Axiom Ch. 07 free porn video

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Rebirth. So oft talked about, celebrated in movies and literature. To be pushed again through that amnion and expectorated into life, refreshed and renewed. Was that what he was hoping for? That fateful night where seconds ticked by in acrid droplets that burned through the membranes of his memory. The one where his persona – that richly cerebral being, all logic and computations and calculations, cracked open like a chrysalis that ached to metamorphose.

Rebirth. Was this rebirth, then? Was this some fucking rejuvenation? The reset he needed so goddamn badly in his life, or was it nothing more than some giddy illusion of renewal that happened in the final moment before death? Whatever it was, he couldn’t give a fuck anymore. This moment was a new nadir, a new depth he’d never sunk to before, and he’d be damned if life could get any lower than this right now. The only thing he knew for sure was that he would greet Death that night.


‘She’s gone into V-fib!’

‘Charging…ready. Clear!’ Shock.

‘V-fib, no pulse!’

‘Charging…ready. Clear!’ Another shock.

Aidan watched in silent horror as they tried to restore the normal sinus rhythm of her heartbeat. Thankfully her heart had gone into fibrillations – it wasn’t pumping per se, merely twitching out of synchrony. The defibrillator would restart the heart’s natural rhythm, converting the chaotic spasm of the cardiac muscles into a proper functional beat. Aidan’s own heart had almost ceased beating, drowning in a deluge of emotions that he wasn’t ready to handle.

‘V-fib, still no pulse!’

‘Charging…ready. Clear!’ Strike three.

Finally, her heart kicked back into action and started beating on its own accord. The alarms quieted down and the doctors were visibly relieved. She still wasn’t out of the danger zone, but she was alive. They just stood in their places around her, still watching for any signs of cardiac instability. The machines continued to beep in contentment, reporting normal values for all her vitals. Good heart rate, respiration normal.

He was still numb with shock when one of the doctors came out and started talking to him. Aidan just nodded blankly at the doctor’s words. He could only catch bits and pieces of the conversation, having been a little lightheaded throughout the whole ordeal. From the snatches he had gathered, it sounded like she was going to be okay.

‘…stabilized, in good condition…’

‘…under strict monitoring…watch for any developments…’

‘…was a rare complication, shouldn’t be a recurring problem…’

Even so, he couldn’t quite process it. Feeling a little overwhelmed, he just excused himself and started walking towards the mens washroom. The insides of his mouth felt like sandpaper and his skin had gone cold and clammy. He turned on a tap and started to splash water all over his face hoping that it would help him to sober up.

Looking up, he saw his reflection in the mirror and couldn’t recognize the man that was staring back at him. The man in the mirror had the look of a hunted animal. Shaken, he tried to regain his composure and continued to wash his face. Only then did he realize that his hands were trembling violently.

For the first time in many years, Aidan cried. It started as a hollow sob, a listless gasp that turned into a choked cry of anguish. After all that had happened tonight, his sanity was hanging by a thread. The same could be said for her life.

How was it that yesterday night they were discussing office gossip over mouthfuls of seafood and sangria and today her heart stopped beating for eight minutes? She was quite literally dead in both the medical and legal sense for eight minutes. Gwyneth went over to the afterlife and came back. The grief came down in torrents, destroying whatever was left of his already brittle psyche.


Fear. The fear of losing her was such a visceral reaction, he actually felt like retching. The nausea hit him hard, inciting a gurgle of dry heaves. He felt sick to the marrow. Then there was the guilt of knowing that this was all his fault.

If only he had been more vigilant. If only he had possessed the foresight to anticipate this. If only they were prepared. If only he was less arrogant. If only she was protected. Safety deigned a price far beyond any fortune could have afforded, and he knew it. His only option now was to hope that his mistake wasn’t a fatal one.

The teardrops mingled with the water on his face. There was no point in holding back now. Fear. Love. Grief. Guilt. All these years, he had thought that he was immune to this kind of crap. He’d prided himself on being the master of his feelings, displaying excellent control in every aspect. It had been so easy to laugh off the woes of those gripped by emotions – he’d made good on every opportunity to mock these poor people.

