Axiom Ch. 05 free porn video

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She was greeted at the door by Alfred, who invited her in with a knowing smile. ‘How nice to see you again, Ms. Kenner.’

‘Thank you, Alfred. Is he busy?’

‘Not that I know of, Ms. Kenner.’ He took her coat and gestured at the sofa nearby. ‘He’s in the study, but I’ll be sure to let him know that you’re here. Please, have a seat.’

As he walked away, Gwyneth sauntered around the barely decorated living room. The place felt significantly less alien now that she’d been here more frequently and become more familiar with the layout of the vast space. One thing that never failed to amaze her was how spacious his place was. The high ceilings and wall-sized windows, added to the sparse furniture made the penthouse look as bigger than it actually was. The white walls were tastefully adorned with art, mostly postmodern – she particularly loved the Jackson Pollock piece on the wall adjacent to the massive flat-screen TV and the Al Held near the dining table. The dining table, oh, how her eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she first saw it. Philippe Starck, 2010 collection, a modern marvel of lucite and steel.

She couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy, knowing that she could never afford any of these things, not even in her wildest dreams. Can’t imagine how it would suck to be filthy rich, she thought. For all its antiseptic properties, the place had Aidan written all over it, and it was beginning to grow on her. From the Eames lounge chair to the Bang and Olufsen audio system, it was obvious this wasn’t the work of some cushy interior designer. No, this was him – clear cut, no fuss, unsettlingly simple and spartan.

Clues were lying all over the place if you looked hard enough. The art, the music, and more importantly, how the place was perfectly spotless, with nary an book or cushion out of place. With any other man, she would’ve attributed it to a professional cleaning service, but she thought of how neurotic Aidan could be and her lips curved into a smile. This was the home of a perfectionist. Maybe she was overthinking it, reading too much into empty details like she always did, overanalyzing the most basic facts and contorting them into a great hullaballoo…but maybe it really was so obvious. Perhaps his home was a metaphorical representation of something bigger, an avatar…

‘It’s never a good sign when she’s more interested in the decor than she is in the sex.’ Aidan’s dry voice interrupted her inner monologue. She turned around to see him standing there, hand in one pocket, looking like he’d been watching her for a while.

He still hadn’t changed out of his work clothes, though his tie was off and his sleeves were rolled up. Rumpled appearance aside – which was just about as un-Aidan as it got – the biggest surprise came in the form of the metal-rimmed glasses perched on his nose bridge, a pair of smart rectangular frames she’d never seen on him before. It was almost absurd, how glasses made him look more attractive, but for some reason it made him a million times hotter.

She wondered if he could keep it on later, even when they were in bed…but quickly shook her head free of all such thoughts. Damn it, she thought, two seconds after seeing him in glasses and all she could think of is sex. As he walked towards her, Gwyneth took the opportunity to feast her eyes at the sight of his strong, exposed forearms and the tousled geek-chic look he was currently sporting. She bit her lip and hid a blush while he leaned in for a quick kiss, folding her into his arms and gently pressing his lips to hers in one smooth gesture.

‘Well,’ she started, struggling to regain her composure, ‘well maybe if sex looked this good, I’d be much more enthusiastic about it.’ She gestured around her. ‘This place is gorgeous, Aidan. And I know it’s a little late to mention this, but the view, oh my God, I’ve never seen anything quite like this.’ She walked towards one of the huge windows and looked out at the New York skyline, watching the lights of the huge city glimmer like opalescent beads on a sea of ink. At this hour, the traffic looked like glittering snakes of gold and red, pulsing and fading like blood flowing through an artery. For a moment she was lost in its beauty, transfixed by the sight she beheld. ‘It’s amazing…it’s almost like the city is alive.’ she breathed, her voice a faint whisper. She’d always been fascinated with the night, loving its quiescent energy, living her whole life as a nocturnal creature. It was only after the sun set that she felt awake, starting her day as the rest of the world went to bed. The lyric spilled out of her before she could help it. ‘It’s getting dark and the sky looks sticky, more like black treacle than tar.’

