Axiom Ch. 06 free porn video

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It was still dark when Gwyneth inexplicably stirred from sleep, even though the alarm hadn’t gone off. Still groggy, she was about to roll over and slip back into slumber until she realized that she wasn’t alone in bed. A strong, muscular arm was draped over her waist, pulling her close to the masculine warmth that was spooning her from behind. Slowly, she twisted around to face him, making sure not to wake him in the process. When he felt her weight shift his arms tightened around her in reflex and his breath hitched a little, but the movement didn’t rouse him. Looking at his sleeping face made her smile.

Even when he was unconscious, he wore a slightly stern expression, looking all serious and grim like he always did. It occurred to her that she’d never seen him in his sleep before. He did look so delicious with his hair all tousled and messy, his toned chest rising and falling in deep, steady breaths. Memories from the night before began to percolate through her mind, reminding her of the gravity that yesterday’s events implied, but she brushed it off and allowed herself to succumb to the dregs of sleep. Gwyneth sighed in contentment and pressed her nose into the shallow space between his chin and collarbone, weaving a long leg through his parted ones. Comfortably snuggled up against him, she drifted off back to join him in his dreams.

The alarm blared on time and Gwyneth’s arm shot out in reflex to snooze it. Morning sunlight cut through a gap in the curtains in a faint beam and she could feel him stirring beside her, his long limbs stretching as he slowly woke up. He yawned widely and buried his nose in her hair, reluctant to get out of bed.

‘Morning,’ his voice was gruff and deep, pretty much as sexy as she’d ever heard him.


Gwyneth smiled a little and pressed a kiss on his stubbly jaw. Her whole bed smelt of him – that clean, masculine scent lingered on her sheets and pillows, titillating her senses. God, this was utterly divine. A small part of her memory pricked up, reminding her that they should probably talk about yesterday and at least try to sort things out. But as she pulled away as saw Aidan gazing at her with heavy-lidded eyes, blinking so slowly she thought he might just slip back into unconsciousness at any second, she just let it go.

That could wait – for now, she just wanted to enjoy him and soak in the afterglow of a memorable night. They just lay there, looking at each other, reveling in each other’s presence. She found it odd that he was so lugubrious this morning. The normal Aidan usually hopped out of bed with enough time to spare for a leisurely breakfast with the morning paper.

‘I don’t ever want to leave this bed,’ he murmured, voice still thick with sleep.

‘You’re more than welcome to stay here with me all day…’

‘Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.’

His arm snaked around her neck to pull her in for a morning kiss and he moaned softly into her lips as he felt her kiss him back. It was almost surreal, she thought. Cuddling with him in her bed on a lazy morning the night after they’d admitted their feelings for each other. As if to convince herself that he was really there and this was not just a dream, her hands embarked on a stealthy expedition across his body, starting from the chiseled planes of his chest and slowly moving south…True enough, her sleepy lover cracked one eye open and shot her a sensuous smile. Her fingers fluttered over the ridges of his abdomen, tracing the grooves between each muscle, inching towards his most sensitive spot. He was already hard when her fingers closed over his length, drawing out a throaty groan from him. The fog of sleep started to clear from his eyes when her hand started to move up and down his engorged member, igniting the familiar sparks of desire in him.

Biting her lip to hide her smile, she rolled on top of him before he even had time to react, propping herself up on her elbows to hover above him. Her long brown hair fell in a smooth curtain around their faces. Their lips met again, the kiss as heavy with desire and want as it was with tender affection. His hands ran down the length of her smooth, slender back, luxuriating in the feel of skin on naked skin. She could feel his hardness pressing against her belly, the physical evidence of just how much he wanted her. With a playful gleam in her eye she let her kisses trail downwards, meandering in a leisurely path down his jawline and neck to pause at his nipples. She took one into her mouth, flicking at the sensitive tip with her tongue and watched him stiffen in response. When she nipped at the small bud with her teeth she heard his growl at the base of his throat, the strong muscles of his thigh going taut with tension. Keeping her eyes fixed on his, she continued towards his groin, watching his eyes darken as she moved closer and closer to where he wanted her most.

