Erste bisexuelle Erfahrungen
- 4 years ago
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Sofort sprangen wir auf, jedoch nicht ohne uns noch einmal zu küssen, und liefen zurück zum Liegeplatz meiner Eltern. Dort sahen wir, dass alle schon umgezogen waren, jedoch war meine Tante gerade dabei Kaffee einzuschenken, denn eine alte bekannte von ihr war zufällig zu ihnen gestoßen. Das hieß für mich nur eines: ausgiebig duschen, um mir damit die Zeit zu vertreiben bis meine Eltern und meine Tante mit dem plaudern fertig waren.Hanna und ich gingen also zu zweit duschen. Die Duschen waren...
Hallo, ich will mich mal vorstellen. Ich bin der Dirk und nun schon seit über 20 Jahren mit meiner Frau Sandra verheiratet. Somit kann sich wohl jeder denken das wir beide jenseits der 40 sind. Auch wenn man mir das ansieht ist das bei meiner Frau nicht so, sie wird grundsätzlich 10 Jahre jünger eingeschätzt. Ein Umstand mit den ich sehr gut leben kann. Es störte mich auch nie das andere Männer immer wieder mit ihr Flirten, man könnte sagen das ich das wohl mehr schmeichelnd fand. Ich konnte...
Nun ist er endlich da, der tag, an dem unser erstes richtiges Date stattfindet. Wie haben wir uns darauf gefreut und endlich kann ich Dich besuchen, in Deinem Zimmer im Wohnheim. Ich bin gespannt wie es aussieht. Langsam und aufgeregt nähere ich mich Deinem Zimmer, lege die Hand auf die Türklinke und halte für ein paar Sekunden inne. Ich zittere, so aufgeregt bin ich, Dich endlich wieder zu sehen. Langsam drücke ich die Klinke nach unten und öffne die Tür. Endlich, endlich sehe ich Dich...
„Auf Wiedersehen! Macht euch bloß nicht zuviel Sorgen um mich! Ich schaffe das schon ganz alleine! Ich bin doch jetzt erwachsen!“ Mit diesen Worten drückt Marina ihre Eltern noch einmal ganz herzlich zum Abschied. Ihre Mutter hat sogar Tränen in den Augen, als sie in das Auto einsteigt. Der Vater winkt ihr noch einmal aufmunternd aus dem geöffneten Fahrerfenster zu. Mit schwerem Herzen sieht Marina zu, wie ihre Eltern langsam vom Parkplatz des Studentenwohnheimes fahren, und sie winkt ihnen...
Ben awoke about two weeks after the day that came to be known as The Arrival... an innocent enough name for an event that caused mass panic. Suicide rates quadrupled within a week of the landing, and the death toll in the crash site alone was devastating- forty-thousand people dead. Not since the Third World War, twenty years prior in 2018, had so many lives been lost in a single event, for it wasn't the crash alone that took lives. After a day of sitting there, not making a motion, the...
Cindy drehte sich um und packte ihren Mann am Arm, beugte sich vor, gab ihm einen Kuss und sagte. "Gary. Wir haben bereits den größten Teil des Geldes für einen neuen Lastwagen ausgegeben und den Vertrag unterschrieben. Ich fürchte, sie (die Veranstalter)würden rechtliche Schritte einleiten, wenn ich jetzt aussteigen würde." Bevor sie die Angelegenheit weiter besprechen konnten, fuhr eine Limousine in die Einfahrt und Cindy drehte sich zu ihrem Mann um und sagte. "Schatz. Vergewissere dich,...
Das Prinzip ist einfach. Ein oder mehrere Promis werden mittels versteckter Kamera beobachtet, und es werden Situationen erzeugt, die in heißen Sex enden. Sei es die Moderatorin, die einen Bericht über das Rotlichtmileu drehen soll, die Spitzensportlerin deren Duschbad durch Pheromone ersetzt wurde, oder Sängerinnen, die beim Charetykonzert im Knast in eine Revolte geraten. Alle Situationen sind möglich und wir sind von Anfang bis Ende live dabei. Also sucht euch einen oder mehrere eurer...
