Best Party Ever Part 2
- 1 year ago
- 26
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Day Forty-four - Tuesday
Oh my, what an intoxicating aroma. My dream was filled with Sue's scent, her secretion odor. At the same time, my dick was being brought to an exciting explosion, while my eyes were still closed.
Just as my first shot launched from my loins, I awoke to find the delicious sight of Sue's moist pussy inches from my own lips. When I raised my head to suck her clit into my mouth she erupted, sending sprays of her own juices over my chin and neck. The only sounds were Sue's "Ah! Ah! Ah!"
Sue held me in her sucking mouth until there was nothing more to suck out of me. She then lay fully on me, breathing heavily, "Oh Steve, I was so horny for you when I woke up. I needed to love you so I just sucked you up. Doing that to you made me so hot, I came as soon as your tongue touched me. So good!"
We got out of bed to hit the john. Sue pulled the wet bedclothes from the bed while I started a pot of coffee. We enjoyed an erotic shower, with an additional coupling, before going out on the patio and turning on a light.
Shawna showed up first, with a T-shirt full of holes her only covering. She did her usual feet on the front edge of the chair, showing off her fire red trimmed beaver. This time however, there was white gooey stuff leaking out of her. Shawna was idly scooping up a finger-full at a time before slipping the finger into her mouth. With her other hand she was holding her coffee mug.
Hanna showed up a few seconds later and observed the antics Shawna was going through. Hanna reached over and scooped a finger full then, sucking it into her mouth said, "I just love that stuff. I'll never get pregnant. When Jim gets hot, ready to get off, I make him feed it to me. Don't know what it is, but I love the taste of that stuff."
Glenda came in during Hanna's discourse and mentioned that she should get as much as she can now because when Jim got older, he would only be able to give her the taste treat once a day, at the most.
Charlie came onto the patio with a smile on his face, checking out his wife's lewd display, "You trying to attract more takers for the hot twat of yours or are you trying to cool it off?"
"More would be nice, but no, not advertising, mostly just tasting what you left," Shawna smiled giving her husband a kiss.
Jim, Tiny, and Ruth showed up about the same time. Ruth once again was showing off her nice, large, breast areolas and nipples through another transparent gown. We guys had a hard time keeping our eyes off the various shows being put on.
Sue was curled up in my lap with her head on my shoulder, "Do you think you will finish moving today?"
Tom and Al, with Betty and Joan, had just arrived. Tom said that everything should be done, including cleaning up the storage place, by noon.
"Good," Sue said, "I think Gene's planning to come over after lunch. I would like to be able to show him a little activity. He is a link to a lot of future business. He said he wanted to bring his wife by to meet all of us."
I added to conversation, "A shipment of materials should arrive today. I will build the stands to hold the materials and you guys can start work on some frames and some sheet metal. We can show Gene a set of completed sheet metal and see how he wants to handle delivery and testing to see if it's worthwhile for us to do the forming. Oh yeah, the phone guy is going to be installing cable for the phones, computers, and paging. Be careful of his guys on ladders. If they need help, do it."
Charlie and Jim said they wanted to stop by after work to check out how the building additions were coming along. Charlie also wanted to see this work area Shawna was gushing over.
Ruth said she wanted to look at my computer and all of my receipts and deposits to date so she would have a place to work from. She said the longer she waited, the harder it would be to get all the records straight.
The contractor showed up to have some coffee with us. Shawna quit showing off her beaver, but Betty, Joan, Hanna, and Ruth couldn't help but become focal points due to their very thin dressing gowns.
He was telling me we could park all of our equipment in the fenced in lot this morning. The lot should be finished being packed and rolled. He said he was going to have a crane at the shop putting up the cross members and roof of the new buildings. The paint booth equipment should arrive today as well. Also, he said, if all went well, the new shop area should be built out by Thursday and the paint booth addition by Friday or Saturday morning. Final inspection won't happen on the paint booth until Monday, but he thought he could get the other side inspected and passed tomorrow morning. I asked him to have his plumber work with Abe on the air lines.
Tiny, Charlie, and Jim said they needed to get going, as did the contractor. He thanked us for the coffee and told the girls showing off that he enjoyed their company as well.
