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Dieser Tag war der erste Besamungstag, es hatte eine lange Zeit gebraucht bis er kam, es war die Idee einer geheimen Stiftung und eines ungewöhnlichen Gedankens gewesen. Catherine war vor 18 Jahren rekrutiert worden, als sie 16 war, schwanger und allein. Sie hatte einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Betracht gezogen und den üblichen Spießrutenlauf zu absolvieren, um in eine Klinik zu kommen. Damals fürchtete sie sich und war verwirrt: sie wollte nicht wirklich einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch, aber sie war auch nicht bereit, eine allein stehende Teenager-Mutter zu sein.

Und, ein Baby zu tragen 9 Monate lang um es dann zu Adoption zu geben, wie von vielen der Aktion "Rechts auf Leben" vorgeschlagen wurde, war für sie keine gute Alternative. Aber auf ihrem Weg zur Klinik konfrontierte eine der Gruppe "Recht auf Leben" Catherine mit einer anderen Botschaft, eine, über die ihre ehemalige Mitstreiter schockiert worden wären, hätten sie die volle Tragweite realisiert.

Der Vorschlag war, dass, wenn das Baby ein Mädchen wäre, die Stiftung bereit wäre, Catherine dafür zu bezahlen, dass sie nicht nur ihre Tochter aufzieht, sondern hilft, noch andere Mädchen groß zu ziehen. Es gäbe noch einige andere Bedingungen, die erklärt würden, wenn das Baby ein Mädchen war und wenn Catherine interessiert wäre. Aber die Hauptsache war, dass Catherine finanziell sicher und mit der Unterstützung in der Lage wäre, ihre Tochter aufzuziehen.

Catherine war ausreichend in ihre Wahlmöglichkeiten gerissen worden, dass sie zustimmte, einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch zu verschieben, bis sie herausfand, ob das Baby ein Junge oder ein Mädchen war, und ob sie berechtigt für dieses Programm war. Es stellt sich heraus, dass das Baby ein Mädchen war, und der Rest des Programms wurde ihr erklärt. Die Stiftung wollte Leute von gemischten und unbekannten Rassen generieren, in der Hoffnung dass sie Abgesandte von Toleranz wären und dass sie als Mischlinge von vielen Rassen akzeptiert würden.

Als ein zweites Ziel erkannte die Stiftung auch, dass es zu wenige Babys gibt, die in den USA für eine Adoption verfügbar waren, und viele Paare, die adoptieren wollten, sich auch mit langen Wartezeiten konfrontiert sahen oder ins Ausland reisen mussten, um zu adoptieren. Und in vielen ausländischen Ländern gab es aufgrund der Vorliebe für männlichen Nachwuchs nur Babyjungen, die für die Adoption verfügbar sind. Die Stiftung schlug vor, ein Besamungsprogramm zu starten, um das Angebot von Babys für die Adoption zu steigern. Catherine war, nicht sicher, ob sie glaubte, die Stiftung habe eine Erfolgschance oder dass es in der Tat irgendwie mehr irreführende Quacksalberei war.

Dennoch waren die handfesten Nutzen wesentlich, um ihr Angebot zu akzeptieren und erforderten nicht, dass sie glaubte, dass die Stiftung Erfolg haben würde. Der Plan war einfach genug. Eine Anzahl von Mädchen von verschiedenen ethnischen Hintergründen würde zusammen als Schwestern und Klassenkameraden aufgezogen, bis sie 18 waren. Ihre finanziellen Bedürfnisse würden von der Stiftung gedeckt und erhielten eine private Bildung beginnend in der Mittelschule. Beim Erreichen von 18 Jahren würden die Mädchen den Zeugungsakt auszuführen haben mit dem Ziel, das jede mindestens drei Kinder bekam.

Das erstgeborene Mädchen sollte den Zeugungsakt für die nächste Generation ausführen, während die anderen für die Adoption bestimmt waren. Catherines Baby gehörte zur ersten Reihe, aber die Stiftung, erwartete in jedem folgenden Jahr weitere Mädchen zu rekrutieren. Catherine sollte Hausmutter für eine Gruppe von 5 Mädchen sein. Die anderen Mädchen wären von verschiedener ethnischer Herkunft, aber alle waren für die Adoption freigegebene Mädchen. Catherine würde Haus- und Kindermädchen haben und schließlich Hausmütter für jeden jüngeren Satz von Mädchen. Catherine war nie sicher, wie die Stiftung sie fand und auswählte. Sie sagten ihr, dass es kein Zufall war, und dass sie bestimmte Qualitäten von Aussehen und Intelligenz suchten beide als Hausfrau und als Tochter. Das alles war jetzt 18 Jahre her, und die Dinge hatten sich wie geplant entwickelt.

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"Hello. This is Gerri." "Hi, Gerri. Patrick. How are you all?" "OK. Too much baby poop." "Not my fault. Is your father-in-law around?" "No. He took about two dozen Merino lambs into Roma." "Oh. Do you know if the band's over by the creek?" "They were last week. Why?" "I need to send a message. Could you drive over?" "One of us can. But there's a price." "What?" "I need to know how the art critic's doin'." "She's fine. She's off at an opening right...