Das brachte sie endlich, aufzuhören.Dadurch entspannte sie sich auch nach zehn Minuten und ich konnte meinen Schwanz wieder herausziehen. Dabei kam es ihr nochmals.Wir lagen dann nebeneinander und ich fragte, ob es wirklich so schlimm sei. Ein Kind von ihre Sohn, den sie liebe, der sie liebe. Und das an ihrem 39 Geburtstag, ein schöneres Geschenk können man von einem liebenden Sohn doch nicht bekommen. Sie drehte sich zum mir, gab mir einen nicht mütterlichen Kuss und sagte "Du bist immer noch...
He stared in utter disbelief at the Council of Ten. "Pardon me?" Preliator asked in a harsh tone. "Exactly what do you mean by, 'we can't spare the resources?' We aren't talking about a god damned business deal here! In case you have forgotten, the particular topic of discussion is the Earth- a planet with intelligent beings living on it that is about to be attacked! Humanity is a pre-interstellar flight civilization, do you expect them to have the technology to fight effectively by...
Two Ghalerans walked down a sidewalk, heading towards a massive structure in the center of the Ghalera's primary city. The structure was the headquarters for the so-called Interstellar Defense League, a cover for a group of conquerors. Inside the headquarters was a prototype singularity generator, developed using stolen technology. "So what precisely do we do when we find that generator?" one of the 'Ghalerans' asked to the other mentally. "We initiate a micro-singularity and destroy...
The quest for an interstellar drive has gone on since the 1940’s at least theoretically. An intergalactic drive was of course always assumed to be impossible. It was thought that even wormholes would, if even possible to use, only provide shortcuts within our own galaxy. Hyperspace, at least mathematically, has been proven to exist, but no has ever had any idea how to access it. Some people thought that achieving superluminal speed would do it and magically thrust you across the space...
Preliator sat down at the end of the conference table in the primary meeting room of the Acer One. About fifteen Liodammian delegates were already seated. "Okay," Preliator started, "no diplomatic niceties for now, if you don't mind. I need the facts, as this is highly... unexpected." The tallest Liodammian there smiled, evidently their leader. "We will endeavor to answer any and all questions you may possess." "Okay, to start off with... why were you planning on invading Earth? I...
Preliator never had time to order the Acer One into combat. It was over before he and his crew could have blinked. The new ships, the massive fleet, had swarmed the Ghaleran cruisers, pouring thousands of lances of plasmatic energy into their hulls. The Ghalerans were overwhelmed by the sheer power of this assault, and were quickly incinerated, nothing left of their once mighty ships except a few specks of space dust. Auctorita smiled at Preliator from the communications console. "Sir, our...
Ich war mittlerweile ein ganzes Jahr mit meiner Freundin zusammen. Wir hatten immer eine sehr liebevolle Beziehung, aber es wurde nie so richtig körperlich. Klar küssten wir uns und verwöhnten den Anderen: Ich liebte es, ihre kleine Muschi zu lecken und zu streicheln und sie blies meinen Schwanz auch gerne, aber miteinander geschlafen hatten wir noch nicht. Wir wollten es uns für einen guten Zeitpunkt aufbewahren, schließlich sollte es ein ganz besonderer Moment werden. Welcher Termin wäre...
BisexualSabrina war grade 19 Jahre alt geworden und hatte sich vorgenommen erstmals alleine in den Sommerurlaub zu fahren. Das Ziel war Mallorca, dort wollte Sie in einem Club 14 sonnige und aufregende Tage verbringen. Abtanzen bis in den Morgen, halt 14 Tage Party machen und tags
A short story of one officer’s last battle and the aftermath. “The galaxy is a very unfriendly place.” I was remembering what my number one drill instructor, sergeant Crabs had said on my first day of basic training. You know what? He knew just what he was talking about. I have learned that the hard way over the last 10 years. You see I am Major Mike Miller, Sardonic space defense forces. And this is the story of my death. Well for all that is practical it was my death and then again in a way...