Other than anger, which was his default setting anyway – he only felt whatever he chose to feel. Not anymore. Now he was totally spent, having been burned to the core. If getting to him had been their plan then well, mission fucking accomplished. They’d chosen the perfect spot and struck him precisely at his Achilles’ heel.

The tears didn’t last long but they made a significant enough impact. Feeling quite depleted he cleaned himself up and made himself presentable before shuffling back out in a daze. Michael offered to let him go in to see Gwyeth, saying that she was in a stable condition and that it wouldn’t hurt for him to just go in and talk to her. Aidan hesitated, being worried for her well-being but upon Michael’s insistence that it was totally safe, he was more than happy to take up the offer.

Michael pushed open the glass sliding doors of her room and stepped aside to let Aidan through.

‘Wait,’ Aidan remembered at the last minute. ‘Can I borrow your stethoscope?’

Michael looked a little baffled but dipped his hands into the pocket of his labcoat and fished out the instrument without asking any questions. He would be observing them from outside anyway. Aidan closed the door behind him and moved towards the bed, his heart thumping painfully in his chest.

When he got a good look at her his heart gave a little lurch. Looking at her, you wouldn’t think that she had just narrowly escaped with her life. There was nothing to indicate what had happened other than a small wound on her left cheek which was already beginning to swell, partially hidden by the oxygen mask on her face.

The room was silent apart from the constant beep of the monitors. He settled into a chair beside her bed and leaned forward to be closer to her. Not even the injuries could mar the alluring features of her face. She didn’t look like she was in pain, she just looked like she was sleeping. Serene, happy and comfortable like she was in his bed.

He wondered if she was dreaming. If she was, was she currently having nightmares about the incident? Did her mind just totally black out as a protective mechanism to survive the trauma? Could her subconscious hear him right now? He didn’t know but the one thing he knew for sure was that she would be fighting. Aidan reached for her hand and gingerly took it in his as if she were made of porcelain.

‘Hey, it’s me.’ His voice resonated against the gaping silence of the room. ‘I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m just going to try anyway.’

‘You…’ he broke off, hanging his head low, suddenly at a loss for what to say. ‘Gwyneth, you simply are the most incredible person I’ve ever met. Words can’t even begin to describe how proud I am of you right now. How I feel about you.’ He brushed a tendril of hair off her face with a gentle sweep of his fingers.

‘God, you’re so beautiful, you know? Everything about you endears me to you. Everything Gwyneth, every little detail.’ He looked at her bruised face and his heart felt like it was in his throat.

‘Did you
know that every time you’re hungry, you start biting your lower lip? And I can tell when you really like something.’ He gave a shaky laugh, his nerves unsteady. ‘Your eyebrow starts twitching and you fold your arms to feign nonchalance but there’s that twinkle and that twitch and it gives you away.’

He stopped for a while, temporarily crippled by the wave of affection the words drew out. ‘And…and you’re a bag girl. You’re such a bag girl. When we’re walking past women you never check out their shoes. Your eyes go straight for the bags.’

The bittersweet memories came rushing back, all the little fragments of her that he held so dear bursting forth like flower buds in bloom. ‘When you’re angry and you’re trying to rein it in, your eyes widen and you don’t say a word. Every time you’re upset, every time someone makes a mistake you just bite your tongue and graciously ignore the gaffe. You could always fire back, take up the anger and retaliate but you never do. Because that’s what true strength is. Because you, Gwyneth, you embody the very meaning of courage.’

‘You’re such a rarity, a gem. I wish that I could just tell you how much I love you. How you make me smile without even trying. There are so many things I wish I could tell you, but…but everything I want to say seems so inadequate.

‘Right now, Gwyneth words are futile. I should have told you earlier. Should have said it to you that night – I don’t know why I held back, but…Jesus, Gwyneth, please, just come back to me. Please, please promise me you’ll be okay. If you can hear me, if you’re there, please, just – please. Please.’

