Loosening Up - Book 10 - Road Trip: EastChapter 28: Missouri free porn video

Dave bounced up on the stage from the side aisle. He surveyed the twenty-two-thousand people in the arena and waved to each quadrant of them. There was thunderous applause and cheers. He thought to himself, ‘Shit, I could get used to this ego trip.’ He spread both arms wide and then wrapped them around Ashley and the two of them shared beautiful kiss that was a lot more than just a peck on the lips. The applause got louder, especially when the two of them appeared kissing on the large screen over the stage that everyone could see.
“HELLO, SAINT LOUIS!” Ashley screamed. “Dave and I thank you for your welcome. We hope we provide you some easy listening and some country entertainment this evening. I don’t think I have any further announcements to make tonight.” She laughed, “Some people think I over did it in Birmingham. Oh, well. I love my life, my family – both nuclear and extended, my friends, and I hope you love yours. Dave and I are going to start tonight with an extended version of Texas Dawn.“ More applause and cheers sounded throughout the hall.
The band struck up the opening chords. Dave stepped forward and delivered the opening stanza, and then Ashley joined in. Dave was surprised but rolled with the change as Ashley looped them back one complete stanza in the song to extend the singing. Soon, many in the audience were singing along. Dave gestured for them to join them. There was the thunder of appreciation at the end of the song.
Dave faded to the rear of the stage slightly and Ashley swung into her next number, belting out a song Dave hadn’t heard until that morning in rehearsal. Now he felt like a bump on a log, the only saving grace being that he was slightly out of the spotlight. Ally spotted his discomfort and danced a little with him behind the other two singers. After a bit, she went back to her line of singers and continued with Ashley’s song.
Towards the end of Ashley’s fast-paced number, Dave moved up and danced around the stage with her, much to everyone’s amusement. Dave found himself surprised he remembered the two-step from junior high school dance class. He was also surprised at how relaxed he was starting to feel despite the thousands of people watching them.
The next song was a duet, and things progressed from there right up to the intermission. Back in the green room, Dave was pleased to find that not only were Ashley, Alice, and Felicity there with the rest of the concert presenters, but also Pam, Penny Amore, Bret and Jean Edwards from the Atlanta Association, Merry Noel, and Cord Jenkins, all from the Circle. Ashley had put out an invitation, and these were the people who were fast on their feet. Many of them had flown in commercially.
Ashley did her striptease in the midst of everyone down to her little thong. She then went around and kissed everybody, especially the men, and jiggled her tits at them. A few rubbed her slight baby bump. After everyone got to feel her tits, she dressed in the powder blue western outfit she wore for the second half of the show. She drank down a bottle of water, and by then it was time to head back out to the stage.
The second half of the performance went exactly according to plan, and at the end there was thunderous applause. Dave and Ashley did the encore, and then Dave went out of his way to be sure Ashley got the majority of the accolades and applause being directed their way by the audience.
The roadies were quick to breakdown the band’s equipment and wiring to where it belonged. There were two upscale jitneys or small buses that collected the band and the rest of the entourage and carried them back the ten or so blocks to the hotel. Ashley’s suite had been designated party central by her. The first thing the group found there were an open bar and a dozen different hors d’oeuvres and twelve pizzas. Many of the people including those who’d been on stage hadn’t eaten a full dinner, so much of the food disappeared within a few minutes.
Many took advantage of the bar. Ashley stuck to water, mindful of her pregnancy that showed around her midsection. Pam also opted to be teetotaler because of her piloting duties the next morning.
The next thing Dave knew was that he was naked with a pretty band member that played the country fiddle riding his body as her generous tits seductively bounced around in front of his eyes. Paula declared her love for Dave before the end of the evening after he gave her The Experience. Paula was a darling brunette that looked like she was half her age, making her look like a young teenager.
Another girl from the band named Jan received similar attention after Paula lay gasping for air after a very peppy fuck with Dave. Less than an hour later, she also pledged to follow him to the ends of the earth with her undying and eternal love.
Dave’s third coupling in the after-concert orgy was with Penny. As in every other interaction with her, whether sex was involved or not, he felt a deep spiritual connection with her, and without asking he knew the feeling was mutual. The multi-dimensional feeling of love they felt for each other was unassailable, and he knew that he wanted her in his nuclear family with his other wives. The late evening party was Penny’s first where she hadn’t known everyone before engaging in sex with them.
The orgy crowd thinned out around two a.m., so space in his bed became available. Penny and Alice were there on either side of him as they fell asleep.
In the morning, Dave got in a run around part of the city including the park under the large archway. Back in the hotel suite, he showered and packed as the others enjoyed a breakfast that room service provided to them.
Alice sidled up to him. “I was hoping to travel the next few days with you. Have you promised your backseat to anyone?”
“NO! GREAT!” he exclaimed loudly. “I’d bump away anybody to have you with me. This is great news. You sure you’re up for this?”
“I am. I brought all sorts of other clothing anticipating the trip. I even did a weather check. Today and tomorrow, if you’re heading north, things will be really good, but on Tuesday we may want to be indoors someplace. There’s quite a storm system sweeping in from the west coast.”
Dave trusted her forecast and judgment especially because she was so studied, as he was, in meteorology as it was integral to their pilot training. Alice went deeper into the subject than was required, and had an uncanny knack for getting the local weather precisely correct regardless of where she was.
He said, “Then we should bid adieu to everybody and hit the road. I’d like to end up in Kokomo, Indiana tonight. That’s about three-hundred miles from here after we cut across Illinois on U.S. 40.”