Ben woke up, only feeling a very faint pain over his body, like a bad case of muscle stiffness. He could at least move, but found his muscles were very tense- they had constantly been contracting and relaxing very quickly, in spasms, during the power implanting procedure. He rested another day before finally going to meet with their squad leader with the other two new Warriors that he had come with. "Well," their squad leader began, "Nice to meet you three. Let's see... Benjamin Powell,...
Ben did not have such a good time the next day, awoken at two o'clock in the morning by a bellowing klaxon that pounded its annoying sound into his ear. Red lights were flashing all around him, people scrambling into uniforms, and a general feel of chaos everywhere. He quickly jumped up from his bed, practically hopping into his uniform and armor. He ran at a full out sprint to reach the training area he was in yesterday, which also served as a gathering point for the base's several...
Ben's first sensation as consciousness began seeping into his brain was the confusing noise around him. Then the pain struck. He felt a very familiar sensation; the sensation of lava pouring through his veins from needles implanted all over him. His brain faintly registered that they must be giving him another energy infusion, right before all of his thoughts were drowned out by an earsplitting scream. It took him a few seconds to even realize that the noise was coming from his mouth. He...
The first ground unit of the Liodammian army came into view. It was most definitely not an encouraging sight. A massive three-legged machine was crushing the ground as it rumbled towards them. It stretched over a hundred and fifty meters into the air, and was escorted by four smaller one hundred meter tall machines. The squadron of assault drones all raised their arms in unison, a salvo of missiles flaming forth from their wrists, and racing at the I.D.L.'s defensive perimeter. The...
Ben walked into the mess hall, taking a seat in-between James and Ryan, directly across from Rebecca, Patricia and Steven. Noticing as he arranged his tray of mush beside that of his teammates that Rebecca's upper arm was heavily bandaged, he queried her as to what happened. "Nothing much," Rebecca said with a grimace, "just a G.E. that snuck up on me while I was blasting some missiles. The son of a bitch stabbed me through my bicep. Still hurts like hell, but that Ghaleran medical...
Ben braced himself against the corridor wall as he stood up, the floor attempting to shake him back down to his knees. He helped his sister get up, just as another salvo exploded onto the base shielding, nearly throwing them back down. "I've got to get to the hangar, Emily!" Ben hollered over the sound of explosions towards his sister. "I know, but I'm coming with you; the regulations and commanders can go straight to Hell if they don't like it!" she gripped onto his arm as they were...
The shuttle latched onto one of the docking ports of the Enterprise directly, other shuttles attaching themselves to other docking ports or to the shipyard. Ben and Emily were lost in the confusion as they exited the craft, at least two hundred people filling a hangar meant for maybe fifty. The entirety of Dragon squadron followed them as well, nobody having any idea of where they were supposed to go. They all stumbled through the bay, tripping over people, and occasionally being shoved out...
Preliator's life and legacy had just begun anew. He awoke with a headache of an intensity matched only in pain by the experience of having Ghaleran Omni energy injected into him. He mentally corrected himself on that point however; he had never actually had the energy treatment. Nor had his true name ever been Benjamin Powell; it had always been Preliator Acer. Ben was just the name that his family had decided to call him in public, when they were around humans. Obviously the name Preliator...
"We've received approval from both the Liodammians and the U.N.," Auctorita reported, "and the Liodammians have confirmed that they are going to bring all of their ships." Preliator nodded. "Very good. Coordinate with their fleet; the second we are ready, I want to initiate the fold drive. I don't want them to have time to prepare for us. If we hit them hard enough, maybe we can get them to sign a treaty that will end this damned war." Auctorita looked up from her console. "Sir,...
Preliator was on the six guards before they had time to react. His hand flashed outwards, yanking a plasma rifle out of one of their arms. The massive gun looked like a child's toy compared to his enlarged body and hands, but it still worked just fine on the Ghalerans. He fired twice, two of the guards immediately crumpling to the floor. He pointed the gun at a third, their leader, but did not fire. "Drop your weapons," Preliator growled, "and the janitors in this place might not have to...
