Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 4 North Carolina
- 2 years ago
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The plans to stay in Chicago with Chris Reeve and Eva Vega changed. Alice explained to them in a phone call over a week earlier that there’d been many changes in Circle attendance.
While the Convention of the Circle Fan Club that Chris and Eva had arranged was still at the Wrigley Convention Center, there were more and more people from the Circle attending than Chris and Eva could possibly fit in their apartment, so they’d arranged for several suites at the Marriott – Downtown. Dave liked the new arrangements that Alice had made.
Simon, Lindsay, and Macy also got a nearby room at the same hotel. They left their camper in a guarded lot near Macy’s apartment, and then the three came deeper into the city by public transit to stay and join up with the others at Alice and Dave’s invitation.
Dave and Alice rode the 1988 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail right to the hotel entrance. After unloading the bike, Dave was escorted to a protected parking area for bikes; he locked up the bike, glad that he saw a security camera overhead and chain link gates.
Alice had checked in while Dave parked the motorcycle. He met her in the lobby and they took an elevator up to the fortieth floor where their suite was located. Off the elevator, they found their room and used the key card to enter.
“Yeah, they’re here!” JR cheered as she rose to greet the couple. “Hi, husband. Hi, wife.” There were many others in the room.
They all kissed and hugged. Immediately, from some of the suite’s bedrooms, his other wives appeared: Pam, Heather, Julie, Scarlett, Nikky, Bridget, Tatiana, and Cricket. Cricket said, “Some of us are in the suite next door. There are others from the Circle there and in some rooms down the hall: Sean and Kat, Ty and Dori, Christie, Erin, Arron and Shelby, Jason, Cookie, Ginny, Ross, Matt and Rose, Helen, Jack, Owen, and Jenn. I’m forgetting somebody or two. I made sure Chris and Eva knew who was coming, so they have the complete list as I knew it.”
Dave shook his head, “OMG, there are more of us than there are fans attending the conference.”
Several laughed. Cricket said, “Chris and Eva are on their way over. He told me they were a sell-out for the space. They had to cut off ticket sales at five-thousand.”
Dave gawked, “FIVE-THOUSAND! My God, don’t people have something better to do with their time? That’s just amazing that there are that many people that interested in the Circle.”
Scarlett said, “There are, and that’s also why we all decided to come. On Friday night, when you go onstage to give the keynote for the weekend, we’re all going to appear with you. This way, everybody can see that you, your wives, and the Circle are for real. We thought we’d bring up or introduce in some way the others from the Circle that are here, too, and then we’ll all sit down in front and listen to you speak and sing. Chris and Eva were working on that part of the agenda this afternoon. They and their friends are like one-armed paper hangers, racing around tending to last minute details. They’re still making changes to how things will unfold. Thank heavens we have two days before it all starts. Cricket has been on the phone with them for hours before we got here.”
“What happens on Saturday and Sunday?” he asked.
The door opened and Chris and Eva walked in. They’d just heard his question. Chris said, “I’ll answer that. We’ve had to lock in everything and we thank you all for your flexibility. Can we get the others in here, too, and I’ll explain the revised agenda?”
Eva went out with JR, and started to knock on doors. By ones and twos others from the Circle showed up in the room. Eventually, about twenty-five people were in the room, plus the conference organizers Chris and Eva. While they were waiting, Simon, Lindsay, and Macy also joined the group. Alice made a quick group introduction of the newbies.
Chris spoke, “All right everybody, here’s what I hope will happen.” He laughed. “Friday night at seven o’clock, I will call the conference to order, say a few words about the Circle and the fan club, and then introduce Dave – that’ll be no more than five minutes. I’d like Dave to then introduce each of his wives and say a word or two about each as they come out and stand beside him on either side. Balance, please, so he ends up in the middle with five of you on either side of him.
“We then want Dave to say that there are many others from the Circle there and have them join him on stage. That’ll be this entire group, thank you. Please wave and smile. Dave won’t introduce the second group by name, that’ll take too long. Many of you are leading breakout groups the next two days, so you’ll get your moment of fame then. After a moment or two everyone files offstage to their seats in the front row or two.
“Dave then speaks. Behind the stage, out of view of the audience because of a black curtain, Ashley and her band will quietly be setting up. Dave, when you finish your remarks, about forty-five minutes in, we’d like you to comment that you forgot to mention one important additional Circle member that came to visit the confab, Ashley Steerman. You might also talk about your burgeoning career as a country singer, please. At the mention of Ashley’s name and the curtain will part and she’ll be there with her band. She wants a rehearsal with you tomorrow afternoon, by the way. Ashley, you, and the band will do about an hour with one encore. You and she will be the emcees for that time. That’ll end Friday night. The audience only knows there’ll be some kind of entertainment after you speak.”