He closed his eyes and rubbed his face, struggling to pull himself together. She still looked at peace, a proverbial sleeping beauty awaiting the fateful kiss to bring her back to life. Aidan couldn’t excavate any deeper inside himself, couldn’t find anything else to say. Remembering the stethoscope, he fished it out and plugged the earpieces in. His hands skated gently over her ribcage, careful not to disturb any of the electrodes that were taped to the skin of her chest.

He found a good spot and there it was again, that heartbeat. A little faint, but to his ears it was incredibly loud and extremely close. It was the only sound he wanted to hear. That was his prayer, his hymn, a sacred invocation. The anthem to his being. He just sat there, holding the stethoscope to her chest, forgetting time as it slipped past the two of them. Locked away in another universe, the world around them forgotten.


Her family arrived not long after. He was waiting outside her room, settled into one of the chairs when the entire posse bustled in with Dylan amongst them, anxious to see her. Gwyneth’s mother rushed into the room with her sons and Dylan close behind, barely registering Aidan’s existence.

Aidan watched as the family circled his unconscious lover. As soon as she neared the bed and got a good look at her daughter, she started to blink back the tears, clapping her hands over her mouth. Gwyneth’s three younger brothers milled around the bed awkwardly, wearing stoic expressions, but he could see the grief hidden in plain sight on their faces.

Gwyneth’s mother reached out, took her daughter’s hand and kissed it. A small sob escaped from her as she tenderly stroked her daughter’s hair. Dylan put a supporting arm around her, rubbing his hand up and down her shoulders in an attempt to console her.

Seeing the frank affection in the room did nothing to assuage his guilt. It only made it worse. Still he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the family in front of him. It affected him deeply, to see the love of a close-knit family – Gwyneth’s support team. They were here now, they were going to be there for her, just as they always have been.

Dylan glanced at him and caught his gaze briefly, but his eyes flicked back to Gwyneth, as if he couldn’t even bring himself to look at Aidan. It was a small, quick gesture but Aidan could feel the hostility in it. He felt like an outsider, an interloper that was encroaching on personal family territory.

Julian, who was sitting in the chair beside him, noticed his discomfort.

‘Perhaps we should leave,’ he advised Aidan. ‘Allow them to have some time to themselves. They should have all the space they need.’

Aidan didn’t want to go but he knew that his presence couldn’t be what the family desired. He wanted to stay and maybe help out somehow – leaving right now felt so rude, but Julian had a point. This was a family crisis and family was everyone in the room. Not him. He didn’t belong here. He nodded back at Julian and the two men got up, ready to make themselves scarce. They hadn’t taken more than a few steps when Gwyneth’s mother walked out of the room and caught up with them.

‘Excuse me, are you Gwyneth’s colleagues?’

Aidan turned around to face her. She was either nervous or cold, judging by the way she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her wide, almond-shaped eyes were searching the two mens faces for answers. It was evident that she’d been crying throughout the night – her nose was all red and puffy and her eyes looked pretty bloodshot.

‘Hi, I’m Aidan Scodelario.’ He extended his hand meekly. ‘We spoke over the phone?’

Her eyes shone in understanding and she took his hand, giving it a halfhearted shake. ‘Ah, I remember. Have you had a chance to see her yet?’

‘Yes, yes I have. The doctors said that she’s in a stable condition. All we can do now is wait for her to wake up.’ He couldn’t tell if she knew about the cardiac arrest. If she didn’t, should he tell her? He darted a look at Julian, who must have read his mind because he shook his head slightly.

Aidan hesitated for a moment, but all he had to do was take one look at Gwyneth’s mother and he knew. What kind of a manipulative asshole would withhold information like this from a distraught mother? True, it couldn’t be what she needed to hear right now, but better for her to find out now than later.

‘Mrs. Kenner, Gwyneth went into cardiac arrest an hour ago.’ As soon as the words left his mouth he saw the shock ripple through her face. ‘The doctors managed to revive her, and she’s safe now. They’ve assured us that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about – it was an extremely rare complication and her vitals look very good.’

He wasn’t sure that she heard anything other than the words ‘cardiac arrest’. A frown creased Julian’s brow, showing that he disapproved of Aidan’s decision. The pain was so evident on her face that Aidan briefly regretted telling her. It was hard enough to know that her daughter suffered from life-threatening injuries without having to hear about the complications.