Before Tom and Al left, I told them that I wanted to hang the frame in the showroom using some heavy wire. Then I wanted them to mount the set of sheet metal onto the other frame so Shawna could begin painting it. Shawna told me to wait for the paint booths, as it would be a better job. Al agreed with her saying he would help on the initial prep, primer, and first coats as well as the clear when it was all done.
I hated to wait but it would have to be. Sue suggested I take the shovel into the showroom to display Shawna's work, that way she might be able to get some work from one or more of the NASCAR teams. That was good idea, so I had Tom and Al to help me lift the bike into the back of the pickup and tie it down. I threw a bunch of cleaning materials into the truck to make the bike shine.
Sue said she had to go by her Uncle Ben's office and the bank before coming in, but would be there by ten. We both left with a full day ahead of us.
The big lot looked great paved. It gave the whole place a professional appearance. I was amazed at the rapid progress being made on the additions. There were two cranes, one on each side of the building lifting panels up to be fitted and attached as a roof. Men were already working on the inside of the big shop addition, attaching insulation to the roof and front wall, while more men were erecting panels on the sides.
The paint addition was coming along about the same except they were not finishing off the front so the paint booths could be easily installed. There was a tractor-trailer backed up to the rear doorway. Abe was lifting materials off with the newer forklift and setting the materials in stacks on pallets on the shop floor. I had not realized how much I had ordered.
Tom and Al helped me get the bike out of the pickup and I pushed it up front to the showroom. Shawna shooed me out saying she would get the bike ready for display as it was her work and this was for promoting her business.
I went to the back of the shop where I wanted to build the rack for the tubing and sheet metal. On the welding shop side I set aside the beams necessary for that rack then had Abe take the other rack material to the sheet metal side which was closer to the paint building.
This was raw work, nothing fancy. I measured what sizes I would need and set up the beams so I could cut them with the gas torch. I laid everything out in the manner I wanted it be then using the wire feed arc, welded the pieces together. Once they were all put together, I got Tom and Al to help me stand the rack up and move it to the wall. The rack was heavy and stable enough to not move but I still welded it to the two beams holding up the building at that location.
While I was doing the rack on the other side for the sheet metal, Abe separated the various pieces of tubing and blank plate to make up a complete set then used the forklift to put it on the rack.
Tom and Al had taken a forklift into the showroom and used it to hang the frame from the steel joist overhead. They had it at a forty-five degree slant pointing down with the whole thing slightly tilted to show off the interior of the cockpit.
When they were done I had them separate the sheet metal into groups representing one car in each group. Abe lifted it onto the rack then we all got busy cleaning up the floor from the recent activity. We were able to easily restore the shop floor to the glossy, just painted look.
Sue was in our new office with the computer guy who was sitting in my chair, frantically taking notes.
The telephone guys were a busy group, pulling cables to all parts of the building, hanging speakers way up high on the overhead beams and pushing wire through the tiled office ceiling with the tiles pulled out. The telephone contractor said he had brought several extra men so he could do the job fast, if that was okay with me. I like the way this man thought.
Glenda showed up with a huge box of sandwich material. She had over twenty pounds of lunchmeats, with all the trimmings, including lettuce, tomatoes, and all the condiments. As she put it in the lunchroom, I told the telephone guys they were welcome to eat any time they wanted, then went out to the contractor and told him his men were welcome to eat with us.
When he said his men would be too dirty to come in, I said, "Soap and water is cheap. Tell them to come on in. We have plenty of food and iced tea. The bathroom in the shop area is ready for some dirty guys. Enjoy."
The word went out to all the men and the heavy equipment was being shut down quickly. It was the right thing to do, as they all were excited at being treated well by the customer.
The computer guy was going to return with the first load of equipment in an hour or so. Shawna had finished up the bike, making the showroom look pretty good. Ruth had purchased several big fake potted trees to soften up the cold appearance.
Sue and I were looking at the showroom from the front door when Gene, accompanied by two other men and a lady drove up. As he got out of his big Lincoln, he pointed up to the S&S sign in front then came through the big front double doors. All four of them stopped and looked at the frame hanging at eye level from the ceiling, and then down at the floor to see the embedded S&S. Gene had a big smile on his face. One of the other guy's eyes were glued to the bike.
Gene introduced his wife, and the two guys as a visiting team owner and his crew chief. The two guys choked a little shaking Sue's hand, as they were both tall. That means they were looking straight down into some great cleavage. Gene's wife wasn't chopped liver but she was not even close to Sue.
