other two watched, Jackie actually holding Brenda to her as they observed. I brought Melinda’s lips to mine for a kiss.

“You two need to show Brenda what happens when everyone else in the room gets off except you two, and don’t stop until that is no longer true. Finish up and come show her.”

We dried off, Brenda and I, and went to her bed. I sat at the headboard and asked her to sit between my legs and had her lean back against my chest. The girls came in, kissed while kneeling, then using some natural motion they use, got into position and started eating each other to a frenzy. Brenda reached over and petted Melinda’s ass as they pleasured each other, and I was pleased to see her use her index finger on Melinda’s little rosebud as it was happening. That was a hot spot for the little one and she came gangbusters into Jackie’s mouth, which set Jackie off. They just laid there for a few minutes, all the while, Brenda not removing her finger, just making little circles, until they started to relocate.

Melinda turned and before you could say Jumping Jack Flash, Melinda had pulled Brenda’s ass down between my knees and dove face first into her pussy. She lifted Brenda’s legs up, as well, pushing them back and asking Jackie and me to take them, which we did. Jackie wound up with them, nibbling and kissing Brenda’s legs while I held and massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples. Brenda’s hands were holding my wrists while I was doing that, letting me judge exactly where she was in her passion by her grip. It wasn’t ten minutes later, she exploded, cumming all over Melinda’s face and screaming a sharp but quiet scream through her climax.

“Your new girlfriend squirts, Charlie. I love it. Brenda, sorry, but when you touched my asshole, you basically drove me to become an insatiable animal. I’m satiable now, though, and no horses were hurt during the filming of this movie.” The girls laughed again. Brenda almost choked, since she hadn’t completely gotten her breath back.

“Thank you all. Really. Thank you, Melinda, that was amazing. You are the first girl and only the second person to lick me there. Randall wanted nothing to do with oral sex, at least not from his end giving any, and cheater Peter, thought it was gross. My first boyfriend liked it, but might have liked sucking weenies more, I think. He gave up too easily on me when my career first started out. I met him later on a couple of occasions with two different men. I look back and realize I should have seen it. He wasn’t the most masculine fellow, but damn, he was a good cook and I thought at the time he was a pretty good lover. Peter and Randall didn’t change that impression at all. Now, though. Now, I know better. Much better.” She grinned.

She sat up, kissed Melinda, then Jackie, turned around, urged and pulled me down so my head was on the pillow then crawled up over me and kissed me. “Thank you, Charlie. Good night, girls. God, that was nice.” She went to the other side of the bed, pushed Jackie down by me, pulled Melinda to her so the girls were between us and arranged us all before pulling the sheet up.

“Pushy woman, ain’t she?” Melinda said, causing her and Jackie to laugh. “Hold me close, Brenda. Yeah, like that. Thank you. I love you.” We wrapped each other up in respective arms, I reached out for Brenda’s hand, and we fell asleep smiling. Everyone I saw was, anyway, and I sure felt like I was smiling as well.

I woke up with Brenda’s head on my chest, her naked body next to mine, with her leg over my thigh. “Good morning, lover.”

“Good morning, good lookin’. Charlie, thank you for last night. I hope you don’t think I’m easy or anything after that little meltdown.”

“It took seventeen years for that to happen, Brenda, and we’ve known each other for eight months. I’m pretty sure that’s not Super Slut material. I think you’re pretty much restrained actually, although, I have to admit I’m glad Jackie called you on it and got all this out in the open. Brenda, darling, how old are you? As a Deputy SAC of a Region, you can’t be a young lady.”

“Promise you won’t dump me on our second day together?”

“Absolutely. Brenda, I’m in love with you, too. There is no other explanation. This isn’t a childhood romance, I have others, so I’m not needy, you could easily have any man or woman you want. This has to be the real thing, in my eyes. Hopefully in yours.”

“I’ll be forty-four in November. Yes, in my eyes as well. I have nothing to base it on other than complete and utter failures in my past, but what I feel with Melinda, with Jackie, and with you, is real, it’s strong, it’s deep, and it’s love if it’s anything. When Melinda was making love to me last night, Charlie, that’s what it was. It wasn’t sex. There was electricity in it, not just endorphins.”

“You have to be kidding.”

“About what?”

“Forty-five? Until I heard the job title, I thought you were my age.”