‘Somebody told the stars you’re not coming out tonight, so they found a place to hide.’ Aidan caught the reference and finished after her. Only then did she realize that he was still holding her, her back pressed to his chest and his chin resting on her head. Being in his arms always felt so nice, and in the comfort of their privacy it felt all the more profound. But wait – profound. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt and unease began to gnaw at her, sending chills up her neck as she realized that the affection of the moment had been a little more intimate than she’d bargained for.

True, the arrangement between them was somewhat…delicate. They’d agreed on the usual sex with no strings attached, and so the generic rules that prohibited commitments were applied – but then again, a simple fuck and goodbye was too crude to be feasible. She liked to believe that there was a tacit understanding between them that whole romance act thus far was just another part of foreplay, a charade designed to propagate the greater game. After all, what would sex be without the flirting and frisson that led up to it? This is all part of it, she reminded herself. This is what a true casual relationship was like. Pretending to care, but never really being there to weather the worst. It bugged her that this wasn’t the first time she had to catch herself because moments like this always felt like they were overstepping an invisible boundary, breaking rules that no one dared speak about. But as long as she kept herself in check, always distancing the most vital part of her feelings – the truth – she knew that she would be safe, harnessed firmly to the reality of matters, never drifting too close to the sun.

She’d been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t realize how much time had passed. They must have been standing there for quite some time, for now he broke away from her and walked towards the bar. ‘Do you really like the place, then?’ he asked, pouring out two glasses of wine as he did so, ‘The general complaint from everyone is that it’s a little too spartan to be comfortable.’

‘It’s perfect, if you ask me. You’ve taken a very purist approach to the minimalist concept, which explains why so few appreciate it. I mean, I could never be this streamlined,’ she pointed at the kitchen, which had not a single pot or pan in sight, ‘In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who could manage being so…minimal. But it suits you, and that’s saying something – it’s your personal space. It’s home.’

He raised his eyebrows in amusement and took a sip of wine. ‘Never heard that one before, but thanks. It’s nice to find someone who understands the principle behind it. You know, once, I’ve even had someone ask if I wasn’t done moving in yet. She couldn’t believe this was all there was going to be in the apartment.’

‘Well you can whittle down the whole place even more if you want, and if you’re looking to get rid of that dining table, you’re in luck. That,’ she swallowed a mouthful of wine and waved her wineglass in the direction of the futuristic table, ‘that would look amazing in my house.’ She paused for a moment. ‘Assuming it’d even fit. I think my house is the size of your bathroom.’

He laughed out loud, eyes crinkling up in mirth
. ‘Funny you should mention the table. It was designed by -‘

‘-Philippe Starck, I know,’ she cut him off smoothly, a playful twitch tugging at her lips. Aidan looked caught out for a second, but he just shook his head and smiled.

‘Bloody hell, you’re good. Has anyone ever told you that you have a great eye? I mean it,’ he leaned forward to look her in the eye. ‘You’re such an astute observer, and you have impeccable taste.’

Gwyneth tried to laugh off the compliment. ‘Yeah, well, I’m the girl with great taste who has resorted to openly begging for a designer table,’ she joked.

‘Oh no, I wouldn’t call that openly begging.’ He moved towards her and took her face in his hands. ‘Trouble is, you can have anything you want from me, anything at all, without having to ask for it, and that is very, very dangerous. I’ll have to be more careful.’

She giggled in response and pressed a kiss onto his lips. ‘Well I promise to not to run of with all of your money,’ her eyes were dancing with mischief. ‘I’ll settle for half.’

The sound of her giggle made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He loved it when she laughed like that – adored how it was so feminine and coquettish, equal parts innocent girl and womanly vixen – and now she was smoothing her palms over his broad torso, slowly paving her way down south, warming his skin through his shirt.

Her eyes swept around the room confirmed that Alfred had made himself scarce without having to be told, like the true professional that he was. Assured of their privacy, she hooked her fingers into his slacks and tugged at them hard, pulling his hips towards hers, showing him know how much she wanted him right here, right now.

‘I’ve missed you,’ she mumbled into his collar, breathing in deeply. ‘Been thinking of you all day.’