Saturday, there are two parallel tracks each with two sessions before and after lunch; all the tracks run all morning or all afternoon. I’ll run through this quickly, but I hope to have a printed version in your hands within the hour. Saturday a.m., track one, Consensual Non-Monogamy by led Cricket; track two, Circle Spirituality, led by Ross Buchman. Next, track three, Woman’s Panel with Alice, Kat, Rose, and Christie; track four, Men’s Panel with Ty, Sean, Jason, and Owen, and Dave if he feels up to the task. Then we all break for lunch. The breakout rooms, including the large space for the plenary speeches, each can hold up to a thousand people the way the walls and chairs are arranged. We have volunteers there to cut off attendance to that level. Any others will go to another session or wander the halls for meet and greet. I’ll explain that to everyone.
After lunch, starting at one-thirty, track one, Compersion-Jealousy with Aaron and Cookie; track two, Equality led by Dori and Owen. Track three, Exclusivity led by Jenn; and Cohousing-Cohabitation led by Owen and Jack. That ends Saturday. We decided not to do an evening program, but there is a huge cocktail hour with cash bars back in the room where the large session is held. We have lots of hors d’oeuvres, and we are encouraging the fans to mix it up with each other. Lots of social time.
Sunday a.m., track one, Child Rearing in a Circle Setting Panel with Jenn, Shelby, and Heather, and track two, Boundaries – Personal and Groupwide with Ginny and Ross. The late morning session is a plenary session with a panel on Sex in the Circle, with Cricket, Rose, Dave, Alice, Aaron, and Matt. There’s then a lunch break, and many may bug out at that point. There is one combined session plenary session after lunch on Structure, Culture, and Legal Arrangements led by Ginny and Jason. That should end about three p.m., and please don’t be disappointed if those are not well-attended. That’s sort of the admin side of things, and people may be more interested in the sex. If others of you without assignment want to participate, I urge you to do so. Just let the ushers know at least fifteen minutes ahead of your start time.” He laughed and so did the rest of the room.
Chris held up his hand, “Just one more thing, at four o’clock on Sunday, back here in this suite, I’d like to hold a post-mortem with all of you and a few others from the conference staff. Now, any questions. Most of you already knew your assignments, and hopefully have been structuring things for your sessions. If you have handouts that we don’t know about we’d like those by ten a.m. tomorrow so we can have copies made. Oh, yes, one more thing; all sessions are being recorded; attendees will get a free thumb drive with all the sessions on it mailed to them; other fans can order one online at the fan club website for a modest fee.”
There were a lot of questions, and Chris competently and crisply handled them. He made a few notes about some of the sessions and arrangements. There were a couple of staffing changes for the sessions – mostly additions, but not many.
Dave sat back and watched the whole thing play out in front of him. His questions and concerns were minor, and many would be answered just by showing up an hour before he was scheduled to speak and sing.
The Circle group practically took over the restaurant in the hotel. Dave invited Simon, Lindsay, and Macy to join them at their table for the dinner, but as they started to sit, he suggested that they each take a different table to meet some of the various others from the Circle. He was pleased with the Circle’s turnout for the event, although Dave was a little mystified by what value the fan club actually added to the members who hadn’t showed up for the weekend.
Scarlett sought Dave out at the dinner, sitting next to him with Macy on his other side. They bonded despite him being in between. Scarlett ended by wooing Macy into coming to Florida and becoming a pledge to the Circle. Macy was worried about becoming an architect and getting the right qualifications. Scarlett said, “I think I can take care of that.”
Scarlett got up from the table and searched through the restaurant until she found Jack Anders, the architect of the cohousing project and a well-respected architect in the Sarasota-Tampa area. She talked to him for a bit, and then she came back and retrieved Macy from her seat and brought her over to Jack. She left the two of them talking, and brought back Shelby with her, Dave’s sister-in-law. She took Macy’s place instead of her seat next to Jack.
Dave later discovered that Macy went through a rigorous interview by Jack before he offered her a job as his assistant, on the spot. Macy also accepted instantly and cried for joy. They spent the next hour talking about how she could move from Chicago to Sarasota and where she’d stay. After a call to Grace, Macy was invited to temporarily reside in the Ander’s house until she got the lay of the land and of the Circle. One of the responsibilities that Jack assumed in the transaction was that he’d help Macy become a licensed architect instead of only an apprentice.