Preliator had a communications channel open to the Pride of the Alliance before anyone could blink twice. "This is Commodore Preliator Acer. Report your status!" He ordered. "Sir," Auctorita's voice said over the comm., "most of the fleet had already folded out of here when these guys showed up. It's just us and fourteen other Quevian cruisers. We are under attack by perhaps twelve Ghaleran vessels, but we have one problem; they seem to have singularity generators. One of our sister...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 11: Shelly’s VIP PerformanceShe definitely had our attention. With just her bra and thong on, Shelly sat back down with Jim. She had her hand on his thigh and was stroking her way to his crotch. She expertly unzipped his fly.Let’s turn on the audio. Every station has isolation microphones in each arm of the chair or couch. We’ll hear their voices, but not the loud music that’s playing. Ariel told us. “We’ll be able to hear almost...
This is the story of my life time sexual fantasy and sexual encounters Characters ages and the period of relation areMe – 19yearsMom – Shobha – 36years 36d-34- 36 sizesDad Murali -46yearsKistappa – 56 yearsTIME PERIOD (1990-1992)My dad is a landlord. Mom is a house wife. I have a brother and a sister. We live in a town nearby. First let me start with a small incident that awakened the sexual desire in me and two small events before a big incident which made me think and lust for my mom.It was...
June 14 Leo and I have something in our genetic makeup that attracts us to bars. Bars and hotel rooms. I’ve got four more days in Dublin and so far I think I’ve seen every bar in the city and could draw a photograph-worthy picture of Leo’s hotel room. That is why we decided to hit the Guinness Factory today, something different and fun. Too bad Dublin’s weather is predictable while my clothing options continue to remain unacceptable. It’s been raining for the last week, the kind of rain that...
"Still with us baby warlock?" Rosa whispered in his ear, her hot breath tickling through his hair. She reached down between his legs with her other hand and cupped his balls in her hand. They were already swelling again, churning out more and more sperm despite the protestations of his body. "Oh yes, you've still got plenty to give," Rosa whispered. She kissed him wetly on the side of his mouth with her full lips. Phil continued to stare into Verdé's eyes. Once again he thought he...
If I wanted a quickie, well why not hey it was a person who has often been with me question here was whether my guy wanted to watch but did not play well, he could also make a nice end to the we found. A quickie means little time, but we know we have to wait. Did not last long as if we were above the three of us, my boy sat on a chair and I and Jaap stripped us of our clothes, Jaap was to lash while I had not yet started once completely naked with all my clothes all his cock I sit on my knees...
"This whole night just sucks!" Regan said as she wiped away tears. "Andy thinks I'm a fucking snob because I was nice to his family. Elizabeth thinks I'm a bitch because I don't worship the ground Lupe walks upon. You and Ruth got dragged down here to play fuckin' mini golf!" "I like mini golf," Joy said. "I think you would, too. Chris and Paul would enjoy watching Ruth bend over to putt with her buttons down. I wasn't worried about having fun. We do that wherever we are. Right...
The house was quiet as I walked down the stairs. It was still dark outside even though it was past nine in the morning. As I crossed the parquet floor heading for the kitchen I felt a dull ache in my ass. I was still hurting from the previous day’s anal sex with Stefan. It had been lovely ones I got over the initial pain and shock of being penetrated by such a big cock in my tiny hole. Eva had been a great help, guiding and supporting me through the experience. I turned on the light in the...
FetishSatya and I were in the middle of eating our wonderful meal of KFC chicken and biscuits, not to mention some baked beans, mashed potatoes, green beans, and macaroni and cheese, when the phone rang. It was Ryan Thorne, who else? He definitely had some news for us, which Brenda sprung on him while they ate their pizza. I was on pins and needles, curious at to what she would want. “So, in a nutshell ... Brenda explained to me her problem, our problem as she saw it. She’s ... submissive. That’s...