Taking his cue, his hands slid over the curve of her bottom and he gave them a firm squeeze as he nuzzled the nape of her neck, pressing his nose into the shallow bracket of her collarbone. ‘I’ve missed you too.’ From there, he began to kiss a light trail towards the bone just below her ear – light, feathery kisses, with just the faintest brushes of his lips. ‘My mind keeps wandering off to you, no matter how hard I try to stop myself.’

She murmured, allowing the pleasure to gradually unwind and warm her from within. His hands were busy pulling out the tucked edges of her shirt, slipping underneath it to meet the bare skin of her back. Aidan could feel her body responding now, the tell-tale tremors on her skin that he’d come to be familiar with of late.

Gwyneth purred when she felt him undoing the buttons of her shirt, lightly nipping at her earlobe with his teeth. She could feel the prickle of his five o-clock shadow brushing on her skin, making her spine tingle in anticipation. She shook off her shirt and stood in front of him in a satin black bra, swaying her hips gently and lifting her hands above her head, as if she was dancing to imaginary music. Eyes closed, her hips rolled invitingly, moving in small circles as she spun around until her back faced him, grinding her rounded ass against the bulge in his pants. His eyes darkened at the contact and he suppressed a groan, letting her tease him with her gyrations without protest. Aidan’s hands moved around her waist to work on her pants, while she reached out behind her and looped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

She never stopped dancing, just indulged herself and moved to the beat in her head, losing all sense of inhibition in front of him. She didn’t have to see him to know how aroused he was, she didn’t need to look into his eyes to recognize his smoldering gaze, burning hot with lust and desire for her. She just knew. Lost in her own private world, she felt sexy, empowered, beguiling. Beautiful. Reckless. He continued to undress her, gently biting into her neck when he undid her bra, drawing a line down her inner thigh with his tongue while he pulled down her panties.

Her eyes flew open when he suddenly swept her up in his arms, picking her up and carrying her as if she weighed nothing – then he dropped her onto the sofa before rolling on top of her. Pinned underneath him, she was helpless and completely at his mercy – a soft, sinewy goddess for him to own and please, her lips slightly parted in obscene lust, legs spread open in invitation. It was his turn to have fun now. His mouth closed over her nipple, making her gasp in response while he sucked on the taut bud, teasing the sensitive peak with his tongue.

Aidan’s fingers found the moist opening between her legs already soaked in her own fluids and he stroked her labia gently, dragging his fingers over her glistening folds to watch her mouth fall open in a lewd gasp, her eyelids almost crashing shut from the combined sensations. He could hear his own heartbeat loud and clear in his own ears, feel his breath ragged and distorted with want. Without warning he thrust two fingers inside her tight channel and she squealed at the sudden intrusion, an answer that both delighted and turned him on.

As he pumped his fingers roughly in and out of her, sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through her, rushing towards the inevitable climax, she arched her back and thrashed around, wanting to take more of him inside her. Watching her pump her hips to meet his thrusts was nothing short of gratifying, his rock hard erection a painful reminder of his acute arousal. He was so hard now, so desperate to plunge into her repeatedly and make her scream his name over and over again. Sensing that she was near, he pulled out his hand and held them under her nose, letting her see how she’d coated his hand in her juices, the glistening fluid trickling down his palm.

‘Show me,’ he instructed, ‘show me what you want to do to my cock with that pretty little mouth of yours.’

Gwyneth didn’t need to be told twice. She closed her lips over his outstretched fingers, giving them a strong, deep suck, flicking her tongue on the underside of his fingers, tasting her own nectar on his hands. From the noises he was making, Aidan was clearly enjoying the show she was exhibiting. She could see how much he wanted her, just how much she drove him crazy, and it only made her ache for him all the more.

She continued to work on his fingers, sucking on them with a pornographic hunger while his other hand strayed south, reaching to align his cock with her dripping entrance. The head of his cock rested against her pussy, almost inside but not quite, just barely entering her. She whimpered softly and raised her hips, her eyes pleading for him to fill her, to fuck her and make her come, never letting up on the oral service she was lavishing on his fingers. He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted her this very moment, so very much that it took every ounce of restraint to hold himself back and tease her a little longer.