She was almost at his navel when his phone rang in a plaintive, digital bleat, vibrating loudly against the surface of the bedside table. As they both chose to ignore it, she deviated her kisses towards the insides of his thighs, fully intending to drive him crazy. It worked – he pushed himself up onto his elbows and sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, staring down at her with licentious eyes. Thankfully the phone stopped ringing, just in time for Gwyneth to tease him with soft kisses at the line where his hip met his legs. He didn’t move a muscle and allowed her to torture him to her heart’s content. She could see the hunger blazing in his irises, his lips slightly parted in expectation. This was her man, the man she loved, the man she needed, the man who made her happy – lying naked in her bed, patiently enduring her games.

Gwyneth would have renewed her assault on him if the phone hadn’t started ringing again. Whoever was calling must’ve had a good reason to pester Aidan so early in the morning. She sighed and pulled away from him but he grabbed her shoulders to stop her.

‘Ignore it. I’m here with you and it’s you I want to spend time with. The rest of the world can wait.’

‘Aidan, it might be important – ‘

‘Fuck that, I don’t care. It’s just a phone call.’ He pulled her up so that her face was level with his. ‘We’re here together, just us both, and I’m willing to just let everything disappear away.’

The constant ringing of the phone seemed to deliberately rebel against every word he said. She could see a flash of irritation cross his eyes, the intrusion obviously annoying him to no end. He swore softly, sitting up to reach for the phone and was about to switch it off until he got a good look at the caller ID. She could have sworn that his entire body tensed up, his facial expression tightening ever so imperceptibly when he identified the mystery morning caller. It was easy to tell that the last thing he wanted to do was answer that bloody call, but there was a obviously a compelling need for him to do so. Maybe she should have been mad – any other woman in her right mind would’ve expected him to ignore the call and focus on her, but she didn’t mind it one bit. She expected this. Being a top-notch lawyer meant being married to the job.

‘You should get that,’ she advised gently, brushing her lips against the skin of his shoulder.

His reluctance was written all over his face, but the look in her eyes convinced him to do what he dreaded. ‘Right after my big speech on being with you.’ He grimaced. ‘God, I’m terrible.’

‘You are.’ She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

‘I’m so sorry about this.’

‘Don’t be.’

He sighed, took her hand in his and pressed a button on the phone.

‘Yes?’ His greeting was brusque, lacking any warmth whatsoever. He shot her a meaningful glance, quietly thanking her for being so gracious about all of this, and she just smiled back sweetly, knowing that his mood was rapidly deteriorating with every passing second.

‘Where did you hear this?’ Pause. ‘Yes.’ A
long pause. ‘It’s entirely my prerogative, and that’s all I have to say about it.’ Another long pause. ‘Suit yourself.’

Immediately after he said those words, he hung up. She could see him silently seething, anger radiating off his skin like an aura. The tension was back in his body, every muscle gone rigid with stress. He’d morphed back into the lawyer Aidan – cold, calculative, domineering. She could sense the animosity between him and the mystery caller, the frown on his face an indicator of a sour history. He tried to soften his stance by bottling up his fury and hiding it from her, but she saw right through it. As much as she didn’t like seeing him angry, it made her a little happy to know that she was getting better at reading him. The way his eyes narrowed in annoyance, and the little wrinkle that appeared near his temples when he was thinking – who could it have been, to make him go from cuddly to choleric in a snap?

‘That was my father,’ he answered her unspoken question, and for a minute Gwyneth wondered if he had read her mind. With brains like his, it was very well possible, but then again he was just probably being polite and trying to explain the situation to her. ‘Currently, there are some…complications with the Ceres case, and he’s expressed his interest in it. He’s flying in this afternoon.’

Her throat tightened at the mention of the case. Even if the fight was over, the fact that she’d been booted off the team still stung. She wished she could pretend that she didn’t care, but the fact is that she did. Rejection was never something she took well, even from a young age. She’d been so accustomed to being good at so many things, it was natural that she was wanted for almost everything. Cinching medals and trophies in high school, sponsored trips to Tokyo for Model UN conferences in college, modeling contracts when she moved to New York – all her life, opportunities threw themselves at her feet. Why not this one?

‘Listen, I think it goes without saying that I owe you an explanation about the Ceres case.’