‘What happened?’ Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper. ‘Who did this to her? Why would anyone do this?’

Julian’s head snapped up at that question and his eyes flashed a warning at Aidan. He obviously didn’t see a need for an outsider to know the finer details of the Ceres coup. The arrest was talk of the town right now and the last thing Julian wanted was for people to know about their involvement in the case.

Aidan caught his friend’s nonverbal signal, feeling more irritated than ever. What a coward, he thought. Julian was all grand plans and big money but ultimately he had no qualms about running to Aidan for help. He was thoroughly fed up with his friend’s attitude by now.

‘We believe that she was attacked because of her involvement in the Ceres lawsuit. Has she mentioned-‘

‘That’s enough,’ Julian cut him off in a stern voice. ‘Mrs. Kenner,’ Julian put on a polite, almost patronizing smile. ‘We hope you understand that this involves some sensitive matters-‘

‘Lynch, stay out of this.’ Aidan’s eyes were burning with anger. ‘I make the decisions here, not you – and I think that she has every right to know.’ His tone was scathing. ‘In fact, I think that maybe it’s time you left. Don’t worry, I have
everything covered over here. I’ll keep you posted.’

Julian lifted his chin in defiance but he knew that the fight was lost. Tonight he’d seen a whole new side of Aidan he’d never seen before and if anyone was going to try to anger this man, it sure as hell wasn’t going to be him. Aidan was strung so tightly, it looked like he could snap at any moment. If anything, Aidan was right – Julian wasn’t much of a man of courage. He just glowered at Aidan before turning sharply on his heel to leave. Aidan watched him disappear, his fists clenched into tight balls.

When Aidan turned back to face Gwyneth’s mother he noted the confusion on her face. This wasn’t the first impression he was hoping to make, but circumstances left him with little choice. He took a deep breath and gestured towards the chairs. ‘Mrs. Kenner,’ he said gently, ‘I promise to tell you everything about the case and how Gwyneth was involved. Have a seat – would you like some coffee?’

And tell her he did. From the facts of the Ceres case to the grisly chase scene at the dockyard – he spilled it all except for one: he omitted the details of their budding romance. Somehow he felt that this wasn’t the way he wanted her to find out about their relationship.

She didn’t say anything much, mostly she just nodded and answered with the sporadic ‘yeah’ and ‘I see’. In fact, the more he told her, the more calm she seemed to get. At some points in the conversation her sons wandered over but she held up her hand and gestured for them to leave them alone. Finally he finished the story and they both sat there in silence. He watched her as she stared at her paper coffee cup, unable to predict how she was going to react.

‘So…’ Mrs. Kenner lifted her face to look him in the eye. ‘You took her off the case?’

‘I did. She wasn’t too happy about it, but she knows why I did it.’

Uncertainty clouded her eyes. ‘But if you already took her off the case, why did this happen? She had nothing to do with Ceres. She’s not a threat.’

Aidan winced at the question. As much as he didn’t want to tell her the truth just quite yet, he couldn’t leave her in the dark. She was sharp – she had sussed on pretty quickly and definitely wanted an explanation.

‘I believe…’ he laced his fingers together and stared at them. ‘I believe that they went for her because we were romantically involved. We’ve been going out for a few weeks now.’

A pregnant pause hung in the air. When he looked up to meet her eye, he could tell that she was feeling quite conflicted. As much as she didn’t want to blame Aidan, she was still a grieving, hurting mother. It was hard for her to ignore the fact that her daughter had almost died for one sole reason – because she had dated this man. Logic would dictate that technically, it wasn’t his direct fault but the both of them knew better. Aidan himself carried the guilt and Mrs. Kenner didn’t know whether or not to be angry at him.

‘I’m so sorry,’ Aidan said quietly. ‘I’m so very sorry about everything. I never meant to cause her harm, never meant to put her in any danger. There really is no point in me going on and on about how I didn’t mean for anything to happen – the fact is, it did happen and it’s all my fault. I should be the one lying there, not her. I’m the reason she’s in there right now.’