The night on the fortieth floor was a bit like musical beds. Dave hadn’t seen many of the women in the Circle for months, and they all wanted to reestablish the loving relationship they had with Dave. Fortunately, the Circle had the entire floor, so running naked between rooms was acceptable behavior.
Further, Simon, Macy, and Lindsay were new acquaintances given the solid stamp of approval by Alice and Dave. They were folded into the evening activities along with Chris and Eva, just as though they had been life-long members.
The suite Dave had been assigned had four bedrooms, each with a king-size bed, and two of those rooms also had a pull-out queen-size sofa bed. Thus, there were six beds in the suite, enough room to accommodate eight couples comfortably, with two or three more easily fit into the living room, at least assuming they weren’t sleeping. The adjacent suite was a duplicate, and then elsewhere on the floor were smaller suites and some single rooms belonging to Circle members.
As the evening got underway in the two large suites, Dave found himself initially with Scarlett and Julie. When they were satisfied, Dave wandered down the hallway to the other duplicate suite. He was greeted with enthusiasm, and spent the next hour with Ginny and Cookie. Cricket appeared to do the cleanup when he was through spreading his charms around.
Dave went back to the other suite, but as he got to the hallway, he encountered Rose and Bridget changing rooms. Both were completely naked except for earrings. They captured him, and led him to one of the double rooms. Two of the hottest women in the Circle were nearly comatose when he left them an hour later. He did have a diabolical smile on his face. He’d given each of them The Experience so they’d remember him.
Back in his suite, he ended the night with Pam and Jenn. Jenn was more than midway into her pregnancy and exceptionally happy with the prospect of giving her daughter Nova a sibling. Dave was the father.
Early the next morning, Dave arose and dressed in his running togs. He exited the hotel, and with some help from the valet at the front door of the hotel he headed for the lakeside park and a long run around the various trails, some of which used to be Meigs Field – a general aviation airport right in the city. He did six miles, a hundred sit ups, and some other calisthenics and he headed back to the hotel.
He was in the suite’s shower when Scarlett joined him. Scarlett loved being made love to in the morning, even in the shower. Thank goodness the hotel didn’t run out of hot water. They were finishing up when Alice, Lindsay, and Heather came into the shower. Alice gave him a wink and gestured at Lindsay; he guessed that the younger woman was about to have a few orgasms under the warm water.
As they were having their second cups of coffee, Ashley appeared in the hotel restaurant. She’d just arrived with her band, having taken a charter flight from Nashville to Midway Airport. They kissed and got themselves food at the breakfast buffet.
Ashley and Dave went over what he knew and she’d been told about the Friday evening performance, and then she pulled out a page and they went over her suggestions for the songs that they’d sing. They were very relaxed about the order and Dave realized that he was increasingly comfortable with a new on-stage role in the music industry.
As they talked Dave became aware of a video camera filming them. Helen walked by and briefly talked to the cameraman. Apparently, he was part of the Spring Garden Productions team that did the videos of the Circle for later editing and viewing on the various cable channels across the country. Ashley and Dave waved at the camera.
Ashley had arranged for a large meeting room at the hotel for their afternoon rehearsal. Everyone gathered and they did a run through of the various songs Dave knew. Ashley then introduced him to three other songs, each one a duet. By the time they stopped at six p.m., he felt comfortable with the new songs provided he had the music in front of him.
The fortieth-floor orgy after dinner was significantly augmented by the presence of Ashley, the band, and the back-up singers, along with Chris and Eva – the heads of the fan club, and again Simon, Lindsay, and Macy. Ashley had gotten three four-bedroom suites on the floor below for herself and the others in her retinue, so those also became a mecca for pre-conference sex.
After reluctantly leaving Jessie’s home in Rochester, Dave meandered east across New York State. He had one particular destination in mind in the small town of Oneida – touring the Mansion House that had housed the most famous polyamorous communities in the world in starting in 1848 and that remained a symbol of one. Of course, the silverware that the community also produced went on to become some of the most revered, as well, but for Dave or anybody in the Circle, this place was...
Rose and Dave prowled around Boston doing touristy things. The one advantage of having a motorcycle was that they were much easier to park than a car. Dave went into a garage near Quincy Market and parked in a series of spaces designated just for motorcycles. He was the only other bike that morning. They roamed around the picturesque waterfront market, went to the Aquarium, walked part of the Freedom Trail, and did some other shopping, having things they bought shipped home to Florida. In...
Google will tell you that using the Interstate highways it should take just under two hours to get from Hamilton, Ohio, to Lexington, Kentucky. Dave took the back roads and made lots of stops. At three-thirty in the afternoon, he still hadn’t quite reached Lexington, and he’d been on the road since eight that morning after leaving Martin and Sasha’s home. It was Monday morning. Dave stopped beside a beautiful farm surrounded by various paddocks, each outlined with a bright white painted...