‘You don’t have to-‘

‘No, hear me out. I need you to know that my decision to drop you from the case wasn’t unwarranted. In fact,’ he sighed and shook his head, ‘in fact, I hate to admit this, but I made that choice due to personal reasons. There are a lot of things you should know that I haven’t told you, and if you’d give me the chance, I’d like to tell you about it. Every little detail.’ He paused for a while, staring at their intertwined hands. ‘I don’t know where we really stand now, and I don’t want to rush into things, but if we’re going to do this, I want to do it right. I don’t want to keep this from you, you have every right to know.’

‘I appreciate that.’ Feeling touched, she squeezed his hand in reassurance. ‘It means a lot to me that you’re doing this, because I know it’s not easy for you. Whatever your reasons may be, know that I trust your judgement. I really do. It’s just…I was really looking forward to working on that case, and I-‘ she sighed, unable to find a way to express her frustration, ‘just – honestly, Aidan, is it because of my performance at work? Because I promise, what we have now isn’t going to change how I am at the office-‘

‘Absolutely not – not even close.’ His voice firmly cut her off and dispelled her worries. ‘Like I said, it’s due to personal reasons. It’ll take some time to explain – maybe we could do it over dinner, if you’re free tonight?’ He gave a small, hopeful smile.

‘I’d love dinner,’ she beamed at him, her good nature illuminating the room. ‘In fact, maybe I could take you out for a change, if that’s okay?’

His eyed widened in surprise. ‘I was hoping I could spoil you tonight, maybe indulge you a little…’ he tried a counter-offer, running his hands through the soft silk of her long hair. ‘Heaven knows you deserve it.’

‘Mmm, that does sound delicious. But I think I’ll save it for some other night – please? Just for tonight, I’d like to take charge of things. Please, baby, please?’

A smile quirked at his lips, his heart lightening with joy. How could he resist her when she looked at him like that? And she’d called him baby in that sweet, playful voice. Of course he relented. His resolve didn’t stand a chance against her doe eyes. He knew that she could see his defeat because her grin widened, so genuine that even her brown eyes were smiling. She threw her arms around his neck, her hungry lips seeking his, and then they were rolling on the bed in a tangle of soft laughter and caresses, completely lost to the world around them.


‘You’re late,’ Lucy raised her eyebrows at him as he approached her desk, which sat right in front of his office. ‘He’s waiting inside, arrived ten minutes ago.’

‘He hates it when I’m not on time,’ he said dryly, making Lucy’s lip twitch. Being in charge of his schedule for the past four years meant that she was no stranger to the strained relationship between Aidan and his father. ‘Is Julian in there with him?’

She nodded in affirmation. Aidan paused in front of the door, closed his eyes and blew out a breath to calm himself. He wrenched the door open and strode into the room confidently to find the both of them settled comfortably into the plush chairs, sipping from crystal glasses filled with whisky.

‘Father,’ he greeted his dad with nothing more than a curt nod of acknowledgement, whereas Julian didn’t even get so much as a hi.

‘You should have been here half an hour ago.’ Nicholas Scodelario’s voice was as rough as sandpaper, the result of decades of chain-smoking. His father glared at him, the deep wrinkles around his eyes accentuating the pale blue of his aged irises.

‘I was told you arrived just ten minutes ago.’

‘You should have been here half an hour ago,’ he repeated, as if he were talking to a child. ‘Punctuality,’ his voice took on a condescending sneer, ‘always was too difficult a concept for you to grasp.’

‘Sorry, was out there trading the firm for some magic beans – but of course, your sources probably already have you informed.’

‘Make that punctuality and wit. Makes me wonder how the fuck you ever became a Scodelario.’

Aidan would’ve thought of a proper comeback if it weren’t for Julian’s eyes warning him not to. Julian was right – there was no point in further displeasing his father, who had the temperament of a rodeo bull. Fighting fire with fire would lead them nowhere. He acquiesced in silence and busied himself at the minibar, pouring himself a drink. If he himself had a reputation as being demanding, it sure as hell paled in comparison to that of this father’s. This was a man whom, at the age of thirty, took a law firm of five staff and turned it into a multinational firm that spanned a thousand employees in twelve countries. People feared Aidan, but they were genuinely terrified of Nicholas at an entirely different level.