“Thirty-three? Thank you, but, no, I’m getting on. Five more years and I can get us some AARP discounts.” She giggled and bit my nipple very gently. “Charlie, when the girls bring coffee up, I have a serious question for you all.”

“OK. If it’s serious, it’s best we wait for them, anyway.”

“It is.” She just rubbed my tummy for a few minutes, and I just laid there, knowing exactly what was coming next.

Jackie and Melinda each came up with two cups of coffee, and after putting ours on the nightstand, sat and Brenda opened up. “This is pretty serious girls, but I need to know if you have an IHOP at home.”

“BRENDA!” Melinda was giving her a hard time.

“Really, I would like to have breakfast there on the way to the airport this morning. I really like there and ours is pretty nice. My real question is whether there is really room for a third wife in this relationship. I know it sounds corny, but I don’t feel like this is a temporary thing, and God knows I’m not looking for a relationship. I wasn’t looking for this one. It just kind of found me. Anyhoo, that’s the serious question. Is wife number three a possible title, or am I fooling myself.”

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Double Barrel

coed – double penetration – college – threesome – mmfMark and I have been friends since we were five. We met in kindergarten and pretty much were inseparable all the way through high school, college and to this day. Pee Wee football, junior varsity, varsity. sleepovers at my house and camping trips with his family. When he got a car for his 16th we started double dating as well. Both of us played ball just well enough to get chosen for our small state college as walk-ons. Neither of us are very...

4 years ago
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Cracker Barrel Threesome Served Up In Style

As Jacob looked at Blair's smiling face, he whispered to her, "You made Case expel her orgasm again like I did?""Uh huh. Farther, than you did also," Blair said in a giggle."I'd say. That must have been a sight for the patrons.""Not just them. Also for me. It was absolutely beautiful the way she arched it in the air. Just marvelous!""But you're hurting, aren't you Blair?" "Well Jacob, let's just say that I could be wetter.""Yeah, I'm sure. Want me to help you get that way?""Why don't you and...

1 year ago
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Cracker Barrel Threesome Served Up In Style

As Jacob looked at Blair’s smiling face, he whispered to her, ‘You made Case expel her orgasm again like I did?’ ‘Uh huh. Farther, than you did also,’ Blair said in a giggle. ‘I’d say. That must have been a sight for the patrons.’ ‘Not just them. Also for me. It was absolutely beautiful the way she arched it in the air. Just marvelous!’ ‘But you’re hurting, aren’t you Blair?’ ‘Well Jacob, let’s just say that I could be wetter.’ ‘Yeah, I’m sure. Want me to help you get that way?’ ‘Why don’t you...

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Her Turn In The Barrel

Anita Loos is a black woman working in a white, male dominated profession; nevertheless she is planning on going very far in life... partially because she is good, maybe even great, but mostly because she is a very determined woman! She is a brilliant defense attorney who has been making it her life's work to defend as many black clients as possible - regardless of their guilt or innocence. Her determination to defend black clients has been based on the belief that the white establishment has,...

2 years ago
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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 2

“Charlie, I know her. We got to the resort about the same time. I got there the end of May and she came a couple of days later--the first of June. We hung out together. She’s a really neat girl. She and I decided together to stay and have some fun, make some money, and come back all the wiser for it. God, I hope she’s OK. We spent a lot of time together. I wish there was something we could do.” “Think about anything you can remember about her. Who you all met, where you went, anyone that was...

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Cracker Barrels Fireplace Gets Even Hotter with Blair and Casey

Blair continued to kiss Casey as she caressed her breast using Jacob's now cool expelled nucleus as a lotion. She was getting the most out of two of her five senses; taste and feel. Blair was tasting Jacob's tangy core as well as feeling his slickness coat her best friend's firm frontal projection. Blair had always wanted to enjoy Casey's company this way. Now she was doing it with an audience.Casey fell into the touch of her best friend. It was something she could not help. Her body was giving...