3 years ago
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Expoited Jessica

Before she even opened her eyes Jessica Sampson knew something was wrong. This wasn’t her bed and Barney, her dog, wasn’t there. Slowly she opened her eyes and surveyed the strange room. The windowless sparsely furnished room was lit only by a small TV in the corner. She looked over at the TV and found a scene that scared her even more than waking up in a room that certainly wasn’t hers. On the screen was a redheaded girl who looked a lot like her was tied to a bench and sucking on the penis of...

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Weekend At The Lake

After I'd spent time in Illinois and lost my virginity to the nympho next door whose Air Force hubby was in Germany, I went back home and renewed my acquaintance with an old girlfriend, Pam. Her parents and mine, I honestly believe, had ideas that she and I would end up married. Even though we liked each other a lot and had great times together, at eighteen, we really didn't see that in either of our futures.  For one thing, the Vietnam War was in full swing and I had to either enlist or be...

4 years ago
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The Rolls and the Pipe Ch 01

It is not very often that you see an unpretentious looking young man step out of a Rolls-Royce. My name is Paige d’Lephaunt. I am a journalist working for a major Chicago newspaper, and on this particular night, I was waiting for my subject at the Riva Café on East Grand Avenue. For those who have never been there, the restaurant is a fairly large building on Navy Pier, overlooking Lake Michigan. The large dining room is open and is strewn with tables in what is best described as organized...

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Carol Ch 01

Chapter 01: The Beginning They met in early September, on their first day in college. The year was 1968. Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls, he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl’s breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl...

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Sexy Mommy

The house was quiet, too quiet since the boys left for college and Ellie was feeling the emptiness of it all today more than usual she missed her boys. Danny and Craig were not due home for weeks yet. Ellie was proud of them both but missed them badly. 6 AM was hours ago and a nap sounded pretty good and Ellie headed up the stairs to her bedroom. Ellie shed her clothes quickly and decided to lie on top of the bed and take a short nap. Her mind drifted to places she had avoided for weeks and she...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 14

2082 a.d. – the same day Soul Searching Jake stood and stared at this marvelous, malevolent female poised in his shower stall. She looked like Athena bathing in the mists as the swirling little showerheads surrounded her voluptuous form with hot steam and water. Realizing she was mesmerizing him, again, he abruptly turned away and walked into the bedroom. He stopped, trying to think what to do next. 'I can't think with her here!' he realized frantically. 'She'll make me forget...

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Mommy Time

Prequel to My Silly Little S isterEver since I was fucked by Mom and Dad on Sunday,my Mom has been acting like a total Sex Freak! Then again,so has my Dad! He just won't leave my asshole alone. If no-one else is around,except for Mom that is,He keeps pulling my pants down and fucking my ass with everything from his fingers and cock,to veggies and dildos! He keeps calling it "Training Time!". I refer to it as "Heaven!" because God,I love it!On Wednesday morning,after Dad left to go to work at...

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Happy Ladies Book 01

NOTE ON CONDOM USE Because this is a fantasy and no lives are in danger and there’s no possibility of pregnancy (unless conceived in my creative brain) I have eschewed the use of condoms. You may assume one of the following: Condoms are, in fact, being used (hard to assume in some cases). We’re in a time warp and have gone back to the early 70’s. Everyone has been tested and given a clean bill of health and (unlike real human beings) have a deep sense of integrity which precludes them from...

3 years ago
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Alex and Nicole 3

Alex and Nicole 3 Continued from part two, which is not labeled as part two. You can deduct that from my pay. I looked at Nicole's grinning face, the hot chocolate coated her big toe and was spreading over her stocking. Her legs were crossed and her bouncing foot was close to my face now. She sipped her hot chocolate and watched me over the brim of the cup. The steam didn't cover the playful glint in her eyes. The rule was though, I had to be asked, uhm told? To lick her toes. So...

4 years ago
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In the Vineyard Ch 08

Miles woke up at first light. He always did, no matter how late he stayed up. He looked over at Ana, still asleep. He decided that getting up might wake her – and she looked so relaxed. He leaned back and tried to map out this week’s picking schedule. He kept looking back at Ana. Seeing her laying there, her wavy reddish hair glinting in the morning sun, he wanted to make love to her again. Ana made a small sound, and Miles watched to see if she’d wake up. She opened her eyes. Seeing Miles...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 55

I woke up with the phone ringing in my ear. It was our wake up call I had left the night before. I roused Sandra and we got ready to go to breakfast. She was half asleep as we sat down at the table. I ordered for us and she ate everything they set in front of her. I had my usual coffee but with what I knew was coming; I just didn't have any appetite. When I saw Sandra smiling and waving at a little girl at the next table, I knew she was awake and in her usual good spirits. "Honey, before...

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A Shave and a Haircut

I've been married to Steffanie for almost twenty years now and if I would have had to bet my life on it I would have wagered that she was so in tune with me she could have picked me out of a crowd of men even if she was blindfolded. We had some sort of ESP when it came to each other. Each of us always knew what the other was thinking and we always seemed to be able to sense when the other was near. I am a traveling salesman and I'm usually on the road two weeks out of every three. Steff was...

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An amazing first with friend and her cousin Pa

While they were catching their breath I was busy fondling and caressing them both. After a few minuets Amber asked what I had in mind next and I reminded her that she had told Amber that she needed to suck my cock!!! Amber blushed and said she would love to but had never done that before and Jamie said that she guessed she'd just have to teach her then. She told Amber to lay down next to me, pay real attention and watch closely. Jamie got between my leg and reached out and wrapped her hands...

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