We told them that we were moved in, but in a building mode, putting in a telephone system and adding onto the building.
Out in the shop area we turned to the left to see the welding shop first. The area was large enough to build four frames at a time if we had the orders and folk to build that much at a time. Again the focal point of the embedded S&S gave proof to how clean and bright the place was. Gene noted the rack at the back of the building with all the materials on it.
On the wall near the workbench and group of stands, the blueprint of the frame was mounted with a clear sheet of plastic over it for protection. I was going to have to compliment Tom for that.
I showed them the new building and how it was going, explaining this was going to be our rebuilding shop for large mobile generators and compressors. We walked around the rear of the dividing partition to the sheet metal area.
"Gene, I said I would have something that I hope enthuses you."
Al had laid out the entire car's set of panels on the floor, in an order that you could tell what each panel was for.
"Are these to spec?" Gene asked.
"Exact to the blueprint you gave me," I replied.
"How many sets do you have?" he asked.
"Just this one, plus another set almost complete," I said wondering at how rapidly he was questioning me.
"How fast can you make more?" Gene was now being pushy like he had never done before.
I was now even wondering if we had sprung this new venture on Gene too early, "Until we can train more people, we should be able to produce five or six a week."
"Put me down for twenty sets," Gene said matter of factly.
"Are you building twenty cars?" I asked.
"No, we need spare sheet metal for the cars. They get beat up and panels need to be replaced constantly."
"Are there panels that are not affected? I'm sure there are some parts that get hurt more often than others."
"You're right, but we never know, so we make up complete sets to take along and then once a month or every six weeks, we take stock and only make what we need to make up more sets. If you're making them up, you'll be cheaper than we can do it ourselves, so just make up the whole thing."
"Gene, how about two full sets then I'll get your crew chief to tell me what panels they need more pieces of. That will save you a ton."
Gene turned grinning at the other team owner and crew chief, "See, that's why I love the way this guy works. He's saving us time and money at every turn."
"Well, now that you've brought it up, I have another piece of the puzzle that I would like to fit. Come this way."
We walked into the shop area that was going to be Shawna's work area. Again the big S&S on the floor stood out. We walked through it, then out the back door to look at the construction of the paint addition.
The visiting crew chief said, "Looks like you're building double paint booths."
I smiled and walked over to where the trucks were parked and showed them the S&S logos.
"Did you like the paint on the bike up front?" I asked looking at them. Gene's wife said with a blush, "That is the most erotic paint on a vehicle I've ever seen."
Gene, and the visitors said, "Erotic?"
"When we go back in, I'll show you," she said.
I continued, "I have a painter that will paint your entire car or just the base colors and any custom lettering. I want more of your business. The booths are for our rebuild operation but I think we can be of even more service to you. Let us do some of the grunt work your guys hate. We'll install the decals for you as well if you want."
The visiting owner asked, "How much are you going to charge for all of that?"
"I have no idea. You and I will have to work out what it's worth to you."
The visiting crew chief said, "Since we are not close by, if we were to receive panels already painted in our basic colors, that would be a real advantage. We could put on the decals. Hell just being able to buy a frame like the one we saw at Gene's, and panels as nice as those inside, would put us three days plus ahead of schedule."
I looked at the crew chief, "We would put all the panels on the frame but then you wouldn't be able to get your equipment inside and it would be too difficult to work on the inside set up. We haven't been able to come up with a way to securely fasten the panels and still have them be removable."
He replied, "You're right about the equipment installation. We'll look at ways it might be done. You're going to have to get paint lot numbers for every team you paint for. So when they touch them up after installing the panels the paint matches."
"I've thought of that but figured I can buy paint from the same vendors as the teams or just buy it from the individual team to make sure it's the same," I said, agreeing with the crew chief.
Gene said, "You already have us so used to being able to say, hey Steve, we need a frame and it magically appears that with the sheet metal going for you, my crew is going to want to adopt you."
Gene continued, "Steve, you have a real operation here. I'm excited for you and know you will be radically successful at it. I'm going to help you with my business for sure. I know my counterpart out in Lakeland thinks you walk on water. Does he know about your sheet metal yet?"
"You're the first, Gene," I said seriously. "This is a new venture, it's going to take a little while to get it expanded, but you know we work hard training people to do perfect work."
The other owner said, "I like that phrase, perfect work. Gene told me you said you wouldn't accept anything but perfect work from yourself."