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Lock Stock and Barrel

My first husband was a real hypocrite. He would take great pleasure in always reminding me there is a time and place for everything. In his mind, the time and place was only when it fit into his agenda. I remember the hot summer nights of waiting for him to come to bed only to find him asleep on the living room sofa. Since I was a fairly young woman of only thirty years, I was beginning to think I made a serious mistake in marrying a divorced man twenty years my senior. When my best friend Amy...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 191 Dante in the barrel

We transported Dante to Aster in the trunk of Earl's rental car. I had to wonder, if there would be an addition charge, should they ever findd out. The emotional let down after the raid was evident in the Caddy. Nobody spoke for the first few minutes, then it was just in a cryptic sentence now and then. "You did remember to turn the license plate light back on?" I asked the driver. "Yes, and I know most of those who get caught on the road after a job, make some stupid traffic move. I'm...

4 years ago
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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 3

At five-fifty-five, we arrived for our six o’clock reservation for five at the Rainforest Café outside Disney World. We took an electronic puck from the hostess and waited. It’s got to be the busiest restaurant in the world. At five-fifty-eight, I had to restrain Melinda when she saw the big pink wide brimmed ‘Go to Hell’ hat. I told her to walk with Jackie slowly over to them, calmly, let Jackie talk first, and join me where we were waiting before any excitement was noted. When they were...

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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 4

Melinda’s voice was fragile, even weak, when she said, “Same here, but Patricia George didn’t need to die. That part is a huge regret for me. The rest, meeting you, Jackie, and then you, Charlie, and you all finding me and taking me in, I’d go through hell to have that. Looks like I’m doing that, though, doesn’t it?” I had to break up the maudlin scene and get them back to the generally happy people they normally were. “Both of you stop. Melinda, you had nothing to do with her death. I know...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 83 Over a barrel

"Excellent!" Funaho breathed decisively, as Kiyone continued to glare holes in her. More than anything, Key thought the Queen seemed ... Relieved? Almost like she was expecting another answer? She wasn't certain, and didn't know that moment if she gave a damn anyway! "Not like this!" Ayeka openly wept, still kneeling on the floor leaning forward to bury her face into hands. "Please eternal Tsunami! Not like this!" She whispered, almost inaudibly. It was difficult to watch and almost...

2 years ago
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Double Barreled Cunt

Mmmm...not really me to go 3 upsomes???Well 1st time I guess for everything?What can you do when in the same eve 2 lovely fellas want to play and you can't say no to either? Well in this case say yes to both!I thought well Mick(hubby) is away again and I was a bit bored with cock about and in an orgasm desert!!!I knew one fella and he was speaking to his Bruv, who was more than curious to see a white Lady 'real Booty like'.The lad I know is about 25 yo, very long cock, not over think and a huge...

3 years ago
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Cracker Barrels Fireplace Gets Even Hotter with Blair and Casey

Blair continued to kiss Casey as she caressed her breast using Jacob’s now cool expelled nucleus as a lotion. She was getting the most out of two of her five senses, taste and feel. Blair was tasting Jacob’s tangy core as well as feeling his slickness coat her best friend’s firm frontal projection. Blair had always wanted to enjoy Casey’s company this way. Now she was doing it with an audience. Casey fell into the touch of her best friend. It was something she could not help. Her body was...

1 year ago
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Fuck 2 Negro Gun Barrels for Tracy

If you have been following the crazy world of big, fat, useless Tracy, my useless little cocked Hubbies step daughter, then you will realise why I am always so pissed off about that lazy fucking bitch!Okay so having worked hard, and with my black lover Jazz to get rid of her, she is now trying to invade my BBC worls of pleasure!The trick worked, where we got her Fiance, Mark to see her let go with a hung black lad as a voyeur, with Mick, my hubby and see her utterly blacked in all her holes,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 4 Getting It At School With Both Barrels

Mum's forecast about my frustration proved to be a little off the mark as I headed to my first class. Her attention to my little sexual problem only succeeded in waking me up to the many possibilities that existed. It also made me realise just what I was missing out on. After all what did I really have to show in the years since puberty? A few books, several magazines and free access to my parent's videos and DVDs, not to mention the exciting memories of late night and early morning...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kaisa Nord Fucking The Client

Hot Redhead Kaisa Nord seduces real estate agent Vince Carter in today’s Hands on Hardcore episode by the DDF Network. Get ready for some sizzling hot Hardcore XXX action and watch this epic stunner work that Frenchman’s boner as if there was no tomorrow. The long-haired curvy goddess from Russia knows how to suck a dick and swallows his enormous rod down her deep throat. Kaisa Nord craves veiny cocks and needs an orgasm a day – at least! Vince Carter stuffs his hard prick...