His jaw hardened and he shook his head. ‘If you want me to stay away, I will. I’ve caused enough hurt, the last thing I want, is to hurt her any more.’

A dart of pain stabbed through his heart. He loved her – he really did, with everything he had. But after tonight, it would seem that he was all kinds of bad for her. She was so beautiful – outgoing, patient, kind. Big-hearted and generous, so full of love. And him? An arrogant workaholic loner with anger issues, amongst many others.

She deserved so much better and he didn’t feel like he could be the man to make her happy. Heck, he couldn’t even protect her. The guilt continued to gnaw at him as he thought of how he’d failed to do something as basic as keep her safe. Mrs. Kenner turned away from him, staring blankly at her daughter’s sleeping frame. She didn’t say a word.

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Marcy slid her tongue right into Carley's cunt. Her tongue went right into her cunt hole, and then quickly slid back out, and slowly made it's way up her crack to hit her clit. Carley gasped, and her hands gripped the blanket. Then she said, with a moan, "Oh, god, it's so good." Marcy lifted her head, and said, "The little slut is dripping wet." I smiled and said, "Give her another quick lick to be sure." Marcy bent back down, and slowly licked her from her asshole to her clit. I...

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Delights of Dark Magic

"Well Potter, I must admit I had not expected this from you," hissed the serpentine Dark Lord, Voldemort from his throne. Before him stood an angry, recently of-age Harry Potter, fresh from a brutal duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. Surprisingly, Lord Voldemort's most favored Death Eater is still quivering in pain on the floor behind her younger opponent. Harry smirked, "You've seen the way they treat me, their so called 'savior'. I hate the Ministry, Voldemort... and I've grown to despise the...

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Panhandler ripped me apart

I lived near a forest and mountains, there were panhandlers always around. I spent most of my evenings playing basket ball in my backyard. One day my ball went outside, I went out to grab it. I couldnt find it, i looked around here and there. I saw a guy sitting next to a tree and he had my ball. I went to him and told him it was my ball. He asked to play with me, now i couldnt let him come to my house to play. I made some excuse but he wasnt buying it. Now this guy was a panhandler, he was...

3 years ago
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Nerdy Girl Episode 4 Morning

I wake up in the morning a little disoriented. I had just a bit of wine last night, nothing too crazy, and it wasn't the cheap stuff, so there's no hangover or ill feeling; it just takes me a minute to come to my senses in unfamiliar surroundings. I turn over, and there is Kathryn, covers pulled up around her shoulders, hair a mess, mouth open, and pillow lines on her face – not the freshest sight. Did I really do nerdy Kathryn last night? I start to get that “shit, what the fuck have I done?”...

Straight Sex
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Messy Surprise

Our heroine gets a sundae dumped in her lap and the next day ends up fully dressed in a tub of maple syrup. If this dosen’t amuse you, don’t read this. I was out for my first date with Cheryl. She has shoulder length permed brown hair and dark eyes. Tonight she wore a white turtleneck blouse that showed off her firm breasts quite nicely. She also wore white jeans and off white flat heeled shoes with a stack heel. We were at a halfway decent restaurant and everything went fine until...

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A New PastChapter 58 Faster Higher Further

“Damn, this looks like a pig,” Hunter said as he paused inside the new hangar in Kenya and admired my latest project. Our base in Kenya had changed over the years, growing from an emergency field to our primary heavy lift base. Most personel went to orbit on GOTs, but our heavy lifters were based here in Kenya. Our shelters had been replaced with permanent huts and houses, built along traditional lines, but with modern materials. Staff now enjoyed easy access to Nairobi via train, plane, and...

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Mom8217s Sex Ride

This is Royden and I am 18.I love in Goa with my mom. I am currently studying in an university and doing my BCom first year. My mom was divorced when I was 8 when my father left her for some other women. She is extremely beautiful with a well maintained figure. She is 39 but seems like she is 25. She is very much sophisticated and men find her very much attractive. She never remarried but she used to hang around with many men and sleep with them. She meet s them in clubs and have one night...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise For Three

The phone rang. Just before the third ring Kat answered, "Hello?""Hi Kat, its Lynn. Are you busy?""Nope, just watching a little TV. What's up?""I was thinking about the conversation we had the other day about the cake; the one for Matt's birthday," Lynn said. "I want you to make it."Today Lynn had decided she would have Kat make what had been dubbed the pussy cake."Ok, I'll get some photos off the internet today as reference and get started right away," said Kat."Umm," started Lynn. "I was...