Saturday was a rainy day. Rose and Dave slept in and then borrowed a car from the motel owner to go a short distance to a McDonalds for breakfast. They also picked up lunch from a sub shop, and then went back to the motel in what had turned into a monsoon. The pair spent the day in the motel room making love and reading, or in the hotel’s gym, with a heavier emphasis on the first activity. Dave and Rose both talked about how compatible they were in their horniness; they both wanted to fuck...
The voice of the female officer of the law sounded loudly and roughly in the bedroom. “Mother, are you all right?” The gun focused on Dave’s forehead as she moved even closer to the bed.” Dave felt Mariah jerk in front of him. The gorgeous leg she’d tossed over his as they’d fucked snapped away, and her body yanked away from his, leaving his flaccid shaft in the cold air of the room. He was wilting rather rapidly in any case. Mariah spoke loudly, “Skye, I’m fine. Put that goddamn gun away...
Dave delivered Gabbie Carson to a flight back to Philadelphia on Monday morning from Dayton airport. She was able to get a ‘dead head’ seat on another airline and had to be at work the next morning. She’d be able to hitch a ride back to her home in Delaware from her roommate who was working on a red-eye flight from California to Philly. Their parting was teary on her part, but he promised he’d see again and even be one of her lovers again after she moved to the Circle. He also urged her to...
The morning had a slight chill to it, so Dave had put on his leather jacket. Unlike many of the Harley riders he’d seen through the years, this jacket did not tout a skull and crossbones on the back with the fearsome name of some motorcycle club such as Hell’s Disciples. By ten a.m., he stopped for a coffee and stowed the jacket in his saddlebags, glad that he’d left room for the bulky leather item. He applied some sunscreen, and was off again. The morning route took him almost directly east...
Sometime during the night, another co-ed had snuck into Phoenix and Devon’s room in the sorority house and inserted herself into the lovemaking that the threesome had been engaged in. Amazingly, she’d brought two things with her when she arrived – her bathrobe and her test results from the day before. Both were quickly dispensed with. This time, Devon and Phoenix watched carefully as Dave gave Bonnie Lou something called The Experience. They all cuddled the naked co-ed to them awaiting her...
The mid-September temperatures were in the high eighties. The headlines on television and the newspapers again talked about how records were being broken across the country with new high temperatures reported all across the country. Alice slipped on her Daisy Duke shorts that had been slashed to shreds to allow air into her most private parts, tied the man’s shirt from Dave’s closet at home under her breasts, slipped into her motorcycling boots, and mounted the back of the Harley. Dave had...
Dave came down the stairway of the Cessna Citation and broke into tears as he reached the ground. He got down on his knees and kissed the tarmac. He hadn’t been on Circle soil since June first, and here it was a Sunday afternoon a week-and-a-half before Thanksgiving. He’d been gone almost six months. He couldn’t imagine what some of the military men felt like when they got home after two back-to-back yearlong tours in some godforsaken place in the Middle East. He had a new appreciation for...
The packing job of luggage on the motorcycle was a masterpiece of arrangement and the art of bungee cord use. Ginger tested things here and there to be sure nothing would blow off as they headed south out of Wichita. Dave turned back to her and patted her snug rear end in her Daisy Duke shorts. “Against the wall and spread ‘em, babe!” Ginger leaned against the brick wall of the hotel and spread her legs as instructed, just as if Dave were a cop about to frisk her. Dave rubbed a copious...
Pulling away from the motel near the Pittsburg airport, Dave felt a wave of loneliness sweep over him. Two of the women he loved had just departed to go ‘HOME’. Home, about a thousand miles south, was where he wished he could be right then. Home with all his friends and lovers. Maybe this was one of the lessons he needed to learn on this trip: he didn’t need to roam, despite how much he loved riding his fancy Harley Davidson motorcycle. Dave sighed and turned east and then southeast, again...
Dave bounced up on the stage from the side aisle. He surveyed the twenty-two-thousand people in the arena and waved to each quadrant of them. There was thunderous applause and cheers. He thought to himself, ‘Shit, I could get used to this ego trip.’ He spread both arms wide and then wrapped them around Ashley and the two of them shared beautiful kiss that was a lot more than just a peck on the lips. The applause got louder, especially when the two of them appeared kissing on the large screen...
About one a.m., Dave looked around the bed and chuckled to himself. He had wiped out three women, leaving them speechless and in a state that Dave had heard of as ‘rode hard and put away wet’. The term had been corrupted from equestrian usage, and these days referred to the totally disheveled and exhausted appearance of the three women who’d been happily fucked past their limits and endurance. Lolly had initially captured Dave’s attention, so he gave her dedicated attention, even giving her...
