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Dieser Tag war der erste Besamungstag, es hatte eine lange Zeit gebraucht bis er kam, es war die Idee einer geheimen Stiftung und eines ungewöhnlichen Gedankens gewesen. Catherine war vor 18 Jahren rekrutiert worden, als sie 16 war, schwanger und allein. Sie hatte einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Betracht gezogen und den üblichen Spießrutenlauf zu absolvieren, um in eine Klinik zu kommen. Damals fürchtete sie sich und war verwirrt: sie wollte nicht wirklich einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch, aber sie war auch nicht bereit, eine allein stehende Teenager-Mutter zu sein.

Und, ein Baby zu tragen 9 Monate lang um es dann zu Adoption zu geben, wie von vielen der Aktion "Rechts auf Leben" vorgeschlagen wurde, war für sie keine gute Alternative. Aber auf ihrem Weg zur Klinik konfrontierte eine der Gruppe "Recht auf Leben" Catherine mit einer anderen Botschaft, eine, über die ihre ehemalige Mitstreiter schockiert worden wären, hätten sie die volle Tragweite realisiert.

Der Vorschlag war, dass, wenn das Baby ein Mädchen wäre, die Stiftung bereit wäre, Catherine dafür zu bezahlen, dass sie nicht nur ihre Tochter aufzieht, sondern hilft, noch andere Mädchen groß zu ziehen. Es gäbe noch einige andere Bedingungen, die erklärt würden, wenn das Baby ein Mädchen war und wenn Catherine interessiert wäre. Aber die Hauptsache war, dass Catherine finanziell sicher und mit der Unterstützung in der Lage wäre, ihre Tochter aufzuziehen.

Catherine war ausreichend in ihre Wahlmöglichkeiten gerissen worden, dass sie zustimmte, einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch zu verschieben, bis sie herausfand, ob das Baby ein Junge oder ein Mädchen war, und ob sie berechtigt für dieses Programm war. Es stellt sich heraus, dass das Baby ein Mädchen war, und der Rest des Programms wurde ihr erklärt. Die Stiftung wollte Leute von gemischten und unbekannten Rassen generieren, in der Hoffnung dass sie Abgesandte von Toleranz wären und dass sie als Mischlinge von vielen Rassen akzeptiert würden.

Als ein zweites Ziel erkannte die Stiftung auch, dass es zu wenige Babys gibt, die in den USA für eine Adoption verfügbar waren, und viele Paare, die adoptieren wollten, sich auch mit langen Wartezeiten konfrontiert sahen oder ins Ausland reisen mussten, um zu adoptieren. Und in vielen ausländischen Ländern gab es aufgrund der Vorliebe für männlichen Nachwuchs nur Babyjungen, die für die Adoption verfügbar sind. Die Stiftung schlug vor, ein Besamungsprogramm zu starten, um das Angebot von Babys für die Adoption zu steigern. Catherine war, nicht sicher, ob sie glaubte, die Stiftung habe eine Erfolgschance oder dass es in der Tat irgendwie mehr irreführende Quacksalberei war.

Dennoch waren die handfesten Nutzen wesentlich, um ihr Angebot zu akzeptieren und erforderten nicht, dass sie glaubte, dass die Stiftung Erfolg haben würde. Der Plan war einfach genug. Eine Anzahl von Mädchen von verschiedenen ethnischen Hintergründen würde zusammen als Schwestern und Klassenkameraden aufgezogen, bis sie 18 waren. Ihre finanziellen Bedürfnisse würden von der Stiftung gedeckt und erhielten eine private Bildung beginnend in der Mittelschule. Beim Erreichen von 18 Jahren würden die Mädchen den Zeugungsakt auszuführen haben mit dem Ziel, das jede mindestens drei Kinder bekam.

Das erstgeborene Mädchen sollte den Zeugungsakt für die nächste Generation ausführen, während die anderen für die Adoption bestimmt waren. Catherines Baby gehörte zur ersten Reihe, aber die Stiftung, erwartete in jedem folgenden Jahr weitere Mädchen zu rekrutieren. Catherine sollte Hausmutter für eine Gruppe von 5 Mädchen sein. Die anderen Mädchen wären von verschiedener ethnischer Herkunft, aber alle waren für die Adoption freigegebene Mädchen. Catherine würde Haus- und Kindermädchen haben und schließlich Hausmütter für jeden jüngeren Satz von Mädchen. Catherine war nie sicher, wie die Stiftung sie fand und auswählte. Sie sagten ihr, dass es kein Zufall war, und dass sie bestimmte Qualitäten von Aussehen und Intelligenz suchten beide als Hausfrau und als Tochter. Das alles war jetzt 18 Jahre her, und die Dinge hatten sich wie geplant entwickelt.

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Terri's turn: I really DO love my mom. I'm speaking of my natural mom, the person who carried me for nine months, then gave birth to me. I did not and still do not understand why she left Dad for Mister Martin. I know both men and there's no comparison. Tina tells me that there are things that go on in people's hearts and heads that are not easily defined. Defined. If you define 'step-mom', it means the woman who marries your dad. That's Tina. Dictionary definitions are so...

4 years ago
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The Case of the Melting SisterChapter 3

CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENTS 53 & 54 - DAY 1 (CONTINUED) As I drove toward Joe’s apartment, I took Sherrie even deeper into trance, and twice more, I had her envision an encounter in which he tried so impotently to wrest control away from me. In each case, she reacted by laughing louder and longer than she had before. For many minutes during that drive, however, I was silent, as I tried to imagine how I would play my own part in this little production. (Isn’t it odd how far...