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Beach Party

They stopped the car at the headland and looked out to the north over a deserted sweep of pure white sand. It was a beautiful vista, a low swell pushing green rolling breakers into the beach in a steady pulse, the waves breaking in a white frothy foam on the shore."Shall we go down onto the beach?" he asked, knowing that she would agree."Yes, let's," she replied as she swung the door open and stepped out onto the grass, her firm breasts swinging freely in her string top bikini bra.He got out,...

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Mixed MessagesChapter 15

I put away the video equipment and made sure that all the recorder's memory cards and the DVDs we had made, with all the damning evidence, were rounded up. I still could not say definitively why the girls and I were taking such great pains to collect enough evidence to hang us all. I guess it was the thrill and the desire to experience what we had all shared again vicariously in the future through these video records. I took all the memory cards and DVDs up to my room and hid them in the...

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Showing off

I am a male, age 48 and would like to share an experience I had when I was a young man still living at home. My parents had left for the weekend to visit my grandparents out of town and I was left alone for the entire weekend. I was always fantasizing about various sexual scenarios and one of the most powerful for me was exhibitionism. I was young, healthy and athletic and it was the summer after high school. I had a boring, part time job but was off for the weekend with nothing to do but lay...

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 10 An Important Question

When Eigis came back he immediately felt a sense of forbidding. The demon’s eyes were bright with hunger, and he moved quickly, scooping up the canister and circling around to stand behind Hiryu in the space of a breath. The young warrior gritted his teeth in disgust, hands clenching into helpless fists, as the demon’s warm wet tongue licked the back of his neck. “I’m glad you used the cream,” Eigis whispered. “Oh, and I forgot to mention, it’s made to make you smell really...

4 years ago
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A Gray Area Ch 02

She wasn’t sure whether it was the light streaming in from her blinds or the constant ringing of her cell phone that woke her up but she was awake and wasn’t ready to be. She laid in a state of half asleep and half awake shock for twenty minutes gently tapping her fingers on the bed sheets to the ring her cell phone let out before rolling over and making a grabbing attempt for the device. She flipped it open. ‘Speak,’ She ordered lazily. ‘Good Lord, C.K., I thought you had died in your...

1 year ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 6

I was startled by a knock at the door. I looked at the clock and it said 8:11AM. Knowing the rules I opened the door, surprised to see Nate. He had changed clothes and cleaned up from last night. "Please come in," I said invitingly. "How can I help you Nate?" I thought you could use some release after yesterday, and looking at you I see I was right," he said eyes drawn to the tent in my pants. "Clothes off and on the bed, Cocksucker!" I did as commanded, stripping quickly and flopped myself...

1 year ago
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It was another two hours until my parents would pick me up for our annual family vacation. I was sitting in class daydreaming about the boy I met at church last week. It’s hard to meet boys since St. Ann’s is an all-girls school. I will admit that they tried to give us some help in meeting the boys. Once a year they had a dance with St. Patrick’s school for boys but that was so well chaperoned that you couldn’t even press up against a boy because “the proper dance position is six inches...

2 years ago
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Controlled by Aunt 4

I groped and squeezed my tits all the way home knowing my uncle was enjoying the show and I hoped would need to fuck me as soon as we got home. I then saw movement out of the corner of my eye and noticed that my aunt had now moved the mirror and was watching me tease her husband.She just gave me a look then moved the mirror so not one of us could see each other. I just put my tits away and sat there thinking why is she so jealous when all I want it to be fucked by her hubby and her.When we got...

4 years ago
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Supporting Our Vets part 2

For those of you that read the first part of this story you know that my wife is 44 years old, has only been with me, and is pretty hot. I’m 50 years old and am lucky to be with Christine.We volunteer annually at the VFW during Veterans’ Day and because my wife is good looking she attracts a lot of attention. I repeatedly told her they loved her body, but she didn’t believe me. Last year, one vet named Bob, really felt her up and got her motor running.On the drive home from serving, Christine...