We had walked back into Shawna's area. She was cleaning some of her painting equipment, so I introduced everyone to her. The crew chief looked at her, "You're so little, how will you get at the top of the cars?"
Shawna pointed to a platform with steps on wheels, "If I use that, I don't drag the air hose all over the side of what I'm painting. I encourage tall guys to use one too as they will have a smoother paint job."
The crew chief nodded, "I'll have my guys get one of those."
We walked up the back stairs into the break room. We looked into the conference room, then walked along the balcony till we came to Ruth's office. I introduced everyone, telling them Ruth was the person I depended upon to keep the business in the black.
I showed them the fancy office and Gene turned to his wife, "I want one just like this. We've been going to remodel for years, I want one like it."
Back downstairs in the showroom, Gene's wife pointed out the flames and how they were molded into forms that represented male and female couples. Shawna had placed the two helmets on the seats. Gene's wife pointed out how one helmet was all silver representing the male figures and the gold represented the female.
"I don't think we could get away with that on a racecar," the visiting team owner said.
We walked over to my office, where I took out a couple of order forms, "Gene, how about ten sets of sheet metal then we'll start tracking what you've used. If we have you and several other teams to track for a year, we should be able to have a good idea of spare parts needed for the road."
I added, "I don't have a price for it, but if you'll help me with it, it will be a good price."
Gene told me, "I'll have the crew chief and the accountant call you, they have it broken down. Don't paint these first ones, primer would be good though. We'll work on paint soon."
I turned to the visiting team owner, "Would you like to order any frames and sheet metal packages?"
"Will you work for me, too?" he asked surprised by my question.
"Of course, that's why Gene brought you. I'm going to have to pay for this building someway."
He looked at me, "Can you deliver them?"
"Sure, if the price is right. Where is your team's shop?" I asked.
"South Carolina."
"Shouldn't be a problem, If it's more than two at a time, we'll contract a commercial carrier. I don't own a big tractor with a flat bed yet. I guess I should look for an enclosed trailer though for the frames and sheet metal."
"Oh, that reminds me, Gene, I'm going to ship all the frames we build from now on in primer to keep any rust down. The weather is just too moist to have bare metal exposed."
"That's another step off the process. Why not just use our frame paint and finish the job," Gene offered. "That's worth two - three hundred dollars."
"Okay, two hundred more for primer and paint," I said making a notation.
The visiting team owner said, "I want to order five frames and two sets of sheet metal. I'm not desperate today but who knows about tomorrow."
"We'll get right on it, you should have delivery, early next week," I said then added "Gene and I will come up with a fair price on the sheet metal and I'll call you to confirm."
Before leaving, Gene said, "You better put me down for two more frames so I'll have them in stock. So far this season, the drivers can't keep them on their wheels."
After they left Sue asked, "Should we put on our coveralls and start?"
"Maybe, but I'm going to get Tom and Al going and see if I can hire some more people. We're going to need at least one, maybe two more sheet metal guys, and probably two more welders."
We went to see how Abe's new shop was coming. It was entirely enclosed with new bright overhead lighting. The design had large windows along the outside wall giving some natural light too. All of the inside insulation was up and now the workmen were putting up some kind of tough washable composite paneling. Following right behind them were two guys building a commercial workbench that would be from one end of the shop to the other except for where doors were.
Abe was standing, with two guys in their fifties or early sixties, watching the contractor's activities. He saw Sue and me approaching and introduced Gary and Ted, two men who he had worked with previously. He said they had agreed to come to work rebuilding product. Abe said he had a guy for me to meet tomorrow. A former company salesman that knew every dealer in a six-state area.
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xmoviesforyouIt was Memorial Day Weekend in California, and my older brother’s basketball team was heading up to Reno for the annual basketball tournament. And of course i was being dragged along with them. Let me start of describing myself to you. My name is Vendela. I am a sixteen-year-old girl from San Francisco. I have an older brother, who is 17. I am 5′ 6”, have golden blonde hair, 36 C breasts, olive toned skin and amazingly long legs. So basically, I’m a knock-out as my bro’s friends would say it....