As time went on, I could only get off having strangers watch me, my pussy ached for it. Having so many men telling me to go further than I normally would, breaking my limits. Eventually I decided I would join a sexcam website, it was the only thing I knew would still get me off. It made my pussy soaking wet just signing up. I went and put on some black lace lingerie, high heels, heavy eye makeup, with bright red lipstick. Looking and feeling like such a whore, I pulled out my sex toys and laid...
I did the morning chores while Josey prepared breakfast for the others. Monique took a long time to get ready and helped too. Josey finally said, "Okay, we'll take the Suburban, but we won't do this every day. We pay taxes for the bus and should ride it. Finish and get ready so that we're not late for school." The kids could tell Josey was pissed and were trying to look busy and ready to leave. They could have made the bus, but Josey had already said they would drive. She told me,...
How did I find myself here? Here being running down the side of the road completely naked. I suppose that is what happens when you mix some young adults with too much time and maybe too much alcohol. It was Memorial Day weekend, so naturally an excuse to have a party. It started off innocent enough, margaritas and hamburgers on the grill. The girls sunbathed in their bikinis while the menfolk prepared the fire cooked food. A few hours and six pitchers of margaritas later the sun was setting but...
Sue's husband had left for one of his long sales trips this morning. After she got Steven and Jennifer off to school, Sue decided to drive across town and pay a visit to her dad. Dad was watching wrestling on TV when she walked in. "Well, if it isn't my favorite daughter." Dad started to stand, "Don't get up, Dad." "Then grab yourself a beer and join me. Gladius just beat the tar out of The Terminator." Dad let out a laugh. "Serves him right for the chair thing last...
Normal 0 Chapter 1 “Coming To Korea” Eggy rolled up her sleeves and pants as she waited for host to meet her; the train was hot and crowded. The sweat rolled off her cheeks and down to her neckline. She was disappointed that she wouldn’t look graceful to her host, she had seen his picture many times and he always looked pale even in summer. She held her suitcase tightly and swayed with the carriage. Korean summer wasn’t like Eggy’s Australian summer, it was hot...
InterracialNotoriously naughty and never one to disappoint us, busty all-natural Italian glamour porn goddess Valentina Nappi gets her anal sex needs satisfied in this sizzling triple-X Hands On Hardcore premium porn 4K production. The temptress gives you a few minutes to ogle her incredible curvy ass and rack as she sexily slithers around poolside in a cutout bikini and high-heels while getting herself all worked up of the thought of where she wants to shove her man, Chris Torress’ cock when he...
xmoviesforyou“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.” Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock. “Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...” He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth...
This is my first attempt at erotica. Let me know what you think. Kaori was the very definition of exceptional. She was so damn affluent and beautiful. Coveted by many only swayed by one. Since she could remember it had always been just her and her father Rei. As far as she was concerned he was the most brilliant man she'd ever encountered. He was also the only man she considered worthy of her time. Every day after school she would shower then go to his study to practice violin and piano....
IncestAnna I wasn't surprised that Jazz didn't agree to a date with Dan before Easter; I don't know if he asked her, even. She was very affectionate towards me and, I confess, I wasn't sorry she wasn't in a hurry to move on. I mean, what do you think? Gorgeous young thing, delightful company, marvellous sex ... I'd be an idiot to throw it away, right? Still, I thought she ought to be having more to do with someone nearer her own age. Just before the Easter break, she sent me a text – could...
Paris, 1955 ‘But I don’t understand… why would he do it?’ I asked Henriette. ‘I can’t tell you, Mon Amie… but we will find out.’ We sat in her living room, staring at a letter that I’d received from my solicitor. I was faced with yet another mystery, Olu seemed to plague my life like nothing else, and I thought that I would lose my mind if I didn’t get to the bottom of things pretty soon. ‘He was supposed to meet me here, months ago… and he never came,’ I lamented. ‘And now, he does this…...
The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...