Wife Lovers
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 18 That Moment He Knew

So, whoever did the stupid body swap knew very well about it. And was doing nothing to correct the situation. Things were just getting stupider if that was a word. “Boss?” It took him two full seconds to realize that Mark was trying to draw his attention. He reluctantly let go of the pencil he had been munching on until being interrupted. “Yes, Mark,” he said snappily. “Sorry, I’m just in a bad mood,” he added quickly. His secretary threw him a short look, filled with pity. It lasted...

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MageChapter 11

When the door closed all three men stood and looked around unsure of their duties but knew enough to wait for orders. Each of us looked to see what we had caught. The surge in power was caused by fully loaded crystals that had been destroyed by good old human technology. It would normally only effect those that could sense magic but a great many could do this without knowing. It was Hassan that had the chauffeur. He was also a vessel used when the need arose. Mordock took the power from the...

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She was dancing to Joan Jett, her long hair flying around as she played air guitar. She was with some girls that I knew from the local college rock club. Joan Jett finished and she sat down, laughing and taking a deep drink of lager. I watched her from the other side of the dance floor, moving around so I could watch her through the dancing crowd. She looked Asian with a long nose and full mouth and she had a ready smile for her friends. Her hair was straight, black and reached half way down...

2 years ago
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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 5 Conquering Christmas Eve

I woke up the next morning on Christmas Eve smelling like cream soap and Rick’s musk. We spent the evening before in the shower trying to clean various forms of sugar, syrup and other stickiness off each other, but there was no hot water heater big enough in the world that could accommodate the kind of good, clean fun we had gotten ourselves into. I lay in bed half awake and half dreaming about the way Rick’s hands glided all over the contours of my body with his wet, slippery, soapy hands. I...

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A Potters TaleChapter 12

The following day, after seeing my daughter off to a football training session and taking my lover to her work I went to see the estate agent that had sold me my house. When I'd been looking, one of the properties shown me was a fair size retail premises. It was double fronted and on a busy main road with unrestricted parking outside. To the rear was a large area that was ideal for a studio, hence why I was shown it. Above was a largish flat. It was totally inappropriate for my needs but...

4 years ago
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An Arab countryside teen

You may know all, you western fellows! That being an arab is not easy to handle sex with a girl as you all do abroad.. (I envy you)! Anyway, I felt sad and I was complaining about this all the time. Imagine that being in age of 20 without kissing a girl even!!!!!! But all my dreams and fantasies came true this year, yeah I’ve did it!!! I had sex. It’s all happened when I moved to the countryside (my dad’s hometown) to take a vacation and breathe some new fresh air. Then, I saw a girl I knew...

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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Crossroads

Introduction The start of a journey in the mind to a point of divergence where the reader will be free to chose down which path he or she wishes to continue. But there is more to it for there are two themes at work in this story. The obvious one being the story dividing into five different stories giving the reader a chance to decide how the story is to continue. The second theme has its root in ancient cultures where it is believed that a divine force/deity will led/guide a person...

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Good Morning Starshine

I thank my proofreaders for all of their time and assistance. But please don't expect a great work of English literature here. Cantankerous old sod that I am, I insist in writing Wanderer English, as it is generally spoken in the UK; not as some experts would prefer it to be spoken, and written. There is no overt sex in this story and it probably should not be read by folks who take life, or themselves, too seriously. You must understand that most of this happened a long time ago now;...

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Late night screenings Ch1

I watched as she picked up the remote from the floor and as she did, her t-shirt rode up her back showing her right cleft. I glimpsed twice to see that she didn’t seem to have anything on under her t-shirt. She picked up the remote and wiped it with her t-shirt for some strange reason. I remember feeling how warm the remote was as she handed it to me and could faintly smell a heavy musky aroma coming from the remote. My thoughts rushed at the speed of light through my head asking myself...