3 years ago
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Fuck Festival

This Is A Fuck Festival [Fest] Planned By The Tappu Of The Gokuldham Society. The Plan Was To Know Each Other Family Very Well.Also, The Best Pair [Actual Husband And Wife And The Pair Getting The Highest Points] Both Would Be Getting A Surpise Gift.Also, The Pair Getting The Least Marks Will Have To Abide By The Unknown Rules Which Are Made By The Judges.The Judges Are Mr. Hansraj Hathi & Mrs. Komal Hathi Since They Didn't Participate In The Fuck Fest Due To Their Fat Bodies.So, The...

4 years ago
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The perfect Birthday present

Unusually, it was Paul's idea to get another man involved and although he wasn't gay he did want to suck a big stiff cock. One of the real drivers though was the fantasy of seeing his wife with another man's cock buried into her arse or pussy. He really wanted to see another man using and maybe abusing his wife. They shared everything; their fantasies, their deep dark thoughts and they would constantly fantasise about fucking and sucking in as many different ways as possible. Paul had...

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An angry black stud and his damaged car

I had gone to Helena’s house during the afternoon. Our both husbands were watching a soccer game at the local bar with some buddies; so my sexy girlfriend and me enjoyed a nice sweet moment of full lesbian sex during some hours…As it got dark in the evening, we said goodbye and I walked around the corner to my car.Once inside, I started the engine and moved the gear backwards.I then looked forward in the dim light of the street and I heard a crash in the back. I had not seen al all a black car...

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My Highschool Asian Love Spark

So i was 18 and though a virgin.. i gotta admit for a nice guy like me..most women can't handle my type then end up hurt by another and wish they had me back again..So it was my junior year... and also a newly transferred student... lol now you can judge me and take me as an innocent guy but i've had my fair share of women since and partially before..maybe not sexual intercourse but i can sure as hell pls a woman. My first asian girlfriend...always wanted one..but it came suddenly as no one in...

3 years ago
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My Dream Penthouse

I must be the unseen one of the group, the girl pretty enough to be friends with all these posh party people. But ever since I came to this country I haven’t gotten a single date. Love is almost absent for me. I’m not even in the kitchen, where the twenty or so people gathered in the flat would be able to see me. Why am I not talking to someone? Instead I’ve got this crumply letter in my hands, the one I’ve written for Jake to read. I want to ask what he thought of seeing Melisha and I that...

2 years ago
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Better Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Andrea Michael’s proposal was all I thought about since he gave me his parting kiss at the gate. My pragmatic side kept saying this was such a bad idea. Aside from him, I knew no one in the Bay Area, but our times together would be much more frequent and without all the disruption of taking time away from work. I could fly out to be with family during the holidays, but even these days with my siblings and their families in other parts of the country, those occasions when we all...

3 years ago
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Like RabbitsChapter 1

Carson Vilche stands in front of the mirror of the bathroom, looking himself over. “I can’t believe this...” he says to himself. “Maybe I should have listened to the rules...” He sighs. There is no going back, not for a while. The rules she offered to explain that he refused to listen are in his brain now. He knows every one of them like he knows his name. One of those rules is a simple one: find six companions to spend your time with between Easters. He laughs at this thought. What he finds...

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The Bikini Barista

Introduction: A young lady finds out tips are best, for those who do the most. ​The inspiration for the story: Katrina was tying her hair up in the back in to a loose drooping bun with lots of strands left hanging. She also let her bangs fall over her forehead so they fell just above her eyebrows. It was her first night in a new apartment with three other girls. They were all high school friends who had just graduated and Katrina was so...

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Supernatural Exhibitionism

Natalie Lawmaker is our main character. She loves to be exposed, and has done so thousands of times while getting away with it. The reason she never got into any trouble was because she was always "special". At a young age she found out she could wipe peoples mind, and started playing with it. As she got older she also managed to make people behave the way she wants to. After all is done she can even erase all the memories people have of her of that day from large groups of people at the same...