I'm Veronica, I'm 5'4, with red hair and just B-cup boobs. I'm 37, I've never been married, or had any kids. For the last ten years, I've been a detective. I've personally solved over 100 cases, myself. Although, last year my captain actually assigned me a partner. Honestly, I just never wanted a partner. I always worked best alone, I got the job done, and didn't have any drama to go along with it. My partner is named Steven, and he is a little younger than me, at 32. I heard he had a little...
Straight SexHi all iss reader I am back with my second part that how we both lose our virginity as have to continue my experience. As I was fucking her and enjoying and I am now in to and fro action and she was also started to enjoying it slowly and in middle she was saying with me that she loves and want her to fuck harder. She was moaning making sound like oh my god, fuck me nicely and by listening to her it has driven me crazy and I have started fucking her hard like a hungry tiger hunting for his prey....
Hi, I'm O2BeLISA. CHERRY is a sequel to THE VOLUNTEER. If you haven't read The Volunteer then none of the characters in this story will be recognizable and the story, by itself, won't make any sense. So please read the prequel first which is just how things in the world should be. CHERRY I, like, really truly love this section of town. Everyone says I have the best corner but it wasn't always the best one; it is now, sweetie, because it's...
You probably know how I feel about a hot slutty MILF, but some of the best ones look like they have a BDSM fetish. The tatted MILFs are always too excited to gag on cock. Since I watch so much porn, sometimes I like mixing it up with some live girls. I'm always jizzing to the hot MILFs, and sometimes I'll find a hot MILF on camera to beat off to while I find the next site to review. One of those cam chicks was Anna Bell Peaks, so my huge-ass boner told me I had to check out her Twitter page...
Twitter Porn Accounts12-21-2013Walking in the door I knew this girl was like no other, tall, statuesque, beautiful brunette with a lovely voice. This was no bang and leave session...No! This girl was sexy, sensual and wanted my time and attention, the feeling was mutual. Most encounter I have are with totally submissive girls who just want me to control the room upon entry, but I knew talking with this girl beforehand that she wanted more... she wanted to get too know me. Unlike any other encounter I was hungry...
Edited with my profuse thanks by Barney R. Spelling and grammar checks on my modifications by Grammarly Any and all mistakes and omissions are on me She came to us scarred emotionally and hurt physically, she healed us and together we healed her. We, Sandy (Sans) and I were going through a very rough period in our marriage. Some of the blame belonged to each of us, but a lot of it was, as are most couple’s problems, about money, and the lack of it. I am a highly placed executive with a...
She received the post on Monday and she tore the envelope open excitedly. She had been waiting for this for what seemed like forever! Quickly she read through the letter, searching for the answer she hoped was in it. There it was, she had been accepted! Chelsea Bell had applied to a well known college in the United States to study. She had chosen this school, partially for its reputation for having a good sociology program. She wanted to become a criminal sociologist. But she had also chosen a...
It's another Thursday. Katia is home for a change. She’s packing stuff into boxes. She and Nadine are going to move out soon. Katia packing her things feels like a symbol of our relationship’s failure. I’m growing uneasy. I need to get out of here. “I’m going out for a bit Katia. Will be back in the evening after dinner. Is that ok with you?” “Sure Frank. See you tonight.” I’m returning in the evening. It’s dark. Some lights are still on in my house. I’m entering through the front door....
This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.) A youthful outlaw...a
That afternoon, John and Kandy dressed casually for there dinner date with Cedric. As Kandy dabbed a bit of her favorite perfume behind her ears, she turned to John. "Do you think Cedric will like me? After all it's been a while since he had a sexual relationship with a woman." John turned to her and winked, "With your sexy red hair and gorgeous body he won't be able to resist you. As for me, I'm just going along for the ride." "Yeah right, don't look now dear, but you're...
The Masturbation CouchThe party was in full swing and I had downed a few beers already when the host told me about the masturbation chair.“Masturbation couch?” I yelled into his ear over the loud music. “Wha, what?” I stammered, embarrassed that this topic just popped up out of the blue.“Yeah!” He said with a gleam in his eye. “I’ve porn on the TV in the guest room, there’s a couch there” he said, pointing to the couch on the far side of the wall from the TV. “Anybody who sits on that couch HAS...
Hello dosto. Mera naam Rajat hai aur mein jaipur mein rehta hun. Mein engineering kar rha hun or mujhe aunty and bhabhi bohot pasand hai and mein unko secretly maje bhi deta hun phone pe and text pe. Ab mein apko kahani sunane ja rha hun. Mein summer holidays mein apni nani ke gaya hua tha aur vhan pe meri mami bhi rehti thi. Ek din unki ek friend aaie thi jo teacher thi school mein meri maami ke sath. Unka naam neha tha and jab unko pehli baar dekha toh mera lund pura khada ho gya tha. Pehlie...