2 years ago
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Listening in makes me horny

"Oh god yes, YES, YES fuck Yeeessssss!" Janis could hear everything the walls in the house were not that thick. Here she was in her bedroom listening to her daughter Jesy and her latest boyfriend across the landing. It was late in the evening Jesy and her boyfriend James had just come back from an evening out. Janis had stayed up long enough to see her daughter get home then went off to bed. The sound of the two of them making love had woken Janis up, she lay there in the dark listening, it...

1 year ago
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Sex Addiction and Masturbation Story

‘I also masturbate once or twice a day. I feel its normal for me. But my girlfriends don’t seem to think so. They all smile at first, but after a while they think it’s too much. I hope sharing this with you helps.’ Each of them were here for the same reason. Sex addiction. ‘I have a confession to make. My name it Matt le Blanch and I am a sex addict.’ It was the first time I had attended one of ‘those’ meetings but I had to do something… sex was taking over any semblance of the life I had had...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 500

The Prison Planet When Jasmine had the grill positioned above the fire, she went over to one of her cook shelves to take down a big box of foil wrap as well as other foil sheets that she had obviously used before. Turning back to the others, she said, “We roast our potatoes in the coals wrapped in this, and as you can see, we’re careful to save the foil whenever possible. No store around here,” she finished with a chuckle. Diana’s grin got bigger, but she didn’t mention that she had...

2 years ago
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My Intimate Experience with a Woman

I was feeling excited at the thought of touching and being touched by a woman for the first time. I had been looking forward to this so much and it turned me on knowing we were going to be watched by my partner. I wanted him to see me being touched in an intimate way by a woman. It was not just any woman either. Emma was one of my closest friends. We had both been curious about what it would be like to have a woman touch us and it was her who suggested she would like to be touched by me and not...

3 years ago
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Main Or Meri Maa Shweta

Hello dosto main aap sab logo ka swagat karta hoon main jo ab aapko batane ja raha hoon wo ek sacchi story hain main sirf naam or place badal raha hoon warna jo bhi likne jaa raha hoon wo 100 fisdi sach hain or sirf sach hain. Mera naam harsh hain or main 17saal ka hoon main jaipur me rehta hoon or mere ghar me sirf hum teen log rahte hain. Main or meri maa or mere papa mere papa uae me job karte hain or hum log kafi rich hain. Mere papa saal me sirf 2 months ke liye ghar aate hain unki age...

2 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 30

At 6:25 the following evening Maureen drove into the parking lot of Jimmy's Steakhouse. I was waiting for her on the sidewalk holding a single long stemmed red rose. As soon as she was finished parking I walked over to her car, opened the door for her and held it while she stepped out. Once she was standing in the parking lot I handed her the rose, kissed her cheek and said, "For the most beautiful woman in Fort Meyers." Looking at me skeptically, Maureen took the rose and said, "Michael, this...

4 years ago
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Asian Dream 1 revised

It was early morning. I was returning from a very early breakfast with a friend. Driving home in my neighborhood, I saw her the first time from about 50 yards away. She was walking away from the school bus. Wearing a simple long black dress and her hair was in a bun at the back of her head. She was Asian and I think I could see she had a really nice body. It was hard to tell. But, I loved Asian women. I was determined to see her again. It had been almost a year since the passing of my...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 67

A harried Jenny brought Tyche back about 4PM. “We’re all adults here, Yes, Tyche ... I include you. With you age is just a place-marker... “ ... Holy Shit Holy Shit Holy Shit! Miss Flintkote...” “Surprise, please.” “Very well ... Surprise. She’s beyond brilliant ... but she’s so normal.” “You should watch her fly.” “She showed me her license ... is that for real?” “Yup ... ask Junior.” “The Princess? I wouldn’t presume...” “Junior,” I called. “Hi, Surprise ... Hi, Tyche. How is my...

3 years ago
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A Train Ride To Remember Pt3 Meet the wife

The dream scared me so bad I couldn’t get back to sleep. Jay had no problems though. He was laying on top of me asleep, his naked body covering mine, his dick still nestled in my pussy. His breathing was slow and steady, he hadn’t been disturbed at all by my startled awakening. I looked down at him and I couldn’t help it. I cried. I had never been more scared in my life. What would happen when I returned, if I ever did. Would they find Jay and put him away? Would they somehow know that I...

4 years ago
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Last Night

Last NightYour skin slides against mine as you come to our bed, your chest brushing and settling against my back. You wrap me up in your strong arms; one under my head the other finding my already hard nipple. Your hand caresses my breast, tweaking my nipple, pulling, and rubbing it. Looking down at your hand against my body I can't help but love the contrast of our skin; your dark caramel skin against my milky white skin. We're beautiful together. We fit perfectly together; our bodies aline...

Straight Sex
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Sex With Amy Jo Johnson The Pink Ranger

I had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...

2 years ago
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Soup and a Smile

CHAPTER ONE : The Visitor The cats were the first to announce his arrival. Tails high in the air they paraded up and down the hall. Pushing open the door to the living room, they rubbed themselves against her legs, gazing at her with bright eyes as if to will her to do something, to get up and follow them. She pushed them gently away, too deep within her book to want their interruption. A log fell to cinders in the fire with a gentle hiss while the old clock’s steady tick counted the lazy...

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