3 years ago
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Next Door Neighbors 1Chapter 2

Mom said she’d be home from work a little after 3:00, and it’s 2:30 now. I wanted to take a shower and get the sticky cum off me. This is the second shower today because of getting my cum all over me. The last time though, I think I may have used it all up for a few months ... as much as I shot. I was wrong though ... as soon as I started soaping up, my dick swelled up. I mean, it really stuck way out ... my balls were really, really big too. I had to wonder if my dick would even work, after...

4 years ago
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Sucked in my sleep

Hi friends, My name is Jai from Delhi, I am 33years old and this happened 2months back when I was visiting my sis-in-law’s family over the weekend. I am 5ft 9in tall, good looking, 6inch penis with the inborn art to be able to suck a woman’s boobs and pussy till she can’t take it anymore. Since they had some electricity problem, I agreed to sleep in the veranda as it had rained and very good breeze blowing. I have the habit of sleeping in just shorts without any t-shirt and without any undie....

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Simon Says RevengeChapter 3

“You!” I snapped at him, making my cousin back off with the venom in my voice. “Dude ... look ... I don’t want no beef with you! I just ... want Danielle, okay! That’s all this was about! I thought she’d just have a revenge affair for your cheating, not that she’d go nuclear like this! Damn, dude ... I just coveted your wife and wanted her for myself! I even ... lied to her about my sterility. I told her that I couldn’t have any kids. I can and likely made one with her last night. Be mad at...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ke Doodh Aur Choot Ka Maja

Namaskar, adab dosto..Mera naam viraj hai aur mai indore ka rehne vala hu aur meri umar 22 saal ki hai….Meri height 6 ft ki hai aur body shape atheletic hai.. Hamare ghar me mai apne papa-mummy aur behen ke sath rehta hu..Hamare ghar ke bagal me mere chacha ka bhi ghar hai jo ki hamare ghar se bilkul sata ua hai.. Vaha par mere chacha-chachi aur unke do ladke rehte hain…Ladke dono bahar padhte hain.. Aur chacha aur chachi ki umar 45 saal ke aas pass hogi..Chacha ek private firm me guard hain...

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Jessicas Adventure Part 1

Jessica is driving home from the library and her car starts to make a funny sound, she decides since it is late to keep driving, she takes a short cut up a back street.... she knows not to go to this part of town, but she has to admit it kind of excites her, she is driving pass a biker bar when her car makes a loud sound and shuts off.... she looks around and realizes she has no choice the bike bar is the only place open... she steps out of the car in her knee high white stocking and plaid...

1 year ago
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One fantasy fulfilled

i got a text from a very sexy and handsome friend that I had shagged a few times asking me once again if I wanted to meet him to fuck him in the field next to where he works.Was feeling like a very bad girl and agreedReally wanted to be fucked in the ass so I prepared myself. In the shower teased my ass with a soapy toy to clean and start to open it up.scrubbed myself clean inside and out.then laid on my bed feeling really horny. lubed up one toy and played with my bottom some more. sod that I...

1 year ago
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On vacation at the beach

Even on the elevator ride up to their room, Mark and Cindy couldnt keep their hands off each other. With their lips locked together in a passionate kiss, Mark glanced up watching which floor they were on. Bing, the elevator landed on their floor, as the couple headed out to the open balcony to their room. Walking fast, they almost knocked over a kid yelling to his father in the parking lot below. Already having the key out, Mark attempted to unlock their room, number 817. Cindy reached around...

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The Punishment From Her Slave Peers

I owned a very memorable anal slave for a few months before I sold her to a former client of mine who lives up north in order to remove her from my collection for her own safety after a troubling event this past weekend. She was a 23 year old fair-skinned black-haired petite B-cup Caucasian that I had purchased solely to be the anal slave of my cohort, as I was told by her former lesbian master that she preferred anal to vaginal. She told me that the girl was often found sticking her fingers up...

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Palomino Ch 05

Lacey sat in the passenger seat of the old pick-up, staring out the open window as they drove back to the motel. Lance had apparently left with some cute cowgirl and left her and Wesley to get back to the motel on their own. They had booked two rooms earlier, but they hadn’t been anywhere near each other. They were on opposing ends of the building, which was probably a good thing after the boot she had inadvertently thrust into her mouth earlier with bringing up something that was clearly...