Megan’s QuestionsChapter One In our house, I have an office tucked back in a quiet area of the second floor. I am a columnist for a local newspaper, writing about politics and current events in our community, and nationally. I do contribute to other newspapers with my own byline. I am lucky as I can work from home on my computer. There are times when I must make an appearance at the ?salt-mines?, doing my column while in the offices of our newspaper. One afternoon, just...
BASHFUL MUST BE DESTROYED by Eric (you might want to read Bash's Bakery first) He sat upon his dark throne brooding, his forehead deeply knitted. Such an insult must not be tolerated -- nay, would not be tolerated. Bashful must pay. (Bashful? What a misnaming of names!) Bashful must be destroyed, utterly! How? 'Death was too easy for the slime ball, and transformation into a dirty dog might be a step up,' the cruel figure thought with graveyard humor. His brilliant...
HumorThe chief of scouts was still trying to catch his breath, "that carpet is something else. Quite scary." "It can be interesting," said Kurt. "Bill can drive anything." "You guys are early," accused the Cheese. "Early?" panted the lead scout, "we're not early. It looks like we're just in time." "Well, yeah," laughed Cheese, "you're on time for the party, but you're a couple of hundred years too soon for us." The lead scout got a confused look, "oh, I don't know what...
Replacing Grandma Chapter 4 of 5 Jason moved his legs slightly, feeling the wetness. Those damn tablets! And he had forgotten to put on the incontinence pad this morning. Groggily, he stood up as Marion knelt at his feet and pulled down his hosiery. "Oh, mother, what are you doing?" she sobbed. "It's those damn tablets. I can't seem to think straight, and I feel like I need to pee all the time." "Let's get you cleaned up, and into something dry." Minutes later, Jason was...
As I told you in my first story I received my very first blow job after I joined the Navy. In fact I received two the same night. One was when I was half naked and the second one was when I was completely naked. That night was a number of firsts for me. It was the first time I got a blow job, the first time I was ever naked in front of an adult for the purpose of having sex, the first time anyone had played with my nipples and I discovered that I enjoyed everything that happened. The next...
Tuesday, January 7, 2019 The rest of the semester was a bitch, a stone-cold cast-iron bitch. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it was just unrelenting work. Maybe it was because I had taken a lot of time on the two consulting jobs or maybe it was because of the time taken up with Tolley’s book project. More likely it was because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing trying to get a doctorate in history. I mean, I knew there was a lot of reading that was going to be involved....
A day of fundraising takes an odd turn. Toni yawned. She’d been standing in the sun for several hours now - it was the annual appeal, and her job was to approach cars, jingle her red cup, and ask for money. Fascinating stuff. It was a good cause though, and Toni had been doing it for years. Even now, when she had a day-job which earned her more in an hour than their daily targets with the appeal, she was still happy to help out. The exposure was important, and it served as a nice contrast to...
Hi I am Alex 29, 6inch height. My dick is 7inchs long and I work in a MNC in Pune and am a gym freak so I have a well maintained body.This is my true incident with my sil This happened with me last year in April. I was living a happy life with my wife Sneha “29”she is a busty one n I just love her brown nipples!!! Even after 19 months marriage we still fuck 2 times a day like rabbits. But it was about change cause my wife is an accountant and they are head over heels with work at April...
IncestWe were heading for another day in paradise. Steph and I had been looking forward to a couple of days of camping and playing at our favorite nude beach in the Florida Keys. This was the beach where Steph was introduced to the uninhibited nude beach experience about two years earlier. She had been reluctant at first even though we had enjoyed doing some very erotic 'accidental' flashing.We knew it turned us on when we were being watched and Steph had finally agreed to visit the nude beach with...
ExhibitionismAndrea, for those who have not read previous stories, is five foot two tall blondish hair and beautiful 36DD breasts, on a slim build; her breasts though have wonderful nipples when fully erect and always appear as delectable ¼ inch nubs protruding almost half an inch from her breasts. The other thing you should be aware of from previous stories is that Andrea is submissive but of limited experience but she does fully trust her master. Summoned to her master's side, Andrea was told to...