‘Tell me about the Ceres case,’ he instructed with a glare so cold, it could’ve frozen the sun.

‘We’re settling, with the payoff fixed at 56 million, an increase by 16 million from the original 40. The plaintiffs have agreed to not pursue further action as well as to be bound by a non-disclosure agreement, ensuring silence on their part.’ Aidan explained nonchalantly, knowing that his words were redundant.

‘Bollocks. Where’s Hamilton?’

‘Marty’s in a conference call with Shanghai. He won’t be joining us this afternoon.’

‘Well that just leaves Larry and Curly to deal with,’ Nicholas rasped bitterly. He turned to face Julian and stared him in the eye. ‘What about you, Lynch? Any gold nuggets you can afford to offer?’

‘Like Aidan said, we’re settling with 56 million. Folks over at my side are getting very nervous, and we’re very keen on having this swept under the rug as soon as we can. The media circus is a lot bigger than what we expected, and the PR jackals are struggling to keep a rein on things. The sooner we settle this, t
he better.’

‘So you mean to tell me that you haven’t actually formed a little Justice League of your own in some fatuous quest to ensure equality and freedom for all of mankind?’

Julian shot an alarmed glance at Aidan, who caught it with nary an expression on his face. Could he be calling a bluff? Julian’s eyes asked. Aidan tilted his head ever so slightly, a secret gesture honed over years of friendship that only Julian would have perceived. True to his dictator-style ruling, Nicholas was one who favored complete and absolute knowledge about everything, imposing his control on every square inch of anything he could get his fingers on. It hardly came as a surprise that he knew about the activities they were doing in secret.

Straight-faced, Aidan swirled the amber drink in his glass and looked his father in the eye. ‘I see Marty’s still reporting to you.’

‘Marty had nothing to do with it. Fools – did you really think no one was going to know about it? Well congratulations, you have the entire legal world buzzing like it’s Watergate-‘

Aidan scoffed in derision, fully intending to be as insulting as possible. ‘Spare me the calisthenics. Throw all the fake-outs you want, but I know that you’re just fishing around because you’ve got squat. What we’re doing is completely independent from the firm. We’re almost done compiling necessary documents, and it won’t be long before the Feds swoop in to finish the job. Until that happens, this is a personal project with three people in charge, and it’s completely airtight. Disagree all you want. It’s not going to change anything.’

‘Airtight?’ Nicholas shook his head and his contemptuous laugh filled the room. ‘Jesus, you’re a shortsighted little prick, aren’t you?’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘Who is she, Aidan?’ The gleam in his eyes indicated that he needed no answer to his question. He already knew. This wasn’t a question, it was a taunt.

Aidan’s lips hardened into a tight line, his spine stiffening as he sat up straight. Coils of anger began to undulate within him, permeating his entire self like venom through his veins. It was so infuriating to see his father’s expression, that sordid mask that was both merry and malicious, gleefully delighting in being an omnipotent, all-knowing behemoth.

‘Is that a threat?’

Julian watched in avid interest as Aidan’s voice dropped into a menacing whisper. His own eyes were bouncing back and forth between father and son as if he were spectating a tennis match. Well now he understood why that junior associate was dropped off the case. Who would’ve guessed? Not that she wasn’t pretty – hell, she was gorgeous, looking like something right off the pages of French Vogue.

Of course he’d suspected it, but in the end the thought of Aidan sleeping with someone from work was too outlandish for him to take seriously. Apparently, he couldn’t be more wrong. As much as he wanted to smile and roll his eyes, he didn’t. This was serious – Nicholas was implying that this girl would be the weak spot of the entire agenda.

Nicholas silently gloated at his son’s response. ‘How high and mighty you must feel. They say you’re a legend in the making – unprecedented instincts, imaginative ideas, all the markings of a truly innovative leader. You’re brilliant, Aidan, and you’ve always been dumb like a fox.’

He tipped back the final mouthful of whisky, rolling it on his tongue to savor the flavor before swallowing it. ‘So I trust you’ll understand when I say that my opinions and actions have little bearing on the momentum of things in the greater picture. There’s no need for me to threaten you. You took her off the case because you know it yourself.’