4 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 30

Steve I had just discussed the medical laboratory plant with Sue and we agreed that this was an important project. We both wanted to continue to assist Chuck in helping vets any way we could. It was past time to run into work, so I went to see how the company was functioning. A walkthrough of all the shops is always the best way to get a feel for what's going on. I saw Hank in the rear of the motor shop, painting one of Shawna's chopper creations. He was doing it from a chair with his...

2 years ago
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Bad Dolls Have More FunChapter 3

Toshima was radiantly happy today because it was the day she was going to the beach to swim in the waves and bounce the ball on the beach with her friends Miss Lee and Miss Yoko. She had been friends with them for a long, long time. It seemed like they had always been friends. Mister Sanyo, her father's boss, had given her a nice present of a swimming costume and she had worn it several times for him because he liked to play with her bottom inside the single piece suit. She didn't mind at...

4 years ago
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College Celebrations Chastity

“Double booked” said Chastity…. and for such tricky political double-speaker fuckers, they were unsure in the presence of sassy seeping sexuality. It only took one finger curling through her hair, two eyes flirting and three zips down and...Chastity was enjoying a puff on one of Bernard’s fags she had nicked recently. She was in the dorm ablutions, no smoke detectors. It was early, no one else was up. She needed a calming fag before her big day began. Multiple Awards to collect in the morning...

3 years ago
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Shopping Spree0

As the girls giggled there way out of the dressing area, they ran into Julia, a good friend of Betty’s who had just married Max, and was sort of on the outside now of the friendships they all shared. Julia was going to the dressing room. Betty was flushed after what they did and didn’t even know what to say to Julia. She looked so pretty in her tight pink halter-top. Betty was speechless. “Hi Girls,” Julia said, I didn’t know you were friends. “We just ran into each other one night and...

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MAU The Monroe Doctrine

Hi, everyone. This is my first story for Fictionmania following a long hiatus, and there must have been a lot of creative energy building up inside me over that time, because it's about four times as long as any of my previous TG fiction. I think I was also inspired by ambitious, talented authors like The Professor, Julia Manchester and Danielle J, whose work has done so much to raise TG fiction to a new level of sophistication and inventiveness. They gave me a lofty goal to...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Demi Sutra Lala Ivey Case No 5004280

November 7, 2018, 5:33pm. Case #5004280 – Two black adolescents females are suspected of shoplifting on store premises. Loss prevention officer secures one suspect, and then goes back out for the second. Second suspect manages to get into loss prevention office and tries to free the first suspect. Officer stops escape attempt, and informs suspects that law enforcement is going to be notified. Both suspects are willing to cooperate if the police are not involved. The rest of this case is...

2 years ago
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You Should Have Listened to Your Mother

CHAPTER 1 I rolled the sedan to a stop, running down the passenger side window as I approached. “Hi…need a lift? How far you going?” “Yeah, I sure could use a ride. I’m going almost all the way to the capital.” “Okay, I can take you most of the way. Climb in; just dump your backpack in the back seat.” He opened the door and sat. “Before you buckle up, how about grabbing a soda from that little cooler at your feet? There’s an open one in the corner. That’s the one, thanks. Help...

4 years ago
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The Event The Search for MichaelChapter 5

Irina bolted inside the school gates. Svetlana leapt out of the Buick, past Mischa, and chased after her. "Irina!" she cried, "Stop!" She fell to her knees, "Irina?" she cried once more, "please!" The girl stopped, and turned around. "Irina," Svetlana gasped, "I will not harm you. You must come back!" "Where are my parents?" she asked. "Why does the sun stay up and not go down?" she added in a plaintive voice. "How come there are no people? Where are my...

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Ron Sally Craigslist Couple Part 2

After our first meeting went so well and my meeting Alice through them we set up another meeting at a hotel that was half the distance from our respective homes. It had been a couple months since the first time, and Sally was very into our meeting again. Ron had now been fucking her ass regularly and their sex life was revived. Sally wanted her due this time and greeted me with a huge kiss and she had no bra under her shirt and soon after I found no panties under her jeans. After disrobing her...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Mother And Son On A Cruise Liner Part 1

I was on a cruise to the Bahamas with two of my best buddies, Fred and Shawn. We woke up in the morning had a cup of tea and headed out to the deck for a swim. The weather was fantastic. A clear blue sky and a nice warm breeze. We changed into our swimming shorts and got into the water for a swim. Fred began chatting up a middle aged hispanic woman who was also in the pool with us. She looked about 45. She was blonde, quite tall and voluptuous, she had a cute face and perky tits. I couldn't see...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Island Brazil

Cindi, my wife, came home all excited as she hustled to the computer and turned it on.“I just found our next vacation” she beamedNow my curiosity was raised as well, I didn’t want another trip through some temples in Cambodia with food I couldn’t eat.She pulled up a vague web site and was prompted to enter a password she got from our friends, Bill and Janine.After she was given access to the full site she gasped“Wow Derek, are we ready for this?”I looked at the information page. This is an...