‘Do you want me to fuck you?’ She nodded and thrust her hips at him again, silently begging to be filled. The time for games was over. He pulled his fingers out of her mouth and asked her again. ‘Mmm, you really need me inside you, don’t you?’ Her reply was a barely audible bleat.

‘Tell me. Tell me what you want, Gwyneth, tell me what you want me to do to you.’

‘Fuck me, please.’ Her head was lolling about distractedly now, her mind so delirious with pleasure that she was hardly sober. ‘Please, Aidan, please, I can’t take it any more.’

He filled her completely in one smooth thrust, burying himself to the hilt in one stroke. She howled at the feeling of his entire length inside her, finally quenching the longing she’d felt all day. Aidan fucked her with deep, furious strokes, unrelenting in rhythm as the pleasure built up, dangerously nearing orgasm. He could her her encouraging moans, feel her nails digging deep into his ass as he pounded into her, feeling her tight, velvet walls clench around him, her juices flowing down to his balls. He knew that she was enjoying it, oh yes she
was, screaming out incoherent words of approval, thrusting up her hips as he drove it into her like a maniac. All he could feel was her, drowning himself in the act of simply fucking her – letting that animalistic need rip through as he rammed into her as deep as he could. There it was again, that sweet, familiar build, rising in intensity until he felt her tighten around him, pushing him over the precipice, and then he was shouting her name while he emptied himself into her, and his mind went blank for what seemed like eternity. The bliss gradually subsided, relaxing into a deep, languorous repose of mumbled conversations in the dark while the heat of the night was dissipating away, leaving behind a warm blanket of comfort that ensconced them both.

‘Let’s see…mmm…star sign,’ she asked him in a sleepy voice. They were exchanging short snippets of random information about each other, taking turns to ask the oddest questions they could muster.

‘Horoscope, Gwyneth, really? Just when you think you know someone…’

‘Oh, shut up. Just an astronomy geek. I could tell you everything about each constellation of the zodiac.’

‘Huh, really.’ She could detect the slightest tone of challenge in his voice, his competitive streak never letting up, not even during pillow talk. ‘The twins of Gemini – shoot.’

‘Castor and Pollux,’ she fired back without missing a heartbeat. ‘Don’t mess, Scodelario.’

‘Smartass,’ he retorted. ‘Okay…childhood phobias.’

‘Hmm…’ she shifted in bed to face him better, pulling the duvet over her shoulders. ‘Caterpillars.’

As predicted, Aidan snorted in disbelief. ‘The fuck? Caterpillars? Were you worried they’d…you know what, I don’t know, I can’t think of anything scary that a bloody caterpillar could possibly do to you.’

She swatted at him halfheartedly. ‘Phobias are irrational, okay? Caterpillars are all…green and bulgy and…pokey.’

‘Pokey? Woman, you paint with words.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ she rolled her eyes and burrowed deeper into her pillow. ‘What was yours then? Terrified of getting an A minus on a test?’

‘I would’ve disemboweled myself with a butter knife if that ever happened,’ he replied, making her giggle. ‘I never did A minuses.’

‘And you call me the smartass.’ Her speech was slurring now as she fought a losing battle to stay awake. Aidan had to smile at the sight of his sleepy partner, eyelids half closed but still trying to put up with her end of the conversation.

‘Go to bed,’ he soothed in a gentle voice. ‘Goodnight, my stargazing know-it-all.’

‘You still haven’t told me yours.’

Aidan went quiet for a few seconds. ‘Needles. I was afraid of needles.’

He watched her for a reaction but she was fast asleep, looking all relaxed and peaceful, those beautiful features settling into a serene calm as she rested. Whenever she slept, there was the barest hint of a smile on her lips, as if she was always dreaming the most pleasant of dreams. This wasn’t something he usually did with women, but he genuinely enjoyed watching her in her slumber, totally oblivious to the world around her. There was a remarkable fragility in her stance that he didn’t see when she was up and running, a softer, more vulnerable Gwyneth that opposed the know-it-all she usually was.