Nicholas set the empty glass on the table in front of him and rose to his feet, towering over the two younger men who were still in their seats. ‘Tread very, very carefully. I’m telling you right now, right here – you’ve bitten off more than your fucking jaw knows how to deal with. I may be wrong – after all, you’re the firm’s wonder boy, Mr. Magic himself – but make no mistake, you two shitheads can take your righteous little socialist coup and go fuck yourselves in the ass with it.’

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Introduction: A semi-autographical story of what made me obsessed with sex at such a young age and trying out some BDSM on a young girlfriend What made me a Nympho I love sex. I am probably the closest thing to a nyphomaniac there is. Hello, my name is Debra, and from the time I was three years old, I have been obsessed with sex. From the age of three, I was surrounded by pornographic material daily. My father had dirty magazines lying everywhere in the bedroom that I shared with him, as my...

3 years ago
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The Shy Mans Nirvana

Ah, Masturbation.What would we shy gentlemen do without you?We will be forever grateful for your ability to sate our need.  We're not like those other men that can chat up some unsuspecting young vixen. Then promptly bed her as if they'd been dating for months.  Only to use them until their interest is lost, discarding them like a damp tissue. We have to wine and dine them for weeks. Just as we believe we are getting close, they hastily leave us for the former when we run across them while out...

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Mom and Uncle Jessie Their Story

I walked into the living room where mom had slunk down into the leather couch. She was worn out from hosting family members that only showed up once a year. Mom had changed into her night shirt and her 40 year old leathery legs jutted out from underneath the hem in tired fashion. I sat beside her and patted her on her bare knee."So, was Jessie everything you thought he would be?" Mom asked after I settled in beside her.I gave her a very peculiar look. I really did not know how to answer her....

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A Kittens TailChapter 20

Vivianna looked like she wanted to rip off her clothes and join us in the shower. Her hungry gaze wandered over Marta and Kiera before settling back on my semi-hard cock as Marta slowly stroked it. She would willingly join us if I asked her, but I wanted her to ask to join us for her first time. “That would be perfect, Vivianna. Could you wake Sonia and Felicia up on your way out to tell them?” I asked her. “I know Felicia is very excited to see her family again.” Vivianna stood there for a...

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Story Reader Ko Choda Uske Ghar Mai

Ye story bhi meri ek fan matlb ek story reader ki hai jo pune mai rehti hai 2 saal se married hai with 7mnth kid.Her name rupali(name changed) age 29. I am neel age 27 well educated firom pune simple in looks and slim body with good pussy licking and kamsutra style sex expert If any single,married,widow/seprated woman wants to enjoy hot wild romantic sex please mail me.And ha to all the story reader I have a good news just a story reader ko maine choda rha 3 din she is paregnat and after 4yr of...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 45

Johanna's turn: Back from ten wonderful days in Norway. Spent some time living out of Great-uncle Jan's place. He's got a beautiful home up a mountainside above a fjord overlooking one of his shipyards in the distance. It's a little shipyard, and this is Norway where shipbuilding is part of the national psyche, so it counts as scenery, understand? We did the touristy things, visiting museums and churches, seeing sights, absorbing the culture like a sponge. Phone call. I looked at the...

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xHamster Voyeur

Do you get a hard-on from fantasizing about scaling up a tree and peeping on that hot grandmother from across the street? Or do you feel like jerking off when you think about spying on someone via a security camera? I’m not going to call you a sick fuck, you horny bastard. Your secret is safe with me!I don’t give a fuck that you get off to the idea of watching people without their consent. You don’t have to bleed that shit into the real world to get your balls off, either. Head on over to...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Mi VidaChapter 26

Dave's turn: Sisters aren't supposed to die when they're thirty. There's an emptiness I can't begin to describe. Also indescribable is the avalanche of thoughts surrounding Brindy and Carlita and me. Went to Pat and Brindy's house, got the filebox with Pat's papers, met Gary and Carlie at the lawyer's office. Short version? Mortgage insurance. House is paid off. Same thing on the car, what's left of it. Of course, insurance gives replacement value. Life insurance – a couple of...