Author’s note:[ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. As soon as I stepped away from my motorcycle, the bandits had a clear view of me. Their boss said, “Who the hell are you? That is a damned stupid looking outfit!” “I am your worst nightmare. I am here to rescue the girl and to punish the five of you for your crimes. My outfit is to make me easy to remember.” [Replicator, please give the girl a temporary set of body armor.] [Done, but remember, the energy beam can go through the body...
The next day at school, the rest of the Daddy’s Girls could sense something was different with Beth. She was exuberantly bouncy, but seemed stiff somehow. She had a faraway look in her eye, and more than once had to be called out to snap out of her reverie. Ordinarily, the Girls would read these signs to sense that something was wrong. However, the smile never left her face. They let it rest until lunch.They met at their normal gathering place, the large Oak tree off near the edge of the school...
IncestNothing could detract from Madam Hortense Barber’s haughty sense of absolute victory over masculinity, as she led the quivering and naked Brigham leashed and on all fours down to the gallows to hang for her pleasure, not even the gaudy cart, drawn close to the wicked scaffold on which the leashed cur was to be displayed, his erection displaying his pathetic lust to be taunted on the rope with deserved justification by the magnificent woman leading him to it, that erection pulsing and his anus...
When I woke up the next morning, I first had to recall where I was and how I had ended up there. The environment seemed familiar, yet unusual. That was until I vaguely remembered I was lying on the living room couch—alone. Drowsy as I was I tossed and turned a bit until my face came to rest on Emily's pillow. Unconsciously, I hugged the pillow and dug my nose into it to catch her smell which set just a few butterflies in my belly free."Jackson," I heard her say, making me jump and throw her...
TeenIt’s a typical, shitty, rainy Friday. I’m with my friend Nat and we’re outside a club, waiting to get in. I’m already drunk, and I see this man. He’s in his mid-twenties, tall, brunette. There’s something different about him. He’s beautiful, yet he seems distant. I stare at him for a while then he turns his head towards my direction. His eyes meet mine. I instantly turn away, flash my ID to the doorman and make it in the club. The music fills my ears, I feel the beat all the way to my heart and...
This story came in for some criticism as being too complicated. I was trying to make the story succinct and subtle and all who commented said it was too obscure. Therefore I have hammered out all the subtlety, adding half as many words again and submitting it for your comments. ***** SCHOOL AND MALL – Pass it on. ‘Don’t go too far, Katie,’ I cautioned, ‘Karate’ll only be five minutes.’ Katie was two and fearless. I was 62 and wired fearful whenever I babysat my grandchildren. At half-term...
My name is Akash. I am 23-year-old and last year I have finished my B.Tech from Vellore. I have had many girlfriends in my college but my sexual experiences were limited only to kissing, cuddling and smooching. After engineering, I moved to Banglore for my job. Here at my new office, I got a close group of friends who were full of life and very fond of partying and clubbing. We were some 7 people, three boys, and four girls. To give you a visual experience, I am 5.8 feet tall, with a gym-toned...
My head was screaming as I awoke! I kept trying to remember last night? All there was darkness,emptiness, and forgotten hours. The booze had been free and it did nor it matter that I knew no one. Free kept repeating its self! I was not even sure what day it was."Morning sleepy..." I open my eyes to a girl that I did not remember. I tried to move,found out that it was impossible! "Shhh." her finger touched my lips. "You cannot move sweety. Nor can you escape." Fear shook me fully awake! I tried...
Where is he? I wondered. I ran a hand through my long black hair, myeyes fixed on the entrance to the pub. Alex had gone into there around ten minutes ago, and he should have been back by now. My hand fidgeted nervously with the buttons on my coat, as I felt the cool evening breeze caress the bare skin of my legs. A smirk played across my lips as my fingertips stroked playfully across the stockings I was wearing. Alex will be pleased, I thought. I’d decked out my voluptuous form with the...
BisexualRenee was the first neighbor to greet us when we moved into the neighborhood, and has been one of our best friends ever since. She is around our age, and her two kids are in the same age range as our kids, so we all got along great. Renee is blonde, about five feet tall, and maybe 100 pounds. She has a tight little ass and perky breasts. She always seemed to be in a great mood, and could light up a room just by walking in. Needless to say, I didn’t mind when we all went to the beach or the...
Group Sex