The trip from the Meadows to Bret and Jean’s home just north of Forsyth, Georgia, took eight hours, mostly because Dave spent none of the mileage on any Interstate highway. He pulled into their driveway about four o’clock, having clocked just over four-hundred miles. He’d taken three rest stops along the route, each at some off-beat place where he could get a coffee or some other kind of interesting refreshment as well as walk off some of the kinks in his legs and back. He’d had a lot of...
Dave had to admit that after the past thousand miles that he was tired and somewhat bored of driving through farmland. This was most of the country, regardless of state. He’d developed a new appreciation for small towns along the way; places like Irene, South Dakota, with a population of four-hundred. As he rode slowly through the small community, he noted the pride in the town that residents had: six girls from the town had become Miss South Dakota in recent years, plus another sign declared...
In the morning, Dave rode with Doris to a nearby tire store. They did have the correct tire size, except she needed two tires in order to balance on the car opposite each other. The bill was over four hundred dollars. Dave heard Doris asking if they had any used tires that could get her to Seattle. Dave stepped over to her, “This is on me. You can pay-it-forward. Besides that, I owe you some serious money for your coaching last night. I know you didn’t do that for free when you were back in...
Alice snuck back into the bed and next to her husband. She whispered, “Did you like that – watching me fuck Jim again?” Dave grinned and nodded. He whispered, “I did. A beautiful middle of the night fuck with your new lover; what’s not to enjoy watching.” “You’re not mad at me?” “Hell, no. Ever since we loosened up, I’ve enjoyed watching you fuck other men. I have these secret cuckold tendencies that I even admit to. Bill Lewis told me they were more Stag-Vixen kinks to put a finer spin on...
When Ginger and Dave awoke the next morning, he discovered a text on his phone from Ashley from the night before. ‘Arriving late Friday morning with entourage. Rehearsal starting at 2:00 p.m. Meet in our hotel suite. I love you. Ashley.’ Dave showed the message to Ginger. “Oh, my God, this is becoming so real. I’m actually going to meet a star.” “The star is just as nice as you are.” “Huh? I will feel so inferior to her.” “Don’t. If you’re willing, stick around and we’ll all make love...
Dave left Lexington, Kentucky, mid-morning after he and Carli made love one more time. Their parting was kind of teary, but she was already trying to practice some of the Circle mores about not being possessive, and to her that also meant not being clingy about him. Dave promised to see her again, especially if she were pledging or a member by the time her returned to Sarasota. Those words were comforting to her. Dave meandered south on backroads past many other horse farms and then on some...
Dave could both feel and hear Cricket laughing over the helmet’s intercom as they rode north towards Minneapolis-St. Paul. He asked, “What’s so funny?” Cricket said into the intercom, “May and Sara ... the look on their faces when they realized who you were ... who I was. You can’t say that we took advantage of our celebrity status with them. If anything, they seduced us.” “We weren’t unwilling participants,” Dave chuckled. “Oh, I had a delightful time with Andy and Seth. With the sexual...
The day was perfect. The temperature was about eighty; there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Cricket cradled his head in her lap as he looked up at the sky and her. They lay on some soft grass at a rest stop along the highway in the middle of Wisconsin again, this time heading for Minneapolis. Dave ruminated, “We did good, Grasshopper.” Cricket laughed, “You think I’m some Kung Fu expert? I am a brown belt, you know, in whatever it is that Wan Suh is teaching us. And, yes, I agree with you. That...
Dave had spent three days with Tracy, Ahleah, and C.K. It rained for one of them, forcing them to stay in bed almost the entire day. They were in bed the other two days, too, except for some alternative exercise outside and in the hotel’s gym. Sunday evening, he got a text from Pam: ‘Be at the FBO at Burlington, VT Airport (BTV) at noon tomorrow. You have a visitor plus a rider for a bit. Love. Pam.’ Tracy had peeked over his shoulder, “Pam is one of your wives?” “She is. If you want to...
Dave stood in the middle of the stage at the Target Center facing over twenty-thousand fans. His voice was mellow and smooth, but with that country twang, singing along with the single acoustic guitar that Ricardo played about twenty feet to his right. The song was This Town’s Too Small, a somewhat sad song about unrequited love in a small western town. As he drew out the long last note of the song, the entire arena erupted in thunderous applause. Ashley came forward from where she’d been...