3 years ago
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The VoicesChapter 7

Frank waited to come out of the guest bedroom until after he heard Ginny and Kaitlyn out in the kitchen the next morning. He put on the pair of slacks from the night before, and took the rest of his clothes from where he had them in the guest bedroom, over to his own bedroom. He changed into some old clothes, planning on spending most of the morning working out in the yard. When he went into the kitchen, to get some coffee, he thought Ginny was acting strangely around him. He said good...

3 years ago
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Life Under MistressChapter 10

“Do you realize who that is?” Monica asked us all. “No, but evidently you do, so share it with us Monica.” Eric laughed. “Okay, okay that’s Janis Ross Whitney!” Monica told us. “And who is a Janis Ross Whitney???” Eric asked the million dollar question for all of us. “Only the owner and head of Extreme Solutions LLC.” Monica laughed. “And that’s supposed to tell me ... us something?” Eric complained, looking around at the rest of us. “Ok ... Ok. She is the person you go to when your...

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Stefan cont

The timid panting of the young man beneath me was stifled by the pillow his glistening fingers clung to as I rhythmically impaled him with a passionate dedication. Despite his best attempts to be quiet he would let out a little moan now and again that caused a delectable twitching deep in my lower abdomen and I would counter the sensation by taking a deep breath and turning my face up toward the dark ceiling before focusing once more on my thrusts. I myself was far too disciplined to let so...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Wrong Room Ch 02

After some prodding from some fans I've decided to go ahead and release chapter 2. Currently I'm hard at work on the final chapter. As always thanks for all the kind words. The next morning Ryan awoke with a huge grin on his face. He'd managed to sleep with his own mother without her knowing it had happened. He laid there for a while just reflecting on the past night's outcome. Eventually, Ryan came to a couple of realizations. First, he had to fuck his mother again. Second, thanks to her...

2 years ago
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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 5 Libertarian or Libertine

By now we had received the lists of those who had attended the Shelleys' wedding, and also those who attended the after wedding entertainment, hosted by Lord and Lady Lane at Taplow Court. I asked Colonel Slade why he always referred to the entertainments at the Lanes' as 'Rowley's Revels'. He laughed and explained. "You may recall that King Charles the Second had the soubriquet of 'Old Rowley'? The reason being was that the king had the stamina, and the appetite, of his favourite...

2 years ago
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A Game of FootsieChapter 22

Life is never without bumps in the road. I was reminded of this when picking up Sia from her sleepover at Lara’s. Outwardly bubbly and peppering me with questions about how my date with Mrs. Sanderson had gone, trying to interrogate me for details I wouldn’t reveal, I noticed her eyes. Sia could hide nothing from me and those mismatched eyes were troubled. Knowing from experience not to press, I waited patiently for her to mull, let her thoughts ferment until she couldn’t remain silent. I...

2 years ago
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Poolside Fantasy

The warm early summer sun caresses your skin as you climb dripping from the pool. The water glistens on the black fabric of your favorite one piece swimsuit. You know how sexy you look in it as it hugs your curves.You leave damp foot prints behind you as you stride towards the showers. You can’t help but notice a man admiring you his rigid cock strains against the thin nylon of his trunks. The damp material hides little, you can clearly make out the rounded head of his manhood.Knowing he is...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Rachel 03012018

We’ve all seen them, the quiet girls in the corner with the glasses and big sweaters. You might not give them a second look, but that would be a mistake because what’s underneath is a sex kitten just waiting to get out. Such is the case with 21 year old Rachel, a self proclaimed nerdy girl who’s eager to please and get laid. Almost a virgin, she’s only been with two guys before and TC would be her third. That’s a pretty big leap to take, shooting a video with a...


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