3 years ago
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Paid in FullChapter 4

"Dawn, I would love to have you come out and stay with us," I told her. "We are flying back tomorrow night. I would love for you to go with us. We will bring you back in a couple of weeks, if you can get off work. If not we will fly you back when you need to come home." "That sounds like so much fun. I will ask my father if I can come out. I keep house for him since my mother passed away," she explained. "Please call if you will be flying with us so I can get you a ticket," I...

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My new Master has sissified me

I was sitting having a coffee in my local gay club, after work, when a man sat at the bar kept looking at me and winking. Whoops I thought, have I clicked here and it's only 6pm!!Looked at my watch 6.30pm time to get home and get my evening meal. I got up and turned to walk out straight into the guy from the bar, “Sorry” he said “Both had the same idea to leave at the same time, been wanting to ask you to have a coffee with me, wanted to ask you some questions”To my surprise I saied “No...

4 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 14

HOPE'S QUEST FOUR HOURS BEFORE LAST PIRATE GATE This is what Anuk so loved about her husband and her Alpha mate, as his long, powerful arms wrapped tightly around her svelte, muscular body and he drew her naked flesh close against him. His chiseled ebony body was wrapped around her lightly tanned freckled one, her hips resting in his lap, her upper body stretched out on the bed in front of them. His immense twelve inch charcoal black cock was buried completely within her warm depths,...

1 year ago
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Ted to Another Dimension

The year was 1985. I think. Who cares? It was a year. Actually, screw that. The year was 2025. That's what we're going on you bastard. But it took place in Valley Hills. Which is in California. Full of Californians. Or at least it started there. It's supposed to be a story about inter dimensional adventures stuff. Maybe that explains what the Nazis and he Last Jedi were doing in Vietnam. Teddy McLang was 18 years old. He was best pals with John and had a girlfriend named Tami-Lynn Parker who...

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This story recounts my first experience dressing entirely in female attire in the presence of others and the events that such a totally overwhelming occurrence led to, or does it? While I have taken some license for the sake of readability and entertainment, it is essentially an account as it happened, or maybe it isn't! The simple fact is that the basis of this story is absolutely true as are some, maybe many parts of it, but certainly not all of it. I had and still have a vivid...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 7

Ruth had just finished preparing a large platter of sandwiches and agreed to spend time with the minister after she'd completed all her pending tasks. This involved feeding all the occupants of the clinic, including their patients, inventorying their supplies of drugs and finally preparing Amanda's next treatment. "You might like to watch this one," Ruth advised. "It probably represents a taste of what her future might entail." Intrigued, the Minister tucked into the food and...

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Sisters Loving PetsChapter 10

Cindy was beside herself with new-found joy. For years to come she would always cherish the summer vacations she spent with her brother and sister-in-law. And the first summer's memories stayed with her throughout her life. And not just because of the dogs. The summer wore on hotly, in the house as well as outside. Bill got his vacation and Cindy stayed for months. Day in and night out the five of them--Cindy, Bill, Ellen, the German shepherd and the Great Dane--got together in orgiastic...

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Devlins StoryChapter 16

When she awoke in the morning Devlin stretched slowly. She felt absolutely marvelous. She felt a little tender between her legs, but other than that she felt better than she had in some time. She had been well and truly laid the night before and she felt it. She wasn't alone in the room. She could hear the usual squeaks, moans and gasps from the bed. At least somebody was still partying. She envied them. This morning she didn't seem to have any energy. She watched the dim figures on the...

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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 5

Since I started this series I have received many very interesting emails. Sexual slavery is clearly a turn on to both men and women. Women are interested in both being the slave and the master. This story is fiction. It is based on experience and it could have happened. Enjoy the story and please vote when you finish. See chapter two for the genesis of the story line. One of the women in this story is afraid of hypnosis unlike the previous women. Sybil came in with a women she thought was her...

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The Preacher ManChapter 53 Civil War

One month later... Time: August 11, 8244 1:27 AM I walked back to my private quarters at the palace feeling very tired. One of the awful things about war, I thought, is that there's never an intermission. Still, it was a battle worth fighting, and over the past thirty days my cause has enjoyed an unbroken series of successes. Except for my tired mind, I had no reason to complain. The war began in the Caribbean shortly after dawn on July 15th, two days after a new holographic...