The song ‘Jackson’ had turned into a fifteen-minute jam-session between Ashley, Dave, the backup singers, and each member of the band. Everyone in the entourage was onstage at the Mississippi Coliseum. The others in the large arena were fifteen-thousand fans of Ashley – a sell-out crowd. They were wild, and they LOVED Ashley. There were signs, t-shirts, banners, and a hundred other ways they expressed that love besides making one helluva lot of noise after every song she sang. Dave was...
The day was beautiful and warm. Dave looked forward to traveling across Delaware and into Maryland, staying well north or Baltimore. He’d wanted to see Annapolis, but given the distances and traffic involved he’d opted to bypass that city on this trip. After some morning sex that resulted in both Dave and Gabbie falling asleep with each other for a further nap in her bed, they got up and prepared to travel. Gabbie was aghast at how small a bag she was ‘allowed’, but she had a wardrobe that...
Guide to Major Characters in Circle, Cohousing Units, Pilots, Atlanta Group and Other Information for Readers - Through Book 8 Numbers in the form (A:B) after each name refer to the Book and Chapter where the character is first introduced. CIRCLE MEMBERS AND CLOSE FRIENDS (Alphabetic by first name, through Book 8) Aaron Prentiss – (2:10) Ages 29-34 in Books 1-5. Dave Prentiss’ younger brother. Goes to work for the Bennett Foundation handling finances and grants. Married to Shelby; father of...
Dave’s departure from the sorority house at LSU in Baton Rouge was delayed another day for multiple reasons – weather, but really the desire he felt to love the four new women in his life. The weather turned idea eventually. Traffic was light. The motorcycle was loaded and ready to roll. But four co-eds pleaded for goodbye lovemaking with him: Phoenix, Devon, Bonnie, and Mallory. Dave spent quality time with each of the young women, naked and embedded deep inside them as they also romanced...
Jessie sat beside Dave and thought about how to start with her comments about the Circle, and what she’d learned so far about the Circle. Dave sipped on a diet coke the restaurant had refilled for him for about the sixth time. Jessie said, “The open sex seems overstated. I can’t believe it’s that rampant. In one sense, it sounds too good to be true, and in another it’s damn right shocking – and I say this working in the sex industry. I’ve also done some downright lewd and salacious things in...
Since Simon and Lindsay Rhoades were heading to Chicago to the same place Dave and Alice were, more or less, they agreed to caravan with them. After some map work, they opted to join Simon and Lindsay again in a campground on a pretty lake just outside of Madison, Wisconsin. The two couples had slept late in Simon’s camper trailer due to the rampant sex they’d had with each other the night before and then first thing that morning. They didn’t get underway until completing a late breakfast or...
Dave and Sue were sitting in her small living room in Raleigh when Dave got a phone call from Ken Toomey. He was having a glass of wine. Sue was working on a Diet Coke. They’d just been going over options for where to go for dinner. Dave had followed her from Cape Hatteras to Raleigh that afternoon, wanting to spend as much time as possible with her before she had to take a flight the next day and start a multi-day circuit around the country. “Ken, does the name Sue Gaylord ring a bell for...
Roy sat in one of the more comfortable chairs on the patio with a circle of friends around. Elise returned to her chair with a glass of water for Roy, and a Southern Comfort Manhattan for herself. He looked longingly at the alcoholic drink as she sipped and talked to Pam. Dave said, “So, what is your physical therapy all about?” “I’m taking all sorts of blood thinners and other crap, so no alcohol for a while. I have a very long list of foods I am to avoid – carbs and fats, mostly. I am to...
Dave and Ashley stood naked in the dimly lit living room. He’d just removed the last of her clothing. They’d started sharing kisses over dinner, just the way some of the others in the private dining room had. To not embarrass the hotel staff, everyone had kept things pretty tame. Dave was pleased to see Ginger and Robby making out in the elevator back up to their several suites of rooms. What he hadn’t expected was what he saw across the room as the two of them hugged. Robby had removed...
Wendy came into the cocktail hour from her home on the Circle. She looked concerned but not enough not to order up a glass of wine that she downed in nearly two gulps. She put the glass back on the bar for a refill. Dave said, “What’s wrong?” Wendy responded, “My mystery caller from Washington, D.C. called again just a little while ago. He told me he had a minor update on Dev. He said that his contact exchanged about three sentences with him about his mission. He said that Dev told him to...
Rose strolled up from the small beach using both hands to wring the water from her hair. The bathing suit she wore was a Wicked Weasel bikini in a neon green color. The neon color of the suit drew attention to her body, but then any ogler realized that they could see her areolas and nipples, and even her slit through the very thin material. Dave smirked and watched a few other men and women at the state park beach leer his girlfriend. There seemed to be some foaming drool, especially on the...