Alice smiled and disappeared into the bedroom to get her gear. She left a suitcase for Pam to take back to the house for her. The weather was still warm, but the nights promised to be on the cool side.
Alice wore her black motorcycle boots, some short shorts, and a crop top with no bra, of course. He watched Penny lovingly rubbing some suntan lotion on her bare parts. He was acutely aware of the kisses to her ass and pussy that Penny rendered to his wife. Alice obviously welcomed the attention.
Alice on the back of the motorcycle was a work of art. She could be a sexy poster used to sell Harley Davidson motorcycles in male dominated shops. Alice had great legs. Unfortunately, the luggage on the rear of the bike hid her rear assets that were something to write home about. Up top, Alice had been blessed with beautiful breasts, and despite nursing a child they hadn’t developed too much sag. Dave teased her about passing the pencil test.
Thirty minutes after saying goodbye to everyone, the couple rode the 1988 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail away from the hotel. Dave used Interstate 70 to exit the St. Louis area, cutting across Illinois. Eventually, he changed over to U.S. 40 that paralleled the Interstate in many places, but was more scenic and had more eye candy although slower going around a few of the many farming communities.
At a rest stop, Alice recommended a motel in Kokomo. He was surprised that while she’d been on the bike behind him, she’d been doing some research on her cellphone. The result was that at five p.m., the couple pulled up in front of the La Quinta Kokomo. Alice had gotten them a one-bedroom suite that was very comfortable.
The two did a few laps in the indoor pool, showered, and put on some more conservative clothing for dinner. The motel desk recommended a Japanese restaurant, so that’s where they headed.
After being seated and ordering, Alice said, “I’m glad we have this quiet opportunity to talk. I think today and tonight might be the first time we’ve been alone in years.” She laughed at the thought.
Dave chuckled, “You’re right, and I bet I can guess the overarching subject you want to discuss. You want to do a health check on our relationship?”
“Damn, but you’re insightful. Yes, exactly. Remember when we started to have sex with Kat, Sean, Dev, Wendy, Pam, Dori, and Ty? We were doing a health check every day, and then it became only after we’d been with them sexually, and then once a month, and ... well, it’s been a long time.”
Dave said in a loving tone, “So, my love, how’re you feeling about life, love, and your many relationships?”
Alice smiled, “For starters, let me reiterate something I’ve said many times to you before; I bet when you dated and then married little Alice Waldorf you never thought you were getting a porn-star slut with an insatiable appetite for cock and cum.”
Dave laughed, “And I’ll give you the same answer I always give, I love it. I just want you to be happy.”
“Oh, I’m happy. I want to be sure you’re happy. Good grief, I have two of the most loving husbands in the world, and I hope they both think I’m doing a good job of balancing between them. I have nine other co-wives who I love dearly, as well as a few others I’m sure will rise to that status over time – like Penny, for instance.”
Dave nodded, “You’re right in how I feel about her. I found another, too, on this trip. A woman named Sue Gaylord. She’s a pilot for Atlantic Airline; she lives in Raleigh. I think we’ll see a lot of her. She is so on our wavelength it’s hard to believe.” He paused and said, “Go back to talking about you.”
“I love our family, and John Forest is a dream child, and so are all the others in our nuclear family – Bobby, Brittany, Wade, and of course Matt and Rose, although they’re in a whole different category because of their age and full membership in the Circle.
“Beyond that are our friends – our lovers in the Circle. I can’t imagine there is another person in the universe that feels as loved as I do. Every person in our group is just delicious, and moreover the sex we have together is like the icing on the cake. It just makes everything that much better.”
Alice paused and added, “I’ve always assumed that you had no regrets or jealousy or uncertain feelings about me having sex with other men ... or women. We’ve been open enough I figured you would say something if you weren’t.”
Dave chuckled, “I don’t have any regrets or jealousy. I have always admitted to some mild cuckold feelings when I see you with another man – any of my wives. I want to see them have and enjoy the sex, but then I get that jolt that it’s not with me and that I’m getting replaced in some way. It’s my ego talking and a short-lived feeling, however.”
Alice said, “I do love everybody in the Circle – mind, body, and spirit. I’m amazed at the how metaphysical some of our relationships and lovemaking can be – truly uplifting.
“On a whole other front, I have the best job in the world as the CFO at EneRG. I love my co-wife JR and she loves me. We rarely disagree. We did agree that Mark would be our arbiter if we had a disagreement over something, but we haven’t needed to call him in on that account. He’s very happy with his investment and executives, he tells us. We see eye-to-eye on all the financial stuff, and JR often defers to me.
“By the way, our dividends will be a little higher. I have a hot girl on my financial staff named Lisa. I call her Lisa Loophole. She’s into the tax code like white on rice, and has found a half-dozen ways to cut our taxes, particularly on our foreign operations. As a side note, I think she’s warming up to ask to be a Circle pledge. I get a question about our lifestyle every now and then, and she went out of her way to make sure I saw Cricket’s book on her desk one day.”
Dave asked, “Do you get enough time to yourself or with the right people? Do you get to have fun – non-work – to your heart’s content?”
“Most of the time. I like messing with the home-schooling program a few hours a week, but most of all I love flying. That alone is such a confidence builder; to take a jet plane up to forty-thousand feet and fly across the country with some of the most complex avionics and other systems all around me is daunting, challenging, and the most fun I can have with my clothes on. On top of all that, I still get my thirty miles of jogging in most weeks, and my weight and physique is right where I want everything to be.”

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