3 years ago
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My Indian Neighbour and Her Bratty Offspring

We live in an apartment on the fourth floor of a block of apartment buildings. Our neighbours are nice and quiet and I mostly keep to myself anyway, though I like to watch them on occasion, from what little I can see peeking across the yard into other people’s windows. And there, right across the yard, a floor below me, lived a family that caught my attention. They look slightly foreign, probably Indian, a mother and her two kids, a boy and a girl. If there’s a father, I never see him around....

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Bujurg Mahila Ki Pyaas Bhujai

Hello doston. mera naam Nimku hai aur main dekhne mein tall dark aur handsome hun. Mera lund ka size hai 7inch. Agar kisi ko mere dick ke pics chahiye toh mujhe mail kare. Toh chaliye shuru karte hai.  Iss kahani ki heroine hai Manyata jo mere flat mein rehti hai. Woh umaar mein kaafi badi hai karib 58 years old. Unke bete ki beti bhi ho chuki hai lekin dikhne mein ekdum sexy hai. Kisi budhe ke lund mein bhi jaan phuk de aisi.  Boobs 40 hai thodi unki chuchi jhul gayi hai umar ke karan. Par hai...

4 years ago
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Fun With Lovely Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Ramesh narrating a story about my lovely sister. I am an engineering student with handsome look and athletic body. I am 23 yr old guy 6 feet height. And after reading the story you can give feedback on and any girl who want friendship also contact me. So let’s come to the story so this story is about me and my lovely sister and our love making season. My sister’s name is tina, she is 20 years old and she is doing her graduation. She had a perfect figure of 32-28-34 with fair skin....

2 years ago
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First Time

“Stay on your knees” Sir ordered. Sabrina stayed on her knees with her head slightly lowered. “Hey Judy, how are you baby? I think you need to suck my cock.” Sir smirked, glancing over at Judy lounging sideways on the corner armchair, wearing stockings and black fuck me heels. Her legs swung over the arm, ankles crossed, watching Sabrina kneeling in front of Him. Sabrina, thinking to herself, again? not voicing to Sir, her building anger and irritation. If she could get up, leave the room...

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The Joke

The Joke By Margaret Jeanette Sonia Livingston was going over last month's report. The company had done better than it had ever done before. Her eight women had done a great job and were setting things up to grow some more. She marveled at how her husband, Jerry had done the report so it was easy to read. He had the office next to hers and he took care of all the financial matters. Her happiness was interrupted when Katie Swanson came in. Katie was obviously upset and sat down...

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My Date With Catherine

It is difficult to try to recall how I felt about Catherine, sometimes I would feel ashamed of my feelings, after all she was more than twice my age, yet I guess I looked forward to seeing her for some reason. I had begun to enjoy her company and our times together, as well as liking her for her generous tips when I waited on her. Now we had this date for the pictures, and I admit I was beginning to believe she was queer. As I said I'd had a bad experience that caused me to move from one part...

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Three to Get Off of DespairChapter 9

As the night of the orgy grew closer my wife got more and more nervous. I wasn't far behind. We wondered what would the people be like, would they be attractive? Would the men force their attentions on Lizbeth? Or maybe would the women for that matter? Concerning me: would the women be sex bombs or would they be pigs? Would the men be master fuckers, with knowledge about sex matters that would make me look like an inexperienced boy? To say the truth we had many worries about an experience...

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Ein neuer Abend mit meinen Brdern

Ich bin Erkan und bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich lebe mit meinen 3 ?lteren Br?dern auf dem Bauernhof meiner Eltern in einem verschlafenen Nest am Ende der Zivilisation in der T?rkei.Wir Kinder werden nach sehr strengen Richtlinien erzogen.Ein neuer Abend mit meinen Br?dern.Ich bin sehr fitt, gro? und muskul?s wie alle meine Br?der. Haupts?chlich durch das gesunde selber angebaute essen und die harte Arbeit auf dem Feld. Aber als j?ngster bin ich trotzdem der "Sklave" meiner Br?der.Unser Vater legt wert dara...

2 years ago
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The Script

June opened the envelope because it had her name on it. That was unusual for an envelope that looked like business post; those were always addressed to David. The other thing that made it stand out was its size, a bulky A4 envelope, more like a mail order magazine than a letter.She slit it open and dumped the contents on the kitchen table. A CD and a thick pile of printed paper with a covering letter from some legal firm.She sat down suddenly, shocked, unable to breathe, unable to focus.It took...