The next two weeks, Dave had Rose as his steady passenger on the 1988 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail. They had to make several stops to buy some extra clothing to account for the weather and also the contemporary dress where they decided to stop. The more populated New England areas were less tolerant of Rose’s scantily dressed body – her preferred mode of riding. Dave was ecstatic and told Rose how he felt and why. “I’m a forty-five-year-old guy riding around the countryside with the hot...
Martin shook Dave’s hand as he left the house. He reminded Dave to relax and enjoy the day and what it brought. Dave noted the wink he gave his wife as she heard his departing words. Dave and Sasha sat and talked over several cups of coffee about the friends she remembered from the Circle. They’d been there many times about ten years ago, and then Martin’s job in Ohio got more intense, and he also had started The Ring patterned on the Circle and what he’d learned. Dave’s brother Aaron had...
Ashley’s home recording studio comprised a large area in the lower level of her large home. The main studio was about thirty-by-forty feet – plenty of room for the band, back-up singers, and Ashley. Looking onto that room through a thick plate glass was the good-sized control room, with a digital mixer board that had fifty channels that could be finely tuned using multiple controls for each channel as it recorded or played back various songs. Several large computers also graced the room....
Ashley’s bus pulled up to the Birmingham Convention Center at two o’clock on Saturday afternoon. Ashley, Kyle, Marina, Dave, and everyone else that had been in the Wednesday rehearsal got off the bus. Behind the bus, a two-axle truck also pulled up and stopped. A few minutes later, a dozen ‘roadies’ from the BCC were unloading the truck and carrying the band’s musical instruments into the large arena. Ashley took Dave’s hand and led him into the large theater. She explained, “I’ve sung here...
The three weeks leading up to their vacation, Rachel had become something of a fixture at the house. She had her own car, so she didn’t have to bum rides from friends or parents. Rachel really liked coming here for she was accepted for who she was 100%. The fact that there were a multitude of holes to fuck and even a couple of real dicks to ride certainly helped. Also, one person at the house seemed to have a serious crush on her, Samantha. For her part she said it was because Rachel was a...
The Friday night crowd was thick and mostly male. Many of the men seemed in the construction trades. The city continued to expand even despite the increasing number of articles in the news about rising tides and water levels. Club Ecstasy was packed. A number of Circle members were associated with the nightclub a.k.a. strip club at most times. About thirty members of the Circle had pushed together several tables to park their drinks and snacks on while they watched some of their friends and...
“Sarasota Approach Control, November-One-Two-Echo-Romeo with you at six-thousand landing Circle Airport east of Sarasota. We have information Oscar at SRQ.” Approach Control responded promptly, “Two-Echo-Romeo radar contact. Proceed on course. Descend to two thousand. When you’re on final approach, you may cancel with us and complete your approach. Altimeter is three-zero-zero-four.” Dave responded and then started the jet’s slow descent. He was west of Tampa over the Gulf of Mexico in the...
Tatiana purred in the afterglow of their loving with her ‘husband’s’ arms wrapped around her nakedness. This was the divine feeling of love and devotion she’d been unable to imagine a decade earlier. She thought back to her first meeting with her beloved David at a January Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas four years prior. His new company had a booth across the aisle from the booth her Russian company Robo-Russ was using. She had an idea to use his company’s high-density batteries in a...
The video image flickered on the core’s largest screen television. Suddenly, a nice-looking couple appeared sitting side-by-side on a sofa twelve hundred miles to the north. The style of dress to accommodate the cooler northern weather was quite noticeable. A small box in the lower corner of the screen showed the local view and what they saw. Aaron spoke first, “Hi Martin and Sasha. We can see you fine. Thanks for the call. I have a cast of thousands here to meet you for the first time...
The informal meeting took place in Dave’s spacious living room. Those in attendance consisted of Dave’s ten wives, Dave, several other Circle members, and two of the producers of the reality TV series to which Dave and others in the Circle had agreed. Al Berker with Spring Garden Productions took the lead. First off, I want to thank you Scarlett for your willingness to let us include you in our coverage of the Circle and the Prentiss family. We believe we are treating you carefully,...
The emergency departure of Dave, Alice, Wendy, and Sharon for Houston to ‘rescue’ Dev Connor did not go unnoticed by the Circle. Dave’s house had most of the residents there when the mysterious call came for Alice. Minutes later, Dave and Alice were heading for their airport at a run, needing to get to Houston. A few shouted comments gave about all the information they had at that moment about the situation. That news was shared between all of the Circle members within minutes. Further,...