The monosyllabic grunt left her lips as a good-night bid, a light insult to end the day. His smile widened at the thought of it. Of course she had to – couldn’t resist throwing in a jibe, could she? Aidan pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, wished her goodnight, and turned to face away from her, finally allowing himself to drift off, too.


‘You can’t be serious,’ Aidan glowered at his friend, his voice approaching a menacing pitch, ‘Julian, you had better not be fucking around.’

Julian didn’t look the least bit fazed. ‘It’s happening, Aidan, and it’s only a matter of how many people get involved right now. Believe it or not, a lot of things don’t require your approval, and this is happening regardless of whether you agree or not.’

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This is the second part to my story about me and my auntie we have been in lockdown together for 4 days now and as you all know all no Who read part one my auntie was not very experienced at handling a cock well 4 days on and she is a different woman . We are having sex two or three times a day she’s turned out to be a right horny and dirty little bitch she has still got a very tight pussy and now she loves to suck cock plus she can almost take my full 9 inches down her throat . On the second...

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1.         Jack and Isabelle were drinking tea in the parlor. Carmen was upstairs, Martin was out on a social call, and Kelly was out riding her horse, overseen by one of the grooms.“How did Carmen and you meet, Jack?” asked Isabelle.“We met when we were in college,” said Jack briefly.  She waited for him to go on, but he did not.“Were you at the same university? Come on, I’m curious!”“No, she went to Wellesley – that’s a girls’ school.”“And where did you go?”“I went to a university in...

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Deputy PorterChapter 130

It turned into a whirlwind. I stopped the car for gas, and Tom went to a quiet spot several paces from the SUV. He talked into the cell phone for a long time. Well past the time it took to fill the SUV's gas tank and the axillary tank as well. The receipt show $123 so I knew he had been a while. I got back into the car to wait for him. It took him at least ten more minutes to finish the call. A lot of the time he was on hold or listening to the other party talk. It took him so long to...

3 years ago
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White Space

He paused, "You know it's strange, but I can't seem to remember anything at all." Robert stood in the doorway, unsure what to do, disoriented."Is that so?" said a voice from inside the room. "Yes," Robert said, frowning. "Believe it or not, for a second there I couldn't even remember my own name!" Charlotte looked around the corner at him. "I hope you haven't forgotten mine." "Charlotte! Of course." Robert laughed. "Now that you mention it, it almost feels like I didn't know it at first....

Quickie Sex
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Private Carolina Savage Enjoys Anal at the Bar

Carolina Savage, as her name might suggest, is a wild, wild girl. That’s why she’s part of our biker gang in Private Movies, Hard Riders, and as the owner of the local bar too, she allows herself some very horny luxuries! Fucking Jesús Reyes on the pool table is one of them, and today on, you can watch the sexy Carolina enjoy an interracial fuck to remember as she takes full control of Jesús’s stick with a sloppy blowjob before receiving a hard anal pounding that climaxes with a...

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Caribbean Sirens Ch 01

Chapter One: (November 1717, the Caribbean), Truly nothing was quite like waking up to the gentle rocking of a calm sea beneath the deck, the warmth of a golden dawn shining through the window and the gentle ticking of a man’s whiskers against one’s inner thighs. Lizzy Boyle smiled and arched her back off the bed for a moment as ‘Sir’ Patrick Frakes darted his tongue in and out of her, occasionally planting soft kisses on her inner thighs. It was more than carnal pleasure that pleased Lizzy,...

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Embrace the Dark My Beloved Part Two

Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part Two I leveled my gaze on Jennifer, purposely narrowing my eyes, and scrutinized her. Her shimmering emeralds met the cold black death in mine. She was very brave, or very confident that her decision to intrude into my domain was not a fatal one. “And just what do you think you will gain?” I asked her with a nonchalance that I sensed she found annoying. She was set in her mind and my unwillingness to just hand over eternal life and damnation pricked her ire. ...

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PrincessCum Emma Hix Down To Fuck

Emma Hix is totally into her stepbrother Chad Alva. Chad overhears Emma chatting on the phone with a friend about how hot he is and about how she’d love to fuck him but could never do it. When he spies Emma masturbating when she hangs up the phone, Chad can’t help but whip his dick out and start stroking it. He cums all over the wall, which alerts Emma to his presence even though he has run away by the time she gets to the door. Not about to let this one go, Emma confronts her...