Wife Lovers
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At My Friends Place

"Kev, stop." Jen said as she jokingly hit me. But I knew I was getting her horny. "I wanna lick that clit and finger you til you cum then I'm gonna take my rock hard cock and-" She cut me off "Cut it out" she hissed. I stopped, seeing as I was going to Tyler's tonight and there was no need of getting her too horny if I wasn't going to be there. The rest of class went by normally and when the bell rang i walked Jen to her locker. "Have fun at Tyler's" she said as she...

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Amisha 8211 My Friend8217s Hot Mom 8211 Part 2

Hey Guys! I hope you liked my previous story ‘Amisha – My Friend’s Hot Mom’. This is the continuation of what happened next. I hope you will love it too. Amisha was horny and so was I. I was resting my back on the headboard on the bed. She climbed looking at me licking my chest. She looked straight in my eyes, the fire was ignited on both the side. She looked into my eyes and came over my crotch. Holding my dick firm she adjusted her pussy on my dickhead. As she was going to push it inside her....

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The Bike Shop0

by Melsy This is a first attempt for me. Please give your comments, criticisms, and suggestions. First, let me give you a description of where this occurs. The bicycle shop is in an affluent community in a suburb of Los Angeles. It is a rectangular building, with a display area up front for new bikes and accessories. It has a repair and...

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My Wife And Her Brother

By : Sarojmehla Thanks for choosing this happening. I am regular reader of ISS since last 2 years and was waiting for real incest. I am Jai Singh (42) and my wife Urmaila (36). We both are central Govt employees. We live in a hired accommodation at Hisar (Haryana). We have two kids and both are in hostels, coming back to the real happenings. My wife is of very holy nature. I could not even think for incest/3 sum. On 21st Oct 2010, it was her birthday. We did a little outing and on my request...

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Masseuse and His Sexy Shemale Client

My hands ached.No really, every tendon burned from the wrist all the way to the tips of my fingers.I was in my therapy room with a client. A really big client. Most of the other therapists wouldn’t provide for him because of the sheer strength involved in providing him the massage he needed.Still, the pay was better than good and I made it a personal point to help everyone that comes in through my door. Doesn’t mean I can’t bitch about it though.“That was amazing,” the client said, climbing off...

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My Innocent Mother Changed As A Hot And Horny By Our Relative 8211 Part 2

Dear friends, First of all I am really sorry for the delay. As I haven’t got any motivating comments, I am a little bit dissatisfied. I had seen many other web sites copying my earliest story. So finally decided to go ahead. The once who failed to find the part 1, please on the link on top. Coming to the story, After the conversation with mayura uncle, I am sleepless. I had informed my parents regarding mayura uncle’s arrival. I am imagining like my mom in may uncle’s hands, he is kissing...

4 years ago
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Phallica; a world full of Magic, Mystery, and most of all Men! It is said the great god, Phallus sprang forth in the empty void before the universe began, and created reality from his mighty cock. Phallus's cosmic cum formed the stars, the galaxies and finally, the world. All manner of races and creatures exist on Phallica; Men, Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Orcs, Centaurs, among other fantastical races; the only thing that does not exist here, is females. Every living thing on Phallica is male....

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Tandem Extra

The next day was the let-down of being the last day. I'd envisioned waking up with my morning package, slowly yet insistently nudging against Lily's bottom. My strategy would've worked, if Lily hadn't been already up and about. Even so, I wanted it so bad, I coyly called out, "Oh, Lily!" I didn't even get a hum from the refrigerator in response. I spoke her name loudly, to no further effect. I could smell fresh coffee, but nevertheless. I started getting much more interested in the...

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working in a massage parlour

It was hard being a single mum.Money was tight.So when my best friend Diana offered me a bit of work,cash in hand, I grabbed the chance. She worked in a local massage parlour,but on the front desk. I knew what went on in those places,those filthy men,but Di just took appointments and did some paperwork.So when she booked 2 weeks in Hedonism,wherever that is,I got a bit of work.100 quid a day,cash in hand,happy days.When I got there, I expected all the girls to be long legged blondes with big...

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