Susan said, “This sounds a bit like a cult.” Dave chuckled. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard the accusation about the Circle. In a way, every unique group was a cult in his mind. His old Christian church had been more of a cult than the Circle because of how they restricted everyone’s thinking to only the rules and such they wanted the congregation to adhere to, but then again, the Circle tried to select its members based on their own set of beliefs about life and love. Alice nodded at...
Thursday just after five o’clock and as expected Dave brought Pam back to the house along with her luggage. He ‘officially’ situated her in the guest room, but they’d already talked about her staying in their bed. Alice had come home a half-hour early to be there to greet Pam. After their initial greetings, she told Dave she had also arranged for Owen to join them at dinner at a restaurant, and then for dessert at home. Dave smirked because Alice and he had started using the term ‘dessert’...
Dave had a habit of checking on the various rooms in the core to see how they were being used and what condition they were in just by occasionally strolling by. Some weeks he checked daily and other weeks perhaps not at all. He was on his round and opened the door to one of the relatively unfinished areas in the core. A hasty but colorful painted sign hung on the door said, ‘Art Studio’. He noted Colleen’s name and phone number under the words. He peeked into the room and saw Colleen...
Dave did a quick change from his casual garb into shorts and a casual top in his house, and was behind the bar in less than five minutes. He shifted his thinking from working with Marie Thereaux’s students, to helping out at the bar. His co-workers that evening were Nikky and Savannah working the tables, and Chelsea, Tony, and Barry behind the bar or scooting around the patio to nearby high-top tables. Before he could take an order, Kellie and Barbara waved frantically at him, indicating...
“Mr. Prentiss, this is your friend from Houston. I believe the possible threat to you and your community has passed. Just so you know, the opposition visited about thirty other gated communities in your county. Vigilance is always recommended, but whatever their mission, they seemed unsuccessful. The two men we’d tracked went back to Colombia two days ago, and seem to have assumed their old jobs. We have reason to believe they convinced themselves that your friend is dead or that erasure is...
Dave started to move in and out, sawing well over eight inches of man meat in and out of Kat’s sex. As he moved, so did Sean in her ass, but without the long strokes that Dave could muster because of position and size. Kat’s eyes closed as she savored the rapture of the double penetration. Alice reached in with her right hand and started to stroke Kat’s clit just above where her husband’s cock entered her friend and husband’s lover. At one point she even had one of her tapered fingers enter...
After Wendy’s exit, no one made any further reference to the family. Those members who’d been at the short departure meet with Wendy briefly mentioned the family safety to each other and that was the end of the discussion. Everyone in the Circle and that knew the Connors were warned to never mention their name again and ‘reminded’ that they’d never known anybody by that name. The Circle Board made a decision to hold the house in the Board’s name, a point already executed in ‘official’...
The relatively calm autumn came to a crashing end before Thanksgiving. There were a number of reasons for this change to chaotic behavior. Many in the Circle were affiliated with the university, most as students – students, most of whom, became frantic about the rapidly ending semester and the amount of course material they still had to digest in order to get a passing grade. About two-hundred Circle members and pledges, the largest number ever, decided to stay in Sarasota for Thanksgiving...
This is Tony's harrowing story, and he ain't fond of lilly assed tranny Homos, but hey don't shoot the messenger. Andy. 20 September 2010. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I guess it was curiosity that led me to come to Horseville Illinois, I was watching the pornos that Gerry Frankel made with Harrie Bowvase and Amelia Timmins, and my girl Francine walked in on me, and damn it to hell if that girl didn't walk straight out...
Dave laughed when he went online and went to the Circle’s website. Erin Steckler maintained the site for everybody in the Circle as part of her service duties. The work blended nicely with her freelance reporting for the Sarasota Herald and a couple of other papers. The password for the site was ‘Circle’ – not creative, not really secure, but easy to remember. The opening page consisted of the near pornographic photographs of about twenty Circle tattoos – each very close to each woman’s...
Dave’s cell phone rang just as the Circle was finishing dinner. The call came from Aaron, his brother. “Hi, Big Brother.” “Bro, what’s up?” “Well, Shelby and I have the last week of February free and were wondering whether we could come and visit and take over your guest room or a room or two in that other house on your Circle? The weather has been sucky up here with no relief is in sight. We can both take some vacation time that week, so coming south seemed in the cards. If it’s...
Saturday morning Dave tended the omelet station as many Circle members gathered for weekend breakfast. He got a steady stream of kisses from most of the women and lots of fist bumps from his male friends as they stopped by to say hello. The Circle had gotten so large that many members didn’t see each other until the weekend. There seemed to be a special jovial atmosphere on the large patio that morning as more and more people arrived. Dave ate his own small omelet with Cord and the twins...