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I Started

I Started This is a story of my life, the early years. This story contains No Rape, No Forced Feminization. This story contains Love, Lust and hopefully good Sex. Parts of this story are pure Fantasy (they could happen). All names and locations have been changed to protect the SEXY. All standard disclaimers are in effect. Chapter-1 The Beginning. I Started Reminiscing about my life as I lay in the Delivery Room about to give birth to our first child, we have been...

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How my wife flashed a stranger the first time

My wife is very open minded in general and although not a prude in bed, she is quite comfortable with a conservative approach to sex. I on the contrary am quite open to being more creative and love exhibitionism, voyeurism and would love to get her involved into threesomes or swinging. We have been talking about our fantasies for a while and although she was very reluctant at first she has been opening up a bit more. She has confessed a few interesting things recently like fantasizing about...

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MySistersHotFriend Stephanie West 24269

Stephanie West arrives at her friend’s house after being invited over to catch some sun next to the pool all afternoon, but when her friend’s brother Sean admits that he used a new app to ghost text her, posing as his sister, Stephanie’s none too thrilled about it. She knows Sean’s been trying to get in her pants for years, and she also knows that HE knows she and her boyfriend just broke up. But she’s already there and she’s already in her bikini, so she decides to make the most of it and lay...

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Goldy Locks and the three Behrs Part 2

Unbeknownst to the sleeping thief, the owners of the cabin were on their way home. Two burly men and one sultry brunette occupied the humble abode. All of them beautiful and tall. Each of them different in their own rites. Max, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, led the group back from the emergency call in town. You see, all three lovelies had an equal partnership in the local construction company, but it was Max's strong leadership skills that made the company successful. Rugged, but...

Group Sex
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Having Nicole Pt 1

This story is for ‘YOU’…….’YOU’ know who you are…….. Nicole and I have been friends for about the last 16 years, growing up across the street from one another. We practically did everything together since then. I’m not a lesbian but, I really started to notice my crush for Nicole when I was about 17, seeing how curvy her body was and how her breasts were shaped like perfect globes. She’s blonde, slightly taller than me at about 5’6 or so with long legs that lead you to a firm ass. I have to...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Evelin Stone 23395

Evelin Stone’s boyfriend isn’t very handy around the house, but his buddy Ramon is, so he helps out and installs the new shower head they’ve been needing for some time now. Evelin’s been dying to take a shower all day, so once it’s complete she’s ready to get wet. And since the door’s open, Ramon decides to take a quick perv peep on her as she undresses and gets in the shower! But because the door is open, Evelin catches him in action! So, it’s either she tells her boyfriend that his pal...

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Hot Guys Fuck

Does seeing Hot Guys Fuck get you going? There’s a lot of smut out there that casts Joe Everyman as the stud, so you’ll see some world-class beauty getting hammered by an ugly old dude or some big-dicked, snaggle-toothed meathead. Shit, ol’ Ron Jeremy shot thousands of movies literally before getting popped for being a creep, and that guy looks like he lives in a cave under a bridge and charges passersby their firstborn as the toll for crossing. It seems like producers don’t always give a shit...

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A meeting with Mark

I have been chatting with another hamster friend for a while when I got the courage to ask him for a meet. We have similar interests such as being bi curious. The problem was that I lived up north and he down south. so I asked if he fancied meeting in Northampton as I remembered there was a good hotel there just off the M6.I arrived early on a Friday afternoon, checked in and had a shower I decided I would put a pair of Tights on as I thought it might be a good ice breaker. Then I went to the...

2 years ago
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Both Of My Sons Shared Me

Hello, there friends my name is Tina. This is my real sex story. I married 22 years ago. After the birth of my son, my sexual interests diminished with growing responsibilities. But when my son’s best Friend – Raj came to stay in our house in order to clear his re-exams, I ended up fucking him so that he can concentrate on studies and became fuck buddies. But then his father stole some of our nudes and blackmailed him into sex which I was able to succeed in getting those nudes deleted and...