I was 21, 5 foot 8inch, 170 lbs. with brown hair and blue eyes. I was gay but nobody knew. I just left college for the summer and went to stay at my best friend’s house in Bhopal. My friend was 23 and offered to stay at his house for a few weeks in the summer before going home. I arrived in Bhopal on Friday night, he wasn’t going to be home from school until Tuesday and his parents were in Delhi for a week and a half on vacation. So I got to his house at 10pm and only his 18 year old...
Gay MaleBev, Well, at my mid teen years lost my virginity to a very forgettable experience not worth mentioning. I met another girl in school we'll call her Bev, who we got a bit frisky and she would soon become my first fuck buddy, with out the fuck that is...Bev and I would play grab ass, and flirt a lot in class until one day she invited me to her house after school as we'd have some alone time as her mom wasn't home. Let me tell you about Bev, she was medium height, curvy to chunky build, but...
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Top Premium Porn SitesWhile I didn't write this one either, it's still very cool. Someone mysteriously calling himself 'william typing' kept sending me chapters of a story he wrote called: 'Jenny's Evil Niece'. It's a cool little tale about, well, who else? When I tried sending e-mails personaly thanking him -- he'd never say a word back. He'd simply send... ... more chapters! I was sorta miffed he would only send chapters (and aroused by the mystery), but the spell was broken one day when he wrote...
I'm Sorry For Many things but mainly Because I can not be, I can not be the boy that you want The boy who is strong and kind handsome and brave The boy who was the SON The PRIDE THe Brother THe Father and GrandFather THe boy who loved sports And Trucks and Guns and MAN-ly things The boy who married the girl Who lived happily ever after With 2.3 kids and a white picket fence Fate was not kind In my heart my mind my soul I am not I am not what they want what they see what...
Hi everyone. This is a true story that I am about to tell. Many of the information will be hidden for privacy purpose. I hope u readers will understand. I m lovelylover and any ladies who want advice and other suggestions and keep in touch with me on looking forward to it. It was back in the year 2002, after my arrival from UK after my studies that this incident happened… I was really bored and being in Bangladesh and in one of the most conservative cities… my way killing time was not at all...
IncestThis story happened over 50 years ago. Where I couldn’t recall some of the specific details, I’ve had to re-create them based on the best of my memory of the events and feelings I experienced back then. It’s a story about two children discovering their sexuality with members of the opposite sex. The important basics of the story are factual and are an important part of who I came to be and am...
I looked over the photos. A buddy of mine had been snooping around his parents room and found these naked photos of his mom. They showed everything, one of the pictures she even had her pussy slightly spread open. Too bad she is ugly I thought to myself. A few days later another friend of mine showed up with some naked pictures of his mom, a short chubby lady with little tits and a huge hairy pussy. A couple of the pictures even had his dad in them showing his dick stuck in her pussy. That...
The following day, after seeing my daughter off to a football training session and taking my lover to her work I went to see the estate agent that had sold me my house. When I'd been looking, one of the properties shown me was a fair size retail premises. It was double fronted and on a busy main road with unrestricted parking outside. To the rear was a large area that was ideal for a studio, hence why I was shown it. Above was a largish flat. It was totally inappropriate for my needs but...
Hello cocks and pussies! This is your mistress Simraan eager to share the latest experience and make you masturbate.???? College students will relate to this incident or will be inspired by it… One day, I got a call from my friend (female!) who wanted to go out for lunch and gossip. It was my day off and I decided to catch up with her (my friend). She is a college teacher (junior staff bending over to seniors) who works even on Saturdays. That particular Saturday was her half day. I stood...
It ended up being a long, quiet drive back home. Lisa had volunteered to drive everyone home, but Paul wanted to stay behind to make sure that the rest of his friends made it home okay. Maddie and Roxy had no objections to leaving though. The whole drive home, Yumi stayed quiet, not having much to say, instead she continued to just look out the window, a almost blank stare crawling over her face like a mask coming into place. Lisa could only imagine what was on Yumi's mind, and glanced in...