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Sarah Becomes a SLUTChapter 3

"Your nine o' clock is Maths, isn't it?" Andy asked Sarah the moment the two naked students entered the corridor. They both took a sharp intake of breath, although it was very mild for September, it was still September and it was in Britain which put the temperature on the wrong side of chilly. The Principal's room was well heated and they only realised how warm it was when they stepped into the corridor. It was still registration and the college was eerily quiet as they scampered down...

1 year ago
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Massaging Neighbor Aunty Lead To Nice Fuck

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. I am a great fan of this wonderful site and use to read stories almost daily for last few years. The story which I am going to narrate is not actually a story but a real incident which happened between and a neighbour aunty of mine in the month of April. The entire characters name has been changed here due to obvious reason but the place and incident is real. Before we come to the story let me introduce myself, I am Harsh from Mumbai, 26 years old,...

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cottage wife

Every August my wife Marin and I rent a cottage for a week. When we were younger and before having k**s, this often led to a week of great sex. This summer was a return to the good old days. The place we rented was a short walk to a popular beach and a short drive to her parents place. As soon as we had dropped our bags in the cottage we headed on over to the water. We spent the afternoon playing the water with our son and people watching. My wife caught me more than once, checking out the...

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CHAPTER 13 WELCOME SAMNikki had been thinking about acquiring another dog. They had plenty of room and even a separate building that had once been and could easily be reconverted into a kennel, if needed. And, despite her attempts, she couldn’t really chase at the speeds Butch like to run and having another dog to match him would be good for his activity in fields. Also, that would give her 3 guys always available. The opposite view of that was there would then be 3 guys she would need to keep...

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Sacrifices to the Minotaur

Every seven years the Athenian youth shivered in fear, for every seven years seven youth, among the most gracious and beautiful, were chosen as tributes to be sent over to Crete. While the four young females and three young males boarded the dreaded black sail ship, miles from there on the island kingdom of Crete a lithe young woman was sneaking around the tall structure of the labyrinth. Her silky golden hair flowed behind her as she ducked out of sight to avoid a patrol. Everything about her...

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Taimanin Debauchery Key: Sentences in brackets() are thoughts. Chapter 1: Capture. Tokyo. A few years ago a mass of land appeared offshore next to the great city. None of the citizens knew what to make of it. Rumours are that this new…"island city" was funded by several powerful politicians and businessmen as a den of debauchery and crime. It was also shocking that the island declared itself independent of Japan though a long bridge led from the Tokyo mainland to...

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Boyfriends Past

Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine's Day since high school that she didn't have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects.She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn't how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she'd never done that before. She'd always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right....

1 year ago
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How Meggie Made Me Hard

I was a bit of a slob until Meggie took me in hand. Took me in hand. There I go again, whenever I think about Meggie my mind turns to sex. It all started when I delivered her exercise equipment. When I pushed the buzzer on the door it was answered by an attractive woman in her late 40’s with curly reddish brown hair and a sweet slightly shy smile. She was wearing a light blue summer dress. “Bring it all in,” she said, seeing the truck and realising that her equipment had arrived. “I’ll show...

2 years ago
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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt4

Mrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward; of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar; Hatch on the other...

Straight Sex
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FTL III The End of The GreysChapter 4 The Assassin

Excerpt from training speech at Starfleet Academy. Someone once said that if you travel far enough, long enough, you would eventually meet yourself. Having done so myself, I can tell you one thing with certainty, the experience is not worth the effort. So my advice is, don't bother doing it. James O'Neill Flowsman Star date 1025.070 Personal Log: James O'Neill Flowsman. Star Date: 7.052. "We have successfully mined the remaining planets belonging to the Grays. In all cases, the...

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How ISS Helped Me In Fucking My Maami

Hello everyone..this is Rahul(name changed) here from Hyderabad.I am 20 year old doing my graduation. The incident took place about an year ago…”How ISS Helped Me In Fucking My Maami” Basically this is the first time i am writing my incident although i was following ISS from couple of years dared to reveal it now. sorry if there are any typos. (my email: ) So..i will tell about physical stats of my maami who is the heroine of the story…she is 40 years old but maintains herself very...


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