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Retribution Part 4

I looked at Zoe and said “I’ve had seven already Zoe, isn’t that enough?”   Zoe came over to me, grabbed my penis and balls, turned me around, and felt my bottom.   “It is striped and marked, but Mum said twelve strokes didn’t she?”   “Well she does normally give me twelve but after a warm up. You didn’t warm me up did you?” I know it sounded like a moan, but I was hurting.   Then she gave me the body blow.   “I tell you what Dad, treat those first seven as the warm up, so you have twelve...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 4 Katies shopping

Katie's shopping at The Gap I took off the afternoon from work to go shopping with my wife. I hated shopping but I had to get some new clothes plus I also wanted to spend time with Katie. Our relationship had become much more sexual since we became more open with each other. The sex between us had been explosive. Katie enjoyed taking my cock and I enjoyed giving it to her. She looked incredible today. My wife wasn't one to wear makeup but today she had applied some dark red lipstick. I had...

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Fantasy Weekend

It’s Sunday evening and I just got back from Houston and visiting with Master for the weekend.  What a weekend, but I should have known something was up.  I had to miss our last visit, so I knew punishment would be worse this time.  I had several ?incidents? that I had to pay for missing the gym, arguing with my husband, not playing with the anal toys and playing with myself when I should not be. Master had been in Austin the weekend before visiting some friends.  I found him and David...

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Baby Ohh

Mia was my best friend. I'd met her in high school and after we left there at 18, we went to seperate colleges. Today, I was meeting up for her for the first time in almost four years and made a special effort to look pretty. My auburn hair was tied up gracefully and I was wearing my favorite bright blue minidress with matching blue ribbon high heels. I heard the beep of an old truck outside my window and I ran outside the front door to see. Sure as everything, it was the same figure sitting,...

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Soft Cuck 2

The second night Edna went out with Alton, in complete defiance of Adam – though he never objected nor complained except the final night – she met up at his apartment for pregaming. Wearing a tan bodysuit that was very low-cut, displaying so much cleavage that it made the term nearly irrelevant. Her areolas competed seriously for exposure. She brought her friend, Jazmine, to tag along. Jazmine was an escort and webcam model who grew up with Edna. After hearing Edna tell of Adam’s...

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Hanky Panky

Disclaimer: I do not own Still Standing or its characters. I don’t receive any monetary consideration from the writing or posting of this story. This is a parody in the Fanny TV Series. It all started when I shared with Brian that I wanted him to be my tutor. I wanted a very ‘strict tutor who used physical punishment to get results.’ Furthermore, he would spank me if he felt my effort wasn’t up to par. Brian was so smart and Lauren would buy I needed help with my homework and so would their...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 730

Dead Donkey Father O’Malley rose from his bed one morning. It was a fine spring day in his new parish in rural Wales. He walked to the window of his bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside. He then noticed there was a donkey lying dead in the middle of his front lawn. He promptly called the local police station. The conversation went like this: “Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones. How might I help you?” “And the best of the day te yerself. This is Father O’Malley at...

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Bound and used

Get dressed I want to fuck fucked me earlieryes and now I want to fuck you again. Sheena went to the bedroom to get dressed, in the clothes I had left out for her. 5 inch heeled red shoes, a black PVC basque stockings and suspenders belt. I went into the kitchen and checked the items I wanted to fuck her with, and made sure the ankle straps on the door open and close properly, and her neck brace too. I returned to the front room, and a few minutes later Sheena returned dressed as told,...

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A Great Day for Landscaping

Sasha was the manager of the insurance office in the mingle of the mix. She pretty much kept to herself, offering a wave here and there to the others only because she didnt want to seem like a total bitch. Insurance was a nessisity in which something being nice had nothing to do with. If you were gonna drive an automobile, you hade to have it. Sasha pulled up in the parking lot at 8:56am, carried by her Jeep Grand Cherokee that she treasured. Stepping out she wore black mary-jane...

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Punishing Allie

This story is completely fictional and was written for entertainment.  I appreciate any feedback.  Thank you.  I had taken my wife out for dinner that night.  We hadn't been intimate in a while and I wanted to make her feel special, hoping she would return the favor.  She was too distracted to notice, though.  She just bitched about the same old things I hear about every day - her job, friends, the bills, the kids, the laundry.  I just wanted the night to end.  I lost track of how much wine we...

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Mad Diaries Part 5 The Desirable Keerthi Mam

Hi friends, this is Madhan with a story of how and my friend Ashok had sex with Keerthi mam who was taking our maths. It will be a long story. Please patient to read the full story. Let me come to the story. Sanjana will come and stay in our room on the weekends as we told her. Sanjana will come by Friday evening after college and go back to her hostel on Monday morning. We use to spend time watching movies, playing games and definitely by having sex. We had sex with Sanjana at different places...

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Revenge is sweet

A family sitting around the dinner table and the son asks if he can ask a question. The father responds. Of course,the only question! The young man asks his dad: Dad,how many different kinds of breasts are there? Father,surprised,answers Well,son,there are three kinds of breasts. The 20-year-old woman has breasts are like melons, round & firm. Around 30-40 years of age are like pears still nice but hanging a bit. After fifty,they are like onions. Onions? Yes, when you see them and they make...

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Path To GloryChapter 39

It turned out to be easier than that to get Beth to Phoenix. It wasn't an hour after Bailey and I had spoken when Beth called me. "I was hoping I could come down early," she said. "Things have really gone to shit here and I just need to get away." I told her she could come anytime she liked. "I'm glad because I'm already at the airport," she said with a tired laugh. "I didn't think you'd tell me no. I'll explain everything when I get there. Can you pick me up at the airport...

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We wanked my mate

A friend of mine came back from Australia last week and came round ours for a drink. We were talking away and the wife asked me why I called him Big John, when he was smaller in height than me.Straight away I told her it was because of his cock, 9.5 inches and as thick as a baby's arm.Needless to say, she went very quiet for a while,but after a few more drinks she blurted out "go on then, show me".Now John is actually gay and said he would need some stimulation to achieve full glory. The wife...

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MonstersOfCock Selina Moon Her First Monster Cock

The beautiful Selina Moon is here today and she told us that Monster Cocjks are her absolute favorite! Unfortunately, she hasn’t gotten the opportunity to have sex with one….until today! As you know, Bang Bros cares, especially when it comes to satisfying our lovely ladies. Our boy Stanley came out with his dick ready to be worshipped. She’s never seen a cock this big in person so she has some fun. She gives him an amazing blowjob before he fucks her like never before. They...

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Chrissie Becomes a Sissy Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Chrissie becomes a sissy It was Friday morning and I was sitting in the doctor's surgery waiting to be administered my weekly dose of oestrogen and my three month shot of Depo-Provera, which is the drug which chemically castrates me. I have been on Depo-Provera for the last three years and I could tell the last dose was wearing off as my mind was increasingly focused on submissive sexual fantasies. Nevertheless, Friday is my favourite day because I have begun to view the...

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My Bus Journey Part 66 Final

FP sat down and stripped out of his pants completely under the blanket. He then applied some Vaseline to his dick and then asked me to come over to him and sit on his lap. He then reached under the blanket and applied some more gel to my butthole. Still naked under the blanket, I moved over towards him, standing between his legs with my back to him. I slowly lowered my butthole towards his cock. Once I made contact with his cock, he held his cock in his hand and slowly slide it into my butt as...

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MAUREEN By Emma "Here she comes." I folded my legs; bum perched on the edge of the video monitor station, and sniggered as I saw Maureen come out of the staff changing room on the little black and white monitor. Max, the store security guard chuckled too. "Look at her," I said, "Imagine having an arse like that." Max laughed. "I don't know who designed the uniforms at this store but they didn't give a second though to fashion, did they?" "Nope. They certainly...

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My Fantasy5

Master had been in Austin the weekend before visiting some friends. I found him and my husband chatting for a while. At the time, I had no clue why, but I eventually found out. Neither of them would tell me, so unfair! It is Saturday morning, early and I am getting ready to leave for Houston. My husband tells me to have fun and to behave myself and listen to what Master tells me. He will be enjoying the weekend himself as he has a m?ge planned. Master calls me and asks if I am on the way...

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